#Roundup Ready
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batwynn · 2 years ago
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Are you fucking joking, @staff ? Advertising the product best known for causing cancer and other health problems and in the process of being removed from shelves due to being sued by 100,000 people for causing non-Hodgkin lymphoma here on Tumblr?
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honestlydarkprincess · 2 months ago
2024 Fic Roundup!
tagged by the lovely @eddiebabygirldiaz, @exhuastedpigeon, @devirnis to do this fic roundup for 2024!
i posted 40 works this year apparently...like damn, that's way more than i thought! it was a pretty decent writing year, especially in June idk what was in the water but i wrote over 40k which is a lot for me! anyway, enough of me yapping and let's get to the roundup
whatever shall we do (buddie, 911)
send a flare up in the dark (and i'll come find you) (buddie, lutalia, 911)
we made it (knew that we would be alright) (buckley siblings fluff, 911)
a matching pair (we go together) (firefam fluff, background buddie, 911)
slowly getting sober from the taste of your skin (buddie, 911)
chafe the skin (you know i like it rough) (buddie, 911)
if i died last night (it would haunt me forever) (buddie, 911)
smile at me like you smile at him (buddie, 911)
soothe the ache in me (buddie, 911)
oh, bi the way (buckley siblings fluff, 911)
whenever you're ready (buck n bobby fluff, 911)
welcome to the club (buck n hen fluff, 911)
of want and need (buddie, 911)
settle (buck n chimney fluff, 911)
so let the words slip out of your mouth (buck n eddie fluff, 911)
you gotta be kitten me (bucktommy, 911)
and it was purrfect (bucktommy, 911)
until you're feline better (bucktommy, 911)
a gift i've never gotten before (bucktommy, 911)
think pawsitive (bucktommy, 911)
i only want you (bellarke, the 100)
you chase away the pain (morgwen, merlin)
don't let go (buddie, 911)
that should have been plan A (hangster, top gun maverick)
can we pretend like airplanes in the night sky are like shootin' stars (buddie, 911)
i can't imagine a world without you (so please don't leave me) (buddie, 911)
we'll try and we'll succeed (buck n chris fluff, background buddie, 911)
maybe i do (payneland, dead boy detectives)
'cause it's real (payneland, dead boy detectives)
about damn time (payneland, dead boy detectives)
prolonging the inevitable (payneland, dead boy detectives)
you don't stop loving someone just 'cause it's over (bellarke, the 100)
sharp enough to kill a man (jennifer/needy, jennifer's body)
she's mine (jennifer/needy, jennifer's body)
feel me in your dreams (jennifer/needy, jennifer's body)
'cause baby you make it all fade away (buddie, 911)
picking up the pieces (bellarke, linctavia, the 100)
making it up to you with one kiss at a time (bellarke, the 100)
anything you want (bellarke, the 100)
prize (bellarke, the 100)
phew that was a lot okay now for tags: @bigfootsmom, @usersiren, @holdmygum, @darrys-laundry, @lonelychicago
@giddyupbuck, @monsterrae1, @father-salmon, @underwaterninja13, @maygrantgf
@beyourownanchor6, @thiamsxbitch, @fruchtfliege, @mmoosen, @ksbbb
@hemlocksandfoxgloves, @duchessonfire, @ryisbread, @jdeanmorgan
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sysig · 4 months ago
Requestober 2024 Sketches
The playlist is...well, it will be posting very soon! Keep an eye out for your req(s) every Wednesday and/or Friday after the 6th (I think?), pretty sure I got ‘em all >:3c
Doing the full season this time around! The entire mixed bag o’ candy haha
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Day 1 had my beautiful boys!! ♥ I’m so happy that Yanderapy took the lead this year ah! It’s too bad I’m so out of practice with them haha, unconfident lines, but the idea was solidly in place from the word go - this was really the only image that came to mind for them, their weird dynamic hehe <3 Made for each other! I am glad their expressions came together so well in the final version, though I didn’t get to show Micchan kneeling! That’s alright tho ♪ Cute enough here hehe
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Day 2 got a lot of notes! Kabu’s clothing design is So complex lol, just toss him behind Larry who’s like second nature to draw, suits are so so simple in comparison haha ♪ Still only ended up hiding bits of him! He did end up with his shoe on the outside of Larry’s, boxing him in that little bit <3 And look! His smirk!! As well as the “hiragana” on his sleeves while I was still under the impression that it was text and not Flame Texture lol
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And yes, as you can see, I ended up going with the alt doodle, they got more! I was quite tempted by Larry holding Kabu since he’s so tiny lol, but that would’ve required drawing his details! No! Hide him!! The pose is fun and silly and cute tho haha, very plush-coded ♪ And then also a little smech for funsies <3 Just to follow up their staring-at-each-other-in-a-gay-way they ended up with ♥ Rather a fan of Kabu’s hands pulling Larry in :)
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Day 3′s was such a pose change!!! Mostly for Edgar, though he’s still kneeling here, inexplicably haha - the angle changed for the final version, and both of their head angles and just, ah, nothing more than a general outline of what I was going for. I’m pleased with both tho! I think the final is much more clear and readable, but there’s always a bit of fun with Edgar looking down/Scriabin looking up haha. I suppose it’s more appropriate than an angel would be looking down on a devil, isn’t it? Haha
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Day 4 was another easy one at least, the pose immediately came to mind to show off Nny’s clothes on an even ganglier, thinner frame haha. Like I said, I really tried for more fullbodies this year, so I had to give the tiny version a proper swing on-page! Ran out of room for the larger one, but I really wanted to draw him holding his shoe with his hand haha. You can see the goopmonster on his shirt here too! :D I think his annoyed face is quite cute hehe <3
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Day 5 was practically a freebie, and I took absolute full advantage hehehe ♪ If I get the prompt of “soft” of course I’m going to opt for plushies! I’m back in my Webkinz era, and Tala is big big big on Webkinz as well :) And her being a plushie has something of an impact there too lol, but it was really fun to look over all my little guys! I ended up having an extra handful of thoughts about all of them so they’ll be getting their own post(s) :D Good too, since I didn’t talk much about Embroidery’s closet cosplay haha
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Day 6 was actually a bit of a question mark for me at first! :0 Not as though I don’t love when Edgar has to clean up Scriabin’s self-inflicted problems haha, I just wasn’t sure what it should be! Making it seasonal helped a bit there - lots of sticker burrs around here when we go walking haha. The bonus ended up being a digital-only, but it was a good motivator to finish these, and then the full poses came to mind - I’m not sure why I was more excited to work on full body poses, but I really was! Maybe the success of meeting my self-imposed challenge haha
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I ended up scrapping the alt since it reminded me a little too much of one of the ‘22 reqs - trying to keep things fairly fresh! It was also a little too cartoony haha, where would Edgar suddenly pull such strength from! This doesn’t look like a dream! At least it wouldn’t have been a nightmare of Scriabin being hurt :’) Rescue!
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Day 7 was another insta-idea! Really going back and forth on those lol, it sprouted into my head fully formed! This was actually one of a couple I wrote down as I was away from my notebook while brainstorming, so it came back as a mini script; one of more dialogue-heavy ones! Chicken or egg, I wonder, hmm. I always draw Smoker with her sleeves up even though she usually wears them down haha, I dunno. Had a heck of a time with Angie’s hair! I tend to make hair super super fluffy but hers is long and straight and presumably weighs itself down! Doesn’t floof! You’d think having heavy hair myself would incline me towards knowing anything about it but nope lol
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Little bouncy concepts haha, and poor Mousey so jealous in the middle, surrounded with them having the most fun!
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Day 8 was fairly simple with such a focused ask of them eating Specific Food - can do! Chibis just felt right for such a cute food haha. Would Edgar have a crepe pan, I wonder... I suppose a lot of it comes down to the batter, I haven’t made crepes in such a long time so I wouldn’t know anymore haha
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Day 9 featured the slouchy throne! You can see I like the little leggies haha, I did make it a touch more proportional in the final version but who can resist the sillies! Had to draw it and Mettaton separately so I could easily see their silhouettes, I think it all came together in the end fairly well :) Had one heck of a time getting the bottom of his shoes to play nice, but I’m proud of how it turned out!!
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Day 10′s, who can resist skelehugs ♥ No I! Not me!! The original had them a lot more upright, I’m glad I went with my note of leaning them back a bit more. Also had Papyrus’ legs on either side of Sans, protective <3 I do like both, but I think they look a bit more reasonably comfortable in the final version, figuring out contact points with one of Papyrus’ legs all the way to one side was too much haha. No boots on the couch! I think they look a bit younger in the final version too, maybe from their eyebrow expressions? Interesting how such small changes can make a big difference ♪
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Day 11 was originally going to feature a bunch more Pokemon!! Several of my pink-and-purple faves all gathered around MewTwo <3 Flaafy and Musharna and Sableye my beloved 💜 And of course Whismur!! Can’t but Whismur all the time haha, but in the end I opted to go for the simpler(?) option of just the two ‘mons interacting
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Whismur is so spooked by you, even lying down!! Even tho I drew it so I can see it right in front of me, I just can’t imagine MewTwo lying down to investigate haha. More posing changes! Lot of ‘em this year. Pls to quiet, cats have very sensitive hearing, you don’t need to shout
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Day 12 started off with probably the Correct Amount of confusion lol, considering even @cutiebetutie​ didn’t expect this to be the matchup lolol, still deeply hilarious to me. But hey, what was I going to do, question a crackship?? Do I look like the kind of person who would say no to exploring some possibilities? Of course I had to give them a scope lol
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Haha, “Alt” in quotes as I knew this would actually be the full version, the handholding is cute but where’s the dynamic! There is something there after all! I think so anyway, some tiny tiny sliver that they could start from, and what more foot in the door do you really need? If Nny’s on his charm that drew Devi in, I don’t see why someone a little more airheaded like Jake couldn’t be beguiled haha, if he lasts long enough for that ♪ It’s very tense! I wish him well, I wonder if he could protect himself... Just cut and run, Jake!! Makes for an interesting suspense, that’s for sure haha
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Day 13‘s kigurumis!!! Yay!!!! Smol and I successfully wore ours for Halloween this year, we’re them fr fr haha, definitely one of my favourites from this season <3 <3 They’re so cute! Biggest change from here to there is probably where the legs start/end haha, kigurumi have funny little legs hehe. And also Papyrus’ gloves! Sans ended up without any, I can’t resist a hand plate here or there ♪ Also him closing his one good eye to pun about was an accident until it wasn’t haha, just another excuse to do a touch of rereading :3
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Day 14‘s turned out so good for how cramped the sketch was!!! Gaster’s hardly there at all! Which is appropriate in its own way haha, filling in the rest of his details was pretty fun tho :) Papyrus looks a lot more desperate in this version which I do like, but him openly enjoying himself is very sweet, who could deny him that <3 Quite pleased with how his arm and hand posing came together in the end as well, fairly minor changes but I think it all flows together much nicer :D
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Day 15′s word bubbles turned out way cleaner in the sketch than the final version?? Calls for more practice I suppose; it is asymmetrical, but it does look nice! Maybe needed more colour swatches haha, more and more rows! Edgar’s unimpressed look in the final version is quite good I think but there’s almost a kind of urgency with no eyes behind blank glasses hmm, they both have their merits! I applaud everyone who caught Scriabin holding the bi flag as his swatches! :D Good eye!
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Day 16 began The Sleepies lol, I was a bit tired while doodling the first go and it uhm. Well. I mean. You can see lol. S’a bit goofy haha
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The alt was much much better! I did end up leaving out the grass which I’m a Little disappointed about - feels too manicured, too sterile in the final version! But I really couldn’t figure a way of adding a bit of visual noise that wouldn’t look flat as well! Minecraft, eh, lol. I am quite pleased with how round Moomin turned out tho :D He looks like a marshmallow in the final version! Yay!
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I actually doodled Day 17′s concept before 16 since it came to me so strongly - I do kind of like how much more upright Mob is here, him being as hunched over as he is in the final version adds to the moodiness of the piece I feel. He really is such a good boy! I don’t wish him dark and upsettings!
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Day 18‘s didn’t get a paper sketch as I was verrryyyyy tired and had no energy to scan, so skipped the step that would make scanning necessary haha. For all that, I do rather like the digital sketch tho! I think Snufkin’s left leg is a bit better proportioned, and his expression is maybe a bit cheekier? Moomin’s perfect, no notes haha. I also ended up really liking their tail expressions, how Snuf’s is kind of straight and flat while Moomin’s is very roundy hehe <3
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I know I said Day 20 doesn’t count but I mean, it’s on the same page! It got the “Day 20″ label! Sketch can go here why not haha. Happy belated Ace Week! I thought it was fun to put a bunch of pink lovehearts around the big central ace heart for me specifically hehe 💜💗
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I mentioned in the tags that Day 26‘s original concept was too big to try to do all at once and ahhhh I wish I’d been able to swing it!! I wish I’d been able to do the whole thing!!!! I love scenes like this the most!! Little isometric rooms with little isometric characters all chatting and interacting and being cute and silly and tiny!! I love that! Alas, it had to stay a sketch, but here it is!! Can you recognize everyone here? The main three got the center, but who could the rest be :3c And what of their costumes! Hehe ♪
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Still fighting back the sleepies for what ended up being the final version so the dialogue was left much more vague than the caption haha, the aliens don’t even have feet here! I suppose they are meant to be in fish costumes lol, it tracks that only the fully-human Captain’s legs would end there, but definitely not intentionally done so lol. I like ZEX’s expression here so muuuuch ahh I wish I’d been able to capture it a bit better in the digital version! Always something for next time haha
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I actually ended up drawing Day 30′s sketch very very last, so this was the last doodle of the season! Me, projecting my tiredness onto the Vargases? Nooo <3 Another one that ended up very very different from the final version, I just needed Something down to paper and out of my head to work with really - I knew even while drawing this that I was going to end up with something very different haha. Sometimes hand just does whatever it wants pft. The dialogue was the star of the show here! And you can see what Scriabin was up to, obscured by the couch haha
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Day 31, penultimate sketches for the final day! I really do love Scriabin hiding behind Edgar - wants to be included but not That close, very much with Edgar in the way of anything bad happening to him haha. More pose changes! I like both versions, Todd holding Shmee for comfort or him spilling out of his lap as he focuses all his attention on Joel <3 Both cute in different ways!
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Cats are still not one of my strong-suits, but I have been drawing them a bit more recently! Admittedly of the cartoon variety, but even that has had some effect I think! Like their little triangle noses, and the way their ears scoop inwards, and whiskers - little things! I like it! I had fun with these little concept poses, Joel kind of curiously huddling on Edgar’s chest, looking at the world from a safe vantage spot haha. Hold him gently! He deserves it!
All the sketches from this year! I ended up having a lot of fun this season even if it was a little lighter than previous years haha, thank you again to everyone who joined!! ♥
#Doodles#Requestober#Oh hey there wasn't any blood this year was there! How unusual haha#Here we go tag roundup - Yanderapy hehe <3 - Pokemon (both 'mons and canon characters!) - Vargas of course - Handplates ♥ - Webkinz :D -#RespectAWoman! Yeah!! Their first digitals whoo! - Undertale non-AU haha - Moomins and Minecraft - MP100 - Damned! So happy to have one ♥#I really wasn't sure if I was gonna get one! I spent so much time thinking about Damned this year ahhh <3 <3 Niche of a niche but delight ♪#A very fun spread this year - as is every year haha but it's always fun to see which ones are new and which ones return!#Much higher proportion of Handplates this year :D Not surprised there considering how the year started haha ♪#Always happy to draw those lads <3 They're a delight#And as usual my focus tends to drift towards whatever the req is so I've found myself doing some rereading all over! Which is quite fun :D#Still holding off on Vargas for the time being but everything else got some attention which was very enjoyable ahh#Being caught up has its perks - like reading new things hehe ♪#It does feel funny to have Vargas stuff in a sketchdump when I've still got the VLH-specific sketchdump in the backlog.... Remind me lol#Still lol for as much fun of a season as it was I am ready for it to come to a close haha#And luckily this didn't break even once so I'm getting my ask without a fuss!! Yes!!!#Tired!! Ready to take a short break!!! And it really will be short since I want to start up again at the beginning of next week lol#But I get my break!!! I definitely feel like I've earned it haha#And then it'll be back to doodling and editing and writing ahhhh - plenty of other things I'm looking forward to!!!#Thanks again for such a fun season <3 Couldn't do it without you hehe
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remarkist · 4 months ago
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manyblinkinglights · 2 months ago
gacha relationship to the wheat.
No heirloom varieties nodding gently here. Purest monocropping of the stubbiest GMO wheats. Great big combine harvester. Yieldsmaxxing. Pay to win. The wheat whale.
I know vampirism is often used as a metaphor for the drain of the aristocracy but I think it would be fun to have more vampire characters who were just some guy before they got turned. You seek out the most ancient vampire in existence and find out he was a 40 year old wheat farmer in ancient Mesopotamia when he was turned 7,000 years ago and he hasn’t been doing much since then.
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prokopetz · 3 months ago
Final Roundup for Tumblr 200 Word RPGs 2024
I'm going to start putting together the offsite archives for the 2024 event this weekend, and there are a couple of small pieces of business to take care of first.
Firstly, my notes indicate that I don't have archival permission for the following 22 entries:
ALL THE KING'S MEN by @dialectical-songbird
Anxiety Simulator 2k24 by @binghsien
BASH THE FAScisT by @mylittlegeekery
DISCRETIONARY ARMOR by @effortlessly-emily
Dungeon Delver by @bigmacsbiganchor
Easy Submission by @boredtosizzle
Fusion Core by @bagf1sh
HERMES by @fagenthusiast
The Human Observatory News by @arsene-inc
Level 1 by @sirilyan
The Littlest RPG by @copperspont-games
No Man's Land by @just-another-madman
Ready-Set-Mutate! by @mikethinkstwice
RULE OF COOL by @itsabear
Scales and Rails by @doublestormryu
Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness by @immaculateyaoibaby
Sommelier Smack Down by @henchmaxxing
This is inspired by Homeworld, and I wrote it a while ago, and here it is by @millenomi
Word Count Starts After The Title by @moon-of-curses
You Find Yourself In A Room. by @cartoonofmilk
If you're the author of one of these entries and you did grant permission, but I didn't notice, feel free to make fun of me. Otherwise, consider this your last chance to give the okay!
Second, it's come to my attention that at least one entry managed to squeak in under the midnight UTC deadline on November 30th, but wasn't included in the index of entries because it didn't show up in my Tumblr notifications until December 1st:
Roll The Bones, a game about silly wizards in situations by @highqualityduck
If your last-minute entry is in a similar predicament (you can hit the "index of entries" link up there to check), please let me know – but please also check your post's timestamp first, as I can see there are several folks who flubbed their time zone math and posted their entries hours late; if that's you, maybe hang onto it for next year.
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allwaswell16 · 4 months ago
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I'm so sorry, but for the first time in 5 years, I just don't have it in me to do an episode of Fanfictional this month. If possible, I'll be back with a new episode next month. But I do want to acknowledge the wonderful One Direction fics I read this month as well as some I revisited for comfort. Thank you so much to these amazing fic writers who have entertained me or given me some respite. For more new fics, check out this month's fic roundup here
- Louis / Harry -
🧡 Stand on Holy Ground (series) by @wishingforloushair
(E, 17k, religion kink) Louis comes back to confess again, and Harry has an idea of how Louis can show God his devotion. 
🧡 My Spiteful Ballerina by sweetkalachuchi / @neverforpickles
(M, 7k, omegaverse) Four times Harry wanted an explanation of Louis' hatred toward him, and one time Louis gives in, in Louis' fashion.
🧡 Die Without the Taste of You by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28
(E, 6k, part 2 of Vampire Harry/Human Louis One Shots) the one where human Louis might push his vampire boyfriend a little too far, but it works out in the end
🧡 Ain't a Drop of Bad Blood by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28
(E, 4k, part 3 of Vampire Harry/Human Louis One Shots) the one where human Louis is being haunted by a spirit, and he's reluctant to ask his vampire boyfriend for help
🧡 Alone and Back Again by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 4k, omegaverse) what does one do when a feral alpha shows up in town ready to be executed?
🧡 The Shadow by babyhoneyhslt / @babyhoneyheslt
(G, 666 words, dark Louis) Harry should've listened. He should've stayed inside.
- Rare Pairs -
🧡 That's Happiness To Me by @louislittletomlintum
(E, 24k, Zayn/Louis/Liam) Louis’ mind was whirring. He’d wanted to try and get with Liam tonight, but now a new, better idea was forming. Getting Liam with Zayn, if possible, would be something of a dream come true.
🧡 It’s a Craving Not a Crush by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28
(E, 9k, Liam/Louis) the one where Liam and Louis are best bros who end up getting married so that Liam has the insurance he needs to go to rehab. Now that he’s sober, they can get divorced. But do they want to?
🧡 I'm the Big Fish by @lululawrence
(NR, 5k, Louis/Pedro Pascal) After an awkward moment at a party he wasn't actually invited to, Louis keeps running into the incredibly attractive Pedro Pascal. Somehow, it's Pedro who manages to keep making a fool of himself
🧡 Spirits by itsraininginengland / @ilovellama14
(E, 4k, Louis/Oscar Isaac) Edwardian music hall performer Louis Tomlinson meets the newest act in the show, the American magician Oscar Isaac. Romance, smut and a seance ensue.
🧡 Ci Ci Leu by @persephoneflouwers
(M, 3k, Louis & His Band) Written for the prompt «bread van fic reimagined with all the guys in Louis’ band».
🧡 Glitz, Glammer, Top Hats, Cigars and Suits by @rockstarlwt28
(NR, 3k, Louis/Dominic Harrison (Yungblud) When Isla found a love for the melody formed by a strumming of strings, Louis didn't expect to fall equally in love with his daughter’s guitar teacher, Dominic Harrison.
🧡 I regret you all the time by @disgruntledkittenface
(E, 2k, Louis/Prince William) Louis’ friends don’t understand, and they wouldn’t even if he explained. But every time William texts, Louis drops everything to go see him.
- For Comfort -
🧡 You're Not My Type (still I fall) by Imogenlee / @imogenleewriter
(M, 38k, omegaverse) This is just a bit of rain; it'll blow over. Then Harry will just... well, alright, he isn't entirely sure what to do when the rain stops because he'll still be stuck and lost. 
🧡  The Journal by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou, RecycledStardust / @wait4ever
(G, 14k, soulmates au) When Harry finds himself purchasing an antique journal in the ancient bookshop of a town he’s never heard of, he doesn’t exactly want to admit that he has no idea how he got there.
🧡 Just Your Jinx by @larryatendoftheday
(T, 10k, witch au) Harry Styles may or may not have accidentally jinxed his extremely fit new neighbor, and it's not so easy to make things right.
🧡 Court Wine by @enchantedlandcoffee , red_panda28 / @red-pandaaa
(T, 7k, omegaverse) after a misunderstanding during a scrabble game, Alpha Louis starts courting Omega Harry without the latter being aware of it.
🧡 Have Me And Hold Me by @letsjustsee
(NR, 5k, established relationship)  a wedding day AU in which Louis will let nothing stand in the way of a perfect day - especially a little rain.
🧡 Good-Old Fashioned Lover Boy by not_fitzwilliam / @not-fitzwilliam-darcy
(NR, 5k, omegaverse) When a miscalculated decision leads to an accidental courtship with the sweetest, most gentle alpha, Harry is torn between breaking the alpha's heart and telling the truth. 
🧡 Pretty and Preposterous by @brightlyharry
(NR, 5k, neighbors) Harry donates a copy of Pride and Prejudice to his little free library. He never expects what comes next.
🧡 Stealing Flowers by @lululawrence
(NR, 4k, meet cute) the one where Louis pines after the Sexy Stranger on the Subway and almost asks him out. That's when the strange posters start showing up around Brooklyn.
🧡 Choo-Choose Me by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(G, 3k, Liam/Louis) Liam is a commuter with a crush. Louis is the chirpy ticket inspector who occasionally mans the drinks trolley and sometimes makes announcements, his broad Yorkshire accent fighting the outdated train speakers.
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nervousnotion · 3 months ago
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twentytwentyfour roundup _i'm ready _chungha
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freakrenaissance · 2 years ago
I'm so behind! Thanks so much for tagging me in this yummy roundup!
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Fic recs
@prolix-yuy Decoherence
I'm The One To Beat
Let's Twist The Knife Again
@writefightandflightclub Santi +/x AuDHD!reader headcanons
@ladamedusoif My Kiss, Only For You
@ramblers-lets-get-ramblin La Camisa Negra
@absurdthirst Pink Powder & Diamonds {Ezra x F!Reader|
My writing
Vampiros en Colombia
And It Just Keeps Getting Better
Feeding Time
First Times
Tags: @kirsteng42 @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid2 @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass @mandoloriancookie @faceache111 @elegantduckturtle @manazo @simpingcowboy @pedrit0-pascalit0 @yourcoolauntie @pedrostories @geekrenaissance @its-nebuleuse @sherala007
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sterek-exchange · 1 year ago
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Fall 2023 @sterek-exchange Roundup
kids say (and do) the darndest things by @evanesdust for @sterekbros
Empty Bottles, Full Hearts by @escharis for @just-another-busy-fangirl-writes
a glimpse of you and me by @sterekbros for @evanesdust
Slow and Steady wins the race by @theydraggedmein for @goddess47
Ready to Learn Something New by @goddess47 for @evadne01
i saw the one thing that i want by @peujeune for @theydraggedmein
The Lights by @just-another-busy-fangirl-writes for @ShainSaw22
Bean Howlin' For You by @mindofmim for @jld71
Then and Now by @jld71 for @peujeune
Myths about you by @evadne01 for @escharis
By The Fire by @autbot for @mindofmim 
Shivers by @ShainSaw22 for @autbot
Thank you to everyone who participated in this round! There are 11 wonderful fics and 1 artwork for everyone to enjoy! Our next exchange (for Valentine's Day) is open for signups. See you all in February with more fics!
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spacebeyonce · 6 months ago
morning all, and happy sunday! GFM Roundup 3 is all typed up and ready to go!
@/shadowyavenuetaco: LOW, £5,319/£50,000 (as of 09/11/24)
whadi (post about his situation here): VERY low, £1,530/£100,000
@/ahedalshaer: €4,810/€80,000
@/m7md-3adel: VERY low, €415/€15,000
@/amira-world: ALMOST AT GOAL, €22,993/€29,000
@/olagaza: $52,285/$85,000 (as of 09/27/2024)
@/tahseenkhazen: $9,946/$25,000
@/yousefjehad3: $3,707/$15,000
@/abed-rashad13: LOW, $4,691/$50,000
@/hamdishiltawi: VERY low, €800/€20,000
@/m-elshaer038: £13,144/£50,000
@/help-mona: VERY low, €4,864/€185,300
@/samaayyad15: €22,467/€45,000 (as of 09/27/24)
@/children-gaza: €6,874/€15,000
@/musababed: £4,671/£8,000
@/mohamedabushaban: LOW, €1,333/€20,000
@/dodoomar12345: kr142,906 SEK/kr300,000
@/falestine-yousef: $14,156/$40,000
@/amnyaburas: VERY low, $140 CAD/$68,000
@/ahmedalnabeeh11: ALMOST AT GOAL, €23,800/€30,000
@/mohamed-mikki: LOW, $1,796/$20,000
@/m7meds: VERY low, $865/$50,000
@/save-mohamed-family: $22,036/$50,000 (as of 09/27/24)
as always, give what you can, and rb this post if you can't! thank you 🍉💕
Roundup Post 1 || Roundup Post 2 || Roundup Post 4 || Roundup Post 5
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fonulyn · 2 months ago
fon's 2024 in fic
so it's again time for my annual fic roundup, to see what I managed to accomplish this time. I looked back at the old ones and negl it's sad to see I finished last year feeling like I do now, but maybe one year sometime in the future I'll go into a new year full of optimism and less lonely. maybe :'D lmao, also, the re2 childhood friends au made it to the second end-of-the-year list in a row. let's see if i'll actually finish it in 2025 or if it'll end up on even more of these.
I am genuinely really happy with most things I posted, looking back at them was nice in that sense. here's to hoping that I can cross some other longtime ideas off my list this upcoming year. I do have a lot of things on my to-write-list, but i'll take it one day at a time.
feeling too lazy to count the overall wordcount for this year like I did before but eyeballing the wordcounts it's probably smth like 240k-ish :'D and I didn't include the tumblr prompt fills in this list, you can find them in their own masterlist here. aside from those, I posted:
24 Piers/Leon fics
4 Krauser/Leon fics
2 ot3 fics
and one of each featuring Jake/Piers, Claire/Jill, Chris/Leon, and Mendez/Leon
links and summaries to those under the cut :3
haunting in my head (tempting me, inviting me to fall asleep in its arms) | M | 14k | When Leon hits his head hard enough that he forgets the past two years of his life, it’s a struggle to adjust, especially with the constant headaches and the concussion leaving him disoriented. No wonder it takes him a while to notice that some things just don’t add up.
viva las vegas | E | 9.8k | Piers and Leon decide to do one of those “fake marriages” in Vegas.
no lies tonight | M | 19k | Leon can’t lie. Turns out it’s both the worst and the best thing that has happened to him recently. (Or: the truth serum fic.)
wipe away this pain | M | 4k | This was going to suck, Leon thought as Finn finally cut into his flesh. The numbing spray helped some, but it wasn’t meant for actual surgery. Leon held onto Piers so tight his muscles ached from it, but he didn’t even notice, drowning in the sea of delirious pain.
show me that you want me | E | 3.8k | It’s Piers’ turn to wear the skirt.
bleed | M | 4.5k | Leon, Piers, and Jill struggle through the Death Island. Flirting happens.
mouth the words you're not ready to speak | T | 6.4k | Leon struggles through a mission while sick. When he can't keep it up anymore, Piers steps in to help. Promises are made.
the rhythm of my heart (the rhythm of yours) | E | 27k | Piers joins a band. He hasn't really heard of the R.P.D. before, but it doesn't take long before he's thoroughly charmed by his new bandmates. Especially the gorgeous guitarist. (aka the band au, with past metaltango)
when you look at me | E | 2k | Piers is away, so they have some fun through the webcam.
oh, your aim is steady (your eyes are hungry and your hands are ready) | E | 5.7k | The BSAA Alpha team has a friendly darts tournament. Leon jokingly volunteers as the prize, but when Piers wins he decides he wasn’t joking at all.
patience, officer Kennedy | E | 4k | Leon wears a cop uniform for a costume party, Piers picks him up, and they don’t quite make it back home before they lose their patience.
this feeling in the air | E | 34k | Claire drags Leon to the beach. Leon spots an attractive lifeguard. Too bad his people skills are rustier than he’s realized. (aka the lifeguard au)
heart set on you | E | 7k | Piers sees the man of his dreams. So obviously his solution is to pass him a note. That’s what people do, right?
bury all your secrets in my skin | E | 2k | As if to apologize, Piers licked over the spot, pressing his smile into Leon’s neck. “How long do you think we can cuddle before I get a boner?” That immediately startled a laugh from Leon.
all the tears you try to hide | T | 4.8k | Leon struggles to save people from a building fire. He fails. But when he has a breakdown, Piers is there for him.
two hearts have never been so close | E | 3.7k | That drew a sleepy chuckle from Piers and he pulled back from the kiss, settling their foreheads together. “That eager to get into my pants?” he asked, his eyes still closed, as he tilted his head to brush a whisper of a kiss onto Leon’s lips.
thaw the ice within | M | 6.6k | Leon takes an unwanted dive into an icy lake, but Piers takes care of him in more ways than one. Especially after they clear up the initial misunderstanding.
light in the darkest place | M | 18k | Leon and Piers grew up together, and when at twenty-one they both got a job at the RPD they thought it was a giant stroke of luck. They had no idea their first day was going to be one hell of a long day. (Or, re2 au.)
this heart is true tonight | E | 2.9k | “I’m sorry,” Piers apologized, meeting Leon’s eyes with his own. He was hunched in on himself, so unlike his usual confidence, it broke Leon’s heart. Especially when Piers ducked his head down, giving Leon a small shrug. “I didn’t know where else to go.”
in time | T | 2.7k | Somehow Leon is thrown thirty years into the future. What he sees is something he hadn’t even dared to dream of.
frozen in time | M | 4.5k | Piers has to watch Leon die, over and over and over. (Or, the time loop fic.)
finish what you started | E | 3.3k | Leon has a late night conference call to take, and Piers sets out to distract him through it.
the one i came looking for | T | 2.5k | Leon goes missing after the bomb hits Tatchi. Piers goes to find him.
and I believed | T | 9k | Leon shows up on Piers’ doorstep, drunk and clearly hurt. He finds the kind of comfort he hadn't even dared to hope for.
in love with my lust | E | 3.6k | The one wherein Leon gets thoroughly wrecked after Krauser sees him in some lingerie.
these wounds are open wide | M | 4k | Ever since Krauser walked away, he has wanted to reunite with Leon. But not like this.
but I justify my desire to no one | E | 3.2k | Leon looked beautiful when he slept. Krauser was going to enjoy ruining him.
twisted inside, sharpened by the lies | M | 3.7k | Krauser wants to play a game. (Or, the russian roulette fic.)
scratch that itch | E | 2.2k | Jake and Piers are stuck together in a hotel room. Of course they’ll end up snapping.
reach out in the dark | T | 2k | A building collapses on Chris and Piers. Leon does his best to help.
just can't say no | E | 4.3k | The words died on Piers’ lips as he took in the sight. It was Chris fucking Redfield. Naked and hard, sitting on their bed like he belonged there, leaning back against the headboard. (Or, Piers gets a birthday threesome.)
it's not too late | T | 2.3k | Four moments from their lives, and how they grew closer.
you know just what to do (I love you) | E | 2.3k | Jill can’t sleep and Claire helps.
the chosen | E | 3.4k | The one wherein Leon really did not expect Mendez to try to use him as an incubator. Even moreso, he did not expect to get off on it quite this spectacularly.
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themodsbabe · 1 year ago
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It’s time to deck the halls with Sims 4 Christmas cc! 🎄
From cc Christmas trees to the cutest ugly sweater CC you’ve ever seen—I’ve got something for everyone in today’s roundup. Getting ready for the holiday season is so fun, and even more fun in the sims (where we can motherlode our way to the nicest decor, lol!).
I hope you guys enjoy this one, and definitely don’t miss the world’s CUTEST toddler holiday dress cc at the very end! 😍
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sysig · 1 year ago
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Hermitcraft - Rescuing Rusty
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: Adventure Time
2:30 PM: AT
2:30 PM: AT
2:30 PM: AT - Petrigrof
2:30 PM: Just Desserts - Pets
2:30 PM: Sona daily goings-on
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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bottomlouisficfest · 3 months ago
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We hope you’ve enjoyed the final two weeks of fics from the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2024! Every two weeks, we’re compiling all of the fics from that period into one roundup post so they’re easy to find for anyone looking to catch up on fics they missed. Enjoy these amazing fics and give them the love they deserve!
My everything.
A fic by SweetieR on AO3 | @SweetieR08 on Twitter
31k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
They got to the building and right before the door of the elevator opened to the lobby, Harry grabbed Louis’ hand and brought him to his chest. “See you later, my love?” he brought Louis to him for a soft kiss. Louis smiled, blue eyes studying Harry’s face closely before he moved his tie back, patting his chest tenderly. “Go save the world, Agent.” Harry chuckled and pecked his lips again. “You’re ridiculous.” Louis scrunched his nose happily, “See you at lunch?” “Always.” He pecked his lips again before the door of the elevator opened to their new day. Or - Prompt 404: Louis and Harry are in a long-term relationship and are very in love. Both work for the police/FBI but in different departments. Harry is chasing a dangerous criminal who wants to get revenge by targeting Louis. Everything else is up to the author, but happy ending please!
On a Night Like Tonight
A fic by Longing_glances on AO3 | @louhappydays on Tumblr | @loulouisqueen on Twitter
9k | Mature | Tumblr post | Twitter post
There were few things Louis Tomlinson loved more than being on stage. As the years passed by and the venues and crowd sizes grew, Louis’ unwavering love of performing never wavered. And, despite the almost crushing touch of the July heat currently swirling around him, Louis felt more than ready to take on yet another night of his Eras Tour. aka Pop star meets star football player aka Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce AU.
Fic title and link
A fic by xx on AO3 | xx on Tumblr | xx on Twitter
xxk | Rating | Tumblr post | Twitter post
A fic by dehydratedpool on AO3 | @dehydratedpool on Tumblr | @dehydratedpool on Twitter
20k | Mature | Tumblr post | Twitter post
During his first semester at Boston University circa 1989, a shy, socially awkward Harry meets a kind, outspoken Louis. In an attempt to show Louis how he feels, he creates a mixtape of songs. But Harry’s deep anxieties cloud him, and he can’t seem to understand whether or not Louis even wants him around, let alone likes him back. —— BLFF #175: 80s/90s AU (preferably high school or uni) in which a pining Harry burns Louis a CD with a bunch of love songs on it. With a side of angst please.
a flicker of hope that i wanna keep (please don’t leave)
A fic by localopa on AO3 | @voulezloux on Tumblr
12k | Mature | Tumblr post | Twitter post
harry is in love with louis, and he had thought louis felt the same until he accidentally left his journal in harry’s home. he knows he shouldn’t have read it, especially when it only proved to be a reality check he didn’t want. once harry finds the green-eyed, curly haired, gangly fucker that’s stolen louis’ heart, he’d like to have a strong word with him.
Show Me Your Soul
A fic by lthsbff on AO3 | @ltsbfff on Twitter
53k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis is an escort trying to survive, never expecting to step into the world of the rich and powerful. When Harry Styles hires him for a week, Louis thinks it’s just a paycheck. But what was supposed to be a simple arrangement turns into something way more complicated than he ever signed up for. Or, Prompt 29 of BLFF24- Pretty Woman AU featuring Louis as Vivian and Harry as Edward.
more at stake
A fic by louvrry on AO3 | @makelouhappier on Twitter
17k | Mature | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Prince Styles of Darthend,” King Andres bowed respectfully, Queen Jo doing the same. Her ruby ring glowing brightly on her finger, back in its rightful place. “I am in your debt. Whatever it is you desire.” For the first time, the cruel prince smirked. Louis let Zayn move him further back in hopes of shielding him. However, his eyes remained fixated on the curly-haired prince. His breath hitched when dark green eyes met his blue ones from across the room. The grip on his shoulder got tighter. “In due time, your majesty.” Prince Styles bowed at the king and queen before he left. Or Prompt 32: There are two rival kingdoms. Harry is heir to one, and Louis is betrothed to be the heir to the other. Love triangle, pinning/dark harry whos obsessed with louis, and bratty/sweet louis. The heir who is betrothed to louis also really loves him. It could be zayn or maybe theo james (preferably ABO)
Once Upon a Time
A fic by alltheselights on AO3 | @alltheselights on Tumblr | @alltheselightts on Twitter
37k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Since Louis' mother's death, her book of fairy tales has offered Louis an escape from the tower that he is locked inside for much of the day. However, when his father announces that Louis has been betrothed to the cruel king of a neighboring kingdom, Louis quickly realizes that even the comfort of his fairy tales will not be enough to shield him from the harsh reality of his life. Embarking on a long journey to his new home, Louis is accompanied by his maid and a small group of soldiers, led by Captain Harry Styles. As Louis begins to experience the world beyond his prison and learns more about the people escorting him, he finds himself drawn to the mysterious Captain. But with every step closer to his impending marriage, Louis is forced to confront the life he's being thrust into—and the painful truth that he may never have his happy ending.
The Cobbled Streets of You and Me
A fic by daydreamlwts on AO3 | @daydreamlwts on Twitter
5k | Mature | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 308- Based on a reel where a girl got her stiletto stuck on the drainage rail and a man came to the rescue. Featuring Louis as the cute, carefree omega and Harry as the hot, grumpy alpha who helped.
The Crow Flies Straight.
A fic by thecheshirepussycat on AO3 | @the-cheshire-pussy-catcheshire on Tumblr | @Bee_With_Mee on Twitter
80k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry Styles is the prince of notorious Biker gang Sons of Anarchy in picturesque Charming, California. He's done his best to live a life free of the law and free from attachment. Until a chain of events cause the one person he thought he'd never see again to be dragged back into his life of crime and debauchery. Louis Tomlinson ran away to medical school years ago, because he liked Harry and his danger a little too much. Sons of Anarchy AU BLFF prompt #276
Remember to give these fics kudos and comments, and spread their fic posts!
All roundups will be linked here:
Weeks 1-2 Roundup
Weeks 3-4 Roundup
Weeks 5-6 Roundup
Weeks 7-8 Roundup
Weeks 9-10 Roundup
Weeks 11-12 Roundup
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ancientphantom · 4 months ago
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It's roundup time!
October wasn't as generous as we hope - whither the spooky Halloween Phantoms? Come on, y'all, he was only very recently more of a romantic figure! Someone who watched Hammer get in on this! - but still a few new ones, as well as some fun in the audiobook genre!
Phantom No More by Grace King is part of a series of period stories in which Erik is given a love interest other than Christine with whom to grow old and romantically happy. This one is a medical professional who obviously can't resist the chance to heal this sad sack in both mind and body...
The Phantom of the Theater by Elle M. Drew is a short about a plucky fat girl who investigates just what is going on in the booth after creepy happenings start interfering with the local theater's film screenings. Looks like it might owe a bit to the many horror film theater Phantoms, but with a romantic ending!
The Phantom's Melody by Australia D. Kincannon is a period romance with a time travel twist - a surprisingly common formula in Phantom stories! It revolves around a girl named Melody who goes to New York to see Phantom on Broadway (so in the recent past, alas) but accidentally time-travels to the real Phantom's time period and ends up in Paris, where the Phantom is right in the middle of realizing that his plan to blow up the opera house is probably not getting him the romantic points he wanted, and is all ready for a fresh new love interest who isn't attempting to flee with her fiance. Looks like an opportunity to absolutely fill out some bingo cards with common Phantom story tropes, but that doesn't mean you won't enjoy it!
And lest the audiophiles be left out, two books that aren't new but ARE new to audiobook!
The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux is the Mireille Ribiere translation, so you can now listen to the audiobook withot also having to suffer the de Mattos translation! (Sorry, de Mattos. You brought great things to us in the English-speaking world, but nowadays we like things to be less expurgated.)
Phantom by Greer Rivers is a dark romantic-leaning retelling of the story, now available on audio for those who enjoyed it in its original form. Bonus: it's now available in both English and German, in print and audio both!
See you all in December! :)
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