lover-of-skellies · 4 months
Do you think getting struck by lightning would affect Nm? Would it charge up his goo for an atomic blast or just electrocute him…
Squints and stares
From what I remember, Nightmare doesn't have anything to do with electricity, so he probably wouldn't store the charge from the lightning for any grand reason. He could get electrocuted, maybe, but that's dependent on a bunch of science-y stuff, like his goo density, what properties it has, if the goo is a conductor or not, so on and so forth
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ljesak · 5 months
best way to study math to me is to not take it seriously/make it a lil silly
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
haruka and takane are literally said to be experimented on but we never know what exactly happens to them and rly they didnt Have to get experimented on to get to where they end up on, just killed. but also its so much more fun to imagine they do get experimented on. my hc is since their red eyes case is kinda unique the experimenting bit also plays a part in the way saeru cheats the system to get 2 snakes out in 1 day. cuz technically ONE snake should be out by killing two people. for 2 snakes to get out you’d need 4 people!!
also something i never got is HOW is ayano able to open the daze by herself and keep one snake when it’s supposed to be when 2 people die. all 3 of their cases are a little ridiculous or i just personally dont get it. i take pride in understanding kagepro but ayano’s thing is something i never quite got lol. HOW DO ALL 3 GET A SNAKE IF THEY DIE ALONE(?) i thought maybe the daze opens for ayano bc haruka and takane’s deaths already opened it that day?? we dont rly know if ayano dies before or after haruka and takane after all. erm. 1 million thoughts in tags like always
#IDC. takane has scars on her scalp from saeru messing with her brain for shit like her spirit to be able to leave for opening eyes#LIKE... HAVING A SPIRIT IS CANON IN THE KAGEPRO UNIVERSE WE DONT TALK ABT THIS ENOUGH#and haruka already has scars from normal surgeries he's had in his life#but when he gets his body back there's SO MANY NEW ONES and he has no idea if it's from konoha's misadventures or whatever the fuck saeru#did to him and takane#i know awakening can like. regenerate the body#but maybe for a body like azami's it works flawlessly but for a human body like haruka's it leaves a lot of sequels#and thats why when he gets his body back and he's not rly able to properly use or rather control awakening#his appearance gets stuck like midway between konoha and himself#HARUKA STILL POSSESSES AWAKENING IN STR HE JUST CANT CONTROL IT#it focuses entirely on his health all by itself#he has wounds from shit like konoha taking bullet wounds from saeru#hehe#the dan asking haruka and takane how the hell did saeru manage to get 2 snakes out with them#and them being like UR ASKING US?? HOW THE FUCK WOULD WE KNOW WE WERE LITERALLY PASSED AWAYED#ur always in that damn autopsy table tumblr post.#sorry. experimenting in a lab is such an interesting plot point and the fact its so confusing and really kinda makes no sense to use the#word experimenting its rather that saeru kills them. WHAT DO U NEED THE FUCKING LAB FOR#saeru getting influenced by kenjirou's freak science interests. it's like i just want to get this over with but man this human's brain has#interesting concepts. lets play around with it a little.#idk. i think mixing the experimenting bit with the How The Hell Did U Get 2 Snakes Out is interesting#like saeru rly using it to cheat the system. IDK. its clearing it just be knowing shit#with human knowledge from kenjirou's brain and its snake knowledge of snake things whatever that is. yeah. total sense#my aunt texting me while im writing this. she's asking me if im busy#YES IM BUSY IM WRITING A KAGEPRO POST#kagevinnie#is this kagexplain or kagenalysis or headcanons. what tag do i use. man i dont fucking know. kagepro is such a joke#kagenalysis
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donotdestroy · 9 months
David Lynch on Consciousness, Creativity and the Brain (Transcendental Meditation)
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affectionatecorpse · 3 months
Okay so I see some people are debating what the monster from Still Wakes the Deep is. I'm inspired by the support from my Death Angel post, so I'm gonna try giving an analysis. Now science is not my strong suit, I'm much better at zoology, but here we go.
Of course, spoilers ahead!
So, the entity comes to light in act one. While Caz is being yelled at by his power drunk boss, Rennick, a worker going by the name Gibbo calls up to say there's an issue with the drill, something highlighted earlier by another worker. Rennick orders the drilling anyway, and thus begins the nightmare, as the drill seems to unearth and awaken a destructive parasite out for revenge. But I don't think that's as deep as it goes, pun intended.
Let's say, the creature is a parasite. A form of near sentient bacteria, though take that description with a grain of salt, I'm no scientist. Parasites simply cannot live on their own. That's an objective fact. They need a host. They exist within another for survival and breeding purposes, and multiply and spread through the body of another.
Parasites, bacteria and even fungi can live underground for years, and have been discovered to do so. Ancient lifeforms have been discovered just under the surface of earth, let alone deep underneath the ground and in the bottom of our oceans, one of the most complex and diverse biomes that our current science has barely scratched the surface of. It's highly likely this creature is a self replicating bacteria or parasite that was unearthed by the drill, and took up new hosts to survive in this change of environment.
But not every host worked. You can see half transformed, mutilated bodies everywhere, and some that haven't even changed at all. These bodies could not support the parasite and shortly died.
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However, a few select hosts DID end up surviving; Gibbo, Muir, Rennick, Addair and Trots. It's unclear what sets these people apart from the others, and I don't know enough about this topic to claim an answer. But I certainly do think these folks died soon into the transformation, and are not fully conscious in the body. They frequently repeat terms and phrases, and never say anything you might expect from an entity possessing them, implying it's borrowing words and sentences that have been said by the host before, in other circumstances.
The entity plays with Caz's memories and definitely the others' too, though not all of them good. It wouldn't be a surprise to realise that's where it's getting information about it's host, as it reads the memories inside the brain to learn faces, names, and even the host's personality. Which makes me wonder, does it even realise what it looks like? Does the creature itself actually realise it's a parasite? Or does it completely and fully believe it is the person it's connected itself to? It almost downloads their personality and tries to pretend like everything is completely normal.
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Let's talk about arguably the best monster (in my opinion), Muir. Muir moves about the area he frequently worked as what I assume was an engineer. He roams the familiar ground, almost unsure of why he's by himself. He often calls out to his coworkers, wondering out loud why they're treating him like he's different. Sure, this could be the real Muir's consciousness slipping in and out of the seams, but it's highly unlikely he would still be alive. Much like the zombie fungus, as it's often called, the host is not alive when the fungus is controlling it, and is merely a puppet. If the spiders it was corrupting could talk, I daresay, they'd be acting like them. Taking their place in the world, even if they don't realise it.
But every animal needs to eat. And eventually, that body is going to run out of tasty, tasty neurons. Like I said earlier, a parasite needs to spread. It'll breed, then spread to another to keep it's species alive. By infiltrating a 'pack' of animals, it will take anything to spread to the others. Which is exactly what the parasite does whenever it sees another human. Either that, or it will consume them, theoretically to feed the host so it stays alive, while keeping those tasty, tasty neurons for itself. You can almost see this process with Innes, as the elevator ascends without him, and you just faintly see Muir doing something in the distance. Likely consuming him for nutrients, as he was not connected to the parasite yet.
Next, there's Addair.
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Addair, much like Muir, patrols familiar ground. Even though Addair himself wasn't even in that area when the drill struck. Now Muir was actively in that familiar space in the beginning, and it's safe to assume that's his place of transformation. But Addair was eating in the cafeteria when the incident happened, not deep down in the engine. Did he go down when the impact happened, while Caz was unconscious? Maybe. But the lights were fine then, and the engine wasn't the problem, so he didn't need a reason to. Plus, he doesn't seem like the type to be work dedicated, more inconvenience dedicated. Considering what I said about the parasite (badly) taking their place in society, did it go to his place of work after detecting that as his 'natural environment', per se?
Plus, unlike Muir, who greets the situation with quotes of confusion, fear and anxiety, Addair is instantly aggressive. Even an asshole like Addair is likely to panic if conscious in this situation, so the nervousness was Gibbo and Muir exclusive. But Addair and Rennick become immediately angry upon seeing Caz, as they actively disliked him in life, and so the parasite processes him as a foe to it's host. I thought that was neat.
Now another take I have admittedly heard from several other people, but I thought was worth mentioning. The monsters are incredibly similar to sea creatures. Which means this underwater bacteria was possibly leaking out already, and transforming our animals, not enough to completely corrupt them, but enough to twist their bodies. Think of the appearances of deep, deep sea creatures, such as the anglerfish. Isn't it possible this parasite was responsible for their uncanny appearance, in this universe? Muir especially looks like a spider crab, or perhaps even a bigfin squid.
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Which again, is a deep sea creature. Rennick also reminds me of a blobfish once removed from the pressure of the deep sea. Addair seems very jellyfish-like, but may be something else very... tick-like. And even Trots gives me major merfolk vibes, with how untouched his torso is in comparison to his lower half.
This parasite could have been feeding off the neurons and breeding through our very ecosystem as the ground slowly gave away above it. The drill unearthing the source likely gave it a burst of control as so much energy was released at once, hence why it was so fast to literally spiral out of control.
But Scotland, by all means, is not the only place in the world connected to the ocean. Sure, they destroyed this batch, but other forms of this parasite live on elsewhere on earth. And the explosion may not have even destroyed it. It definitely would've destroyed the host bodies, yes, but certain bacterias can survive impressive damage, even heat hot enough to burn off human flesh. We'd best hope this is not one of those bacterias.
I didn't really get as far with this observation as I did with other horror studies, but I had fun nonetheless! Like I said, I'm really better with zoology (hence the sudden enthusiasm when I started on sea creatures), but I loved Still Wakes the Deep SO much that I just wanted to write down my thoughts. If you have any other theories, feel free to add them!
Also if I used your pictures/gifs and you would like me to add credit, I am so so sorry, I will absolutely add that as soon as you say so, I just got most of these off Google and couldn't find most the original sources. So yeah if you'd like me to add your name and mention, or you want me to remove it in general, feel free to just say and I'll add it, I don't bite I promise. Well... I won't bite YOU.
Sorry sorry, had to make a zombie reference--
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cosmicdream222 · 7 months
The time I woke up in the void, before I even knew what the void was
As mentioned in this post, here is the story about how I woke up in the void before I knew what it was.
I came across @ellequarius success story on entering the void while falling asleep in class and I got major chills and a flashback to when something similar happened to me in HS. I didn’t even know about manifesting or the void at the time but now I realize I woke up in the void 🤯 It was such a strange and memorable experience, I still remember it vividly (I’m an adult, I graduated HS long ago lol).
It was my senior year, I was in science class and we had a substitute who gave us a free study period and dimmed the lights to put on a movie. I was exhausted so I just crossed my arms on my desk, put my head down and fell asleep.
Idk how long I was out, but before waking up I found myself in a weird kinda state. I thought I was dreaming, although nothing was happening. Everything was dark but it wasn’t like being in a dark room - it felt like looking at a TV or computer screen that was turned on but not showing a picture, there was some static and a sense of depth. A bit like outer space.
I had been thinking about my friend in Japan who I hadn’t talked to in a few weeks. I guess because she was on my mind, I imagined seeing a notification pop up on the “screen”, saying I had a new email from her. Then I woke up and went to my next class.
When I got to a computer, I found that I had indeed received an email from my friend, around the exact time I had “dreamed” it. I always thought it was a psychic dream, or just a freaky coincidence. But now I’m sure I manifested it in the void.
I was totally mindblown as since I found out about the void last year, I’ve been endlessly researching, wondering if it’s really real and trying different methods wanting to experience it for the first time - when I had already experienced it so long ago? 😭 It’s like I found an Easter egg in my brain!
I’m theorizing that sleeping position can have an effect on the ease in which you enter the void. Since it’s happened to several people while sleeping in class, taking naps, and there is also the popular recliner method, it seems that unusual sleeping positions put you in a lighter sleep, which can help access alternate states easier.
I’ve also realized since I figured this out a couple weeks ago, pretty much every time I have a natural awakening in the early morning, I do wake up in the void. It even happened this morning (2/27 as I type this) early in the morning after several hours of sleep, and I was lying on my back which is not my most comfortable sleeping position.
It’s the same kind of experience, and I don’t hear anything, but my first natural instinct when I wake up is to wonder where the sounds of my environment are. So I end up tuning in to my room to try to hear things, and snapping out of the void.
Only a matter of time before I figure out how to remain there aware long enough to affirm for my desires 😭
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delimeful · 1 month
nothing in this world (i wouldn't do) (6)
warnings: captivity, restraints, panic attacks, unethical science, experimentation, wounds, injury and blood mention, character being kind of an ass, fear, bird ex machina, lmk if i missed any  
Virgil woke up to find he was surrounded by darkness and completely unable to move.
Seeing as the last thing he remembered was being poisoned into unconsciousness by a demon slayer with mad scientist leanings, this was about as far from reassuring as an awakening could be.
For a disoriented moment, he tried to check for the baby crow, which mostly just involved him listening closely for any loud, raspy-voiced swearing. Naturally, there wasn’t any, because he’d blacked out and the slayer very clearly hadn’t wanted Roman’s bird anywhere near him.
Bizarrely enough, he felt a little morose at the baby crow’s absence. Maybe because she was the only creature who had figured out that despite being a monster, he wasn’t actually a threat to humanity.
Or maybe it was just because being immobilized in a dark, silent place was totally freaking him out, and he would have taken any company so long as it meant he hadn’t been locked away forever or buried alive.
(Could he still die from a lack of oxygen? Would he be stuck underground, conscious and alone, for the rest of time? He couldn’t even call out for help.)
His body was unresponsive, and nothing his brain was coming up with was remotely helpful, so Virgil focused on his breathing, trying to keep his count steady as he inhaled and exhaled air that could be rapidly running out—
By the time the slayer entered the room, Virgil had already hyperventilated himself into unconsciousness a few times, each time utterly convinced he was dying.
The man didn’t bother saying anything to him or even sparing him anything more than a glance, simply walking around the space and lighting several lamps at a brisk pace, but Virgil felt a vast, sweeping sense of relief fall over him regardless.
He wasn’t buried. He hadn’t been left alone to rot away in the dark.
He was… extensively strapped down to a waist-high table in the center of the room?
A significant amount of his relief started to fade. Right. He’d been caught by a slayer who wanted him dead or worse, and was now entirely at his mercy— assuming he even had any for demons.
There was another person in the room, too, and they scurried about so quickly that it took Virgil a few moments to identify them as the wary stranger who had sent him to go find their brother. They were wearing the same uniform as the slayer, now, which answered basically all of Virgil’s potential questions about the situation.
“Subject ABN-V3, Log 1,” the slayer started, and Virgil’s eyes flicked over to him curiously. “The subject regained consciousness approximately half an hour after halting the regular wisteria toxin doses, indicating remarkable poison resilience, comparable to a Lower Rank.”
There was the distinct scratch of hurried writing, but the slayer’s hands were unoccupied as he circled Virgil’s prone form. The younger slayer must have been an assistant.
There was a muted pressure on his hand, which refused to even twitch, even as the pressure grew heavier. The slayer hummed, pulling away. “In contrast, regeneration ability appears relatively slow. Internal organ function has resumed, but exterior nerves and muscles remain paralyzed.”
His organs had been paralyzed?! Virgil’s breathing stuttered, and he wrestled with the instinctual panic for a moment. His lungs were clearly working now, so he should just keep breathing and not pass out again.
When he looked back over, it was to the sight of the slayer staring directly at his face with a detached sort of curiosity. That composed mask of his may have dropped for a few moments in the clearing, but it was fully repaired and glued in place now.
“Do you have anything to say?” he asked, which was a little startling.
Virgil blinked at him for a moment, and then very quickly recalled that blinking was about all he could do. His hands weren’t cooperating with him, and even his head felt too heavy to shake or nod at the moment.
An irritated rumble started up in his chest for a moment before dying out, and he heaved a low sigh, already exhausted. He’d burnt through all his default terror while panicking in the dark, and now there was barely anything left to scrape up for his impending dehumanizing death.
The slayer only watched him impassively for another long, silent stretch of seconds before turning his attention away.
“Subject’s nonverbal behavior remains consistent with previous encounter,” he narrated, which succinctly explained why he’d bothered to verbally prod Virgil in the first place. “No secondary manifestations present in the room. We’ll proceed with direct regeneration testing while the paralytic is still in effect.”
There was a metallic clink, and Virgil’s gaze flicked over to a tray covered with tools he could only guess at the purpose of. Most of them were sharp-edged.
At least he wouldn’t be able to feel them. Yet.
The slayer picked up a thin blade, and Virgil squeezed his eyes shut, in an attempt to not have to see whatever was being done to him.
The narration of that calm, clinical voice couldn’t be as easily blocked out, so he found out regardless.
His healing factor had improved a lot since being turned into a monster, but it wasn’t anywhere close to the level he’d seen from some of the other demons he’d fought, so he wasn’t surprised to find that the first thing he felt when the paralysis began to wear fully off was pain.
The wounds weren’t serious, at least. He hoped that didn’t mean they were saving more lethal ones for when he could actually feel them, but he wasn’t optimistic about his odds.
(Unsurprisingly, it seemed like most demon slayers really hated demons.)
The slayer seemed strangely perturbed by the way the methodical injuries he’d inflicted hadn’t healed yet. Apparently, vastly accelerated healing was the norm for most demons, so this was just another way in which Virgil was a freaky outlier. Virgil could have told the slayer as much himself if he’d been able to sign.
Not to say that he’d regained all his vocabulary. With his limbs strapped firmly down, his post-poison communication was limited to signs that he could form with just his hands, and no accompanying movements. Fingerspelling was tedious, but at least it was possible.
“S-L-E-E-P,” he’d signed when the slayer had been theorizing on his apparently deeply unusual slow healing. “L-O-N-G.”
It took a few repetitions for his captor to pay it any mind, but once he did, his expression immediately creased with doubt. Virgil let himself look irritated about the reaction, because really, what was the point in pretending? He was screwed either way.
“If hibernation periods could heal demons, there would be longer stretches of inactivity between attacks,” the slayer said, frowning down at him. “It would make my job much easier if that were the case, but it isn’t.”
Since when was Virgil the representative for all of demonkind? He’d barely even spoken to other demons, since generally their interactions tended to start and end with them trying to kill each other. This was his supernatural sleeping schedule, not theirs.
Generally, he only slept like that when he was injured. If he wasn’t hurt in a fight, he didn’t get tired. He signed as much to the slayer, and earned a disbelieving scoff for his efforts.
Virgil had only been dozing lightly so far, seeing as he was currently trapped and about as far from safety as he could possibly get, but the disbelief rankled, and he huffed before pointedly closing his eyes as though to prove it.
He thought maybe the slayer wouldn’t allow it— there probably wasn’t much to scientifically observe when your subject is sleeping— but to his surprise, the man only noted down the behavior and then left.
It took a good part of the first day to force himself down into genuine sleep, but being left alone in a quiet space was close enough to his usual cave naps that he eventually managed to sink into the heavy unconsciousness of one of his impromptu hibernation sessions.
A full week later, he snorted into wakefulness to see the slayer had unstrapped one arm and was inspecting the smooth skin where the incisions had been previously.
This must not have been the first time he’d removed a restraint to see if Virgil was faking his beauty rest, because his head shot up with keen alarm the moment Virgil’s eyes fluttered open.
He released Virgil’s hand and drew a thin, needle-like dagger from his side in the same moment, presumably a breath away from poisoning him back into temporary organ failure.
Virgil barely even registered the movement, his eyes still crusted over with sleep. Half-awake and triumphant, he blearily inspected his completely-healed arm and then promptly signed, “I told you so.”
“Return your arm to the restraint,” the slayer instructed, his voice brooking no argument and his gaze assessing.
Virgil made a sour face, rubbing at his eyes. “Don’t you have cuffs?” he asked, turning slightly so he could tap his free wrist to his strapped down one for the last sign. “I could at least sign in those.”
“The restraint. Immediately,” the slayer replied, firm as stone.
A low grumbling growl of complaint started up in Virgil’s chest, but there was no way he could get free of the other restraints quickly enough to try and escape, and he really wasn’t looking to get his organs shut down again for no reason.
Besides, the assistant kid was still there in the corner, watching him with wide eyes, and he didn’t like the idea of scaring them.
Fine. He’d go back to his stupid nap then.
With a petulant scowl, he closed his eyes and stuck his arm back out and allowed the slayer to pin it back into place and tighten the straps over it. He flipped him off afterwards, though, just to make things clear.
It was quiet for long enough that he pried his eyes back open suspiciously. Both of the slayers were staring at him like he’d just started abruptly juggling fish or something, and he raised his eyebrows in a display of irritated bewilderment.
For once, the slayer didn’t have some snappy annotation to spout, only glaring down at Virgil with his jaw working like he was gritting his teeth.
Was he really that pissed off that Virgil had been telling the truth about his healing? Why?
“Professor Logan—,” the baby slayer whispered, faltering when Virgil’s gaze flicked their way.
“That’s enough for today,” ‘Logan’ answered, stepping away from the table. “We’ll speak elsewhere.”
Virgil only barely managed to stifle an incredulous noise as the two of them left, putting the lights out as they went. They’d never bothered to take their rude and often horrifying conversations about him elsewhere before. Maybe he should try being right about things more often.
Virgil’s eyes flew open at the muffled call, his head feeling much clearer after sleeping off the last of the poison’s symptoms.
It was quiet and dark all around him, as always, and for a moment, he nearly convinced himself that he’d imagined the noise entirely.
Then, from outside the door, there was a raspy squawk and an audible ruffling of feathers. “Fiend! Fiend?”
… Just how determined to swear at him was this bird?!
He couldn’t exactly respond, and he wasn’t sure why he would want to. Logan had reacted extremely negatively to the bird existing in the same space as him last time, and he wouldn’t wager that the slayer’s attitude had changed in the past however many days.
Still, the crow was clearly looking for someone, possibly even him. He could hear the distinctive pitter-patter of little taloned feet scurrying back and forth on the floor, with the occasional inquisitive swear thrown in.
After a few long minutes of this, Virgil gave up on trying to go back to sleep, unable to tune the little creature out. He may as well try to answer in the limited way he could.
It took entirely too long, but he managed to purse his lips and whistle a long, low note.
The clicking of steps stopped dead, and then grew abruptly louder, the bird’s faux-speech taking on an excited tone.
The baby crow audibly scrabbled at the doorway for a few seconds, before evidently managing to worm her way under the door gap. From there, she made short work of the flight up to the table, where she immediately perched directly on Virgil’s forehead and peered upside down at him.
“Scourge!” she announced gleefully.
Someone certainly hadn’t learned her lesson about fraternizing with big scary demons. He whistled an amused note at her, fingers twitching in an impulse to reach up and ruffle her feathers before he remembered his situation.
Right. No bird-petting for monsters, he guessed.
The crow— wasn’t her name Fluffbutt or something?— seemed to notice the movement, though, and she traversed down Virgil’s arm in little hops. He still couldn’t really reach her scruff of downy baby feathers from this angle, but he gave it his best attempt.
Fluffbutt pecked him harshly, which, rude, and then she turned around and started picking at the straps holding his forearm down.
… No fucking way.
Virgil craned his neck to look over at the bird, his disbelief slowly melting away as he saw that yes, the crow really was tugging and prying at the corded knot holding the restraints in place like her life depended on it.
It was slow going, but as she steadily worked at it, Virgil could tell that progress was being made. He wiggled his arm testingly every so often, usually getting bit for his efforts, and after what felt like hours of agonizing waiting, he finally managed to pull through the last threads of the restraints.
He only had one arm free, but that and some time was all he really needed. Fluffbutt reclaimed her spot on his forehead, watching as he quickly tore at the restraints on his other limbs.
As it turned out, quickly sitting up for the first time in days was a bad idea. Virgil rode out the surge of dizziness and pushed to his feet, pacing back and forth in the small room until he was confident that his legs had remembered how to function well enough to get him out of there.
A simple test of the handle revealed the room had been locked, and Virgil wasted a few minutes poking through the unsettling number of medical tools in the room before realizing there was no way they’d left the key in here with him.
He could probably kick the door down if given a few tries, but the more noise he made, the more likely it was that Logan would find him mid-escape and put him right back in those restraints. Virgil had no illusions on how a second match between him and the uncannily quick slayer would turn out, which meant that stealth was currently his best friend.
He turned his gaze to the wall, wondering if they were flimsy enough that it would be better to try and punch a hole through one of those, but before he could decide further, he heard the sound of approaching footsteps.
Shit. Plastering himself against the wall, he waited tensely for them to pass by— only for them to pause right outside the doorway. There was the distinct click of a key being inserted into a lock. Double shit.
The door swung open, and the assistant slayer had just enough time to look up and see the empty specimen table before Virgil leapt at them.
Don’t freak out, he would have said if his hands weren’t currently occupied with covering the slayer’s mouth and dragging them bodily into the room. Instead, he made a series of low chuffing sounds from deep in his chest, which helped absolutely nothing about the current situation.
“Scourge!” Fluffbutt crowed, her contribution equally as unhelpful.
Hurriedly booting the door shut with his foot, Virgil only had a moment before the baby slayer gave up on trying to pry his hand away and instead went for the sword sheathed at their side.
Since letting them do that was basically a one-way street to getting decapitated, he risked releasing them for long enough to tear his claws through their belt and yank the sword free, sheathe and all, before tossing it into a corner with a muted thud.
“PRO—,” they started, and Virgil slapped his hand back over their mouth, hissing lowly in the closest approximation to a shush that he could manage. They responded by glaring and biting him, which he really should have expected after living with teenagers for a few months.
It only took a glance around the room to find a suitable cloth from the cache of cleaning supplies, and Virgil wrangled the baby slayer into a headlock for the handful of seconds it took him to assemble a makeshift gag and shove it in their mouth.
With the slayer now unable to raise the alarm, Virgil paused for a moment to think, his whole body jittering with sudden adrenaline. The easiest solution would obviously be to strap the slayer into the convenient demon-proof restraints readily available on the specimen table, but he really didn’t want to do that. The kid was already panicking hard enough, the last thing he wanted was to make them think he was going to experiment on them or something.
Instead, he tore a larger piece of linen into strips and wound them around the slayer’s wrists a few times before knotting the end of the faux-ropes intensively around one of the table legs.
The slayer started yanking against the makeshift restraints the moment Virgil stepped away, their cries muffled but still audible enough that he should really be escaping sooner rather than later.
Luckily, his cloak had been dumped on a nearby shelf with the rest of the meager belongings he carried with him, mostly ignored after Logan had finished snooping through it for bones or something. Virgil ignored Fluffbutt swooping noisily around his head as he slung the comforting weight back around his shoulders and pulled the hood up, and then stepped back around the table towards the door.
The baby slayer seemed to think he was headed for them instead, their gaze very obviously wide with terror as they scrambled ineffectively to get away from him. He stopped short, guilt swamping him.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he signed, backing up a few paces to try and give them some space. “I just want to get out of here, okay?”
The kid stared at him, chest rising and falling as rapidly as a sparrow’s. He sort of wished he had heard their name at some point, but it probably wouldn’t have made a difference. As it was, he didn’t even know if they knew sign, let alone how to calm them down.
He sighed, lifting his hands up to his shoulders in a gesture of nonaggression, and edged around them to finally get to the door. Fluffbutt settled on his shoulder, apparently content to be identified as a little feathered demon-associating traitor. 
The hall was blessedly empty when he stuck his head out to check, and so he waved a small farewell to the kid— almost certain that they would wriggle out of those haphazard bonds within the hour— and closed the door after himself.
The key was still sitting there in the lock, so he twisted it to relock the room, and after a moment of thought, dropped the key and kicked it under the door so that the kid wouldn’t be stuck if nobody else came by in the next few hours.
He’d done it. He was out— mostly, anyhow.
Now, all he had to do was stay out.
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 2 months
request where Benny Weir gets set up on a blind date with the reader
"300 Awkward Blind Dates Later ~ (benny weir x fem!reader's version)
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tw! idk cursing ig
i forgot abt my inbox's ngl also guys putting the same req in my inbox twice is not going to make me do it faster!! also ive alr had to delete some reqs too PLEASEEE read my rules befire requesting any songs
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It was Rory's fault he was doing this. He complained ONE TIME like a week ago about being single and so Rory put him on a blind date?! When Rory had told the whole friend group about setting up a blind date tonight for Benny everyone laughed, except Benny of course.
It was way too last minute to cancel the date so he had to just suck it up and go on this date with someone he had no interest to know about. Great.
"Hey Rory, next time you set someone up on a date don't you think the people going on a date should know about it?" Benny says, with an annoyed tone, sarcastically.
Rory's eyebrows furrowed, "she knew about it, she's going on the date. So by your rules... it's fine!"
He then walked off before Benny could hit him. Ethan turned to look at him with an amused smile, so did Sarah and Erica.
"Well, we're gonna go to class. Have fun on your date tonight." Sarah said teasingly before the two girls walked off laughing.
Ethan just patted his shoulder, somewhat comfortingly but also so Benny wouldn't see him laugh.
He was sitting in class, not paying attention. Just thinking about tonight. Rory wasn't known for having the best type in woman for example: Debbie Dazzle. The evil fucking doll that was turning the entire student body, and part of their friend group, into dolls!
"Mr. Weir! Whats the answer?" The teacher yelled across the room.
He was awaken from his daydreaming, he looked at the bored and it was blank. Nothing. Shit.
"uh, France...?" Benny asked with his confused smile.
"that might be correct," the teacher begun, "if this were Social Studies, but Mr. Weir... this is Science! Care to share with the class what you were dreaming about that was so important you can't pay attention?"
The look the teacher had on his face of sarcasm and a smug annoying smile. But Benny just shook his head in response.
"Then pay attention to the lesson. If I have to get on to you again I'm writing you up." Then the teacher got right back to teaching the class.
He made it through the rest of the school day without thinking about the date, but when he was walking with Ethan home it is alll he could talk and think about.
"Why would Rory set me on a date and not tell me until that day! Who does that ya know? And it'd be too rude to cancel this last minute... wait... Rory never even told me where!" He ranted about this whole thing the whole walk home, Ethan not really being able to get a word in at all.
He went to his house, found somewhat nice clothes. Three buttons at the top sorta shirt, and jeans. It was different from the shirts he usually wears because it wasn't just vertical lines across the shirt with a bunch of colors. It was one to two color max kinda shirt. He even brushed his hair.
He called Rory and found out where this date was, and he took his grandma's car. His brain then started filling with all of the positives that could come out of this date.
What if you're smokin hot?
What if you've seen every star wars movie?
What if you were nice?
His mind was just filling up with "what if". He got to the Restaurant you two were meeting up at, not super romantic but not McDonald's kind of casual.
He spots a really gorgeous girl sitting by herself at a booth, that has to be you?
He walks over, "Hey are you here on a blind date? Set up by Rory?"
You nod at the man, "Yeah... I don't really know him that well he kind of just started telling me about his single friend..."
He laughs at that before adding on, "I didn't know we were going on a date until today. He also did not tell me your name?"
You smile at him before responding, "(Y/N), and you're... Benny right?"
He nods in reassurance.
You were both there for hours, laughing and chatting. Until the restaurant was starting to close. You had both had appetisers, main dish, milkshakes, and then more dessert.
They told you they were closing and you both realized how long you had been there.
"It's been really fun talking to you... could I get your number?" Benny asked you, with a nervous undertone in his voice.
You smile and nod your head in agreement, taking one of the napkins and a pen from the checkbook, writing your number down to talk to him more often. You hand the napkin to him, as he grabs the pen and checkbook out of your hands. He had gotten the money from his grandma before the date but you didn't have to know that obviously. He actually told her to give him more incase he wanted to buy a video game.
He wasn't expecting to stay long, just get mac 'n cheese and then decide you two won't work well together. But he didn't want the video game and the amount he brought perfectly covered the check with tip.
"Do you want me to drive you home?" Benny asks after signing the checkbook and putting the cash on the table.
You looked at him with somewhat a shocked look, "oh, uh yeah if you don't mind. My dad said he was going to be a little bit late."
He heard the nervous chuckle at the end of that, and that is when he realised he fell for you. Hard.
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pussydestroyer10110 · 9 months
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Jake x Avatar!reader x Neytiri
Word count : 1.5k (not edited)
Chapter 4 - Becoming an avatar driver
Jake watches the link bed statistics for a few moments to make sure everything was running smoothly before hastily jogging towards the room your avatar is.
“Brain activity looks good”
Said the scientist outside, watching your impending awakening through a glass screen. Jake entered the room having abandoned his gun and instead focusing on you, he looked worried but concentrated as he looked at your blue form. All they had to do was wait a few more moments.
The moment your eyes close your vision tunnels. You're surrounded by hues of blue, pinks and purples as you feel as though you're being transported across the thin barrier between subconscious and reality. Only moments later, you feel like you've been grounded once more, hitting this new reality with a mental thud.
Your body feels fresh, momentarily unnatural, then your eyelids begin to inch open, the harsh white light greatly contrasting the soft blue you had closed your eyes to.
This caused you to wince slightly and bring your hand to cover your eyes on reflex - your hand was blue. It was as if you had forgotten what you were doing and this strange change in colour startled you.
Realisation started to set in, you were blue, the transfer was successful.
As the harshness of the light subsided you look around the room further, seeing a few scientists all dressed in exo masks and baby blue suits but what stood out to you most was the only other avatar in the room, Jake. He stood out from the plain scientists and adorned bright colours with his skin which were further highlighted by the darkness of his clothing.
He smiled slightly at you, flashing those sharp canines.
The scientists soon huddled around you, asking you to sit up to which you complied. Everything seemed to be heightened. Your eyesight seemed to sharpen; your skin felt armoured and your hearing felt like you could listen to birdsong on the other side of Pandora. They asked you to touch your fingers to your thumb and then shone bright lights at your pupils - each test feeling more unnecessary than the last - they soon finished and you practically ripped the wires from your arms and stood up.
Your feet felt uneven and your head slightly light as you suddenly felt the affects of being 10 feet tall but it was a passing side effect, the grin soon returning to your face. Your tail whipped wildly behind you due to the appendage still feeling foreign, you knocked viles from their holder's and devices from their tables, it seemed the more embarrassed and nervous you got the more skittish you tail would get.
You look over at Jake, flushed with embarrassment, but he reassured you that when he first experienced his avatar he turned the whole lab against him.
After everything calmed down you took your first few baby steps to the world outside, Jake being there beside you for any assistance you may need. The world outside looked different without a mask, everything looked real now and the air fell crisper than the air on earth, everything felt cleaner. The gardens of the lab were almost military grade; they had training courts which had become dilapidated through lack of use and the overgrown gardens that you knew Grace had once loved. Everything seemed abandoned.
There were only a few avatars left in the compound but all were science geeks that had very little interest in things outside the natural life of this vast world; this meant the playground for all the other avatars had been cast aside out of everyone's mind.
Despite the dull nature of the desolate space, you enjoyed this new feeling, you enjoyed the featherlight tickles of the grass beneath you bare feet and Jake hadn't uttered a word since you'd come out, deciding it was best for you to take everything in before bombarding you with the bare bone rules. The two of you walked through the grounds, feeling the rays from the various midafternoon suns beating down on the secretive life on Pandora. The walk was calm and peaceful as you took in this new experience until Jake eventually broke the silence.
“You handled this a lot better than I did on my first test drive.”
He seemed reminiscent.
“I'm not surprised, you would've had a more fulfilling experience than me.”
You respond in a way so that you weren't mean and instead justifying his excitement, acknowledging how this experience was an extensive change for him both mentally and physically.
The two of you spoke a while longer about how it was that Jake felt when he was finally able to use his legs once more; through the whole conversation you allowed him to speak, letting him get everything off his chest as you were probably one of the first in a while to be sharing in a mildly similar experience. You felt special being trusted with such information.
However throughout the conversation you could tell that exposing his experiences like this was unnatural as he left out key information about his prior life and the hardships it held. Alas you summed this up to both his prior marine experience and then living in a proud warrior tribe, the man seriously couldn't get an emotional break.
Finally the two of you end up by the gate that led into the outside world of Pandora. The gate was thick and tall serving the purpose of keeping you in and whatever wasn't in out. It made you feel insignificant, this world had so much more life than you could currently comprehend, you had seen nothing yet you had seen a lot. Jake then turns to you and places and awkward hand on your shoulder, giving it a pat before dropping his hand - it was clear any other strategy than bossing people around was still strange to him.
“You'll do good here”
He said four such simple words and it still inspired hope in you, hope that you might be able to faintly follow in his footsteps.
“Thank you, for helping me and everything”
You were extremely grateful for this experience even more so for everything else to come, you spoke again.
“Are we going to see the forest tomorrow?”
You asked with hope but Jake looked at you nervously.
“We can make a basic start…. But Neytiri wants to inspect you before you go too far out”
He says, rubbing the back of his neck. You knew Neytiri was a fearless warrior and extremely protective of the people as well as the forest and rightly so. Although, Jake had said this as if it were something to be afraid of, now you knew you were going to have to impress this woman if you wanted even a shot at exploring the forests.
Jake walked you back to the hut were the other avatars sleep before bidding you goodnight and saying he'd be there again at 9 in the morning tomorrow, possibly with the feared yet respected Neytiri.
You collapsed into the specially made beds and fell asleep only to wake back up in your human body. You pushed the lid of the link bed open and groaned with the slight soreness of your muscles, against your better judgement you climbed out the chamber and looked around the room. Everything was the same dull grey colour with various pieces of technology the sight made you miss the vividity of the forests even though you had not experienced them.
You trudged your way through the bland corridors and into the communal eating areas once more, tonight's dinner was teylu and spartan fruit for dessert. The teylu looked unappetising as it was essentially a massive grub cooked amongst vegetables, the texture was soft with a tougher skin and it had a slightly sweet taste to it after you got over said texture. Dessert was much more appealing the purple skin being slightly bitter as you bit through to the sweet blue flesh, overall the conversation was the same as the previous night but with less tension.
Norm decided to pester you, interviewing you about your meeting with Jake, it's as if he was using you as a sponge for information that he could wring out later - in a good way of course. Something he found highly amusing was when he decided to ask if you had an attraction to Jake and when a slight crimson hue came to your cheeks you couldn't get the boyish grin off his face for the entire evening despite your denial. He was insufferable and tolerable at the same time, your only peace coming when he finally fell asleep in the adjacent hammock with you not too far behind.
Thank you everyone who has supported the story so far, I know it's not much so constructive criticism is welcome. Just also wanted to say that due to schools starting back up I won't be able to update in the week but will aim to update every weekend x
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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The life and crucifixion of Jesus Christ was physical representation of the crucifixion in the brain, this is a physiological and biological description of the teachings of The Bible.
"Jesus isn’t coming back a second time. The Christ is, and already has. What’s the difference? Jesus was the actual man (aka son of man) that lived 2000 years ago. Christ was the Consciousness (aka Son of God) that was expressing itself through Jesus telling people that “no one comes to the Father but through me” and “He who sees the Son sees the Father” when the masses thought he was referring to his body.
Now, how is the Christ coming back a second time or has already? The Christ is that aspect of the soul that some refer to as their Higher Self. It’s the part of you that’s a part of God (aka man is made in the image of God). God isn’t a man because He isn’t bound by any form. Yet it’s because He isn’t bound by form that gives Him the ability to assume ALL forms in creation. The Oneness that is God is expressing Himself through countless subjective experiences through each of His creation.
Since all of us have the Christ Consciousness laying dormant within all of us, in whom has it come back a second time, and how does all of humanity awaken it so it can express itself fully in all of mankind, rather than in just one person here and there?
Where/what is Christ in our body?
Jesus Christ was crucified at a place named “Calvary” which in the original Biblical language meant “skull”. In the human body there is a nerve known as “the tree of life”, it protrudes from the skull. It is this nerve, the Vagus Nerve, that “crucifies” meaning “Refines” or “Transforms the “Sacred Secretion” or “Christ Oil” into our Pineal gland, causing us to see God, face to face and receive the true anointing of the “Holy Spirit”.
Genesis 32:30
“Jacob named the place peneal(pineal)” because, he said “ I saw God face to face and lived to tell the story!”
This is a biological and physiological description of the journey made by Christ, the Christ Oil or Sacred Secretion throughout the body, and some practical instructions on how to honor it, raise it and exemplify it in order to be fully enlightened, just as God intended.
Christ was the living embodiment of Gods perfection, and Biblically, we are told that Christs Holy Spirit dwells Inside all of us, But what you may not know is how astoundingly literal Christ is inside our physical body. Colossians 1
“ This mystery had been kept in the dark for a long time, but now it is out in the open. God wanted everyone to know this rich and glorious secret inside and out, regardless of their background, regardless of their religious standing. The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, so therefore you can look forward to sharing in Gods glory. Its that simple. That is the substance of our message. We preach Christ, warning people not to add to the message. We teach in a spirit of profound common sense, so that we can bring each person to maturity. To be mature is to be basic, Christ! No more, no less, thats what I’m working so hard at, day after day, year after year, doing my best with the energy God so generously gives me.”
The bible is clearly telling us of Gods glory and energy living in our body.
Lets apply Gods word to the science of our body.
1: The Claustrum
Inside the brain there is a thin, irregular sheet of neurons, that attach to the underside of the Neocortex in the center of the brain, known as the Claustrum.The Claustrum is the seat of all consciousness in the body. It is the physical bodies supply of “Life Energy” from God or Spirit. This “Life Energy” is referred to as many different things, “Esse” (Latin), “To Be” (English), “Luminiferous Aether”, “Source”, “Prana” etc. It is thought to be where the name “Santa Claus” originates from, because it brings life to the entire body.
2: The Secretion
Also known as Christ oil , Chrism, sacred Secretion.
As the orchestra of the brain, Cerebrum. The Claustrum signals the secretion of oil (Cerebral Spinal Fluid) into the Spine (Central Nervous System).
The New Testament tells us in John about this internal Christ oil or Sacred Secretion.
1 John
“As for you, the anointing (oil) which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you: but as his anointing teaches you about all things.”
3: Colossians
Colossians 1:26-29
“Know this glorious secret (from the word secrete) Inside and out.”
“He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
This is interestingly referring to the cell adhesion molecule known as “Laminin” which, if you look at the pictures it is literally the shape of a cross. The Bible is telling us to understand God inside and outside. This means understanding the physiology of the body and the holy oil or secretion.
4: Christ
The word Christ/kristos in ancient Greek means “anointed” or “smeared with oil”, and this “Christ oil” or “Sacred Secretion” is Inside us, Teaching us everything from the inside out”. We must fully honor God in all our ways, as the Bible teaches. Then will we receive Gods blessings like we have never known before.
1 John
“As for you, the anointing (oil) which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you: but as his anointing teaches you about all things, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in him.”
5: The Milk and the Honey
The biblical milk and honey are produced by the Pineal gland and the Pituitary gland.
Numbers 14:8
“If the lord is pleased with us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it to us a land which flows with Milk and Honey.”
I believe it is important to Note: the “if” in, “If the lord is pleased with us”, that means: We have to please the Lord by following Christs teachings, also meaning we need to preserve the Christ oil or Sacred Secretion if we want to truly know God and reap the benefits.
6: About the Pineal gland
Biblically the Pineal gland is referred to as the place where Jacob met God.
Genesis 32:30
“Jacob named the place Peniel (Pineal) because he said, “I saw God face to face and lived to tell the story!”
Mathew 6:22
“The light of the body is the eye: therefore if thine eye be single (Pineal), thy whole body shall be full of light.”
The Pineal gland produces NN-Dimethyltryptamine(DMT) and golden Melatonin honey. It has more blood flow per cubic volume than any other organ. It is located in the center of the brain, behind and above the Pituitary gland. It is surrounded or bathed in Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). It is know for its male energy, Joseph. It i referred to as the “Yang” (of Yin and Yang). It is known as the Solar not lunar. It is the dominant source of the body’s “Melatonin”.
7: About Melatonin and DMT
It has a significant effect on mood, It effects the immune system, it effects Carcadian rhythms, quality and quantity of desired sleep, it is anti-aging and stress reducing because it suppresses Cortisol (the disease feeding stress hormone). It is a powerful antioxidant. DMT is a powerful psychedelic chemical which can produce vivid "projections" of mystical experiences involving euphoria and dynamic visual and auditory hallucinations. It is secreted by the body during high levels of excitement and Near-Death Experiences. It is also known as “The Spirit Molecule,” because people report feelings of separation from the body into spirit and loss of their ego. In the Bible these Secretions are called the living water.
“Streams of living water will flow within him.”
8: About the Pituitary gland
It Produces Oxytocin and Vasopressin which are white, Milk. It activates the Hypothalamus, which is know to aid the health and activation of the Pineal Gland. It is located Above the Sphenoid Sinus where CSF is secreted during high levels of excitement, and this sensation is linked to many spiritual experiences. It is known for its female energy, Mary. It is referred to as the “Yin” of Yin and Yang and it is known as the Lunar not Solar.
9: About Oxytocin and Vasopressin
They heighten feelings of trust, peace and empathy, Godlike feelings. They reduce feelings of fear, anxiety and aggression.
“The insight of a man certainly slows down his anger, and it is beauty on his part to overlook an offense.”
10: The Solar Plexus
The Christ oil or Sacred Secretion travels towards the Sacrum via the Solar Plexus. The Solar Plexus is where the Christ seed is born. This is known biblically as Bethlehem (house of breads). The Christ oil or Sacred Secretion enters the Solar Plexus, where it combines with the Holy Spirit (Esse, Source Energy, Luminiferous Aether or Prana etc), and that is how the seed is produced or born.
11: Getting the Christ Oil (seed) to the sacral pump without diminishing it.
It is important to know the Christ oil (seed) can be compromised, damaged and dissipated, if we do not preserve it and this is not what we want. In order to raise the Christ oil (seed), “Know God and see his face at Peniel (Pineal)”. We must “Love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls and minds.” To paraphrase Mathew 22:37 this means living for God and following his laws.
12: Preserving the oil- Gods Laws (The basics)
1- Be healthy and not gluttonous.
1 corinthians
“For ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body, and in your Spirit, which are Gods.”
2- Dont be lustful.
“Ill not look with approval on anything that is vile. I hate what faithless people do, i will have no part in it.”
3- Do not be greedy.
“A greedy and grasping person destroys community; those who refuse to exploit live and let live.”
4- Don’t be lazy.
“Through sloth the roof sinks in, and through indolence the house leaks.”
5- Don’t be quick to anger.
“Hot tempers start fights: A cool, calm spirit keeps the peace.”
6- Don’t be jealous or selfish.
“For where envy and self seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.”
7- Stop being prideful and boasting.
2 Chronicles
“His pride led to his downfall.”
13-14: About the Sacrum.
The Sacrum is a triangular bone in the lower back formed from fused vertebrae, and situated between the two hip bones of the pelvis. The english word “Sacrum” was introduced as a technical term in anatomy in the mid 18th century, As a shortening of the late Latin name Os Sacrum “sacred bone.” It is where surgeons perform a Lumbar puncture to extract samples of CSF. It is the location of the Sacral pump. The Sacral pump is a regular rhythmic motion between the Occipit in the throat and the Sacrum. It circulates CSF back up the Spinal Cord, through the Central Nervous System and into the brain. The Sacral pump is a key of the circulatory system, and its proper functioning is important for good physical, mental and emotional well-being.
15: 33 Vertebrae
From the Sacrum the Christ oil or Sacred Secretion/Aether, CSF and hormones starts its journey back up the Spinal Cord through the 33 Vertebrae. Lets look at the significance of the 33 Vertebrae in the Spinal Cord: Jesus Christ lived for 33 years. Jesus was crucified at 33 years of age. The divine name Elohim appears 33 times, in the book of Genesis. There are 33 Gods in the Vedic religion. 33 is a numerical representation of “The Star of David,” and also the numerical equivalent of AMEN:1+13+5+14+=33. An image of the virgin Mary from the 18th century, is know as “Virgin of the thirty-three” in Uruguay and it was consecrated by Pope John Paul 2 in the 1988. There are 33 degrees in freemasonry to achieve illumination And there are lots more.
16: Solar Plexus part 2
During the Christ oil or Sacred Secretions ascent up the Spinal Cord, the CSF goes back through the Solar Plexus. Solar Plexus is a complex network of nerves, located in the abdomen. It is emotionally linked with concerns over personal power, anger and distrust. It assist with the generation of metabolic energy and the Pancreas
“The head of that statue was made of fine gold, its breasts, and its arms of silver, and its belly and its thighs of bronze.” NOTE: The Christ oil is in the bronze or least value when it is in the belly/solar plexus, therefore it must be raised, to become gold, the highest value.
17: Next,
the Christ oil or Sacred Secretion ascends to he vicinity of the Heart, Sternum or Cardiac Plexus.
“Above all else guard your Heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
Excessive production of the stress hormones Cortisol and Epinephrine can cause brain damage, and problems in all other parts of the body, therefore it is scientifically paramount for mental and physical health, to be peaceful, calm and forgiving. Just as the Bible suggests. NOTE:the “Everything you do” counts towards following, knowing and loving Christ, which will preserve the Christ oil. The Cardiac Plexus is a plexus of nerves situated at the base of the Heart that
Innervates the Heart. The Cardiac Plexus is divided into a superficial part, which lies in the concavity of the Aortic Arch, and a deep part between the Aortic Arch and the Trachea. It is emotionally linked with love. It assists the Thymus Gland, the Thymus serves a vital role in the, training and development of T-Lymphocytes/T-Cells, an extremely important type of White Blood cell.
18: Raising the Christ Oil further.
The Christ oil then rises to the throat or more specifically the Vagus Nerve, also know as the Pneumo Vagus and the Pneumogastric Nerve. Here the Christ oil is crucified and put to death, but if we resist our low desires of carnal urges for 2.5 days (the same amount of time that Jesus was in the tomb, and the amount of time the moon stays in each sun sign) then the oil will be refined, transmuted and resurrected on the third day! This is when enlightenment, illumination and increase will engulf your Being, like nothing you have ever experienced before. You will have vision, power and insight, like you never knew possible. “There is something on the other side, of obedience that makes you say, why did i ever resist?”
19: About the Vagus Nerve
The Vagus Nerve is a Network of nerves, known as “The Tree of Life.” It descends from the Pineal and Pituitary glands. It is the 10th Cranial Nerve (CNX). It is the longest nerve of the Autonomic Involuntary Nervous System, in the human body.
“And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
NOTE: Fight every man made temptation that exists, while the Christ oil is being refined in the Vagus Nerve.
20: About the 2.5 days
It is the amount of time that Jesus was in the tomb, before being resurrected or increased in power. Jesus’s Holy Ghost went from being in one persons body, To being in every persons body. It is the amount of time the moon stays in each sun sign. The first day the Christ oil secretes, and this happens 12 times per year. The Optic Thalamus is 2.5 centimeters across.
“For those I’m absent in the flesh, yet am i with you in the Spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ.”
21: The Resurrection
After 2.5 days the oil ascends to the “Pons”
The Pons is besides the Medulla Oblongata. The Pons is a major structure in the upper part of your Brainstem. It is involved in the control of breathing, communication between different parts of the brain, and sensations such as hearing, taste and balance. “Pons” means bridge in Latin. The Pons or bridge raises the preserved, refined and transmuted oil into the Optic Thalamus. Where new blood is produced, and dormant brain cells are reactivated and awakened in what is called “illumination.”
22: The significance of 7 in the Optic Thalamus
There are 7 stars in the Optic Thalamus, dimmed by the 7 deadly sins
“Seek him that maketh the 7 stars and Orion, and turn the shadow of death into morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and pour them out upon the face of the earth: (The Lord Light) is his name.”
People say that Astrology is an evil from the devil. How can this be true when the Bible literally tells us to follow the stars.
“And let the stars be for signs.”
ELOHIM(God) is another word for 7
“As above, So below.”
There are seven refractors of light. There are seven original senses in the ancient text: seeing, hearing, taste, feeling, smelling, intuition and telepathy. The Solar Plexus is the organ of intuition (Gut Feeling), Brain or Thalamus is the organ of Telepathy.
“Seventy times seven” means unlimited forgiveness.
23: Enlightenment or the Baptizing of the Holy Spirit
The Greeks called the Thalamus the “Light of the World.” The word “Lord” also means light of the world. The Thalamus has two hemispheres just like the earth.
“As above so below.”
The Thalamus is the Arc of the Covenant. Just see Google images.
When the Christ oil reaches the Optic Thalamus you will have vision, you will know what your purpose is, you will know what matters, you will feel incredible, Gods Christ Oil will give you enthusiasm, motivation, direction, focus, power, intuition, decisiveness, imagination, knowledge, understanding, peace, healing, acceptance and Love. The benefits are Divine beyond measure.
I encourage you all in raising your own Christ oil, and to reject low carnal urges so that you too can receive Gods true anointing and blessings. A world of awakened Christs is what this Planet needs for Salvation. The Anti-Christs regime will no longer be able to hold back the truth, as we collectively ascend to a higher state of consciousness. The chains of the past and false paradigm of the physical world will be lifted so that everyone can see the true nature of consciousness.
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the-web-syndicate · 7 months
Something I find really neat (and sometimes really annoying) about being a system is the realization that a small part of why I've amassed so many hobbies is because I actually haven't
I used to hate painting until earlier this year, and suddenly, I loved it? Huh, silly
I sometimes hate a specific video game and then find myself playing it? Maybe I don't hate the video game I guess
I had a fashion hyper fixation that was so intense that I'd spend hours playing with outfits, and now I often grab the first thing I think works when I'm getting dressed. Except sometimes I still toil over the choice for way too long when I thought I didn’t care anymore? Okay, I guess it could be a special interest
I used to suddenly have a deep interest in Wicca to the point I thought I was recognizing a delusion even though it wasn't consistent, and that's not how any of my actual delusions have worked? Weird, I guess I just don't fully understand my likes
And then The Awakening (syscovery) and its like OHHHHHHHHH Jasper loves to paint!!! Kitt and Max love this video game!!! Serrai and Bix really care about our appearance!!! Hecate has a deep spiritual tie to nature, and I'm just science inclined!!!
And all of that is okay!! I love that we all have different hobbies, and I do my best to make sure we have access to them. I keep us stocked on painting supplies, I keep others favorite video games downloaded, I don't get rid of clothes that I personally wouldn't wear, I make sure Hecate has a way to journal about her spirituality, etc etc
I think it's really silly, and also really cool, as much as it can be annoying to want to do one thing and suddenly feel the urge to be doing something I don't personally find that interesting, or to realize that 90% of my likes and interests actually aren't mine /pf
And sometimes I share interests with others, which is both extra fun and extra confusing. Like when I suddenly have the urge to completely belt my heart out, is it still me, or is Zeph appearing? Or when I want to buy everything Spider-Man related, is that me, or is Parker nearby?
Anyway, this post doesn't really have a point, I just wanted to brain dump LMAO
.•°○-> Crimson
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unparalleledtrash · 11 months
So, I saw this theory about how maybe Jiwoo's power is more than just super speed, like how maybe it's actually time manipulation or dimensional shifting.
Although that could make sense and has so much possibilities for a storyline, I think it wouldn't fit with the title 'Eleceed', since we pretty much unanimously concluded that Eleceed means 'electric + speed'.
Of course, I still agree that Jiwoo's awakened power is still more than just super speed. This is why I don't question how much he has improved in such a short amount of time. Some people don't like that Jiwoo keeps winning in the past few chapters, saying that some wins weren't deserved, and that Eleceed relies too much on plot armor. BUT I BEG TO DIFFER. I believe Jiwoo's power is not just physical speed. I think his awakened abilities go deeper and also affect his biological functions. And I don't just mean that he has a sturdier body like every other awakeners. I think Jiwoo also has a faster brain activity and a faster core. This could explain why he picks up force control and other techniques so easily. Sure, he could just be a genius and a monster like Kayden, but I think it's more interesting if this was the reason he's so good at combat. In earlier chapters, his teacher once said that Jiwoo was a good student and lets him sleep during class. At first, I thought he just meant he doesn't cause trouble, but maybe... it actually means Jiwoo is one of the top students in his class. I don't know 'bout you, but I don't think teachers would easily let students sleep in class just because they were well-behaved.
And I also like to think that Kayden's electric force control creates a great synergy with Jiwoo's original super speed. If what I said about Jiwoo having faster brain activity because of his power was true, an electric attribute could boost the effects of his power. I'm not all that great with science, but I do know that there are natural electric impulses inside our bodies that our nervous system uses to send signals around our body. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES! If he realizes this, he could use his abilities to send signals to his injured body to heal faster!! IMAGINE IF HE INCORPORATES THAT WITH THE FORCE CONTROL KARTEIN TAUGHT HIM.
Case in point, I think it's only natural for our cinnamon roll to be as OP as he is now. AND I ANTICIPATE THE DAY WHEN HE FINALLY ENTERS THE WORLD RANKERS!
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objectbiologist · 1 year
on object sleeping habits
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(image ID: a doodle of amelia from ONE on a black background, drawn with white outlines sleeping upright with her legs tucked underneath her and her arms laid out in front of her. the second picture shows airy next to her in the same position, legs tucked underneath him, waking her up. /end ID)
something that has been very heavily debated in the community are object sleeping habits, how they sleep, the science behind it or whether they even need to sleep at all. this post aims to go a little more in depth about it, though it won't cover everything.
for one, the anatomy and biology differs wildly between families and even individual object species. this of course affects their sleeping habits and even their circadian rhythm.
with people and animals, the way they sleep is much more obvious. humans are granted the freedom of sleeping comfortably on their backs or curled up on their sides without much issue (aside from certain health complications that may arise due to the condition(s) an individual might have.) many mammals sleep curled up, or on their sides. birds sleep with their heads tucked in their wings, or in flight if you're a swift. bats hang upside down and horses can sleep standing up on lying down. crocodiles shut off one part of their brain in order to keep a lookout or maintain flight. swifts remain in the sky for most of their lives and only ever land due to sickness or to nest, which means they fly in their sleep too. so this begs the question, how do objects sleep?
it's different for every species. due to their wild differences in anatomy as discussed earlier, they often have to learn unique adaptations that help them thrive. this extends to sleep as well. for the longest time, it was thought that objects did not need to sleep at all, though recent observations have shown otherwise. it wouldn't be feasible to cover every object's sleeping habits and patterns, so i'll be going into some more recent studies.
for one, as with the images above, objects that have flat bases or rounded bodies may find laying on their backs or sides difficult or uncomfortable. these objects sleep with their legs tucked underneath them, sitting upright or leaned against a wall or other surface. occasionally they may be found laying down if it is comfortable, but it is not often.
it also isn't uncommon to see boxes dozing off within seconds, limbs tucked beneath them, or for coins to flop onto their backs. both of these objects have body structures that compromise their abilities to rest comfortably in any other position.
objects that have a tendency to roll, like glasses or cylindrical shaped objects may rest on their backs or sides with their arms propped up by their elbows, providing a stop to keep them in place. these species tend to be very light sleepers as well, so that in the event of a threat they can awaken quickly and spring upright. this especially applies to glass objects, who exhibit unihemispheric sleep in order to remain vigilant (in other words, they sleep with only one part of their brains at a time). they are also prone to night terrors, and tend to sleep in groups that alternate between keeping watch.
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I got curious about ollie and the football team orgies, honestly i understand them cause the way that man makes me go feral whenever theres content of him
YEAH bc while he's supposed to look as 'conveniently attractive' as possible(with his own quirks ofc) at the end of the day, a lot of people have different tastes and Ollie simply doesn't look attractive to some people BUT that's where the pheromones come in to play with the whole notion of an incubus being dangerously desirable to the masses is The Chemicals. Ollie produces hella pheromones that he cant even help most of the time, mainly through sweat since that's just the main way humans function is fukkin sweat everywhere lmfao. Incubi and succubi species have their own methods of being irresistible ie. Abio with his eye being able to be all up in your psychological brain and subconscious, plus his eyelashes that release a pheromone as well, some just straight up posses you or have mind control ect. Ollie's is probably the most sneaky bc it sets up everything as naturally as possible(+ the producer isn't even aware of the secretion most of the time), as in you don't feel like you're under a spell or something coming over you, its just a bunch of chemical reactions within the body that targets the behavioral part of the brain. Ollie's mouth/saliva is also a big factor in producing chemicals plus having external tusks aids in that as well since that boy can DROOL so his tusks also serve as a pheromonal scent aid:
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Now the kicker is Ollie doesn't quite know about the science behind all this, he knows there's some incubus Thing abt him that he's wary of but he doesn't know to this extent so that's why he definitely didn't expect the whole football team to lose their collective minds over him, especially bc his body's ability to sectrete these hormones didn't develop until he was like 19 so it was a new hell he had to figure out lmfao which is why it got WAY out of hand before he quit so basically Ollie having to play a sport where he gets sweaty as all fuck getting nekkid in a room full of dudes with other raging hormones its the perfect storm there were many gay awakenings
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cha-melodius · 9 months
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Thanks to everyone who tagged me in the 'last sentences written in 2023' (tags below)—something I would have jumped on if I'd written a single word since I published You're the Perfect Gift for Me. The fact is, it's been A Time, and today is the first day since pretty much then that I have a brain (or time) for writing.
I know I said I was going to jump back into False Dichotomy and I AM, but my brain wrote this scene while I was lying in bed this morning and I had to get it down (this will eventually turn into a fandom fest prompt fill, some day). Slightly long but I wanted to get the drop in there lmao.
“It’s about your First Officer position,” Ellen says, glancing down at the PADD on her desk. “I know you requested Lt. Commander Clark—” Alex doesn’t like the sound of where this is going. Surely she can’t object to that pick, of all of them. “Liam will be perfect. He’s got a stellar record, excellent scores on all his exams, not to mention we already know we work well together—” “When’s the last time you actually talked to Liam, sugar?” his mom interrupts. “What?” “Liam requested to be assigned with his partner, Commander Spencer Williams, who’s serving as the Chief Science Officer on the Endeavour, which I granted. He’s not available.” Alex’s mouth opens and closes again without putting voice to the question on the tip of his tongue, because there’s no way he’s going to ask his mother for information about his friend’s partner. Fuck. Liam is involved with someone, and Alex had no clue. A male someone, not that it matters, except then what does that mean about him and Alex… Ok, now is not the time for whatever this is. “Well I need a science officer too,” he says instead. “They could both be transferred to the Enterprise.” Ellen cocks an eyebrow at him. “Or… I could find someone else,” he allows reluctantly. “I’ll look over the candidate profiles.” “No need. I’ve got the perfect First Officer for you,” she says. “Commander Henry Fox.” “No way,” Alex blurts before he can stop himself, wincing at the look on Ellen’s face. “Sorry, Mom. Admiral Claremont. Ma’am. It’s just— anyone but him. Please.” “He’s an exceptional officer, Alex,” his mother says, her tone heavy with disapproval. “His record speaks for itself. Any starship would be lucky to have him.” “Then give him to anyone else,” he pleads. “I don’t need a stuck up, humorless, asshole royal who thinks he’s better than everyone on my bridge.” “Funny how everyone who’s actually worked with him has nothing but glowing things to say about him,” she returns dryly. “I think he’d be good for you, sugar. You’ve got what it takes to be a brilliant captain, but you need someone as a First Officer who will balance you. Someone like Fox.” “You’re forgetting that he hates me,” Alex argues. “He’ll never agree to this.” Ellen stares at him for a beat. “He requested the assignment, actually.”
I am tempted not to tag anyone bc I'm not sure I'm ready for this one to be perceived but OH WELL. Tags below the cut.
Thanks for the various end-of-23, beginning-of-24, and WIP Wednesday tags @orchidscript, @kiwiana-writes, @cricketnationrise, @firenati0n, @cultofsappho, @leaves-of-laurelin, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @inexplicablymine
Tagging @rmd-writes, @clottedcreamfudge, @myheartalivewrites, @dumbpeachjuice, @three-drink-amy, @indomitable-love, @indestructibleheart, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @ships-to-sail, @iboatedhere, @sherryvalli, @tintagel-or-cockleshells, @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, @nicijones, @heytheredeann, @mirilyawrites and anyone who wants an open tag, jump on it and tag me!
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entheognosis · 1 year
The pineal gland has always been one of the most mysterious and elusive organs in the human body. Located deep in the center of the brain, it is shaped like a tiny pinecone and is only about the size of a grain of rice. Despite its small size, the pineal gland has played a big role in human history, and has been referenced by many ancient civilizations.
In ancient Egypt, the pineal gland was known as the "eye of Horus" and was regarded as the gateway to higher consciousness. The Egyptians believed that the pineal gland produced a mystical substance called 'the white oil of gold', which was said to have healing powers and could even grant immortality. They believed that by awakening the pineal gland, one could achieve a state of enlightenment and connect with the divine.
In ancient Greece, the pineal gland was referred to as the "third eye" and was said to be the seat of the soul. The philosopher René Descartes also believed in the importance of the pineal gland, and referred to it as the "principal seat of the soul".
Throughout history, the pineal gland has also been associated with various mystical and supernatural abilities, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition. Many cultures believed that by activating the pineal gland, one could access higher realms of consciousness and tap into hidden knowledge and abilities.
Today, modern science has shed some light on the workings of the pineal gland, and we know that it plays a crucial role in regulating our sleep-wake cycles and our overall health and wellbeing. We also know that the pineal gland produces a hormone called melatonin, which helps us fall asleep and stay asleep.
Despite this newfound understanding, the pineal gland remains a source of fascination and mystery, and its significance in human history cannot be denied. From ancient times to the present day, the pineal gland has been revered and celebrated as a gateway to higher consciousness and a source of divine wisdom and power.
Dutch Medicine Man
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