#that one would make a good webcomic I think. not related to THSC even a little. just happened to be in the same world as ccca.
I'm probably the last person who follows this blog to found out it's discontinued but I just wanted to say I'll miss it. I enjoyed the journey and the story. Even if I was a bit, or probably "bit", scared to participate much. I wish I knew sooner so that I could bid you guys farewell and safe travels and all that fun stuff with everyone else, but instead you guys are probably all packed up and ready to go and you guys are just finalizing everything and finishing up the final responses to questions like these.
I truly do wish you guys the best of luck with... whatever you guys plan to do next. What are your guys' plans now that this isn't giving unnecessary stress?
Also why do I feel like, throughout the entire story and even now, the a could just be screaming from all the chaos? Seriously I kind of just felt like it would make sense. Like all the newbies freaking out and all the characters just walking freely or something and the people the have been working there for a long time sip on some coffee or similar beverage and do paperwork like it's an average Tuesday.
Sorry if it's long. I just wanted to get everything out since I'm making this on October 30th and it felt like a "speak now or forever hold your peace" thing. ^^'
This might have been the last thing I was expecting to see in the inbox, but we do appreciate your words. Even if you weren't here long, we're still happy to have you.
We genuinely did like the story that we had come up with, so I might give a summary of each of the acts tomorrow as a sendoff before the final post. I actually have written out parts of the CCC(a) plot or generally things about it in my free time, such as a creepy instructional type piece, and I'll likely continue to do so.
None of us have any concrete plans for things to do, at least content-wise (I mean, it's been two years, some of the mods are in college or are in the midst of applying, so those are their plans). We still write stories all the time, coming up with new things every day. It's one of the ways we bond. There is the desire to make a webcomic, but the problem is that we're mostly writers rather than artists. I'd say "feel free to ask about them", but it would take ages to even give brief descriptions of all of your options, no matter how much we'd love to talk about them. If you really want to hear about some of them, hit me up at @owo-whats-bliss , since I kind of have a lot of it saved in my brain.
The A in CCC(a) didn’t stand for anything, and I can't remember why we chose "A" in the first place (it was merely to differentiate the canon CCC). I did occasionally put "the A in CCC(a) stands for AAAAAAAA" as the blog description, so I think your interpretation holds weight. There were horror elements, after all.
Thanks for your kind words. This blog did so much for me, helping me form bonds with others, learn how to manage stress and, to a lesser extent, manage a small team. I ended up being a sort of manager/errand boy by accident. It did a lot for all of us, even if, in the end, all it did was bring us together. I'm grateful for how my life has changed because of this.
Sorry if this seemed kind of "me me me", it's just that I'm usually the one to answer and I had a lot to say. Other mods are free to share their thoughts.
- Mod Bliss
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