#Sam's paint city has animal people
I'm probably the last person who follows this blog to found out it's discontinued but I just wanted to say I'll miss it. I enjoyed the journey and the story. Even if I was a bit, or probably "bit", scared to participate much. I wish I knew sooner so that I could bid you guys farewell and safe travels and all that fun stuff with everyone else, but instead you guys are probably all packed up and ready to go and you guys are just finalizing everything and finishing up the final responses to questions like these.
I truly do wish you guys the best of luck with... whatever you guys plan to do next. What are your guys' plans now that this isn't giving unnecessary stress?
Also why do I feel like, throughout the entire story and even now, the a could just be screaming from all the chaos? Seriously I kind of just felt like it would make sense. Like all the newbies freaking out and all the characters just walking freely or something and the people the have been working there for a long time sip on some coffee or similar beverage and do paperwork like it's an average Tuesday.
Sorry if it's long. I just wanted to get everything out since I'm making this on October 30th and it felt like a "speak now or forever hold your peace" thing. ^^'
This might have been the last thing I was expecting to see in the inbox, but we do appreciate your words. Even if you weren't here long, we're still happy to have you.
We genuinely did like the story that we had come up with, so I might give a summary of each of the acts tomorrow as a sendoff before the final post. I actually have written out parts of the CCC(a) plot or generally things about it in my free time, such as a creepy instructional type piece, and I'll likely continue to do so.
None of us have any concrete plans for things to do, at least content-wise (I mean, it's been two years, some of the mods are in college or are in the midst of applying, so those are their plans). We still write stories all the time, coming up with new things every day. It's one of the ways we bond. There is the desire to make a webcomic, but the problem is that we're mostly writers rather than artists. I'd say "feel free to ask about them", but it would take ages to even give brief descriptions of all of your options, no matter how much we'd love to talk about them. If you really want to hear about some of them, hit me up at @owo-whats-bliss , since I kind of have a lot of it saved in my brain.
The A in CCC(a) didn’t stand for anything, and I can't remember why we chose "A" in the first place (it was merely to differentiate the canon CCC). I did occasionally put "the A in CCC(a) stands for AAAAAAAA" as the blog description, so I think your interpretation holds weight. There were horror elements, after all.
Thanks for your kind words. This blog did so much for me, helping me form bonds with others, learn how to manage stress and, to a lesser extent, manage a small team. I ended up being a sort of manager/errand boy by accident. It did a lot for all of us, even if, in the end, all it did was bring us together. I'm grateful for how my life has changed because of this.
Sorry if this seemed kind of "me me me", it's just that I'm usually the one to answer and I had a lot to say. Other mods are free to share their thoughts.
- Mod Bliss
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breannasfluff · 3 days
Samantha Manson,
My teacher says that we must continue our correspondence. While she will not read our letters, she is trying to stretch the assignment longer. I suspect she is drinking in the evenings to deal with her life choices rather than creating lesson plans. 
People treat me as special because I am special. That’s all there is to it. You are a fool if you don’t embrace the rights life has given you.
Amity Park? That sounds like a backwater in the countryside. What is your exercise, running away from cows? Not that cows are bad creatures, mind you. It’s only that I heard the hillbillies go cow-tipping for recreation. That seems like an activity you could do. 
Painted nails would never ruin my image, only enhance it. 
Ah, name-calling, the most childish insult in the book. Some of us have more experience in nine years than others do in 20. Just look at Gotham’s vigilantes!
Damian Al-Ghul Wayne
If no one is reading these then I don’t have to hold back.
Okay, listen here you brat: teachers are underpaid and have to put up with little monsters like you. No wonder your poor teacher is drinking; I’m not even legal and talking to you makes me want to start. 
Hate to burst your bubble, buddy, but people only pretend to care about you because of your money. You lose that and what’s left? Some snobby little rich boy clinging to his daddy’s coattails because he has no personality outside his money and position. 
You’re so right, Damian! All my life I thought I lived in a fairly normal Midwest town, but you’ve shown me the error of my ways! I’m just a little country gal out here collecting eggs and chewing on wheat. Ugh. You probably poach endangered animals on vacation and wear baby fox pelts when the temperature dips below 60. 
I bet you are too chicken to paint your nails to say ROBIN SUCKS in purple glitter for the next formal event you attend. 
Gotham’s vigilantes? Don’t even get me started on Nightwing! He’s the worst of the group. If you look up “trying too hard” in the dictionary, his photo is there. He doesn’t even take his job seriously! Why else would he move to a different city? Couldn’t compete with Batman and just had to be in the spotlight. It’s like those pop stars that go solo and fall flat on their face. 
Man, how embarrassing. I think I actually feel sorry you have to claim that guy as one of your heroes. He does have a nice ass though, so it’s not a complete dumpster fire.
Also, stop calling me Samantha.
It’s Sam.
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kayakoto-enterprises · 2 months
House Guest lore? Oh yes, House Guest lore <3
For context House Guest is the ship name for my Beneath The Trees Where Nobody Sees self ship! It's a fairly new self ship so this will be updated as keep up with the new content IDW has been releasing for it!
Ship name is based on Nothing Painted Blue's House Guest which is often covered by The Mountain Goats. You should listen to this song.
Also you should read BTTWNS. Thanks.
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Basing around this interview, the timeline of these events take place a year after the murders in Woodbrook have been resolved. Sam now runs the hardware store alone and babysits Charlie's kids every now and then. For the longest time Lola and Charlie were what she considered as friends in the lifetime she's spent in town. But with both of them gone, there's an air of sudden loneliness in her life. She does like the peace but then that just makes her impulses louder. More slip ups. This lingering feeling of fear or anger still brews inside her- how can it go away? Thankfully the residents are understanding of her condition. They did after all frame her for killing their neighbors for a time.
It's fair she'd be mad at them somehow. She doesn't show the grudge but the lack of any real relationship with people dented her and so she makes more trips to the city to hunt.
On a particular field trip, she stumbles upon her old camp. The earth broken with messy bald sinks. Grass had started growing over the sunken ground. She scoffs, this obviously was a job done by Nigel. She cleans back up the land and patches up the uneven soil. As she does she contemplates why he did it. Love? Obsession? Admiration?
How odd that a guy she's seen since he was a teenager decided to make advances on her.
Maybe it's norm. Nigel is 27. He's got a life to live and around that time people start to think about marriage or moving in or starting families. Maybe he could have gotten a crazy girlfriend back at his university. Maybe if he was not so dedicated he'd have a wife and a child today. He used to be a nice kid. He could have done something better than to disrupt the natural order of things.
Sam is 43. She's lived her entire life alone but not without experience. That's unnatural. In her travels she has had flings with girls and only had a serious relationship with 2 when she had to prolong her stay in some towns. Nobody in Woodbrook mind that she was childless or not romantically involved. But there were occasional condolances or pity parties thrown for her by old ladies. Why didn't she? Well it's probably because she's never really found the need to. And second, she's been only interested in women.
But it's not like there was a demand for her to be in a relationship anytime. These little women and men were her playthings. They couldn't possibly tell her how to settle down. But maybe to ease the tension and break the ice after a year of grieving and moving on. Sam thinks about dating for the purpose that she'll appear better off. Happier. Maybe with the added novelty that she's a lesbian.
It's a lot more positive association, isn't it? Sam had gotten tired of the apologies that punctuated every sentence directed at her. Why yes, tell me about my wife. Tell me about how nice it must be.
But like the wild animals people migrate in and out of Woodbrook. The women she found interest in either had married or went to the city. But people sometimes come in as a tourist or as a permanent resident. One of those people is Julianne, an illustrator who moved across the country to live in a more rural area.
Julianne is a stressed artist who dreams of living slowly and romantically. She chose Woodbrook because of how local and tight knit it was and because not much people are willing to come and invest in it yet after the horrors of 1986.
She bought an apartment suite to live in with big ambitions or visions of how she wants it to look like. One morning she came to the Burly Brown Bear with a binder full of sketches and magazine clippings. It's a grounded concept, she said as Sam flipped through the pages of the bestrewed book. It's as grounded as a maximalist can get. Mostly wood. Warm tones. Unique carvings and custom European windows.
Oh but we don't need to do that part, she laughs.
It's an eye opening pitch, but Sam decides to help her anyway excited to do another full scale project after a while.
This is perfect. They work on the project together growing to be close friends. Then the relationship breaches past a project partnership and they find themselves in parks, taking strolls around the forest that covers the town, drinking cider in Sam's truck or sleeping on the floor of the half finished apartment.
The town pick up on how close the two are becoming. And it's welcomed and encouraged, warming Julianne into the community from merely just being city folk and supporting Sam's bold open secret.
Her prop is useful. So useful. Too useful. That she forgets this is to save face. She feels the same primal satisfaction she feels when she kills with Julianne. A warm soothing hand that muffles the mouth of her soul.
Well. Sometimes Julianne still visits the city. She needs to go to work when it physically demands her. Or she just goes because she oddly enough feels comfort being blended in a crowd of faces. She goes there to ponder. And this overlap in schedule happens with Sam's "business trips". Sam panics realizing they're headed out too but. I mean she's probably on another side of the city. She won't see at all.
So she goes and she asks a deer for help bringing in her groceries. She chokes the doe and begins her usual routine. Ties. Hangs. Nails. Grinder. It's all there.
Nearby is a cat with a canvas bag eating lunch alone. She brought herself a strawberry sandwich and bought a cranberry slice to gift to her girlfriend later. She looks for a nice isolated spot near a river, but across the river is a silhouette of someone familiar. Is it? What a coincidence! Come eat lunch with me, silly.
A ritual is performed across the water. It's quiet and precise. Curiosity gets the better of Julianne and she crosses that stream, locking eyes with a bear slicing an incision on a deer's artery.
There's a silence that deafens.
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chouxsardine · 9 months
Love is a four-legged word--Sam Kiszka x reader
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Summary: Love comes in all forms, it is, afterall, a four-legged word--Sam and y/n met at a park while walking their dogs. The furry friends are their best wingman.
Pairing: Sam Kiszka x f!reader
Word Count: 7418
Warnings: dogs, description of crying, allusion to death of pet, death of animals, mention of the name of alcohol (but no alcohol involved) (please let me know if I missed any!)
Genre: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
Author's note: This is my longest piece so far and my first Sam piece (yipee!! exciting!) This was a Christmas gift to I want to @dannythedog thank her for hosting the gvf secret santa. But as late as it was… I hope it can still count as a New Year's gift? This took so long to write and I myself went through a pretty emotional journey while writing this. I have more to say, but I will save for the end if you care to read it. Enjoy for now.
“Come on, Rosie bug, it’s time for your walk.” Sam stood up from the sofa, raising his arm for a stretch.
Being the good girl that she is, Rosie was already waiting patiently at the door, sitting still while Sam put the harness and leash on her.
It was a sunny afternoon, warm and cloudless after consecutive days of rain. Taking advantage of the delightful weather, Sam decided to extend their daily walk and take Rose to the park. He has always loved this park. There’s just something so intimate about this public space that always draws him towards it. It is situated a few blocks away from downtown, a beautiful getaway from the hurly burly of the city. It has a large lawn area that turns into the most pleasant shade of green in April, around his birthday. The colour so lovely that it gives him the urge to touch the grass, hug a tree, and nuzzle his face into nature. It is also the best place to people-watch—college lovebirds, laughing toddlers, family picnics—it is like being in one of Georges Seurat’s paintings.
It seems that many people think the same way as Sam. The park was busier than usual. The duo took their familiar route, following the gravel path to the fountain where the running tracks start. They would take a break on the bench where Rose can enjoy some treats.
Sam has done a good job socializing Rose due to the need for frequently traveling on the road. Rose is a curious girl and is open to making new friends, but she always listens to Sam. When other dogs pass by either barking over-excitedly or stopping to exchange friendly sniffs, Rose generally remains unfazed. She knows that remaining her composure and staying close to Sam is going to warrant some loving pets and yummy treats. Therefore, when a black and white Pit Bull trotted up to Rose, Sam didn’t pay too much attention. The dogs are all on leashes in this area. If any of them stop for a little longer, Sam will usually exchange a friendly smile with the owner, then each side will go about their own business. However, Rose seemed to be especially interested in this new friend. She stood up and started wagging her tail softly, gently bumping nose with her newfound friend, learning their smell and demeanour. That’s when Sam noticed that this dog looked a little special. Instead of the common collar, it was wearing a blue bandana with the word “adopt” printed on the corner. Sam followed the leash and looked all the way up. He saw a pretty girl looking down at the two dogs interacting with a mesmerizing smile.
Sensing his gaze, the girl quickly looked up.
“Oh hi, so sorry about this. Klaus is a shelter dog; he doesn’t get to interact with other dogs a lot, so he got a bit excited.” She said apologetically.
Ah, so that explains the bandana.
Now it seemed that Klaus took an interest in Sam as well. Considering his lack of socialization, Sam thinks Klaus is doing exceptionally well. He was sniffing Sam’s jeans, nudging his ankles with his nose.
“No, no, don’t worry. I don’t mind.” Sam bent down and extended the back of his hand to Klaus. After receiving a lick and some kisses as signs of approval, he started scratching Klaus behind the ears. “I’m Sam, and this is Rose.”
“Nice to meet you, Sam. I’m y/n,” y/n said before crouching down. Rose immediately moved towards her and started pawing her hand.
One thing Sam loves the most about Rose is that she has good taste in people. Come on, this girl chose Sam to be her handler. (Sam has always believed that it is Rose who came to him, not the other way around.) And based on Rose’s reaction now, Sam would like to boldly assume that y/n is a decent person as well.
“Come on, Klaus, let’s go.” y/n gently tugged the leash, but she was completely ignored. The two dogs were already playing together, bowing and bouncing just like puppies.
“They can play for a bit,” Sam said. He loves seeing Rose Bud making friends. “If you are not in a rush, that is.”
“No, I’m not. Thank you so much,” y/n relented.
“So, Klaus is a shelter dog, you said?” Sam asked as he scooted over and let out more space on the bench for y/n to sit next to him.
“Yes, today is his Doggy Day Out,” y/n kindly explained. “People can sign up to take a shelter dog out for a ‘field trip’ for a day. It helps them manage kennel stress and increases their chances of getting adopted.”
The thoughtfulness of the idea makes Sam smile. He has heard about similar programs before, but this was his first time encountering an example in real life. “So you chose Klaus?”
“Yeah, Klaus is one of the longest residents at the shelter.” y/n cupped the dog’s adorable face in her hands and cooed. “I mean, look at his face, how could I say no? Besides, people often have a misunderstanding about Pit Bulls, you know, about them being aggressive and all; so it’s harder for them to get adopted.”
As absurd as it sounds, that is sadly the truth. Sam remembers seeing more than once those distasteful comments under Rose’s account.
“Indeed. Sometimes we truly don’t deserve dogs.” He said.
A comfortable silence draped over them, except it was quite loud in y/n’s mind and chest right now. Y/n had been stealing glances at the man next to her in between conversations the whole time and she hoped she wasn’t being too obvious. There was no denial that Sam is outright gorgeous. He was wearing a navy blue t-shirt underneath an unbuttoned black plaid shirt, black pants, and a pair of Nike blazers. But what attracted her the most was his hair, the hair that suddenly made her self-conscious about her own (which really needed to get washed today). Sam has dark brown hair the length to his shoulder. The loose curls look lush and smooth, shining under the sunlight, which makes it a lighter flax colour. The strands that frizzes away are delicate and golden, swaying along with his breathing. Y/n bet they are silky and soft to the touch too. Plus, he has really pretty hands, with the pink leash wrapped around his palm contrasting against his olive skin. Slim, bony fingers, with nails that are clean, round and well-trimmed. Those are hands well-kept.
Maybe there is a grain of truth to what people say about first impression after all, Sam thought. A girl with Rose’s approval, a nice smile, and a sensible and tasteful take on Pit Bulls (She also looks cute). Sam thinks he quite liked her.
“So, what are your plans for the day? I mean, for Klaus?” Sam quickly corrected himself to sound less snoopy.
“We haven’t left the shelter for long. I was planning on getting him a pup cup first.”
“Pup cup! What a coincidence, that’s exactly what Rose bug and I have in mind,” (Liar. He didn’t). Sam put on his best smile. “Mind if we join you?”
Their conversation carried on smoothly as they made their way to the nearby bakery. Sam found out that y/n volunteers at the local shelter and works as a freelance photographer and a part-time dog walker. Y/n learned that Sam is a bassist and keyboard player who is in a band with his brothers (“That explains the pretty fingers,” Y/n thought to herself).
The bakery is a hidden gem in the neighbourhood, with a walk-up window inlaid into the white brick wall. A blackboard with cursive chalk writing was propped up beside it, displaying the menu. A separate hand-drawn poster on the wall sayid “puppuccino available for furry friends” in brush lettering.
“Do you want anything? My treat,” Sam asked as they approached the queue. “Please say yes so I have an excuse to ask for your number just in case you want to return the favour sometime.”
A bold move? Yes. But he felt like taking chances today.
Y/n raised her eyebrows in slight surprise. Sam held her gaze, silently restating his point.
“Fine, if you insist.”
“I do insist.” Sam stepped aside as it was their turn to order and let y/n go first. “After you.”
That’s smooth. Real Smooth. Y/n thought. Almost as smooth as his hair.
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For the next few weeks, Sam and y/n has been talking on and off through text messages. Their chat history was mainly composed of Sam sending goofy dog videos and y/n replying with cute pictures she took of dogs at the shelter. Sometimes Sam spotted y/n holding multiple leashes, walking dogs on the sidewalk, and sometimes he went to the shelter under the excuse of dropping off donations just to see her. Occasionally, they would fix a date to meet at the park for a “puppy play date” when y/n took another dog on their Doggy Day Out. While the dogs rolled together or chased each other within their sight, they would sit on the bench with coffee cups in their hands and a box of cookies between them to share. Y/n found Sam to be a charming guy. She loves his brutal honesty and his humour with a witty tongue. He loves to hold her gaze while talking to her. At first, she hated it—the unrelenting stare from those captivating brown eyes makes her want to squirm in her seat—and Sam was never the first to break eye contact. But over time she had learnt to stare back nonchalantly, usually with a single raise of her eyebrow.
There was no lack of vocal banters as well, which usually embarks after one of them blurts out some controversial opinion. With some people, a debate over things like if pineapple belongs on pizza or should you pour milk before cereal can quickly lead to annoyances, but it’s different with Sam. Sam brings out the competitiveness in y/n just like she was back in her high school debate club. Backchat with Sam is fun; he makes one willing to takes all the steps—from gathering evidence to forming thesis statement—just to be rebutted by a single line of his ingenious comment; and y/n is not even mad about it. The cherry on top is that Sam always likes to push one step further by adding the flirtatious “What now, little mama, cat caught your tongue?”. She feels offended in the best possible way.
On the other hand, as composed as he seems to y/n, Sam feels that things always came out of his mouth without filters when he is with y/n. For example, he will never let go of that one time they argued about the right way to hang up toilet paper.
“It’s obviously under! Have you ever had times when you hang it over and it unrolls itself and you get this massive pile of toilet paper on the floor?”
“No, Sam, I have not. I’m pretty sure that’s because you got a bad roll or some mean spirit in your bathroom pulled it.”
“It’s a perfect roll, just out of the package!”
“Then it’s definitely some mean spirit. Burning some sage should fix it. Obviously, the correct way is over so that it doesn’t rub against the wall.”
“Bold of you to assume I have dirty walls!”
“How do I know? You probably do!”
“I will not stand any defamation to my name and my wall. You can only form such an opinion after you have checked it out!”
Y/n gave him an interesting look. Just before she could say something, Rose rushed back to their side, and for once, Sam was relieved that the debate withered away because as soon as those words left his mouth, he wanted to slap himself.
Why would you say that, you freaking idiot? What kind of activities should you be engaging in that will lead to a situation involving you showing her the cleanness of your bathroom wall, which unfortunately is, in fact, kind of gross and stained with flashed pee?
But fate is a fickle little thing. Little does Sam know, it was not long before they did end up in that situation, just not in the way as he has expected.
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Earlier that day, Sam has sent y/n a message asking if she wants to meet at the park the next day and received a brief message that reads, “Sorry, got caught up at the shelter”.
That is usually a bad sign because it means that there’s either a large intake or some kind of emergency. Y/n also ran a volunteer social media account, posting adorable pictures and short videos that she took of the dogs when she takes them out for a walk for temperament tests, adding visibility to help they find a loving home. Sam vaguely remembered y/n mentioning that they took in a puppy that was hit by a car. He secretly hoped it wasn’t any bad news. Sam debated between sending her a goofy dog meme with the caption “Take care” to lighten up the mood or asking further. He waited, but the three dots on the other side of the chat box never came up.
It was around nine in the evening when Sam received another text from y/n.
Y/n: Are you busy right now?
Sam: No, just chilling. What’s up?
Y/n: My car broke down.
The three dots are still blinking when Sam’s finger flew through the screen.
Sam: location?
Sam: I’ll be there.
Rose looked up confused from her spot on the couch, when Sam rushed to the foyer, one arm already in his jacket and stuffing his feet into shoes.
“Hold the fort, Rose bud!” He yelled before locking the door behind him.
Y/n’s car broke down not too far away from the shelter. Sam saw the tow truck and the roadside assistance as he drove near. Y/n was talking to the truck driver. From the distance, she looked so forlorn and lost under the jarring redness of warning lights. The size different between her and the heavyset man towering over her makes her looked like a puppy soaked in rain. Sam had never felt such a strong sense of protectiveness towards anyone. He wanted nothing more than to rush to her side and engulf her in a hug, if she would let him.
He almost drifted as he swerved his car into an empty parking space by the side of the road. He ran to y/n’s side.
“Okay, Miss. The insurance company will contact you for further details,” the roadside assistance worker nodded to y/n. “The truck will tow your car to the garage. Do you have a ride home?”
“Yes,” said Sam before y/n could answer.
The man gave him a knowing look before he said, “Good. Make sure you take all your valuable belongings in the car with you.”
Sam helped y/n put her stuff in the backseat of his car before opening the passenger side’s door for her. Sam had noticed that y/n’s body was stiff and tense the whole time when she was standing outside, and it remained so as she plopped down onto the seat.
“Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” Sam turned to her eagerly once he had situated himself.
As soon as the words left his lips, the dam broke loose. Y/n’s shoulder visibly relaxed as loud sobs ripped through her body. She tried to purse her lips and contain herself but tragically failed. For a minute, she couldn’t make a single syllable other than frantically shaking her head and shoving her hands to her mouth, trying to muffle her crying. Y/n’s whimper filled the car, mixed with the loud beeping alert and yelling outside as the truck towed y/n’s car away.
“Oh, y/n,” Sam felt like someone had stamped on his heart. “Can I give you a h—”
Without a word, y/n almost knocked herself into his arms. It was only when he was holding her that he realized how badly she was trembling. This is their first proper hug, far from how Sam has imagined it. He wrapped his arms around y/n’s frame, one hand hugging her shoulders to him and the other rubbing her hand in wide, gentle stripes, tucking her head under his chin. Y/n’s hand held onto Sam’s arm, fingers digging into his biceps like a drowning person holding onto a piece of driftwood. Sam was firstly relived that y/n was not physically hurt; and then there were the emotions, which they could deal with. Whatever made her this devastated, he was determined to turn it around and make it better.
They stayed like that for a while, bodies squishing together uncomfortably over the middle console, until Y/n finally started to calm down.
She pulled away from Sam’s hug. Sam immediately reached to the backseat for the tissue box, from which y/n took a handful of tissues and turned her head to the side to wipe her face.
“It…it was Huxley,” she was fighting to speak without breaking down again. “He’s g—gone.”
Upon hearing the name, Sam’s heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach. His former wish had fallen through after all. Huxley was the puppy that came to the shelter from a car accident. He was sent in by a Good Samaritan on Monday. From the photo y/n posted, Sam knew that he was a young Australian cattle dog. Sam thought he was out of danger as y/n updated the post on Tuesday, saying that there was a rescue willing to pull him.
Sam didn’t press on with further questions. He sat patiently, handing y/n more tissues as she needed and waited to piece together the story from snatches of her speech.
“They did an x-ray and found he has a fractured pelvis. A rescue tagged him…and he was supposed to l-leave the shelter today.”
“We thought he was f-fine until…until he suddenly deteriorated this a-afternoon. There was, um, internal bleeding and… the vet said, the in-injury was too serious to recover and, and s-suggested…”
It was taking all her strength for y/n to squeeze out the last few words: “…it…it was the kindest to..put him d-down.”
Y/n buried her face into her hands as she resorted to another burst of weeping. Her shoulders shuddered with every muffled sob. “He reminded me of Wendy…I couldn’t save n-neither of them!”
This was the first time Sam has heard about Wendy from y/n. He guessed that Windy used to belong to y/n. He had once saw a photo of y/n and a white puppy tucked in her wallet when she was paying for coffee. Y/n never talked about it and Sam never asked. He decided he was still going to be silent about it today. He wouldn’t want to force her to narrate whatever tragic event that had happened in the past again, knowing that she probably had already done it to herself over and over again in her brain upon seeing the loss of Huxley.
Sam mulled over his words. Platitudes like “you have already done your best” sounded superfluous. Y/n, and he believes that everyone at the shelter, did everything they could; but that doesn’t fix things, does it?
“Was he loved when he was gone?” Sam gently took y/n’s hand in his.
“I was too coward to stay until the last moment,” y/n looked at Sam through teary eyes, “and he couldn’t really stomach any food by then. But yes, we made sure he was surrounded by treats and toys.”
“Then that’s what matters,” Sam managed a smile and said softly. “Dogs are very grateful creatures, you know that. Now that Huxley has crossed the rainbow bridge, he must be thanking you for loving him to the end, to provide him with a warm bed so he didn’t have to go alone and scared on the side of some highway.”
Y/n’s was still hiding her face in her palms, with her elbows resting on her knees, but Sam recognized a trembling nod from her. Now he felt tears stinging in his own eyes. He rubbed the area between y/n’s shoulder blades and carefully opened his mouth: “Look, y/n. I don’t want to sound like I’m taking advantage of the situation. But I am really worried about leaving you alone for the night like this. Would you like to perhaps crash at my place for the night? Rosie can keep you company.”
“Let me take care of you.” Sam closed his eyes for a second before he added, “As a friend?”
To his relief, y/n nodded again before turning her head slightly to face him, revealing half of her face, all wrinkled with red marks and tear stains, her eyes bloodshot and glassy.
“Sorry for being a bother.” She whispered through quivering lips.
“Never. Never a bother, mama,” Sam’s heart clenched again, hard. He reached out and gently squeezed the back of y/n’s neck before starting the car. “I got you.”
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Y/n could hear Rosie’s claws clacking on the wooden floor before Sam turned the key in the lock. As he opened the door, they are welcomed by an excited Rosie, just as expected. Sam had taught Rosie well not to bolt towards guests or jump on them, so she was expressing her joy through a wagging tail that put her whole body into motion and repeated bowing; her pink tongue sticking out of the side of her mouth. The goofy gestures raised a chuckle out of y/n. The first smile that he had seen on her face all night.
Sam’s apartment is cozy and vibrant. It has rustic brick walls and exposed beams. A red oriental rug lies in the middle of the room in front of a light camel-coloured sofa. There are touches here and there where Sam lets his intrusive thoughts win—so a piece of decor that does not match the general style appears but ends up working nonetheless, such as the banana leaf wall paper that only covers one side of the wall. A long-neck floor lamp throws warm glow over half of the living room.
“Go sit, y/n. Make yourself at home. You want some tea?” Sam laid out a pair of slippers for her as he asked.
Y/n had half a heart to reject out of politeness but realized she was too tired to put on any facade, and it is unnecessary after all considering she had just bawled her eyes out before Sam. Her eyes were stinging from crying and her face must have looked like a mess now.
“Thank you. Can I borrow the bathroom, please?”
“Of course! It’s right there.” Sam pointed her the right door.
Closing the door behind her, y/n felt like her legs were about to gave out. She sat down on the closed toilet lid and closed her eyes, thoughts swarming in her mind. Now that the initial throbbing pain in her chest has subsided, she began interrogating herself. What was it that made her agree to stay here overnight? “Worry about leaving you alone”….You are used to being alone—heck, you have been for years. All the past experiences and rational judgements were reprimanding her in a motherly tone with a scowl, but her body was faithful to the ghostly touches and phantom breaths that he had left on her skin during their hug. She forgot when was the last time that she had received a hug that conveyed such empathy without blind assumption. She forgot when was the last time that she felt valid for her feeling sad and mourning. She forgot when was the last time that she was not forced to explain. Yet Sam came and reset the record for her.
Three gentle knocks on the door interrupted her thoughts.
“I grabbed you a clean towel. I’m putting it on the handle, so just watch it when you open the door.” Sam’s voice came from the other side of the door.
Oh Sammy, Y/n thought to herself with a wry smile. The nickname naturally slips into her mind. This is not helping.
What it is about this man that makes you trust him enough to break down in front of him and then agree to stay at his place overnight? Was it because he was nice to dogs? Green flag. Nice hair and clean nails, perfect side profiled, chiseled like an Apollo statue? Green flag. Top tier banter and flirting? Beige flag (but has potential).
Her brain started hurting again. Her heart said fuck it, go wipe your face, drink tea, and pray that he’s not a patient serial killer three months in disguise who likes to collect dog memes. Y/n opened her eyes and the first thing she saw brought an untimely giggle out of her.
Toilet paper hanging from under? Red flag.
When y/n opened the bathroom door again, Sam was feeding Rose her dinner.
“There you are! Thought you fell in.” Sam looked up at her with a toothy grin.“Sorry,” he apologized for his joke before y/n even said anything. “I made you tea, I guess you haven’t eat yet? I can order takeout or whip something up real quick.”
“That’s very nice of you, Sam. But I really don’t think I can handle a meal right now. Tea will be just fine for me. Thank you.”
Y/n must have washed her face in the washroom. Now her face looked fresh, setting off her reddish nose which she rubbed a little too harshly. The bags under her swollen eyes made her looks droopy, much different from the energetic y/n under the sun in the park. She looked very….huggable.
Y/n took a sip from the mug Sam handed her. It’s lavender tea. She felt her nerves slowly stretched as the warm liquid slid into her stomach. Having finished her dinner, Rose wasted no time joining them on the sofa. She found the perfect spot between Sam and y/n, laying her head on her folded paws.
“Do you want to watch a movie or something?”
“Um-hmm,” y/n absent-mindedly hummed. “You take the pick.”
Absolutely nothing furry, nothing barking, nothing wagging its tail. Sam scrolled through the catalogue.
Y/n raised her eyebrows when she saw Sam finally settling on Vanderpump Rules.
“Surprised, amused, guilty as charged.” Y/n admitted.
“No way! Which season are you on?”
“Seven? I can’t remember much though.”
Sam couldn’t deny it, there’s just something about watching and becoming invested in other people’s cheating drama that gets you to forget about your own problems real fast, at least temporarily. When one of the girls made an especially spiteful comment and Sam got no reaction from y/n, he turned and saw her dozing off, her chin rested on her clavicle, one hand still resting on Rose’s back.
She’s bound to get a stiff neck sleeping that way. Sam gently pulled her shoulder to the side, resting her head on a cushion, and pulled the blanket over her. Other than making a few indistinguishable murmur, she didn’t stir; or if she did, she chose to relent to Sam’s touch. Now that her eyes were closed, she looked peaceful under the orange light of the lamp, one almost couldn’t tell she was crying so hard a few hours ago. Sam debated if he should carry her to the bedroom or at least wake her up, but in the end, he did neither. Instead, he sat down on the carpet, his side pressed against the sofa, putting his head on his elbow.
Whatever this is, it fels tranquil and nice. She is close and far, her silence remote and candid, still as a star*. It feels like love. He feels his heart heavy with love. She doesn’t know. Maybe she will, eventually. But not now. Now he just wants to have this moment, in case it is all he will ever have.
Y/n is woken up by the wetness of her face. “Rose, stop!” She managed to open her eyes under Rose’s kiss attack. She propped herself up on her elbow and saw Sam sitting on the floor next to her, still asleep. But that changed quickly as he became Rose’s next target. Did he just sleep all night like this? The light seeping through the curtains formed bright patters on the floor. Gosh, she must be really tired to sleep so soundly on the sofa.
“Morning.” Y/n pursed her lips, containing a chuckle as she met gaze with a hair-disheveled Sam, who was holding the side of his neck, grimacing.
Sam felt every single bone in his body crackling as he stood up. Actions have consequences.
The drive back to Y/n’s house was quiet. Y/n thanked him for letting her stay overnight, which he insisted that was no big deal. Then he cranked up the radio and let Stephen Stills take over.
“I swear, if you thank me again—-”
They almost said together as the car pulled up to a halt in front of y/n’s apartment.
Y/n smiled apologetically nonetheless.
“Hey, like I said, it’s really no big deal. It wasn’t so courteous of me not to offer you dinner and let you sleep on the couch anyway,” Sam said. “I am very sorry about what has happened. I hope you are feeling better now.”
Y/n chewed on her bottom lip and nodded. It was after several heartbeats that she said, “You know, your bathroom walls are dirty, Kiszka.”
Sam blinked and then barked out a laugh, throwing his hands in surrender. “Guilty as charged.”
“Call me if you need anything, yeah?” Sam watched as y/n unbuckled the seatbelt. He could tell that for a second, y/n was going to thank him again.
“I’m not guilt tripping you into this, but…the offer to co-dog walk always stands.”
“Sure. I’ll let you know.”
“Oh, and one more thing,” Y/n paused as she shut the door.
“Hug Rosie extra tight for me.” With that, she turned on her heels and walked away.
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It was three days later that they met again at the park. The weather was starting to get cold. Sam would always choose the vivifying spring days over fall, but he also appreciates some delicious crunching of the leaves as one walks.
“I can really tell the season is changing when the benches feel a bit cold under the tush.” Sam commented as he sat down next to y/n.
“Oh, do we have to get you padded pants then?”
“Seriously, do they make those?” Sam gasped in feigned surprise. “Anyways, how’s your car?”
“I got a call yesterday, it should be ready to pick up by Thursday,” Y/n said. She was chewing on the edge of her coffee cup. “I feel so stupid losing it like that the other day.”
“But you don’t have to, though. There’s nothing wrong about feeling things, and emotions don’t lie.”
“Yeah, I guess. But in the end it’s not about me, it’s about them. There’s always more dogs that need help and always more to do.”
“I know you said not to, but I really need to,” y/n said as she turned to Sam and threw her arms around him, catching him in surprise. “Thank you, Sammy.”
Sam couldn’t help but notice how nice it felt to have her nose buried in his shoulder. Talking about emotions don’t lie.
His hair smells nice too. And it is indeed so, so soft. Green flag.
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Somehow, they fell back into the old rhythm after that. Sam guessed that when people say woman in a dream, they must be referring to their phantasmagoric nature. With each day passing, he became more and more inclined to believe that what he thought he had was nothing more than wishful thinking and self-deception.
Christmas was approaching. Their brother’s lack of contribution to the holiday preparation did not go unnoticed by the twins. Jake was first to approach Sam, saving Josh as the last resort. Although Jake doubted if they would really need him.
“Sammy boy, what are you sulking about?” Jake sat down next to Sam, who was lying facedown on the carpet.
“M’not sulking,” Sam mumbled. “You just interrupted my perfect nap.”
“No shit, wonder if you can even breathe lying like that.” Jake nudged him in the ribs, earning himself a smack on the arm.
“Have you asked her out yet?”
“Quit playing with me, brother. You’ve been spending enough time at the shelter and the park that we thought Rosie was going to the big sis this time.”
Sam flipped over with a groan, his hand laying across his forehead. “No. I think she probably doesn’t feel that way, honestly.”
“Okay,” Jake rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “But how do you feel? Really smitten?”
“I don’t know,” Sam sighed. “You know the trend that goes, ‘one minute you are asking for her number, the next minute you are getting screamed at by her cat’? When I asked for her number, I was hoping so bad that we will be making advent calendar for our dogs every year.”
“Damn.” For a moment, Jake was struck by the weight of that statement; its authenticity and spontaneity echoed in the air.
“You really got some of Josh’s romantic shit, huh?”
“Don’t act like you haven’,.” Sam rolled his eyes. Jake couldn’t argue with that.
“Look, I knew you will tell her eventually. Come on, don’t give me that look. We both know that you will. But this is not like some assignment where you can just keep putting off until all the points have been abducted.”
“You have my permission to take the day off. But you better be making it up to me once you’ve got her. Do you have any idea how painful it is to untangle four strands of those lights? My fingers deserve better than that.”
Sam shot his elder brother a plaintive look. Jake raised his eyebrows provocatively, but the genuine encouragement still shone through.
“Just get your ass up already, kid.”
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Sam was going to see y/n that day anyway. The shelter was doing Christmas dinner for the animals and y/n had texted him earlier asking if he wanted to come help. The shelter around Christmas looked like a kindergarten. Garlands and ribbons hung from the ceiling. Cheerful Christmas carols played through the announcement speakers. Even the bulletin board were updated with the animals’ intake pictures with their new Christmas photoshoots.
“Y/n is at the big dog kennel in the back.”
The round-faced woman at the front desk warmly greeted Sam as she recognized him. He had been a regular; the staff had naturally associated him with y/n and had been secretly calling him the sexy Tarzan*. (Y/n burst out laughing when she first heard that nickname; she couldn’t deny the resemblance is uncanny.)
Sam wasn’t sure how he was going to do this. Yes, he was going to wing it but it’s not like he could just blurt it out. The place started to smell like food as Sam passed the reception area. He found y/n and her colleagues standing in the meet-and-greet area around a table full of buckets and a crock pot with the largest turkey he had ever seen. Y/n waved him in as she saw him.
“Thanks for coming! We’re about to start.” Y/n handed him an apron.
“There are separate bucket for veggies, meat, and broth. You just grab some from each into the bowl and pass it down, Sally and Theo will squeeze in the yogurt and puree, add the dry treats…and a bowl is done!” Y/n walked him around the table as they went through each step.
“This feels like I’m at a poke station.” Sam chuckled.
“It is, special Christmas edition.”
Suddenly, Sam felt more at ease. He was grateful that y/n volunteers at the shelter. It’s at least comforting to think that he would have nearly a hundred flurry friends as his wingman.
They walked down the corridor, stopping at each kennel, opening the door and sliding in the bowl. Some dogs were more timid and nervous, huddling in the corner and coming up to the food when they were left alone. Y/n made sure to skip those ones a few more beef jerky. But most of them were already wagging their tails like windshield wipers in heavy rain, waiting impatiently at the front of their kennel.
It took them nearly an hour going through the whole the dog area before the empty cart was wheeled back to the preparation room.
“They have special food for the smaller animals like the rabbits as well. But, by far, our job here is completed. Well done, soldier!” Y/n untied her apron and threw in onto the table.
“Are you doing anything after?” Y/n asked.
“No, not really. Why?” Upon hearing that question, hope and anxiety bubbled together in Sam’s stomach.
“I could treat you to a coffee for helping out today, or perhaps hot chocolate?”
“Hot chocolate sounds great.”
“Awesome, you’re in for a treat. I know a place that makes bomb hot cocoa.”
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It was snowing heavily when they stepped out. The ground is already covered in a thin white layer. The snow was coming down thick and fast, Sam could hear it falling onto the crisp fabric of his jacket. They walked along the side road. The sky was already dark, making the snowflakes dancing under the streetlights all the more obvious. The cars passing by, their tires rolling over the splashing snow, made sounds like someone stirring the repeatedly pushing the buttons of a a fountain drink machine. As nice as it was, Sam soon realized his mistake of forgetting to wear gloves when he headed out. It was strange how he seldom felt cold amid the big snowfalls, it’s always the coldest the day before. It was always the build up.
“So….do you have any plans for Christmas?”
“Oh, yeah I do. I am going to this awesome party. I'm going to dance, have fun, raid the charcuterie board, get shit-face drunk, and then crawl back home. Giving the weather we are having now, I’m probably going to slip and fall, break my face on the sidewalk, and lay there unconsciously until some hobo finds me and steals my purse, but all he is going to find are handfuls of puke that I threw up earlier,” y/n finished with a mischievous smile. “How does that sound?”
Sam was speechless for a few seconds. “I’m only with you on the ‘raiding the charcuterie board’ part.” He finally said.
“Always appreciate a good humour, Kiszka.”Y/n threw back her head and laughed. “I’m messing with you. Quite the opposite, I’m doing nothing. Probably still going to drink, but definitely no party.” She made a stank face.
Y/n has mentioned that she had just moved here not long ago. Sam never heard her mentioning much about her family, and he did not want to blindly assume.
“Do you want to come to mine for Christmas?”
“Crashing your family gathering as a stranger? That doesn’t sound like a very courteous thing to do.” Y/n replied.
Sam tried to focus his sight on the tip of his shoes. Just say it already. He was suddenly afraid to look to y/n. It feels better just to hear the rejection, not to face it head on, right? And could they still have hot chocolate after this? He could really use one now.
“Well, wouldn’t be weird if you were going as my girlfriend,” he finally said.
It was taking everything in Sam to hold his gaze on y/n. He saw her head shot right up. Beneath the initial shock, Sam couldn’t quite figure out the emotion hiding in her eyes. It’s always the build up. Always the build up. But now that the cat is out of the bag, he might as well just spill it out.
“I think I really like you, y/n.”
A smile crept up onto the corner of y/n’s mouth, and Sam saw it grew to a grin.
“Are you cold?” she asked.
“Hum?” That was not what he was expecting. But he appreciated a question, any question, to redirect the attention from the….previous embarrassment.
“Did you forget your gloves?” It was only then that Sam realized that he has subconsciously managed to snake his hands into the opposite sleeves of his jacket and fold his arms in front of his chest in order to warm up his hands.
“Yes, and my fingers are freezing off,” he said through gritted teeth. “And I am dying of suspense and embarrassment.”
Unexpectedly, y/n sighed and took off one of her own gloves. “There’s no need to feel embarrassed,” she said as she pried Sam’s right hand out of his sleeve and delicately stuck his stiff fingers into the glove, as if caring for newborn ducklings.
“It feels kind of good to see even Mr. ‘beat-me-in-every-banter’ at a loss for witty comments when it comes to feelings. Just proves we’re all human, doesn’t it?” She then took Sam’s other hand into her own and placed them into the pocket of her coat.
“There. See how much better it is if we simply express ourselves?”
Sam could feel y/n’s thumb brushing his numb muscles. “I may not be the best person to lecture you on this because, well, I myself have done a pretty lousy job at it too. But, I can try to improve, as your girlfriend.”
“Can you give me the chance to try?”
Oh god, now she’s asking me.
“My honour, y/n,” Sam felt like he could breathe again. And his quick wit returned. “One thing is not true though.”
“What?” Y/n asked as they continued to walk.
“I didn’t beat you to every banter. I lost in the toilet paper one.”
Y/n raised her eyebrows in amusement.
“I guess you were right. I called a truce with my bathroom ghost the other day.”
A man who is not afraid to confess his feelings and admit when he is wrong? Green flag.
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Easter Egg
Y/n did end up attending the Kiszka’s Christmas gathering as Sam’s girlfriend. Jake was smug about it the whole time (“Told you we don’t need Josh”.) He determined that Sam owed him big time and demanded that he repays him by taking down the Christmas tree and and moving it up to the attic after the holidays are over.
Of all, Rose was more than thrilled to have her over because y/n came bearing special gift for her.
“I brought dog beer.” Y/n said proudly.
“You brought what?”
“Dog beer!” y/n laughed, showing the package of four cans. “It’s just unsalted bone broth with oat and barley.”
“Shame on you for leading Rose bug down this dangerous path!” Sam pretended to be annoyed but was already reaching for Rose’s water bowl.
“Come on, Rose’s a good girl, she can handle it. Plus, she is under parental supervision.” y/n said as she popped open a can.
“Oh, is that what we are now, ‘mummy’? Dog parents?” Sam looked smug.
As Rose happily lapped up her new beverage, y/n affectionately patted her on the neck: “And you always remember, Rosie girl, beers over boys. Well, I guess your daddy can make an exception but… ‘a healthy amount of beer over any contact with boys*’”.
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*1: adapted from I Like For You To Be Still by Pablo Neruda
*2: it is from here (once you see it, you can't unsee it lol
*3: a quote from one of my favourite Youtuber: Christines Snaps
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Hey, you've made it!! thank you so much for reading!
here's something more I want to say.
Firstly, the two dogs mentioned are real dogs; sadly they have both crossed the rainbow bridge now. You can read more about them here: Klaus and Huxley. I changed Klaus' story here because I'd like to imagine that having pup cups, going on walks, and having fun with other dogs is the life that he should have been having before his life was unfairly taken away. And I want to honour Huxley. The inspiration for this piece came to me because I relay information for shelter dogs that are listed to be euthanized in high kill shelters. It is absolutely heartbreaking to see how many healthy dogs lose their life at no fault of their own. I have always believed in the power of writing; I myself have been healed by the writings of others in this community many times, and I would like to do something with my writing too. I hope to raise awareness through this piece: There are just too many homeless pups. Please spay and neuter- their lives depend on it; and if you ever want a pet, please always go to the local shelter and check out their euth-list. Saving one dog is not going to change the world, but for that dog, the world is changed forever.
Secondly, about the writing; this is my first time writing Sam and my longest piece. As many of you surely must have noticed there are some loose ends, I apologize. I was emotional while writing this and I dragged it out. Plus, I made the mistake of reading one of the most amazing fanfics ever while writing this. I became self-conscious and kind of defeated---emotions get in the way, so I think this is leaning more towards a cathartic experience. For those that have experienced the pet loss, I am sorry and I feel for you. Please know that they can always feel your love and you will meet one day at the rainbow bridge. I intend to dig into this piece further in the future: perhaps make some more changes and edits, perhaps writing some blurbs between this y/n and Sam. If you would like that, please let me know.
Lastly, sincerely thank you to @dannythedog for the gvf secret santa event. It may sound stupid but that event carried me through my finals and several mental breakdowns. It has not only helped me to connect with so many wonderful people in this fandom, but it has also encouraged me to write. I never would have thought picking up writing again would give me so much closure and comfort. Plus, she did an awesome pairing; I got one of my favourite writers here as my secret santa!! and I got to know Nina.
This is so much longer than I intended. If you have made it here, wow, I am giving you a big big hug. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my writings. I hope that there are many more to come.
More of my writings: Mariner's Complex || Permission to Fall || Ticked (all my boxes) || The Lucky Ones
(do we want a masterlist or a taglist? let me know :))
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WTNV quick rundown - 116 - Council Member Tamika Flynn, part 3
Read the rest of the rundowns here!
Good hidden recording devices make good neighbors. Welcome to Night Vale.
Tamika is still insisting that things are good now because crime is down. Dana is still concerned over NV finances and Sheriff Sam is worried that the underqualified and reckless volunteer 'police' are doing more harm than good. City Council says they might not come back and Tamika agrees that she's got it under control.
Night Vale Coroner Lorelei Alvarez is still investigating the bodies. The bodies supposedly of Tristan and Camila Cortez are dressed in 19th century wear and seem to have been picked to death by birds. They are not burnt at all despite having been in a fire. Those supposedly killed by the librarian have had their insides hollowed out but not had their flesh eaten which is unusual for librarians.
Dana and Pamela hold an emergency press conference declaring the curfew meaningless with so many volunteers patrolling and point out the jobs people have lost because of it. Cecil points out that he too is going stir crazy in the afternoon despite catching up on a lot of tv series, including the documentary, Stranger Things.
Tamika gives a speech at Janice's teams pep rally in which she still insists things are fine because of the low crime. The earth suddenly begins to shake and crack open, releasing smoke.
It's just city council returning though, with Tristan and Camila Cortez. They were behind the robberies and fire at their own business, because they were committing insurance fraud and were caught rock climbing in Michigan.
Tamika states that being a councilmember is more boring that she thought and harder too. That she has her strengths and tried to use them to run everything but that was wrong. The City Council lifts the curfew and almost changes the new red-painted NV's motto to 'Night Vale: Intimidating AF' but get outvoted.
Weather: "Animal Skin" by Bryan Dunn
Janice and Steve had an argument about Janice's obsession with getting the most assists. Eventually she realises that trying to be the best at helping people is more selfish that selfless and she should be enjoying the game not stressing about her numbers.
Cecil and Carlos often play Strip Uno. They are planning to dine at The Shallow Grave and then dance at a new club called NUMB.
Stay tuned next for the sound of two men putting on just the most vicious outfits. Good night Night Vale. Good night.
Proverb: WE ARE ALL (an elite few) IN THIS (a secret underground emergency bunker) TOGETHER (on our own without public knowledge).
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agentplutonium · 8 months
i’m thinking about immortality again. In reference to Sam, sure, but also just in reference to my vampire OC.
Cause here’s the thing. Immortality is so cool to mortals. You get to live forever. You get to do what you want when you want because you finally have the time to do so. You can start a new hobby. Travel. You can write that book you wanted, paint what you wanted, get classically trained in whatever your heart desires. You can get a degree in everything you can possibly get a degree in because you can. Time is finally living in tandem with you instead of working against you. You get to see how humanity continues to develop and grow, seeing all of the wonderful things that they can come up with. You might meet the next big figure in the history books and get to watch as the world starts to recognize them for their talent or wisdom. You get to watch as new discoveries are made from the ancient world and all, hell, you might even be part of the “ancient world” at one point and get to laugh at how wrong these new scientists are getting it. No matter what, humanity lives on, and you get to watch that.
But when does that novelty wear off? When your parents die? Your siblings? Your friends, a lover even? When do you stop and realize that everyone you got to know in your mortal life is now gone? When do you realize that today would have been your 93rd birthday, and by all means it is should probably be a miracle you’re still alive? But it’s not a miracle. You haven’t aged a day in decades. You haven’t grown, or aged. And you’re alone. Sure, you could make new friends, find new lovers, but you have to leave them eventually as well. People start to get suspicious when their friend still doesn’t look a day over 25. You’re forced to travel because if you stay in one place an old time-y witch hunt will start up coming for you. Unless, of course, you enter some sort of immortal cult where the leader has insane fucking power and control over that one city. Unless you start living inconspicuously, only interacting with said other immortals, not being seen or heard by anyone else. I mean, what else can you do? If you make mortal friends, you’re gonna have to abandon them eventually. If you have a mortal lover, you’re either going to have to be selfish enough to turn them immortal—if you can even do that—OR also leave them either through them dying or on your own terms. And if you do turn your mortal lover immortal to be with you, who’s to say you guys will stand the rest of time of literal eternity. What are you going to do when the relationship no longer works out 50, 100 years down the line? Theoretically you’d break up, but now what? Your lover has to deal with the same problems you do, problems that they were willing to overlook because the loved you, and has to spend eternity alive struggling the same way you did if not worse.
I wasn’t gonna get into the vampire part of this because it was immortals in general kinda post, but i’m gonna anyway. The line between monster and human that vampires balance on is so interesting to me also. Because, when does a vampire stop feeling like a human and start feeling like some sort of animal just trying to satiate their hunger of blood. When do they stop looking forward to the human experience of being alive forever and start living day in and out, barley recognizing the time go by, feeding and sleeping and starting that cycle over and over again? When does time start to feel like an enclosure, keeping them trapped to the mortal plane of existence to be gawked at by people and gods alike? When do they start to loose their sense of self, start to lose the person they were before being turned? When does their humanity start to slip, and they do more and more heinous things just because they are bored or because they came to the conclusion that nothing applies to them anymore? That they are an untouchable being that cannot be harmed for what they do because they are stronger than anything that faces them. When someone is first turned, they may think this is absurd. Of course they’re not going to be like other vampires. They may even be able to keep up this way of thinking for decades. But what about oh i don’t know 3,4 centuries in? Will that be when it hits? Or will they hold out, going on 6 or 7 centuries? It’s a matter of when for something like this, because if you manage to live that long you’re going to start thinking you’re a god.
Anyway. I have gone insane actually. This is my insanity in one post. I like my ocs way too much.
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sdv-roseglass-farm · 2 years
Stardew Jodi Headcannons
She has so little personality in the game, with barely any sort of life outside of her family, so here are some headcannons to make her life not solely revolve around being a wife and mother.
- When in High School, where she met Kent, she was a cheerleader. It is why she enjoys the Aerobics class as exercise has always given her great joy.
- Her favourite classes in school were Sports and creative classes, like Art, Cooking and English as she likes to experiment and see what she can make.
- She was the one to ask Kent out on a date, finding him rather funny and very sweet. He was a hockey player, and when he was younger he was rather like Sam with being mischievous. She gave him a bouquet of flowers when asking him, which did cause him to blush. Her habit of gifting him flowers continued throughout their marriage, with her surprising him with some often.
- Their first date was at a cheap diner, where they shared food and a chocolate milkshake,  and then got caught walking in the rain. Kent walked Jodi home, which she adored and how she knew she wanted to be with him.
- Jodi taught Kent to dance, while he taught her to ice-skate. They loved being active and often went bowling or to local sport games.
- Sometimes they also went to the cinema together, where they shared a large bag of popcorn together and made fun of the movies together in the back.
- They both had a joint proposal, fresh out of high school. They both knew they wanted to be with one another and loved each other dearly, not caring for others opinion on marrying so young.
- It was near a river around sunset. They decided to have a romantic picnic, when Kent proposed. Jodi accepted and then pulled out her own engagement ring to propose to him, which did cause him to cry.
- Their wedding was fairly small, as they did not have much money with being out of school. They both worked hard, having full-time jobs. They didn’t want much, and love every moment of it. Jodi made her own dress to save money, and she still has it stored in her wardrobe. 
- Neither of them got stop smiling when they got married, and both of them cried tears of joy. Kent cried seeing Jodi walk down the Aisle, and both stumbled over their vows out of excitement.
- They didn’t have a honeymoon, and instead used their money to buy a cheap apartment together in Zuzu City. Soon afterwards they had Sam, who, while not planned, was something they were both excited for.
- When they used to live in Zuzu City, while Kent was a Garbage man, she had a part time job waitressing once Sam was old enough to start going to kindergarten.
- Jodi brought a cot and painted it, which as later used again for Vincent. She also painted the nursery with multiple animals, with Kent helping with the less detailed parts of the painting.
- With becoming a Mum so young, she did not get to keep much contact with most people from school - but she does not mind as she is very friendly and able to make friends everywhere she goes.
- She was terrified when giving birth, but had Kent with her throughout it and helped her. She loved Sam the moment she saw him, and was so excited to be a mum. Both her and Kent cried when seeing him.
- Sam’s first word was ‘Da’, and he yelled it excitedly when he walked in home from work. Kent couldn’t get rid of his smile for weeks afterwards, and still years later it is one of his best memories. Jodi found it hilarious at how loud Sam yelled it.
- Sam was a very energetic child, so one way she helped make sure he was tired for bed was make him help her cook and do exercises together. They had a lot of fun running around local parks together - and when he was younger dancing in their apartment with her.
- Sam wanted to be like his Mum and made every single card for Mothers Day and Fathers Day since he was little. They have all been kept, and Sam still makes them and helps Vincent makes them.
- Jodi was the one who taught him how to skateboard, and they used to have competitions to see who was faster.
- With being surrounded by music so much with his Mum, he gained an interest in music quickly. Kent paid for him to have guitar lessons when he was 4, and his first guitar. They were both extremely proud of him and were always willing to listen to him show them something new he learnt.
- Jodi loves baking, and she always makes the best birthday cakes for Kent and Sam. Kent is useless at cooking and baking, knowing only the bare minimum and preferring to help out with washing the dishes and doing the laundry.
- Since she has had Sam helping since he was little he knows how to cook, though he does struggle with baking as he likes to add more than the recipe needs.
- They moved to Pelican Town when Sam was around 7 - able to afford the house after saving up. Caroline was the first person who greeted her and welcomed her with open arms.
- From Caroline she met the others - with becoming close with Marnie and Robin quickly. She quickly welcomes Abigail and Sebastian, viewing them as her niece and nephew, and loves how close they are to Sam.
- The Aerobics class is something she stuck to since day one, especially when she is older as she doesn’t have as much energy or time to run around after Vincent.
- She has a love for arts and crafts, especially painting. When she had children she lost much time to continue doing it as much, but she has some of her favourite paintings hung up around the house.
- She is close with Evelyn and she taught her to knit, so she knitted some jumpers, hats, scarves and gloves for her family and friends. Her first scarf wasn’t that good, but Kent loved it and keeps it to this day, even after all these years.
- Kent signed up to the military when Sam was around 12. She hated the idea of him going, but knew she wouldn’t stop him was doing something he wanted to do. She knew he was protective of them, and saw it as a way to look after them.
- It was one of the times he was on leave that she ended up pregnant with Vincent, though he could not get back in time to be there when she gave birth. She never told him how much it pained her not having him with her, as she knew he hated not being there for her.
- Caroline, Robin and Marnie were great support for her when she was pregnant, with Sam, Abigail and Sebastian often offering to help her doing things, especially later in her pregnancy.
- She painted the nursery with Sam, Abigail and Sebastian helping her - she cried about it late at night as while she was grateful, she missed Kent.
- Evelyn was a huge help when she was in labour, as she only had Sam with her familywise. She had Caroline look after Sam and Evelyn came in with her when Harvey helped her give birth.
- She named Vincent after Kent’s grandfather - which caused him to cry when he found out, and he first checked how she was before seeing his sons.
- Her labour with Vincent was fairly harder than Sam’s, and she required more help around the house - luckily though she had a lot of support.
- Emily and Haley often came over and went shopping for her if she needed while she rested, Emily also asked Gus write out some of his recipes for her to try making herself without pushing herself too far.
- Vincent’s first word was ‘Ma’, which made Jodi cry as she remembers Sam’s first word. She wrote to Kent everyday - even if she never sent all of the letters and wrote better versions - and she keeps them locked in her wardrobe.
- She made sure that whenever Kent was gone that she told Sam and Vincent a lot about him, often recalling back on their teen years and making sure Vincent has a picture of him.
- She adored how much Abigail and Sebastian looked out for Vincent, and how protective Sam was of him. She had caught Sam teaching Vincent how to skateboard and checked under his bed for monsters.
- When Jas and Shane moved to the town she was relieved that Vincent had someone to play with around his age, especially with how close they were.
- She was very grateful when Penny offered to tutor Vincent, as there was no school nearby and online schooling for a child so young is challenging. She often makes extra food for Penny as a thank you.
- When Kent went missing she felt as though her whole world had stopped. She powered on for her children, putting on a brave face. The only people who knew the truth were Evelyn, Caroline, Robin and Marnie.
- She hated receiving any post, and often had nightmares of being told they found Kent dead. She refused to ever give up hope, praying for him to come home every night.
- When Kent was found she felt relieved, though terrified for him when finding out he was a Prisoner Of War. He was kept for a while, needed to receive medical treatment and therapy for what he was put through for months.
- She wrote every single day, even when he did not respond much, knowing that as long as he got them she was happy. The children often wrote as well, and Vincent drew pictures along with it as he struggled a lot more with his spelling.
- She struggled a lot when Kent came back, knowing he was struggling with a lot due to his experiences. She never pushes him to talk about it, but is always offering support.
- She cries sometimes to Caroline about how she doesn’t know how to help Kent, and has requested books from Gunther on how to help him.
- She offers support through everything, especially making sure to check what foods or smells may be a trigger, especially after the popcorn incident.
- Every Flower Dance, she always makes sure to have at least one dance with Sam and Vincent. Sebastian and Abigail also dance with her at least once, and they also dance with Vincent as well.
- Kent asked her to dance in their living room in the evening of the Flower Dance, struggling to phrase his issues with the open field. She loved it though, knowing he remembers how much she loves to dance.
- Kent tries to help out more around the house, especially seeing how tired Jodi has been with looking after them all, though she still sticks to the cooking as he is still not that good
- Kent surprised her once the farmer fixed up the boat and resort at Ginger Island, organising for Sam to look after Vincent for the day, and took her on a date. They had a day at the beach, for the first time in years, and had a very romantic date.
- Jodi and Leah bonded over their love for art, and they often discuss techniques and different art styles they use.
- She often gives tips to Haley for fashion and hair, treating her as her own daughter, with sharing any advice from what she has learnt over the years. She does the same with Emily, though they bond more over baking and cooking. They also share exercise tips together, as they both go to Aerobics.
- When Harvey joined the Aerobics club, she very quickly welcomed him and bonded over discussing exercising tips. She sometimes makes extra food and gives some to Harvey, knowing he is often too busy and tired to have homemade meals.
- She often asks Elliot about his writing, encouraging him to continue and giving him ideas if he ever needs inspiration. She loves his passion for creativity, and understands it.
- She loved snow when she was a child, and that carried on now - she has started multiple snowball fights, teaming up with Vincent against Sam. Sometimes Sam gets Sebastian and Abigail to join, though Abigail will never take Sam’s side. When Kent returns he joined Sam’s side to begin with, but pretended he was defeated by Vincent.
- When the community centre is opened, she uses the kitchen to run a baking club. Willy, surprisingly, joined and loved to learn how to bake as he remembers his mum baking when he was younger. A lot of the town joined, with Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, Caroline and Willy being the main members. Some of the younger ones sometimes join, and Kent sometimes comes just to watch, and is happy to be the taste tester, especially if his kids are trying (he knows he will burn the place down if he tries).
- With Jodi looking at Emily and Haley as daughters, she would be disgusted if she found out how creepy Clint is to Emily, and very protective.
- The longer Kent is at home, the happier he becomes, feeling more at peace. He eventually opens up a little about what he went through, and Jodi helps him every step of the way.
- When Vincent is older she begins to paint again, with taking up commissions online (Sam helps set it up for her), and she happily gets back into her hobbies with having more free time.
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archivyrep · 2 years
"The Ghost and Molly McGee" employs archives stereotypes with basement archive [Part 2]
Continued from part 1
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The first time we see the archives in the episode
It is dispiriting to see yet another series using the basement archives stereotype, especially one I enjoy a lot, as this show is a cute, wholesome series. I wish the writers of this episode, "Monumental Disaster," specifically Ricky Roxburgh and Paul Chang, could have tried to smash this stereotype, rather than playing into it. [1] As Sam Cross put in April 2020, popular culture depictions of archives and archives have not "changed as much as any of us would like" and added that it "depends entirely on the piece of media being consumed." This same episode includes implied records destruction, as the Brighton Historical Society is on fire. [2]
Reprinted from my Wading Through the Cultural Stacks WordPress blog. Originally published on Nov. 18, 2021.
When Tug goes inside the historical society to save a painting of himself, but not put out the fire, it makes me think that he might want the fire to continue as it could get rid of any evidence which disproves the town legend. On the other hand, he could just be an arrogant jerk who doesn't care about other people, rather than intentionally letting the fire burn.
Not only does the episode play into many of the archives tropes but the archives itself isn't even accessible to the public, hidden within a library. In some ways, this archives is like the special collections room in Hilda's Trolberg Library. The difference is that this archives appears to be abandoned and is not tended by anyone. It makes me think about the scrolls inside of a tree that the protagonists of Tangled, another Disney series, find, which happen to be organized, but no archivist is in sight.
As for unnamed archives in this episode, it is more of a repository, almost a warehouse of sorts, rather than something that people can use. That is the worst part of this episode. Sure, some archives are restricted and are only accessible through appointments, having this archives be hidden away, only able to be accessed with a cliche book pulling, sends the wrong message. I understand the urge for that in the episode and to make it mysterious, but I believe that there is undoubtedly a way to write an episode such as the one described into this without playing into archives stereotypes.
© 2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] Apart from them, with Chang also responsible for the teleplay, culpable here are the episode's directors, Johnny Castuciano and Sam King. I don't blame any of them for this, nor the storyboarder Steve Hirt, the animators, or the artists. Rather, it is, sadly, almost inevitable for the series to play into these stereotypes unless they try and counter them in their work. I hope more people could be like Daniel Errico of The Bravest Knight who said "I can assure you that the Hall of Records was abandoned for nefarious reasons outside of the archivists' control" and engaged with some of my criticisms. Castuciano, for his part, has been a storyboarder and animator on many shows, along with being a director on some others, according to IMDB, with none of those shows noted on this blog. The same is the case for King, who has worked on DuckTales, Big City Greens, and Clarence apart from this show, as noted by her IMDB page, and for Hirt, who has storyboarded for series such as Big Hero 6, Pig Goat Banana Cricket, and T.U.F.F. Puppy.
[2] Other series have featured archives on fire, like episodes of Rick and Morty and Allen Gregory, so this is a relatively common theme.
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we are not our demons - (23/24) - bruce wayne x batmom
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Author’s note: Could be labelled a filler chapter since this basically preludes to the epilogue of our story. I deeply apologize for the direct quotes from DC Universe Online and Arkham City - I needed inspiration for a very specific character. Last chapter coming on New Year’s Eve to finish off the year. Love you, guys! [See you at the end.]
Beta-read by Heidi.
Words: 3.6k
Warning: mentioned animal abuse, mentioned death, scar tissues
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Now don’t you ever be sad
Lean on me when times are bad
When the day comes and you’re down
In a river of trouble, about to drown
- Hold On, I’m Comin’ by Sam & Dave -
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Ellie heard herself asking with a concerned voice when she was facing Dick in the Batcave. Bruce was in his Batsuit sitting on the reclining chair on her right while she was in a standing position.
With his arms crossed over his chest, Dick turned away from the Blüdhaven news on the big screen, and confronted Ellie again. Despite the terror alert not being news exactly, the situation still felt tense and truly harrowing. The blue stripes of the Nightwing suit bulged with his muscles tensing. “Why? Because there’s a terror warning?”
Waving a hand at the obvious reason, Ellie lifted her eyebrows. “It’s one of the reasons? Only you wouldn’t let that deter you.”
Dick shrugged his shoulders like that issue didn’t even cross his mind. “What can I say? I like living dangerously.”
“And the military will allow you entry?” Bruce inquired; his palm covered his cheek in contemplation.
“Our vigilante allegiance with the city has been pretty fragile as of late, but Blüdhaven has requested the assistance of Nightwing. I’m not going to blow it,” Dick worded carefully.
Ellie shook her head to clear her mind. This family and their strange use of the third person.
“Do you know who you’re dealing with yet?” Bruce—ever the pragmatist—asked.
Dick sighed before finally admitting, “It’s the Society.”
For the first time, Damian let his presence known standing next to a quiet Tim, when he huffed at the nefarious mention.
Dick faced the younger Wayne and consented with a sympathetic voice, “I get it. I know how much you’re itching to have a go at them.”
An apprehensive frown painted on his facial expression at his brother’s well-being as Tim’s fingers clenched. “If the Society’s involved, … be careful.”
Dick smiled gratefully at hearing him say that. “I’ll be back before you know it, Tim.”
Just the reference of the organization let a chill roll down her spine while her heart was beating nervously in her chest. The déjà vu suddenly hit Ellie. For some reason Joker’s warning sounded far more menacing now.
“I have a whole society of people just like me who will follow in my footsteps. You can’t stop this madness.”
Ellie hoped her hidden agenda wasn’t that apparent when she switched her gaze between Bruce and Dick in scrutiny. “Wait, the Society is who?”
Bruce was staring at Ellie with a blank expression after he turned his head while Dick explained, “They’re the bad guys. They actually call themselves The Secret Society of Super Villains.”
Yep, that didn’t sound ominous at all.
Ellie felt truly speechless at that and raised her eyebrows. “Wow, okay. I didn’t need to know that,” she spoke quietly to herself.
Bruce chose that moment to stand up from his seat and walk towards Ellie. “I need your eyes and ears out there as soon as I’m out on patrol.” His voice switched into a whisper. “Keep an eye on Damian for me, please, will you?”
“I’m not a child, father,” Damian grumbled as his facial expression resembled that of a grouch.
“Your birth certificate begs to differ,” Dick joked before his blue eyes met Ellie’s and—pretending that Damian didn’t hear him—spoke under his breath, “I think he’s starting to hate the feeling of not going outside as long as he needs to heal that arm.”
Ellie glanced at Bruce after her chuckles hushed. The promise clear on her face. “I’ll keep him close. What happened to not keep the boys awake so long though?”
“It’s not going to take as long. I just need to look into Riddler’s games in the East End.”
Dick furrowed his eyebrows. “What’s his issue now?”
Bruce crossed his arms in reflection before sighing. “Ever since Joker was sent to Arkham, Nygma and his crew have been in some sort of budding turf war with the remnants of Joker’s goons. I’ll check the city district, see if I can find some mystery boxes.”
“Tim could be a clear advantage then. Make it a game night, you know?” Ellie smiled, seeing the challenge to Riddler’s games.
The second-youngest boy had been looking at the floor before his name was mentioned and gazed up at Ellie with a small smile on the corners of his lips at the compliment.
Dick tilted his head with pursing lips as he hummed in agreement. “Sounds legit. Wish I could stay, guys.” He let his arms spread at his side when he continued with a rueful sigh, “So, this is me taking my leave now.”
Ellie advanced on Dick in farewell. “Stay safe then, okay?” She said imploringly before she was hugging him tightly and felt him squeeze her for a few seconds.
The tall raven-haired man nodded somberly in a teasing manner. “Objective granted.” Before letting go, Ellie felt him press a friendly peck on the side of her temple. She watched him turn to his younger brothers. Dick knelt down and spoke in such a low voice that he couldn’t be heard any longer.
Giving them some needed privacy, Ellie wandered over to Bruce. “How come I’ve never heard of the Society before?”
Bruce shook his head with a snort. “They don’t really operate like that. Their anonymity is part of their magic trick.”
Ellie felt herself shudder at the thought. “Sounds like the League of Assassins.”
Despite seeing the reason behind her concern, Bruce assured her with a smile. “Dick can take care of himself.”
“Don’t remind me.” Ellie rolled her eyes. Like a magnet, her body was moving closer to his until barely a breath was separating them. Warmth settled in her chest from their intimacy. Her fingers touched his biceps. “Time for you to clean up these streets. Search for some mystery boxes for me without getting caught in that war, alright, Bruce?”
Those molten dark pools no longer resembled hazel-brown eyes before a crooked smile was sent at her. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were worried about me.”
Ellie exhaled a long breath that ghosted over his neck and pressed her fingers together in front of Bruce’s eyes without the digits touching. She tilted her head while wrinkling her nose and letting laughter lines form around the corners of her eyes. “Maybe just a smidge.”
Bruce chuckled with a gravelly sound. “Whatever you say,” he murmured playfully. He tipped his head down until his mouth was aligned with her cheek.
For some inexplicable reason, Ellie was lulled by the familiar routine they were in when she brushed her hand around the sensitive spot under Bruce’s ribs. All of a sudden, time was no longer essential, and she felt the trip down memory lane. Ellie stood on her tiptoes and almost out of reflex, pressed her lips against his mouth.
She didn’t think anything was out of the ordinary until she pulled back from him. That stunned expression on Bruce’s face made her pull back with bewilderment crossing over her features. Until Ellie realized what she just did.
She felt speechless and let her hand hover over her mouth while Bruce was staring at her with wide eyes and mouth open in astonishment.
Heated embarrassment spread in Ellie’s cheeks that twinged right to her stomach. “Uh, that was not—That was some weird reflex.”
Please let this world swallow me whole.
Bruce’s eyebrows were high on his forehead. Before he could react, Dick spoke from behind with teasing words, “You kiss all your exes like that?”
Aggravation welled up deep in her belly as Ellie turned her head to glare at Dick. A strained smile was on her lips. “It was just the routine which was hitting me.”
Raising his eyebrows in skepticism, Dick lifted his hands in capitulation and spoke slowly, “If you’re sure.”
Bruce opened and closed his mouth while he was struggling for words, blinking profusely. “Let’s just … we’ll talk about that later.”
Wishing for anything but that conversation, Ellie pressed her lips together. She hummed under her breath without saying anything instead. “Hmm-hmm.”
A childish part of her believed she could run for the hills before Bruce arrived.
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Ellie cleared her throat once she opened the communication link. She felt nervous as all hell while her cheeks regained their red-hot shame. “Your satellite has picked up on something in Gotham. I’ve sent you the coordinates of some suspicious box on a roof in the East End.”
“I see it. I’ll send you more details along the way. Stand by,” Batman confirmed tersely.
Ellie leaned back in her chair and adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose. The presence of Damian on her right and Tim on her left felt slightly calming, albeit knowing that both had seen her mishap didn’t really help matters.
God, why did she have to kiss him?
Ellie’s attention shifted over to Damian who was visibly struggling with opening a box of biscuits. Without uttering a word or turning her head away from the screen, Ellie supported him by holding the edges down.
“Thanks,” Damian grunted lowly before he was able to lift the cover and dropped it with a clang on the desk above his knees. Trying not to appear too obvious, the cookie addict slightly leaned his head down to smell the pastry contents.
Ellie’s eyes narrowed in interest and turned her head towards him. “You willing to share? I’m getting the feeling that we’re going to need some food for the nerves.”
Damian needed a few seconds to let that thought cross his mind. At long last, his shoulders jerked, and Damian muttered quietly, “You made them anyway.” After some hesitation, he lifted the cookie tin into her waiting hands and watched Ellie place it on the desk in the middle between them.
Ellie’s eyes were already focusing on the screen of the Batcomputer and promised, “I’ll make you more next weekend.” She gingerly bit into one small biscuit. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tim follow her example after sending her a probing glance and took one for himself.
“Aether, do you see this?”
Before Ellie could react, Batman turned on the small camera in the middle of his chest and revealed one of Riddler’s green-purple boxes which was peppered with question marks on every surface.
After activating the night vision from her perspective to see the object better in the dark, Ellie confirmed, “Affirmative. Try to activate it.” The thick purple button on top which was the size of a game show buzzer should do the trick, she thought.
The dark knight stepped close enough until he was able to push the button.
A playful voice reverberated in the Batcave that seemed strangely familiar, “Why hello, Batman. As you’ve no doubt guessed, this is the Riddler. Wondering what the Joker’s goons are up to? Riddle me this! ‘Six legs went in and only two came out. Where am I?’”
Batman remained silent on comms. Only his heavy breathing could be heard.
Ellie was thinking long and hard about the solution when a dark foreboding feeling settled low in her belly. “Wait—”
Tim frowned intensely. “It’s Crime Alley.”
Before Ellie could reassign his new coordinates, Batman’s gruff voice interrupted, “I know where the Monarch Theatre is.”
Ellie leaned back with a heavy sigh before she shut off her microphone link. “That’s just messed up. Even for Riddler.”
Damian nodded to himself. “He wants father’s attention.”
Ellie’s eyebrows twitched at that very fitting description. “Well, he’s certainly got it now.” She was eyeing the blinking dot accelerating over the Park Row District before his figure dropped on the roof for the next riddle, yet this time he wasn’t alone.
“They’re only five, you can take them,” Ellie assured him after checking the heat signature.
“Your perception of ‘easy’ truly changed over time,” Batman teased between heavy grunts. He didn’t even hesitate and kept on moving as soon as he thrust the last clown’s face onto the roof’s floor. He stood up from his kneeling position and let his cape swing behind him.
With a grunt he pushed the next button. “So, you did it. Well done. I would have expected a child to work that one out, let alone the world’s greatest detective. But you can only find the answer to my puzzle if you solve all my riddles. Diddle diddle diddle, time for a riddle. ‘When you’ve been dealt a bum hand, where is the deck stacked against you?’”
The connection was right in front of Ellie’s eyes. “Cards. The next clue is at the Monarch Playing Card Company. Updating the next location on your map.”
The tips of her fingers moved over the keyboard so their scavenger hunt could proceed. Ellie felt truly perplexed once she studied the next spot on their map and the intricate ways the Riddler was taking Bruce.
“Where is he leading him, for God’s sake?”
Behind his biscuit, Tim mumbled, “The Riddler always has a plan. He just can’t help himself in talking in conundrums.”
That specific word coming from Tim’s mouth prompted Ellie to turn her head and face him with perplexed eyes. “Conundrum? Do 9-year-olds learn that word at Brentwood now? And how do you know so much about super villains?”
“I think I’ve heard it before in one of those shows Alfred watches. Downton Abbot, or something like that.” Tim shrugged his shoulders. “And vigilantes and villains have always interested me. I’ve collected extensive knowledge about them over the years.” Tim’s cheeks warmed when something else crossed his mind. “As soon as Bruce Wayne adopted me, I knew of his other identity.”
Ellie tilted her head in fascination.
This one would prove to be dangerous.
For some reason, Damian was gazing at Tim in a new light—like his brother’s intelligence was something truly powerful.
“You know what I think?” Ellie swallowed thickly and tried to find the right words running rampant through her head. “I believe you have a great future on this team.”
“You think so?” Tim’s eyes were lighting up with something akin to hope.
“We could always use some knowledge around here,” Damian admitted quietly.
Ellie’s shoulders jerked at him. “What he said.”
As soon as that logo consisting of two cards was seen from afar, Ellie saw the caped crusader drop down again.
Nygma’s voice scoffed briefly. “Another one of the easy ones. Don’t feel too proud, Batman. How about some poetry to my last key, Batman? ‘The Joker used to be king, but slave to a tool—thinking he’s a master, but he is a fool. When his toxin is in play, you’ll know tomorrow what you should know today.”’
Ellie frowned with mounting suspicion when the heat signature threw her for a loop. “Something’s off. A number of hostiles are supposed to be on that roof with you.”
Out of nowhere, a bunch of Joker goons appeared and attacked him from different sides.
Tension took over her body, prompting her to hold her breath.
“This might take a bit,” Batman grunted with an aggravated tone.
Nodding mutely while nibbling on a biscuit, she monotonously replied, “Take your time.” Her fingers already dashed over the keyboard to scan the vigilante’s surrounding area before she tilted her head once something caught her eye.
“Wait, is that a robot? We got androids now?”
Batman’s armored forearm shielded his head from vicious blows aimed at it while a red-painted robot with a yellow circle on his chest flew above him and let his flowing cape flutter in the wind behind him. Batman was forced to keep his momentum as tornado-like winds were blasted towards him.
Seeing that POV shot from Batman’s perspective looked pretty scary, seeing him take the blows like that.
“It’s a J1N1.” Trying to get out of the chokehold he was suddenly in, Batman swiped their legs and did a simultaneous melee assault, dropping them on the ground without a care before he turned to his tougher assailant. Batman managed to subdue the android by squeezing its head.
“Similar abilities like Red Tornado,” Bruce grunted through gritted teeth.
Using the J1N1’s pressure points to his advantage, Batman thrust its head against the brick wall and let it crumple like a lifeless body. “Designed by … T.O. Morrow.” He sighed in frustration at Nygma’s riddles between huffing breaths once the adrenaline came after the exertion. Bruce mumbled under his breath, “You’ll know T.O. Morrow—very clever, Riddler.”
The name ‘Morrow’ sounded kinda familiar but judging by the fact that this tech genius just created a killer robot, it was pretty obvious that a certain someone was after some world domination.
“Joker was king but he’s a fool. Morrow must have betrayed him. Not the best of ideas. I’m guessing you know where that evil mad genius has his hidden lair.”
“Ace Chemicals,” Bruce supplied helpfully. “He took over after Scarecrow was sent to Arkham. Send me the location, Aether.”
“Just updated your map.”
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~ Bruce POV ~
Bruce had given Ellie permission to sign off the comms since there seemed to be only a few hostiles left on the premises of Ace Chemicals. He had promised he’d be fine and that he would let her know in case of a serious emergency.
If anything, that peace and quiet was something he desperately needed right now. Ever since Ellie had kissed him—and it wasn’t even a small peck, it was pretty much a kiss she would have given him when they were still together—Bruce gave it his best shot not to think about it.
It was ironic, with her voice no longer echoing in his ear like his moral conscience, their kiss was all that was left on his mind. During that moment, Bruce was far too stunned to even react when Ellie’s soft lips brushed against his.
Quietly clearing his throat, Bruce wandered through the almost abandoned facility and heard voices from a distance.
“Just push it inside.” A giggle resounded a few corners away. “Like we did the others.”
“I don’t know, he’s pretty big. Looks kinda heavy though.”
A growling noise made Bruce frown due to the nature of the sound. It sounded almost animalistic. Although this place could harbor lots of different kinds of creatures and was mostly used for very insidious reasons.
Impatience was laced in the first goon’s voice. “Just do it before it’s starting to bite us again.”
Having heard enough of whatever mistreatment they wanted to inflict, Bruce’s hulking figure stepped around a vat which was filled with an illuminated green mixture. What he saw next, stopped him in his tracks. Two clowns struggled with shoving a black-furred dog into a bubbling green tank.
Bruce felt his fingers twitch at his side, no longer able to hold in this fury. The canine’s paws clawed against the floor, visibly fighting tooth and nail against them, snapping mouth included.
Bruce grunted lowly, “I really hope, for your sake, you’re not doing what I think you’re doing.”
Caught in the act, both jesters turned their heads and froze in shock. The only thing distinguishing them were the divergences of their masks. One was wearing a clown mask with pink lips painted on it while the other had red and with soiled markings over his face.
The pink clown instantly raised his hands in surrender once he realized who they were facing.
The red clown was a whole different matter who giggled with such a high note that the animal whined after looking up at him.
“What do you think we’re doing?” he asked with a mixture of innocence. Like their actions seemed truly hilarious in his eyes.
A threatening growl left Bruce. He had seen those Joker dogs up close, but not once had he seen the experimentation inflicted upon them.
“Step away from the dog or I’ll make you.”
Nervous tension rolled off in waves down the red-faced clown while he debated his available options, with his gaze sweeping over to the dog in question.
Seeing their physical reaction as sufficient, Bruce stated, “As you wish,” before he used the Stungun at his holster on clown #1, letting his body fall unconscious to the ground. Bruce’s eye caught the pink jester who had the good sense to step away.
“Are there more animals at Ace you wanted to torture?”
The clown shook his head. “Most of the Joker dogs went unpredictable and died over time. They were gonna let him fight in a dog fighting ring, the more vicious the better.”
Bruce forced himself to take deep breaths. Joker might have been in Arkham, but his infecting madness still remained.
“Where is Morrow?”
The pink clown shrugged. “Don’t know. He ditched the place as soon as Joker was brought to Arkham.”
This might have felt like a dead end, but at least this way he had some leads to chase after. Bruce promised, “If you don’t make a fuss, I’ll get you to Arkham. But unlike your friend over there, you’ll be conscious for the drive.”
The criminal mulled it over before he nodded barely.
Accepting the gesture as consent, Bruce stalked over to the Great Dane with a heavy sigh. He tilted his head in speculation as his eyes lingered over the canine.
Despite the curious expression of the onyx-furred animal, his torso remained tense and anxious. A few scars which had healed badly were on his nose and what appeared to be an open gash at his side.
Behind his mask, Bruce frowned with remorse at the distress the animal was in. Keeping the clown in the corner of his eye, he knelt down and let his hand hover over his snout. Bruce offered him enough time to acclimate towards him until the dog carefully sniffed his gloved hand.
“It’s okay,” Bruce whispered comfortingly. His snout snuggled into his palm. “Let’s bring you home.”
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A/N: Only one last chapter! I can't take this, guys. You know what's funny? As I was writing this, I totally forgot that Bruce and Ellie already kissed in like Chapter 13 (?). Jesus, my brain.
Tagging: @mellowstatesmanhandsempath​ @ravenmoore14​ @alwayshave-faith​ @ikranfuad​ @daydreaming-gemini​ @bluegalaxyprime​ @liadamerondjarin​ @steph21369 @andrewswifes-blog​  @yanna-banana​  @blackmagicwoman
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wickedsrest-rp · 10 months
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Welcome to our weekly round-up! We do these every week to provide plot drops, highlight starters posted that week, and share other information about the setting. Anyone is welcome to use these bullet points in starters, plots, anons etc. Also let us know if you want us to include one of your setting-related plots in here for next week by sending us a bullet point!
What’s new in town?:
Further mining efforts by EER have left Wicked’s Rest in a state of disarray as the anomalous sludge has covered whole blocks of land. People and animals alike have become encased in it as well, unable to escape as it slowly hardens around them. Check out our final plot of the week of Season 1 for ways to interact!
A barrow wight is calling the storm drain outside of the Natural History Museum home. This high-traffic area is going to quickly turn into wight city if no one steps in. It's already made some friends...
Periwinkle Paints is advertising a completely novel new color, and they're being secretive about the ingredients. For now, though, Periwinkle might be the only place in the world you can buy "Gaping Maw Black". The couple who owns the store said they only have a limited supply due to the complicated mixing process. They also seem to be eying patrons as if measuring whether they might be suitable for something.
Every single analogue clock in town has melted and looks like something out of a Dali painting. Screwed up spell or highly coordinated fae prank?
Van is fine! Probably. Or speaking in code. We just don't know.
Stop asking Mona for Santa. Or turkeys. None of the above.
Did anyone other than Andy see the meteor shower last night? No?
Gael's leaving town soon so if you want his house speak now or remain homeless. Don't mind the scratch marks.
Arden wants to know if anyone actually enjoys celebrating their birthdays as an adult.
Warning from Milo: if you're heading to Periwinkle Paints, avoid the birds.
Caleb has some thoughts and opinions on the costume contest and the supposed winner.
Give Sam some much needed caffeine recommendations. Help keep her awake.
Winter thinks there's no reason to be afraid of the birds and doesn't get everyone's issues with them lately.
0 notes
gokitetour · 11 months
10 Activities to Do in Jodhpur-Jaisalmer for A Spellbinding Tour
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Two beautiful cities in Rajasthan are Jodhpur and Jaisalmer. They are a traveller's dream. These towns are in the middle of the Thar Desert and are full of stories about brave fighters, old kings and queens, and rich customs. People love to call Jodhpur the "Blue City." It has beautiful blue houses and forts that tell stories of a bygone age. Jaisalmer, the "Golden City," on the other hand, shines with its huge golden dunes and buildings made of yellow sandstone. Along with the beautiful buildings, the towns have lively bazaars, folk music, and traditional dancing. From riding camels through the desert to eating delicious Rajasthani food, there are a lot of things to do that will give every traveller an amazing experience. If you're interested in history, excitement, or just getting to know the culture of the area, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer have a lot of things to do that will blow your mind. Read this guide to learn about the things you have to do on your trip to make it truly magical.
Here are some activities to do in Jodhpur-Jaisalmer for a spellbinding tour.
1. A Visit to Mehrangarh Fort: The famous Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur stands tall against the blue background of the city. The view from this huge fort in Blue City is amazing. You feel like you're in another time when you walk through its old walls. The museum inside shows artefacts and royal palanquins that give visitors a look into how royalty lived in the past.
2. The Bustling Markets: A Feast for the Senses: People often call Jodhpur the "Blue City" because the houses there are painted different shades of blue. Take your time walking through the small streets, talking to the friendly locals, and taking pictures of these famous blue buildings. The busy markets and food stand on the street are a sensory experience you shouldn't miss.
3. A camel ride in Jaisalmer: The Golden City of Jaisalmer is often thought of as being like a desert with no end. A camel tour is one of the best ways to see the Thar Desert. People can see the beautiful desert scenery from these amazing animals, especially at sunset when the sands glow golden.
4. See the Jaisalmer Golden Fort: The Jaisalmer Fort, which is made of yellow limestone and is sometimes called the "Golden Fort," is the most important building in the city. As you walk through its winding streets, you'll come across old havelis, shops, and restaurants. Don't forget to see the Jain buildings that are inside.
5. Enjoy food from Rajasthan: You can't fully enjoy your trip without trying some of the area's specialties. It's a treat for the taste buds, from the hot kachoris to the sweet ghewar. Make sure you try the popular "Dal Baati Churma" in Jaisalmer. It's a filling, tasty dish that shows what Rajasthan is all about.
6. A cultural evening at Sam Sand Dunes: A beautiful sunset can be seen at Sam Sand Dunes, which is only a short drive from Jaisalmer. Folk music and dance shows bring the place to life in the evening. Watching native Rajasthani shows under the stars will make the experience one you'll never forget.
7. Tranquil Retreats Amidst Royal Tombs: There are royal tombs, called "chhatris," in both Jodhpur and Jaisalmer. These amazing works of architecture honour the area's former masters and show its long and interesting past. These places are great for peace and quiet because they are in peaceful areas and have beautiful carvings.
8. Shopping at bazaars in your area: Crafts, clothes, and jewellery can be found in great abundance in the bazaars of both towns. You can bring back a lot of beautiful things, like silver jewellery with lots of small stones, colourful mojaris (traditional shoes), and bandhani fabrics.
9. A Visit to Patwon Ki Haveli: The Patwon Ki Haveli in Jaisalmer is a great example of the beauty of the city's architecture. The wealthy traders of the 1800s lived in this group of five small havelis, which show how they lived. The intricate designs and jharokhas (balconies that hang over the sides) are truly impressive.
10.You can zip line at Mehrangarh Fort: Zip-lining over the fort and city is a unique thing to do in Jodhpur for people who like to be scared. Fly through the sky and see the Blue City from above, with Mehrangarh Fort in the background. It's not only exciting, but it also gives you a new view of how beautiful the city is. Both Jodhpur and Jaisalmer are beautiful towns with lots of history and culture. Each and every corner has a story to tell, and each event will stay with you forever.
The cities of Jodhpur and Jaisalmer, which are in the middle of Rajasthan, show how diverse India's culture is. They are places to not only visit but also experience, thanks to their bright colours, old sites, and friendly people. Every place you visit has a bit of history, excitement, and culture, from the blue streets of Jodhpur to the golden dunes of Jaisalmer. When your trip is over, the memories you made in these places will stay with you, reminding you of the time you spent in awe of the architecture and culture. People who want to experience the magic or who have never been on a trip before should book a Jaipur-Jodhpur tour package. These carefully put-together packages make sure that every traveller gets a real taste of what these places have to offer. If the stories of these desert towns make you want to visit again or for the first time, don't wait to look into JAIPUR-JODHPUR tour packages. They say that the tour will be more than just a trip; it will be an event that lives on.
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I Had A Weirdly Really Good And Developed Dream About A Weird DSMP AU So I Am Rambling About It.
(Obviously, everything below is /rp and refers to the characters I don’t have weird au dreams about real people I have them about characters. the stuff in the trigger tags is under the cut, this au gets dark bc my sleeping brain pulls no punches)
Okay, so the au centres on there being gods that have almost complete power over their own lands/kingdom. Each one has a different way of doing this, each with their own weaknesses. In my dream, at least Dream, Callahan, Sam, Bad, Philza and Kristen, Ranboo and Foolish were gods, but I didn’t have anything specific for Callahan and Foolish. For the rest:
Sam controlled his land through coding, and the weakness of this was that it took a decent amount of time to do, and could be interrupted. His land was a vast city that was very technologically advanced, with machines to provide for people’s every need.
Bad controlled his land through the egg, and the weakness of this was the egg had a mind of its own which lead to conflict between them. His land was eerie, with it being perpetually night, red foliage curling into even the darkest and most obscure corners, and a Victorian gothic atmosphere, but feeling somehow comforting and homely.
Philza and Kristen controlled their land through death and rebirth, and the weakness of this was that they had a very limited control over things that weren’t living (or once living). Their land is almost entirely alive, or once living, being a verdant jungle of plants and animals, with cities built in the bones of long dead megabeasts.
Ranboo controlled his land through it changing to how he remembered it. This was the most powerful of the methods of control, and could even effect Gods in his land to a limited extent, but it had the very obvious drawback of being completely out of his conscious control, especially since he has awful memory. His land was always shifting day after day, sometimes as small as the sky being a slightly different hue, sometimes the entire laws of physics changed.
Finally, Dream controlled his land through an artefact (well, two), being the discs. The weakness was that these could be destroyed, losing Dream of his power. His land was carefully neutral, basically being a medieval kingdom with Minecraft mechanics, though it had an unnaturally large variety in biomes that would have been impossible naturally.
The plot of the dream, unsurprisingly, revolved around Primeboys. Basically, Tommy was a street kid,and a thief living in Dream's kingdom, and he decided (being Tommy and therefore incredibly reckless with no sense of authority) robbing a God would be a good idea. In his defence, he had an actual sensible(ish) reason for this- if he succeeded, he’d be rich beyond his wildest dreams, if he failed, he was going to die young on the streets anyway, so why not go down as the bastard crazy enough to steal from a God?
Tommy went into this with an actual plan, that worked surprisingly well. He disguised himself as a servant, and no one really pays much attention to their names and faces, so who would notice if one was different? He was going through the palace, taking small but pretty valuables into his pouch to sell later, when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. In a random, seemingly empty hallway, there was a small shift in the wall next to a painting. A hidden passage, one no one who hadn’t spent sixteen miserable years hiding in them would notice. And, with endless curiosity, he went through it.
The passage was full of magical defences, but none that would affect a small, completely untrained, human teenager. You can’t drain strength that wasn’t there, magic that wasn’t there, and since the only thing Tommy had was cunning (and even that’s debatable), the only magical defences that worked were the ones notifying Dream that the passage had been broken into.
At the end of the passage was the discs, and- well, Tommy wasn’t stupid enough to try and steal something so powerful, but they were so beautiful and Tommy couldn’t resist just touching them. As soon as his fingertips brushed against the vinyl, though, he turned and found himself staring at the God he was trying to steal from.
Tommy thought he was dead in that moment. He wasn’t that lucky.
See, Dream was less pissed that someone broke into the palace- he could just replace anything or anyone missing or destroyed easily the next day- and more fascinated on how Tommy managed to break in so seemingly effortlessly, and how touching the discs would effect him, so instead of killing Tommy, he decided to instead experiment on him. And not just to figure out how the discs effected him, he found Tommy fascinating in general too, and wanted to see how he'd react to everything.
As a God, Dream could very easily mould Tommy's mind and body and soul like clay, but that’d just be boring, so there’s rules he sticks too. Physically, while he often changes Tommy's form to see how he reacts, he makes sure to keep enough that he’s always recognisably himself, no matter his species or strange mutations. And when experimenting with how physical pain and injury affects him, he always fixes his scars up. Eventually.
Mentally, he never directly affects or changes Tommy's thoughts or personality. He might mess with, remove, or conflate his senses, remove or add or confuse his knowledge, or even completely puppet his every action, so many more that it can’t even be listed, but he never changes his thoughts or who he is as a person.
Through this, the effect of the discs are also discovered. Tommy is incredibly durable, though not completely invulnerable, and heals from everything eventually, though with incredibly obvious and ugly, painful scarring (which Dream usually removes). He’s also ageless, and if he’s ever somehow aged through, say, a Gods control, he slowly de-ages back to sixteen. These two abilities, though, rely on his proximity to Dream. When he’s out of Dream's eyesight, he has none of these, and the further he goes from Dream, the weaker and sicker Tommy gets, up to falling into a deep coma when he’s so much as a mile away from Dream.
(In addition, Dream could train Tommy to be able to use the same powers as him, into becoming a secondary God of the land, but obviously that’s not something he wants to do. At least, not yet.)
After finding out Tommy loses his near-immortality away from him, Dream keeps Tommy by his side at all times. It’s a hassle having to revive him, after all, wastes time that could be spent on valuable research. Tommy gets dragged along to diplomatic meetings with the other gods and Dream holding court and religious ceremonies and basically anything Dream does. This does not go unnoticed.
The rumours throughout Dream's land were varied, but the most widely believed one was that he was a physical manifestation of the discs themselves. All agreed on his divinity, because what else would the figure always one step behind their God, ever changing but always recognisably the same, be?
The Gods, however, know a mortal when they see one. The divine energy coming from Tommy, though, is noticeable, and he’s assumed to be Dream's protégé, like Philza was to Kristen long ago. The exact nature of their relation is a topic of much debate, however. Some see the resemblance between the two, blond hair and freckles and a crooked grin, and say they are brothers, not by blood but by choice. Some see the way Tommy flinches and looks no one in the eyes and sometimes moves ever so stiffly, like a puppet, and say he is a prisoner or some other lowlife who’d never be missed, to be turned into a mindless vessel for Dream's will. A few even say he's Dream's bastard son.
Either way, as someone who will one day be kin, it would not do good to offend him. Gods don’t have war- their control over their own domain would lead to the party being invaded winning every time- but diplomacy can be as bad, if not worse, so they’re distantly friendly to Tommy, which he resents. They’re not his family. His family was the kids on the street with him, who he’d never see again, or so he thought.
After all, Dream has seen all of Tommy's memories, so he knows about them, and when he decides Tommy's been good and needs a “gift”, it’s trivially easy to take one of them- the one with cracked horns and burn scars, Dream didn’t care for their name- back to the palace. Of course, this wasn’t solely an act of twisted kindness. For one, Dream was interested in seeing how Tommy reacted around someone he cared around, and for two, it was an easy way to keep Tommy in line when he refused to play along with the experiments.
Tubbo is completely confined to the wing of the palace Dream and Tommy reside in. It’s larger than most villages- time and space are mere suggestions for gods- and holds luxuries much beyond the medieval level tech outside, but no matter how gilded it is, he’s still in a cage. And whatever rules Dream has when he effects Tommy, he does not care to hold back on him.
Tubbo tries to find comfort in this new life. If he can’t escape, he might as well try to adapt. He makes friends with the servants, when Tommy's away, and eventually becomes a father figure to a pig hybrid even younger than him. Still, there’s a melancholy around him that never fades.
And that’s all I had of the dream, but I’m certain I’ll definitely have more of this AU because… wow, my unconscious brain POPPED OFF jeez.
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avinaccia · 3 years
A Completely Objective and Logical Ranking of Every Hetalia Character Song
New character songs are dropping,  I have too much time on my hands, let’s go. 
Also here’s a Youtube playlist for the ~✨nostalgia✨~
Bring it on in the tags 
71. Ah Legendary Class⭐The Awesome Me Highway [Prussia]: Absolutely tearing it up on the drums and on the vocal cords alike (I pray for Atsushi Kousaka). Great for the memes. 
70.  Happy Thoughts Museum [???]: This is listed as an official song but I had literally never heard of the title. Then I listened to it and BAM! Smack back to 2013 watching the teasers for the show on Funimation. Not sure I’d count it as a character song though...
69. (Nice)  My Song that is written by me for me [Prussia]: Deafened me but I can appreciate the industrial grind.
68.  My House is...Quiet. ~With the Trolls~ [Norway]: I have never heard this song, nor can I find any version of it online. By default it goes here and I am so sorry Norge.
67.  Make a Wish to Santa♪ [Sealand]: The discordant notes and childish exuberance only serve to make this sound like a demonic plea to Santa to eliminate the singer’s enemies.
66.  Heaven and Hell on Earth [Rome]: Rome sounds like he’s been in the corner of a restroom. Extra points for the metal version, minus points for the fact that the beach scene was replayed like 1764 times.
65. Canada Complete Introduction [Canada]: Quiet af until Kumacheerio shows up and blows out your speakers. they did you dirty my darling 😔
64.  It’s Easy!!! [America]: I don't think any video of this has ever stayed up for more than 20 seconds. Sounds cool, but like I was listening to 20 different genres at once, someone make him calm down.
63.  Bù Zàiyì the Small Stuff ☆ [China]: I cannot for the life of me find the complete song anywhere, clips have a cool beat though
62.  Let's Boil Hot Water♪ [Italy]: Exactly what it says on the tin..though a bit too close to elevator music for my tastes.
61.  The Fragrance of Early Summer [Japan]: Very ‘from the books’ Japan-esque song
60.  Peace Sounds Nice…[Baltic Trio]: All well and good until the radio demon shows up
59.  W●D●C ~World Dancing~ [America]: How a song can sound like it’s from 4 different decades at once is beyond me
58.  Overflowing Passion [BFT]: This is just drunken karaoke and I have 0 clue what’s going on #iconicforallthewrongreasons
57. Ren●Ren●Renaissance♪ [Rome+Chibitalia]: Wholesome Grandpa with Grandson content - barring the fact that Italy sounds on the verge of a nervous breakdown and Rome has had too much wine.
56.  Roma Antiqua [Rome]: Similar energy to any one of China’s songs - there’s a part of the song where it sounds like he’s singing in the shower, and I will never not laugh at [CENSORED]
55.  Country From Where the Sun Rises, Zipangu [Japan]: Very chill, very Japan, but just meh for me.
54.  Moon Over Emei Shan [China]: Good message, okay song.
53.  My Friend [England]: What a mind palace you must have Mr. Kirkland
52.  With Love, from Iceland [Iceland]: Three words: Heavy. Metal. Puffin.
51.  Having Friends is Nice...♫ [Russia]: Russia is the cutest thing ever
50.  Mm. [Sweden]: Smooth transition from WWE Smackdown to shopping at IKEA.
49.  Why don’t you come over? ~Beyond the Northern Lights~ [Iceland]: I don’t want to be mean but...this does sound like the second closing theme to an anime whose first closing was much more popular (à la Soul Eater)
48. Gakuen☆Festa [Germany, Italy, Japan]: Sounds like a 60s song of the summer but oh dear their voices do not go together. Hella cute though.
47.  Wa! Wa!! World Ondo [Main Cast]: One time I travelled 10 hours in a coach bus with a bunch of teenagers to a city of note in my country, and the only souvenir I bought was the fucking PAINT IT WHITE DVD. Perfectly chaotic, UN ĐĕùX~~
46.  In the Bluebell Woods [England]: In the album cover for this song he’s holding a guitar but this is not a rock song. Still has ‘running through the hills’ levels of dramatism though.
45.  Poi Poi Poi♪ [Taiwan]: You’re telling me that Taiwan, someone whose has *ONE LINE* in Beautiful World (which is criminal tbh what kind of representation-) managed to get an eNTIRE CHARACTER SONG???????
44.  White Flame [Russia]: There’s something to be said for a song that is 3x the length of any Hetalia episode
43.  Ich liebe… [Germany]: Baking cakes for your friends has never been so wholesome.
42.  We Wish you a Merry Christmas [America, China, England, France, Russia]: Nice to see they’ve gotten their shit together since United Nations Sta-hmm.
41.  Ah, Worldwide à la mode [France]: Sounds like a Disney Princess song, hard not to picture France frolicking in a field of flowers.
40.  Che Bello! ~My House is the Greatest!⭐~ [Italy]: Would not be out of place in an advertisement for Sea World.
39.  May You Smile Today [Japan]: THE feel good song of the summer
38.  Let’s Look Behind the Rainbow [Italy]: I will protect you.
37.  I'm your HERO☆ [America]: “Anyone who’s sad or sullen will be arrested” did NOT age well.
36.  Mein Gott! [Prussia]: Alternating headphone effect at the beginning is cool, so is the confidence...the actual singing on the other hand...
35. Nihao⭐China [China]: Listen, all of China’s character songs are great, I just can’t vibe with this one like some of the others.
34.  Pechka ~Light My Heart~ [Russia]: I’m still having difficulty wrapping my head around the fact that this and Winter were released at the same time.
33.  Pukapuka⭐Vacation [Germany, Italy, Japan]: Seems just a bit too much like they’re running on a treadmill that’s picking up speed and trying to sing at the same time. Peppy.
32.  Santa Claus is Coming to Town [Germany, Italy, Japan]: This is unironically the best song sung by this trio; can only vibe with for two months out of the year though.
31.  Excuse Me, I Am Sorry [Japan]: Japan’s character traits speedrun. Gives me barbershop quartet vibes for some reason but is catchy as hell.
30.  The Story of Snow and Dreams [Russia]: A superhero anime opening in the making
29. England’s Evil Demon Summoning Song [England]: Sir that is not how you roast a marshmallow, don’t cut yourself on that edge.
28.  Moi Moi Sauna♪ [Finland]: Exactly the type of song you’d expect and it’s wonderful
27.  United Nations Star⭐ [America, China, England, France, Russia]: This isn’t as much of a song as it is a four minute struggle for everyone to sing without America yelling every 5 seconds...Like a particularly musical episode of Hetalia.
26.  Paris is Indeed Splendid [France]: Paris-pa-pa-pa-paris
25.  Absolutely Invincible British Gentleman [England]: Poppy, rocky, polka-dotty
24.  Vorwärts Marsch! [Germany]: To quote the comment section: “This sounds like a German version of I’ll Make a Man out of you.” There’s some truth to that.
23.  Hamburger Street [America]: The product of America’s rapper phase. 8/10 because he’s trying so hard and because I can unironically sing along to all of this.
22.  Hoi Sam☆Nice Guy [Hong Kong]: A song that would absolutely destroy the ankles of anyone in DDR.
21.  I Am German-Made [Germany]: There was once a version that had Germany and Prussia singing at the same time and it sounded positively demonic and Broadway could never
20.  La pasión no se detiene ~Unstoppable Passion~ [Spain]: Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping...
19.  Fall in Love, Mademoiselle [France]: Sounds like it should be in Mozart Opera Rock, I have kiss kiss falled in love.
18. Embrace the Très Bien Moi [France]: This is the definition of SELF LOVE PEOPLE. 
17. Carrot and Stick [Belarus&Ukraine]: Absolutely DRIPPING in 2000s power ballad energy. The type of song that plays on repeat in the mind of the widow whose millionaire husband ‘mysteriously disappeared’ (and the only legit character song ever acknowledged by the anime)
16. C.B.C (Cowboyz Boot Camp) Vol. 1 [America]: AH MAH GAWWDDD
15. Winter [Russia]: Heavy metal fever dream and the perfect song for an angst-ridden teenager
14.  Seychelles Here ⭐ Vacation Island [Seychelles]: UN👏DER👏RA👏TED SONG👏OF 👏THE 👏SUM👏MER👏
13.  Nah, it will settle itself somehow [Romano]: One day I aspire to reach this level of chill
12.  Let’s Enjoy Today [England]: I will never not feel happy when listening to this.
11.  Einsamkeit [Germany]: Ludwig manages to air every single one of his worries about not being good enough compared to his friends and always being perceived as mean or uptight when he’s actually just a softie and now my heart hurts. 💔
10.  Aiyaa Four Thousand Years [China]: A very poignant and beautiful song about the passage of time and the inevitability of its passing; comparable to an ancient ballad complete with explosive crescendos and meaningful lyrics.
9.  Bon Bon Bon❤️C’est Bon C’est Bon! [France]: Peppy, cheerful, adorable, groundbreaking; has been my alarm tone for six years and I’ve yet to tire of it. 9/10 The moaning interspersed throughout has been an interesting wake-up call.
8.  Let’s Enjoy! Let’s Get Excited! Cheers! [Denmark]: This is on par with Everytime we Touch by Cascada in terms of rage potential unlocked (the good kind)
7.  Dream Journey [Japan]: Whoever’s playing the shakuhachi is absolutely KILLING IT. Dramatic, wonderful, great metaphors.
6.  Gourmet’s Heart Beginner Level [China]: Absolute banger, I’m a vegetarian but this would inspire me to eat shumai.
5.  Always with you...Nordic Five! [Nordic FIVVVVVEEEE]: Everyone harmonizes beautifully except for Denmark. Extremely catchy, number placement seemed appropriate. 
4.  Pub and GO! [England]: I love this trash man
3. Maji Kandou⭐Hong Kong Night [Hong Kong]: If you thought Denmark’s song was a banger JUST YOU WAIT. I WILL BLOW OUT MY SPEAKERS LISTENING TO LO-HA-SU.
2. Steady Rhythmus [Germany]: THIS SONG IS METAL AF. Seriously, if it can be classified as ‘hardcore’ by my father and his group of 50-somethings who have decided to single-handedly gatekeep the metal and hardrock genres, it can do anything.
1.  The Delicious Tomato Song 🍅 [Romano]: Beautiful, absolutely awe-inspiring, poignant, catchy lyrics with an extremely deep meaning that only years of meticulous research and analysis can unlock, Romano I love you.
BONUS: Closing Songs
5. Hatafutte Parade (World Series) 
4. Hetalian⭐Jet (The World Twinkle): The song is good, the dancing is cursed 
3. Chikyuu Marugoto Hug Shitainda (World⭐Stars)
2. Marukaite Chikyuu (Hetalia: Axis Powers): nE NE PaPA
1. Mawaru Chikyuu Rondo (The Beautiful World)
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Falcon and the Winter Soldier made me remember this AU idea I had where the Young Avengers were basically the law in New York during the snap, so let’s go:
in my head the Snap was a lot more devastating than we’re really seeing it was?
so like. wasteland New York. Big cities didn’t have enough people to keep them looking nice and all that
plants overgrown, buildings dark. electricity consumption has to be strictly controlled so no elevators, you know stuff like that
i don’t know what exactly prompts it, but there’s no law enforcement which, who cares, right? except that the snap left assholes like Fisk, you know?
anyway the young avengers band together to stop some extortion or something and realize that people need them, actually, to defend against the corrupt people who are trying to use the snap for their benefit
the young avengers liberate police horses. they don’t drive in new york, they ride horses
yes, their theme song is old town road how did you guess
Eli’s kind of in charge. Magistrate of New York. helps plan out the community gardens and settles disputes
Kate’s title is Marshal, because it sounds cool. Kate riding around on a horse she stole from the cops with her bow and arrow and sword and gun and a spear probably
they beat up fewer people than you think. because people are community minded and good. but they DO defend when they have to, and they’re a force to be reckoned with
so when people are unsnapped, it’s great!!! constant internet connection is fun!
but they’ve spent five years roughing it, being in charge because there was nobody else
in Eli’s case, glaring when people try to shoot him and then bending the gun in half
he’s not MAD, he’s just disappointed
Come ON, Eli! We all know that’s worse!!
all this to give background on WHY Kate is seeing the same therapist as Bucky
she’s not handling the transition well.
and shield or whoever is keeping an eye and a tracking device on the team. because they held new york against like five different drug/mob/organized crime factions while they were in charge, they KNOW what they are capable of
kate sitting in the waiting room while bucky finishes up his session. she’s in a leather moto jacket and tall boots and sunglasses to hide her black eye that is NOBODY’S business and they very pointedly DON’T look at one another
they totally do they didn’t stay alive this long by not paying attention
Dr Raynor: so are you going to bring it up or do i have to
kate: no idea what you’re talking about
Dr. Raynor: Kate. You once again broke into the NYPD’s stables and kidnapped the horses
kate: no. no, that doesn’t sound like me at all
dr raynor: kate i’m holding the paperwork from your arrest
anYWAY Kate and Bucky actually live across the street from one another but don’t realize it
each think the other is following them leading to TENSE ALLEYWAY STANDOFF
Kate steals the shield back
Bucky, Eli, Sam: Kate what’s that
Kate:....a smoothie
Bucky and Eli staring as their Chaos Birds go cause chaos
Kate falls off a building. Sam caches her
Bucky: jesus. is she always like that?
Eli, watching redwing terrorize the bad guys at sam’s command: is he always like that??
Kate and Sam trading “eating with supersoldiers” horror stories
Bucky very very quietly breaking into Kate’s apartment to steal Lucky for walks when he can’t sleep because of nightmares
Bucky: hey Kate--stop screaming it’s just me--so do you steal animals as a hobby or is it like a professional thing
superhero slumber party with pancakes and bucky ranting about how bananas are terrible now, they weren’t like this back in the day!!! painting each others fingernails and toenails and arguing over who gets to braid kate’s hair
Sharon joins and they fight over braiding rights slightly less
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satansbooks · 4 years
Obey Me Headcanons
Reader is gn also winchester.
warnings: swear words. I don't know what to put in this. it's my first time actually so definitely be prepared of messy writing and some grammar mistakes?
a/n: hey! I hope you like it since I started watching supernatural again. I thought why don't I give it a try. I didn't add belphegor since this headcanon/fic takes a place in the first month of the whole exchange program. ✨here you are✨
word count: 1,7k
summary: reader is the youngest sibling of winchesters, end up in devildom.
okay so, you and your brothers were after a stupid shapeshifter for two weeks now and let me tell you that, being in a same car with your annoying brothers for two weeks without getting any rest to deal with them was sucked.
this shapeshifter (you guys were guessing he was an alpha since he was fast and wasn't struggling with shifting.) was homicidal maniac to be honest. he killed more than thirty children in a two weeks row and they were so random. like he was killing for fun. there were not any pattern or connection between them.
town to town, city to city. you and your brothers chased him non stoppingly. your body was craving for some bed to sleep on. or a pillow. or anything that is soft and resting. these leather seats were hella uncomfortable.
and still, still you had a very little information about him. he was leaving lots of trace for you to find him. he seemed like he was enjoying your little chasing game. well that makes one. because you were this close to lose your shit.
you were watching stars from your side of the car window while driving (the road was soo empty. you were sure you could drive with your eyes closed). your older brothers music was keeping you company on a low sound level to not to wake them up. normally Dean wouldn't trust you with his car but he was tired. after all he was driving for two weeks with a very little rest. he needed some sleep. at least more than six hours. and Sam, well he just likes sleeping and napping.
so when your vision blurred suddenly you act quick to pull over. without any second you found yourself in a room. it was like a court room with eight chairs. different animal shadows was painted on the walls behind the court chairs. dark decorations and purple&black flags all over the place. only some candles were lighting the whole room.
later you found out you were in devildom as an exchange student for a whole year just because some fancy underground elite wanna show off to three realm that he's the one and only king that can bring peace and serenity. you were his little experiment.
anyone could tell you were beyond being angry. you were frustrated. and nothing, nothing you do could change that.
or you thought...
he knew keeping you under his control would be hard so he decided to do what he can do best.
if you could stay here without giving him or the house of lamentation any trouble for a month, he was going to release you. but he was sure you would want to stay here after you spent a month. (he knew thanks to barbatos..)
you didn't say anything to him. you knew your brothers would come to get you before that. even if it means they have to destroy whole "devildom". you were sure. also you didn't have anything to use against these demons except your tattoo (which would only work if one of them wanna take over your body.) so the best option was keeping your mouth shut and agreeing with them. you just had to wait for a month.
first night was hard.
not that it got any easier for some time.
you couldn't sleep but who could have blame you. you were in hell. it doesn't matter which fancy name they were calling it. it was hell. the sulphuric smell was unbearable and of course you only had silver knives with you (you were carrying them in your shoe. they were kinda small but since a lot of creatures has a weak spot for silver the size didn't matter. you wished it could harm demons too) so you were unarmed.
they seemed nice tho. they were kind to you (most of the time) especially Beelzebub. so you thought to give them a shot. what could have happen worst?
Lucifer realized the runes you used to seal your room when he was bringing some paper work to your room about exchange program.
these kind of runes were useless here. but he didn't want to say anything to you, clearly you needed them.
Mammon was your 'first' guy. he was with you on your way to RAD and also in your classes. (Lucifer made sure that you two have the same class schedule) eventually you started talking with him because it was impossible not to. he was charming, talkative and funny. you would be lying if you said you wouldn't enjoying his company during your time with him. (especially after the whole pact thing. it only brought you two closer.)
you were quick to remove all runes in your room after that.  because you and mammon started watching movies together. sometimes Beel and Levi would join you.
and when you were not, you were with Asmodeus.
your father was trying to keep a balance between his kids and his hunting business, most of the time you were with your brothers. they were pretty protective over their younger sibling. that actually explained why you didn't have any friends.
so when asmodeus asked you to come shopping with him you were slightly shocked?
yeah, of course you and your brothers went to shopping but it was because of some necessity not for fun or spending your time.
but your nervousness passed quickly around him. he was lovely, and so very kind. you actually liked how straightforward he was. and this little "shopping sprees" turn into your things.
your first and genuine interactions with all of the brothers were on a dinner.
they were trying to scare mammon by using the so told "ghosts" in their house. they were just joking around but even the thought of them made the second eldest shudder.
you didn't say anything because you were enjoying your well-cooked meal which was from human realm (they decided to put some human world food in their menu in order to make you feel more comfortable)
"there's no such a thing as ghosts!"
Mammon said without waiting more. you could sense the anger mixing with fear in his voice. then you feel a sudden urge to laugh.
"oi, what are ya laughing at human!"
"of course there is Mammon. they're pretty common. I'm sure there is one in this house."
you couldn't stop your laughter. there wasn't anything funny about it actually but come to think of it, he was one of the most powerful demon in three realms and scared of low level creatures like ghosts?
brothers always forgot they actually have a hunter in their houses---
they all asked tons of questions about ghosts and other stuffs you've been hunting.
satan was the most curious one about this topic. he asked you many questions about them after dinner. of course he read all about them but it was just basic informations to be honest. (and they all sounded like a fairytale tbh)
please don't be surprised when he actually arranges some kind of hunting trip with you to examine them closely. lucifer didn't know about that.
but figured it out when two of you showed up to RAD very late, smelling like rock salt and fuel.
you gave him one of your notebooks (you started to take notes about the creatures you're hunting with your brothers just like your father did. you already had four notebooks for now. it was like diary.) to study. he appreciates it. :''
okay here's another thing, your older brothers appetite was something you've never seen before. or you thought before meeting with Beelzebub.
when you met Beelzebub for the first time you didn't mind his eagerness to eat that much. (Dean was your family's Beelzebub lol.) obviously you couldn't eat as much as he does but your company kept him happy.
he was giving you big-bear-hugs whenever you talk about your brothers or how bad you missed them. (he feels you :'))
you two started to go diners or whatever they were calling it so often. he was kind and thoughtful. even invited you to join him for workouts. (since you're not going hunting trips anymore, you decided to join him on gym to keep yourself and your form steady.)
after gym you usually would watch a show called "I'm an unstoppable powerful wizard but still don't know how to fall in love with someone so I'm hunting other creature's to forget about my massive heart-break but it's not really a heart-break." which was a good show to be honest.
thats how you got close with Levi. he already was impressed your skills as a hunter ('they're like, out of an anime!' he thought) so he invited you for long gaming sessions in his room. since you were always in a car. it was difficult first. but you got used to it. (he was good at teaching)
you spent tons of sleepless night with him: watching movies and animes, playing games, reading and re-acting manga scenes.
the most challenging demon to communicate was lucifer. he already met your brothers. and he didn't like them. he had a strong prejudice about you. he thought you were just like your brothers.
but after some time, when you started to get more comfortable around other brothers it also effected your relationship with the eldest.
and it all started with a dumb question.
he was doing some paperwork for lord diavolo with you about the exchange program. when you sighed for the millionth time in an hour. he had no choice but ask what was the problem.
"can you look into my eyes and ask me what do I truly desire?"
he was confused?
"I mean there's a Lucifer in human world who can bring people's darkest desires. so I was wondering if you could do the same."
now he was more confused.
there was a Lucifer in human realm? and what was his ability again?
when you try to explain him and failed over and over again you decided to show him.
and you two started to watch Lucifer.
he actually enjoyed spending some alone time with you.
after a month, your brothers never showed up. you didn't want them to. Lucifer said he taken care of them. and he promised that he didn't hurt them.
even if you missed your brothers too much. you knew one year wouldn't hurt anyone.
after all maybe that 'underground elite' was right. he was the one and only who could bring peace and serenity over the three realms...
and you were very thankful to him.
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buckyhad · 4 years
Tangled (Bucky Barnes x Stark!reader)
I. Kids.
Summary: Since tony met you, he keep you safe in the tower, but Bucky has another idea about that.
A Rapunzel avenger story.
Warnings: mention of death, minor violence, Bucky with a hurt ego.
Word counting: 1,3k
Note: if you see a mispelling let me know. Also if you want to be added to the masterlist tell me or reblog. Lots of love.
Tangled masterlist
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"This is the story of how I died." Bucky started narrating. "Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story. And the truth is, it isn't even mine. This is the story of a girl, named (Y/n). And it starts, with the sun. Now, once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens."
He made a dramatic pause.
"Turning into a golden flower.
It had the ability to heal the sick, and injured. Oh, it can make your most desired dream come true too. Remeber that, it's kinda of important."
"There was a lovely couple in a small town, everyone loved them, she was about to have a baby, and she got sick, really, sick. She was running out of time. And that's when people usually start to look for a miracle. Or in this case, a magic golden flower."
"The magic of the golden flower, healed the woman. A healthy baby girl, was born. With beautiful hair. I'll give you a hint. That's (Y/n). To celebrate her birth, the couple launched a flying lantern into the sky. For that one moment, everything was perfect. And then that moment ended." Bucky sighed "Everyone wanted to ask for a wish, so they started to wait outside the little girl's home just to make it, the rumour spread fast and people from everywhere started going to the town." He finished.
My mother became sick again when I was 11, and my dad wasn't my dad anymore, no without her.
I was almost twelve when she died. It was awful.
But not as awful as losing my dad three months after that.
Thats when I met Tony Stark. Bumping into him while crying on the street.
Long story. Short, Tony saved me and was like my father since then.
"save what was lost, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine." I sang while Tony brushed my hair.
"You're gonna make me younger kiddo." Tony he said.
"Sorry dad." I smiled.
After what happened in my home town, I moved to the stark tower. A hidden part.
Tony say that the world was dangerous for someone with my gift.
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*8 years later*
Pascal, my cat, hides behind a flower pot.
He was my best friend, a brown cat with big yellow eyes.
I shoved aside the curtains and screamed "HAH! Hmm, Well... I guess Pascal's not hiding out here.".
Pascal chuckles, then I snatches him up with my hair. He shrieks.
"Gotcha!!! That's twenty two for me. How about twenty three, out of forty five?." Pascal shakes his head no, tired of the same game. "Okay, well, what do you want to do?." Pascal points his tail out the window, indicating outside. "Yeah, I don't think so. I like it in here and so do you." Pascal pouts. "Oh, come on Pascal, it's not so bad in there."
"7a.m. the usual morning lineup, starting the chores I sweep 'til the floors all clean. Polish and wax, do laundry and mop and shine up. Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15. So I'll read a book, or maybe two or three. I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery. I'll play guitar, and knit, and cook and basically. Wonder when will my life, begin. Then after lunch, it's puzzles, and darts and baking. Paper-mache , a bit of ballet, and chess. Pottery, and ventriloquy, candle making. Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch. Take a climb, sew a dress, and I'll re-read the books. If I have time to spare, I'll paint the walls some more, I'm sure there's room somewhere. And then I'll brush, and brush, and brush, and brush my hair. Stuck in the same place I've always been. And I'll keep wondering, and wondering, and wondering... Wondering, just when will my life begin?' ."
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Bucky, Sam and Steve were jumping from building to building before stopping on top of one. The biggest one.
"Wow! I could get used to a view like this." Bucky smiled.
"Buck , come on." Steve warned him.
"Hold on Steve. Yep, I'm used to it. Guys, I want a building."
"We do this job, you can buy your own building." Sam laughed at his friend.
Once inside the castle a guard sneezes.
"Oh, hay fever?." Bucky asked.
"Yeah." The guard turns around to see Bucky leaning against the pedestal, with the bracelet in his hand. The guard turns back around. "Huh?." After a second of thinking he realised that sometime was wrong. The guard turns around again and sees Bucky, who is now escaping through the roof. "Wait, what? Hey, wait!."
"Can't you picture me in a castle of my own?" The three men were running of the police now. "I mean, I certainly can. Oh, the things we've seen and it's only eight in the morning. Gentlemen, this is a very big day."
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I sighed after a really boring afternoon, waiting for tony to come back with the movies i asked. "This is it. This is a very big day, Pascal. I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to ask him."
"So, dad, earlier I was saying tomorrow’s a pretty big day, and you didn't really respond, So I'm just going to tell you. It's my birthday!"
"No, no, no can't be. I distinctly remember. Your birthday was last year."
"That's the funny thing about birthdays. They're kind of an annual thing. Dad, I'm turning nineteen. And I wanted to ask, what I really want for this birthday. Actually, what I’ve wanted for...quite a few birthdays now, I want to see the lanterns."
"You mean the stars?."
"Tony knew what she means, he was the one who made sure everyday in her birthday were lanterns in the sky" Bucky narrated.
"Excuse me, this is my part of the story."
"Sorry, my bad."
"No, there are this lanterns, and it happen to be in all of my birthdays."
"No, no, it can't be. You can see the stars from here honey, I can even bring you a telescope if you want." I was dissapointed, of course I was, it was my dream!.
"Fine, a telescope." Tony hughed me.
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Back in the city the guys, running to their home in the tower, they saw a big drawing of the three.
"No, no no. This is bad, this is very, very bad, This is really bad." Bucky panicked. "They just can't get my nose right."
"Who cares." Sam chuckled.
"Well it's easy for you to say. You guys look amazing," He was truly hurt, how can they made him so ugly and his friends so handsome?. "All right, okay. Give me the keys, and I'll let you in." He panted.
"Give us the satchel first." Steve saw the hurt in his best friend's face after the picture, and with a ruined ego he has to make sure that the plan was finished.
"Wha..? I just... I can't believe, that after all we've been together, you don't trust me. Ouch."
"Now, pretty boy." Sam added.
"Sorry, my hands are full." Bucky smirked showing them the keys in his hand and running to a alley.
"What? BARNES!." Steve screamed. "Dammit! I knew it."
"Gonna kill him." Sam murmured.
"Retrieve that satchel with any force. We got him now, Maximus." Natasha, the captain of the guard told to her horse.
No one knows why she has a horse.
She chases Bucky. "C'mon Barnes, don't make this harder."
"Sorry Nat, our lifes are boring now, had to add a little bit of emotion." He pushed Natasha, and jump on top of Maximus.
"Go! Heyah! Come, fleabag, forward. No. No, stop it. HAH! AHHHHH!" Maximus tried to bite him.
So he jumped. "Catch me creature."
He entered the tower with the animal hot in his heels. "How can a horse get in here, damn Tony." He murmured to himself while going up the stairs, stopping and looking around he frowned. "Where the hell am I".
Bucky wasn't the smartest person in the world,
"Hey! That's rude."
So instead of going back, he opens a door and entered the unknown place.
"Alone at last." He sighed.
"And everything turned black."
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Taglist: @gabrielislovegabrielislife
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