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bear-cubs-art-things · 7 months ago
I really really want to create a scrc inspired d&d campaign. I think that'd be fun
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artmugg · 2 months ago
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Yet another Super Crazy Rhythm Castle piece! I always play as meoo, so of course I had to draw them :)
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starianovon · 5 months ago
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I drew me and my friends as some of the playable characters in Super Crazy Rhythm Castle! I had such a blast playing this game, and I'm hoping that I can give this game more attention!
In order from left to right:
Tair- Trinity Staria- Meoo Burning- Manic Nill- B.Box
Solo pictures below!
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We actually streamed this over on Twitch, and you can see the full VOD Playlist here!
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ask-elland-n-will · 2 years ago
🔥 The Slytherin Common Room Chaos (SCRC)
Staring: @kiwiplaetzchen as Nosy the Niffler, @adallegra as Clementine the Golden Retriever, @ask-wren-zhang (@wrenegade-accio) as Wren Zhang, @ask-sebastian as Sebastian Sallow, @olivierdumont as Olivier Dumont, @ask-elland-n-will as William Abbot.
Time: afternoon. Location: inside and outside of the S. common room. Turn: We are done! Last updated: 11.08.2023
This chaos might be over, but the CHAOS is never over 🔥
Main Thread Summary
Clementine (Allegra's temporary forster dog) comes into Sebastian's dorm room, wakes up Nosy (Seb's niffler). They have fun, Nosy launches himself at Clem, rides her. Clem jumps all over the bed, Nosy's trinkets scatter all over. They dash all over the room making a huge mess. A curtain is torn down from one of the beds and it falls onto the heater in the center of the room, catching on fire. Clem smells the smoke and runs out of the room, barking to attract attention, Nosy on her back. Art by wrenegade-accio.
Side thread break
Outside of the common room. A student runs past Sebastian and Olivier screaming "Fire!" Olivier asks Seb if he should do something about it. Sebastian looks in the direction of the SCR door: "I could always check, I suppose." Both are still outside.
Main thread
Wren uses Bombarda to blow up a hole in the SCR wall. She is determined to save Clementine and gets in even if she's a Ravenclaw. Art by wrenegade-accio [x, x]. Will wakes up smelling the smoke, his room next to Seb's. Checks it, and douses the fire. Follows the barks since he's a prefect and needs to sort this out. Watches the wall blow up in his face. Clementine tried to shield Nosy, then sniffed Wren and jumped at Sebastian happily. Nosy runs out of the common room and jumps onto Olivier. Steals his Fizzing Whizzbees and eats the entire pack! Wren checks on Clem, wants to fix the wall and then notices Will. As a prefect he tells other students to leave, deducts points from Ravenclaw for being in a wrong common room, tells Wren he can hide the situation from the teachers to help her avoid detention if she agrees to owe him a favour. They fix the wall, Wren asks what it is Will wants from her. She will decide later if she wants to do what Will asked her to do. Olivier doesn't let the niffler fly away, carries him in his arms and gives Nosy belly rubs until Nosy dozes off, no longer flying. All is well!
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jackofhearts-odb · 2 years ago
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Lol what floralfoxes made for my stream 😭 it's a telegram meta filter so I don't have to write on stream because it makes me so nervous lmfao. She made a clipboard one too that's ANIMATED because she's a legend.
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aswallowssong · 5 months ago
I'm? Crying?
Omg okay so I KNEW I had read some CM fanfic with triplets and a girl named Kit. I really thought you wrote it but turns out it was SwallowSong. I think I thought you’d written it bc your writing styles are very similar. It makes sense that you two are friends.
YES that's my BRENNA and we've been BESTIES since 2020!!! she started writing all of that even before we were friends but we do have a super compatible writing style (and also our brains overlap a lot, we share the same braincell). she's written some really sweet and brilliant PSLOC things too and she also had a HUGE part in how Aaron has developed! and she's a super talented writer of her own things, she's doing Sicktember right now and she's KILLING it!
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petsincollections · 8 months ago
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Juliet Ellis' Son Ricky with a dog
Clinton Street (Philadelphia, Pa.)
SCRC Photographs
Temple Digital Collections
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lesbianrobin · 4 months ago
for those interested chapter 3 of scrc is roughly halfway done 🫶🏻
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unknown-ends · 1 month ago
Khea's unknown world.
Okaaay, I'm making a list of projects to see if it'll get me into finishing and posting them. The order doesn't matter here, I'm adding them as I remember.
(You'll find them at @sometimeslwish hopefully, if I ever do post them)
— A Dance 'Round The Memory Tree series: Xavier's, Zayne's & Rafayel's
No Caleb because I started this before he was released and currently he doesn't have a past life myth.
— Pegging series: Xavier's, Zayne's, Sylus's & Caleb's
I already started Rafayel's. I have ideas for the other 4, I just gotta write them down.
— Full cat series: Caleb excluded.
I have all of the beginnings for the other four. Caleb won't get one unless they do a rerun or a special or something where they show what cat breed he'd be.
— Kintsugi: Zayne essentially getting pussy drunk as mc rides him into oblivion.
I have the beginning, some descriptions of the middle along with some dialogue, and the way the sex is going to end.
— Magic Shop Au: Polyamory with all 5 included.
I have a written outline and a bit of a mental outline. I know the order they are going to meet in and how the meetings will go, I know how some of the sex scenes are gonna go, I just gotta write it.
— Hijo de la Luna: Xavier x male oc
I posted the outline, however, I'd like to actually write it and go into details 'cause I have the beginning scene.
— Skyfall: All Things End
I haven't forgotten about this, I still think about it. I'm in the theorizing stage because I gotta make sense of everything before I can even start writing the rest of it.
— Let It Happen: Xavier x Rafayel.
They're in the middle of sex, I just gotta carry on with the writing and actually fucking finish it on paper. (Ps. It's in the same universe as "It Happened Quiet")
— Dark In My Imagination pt. 2 & Sumber Party
Both are headcannons, DIMI is separate headcannons while Slumber Party is polyamory thriad combination headcannons. Both are sex related, although I'm trying to make SP both sfw and nsfw.
— Second Child, Restless Child: another Sylus x mc one
I'm... at the middle of it, I think. Idk how it'll go anymore cause it's been a month since I touched it.
— Pirate Sylus x Village mc
It's an enemies to lovers. This one came while I was trying to find music that would inspire me to write for SCRC and failed at getting inspiration for it but succeeded in getting inspiration for a new idea.
— A Xavier smexy morning sex one shot where he's still cursed with the whole cat thing.
I started this last year (along with Kintsugi), and I've been slowly making progress. God dammit do I want it to end.
— The subby Raf awakening I mentioned here.
I don't have much to say about this one, unfortunately. I have the beginning, not the rest.
— Glimpse of us idea?
The explanation is pretty much on this post, go check out the story that inspired me.
— God's & Monsters
A chaptered (!!!) crowfish x mc fic that was inspired by this fic and then kickstarted by this one. I gotta stop writing (not really)
Great success
— The Caleb fic I've been writing – T'is done as of January, Wednesday 29th
— Santa little drabble – February, Sunday 9th
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ask-elland-n-will · 2 years ago
William finishes his side of the wall with a long sigh, his fingers moving to squeeze the bridge of his nose as he just stands there for a moment, collecting his thoughts. 
"Wait for me outside!" he shouts into the actual open door, locking eyes with Wren for a second before turning around and surveying the damage. William clears his throat and raises his wand again, walking around the space, casting Reparo and Scourgify when needed, fixing the fountain, vanishing the excess water on the floor tiles, lighting one of the lanterns to the side that went out. Will can't do anything to one of the potted plants badly damaged in the blast but he will deal with it later. Or maybe he can find somebody in his house that still owes him a favour and have them talk to Professor Garlick regarding a suitable replacement. 
Feeling satisfied with his work, the Slytherin finally walks through the doorway to take Wren to the side to have a hushed conversation. The crisis was averted and Will is already feeling much better than when he first woke up.
"I cannot believe you just agree to things like that without hearing first what the arrangement is about! Cheer up! I am not sure what kind of reputation I have around Hogwarts, but I am also never going to make anybody do something they *really* do not want to do. It just means that those people are not getting anything of use out of me if it inconveniences me." 
It is true, it's not like Will wouldn't share his ink bottle or ingredients if somebody forgot to bring some to class or refuse to help at all. He is a prefect, it is kind of his duty. But in matters that involved talking to the teachers (or more so talking them into something), procuring items outside of the castle, setting up some event, or sneaking somebody in and out unnoticed — anything that requires effort on William's part? He expects that the people he is helping would be able to do the same if the prefect needs it.
"You can always say no. But I do not see why you would since I know you like flying, Quidditch and all." Will looks around to make sure nobody is listening in to their conversation before continuing. "You see, I need to know if there are any possible secure ways of getting into the Ravenclaw Common Room... from the air. I heard there should be a proper entrance somewhere from the rooftop? I would like for us to take a detour on our brooms someday and check it out."
Will spreads his arms in a friendly gesture and gives the Ravenclaw a little bow, smiling. It wasn't so bad, was it? Of course he wants to keep Wren out of trouble with the teachers. Would've done so even if she refused to take his offer. He did what he should have as a prefect, he took some points away for things that clearly went against the rules. But punishing Wren with detention (which she would've absolutely got if any of the teachers were around) is too much. 
"Think about it," he says, moving back into the common room, tilting his head, hands moving into the pockets of his pajama pants. Sebastian seems to be preoccupied with the dog, the new transfer student (of course William knows who Olivier is) is busy petting the niffler. The fire is out and the entry is fixed. With a clear conscience, Will almost flies back to his dorm room and into the warm and much needed bed, determined to get back to his sweet napping dreams. 
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*there's a soft rustling outside Sebastian's door, which slowly eases open as Clementine squeezes through the gap. her nose is planted on the ground, twitching in her determination to track down a strange smell that has caught her attention.
as she pads across the stone tiles, her ears prick up at the sound of movement on top of Sebastian's bed. approaching the mattress with a curious tilt, she finds a small creature curled up asleep on top of a pile of glittering coins. she sniffs the niffler and wags her tail in delight, quite proud that she's found the source of the musky, metallic scent that had been bothering her the whole afternoon.*
*Nosy lay snuggled up on the bed, surrounded by coins, candy, Sebastian's wand, and other glittering and shimmering treasures, and was fast asleep. The little menace had earned himself a nap after another successful hunt for loot and was having the sweetest of dreams.
However, his restful nap was interrupted by an unusual noise - a constant panting and sniffing. The sleepy Niffler slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times. Not fully awake yet, Nosy looked around the room and noticed the fluffy face at the end of Sebastian's bed. Little Nosy tilted his head and squeaked at the new visitor.*
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uchicagoscrc · 7 months ago
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Celebrate Women Astronomers Day with the Yerkes Observatory Records at SCRC! Check out the alt text for the names of the women in this photo from 1921, and learn more at Capturing the Stars.
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bear-cubs-art-things · 7 months ago
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Oodles from today's stream :3
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artmugg · 2 months ago
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Another drawing for Super Crazy Rythym Castle! Each of Zigs cutscenes appear only once per save, so I had to speedrun the game to get back to it, it took 2 hours but I got it!
In the end, the picture is good enough
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thescrcservices · 1 month ago
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Streamline Your PhD Journey with Expert Thesis Writing Support by The SCRC.
We offer expert writing support to guide you every step of the way! Achieve your academic goals with confidence!
-Expert Advice
-Easy & Impactful
-Precise & Persuasive
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ask-elland-n-will · 2 years ago
We want to thank everyone who participated and everyone who read this beautiful chaotic collaboration 🔥 It took us a while and we were not entirely sure how to go about it since we had 6 roleplayers involved. However, with all the enthusiasm and love for the story we were creating and our characters, it became the adventure of a lifetime. Thank you for sharing this experience with us 💚
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🔥 The Slytherin Common Room Chaos (SCRC)
Staring: @kiwiplaetzchen as Nosy the Niffler, @adallegra as Clementine the Golden Retriever, @ask-wren-zhang (@wrenegade-accio) as Wren Zhang, @ask-sebastian as Sebastian Sallow, @olivierdumont as Olivier Dumont, @ask-elland-n-will as William Abbot.
Time: afternoon. Location: inside and outside of the S. common room. Turn: We are done! Last updated: 11.08.2023
This chaos might be over, but the CHAOS is never over 🔥
Main Thread Summary
Clementine (Allegra's temporary forster dog) comes into Sebastian's dorm room, wakes up Nosy (Seb's niffler). They have fun, Nosy launches himself at Clem, rides her. Clem jumps all over the bed, Nosy's trinkets scatter all over. They dash all over the room making a huge mess. A curtain is torn down from one of the beds and it falls onto the heater in the center of the room, catching on fire. Clem smells the smoke and runs out of the room, barking to attract attention, Nosy on her back. Art by wrenegade-accio.
Side thread break
Outside of the common room. A student runs past Sebastian and Olivier screaming "Fire!" Olivier asks Seb if he should do something about it. Sebastian looks in the direction of the SCR door: "I could always check, I suppose." Both are still outside.
Main thread
Wren uses Bombarda to blow up a hole in the SCR wall. She is determined to save Clementine and gets in even if she's a Ravenclaw. Art by wrenegade-accio [x, x]. Will wakes up smelling the smoke, his room next to Seb's. Checks it, and douses the fire. Follows the barks since he's a prefect and needs to sort this out. Watches the wall blow up in his face. Clementine tried to shield Nosy, then sniffed Wren and jumped at Sebastian happily. Nosy runs out of the common room and jumps onto Olivier. Steals his Fizzing Whizzbees and eats the entire pack! Wren checks on Clem, wants to fix the wall and then notices Will. As a prefect he tells other students to leave, deducts points from Ravenclaw for being in a wrong common room, tells Wren he can hide the situation from the teachers to help her avoid detention if she agrees to owe him a favour. They fix the wall, Wren asks what it is Will wants from her. She will decide later if she wants to do what Will asked her to do. Olivier doesn't let the niffler fly away, carries him in his arms and gives Nosy belly rubs until Nosy dozes off, no longer flying. All is well!
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jackofhearts-odb · 2 years ago
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Senior Ranger Alfred Walsh
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