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lorenzlund · 3 months ago
Der Tinnitus ist in der Lage auch zu töten, den ersten direkten Beweis dafür, dass es so ist, ich erhielt ihn erst gestern! Ich stieß dabei erstmals auf sogar einen Toten, einen früheren Wohnungsbesitzer und Käufer, so meine feste Überzeugung, er kann diese Wohnung neue von ihm nur für sehr kurze Zeit, höchstens wenige Wochen, besessen haben, in einem sich gerade in Entwicklung befindlichen Neubaugebiet Hannovers, einem offenkundig sehr neuem, man hatte gerade erst damit angefangen! Einer der ersten Bewohner war offensichtlich er! Ich probierte daraufhin frühere Anziehsachen von ihm an, andere hatten sie vor dem Haus abgelegt, bestimmt waren sie für die Müllabfuhr, in jeder Menge von großen Tüten!
In einigen davon verbrachte ich dann sogar die gesamte Nacht! Ich schlief in ihnen!
Ich hielt es ähnlich damit wie im Falle sogar schon auch Pauls aus Bad Pyrmont - als auch noch Amerikaner, probierte einige der Hemden und Hosen, wie auch andere der Sachen, streifte sie mir versuchsweise über!
Der Zugang zum Haus, wie schon im Falle Pauls, schien frei, zahlreiche der Türen, innen wie außen, wirkten ein weiteres Mal zur Gänze unabgeschlossen, wie absichtlich, und so betrat ich es! Ich verbrachte die Nacht in seinem Innern! (Es war ja offenkundig niemand mehr länger in ihm!)
Schnell litt ich erkennbar unter sogar anfänglichen Wadenkrämpfen auf etlichen der Böden (welche sich mit zunehmender Verweildauer im Haus erkennbar bei mir noch verstärkten).
Sogar leise Musik nahm ich wiederholt wahr dabei in den Ohren, als stammte diese womöglich erneut aus heimlich von anderen versteckten Lautsprechern wie in Wänden. Und auch da handelte es sich erkennbar wieder nicht um Liedermacher, welche uns Deutschen gehören! (*english lyrics & music-styles, either from the british or US-charts). Sie sorgten wiederholt sehr stark mit dafür, dass selbst ich diesmal fast die gesamte Nacht über wachlag, mal mehr mal weniger, hielten erkennbar stark mit wach! Stärker als es gestern nacht selbst mir passiert ist, nahm ich - das beständig uns gleichzeitig oft ebenfalls mitbehelligende - sehr laute auch Pfeifen in den Ohren selber nie so auch wahr!!
*Im Grunde hätte selbst ich dringend nach Bad Pyrmont erneut so zurückgemusst - als selbst heutigem Dichter! der selbst (nach hinten zur Gänze hin auch) dichte Er oder some dicht-Er. der (P)o-Mann-tic erneut vielleicht versuchte oder auch: deutsche, frz. wie englische Romantik, als selbst literarischem Stil. per Schreibe (auch eigener) andere stellen wollen, daran wiederholt selber auch mitwirken oder mithelfen wollen. der Schriftsteller der Erde.
die den Bi-hindern (wollen erneut!)-Neu(es)-(B)Au(a)!-Wohnung (ohne 'Dinger' oder, selbst im erneuten Englisch, heißt: ohne jegliche zukünftigen things by/from men! Wegen: W-ohn'-/-ung/thing, the, things). 'V' für 'victory final'. rechte wie linke Seite od. Seiten (the human Po). das, ein besonders knuspriges sogar auch Morgen-Brötchen dunkel-gold wie gelbes frisch durch uns beschafftes aus der Land-back-(das)Er-Ei (oder vom Er!) von uns symbolisiert uns das, vor allem uns, die Männer, meist nicht viel minder immer so auch oder stets noch genauso. Frühstück. 'früh dran sein mit etwas, zu früh'. the back, engl.
die Metall- oder Eisenwerkstatt. Oder: begeistertes erneutes Bohren wie gewaltsames Herumstanzen in Löchern, seitens von Männern, per harten Eisen, auch persönlich mitgebrachten. Bau-Industrie, weltweite, die, und -Arbeiter. 'trees'. being in/at something.
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deutschland-im-krieg · 11 months ago
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L-R: Adolf Hitler, Gau Sachsen (Saxony) Gauleiter Martin Mutschmann, SA-Stabschef Ernst Röhm and Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, Leipzig, 16.7.1933. Heinrich Hoffmann photo
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cawthedwal · 3 months ago
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some drawings of organisations as their respective people (Julius fits Himmler moreso but.) Hermann, Reinhard and Ernst ! Gestapo and SS are boyfriends and SS and Sturmabteilung are brothers, by the by
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carbone14 · 1 year ago
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Hermann Göring, Commandant de la Sturmabteilung (Section d'Assaut - SA) – 1923
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catsnuggler · 5 months ago
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I originally put this in the tags, but it's too important to remain there. You're right, OP.
i desperately need people to understand how fascism started because i am seeing many on the left gleefully walk assbackwards into goosestepping.
fascism did not start out as a far right ideology even though that is the endpoint. in order to gain power, there was a deliberate false synthesis of left and right populist ideals in order to gain a wide base from people upset with the political status quo. this is why the nazis were called national socialists. because they stole rhetoric and language from socialist movements and twisted them to their own ends.
this is why average people supported the nazis. not because they were stupid or incredibly bigoted but because the nazi party promised we will provide just as soon as we deal with the Bad People. however once nazi control was assured, the entire left wing of the party were purged. Gregor Strasser who was the leader of the left wing was assassinated in the night of the long knives.
his whole political ideology was nazism but anti capitalist. pro trade union, anti banker, pro wealth redistrubution, pro socialised housing and medicine. all of which ended in them being slughtered when they were no longer necessary. these people existed and were the useful idiots that aided in hitler taking full power.
you need to pay attention to who is saying what and why. easy answers, scapegoating, portraying whoever the outgroup of the moment as being behind every ill in the world, surface level anticapitalism and anticolonialism, reactionary leanings in problem solving. anything to get you to point at a group and declare them they enemy.
this is why you need to learn history, pay attention to the sources you get your information from and what narrative they are trying to weave out of the situation.
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gallakev · 9 months ago
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Slimane Hamas nazi
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whencyclopedia · 3 months ago
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Night of the Long Knives
The Night of the Long Knives (aka Blood Purge or Röhm-Putsch) of 30 June 1934 was a purge of the Nazi Sturmabteilung (SA) paramilitary group which continued through 1 and 2 July. Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), wary of the growing power of the SA, embarrassed by its thuggish behaviour now that he was the chancellor of Germany, and in need of the support of the German Army, which saw the SA as a rival, ordered the assassination of the SA leader Ernst Röhm (1887-1934) along with many other key SA commanders and political enemies of the new Nazi regime. Justified as a purge of dangerous plotters against the state, the Night of the Long Knives revealed that the Nazi leadership regarded themselves as above the law.
The SA
Adolf Hitler became the leader of the Munich-based NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party) in 1921. The party was neither socialist nor at all interested in workers, but Hitler had chosen the name to give his ultra-nationalist party as wide an appeal as possible. Known as the Nazi party, it was also vehemently anti-Semitic and against the German establishment. The SA or Sturmabteilung paramilitary group had been formed in 1921 and was given various functions, such as protecting Nazi party meetings, distributing propaganda, intimidating voters, and attacking party rivals or those identified as 'undesirables', like Jewish people. As Hitler had said, "We must struggle with ideas, but if necessary also with fists" (Hite, 116). From 1924, the SA began to wear brown army surplus uniforms, hence their nickname the Brownshirts.
The SA's growing membership in the early 1920s had already put Hitler on the alert. He decided to create his own personal bodyguard, a much smaller but more loyal group called the Stosstrupp-Hitler (Hitler Shock Troop). Nevertheless, the SA was involved in the infamous Beer Hall Putsch or Munich Putsch, the failed Nazi coup in November 1923. After the failure of the putsch, Hitler and his leading associates were found guilty of treason and imprisoned, albeit for what turned out to be short sentences. The immediate fallout of the putsch was a setback as the Nazi party and SA were banned (temporarily), and the Stosstrupp-Hitler was disbanded. However, the publicity of the court case against Hitler and his excellent oratory skills did actually increase interest in both the Nazi cause and the SA. Temporarily called the Frontbann, there was a huge rise in SA membership from 2,000 in 1923 to 30,000 stormtroopers in 1924.
The SA's growth was overseen by its leader Ernst Röhm. A short, stocky, ruthless man, who carried impressive facial scars from wounds sustained in WWI, Röhm had been instrumental in forming the "gymnastics and sports" branch of the Nazi party, which had then morphed into the SA. As one of Hitler's oldest allies, Röhm had also participated in the Beer Hall Putsch.
Continue reading...
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troythecatfish · 9 months ago
Source: Tripybara on Threads:
In the early years of Nazi Germany. They had a paramilitary force called the Sturmabteilung (SA) which were essentially an armed gang who operated outside the confines of the law to assault, smash, and antagonize political opponents of the Nazi regime
They attacked protestors, newspapers critical of the Nazis, and eventually their violence culminating the infamous 'Kristallnacht'
What you are seeing at UCLA is exactly this
A masked, armed gang destroying political dissent on behalf of fascism
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misfitwashere · 7 months ago
Political Violence
Reflections from the 1920s and 1930s
Timothy Snyder
Jul 14, 2024
What to make of the assassination attempt?
I am sharing a few thoughts about where we are, based on assassinations during the interwar period, the 1920s and 1930s.  It is distant enough that perhaps we can attend to the examples without too much emotion, and yet close enough to be useful.
We learn that violence that starts on one corner of the far right often ricochets.  We find that the important threshold is the enabling of the violence.  And we realize is what we do afterwards that counts the most.
None of this makes the outcome of a horrid act completely predictable.  But it does help us to see how some things that will predictably be said might be unhelpful and untrue. 
Some of Donald Trump’s supporters, including one right-radical senator and one right-radical congressman, were quick to blame the Democrats.  (This is also, of course, Moscow’s line).
Their reasoning might seem intuitive, and clearly did seem intuitive to many people. If a radical-right politician such as Donald Trump is the victim of an assassination attempt, should we not presume that the perpetrator is on the radical left?
No, we should not.
That sort of presumption, based on us-and-them thinking, is dangerous.  It begins a chain of thinking that can lead to more violence.  We are the victims, and they are the aggressors.  We have been hurt, so it must have been them.  No one thinking this way ever asks about the violence on one’s own side. 
And this way of thinking is also very often erroneous.  The history of the far right tells a different story, one in which violence often refracts within and around a political movement that endorses it.
This afternoon I passed by the Austrian parliament, where the chancellor, Engelbert Dollfuss, was assassinated ninety years ago.  Dollfuss had introduced political violence into the political system, and was very much ruling from the far right.  And he died by political violence nonetheless, by the hand of people who found him not radical enough.
In March 1933, Dollfuss dissolved the Austrian parliament, bringing electoral democracy to an end.  He transformed his political party (and a few other groups, and a right-wing paramilitary) into a new Fatherland Front.  The Fatherland Front government crushed the Left with armed force.  Dollfuss began to build a regime on the model of Italian fascism, defined in Christian nationalist terms.  That was not enough for the most extreme elements of the Austrian right. In July 1934 a group of Nazis dressed as policemen made their way into the parliament, shot Dollfuss, and let him bleed to death.
Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany a few weeks earlier than Dollfuss in Austria.  He too crushed the Left, grouping socialists and communists as “Marxists” and placing them in concentration camps.  He represented the extreme right in German politics.  On the streets, Hitler’s cause was pushed forward by the violent SA (Sturmabteilung), led by Ernst Röhm. Hitler’s rise to the office of chancellor was enabled by conservatives and militarists.  They believed, wrongly, that Hitler’s violent rhetoric would serve their interests.  In the “Night of the Long Knives,” Hitler had Röhm and many of his men assassinated, along with others who had helped bring him to power.
A drastic case of right-wing murderousness in the interwar period was among the various elements of the Romanian far right.  The twists and turns here would take too long to describe. In brief: the fascists who themselves glorified violence were attacked by others on the far right.
To be sure, not all would-be assassins of the period were on the right.  A German carpenter tried to kill Hitler.  A marble worker threw a bomb at Mussolini’s car. 
And the general point about how violence, once authorized, can turn in an unexpected direction, also applies to the far left of the 1920s and 1930s.  A number of Josef Stalin’s fellow Bolsheviks, who endorsed and applied political violence to come to power between 1917 and 1922, were then killed in the name of that revolution in the 1930s. 
That, if anything, just confirms the general point.  We might be tempted to think that violence against one side must come from the other side.  But the bloody genie, once unleashed, often stays close to home.  Those who have made violence normal are especially vulnerable, because they will always have colleagues or followers who think they have not gone far enough.
Of course, not all right-wing assassins killed their fellow right-wingers.  Eligiusz Niewiadomski murdered the centrist Polish president in December 1922.  Niewiadomski seems to have been an unstable personality, whose dreadful beliefs were brought towards action by the media around him. 
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As far as we can tell right now, the man who tried to assassinate Donald Trump was a registered Republican gun enthusiast.  As more details emerge, the image will clarify.  Assassins are individuals, and their motivations can sometimes be surprising or turn out to be obscure and debatable.
At this point, it is just worth noting that it would not be surprising if the man who tried to assassinate Trump was, like Trump, a right-wing radical.  That would be typical of the United States, where most terrorist acts come from the far right.  It would also be historically normal.  Trump, like extreme-right-wing politicians in the past, has legitimated violence. 
Nothing in recent American political life resembles Trump’s call for “Second-Amendment people” to kill Hillary Clinton, his mockery of Paul Pelosi after an attempted murder, his belittling of Gretchen Whitmer after a kidnapping attempt, the stochastic violence he directs against critics to intimidate them and against his fellow Republicans to keep them in line, the brutal language of his rallies since 2016, his vocal admiration for leaders known to be mass killers, and his violent attempt to overthrow constitutional rule in January 2021.
What matters more than the action, though, is the reaction.  We should all condemn political violence.  We should all proclaim that this next election will be settled by the number of votes, rather than by threats, coups, beatings, or murders.  The media should not spread messages of hatred and baseless conspiratorial thinking.
And we should all be aware of the temptations of martyrdom.
Whatever actually happens in an act of political violence, there will be someone, somewhere, who claims that victimhood means innocence, and that innocence justifies more violence by hands that remain ever blameless.  This sort of logic is already all over the internet.  That move was made in all the fascist cases.  When the German Nazis took over Austria in 1938, they raised a monument to their martyrs.  The Romanian fascists killed to avenge theirs. 
Trump is of similar mind: he refers to the convicted criminals who stormed the White House as “martyrs” and makes them part of his rallies.  He constantly refers to himself as a victim.
One can only hope that he does not escalate such rhetoric, or direct blame where it does not belong.  Doing so won’t help him win an election, but it will make further violence more likely.
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cursedreverie1945 · 10 days ago
Röhm was the co-founder and leader of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the Nazi Party's original paramilitary wing, which played a significant role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power. He served as chief of the SA from 1931 until his murder in 1934 during the Night of the Long Knives.
In 1923, he took part in Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch to seize governmental power in Munich and was given a suspended prison sentence. After a stint as a Reichstag deputy, Röhm broke with Hitler in 1925 over the future direction of the Nazi Party. He resigned from all positions and emigrated to Bolivia, where he served as an advisor to the Bolivian Army.
In 1930, at Hitler's request, Röhm returned to Germany and was officially appointed chief of staff of the SA in 1931. He reorganised the SA, which numbered over a million members, and continued its campaign of political violence against communists, rival political parties, Jews and other groups deemed hostile to the Nazi agenda. At the same time, opposition to Röhm intensified as his homosexuality gradually became public knowledge.
Throughout 1933 and 1934, Röhm's rhetoric became increasingly radical as he called for a "second revolution" that would transform German society, alarming Hitler's powerful industrial allies. He also demanded more power for the SA, which the Reichswehr saw as a growing threat to its position. Hitler came to see his long-time ally as a rival and liability, and made the decision to eliminate him with the assistance of SS leaders Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich.
On 30 June 1934, the entire SA leadership were purged by the SS during an event known as the Night of the Long Knives. Röhm was taken to Stadelheim Prison and shot on 1 July.
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dertaglichedan · 3 months ago
Arnold Schwarzenegger makes rare presidential endorsement
Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he will be voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 presidential election. 
The former Republican governor of California shared his shock endorsement on X Wednesday. 
'I don’t really do endorsements. I’m not shy about sharing my views, but I hate politics and don’t trust most politicians,' the actor wrote.
Despite that, the Terminator star, 77, said that it's time for the country 'to move forward,' and that 'the only way to do that is with Harris and Walz.' 
'We need to close the door on this chapter of American history, and I know that former President Trump won’t do that,' Schwarzenegger said. 
'He will divide, he will insult, he will find new ways to be more un-American than he already has been, and we, the people, will get nothing but more anger.'
*** Another "GOP" RINO sellout. Here's his dad.. Sounds like a great guy..
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According to documents obtained in 2003 from the Austrian State Archives by the Los Angeles Times,[a] Schwarzenegger applied to join the Sturmabteilung (SA) on 1 March 1939. Austria became part of Nazi Germany after being annexed on 12 March 1938.[5] A separate record obtained by the Wiesenthal Center indicates he sought membership before the annexation, but was accepted only in January 1941.
Schwarzenegger also applied to become a member of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the Nazi Party's (NSDAP) paramilitary wing, on 1 May 1939, a year after the annexation of Austria, at a time when SA membership was declining. The SA had 900,000 members in 1940, down from 4.2 million in 1934. This six-year decline in SA membership was an extended result of the three-day-long purge known as the Night of the Long Knives, a political purge carried out by Adolf Hitler against the SA, seen at that time as too radical and too powerful by senior military and industrial leaders within the NSDAP.
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lepartidelamort · 9 months ago
Allemagne : un leader patriote condamné pour « nazisme » après avoir dit vouloir le meilleur pour son pays
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Björn Höcke
Björn Höcke n’avait qu’à dire « Tout pour la Turquie ! », comme tout le monde.
DW :
Un tribunal régional de la ville de Halle, dans l’est de l’Allemagne, a ordonné mardi à l’homme politique d’extrême droite Björn Höcke de payer 100 jours-amende d’un montant journalier de 130 euros chacune pour avoir utilisé un slogan nazi interdit. M. Höcke, chef du parti Alternative pour l’Allemagne (AfD) dans l’État de Thuringe, dans l’est du pays, a été accusé d’avoir sciemment utilisé le slogan de la Sturmabteilung (SA), ou troupes d’assaut. La SA était un groupe paramilitaire nazi communément appelé « Chemises brunes ». M. Höcke, âgé de 52 ans, est le principal candidat de l’AfD de Thuringe pour les élections régionales de début septembre. Les agences de protection constitutionnelle l’ont décrit comme un extrémiste de droite. Le ministère public avait accusé Björn Höcke d’utiliser des symboles d’organisations anticonstitutionnelles et terroristes.
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En 2021, M. Höcke aurait déclaré lors d’un rassemblement de l’AfD dans l’État de Saxe-Anhalt, dans l’est de l’Allemagne : « Tout pour notre patrie, tout pour la Saxe-Anhalt, tout pour l’Allemagne ». Les procureurs affirment que M. Höcke, ancien professeur d’histoire, savait que « Tout pour l’Allemagne » était un slogan interdit des SA. Il l’a nié au cours du procès, décrivant la phrase comme un « dicton de tous les jours ». Le procureur Benedikt Bernzen a fait valoir dans son réquisitoire que Höcke avait utilisé le vocabulaire nazi « de manière stratégique et systématique » dans le passé. Lundi, un tribunal régional a confirmé, dans une affaire distincte, la désignation de l’AfD comme organisation extrémiste « présumée ».
C’est rassurant de voir les autorités réagir fermement contre les Allemands.
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À ce stade, la « justice » dans les états occidentaux n’est plus qu’une machine destinée à terroriser les Blancs, rien de plus.
Qui peut croire que la justice d’états réputés « tyranniques » comme la Russie ou la Chine persécuterait ses propres habitants pour avoir dit « Tout pour la Russie ! » ou « Tout pour la Chine ! ».
Les démocraties reposent exclusivement sur la haine de l’homme blanc et seulement ça.
Pourquoi tolérer un système qui veut nous détruire ?
Démocratie Participative
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deutschland-im-krieg · 1 year ago
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SA rally, Duisburg, circa 1928. Note non-standardised swastikas on flags
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gryficowa · 4 months ago
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I love how Zionists call all Nazis for being anti-genocidal, it's obvious they don't know shit about Nazis
"Nazism[2] (abbreviation from German: Nationalsozialismus[3], also national socialism, Nazism[a][2], nacissism[4]) - the ideology of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: NSDAP)[5][6] founded after World War I. It is a German and extreme version of fascism[7][8][9][10][11], classified as far right[12][13][14][15][16], which are characterized by:
anti-democratism in its totalitarian and dictatorial version; the demand for absolute obedience to the orders of the leader (German: Führer), who was identified with the state, called the principle of leadership[1]; German nationalism in its extremely chauvinistic version[17], known as Völkisch: calling the Germans a "master race"; hateful anti-Semitism[18], anti-Gypsyism, anti-Slavism and racism[19] in a pseudobiological version[20][21]; Social Darwinism[20]; eugenics; German imperialism: resurrection of the idea of ​​Greater Germany - the demand for the unification of Germany with Austria, German Anschluss[22][2][23]; expansionism - the postulate of colonizing new areas to provide Germans with living space, German Lebensraum[24]; anti-communism; homophobia[b][c][25]; ambivalent attitude towards religion: combating Judaism and Jehovah's witnesses; tolerance for the main branches of Christianity such as Catholicism and Protestantism, cooperation with them, but combined with their control, regulation [26] [27] and competition by promoting their own, new forms of religiosity[2] such as positive Christianity and the German Faith Movement. Nazism arose, among others, on the basis of Prussian militarism[28]; in 1920, the party organized a militia called Sturmabteilung (SA)[29]. In 1921, Adolf Hitler became the head of the NSDAP party, and he presented Nazi ideology in the book My Struggle (German: Mein Kampf) published for the first time in 1925–1927[30]. Under his leadership, the NSDAP"
Now that I have your attention:
(I had to separate them because, unfortunately, the collections got lost in the thicket of text)
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"apparatus of terror such as concentration camps and the secret police Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo); development of German eugenics, including introduction of the Nuremberg Laws; intensification of persecution for same-sex relations[25]; alliance with fascist Italy (Steel Pact) and Japan (Anti-Comintern Pact); the later Pact of Three between these countries formalized the Axis bloc; support of Francoists in the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939)[38]; annexation of Austria in 1938; the enlarged state was called the Greater German Reich, German: Großdeutsches Reich[39]; mass murders exterminating "life unworthy of life": T4 action on sick and disabled people; genocides – holocaust and post-Rajmos. One of the tools of mass murder were the extermination camps established in the occupied areas to "finally solve the Jewish question"; outbreak of World War II in 1939 - attack on Poland and then other countries. After less than six years, in 1945, this war led to the fall of the Third Reich and the denazification of Europe. In 1945, in Germany and Austria it was forbidden to spread Nazi propaganda, e.g. the use of Nazi symbols such as the swastika, SS runes, the Totenkopf skull or the Nazi salute for purposes other than artistic and scientific purposes[40]. Similar bans were also introduced in other countries, including Poland[41]. Despite this, neo-Nazi movements continue to operate in the 21st century, usually using changed symbols, but not always (ANP and NSM). Some of the Nazi assumptions, postulates and symbols were taken over by other nationalist movements such as the National Democratic Party of Germany (German: NPD), Golden Dawn (Gr. XA) in Greece[42] and the National Bolshevik Party (Russian: NBP) in Russia.
Nazi ideologists, apart from Adolf Hitler, included: Alfred Rosenberg (The Myth of the Twentieth Century, German: Der Mythos des 20. Jahrhunderts) and Joseph Goebbels. Nazism was not a uniform movement - its characteristic elements appeared gradually, e.g. symbolism, some of the rhetoric and homophobia came under Hitler's leadership. In addition, Nazi activists had different views, e.g. on the economy and religion, as described below"
"National socialism is an extreme ideology created as a result of the development of mass society, based on chauvinistic and racist elements.
The rapid transformation of the world, industrialization, urbanization and the collapse of existing ties in the second half of the 19th century. 19th century prompted the search for new ideas, giving the lost masses of people a sense of meaning in existence. Liberal ideology preaching individualism could not apply to such concepts, because it was based on the negation of all previous certainties and the formation of opposition to traditional concepts and values, including religious ones. German society, torn out of old structures as a result of industrialization, looked for new normative systems in nationalism, especially popular after the unification of Germany (1870). This nationalism combined with the still strong rural mentality of most Germans, creating the ideology of the so-called volkism"
"Hitler's ideology proclaimed the superiority of the German nation, belonging to the "Aryan race" (derived from the Aryans - an ancient Indo-European people) in relation to other races and nations, in particular over Jews and Gypsies. This idea was combined with the vulgarized Nietzschean concept of the "superman" (Übermensch), morally superior, intellectually and spiritually in relation to "subhumans", and the right of the German nation to rule over other nations was derived from it.
The Nazis believed that the mixing of races (Rassenschande) caused their degeneration, so they introduced legislation prohibiting marriage and sexual relations between Germans and people of other races (Nuremberg Laws). The program of euthanasia and sterilization of biologically "defective" people was also intended to "improve" the race. Further projects in the spirit of eugenics were also implemented, including theft of children, support for reproduction according to racial criteria (Lebensborn centers), and the introduction of polygamy was considered. Racial views largely determined the occupation policy and led to the Holocaust.
The Nazis combined racism with German nationalism. Nations were considered to be organisms that fight for survival and expansion and have the right to use all available means in this fight. The plan was to obtain living space in the East (Lebensraum im Osten) for the German nation by conquering other nations. This policy was determined not only by national motives, but also by racial ones: a dismissive attitude towards the Slavs, who were allegedly deprived of the ability to rule. Geopolitical theories were also used to justify the need for territorial expansion.
The National Socialists also subordinated cultural policy to racial and biological criteria. Artists of Jewish origin were fought against, as well as - as a product of foreign races and a manifestation of degeneration - contemporary art and jazz. According to the National Socialist ideal, art should proclaim the greatness of the nation, the heroism of "supermen", the bond with nature, and traditional family values. The ideals of man's bond with nature and his native land were summarized in the slogan Blood and Earth (Blut und Boden).
Racism was associated with social Darwinism - the Nazis believed that a specific group of people, in this case, the Aryans, are better adapted to the prevailing conditions than other races. Due to their origin, Germans were entitled to special aristocratic rights[141]"
"A General Government was established in some Polish territories. Terror was used on a massive scale against the Polish population of the province. According to the Nazis, the role of Poles was slave labor. The Nazis' first goal was to destroy the national intelligentsia. Poland was to be only a source of raw materials and labor. Plans to murder entire social groups were created already during the September campaign. The Nazis called these plans "political clearing of the area." Those who were subject to immediate extermination were, among others, teachers, clergy, political, social and cultural activists and state administration employees. Poles were deported en masse from Gdańsk and West Prussia. A policy of displacement of entire youth communities was used, with the aim of denationalizing Poles[142].
The population of Silesia and Pomerania, as well as the Kashubians and highlanders, were Germanized. Poles were deported to Germany as forced laborers. Polish forced laborers wore special identification badges and were subordinated to the police[143].
Hitler planned to divide the conquered territories of the USSR into several areas, which was to prevent the reconstruction of the Russian state. It was planned to create five governorates. The first to enter were Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia - these areas were to be Germanized, the Dutch and Danes were to be resettled there, and in the Baltic countries also Norwegians. According to the Nazis, in the future the Baltic countries were to be incorporated into the German Reich as completely Germanized areas. Ukraine was to become the second governorate, the third is the Caucasus, the fourth is Russia, and the fifth is the territory of Turkestan. The conquest of Eastern Europe was supposed to result in the acquisition of areas for the exploitation of labor force. The Nazis assumed that the Russian population would be resettled to Siberia and that the area of ​​Eastern Europe would be colonized by German settlers (lower races were to be eliminated). After a hypothetical victory over the USSR and the enslavement of the nations inhabiting the country, the highest social class in these areas was to be members of the NSDAP, the next caste was to be workers, and finally a layer of conquered foreign tribesmen, also known as the modern slave class[144]. The conquered nations of the USSR were to be deprived of the opportunity to learn the history of their countries, deprived of the ability to read and write, and in the villages information was to be transmitted only through propaganda loudspeakers[144].
Despite the support of the radical, fascist Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, The Nazis believed that Ukraine should become a colonization area dominated by Germany. The support of the OUN radicals was caused by the positive attitude of Ukrainian nationalists towards the Third Reich and Hitler's views. The OUN believed that the Nazis would support the Ukrainians in their fight against the Poles and the Soviets. Ukrainian nationalists supported the Third Reich in intelligence activities against the Second Polish Republic and the USSR. After Germany's aggression against the USSR, the OUN directly supported the Germans' fight against the Red Army. In exchange for supporting the Germans in the war, the nationalists counted on compensation from the Reich government. They established the Ukrainian National Council, and on the same day the Germans interned the initiators of this move. Then the Nazis banned all parties representing Ukrainians. The country was completely incorporated into German administration. The general Ukrainian society had a negative attitude towards the Germans. Ukrainians were tired of forced labor for Germany and benefits for the Wehrmacht. The Germans again tried to win part of the Ukrainian nation to their side after the defeats of 1943, this time without much response[145]"
(Yes, this is information for idiots who believe that Poles collaborated with the Nazis)
"The Nazis demanded that areas such as Austria, Alsace, Lorraine, the Czech Republic and the area known from 1919 as the Polish Corridor be incorporated into Germany. The main goal of the Nazis' policy was to obtain Lebensraum, i.e. living space for the German nation. The Nazis claimed that after World War I there was an overpopulation crisis in Germany, which meant that new territories had to be provided to the nation[146]. From 1920, the NSDAP publicly promoted Germany's expansion into the territories held by the USSR[147].
In 1921–1922, Hitler wanted to achieve Lebensraum by reducing the territory of Russia, This was said to have occurred as a result of the overthrow of the Bolshevik government by Russian anti-communists supported by Germany[147]. This attitude changed at the end of 1922, when Hitler proposed the creation of a German-British alliance and the joint destruction of Russia[147]. The policy of Lebensraum assumed massive expansion of the Germans eastwards to the Urals[148][149]. The surplus Russian population living west of the Urals was to be deported to the east[150]."
"Following the end of World War I, the Nazis were one of many nationalist and fascist political parties competing for leadership of the German anti-communist movement[footnote needed]. The Nazis claimed that communism was dangerous to the well-being of nations because of its intention to eliminate private property, support for the class struggle, atheism, hostility towards small entrepreneurs and the middle class[151].
Anti-communism was linked to anti-Semitism, Hitler considers communism and Marxism to be a Jewish conspiracy aimed at the destruction of the German nation-state and the entire Western civilization, in Mein Kampf he states: “If a Jew, with the help of his Marxist profession of faith, wins victory over the nations of this world (…) our planet will (…) circulate in the ether completely depopulated. I believe that I am acting in accordance with the intention of the all-powerful Creator; "By defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of Our Lord"[152]. In numerous other statements, Hitler declares that his most important goal is "the destruction of Marxism." He believed that the complete elimination of Marxism was a condition for the "rebirth" of Germany, and by "Marxism" he understood all varieties of left-wing thought, including the social democratic party SPD, which was then moving away from its Marxist roots[153]. Democracy, pacifism and internationalism were considered the most important "transgressions" of Marxism[154].
Anti-communism resulted from the experiences of party members. The NSDAP was founded, among others, by Thule Society member Karl Harrer. The Society supported the Freikorps paramilitary government forces during the suppression of the communist uprising in Bavaria during the November Revolution (see Bavarian Soviet Republic). In addition to Harrer, other members of the Society included the co-author of the program[155], Gottfried Feder, and one of the most important ideologists, Alfred Rosenberg[156].
At the turn of the 1930s and 1940s . the Nazis established anti-communist regimes subordinated to them to some extent, including Vichy France. In countries such as France and Great Britain, anti-communist groups and activists were supported, including: right-wing organization Cliveden set, conservative Edward Wood (1st Earl of Halifax), The British Union of Fascists and associates of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. During the war, the Germans created new military units from anti-communist volunteers, one of them was the 33rd SS Grenadier Division (1st French) Charlemagne[157]"
""On April 11, 1933, the Nazis introduced a law defining Jews as persons of non-Aryan origin, thereby removing Jew"
On April 11, 1933, the Nazis introduced a law defining Jews as persons of non-Aryan origin, thereby removing Jews from offices[194].
On September 15, 1935, the Nuremberg Laws were introduced, depriving Jews of basic civil rights and separating them from the rest of German society. In the same year, twenty-seven decrees were introduced, according to which people applying for various positions had to present proof of Aryan origin in the case of, for example, an SS officer, and the candidate had to document Aryan genealogy from 1700. A new profession was created in Germany - Sippenforscher, which deals with searching for genealogical documents[195]. Since August, the Boycott Committee has been operating, forcing Jews to sell their businesses at minimum prices (members of the Committee organized, among others, kidnappings and murders)[196].
By the fall of 1938, over 200,000 Jews had fled the country, but the number of Jews in the country was equalized after the territories of Austria were incorporated into the Reich. Another pretext for intensified repression against Jews was the assassination attempt on November 9, 1938 by Herschel Grynszpan, who assassinated a Reich diplomat in Paris. In the country, the Nazis unleashed a series of anti-Semitic purges known as Kristallnacht. The government did not counteract the series of anti-Semitic demonstrations, but supported them and began the first mass deportations of Jews to concentration camps (20,000 people were then deported). Moreover, Jews were blamed for the riots and were ordered to pay billions in compensation (approximately $400 million)[197]. After Kristallnacht, a strict law was introduced prohibiting marriage and sexual relations between Jews and representatives of other nationalities. A Jew caught flirting with a German woman was immediately sent to a concentration camp. A German could also be sent back to the camp, who was sent there for three months of anti-Semitic re-education[196].
Racial segregation was introduced in waiting rooms, trains and restaurants, and Jews were expelled from schools.[198]"
By the way, doesn't this sound strangely familiar to you? I don't know… LIKE IZAREL WOULD FUCKING PERFORM THIS ON PALESTINIANS?
"Since Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, incidental and then increasingly frequent acts of Nazi crimes against political opponents, Jews and Poles began there[199]. The world rarely learned about, and even less often reacted to, human rights abuses and murders in Nazi Germany before World War II. On Palm Sunday, March 21, 1937, Pius XI's encyclical Mit brennender Sorge (German: "With burning concern") about the situation of the Church in the Third Reich was read in German churches. The document was dated March 14, 1937 and concerned the situation of the Church in the Third Reich. It contained a critique of the theological aspects of the policy pursued by Hitler's Germany.[200]
Among the few world leaders appealing through diplomacy to end human rights violations in Germany were Fiorello La Guardia[201], mayor of New York, who promoted the boycott of German goods in the USA and Swedish Prince Charles Bernadotte[202], who actively appealed to German President Paul von Hindenburg before World War II, and in the following years to the German Red Cross for the opportunity to jointly investigate "alleged atrocities" in German prisons and concentration camps. The Germans rejected the proposal of any inspections of Nazi concentration camps. However, the prince achieved success as chairman of the Swedish Red Cross at the end of World War II, when he managed, together with the Swedish diplomat Folke Bernadotte and the government of Denmark, to organize the so-called White buses that saved about 17,000 people from German death camps. In 1944, the German government attempted to deny its crimes, and therefore Holocaust denial, on the international arena by allowing an inspection of the Theresienstadt concentration camp in occupied Czech Republic by international observers accompanied by the SS. mana and creating a completely false propaganda film about the good treatment of Jews in that camp[203]"
Why the fuck does this sound so familiar? Genocide denial, so familiar when you see Israel denying its own
'In 1940, in one night, the Germans murdered 1,700 Jews in Nasielsk. 600,000 Jews were expelled from the Polish territories incorporated into the Reich and ended up in the General Government.
The policy of genocide unleashed by the Germans in mid-1941 lasted approximately 40 months. The number of Jewish victims of the Holocaust is estimated at almost 6 million[207] . One third of this number, or approximately 2 million, were children. The number of Polish Jews among the victims of the Holocaust is estimated, according to various sources, from 2.6 million to 3.3 million people[208].
In October 1941, a separate labor code was introduced for Jews, according to which they were to work without any time limits (this applied to children as young as fourteen). The Jews were deprived of their protective clothing. In September, Jews were forced to wear a Star of David with the inscription "Jude".
During the war with the USSR in the east, all non-military train transports were suspended. In their place, special trains were built to transport Jews to death camps. The SS had trains transporting 5,000 Jews each day to the Treblinka extermination camp and 5,000 to Bełżec twice a week. Apart from the camps, the most famous site of genocide is the Babi Yar gorge near Kiev, where approximately 100,000 Jews were murdered in 1941, as well as Ponary near Vilnius, where the Nazis murdered almost 80,000 Jews[209].
The Third German Reich tried to hide the crimes it committed from the world, including the Holocaust and the genocide of Poles. It failed to achieve this, as evidenced by the action of Polish diplomat Jan Karski, who was the first to inform the British and US authorities about the ongoing crimes already in 1942 and appealed for a military response. In the summer and fall of 1944, the World Jewish Congress and the War Refugee Council appealed to the U.S. Department of War to immediately bomb the German death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. However, these proposals were rejected[210]. The Allies' abandonment of bombing the railway tracks to the extermination camps has been considered by some historians as an "appalling moral failure".[211] Only on June 6, 1944, the Americans, British and Canadians landed in Normandy to liberate Europe from German occupation"
As you can see, the USA didn't help much… Who expected it?
How long will Palestine be left to its own devices? How long will the US help a genocide? How much longer will we accept genocide?
"In the USA in the 1930s, there were groups active, such as William Dudley Pelley's Silver Legion and Fritz Kuhn's German-American Bund. He expressed support for Nazism, among others: Father Charles Coughlin of Catholic Radio in Detroit, condemning the influence of godless capitalists, Jews, communists, international bankers and plutocrats on US foreign policy, or Charles Lindbergh, who in 1941 declared: The three most important groups pushing this country into war are the British, the Jews and the Roosevelt administration.[271] George Rockwell founded the marginal American Nazi Party, which in the following decades supported the white power movement and opposed the civil rights movement. In South Africa in 1938, the Afrikaans Ossewabrandwag and the Stormjaers militia were founded. The party was influenced by the NSDAP, and during World War II it opposed cooperation between South Africa and Great Britain. After terrorist attacks carried out by its members, some of its leaders were imprisoned, but the party was never officially banned. After 1945, several former members of the movement became part of the apartheid dictatorship. The group was absorbed by the National Party. A former militant of the Balthazar party, Johannes Vorster, served as Prime Minister of South Africa in 1966–1978[272].
Nazi groups even sprang up in Costa Rica. In the 1930s Nazi sympathizers coming mainly from the German community gathered in the German Club[273]"
"In Poland, National Socialist groups did not play a significant role. Some of them are: the National Socialist Workers' Party, the Radical Healing Movement of J. Kowal-Lipiński, the Polish National Socialist Party, the Polish National Socialist Party "Warta", the National Peasant-Worker Front[274][275]. Some historians see a similarity between Nazi ideology and the doctrines of the National Radical Camp[276][277][278] and the National Radical Movement[279][280]. The National Radical Organization, a collaborationist organization operating at the beginning of the German occupation of Poland, is sometimes associated with national socialism[281]"
Unfortunately, there are bad apples in every country… I'm not denying that there were no bad apples, but saying that Poles collaborated with the Nazis (erasing their being victims of the Holocaust) is problematic on many levels
"In 2009, in the resolution "Unifying a divided Europe", the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly equated the totalitarian systems of German Nazism and Soviet Stalinism. The resolution states that in the 20th century, European countries suffered at the hands of two totalitarian regimes, which resulted in crimes against humanity and genocide[309][310][311]. This equation raises objections from Russia. According to Kommersant's interlocutors, the comparison of Stalinism and fascism is inappropriate due to the fact that "it was the Stalinist USSR that suffered the greatest sacrifices and made the greatest contribution to freeing Europe from fascism." According to Moscow's position, this resolution is "offensive, anti-Russian action” and “rape of history”[312].
According to the authors of The Black Book of Communism, the difference between National Socialism and Soviet communism "is only that the Nazi racial and territorial division replaces the division into layers (classes)"[313]. In turn, Margaret Buber-Neumann, a former German communist, imprisoned from 1937 to 1940 in the Gulag, and then from 1940 to 1945 in Ravensbrück, in her memoirs published after the war she pointed to numerous similarities in the practices of both regimes, pointing primarily to the contempt for human life, the cult of violence, and the use of slave labor by both systems. . In her opinion, the ideas of Nazism were criminal from the beginning, while the communist idea as a theory could contain a fundamental error, or the ideals could be betrayed by Soviet practice under the rule of Joseph Stalin, which, in her opinion, turned the USSR into a form of fascism[314]. According to Adam Leszczyński, writing in the context of the Warsaw Uprising and the book Oblą '44, or how Poles gave Stalin a gift by causing the Warsaw Uprising by Piotr Zychowicz, there was a fundamental qualitative difference between the regime in the USSR and the Third Reich, according to him, the communists were guided by the noble goals of equality and justice, and the Nazis' goal was solely to exterminate the subhuman race[315]. Slavoj Žižek also claimed that while Stalinism was "the tragic dimension of a failed emancipatory project", Nazism was "an extremely successful anti-emancipatory project"[316]. Žižek also noted that that, contrary to the liberating potential of communism as an idea, Nazism was, even at the theoretical stage, a "perverse" enterprise: "it would be simply ridiculous to see the Holocaust as some kind of tragic perversion of the noble Nazi project - this project was straight up the Holocaust" [317]"
The problem with the USSR and the Third Reich is simply that Hitler and Nazism had a greater impact on the world and that is why it is terrifying, the fact that Hitler had fewer victims (fatalities) does not automatically mean that he was a lesser evil, he was a greater one because of the fact that that he influenced so many people and countries…
"Promoting the totalitarian methods and practices of Nazism is prohibited in Poland by law and is subject to criminal liability. This is regulated by:
Constitution of the Republic of Poland (Journal of Laws of 1997, No. 78, item 483):
Art. 13 The existence of political parties and other organizations that refer in their programs to the totalitarian methods and practices of Nazism, fascism and communism, as well as those whose programs or activities assume or allow racial and national hatred, is prohibited, the use of violence in order to gain power or influence state policy or provides for the secrecy of structures or membership. Act of June 6, 1997, Penal Code (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1138, as amended):
Art. 256. § 1. Whoever publicly propagates Nazi, communist, a fascist or other totalitarian state system or inciting hatred based on national, ethnic, racial or religious differences or due to lack of religious denomination, shall be subject to the penalty of imprisonment for up to 3 years. § 1a. The same punishment applies to anyone who publicly propagates Nazi or communist ideology, fascist or an ideology that calls for the use of violence to influence political or social life. § 2. The penalty specified in § 1 shall be subject to, who, for the purpose of dissemination, produces, records or imports, purchases, sells, offers, stores, possesses, presents, transports or sends a print, recording or other item, containing the content specified in § 1 or 1a or being a carrier of Nazi, communist, fascist or other totalitarian symbols, used in a way to promote the content specified in § 1 or 1a.
Art. 257. Whoever publicly insults a group of people or an individual person because of their national, ethnic or racial affiliation , religious or because of his lack of religious denomination or for such reasons violates the bodily inviolability of another person, shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for up to 3 years. Until July 2011, Article 256 of the Penal Code ended with the phrase "or being a carrier of fascist, communist or other totalitarian symbols." This provision was deleted by the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of July 19, 2011. The Tribunal found that the provision did not meet the criteria of specificity and, consequently, "the ruling on the unconstitutionality of Art. 256 § 2 in fine Penal Code means that Art. will have limited application. 256 § 4 of the Penal Code On its basis, the court will be able to order the forfeiture of items containing the content specified in Art. 256 § 1 of the Penal Code However, this will not be possible in relation to objects that are carriers of fascist, communist or other totalitarian symbols” [320] [321]"
If they fucking followed this constitution, there would be no fucking nationalists and parties like PiS and the fucking Confederation
But yes, read this Zionists, that's what fucking Nazism was, it was pro-genocide, not fucking anti-genocide
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carbone14 · 2 months ago
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Boutique juive Hermanns & Froitzheim détruite pendant la nuit de cristal (nuit du 9 au 10 novembre 1938) – rue Breiter Weg – Magdebourg – Novembre 1938
©Bundesarchiv - Bild 146-1970-083-42
La nuit de Cristal est le pogrom contre les Juifs qui se déroula dans la nuit du 9 au 10 novembre 1938. Ce pogrom a été présenté par les responsables nazis comme une réaction spontanée de la population à la mort le 9 novembre 1938 d’Ernst vom Rath, un secrétaire de l'ambassade allemande à Paris, grièvement blessé deux jours plus tôt par Herschel Grynszpan, un jeune Juif polonais d'origine allemande. En réalité, le pogrom fut ordonné par Adolf Hitler, organisé par Joseph Goebbels et commis par des membres de la Sturmabteilung (SA), de la Schutzstaffel (SS) et de la Jeunesse hitlérienne, soutenus par le Sicherheitsdienst (SD), la Gestapo et d'autres forces de police.
Deux cent soixante sept synagogues et lieux de culte furent détruits, 7 500 commerces et entreprises gérés par des Juifs saccagés ; une centaine de Juifs furent assassinés, des centaines d'autres se suicidèrent ou moururent des suites de leurs blessures. Au total, selon les estimations les plus modérées, le pogrom causa la mort de 2 000 à 2 500 personnes.
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marxism-absurdism · 1 year ago
🇩🇪Deutsches Militär🇩🇪: A German military lookbook
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The uniforms of the German army have undergone significant changes from the Franco-Prussian War in 1870-1871 to the present day:
Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871): During this conflict, German soldiers wore distinctive Prussian-style uniforms, characterized by the iconic Pickelhaube (spiked helmet) made of leather or metal, and blue coats for infantry.
Imperial Germany (1871-1918): In the era of the German Empire, uniforms evolved to include the iconic "feldgrau" (field gray) color for tunics and trousers. The Pickelhaube was gradually replaced by the Stahlhelm (steel helmet) in the later stages of World War I.
Nazi Germany (1933-1945): Nazi Germany continued with the field gray uniforms and introduced various changes, including the black SS uniform and the distinctive brown uniforms for the SA (Sturmabteilung).
Contemporary German Uniforms: Present-day German military uniforms are functional, practical, and designed for various combat scenarios. They include the Flecktarn camouflage for woodland environments and Tropentarn for desert regions. The standard combat uniform also includes body armor and a Kevlar helmet.
CC used: @javitrulovesims @chere-indolente @viktorviolettaenterprises
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