respiricoinfo · 11 months
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Respirico Healthcare, headquartered in Adelaide, stands as the leading provider of mobility scooters and a complete solution for all your mobility needs. As an Australian-owned company, we initiated our operations in 2004 and have consistently upheld our dedication to delivering exceptional services to our esteemed clientele.
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werewolfsister · 2 months
Art Fight: Assortment!
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Casey the Slinky! (@snippit-crickit)
Adelaide! (@tertain-the-original)
Caridina! (@pickledart)
Scooter! (@morse-kch)
Nimbus! (@loafabun)
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world-of-wales · 5 months
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On 23 April 2018, Prince Louis was born to Catherine and William, then known as Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in St Mary's Hospital, London, at 11:01 BST. He was born during the reign of his paternal great-grandmother Elizabeth II as the third child and second son of Will & Cat. The new prince's name was announced as Louis Arthur Charles in honour of his 3rd-great-uncle Earl Mountbatten of Burma - Louis, his father - Prince William and his paternal grandfather - Charles. The 11 week old little prince was christened by the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, on 9 July in the Chapel Royal at St James's Palace. He wore the handmade replica of the Royal Christening Robe, and the Lily Font and water from the River Jordan were used during the baptism. Louis spent the early years of his life at Apartment IA at Kensington Palace and Anmer Hall. He started at Willcocks Nursery School near Kensington Palace in April 2021. In 2022, the family relocated to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor, after which he started at Lambrook School along with his older siblings. Born as a Prince of Cambridge, he became HRH Prince Louis of Wales after his his grandfather conferred his parents with the titles of the Prince and Princess of Wales. Louis is currently fourth in line to the throne. He made his official royal debut at the Trooping of Colour in 2019 and since then has accompanied his parents and siblings for engagements and events including his great-grandmother's Platinum Jubilee in 2022 and his grandfather's Coronation in 2023. Louis, who enjoys being outdoors, is known to be mad about rugby and loves cricket and tennis. As per his mother, he's got the signature ballboy pose down perfectly. He is also 'very quick' on his scooter and loves gardening. The little cutie is very proud of his sunflowers.
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remimibanana · 3 months
AVCon 2024 Convention Report!
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I went to AVCon for both Day 1 and Day 2 in Adelaide!! This was the first ever convention I went to, so this would be my second time attending!!
I cosplayed as March 7th from Honkai: Star Rail alongside my good friend Pie (@piedivide) as Dan Heng! We did so many things and met so many cosplayers both new and familiar that I have to write about before I forget!!
Everything under the cut!
Day 1
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I woke up at the ripe old time of 6am to become the wonderful March 7th you see right here.
Why, you may ask? I had to catch a train at 9:58am in order for us to get to the convention around 11am and I need time to get ready!
My mum helped me get ready (thank youuu), I quite literally cannot put on the top without help. It’s so hard to get on and off, but it fits fine once it’s on me for some strange reason. Many safety pins were also used to pin things in place (four actually but who’s counting?).
The things we do for cosplay.
I once again didn’t have time to actually try on the whole cosplay before the convention, it’s becoming a running trend for me which isn't good. Next time, it won’t be the case since I’ll have loads of time to acquire and try on my next cosplay!
For context, OZ Comic Con and AVCon were about three weeks from each other and I had Uni to finish up and the actual cosplay to order…was definitely cutting it close. It all worked out at the end thanks to me paying for express shipping.
The weather was horrible this day, it was raining for the whole morning and it was really cold. I remember not wanting to get up when my alarm started blasting. My trusty umbrella that doesn't like to stay up came in handy!
I got to the train station and immediately someone kindly pointed out that the camera March had fallen off me. It never stays on thanks to the weak clip so I didn't bother clipping it back for the rest of the con and subsequently forgot about it.
The train ride was fine at the beginning, until these really loud and annoying teenagers came and were right next to where I was seated since they had scooters. They kept going on about vapes and talking about me…and one even touched my shoulder aha
I was so glad when I finally got into the city and was rid of them forever. I absolutely abhorrer people like that, I just ignored them by staring at my phone pretending to scroll through stuff. It was hard when they literally tried talking to me at one point too…
Pie was waiting for me at the station, and he looked amazing! I really liked their wig, I don’t know how they do it. I feel like I’m doing something spiritually wrong because mine doesn’t look anything like the ones I see on the internet aha
I had to keep cutting off these small strands that kept going into my eyes. I think I'm not using enough hairspray to keep the hair sections together, which I shall work on!
I’ll work on my wig styling skills these next few months in between conventions. I shall learn the secrets of the trade eventually, and become a master!
We headed to the Adelaide Showgrounds, excited for what was to come for Day 1!
The line was HUGE. It went on and on, we literally couldn’t believe our eyes. We went to the very back of the line, which was right where the building across from the convention was (they have the Farmer's Market there on Sundays).
There were two lines actually as we could see, we didn’t know where to line up so we just went to the one on the left and hoped we were in the right one since we had pre-bought physical tickets from Shin Tokyo earlier in the week!
I had my umbrella out since there was a bit of rain PIE as we waited. I kept insisting that there was rain, while he kept insisting that there wasn’t despite the fact there WAS PIE!
I won when it started to rain harder and you could clearly see the droplets on his head as I so pointed out very smugly (I won okay don’t tell me otherwise or I swear—)
It took about 15 minutes or so to get inside of the convention. The theme of this year’s AVCon is a Sports Festival where there are four teams duking it out for the first place, so there were many unique passes you could get!
I didn’t really have a preference, but I would have liked the Pink team since pink supremacy, while Pie wanted the Green team since green supremacy. We thought we could choose, but they were randomly given out by the staff (I assumed it was because of the sheer number of people)…we did get the ones we wanted though!
Pie kept saying there was a Calli cosplayer in the distance, but I said I couldn’t see them multiple times (all I saw was pink hair in the distance) because I thought he was talking about Callie Splatoon, not Calli Hololive as I realised after.
You need to specify with me or I will make silly mistakes like this.
Our first order of the day was to find somewhere to sit and reorganize ourselves. I had to take off my jacket and Pie had to put away things as well before we could enjoy our time! We went to the main stage since there were many seats there and it was in front of us upon entering.
Once we got ready, we decided to go get something to eat since we both skipped breakfast to get ready. All the food at the convention was outside interestingly, so we headed outside after realizing this fact.
We both got some large fries that were decently priced! They were really good, not too soggy as they often can be with just the right amount of warmth! I put normal salt on mine for this day, although there were more to choose from!
During this time, Pie was contacting his brother who was also attending the convention but apparently he got lost in the meantime trying to find it and the line. It was kind of funny to be there viewing all the chaos unfolding.
I did get to meet Pie’s brother which was very nice! I kinda just stood there smiling the whole time because I’m no good with people haha
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When we headed back to the main stage, PAiDA was about to start her performance! She was a part of Babybeard's Adorable Assault Tour who opened for them here!
It was so amazing watching her perform, I've been a fan for quite some time now of her! I wish I could have met her, but I'm happy enough to have seen her in person!!!
Her final song was Future☆★Town, the song that made me discover her! I jammed out to that happily while eating fries!
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This was the first time I ever heard any of their songs properly, and I wasn't disappointed in any way! The mix of cute singing and metal screaming is incredible, Adelaide finally won because we never get anything here!
In the middle of the performance, a whole fight broke out between Ladybeard and his former coach who appeared stating that he was a disgrace and that his pigtails had to go. I had no idea that this would happen, they jumped off the stage and went all around fighting each other while interacting with the crowd!
They even fought in front of Pie and I! I whipped out my phone and started recording it because it was a chance I couldn't miss. As they headed back to the front of the stage, we rushed there too and managed to be right in front for the rest of the performance!!!
I swear to everything that Ladybeard, Mahri and Suzu were staring at me at times as they performed. I was copying their movements to an extent since I'm pretty good at that after all the Just Dance I've done in my life for fun but I thought I was being delulu about the staring like usual.
Pie after told me that they were definitely staring at me and waaaaaa I can't believe it!!!
Someone actually asked if we could take a photo with them during the performance once it was all over, although it was really hard to hear them so I had to ask for them to repeat their question twice just to make sure aha.
I will never forget this performance!!!! You can actually see me in the group photos that were posted by Babybeard alongside Pie on the right!!! We're famous now.
We even were shown on national television on The Project who had Ladybeard as a guest!! I was watching the show live on TV and I remember the whole time I was mad because they showed Ladybeard last so I had to watch the entire thing!
I just wanted to see him man and they kept saying “soon” over and over! It was worth the wait, but couldn’t they just have said that he was going to be the last guest in the first place?!
Point is, it was all amazing.
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After Babybeard, Doki had a karaoke for us all! She was so straightforward about her going after them and how she said yes to a karaoke for some reason. She also couldn't actually hear us so we had to give thumbs up instead, this is why I love Doki man.
I’m proud to be a fan. Did you know she actually visited Adelaide before?! I couldn't believe it when she told us, I didn't expect such a renowned figure ever coming here since no one ever comes here and forgets about us mostly.
She sang three Disney songs for us with such cool effects and animations to go with them! All this effort for us Aussie Dragoons, it was a lot of fun to be there! I actually recorded the entire karaoke so I can look back on it!
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My favourite Wii game of all time. I finally have it again.
We were walking past stalls and there was one filled with retro games and consoles. I remember we were walking closer, and a particular game's top caught my eye inside a container. I rushed to grab it, and it really was Mario and Sonic at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games!!!
It was an immediate purchase.
I got many photos with many cosplayers on this day!!! Please allow me to blab and gush about them all!
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We were walking past the retro consoles that were set up and we saw a Wii that we immediately beelined to and used as our chance to put on the Dan Heng headbands Pie got us graciously and turn on my 2DS because I forgot to.
As we were sitting there, across from us was the Firefly cosplayer and we awkwardly waved to one another haha, it was great. Pie then went to ask for a photo as soon as we were done getting ready!
They look amazing!!!
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Dan Heng IL!!!!
You know we had to get a picture with another Dan Heng since Pie was also Dan Heng! They looked really cool!!!
Is this like...March's dream lol
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They look so cool!!!! People always do such amazing JoJo cosplays, I'm always so impressed!
I'm up to Stone Ocean so I finally get a taste of who Jolyne really is and man I like her even more than I did before!
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I saw them while walking through the Artist Alley and blurted out it was Bridget. I really like Guilty Gear so I went to ask them for a photo very confidently!
They were so nice, I could tell they were so happy that I asked for a photo!
We even high fived at the end hehe
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We saw them when we came into the convention, actually! I pointed them out to Pie, who immediately was happy because he's a huge Persona fan!
I think Pie mostly wanted the picture but still invited me to join in, that made me very happy hehe.
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A.B.A (and Paracelsus)!!!!!!
Before the convention, I was seriously brainrotting over A.B.A after seeing someone talk about her and show her sprites from Isuka.
I was watching videos and ingesting her lore like some crazy person. I think I manifested them because I freaked out when I saw Paracelsus from afar when we got to the convention! I know how that giant axe looks like from afar!
I needed a photo.
Alas, it was like a whole wild goose chase to actually find them. No matter where we looked, they literally didn't exist. Pie kept saying "Giant Yellow Key" to refer to them, which is not completely wrong as we searched high and low. I thought I missed my chance, which I was slowly accepting.
We found them eventually though near the doors, and I went straight to ask for a photo before they could leave! They looked so cool and their Paracelsus prop is everything!!!!
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I also was brainrotting so hard over Elphelt as well, so to see an Elphelt cosplayer was also insane to me. I loved her Strive design from the beginning, but I was also learning about her previous designs in Xrd and Xrd Rev 2 and her lore!
I manifested this too, I was winning so damn hard!
It was such a struggle to get a photo with them as well, Pie and I kept losing sight of them in between all the people in the Artist Alley. They kept going up and we tried to follow to no avail. We finally managed to catch them at the end around a corner!
I asked for a photo and they pulled out Elphelt’s mic, a must have! I was really happy!!!!
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Neuvillette!! (@edenzcosplay on Instagram!)
It was nice seeing her again alongside Cypher (@cypher_cosplay on Instagram)!!! We first met them back at OZ Comic-Con earlier in June and we always have such nice chats!!!
Thank you for the photo!!
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Himeko!!!!! (@gumiho_cosplay on Instagram!!!)
All we're missing is Welt and the Trailblazer and we'd have the whole Astral Express here.
We saw her while walking around, finding it very awesome to see Himeko here as well! Eventually, we went up and asked for a photo with them!
They’re so pretty!!!!
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Calli!!!!!! (@cheshrae on Instagram)!
This was the Calli cosplayer Pie was talking about earlier!! We saw her walking by and Pie went to ask for a photo! She was so kind, and even put a hand behind me which made me very happy!!
Very pretty!!
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We spent the last of our time at the arcade, playing the various games available!
This time around, we were able to use our Nimo cards on the various rhythm games set up! Pie and I have one from Timezone, they literally gave us them for free since it wasn’t in the system yet!
Sound Voltex was a game we played at AnimeGO last year, so it was nice to play it again! I kept spinning the knobs too much so I always messed up that part of the gameplay.
I was waiting in line for another rhythm game that was next to Sound Voltex after, but unfortunately the wait was quite long (there was another in front of us that we didn’t know about) and I didn’t want to make Pie wait since he wasn’t going to try it out.
We headed back to the city at that point, deciding on getting some food!
It was after 5, which made things harder since most places were closed, again. At the end, we went for Hungry Jacks. It's becoming our tradition for every con, which I don’t mind!
I tried the Big Jack this time around, and it was so damn messy! Pie did tell me so but I wanted to have it so I could say I tried it once in my life. Note to self, don’t ever order this again.
We then went to take photos at the photo booth! It was a self serve one where you simply walk in and use the machine to take photos. We had to take eight photos and we had no idea what poses to do. It was really fun though! I put the picture strip away in my photo album, hehe.
Then we went to Karaoke! It’s our tradition to do this to end the day off! I managed to sing all of the English songs off my list this time around, leaving me with only a few left that were mostly Japanese ones that I didn’t get to.
I think the highlight for me was when I did Zombies on the Lawn from PvZ, Pie did the Zombie voices while I sang the Sunflower parts! We totally slayed that song I feel.
I was running out of songs to sing for Day 2 as I soon learned, which wasn’t good. On the train ride home, I thought up of some more songs based off my Spotify playlists!
I then headed home, taking off my cosplay immediately without a second thought.
I didn’t sleep until after midnight.
Day 2
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I woke up at 6am once again to get ready! I only slept for like five or so hours, so I was pretty addled the whole time. For example, I tried to wash my face again when I already washed it.
Getting ready went much quicker this time around though! I was dissatisfied with my makeup while applying it actually and then liked my makeup again after....don't ask.
I had to use more safety pins for the ribbons on March's sleeves because they were about to fall off. It was worth buying them for sure!
The weather was so much better this time around to my surprise too when I stepped out! There was no rain this time, and we had a bit of sunshine! It was perfect since this day was special, very special!
It was Pie's birthday!!!
They are so lucky to have their birthday during a con! I knew that this year, I had to get something for them more tangible than what I did last year! I usually draw something digitally for them, but my drawing tablet is out of order ;;
The cable broke and I haven’t gotten a replacement yet, I want to buy a new tablet since mine is over 5 years old and I think it's time for a new one!
I was thinking long and hard about what to get him, and only one thing really came into my mind: Welt Yang acrylic stand. Pie is Welt Yang's biggest fan and what better to give to such a fan than the character himself?
Mihoyo officially released an acrylic stand with Welt's splash art and I knew it would be such a perfect gift for him! Honestly speaking, I was so busy that I only had time to order something in less than two weeks, so I was fearing I wouldn't be able to get it.
I looked on Ebay, hoping that they a) had the acrylic stand and b) that it would come in time. To my absolute joy, AmiAmi were selling the stand for a decent price AND it would come in time thanks to free express shipping!
I bought it immediately. I actually missed the package the first time since no one was home to pick it up and DHL don't leave packages at the post office. I got it at the end, don’t worry.
I still wanted to draw something for Pie, so I made a card!
I love making cards, I always do for one of my friends, so it was time to do so for them! I drew them doing a JoJo pose because yes for the front and drew myself inside alongside a small message wishing them a very happy birthday!
I used my markers and various traditional supplies, although I wish I had more colours to play with. I’ll get more colours eventually!
For the final present, I got some dark chocolate because he really likes it. It’s not because I already had some lying around or anything in my drawer full of sweets. I'm a bit of a sweet tooth, I can't resist the sugary temptation...
I put all this into a gift bag and brought it with me, making sure not to forget anything!
There were no annoying teenagers on the train this time around, although I did drop my MetroCard and a kinder older lady pointed it out to me. I also forgot to put on my gloves ehe
When Pie and I met at the station, I immediately said happy birthday and gave them the gift bag without letting them say a single word aside from hello.
They asked me if they were meant to open it now, and I answered nonchalantly “if they want” but of course I meant “YES OPEN IT NOW MY FRIEND YOU MUST SEE IT”
We went to sit down at a bench and I watched with excitement as he opened the bag! Pie first pulled out the card, reading the little message I wrote inside for him!
I'm glad he liked the card at the end and the drawings at the end! I worked hard on it, although the inside drawing didn’t want to stick down in place so it kinda just flaps around haha
Then, Pie pulled out the main present.
I could see in their eyes how happy they were seeing the acrylic stand of Welt Yang himself staring back. He excitingly ripped open the plastic wrapping and kept thanking me over and over.
I knew he’d like it.
The chocolate was lastly taken out and he was happy with it of course, but Welt Yang was stealing the show obviously. Pie hugged me while still thanking me for everything profusely.
I'm so happy that he was so happy with it all! I really wanted to surprise him for his birthday!
We then headed on the train back to the Adelaide Showgrounds for Day 2! Our plans this time around were to do our shopping and meet all the famous guests today!
There wasn’t a real line this time around as we noted, so we took this chance to buy some food since we skipped breakfast again.
We ordered the same large fries again! I put Himalayan Pink Salt this time around, but I underestimated how much salt would fly out of the container. We actually got way more fries than last time, which was a win in our books!
Heading in was easy since we already had our Weekend passes, so we just showed them to the security guard and off we went! We sat down at the main stage again, noting how there were many cosplayers lining up on the right side of it.
The Cosplay Parade was about to start, as I quickly worked out. We decided to watch a bit of it and leave once we finished eating our fries. In fact, we stayed for the whole time.
Upon trying to leave, someone asked for our photo and used their 3DS to take it! It was very cool.
The first guest we met was Bryce Papenbrook, the guy who was my literal childhood. He was Kirito, Adrian, Makoto and Nagito….it was a real honor to meet the voice actor of them all! I didn't know what to say to him, but I tried my best!
I spiritually embarrassed myself I feel because I kept blabbering about how he was many characters for me…I’m no good when talking with people I’ve noticed sometimes.
Bryce literally ended the conversation and I’m very thankful he did because man I would have continued on if he didn’t aha.
We actually came at the earliest time, but we had to come back later since he had his panel. We received these little tickets with a number so we wouldn't lose our spots!
I’m happy to have met him though!
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ELYSIA (@_lumistar.cos on Instagram) AND EDEN (@shell._cos on Instagram) (dies)
I was so excited to meet them, since I knew beforehand that they would be here as the Elysia and the Eden!!!!
If you didn’t know, I’m a HUGE Honkai Impact 3rd fan who’s been playing through the game! I’m on Chapter 32 right now of Part 1, and I’m playing through Chapter 3 of Part 2!
I was talking with Lumi, the Elysia cosplayer way before the convention who told me that she would be cosplaying as Herrscher of Human: Ego Elysia alongside her friend as Eden and I freaked the heck out, of course.
Elysia is one of my favourite characters and I really liked Eden when I was playing through the Elysian Realm!
They actually saw us first while we were waiting in line for Bryce and they waved at us before continuing on their trek! It was too bad weren’t able to take photos then but I knew we would get our opportunity, eventually!
If I wasn’t in line, I would have rushed right over to them without a single thought.
Once we finished with Bryce, we headed off to find them! We needed that photo! I needed to see them again before they disappeared somehow haha like some of the other cosplayers from Day 1.
We headed towards the larger area filled with tables and we saw them sitting down at one from afar. Our plan was to leave and come back when they’re done, but they started standing up and eventually came over to us!!!!
You two looked amazing!! I’m so happy I could get a photo with the both of you!!!!
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Caelus!!! (The main trio is HERE)
Pie saw them first when we got to the convention, and he was hoping we could get a photo! We didn’t see them for a while, until they appeared in front of us and Pie went right after them.
They looked great!!!
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Jing Yuan (@starkiller.cos on Instagram)!!!!!
Pie and I were talking near the main stage, and suddenly we see a bird in between us cutting through our conversation haha
I was so surprised, seeing a Jing Yuan cosplayer right next to us who wanted a photo! Of course we obliged, can’t have too many photos!!
They were really cool!!!
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We got to catch a bit of Dokibird and Babybeard's QnA panels!!! We couldn't stick around too long for the both of them, since we had to line up for meeting people and what not.
It was so cool seeing them again! Someone from the audience mentioned by accident something in relation to Doki's past when asking a question and someone literally overreacted by saying it was forbidden and stuff really loudly which was a bit much.
Otherwise, it was very awesome!!
We did buy prints for ourselves and one another, but Tumblr image limit sucks so I can't show them. I can describe them though!
I got Acheron and Robin from HSR prints for myself, while I received Pikamee and Sunday from HSR prints from Pie! I absolutely love them, thank you once again!!!
For Pie, I got them a Silver the Hedgehog square print since they really like Silver and it caught my eye while walking around and a Bruno Bucciarati from JoJo Part 5 print since he's Pie's favourite and immediately knew I had to get it upon sight!!!
I also got three A5 prints of Aventurine and Dr Ratio as gifts for my friend whose birthday is coming up really soon! She REALLY likes the two of them, I can't wait to see her face.
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I will never forget this.
Pie and I rushed over to the guest area where Doki was going to have her meet and greet, noting how there already was a decent line forming.
We inserted ourselves into the end of the line, hoping we would have the chance to meet her! We were pretty sure we would, especially since we each only had about two minutes with her and they did time each person.
It was quite the wait, since all of us had to wait for everything to be set up and for each person in front of us to have their turn. My legs were hurting the whole time, but it was all worth it!
In the middle of it all actually, there were some technical difficulties. The PC that they were using to stream Doki to the large tv screen decided to stop working properly with the headphones and the staff couldn’t work out why or how to fix it.
At the end, they used a laptop and apologized to us all that it had to be like this. I didn’t mind at all, we still could meet her despite how long it took to resolve all the issues which was the important part at the end!
Pie and I actually wrote letters for Doki, since we were allowed to bring gifts for her! I bought this really pretty letter set from Daiso that I used first, and then gave a set to Pie since they wanted to write a letter as well after seeing mine!
There was also a collectible card we could buy with Doki on it, but we had to go to the merch stall as we learnt. On the table, there was a QR code that I decided to scan, finding out that there was a whole scavenger hunt at the con?!
No one told us! We probably would have done it if we knew, a bit of a missed opportunity. It seemed you could have gotten a prize of sorts if you completed it all.
I was nervous the whole wait because a) it’s Doki hello she’s super famous and b) I didn’t really know what to talk to her about.
There was one thing I knew I would definitely say, mention that it was Pie’s birthday before I say goodbye and if she could say happy birthday to him!
I wanted to make his day even better, and I know how awkward it is mentioning that it’s your birthday to someone yourself without it sounding like…entitled? I don’t know how to exactly explain it, but I’d do this for him any time!
Anything for a great friend like Pie! I got you!
My turn finally came around, with me holding my phone out so a staff member could take a photo of me and Doki! They asked if I wanted a selfie or a photo, and there was no way in hell I'd do a selfie without messing it up miserably and looking ugly so I told them I wanted a photo.
Once they did, I sat down and put on the headphones. I said hello, and Doki said hello back! She was talking to meeeee!!! I couldn't believe it!!!!
At that point, there was this very short silence between us that I knew I couldn't let it go further so I started blabbing about how she was here in Adelaide. It was the only thing I could think of at the moment.
I first told her that it was such an honor to meet her, and how I saw the announcement on Twitter. I then said how I watched her karaoke and how she said she visited Adelaide! I literally gushed to her and she didn't seem to mind at all!
I latched onto that topic and it worked out well I feel! I didn't stutter too much or anything, although I feel I did accidently interrupt Doki when she was about to say something at times, I was just that excited and nervous aha.
I only had ten seconds left to talk to her after all this as the staff pointed out, so I went straight to mentioning that it was Pie's birthday and that if she could say happy birthday, it would be amazing.
Doki said that she got me and asked for Pie's name! I told her his real name since I assumed it would be more personal that way! I was so glad that she would do this for me!
I thanked her again before saying goodbye multiple times! I was over the moon after that, standing nearby watching Pie talk to her! I had a stupid grin on my face as I could tell that Doki said something regarding his birthday.
I saw that look towards me Pie, hehe. I said I got you, didn’t I?
Once Pie was done, they ran to me and demanded to hear what I talked to Doki about, noting how I did well and didn't seem too nervous at all! I'm glad I looked that way because I surely didn't feel that way haha.
We spent some time gushing over Doki together, with me finding out that Doki said that I doxxed Pie during their talk (and she wasn't wrong lmao). I was so happy to hear that I made Pie happy with this small little gesture!
I still can't believe I met Doki.
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After that, we went to buy the collectible card! We couldn't find the merch stand so we had to ask a staff member, only to find out we were quite literally near it the whole time of course. We had to wait a short while since the staff was busy, but Pie eventually asked about us getting some!
We got SUPER lucky since there were only two left that we paid for immediately!
Our plan was to meet Babybeard as well today, but they were nowhere to be seen interestingly after their QnA panel earlier. We did see PAiDA near where Doki was, but we assumed that meant they were relocated elsewhere. I can only guess their meet and greet was cancelled for some reason, since we couldn't find them at all after walking all around the convention.
We met Doki, so it was fine! I’m sure we will get another chance again someday to meet them!!!
After one final walk around, we decided to leave and head back into the city for some food once again! We decided on the Izakaya we went to last year sometime since we wanted something warm and we had a bit of extra time!
I was practically nearly broke by the end of it all as I could see from my bank account, so I only got myself some Takoyaki while Pie got a ramen bowl. I spent way more than I expected, which isn’t a bad thing!
I just uh...have to not spend crazy amounts of money for a while until I recuperate.
We went to Karaoke once again! I was set since I knew what songs I wanted to sing, while Pie was the one struggling this time. Usually, our roles are reversed and I take forever to choose anything so it was kind of funny.
I think the highlight was when we started singing meme songs out of nowhere. Pie did the HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA song (very impressively I might add) while I did Witch Doctor! It was a lot of fun jamming out to them!
I did sing a whole bunch of Japanese songs this time! I did mess up many times but it was still a lot of fun! I sang Gift and Sevendays Love, Sevendays Friend, two songs from Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live I really like!
I then headed home after that, taking off my cosplay immediately and relaxing near the warm heater. I was going to record some TikToks like I usually do, but I really didn't feel like doing them. Next time, I will!
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It was an amazing weekend! I did so many things and met so many people that I will never forget any of the experiences I had alongside Pie!!!
Thank you AVCon!!!! Thank you Pie for the fun time, and thank you to everyone who came up to us for a photo!!!
I love cons so much!!!
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artinandwritin · 2 years
A little writing practise I did yesterday at 11 pm. I wasn't really sure how to put the idea of texting each other down in a way it still feels natural, but doesn't slow down the plot. I kinda think I did a good job for once :)
This is for GusSiri's modern au during the time period where Siri is about a month away from finishing high school and Gustav is just,,, fucking around in college doing who knows what haha. Have fun!
S: I got full marks on my biology test. Mrs. Haddock gave me a sticker because she thinks I worked so hard.
S: Did you know red carnations symbolize affection?
S: I found it online.
S: I thought you would like it, you told me once you like carnations.
S: Can I send you some? I don't know if they'll come through okay with the post, but I'm willing to try!
Siri took a deep breath and put her phone away - this was no use. She had scrolled through her past messages with Gustav Larson for what seemed like hours, and none of them had been answered.
Not a single one.
She didn't know what had happened between the two of them. One moment, he was texting her what felt like every other minute, sending her pictures of his homework, his dog Fanghook, or things in stores he wished he could buy but didn't have the money for - the next moment, nothing. Only unread messages.
Of course, he must be busy, Siri knew he probably was. He was in college, following classes to get a degree in teaching. He was probably making new friends, going out with them, getting drinks and probably not needing her anymore.
After all, she was still in high school, all alone. She had her friend Adelaide Jorgenson, sure, but all her other friends had already left to pursue a carreer. And now, even Gustav had forgotten about her.
She grabbed her phone again, her fingers trembling as she tried again.
S: How's Fanghook? He must be so lonely, now that you're studying so much.
S: To be honest… I feel lonely too.
S: I miss you.
S: Gustav, I miss you. Can you please text me back?
S: It's okay if you can't.
S: I'm sorry if I've done something wrong.
S: Or said.
S: Just please text me back.
Siri's eyes widened as the two marks in the corner of her message turned blue; she leaned back against her pillows as Gustav started typing.
G: Im so sorry! Roommate hid my phone for a joke, couldn't find it for days.
Her heart jumped.
S: It's okay, I was just worried.
G: Can I make it up to you?
S: No, you don't have to, it wasn't your fault.
G: Yeah no, if you miss me I definitely gotta make it up to you. Of course, everyone must miss me so much, I was so legendary in high school.
Siri chuckled, slowly calming down as she typed a response. Oh, how she had missed his little remarks.
S: They don't talk about you anymore :'). But… I do miss you. Quite a lot.
G: Wanna go get ice cream or something when you get outta class tomorrow? I've borrowed this sick scooter from a friend, I'll come pick you up.
Oh. A strange whirl went through Siri's stomach; her heart felt really light.
S: That sounds a bit like a date, Gustav. Isn't that girl you had eyes for gonna be jealous?
G: Nope, turns out she already had a boyfriend. So there is no-one to worry about.
Relieve washed over her; her shoulders relaxed at his message. However, her racing heart kept beating, and her hands suddenly typed on their own.
S: Do you want this to be a date?
G: Um.
G: Maybe a little. Not gonna lie, you're cute. And you've always been nice to me even tho I'm sometimes kinda an idiot ;).
Butterflies, that's what they were. They were twirling in Siri's belly as her gaze was glued to her phone screen. Her hands trembled at every word they texted to each other.
S: I kinda want this to be a date too.
G: You do?
S: Yeah. I think so.
G: So I guess we've got a date ;))). Anywhere you wanna go?
S: The movies? They're showing Titanic again.
G: Sounds good to me. I'm gonna hog the popcorn, be prepared >:). And!! Pleasepleaseplease put on a thin dress or something. I wanna offer you my sweater.
Siri couldn't help but laugh softly, casting a quick glance to her wardrobe. A sundress may be best suited for his little request and oh, how she adored the detail.
S: I will! Can we make dinner at your dorm after the movie?
G: Yep, I'll just bully my roommate out. And afterwards I'll take you home nice and save.
S: I'll see you tomorrow, can't wait :).
G: See ya, can't wait either.
G: And Seer.
G: I miss you too <3.
A smile overtook Siri; there was nothing that could describe that special feeling she felt when he said that.
S: <3.
She closed her phone, putting it down beside her. Her heart racing, she slid further down onto her bed as she started up at the ceiling. Oh, this would be perfect.
This would be absolutely perfect.
@rosiethedragongeek for the tags!! Just a lil smt for funsies <3
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loverofdoctorwho · 18 days
Planning and Research For My Current Story
Source 1: Concept For Inclusive Playground:
Citation: Lidster, D. (2024) City Botanic Gardens Playground CBD, Must Do Brisbane. Available at: https://www.mustdobrisbane.com/kids-outdoors-kids-parks/city-botanic-gardens-playground-cbd (Accessed: 24 July 2024).
In-text Citation: (Lidster, 2024)
Source 2: Wheelchair Friendly Swing:
Citation: Cave, E. (2021) Wheelchair-friendly swing opens in Keith’s Don Moseley Park, Glam Adelaide. Available at: https://glamadelaide.com.au/wheelchair-friendly-swing-opens-in-keiths-don-moseley-park/ (Accessed: 24 July 2024).
In-text Citation: (Cave, Wheelchair-friendly swing opens in Keith's Don Moseley Park 2021)
Source 3: Types And Styles Of Prosthetic Legs:
Citation: Zepeda, E. (no date) What are the different types of prosthetics?, PrimeCare. Available at: https://primecareprosthetics.com/blog/what-are-the-different-types-of-prosthetics (Accessed: 24 July 2024).
In-Text Citation: (Zepeda, What are the different types of prosthetics?)
Source 4: Symptoms Of ADHD:
Citation: Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (2023) Mayo Clinic. Available at: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/adult-adhd/symptoms-causes/syc-20350878 (Accessed: 09 August 2024).
In-Text Citation: (Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 2023)
Source 5: Types And Styles of Wheel Chairs
Citation: Power Mobility (2024) Mobility Scooters, Equipment & Products Brisbane, Power Mobility. Available at: https://www.powermobility.com.au/ (Accessed: 09 August 2024).
In-Text Citation: (Power Mobility, Mobility Scooters, Equipment & Products Brisbane 2024)
Source 6: All About Cerebral Palsy:
Citation: Pruthi, S. (ed.) (2023) Cerebral palsy, Mayo Clinic. Available at: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-condtitions/cerebral-palsy/symptoms-causes/syc-20353999 (Accessed: 09 August 2024).
In-Text Citation: (Pruthi, 2023)
Source 7: Leg Braces:
Citation: (No date) Google. Available at: https://www.google.com/ (Accessed: 26 August 2024).
In-Text Citation: (Google)
Source 8: Arm Braces:
Citation: Photos.app.goo.gl links broken (no date) Google Photos Community. Available at: https://support.google.com/photos/thread/73458/photos-app-goo-gl-links-broken?hl=en (Accessed: 26 August 2024).
In-Text Citation: (Photos.app.goo.gl links broken)
Source 9: Scripted Manual Paediatric Wheelchair
Citation: Excel Paediatric Wheelchair (no date) HospEquip. Available at: https://www.hospequip.com.au/products/excel-paediatric-wheelchair (Accessed: 09 August 2024).
In-Text Citation: (Excel Paediatric Wheelchair)
Source 10: Untensil Aids:
Citation: Eating utensils for children with cerebral palsy (no date) cerebralpalsy.org. Available at: https://www.cerebralpalsy.org/blog/eating-utensils-for-children-with-cerebral-palsy (Accessed: 09 August 2024).
In-Text Citation: (Eating utensils for children with cerebral palsy)
Source 11: Australian Braille:
Citation: About Braille (2023) Australian Braille Authority. Available at: https://brailleaustralia.org/about-braille/#:~:text=Unified%20English%20Braille%20is%20the,the%20representation%20of%20line%20drawings. (Accessed: 26 August 2024).
In-Text Citation: (About Braille 2023)
Source 12: PDF of Unitted Einglish Brail Chart:
Citation: Yochimowitz, L. and Garza, K. (2014a) About Paths To Literacy, Paths To Literacy. Available at: https://www.pathstoliteracy.org/about/ (Accessed: 26 August 2024).
In-Text Citations: (Yochimowitz & Garza, About Paths To Literacy 2014)
Source 13: The Different Canes Used By The Blind
Citation: Types of mobility canes for vision impairment (2024) Sight Scotland. Available at: https://sightscotland.org.uk/articles/information-and-advice/types-mobility-canes-vision-impairment (Accessed: 26 August 2024).
In-Text Citation: (Types of mobility canes for vision impairment 2024)
Source 14: The Different Tips For Long Canes For The Blind:
Citations: Exploring long cane tips: Common options for safe navigation (2024) Guide Dogs Australia. Available at: https://guidedogs.com.au/vision-resources/technology-visual-aids/types-of-tips-for-long-cane/ (Accessed: 02 September 2024).
In-text Citations: (Exploring long cane tips: Common options for safe navigation 2024)
Source 15: The Signs Of Different Types Of Abuse:
Citations: Types and signs of abuse (2024) DSHS. Available at: https://www.dshs.wa.gov/altsa/home-and-community-services/types-and-signs-abuse#:~:text=physical%20abuse%20is%intentional%20obidily,using%drugs%20or%physical20orestraints (Accessed: 02 September 2024).
In-Text Citations: (Types and signs of abuse 2024)
Sourec 16: Demon of Joy
Citation: Euphrosyne (2024) Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euphrosyne (Accessed: 03 September 2024).
In-Text Citation: (Euphrosyne 2024)
Source 17: Demon of Anger
Citation: The wisdom king Aizen (Aizen Myōō): Japan: Nanbokuchō period (1336–92) (no date) The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Available at: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/44910 (Accessed: 03 September 2024).
In-Text Citation: (The wisdom king Aizen (Aizen Myōō): Japan: Nanbokuchō period (1336–92))
Source 18: Demon of Sadness
Citation: Nirṛti (2024) Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nir%E1%B9%9Bti#:~:text=Nir%E1%B9%9Bti%(sankrit%3A%20%E0%A4%A8%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%A4%E0%A4%BF%26%20romatainzed,death%2C%20decay%20and%20sworrow (Accessed: 03 September 2024).
In-Text Citation: (Nirṛti 2024)
Source 19: Demon of Fearsom
Citation: Mark, J.J. (2023) Egyptian gods - The complete list, World History Encyclopedia. Available at: https://www.worldhistory.org/article/885/egytain-gods---the-complete-list/#:~:text=Ba%2Def%20%2D%20God%20of%20terror,god%20and%20profect%20the%20king (Accessed: 04 September 2024).
In-Text Citation: (Mark, Egyptian gods - The complete list 2023)
Source 20: Demon of Digust
Citation: Goddess abnoba (no date) Sacred Haven Coven. Available at: https://sacredhaven.ca/goddess-abnoba (Accessed: 04 September 2024).
In-text Citation: (Goddess abnoba)
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Disability Aids Adelaid
Disability Aids Adelaide is a website with information and organisations who can provide various types of disability equipment, from wheelchairs and scooters to hearing or vision aids and healthcare equipment. It also includes information and organisations for people who are caring for someone with a disability, a mental illness or the frail aged.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for assistive technology (AT) which can include mobility aids. To be eligible, the AT must be outlined as a specific type of support in a participant’s personalised NDIS plan and must help them achieve their goals.
Occupational therapists are well-versed in prescribing and fitting mobility aids and can recommend and conduct wheelchair assessments for NDIS participants of all ages. They can also make recommendations for equipment that assists with daily living activities such as washing and bathing, eating and dressing as well as leisure activities like gardening and sport. They can also refer you to the NDIS State-wide Equipment Program and Yooralla’s Electronic Communication Devices Scheme for subsidised products.
Australia’s ageing population combined with higher life expectancies and the prevalence of conditions that result in mobility impairment, like arthritis and stroke are bolstering industry demand for mobility aids. They are a critical part of helping injured, disabled and elderly Australians live more independently in their everyday lives. These products can be used on a temporary or long-term basis.
Best HealthCare Products, where we prioritise your comfort and convenience. At our store, we focus on providing top-tier NDIS continence products to alleviate the challenges of incontinence. Our dedication lies in curating a selection of premium brands at the most competitive prices, ensuring that you not only save money but also receive unparalleled quality.
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eggplantemoji420 · 9 months
My gf the other week while she was giving me a tour of Adelaide on an e-scooter and I kept constantly ringing it’s little bell: ‘you are so annoying… not to me though! Just to everyone else.’
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The Importance of Conference Rooms
Conference rooms provide confidential conversations between team members or clients, offering privacy and soundproofing features for maximum comfort and to keep presentations focused and free of distractions.
Not all conference rooms are created equal; some feature concrete-encased conference spaces like WeWork Iceberg in Tokyo.
1. Design
An attractive conference rooms Adelaide equipped with cutting-edge technology and contemporary details gives visitors an impression of professionalism and trustworthiness, creating an ideal setting to discuss important business matters and take necessary steps towards their goals.
Design of space also influences its environment to foster attendee-centricity and collaboration, increasing productivity and inspiring creativity during meetings by providing attendees with ample opportunity to process critical information, troubleshoot issues and generate ideas.
A conference room layout can be configured to meet different needs, from small collaborative ad-hoc meetings to larger gatherings. Some examples of possible layouts for such meetings are traditional conference tables, classroom-style seating arrangements or banquet-style tables; furthermore, it depends on whether or not an in-person or virtual meeting will take place.
2. Technology
Technology used in conference rooms Adelaide can have a tremendous effect on their atmosphere and productivity during meetings. Selecting effective workplace technology for conference rooms can offer engaging collaboration experiences that foster creativity and productivity within an office environment.
Digital whiteboard displays offer presenters an effective tool for sharing documents, data, graphs, images and meeting minutes during meetings. Furthermore, collaborative features help presenters share ideas in real time with colleagues or clients remotely based. Such technology can be particularly beneficial in teams comprised of remote employees or clients.
Other conference room technology includes wireless presentation solutions that enable participants to present content wirelessly without cables and adapters, making more people eligible to participate in meetings. Furthermore, conference rooms may feature interactive displays with virtual backgrounds as well as AI-powered cameras to improve video conferencing experiences.
3. Space
Size matters when selecting a conference room for use. Appropriately sized spaces provide attendees with comfort during meetings and increased focus, as well as providing greater privacy between sessions.
Conference rooms typically seat four to twelve people and can be used for meetings such as monthly reviews, data presentations and board meetings.
These rooms are also designed for group work that requires sharing a whiteboard or screen, with optimized space utilization in mind by offering storage units that can store large amounts of content and equipment. When designing a conference room, be sure to ensure the furniture is comfortable and ergonomic for longer meetings - this includes adequate and adjustable lighting as well as easily moveable tables or chairs and clear pathways and door swing clearances to prevent awkward shuffles around walls by employees shuffle-shuffling around awkwardly or pressing against them.
4. Accessibility
From the check-in desk to the meeting rooms themselves, accessibility should always be at the heart of any conference or event. Make sure that wheelchair users, scooter users and those using other mobility aids have easy access. Provide any assistive listening devices or accommodations requested upon check-in if requested by attendees; similarly if interpreters are necessary during in-person meetings be prepared to offer them upon check-in.
Make sure that presentation screens can be seen easily from all areas of the room and captioning is enabled on at least one of them. Engage presenters to consider accessibility when crafting presentations and provide an onsite coordinator who can assist with issues (e.g. troubleshooting equipment issues or maintaining clear pathways).
5. Collaboration
Conference rooms serve as essential gathering places for teamwork, discussions and brainstorming sessions. Most meetings relating to training, presentations or education also take place here.
To provide participants with an optimal collaboration experience in conference rooms, smart technology solutions like interactive whiteboards and digital displays should be utilized to enable collaborative content creation and real-time annotation. This enables participants to easily work together while making meetings more dynamic, engaging and productive.
Wireless connectivity solutions in conference rooms eliminate tangled cables and allow participants to easily share screens and content, streamlining setup and device integration processes and making meetings more effective. You can further boost collaboration by taking advantage of video conferencing solutions which offer real-time document and screen sharing, chat functionalities and face-to-face communication, regardless of physical location.
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ryansbedroom · 2 years
My 2022 in a nutshell!
2022 has been a smorgasbord of ups & downs with the highest highs and lowest lows for all the right reasons.
January: I received a mini talking Oshawott plush that came all the way from the United States still in mint condition after 10 years! Then I built the LEGO 10290 Pickup Truck (which I could've done it months earlier so my grandfather would have an interesting reaction but it's too late now). I drove all the way to Milang so I could take a closer look at a coveted Lightburn Trailer! I even gave the seller some spares. Dad & I went saw The Addams Family 2 at Mainline Drive-In which closed its gates for the last time. I finally upgraded to a better phone; a Samsung Galaxy A25 which performs way better than my older one.
February: I got started on my Lightburn Trailer project by buying a vintage Campbell tail lamp still in mint condition with its original box! The Radio Rentals building on Main North Road in Prospect was demolished. Oreo released a special edition design themed to 'The Batman'. At Grill'd, I also tried their special 'Bruce Wayne Burger'. Bought LEGO's blue edition of the Fiat 500 just to take advantage of its differences.
March: At the Garden of Unearthly Delights which turned 20, me and a buddy named Vincent saw Unusualism starring Raymond Crowe. At Gluttony, dad & I saw Just Floyd which was a fantastic Pink Floyd cover band. I made my first Pikachu Waffle with the waffle iron I bought from Zing. Bought LEGO's 10298 Vespa 125 scooter and it only took a couple of hours to build! The house where my grandmother lived for more than 20 years in Greenock was put up for sale as she moved to a retirement estate in Nuriootpa. I had a wonderful time at WOMADelaid's 30th Year though I had to leave early at 9pm as I had work the next day. Dad & I saw Midnight Oil at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. This was (I think) the first time I saw a show there in 20 years!
April: Bought some goodies from the Comic & Toy Fair at the St Clair Rec Centre in Woodville.
May: I had lunch with Vincent at the Gilbert Valley Hotel in Saddleworth which had decor stuck in the 1970s! Coles at the Central Market closed its doors after operating for more than 50 years. Classic buses came for a visit at the St Kilda Tramway Museum and I had a few rides on bus 1540! The ANZ branch at Ridgehaven moved to Modbury after operating for many years.
June: Went to the Mega Toy Fair at Wayville and bought a few nostalgic things including LEGO's Highway Rig from 1986, a vintage Corgi ice cream van still in top condition and a bag of Dazzeland cups! Saw Top Gun: Maverick with my dad at Hoyts for the first time in LUX! The state's dine-in Pizza Hut in Marion closed its doors forever after more than 40 years. Dad & I went to the Gov in Bowden and saw Steve Hackett: Genesis Revisited (which was worth a two-year wait after they postponed touring due to COVID!) The TREG trailer factory ceased operations due to poor sales. But I've managed to grab a few maker plaques and have them coated.
July: Went to Brixpo at the St Clair Rec Centre which was bigger and better than before and bought that coveted FJ Holden Ute which was a 2014 Brickvention exclusive! Also had a wonderful night at Illuminate Adelaide. Had a bounce at the state's only Flip-Out in Smithfield which closed its doors after nearly five years. Saw Gorillaz and later; Synthony at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. Both were absolutely awesome!
August: The ford on Mulkarra Street in Ridgehaven has been upgraded to a low-level bridge which should mean flooding will be very less likely during wet weather. The road & cycle safety centre in Ridgehaven underwent an upgrade including replacement of all the signs and new paths. Bought a few things at the Fisherman's Wharf Markets in Port Adelaide which (yet again!) closed its doors for the last time! Went to the Gawler Show for the first time in a few years. Then I saw KISS at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre with Vincent. I was so delighted to fill that space in my lifetime.
September: On my 32nd Birthday, I got the new LEGO Ferrari Daytona SP3 and the Chevrolet Camaro! I had a wonderful time at the Royal Adelaide Show and I was so glad it returned after a two-year absence due to COVID, only to be overshadowed by the death of Queen Elizabeth II at the age of 96! Several days earlier, I knew she wasn't going to last any longer. It was truly the end of a very ambitious era! Still, she was BORDERLINE LUCKY to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee. Went to the Scott Creek Cemetery where Harold Anderton Lightburn's grave is just a few days after the 20th Anniversary of his death.
October: For the first time in only six years, I've been in a wave pool at Mildura Waves! And I even managed to take footage with my GoPro! We were originally going to travel to Wodonga to visit Uncle Tony & Aunt Heather. But however, the most-unexpected happened as Victoria and other parts of eastern Australia suffered major flooding, forcing us to change plans and instead, we went all the way to Wallaroo and then Port Lincoln.
November: I've taken footage of Hamilton's 'Sizzler' ride being setup for the first time in my life! Purchased both Pokemon Scarlet/Violet from EB Games. My mother turned 70 and I gave her a tin of Lindt Lindor balls!
December: Finally bought my first Knight Rider merch; Playmobil's Light & Sound K.I.T.T. from ToyWorld. I tried to attend the Civic Park Carols but it was too wet! Saw Avatar: The Way Of Water in 3D on XtremeScreen! Got great xmas gifts including LEGO's Atari 2600 model, a Pikachu-style Grilled Sandwich Maker and... A POWERED BICYCLE! Now I can ride to and from work without wasting petrol!
Other notable achievements: The former 'FLAG' semi-trailer (seen in Knight Rider) was found lurking in Arizona after 36 Years by the Knight Rider Historians! So both semi and trailer will be worked on which will take a few years! After 25 Years, Ash Ketchum has become the GRAND CHAMPION! However, it's now officially the end of an ambitious era as Ash Ketchum's epic journey came to an epic conclusion! Though I may still vow to stick to Pokemon to the very end!
We will remember: Queen Elizabeth II, Jason David Frank (a.k.a. the original Green Ranger), Olivia Newton John, Robbie Coltrane, Shane Warne, Meat Loaf, Peter Robbins (original voice of Charlie Brown), Emilio Delgado a.k.a. Luis the handyman, Taylor Hawkins, Gilbert Gottfried (a.k.a. Iago the parrot), Ivana Trump, Anne Heche, Coolio, Loretta Lynn, Jody Miller, Dietrich Mateschitz (Red Bull founder), Terry Hall
And that's about it for me. I would like to wish everyone on DeviantArt a very Merry Christmas and not just a Happy but BETTER New Year 2023! Don't forget to leave your comments below, subscribe and I'll see you all in the year of the National Railway Museum's 60th Anniversary!
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adelaideattractions · 2 years
Premier backs SA Police call for laws around e-scooters to be reviewed
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Laws around e-scooters in South Australia could be reformed next year after the state's premier backed a call by the police commissioner for legislation around them to be changed or clarified. E-scooters can be bought to be used on private property but are illegal to ride on roads, footpaths and bike tracks in South Australia, except in areas where several Adelaide councils have allowed them to be used when hired from a private operator.
Police Commissioner Grant Stevens said this exemption, which began in 2019, was creating confusion for users, with many people buying e-scooters for private use to get around the CBD and Adelaide suburbs.
Read More: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-02/sa-premier-backs-police-call-for-escooter-law-review/101605464
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respiricoinfo · 11 months
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We are constantly investing in our team’s skills to keep up-to-date with the latest trends. We ensure that we invest in research to continue improving how we deal with our OSA patients. Our team believe in providing the best care to all patients. For this reason, we conduct extensive testing of therapy devices and components. As a result, we offer reliable products that can endure different lifestyles. When you hire a wheelchair from our shop in Adelaide, you can rest assured the device will be of excellent quality and reliable.
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zootscooters01-blog · 5 years
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tacosaysroar · 3 years
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After the game — which Adelaide’s team won, hurray! — we went to the library downtown (for the first time since Feb 2020) with her best friend and then out to lunch, just the two of us. Adelaide wanted to go to this great Neapolitan pizza place near my office, which shares building/outdoor space with a brewery. (There are, I think, four breweries downtown? Breweries here are like wineries in Virginia. They’re everywhere and everyone has a favorite.) Kids usually ride their bikes and scooters around freely since this space is down below the level of the street.
Fun Fact: That building in the top right photo that looks like the Empire State Building? It was built first and was actually the inspiration for the Empire State Building. For years, it was a Reynolds Tobacco building (probably the original use, but I’m not sure) and now it’s a very swanky hotel. That’s actually where the company put my team up when we came for our on-boarding in 2018. There’s a game room in the basement with bowling, basketball, pool, a twisty slide, and lots of other fun stuff. The main floor has a lovely little restaurant where I had Thanksgiving with my parents the year before the pandemic.
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alexthepartyman · 4 years
When I’m Saved (Part 1)
AN: This story is a loose and dramatised version based on a true event that happened to me. I have changed names and situations for privacy reasons. This will be a Tumblr and Ao3 exclusive fic. I hope you all enjoy laughing at how much of an idiot I am for getting into this situation.
“I’d like to thank you all for coming in on such brief notice, and I apologise for calling you all in this late.” Section Chief Mateo Cruz greets his tired team after the plane takes off. “You will notice, Dr Lewis is not here. She took a flight out to Peyton, Idaho to be the liaison for the La Byorteaux family. In the meantime, we have Dr Spencer Reid.” 
“What exactly is the situation?” Agent Prentiss asks. 
“Sixteen-year-old Dmitri La Byorteaux was reported missing from Disneyland at midnight, when the park closed. Park security and LAPD are still searching the park just in case he is still there. Dmitri was with his school group, the Peyton Panthers Marching Band and Colour Guard. The LAPD is taking copies of all of their records concerning Dmitri. The band directors are John Tremblay and Mark Wozniak, assistant leaders are Amy Tremblay, Jill Mellencamp, Nicholas Grace, Nicholas Vasquez, Lily Jones, and Arthur Wallace. There are parent chaperones, the one in charge of Dmitri is Ressa Kilburn,” the section chief explains.
“None of them know where he is or can get ahold of him?” Agent Jareau asks.
“No. These girls may know, though.” 
“Adelaide Parker, Tessa Anderson, Emily McClane, Imogen Wilkinson?” 
“His roommates. They were with him for every moment of the trip.” 
“Roommates? Why would they room a boy with four girls? That sounds very strange.” 
“Hello, crimefighters!” Ms Garcia cheerfully greets the team. “I’ve just been through Dmitri’s records that Mrs Mellencamp has provided. He didn’t have a seat buddy on the bus. He was in the back of the ‘orange’ bus, with Imogen and Emily in front of him. And Dmitri is on three medications, two anti-depressants and a thyroid hormone. He is also reportedly allergic to ibuprofen.” 
“Two anti-depressants?” 
“Yeah, fluoxetine and trazodone.” 
“Those two together can create an effect called serotonin syndrome, which is an excess in the hormone serotonin, which is known as the hormone that makes people happy. Symptoms can range from headaches and myoclonus to hyperthermia and a drastically increased heart rate,” Dr Reid says.
“Dmitri’s phone is most likely dead, because I can’t track it.” 
“Does he talk to anybody from the Los Angeles area?” 
“I spotted a few Los Angeles numbers in his contacts. One belongs to a Hussein College. Another is registered to a man named Diego Castro, and yet another is registered to a Jacob Freeman. I’m sending contact information to your mobiles.”
“Castro’s a forty-year-old drag queen. Has the physique to easily overpower Dmitri.”
“Freeman is six feet tall, twenty-one-years-old, also has the physique to overpower Dmitri easily. Do they know each other? Did either of them know Dmitri or each other before yesterday?”
“No. I don’t even think Diego and Jacob know each other now, but I...I just found a picture on Diego’s Instagram, it’s from yesterday, and both Dmitri and Tessa are in it. Diego’s the one hugging Dmitri, the other men are friends of his.” 
“That’s Tessa over there on the other side. And is Dmitri in a wheelchair?”
“Yeah, none of the band records mentioned a wheelchair or a mobility impairment, so let me just get ahold of Dmitri’s medical records…” Typing can be heard through the laptop. “Huh. There’s nothing for Dmitri. At all. Like, he doesn’t exist. I found a Rhys La Byorteaux, though, they have the same prescriptions, same hometown, same last name... same parents… the only thing different is that Rhys is a girl and Dmitri is a boy. They even have the same therapist.”
“Rhys and Dmitri sound like they’re the same person. When did Dmitri start existing?”
“Early 2017. That’s also when Rhys kind of started...not existing… yeah, they’re the same person, records from Dmitri’s clinic show Rhys is a legal name and that he is biologically female, but he is seeking treatment for gender dysphoria and uses the name Dmitri.”
“Oh... he’s transgender? Why weren’t we told of that?” Agent Jareau asks. “I feel like that would be important information to know.”
“I don’t know, but we’re still calling him Dmitri, right?”
“We should, to avoid confusion. How common is that last name?”
“Not very, sir, the only other people I’m finding in America with that last name are the acting brothers and Dmitri’s family... there is a birth certificate for a Luke La Byorteaux, born to Nathaniel La Byorteaux and a Maria Alvez, but I can’t find anything for Luke past 1989.” Agent Alvez looks to the laptop with his eyebrows furrowed.
“Did you just say Maria Alvez?” 
“Yeah, she also kind of went missing, too.” 
“Garcia. Focus on Dmitri.”
“Got it. Dmitri’s medical records look relatively normal until the age of three, then after that, it looks like he’s a frequent flyer in the medical field. He was born relatively healthy for being induced three weeks early, except for the part where his father, Nathaniel La Byorteaux, was removed from the delivery room for protesting when the doctor threw the baby at mother Eva Kelly’s chest, and also for refusing doctors access to newborn Dmitri, who was born anemic.” 
“What kind of father refuses treatment for his newborn child?” Agent Simmons asks. “What started happening when Dmitri turned three?”
“A lot of appointments with specialty doctors, peppered in with ER visits. They referred Dmitri out to an audiologist based on concerns of multiple ear infections and being deaf. They found out he wasn’t deaf by scanning his brain waves when the regular test didn’t work out, and he was developmentally delayed, put in preschool at three, the youngest in his class. He ate a penny, went to the ER to have it pumped out, that’s like the one relatively normal thing that happened to him. Eva Kelly and Nathaniel La Byorteaux voiced many concerns about Dmitri’s never-ending ear infections and the strep throat that he would get constantly, and the frequent nosebleeds that happened nearly daily. He was admitted to the ER many times, covered in bruises from head to toe, bleeding profusely, dangerously high fevers, and they rushed him from the hospital in Ontario, Oregon to Boise, Idaho. CPS was called over concerns of Nathaniel abusing Dmitri, but charges were dismissed once Eva explained that Nathaniel wouldn’t actually beat Dmitri if he didn’t wake up, that was just how Nathaniel woke him up.” 
“What? Nathaniel threatened to beat up Dmitri?”
“Yeah, I wish that was a joke. All of the tests came back that there were no platelets in Dmitri’s system. Anywhere. Zilch. He was given three bags of immunoglobulin and carefully monitored after that. Doctors determined that the only explanation could have been this rare disease called ITP, or-”
“Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura. The body mistakenly attacks and destroys platelets in the body, which are fragments of cells that help clot the blood when the body is wounded. It usually starts in children after a viral disease, and it usually resolves itself with no need for treatment.” 
“Yes, Good Doctor. Dmitri’s condition was closely monitored after that, and then shortly after his fifth birthday, he was diagnosed with autism by a specialist in Salt Lake City, Utah. He went to the MayoClinic in Phoenix, Arizona for a month to have a splenectomy, and then that August, he and his brother Roger Kelly were nearly killed in a single-car rollover, and more blood bags were needed, both sustained concussions. Dmitri was admitted to the ER again later that month after he reportedly fell from the shelves in his closet during the night, that’s a concussion, and then again after he tipped over one of those old-person motor scooters onto himself, but miraculously, all he had was road rash and a bunch of scratches.” 
“What? Where did he get a motorised scooter?”
“His dad apparently got it after breaking his knee on his stepson, Robert’s trick bike, when he collided with the garden gnome. Robert also split his chin open and had to get five stitches. Again, the garden gnome. No, I’m not making any of this up. Let’s see...no hospital activity until Dmitri got his tonsils removed at age nine, apparently that was the reason he got strep throat five times a year. He went through urgent care all the time for weird accidents, like one time, his face swelled up to the size of a grapefruit because of misusing acne wipes. He went through urgent care at fourteen for a concussion, was sent home, no further testing was done... and then two months later, he was admitted to the ER for a major concussion, tests showed no brain bleeding, he was sent home to recover from it, when to the ER three months ago because he had bled out during a panic attack...He didn’t go to the ER again until three weeks ago, and yeah.”
“How does he behave in school?”
“Uh...Dmitri is mayhem incarnate, constant behaviour issues. He’s noted to be moody, fidgety, stubborn. Quite closed off from his peers, distracted, impulsive. He does his work super fast and is noted to be quite intelligent but breaks the rules. He is known to be very messy, and he is regularly known to be very goofy, often covered in markers and other things.. He argues with teachers a lot, has his phone confiscated a lot, violates dress code a lot, has been involved in weird incidents, has a very filthy mouth, serves a lot of detention for being late, a lot.” 
“He’s a rule breaker. You think he left on purpose?”
“He doesn’t look like he can in that wheelchair. It looks like a park rental. Garcia, check into that wheelchair thing. And check Dmitri’s social media. His emails and text messages, too.” 
“On it. I’m going to update Tara.” The blonde woman ends the call, and the screen returns to a navy blue background. 
“I’m going to call LAPD, tell them Dmitri has less time than we thought,” Chief Cruz says, pulling out his cell phone and stepping towards another section of the plane. 
“How do you bleed out from a panic attack?” Agent Rossi asks. “Kid has got talents.”
“That entire family has talents. A garden gnome?”
“Less talk about the freak garden gnome accident, more trying to find Dmitri. He couldn’t have gotten far if he needed a wheelchair, so someone would have had to carry him out if he got far.” 
“We have to figure out why he was in the wheelchair.” 
“He had a concussion three weeks ago that went mostly untreated, he’s probably still showing symptoms, and he may have developed physical coordination issues rendering him temporarily unable to walk. He may also be extremely dizzy, or his limbs may be extremely weak,” Dr Reid explains. 
“Someone would have had to take him. We should track down Diego Castro and Jacob Freeman, see what they know.” 
“The girls would definitely know what happened to him. We have to talk to them. We should also talk to the chaperones that would know Dmitri the best, starting with John and Amy Tremblay.”
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