#unrecognized poc women
gaqu3 · 1 year
Alice Augusta Ball was born in Seattle, Washington on July 24, 1892, to James Presley and Laura Ball. She was one of four children, the other three being her two older brothers, William and Robert Ball, and her younger sister, Addie Ball. Her grandfather, James Ball Sr., was a photographer who was the first African American to use the daguerreotype, the process of printing photographs onto metal plates. In 1903, in the hope that the warm weather would relieve her grandfather's arthritis, Alice Ball and her family relocated from Seattle to Honolulu. He died soon after the move, and after only a year in Hawaii, they returned to Seattle in 1905. Ball returned to Seattle and attended Seattle High School, where she excelled in the sciences. In 1910, she graduated from Seattle High School. Ball went on to study chemistry at the University of Washington, where she received a bachelor's degree in pharmaceutical chemistry in 1912 and a second bachelor's degree in pharmacy science two years later in 1914.  
She co-authored a 10-page article in the Journal of the American Chemical Society with her pharmacy instructor, Williams Dehn, titled "Benzoylations in Ether Solution” which was an unusual for a black woman in her time. She then went to study at the College of Hawaii where she decided to study for a master's degree in chemistry. Her master's thesis at the College of Hawaii involved researching the chemical properties of various Kava plant species. Because of this research and her understanding of plant chemistry, she was approached by Harry T. Hollmann, an Acting Assistant Surgeon at the US Public Health Service's Leprosy Investigation Station in Hawaii, to study chaulmoogra oil and its chemical properties. At the time, leprosy had been a highly stigmatized disease with little to no chance of recovery, and for hundreds of years, Chaulmoogra oil had been the most effective leprosy treatment, and Ball developed a much more effective injectable form, which had little to no problems unlike previous methods. Details of the process she developed were revealed to Arthur L. Dean, a chemist and Ball's graduate study advisor, dean of the college, and later president of the university. She was the first woman and the first Black American to receive a master's degree from the College of Hawaii in 1915. She was also the first African American "research chemist and instructor" in the chemistry department at the College of Hawaii. 
Alice Ball passed away on December 13, 1916, at the age of 24. Dean conducted additional trials after Ball's death, and by 1919, a college chemistry laboratory was producing large quantities of the injectable chaulmoogra extract. Dean published the details of the work and the findings without naming Ball or crediting her work. Dean's published works on the chaulmoogra extract do not include her name, but the technique is referred to as "the Dean method." Hollmann, Ball's colleague, attempted to correct the extract's erroneous impression. He credited Ball in a paper published in 1922, referring to the injectable form of the oil as the "Ball method" throughout the article. Hollmann discusses techniques that have been developed elsewhere and reports on progress in related leprosy treatments. Although Dean claimed that his later work was a refinement of Ball's method, yielding an "advanced specific," Hollmann compares and rejects Dean's and Ball's techniques in the article, in a section titled "Ball's Method of Making Ethyl Esters of the Fatty Acids of Chaulmoogra Oil." Hollman later states “I cannot see that there is any improvement whatsoever over the original technic as worked out by Miss Ball. The original method will allow any physician in any asylum for lepers in the world, with a little study, to isolate and use the ethyl esters of chaulmoogra fatty acids in treating his cases, while the complicated distillation in vacuo will require very delicate, and not always obtainable, apparatus.” Despite this, Ball was largely forgotten in the scientific record. In the 1970s, University of Hawai'i professors Kathryn Takara and Stanley Ali discovered records of Ball's research and worked to ensure her accomplishment was recognized. 
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gayvampyr · 1 year
Do you support prison abolition /paying prisoners a living wage / making being able to vote more accessible to everyone?
I like your stances and opinions and your jokes but I'm genuinely curious on this one.
(This is inspired by some of the comments under one of your posts talking about how we should just make democracy more livable under capitalism, and while I disagree with that being the ONLY thing we need to do, it does kinda make me think about how many people think we need to get better without abolishing prisons or at least treating our prisoners better than we are treating them currently.)
hi! i'm not sure which post you're referring to but I'm actually anti-capitalist. I think we need to dismantle capitalism as a system because it is inherently inhumane, working exactly as intended and therefore cannot be "fixed" without restructuring it entirely from the ground up; the devaluation of human labor and environmental destruction for profit is not a bug, it's a feature. i could delve into the kind of economic system that i think should replace it after dismantling it, however it's more of a thought exercise and until it becomes a plausible reality, i would rather focus on how we can make capitalism livable for the time being because we have no other choice. for example we could start by lowering rent, instituting a 4-day work week, and establishing support networks for homeless people. i'm not an economist so it's not like i have all the answers but according to the results from other countries who have applied these practices, it improves quality of life and the economy significantly.
as for prisons, i'm pro-abolition. you can check out my prison abolition tag for more information, but essentially prisons exist in this day and age as an industry that profits off of slave labor. many of our laws and their enforcers unfairly target minorities and lower class people, and the denial of convicts the right to vote is just another way our government strips vulnerable communities of their political power, autonomy, and supposedly inalienable rights. aside from the conviction of innocent people and people who did commit a crime but ultimately did no harm, i don't think it's the right of any individual (or government, for that matter) to imprison others. i think people tend to forget that "criminals" are human beings and deserving of the same rights as everyone else, and it is human nature to make mistakes. the important thing is the opportunity to do better. militarist propaganda has done an incredible job of convincing us that convicts are amoral and undeserving of our sympathy, turning society in general against them and destroying any sort of safety net they might have had or needed otherwise. and people are too busy clinging to the notion that criminals are subhuman and deserving of whatever punishment is dealt that they can't see that this is a slide into fascism, and that they can just as easily become "other" should they find themselves on the receiving end of the system. we are very close to living in a surveillance state, which means any minor offense or slip-up has the potential to completely decimate your chances at getting a job, applying for college, getting a loan, receiving housing, and especially being able to have a say in elections. it also makes you more likely to be arrested again on account of "suspected illegal activity", so your record follows you around for the rest of your life.
sorry this got so long but yeah, essentially capitalism and the prison industry are inhumane and should be abolished.
#voter suppression#prison abolition#militarism#capitalism#52018#racism#classism#1312#also before anyone brings up r/pe or other genuinely awful crimes that endanger people i have to posit the question:#how can we account for those crimes when the people arrested for them are are mainly minorities?#need i remind you that white women used to accuse black men of assault just to weaponize their white privilege?#to exert power over them out of fear or hatred? people convicted for violent crimes are disproportionately trans poor and POC#while the rest of people actually committing those crimes walk free because of the privileges of being cis/het/white/upper-class#and like. thats not to say that those crimes should go unrecognized. but the system we have and the people enforcing it are just not#capable of doing so fairly. they look for signs of abusive behavior in race. gender. sex. age. class. sexuality. religious beliefs.#very little investigation is performed and hardly any empirical data is used in ruling. if they cared about victims at all they would focus#on preventing abuse before it happens and giving us support and access to people and services who can help. as a victim and survivor#the gov did not give a shit about my abuse. we cant make a system built on suffering care about any of us.#and like. yall are so confident you'll be able to decide who is 'good' and who is 'bad' but you can't. its like the shit with amber heard.#everyone was so caught up in defending their favorite actor they disregarded a woman's account of her abuse and made her out to be crazy an#evil#and i know you think youre different and we can do it differently but it happens over and over and over again#tldr we cant use a system to prosecute the ''evil people of society'' that is built on defining those traits through a racist misogynistic#etc lens#if we could we wouldnt even be in this mess
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daretosnoop · 4 years
Lessons I learned from the Games
Most of this is just silly, some are actual lessons.
If you’re going to get murdered, get revenge by leaving clues to the blackmail you have on potential suspects and hope to god someone figures it out
If you’re investigating a crime, being a random transfer student at the end of the year is probably not the way to go, but no one cares because they’re too busy with college applications.
If your niece is coming to your place to investigate a murder and you’re not there, the least you can do is set up a cage to trap any possible break-ins.
Nothing beats being able to hold a gun to the murderer #whySCKremastered???
Teens dealing with pressures to meet college and parental demands
Teens resorting to drugs
Teens dealing with sexism that’s found in abundance in college and work environments
Teachers not giving a shit about what students are going through.
If you’re getting death threats, play it cool. Keeps the perps unhinged
Toxicity of fan culture
Throw all CEOs into the closet
Nothing beats Jazz
If you’re going to commit crime in an actor’s community, you must do it with flare
If you’re going to buy a Victorian mansion, the least you can do is check for ghosts. And also hire a carpenter beforehand
Never invest your life’s savings into anything
Treat those who help you with basic decency (my god Rose!)
If you’re snooping on someone, don’t give them any indication that you’re onto them
If someone slips a threatening message under your door, open the door.
Victorian houses have all sorts of booby traps, FIND THEM.
Don’t trust anyone who’s eager to be your friend
Trust the weirdos and grumpy people
Learn French
Don’t leave incriminating evidence that reveals your lies
There is no such thing as too much food
Women in history have been badly treated by (male) historians.
It’s called the past for a reason
Turn a bad situation into an opportunity to learn
If you’re going to do crime, at least ensure you have an escape route that’s not blocked by the snow
Don’t date people who pressure you to marry them/ask you to prove your love for them
As a woman, if you want anyone to take you seriously and help, you have to be adamant, sassy, and everything men don’t like to see in women.
If you’re a POC, the chances of the police helping you decreases
Capitalism sucks
Police suck
Misogyny in capitalism
Old theaters are amazing
Don’t trust the person who’s trying to be your friend!!!!!!
Don’t talk to suspects about your case
Have confidence in yourself
Colonialism still exists in the form of capitalism
The art industry is completely profit driven
Mexico and America tensions
The Mayans
They never talked about what happened to the Mayans…..
Don’t deal with shady salesmen
Sometimes saving money contributes to a bad system
If you accepted a position, take your work seriously
Don’t trust the guy trying to be your friend!!!!
Master the art of amnesia should you ever need to use it
Even if you disband a group of art thieves, it’s best to be humble
No one in life is going to help you, even if you get pushed into a monolith
This game is why it’s important to put your dog(s) on a leash! (insert that dog vine: “it don’t bite. Yes it do!”)
If we didn’t have uptight rangers, the parks would be burnt to smithereens
Misogyny exists in the woods
People who are just trying to do their job always get a bad rap even though it’s because of them the park still exists!
Gangsters are bad, but also low-key cool
Get back at your enemies by making a fake grave of them
Old people have interesting stories
Gold can release arsenic into water
Always check well water before using
Wood mice are bad for health
If you’re going to get tied up and tossed into your tool shed, keep a scythe on hand
Go birdwatching at night
Torque is a fancy word for screw driver
If you’re a POC, people are most likely to suspect you.
There is no job security if you end up in hospital
Sometimes you really need a 2000 calorie sundae
If you went to jail, people are most likely to suspect you first
Don’t spy on your co-workers
Don’t trust the person who’s trying to be your friend!
Don’t procrastinate on a job
If you’re miserable in life, maybe it’s time to sign up for some therapy
If you have a sad backstory, you’re automatically entitled to everyone’s sad backstory
Mental illness: depression
Health awareness: niacin, don’t eat junk food like a 2000 calorie sundae
Don’t dump someone just because they’re not able to give you a lavish lifestyle
If you’re going to trash someone’s boat, don’t leave your business card behind
If you’re tired of small mindedness, it’s best to just leave
It’s always handy in life to know boating skills
If you’re trying to report suspicious activity, communicating by bottles is not the way to go
Don’t feed wild animals!
Capitalism sucks
Look carefully at your environment, you never know what clues are left behind
Always make a plan B in case plan A doesn’t work
Don’t be afraid to explore
Never trust the guy who’s trying to be your friend!!!
Always trust the grumpy guy
Horses die easily
There is no such thing as over ripe vegetables
Sunflowers should be planted near gardens so that bees come
Respect chickens
Falling in love with a criminal is difficult when your dad’s a cop
It’s handy to know how to ride a horse
Ghost towns are terrifying
Farmers work hard and should be respected
Don’t trust the person who’s trying to be your friend!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t be a negligent parent
Before getting married, make sure your partner has a good relationship with your child
Don’t trust creepy people
America and British will always oppose each other
Talking parrots are always handy
British aristocracy was supported through colonialism #got Loulou on his Travels, uh huh
If you’re a spinster, you’re going to be the mom of something
If you’re afraid of becoming a monster, best be dramatic about it
It’s really important to have good communication between partners
Don’t stick your new wife in a room that still has pictures of your old wife and where all the furniture has covers on them
If you have a manor, you better explore it before some 12-year-old gets hurt exploring it
don’t go to great lengths to protect a rock
calling something that skips every generation a “family tradition” is just rude and exclusive
don’t leave your child alone for so long. Don’t keep them away from people their age
don’t write memories, no one wants to hear your life story
if you’re going to presume someone’s identity, you better nail the part down hard
don’t blow up the kitchen when there’s only three people in the house and you were the closest and last one in the kitchen
emotional manipulation
gas lighting
if someone mentions stolen jewellery, putting back what you stole just incriminates you
even if you have psychic abilities, don’t be an ass bout it
no one ever tips because no one like the system. Pay your employees what they deserve!
Even though the depression’s going on, people are still dumping money in psychic lessons and dress making
No one ever gives anything away for free
Even if you’re promised money, don’t put too much trust in the promises of others
Don’t be rude to the person who’s trying to help you
If your partner is demanding to be spoiled during an economic depression, find a better partner
People aren’t as smart as you, tell them straight where you left your will.
The dumb blonde joke is not funny
Cops are useless and unhelpful
People are more willing to listen to adults then teens/young adults
Celebrities are much different in real life then in their celebrity world.
Don’t steal someone else’s ideaà artist theft
Old trains are super cool
People aren’t as smart as you, tell them straight where you hid your treasure
Don’t dump someone just because people think they’re dumb
Capitalism sucks
The fashion industry is brutal
normal size representation
Boss’s can be crappy people
Don’t blackmail people
If you promised to do work, you better dedicate yourself to it
Having a healthy fear of giving away personal information is not a bad thing
Don’t aid stalkers
Covid-precaution: cover face with mask. Act erratic to keep people away from you
Concept of older men dating younger women is actually frowned upon
Love is mysterious
Flashlight on the many women who helped decode during WW2 but largely remain unrecognized by countries today
Forgery is okay sometimes
Indigenous cultures continue to be badly and negatively portrayed in media
Capitalism sucks
Academia is not as research oriented as one wishes it was
Native Hawaiians forced to “work with” big corps in order to survive.
Tourism industry and its affects on the environment and native population
Sometimes an upgrade is not a good thing
Animal conservatism
Capitalism sucks
International competitions suck
Running away from humans to hide in a cabin and bonding with a wolf is not a bad thing
Never enter a sauna alone
It’s bad business to kick customers out
If your customers are falling asleep everyday in a common room, it’s probably not a good sign of booming business
Don’t be chill over bombs exploding near your hotel
Always handy to know how to drive a snow mobile
Don’t volunteer to be a maid, ever
Cops are useless
Don’t dump your job on your girlfriend
There’s nothing wrong with being emo
Men being emotional and desiring love and affection
Men being abused in relationships
Even if your relative leaves you a ton of money, it’s no excuse for not being a good guardian/parent
Don’t trust strangers. Don’t eat food from random people
Customer service is awful. Even when the customer is trying to instigate a horrible reaction in you, you got to put on a smile
Always trust the eccentric lady
Nancy’s sad backstory allows her to hear everyone else’s sad backstory, unless you’re a guy, I guess.
A date in the cemetery is not a bad idea
If your partner demands you to spoil them, get a new partner
People aren’t as smart as you, tell them where you hid your treasure
Anyone can help out on an international mafia case
The mafia is very creative and artistic
Capitalism sucks
Assert your independence as a young woman by dancing in a cat suit on stage? I guess?
Money can be found anywhere
Eat the rich
Don’t trust the person trying to be friends with you
Possessive relationships are red flags
Don’t steal a cheap neckless if you’re a notorious thief
Cops kind of useful for once.
Don’t pull a prank on your partner before your wedding
Don’t invite someone who used to date your partner and still has feelings for them
If your partner is missing, actually look for them instead of sitting around
Crows are amazing
Fiona might have lost her parents at a young age and her life as a hermit definitely had its side affects, but she also saved herself from the misogyny women endured
If your friend gets kidnapped, please, at least fake some concern
Don’t waste time with monkeys
The only other person on the island is probably the culprit
Girl bullying can be worse than boy bullying
Don’t trust the person who’s trying to be your friend!!!!!!
Nancy’s sad backstory allows her to hear everyone else’s sad backstory, unless you’re a guy, I guess.
Academic institutions are struggling to fund research
Capitalism sucks
Even if you hate your lead, don’t sabotage the team
Communication is important
Even if you hate your job, don’t sabotage your team
People who resist to change just become boulders in the way of progress
Boomer mentality is soul destroying
Emotional manipulation
Gas lighting
Sometimes you have to cut away from those you love in order to maintain your sanity
Nancy’s sad backstory allows her to hear everyone else’s sad backstory.
If you have to give your partner a gift every time you fight, you might have relationship problems
Don’t be in a relationship just because you’re used to it
Don’t force someone to adhere to your expectations in life
If you’re unable to talk to your partner and so resort to haunting her inn, you probably have relationship issues
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alexfatty101-blog · 5 years
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Queer Women Power Up
Queer Women have fought through barriers and adversity whereby their plight has become a significant topic of discussion in our society. Unfortunately, queer women history is not taught and is barely recognized. In our Queer Screen class at California State University, Northridge, we watched a film titled “The Watermelon Woman”. This film was a well produced scam of queer black women history. With a “fuck the audience” type of ending, this 1996 cinema revolves and pokes at the under misrepresentation of queer POC women history. As Linda Garber stayed, “Lesbian history has always been a self-aware field of historiographical creation as much as historical discovery” (p. 129). This film possibly encouraged other cinema producers to incorporate more women of color as we see more dominant women roles in current pop culture television series today.
The Fox series, 9-1-1 has done an outstanding job of incorporating Henreitta Wilson (played by Aisha Hinds). She’s one of the few important characters in the show. Hen is a firefighter and paramedic for the Los Angeles Fire Department. Within her unit, she is the only person of color who also identifies as a lesbian. Her kind and caring personality has brought the audience of this series on a journey. We get to meet her partner and journey through some of the struggles they face to get custody of Hen’s son. One thing I admire about the show’s script is how the character’s identity is not the main focus about her. We are following the characters personality and one episode tells the entire audience her life story and struggles faced to get where she currently is.
Another great representation of queer women in media was the series produced by Freeform, The Fosters (2013-2018). The show conveys two mothers and their adoptive children. This show also does not focus on the women’s relationship, however their communal stuggles in their work field and community are seen every now and then as people sometimes are shocked by their relationship because of the immediate conception we have on people who are professionals especially in law enforcement and education. The audience of this series also has a fresh view of parenting. Many current millennial TV series shows a man and woman in parenting roles. Unlike “brassy Tamara” (from “The Watermelon Woman”) who is obsessed with African-American life, Stefanie Foster ideally has open communication with her wife and tends to work as a team. Although there are some situations that involve Stef working alone or taking control, Lena has a strong demeanor to herself in order to assure her opinion is not overlooked. Watching Stef and Lena Foster ambition to work together as partners and parents is refreshing to watch, especially in 2019. This series queers the audience in a romantic and compassionate way as we see the material couple on a rollercoaster with the children, their parents, and their careers. The producers also add scenes to depict their love and starts a new conversation into reality.
The article, “Historical Fictions, Modern Desires” notes that films such as “The Watermelon Woman”, “reconcile ideological work with entertainment”. The quote explains the coexistence betiween media and lesbian history. Shows like the ones I’ve discussed attract a new type of audience that was typically unseen and unrecognized because the consist of characters symbolizing them. Times in society are changing, and our media perspectives are changing to discuss intersectionality and bring acceptance into our new generations. Characters like Stef and Lena, and Hen from 9-1-1, were taboo because they were considered non traditional. Today, media has collectively began to represent queen women and queer POC women into mainstream multimedia representing diversity and intersexuality.
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peachesannndgravy · 7 years
I can’t believe how low harries go to defend their fav. Every time he does something harries always try and bring the other men into this. No this isn’t about Louis or anyone else being more “woke” This is about harries invalidating poc feelings. They have no right to decide what ppl should feel. “Oh but I’m sure Harry supports it privately” “you know harry loves everyone and he’s kind and sensitive” the excuses I’ve read! I’m so fucking tire of him and his piece of shits he calls fans
Hello anon.
I think that in today’s age it’s not ok to minimize bullshit. I don’t know if you saw the posts by @strawbharry but they’re a capsule of one faction of Harries. They sarcastically stated that they wished they had gone to a university to obtain their women && gender studies degree. I’m assuming that was their clapback in giving backup to their arguments. Now, my first thought was, which university? Second, their logic in comparing Beyonce to a white homeless male as proof that blacks play victim was a disparaging argument. Have they not heard of wage of whiteness? Institutionalized racism was created by the American government to separate PoC && whites. Moreover, to classify their white section they created wage of whiteness. That’s how the elite White group embraced Irish, Italians && other “white” looking cultures in their ploy to turn them against Black slaves during 18th century. That’s why white trash is the lowest in the pyramid of White power. However, they still will never equate to a black homeless man. To compare two individuals that have no similarities to prove how one is better than the other is simply stupid, illogical, irrational && a complete fallacy. While they may have gotten a degree in Gender && Women Studies, they should’ve picked up a minor in Philosophy to learn the basics of logic. It’s like when you watch those National Geographic segments that say “watch this zebra vs a tiger && the winner is the better one”. No, that’s now how it works.  
My favorite part is the fact that the example of Beyonce was moot because Beyonce, despite the fact that she’s famous now, she still goes unrecognized for her talent && Adele && everyone else gets recognized while Beyonce is left as the Urban Contemporary Queen. To say that Black people play victims is so ignorant && racist. That demographic is so complicated. You have institutionalized racism, unjust incarcerations, the emasculation of Black men, the objectified && ridiculized culture of Black females etc…. 
Just because people claim that they went to a university for a degree means nothing to me. Where the fuck did you go? Because, rank/prestige matter in academia whether people like it or not. The better your school is the more money they have to invest on top-notch professors && resources. Frankly, Harries continue to prove that they’re inherently racist, uneducated, sexist, misogynistic && hypocrites. Also, it’s not ok to stoop to their level && tell them to kill themselves. However, they don’t get to pull the “i’m suicidal, stop being mean” card either. 
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silongdisenyoatbp · 6 years
On Netflix’s “Pose”
It has been a few weeks since I finished watching the Netflix series Pose. The said series is about outcasts or “lost souls” are bound into a community through balls and “houses”. Every ball, people from houses get to wear something based on categories and be confident on their own skin. Basically, it is a story of safe spaces. Until now, I could say that it has been the best series I have watched so far and I would discuss it on three (3) points.
1. Representation and Diversity
Through the years, there became more awareness and sensitivity with regards to representation in media. We could see criticisms to shows or movies who would cast a white person to play a person of color (POC) or a straight man to portray a homosexual or transgender woman. Remember the flak to Scarlett Johansson, a cisgender woman, when she was supposed to play the role of a transgender man in Rub & Tug? Eventually, she backed out from the role. Recently, in the Philippines, Maymay Entrata and the rest of the cast of an upcoming episode in Maalaala Mo Kaya (MMK) due to painting “blackface” to represent an Aeta character. Sadly, it looks like the episode will push through albeit the backlash.
This question on representation and diversity does not apply to Pose. The cast is mostly from the LGBTQ+ community. You could only see few cisgender men and women in the cast. It is a breath of fresh air seeing lots of transgender women in the cast playing transgender roles. They didn’t disappoint as they were really good actresses. This is important because for so long, it is rare for transgenders to have major roles in movies and series. Either they are stereotyped, treated superficially, or, worse, not casted at all to give way for well-known cisgender actors, to be dubbed as “mark of their versatility in acting”.
Aside from representation in terms of the cast, the mere representation of stories of transgenders, especially in 1980s where HIV and homosexuality/transgenderism are heavily frowned upon, is truly important. Their stories are rather silenced in media and Pose resists to that kind of erasure. Furthermore, the series gave more layers to transgenderism and homosexuality - it gave them a human face. In essence, the series definitely deviated from the convenient norms in media of misrepresentation, minority erasure, and stereotyping.
2. Roots of the LGBTQ+ Movement
It is a sad reality at the moment where even within the LGBTQ+ community, there is discrimination and enforcement of “hierarchy”. You would see “masculine” gay men view “effeminates” lowly, transgender men and women unrecognized as men and women, and others discriminate those with HIV and AIDS. If you would think of it, the community should be more loving of each other and united in the call for gender equality and equity. 
Pose serves as a great reminder as to why we are struggling and dreaming of a better world for the LGBTQ+ community. Firstly, it reminded us of the vital role of transgenders in the movement. In the series, in houses (or family), there are “mothers” and they are usually transgender women. They are the ones who guide their houses and join with them in the fight for love and acceptance. Historically, transgenders were those at the forefront of the movement, especially in the Stonewall Riot. Personally, I think many people are not aware of this. Even in the LGBTQ+ movement in the Philippines, transgenders had a huge role especially in making the first Pride March in the country possible. Secondly, the series reminded us the importance of the LGBTQ+ movement. It showed how gruesome was the condition of the LGBTQ+ community back then - outcasted, discriminated, harassed. What moved me the most was how society treat people with HIV - in hospitals, they are left to die, even not taken care of at all. These are the stories that are needed by the current generation to remind them to keep on with the fight for gender equality and equity because these are still the realities we have at the moment.
3. Deeper Context of Drag Culture
There is a growing appreciation of drag culture worldwide due to its mainstreaming in media through the likes of RuPaul’s Drag Race and Drag Race Thailand. I have been an avid viewer of Drag Race for almost two years now and I have had better appreciation of drag as an art form and as a protest. This also applies to even straight men and women who are fans of the show and the craft.
Pose gives better context to the essence and importance of drag culture, rooted from the house and ball culture. It is not necessarily about being beautiful or fierce or talented - it is about being more comfortable with one’s skin and redefining gender norms and notions of beauty. This was advanced with the help of balls and existence of houses that created a safe space to really express one’s identity. Personally, I got to understand many nuances in Drag Race after watching the series, not just on the phrases but also to the essence of the challenges in Drag Race. I would arguably say that viewers of Drag Race should also watch Pose because it gives them better understanding of drag culture.
All in all, Pose exceeded my expectations on a series as it presented stories that are historically silenced in the media and reminded the viewers as to why we keep on dreaming of an a more accepting society.
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