#mwuah anon LOOK
prentissluvr · 3 months
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wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam wet hair sam
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suddenlymicah · 1 year
patron saint of rants and frogs (dont know why you strike me as a frog person)
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tender-rosiey · 1 month
to be honest, idk how you did it but you truly got me stoked over heian era husband! sukuna. i hate the man with most passion (bcs of what he did in the manga), but i couldn't help but giggling, crying, kicking my feet with butterflies in my stomach every time i read your husband!sukuna stories. your writings are *chef's kiss*, i read all of those more than twice already.
idk if you're currently open for request or not, but i want to ask, are you comfortable writing angst/hurt no comfort stuffs? bcs my mind keeps imagining what and how the husbands (gojo, geto, sukuna, nanami) react to their wife (y/n) got klled right in front of their eyes? perhaps bcs of their enemies or something, the enemies know you are their weakness (imagining sukuna, the king of curses, who's feared by most, or satoru who's known as the strongest — turns out have a weakness that he himself perhaps is not aware of is so mindblowing(?)) anyway, you don't have to write it if you're unable to, no worries and no pressure!!
— when you die in front of gojo, geto, nanami, and sukuna
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a/n: hehe i am so glad that you like my heinaera!sukuna MWUAH 💕 we gotta ignore what he is doing in the manga 🧍‍♀️ also sorry in advance y’all, but I lowkey had a blast writing this; hope you like this anon <333
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satoru stood outside the operations room, anxiously tapping his feet on the floor.
he clutches his hands tightly, and his eyes are trained on the door, fixated on your cursed energy that he can feel through the door.
you were going into labor, after long 9 months of waiting.
the two of you were going to finally meet your baby girl. the same girl that the two of you would talk to at night, whispering and giggling amongst yourselves.
he knew that the pregnancy was hard on you, and that’s part of the reason why he is relieved that this day has come.
the moments are long agonizing, and what kills him on the inside are your screams of pain as you try to push out your daughter.
he wanted, so desperately, to be with you in the room, but the doctor decided against it; they thought that it would be better to free the room as they worried that there might be a risk in the labor.
that worried him, but he had no choice but to abide by what they said. finally, the sun smiles upon him, and he hears the cry of his daughter.
he stands up, grin overtaking his face, and eagerly awaiting being let in.
he waits.
and he waits, but nothing happens, and he stops the first nurse that goes out the room, “what is happening? is my wife okay?”
the nurse splutters and nods, before dashing to another room. he doesn’t believe her for one second, and so, he tries looking into the room through the windows on the door.
he can’t see anything, but he can still feel your cursed energy. that’s the only thing that calms him down.
but, he can’t find it in him to sit back on the chair. he leans on the wall beside the door, and his nails dig into his knuckles, almost making them bleed.
he doesn’t snap out of it, until the doctor walks out, lowering his mask, “mister gojo��”
he walks past the doctor and heads inside.
“y/n!” he calls out, but he is met with the sight of the nurses covering your figure with a white cloth. his eyes widen, and he grips the wrist of one of them, “what are you doing? she is not dead.”
the nurse’s brows furrow, and her expression turns into of one of pity. he snaps his head towards you then at her, “she is not dead. I can feel it.”
he can still feel your cursed energy, so they must be wrong.
he looks down at you and cups your face gently. he moves your face to his direction, and he whispers, “pretty girl, you did so well, but you gotta wake up now.”
your face is limp in his hand, and his eyes grow frantic, “y/n?” he urges, “please say anything, yell or scold me even.”
he rubs his thumb across your cheek as he chuckles nervously, “love, I can feel your cursed energy. the prank you’re playing is a bit too much, no?”
“mister gojo,” one of the nurses calls out, “I think it’s from her.”
he looks up, and he sees your daughter in the nurse’s arms. she is wailing loudly, and—the nurse is right—she is emitting your cursed energy or remnants of it, he realizes now.
“mister gojo, you need to have skin-to-skin contact with your daughter,” she speaks softly, gently handing the little girl to him.
he takes her, wordlessly, and he mindlessly opens his chest to hug his daughter to it.
the nurses exit the room, and satoru is left to stare at you.
he sits on the bed, one arm holding your daughter and the other hand holding your face. he speaks up lowly with a small and quivering smile, “wifey, come on, wake up. our daughter is here.”
said girl lets out a small huff, and satoru finds himself biting his lip as he lays his forehead on your own.
“come on, y/n,” he begs, “she even looks exactly like you,” he pulls you closer, “you cant do this to me—please, not you too.”
the businessman sighs, “I won’t pay more than what I offered. geto. my words are final.”
“and who are you to be making orders? geto asks, resting his elbows on the desk, “I could kill you with the flick of a finger, so either you give me the two million yen—I know you can provide—monthly, or you can say goodbye to this life and empire you built.”
the man taps his palm and sighs, “I assume that we won’t be reaching the outcome I want?”
geto tilts his head with a smile, “come on, you still have the power of choice.”
the man stares at geto for a second before speaking up, “your wife is a lovely woman,” he grins, “too bad she has to depart so early.”
at the moment, for the first time since that incident, geto feels his heart drop to his stomach.
he jolts up, grabbing the man by the collar and slamming him into the nearest wall, “what nonsense are you spouting?”
geto’s grip on the man’s throat quickly tightens.
the man is barely able to choke out his reply, “y—your dear sweetheart has been poisoned, since she went to your ‘usual’ café spot, and my men were there,” he grins manically, “better go and try to get your goodbyes, while you’re at it.”
your husband throws him on the floor and releases his most brutal curses to eat him. the man’s screams are ignored, as geto hurriedly runs to the café.
his heart beats violently against his chest. how did his curses not notice anything? how could he let you be in danger?
he slams the door open and yells out, “y/n?! y/n, do you hear me?!”
the café is empty, and the only person present there is you. the others having long fled.
you look so pained, letting out labored breaths and furrowing your eyebrows in discomfort. he kneels beside you and gathers you in his arms. he rises to his feet, but halts when you let out a pained shriek.
“I am sorry, honey, I know, just hold on,” he comforts. you shake your head and bury your face into his chest. he tightens his embrace on you and quickly starts running out.
“suguru, it hurts—moving hurts,” you cry, and it makes him kiss the top of your head firmly while nodding, trying to comfort both himself and you.
he thanks the heavens that he arrives at the estate, and he gently places you on the bed. he looks back at manami, “call all the healers and doctors, now!”
he looks down at you, and he grips your hand with it and presses it to his lips. he murmurs softly, “you will be okay; don’t worry,” he clutches your shirt.
he repeatedly apologizes and brings you fully into his arms. he watches your breathing slow down, and he feels your skin get colder. your expression starts to relax little by little.
it sends geto into a frenzy. he snaps, “where are the doctors?! why is no here yet?!”
manami runs inside and pants, “a-all the doctors have been k-killed.”
geto stops feeling the tips of his fingers, and he looks down at you. he starts breathing frantically, “then get anyone! anyone who knows about poison!” he cups your face and shakes you lightly, “y/n, please open your eyes.”
“suguru,” you say weakly, and he instantly lowers his head, so he can hear you better. you whisper softly, “I love you.”
he nods repeatedly, “and I love you too, so you have to stay awake, so we can say it again, yeah? come on, y/n.”
he moves your hair away from your face, his hands shaky as he falters, “can you say it again? one more time.”
your body stills in his arms, and he shudders, “just o-one more, y/n…” he closes his eyes, burying his face in your chest. your arms are limp, and he is left hugging your body.
everybody stays silent, and they watch geto not leave or loosen his hold on you.
he looks up slowly at manami and speaks lowly, “round up everyone that had an affiliation to that scum; those filthy monkeys will pay for what they have done.”
nanami heaves a sigh of relief when he spots yuuji, “are you okay?”
the young boy nods frantically, and nanami looks around him then at yuuji again, “is y/n not with you? have you seen her? anywhere?”
yuuji shakes his head, regretfully, but nanami takes a deep breath, “it’s fine; let’s search for her together, okay?” he assures.
yuuji smiles and nods, determined, “yes!”
nanami barely manages a reassured nod of his own, his mind focused on finding you. in fact, he starts running, eyes quickly scanning each street and corner for any sight of you.
he clenches his jaw, remembering what you said before taking this mission.
“kento, I have a really bad feeling about this.”
he dismissed your worries and pulled you close, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. he hummed softly, “I know, but we have to do it. if things go bad, then we have gojo present anyway.”
gojo is not present. shibuya is slowly turning into a city full of blood and corpses, both non-sorcerers’ and sorcerers’. he regrets not listening to you, but what else could’ve been done?
all he can do right now is find you and make sure you’re okay. that is his first and most important priority.
“nanamin, I found her!” yuuji screams excitedly, pointing at you who was busy thwarting off the myriad of curses charging at you. at the sight of you, nanami’s body relaxes, and he lets out a small smile.
you punch a curse back to a building, so you can finally turn to your husband.
“kento!” you grin and start running towards him. you throw yourself into his arms, and he—as always—catches you. he pulls you close and takes in your presence, burying his face into your hair.
he lets out a small breath.
“I am so glad you’re okay,” he says, but then he feels a strange wetness on his hand. he pulls away slowly and looks down at it. his eyes widen in alarm.
it’s covered in blood.
he looks up at you and mutters, “y/n, are you hurt? where are you hurt?”
“I—I don’t know,” you look up at him, “I can’t feel anything, k—kento; I don’t want to die,” you plead, and he quickly tears off a part of his suit to cover your wound and trying to stop the bleeding.
yuuji quickly goes to try and find shoko.
he hugs you closer, applying pressure to the wound, while pressing gentle kisses to your hair, “you…you won’t; don’t worry.”
you grip his shirt weakly and look up at your husband. you manage a small smile, “have I told you how handsome you are?”
he chuckles weakly, trying to stabilize his voice, “mhm, but I would like to hear you say it again tomorrow; can you do that?”
you nod slowly, “yeah…”
he stays silent for a second and grips you a bit tighter, “do you promise?”
your breathing starts slowing, “promise,” your body relaxes against his, and you feel his hand go to hold your own. he massages your ring finger and raises your hand to his lips.
you close your eyes with a smile, “I love you, ken.”
“I love you more,” he replies instantly. you stay still, and nanami embraces you with the entirety of his body, burying your face into his chest.
he clenches his jaw and whispers, “so much more.”
the king of curses dodges another attack with a full-blown smirk on his face. he swiftly turns and slashes the person till they drop into pieces. his chest heaves with excitement.
that is until he catches the smell of your blood.
he turns behind him, and he is greeted by a sight that he would usually take the time to relish in: a myriad of dead bodies, some piled on top of each other, and blood splattered and spilled everywhere.
he ignores of all that as his feet take him to where he senses your cursed energy.
he sees you standing in the middle of the bodies, and your stance is weak. you’re clutching your side, trying to stop the bleeding. he slowly walks towards to you and teases, “what happened? the queen got hurt?”
you let out a small chuckle, “shut up; it’s a minor injury, nothing worth noting.”
that is until the skin over your chest starts bubbling, and your heart explodes. the blood splashes all over him, and your body drops lifelessly to the floor.
sukuna’s eyes lock with your own blank ones, and he can’t process all the feelings he has.
his chest starts heaving particularly quickly, and his jaw clenches. he bends to his knees—something he never thought he would do—and raises your head towards his, searching for a glimpse of your cursed energy.
his eyes bore into your own as he speaks your name roughly.
“stop playing games, y/n!” he barked, shaking your head in his hand, but you grace him with no response.
“haha! I took out your dear wife; what will you do about it now, you monster?!”
sukuna eyes’ snap to where the voice came from.
he then decides that he will put that man through torture that is not even close to the amount of fury in his chest. sukuna is silent, as he gently lays your head down and walks towards the man.
the sorcerer’s smile starts crumbling, and he quickly falls on his back while trying to move away from sukuna.
“s-stay back, or I will kill you!” he attempts to threaten, but sukuna’s expression is blank. blank being a permanent furrowing of his eyebrows and his lips are pressed into a thin line.
the moment the sorcerer turns his back, trying to flee, sukuna cuts his feet.
sukuna doesn’t give him the chance to scream and wordlessly stomps on his back. little by little, he presses harder on the man under him.
he continues until he hears the cracking of bones and coughs full of blood. sukuna watches as the man tries to claw at his feet, in attempt to escape.
“I will make you suffer ten times over for what you have done.”
and it goes down in history as the biggest carnage sukuna has ever committed.
it didn’t stop at that man.
it extended to all the villages surrounding the vicinity. every sorcerer met a crueller death than the one before him. the single women were eaten, and the married ones were slaughtered.
no man was to enjoy what he was stripped of, and he would let the world remember your name along his through the passage of time, and he would make the temple he erected in your name stand tall forever.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss@pompompurin1028@scul-pted@requiem626k@nameless-shrimp@sonder-paradise@jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies@pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @satoryaa @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412@maehemthemisfit @satorustar @b4nka1@sad-darksoul@ko-fi-heart@pumpkindudeishere@suyaaachin@babyqueen17@chaosguy352@murakami-kotone@sukun4ryomen@yumieis@hearts4itoshi@sleepyxxhead@dunixxd@sleepycrybbylaiah @imjustaduckwholikesbread @emilyyyy-08@spacebaby1@arabellatreaty@viscade @washeduphasbeen @janbannan @sugurubabe @enidths @mwtsxri @peppersapro @uranosbaaee
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or I will rat you out to my bestie
check out my buy me a coffee!
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honeylations · 6 months
Prompt: Doah studies as hard as she can all the time and luckily as her girlfriend, you’re there to help her take all that stress away
Warnings/Notes: eating 🐱, fingering, sub Doah, g!p reader, pretend the pyramid game itself does not exist so we can be peaceful
A/N: for our cutie patootie Doah and also for that anon that requested :3
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It was around 7:45am when you walked into the classroom with your arms stretched out wide, seeing that the whole class was almost present.
But your eyes immediately moved to the front where your cute girlfriend was sitting, already going through one text book as her hand scribbled note after note.
Who would’ve thought you’d date such a cute quiet nerd? She was a big comparison to you. Obnoxiously loud, social, yet laid back with school work.
“Morning baby” you whispered in her ear and kissed her temple.
“Mhm. Good morning” she muttered in return.
Her eyes didn’t even leave the page.
“Wow. At this point, you love that text book more than me” you pouted, breaking Doah’s concentration.
She finally looked at you with her boba eyes, obviously trying to seem angry but anything she does just ended up being cute. “I’m studying”
“Oh really? I couldn’t tell” you joked while she scowled, pulling at your cheek.
“Sometimes I wonder how we ended up being together in the first place”
You winced from the pinch. “Ouch. I was literally asking myself that a few seconds ago. I guess it doesn’t matter, it makes our love story a bit cuter don’t you think?”
“You have a way with words, Choi Y/n” Doah smiled and looked down at her text book again.
You finally took the seat beside her and made a quick move to kiss her cheek before she could dodge it. “Mwuah”
“Stop it, I need to focus”
“Baby, you stress yourself too much! It’s time for a break... Are you even listening to me?”
Your girlfriend hummed.
“Doah baby, I’m serious. You need to remove all that stress before it eats you up” You scolded and the shorter girl removed her gaze from whatever paragraph she was on.
“And how can I magically remove all this stress, Y/n? Hm? Intrigue me”
Taking her words as a challenge, you slid an arm around her waist and pulled her closer that her chair scraped the floor. Doah gasped and her hands immediately went onto your shoulders.
“W-What are you doing?”
“You really wanna know how I can remove that stress? It’s an easy math equation. My mouth plus your body equals no more stress! Tada!
“C-Choi Y/n! We’re in public!” She whisper yelled, looking around to check if any of her classmates had heard.
You gave her your famous charming eyes, the one that made her fall for you from the start. “Please, my love?”
Oh and your charming words too.
You only smirked and leaned your lips close to her ear. “Don’t you miss my tongue, baby? I promise I’ll let you study in peace after”
Doah let out a shaky sigh. “You really promise?”
And just like that, you two were hiding in the teacher’s lounge thanks to Doah’s privileges. All doors were locked and the curtains had all been shut for privacy.
Although you weren’t entirely against the idea of an audience, your girlfriend would definitely burn you alive if any exhibitionism happened.
Doah was in your lap, her glasses had been discarded somewhere and her uniform was unbuttoned. She was releasing adorable moans while you lapped at her neck, being yanked away by the hair just when you were about to bite.
“No marks, Choi”
You couldn’t utter a quick response when she crashed your lips together, her small tongue pushing its way inside. It was an invitation for you to suck at it, letting it explore more of her mouth that the mix of your salivas were dripping down your chins.
It was so hot.
You were already painfully rock hard, the bulge poking at your girlfriend’s clothed entrance.
The shorter girl pulled away, admiring the string of saliva that connected your tongues. She moved off your lap to lie down on the long couch, bringing you with her.
She took her underwear off but every other clothing stayed. “I’m not taking anything else off. You’ve got 10 minutes to make me cum and then we’re out of here”
“Baby. I only need 5 minutes” you let out an arrogant scoff, quickly kissing her lips before shuffling down to rest in between her spread legs.
You pushed her skirt up and felt your mouth water at the sight of her soaked pussy. Not planning on wasting any more time, you leaned your lips towards her clit and sucked on it gently.
Doah’s back automatically arched, her hands going into your hair. “A-Ah!”
You broke away from her clit to move even further down, sliding your long tongue inside her cunt, groaning from her taste.
Your girlfriend’s hips started to gyrate, relishing in the feeling of you eating her out so good.
“O-Oh yes Y/n. So good baby s-so good!”
“Fuck I missed this” you pulled your tongue out to mutter before diving straight back in, wrapping your arms around your girlfriend’s soft thighs to hold her down.
Doah was a moaning mess, one hand was still in your hair while the other had pushed her bra up to toy with her nipples.
“Don’t stop please, baby”
You decided to return your attention to her clit, sucking harsher than before while plunging two fingers inside her wet hole.
You looked up as your ministrations continued and wow it was a sight to see.
Your girlfriend’s head was thrown back and the light that peaked out from the curtains shined a small spotlight on her body. Like she was an angel.
It encouraged you to double your efforts, thrusting your fingers faster, kissing her clit hungrily, intending to leave her in a sobbing mess.
You were almost there anyways.
“Ah, ah, ah….Y/n I’m going to cum!” She squealed cutely.
Your fingers reached deeper, feeling her walls clench around you. Doah released a final cry as she fisted your hair, legs shaking when you continued to clean her up and your fingers moving to a slower pace.
Pulling away from her, you looked up from between her legs and smiled proudly. Doah’s cheeks went redder at the sight of your mouth completely soaked with her cum.
“That felt so good” she sighed and flopped her head back on the couch.
You crawled up and captured her lips in another sloppy kiss, moving to the side to hide in her neck while you started panting. Doah felt movement between you both and she looked down, seeing you jerking your big cock.
“Mmm Doah baby” you whined.
“Keep stroking your cock like that” she whispered, letting you grunt and lick at her skin while you chased your orgasm.
“Hah…hah fuck gonna cum, Doah…”
“Sit up, let me see you”
You did as told and admired your fucked out girlfriend below you. Her tits were exposed and her cunt was still leaking more cum. You scooped up some of that liquid with your fingers and used it as lube, the hand on your cock moving faster.
“H-Holy shit Doah!”
“Here baby. Cum all over me” Your girlfriend husked and pushed her breasts out.
You aimed your cock towards her plump tits and exploded, closing your eyes from the intensity before laying on top of your girlfriend.
She caressed your back gently.
“Thank you, baby” you heard her say.
It was rare for her to call you by nicknames.
“For?” You panted.
“Taking away all the stress. I love you”
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suugarbabe · 1 year
HI! i saw that your requests are open?
could i request fic where y/n is drunk at a party and mattheo(her enemy) is just silently watching over her? and then maybe she gets ontop of a table and starts dancing and like after a while mattheo js like “nope thags too much lets go” and drags her to his room and maybe things get a lil spicy with reader confessing and saying how much she hates him to the point hes the only person she can think about. maybe something like “i hate you so much i wish you weren’t so beautiful, because maybe then i wouldnt be inlove with you”??
you dont have to write this if youre not comfy with it🫶🏼🫶🏼
mwuah mwuah much love!
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thaaaaank you
it's a party, you're having fun, you don't give a fuck about anything or anyone else, and that has nothing to do with your sour mood from five hours earlier.
So you down your drinks like you've been walking through the desert, fire whiskey after fire whiskey until you feel nothing but the music around you and the taste of cinnamon on your throat.
Mattheo see's you get wobblier as the night goes on, every fire whiskey you grab he gets more and more angry with anyone that even looks at you, which he would never admit, because he hates you and you hate him.
But when he sees you climb up on one of the tables, your skirt riding up and leaving little to the imagination he pushes himself off the wall, long strides getting him to you in less than twenty seconds.
You're so drunk it takes you a second to notice that you've not only been pulled from the table but also thrown over somebody's shoulder. You pound on his back, shouting to let you down and that they're ruining your fun.
"You've had enough fun for everyone at the party, princesa."
The nickname helps with your recognition just in time for Mattheo to place you down in front of him before he sits on the edge of his bed.
You crossed your arms, swaying a little as you pout at him, "W-what exactly do you think you're doing, Riddle?" You tried your best not to slurr, but it was a losing game.
Mattheo leaned back on his hands, "I saved you from embarrassing yourself, you'll thank me in the morning." The smirk he was wearing made you roll your eyes.
Your drunken state made you walk closer to him, standing right between him legs. You grabbed on to one of his thighs for stability, using your hand to point at him, "I hate you Mattheo Riddle."
His face was unchanging and you felt the need to go on, "I hate you, you big beautiful dumb idiot boy." Matteo quirked an eyebrow, mouth slightly agape with his smirk now.
"What did you just say, love?" You grabbed on to his thigh again, this time Mattheo grabbed hold of your waist to help stabilize you. "I saaaiiiddd...I wiiish that you weren't so bloody beautiful."
Mattheo couldn't help but chuckle, "I'm beautiful huh? Well you're one to talk, princesa."
You shook your head. "N-no," you placed a finger over his lips and he couldn't contain the smile that spread across them as you continued, "don't look at me with your dreamy eyes, call me that special nickname and make me fall more in love with you."
If you were more sober you'd regret the confession you'd just made. But instead you just pouted, mad at Mattheo for making you feel the way you did. You fully anticipated him to laugh, to make fun of you for what you just said, but instead you saw a softness in his eyes.
"Say it again."
Your head titled in confusion at his words.
"Tell me what you just said again," he repeated himself with more clear instructions.
You stood there, no longer wobbly due to Matteo's hold, but definitely sobering up the longer you've been talking. Your cheeks were beat red, whether that was from the alcohol or your confession was unclear, but regardless you did your best to stand up taller, look him straight into his deep brown eyes.
"I'm in love with you."
His lips were on yours as soon as you finished your last word, hot and heavy and messy. You're clawing at his shirt and you climb onto his lap, his hands squeezing and grabbing at your ass. You trail your lips across his jaw, down his neck and bite and lick, marking him as yours and the thought of others seeing is driving him crazy.
You go to push him down on the bed but he stops you, holding your wrists against his chest, "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"
The pout of your bottom lip makes Mattheo weaker than he'd ever admit, "No, princesa, you did nothing wrong. But you're drunk, we can't go any further than this. I'm a dumb idiot boy but I'm not a scumbag."
He lifted you off his lap and on to the bed next to him. You watched him walk over to his wardrobe before stripping down to his boxers, grabbing one of his t-shirts and bringing it over to you.
"Put this on," you pulled your top off, Mattheo biting the inside of his cheek at your bare chest before you pulled his shirt on. As you shimmy your skirt off he pulled his duvet back, climbing into the bed next to you.
You sank deep into the covers, Mattheo wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close until your head is resting on his chest. Only then do you realize how tired you really are, how heavy your eyelids are and how thankful you are for the warmth of Mattheo's chest.
Your breathing steadied out as Mattheo's fingers trailed lightly up and down your arm. Mattheo kissed the top of your head, whispering softly to himself, "I'm in love with you too, princesa."
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bitchimasnake-sss · 1 month
hiii this is the anon that requested part two and i return begging for part three of tennis! zoro.
thanks for coming to my tedtalk! :)
in all seriousness though i would love to see a part 3 and definitely think you should have an ao3 to post longer content!! please keep up your lovely writing 💋💋 (MAKE ZORO REALLY WORK FOR IT HEHEHEHE [i was sobbing over how cute his little offerings were AND FALLING ASLEEP AT THE DOOR i cant])
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bitchimasnake-sss presents: the one piece AUs
03. AITA for going back to my ex? ft. roronoa zoro!
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set-up: part 03 [FINAL PART] to my badminton player!zoro au lol. you can find the first two parts here! (i recommend you read those first!) getting your heart broken when you were seventeen was inevitable, getting it broken on camera seven years later was also inevitable, it seems. but letting your ex back into your life with the glittering promises of "i'll win you back in a month?" was getting your heart broken again and again and again also inevitable? most importantly: was roronoa zoro worth your sanity? warnings: dumb people, even dumber plot by me! includes angst towards the end, zoro is an idiot trying his best to win you over! cameos by nami, sanji, perona and mihawk because i love writing them tysm. and obviously smut (hehe u nasty). nsfw thoughts include: feral!zoro. this man is nasty, he likes blood, sweat and tears. a lot of overstimulation, a little bit of bimbofication, hints of dub!con, car-sex, penetration, teasing, dirty talk, a little bit of feral!zor. OKAY THAT'S IT!! MINORS DNI OR I WILL HUNT YOU! wc: 10.6k m.list
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17th of october 11:43 p.m.
"really?" and you could hear sanji drop his precious cigarette onto the ground in pure, unaltered shock, "are you toying with me right now, love?"
"no." you replied firmly, nimble fingers getting caught against familiar, green locks as roronoa zoro pressed honeyed lips to your stomach. he trailed downwards, uncaring as your manager spluttered on the speaker.
"you are actually dating that green-haired freak?" from his tone alone, you could imagine sanji to look wide-eyed and tongue-tied. meeting the eyes of the said “green haired freak”, you found a sour expression plastered to his handsome features.
"no... well, not yet.” you swiped your fingers against his scalp, manicured fingers softly scratching the frown on his face away, “we're on a one-month trial phase."
"are you and him a netflix subscription, mon amore? what do you mean one month?" the blonde hissed. but you were far too gone, too warped within the feeling of the athlete’s soft kisses on your hiked-up thighs to even offer a hairsbreadth of attention to your critic.
"well–" as the sportsman hands trailed over your thighs all-too-intimately, you found yourself sighing blissfully, "he said he wants a month to win me back.”
“that is insane.”
“maybe. but his time starts today, so, we have until 17th of november to come to some sort of conclusion." zoro didn’t dare still against your soft skin. kneading the fat of your hips, pressing hot kisses to thighs and nipping at fading bruises to renew them. but you tightened your grip on his locks, tipping his head backwards as you pulled on them. glaring at him, you breathed out a warning, “either he cleans his act up, or i leave him in the dust."
but who was roronoa zoro if not the man made to get on your nerves?
his mouth fell agape as his eyes met yours, and a soft moan tumbling past him at the sharp sting of your pull. that wayward moan soon turned into a grunt as the sportsman toyed with the band of your shorts.
“stop that.” you whispered, eyes growing wide as the blonde on the other end of the speaker continued his distressed rants.
"and what do i do about it?!" for the first time in the five years vinsmoke sanji had been your manager, you heard his voice shake in panic, "you two just broke up! in front of the cameras! like a week ago!"
"it's fine, sanji. people get together all the time—"
"—not if they're olympic level athletes!"  
"hey, you have no idea how much shit goes down in the olympic village." you shrugged, "last time 160k condoms were given out, and people flew threw them like it was nothing. there’s lots of crying. and fucking too, actually. sometimes both, now that i think about it."
“rabid monsters.”
“don’t be jealous. athletes just have a lot of stamina.” while you were busy rolling your eyes at the blonde and his dramatic antics, zoro climbed back up over you. a smirk on his lips, flashing you his canines, and mouthing “really? stamina?”
clad in a fitted, black tank top, your eyes drifted down to his arms and chest. shamelessly staring at the muscles flexing and unflexing under the flimsy material, you brought your free hand to run wild against his bicep. finding his index under your jaw, he tilted your face up to meet his eyes again. you smiled up at him without much thought and his heart stuttered out in the rhythm of his shallow breaths. fuck you for being so pretty.
before you could nod and ask what he wanted, he pressed a chaste kiss against your lips. next, he sunk his face in the crook of your neck. you felt the nip of his sharp canines against your sensitive pulse. but that sly bastard. all of that was to distract you from the way he dipped his hand under your shorts and pulled your panties aside.
“zo��“ you started slowly, but it was all in vain. the man above you was on a mission. and that mission was apparently to get your own manager to report you as a sex offender or something?! atleast that’s what it felt like from the way he rubbed his thumb against your sensitive clit. 
“either ways.” your manager huffed, ignoring the way your breath hitched at the new bruises against your neck and the stuttering swipes of his thumb against your folds, “this is still insane.”
"weren’t–” you gulped, trying to keep your voice steady, “you were the one saying that my job is to playand yours’ to take care of such things, so, do that.”
“and i can! i can fix it.” you heard a thud ring through the speaker and imagined that the blonde had fallen back onto his back helplessly, “but i need time to fix this. gotta talk to nami-san, and then i will need to fix the narrative using the media. i need time.”  
barely raising his lips off of your narcotic skin – with a flushed face and husky voice – zoro replied coolly, “don’t worry, nami’s on our side with this one.”
pinching the taut skin of the athlete’s bicep as a warning to stay shut, your tone stayed sickly sweet, “who? ‘twas the wind, sanji.”
“don’t try to sway me with your use of ‘twas.” he hissed like a wet cat, “is that mosshead here right now? is he in your room right now?!”
“and if you’re worried about the paps, roronoa will buy them out, you know?” as if to protest against your suggestion, zoro flicked his thumb faster against your swollen nub. you glared at him. “a-and if you’re worried someone will see us, they won’t. we won’t go public with it.”
“none of those suave answers.” sanji firmly stated, “answer what I asked first. is he there right now?”
you whistled a soft, “dunno what you’re talking about…” before drawing your phone away from your face, “because that’s blasphemous!!” purposefully covering the speaker with your palm, “hey, hey? sanji- hello? can’t hear… hear you right now. hello?”
you heard a muffled, “DON’T YOU DARE PULL THAT ON ME OR SO GOD HELP ME–“
“still can’t hear you.” your thumb hovered over the red button, “g’night, sanji!”
“i’m paying for the paps?”
trying to push his weight off of your relatively smaller frame, you huffed out, “c-can’t you stay shut when i ask you to, roronoa?”
in retaliation, he pressed more of his body weight onto you. snuggling his face into your crook and inhaling your scent like a man crazed, his fingers kept toying against you like it was as easy as breathing.
you tried to push him off again, gritting out, “do you think a good dick is enough of a reason to come back? cause it is not.”
“it is one of the reasons, is it not?”
“no. is it not.” you repeated, “shut it, and find a new strategy or something.”
“fine, tsk.” and with that the sportsman got off of you. pulling his hand out of your flimsy shorts, leaving behind your aching body as he got up. standing at the door, he looked back just to delve his long fingers past his lips to suck down on your essence. smiling as he pulled out, he made his conclusion in one, swift word, “sweet.”
and you just threw a pillow at him, face flaming up at the way he just simply caught the pillow and threw it right back at you, “fuck off, roronoa.”
“hm?” he cocked his eyebrow, careful hands still not attempting to open the door and leave, “I’ll just head back to my room, then.”
you found yourself crossing your arms over your chest, half to give him attitude and other half to soothe the skin that had been alit with his body over yours, “go, then. you’re the one who wandered in my room with unholy intentions.”
somebody could mistake his as the reincarnation of the devil with the way he was grinning. all unholy thoughts and malicious actions, “you’re the one still laying, waiting for me to do something.”
at his (correct) accusations, you sat up haughtily. adjusting the tank top and pulling it upwards, you found yourself glaring at the towering man for the nth time, “you’re insufferable. is this how you’re gonna win me back?”
“hey,” he shrugged, broad shoulders moving up and down with delicate ease, “worked the first time, didn’t it?”
“i was seventeen.” your eyes narrowed, “and you used to be way more handsome back then. it won’t work this time around.”
he hummed again, and within his cocky tone you could anticipate he had something to nag you with, “so i was handsome to you? that’s adorable.”
“fucking insufferable.”
“but handsome nonetheless?” and you almost threw your phone at his pretty face when he just grinned and exited the room. actually, no. you almost threw your phone when you realized that you were blushing, and fighting off a smile as he left your room.
what was this man doing to you?! ──★ ˙🧷 ̟ !!
19th of october, 7:58 p.m.
🍓attempt 01: no limits.
“okay, and i have no limits?” you asked again, just to ensure that you heard him right.
“yes, you do not.”
“and you’re not gonna sue me for using your money?”
“no, i will not. i don’t think i can legally.” he sighed, “do you wanna do it or not?”
“i do, but…” zoro's heavy voice kissed your ears, cutting you off, "then, stop whining. no buts, no ifs.”
“is this really how you’re gonna win me over?” mumbling, your lips fell into an easy pout, “feels more like bribery.”  
“nami said the quickest way to a woman's heart is shopping. or just cold, hard cash, really. but i figured this was more romantic." tilting his face downwards, his voice dropped down to a whisper, “does it feel romantic yet?”
goddamn that freak!
your skin erupted into a violent goosebump as you felt his words against your soft skin. your face heated up as your fingers stilled against the keypad of your laptop, the home page of your favorite shopping site pulled up and resting neatly. ready to do some damage on his wallet. well, honestly, what damage? he was a well-paid nepo baby who had a personal gym and court in his house. this would probably barely feel like a pinch to him.
“again, i ask for your consent.” you asked anyways, trying to remind yourself to be a business-savvy woman who had only come to absolutely wreck his wallet. zoro declared monotonously, “i give it with full consciousness. jesus, woman.”
“okay then, no taksies backsies.” you cleared your throat in anticipation. stretching your fingers slowly as they hovered over the keyboard. his arms wrapped around your middle and you fell against his chest with a soft thud, “start already.”
“what’s even the reason for this?”
“your manager said we can’t go out, like in public. and blondie hates me enough as it is right now. so, i didn’t wanna risk taking you shopping outside.” roronoa zoro found himself revelling in your dishevelled demeanour. voice honeyed, he rasped out, “what’s wrong with my room, though? nice ‘n comfy, isn’t it?”
“I meant what is the reason for me to sit on your fucking lap?”
“oh that?” he was laying in his bed, with you atop him and your laptop atop you. you grumbled on, “and is it necessary to do this in your room? the living room is a perfectly perfect place to shop online.”  
“you want me to get handsy in front of my father? that’s too much. the old man would probably die if he saw me like that.” he hummed, “not sure he’s ever even done anything. you know, given both me and ‘rona are adopted.”
you glared back at him at the shit he spewed but then your eyes widened as realization sunk in, “holy shit is he a forty year old... virgin?”
“but he’s like emo, and vampirish. there’s no way he didn’t get some during the twilight era.”
“he was also the world champion at that time,” zoro reminisced, “he must have gotten girls.”
a laugh escaped you by, “zoro.” you stressed, “you’re the world champion right now. and the tally of girls you get is at a great zero.”
zoro mulled over your words before slowly shifting his pelvis so that you fell back at him unexpectedly, “not zero. got a girl on my lap right now.”
his laugh echoed yours as he held you tighter, and you tried to wriggle free, “jus’ cause you’re paying. no other reason.”
“how does it feel to lie to yourself?” he asked with mock grievance in his tone, and you tried to elbow his side to break free, “die.”
“kill me yourself, coward.”
“i will.” you admitted, still laughing as he decided to somehow tighten his grip even more firmly, “don’t. you’d look horrible in orange.”
“how dare you, roronoa zoro.” your palm struck his forearm playfully, “do not talk about my fashion choices when you shower once a week.” 
“nobody had a problem with it thus far,” he answered back easily, “but if you have a problem, i suppose i could shower semi-regularly.”
“semi-regularly?” you almost coughed up a hairball, “jesus christ, i don’t think i would able to fuck you ever again.”
──★ ˙🧷 ̟ !!
22nd of October, 7:43 a.m.
🍓attempt 02: the way to the heart is through the stomach (i think??)
“what are you doing in my kitchen right now?” the man raised a careful eyebrow, staring at his dishevelled son who he had caught not a minute earlier bickering with a red-head on his phone.
“cooking,” zoro deadpanned, “i'm trying to make waffles.”
his fathers hawk-like gaze swept over the kitchen. flour sprinkled over counter-tops, some on his cheek, a batter that looked more radioactive that the what remained of Chernobyl. the older man drawled on, “and i presume you know how to cook?”
“no. she's helping.” he flashed his father his phone-screen and the familiar, scorned woman who was on video-call. when she caught sight of mihawk, she smiled, “sir mihawk, how are you?”
“just passing by. come by for dinner someday, nami.” the man deadpanned and the manager laughed, “of course. how can I refuse?”
now his hawk-like stare was trained on zoro, who stared back at his father as if they were sworn enemies on court, “what is it, now?”
“is it for her?”
“who else?”
 “don’t burn my house down.”
and with that brief conversation, mihawk disappeared back into the mazes of his house, and zoro went back to bickering with the red-head.
“you add milk.” she emphasized, clicking her manicured nails together as she tried to guide an idiot to build the equivalent of rome, “do you not know what milk is?”
“i have enough calcium in my bones and I will not fall for scams like milk or medical insurance.”
“what?” she spluttered, “y-you don’t have insurance?!”
“when am I ever gonna need it, woman?”
“oh my god. you don’t have insurance!” and the last thing zoro saw the manager do was flip him off as she ran to some place elsewhere. possibly to get him some sort of medical insurance that he totally didn’t need. beep.
zoro’s fingers hovered over his contact list, the next stop being perona neesan 💗👻 .
“'rona.” zoro grumbled as he caught the face of perona on the other side. huge sunglasses were perched on her nose, a silky bandana flowing from her coloured hair, “awh, you remember me, zoro. finally.”
“quit that,” he mumbled helplessly before turning the back camera, “i need your help.”
“you’re committing arson at dad’s place?” she raised her sunnies so as to see the kitchen better. flour everywhere, and whatever the fuck was in that batter. kissing her teeth, she admitted, “i mean i don’t endorse violence… but that kitchen could use a makeover.”
“no. jesus, perona.” he turned to camera around to his face, “i– uh, i need to make waffles. an’ i don’t know shit. can you help or what?”
“huh?” her bug-like eyes widened impossibly wider, “yeah, obviously i can. but why are you cooking? is dad dying? and is his last wish to eat burnt waffles?”
“haha, funny.”
“wasn’t being funny. you have like... two left hands.”
“just to remind you, i’m ambidextrous.” zoro replied, poker-faced, and perona pouted, “who are you making them for, then?”
“liar.” narrowing her eyes, she probed further, “is it your ex? oh my god. are you guys actually together?”
“what?” zoro narrowed his eyes in return, “fuck off, ‘m not asking you for help.” he sighed, “where did you even hear about that?”
“it’s her?!” the goth girl squealed, “and you didn’t tell me?! I thought it was regular PR stuff that nami dragged you into. but she’s back? i remember how you sobbed when–”
“bye, 'rona. don’t call me back.” beep.
roronoa zoro had barely breathed when his elder sister called back. he picked it up with a groan, “what? I’m not answering your stupid questions.”
“okay fine.” she huffed, “’m not gonna ask you about your pathetic, little crush right now. keyword: right now.”
“perona.” he tried to threaten but the woman just leaned forward till her face was all zoro could see, “show me some respect, i’m older than you.”
“sorry.” the green-haired mumbled and his sister nodded in self-satisfaction, “and as far as waffles as concerned, don’t cook. you’d burn the house down. just order them in and say you made them.”
“isn’t that like, practically lying?”
“it is, yes.”  
“and aren’t you gonna tell me how it’s morally wrong to do that?”
“it’s a fucking waffle, zoro. not the olympics.” she finally pulled the sunnies back to her face and carefully perched them on her nose again, “nobody cares about cheating. just win her over, and thank me later.”
“you’re a bad influence, you know that?” a small smile cracked across his face, “oh, by the way–” the sportsman quirked an eyebrow, “do you have health insurance?”  
“i mean, who doesn’t?”
“nothing. thanks, i appreciate it.” the goth girl eyes widened all over again and zoro cut the call before her concerns could reach him.
8:55 a.m.
“you know what’s insane?” you mumbled through a mouthful, “i can swear that joanna’s bakery down the street makes these exact waffles.”
“do they?” zoro leaned forward, pouring more syrup to distract you, “that’s wild.”
“it is.” you nodded before taking another mouthful, “you know what else is insane?”
“how much of a good cook i am?” he tried, before having a bite himself.
“no.” you smiled at the way he gulped down the sweet breakfast up, “the fact that i swear i saw a brown bag with their logo in the trash, and now these waffles taste exactly like theirs.”
zoro froze, eyes trained on the mess of fried batter and syrup. he slowly looked up, “that’s insane, indeed.” he averted his gaze as you deadpanned, “you’re a terrible liar.”
“isn’t that an ideal quality though?” he tried again, “like, i could never lie to you.”
“mhm,” you nodded as a smile pressed to your lips, “try harder next time.”
──★ ˙🧷 ̟ !!
25th of october, 10:03 p.m.
🍓attempt 03: with love, from an idiot.
“if this backfires, then what?” the man asked, and you could only make out faint noises from his phone. a faint, “if it backfires, then, you don’t get the girl, genius.” but nothing beyond that could deciphered as you stood with your ear to the door of your room.
“are you done?” you knocked at your door when the bickering on the other end ceased momentarily. the wood echoed under your faint hits as you called out again, “can I come in or what?”
there was no answer and you busied yourself with tracing the pattern of wood on the door once over. your forehead touched the cold wood, frustrated at yourself for allowing that beast to take over your territory.
zoro had waltzed into your room and declared that he was going to kick you out of your own room.
“huh?” you had mumbled, too confused at the way he tugged your arm and tried to push you outwards, “no way I’m leaving. fuck no.”
“I need like half an hour. I promise–”
“–if you intend to paint my room green, zoro.” you had barely started when he asked you to leave again. so, obviously, you both bickered for a good five minutes, got yelled at by mihawk cause you two were interrupting his wine drinking hour, and proceeded to bicker in whispers before you had to finally cave in and go out.
now, you were sitting in front of the closed door, and tracing patterns in the hope that sooner or later, your territory will be given back to you.  
“yeah, come on in.” you heard the man finally yell back from the other side, and you sprung up to your feet in part-excitement, part-fear. your fingers tried to turn the sleek metal handle to swing it open. except it wouldn’t open. moving it front and back, your eyebrows bunched when the door refused to budge open.
“what the fuck?” and to your surprise the green-head on the other side yelled back, “jesus, stop trying to break open the door.”
“it won’t open!”
“because I’m trying to open it for you.” he hissed back, “and you’re pulling from the other side. stop it.”
“you stop it.”
“if you could just let me do that for you. fuck–” the door swung inwards with such abrupt, wicked force that you almost kissed the ground face-first. glaring up at the man, you seethed, “what was that for?”
“i was trying to be a gentleman.”
you straightened up, squaring your shoulders defensively, “don’t. you’re barely a fully-functioning man.”
while you were waiting for him to counter you with his regular flirting disguised as hostility, instead his face softened and he apologized, “sorry. come on in?”
“huh?” your shoulders went slack, eyes narrowing at his broad figure as you walked past him and into the room.
the lights were dim.
“what’s this?” your eyes scanned the place, he had made a pillow fort on the ground with whatever haphazard sheets and pillows you had been hoarding in the room. the tv in your room showed a still from netflix: Ten Things I Hate About You.
you bent down, thumb and forefinger raising the sheets upwards to properly see inside, you saw packs of chips and instant ramen, coke and chocolates stashed to the side.
still frozen, you found him meekly call out your name, “do you hate it? do you? you do, right?” you heard the door lock behind you, “i can undo it, it’ll take me like ten minutes tops. it is literally not a big deal, i’ll take it down.” his voice dropped down to a whisper, “jesus fuck, I told nami this was stupid.”
he knelt next to you, forearms stretched forward as if he was itching to pull the flimsy housing to shreds. your hand grabbed his, face turning to meet his shy one.
“you did this for me?”
“uh,” he hesitated, “remember, blondie said no going out. so, I thought i’d try… this?” his voice grew weak, “you hate it.”
“you did it for me?” you repeated, almost in disbelief.
he sighed methodically, “who else?”
a grin broke on your face, “i didn’t take you for a romantic, roronoa.”
he shrugged off the goosebumps that threatened to break on his body at your reaction, “pfft. whatever. it’s not a… it’s not a big deal. nami helped… so, yeah.”
“you even put on my one of my favourite movies.”
“yeah, yeah.” the sportsman stood up, walking away from you to duck inside the fort and arrange the food items. but you could see his ear-tips growing redder, coy eyes carefully avoiding yours, “you’re, uh, you’re welcome.”
“but if you’re trying to impress me.” you followed suit, “this is not gonna work.”
he turned back to stare at you. a deer in headlights. “’s not?”
“well, I know you’re not a romantic. nami surely is though, it seems.” you settled down on the comfy mattress, turning your body so that it faced the wall the tv was plastered on, “i know this won’t happen again once we’re actually dating.”
“hey, it’s not like I’m not romantic at all. see, i’ve been doing well these couple of months. i think?” he tried to defend but you cut him, “you’re off season right now. once you have your five a.m. trainings and regular matches, you’d forget I even exist. you forget to eat, to fucking breathe when it comes to your game. a whole ass human?” you found yourself scoffing, “you would give up in a day. and that’s me just speculating based on observing you from afar per these past few months.”
he fell silent, probably reeling from your accurate observation. you sighed, trying to ease the unnecessary tension you had created, “i’m not attacking you, zoro.”
features downcast, lips pulled into an emotionless straight line. he repeated, “you’re speculating based on observing me from afar per these past few months?”
you probably should have drawn the line here, probably should have said okay and turned on the movie. but you were so well-versed in the language of self-destruction that someone should arrange a fucking pulitzer for you.
“you’re a sportsman first, son next.” you prayed your voice held atleast an inch of sympathy as you did a neat, little character assassination of the poor man. “as much as I appreciate the gesture, I am not sure where lover falls on that priority list. you like the chase, the idea… that i am something grand.” you stilled, “but i’m not. i am not an olympic medal, or a grand slam title. i'm just some woman.”
“you’re not just some woman.” he breathed slowly. “i suppose you have a point. i am not a lover. my hands find the racket before they find a bouquet, my words find silence before they do declarations of love. i- i don’t how to… just love.” he repeated to plead his case.
and this was it.
you barely held your breath as the man next to confirmed just who he was. he was not a lover. he was the number one on the global charts. and how selfish had you been to demand that he be anything but that demon on court?
“but,” zoro proved you wrong. “i wouldn’t have sacrificed long days and sleepless nights for just some woman. you underestimate how much you mean to me.” his breath grew strained, words unsure as if it was the first time he was telling the truth, “five years is a long, long time to come back home and yearn for your arms.”
you didn’t turn your head to gawk at him even though every cell in you wanted to. every inch of you wanted to turn your head, grab his face in your smaller palms and ask him to confess just how much you meant to him. but you were not sure you could listen to him come up empty handed like a fish out of water. you were not sure you wanted to find out just how easily roronoa zoro could break your heart.
but as the two of you fell into silence, your eyes zeroed in on the zooming in and out title card on tv instead, “let’s jus’ watch.”
“you mean everything to me. always have, always will.” you felt his palm on yours, and you flinched at his careful touches. pulling your hand back to your chest, you felt the familiar speeding up of your heart against your ribcage, “don’t. zoro, please.”
“don’t what?” he tried to ask, tried to turn toward you with anticipation making a home in his irises and vile thoughts on his lips.
don’t what? you tried to find the answer to the very same question. don’t what? what did you want to say to him? was it “please don’t make me think you could love me all over again.” or “please don’t break my heart again.” or just a simple “don’t say another word or i’d find myself risking it all for you. and i cannot stand to be the fool who fell for you yet again.”
just a series of unfortunate ‘agains’, it seemed.
instead, you turned your body towards his, tentative hands coming up to hold his face in yours before falling back to the mattress. you raked in a forbidden sigh, the sound so loud in the eerily quite room. finally looking at him, you found yourself growing dumber.
somehow, like this – vulnerable – he looked like just another twenty-two year old. not a world champion. not somebody capable of destroying you.  
“i am not sure i’m ready to get my heart broken by you again.” you confessed slowly, like a coward. “i am not sure i can celebrate my next birthday, just to beg some meaningless god above for you once more.”
“then don’t.” his eyes drifted downwards, heartsick fingers twitching as they inched closer to your warmth. his words were low, like yet another coward. “don’t ask for me back if i break your heart again.”
was it that simple?   
──★ ˙🧷 ̟ !!
26th of october, 8:09 a.m.
you woke up with open packets and stacked cups of ramen on the floor, some episode of friends blaring on the tv and zoro stirring you awake.
sunlight filtered through the window, streaming in and pouring through the linen onto the man in front you. he was pretty, achingly so. his hair was tousled, lips parted, and thick brows bunched together like he was playing a match right now, “wake up.”
“huh?” rubbing your eyes, you tried to blink sleep away but instead grew more confused the longer you ruminated about his words, “what?”
“up and runnin’.” he repeated, “i need you.”
“need me?” your face contorted to show pure, unadulterated confusion, “zoro, ‘slike eight a.m.? can’t you wait a while?”
something nostalgic stirred within you as he smiled and bent down to face you easily. did the sun always get caught against his frame like he was a deity with a chokehold on you?
his smile was easy-going, and suddenly, you were fourteen year olds planning to ‘run away’ from home because you wanted to see the world. his voice shook you out of the daze, “get your head out of the gutter. didn’t mean it that way.”
“huh?” you couldn’t even find yourself growing offended amid your sleep-infused, hazed state. “what do you mean then?”
he tugged on your arms to help you sit up, “we’re going on a road trip.”
“we… are?” your expression grew awry, “where?”
“pack up and meet me outside,” he stood up, “you’d find out once we get there.” 
“but zoro, hey–” you tried calling out. but it was futile as he walked out of the room, and you stay seated in the mess of sheets and pillow and tried to make sense of what was and what is.
5:42 p.m. 🍓attempt 04: next destination: love!
zoro stared at his phone for what seemed like an eternity. your gaze shifted from him to the deserted road and back to him. the dull sun inching near the horizon skeptically as if watching you two making a fool of yourselves. the winds were warm, and your road-trip was in the hands of an absolute idiot.
you slumped back into the leather, muttering, “should’ve never let you navigate.”
“let me concentrate, woman.” he huffed as his forefinger and thumb zoomed in on the unknown streets on his maps.  
“how do you ever go anywhere?! your navigation powers are in the negatives.” tone haughty, you turned around to stare at him, “what kind of grown ass man gets confused on google maps? it literally said go straight!”
“i did go straight.” he turned to stare at you, tone just as haughty. “and i have a driver usually, i don’t drive by myself.”
“you went straight?” you repeated, somewhat amused by his ability to get lost on a straight highway. you craned your head, eyes peering past the black, tinted windows to stare at the deserted road, “and we ended up here? near a ghost town?”
“hold on.” he shifted his attention to the useless app pulled up on his phone screen. his face bunched up in irritation, throwing his phone on the dash-board before shifting the gear to start moving, “no point staying in one place, let’s keep movin’ and we will eventually figure it out.”
“figure what out?” you groaned, slumping back all over again, “atleast tell me where we’re going.”
“surpr–” you cut him off, “there would be no surprise if we never reach it!”
“okay, fair.” he breathed in slowly as the SUV made its way down the deserted road, passing by curated farms only inhabited by scarecrows. he sighed, “if we don’t figure out the road by nightfall, i’ll tell you.”
10:53 p.m.
“so,” zoro avoided your heated gaze, finally admitting the truth, “guess we’re lost."
“yes. yes we are, roronoa.”
“and it’s nightfall, so, i should tell you the destination.”
“yes. yes you should, roronoa.”
“don’t use that tone with me.” he tried meekly and your eyes narrowed in response, “why? are you scared?”
“no.” he cleared his throat, trying to sound like his usual self as he looked around in the lonely diner. the wooden table was rickety, the theme of the diner felt vintage-y, but in a way that was more unused than vintage. a lone, old woman waited behind the counter as you both munched on your dinner. once done with his inspection, he continued, “but it’s unnerving. you sound like nami, and she’s a witch as far as i know. red-head, you know.”
“you have moss-green hair, roronoa.”
“witches support witches.” he emphasized, and in return, a witch-like laugh past your lips, “you should be unnerved. good, because i feel like i have no choice but to sacrifice you in a satanic ritual to go back home now.”
the old woman behind the counter looked at you with utter dread in her eyes but you were too busy stabbing your fork in your grilled cheese, “now, spill. where were we going?”
he sighed, “home.”
“home?” you repeated, “home?”
“i thought i’d take you back to our childhood home,” his voice trailed off.
why that wretched place? the place that become bleak, repetitive once you were left all alone five years ago, once he left in the blink of an eye. you routine had become monotonous after him: badminton court, school, home, practice, home, practice, home, sleep. rinse and repeat. repeat. repeat. repeat.
pursing his lips together, he looked down at his plate, “for old time’s sake, i guess?”
“old time’s sake?”
“there was a time when neither of us hated that little, suburban town.” he grinned, “remember that park with the broken swings?”
“that shit was haunted.” you took a bite, conspiring through a mouthful, “i mean why else was it never fixed?”
he continued, “and that public swimming pool? how was every guard there a creep?”
“except dave.” you nodded in agreement, a slight smile playing on your lips, “dave was cool.” 
"he liked you so much, it was stupid." zoro huffed before popping a french fry in his mouth.
“you're the one to talk. do you remember courtney?” you grinned, shoving an index in his direction, “she had suchhh a huge crush on you in middle-school. it was honestly confusing.”
“why was it confusing?”
“you looked like a kiwi,” and you laughed when his eyebrows bunched together and he almost pouted, “i believe it was you that liked this kiwi.”  
“tch, that was lifetimes ago.” your voice softened as he stayed quiet, the two of you just looking at each other as if registering each other’s silence as the only, absolute truth. the knife lodged in your grilled cheese slipped past your grip and a soft clang rang out as it hit your porcelain plate. you hummed, “should’ve told me we’re going back. i would have helped you navigate, zoro.”
“’sfine.” he shook his head, right hand coming up to scratch the itch away and re-set the strands of hair, “we can just head back. if we leave now, we’d reach by dawn. it’s pointless to go back to that old town now.”
you sighed, fingers interlocking as you slumped back against the worn out seat. the booth was cold against your back, the light bulb flickering momentarily as the two of you existed in a place far removed from reality, a place where the two of you were just twenty-somethings eating dinner at a worn-out diner.
“are you done eating?” you asked once he pushed his plate away. he nodded and you found yourself tugging his arm to leave the diner.
“what’s wrong?” he asked, confused, as he trailed after you. you glanced back once, “if we keep moving forward, we’d probably figure it out, right?” you stilled, turning fully to face him, “let’s go home, yeah?”
if roronoa zoro could, he would follow you to the miserable depths of hell. what was a small town compared to that?
he nodded, “yeah.”
──★ ˙🧷 ̟ !!
27th of october, 6:29 p.m.
“this is it, huh?” you stared at the massive suburban home in front of you. the lawn was trimmed, kept nice and clean as you two stood in front of what was once your humble abode.
your family had sold the place once you expressed that you wanted to move away to do better in your profession, and you had never had the heart to come back and check who bought the place or who didn’t.
“wanna walk around town?” zoro offered his palm, albeit a bit hesitantly, “let’s see what has changed.”  
well, that small creak behind your middle school had dried up, now littered with popped soda cans and torn packs of chip. cigarette butts stuck between jagged rocks and dried leaves. the ‘haunted’ park was still not fixed, but you saw little children running around, the scarfs against their tiny frames flying behind them momentarily as they chased each other around. and the leaves on the ground stirred like they were alive under their light footsteps. the old public badminton court had been renovated, it seemed, and the streetlights had been upgraded to a softer orange-y shade rather than the harsh white you both grew up under.
“they made another mall where the theatre was.” zoro commented as you both walked by what used to be your old cinema hall.
“you remember the theatre?” you asked as your eyes raked over the looming white structure with faces of celebrities plastered onto hoardings with the bold declarations of ‘now playing’.
“of course,” he shrugged, muscled arms methodically going up and down, “we had our first date there.”
“it wasn’t a date. you told me you wanted to catch the movies and then you tried to hold my hand for the next two hours.” you emphasized, kicking the dried twigs on the sidewalk. zoro joined in, lazily kicking fallen leaves and scoffing, “perona said it was. i even bought you caramel popcorn.”
and you found yourself giggling, “you even remember the flavour?”
“i remember everything.” his tone appeared to be nonchalant, “a white tank-top with strawberries on it and a blue-wash jeans, that’s what you were wearing.”
you lips pressed together, “can’t believe you remember that.” you came up to softly poke his side, “who would’ve thought you’re a romantic?”
“yeah, yeah.” he rolled his eyes, biting down an infectious smile, “i just have a good memory.”
“good memory?” you scoffed, “how come you’re such a bad navigator then?”
“tch, i’m just a bit geographically challenged.”
you laughed as your footsteps fell one in front of the other, and he trailed behind wordlessly.
as zoro saw you walk in front of him, your dainty hands interlocking so you could stretch them overhead and the way you looked back at him to beckon him towards you, so as to follow you faster. all of it made his heart twist unnaturally in the pit that was his chest. all of it.
next, you both passed your old high-school. standing at the metallic fence, the sun dipped far below the horizon as the streetlights behind you flickered and came alive. the two of you stood behind the metallic, looking at the buildings that had seen you grow in it’s hallways. when you sighed, the air fogged up just a tiny bit, “your blue jersey from state championships, and black jeans. white adidas too.”
“hm?” zoro cocked his head to your side, and you continued, “that’s what you were wearing on our not-date.”
“you remember?”
you pressed your forehead to the metal, the cold fence digging indentures onto your forehead, “of course i remember. i actually have a good memory.”
the two of your stood in frigid silence and the nightly winds grew stronger around you both. you pulled back, turning your face towards zoro, “it’s growing cold, wanna head back to the car?”
his thumb came up to ease away the red markings on your forehead, the friction of his touches melting away the cold essence of the metal. once he was satisfied with his damage control on your forehead, he nodded, “one more pit stop, then, let’s head back.”
10:02 p.m.
the car was parked in the middle of the field where you had spent reckless evenings just like this with zoro five years prior, to the very field where you had last seen him before he left without a word.
you remembered that cruel night as if it was your whole existence. it might as well have been considering how many time you had replayed the same night in your head over and over and over again, wondering if you had done something stupid.
you had sneaked out of your home, and he had sneaked here after his practice was finally over. his hair was sweaty, boyish features coloured a brutal shade of petrified as he approached you under the night sky.
“what’s wrong?” you had asked once you had noticed his downcast eyes and his shivering hands.
“nothing.” zoro had pressed his lips into a thin smile, “’m just tired from the practice.”
“oh?” you held his palm in yours, pressing a sweet kiss to it, “don’t worry, soon you’d win the state championship and then we would have all the time in the world to hang out, right?”
maybe you should have understood it right then when roronoa zoro simply nodded and looked away you. he had never been a good liar anyways. 
that night, you both had sat down on the ground. staring up at the night sky, you had traced the constellations with your finger-tips and made false promises of a candied future that never came by. the soft grass under you both had tainted your cream coloured shorts green that day. yet another cruel reminder of him, yet another proof that he and you were real, yet another physical evidence of the love that once was.
“why’re we here?” you couldn’t be bothered masking up the irritability in your voice. the raw edges of hurt cut right back your mortal body as you stepped out of the passenger seat.
“c'mon.” that’s all zoro said as he lend you a hand and helped you climb the car’s roof top.
“zoro.” you repeated sternly, but he just helped you up without much explanation. once you were perched on the metallic frame, he climbed up and your voice momentarily wobbled, “a-are we sure the roof’s not gonna break?”
“no, ‘snot.” he clarified, slowly inching closer to you till you could feel his body warmth against your arm.
tilting your face upwards, you drunk in the sight of the malevolent sky littered with heavy, grey clouds that covered the usual litter of stars; so cruel but so pretty underneath it all.
zoro pulled his knees to his chest, softly perching his chin atop them with a sigh, “pretty, isn’t it?”
“why’re we here of all places?” you pulled your knees to your chest, mirroring his actions.
“it felt wrong to leave without seeing this place once.” he admitted softly, “d’you hate it that much?”
“yes. i do.” you nodded, burying your face against the jagged, scarred skin of your knees. you hated this place, and the pair of green-stained cream shorts in your cupboard were nothing if not the proof of that.
“such a shame,” he sighed, “’s a pretty place.”
“zoro–” but he cut you off, “we’ve changed so much in these five years, haven’t we? let’s get to know each other again.” he lifted his head to look at you, “what’s your favourite hobby?”
you scoffed, “you’re kidding.”
“i’m not.”
“did perona put you upto this?” your eyes narrowed, head still tipped back to stare at the grumbling sky, “or nami.”
“no.” he stressed, “my hobby is probably playing pool now. luffy put me onto it, it‘s kinda cool.”    
“i thought sleeping was your favourite past-time.” you turned to look away from the sky and at him but somehow couldn’t. you sighed, slowly admitting, “that was what you always said in interviews.”
“did you stalk me via interviews?”
you tucked your knees one over the other and straightened up, “says the man who watched every match where I got my ass handed to me.”
“i never said i did or didn’t stalk you.”
“you also didn’t say that you won’t break my heart again.” his eyes were boring into yours as you turned your face to finally find his, “you just said to not pray for you back.”
“would you believe me if i told you i won’t break your heart?”
traces of sleep lingered in his eyes, patterns from guilt long-gone-by traced onto his cheeks. you realized with a certain ache that you would probably believe this man if he told you he made the colosseum in his past life, and that he was Genghis Khan re-incarnated. but the fact that he won’t break your heart again? doubtful.
you turned your face back to the thundering clouds. they flashed a myriad of colours and loud sounds enveloped your mortal figures as they churned impatiently above you. you heaved in a breath. slowly exhaling, you asked, “when i lost women’s doubles against the boa sisters, you know what they said to me?”
you believed he knew the answer, being an interview-stalker himself. but he played along, “what?”
“they asked me if you broke up with me because I threaten your legacy as number one, zoro.” a deep sigh passed you by, “since i’m still number two, and from the looks of it they don’t think i’ll be one any time soon.” a mirthless laugh escaped your lips, “honestly, i don’t think I’ll be one any time soon.”
“do you really think i give a crap about shit like that?” zoro raised his face fully, widened eyes looking at you as if you had just accused him of skinning men alive.
“why else would you leave everything behind to be number one, roronoa?”
to you it was clear. he wanted to be number one, so, he left everything behind to be it. simple as that. he wanted to go after his dreams, so, he sacrificed everything he loved. you just happened to be unfortunate enough to be one of those things he loved. simple as that.
“i promised someone.” he finally admitted when you stayed silent, “back when i was in foster care.”
“what?” you found yourself turning your face to look at his, and the man who stared back at you seemed to be a man ravaged and hunted, like a mere prey for guilt.
roronoa zoro had never kept any secrets from you. never. not when he met you as a kiwi-looking middle-schooler at thirteen, and not when he was about to be twenty-three a decade later. no secrets other than his past in foster care. you knew mihawk adopted him when he was eleven, and perona when she was fifteen but no more than that. his past in the foster-care, that one was off-limits.
no questions, no answers.
and you had never pushed. it was something he wanted to forget and you’d be damned if you brought his demons to his under the pretence of harmless curiosity. that was it.
no questions, no answers.
then why was he speaking of it now?
“i only had this one friend. no. she was more like a sister, really.” his eyes hardened, “kuina. she was obsessed with this game, and i hadn’t even heard of it. every fucking time she got her hands on the tv to the communal room, she would turn on sports channel and tear through them till she found one playing re-runs of badminton.”
your muscles ached, and suddenly you were reminded of the air you had ceased to breath in. zoro continued, “she used to drag me to play, and then she used to beat my fucking ass at it. every fucking time. then, one night…” his voice grew thicker, like tar lodged right in his larynx, “she told me that one day, she would make it out of that shitty foster system and she would be number one.”
“somehow, seven year old me thought it would be fun to argue with her. so, i told her ‘no, i’d be number one and you’d be watching.’ she told me no. she had every right to. she was a better player than I was. she deserved this more than i do.”
“zo,” your hand found his bicep as his eyes glossed over, “you don’t have to tell me.”
but you didn’t know any player by the name of kuina, so, it didn’t take you long to guess where the story was headed. somehow, you stomach still dropped when zoro spoke the next part aloud, “she died a day later. ran into the fucking street while chasing the shuttle that the wind blew over. died on the fucking spot.”
“i made a promise. a-and she was my sister.” 
“zoro.” and you moved to engulf him within your arms. you felt him shudder under you, face pressed to your chest in a bleak effort to hold back tears as you held him tighter and tighter against yourself. as if your weak, mortal body could undo the past or stop him from the torment that was his own mind.
“i’m sorry.” your words paled in comparison to the feelings that brewed within the depths of your stomach. as if to reflect the words you couldn’t utter, drops of rain poured down onto you both mercilessly, as if the skies were mourning.
“i’m sorry.” you repeated, arms moving haphazardly to hold him to yourself closer. his hand moved with just as much desperation, trying to clutch onto you as if you were the only tangible thread of sanity left within him, as if your touch was all that grounded him, kept him alive.
“i- i can’t, i won’t lose you.” he mumbled into your skin, “i won’t let it happen. not again.”
he raised his face to look at you and bloodshot eyes met yours. his hair stuck to his forehead, lips quivering and you couldn’t tell which drops were tears and which rain on his soaked face.
your eyes racked over his frame. from his uncaring hair, to the eyes that had grown weary far too young, to the same pair of lips you had ached to call home, and finally the arms that you had yearned for much the same for the past five years.
“zoro?” you leaned towards him as your voice grew weaker. rain drops on your lips clung helplessly as he followed your voice, face falling forward till your foreheads were mere hairsbreadth apart, “y-yeah?”
why did your breath sound so strained? how come you could feel your heart pumping wildly against the bones lodged in your chest? how could you taste the metallic taste of blood and rain on your lips like as you heaved out ragged words?
you bit your lip to stop it from quivering helplessly. words failing to voice what not even your brain could, you asked for similar candied lies, “say you won’t break my heart again.”
words desperate, he nodded, “i won’t.”
“no,” your breath grew more ragged as each second passed you by, “no. swear on it.”
his calloused palm came to rest on your cheeks, forehead touching as he closed his eyes shut. “i swear on it. i, roronoa zoro, promise to never break your heart again.”
“and if you do?”
“you’re more than welcome to break my skull with my own racket. plummet it down really hard.”
a small smile cracked at your lips, “really?”
“promise.” he hummed. and as he leaned forward to catch your lips against his in a sickly, sweet routine, you pulled back.
he barely had the second to react before you crashed back into him. you couldn’t wait any longer. your lips against his in a clash of teeth and lips and tongue and the faint taste of rain on your skins.
“’s pouring.” he panted, words barely being processed in your lucid state, “wan’ you s’bad though. so, so fucking bad.”
the next you knew, your wet back met the leather backseat of his car.
the sportsman hovered over you momentarily. and next, all you felt was his naked skin pressed to yours, his calloused palms tracing patterns long-forgotten to your sides as he gulped down anything you had to offer. any cries, any grudges, any desires.
you pushed him away just to be able to breath, but air seemed to be the last priority on zoro’s mind as he caught your lips against his in a methodical, little game all over again. panting against your pretty lips, his fingers tried to rid you of your soaked jeans and panties. and all of it was so lewd, so unbearably lewd.
from the sounds of his skin on yours, the sound of the rain violently crashing against the tinted windows and the sounds of his desperate huffs and pants as he tried to manhandle you and get rid of the whatever unholy layers separated you from his feral touches.
“z-zoro,” you stuttered helplessly and the man that peered down at you resembled more a demon ready to fester on the last bit of your lucidity rather than the man you loved.
“c’mere.” he husked, and within moments he was under you. laying prettily on the backseat as your honeyed heat hovered only inches away from his pretty lips. as he stared up at you, his strong arms wrapped around your hips and he pulled you to his lips.
“fuck,” his eyes rolled back as he ran an experimental flick of his tongue against your core, and you flinched, already pulling back from him.
and how could you blame roronoa zoro for tightening his grip against your thighs and fully seating you over his face?
“none of that hoverin’ shit.” he declared in a series of hot pants against your drenched cunt, “let me eat my girl out properly.”
“z-zoro,” you bucked forward as his lips attached around the sensitive nub, sucking like he knew your untimely demise was his very duty. strong fingers digging into the fat of your hips as he ate you out like a man starved, like a man ravished.
it was all so messy, all so untamed, feral. just a mix of spit, your honeyed fluids and his insane determination to make you unravel at the tip of his tongue.
he sneaked in a hand, forefinger and thumb pinching the nub as his tongue delved deeper into your velvety hole. your eyes rolled back as his strokes stayed unrelentless against your heat and you found yourself falling apart at his preying touches, “oh my god, zo. ‘m gonna fuck–”
“cum f’me.” he rasped against you, the other hand coming down to smack the fat of your ass. you ass recoiled under his pressure and you jolted as he rubbed the stinging area better. hot tears pricked at your eyes as he brought down a unrelenting hand at the same strawberry-red patch of skin. the pain mingled in with the methodical strokes of his tongue and the messy rubbing from his fingers pushed you past your limit.
your walls spasmed, sickly sweet dew pooling at his lips as you bucked forward with a strangled cry in your throat, “zoro, zoro, zo.”
you weren’t quite sure if you imagined it, or if you truly felt roronoa zoro smirk against your aching cunt before pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses onto the damage he had done.
as you tried to catch your breath, zoro kissed – no, devoured – your clit. your throbbing bundle of nerves caught between his lips dangerously, he sucked on it as you bucked and keened over him, “one more. c’mon, baby.”
“no, please.” you tried to cry out but the maddened man could hear nothing over the blood rush against his ears and the ecstasy of your orgasm on his tongue. clenching his eyes shut, all he could focus was on the way you squirmed over him. trying to run away? pushing him away?
he couldn’t help but grin like a man gone far too gone because this was like a challenge, and what did roronoa love if not challenges? you were practically begging him to eat you till you cried and begged him to let you go, were you not?
“z-zo.” your voice failed you at your fourth orgasm and all you could feel was the muscle pushing in and out of your sore, aching cunt and his fingers pulling on your nipple so, so meanly. “z-zoro,” you tried again, this time without stuttering, “you’re s’mean, zo.”
“am i?” the way he sounded, you felt like only more torture was on your way, “am i so, so mean?”
you nodded, tears rolling down your pretty face as he thumbed your sore clit and cooed, “sorry, baby.”
“y-you’re not sorry,” you hips spasmed at his careless touches and you threw your head back to hold back a cry, “you’re n-not sorry at all.”
“’m not,” he admitted cockily, pulling you upwards so he could press kisses to your sore thighs, “only i get to ruin my girl.”
“y-your girl?” you sounded so out-of-it, so innocent with the way he had fucked you dumb. wobbly lips, teary eyes and hoarse voice. god, he loved you. he nodded, peering at you as if breaking it down for you, “my girl.”
pulling your quivering thighs off of him, he sat up and softly placed you on his lap. when you met his pussydrunk face, his lips were drenched off of your essence. he wiped his face off the back of his hand, then using the same hand to pull your jaw forward to kiss you senseless all over again.
his mushroom tip sat hotly against your inner thigh, smearing the glossy precum all over your soft skin. as zoro battled his tongue against yours, your nimble fingers toyed with his flushed cock-head. as you softly thumbed the slit, zoro found himself whimpering against your pouty lips, slowly pulling back.
“ah, fuck.” he breathed in slowly, eyes rolling back as you finally stroked his dick. you met his eyes definitively as you brought up your soft palm to your mouth. spitting on his soft skin, you brought it back to his angry shaft nestled against your thighs.
moving it up and down, your face dipped down to his neck to bite down on his pulse. instead of whimpering the way he was, his strong hand came to push your head harder against his tanned skin. he rasped, “harder.”
and you sunk your teeth into his skin with enough force to break his skin, just to find the man under you stutter and his white seed to coat your hand. his hips stuttered, eyes clenching shut as realization set in, “f-fuck. shit hah, i came?”
growing cocky at the way he came undone, you bit down a teensy bit harder. until you felt the sweet taste of iron on your lips and you pulled back to see a small droplet of blood beading at his neck. but before you could apologize, zoro noticed your crimson hued lips. pulling you towards him, he revered in the sweet metallic tang of his blood against your tongue. madman.
the sportsman hummed against you as he pulled your sore hips upwards and positioned his cock to nudge your slit ever-so-slowly.
“mmph, zo–” you tried to speak but his mushroom tip got caught against your clit so deliciously. moaning, he guided his dick to finally push past your hole and your jaw went slack at the sinful stretch.
hair sweaty and clinging to your skin, your head was thrown back as he pistoled his dick in with slow circular motion of his hips, and you tried to ground himself by digging your nails into his shoulders. zoro grinned, his canine on display unabashed, “feel good?”
your jaw slacked open, just for nothing to come forth other than half-coherent jumbles of his name as his tip kissed your sugary sweet spots with the urgency of a madman. shallow thrusts into your cunt only resulted in persistent prodding of his tip against your g-spot. his thumb pressed debauched words to your clit as your hips moved on their accord, with only one goal: to forget anything but his ungodly thrusts into your rueful cunt.
“feel s’good, zo. feel so, so good hah mhph–” you babbled, nodding as he moved your hips up and down to fill you up and leave you empty over and over and over again. a hand snaked upwards to pull at your roots, tipping your head back so that he could sink his teeth and brand up your soft skin just over the column of your throat. 
“feel good?” he repeated, eyes almost crossing over at the crimson mark on your neck. if you felt like you were losing sanity, there was no need to feel lonely cause zoro trailed not farther behind. he laughed, bringing you down harder on his shaft, “feel good, baby? does my girl feel good?”
you nodded, eyes clenching shut as his cock massaged your gummy walls and his thumb tortured your poor, aching clit so well.
the familiar feeling built within you again, like a fire that burnt you to a crisp from within. your walls spasmed, head thrown back, drooling as roronoa zoro made it his life’s purpose to fuck you as hard as he could. to a point, where, you felt like he was just holding back to not break you.
“l-look at me, angel.” his hand squished your cheek mercilessly, pulling your face down just to press a mocking peck to your pouty, drooling lips and laugh when you jolted from the orgasm, “oh my g-god, zoro! fuck aah, hah shit shit shit.”
you slumped forward, sweaty forehead pressed to his heaving chest while he continued to fuck into your overused cunt. his thrusts grew weaker – erratic – before he painted your walls white.
“shit, baby.” the man laughed, his chest vibrating from the stuttered falsetto, “one more?”
“zo…” and the way you looked up at him so teary-eyed, shaking your head no. another challenge?
so now, of course zoro had you pressed in such a mean mating press, mumbling against your swollen kiss-bitten lips, “you’re doing so well, baby. ‘m so proud of my girl.”
“y-yeah?” you stuttered out, batting your tear-stained eyelashes so well that zoro couldn’t help but lap at the tear-drops cascading down your cheek, “mhm, course angel. take one more for me, can you?”
you nodded as if you had a choice.  
his chest pressed up against yours, broad hand pulling your knees so far high so that he could plunge in and out of you so very easily. zoro panted with every slow drag of his shaft against your addictive, sugar-sweet walls because every small movement seemed to set you alight. your cunt grabbed at him hungrily, clutching him so tightly as if you refused to let him go.
managing a few more thrusts, he brought your weak hand upto his throat and pressed your hand onto his pulse. you stared at him, wide-eyed, before pressing harder. as your soft hand pushed harshly against his pulse, zoro pushed into your heat harder with a low whimper.
his hips sputtered as splashes of white painted your walls all over again.
the sportsman heaved, dipping his sweaty face down to the crook of your neck and pressing his body weight on yours. after what seemed like eons of just catching up his breath, zoro slowly pulled out and you gasped at his absence.
“are you okay?” he pressed a chaste kiss to your collarbone before trailing upwards and pressing another to your cheek. your muscles went slack under him, soreness creeping up the tendrils of your flesh as you fluttered opened your eyes, “’m tired.”
“already?” the man grinned, licking a soft stripe up your jaw. your weak hands pushed him away, groaning, “already?!”
“sorry, c’mere.” settling beside you in the cramped seat, he pulled you to his chest. humming faintly as his fingers softly caressed the damp tressed and you melted against the feel of his warm skin against yours.
the soft pitter-patter of the rain against the windows quietened, the morning mist hovering around the car like some forbidden protector and dew clung helplessly to leaves in the field. zoro pulled you closer to himself, his shallow breath against your forehead and his soft fingertips massaging your sore hips, “i think i love you.”
“you think?” your eyes fluttered open, trailing up softly to take in his peaceful expression. you bit the inside of your cheek, stomach churning as you dug your cheek against his chest and nodded, “i think i love you too.”
──★ ˙🧷 ̟ !!
11th of november, 12:01 a.m.
“go on,” you shoved the cupcake in his direction, the candle light flickering softly and barely holding out against his stuttered breath, “for real?”
“hm,” you nodded, “make a wish, zo.”
“i don’t even have a religion.” he mumbled and you pinched the taut skin of his bicep in retaliation, “jus’ do it.”
“okay, fine. here goes nothing.” he closed his eyes. eyebrows bunching up in concentration and high cheekbones coloured orange from the weak flame. a moment passed by as the two of you stayed huddled on his bed, him praying and you looking at him.
a soft breath and the flame went out. when he opened his eyes, you smiled at him, “what did you wish for?”
“nothing,” he replied softly, calloused fingers interlocking with yours, “think i have everything i could ever need already.”
“happy birthday, zo.” you pecked him and pulled back, but he pulled you back to him.
knock, knock, knock.
“are you both done?” perona knocked at the door, “everyone’s waiting for you out, idiot.”
the next morning your twitter was flooded with the same blurry photo of you kissing zoro at his birthday party.
@/monkeydluffyofficial: very proud of zoro to be able to pull such a pretty woman without showering for days on end ❤️😃 @/dailycelebgossip: BREAKING: two-times grand slam winner and current number #1, roronoa zoro confirmed to be going out with his former flame!
@/vinsmokesanjiofficial: we will be releasing an official statement, until then PLEASE STOP TAGGING ME, YOU’RE BLOWING UP MY PHONE. AND @/ynln ANSWER MY CALLS. @/nami_bizconmgmt: like@/vinsmokesanjiofficial said, please wait for the official statement and @/realroronoazoro PICK UP MY CALLS.   
zoro wrapped a strong arm around your waist. sleep lingered in his eyes, and the pattern of the pillow case was imprinted onto his skin instead, “what’re you reading?”
you giggled, “people are losing their mind over the fact that we���re dating.” you looked over your shoulder, “can’t believe a PR stunt got us here.”
“oh, about that.” he mumbled, “nami never asked me to do that, i was just feeling bold that day. paid off pretty well though, didn’t it?”
“huh?” your eyes widened, words sinking in at a much slower rate, “HUH?”
“what?” he repeated with a grin, “it worked, didn’t it?”
“YOU ASSHOLE!” you pushed at him and he just held you tighter against his chest, “mhm, love you too.”
ladies and gentlemen, this is your friendly reminder to not go back to your ex by the way! they don't deserve you and aren't roronoa zoro!  
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a/n: i cannot believe this has come to an end!! aaaah took me fucking forever to finish it (and i have like 5 more characters to write for ://) but im so so grateful for anyone who loved this and has shown me that love. thakyou so much you guys! i'd be making an ao3 soon enough so that it's easier to navigate. again, thankyou for keeping up with me <3 tagging: @litlebruh @mist-ixx @briezy04764 @otkuhotgirl [the credit for feral!zoro goes to her] @mars-mizuko @florallyarranged @ayumitho @lyany2k @dietcokefizz @kokanee-readinglist @angelsforever999 @rengokushuaige @imlikeacoffeeconnoisseur @gojoistetti tysm for reading!! you all were so incredibly nice that im sobbing :')) i hope y'all enjoyed this! much love, vix <3 m.list
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ovaryacted · 7 months
Listen. Im headfirst on the “Leon is a sub” train. And you got me thinking about toys and Leon.
Leon with a lil vibrator inside of him. You’re controlling it. It started off with a dull easily ignored hum on his prostate. It feels good but not enough to get him going.
Then at random times you spike it. First time you did it, Leon was at home and he dropped his cup. Those spikes of intense vibrations get longer and longer. Leon’s clawing at his desk, trembling because you set the toy to max and where he’s sitting the vibrations are directly on his p-spot. He has to bite his knuckles to stop from moaning out loud.
He gets so close to the edge. So close to orgasm before you cut the toy and it’s back to the dull vibrations he felt before. You do this multiple times throughout the day and by the end of it, Leon is a frazzled mess.
He’s begging you with tears in his pretty eyes to just let him cum. He’ll do anything. He’s sobbing so beautifully.
Or. Hear me out. Leon bouncing on a dildo. It’s just alittle too big to make him have tears in his eyes. But he loves it. His mouth is open, moaning, sobbing and weeping as he rides the toy.
But the kicker, you’re not letting him touch his dick. So he just becomes delirious with pleasure, begging you to let him touch himself. He’s been such a good boy. He starts pleading with you that he’s so desperate to cum. He’s been good, why won’t you let him touch his dick.
He looks so beautiful so fucked out and messy. He’s just…. mwuah <3
-“angsty” anon (it’s me. The one who sends you a flipping thesis every time haha)
Angsty anon…now you know you’re not right for sending me this and thinking I’m gonna be normal about it like…you fucking cooked here, burned the whole kitchen down. Let me give you a smooch on the forehead for the good food MUAH!
But Leon using toys, that would be so fucking fun. In all honesty, I see it starting as a game, where you both try to see who lasts longer than the other. With you, he edges you unexpectedly, usually when you’re running errands versus at work because he wouldn’t take it that far. You’re in the grocery store? He uses the remote-controlled vibrator on you on a whim and makes you clench while you’re ordering cut meats from the butcher. His favorite time to use it is when you’re both going out to dinner, he enjoys watching you squirm as you drink your wine across from him.
It was fun for him when he had that control, but once the roles were reversed he instantly regretted it. When Leon is on the receiving end, it’s nonstop edging that’s borderline torturous.
This game first started when you suggested he try a toy out and let you tease him the way he does when he has the remote. At first, he thinks you’d take it easy on him, that you would give him breaks. Boy was he wrong, underestimating your craving to prove him wrong.
When he’s home, you tell him to use the toy, letting it buzz at the lowest setting so it’s not too much for him to handle. He thinks he’s in the clear and starts doing laundry or other household chores. Until the vibrations instantly go up three levels without a break, it takes him off guard, making him drop whatever he’s doing and lean against the wall for support. He feels lightheaded as his dick twitches in his pants, and he tries so hard not to squeeze himself as his thighs shake. He could feel the need to release growing in his gut, biting his lip to avoid making a sound that would be too loud to come from him.
All of a sudden, the vibrations stop altogether, and Leon huffs out a breath as his heartbeat evens out. This repetitive cycle happens throughout the day, where the vibrating toy would jump towards the more intense levels or you’ll use a pattern that makes him feel like he’s going crazy. Every time the vibrations just stop, he whines and patiently waits to feel it again, his body growing hotter and more sensitive when you click that button.
He pretends like he doesn’t enjoy the game, the constant edging, but you’re not so gentle when teasing your lover in the first place. You do all of this to teach him a lesson, to show him what rewards he will get once he learns how to be disciplined. The worst part about this situation is you ordered him not to touch himself as you did this, leaving his cock aching and sensitive to the touch.
When you finally give him some peace from the teasing, Leon is needy and searching for your touch. The moment your fingers so much as skim his cheek, he’s shivering under you, craving for more. After being edged for so long, practically all day, it doesn’t take long for him to cum the second your hands wrap around his cock, whispering in his ear and praising him for listening to your orders. You reward him by milking him dry for the entire night, pulling every orgasm you can get until he tells you he can’t take anymore and he’s shooting blanks.
But using a dildo? Leon can’t fake his feelings or edge himself with one. Instead of teasing him when he uses one, you let him fuck himself in front of you. You like watching him get dumber every time he lifts himself on his strong knees, just for him to slam his body back down with a loud moan. Words of praise and degradation slip out of your mouth, making Leon’s ears turn red from pleasure and his face flush down to his neck.
He’s pretty like this, probably the prettiest you’ve seen him. Tears ran down his cheek, drool spilling down his lip and his chin, whimpering at the way he felt stretched out around the dildo that rubbed along all of his good spots. His length was spilling the more he moved, bouncing on his pelvis and hard as a rock, tip red and hypersensitive to the damn air.
Leon begs under his breath, not knowing what he was begging for exactly, but just says he needs more. You bring his face in between your legs with a yank of his hair, letting him use his tongue to lap up at your arousal as his eyes roll to the back of his head.
“That’s a good boy”, you’d purr at him, moaning at the way he sucks on your clit, digging his nose into your pussy and sending his senses into overdrive. A single phrase like that will make him cum all over himself, making a mess of his lower stomach and gasping for air. All you can do is admire how fucked out he looks, a pathetic mess for you to love and care for. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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1ovejongseong · 8 months
i just read your sugar daddy jay thoughts and well they have me on a brainrot 😭😭 how about sugar daddy jay, who takes reader to an expensive hotel since he's on ig a business trip whatever and he ends up confessing his love to her and they get together and mwah mwah
anon.. your mind.. mwuah…
I wanna state that I feel like sugar daddy! jay is the type to confess while he’s making love to you… god lemme write this shit out
sugar daddy! jay who is gently rocking his hips into yours at a slow pace, his lips attached to yours as to drown out whatever noises could fall from them. he’s far gone, too into it. usually in some way he would have fucked you rough, but this wasn’t about power dynamics or marking you as his possessively. I feel like he would slightly hesitate on saying it, cause did he really want to be that guy that said “I love you” for the first time during sex? but he’s never made love to you before, and it just felt so different. it felt right. the way that you were wrapped around his length, clenching every once and awhile with your legs around his waist. you looked just so pretty and vulnerable under him, your lips tasted sweet like the dessert you had hours prior. he would let out quiet moans against you, giving you simple praises like calling you a good girl or telling that you are so beautiful, when he finally had the courage to let it fall past his lips. he dug his head into your neck, kissing the skin as he let out a quiet “I love you”, what he wasn’t expecting was a moan to be earned from you followed up with an “I love you too.” that sent him for a loop. with a groan he picked up his pace a bit, forcing himself so deep inside of you “say it again” he demanded against your lips before kissing you again, hearing it for a second time would only push him further and further to his orgasm, filling you up completely before pulling himself out and lowering himself down to your messy cunt. you let out a moan of his name, already missing the feeling of him inside as you ran a hand through his hair. the way you looked was enough to make him hard again as he sucked on your sensitive clit, licking you clean and bringing you to ecstasy.
“just wanna make my girl feel good.”
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charmercharm3r · 1 year
No ffs doesn't mean for fucks sake, ffs means Food felix sex. He would "accidentally" drop the brownie batter on your tits,thighs and offer to "help".I said what I said, your turn now
~love Anon
mwuah mwuah mmmmwuahhh
*chefs kiss* precious baby is sooo so into food play!
it’s accidental when the whip cream can for some sundaes sprays all over your shirt and chest (he can’t stop staring). you test a little theory that maybe..maybe he might be interested in a bit more than just the nutella for your bread (it’s somehow all over your fingers and you’re staring into his eyes as you lick them clean one by one). confirmed when strawberry jam from your sandwich covers the corner of your lip and felix moves in to lick it off, only to morph that into a heated kiss with no intention of stopping.
brownies he was making when you return home a thought of the past, only offering your support to he closer to him. how he enticed you so deeply into it, you don’t know because now he’s got you sat on the kitchen counter with your legs spread and him standing between them. the spoon with the batter is cold against your skin as he drags it up and down your thigh, leaving a trail of brownie batter in it’s path. felix likes seeing the goosebumps raise as he travels higher, higher until he reaches a particularly sensitive spot rather close to your center and he knows he’s gonna have way more fun than he should be. even more chills running down your spine as he kneels to lick it all, from your knee to as close to your core as he could get without actually touching.
no, you only feel his warm breath— he won’t let you have more than that, it’d be too kind. gentle does the pads of his fingers graze the insides of your thighs as does the tips of his hair tickling your skin. when felix leans you back to spread more batter across your belly, the shaky moan that falls from your lips is so cute that he can’t help but laugh at your fragility.
he’s so warm, so pretty looking at you from behind his thick lashes that it’s impossible not to shiver beneath him while the sweet concoction makes your skin sticky. it pools a little in the dip of your belly but he makes quick work to lick it up, only to find your lips following a guttural moan from you to spread the sweetness in your mouth in a passionate kiss. the bowl of batter is long forgotten, spoon fallen to the ground, the kitchen will need a deep clean after the two of you are done.
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
I am so glad you have anons turned on... ahem. You don't have to do this if you don't want to, though!
Kinktober 29 + Alucard! (Castlevania)
A/N: I don't know what you did to me but I've been possessed once again for this ask holy shit. Tentacle anon lemme kiss u on the mouth ;; hope you enjoy MWUAH (also a firm believer he'll always be a lover boy no matter what) AU TIME
Tentacles x Alucard
“Adrian! I can’t believe you’re the little thief!” You gasped, scandalized that your sea-friend would be the one who’s been stealing all the balls that kept magically ‘floating away’ in the ocean. He shrugged with a sly grin, his tentacles sprawled around him keeping him afloat. You’d met the mystical half sea creature months ago by this point, you’d been paddling out to sea for fun, realizing that you’d gotten entirely too far from shore. Before you were able to panic, you saw the tiniest little cove a bit farther out, deciding to rest inside of it before making a plan to go back to shore, back home. Instead what you got was the scare of your life, a tentacle gripping at your ankle and with a shriek you fell back into the side. The playful little fiend crept out with wide eyes, not expecting to ever have a human here in his home. You mirrored the look, thinking you’d finally gone insane seeing something with the top half of a man and bottom half of an...octopus? Lots of screaming, and explaining later, your fears were quelled, and after hours of talking, you felt you made a friend.
And you did! Visiting him as often as you could out here, bringing him food that you’ve made from your home, and him giving you small trinkets he’s found lost at sea. (Most recently he’d given you a pearl necklace he said he made himself. You would have seen the scarlet bloom across his neck and chest, should you not turn away trying to calm your own beating heart.) You learned he’s the rumored ‘Alucard’, the sea monster that eats the sailors off at sea. (‘Why the fuck would I do that?” he reasoned) You also learned there’s more of his kind, he has friends he sees every so often, even has loving parents deeper in the ocean bed. But he likes to spend alone time here, closer to humans. He likes listening to the different sounds above the water. Sometimes you’d even see him out in the ocean, closer to the shores if there wasn’t anyone around. You started going to the shores late in the night, if only to see him twice a day. (You think he stays coming back to the cove because of you, but neither of you will speak it out loud.)
“I’m not stealing them. They really do get lost out here! What am I supposed to do, bring them back? Someone’s going to see me.” He couldn’t help but grin like the cheshire cat, using a tentacle to grab at one of the ‘lost’ beach balls, bouncing it over to you and you rolled your eyes with a laugh. “You’re terrible” Of course you’d never want him to actually go back and give them back--someone finding out about his existence could have very well been the end of his life, him trusting you enough to let you go was a huge feat for the merman. “I actually have something else for you.” 
“Ooh, another beach ball?”
“Quiet you, come here.”
You huffed, crawling over to where he lounged and sitting in front of him, waiting. For the first time since the pearl necklace, you saw Alucard looking nervous. You gave him time, raising a brow and cocking your head urging him to continue. From behind his back, he pulled out a clamshell, “I promise the clam wasn’t alive when I found it.” He mumbled, pushing it towards you. You blinked, confused. This wasn’t the first shell he’s given you, but it was quite...lackluster, in comparison to the rest he’d given you. Plus, he looked entirely too nervous for a shell! “Thank you, Alucard.” You teased, laughing when you heard him groan. “Hush, ridiculous fucking name...the shell isn’t your gift.” He paused. “Open it.” the top flipped up and you nearly dropped it out of pure shock. What lay inside was the most gorgeous ring you’d ever seen. A beautiful moss agate stone set in the middle, smaller pieces of diamonds dotted around the band. It was an intricate piece, one that you’d be devastated to lose if you were the original owner of this ring. “Adrian, I...what...oh my god” You couldn’t even form sentences, in too much shock a ring like this existed floating in the ocean. You looked at him, mouth agape. “How did you find this? Where did you find this? It’s in perfect condition!” you were scared to even touch the thing.
He stayed quiet for a moment, shuffling over to you. “I didn’t find it.” He admitted. “I ah...I had it made.” 
“You said your favorite color was green. And you love the forest. So I thought this made the most sense for you. I know you’d rather live in the woods, but the ocean is beautiful too. I think you’d really like it here.” His voice was barely above a whisper, shaky hand bringing a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Adrian, I don’t understand...”
You did. You just couldn’t believe it until he said it out loud. It all felt like a dream.
“I love you.”
Your breath hitched.
“And I would like to marry you. And have you move with me, into the ocean. With the rest of my kind.”
Your head was spinning, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. Adrian panicked, hands frantically wiping away at your tears, unknowing that they were happy tears. “Please, please don’t cry. We don’t have to talk about this now, or at all, if you’re not comfortable it’s okay--” You cut him off with a kiss, your first shared kiss, hands smoothing his beautiful blonde locks. “Adrian, I love you.” Your admission knocked the wind out his lungs, head reeling that someone like him could have someone like you fall in love with him. “But how can this work? I mean, really, I’m not like you, I don’t...” He hushed you, placing another chaste kiss on your lips. “There’s more about my world that you don’t know, but I promise we can get you there. It’ll be our world soon, angel” 
You had no idea what he meant, or how it’d work, but in the meantime, you carefully took the ring out of the shell and gingerly placed it on your ring finger on your left hand. Your vision tunneled on the ring, holding your hand up to see it glimmering in the sunlight that shone through the cove. “It’s gorgeous, Adrian...” You could cry right now, and almost started to too if you didn’t try as hard as you were from keeping it together. “Be with me, please..” He connected his lips to you again, tentacles wrapping themselves around your middle as your hands carded through his hair. Adrian bit at your lower lip, slipping his tongue into your mouth when you permitted and deepening the kiss. What was once slow and sweet became a flurry of moans, tongue and teeth, anticipation and lust. He kissed and nipped at your jawline, your throat, your shoulders. “Will you let me touch you?” Adrian whispered, hands hovering over your body. You nodded, lifting your bathing top  off your body and pushing his hands onto your chest. His breathing stuttered, kneading and pinching at your body. “So beautiful, angel.” He murmured, dipping a tentacle at the hem of your bottoms, another joining by the edge of your pussy. You gasped, feeling yourself clench around nothing.  
You’d never thought yourself to be prude you just...never thought about being fucked by tentacles. Or a merman. But, fuck, if you weren’t turned on thinking about Adrian doing what he wanted with you before whisking you away to the deepest parts of the ocean. You pressed yourself closer to him, letting the tentacles pull away your bottoms. A hand came down to tease at your entrance, feeling the slick dripping on his fingers. “So wet..all for me?” He cooed, smiling when he felt you nodding against the crook of his neck. He wouldn’t tease you much, not this time--feeling much too impatient. His fingers slid into your pretty cunt with ease, so turned on you could have been ready for him right then and there. “Fuck, look at you.” He murmured, scissoring his fingers inside of you. He knows this wouldn’t be your first sexual encounter. He’s (unfortunately) heard of previous partners of your life, but none of them had the physiology that he had, he needed to prep you. “Darling, I need you to trust me, okay?” You furrowed your brows, humping at his fingers barely able to pay attention to what he was saying. “‘Kay, anything Adrian.” you murmured, before feeling the fingers replaced with something else. Something long, a bit slimy, definitely thicker. You cried out, hearing you gush and squelch around the intrusion. “Adrian!” You gasped, looking down at the juncture of your hips and seeing his tentacle pumping deep into your sloppy pussy. 
You couldn’t believe how hot and bothered you were, seeing him fucking you with the intrusive appendage. Your hips rolled towards him, the tentacle slowly pumping in and out of you. It poked and prodded at your walls, the suctions ribbing at your hole and making your eyes roll to the back of your head. Your mouth fell open with a moan, head leaning back. “Gotta loosen you up like this, sweetheart, gotta get you ready..” You heard the merman speak, but the ringing in your ear didn’t help. His lips wrapped around a nipple, hand playing with the other. Simultaneously more of his tentacles wrapped themselves around your legs and arms, rubbing and squeezing at your appendages as the one still in your pussy pushed further in, kissing what felt like the entrance to your womb. You shrieked, clenching down hard on the tentacle with the immense amount of pleasure and  hint of pain you were feeling. “Fuckfuckfuck, Adrian,” You mumbled, hands holding onto his shoulders, “feels good in my pussy, a-aah fuck!” You cried, humping at the appendage. He kept his mouth busy with your chest, a tentacle letting go on an arm to kiss your clit with the small suction on the tip, rubbing at the nub and leaving it slimy. He’d suction to it and let go, imitating sucking on the quickly swelling bundle of nerves. “Want you like this forever, darling girl” he mused,  laving a tongue over your skin and leaving bites and love marks around your tits. His hands gripped at your hips, lips pressing against yours with a new fire lit. The tentacles working on your cunt were driving you to your climax, tentacle wrapped around your thigh pushing your leg farther apart. Alucard looked down at his added appendage fucking into you, and how juicy and wet you were. It was intoxicating, and he realized quickly he could have you like this more than he’d like to admit.
“Wanna feel you on me, darling.” He cooed, pushing the tentacle deeper in you and curling, acting almost like a large tongue licking inside your sloppy little cunt, smile curling on his face when he heard the squeal he was looking for, feeling you gush around him. The suction cups held the stickiness of your pussy, Alucard swiping at a few to taste your cum on his tongue. He moaned lowly, nearly angry at himself for not having your first orgasm be on his tongue. But there’d be so many after this time anyways, he didn’t have to worry, you’d be his forever. “Would you like a taste?” You nodded dumbly, limbs feeling like jello. You thought he’d kiss you, instead you had his tentacle shoved into you mouth, squirming around to taste your own mess in your mouth. Another immediate, albeit small shockwave hit your pussy, dripping down your legs with how turned on having his appendage in your mouth made you feel. Adrian swiped at your pussy, sucking up and licking as much of your cum as you’d give him, “Can’t believe you came again just by that.” Big words honestly for someone that was about ready to cum untouched with how hot you were. Most of his cock fit inside his body, length too long for his kind to have it floating out. He kept the first tentacle in your mouth, loving the way you sucked on it and didn’t let go. “Relax for me, darling girl.” He whispered, feeding his huge cock into your tight wet hole. You squealed around him, the head of his cock so big it already felt like you were being split apart. But it felt so fucking good having him filling you up like this, pushing and pushing at your walls until you were filled to the brim with his engorged cock. You mumbled around him, swiveling and bucking your hips on him, squirming. “Let’s keep you still so I don’t hurt you,” More of his tentacles held your limbs enough for you to not be able to move freely, one still suckling and teasing at your clit with another dipping in teasingly next to his cock, almost as if taunting you--as if you could ever have two of these things inside you at the same time.
Your eyes rolled back, cheeks bulging with the size of his tentacle, tears staining your face whenever the tip hit the back of your throat, Adrian wanted this to be romantic, he swears, but the way you sucked him in--the way you got excited with his tentacles touching you, it was so difficult to keep going like that. His primal instincts were kicking in hard, wanting to claim you fully in every way. His upper body leaned back to take in the sight of you being impaled over and over on his cock, seeing your creamy cunt swallow him up. Your pussy was so juicy, squelches reverberating off the walls of the cove. It was nearly as loud as your muffle moans, drool spilling from the corners of your mouth as your jaw stayed pried open. “Fuck, darling, nor gonna last like this.” He murmured, holding onto your hips once more to slam you down as deep as you could take him, fucking into you over and over until his tentacled cock spurted deep inside you. You swore you could feel his cum filling your stomach, your womb, filling all of you as the excess spilled around the edges no matter how plugged he had you. Adrian panted, slowly retracting his cock from your abused pussy, seeing how his cum dripped out of you in globs onto the floor. He removed his remaining tentacles, smoothing his hands over you and rubbing at your face, nuzzling his nose into yours and your cheek, kissing at you. “I’m sorry honey, I couldn’t help it, you looked so good.” He begged for forgiveness, weaving his fingers with yours.
You smiled, kissing him back with the strength you had, “honey, we can take it slow next time. We have all the time in the world.”
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alaskasmonsters · 1 year
Hi<3 congratulations to your milestone! 1k followers what a number!
I've really enjoyed your Gojo oneshot sooo much<33 it was the best thing I've read in a while tysm for posting it and blessing my timeline with it<3
As for the event... Can I maybe request one with Portgas d. Ace and the angst prompt "hold on... I never told you about that" ? Thank you so much for your work ily<3
𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖉 𝖔𝖓…𝖎 𝖓𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖔𝖑𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 (portgas d. ace)
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pairing: portgas d. ace x gn!reader
content: (light) angst, misunderstandings, abandonment issues, hurt/comfort, alabasta ace, ace is insecure (illegal), vivi being mentioned (she’s my bbg <3), happy ending
a/n: thank you anon 🙏❤️ i’m happy to hear you enjoyed the gojo oneshot that much! 🥺🥺 i hope you enjoy this too! <333 it’s angsty but with a small dose of fluff in the end <33 and it turned out a little longer than it was supposed to <33 mwUAH! <333
☁️ 1k follower event
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Ace was in a bad mood. He’s been so since the both of you had separated from his brother Luffy and his crew a few days ago. At first, you had thought it was because of that, knowing how much Ace loved his brother and how, if the situation was a different one, he would have probably liked to stick around longer. 
You’ve been wrong. 
It was not just that Ace was in a bad mood. He seemed more distant and cold towards you. He wasn’t mean or anything, it just seemed like he was… holding back. 
The two of you got along great usually, Ace was a little bit of a flirt so he was constantly seeking your closeness, making jokes and teasing you. If he wasn’t talking himself he liked to listen to you, usually with a soft smile on his face and an attentive look in his eyes, like everything you were talking about was the most interesting thing he’s ever heard.
Now he was barely even looking at you. 
You had no idea what happened but you kept quiet, hoping that his mood would just improve on its own or that he would open up to you of his own accord and tell you what was bothering him. 
So you waited. 
It wasn’t until a few days later that the topic came up because you finally had a lead on where Blackbeard was, after weeks of searching. 
You hoped this was enough to lighten his mood but his expression just seemed to sour when you told him about your findings with a big grin.
You expected Ace to lighten up, give a thumbs up and a wide grin, maybe pat you on the shoulder and say a few words of encouragement. But instead, he met you with a cold stare, one that made the blood freeze in your veins.
You opened your mouth to ask him what was wrong but he didn’t let you. 
Instead, he clenched his jaw, and grumbled, “Let’s get this over with.”
Your face fell, grin fading completely and replaced by a twist of your lips. “What do you mean?” 
Ace turned his back to you and started packing his things together, probably wanting to get ready and going as soon as possible. “We’ll find Teach, I'll take care of him and then you’re finally rid of me.”
You gaped at him, mouth falling open in shock. “What? Ace, what the fuck?”
You felt confused and hurt he would even say something like that. Rid of him? What was that even supposed to mean?
Ace frowned, avoiding your eyes, slinging his bag over his shoulder. 
“We both know you only went with me because you promised Pops,” he told you, sounding like he struggled to keep his voice calm, “Don’t pretend.”
His words were like a slap to the face for you. For a moment you didn’t know what to say, almost losing yourself to the sinking feeling in your chest as your heart dropped to the pit in your stomach.
Did he really think that? Just because you made a promise to Whitebeard didn’t mean that…
You frowned, eyes darting over Ace’s face.
“Hold on…I never told you that,” you realized, “I never told you about the promise.”
Your eyes narrowed in suspicion, wondering how Ace even knew about this in the first place. 
Ace looked upset, disappointment and hurt flashing through his eyes as he turned to look at you again. You saw his lips jutting out in a scowl.
“Yeah, you’re right. You never told me that!” Ace bit out, clenching his jaw.
You took a step back, feeling tears gather behind your eyes at his harsh tone. 
“How would you…” Your eyes widened as realization dawned on you “Vivi told you.”
You remembered your conversation in Alabasta, how you’d opened up to her about your and Ace’s connection and the background of your travels. But why would she have gone up to Ace and told him what the two of you had talked about?
He must have seen the betrayal in your eyes because he let out a sigh. “Don’t blame her, she thought I knew.”
His face went back to looking upset, “Because why wouldn’t I? Why would you tell this to someone you just met but not me? I thought we-“
He stopped and looked away, never finishing his thought. Instead, he took a breath and said something else, “He made you promise.”
You blinked, the tears long forgotten as you caught a glance at his face. How hurt he looked. You didn’t understand what got him so upset, didn’t understand why he thought…
Did he think you wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for the promise? 
He didn’t look up and with a groan you reached forward and clasped his wrist, tugging until he was forced to look at you. 
“You’re an idiot!” You yell, making him look at you with an angry look. You wanted to slap his arm for this but you just tightened your grip around his wrist. “I went with you because I wanted to. He made me promise to take care of you after I already told him I would go after you and he couldn’t stop me if he tried!” 
Ace looked taken aback by your words. He blinked down at you, disbelief still present in his gaze. 
“I want to be with you!” You continued, driving your point home.
Ace stared at you with wide eyes. And you froze. Realizing the meaning of your words you felt your entire face go red. That…no, not…
“I mean, I want to- You know, looking for Teach- Not like- We just…”
Ace’s laugh saved you from having to finish that sentence.
“You’re so red right now,” he teased, old grin back on his face as he turned his wrist in your grip and took your hand in his.
You huffed, feeling your panic die down.
“I’m with you, okay? You got that?” You asked, looking up at him with determination.
And Ace’s eyes held so much warmth and joy as he squeezed your fingers between his and told you, “Yes, you’re with me.”
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cybersp4c3 · 1 year
the entire day today, i was thinking about fucking a tutor scara in exchange for completed work / study guides
Your parents contacted your principal because you failed one, singular test and got you a tutor. Yeah, having a tutor sucks but not when he's this attractive!
Scaramouche, who is probably the biggest asshole, offered (was forced) his services and you complied. He doesn't care much about you, just as long as you get the questions right.
The first day of your tutoring, he comes in with a skirt and stockings and looks at you, "Don't you dare say a word." You hold in a laugh but as tutoring goes on, you can't help but wonder how good he would look fucked dumb.
You slip up, probably too focused in your thoughts, and get the first ten questions wrong. "Are you this dumb? Just answer a question right, for god sake."
You just stare at him (his thighs) and continue on getting questions incorrect. At this point, Scaramouche is beyond annoyed.
"Look, get at least one question right and I'll give you a reward, what do you say?" He bargains.
You look up at him, catching a few glances down at his skirt without him noticing. "Anything?"
Scaramouche sighs before clearly stating, "... Anything."
And that's how he was led to this predicament.
His tongue swirled around your cock and you would pull his hair towards yourself. When he meant anything, he didn't expect this!
"Ah, such a good slut for me, hmm?" You would tease him before an alarm would go off and his time sucking your dick would be over.
Scaramouche would get from between your legs to on your lap and he would point to the next question. "Uhmm, just… solve it, I guess.." His hand would quiver over the sheet as he felt your saliva-covered cock just beneath his skirt and his throbbing, wet pussy.
You solved it correctly and Scaramouche mentally prepared himself to suck you off until you said something.
"How about we…raise the stakes a bit?"
"Huh..?" He freezes, would he have to suck your cock for twenty minutes now?
You slowly lift up his skirt and place your fingers on his laced panties. They're practically soaking already and Scaramouche looked away from you.
"If I finish a whole sheet and get the correct answers in less than… ten minutes, I could fuck you dumb, right?"
He whines out of desperation, not because he hates the idea but rather he hates that he loves it. Scaramouche slowly nods, "Yeah, go ahead…I'll wait.."
A few minutes pass and you turn in your sheet. All the answers are right and you had more than four minutes left on the clock.
Either way, Scaramouche's pussy was getting filled.
"Fuck! Go s-slower..!" He used the table in front of him for stability, messy with your papers and a couple of textbooks.
You just quicken your pace into his warm walls, laughing in his ear. "And why would I do that, slut? You were basically begging for me to fuck you with that skirt and stockings on."
Scaramouche whines but knows it's true, he had plenty of time to change clothing before coming to tutor you but he wasted it on perfecting his make-up for you.
He thinks about himself, is he really… a slut? The poor puppet snaps back to reality when he feels your hand on his ass, spanking it.
".H..Ahh! You– nghh!" Your cock continued to pound him, your hand spanked him and the other started groping his chest.
Scaramouche felt so filled and he squirted all over your cock.
Next day comes by, and your tutor is dressed in an even sluttier outfit this time!
His ass was practically showing all the hand prints you had left on there and it seemed like he was nicer to you.
Scaramouche would give you easier questions too, to suck your cock and would give you a first-grader's homework, to let you fuck him.
Not that you mind, of course. You now have a tutor that doesn't mind being your brainwashed slut!
(was in my head the entire day because i watched a random tiktok 🧚🧚)
I want him to be my tutor 😋
Guys be like this anon send me an entire thesis about fucking scara
I love you anon MWUAH
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kentocidal · 1 year
hello my precious bunny 🫶🏻 u might know why i’m here. u see.. SOMEONE. talked ab shotgunning smoke w shouto the other day and it has cemented itself to my frontal lobe. i am on all fours asking u for a getting high w shouto for the first time fic…. pls.
ily <3 i am fighting all ur blorbos for ur attention constantly. i am winning. mwuah!
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uploading file shoutoshotgunning.txt . . . upload complete !
warning! this file has been corrupted with the following malware: drug usage, shotgunning, first times, gn!reader, possibly ooc shouto i tried my best, descriptions of being under the influence
internal message: happy (very belated) birthday loml !!! kisses u and kisses u and kisses u so so so much
new notification ! @kaedescara @yaekiss @pvbbyb0y @voidshoutsback (want to be added? send me an ask off anon!)
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[you]: come 2 my room.
[shou <3]: why?
[you]: i got that stuff you wanted to try. rmbr?
[shou <3]: ok. 
shouto had made mention to you some time ago that he wanted to try smoking weed. surprisingly enough, despite all the shit that went down in his life, he’d never tried the stuff, and you had seen that as him having experienced a disservice.
the man was stoic and a little bit nervous at times, even now. he deserved to relax at least once.
at least, he deserved to relax as much as he could when he would be in close proximity to you.
there was always this… palpable tension whenever you and him were in a room together. something about lingering glances, featherlight touches, a hot palm warming your cold ones when on patrol… though neither of you had said anything about it. you, because you were afraid of losing one of your best friends; him, because… well, he was himself. expressing emotions wasn’t necessarily in his job description.
the knocks on your dorm door startled you slightly from where you had already lit up and were halfway finished with your blunt, blowing smoke out through the open window. you emptied your lung before calling out, “just come in, shou!”
shouto stepped into your room as if he also lived there, closing the door and toeing his slippers off to remain in his socks. he was just wearing a pair of plaid pajama pants and a baggy sweatshirt, but something about him and how he carried himself always made your head spin. you were in practically an identical outfit (you had stolen his clothes from him once after it pissed rain on the both of you and you refused to give them back), but you felt that he looked leagues better in it.
he hummed softly in a greeting before making a home on your bed, grabbing one of your throw pillows to hug to himself while you readjusted your position at the head of the bed. you held your blunt between your fingers with practiced skill, taking a deep breath. “you can still say no. you can just sit with me if you want, we can play a video game-”
“i want to try.” he shook his head, leaning back against the wall and stretching his long legs out over the edge of the bed, and you smiled at him.
“you almost sound eager, shou.”
“i’ve wanted to experiment for a little while, before school ends.” he mumbled back to you, the ghost of a smile quirking on his lips before his eyes drifted to the blunt in your fingers. “it’s better to do it now than to not do it at all.”
“that’s what i’m sayin’.” you chuckled softly before bringing the blunt to your lips. “so what you’re gonna do is inhale like you’re sucking up something through a straw, hold it for a second or two, and then just blow it out. watch.” 
you conducted the actions as you had described them, and shouto watched with a somewhat intense form of fascination as your chest swelled, and then as your lips puckered slightly as you blew the smoke out into the room. he crinkled his nose at the smell of it, wishing the scent of your detergent from your sheets would overpower instead.
but then you were shifting barely closer to him, holding the lit blunt towards him, and he swallowed before taking it between his index and middle fingers, almost as if it were a cigarette. you didn’t correct him on his form.
you watched him closely as he brought his loops to the spot where yours had just been, and you felt your fuzzy mind start to swim. indirect kiss, and all that.
you watched him as he attempted to inhale, breathing in a little too fast, causing him to start coughing and sputtering.
the picture of this normally composed, sweet, hot guy coughing on smoke made you burst out in laughter, leaning back onto your pillows and gripping your stomach.
“that burns.”
“no shit! you know smoke burns, dummy! why’d you breathe so hard?!”
“i was doing what you told me to.” he almost pouted at you, somewhat brat-like, and it just made your laughter continue until you finally got most of the giggles out.
“are- are you gonna try again?”
“is there another way to get high?” he looked over at you, looking for your knowledge and advice, and your mind was swimming as your gaze started to really hone in on his features.
his skin seemed to glow in the yellow light of your desk lamp, because you were both in agreement that the big light was evil. he was lit up in your eyes as your vision blurred at the edges and time felt like it was speeding up and slowing down all at once. 
you could have suggested hotboxing the room a little. stuffing a towel under the door, closing the window, the regular deal.
you instead decided that you were kind of done with the tension that your friends could cut with scissors.
“yeah, i know a really good way. easier too. for you, at least. if you tell me to stop, then i will.”
you always gave him a choice. you let him be player one during games. you let him get the first pick of new manga. you always offered a bite of your food to him. you always considered him, always looking to him for consent and approval and for his opinion and he adored every moment.
“okay,” he murmured, and then suddenly he could feel your body heat rolling off of you in waves. you had shifted far closer to him on the bed, practically chest-to-chest as you reached for the blunt and took it from his fingers. “all you need to do is stay close and inhale when i blow the smoke out, alright?”
“yeah,” he breathed, because he finally wasn’t just smelling the smoke anymore, he was smelling you, and that was making his head spin rather than the drugs.
you smiled at him, plush lips splitting to reveal white teeth and a pink tongue, and his mouth suddenly felt like it was full of cotton.
you brought the blunt to your lips and took in a deep inhale, eyes fluttering but never leaving his. then you pulled the thing from your lips and gently grasped shouto’s chin in your free hand, bringing him so close your drying lips brushed over his wet ones, and then you were exhaling the warm smoke from your lungs.
shouto’s eyes fluttered shut at the action, taking in a deep breath and feeling the smoke penetrate deeply into his lungs and into his brain. it felt almost instantaneous, or maybe he was just growing intoxicated from having you so close. 
he forgot to breathe for a moment, jerking his head slightly and releasing the secondhand smoke from his lungs. your hand never left his chin; it guided him right back to your face instead. “want more?”
“yes,” he practically whispered, and this time when you moved the blunt from your mouth, your lips pressed firmly to his. 
you squeezed his chin to make sure he kept his mouth nice and open for you as you exhaled into him, sharing a breath, that intimacy, the closeness as you kissed him slowly, like your joints had been filled with molasses, and he matched you right away.
his hand moved to your wrist, holding onto it as he sat up to lean further into your space.
he had to pull away to let the smoke pour from his mouth and into the air around you both. he licked his lips, feeling his mouth growing dry and his brain start to slow and go numb.
you bit your lip. “this okay?”
“more than okay.”
“how do you feel?”
“no, no, i meant…” you really thought for a moment as you moved your hand from his chin to his shoulder instead, “how do you feel… about me? us?”
“i want it. i want more,” out it came, thanks to the blunt in your fingers and the chalky smoke in the air. “kiss me again, give me more.”
you obliged him, of course, as he was always spoiled rotten.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Heyo, it's water spirit dream anon again. I feel like I should grab an emoji but tbh Im not sure what all's taken.
Speaking of I was very taken with the Hot mess Hob and Horny neighbor Dream au a while back, yknow the one where there's a fire alarm and Hob ends up outside in a towel? Good stuff. Well Ive just had my own very specific Yes And to add.
Hob and Dream have apparetments right next door to eachother, and thus have pretty close balconies. Well on day, Dream's pet (cat or raven as you prefer) hops onto Hob's balconey from Dream's, and no amount of coaxing will get them to jump back. Dream is very flustered thinking about Asking Hot Hob nextdoor to let him in so he can retrieve his Stupid Son, but he takes a deep breath and knocks on his door.
Hob answers in the smallest shorts he's ever seen and an apron, clearly embarrassed, and it's only getting worse when he realizes it's Dream of all people. He's been doing like 10 different chores, including laundry, and dream has caught him doing dishes. After some stammering, Dream asks Hob is he can get his pet off his balconey, and Hob rushes to go get the door bc Kitty!!! (Or birb?) And gives Dream a wonderful view of his mostly bare back and ass hanging out of his shorts.
If Raven, Hob opens the door and Matthew swoops in to land on Dream's shoulder, preening at his hair and shirt collar while Hob laighs in delight and calls him Beautiful. Matthew takes a cautious interest in Hob and Dream asks if he'd like to saw hello, and to hold out his arm, just don't pet him too much, it's bad for his feathers. He tentatively hops onto Hob's outstretched arm and says "Hello" in Dream's voice to him, being very friendly, before leaning in very close and making Hob nervous. Dream is very embarrassed to tell Hob that what Matthew wants is a kiss. Hob gives his head a little kiss and Matthew goes "Wow!" And swoops back to Dream. Look up Fable the raven on youtube, she's great!
If cat, Hob rushes to the balcony to make sure he hasn't jumped clean off the building and Dream rushes after to see Hob walk back in with a luxurious black cat draoed over his shoulders rubbing on him like no tomorrow. He's smilling and petting and kissing and Dream is Not jealous of his cat even if he would like to wrap around Hob's shoulders and be petted and kissed he's So not jealous. Hob walks them to the door, and when trying to get his cat back, the cat takes the tie of Hob's robe with him and leaves Hob basically naked in front of a Dream who's trying very hard to wrangle his cat and get him safely back to his apartment. It's so so tempting but Hob is Busy, and Dream needs to get his Son inside, and even though they'd both just love to jump into Hob's freshly made bed, they are alas victims of Bad Timing. Dream and Hob exchange an awkward goodbye in the hallway, and each go back to their days. Hob does he rest of his chores sinking furthur into the "God Shit it's Always a bad time when he's around! I'll never get to ask him out!" And Dream daydreams the rest of the day about Hob in a cute little apron, doing things around the house and doting on Dream with pets and kisses. ❤
And as a side note I am a firm Fucked Up Knee Hob Truther and with all that leggy on display, maybe Dream asks about it? Maybe offers to help Hob with stuff if he ever needs it, he's stronger than he looks, promise. And maybe Hob wants to rearrange his bedroom furniture? And ends up pinned to his askew bed by an indeed, stronger than he looks Dream.
Luv u mwuah
OOOO YES I always wanna talk about nearly naked, blushing and stammering Hob.
Hob kind of tends to lose track of his chores during the week, what with work and trying to have a social life. Laundry particularly tends to pile up, meaning that by Sunday he’s down to his very last items of clothing: tiny football shorts, SpongeBob socks… he does have a t-shirt but he was doing his meal prep and ended up spilling something all over himself (hence he is now shirtless. and wearing an apron, too little too late). The shorts are absolutely too small, he’s had them since he was 18 and still in his twink phase. So you better believe that Dream gets an EYEFUL when he comes to the door. Poor Hob is so embarrassed, particularly with his sore knee on display (he’s a lil bit insecure about it and he notices that Dream is staring, little does he know that it’s only made Dream fall for him even more).
The rescue of the birb/kitty cheers Hob right up though, and he forgets his almost nakedness. He peppers Dream’s runaway pet in kisses and cooes over them, gushing about how he really wants a pet but he works all day and it wouldn’t be fair to leave an animal alone, plus he’s often too sore to walk a dog or anything like that. Dream immediately offers Hob the opportunity for pet cuddles any time he wants (he’s almost like “you can cuddle me too” but he just stops himself at the last second). Pet cuddles are healing!!
They keep having awkward little meetings and then one evening Dream hears a knock on his door. Hob is there in baggy sweats and a hoodie, and he looks sad and tired. Dream invites him in straight away, and Hob explains that he’s in so much pain today and he really doesn’t want to be alone. Before he knows what’s happening he’s being ushered onto Dream’s sofa and he gets either a kitty on his lap or a Birb on his shoulder for comfort, and Dream immediately makes tea. Hob sheepishly explains that he tried to move furniture on his own and Dream gets this real mother hen expression. He promises to come over the next day and help out.
Next day happens to be chore day again and there’s Hob in his obscenely tiny shorts and a shirt with “my tits are up here” printed on the front. He’s also baked cookies (with frozen cookie dough, he admits, but Dream is no less charmed). They quickly get to work on the furniture and Dream takes great pleasure in demonstrating how strong he is!
Neither of them are quite sure how they end up sprawled together on the mattress. Dream is pretty sure that he just groped Hob’s chest as they both tumbled down. He is pretty sure that Hob was the first to lean in for a kiss, though.
It’s fair to say that the something does get rearranged, just not the furniture that Hob was expecting 😏 and Dream is very gentle with him… just not too gentle!
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oohbuggypie · 5 months
could you draw Don from the monster Hunter au… he just looks SOO cunty in ur style (I would really appreciate it 🧡)
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CLICK ON THE DOODLE PUHLEASEEE Tumblr hates me so bad when it comes to quality omfg .
he's looking at u like that cuz 1. pose practice and 2. i wanted it to look like he was in the middle of a good convo at one of his monster-only parties when he turned around n saw someone who's nawt invited showed up .. 🩷 um as u can tell i fucked up the pose a lil and also im pretty sure he has four fingers or smthn but this is being posted past 11PM and i had a rough ass night bro IM TRYING ✝️✝️✝️ anyway I HOPE U LOOOVE IT MWUAH !!! xx
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chosocutegf · 6 months
decided to put all the rambles and asks about band au!Choso under an #, so anyone can go look back at them if they want to (it’s gonna be me (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝))
everything will be under #band au!Choso ᯓ★
btw my pretty anons, pls continue writing me about Choso because I love talking about him with you.
mwuah <3
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