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qereceitas · 11 months ago
Frutas na Dieta Cetogênica: Permitidas ou Proibidas?
A dieta cetogênica (ceto) vem conquistando adeptos por seus resultados na perda de peso e controle de diversas condições, como diabetes e epilepsia. No entanto, surge a dúvida: é possível consumir frutas nesse tipo de alimentação? A resposta é: sim, com moderação! As frutas são ricas em vitaminas, minerais e fibras, nutrientes essenciais para a saúde. No entanto, muitas também contêm…
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noeldossantosf · 1 year ago
10 Receitas de Comidas Veganas
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meu-mantra · 1 year ago
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jamesfrain · 7 months ago
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Tom... you need to know. You are the moment.
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anatoledo18 · 1 year ago
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koyangii · 4 months ago
Love in the big city and HIV
So, I have recently watched one of the best dramas of the year, “Love in the big city”, in which HIV is a major theme. 
The show portrays really well the stigmatized scenario around HIV: as a person living with the virus,  Go Young feels exactly as if he's carrying some kind of curse. He can't accept it, but who can blame him for that, if "Kylie", as he calls the virus, is always around like an inconvenient person? In his sex life, while applying to a job, and even while hanging out with friends. 
Society doesn't make it easy for a person living with HIV to accept the condition and that's essential when it comes to healthcare, which is what I want to address today. 
First, let me introduce myself: my name is Nico and I'm a Medicine student in Brazil. Here, we have probably one of the biggest public health system in the world, the Unified Health System (a.k.a. SUS). In this essay, I intend to share some general information about HIV, its treatment and prevention, by using some parts of “Love in the big city” to discuss this theme, because although the show did an amazing job when it comes to talking about it, there are some points I found needed some better explanation. 
HIV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can also be transmitted by the contact with infected blood (e.g: incompatible blood transfusion; use of shared needles) or from the mother to a child inside the womb or during labor. The virus uses a specific type of immune cell to multiply. Explaining it in a very simple way, he gets inside the cell, uses its components to produce new viral copies and then ruptures the cell membrane to release these new copies in the blood, killing the cell by doing so. For this reason, untreated HIV is very dangerous, since it can cause immunodeficiency (failure of the immune system), making the person susceptible to acquire opportunistic infections, which are diseases that usually don’t occur in people with regular immune systems. When someone has immunodeficiency caused by HIV, this person is diagnosed with Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). That being said, AIDS and HIV are not the same. There are many people living with HIV that don’t have AIDS, thanks to appropriate treatment. 
There are multiple ways a person can discover about having HIV: you can be notified because the person you have had relations with discovered the infection, or by taking blood tests for blood donation, or in the worst case scenario, when you are already suffering from an opportunistic infection. Go Young, for example, discovered it because of the blood tests results while he was in the army. One thing I found very outrageous was that the physician instantly inferred that Go Young was gay because of that, but this is impossible, since anyone can get the virus, regardless of their sexual orientation. This appointment was like a death sentence: the unempathetic doctor as a ruthless judge, blaming the patient and not offering a single word of comfort. (Quite the opposite: he even asked that very intimate question about sex positions. Seriously, I wanted to punch this doctor so hard.)
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Nonetheless, even if it was made in a very inappropriate way, diagnosis is still very important, because that is the only way one can have access to treatment. Each patient must be evaluated separately, since treatment may vary due to the different genetic subtypes of the virus and the person’s own body response. Medication can also be adjusted until satisfactory results are accomplished. Overall, all patients are submitted to a lifetime antiretroviral therapy in order to stop the virus from multiplying and to keep immune cells at a higher level. In the series, we can see Go Young asking for any antiretroviral in a pharmacy, but in real life, he would be very specific about the drugs.
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If done properly, treatment can provide quality of life and long life expectancy (very similar to people who don’t have HIV), prevent opportunistic infections and, most importantly, transmission! Yes, that is exactly what you read: treatment can result in really low levels of HIV in the blood, which is called “undetectable viral load” if it happens for at least six months. There is even a saying which goes “Undetectable = untransmittable”. In this scenario the patient can even have sex without a condom with their partner, which is what happened with Go Young and Gyu Ho in the series. However, it is important to mention that this only applies to HIV: one can still get other STIs while having unprotected sex. 
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In addition to condoms and proper treatment, there are other ways of preventing HIV infection. Susceptible people can use the pre-exposure prophylaxis (PREp) medication, which highly reduces the risk of getting HIV from intercourse (and also from blood contact in a less effective way). There is also the post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), which can prevent infection if taken within 72 hours after possible exposure. Treating other STIs, not sharing needles, using lubricant (less chance of injury during intercourse) and avoiding sex while in use of alcohol or drugs are some other habits we can do ourselves to minimize the risk of acquiring HIV. 
Nevertheless, individual actions can help only until a certain point, given that the best prevention is the “combination prevention”, which includes not only behavioral and biomedical approaches, but also structural interventions. Every country should have their own public policies to assist people living with HIV and to prevent transmission. I’m proud to say that, in Brazil, thanks to our public health system, everyone has access to condoms, lubricants, tests, treatment, PREp and PEP - all free of charge. The system also has policies of damage control, providing all of these strategies to the population of risk, such as sex workers and people with a substance use disorder, including kits with individual needles to prevent sharing and, consequently, blood transmission. No wonder we are an international reference for HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention. 
To conclude, I also need to remind you that you can actively help in this cause by simply showing support. As we all watched in “Love in the big city”, a person living with HIV faces all kinds of prejudice in society. Go Young carried a heavy burden for years, not being able to share it with anyone until Gyu Ho embraced him. Sometimes, patients have these prejudices themselves and it can deeply hinder treatment. I have seen this myself: a patient that denied the diagnosis and returned to the hospital sometime later with a severe health condition.
You can be the person that will accept and embrace this other person, who is only living with a chronic condition, such as many people who live with hypertension or diabetes, for example. You can be the person that will call out on others for their preconceived opinions. You can be the person who will share high-quality information to your friends, family, fellow workers or students (There are links in the last paragraph with reliable information for those who want to do some further research). 
Finally, I can’t stress enough how much I loved “Love in the big city” for addressing so many types of love and so many sensitive topics, including this one, in such a beautiful way. It has been a long time since I had felt so connected to a story, to a character so human like Go Young. 
I hope this essay provided a little bit of information to you. I mostly used the knowledge I have learned in college and sites of well-recognized organizations, such as the UNAIDS, the World Health Organization (WHO) and, for the Portuguese speakers, the Brazilian Ministry of Health (Ministério da Saúde). Thank you for reading, and please, feel free to send me any questions you might have, I’ll do my best to answer them. Also, if you notice any English mistakes, please let me know so I can correct them. 
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ecosdoinfinito · 6 months ago
Às vezes, você pensa que quer morrer, mas então se vê de madrugada, no escuro, deitada na cama. Ouve os sons ao seu redor, observa as coisas que te cercam, mesmo que seja uma parede, o teto, uma porta, uma janela. Até mesmo o silêncio, que às vezes pode parecer assustador, revela-se pacífico e reconfortante. Seja sozinha ou com alguém próximo, você fica triste porque não quer perder esse sentimento estranho, e tem medo de que isso acabe. Às vezes, até deseja que dure para sempre. Mesmo que você nem sempre sinta isso, acredito que, no fundo, não queremos morrer de verdade. Talvez só queiramos encontrar uma forma de viver sem dor ou sem aquele sentimento ruim de que não há algo que faça a vida valer a pena. Um propósito para continuar e ainda se sentir vivo. Não sei ao certo sobre tudo, mas sinto que esses pequenos momentos são uma das minhas razões para ainda querer ficar, mesmo quando a vida é difícil.
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little-blurry · 5 months ago
A maneira como escolhemos ver o mundo cria o mundo que vemos...
se você realmente quiser ajudar alguém que tem depressão e ansiedade o caminho é buscar informações, entenda antes de julgar, escute antes de falar e não ignore os sinais porque o isolamento e sofrimento são sintomas e consequências de pensar e sentir em nossas mentes e corpos algo que nunca escolhemos e ninguém faz idéia do esforço de viver assim
não espere ficar sem saída, existem pessoas que se importam e lugares que você pode buscar ajuda, um gesto de bondade genuíno de alguém já me salvou quando eu já tinha desistido de ser salva.
- Take care of yourself
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escrevo-para-nao-morrer · 3 months ago
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Série: Modern Love (2019)
Via: Pinterest.
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afinidade082323 · 3 months ago
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Estou indo cuidar de quem perdeu a esperança de viver.❤️
Muita Gratidão pela sua presença.🙏🙌🎀🌺
Até amanhã 😘
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soprodemar · 1 year ago
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É isso.
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wonderlandgoblin · 5 months ago
Why can’t my favorite characters ever go to therapy? THEY NEED IT!!!! Does therapy not exist in their world? I need answers! Why must they suffer?!??!?!??!?!
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winterredofc · 1 month ago
As outras redes sociais não tem preparo pra suportar os Textões que fazemos aqui...
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manuzitasposts · 2 years ago
Ainda há oque viver
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hansolsticio · 1 month ago
O solie eu tava analisando aqui o cheol tá mais magro em comparação a janeiro de 2024 e me dá tristeza e saudades dele gigante no final de 2023 para 2024
tá mesmo, anonnie... mas faz sentido porque ele voltou a performar, treinar, ensaiar e etc já que antes ele tava mais parado por conta da lesão (e também levantaram no twitter que essa questão do peso talvez seja até melhor pra ele porque não força tanto o joelho)
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