
I am overflowing with gratitude today y’all. I WAS CROWNED KING OF SAVANNAH AT THE COMEDIANS IN DRAG DOING COMEDY SHOW LAST NIGHT!! TY @wormholebar !! *happy explosions* but before that, I got to meet real Savannah royalty and I feel like it put me in the perfect mood to entertain. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who calls themselves a Savannahian that doesn’t know Panhandle Slim’s work. His quoted portraits are both simple and deep, poignant and bright, and have a lovely lightness to them even when dealing with some very heavy subjects. I’ve been a fan of his for a long time but I’ve never been able to catch one of his pop up shows until yesterday. Scott was incredibly gracious and encouraged me to get 3 of his works. I don’t have or make much money and I’m saving up for a million things right now and he let me have all 3 for a price I would’ve paid for just one if I could’ve afforded it. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity and I’m ecstatic to own these portraits of three people I greatly admire done by another person I greatly admire. I was fangirling out too hard to grab a photo of us so here’s to next time Scott. Thank you so much. Please follow his work and check out a pop-up show if he comes by you. I dedicate my sovereign win to @panhandle_slim_ and my fellow contestants. @nefruitcup @hectorbcomedy and @gabeybird It was a very close competition and I really only won by the skin of my twerk. Thank you Savannah and @dr_lepeley for giving me the opportunity to feel this way. Swipe for comic debauchery and fabulous art. <3 #savannah #mrsavannah #kingofsavannah #comedy #art #comediansindragdoingcomedy #wormholebar #comedyshow #gratitude #panhandleslim #portraits #grateful #comedian #artist #renaissancewoman #catchmeifyoucan (at The Wormhole)
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Been super stoked for @dr_lepeley ‘s show to finally come to Savannah. Catch us tonight at @wormholebar 8pm to watch Hugh Jassman make all your dreams come to fruition. Very excite. #comedy #savannah #savannahcomedy #comedydrag #wormholebar #standup #dragshow #renaissancewoman #catchmeifyoucan (at The Wormhole)
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Hosting the Boo Y’all Comedy Ghost Tour tonight for @oldsavannahtours and then running over to @totallyawesomebarsavannah to host karaoke with the one and only @wrathnasty. An excellent way to spend a Friday evening would be to come see me do one or both of these things. Catch me tomorrow night at @wormholebar on the Comedians in Drag Doing Comedy show with the fabulous @dr_lepeley and some of my local buds. I love you. <3 #comedy #ghosttour #savannah #booyall #oldsavannahtours #vanlife #comedyshow #thewormhole #comedydrag #goodtimes #renaissancewoman #catchmeifyoucan (at Old Savannah Tours)
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Highly blessed and favored to have had a feature spot last night at @newbrooklandtavern amongst these fierce fabulous funny folks. Everyone killed it, I had a bunch of gracious people tell me they loved my set, Mocha got a ton of pets, I got to reconnect with some comedy fam I haven’t seen in awhile, and add some new faces to the family. Who could ask for more? I could. Come catch me tonight at @totallyawesomebarsavannah hosting my favorite basement comedy open mic with all your @savannahcomedyunderground favorites. Sign-up at 8:30, show at 9:00. Karaoke with the one and only @wrathnasty after the show. Shout out to @sup_im_christian for photography, comedy show productions, and being generally awesome. 😘💥❤️🔥 #comedy #columbia #womenshistorymonth #comedyshow #success #funnypeople #newbrooklandtavern #mochabean #tinyqueen #comedydog #chihuahua #travelingcomedian #goodtimes #dolittledoesalot #of #joking #renaissancewoman #catchmeifyoucan (at New Brookland Tavern)
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On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month (that’s tonight!) I get to host the Tongue: Open Mouth and Music Show at the @sentientbean. Sponsored by @firstcitypridecenter, we welcome poets, musicians, comedians, and performance artists from every walk and talk to share the stage and support local arts. It’s always such a vibrant expression of art magic, love, and community. Come share 5 minutes of whatever you’ve been working on or just sit and support local art. Sign-up at 6:30, show at 7:00. All ages and mediums welcome. #tongueopenmouthandmusicshow #openmic #savannah #thesentientbean #firstcitypridecenter #poetry #music #comedy #performancearts #allages #show #artist #magic #love #community #mosthostess #renaissancewoman #catchmeifyoucan (at The Sentient Bean)
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Yesterday was super fun and also super challenging. I had been looking for a good excuse to start riding my bike around town again for all the obvious reasons. St. Pats seemed like a great chance to kick myself into gear on it (heheh) as parking is a nightmare and half the streets were blocked off on the parade route. I did a fun makeup thing and rode my happy ace downtown. I visited some friends at various places before heading into work, which was a ridiculous beautiful mess. I danced and sang my big soft heart out and made a very respectable tip sum. Then it started pouring rain. When I stepped outside to leave I weighed my options, Uber was hitting NYE prices and none of my nearby friends were ready to go home. “Well, we aren’t gonna melt.” I thought. In a situation where it would’ve been incredibly easy to feel self-pity, I found myself giggling on the way home. Rain washing face paint into my eyes aside, it was kinda fun. I felt as drenched in gratitude and I was in rainwater and I’m really proud of the work I’ve been doing on myself, it doesn’t always come that easily. Round 2 tonight with a comedy ghost tour and some more karaoke shenanigans, and I will probably drive because I am twerk sore. The rain didn’t shake me because I had already been shakin it for hours. I hope sometimes when it’s raining you’re able to soak up more gratitude than water. See you tonight lovelies. #mrsbrightside #stpatricksday #shenanigans #wetride #magic #gratitude #easylove #loveyourself #themost #comedy #karaoke #savannah #mosthostess #renaissancewoman #catchmeifyoucan (at Savannah, Georgia)
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The Saint Patricking has begun. Savannah has the 2nd largest St. Pat’s celebration in the country, with an estimated 400,000 people coming to town this year, and that’s on the low end for us. I have little to no Irish heritage but I love a theme and any excuse to celebrate so it’s definitely green and gold for the rest of the week. Gonna play with a fun face paint lewk tomorrow because the office is closed (we absolutely can’t give tours amidst the chaos) and I haven’t done one since Halloween. Stay strong this weekend my service friends. May your pot o’ gold overflow and your fighting stance remain at rest. Catch me tonight hosting a very lucky Totally Comedy Open Mic at ye @totallyawesomebarsavannah. Sign-up at 8:30, show at 9:00. Karaoke right after the show! The green wave is comin yall. #stpatricksday #weekend #savannah #lewk #leprechaun #chic #comedy #openmic #savannahcomedy #totallyawesomebar #mosthostess #renaissancewoman #catchmeifyoucan (at Totally Awesome Bar)
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Today is bittersweet. I’m wishing my good friend Tamale Sepp well on this new chapter of her journey. If you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Tamale during her short time here in Savannah you have truly missed out. She is a wonderful artist, activist, friend, and human being (we think). Though she’s already got a laundry list of accomplishments, like any good artist it is never enough, she continues to strive for more and remains humble ( so so humble). She is witty and silly, fierce and vulnerable, and constantly inspires me on my own journey to always be seeking lessons in gratitude and progression. I will miss having her nearby deeply, it is certainly not goodbye forever as we already have shows booked down the line, but I am going to have a find a new diner buddy. We got to give her a goodbye Roast a few days ago and I haven’t laughed that hard for that long in awhile. In a final Best Wishes send off I’m going to post some stuff I know she’d be wholly annoyed about me putting on social media, and some excellent times. You’re gonna go far kid, I love you. #tamalerocks #comvoy #frands #bestwishes #seeyounexttime (at Savannah, Georgia)
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The laws are new but the times haven’t changed. I shared two of these a couple years ago. We gotta show up when it’s time to vote yall. #oof #ispokeuplikethis #america #vote #yourlawsdependonit (at Savannah, Georgia)
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Ooo the irony of bigots once again trying to legislate the erasure of queer culture when this generation has the internet would almost be hilarious if the reality of it weren’t folks and children having their very existence invalidated to the point where they give up on this world. They point fingers and scream it’s about protecting children when statistically you’re far more likely to find a predator in conservative sheep’s clothing, preaching gospel and wearing a mask of virtue. I would argue even that those who are thoroughly in touch with their sexuality, gender identity, and aware of the modern psychological understanding of them are far better role models. As someone who is queer, loves working with children, a victim of child abuse who has broken the cycle, very in touch with their sensuality, and has a healthy understanding of age appropriateness in performing arts…it sickens me that we treat educators and children alike like they aren’t human beings for whom sexuality and gender identity are tied intrinsically to their existence. You can’t erase the spectrum of human sexuality and gender identity and children left seeking their own answers are far more likely to find abuse and misinformation than if we just had modern and comprehensive education programs working to help them learn about the world and themselves. But then, it was never really about drag, or protecting children, it’s about controlling whom they deem fit for subjugation. If they truly cared about children, we would have folks working on gun control and not censorship. I hope you find ways to fight the good fight and be an ally. I try to do it by being a fixture of performance arts in my community that supports and integrates folks of every size, color, and voice. Catch me tonight hosting Totally Awesome Comedy Open Mic at @totallyawesomebar. Sign-up at 8:30, show at 9:00. Karaoke right after the show. Tonight’s event is 21+ and not appropriate for kids but if you’re looking for performing arts events in Savannah that are inclusive and cater to a wide age range I suggest you check out @firstcitypridecenter. They’re phenomenal. #soapbox #savannah #artist #teachingartist #pride #goodfight (at Totally Awesome Bar)
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🎶I’m a little weirdo🎶 🎶thiq and stout🎶 🎶strong eye for fashion🎶 🎶yet full of self-doubt🎶 🎶if you disrespect the marginalized🎶 🎶you know I’ll shout🎶 🎶it’s Women’s History Month!🎶 🎶Time for Femmes to act out!🎶 I’m a silly goose. Catch me being absolutely ridiculous tonight hosting Drunk Spelling Bee at @totallyawesomebarsavannah at 11pm. Come a little earlier to catch Totally Awkward Comedy Hour presented by @savannahcomedyunderground at 9pm and then stick to play with me and perhaps win a $50 Bar Tab and a shiny medal. Also Rise Up. ❤️🔥🙋🏻♀️ #selfie #womenshistorymonth #pride #selflove #savannah #mosthostess #comedy #drunkspellingbee #prizes #sillygoose #renaissancewoman #catchmeifyoucan (at Totally Awesome Bar)
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On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month (that’s tonight!) I have the great pleasure of hosting the Tongue: Open Mouth and Music Show at the @sentientbean. Sponsored by @firstcitypridecenter, this is an open mic unlike any other. Chock full of music, poetry, comedy, and a huge range of performance arts from folks of every walk and talk, it’s always such a gem. Join us tonight to share 5 minutes of whatever you’ve been working on, or just sit and support local art. Sign-up at 6:30, show at 7:00. All ages and mediums welcome. #tongueopenmouthandmusicshow #thesentientbean #savannah #firstcitypridecenter #openmic #music #poetry #comedy #performanceart #community #love #support #whattodoinsavannah #supportlocal #artists (at The Sentient Bean)
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Learning how to love myself at this size has been challenging. I generally feel good in selfies but when I see pics other folks have taken (especially profile shots) it’s very clear just how much weight I’ve gained, especially after coming off one of the healthiest periods of my life. The yo-yo has hit me hard and I’m slowly getting back on track, reminding myself that health is a practice, progress is not linear, and I have value no matter what I look like. The best people will love you for what you’ve got going on inside anyway. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and holds little weight against the strength of your character. I’m focused on being kind, loving, and funny (hopefully). Catch me tonight hosting Totally Open Mic Comedy for @savannahcomedyunderground at @totallyawesomebarsavannah and then karaoke right after with the one and only @wrathnasty. Sign-up at 8:30, show at 9:00. Karaoke at 11pm. I hope you have lots of folks in your life who love your insides and could care less about your outwards. Inner beauty shines. <3 #selfies #selflove #wetrying #beautyisnotasize #live #magic #comedy #savannah #mosthostess #thique #renaissancewoman #catchmeifyoucan (at Totally Awesome Bar)
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It’s been an interesting week, full of surprises and feels, navigation and opportunity, and my favorite…vulnerability. I have some exciting changes on the horizon and an exciting show tonight at @wormholebar. It’s an oops all locals affair with some of Savannah’s best and I get to host it! One of my best buds @jerrodbosc is heading things up so you know it’s gonna be a good time. Come see us at 8pm if you like laughing. 18+. #comedy #savannah #savannahcomedy #thewormhole #bar #comedyshow #growth #chchchchchanges #knowwhentoholdem #comedians #frands #goodtimes #mosthostess #renaissancewoman #catchmeifyoucan (at The Wormhole)
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On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month (that’s tonight!) we have the Tongue: Open Mouth and Music Show at The Sentient Bean. (@sentientbean) It’s the most eclectic open mic I’ve ever witnessed, full of poetry, music, comedy, community, love, and support. Come share 5 minutes of whatever you’ve been working on or just chill and support local art. Sign-up at 6:30, show at 7:00. All Ages and Mediums Welcome! Sponsored by @firstcitypridecenter #tongueopenmouthandmusicshow #openmic #savannah #firstcitypridecenter #music #poetry #comedy #community #space #love #magic #performanceart #supportlocal #artists #renaissancewoman #catchmeifyoucan (at The Sentient Bean)
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Really love some of these ominous shots I took for @oldsavannahtours. I host the @booyallsav comedy ghost tour as well as serving as the company’s Assistant Creative Director and I love the opportunities I get to capture Savannah’s supernatural spooky side. I’ll be hosting my comedy tour Friday the 17th (tomorrow) and Sunday the 19th (almost sold out!) if you’d like to jump on. Catch me tonight hosting Totally Open Mic Comedy and karaoke at my beloved @totallyawesomebarsavannah. Sign-up at 8:30, show at 9:00. Karaoke right after the show. I’m going to miss you when I leave Savannah. #oldsavannahtours #photography #savannah #ghosttours #comedy #trolleytour #haunted #photos #mosthostess #renaissancewoman #catchmeifyoucan (at Old Savannah Tours)
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“Why do cops in this town dress like Charleston Flappers?” She asked me. “Look lady, I’m retired, I’m just solving this murder for fun.” I replied. We have fun at @oldsavannahtours, and we turn down bribes to give out the answers to the murder mystery we’re facilitating because we have integrity, barely. Catch this lil beat cop tonight hosting the @booyallsav Comedy Ghost Tour at 7:30. There’s a couple seats left and Saturday is always the rowdiest fun. I hope you’re getting opportunities to be absolutely ridiculous. #oldsavannahtours #murdermystery #mansiononforsythpark #700drayton #improv #ultimateroadrally #party #booyall #comedy #ghosttour #savannah #renaissancewoman #mosthostess #catchmeifyoucan (at Old Savannah Tours)
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