#Sammy D
livsmessydoodles · 5 months
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ready to cause some chaos...?
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stylestream · 2 years
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Sammy D | Aje dress | Instagram | 2022
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How would a studio drinking party end up? Who’s sober who’s lost a shoe who’s so drunk there making out with the plant thinking it’s somebody else?
(I reckon no one here has had alcohol in decades so if they ever did find some, it would not go well.)
Hour One
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Hour Two
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Hour Three
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Lesson learned: Do not peer pressure the near all-powerful man who has never had alcohol into chugging one
(I spent like 10 days or something procrastinating on this even though it was fun. Thanks for the ask!)
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prentissluvr · 3 months
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wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam
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berlingotesque · 8 months
Do you have a ref for your norman? I love your designs so much they bring me such delight and I was just curious abt that 👉👈
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Well first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH for the kind compliment, I’m super glad you like my designs !! And secondly, I'm not at all in the habit of making references for my character designs so I actually didn't have any for my son. So thank you for giving me a good reason to make this overly saturated doodle page of my boy hehe
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hothammies · 6 days
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au art where mikey left carmy his daughter in his will (writing a fic for it called ribbons and scrunchies, it is sydcarmy + single dad carmy)
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mskenway97 · 3 months
I've decided to write more about the next part of D 16 and Orion Pax while they were trying to find their little Human, I've put them both together ^^.
The cry of despair at seeing the garbage chute empty, without their poor little human. Neither of them couldn't talk about anything, the silence felt so cold until D 16 punched the glass again hard, seeing how it had dented its servos. Seeing his poor face looking at them and now there was nothing left there was just a big silence. Orion, on the other hand, felt guiltier than ever. He had left the door open when he realized he was looking for it, he started looking all over for it. He had left the door open and when he realized he was looking for it, he started looking all over for it. you used to stay in the room, although Orion noticed that you were looking at the bracelet on your suit… suit… Maybe they were sending you a signal from their planet or a location to find them… But now it didn't matter, you weren't there.
-D 16, I," said Orion as D 16 glared at him.
-How could you let her out of your sight! This wouldn't have happened because of you! - D 16 was exalted, leaving Orion shocked, he had never seen him scream like that before, his optics were glowing with anger, he saw his servos maculated. Orion was well aware that it was his fault, they had both sworn to protect you and he had failed both you and him. had failed you as much as he had.
-I know but she didn't use to leave, it must have happened? - said Orion with barely a voice
-Now she's gone! - D 16 shouted at him as he tried to hold back his flows.
-You think I don't know that! But that doesn't mean she's dead! You always have to look at everything from the negative side! She survived crashing with her ship! She stayed with us… You're not the only one who felt joy from her company! I… I… - said Orion no longer holding his fluids and his optics began to ooze as he sat down on the floor as he sat down on the floor. D 16 did the same staying close to Orion, he knew he adored you as he did, but for now they were both miserable…. The next few days were not easy for both of you, your absence was noticeable in the room. Orion was no longer so energetic, he had just been empty, just carrying out orders from the mine so as not to think of you… When you try to talk to him in his language or you would stay on his lap until you fell asleep.
D 16 had to support himself but he couldn't help but miss you feeling your little figure cut out in his chassis as you sang making his audio receivers have a beautiful harmony, giving him a little smile and a caress on your head. The nights were not the most pleasant for both of them… they had nightmares about the day you left, sleepless nights, ending up with more fluid in their optics when the darkness took over to give them some calm. Until certain rumors began to be heard that they had visited a certain critter or monster. Those rumors got to more information until they said something that caught the attention of both of them. The color of your suit… They knew you were still alive from the surface. Now they had two problems in mind:
You were in tremendous danger.
They had to get you to the surface. Orion didn't care if he was going to look for you and D 16 was even more determined than he was. They were going to take you home. No matter what.
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Genuinely curious
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morurui · 3 months
Need a Chaos theory fic where mostly everything is the same, but Benrius started dating between the timeskip and they forgot to tell everyone (Brooklynn knows cause she lived with Darius for a while) so as they collect the rest of the nublar five they all one by one find out.
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lunaticpebble · 1 year
Are those top surgery scars I spy on Mr. Lawrence?
And he says trans rights!!
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swan2swan · 5 months
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And if I say this shot right here is one of the greatest things I've ever seen in anything, ever? One of the best and most brilliant visual moments in the Jurassic franchise? In cartoons? In moving pictures as a whole?
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Ben..be honest...do you have sona/oc?
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You’re just bullying him now
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fandomlifeofsara · 2 months
Mornings on the Sunny
As the night draws to an end and the light of dawn closes in on the Thousand Sunny, the strawhats prepare for yet another day on the open seas.
Sanji is the first one to wake, before the sun rises over the horizon. He makes himself a cup of coffee before getting on with planning the meals of the day, from breakfast to supper and every meal in between. With Luffy on the ship, it’ll be quite many of them. He takes out his little notebook with notes on everyone’s preferences, allergies and needs when it comes to food and diet. He reads through it carefully before planning each dish for each person for the day.
Next to wake is Zoro, who’s also up before the morning light for a workout session before the rest of the crew wakes up. Might be some distractions otherwise. Before heading to the crows nest he walks by the kitchen where the cook is preparing breakfast. “Your shitty pre-workout smoothie is on the table” the cook calls out, his back to the swordsman, concentrated on the delicate tea leaves he’ll use for Nami’s morning tea. “Try not to choke on it”. The swordsman calls back, ”Like I need your stupid drinks to help me”, but he grabs the smoothie anyway and heads out.
When the first rays of sunshine hit the sails of the Sunny, Robin makes her way from the room she shares with Nami over to the kitchen. She didn’t get much sleep this night but it wasn’t unusual. She still felt rested enough to get up and get some studying done before breakfast. In the kitchen, Sanji just finished pouring a cup of coffee. “Good morning, beautiful” he says by way of greeting before handing Robin the cup. “A fresh cup of black of coffee, just the way you like it!” He made it sound simple but she knew the time and care the cook put into making each of his creations. One sip and Robin could taste all the flavor of the freshly ground coffee beans, straight from Jaya Island. Once again she thinks about how lucky she truly is. Robin gives the cook a smile. “You’re too sweet Sanji”, she says and takes the cup with her to the library where she can spend some time with her books.
It’s a while yet before anyone else wakes up. Zoro has finished his workout and is napping in the morning sun up in the crows nest. He did wake up early after, he deserves some rest. Down below, Nami finally appears on deck. She’s still tired, but a walk between the orange trees always helps wake her up in the morning. She makes sure they have enough water and nutrition before heading to the observation deck to check on the weather for the day. It’s always good to be prepared, and she likes giving the weather report over breakfast. On her way, she looks up and sees a pair of feet hanging over the edge of the crows nest. Nami mutters to herself about how she always finds that damn swordsman either sleeping, training or drinking.
Franky may not be the earliest of birds but he rarely stays in bed for long. Once he’s awake, there’s simply too many things to do, too many ideas to realize. Last night he actually fell asleep in his workshop, tinkering with yet another new innovation that would improve the ships defenses. And when he wakes up he goes straight back to work. At least for a few minutes before he realizes that he needs some energy. Franky leaves the workshop and goes to the kitchen, where Sanji is plating up the dinner table for breakfast. The whole room was smelling delicious with different flavors and spices. Franky couldn’t wait too see what the cook had prepared for them this morning. So instead of heading back to the workshop, he grabs a cola from the temporarily unlocked and unchained fridge, and sits down at the table to chat with Sanji while he cries the last of the eggs.
When breakfast is finally ready, Sanji and Franky make rounds on the ship, calling everyone to the kitchen. Jimbei, after having had a long night of steering the Sunny across treacherous waters, had decided to sleep in this morning, but the call of breakfast was enough to wake him from his deep slumber. When he goes out to grab the morning paper, he’s met by Brook, the only other old man in the ship. He’s delighted in the skeletons simple jokes and lightheartedness. Brook himself is overjoyed to have someone onboard who finally appreciates his clever puns. “I can smell the omelettes all the way from here” he says to Jimbei. “Sanji sure is an eggcellent cook!”. They both laugh on their way to the kitchen.
Last ones to wake are the boys; Luffy, Chopper and Usopp are laying on a pile on the floor in their shared room, all of them deep in sleep and snoring loudly. It isn’t until Sanji himself walks into the room, after having called out to them several times, and gives them a gentle smack in the head, that they finally open their eyes to take in the late morning light. These three could sleep for days. The mosshead too, if he didn’t wake up to workout, Sanji thinks to himself. And Luffy, he could sleep through a storm without a care in the world. With much complaining about having to wake so early, the boys finally, slowly, make their way to the kitchen. But as soon as Luffy gets a whiff of the freshly cooked food, he’s once again full of energy. He takes off across the deck, leaving Usopp and Chopper to follow as fast as they can. On his way back, the cook kicks the mast that holds the crows nest, shaking Zoro from his nap. Annoyed, he makes his way down, and is the last one to sit down at the table.
Finally, all the strawhats are gathered over breakfast, loudly chatting to each other, sharing stories, enjoying their personalized food and are having a wonderfully simple morning. Nami shares the weather report and plans on where to sail according to her maps and her log pose compass. Luffy, of course, wants to take the most fun route possible, even though the others know that his definition of “fun” is the equivalent to “dangerous”. Usopp once again tells them all the story of how he single-handedly fought and defeated a giant goldfish with nothing but his slingshot and wits. Franky excitedly shares his new ideas for how to make the Sunny go even faster if he could just adjust the main and foremast. Zoro, with his mouth full, complains about how the shitty food would taste better if he had some sake, to which the cook does not respond well.
After breakfast, everyone sets about with their tasks and doings for the day. While Sanji stays in the kitchen to clean up, Nami and Robin head to the library, where the former will study her maps and the latter will try to decipher yet another ancient text the crew had found on an earlier adventure. Usopp and Franky walk together to where their workshops lie at the stern of the ship, talking excitedly about mechanics and wood properties. Before Jimbei takes his place behind the steering wheel yet again, he takes a quick swim around ship to freshen up and scout the area from under the water. Chopper collects some herbs from the garden he shares with Usopp, and heads down to the sickbay to prepare some medicine and do some research. Robin had recently gifted him a book with rare and peculiar deseases that he had been reading intensely for the last couple of days. Zoro was back on yet another workout session. Can’t lift too little, right? Brook goes back to the boys room to pick up his violin. When he comes back out, he stands on the middle of the deck, between the orange trees, and plays a little tune. It’s a new song today, one he’s been working on for quite a while. It’s calm yet eerie, each note sounding as if the waves had been given a voice to sing with, and they were singing the song of old ancestors, waters that hadn’t been sailed for hundreds of years. The song echoes throughout the whole ship, keeping each of the crew members company while they go on about their day. At the very front of the ship, on top of the lion-shaped figurehead, Luffy has taken up his usual seat. He looks out over the ocean, towards the horizon, as far as his eyes can see. The music fills his ears and his heart, giving him goosebumps all over his arms. His eyes are filled with excitement and his soul with longing. He smiles to himself. Let the next adventure begin.
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berlingotesque · 11 months
your sammy makes me giggle an absurd amount /pos
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He’s just so silly.
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miss-major · 6 months
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long overdue jersey shore post
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bunnyycaress · 6 months
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Night out at KARMA🇮🇹💙
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