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itsriotmotherfuckers · 1 month ago
Sirius who is so fucking confused when Remus doesn’t hit him. Whose memories of romance are all centred around his parents yelling and hitting, but everyone says marriage means they’re in love, so they must be. Who assumes that blood and broken bones and insults are all as much a part of a relationship as kissing and touching and giggling. Who wonders, one day, when he’s a little high and a little drunk, if Remus really loves him like he says he does if he won’t hurt him. Who gets on his knees and begs Remus to hit him, to hurt him, to make him bleed, because that’s all he knows.
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de4thbycre4tion · 5 months ago
Marauders college au where Sirius is a graphic design major and everytime James does/says something stupid he threatens to draw him pregnant
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antareslovestomaraud · 6 months ago
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Sirius being flirty
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regulus-smith · 7 months ago
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"Nice one, James!"
Only Harry Potter fans will get this😔😔😔😔
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faerie-remuslupinsversion · 1 month ago
Dunes and waters-marigoldwritesthings
Words: 36,588 Chapters: 3/3 Ship: Wolfstar
Rating: 10/10
Remus is sensitive to changing tides, a part of the moon always with him, and Black is like the sea. He can smell it on him, the way his magic builds up and crackles about the fingertips.
A werewolf, a convict, and a riddle.
Omg. Omfg. Read this in one sitting. Didn’t eat, didn’t drink, didn’t move.
My little summary:
Sirius is a cursebreaker who is required by law to help Remus (an ancient Egyptian researcher) with a mysterious enchantment locked box to get him out of Egyptian prison.
Yearning, tension, true love, soulmates, a wonderfully well researched magic plotline and a dedicated author.
Everything a fic needs
P.s. @marigold-hills those are real ancient Egyptian words. You can’t use google translate for that. Are you a scientist/historian or did you individually look up each of those words/sentences in scientific papers??? That is insanely thorough and probably very accurate. I did a year or two of research on ancient Egyptian mythology and I found so many references. I can only imagine how someone with more knowledge would view this. The synchronicity of all of the elements of Egyptian mythology with the marauders lore, you’d think hp was only written so you could connect the rising of the Sirius star to the floods of the Nile each year.
Each small domestic scene felt so… real, tangible. Like I was experiencing that feeling of being with someone beloved to you. All of the characters felt well rounded and, yet again, real! Like they had so much more in their backgrounds. The little habits, routines, the way those routines clash. The characters were consistent, their goals were consistent. The feeling of fate, time and love bringing everything together is exquisite. This is an incredibly well written piece.
I told my mother about this fanfiction. And she brought me tea. After lying in bed for two hours reading it nonstop. Yorkshire tea. The best tea. I knew Remus would like it I have a headcanon in my drafts that says he does. All of my dreams have been validated.
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heaven4lostgirls · 2 months ago
black brothers angst after sirius runs away..
sirius struggling to even be in the vicinity of regulus after running away because he associates him with their parents
regulus wondering why his brother won’t just talk to him
sirius having to watch as his brother draws into himself, becoming paler and weaker as the days pass
regulus reverting to his younger years where he refused to speak because he only knew that to speak was to be punished
sirius trying so hard to overcome his triggers, to just reach out to his brother. to make things right.
because deep down, he knows regulus was never at fault for what their parents did to them. but he can’t look into regulus’ eyes without seeing walburga
regulus carrying the shame that he looks like his mother (make it trans!regulus for a little spice too) knowing that his brother can’t stand to look at him because all he sees is her
sirius who knows regulus would rather die than accept the help of anyone, who knows that although he’s traded his abusive home for a loving family, regulus has nobody
sirius struggling with the guilt everytime somebody refers to him and james as brothers. his inner voice screaming at him that his brother still waits for him.
sirius who burns with jealousy and pain when he sees regulus being comforted by evan and barty because that should be sirius
sirius who’s eyes burn when he sees barty and evan being physically affectionate with his brother when not too long ago, sirius was the only person regulus felt safe enough to be physically affectionate with
regulus who winces when barty and evan touch him without warning, who braces for the pain while he knows he’ll never feel the arms of his brother around him again
sirius who sobs into james’ arms about losing his brother to his parents because ‘he was mine first’
sirius who blames himself for not being able to get over his trauma and reach out, who tears himself apart when he opens to daily prophet to an article with his brothers face on it
‘black heir, regulus arcturus presumed dead at age 18’
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star-gurll · 1 year ago
Sirius' initials are actually so perfect because their; S.O.B. and that also stands for son of a bitch and he is the son of a bitch so it works in so many different ways
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beli-eve-ing · 2 months ago
rip sirius black you would’ve loved saying you’re esoteric
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shipspainfulships · 3 months ago
Taylor Swift wrote "Peter" for the Black Brothers.
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kawaiibarty · 4 months ago
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low effort platonic prongsfoot meme
art by kittyfiesta
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sspadfoot · 5 months ago
Sirius vowing to never do figure skating again, but competing in the Olympics and WINNING after disappearing for four years.
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itsriotmotherfuckers · 4 months ago
When Harry is born, Sirius is dead terrified of holding him. He will do literally anything to avoid it. He spills hot coffee on his arm when Lily offers the first time, playing it off as an accident. He lies that he hurt his elbow in a battle when James tries to hand Harry over. He casts a wordless, wandless spell on his arm to cover it in rashes, saying he shouldn’t, just in case it’s contagious, when Remus tries to pass Harry to him. He comes up with excuses every single time. He lies to Lily, to James, to Remus, Peter, Mary, Marlene, Dorcas, Emmeline, Frank, Alice, and everyone else who comes into contact with Harry and him.
Everyone, after two months of this, assumes that Sirius just doesn’t like babies and isn’t willing to say it to them, for some reason. When James finally corners him, handing him Harry because “he’s your godson! You can’t go your entire life avoiding him. How do you expect to bond with him if you won’t even let him hold your finger?” Sirius awkwardly holds the kid, every muscle in his body tense, tears in his eyes, shaking, genuinely petrified. James takes Harry back and finally presses Sirius until he spills.
Sirius adores Harry. He doesn’t love kids, generally, but his nephew, his godson, is the exception. That doesn’t change the fact that he is terrified of the idea of hurting Harry. He’s so scared that his upbringing has permanently fucked something in his brain up and, if he gets into close contact with a kid, that something will be triggered. He’s terrified that he, if presented with an innocent, sweet, adorable child, could become the monsters that raised him.
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de4thbycre4tion · 5 months ago
I feel like after Sirius & Regulus drift apart, but before Sirius runs away, Regulus would still do normal domestic sibling things for Sirius because that's just what brothers do, like Sirius would be like "can somebody pass me the salt" and Regulus would hand it to him or Regulus would do little favours to Sirius when he asks him something.
And Sirius would not give a single flying fuck. If Regulus asks for someone to pass him the salt, he would pretend he didn't hear and continue on eating. He wouldn't move an inch when he was in Regulus' way and would just flatly say 'no' when Regulus would ask him to do something for him as small as just hand something over or help him reach something on a top shelf.
And every single time, Regulus acted annoyed, but every single time, it felt like a knife to the guts, because all of it were just small proofs that Sirius didn't care about him anymore, that he didn't even consider Regulus his brother anymore.
totally not projecting my issues with my own brother onto them lmao
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antareslovestomaraud · 6 months ago
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The Princes of 12, Grimmauld Place
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chacharealsmoothwithme · 1 year ago
sibiling things that happened between sirius and regulus as children
-sirius and reg used to play ninjas. when sirius was 13 and regulus was twelve, he bought a katana, it wasn't sharp but it was still metal. One day they were play-swordfighiting and regulus blocked a hit (from the blunt katana). he started bleeding so much while sirius was just begging him not to tell mum because they'd be in so mich trouble. Regulus never said anything but still has a visible white scar on his palm
-regulus used to take sirius in rooms then turn the light off,run away and lock him inside
-sirius once hid in Regulus' closet for hours after dinner only to jump out ON him hissing and pretending to be a monster
-regulus used to pretend to go crazy and start chasing sirius telling him quite violent and scary things, chasing him with a kitchen knife. it happened more often than you'd think. (there was one time when after they finished running and sirius had locked himself away from reg and made him stop playing because it was scary. when sirius got out and they went on the couch they realised that their parents and some.family friends were in the other room and had heard all the screaming)
-regulus once bit sirius so hard and for so long he accidentally gave him a hickey
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musicwritesstuff · 2 months ago
Fred and George are so james and Sirius coded
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