not-rascal-artz · 1 month
Please share/reblog our voice, donate to save our lives Believe me, every contribution, no matter how small, helps to survive 🙏
Are you waiting us to die so that you can feel or do what needs to do ?! 😔
Vetted by . @el-shab-hussein @90-ghost @nabulsi
I do not have the money the donate unfortunately, but I will definitely share your story on this account and my main account.
(by the way guys.. it doesn’t matter if you follow me or not. please read the hashtags. I am genuinely begging you.)
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roboticbuild · 23 days
My name is Anas Al-Sharfa. Since October 7, 2023, we have been suffering from a brutal war that has destroyed our dreams and hopes, exceeding the limits of human comprehension. During this savage war, we have endured hardships that mountains could not bear. We are facing severe water shortages and a critical lack of food and nutrition due to the blockade in northern Gaza for the past 10 months, preventing essential supplies like meat, vegetables, and fruits from entering. This situation has forced us to eat animal feed, leading to weight loss, various diseases, and a significant weakening of our immune systems.
We also suffer from severe water shortages, often walking nearly 1 kilometer to obtain a single gallon of water, which is approximately 16 liters, barely enough for five family members. As a result of the war, our home and agricultural land, which used to provide our daily sustenance, were destroyed and completely bulldozed, leading to major disruptions in our lives. We have also suffered from repeated displacement, moving from one place to another and from one area to another due to the horrific and brutal bombings.
Additionally, we have been deprived of education and the opportunity to build a future. I was studying to become a doctor to help people, but fate did not allow this as my university, where I dreamed of studying, was destroyed. I have been overwhelmed with thoughts during this war—how will I build my future? How will I complete my studies?
We also suffer from fear and terror due to bombings, fire belts, and explosives. Hospitals, which are the lifeline for every sick and needy person, have also been destroyed. We face a shortage of medicines and vaccines while diseases increase and ravage us, with no solution in sight as there are no hospitals or medical supplies available here in Gaza. We live in constant fear for my younger siblings because they haven't received their general vaccinations, particularly after the widespread outbreak of polio due to the lack of cleaning supplies and the massive accumulation of waste in the streets. The streets are also flooded with sewage, posing a grave threat to our children. My brother suffered from jaundice, battling it for about two weeks with fatigue, dizziness, and other symptoms. It's a deadly disease, and as mentioned before, there’s no treatment available due to the destruction of hospitals and health centers.
We are also suffering from the absence of cooking gas, forcing us to use wood and plastic to start fires, which could lead to poisoning. We've been without electricity since October 7, spending days in darkness, causing immense fear in my younger siblings. This has also made it extremely difficult to charge our phones and batteries for lighting at night. We had to travel kilometers from our home to find places with electricity, incurring high costs to charge our phones and batteries.
Moreover, we have had no stable income since the beginning of the war after our agricultural land was destroyed.
I kindly request assistance for my family so that we can live a better life.
I wish desperately I could donate to help you, but I do not have any money to my name. At the very least, I can spread your story, and beg everyone with money who sees this to please, please donate. You and your loved ones never deserved to be put through such hell, and I hope so desperately that you can find help, love, and safety and peace. Everyone please, please do what you can to help.
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tacticalhimbo · 26 days
🇵🇸 ‼️Hello, please share widely, Mohamed, family and children. I hope you are well. My name is Mohamed Atallah. I urgently need surgery on my left hand and to rebuild my home and my older sister Eman's home. I live with my parents, six sisters, a little girl named Malak and a little boy named Amir in northern Gaza. I created this link to fund a bone graft on my left hand that was hit by an explosive bullet, to rebuild our destroyed home and evacuate my family from Gaza to a safe place. And donate any amount for a safe life.. I would appreciate your help ❤️ Can you help in any way you can? Click on all the buttons on my wall, I beg you to visit my page, view it and donate via the link in my bio 💔 Donate and share widely 🆘🆘 Every euro makes a difference 🙏 I urge you to donate. Even the smallest amount can make a big difference. He doesn't just need to be evacuated with his family, he is in dire need of surgery! The IDF shot him in the arm with an explosive bullet. This is not normal. It's explosive. So he needs treatment immediately! Otherwise, he will get an infection and possibly amputate. We don't want that to happen, do we? So contribute! Make sure to retweet and share his story if you can't. Help my family. War is devastating. There is nothing left to live for. No schools, no universities, no home, no dreams. All dreams are shattered. I hope you can help before it's too late. @90-ghost has reviewed Mohammad's ID documents and messaged him too. Please share and contribute if you can. Feel free to repost on other platforms as well.🍉
vetted; shared by 90-ghost
muhammad's campaign is one i have shared here before, and even now he and his family have only raised €13,434 of the needed €82,000 to cover surgery, recovery, and necessary costs!
this is a good step in the right direction, but this sort of injury is dangerous to leave untreated.
thankfully, we have a recent update (august 20th) from his eldest sister, iman:
there are no words to express how grateful my family and i are to all of you. we are a family of 13, including my young children malak and amir, retaj, rahaf, saja, alaa, amani, iman, sobhi, alaa, and ahmed, my husband, and my brother muhammad, who is injured. when we launched this fundraising campaign, i never imagined that it would receive so much love, generosity and compassion. i was honestly starting to lose hope and wondered if our innocent children would ever find safety again; i was preparing for the worst. your unwavering support made me and my family feel hopeful again.
my one and greatest wish is that by the time the rafah border crossing reopens, i will have raised the money needed to evacuate my family. individuals are paying huge sums ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 per person to evacuate, but every small donation can make a big difference. we send our sincere gratitude once again to everyone who donated, shared our story, both, or even prayed for us. thanks to you, we reached €12,000 out of €82,000 in a matter of days. your contributions have made a huge difference, but we still have a long way to go before we reach our goal.
please continue to support us and share our story so that our children and grandchildren can survive this brutal and relentless slaughter of our people and not just become numbers on your phone screens. i know that donations are not easy in these times, but i believe that every contribution has the power to change someone's life. that is why i am participating in this campaign with all my faith, not only to save them, but also to protect their dreams and help them get out of gaza.
before this war, i was a business administration student in my last semester of university in gaza. i was looking forward to graduating and using my new degree to help my husband with work. but i lost my home and my university. i also lost my uncle, who was killed. he too had young children as i do. my family lost all of their livelihoods to this war, and we continue to cling onto life. we are currently surviving in miserable conditions - my young children amir and malak (whose photo i've shared here) cry because of the lack of basic food. muhammad awaits his evacuation and surgery, and my father is in need of medical treatment as well. we always try hard to provide a living as hunger and thirst attempt to kill us.
every day, the scene continues, full of depression, sadness, fear and horror. the siege imposed on us, the genocide that pursues us, all kinds of torment and suffering, and the spread of diseases, all this and more kills life in gaza and kills our existence, and our lives have turned into a never-ending nightmare amidst hopes hanging by a thin thread. we are suffering now and do not know what tomorrow holds for us, and we do not know when this war will end because we have lost everything beautiful and we are about to lose more. we face harsh conditions and a dark future for our lives, displacement, poverty and pain, but there is a glimmer of hope.
we will never forget how you stood by us during the darkest times of our lives. thanks to each and every one of you, safety is no longer a distant dream. things will never be the same again, but knowing that there are brave souls out there who will always stand by us is what keeps us from completely giving in to despair. with your help and generous donations, we can leave gaza and build a new life and rise from the rubble.
thank you, iman
please spread/contribute if you can!
as part of the ficsforgaza initiative, if you donate to this campaign and send me proof of this, i will write you a custom fanfiction! make sure to check out my rules for submissions via my pinned blog post, or via this rebloggable version
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dfroza · 4 years
what is most significant to you in your heart?
is it this world? a pursuit of money and things? is it friendship? is it Love? is it God?
what do you really treasure?
and it’s certainly not wrong to pursue making money, to work for something since we need substance to survive. but why do you do what you do? what inspires and motivates you? do you seek to be known by others, and why? are you patient & kind? are you honest? do you have integrity in what you do, or are you harming others by enforcing your own way?
are you inspired by spiritual truth that is illuminated by our Creator and the path of grace that invites us into rebirth of the heart and eventually the body? have you come to view life through baptism eyes as a child who has chosen to “believe...”?
Today’s reading of the Scriptures begins with chapter 16 in the book of Luke:
Jesus taught his disciples using this story:
“There was once a very rich man who hired a manager to run his business and oversee all his wealth. But soon a rumor spread that the manager was wasting his master’s money. So the master called him in and said, ‘Is it true that you are mismanaging my estate? You need to provide me with a complete audit of everything you oversee for me. I’ve decided to dismiss you.’
“The manager thought, ‘Now what am I going to do? I’m finished here. I can’t hide what I’ve done, and I’m too proud to beg to get my job back. I have an idea that will secure my future. It will win me favor and secure friends who can take care of me and help me when I get fired!’
“So the dishonest manager hatched his scheme. He went to everyone who owed his master money, one by one, and he asked them, ‘How much do you owe my master?’ One debtor owed twenty thousand dollars, so he said to him, ‘Let me see your bill. Pay me now and we’ll settle for twenty percent less.’ The clever manager scratched out the original amount owed and reduced it by twenty percent. And to another who owed two hundred thousand dollars, he said, ‘Pay me now and we’ll reduce your bill by fifty percent.’ And the clever manager scratched out the original amount owed and reduced it by half.
“Even though his master was defrauded, when he found out about the shrewd way this manager had feathered his own nest, he congratulated the clever scoundrel for what he’d done to lay up for his future needs.”
Jesus continued, “Remember this: The sons of darkness are more shrewd than the sons of light in their interactions with others. It is important that you use the wealth of this world to demonstrate your friendship with God by winning friends and blessing others. Then, when this world fails and falls apart, your generosity will provide you with an eternal reward.
“The one who manages the little he has been given with faithfulness and integrity will be promoted and trusted with greater responsibilities. But those who cheat with the little they have been given will not be considered trustworthy to receive more. If you have not handled the riches of this world with integrity, why should you be trusted with the eternal treasures of the spiritual world? And if you’ve not been proven faithful with what belongs to another, why should you be given wealth of your own? It is impossible for a person to serve two masters at the same time. You will be forced to love one and reject the other. One master will be despised and the other will have your loyal devotion. It is no different with God and the wealth of this world. You must enthusiastically love one and definitively reject the other.”
Now, the Jewish religious leaders who were listening to Jesus were lovers of money. They laughed at what he said and mocked his teachings.
So Jesus addressed them directly. “You always want to look spiritual in the eyes of others, but you have forgotten the eyes of God, which see what is inside you. The very things that you approve of and applaud are the things God despises. The law of Moses and the revelation of the prophets have prepared you for the arrival of the kingdom realm announced by John. And now, when this wonderful news of God’s kingdom realm is preached, people’s hearts burn with extreme passion to press in and receive it. Heaven and earth will disintegrate before even the smallest detail of the word of God will fail or lose its power.
“It is wrong for you to divorce your wife so that you can marry another—that is adultery. And when you take that one you have lusted after as your wife, and contribute to the breakup of her marriage, you are once again guilty of adultery.”
[The Rich Man and Lazarus]
Jesus continued. “There once was a very rich man who had the finest things imaginable, living every day enjoying his life of opulent luxury. Outside the gate of his mansion was a poor beggar named Lazarus. He lay there every day, covered with boils, and all the neighborhood dogs would come and lick his open sores. The only food he had to eat was the garbage that the rich man threw away.
“One day poor Lazarus died, and the angels of God came and escorted his spirit into paradise.
“The day came that the rich man also died. In hell he looked up from his torment and saw Abraham in the distance, and Lazarus the beggar was standing beside him in the glory. So the rich man shouted, ‘Father Abraham! Father Abraham! Have mercy on me. Send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and come to cool my tongue, for I am in agony in these flames of fire!’
“But Abraham responded, ‘My friend, don’t you remember? While you were alive, you had all you desired, surrounded in luxury, while Lazarus had nothing. Now Lazarus is in the comforts of paradise and you are in agony. Besides, between us is a huge chasm that cannot be bridged, keeping anyone from crossing from one realm to the other, even if he wanted to.’
“So the rich man said, ‘Then let me ask you, Father Abraham, to please send Lazarus to my relatives. Tell him to witness to my five brothers and warn them not to end up where I am in this place of torment.’
“Abraham replied, ‘They’ve already had enough warning. They have the teachings of Moses and the prophets, and they must obey them.’
“‘But what if they’re not listening?’ the rich man added. ‘If someone from the dead were to go and warn them, they would surely repent.’
“Abraham said to him, ‘If they won’t listen to Moses and the prophets, neither would they believe even if someone was raised from the dead!’”
The Book of Luke, Chapter 16 (The Passion Translation)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 13th chapter of Joshua where the division of land is documented:
[The Receiving of the Land]
When Joshua had reached a venerable age, God said to him, “You’ve had a good, long life, but there is a lot of land still to be taken. This is the land that remains:
all the districts of the Philistines and Geshurites;
the land from the Shihor River east of Egypt to the border of Ekron up north, Canaanite country (there were five Philistine tyrants—in Gaza, in Ashdod, in Ashkelon, in Gath, in Ekron); also the Avvim from the south;
all the Canaanite land from Arah (belonging to the Sidonians) to Aphek at the Amorite border;
the country of the Gebalites;
all Lebanon eastward from Baal Gad in the shadow of Mount Hermon to the Entrance of Hamath;
all who live in the mountains, from Lebanon to Misrephoth Maim;
all the Sidonians.
“I myself will drive them out before the People of Israel. All you have to do is allot this land to Israel as an inheritance, as I have instructed you. Do it now: Allot this land as an inheritance to the nine tribes and the half-tribe of Manasseh.”
[Land East of the Jordan]
The other half-tribe of Manasseh, with the Reubenites and Gadites, had been given their inheritance by Moses on the other side of the Jordan eastward. Moses the servant of God gave it to them.
This land extended from Aroer at the edge of the Arnon Gorge and the city in the middle of the valley, taking in the entire tableland of Medeba as far as Dibon, and all the towns of Sihon king of the Amorites, who ruled from Heshbon, and out to the border of the Ammonites. It also included Gilead, the country of the people of Geshur and Maacah, all of Mount Hermon, and all Bashan as far as Salecah—the whole kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and Edrei. He was one of the last survivors of the Rephaim. Moses had defeated them and taken their land. The People of Israel never did drive out the Geshurites and the Maacathites—they’re still there, living in Israel.
Levi was the only tribe that did not receive an inheritance. The Fire-Gift-Offerings to God, the God of Israel, are their inheritance, just as he told them.
To the tribe of Reuben, clan by clan, Moses gave:
the land from Aroer at the edge of the Arnon Gorge and the town in the middle of the valley, including the tableland around Medeba;
Heshbon on the tableland with all its towns (Dibon, Bamoth Baal, Beth Baal Meon, Jahaz, Kedemoth, Mephaath, Kiriathaim, Sibmah, Zereth Shahar on Valley Mountain, Beth Peor, the slopes of Pisgah, Beth Jeshimoth);
and all the cities of the tableland, the whole kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, who ruled at Heshbon, whom Moses put to death along with the princes of Midian: Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba, who lived in that country, all puppets of Sihon. (In addition to those killed in battle, Balaam son of Beor, the soothsayer, was put to death by the People of Israel.)
The boundary for the Reubenites was the bank of the Jordan River. This was the inheritance of the Reubenites, their villages and cities, according to their clans.
To the tribe of Gad, clan by clan, Moses gave:
the territory of Jazer and all the towns of Gilead and half the Ammonite country as far as Aroer near Rabbah;
the land from Heshbon to Ramath Mizpah and Betonim, and from Mahanaim to the region of Debir;
in the valley: Beth Haram, Beth Nimrah, Succoth, and Zaphon, with the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon (the east side of the Jordan, north to the end of the Sea of Kinnereth).
This was the inheritance of the Gadites, their cities and villages, clan by clan.
[Half-Tribe of Manasseh]
To the half-tribe of Manasseh, clan by clan, Moses gave:
the land stretching out from Mahanaim;
all of Bashan, which is the entire kingdom of Og king of Bashan, and all the settlements of Jair in Bashan—sixty towns in all.
Half of Gilead with Ashtaroth and Edrei, the royal cities of Og in Bashan, belong to the descendants of Makir, a son of Manasseh (in other words, the half-tribe of the children of Makir) for their clans.
This is the inheritance that Moses gave out when he was on the plains of Moab across the Jordan east of Jericho. But Moses gave no inheritance to the tribe of Levi. God, the God of Israel, is their inheritance, just as he told them.
The Book of Joshua, Chapter 13 (The Message)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for friday, August 14 of 2020 with a paired chapter from each Testament along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
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dfroza · 3 years
if we don’t know truth then we cannot be free.
we simply must find rebirth and its eternal hope that refines the heart into the purest gold.
(inside, Anew)
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 8th chapter of the book of Acts:
Now, Saul agreed to be an accomplice to Stephen’s stoning and participated in his execution. From that day on, a great persecution of the church in Jerusalem began. All the believers scattered into the countryside of Judea and among the Samaritans, except the apostles who remained behind in Jerusalem. God-fearing men gave Stephen a proper burial and mourned greatly over his death.
Then Saul mercilessly persecuted the church of God, going from house to house into the homes of believers to arrest both men and women and drag them off to prison.
Although the believers were scattered by persecution, they preached the wonderful news of the word of God wherever they went. Philip traveled to a Samaritan city and preached to them the wonderful news of the Anointed One. The crowds were eager to receive Philip’s message and were persuaded by the many miracles and wonders he performed. Many demon-possessed people were set free and delivered as evil spirits came out of them with loud screams and shrieks, and many who were lame and paralyzed were also healed. This resulted in an uncontainable joy filling the city!
Now, there was a man who lived there who was steeped in sorcery. For some time he had astounded the people of Samaria with his magic, boasting to be someone great. Everyone, from the least to the greatest among them, was dazzled by his sorcery, saying, “This man is the greatest wizard of all! The divine power of God walks among us!” For many years everyone was in awe of him because of his astonishing displays of the magic arts.
But as Philip preached the wonderful news of God’s kingdom realm, and the name of Jesus the Anointed One, many believed his message and were baptized, both men and women. Even Simon believed and was baptized! Wherever Philip went, Simon was right by his side, astounded by all the miracles, signs, and enormous displays of power that he witnessed.
When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that the Samaritans had accepted God’s message of life, they sent Peter and John to pray over them so that they would receive the Holy Spirit. For they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus and were yet to have the Holy Spirit fall upon them. As soon as Peter and John arrived, they laid their hands on the Samaritan believers, one after another, and the Holy Spirit fell and filled each one of them!
When Simon saw how the Holy Spirit was released through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he approached them and offered them money, saying, “I want this power too. I’m willing to pay you for the anointing that you have, so that I also can lay my hands on everyone to receive the Holy Spirit.”
Peter rebuked him and said, “Your money will go with you to destruction! How could you even think that you could purchase God’s supernatural gift with money? You will never have this gift or take part in this ministry, for your heart is not right with God. Repent this moment for allowing such wickedness to fill you. Plead with the Lord that perhaps he would forgive you the treachery of your heart. For I discern that jealous envy has poisoned you and binds you as a captive to sin.”
Simon begged, “Peter, please pray to God for me. Plead with him so that nothing you just said over me may come to pass!”
After Peter and John had testified and taught the word of God in that city, they returned to Jerusalem, stopping at many Samaritan villages along the way to preach the hope of the gospel.
Then the Lord’s angel said to Philip, “Now go south from Jerusalem on the desert road to Gaza.” He left immediately on his assignment.
Along the way he encountered an Ethiopian who believed in the God of the Jews, who was the minister of finance for Candace, queen of Ethiopia. He was on his way home from worshiping God in Jerusalem. As he rode along in his chariot, he was reading from the scroll of Isaiah.
The Holy Spirit said to Philip, “Go and walk alongside the chariot.”
So Philip ran to catch up. As he drew closer he overheard the man reading from the scroll of Isaiah the prophet. Philip asked him, “Sir, do you understand what you’re reading?”
The man answered, “How can I possibly make sense of this without someone explaining it to me?” So he invited Philip up into his chariot to sit with him.
The portion from Isaiah he was reading was this:
He was led away to the slaughter
like a lamb to be offered.
He was like a lamb that is silent
before those who sheared him—
he never even opened his mouth.
In his lowliness justice was stripped away from him.
And who could fully express his struggles?
For his life was taken from the earth.
The Ethiopian asked Philip, “Please, can you tell me who the prophet is speaking of? Is it himself or another man?”
Philip started with this passage and shared with him the wonderful message of Jesus.
As they were traveling down the road, the man said, “Look, here’s a pool of water. Why don’t I get baptized right now?”
Philip replied, “If you believe with all your heart, I’ll baptize you.”
The man answered, “I believe that Jesus is the Anointed One, the Son of God.”
The Ethiopian stopped his chariot, and they went down into the water and Philip baptized him. When they came up out of the water, Philip was suddenly snatched up by the Spirit of the Lord and instantly carried away to the city of Ashdod, where he reappeared, preaching the gospel in that city.
The man never saw Philip again. He returned to Ethiopia full of great joy. Philip, however, traveled on to all of the towns of that region, bringing them the good news, until he arrived at Caesarea.
The Book of Acts, Chapter 8 (The Passion Translation)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for monday, june 7 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A set of posts by John Parsons about humility:
"Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will seek to enter but will not be able" (Luke 13:24). The narrow door is the way of humility, assuming a low position, crawling, if you will, and making yourself small... It is the way of the cross of Messiah, confessing the truth of our condition and trusting in God alone for deliverance.. The narrow door is the way of faith - trusting God’s compassion and righteousness given on your behalf. The large, wide-open door is designed for the crowd and its various idols. Beware of the world that seeks to assimilate the soul: beware of becoming part of the crowd! The individual is lost and overwhelmed in the midst of the crowd and its momentum. The crowd assimilates the soul, laughs at the notion of individual responsibility, and abandons itself to the gravity of fallen natural forces... The life of faith, on the other hand, refuses to regard the individual human heart as a triviality. Faith is an individual struggle, a walk into unknowing; it is the way of the sojourner who feels uneasy in this world of shadows... God is always with us and helps us stay strong and resolute, even as we struggle through the darkness of this age. Press on, friend: the day and the hour draw near! [Hebrew for Christians]
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Our Torah this week (i.e., Korach) begins, "And Korah took" (וַיִּקַּח קרַח), which immediately suggests something about the character of the man. Though he was wealthy, esteemed among his tribe, and honored with the task of caring for the Ark of the Covenant, none of this was enough for Korah... There was an insatiable hunger, a "black hole" in his soul, an unrelenting envy, that drove him to madness and self-destruction. Korah was imprisoned by his own jealousy, arrogance, and spite. When he compared himself to Moses and Aaron, he felt overlooked, deprived, and therefore he justified in his desire to be honored. As an archetypal figure, Korach warns us against being swallowed up with egotistical envy or seeking the praises of men (Matt. 23:2-7).
In the Kingdom of heaven, worldly success is sheer delusion. There are open and hidden riches. There is a pearl of great price, a treasure "hidden in a field." These riches are regarded as "fool's gold" to those who love this world and trust only in the realm of the phenomenal, but to those who trust in the LORD, they represent all that the heart needs...
“And when the other disciples heard [that James and John sought prominence], they were indignant” (Mark 10:41). But why were they aggrieved except that they sought glory for themselves? The faults we see in others usually mirror our own... If your brother offends you, test your own heart to see where you share his fault... Or do you seek reward for your service to God alone? Do you request a “chief seat” at His table? Any “reward” in the truest sense must include empathy and service for the benefit of others. Heavenly rewards are never gained through self-promotion but through losing yourself in the father's business (Luke 17:10). We don't make old wine from new... What good is any “reward,” after all, if it were gained at the expense of your brother or sister? Is such praiseworthy? We can only look past ourselves and see others when we understand that we are in as much need of God’s mercy as they are... It is natural enough to want a blessing, but check your heart: the Apostle Paul was willing to himself be accursed for the sake of the well-being and blessing of his own brothers (Rom. 9:3).
The son of Zoma said (Avot 4:1): "Who is wise? He who learns from all people, as it is said: 'From all those who taught me I gained understanding' (Psalm 119:99). Who is strong? He who conquers his evil inclination, as it is said: 'Better is one slow to anger than a strong man, and one who rules over his spirit than a conqueror of a city' (Prov. 16:32). Who is rich? He who is satisfied with his lot, as it is said: 'When you eat the toil of your hands you are fortunate and it is good for you' (Psalm 128:2). 'You are fortunate' - in this world; 'and it is good for you' - in the World to Come. Who is honored? He who honors others, as it is said: 'For those who honor Me will I honor, and those who scorn Me will be degraded'" (1 Sam. 2:30). [Hebrew for Christians]
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Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
June 7, 2021
“Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” (Philippians 2:2)
This emphatic command, along with the parallel terms, helps us understand the concept of “thinking” the same thing. “Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits” (Romans 12:16).
Such thinking also includes “having the same love.” There are two aspects of this love. First, the term itself (agape) would demand that all of Christ’s disciples “love one another: for love is of God” (1 John 4:7). This is often repeated to born-again believers so that our love for each other is so obvious that “by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples” (John 13:35).
Godly love then produces “being of one accord.” This phrase is the translation of the Greek word sumpsuchos, which is a compound of the preposition most often translated “with” and the word for “soul.” Thus, the agape that we are to share results in a connection “with-soul” that binds the “likemindedness” in agreement with the mind and spirit of the Creator God.
We are finally commanded to be of “one mind”—slightly different from the “likeminded” opening charge of Philippians 2:2. The initial words are auto phroneô—“his thinking.” The last use is en phroneô—one (way of) thinking.
The entire context of the opening verses of Philippians 2 is to think like Jesus Christ thinks. “Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5). “Set your affection [phroneô] on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2). This kind of “thinking” must have God’s love and soul embedded in the very core of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. HMM III
A tweet by illumiNations:
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@IlluminationsBT: Meet one of our illumiNations partners - Seed Company. Learn more at: https://seedcompany.com
6.7.21 • 12:01pm • Twitter
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