remyfire · 7 days
Sometimes I wonder. Do you think that Hawkeye was aware of Trap's coping mechanisms before this conversation? The fact that Trapper is so inclined to curl up in his cot when they have downtime, facing away from Hawk, sometimes not even sleeping, just totally checked out for hours and hours on end? Those dissociating depression naps?
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And do you think that more often than not, when he sees Trap in that listless state, Hawk will go out of his way to tell him the most terrible, ridiculous jokes in the world because every time, no matter how much Trapper tries to fight it, in the end he's smiling and present? And Hawk will admit that maybe it's downright selfish of him to do it—that he doesn't want to be left alone in his thoughts either—but the fact remains that he loves Trapper too much to let him stew like that. Come hell or high water, he's gonna brighten his day.
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hmmmm-yeah-no · 22 days
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Been watching TOS for the first time.
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onewingedsparrow · 7 months
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@lolathepeacocklord He has! ✨ You are correct.
Tags from (this post)
The level of trust between Team Prime is so good...not only is Arcee totally cool with Bulkhead doing this at all, but also, here, she's the one who suggests this strategy; and Bulkhead responds so quickly—with nary a word—that you know this isn't the first time they've tried this.
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indigo-night-wisp · 9 months
i love how every time juno describes seeing peter, whenever peter shows up after some time apart, juno's inner monologue goes all dreamy like "oh, his eyes" and then out loud he’s like "oh, you're here, ewwwww" like he’s 12
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thaern · 2 months
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SONG: Poliça - Amongster
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ariadne-mouse · 2 months
Moc Weepe: well well well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions
Moc Weepe: could we maybe reschedule
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klainegifs · 7 months
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idoijustdontcare · 2 years
*Spencer and Rossi arguing*
Spencer: What’s disrespectful is you still treating me like I’m twelve!
Rossi: So what are you now? Fourteen?
Spencer: I’m twenty-eight!
Rossi: Well, you look fourteen.
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winxwiki · 10 months
Wow, that scene was kinda gay! I wonder if-
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Yeah, Simone Borselli storyboarded it the gay allegations were correct
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gravity-falls-daily · 3 months
Date: 28th June, 2024
Episode S1E18: Land Before Swine
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Grunkle Stan, I know you're not crazy about Waddles. ("He's a fat, naked, jerk.") But you do care about me. Promise me you won't let him outside.
Asks and submissions are now open for S1E18! Please send us any thoughts, memories, insights and memes you have about this episode, or tag us in posts and fanworks, and we'll be sure to reblog.
Gravity Falls is available to watch on Disney+ here. Not sure where else to look? Check out our spreadsheet for more information!
Have fun!
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remyfire · 4 months
Me when my terrible boyfriend who I love so so much is absolutely the worst
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hello-eeveev · 3 months
phineas what the hell
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I love how in "Mindwalk" after Noum and the others realise that coffee does not work as medical treatment, they call in an emergency state, knock her out and strapp her to a bloody table.
The whole crew just went.
"Okay, let's give her coffee, that should help- It didn't work. The coffee didn't work! Fuck it, let's knock her out and strap her to a table. There's no helping her now."
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Miami Vice S1E18: The Maze
Tubbs is sent undercover to save hostages in an abandoned hotel.
This is absolutely one of those Vice episodes where you are given two versions of the truth and are asked to be discerning enough to realize which one is real. Vice likes doing this a lot with music-- you see something happening on screen that's contradicted by lyrics or musical tone, and you have to figure out if what you're seeing is the lie or whether it's what you're hearing. In The Maze, we are presented with a spoken truth (some people aren't "good enough" to be cops, the world is hard and dangerous, a kid with a gun can't be thought of as a kid ever again) and a witnessed truth (a "bad cop" is suffers no consequences because he's a cop, people you think of as disposable or even frightening are worth protecting, a kid with a gun may be dangerous but that doesn't make him not a child) to striking, devastating effect. There's a distinct sense in this episode that our protagonists are playing proscribed black and white roles in a drama they're not quite ready to see shades of gray in yet-- later in the series their disenchantment with the justice system will come, but in this point in the series, they don't quite see what we, the audience see.
I started this one thinking "it's always weird seeing other cops outside of the main squad," and then one of them immediately died
Womp womp
The two "new" cops, Tim and Dickie, are talking about how they finally made some "real arrests," and how they usually can't get charges to stick because something-something-the-law, and that it's because of guys like them that the area they're in is starting to get "cleaned up"
Immediately Sonny and Rico correct them, very gently explaining the concept of community organizing, and pointing out that whatever "clean up" they've seen happen recently has nothing to do with the cops and everything to do with the people who live here deciding to stand up for themselves and invest in their neighborhoods
This is the thesis of the episode
From here on in it becomes a split between Tim's tough-on-crime view (what's said) and Sonny and Rico's maybe-heavier-policing-isn't-the-answer view (what's shown)
The dancing guy, Pepe, is played by a choreographer known by the real-world name of Shabba-Doo
Sonny pours water on him because Sonny is an asshole
There is a scene in which Switek offers Zito lunch while Zito tries to pick up a woman through the window of the bug van; both of them tell the other they're "pitching" and I. I have questions
Tim, the asshole cop whose partner got shot, suggests that the best way to catch the criminals that killed Dickie is to just go into a building full of squatters guns blazing, random innocents be damned
Sonny glares at him like he is a leopard and Tim is a plate of ground beef
They decide to, instead, send Tubbs undercover in to see if he can clear the squatters out and get them to safety before they go after the Escobars. In order to do this they dress Tubbs up as the world's most beautiful filthy transient. He looks like he should play Jesus in a modern version of Jesus Christ Superstar
It should be mentioned that the ~*scary dangerous building*~ the homeless people and the Escobars are in is a dilapidated hotel owned by a rich white guy who's on the phone about golf when we meet him, and it turns out the only thing really scary about it is that the people inside are living in terrible conditions because they are poor. In case, y'know, other parts of the episode weren't already clear enough on the whole "maybe the system is broken, actually" angle.
After Tubbs is in the hotel for approximately three and a half minutes, Tim charges across the street with his gun because it's "ridiculous" that this is "taking so long"
He completely ruins the operation and causes an immediate gunfight between the police and the Escobars to break out; Tubbs and the rest of the squatters are taken hostage as a result. Tim is not punished for this-- Castillo says that if he "didn't need every man," Tim would be sent home, but that's it.
Let's be very clear, this is a perfect example of why the whole "one bad apple ruins the whole bunch" thing is 100% true about the police
You get one Tim the Asshole on your squad and people fucking die
Actor Joe Morton, who I best know as Henry Deacon from Eureka, but who others may know better as the SkyNet Scientist from Terminator 2, plays hostage negotiator Jack Davis. He has a big ol' stick up his ass, but he's kind of hot anyway?
Sonny smokes like twelve cigarettes in the course of about 3 minutes, and then goes outside because he can't stand to look at Tim any longer. Castillo makes an attempt to comfort him in his extremely Castillo way (he's the one who says the Escobars, who are a bunch of teenagers, "stopped stopped being kids when they started using guns"), which does not seem to calm Sonny down much. He tells him the best thing he can do for Tubbs is "be cool," and then there's a lovely little match on Sonny's face and Rico's face, both looking off to the side, both looking worried.
The graffiti in this episode slays me
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666 is COMIN
Why ME
Rico plays with the child hostages, and a teenage girl dances to the music playing inside her head. I genuinely feel like this is one of the saddest episodes of Vice-- we see the squalid conditions these people are forced to live in, they're humanized and made very real feeling, even if they don't have many lines, and you know that even if they all get out alive, nothing good is going to come of it, because they've been living illegally inside an unused building and the police will have to remove them, leaving them all completely homeless. There are multiple shots throughout the episode of the beach-- its crystal blue water, the sun, the pristine sand, palm trees-- through the broken windows of the collapsing hotel. The squatters are bereft in an ostensible paradise, completely disconnected from the glamorous world outside their crumbling walls.
Sonny suggests that they pinpoint the exact location of the hostages; Tim asks why they should bother when it was the hostages who "got them into this."
Yes Tim
Definitely not you, fuckwad
When Davis negotiates to let the small children hostages go, Jaime, one of the Escobars, argues with one of the older boys that "they're just kids," and that they should do as the police said and let them free. Jaime appears to be about fourteen.
Sonny insists he go in to find the hostages; Davis stands behind him shaking his head no at Castillo. Sonny goes in to find the hostages. He climbs over a fence and through a hole in the wall in his loafers and chinos.
When Sonny figures out where the hostages are located, they send in what appears to be the entire national guard of Florida. The Escobars, it should be noted, are five teenagers.
At the end of the episode, approximately twenty adult men with machine guns point their weapons at one teenage boy. He breaks down in tears and falls to the ground, because no matter what Castillo said, he is ultimately a frightened child.
The episode ends on a freeze frame of Sonny and Rico looking at each other, silent, with the darkening blue sky behind them.
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samsholynecrosis · 1 year
I always think about this scene
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ariadne-mouse · 2 months
The reason Saskia doesn't look directly at people is she would just be reading their inner selves for filth all day. It's for YOUR privacy actually
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