bestnootella · 6 months
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Silly little comic of these two goobers
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cyclopticrobot · 1 year
SaltySweet Butter Pecan Cookies
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milimeters-morales · 2 years
can someone get me some teriyaki noodles pretty please. i’ll pay you a gazillion dollars
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melanieph321 · 8 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Risk It All Part 3/6
Read it. Even if you aren't a Ruben fan. Read this damn story!!!! Cuz it's gooood 🤭🤭
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Reader gets pregnant by Ruben. Although the two are not together Ruben promises to support her through the pregnancy, eventually letting reader stay with him until the child is born.  (This fic includes alot of angst and serious topics)
Things happened so fast once the test results panned out positive, saying that Ruben was indeed the father of your unborn child. He had you move out of Lina's apartment and in with him, after the two spent quite some time arguing about it. Nevertheless it was your words that got her to finally surrender. You told her that it was for the best, that you couldn't stay on your bosses couch forever.
"Call me." She said. "Anytime."
You nodded. "I will."
You felt homesick the first nights spent in Ruben's apartment. You had the urgent need to call your mother but there was a ten procent chance that she would even pick up. Drug abuse did that to a person.
You were up late one night, on the verge of tears, when footsteps emerged and the lights in the kitchen came on.
"You're up?"
Ruben appeared, an empty water bottle in his hand. He wore slippers and oversized basketball shorts, however nothing more than that. His bare chest was outlined in the dimmed light, his muscles lean and very very visible.
"I..." You said, wiping your runny nose. "I couldn't sleep."
He walked over to the sink, turning on the water to refill his bottle. Once the cap was on he turned back to you. "Is the room too hot? I mean, you asked me to turn the temperature up yesterday."
"The room is fine Ruben." You said, a faint smile on your lips. But it faded quickly and Ruben noticed.
"Hey." He approached you, lifting your head before it dropped. He held it between his hands, staring blankly into your watering eyes. "You're crying, what's wrong?"
You sniffled, shaking your head.
"No, tell me." His eyebrows furrowed.
"Y/N, please, tell me what's wrong?"
You pushed the words through your clogged throat. "Why aren't there any snacks in your apartment?"
You lifted your head, a dead serious look in your eyes. "I've looked everywhere, but nothing."
His hands left your face, scratching the back of his head. "Y/N, if it's snacks that you want..."
He went over to the nearest cabinet, however you didn't allow yourself to get too excited since you had already gone through the same cabinet twice.
"Here you go, snacks."
Your heart sank as Ruben slid a bag of unseasoned rice cakes your way.
"Ruben." You sighed. "Snacks aren't supposed to have fiber in them, or say 'organic' on the side of packaging."
"No. The label is suppose to spell out the words 'extra salty' or 'extra sweet'. And anything that resembles edible snacks in your home turns out to be sugar free."
Ruben batted his eyes, quite baffled by your sudden ranting. "Alright." He nodded. "Tomorrow. I'll get you some snacks tomorrow."
"Real snacks." You demanded.
"Yeeees. Real snacks, extra saltysweet or whatever."
"That's all I ask."
You wiped your cheeks, ready to go to bed now. Astonished, Ruben watched you retreat to the guestroom. Although the two of you had started out romantically, you both agreed that a more platonic relationship was best for everyone.
"Goodnight Ruben."
He stood in the doorway of his bedroom, water bottle in hand. "Goodnight Y/N, I'll see you tomorrow."
Tomorrow came, however Ruben was nowhere to be found. Instead you were startled on your way to grabbing breakfast that morning.
"Hello Y/N."
You held a hand to your chest, calming down from the sudden fright. "Whatta....who are you ?"
It was a young woman, perhaps in her early thirties. She was well dressed in a pantsuit that did wonders to her slim figure, carving an illusion that she had curves.
"I'm sorry to scare you. I'm Elena, Ruben's personal assistant and publicist."
"Ruben's what?" You frowned.
"Publicist." She smiled, like a well trained flight attendant. "Ruben said it would be a good time for us to meet now that you've settled in."
"He did?"
"Yes. He also told me that we should go over a few things about your arrangement."
"Um, okay...."
Elena smiled politly and gestured for you take a seat across from her. The table was already set with a light breakfast containing fruits, freshly squeezed orange juice and other healthy ingredients that screamed 'A fitness psychopath lives here!'.
"I take it that Ruben hasn't told you much about me." She said.
You nodded. "Not at all."
"Well, I'm happy to introduce myself. Ruben and I have worked together for a few years now, mainly focusing on improving his image as a professional athlete to increase his value in the market of brand deals and so on." Elena's eyes looked to examine you up and down. A bit unpleasant since, compared to her, you looked a mess. "When Ruben told me about your current situation, I interpreted it as a cry for help."
"A what now?" Who was crying for what? You thought. Because if someone deserved to do any crying, it was you.
"As you may understand, this sort of news could be quite damaging if not handled properly." She said, spelling it out for you as if you were a three year old. "Ruben has a very important image to up hold and having a casual situation turn into a public battle for custody is not what Ruben needs at this stage of his professional career."
"Excuse me?" You almost choked on a grape.
"Don't get me wrong Y/N. It is very clear that you and Ruben have no problem getting along. I mean everything has gone according to plan this far."
"Plan, what plan?" You frowned. Elena's bright eyes and plastered smile was beginning to feel sinister to you. She sighed and clasped her hands as they rested upon the table. "The plan is for you and Ruben to marry."
"Preferably before the child is born. Before you even start to show."
"Marry Ruben. Why would I do that?" You could think of a few reasons, mainly for the money, security and the tiniest voice in the back of your head that often urged you to confess your true emotions for him.
"It's the best way to minimize the damage" Elena said, unhinged for describing your pregnancy as something damaging.
"Alright, I think I got everything..."
A key turned in the lock, followed by Ruben stumbling through the front door and into the apartment. He was carrying bags upon bags of....you could see through them, outlining packages of Oreo cookies, Jaffa Cakes, Walker Crisps, Cheese Doodles and extra sour Sour Patch Kids.
"Ruben." Elena exclaimed, more than happy to see him. Ruben on the other hand....
"Elena? I didn't know you were coming over today."
"The sooner the better, don't you think?"
Ruben looked to you, perhaps knowing by the look on your face that Elena had told you about the arrangement.
"Y/N, let me explain..."
You stood, already making your way back to the guestroom room.
"Y/N, please. Let me expl...."
"Explain it to my ass Ruben."
It was all he could see as you strut back into your room, slamming the door behind yourself.
Marry Ruben?
There was no way.
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Would you mind screaming with me about sams kink for blood and the way he yarns to taste deans blood but reluctant about bringing it up because of their past (ruby) so he just cuts himself ever so slightly with the knife and jerks off tasting it with his mouth bleeding deans name.
The saltysweet copper tang is so different from demon blood that it’s like a different substance entirely, and that is reassuring to him. He’d been half worried he’d taste the rotten sulphur of demon in himself. He wonders if Dean tastes the same, or is there a subtle difference to his brother.
Sam’s pretty certain Dean would taste better.
Pressing the knife to his wrist (not deep, just enough to draw blood, not nearly enough to be dangerous) gets him hard. Closing his eyes and sealing his lips over the wound, he could almost pretend it’s Dean’s wrist his suckling on, Dean’s blood thick and warm on his tongue, and when he drops the knife to wrap a hand around himself he can pretend that’s Dean too.
His wires were crossed long before Ruby, but Dean would never believe that.
Oh, can you imagine when they’re on a hunt, and Dean gets injured. How hard it is for Sam not to lap the wound clean? To see Dean’s blood wasted on gauze when it could be in his mouth? Maybe he whimpers as he bandages Dean, and Dean grunts. Says “I gotcha, Sammy,” and for half a second Sam thinks they’re on the same page but it turns out Dean’s just getting ready to patch him up in turn.
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lucidd-the-weirdo · 1 year
Random II and BFB ship names I thought of-
Double trouble - Can work for any ship with objects the same type and similar names, like Bomb II and Bomby BFB. The objeect name can be placed in front of it to be specific like bomb double trouble or taco double trouble Saltysweet - frynut (Fries have salt on them and donuts are sweet, so I think it makes sense for Fries and Donut, ethier that or bittwersweet but I'm pretty sure someone in the Unikitty fandom took that name already-) Ribboned candy apple - marshplebow (Bows are basically ribbons, marshmallows are sweet like candy, and apples are apples. And a very yummy apple snack is candy apples which are at carnivals. I had to put Bow in there somewhere so she's the ribboned part) Blowing bubbles - fubble (Fanny can blow wind, and like, you know- You need wind to blow bubbles so, yeah!!!) Sour chair sales - bowtaco (I mixed their two catchphrases together "Sour cream" and "Chairs", but considering Bow sells chairs, the sales part is in their as well) Vomitaco - barfbagtaco (It's the name of the first episode Barf Bag and Taco appearned in BFDI so like. why not) Stand up comedy - cheesymic (Haha get it? Cause comedians use mics for stand up comedy!) Bedtime story - pillowbook (Pillows are used for sleeping and books are to be read, so what's better for night then a bedtime story? Am I right-)
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honeychildoz · 3 years
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May I introduce you lovely people to my newest brittle flavor, Maafe! All the deeply flavored hallmarks of the unctuously craveable stew, but sweet and crunchy! It's buttery, savory, sweet, warmly spiced, with the faintest bite! Think of it like Satay, but from West Africa. It'll be available VERY soon.😘 #honeychildscreole #sweets #maafe #blackfoodways #SouthernCooking #groundnut #drcarver #granparoyestes #brittle #saltysweet #picnicfood #sweettable #artisinal #meltinyourmouth https://www.instagram.com/p/CUWXxGTv1tG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ya-da · 4 years
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カレーたれ焼肉ライス。 豚バラ肉+醤油+みりん+砂糖+かつおダシ+カレー粉。 白飯は、安タイ米。 「洋包丁」とか「キッチンオトボケ」とか、アッチ系の味付けを狙ってみました。 美味かったです。 S&Bカレー粉、最強。 #カレー #カレー焼肉 #エスビー食品 #カレー粉 #洋包丁 オマージュ #キッチンオトボケ オマージュ #経堂 #curry #currypowder #pork #soysauce #mirin #sugar #bonitobroth #cabbage #tokyo #japan #japanesefood #homecooking #saltysweet #spicy ? #thairice (Kiyoudou, Setagaya-ku) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbU_gqAcEL/?igshid=5arsgkxk6asu
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ohtheplacesblog · 6 years
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No. These #gripposchips are not on my diet meal plan. However, they are delicious an an Ohio native, I feel obligated to eat them. LOL. And if I'm going to sacrifice some points and calories, it will be with some good satisfying snacks. I'm willing to take the L every once in a while. #SorryNotSorry #SnacksAreGood #SaltySweet https://www.instagram.com/p/BvFWOi4A0wR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v04ikk1hs5rg
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bestnootella · 6 months
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LUV! Sorry I guess it's a Salty Sweet kind of day :3 I just think their neat!
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shuckerpaddy · 2 years
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Fatty…Oyster more of a #FallOyster - Fat, plump full of Briny goodness form #PEI @barstooloysters #Oysters #OysterShucker #OysterSommelier #FourSeasonsOfOysters #EverydayOyster #Merroir #TasyeOfPlace #SaltySweet #50ShadesOfOysters @theoystercompanion https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf2wvO3OFiG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marcial071410 · 2 years
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#nycfood #nycfoodphotographer #saltysweet #pistachio @180snacks my #cousin sent me a bag of this #delicious #deliciousfood #snack #nywcawomen #nywcamembers (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdKR-dEMHrL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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geezerwench · 3 years
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This is new. Bugles Caramel Corn flavor. You know how Bugles sorta taste like corn chips? Well these sorta taste like caramel corn. Still just as greasy. #SaltySweet #BuglesCaramelCorn #GroceryStoreAdventures https://www.instagram.com/p/CTqVvYJMMHS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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veggieandthebeast · 3 years
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I have a ton of apples I was given that I’m going to freeze dry, but LBH: Red Delicious apples 🍎 aren’t killing it in the flavor department. So I’m gonna experiment and drizzle the shit out of them with this incredible Vanilla Bean Salted Caramel Sauce I just made. Can you believe I QUADRUPLED the recipe and then added the caviar that I could squeeze (not even scrape) out of JUST ONE vanilla bean and ended up with this? 😍🤤😳 #vandtheb #veggieandthebeast #dessert #caramelsauce #vanilla #vanillabean #saltysweet #foodie #foodporn #austin #foodstagram #gourmetathome #maldonsalt #tillamookbutter #dominosugar #goodandgather (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRe2NWwlg1d/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rhymeontime · 3 years
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Me: I need to eat healthier and take better care of myself. Also Me: oh yeah these look dope. #healthyliving #saltysweet #kryptonite (at Savannah, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPBdtFrs76y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iolaele · 6 years
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Salty sunrise 🐚 . . . . #morninglight #morning #sun #bytheocean #saltysweet #palette #itssummerbaby #sunrise_captures #sunrisephotography #hellonewday #hellobeauty #thingsbelike #italy #italylove #roots #culture #aesthetics #friday #vibes #itsjunebaby
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