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s0ftplacetoland · 2 days ago
A single step, and the ground hums, old as memory, new as the first breath. Hands raised to the splayed sky, fingers pulling at threads unseen, tracing the pulse of stars.
The whispering stone, the beating heart, a rhythm bound by time— a knowing passes from leaf to tongue to skin, where silence holds all answers...
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thenocturnalist · 1 year ago
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~ Sacred Nocturne ~ Copyright © 2023 Rob Linsalata. All Rights Reserved.
(Source: thenocturnalist.com)
#The Nocturnalist #ethereal#ephemeral#ambient#atmospheric#euphoric#transcendental#Wabisabi#mononoaware#thetransience of things#nocturnal hardware
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verdantvisionsai · 9 days ago
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"Immerse in the symphony of summer's sunlight, there's no yesterday on this canvas or a design for tomorrow yet. It's all about the unruly wildflowers dancing in the wind and the opulence of the golden hour – now. In nature, we learn the quintessence of Buddha's wisdom - 'Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.'"
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lesdupont · 5 months ago
A extract from “Sacred Song 6” video - which i find very spitual - taken from the DUPONT upcoming album SACRED SONGS on Lysis Label.
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kellygreen0791 · 9 months ago
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spiritualsoull1969 · 10 months ago
Sacred Spaces: Exploring the Natural World in African Spirituality
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In African Traditional Religions (ATR), the natural world is not just a backdrop to human life; it is a vital, living entity that is deeply intertwined with spiritual beliefs and practices. The concept of sacred spaces in ATR reflects a profound reverence for nature, recognizing the land, water, trees, mountains, and other natural elements as integral to spiritual life. These spaces are seen as embodiments of divine presence, where the physical and spiritual worlds converge, facilitating a connection with ancestors, spirits, and deities.
The Spiritual Context of Sacred Spaces
In many African cultures, certain natural features are regarded as sacred and are often associated with specific spiritual functions or deities. This belief system emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life and the presence of the divine in the natural world.
Sacred Groves and Forests: Many African communities revere specific groves or forests as sacred. These places are considered abodes of spirits or ancestors and are often protected areas where rituals and ceremonies are conducted. The dense foliage and untouched nature of these groves symbolize the mystery and sanctity of the spiritual realm.
Mountains and Hills: Elevated landscapes such as mountains and hills are frequently viewed as closer to the heavens and thus, to the divine. These high places are often sites for prayer, meditation, and significant religious ceremonies.
Rivers and Water Bodies: Water is a powerful symbol in many African traditions, representing life, purification, and renewal. Rivers, lakes, and springs are often considered sacred, with many cultures believing these waters are inhabited by spirits or gods. Rituals involving water, such as libations and cleansing, are central to many spiritual practices.
Trees and Plants: Specific trees and plants hold spiritual significance and are often associated with particular deities or spirits. The baobab tree, for instance, is considered sacred in many cultures, symbolizing life and fertility.
Rocks and Caves: Certain rocks and caves are revered as sacred sites where important spiritual events have occurred. These natural formations are often seen as gateways to the spiritual world, used for meditation, offerings, and communication with the divine.
Rituals and Practices in Sacred Spaces
Rituals conducted in these sacred spaces vary widely among different African cultures but share common themes of reverence, communion with the divine, and seeking blessings or guidance.
Offerings and Libations: Offerings such as food, drink, and symbolic items are commonly presented at sacred sites to honor deities, spirits, and ancestors. Libations involve pouring liquid, usually water or alcohol, onto the ground or into a body of water as a form of offering and communication.
Ceremonial Gatherings: Sacred spaces often serve as venues for important communal ceremonies, including rites of passage, festivals, and seasonal celebrations. These gatherings reinforce social bonds and collective identity, grounded in shared spiritual practices.
Meditation and Prayer: Individuals often visit sacred natural sites for solitude, meditation, and prayer, seeking spiritual clarity, guidance, and connection with the divine. The serene and untouched nature of these spaces provides a conducive environment for deep spiritual experiences.
Healing Practices: Many sacred natural sites are believed to have healing properties. Rituals involving these sites, such as bathing in sacred rivers or using plants from sacred groves, are integral to traditional healing practices.
Practical Toolkit for Incorporating Sacred Spaces into Daily Life
For those interested in integrating the reverence for sacred natural spaces into their daily routine, here is a practical toolkit to help foster this connection meaningfully and respectfully.
Creating a Sacred Space at Home
Designated Area: Choose a quiet, peaceful spot in your home or garden to designate as your sacred space. This could be a corner with plants, stones, and natural elements that resonate with you.
Natural Elements: Incorporate elements such as water features, plants, stones, and wooden items to create a natural, calming atmosphere.
Personal Touch: Add items that hold personal spiritual significance, such as shells, feathers, or crystals.
Daily Rituals in Nature
Morning Walks: Start your day with a walk in nature, whether it’s a nearby park, garden, or even a quiet street. Use this time to connect with the natural world and set positive intentions for the day.
Mindfulness Practice: Practice mindfulness by sitting quietly outdoors, focusing on your breath, and observing the sights, sounds, and smells around you. This helps deepen your connection to nature.
Water Rituals
Morning Libation: Pour a small amount of water on the ground each morning while saying a prayer or affirmation to honor the spirits of the land and your ancestors.
Bathing Rituals: Incorporate water into your spiritual practice by taking mindful, intentional baths. Add natural elements like herbs, flowers, or salts to the water, focusing on cleansing and renewal.
Nature-Based Meditation
Outdoor Meditation: Find a quiet spot in a natural setting where you can meditate. Focus on grounding yourself by feeling the earth beneath you and breathing in the fresh air.
Visualization: During meditation, visualize yourself in a sacred natural space, such as a forest, mountain, or by a river. Imagine the energy of this space surrounding and healing you.
Community and Seasonal Observances
Group Rituals: Organize or participate in group rituals and ceremonies in natural settings. This could be as simple as a shared meditation session in a park or a more elaborate seasonal celebration.
Seasonal Changes: Mark the changing seasons with personal or communal rituals that honor the natural cycles. This can involve planting new seeds in spring, collecting leaves in autumn, or offering gratitude for the harvest.
Sustainable Living
Environmental Stewardship: Honor the sacredness of nature by living sustainably. This includes reducing waste, recycling, and supporting conservation efforts.
Plant a Garden: Cultivate a garden with herbs, flowers, and plants that are significant to your spiritual practice. This creates a personal sacred space and fosters a direct connection to nature.
Food For Thought:
The concept of sacred spaces in African Traditional Religions underscores a deep reverence for the natural world as a vital component of spiritual life. By integrating the practices and principles associated with these sacred spaces into daily routines, individuals can foster a profound connection with nature, honouring the divine presence in all its forms. This practical toolkit provides a foundation for incorporating these practices into modern life, ensuring that the spiritual essence of sacred natural spaces continues to enrich and guide us. Through mindful rituals, meditation, community involvement, and sustainable living, the timeless wisdom of African spirituality can be woven into the fabric of everyday existence.
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palsaa · 7 months ago
Ancient Indian Philosophy and the Sacred Connection to Nature for Spirit...
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littlepaganwitch · 4 months ago
Água de Lua no Paganismo
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A água de lua é uma prática pagã muito conhecida, na qual a água é carregada com a energia da lua para ser usada em rituais, feitiços e práticas espirituais. A energia da água é influenciada pela fase da lua, e isso determina seus usos e intenções.
Como Fazer Água de Lua
Materiais Necessários:
Água pura: Use água filtrada, de fonte natural ou mineral.
Recipiente transparente: De preferência de vidro, para que a luz da lua possa passar.
Ervas ou cristais (opcional): Adicione elementos que correspondam à sua intenção.
Espaço externo ou janela: Um lugar onde a lua esteja visível.
Passo a Passo
Escolha a Fase da Lua: Lua Nova: Para começos, novos projetos e renovação. Lua Crescente: Para crescimento, atração e expansão. Lua Cheia: Para poder máximo, realização e energias intensas. Lua Minguante: Para limpeza, banimento e libertação.
Prepare o Recipiente: Coloque a água no recipiente transparente. Se desejar, adicione ervas ou cristais seguros para imersão (ex.: quartzo claro, ametista).
Posicione a Água sob a Lua: Coloque o recipiente em um local onde a luz da lua possa alcançá-lo, como ao ar livre ou numa janela. Certifique-se de que o local esteja protegido de contaminações.
Intencione a Água: Segure o recipiente e concentre-se em sua intenção. Visualize a energia da lua carregando a água com o propósito desejado. Você pode dizer algo como: "Eu consagro esta água com a energia da lua, que ela seja uma ferramenta de [insira sua intenção: cura, proteção, amor, etc.]."
Deixe Sob a Lua Durante a Noite: Deixe a água exposta à luz da lua por várias horas, de preferência durante toda a noite.
Armazene a Água: Na manhã seguinte, tampe o recipiente e guarde a água em um local fresco e escuro. Ela pode ser armazenada por semanas, mas é ideal renovar regularmente.
Como Usar a Água de Lua
Purificação: Limpe cristais, ferramentas mágicas ou espaços com água de lua.
Rituais: Use em feitiços relacionados à fase da lua em que foi feita.
Banhos Rituais: Adicione à água do banho para absorver suas energias.
Meditações: Borrife levemente em você antes de meditar para se conectar com a energia lunar.
Cozinha Mágica: Misture uma pequena quantidade em chás ou receitas (se a água for potável).
Significados das Fases da Lua e Seus Usos
Lua Nova: Energia: Renovação, introspecção, novos começos. Usos: Rituais para iniciar projetos ou limpar energias antigas.
Lua Crescente: Energia: Expansão, crescimento, atração. Usos: Feitiços para prosperidade, amor ou desenvolvimento pessoal.
Lua Cheia: Energia: Potência máxima, manifestação, intensificação. Usos: Rituais de celebração, empoderamento e desejos importantes.
Lua Minguante: Energia: Liberação, limpeza, banimento. Usos: Feitiços para afastar energias negativas, terminar ciclos ou cortar laços.
Cuidados e Considerações
Evite Contaminação: Certifique-se de que a água esteja limpa, especialmente se for usada em contato com o corpo.
Armazene Corretamente: Água de lua pode perder sua energia com o tempo; renove-a regularmente.
Personalize o Ritual: Adapte o processo às suas crenças e intenções específicas.
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A água de lua é uma ferramenta poderosa para quem busca se conectar com a energia lunar e utilizar suas influências para potencializar práticas mágicas e espirituais.
moots: #Paganismo #EspiritualidadePessoal #NaturezaSagrada #CaminhoPagão #MitologiaPagã #Politeísmo #DeusasEDeus #RituaisPagãos #Sabás #MagiaNatural #CiclosDaNatureza #PaganismoEclético #Wicca #Druidismo #Heathenismo #MitologiaNórdica #MitologiaGrega #MitologiaCelta #TradiçõesPagã #MagiaEnergética #DivindadesAntigas #EspiritualidadePagã #AltarPagão #SagradoFeminino #ConexãoComANatureza #RituaisDaLua #MagiaDasErvas #MagiaDoDiaADia #ReconstrucionismoPagão #DeusaInterior #Paganism #SacredNature #SpiritualJourney #EclecticPagan #Polytheism #PaganPath #GoddessesAndGods #NatureCycles #Sabbats #NaturalMagic #WitchcraftAndMagic #AncientGods #PaganTraditions #WiccaWitchcraft #Druidry #Heathenry #NorseMythology #GreekMythology #CelticMythology #SacredFeminine #LunarRituals #HerbalMagic #EverydayMagic #Reconstructionism #AltarsAndOfferings #PaganCommunity #EarthSpirituality #MysticalJourney #DivineConnection #ModernPagan
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aatnobnod · 1 year ago
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#aat #jkjkcjkcnmkcjnbjiwwgpiwkc #love
#jkjkcjkcnmkcjkjppkcipscmikminmm #sacrednature #lotus #medium #universe #happinesss #spirituality #nature #zkzkkcbociazkkeiwidkcdsichiramyagarbhaBrahman
#sacredgeometry #lotus #universe #happinesss #spirituality #nature #jkjkcjkcnmkc #ip #mystic #jivanmukti #dvija #agharta #jkjkcjkcnmkc #zkliciabpioizimikiak #love #spiritual #soul #kundalini #goodness #zetszdizdwdtscjw #brahman #bhagavan #bhavagan #jivanmukti #zkkiabiscionkss
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sacrednatures · 2 years ago
OOC: I’m Back
I never thought I’d come back here but I am back once again and ready to rp again I have changed my username from flos-lunar to sacrednatures everything is still the same except i’m 32 now lol my how the time flies but feel free to interact with any characters I have on here while I delete posts relationships are reset so everything starts out fresh minus the one with someone I have still been rping with you know who you are :3
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supedium · 6 months ago
Spirituality and Environmental Stewardship: An In-Depth Exploration
https://supedium.com/spirituality/spirituality-and-environmental-stewardship-an-in-depth-exploration/ #Eco-Spirituality #EnvironmentalStewardship #InterfaithCollaboration #SacredNature #spirituality #SustainablePractices Spirituality and Environmental Stewardship: An In-Depth Exploration https://supedium.com/spirituality/spirituality-and-environmental-stewardship-an-in-depth-exploration/
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elayagaia · 4 years ago
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Happy New Moon time... As the new moon , like the full moon, can be felt over three days - the day before, the day itself and the day after- I am not too late :) May your magical manifestations be filled with Light and well being ... If interested, I sent out my newsletter last night.. if wishing to subscribe it is via my website: www.elayamagic.wix.com/elayamagic Photo of beautiful Bugarach mountain from a farm we went to visit the other day 💚 #newmoon #vortexmountain #elayamagic #newsletter #forlightonyourpath #newmoondreams #moonmagic #mountainmagic #sacrednature https://www.instagram.com/p/CRKgNYkh3Mm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lesdupont · 8 months ago
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kellygreen0791 · 2 years ago
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psychogolem · 5 years ago
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Inside the Cosmic Egg. #personal #cave #grottedifrasassi #cosmicegg #athanor #nature #naturebeauty #sacrednature #italy #deathandrebirth #underworld https://www.instagram.com/p/B8qr00oByWK/?igshid=1r94z3d83w5qt
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kemetic-dreams · 6 years ago
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General Questions about Igbo Culture: What is the difference between Odinani and Omenala? Omenala are customs and traditions, and Odinani is the study of the sacred sciences of nature; both inner (human nature) and outer (the world as we know it). In essence, Omenala is what is done, and Odinani is part of the reason why its … Continue reading F.A.Q
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General Questions about Igbo Culture: What is the difference between Odinani and Omenala? Omenala are customs and traditions, and Odinani is the study of the sacred sciences of nature; both inner (human nature) and outer (the world as we know it). In essence, Omenala is what is done, and Odinani is part of the reason why its … Continue reading F.A.Q
I really think that stopping at seeing Odinani as merely a way of life or a philosophy and stopping short of adopting the religion that is at the core of the philosophy is at best a half measure. I understand that traditional worship has virtually disappeared from most Igbo societies, but in certain communities there can still be found the lone figures who persist with the worship. So, the first thing to do for interested devotees or prospective returnees to the way of the forefathers is to study the philosophy and methodology of Odinani– the internet and ethnographical writings from old and current writers– will do . Next, they have to adopt the practices, following the examples of surviving devotees. Note, however, that aspects of the ancient faith which survive into the present time have largely been estranged from the totality of the philosophical environment which gave the faith its distinctive character and prevented the abuse widely observed in such practices as is seen today in money rituals and pervasive use of charms in Igbo communities to eliminate perceived adversaries. A good place to start may be in crafting your ikenga or household gods and spiritually preparing them for their roles as religious symbols to connect you to the long line of history that have been abandoned in the long break with the past. Then, venerating your ancestors, and subscribing to the Igbo belief in reincarnation are other practices and beliefs to adopt. Similarly, learn to pray the Igbo way, pour libation, and when you share kola nuts, do not forget to throw the ancestors their share. Those wholesome traditional values of respect for the land, the family and the dead, as well as the basic moral values such as sanctity of life, the pride of place given to blood relationships and family, clean honest living, and the weight of one’s words, among others, should not be neglected.
However, it is obvious that many of the pillars of Odinani are built on a platform of communal participation. Community is a critical element in Odinani. It is connected with the destiny of society and seeks the balance of man with cosmic elements that dominates his intellectual, emotional and physical environment. It is unlike Christianity which is vague in its social reference. Odinani seeks to control the earth, the water, the air and the sky – everything, including man, his joys, problems, and aspirations within these realms. Usually, the sway of deities and divinities are unquestioned within the geographical areas they are prevalent. Obviously, to thrive as a viable religion, Odinani requires to gain a critical mass .
A very important element in achieving this position is to treat Igbo language, which is the medium of worship and thought of Odinani, as capable of carrying modern thoughts and dealing with modern realities. Respecting and elevating the language, not paying lip service to it or wailing about the need for it, but taking steps to make it a fit and attractive vehicle for expressing modern ideas and realities is essential in making Odinala more attractive to the Igbo person, who may likely adopt the revamped religion, given the obvious failures of Western religion to explain our realities satisfactorily. Thus, though most will deny any connection with Odinani, many will readily subscribe to its easily manipulable elements of sorcery, witchcraft, charms and money rituals to achieve an existential purpose, such as satisfying a need or solving a problem. We have to make Odinani more attractive so as to win back its people; since, it’s the religion of the land and its people, no foreign religion can carry their aspirations or answer their questions about life , death and the afterlife better. To be able to come back to a relatively influential position, scholars and advocates of Odinani must first take cognizance of the factors that made Christianity attractive and Odinani to lose face. From such a study, it will then become clear which factors are still pertinent now and how differently Odinani could be repackaged or ‘re-envisioned’ to gain that attention of Igbo people, with as little as possible of the nonessential or necessary odious aspects of the faith and way of life. Nobody can ignore the unfashionable, bloody , retrogressive, fetish and devilish tags that became associated with Odinani, over time.
Above all, there is the issue of narrative. It is incontrovertible that one of the most attractive elements of Christianity and Islam to prospective converts is the extraordinary inspirational stories they sell: On the one hand, the charmingly complex tale of a God who so loved the world that he allowed his only son to die for their sins that whosoever believed in Him shall have eternal life. Islam, on the other hand, reveals the story of a simple but forbidding God who sends his final prophet, whose message has to be obeyed if one has to gain the chance of making paradise or avoiding Hell. Fortunately, Odinani is not necessarily crippled by the absence of such a unified message. This is clear from Hinduism, which thrives in India, in spite of lacking such a sexy singular message of hope and redemption– what Hinduism lack by way of unity of message, it more than made up for in philosophical writings, theological thinkers and a body of worship practices and social customs which are resilient enough to resist modern pressures and yet so total to hold the attention of worshippers and satisfactorily provide the answers they need to life’s questions.
There has to be a coherent explanation of what the Odinani religion offers to the believer who subscribes to it. In this direction, we need a prophet or prophets, poets, theologians, etc., who are intellectually equipped to compete in the diverse religious climate, where a multiplicity of religions competes for followers.
At the risk of sounding pessimistic, it should be clear that Odinani may never regain its former dominant position in Igboland. However, even mere visibility should be a worthy prize for a virtually extinct religion. This can be a viable working target for now for every lover of Odinani. A return to the roots will curb such defects in the Igbo nation such as unmitigated individualism, recourse to money rituals and other abuses of manipulable agents of Odinani spiritual essence, heartless mercantilism, utter lack of a social vision, and a palpable absence of political direction in politics and governance.
—ONAH EJIOFOR (Poet &Thinker, Lagos
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