#STEM fields
thinkpink212 · 9 months
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POV: A future women in stem
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Rules of a scientist's life
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See failure as a beginning, not an end.
Never stop learning.
Assume nothing, question everything.
Teach others what you know.
Analyze objectively.
Practice humility
Respect constructive criticism.
Give credit where it’s due.
Take initiative.
Ask the tough questions early.
Love what you do, or leave.
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sabxhere · 7 months
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based on a conversation i had recently with my wife, where she said, god's truth, cross on my heart and everything, that if she was EVER stemboified or became a cog in the machine that is capitalism, a husk of what she once was, i should punch her or try to somehow make her come back to her senses (achieved by me dragging her to experience, once again, The Joys Of Life ((visiting museums, ranting to her about philosophy, talking about books, the likes))
which lead to me thinking about WHAT if it really happened and how i'd react, pffff-
based also on this post that started our convo in the first place ↓
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in-sightpublishing · 25 days
Conversation with Bob Williams on Practical and Impractical Intelligence Testing: Retired Nuclear Physicist (8)
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: March 1, 2014 Web Domain: http://www.in-sightpublishing.com Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Journal: In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal Journal Founding: August 2, 2012 Frequency: Three (3) Times Per Year Review Status: Non-Peer-Reviewed Access: Electronic/Digital & Open Access Fees: None…
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gaqu3 · 1 year
Alice Augusta Ball was born in Seattle, Washington on July 24, 1892, to James Presley and Laura Ball. She was one of four children, the other three being her two older brothers, William and Robert Ball, and her younger sister, Addie Ball. Her grandfather, James Ball Sr., was a photographer who was the first African American to use the daguerreotype, the process of printing photographs onto metal plates. In 1903, in the hope that the warm weather would relieve her grandfather's arthritis, Alice Ball and her family relocated from Seattle to Honolulu. He died soon after the move, and after only a year in Hawaii, they returned to Seattle in 1905. Ball returned to Seattle and attended Seattle High School, where she excelled in the sciences. In 1910, she graduated from Seattle High School. Ball went on to study chemistry at the University of Washington, where she received a bachelor's degree in pharmaceutical chemistry in 1912 and a second bachelor's degree in pharmacy science two years later in 1914.  
She co-authored a 10-page article in the Journal of the American Chemical Society with her pharmacy instructor, Williams Dehn, titled "Benzoylations in Ether Solution” which was an unusual for a black woman in her time. She then went to study at the College of Hawaii where she decided to study for a master's degree in chemistry. Her master's thesis at the College of Hawaii involved researching the chemical properties of various Kava plant species. Because of this research and her understanding of plant chemistry, she was approached by Harry T. Hollmann, an Acting Assistant Surgeon at the US Public Health Service's Leprosy Investigation Station in Hawaii, to study chaulmoogra oil and its chemical properties. At the time, leprosy had been a highly stigmatized disease with little to no chance of recovery, and for hundreds of years, Chaulmoogra oil had been the most effective leprosy treatment, and Ball developed a much more effective injectable form, which had little to no problems unlike previous methods. Details of the process she developed were revealed to Arthur L. Dean, a chemist and Ball's graduate study advisor, dean of the college, and later president of the university. She was the first woman and the first Black American to receive a master's degree from the College of Hawaii in 1915. She was also the first African American "research chemist and instructor" in the chemistry department at the College of Hawaii. 
Alice Ball passed away on December 13, 1916, at the age of 24. Dean conducted additional trials after Ball's death, and by 1919, a college chemistry laboratory was producing large quantities of the injectable chaulmoogra extract. Dean published the details of the work and the findings without naming Ball or crediting her work. Dean's published works on the chaulmoogra extract do not include her name, but the technique is referred to as "the Dean method." Hollmann, Ball's colleague, attempted to correct the extract's erroneous impression. He credited Ball in a paper published in 1922, referring to the injectable form of the oil as the "Ball method" throughout the article. Hollmann discusses techniques that have been developed elsewhere and reports on progress in related leprosy treatments. Although Dean claimed that his later work was a refinement of Ball's method, yielding an "advanced specific," Hollmann compares and rejects Dean's and Ball's techniques in the article, in a section titled "Ball's Method of Making Ethyl Esters of the Fatty Acids of Chaulmoogra Oil." Hollman later states “I cannot see that there is any improvement whatsoever over the original technic as worked out by Miss Ball. The original method will allow any physician in any asylum for lepers in the world, with a little study, to isolate and use the ethyl esters of chaulmoogra fatty acids in treating his cases, while the complicated distillation in vacuo will require very delicate, and not always obtainable, apparatus.” Despite this, Ball was largely forgotten in the scientific record. In the 1970s, University of Hawai'i professors Kathryn Takara and Stanley Ali discovered records of Ball's research and worked to ensure her accomplishment was recognized. 
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anistarrose · 4 months
I have this TAZ Balance modern AU in my head that I'll never write, but that's okay, because there's literally only two things that you need to know about it:
Kravitz and Barry both have graduate degrees
Barry and Kravitz are not using their graduate degrees even a little bit in their current career, which is running a really shitty, scam-adjacent ghost-busting business out of a garage together
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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pumpkin duty
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quotidianish · 2 months
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Rekindling the Sherlock Holmes and boots n bombs brainworms in me simultaneously .. I give you BnB Holmes and Watson
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mindblowingscience · 7 months
One of the most well-studied marine mammals in the world has been secretly harboring a superpower sixth sense. Two captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) have now proved to researchers at the University of Rostock and Nuremberg Zoo in Germany that they can reliably sense weak electric fields in the water with their long snouts. The discovery hints at the possibility that some marine mammals really can sniff out the electric currents of small prey buried in the sand. They might even use the skill to sense Earth's magnetic field.
Continue Reading.
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x3nshit · 1 year
rip sigmund freud you would’ve loved living in the generation where we use “daddy” and “mommy” to refer to people we find attractive 💀
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the-golden-weapons · 4 days
jay is a physicist
nya and sora are engineers
jordana is a chemist
PIXAL is a computer scientist
does this make sense.
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eggsploded · 8 months
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shitty comic with sollux below cut
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wanderrghost · 6 months
"Bimbo reader" this, "hyperfeminine reader" that, where's my reader who never bothered to learn how to put on makeup and whose morning routine takes all of 20 minutes before heading out to a full-time job she's overqualified and underpaid for?? Where's my reader who has utility bills and rent and a car and is perfectly fine being independent and solving her own problems thank you very much??
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queer-reader-07 · 8 months
i don’t know what it says about me as a person that a motivating factor in me wanting to pursue a PhD is that “Dr.” is a gender neutral honorific that people just accept without question
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worstloki · 2 months
Avengers genderbend where every member backstory or appearance is SO DRASTICALLY different due to the gender switch. except Loki who is exactly the same
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flintandpyrite · 2 months
That post going around about how art museums suck and curators are allergic to work is very much "man who has never been to any other art museum: This museum is so much like the met"-coded and weirdly anti-intellectua/STEMcel feeling. There are so many curators out there doing the work to connect people to art!!! I haven't been to an exhibit like the one they describe (unconnected unexplained painting collections with tiny wall text) in years (except for the Met, see above, they really are like that-- and often only parts of them; I find that the Cloisters really goes the extra mile to contextualize their collection, maybe only because it's such a wacky collection that if you put it all in one room with no context no one, not even medievalists, would enjoy it even a little bit. But I digress).
Every major exhibit I have been to in the past decade (and I go to A Lot of art museums) and many many minor ones have made a tremendous effort to interpret and explain the context of the art, even if major pieces are not in the collection. Yes it is bullshit that rich people get massive tax breaks (no, not just clout, it's a money laundering scheme) for "donating" their art. But let's not confuse the shitty tax law in this country for a conspiracy by art curator "elites" trying to fuck over the layperson. Thank u.
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