#Roth Conversion
ilucyliu-blog · 2 years
5 Essential IRA Rules to Know Before You Invest
Unlock the power of tax-advantaged savings with an IRA! Learn about the contribution limits, income requirements, and withdrawal rules to make the most of your retirement savings. Plus, discover the benefits of converting to a Roth IRA and avoid costly pe
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are a popular way for Americans to save for retirement. These tax-advantaged accounts allow individuals to contribute a certain amount of money each year, which can then grow tax-free until withdrawal. However, some certain rules and regulations govern IRAs, and it’s important to understand these before setting up or contributing to an IRA. Here are five key…
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specter-dollhouse · 4 months
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Making new friends comes pretty easy to Stella, but only when there are interesting people around. This town seems so much smaller to her than where she grew up.
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eleanore-delphinium · 21 days
Sneak Peek
“If anything happened to you– if you die– I cannot continue living on.” It was a statement. His eyes told her he knew this for a fact. As if he had already lived through it.
- Damian to Raven
I want to say the title of where this belongs, but it would be a dead giveaway for what will happen. Is anyone curious what's going on?
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street-corner-felines · 2 months
Zero Day Director commentary - With actor Andre Keuck
#movies#film#cinema#Damn I wish Cal was here#Andre and Ben are really interesting to listen to#This movie is one of those movies where it needs like 3 commentaries#It needs one with just Ben Coccio by himself#then one with Cal and Andre by themselves#then another with all 3 of them#Not all movies do that but I love when studios/filmmakers have multiple commentaries to create a sense of thorough intimacy#due to the nature of how commentaries are set up they can be quite restrictive/pressing/limited with no pauses or rewinds.#so I find cast/crew don't have enough time or able to present how they would like to if they could edit/rewind or pause for fluent presenta#So I love when they have director commentaries and actor commentaries or composer commentaries#Platoon's dvd extras are so dope they got multiple commentaries and one with military adviser Dale Dye who was a RL vietnam vet#Or Hostel's commentaries where one is just Eli Roth and another is Tarantino and Eli Roth with Scott Spiegal#idk if Zero Day ever got a blu-ray release but I think it should but the DV technology of the camera is kinda at it's limit of resolution#but an AI upscaling with 20 years later retrospective with Ben Cal and Andre would be sooo dope along with updated commentaries#Every few years I always rewatch Zero Day so that time has come that last few days lol#Ever since Columbine as a lil kid I have always been into spree-murders and active shooter incidents#I remember reading a peer-reviewed paper called Pseudo-Commandos#And Eric and Dylan and Andre and Cal would be dubbed Pseudo-Commandos where they dress up in a semi-military fashion#and have a delusion of superiority mixed with perceived sense of persecution whether it's true or not#it went into the Postal shooter from the 80s as well and what he went through along#plus I read another book called Going Postal which also went into postal shootings along with school shootings#I want to make a film about spree murders or an active shooter/s but I remember just getting so tired of the subject matter#because every 3 weeks there was some new shooter in the headlines and I found myself not wanting to be exploitative#When I write/direct my film I'd like it to address and study the character of such an individual but not try to be too political#or exploitative and focus on the ambiguities that are left behind when someone does this#as a society I noticed we stopped asking the questions on why and stopped having constructive conversations#it feels like as a coping mechanism we've started treating them like tornados or natural disasters
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kc22invesmentsblog · 1 year
Exploring Roth IRA Accounts: Tax-Advantaged Investing for Retirement
Written by Delvin As you plan for your retirement, it’s crucial to consider different investment options that can help you grow your savings while enjoying tax advantages. One such option is the Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA). In this blog post, we’ll explore the features, benefits, and considerations of Roth IRA accounts, empowering you to make informed decisions about your retirement…
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maulling · 1 year
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intersex-support · 2 months
Intersex Resources: Books, Art, Videos
Here's a list with some resources to learn about intersex community, history, and politics! These include some academic sources and some community sources. I'd love to add sources in other languages and that focus on countries besides the United States, so if anyone has recommendations, please let me know. Continually updating and adding sources.
Reading list:
Intersex History:
"The Intersex Movement of the 1990s: Speaking Out Against Medical and Narrative Violence" by Viola Amato.
Hermaphrodites with Attitude Newsletters.
Jazz Legend Little Jimmy Scott is a Cornerstone of Black Intersex History By Sean Saifa Wall
"Hermaphrodites with Attitude: Mapping the Emergence of Intersex Political Activism" by Cheryl Chase
Chrysalis Quarterly: Intersex Awakening, 1997.
"What Happened at Hopkins: The Creation of the Intersex Management Protocols" by Alison Redick.
Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex by Elizabeth Reis.
Intersex Politics
“A Framework for Intersex Justice.” Intersex Justice Project
"Creating Intersex Justice: Interview with Sean Saifa Wall and Pidgeon Pagonis of the Intersex Justice Project." by David Rubin, Michelle Wolff, and Amanda Lock Swarr.
"Intersex Justice and the Care We Deserve: ‘I Want People to Feel at Home in Their Bodies Again." Zena Sharman.
Critical Intersex edited by Morgan Holmes.
Envisioning African Intersex: Challenging Colonial and Racist Legacies in South African Medicine by Amanda Lock Swarr.
"Intersex Human Rights" by Bauer et al.
Morgan Carpenter's writing
"I Want to Be Like Nature Made Me: Medically Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Children in the US." by Human Rights Watch.
Cripping Intersex by Celeste E. Orr.
"From ‘Intersex’ to ‘DSD’: A Case of Epistemic Injustice" by Ten Merrick.
"Did Bioethics Matter? A History of Autonomy, Consent, and Intersex Genital Surgery." by Elizabeth Reis.
Intersex Community
"Normalizing Intersex: Personal Stories from the Pages of Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics." edited by James DuBois and Ana Iltis.
Hans Lindhal's blog.
InterACT Youth Blog.
Intersex Justice Project Blog.
"What it's like to be a Black Intersex Woman" by Tatenda Ngwaru.
Intersex Inclusive Pride Flag by Valentino Vecchietti.
The Interface Project founded by Jim Ambrose.
Intersex Zines from Emi Koyama
Teen Vogue's Intersex Coverage
YOUth& I: An intersex youth Anthology by Intersex Human Rights Australia
Intersex OwnVoices books collected by Bogi Takacs.
Nobody Needs to Know by Pidgeon Pagonis.
Inverse Cowgirl by Alicia Roth Weigel
XOXY by Kimberly Zieselman
Icarus by K Ancrum.
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
Every Body dir. Julie Cohen.
Hermaphrodites Speak! 1997.
Liberating All Bodies: Disability Justice and Intersex Justice in Conversation.
"36 Revolutions of Change: Sean Saifa Wall."
Inter_View: An Intersex Podcast by Dani Coyle
Hans Lindhal's Youtube channel.
What it's Like to be Intersex from Buzzfeed.
Emilord Youtube channel
I'm intersex-ask me anything from Jubilee
What it's like to be Intersex-Minutes With Roshaante Andersen.
Pass the Mic: Intercepting Injustice with Sean Saifa Wall
"Hey AAP! Get your Scalpels Off Our Bodies!" 1996.
Ana Roxanne's album Because of a Flower.
Intersex 1 in 90 potraits by Lara Aerts and Ernst Coppejans
Anyone can be Born Intersex: A Photo-Portrait Story by Intersex Nigeria.
Pidgeon Pagonis "Too cute to be binary" Collection
Juliana Huxtable Visual Art
Koomah's art
Please feel free to add on your favorite sources for intersex art, history, politics, and community !
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kingfornowhere · 1 month
Dude. The SECOND mission in the whole game, literally the BEGINNING of the game, if you go to a specific area, you can hear a conversation about Maxwell Roth THIS early in the game? I almost dropped my controller when I saw his name in the subtitles! It's kind of funny that it's during Evie's mission, too. - 🍾
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crrepiest · 9 months
Yandere! Teacher x Reader
♡Yan!Teacher x GN Reader♡
Pt 2
Tw: age-gap, slight nsfw, pervy behavior, stalking, obsessive behavior
Make sure to check out Pt 1!
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I gaze out onto the school courtyard from my classroom window as students scramble to get to their next class period. Red and orange leaves fall silently to the ground and collect in piles amongst the feet of the students. Some of them in a hurry while others take their time. You, being one of the punctual students.
At this point, it was routine.
Watching you as you hurry past the rest of the student body to get to your 4th period class early. My class. I like to think its because you're so eager to see me. As eager as I am to see you.
I sit in my chair, arms crossed, keeping a watchful eye until you were completely out of sight. I relax my shoulders and let them fall as a sigh escapes my lips.
I never feel at ease anymore. Time slows, minutes turn into hours until I was in your presence. Until I could smell your perfume/ cologne when you swept past my desk to take a seat. Just so I could hear your sweet voice say my name when you greeted me "Good morning Mr. Roth".
You were always so sweet to me. Showing up to my class early, asking if I need help around the classroom, always turning in your homework on time if not way before the due date. Always such a good little student, almost as if you're trying to impress me. Sometimes I cant tell if this is real or not.
Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months and my thoughts turn ever increasingly centric of you
I find myself over thinking. Anxiety filled thoughts that leave me tossing and turning in my big empty bed, only to wish you were there with me, to sooth me.
What if you didn't reciprocate my feelings? How would you react when I inevitably opened my heart to you. Would you be repulsed by me? These thoughts fill my head, stretching the nights thin.
On especially bad nights, I've gotten into a habit of taking sleep medication. No method of self soothing could ease my mind.
Which led me here, too much sleep in my system from popping a pill at 6:30 pm since I couldn't rid the burning image of your face from my mind.
As I was lost in thought staring at my desk, light foot steps sounded from the hallway, headed toward my room. My eyes snap to the door in hopes that is was you.
You enter the class room with a smile already plastered on your face. My heart starts to beat faster at the sight. I send you a quick smile back as you begin to greet me.
"Hi Mr. Roth! How has your morning been so far?"
God. If only you knew.
If it were even possible, my cheeks start to burn harder as I listen to my name slide out of your mouth so elegantly.
"My morning just got better Mx (y/ I/n)." I smirk at you.
"Oh stop it" you giggled as you walked to your desk to take a seat.
And just like that, all the worry washed away from my body.
"How was your night last night (y/n)" I try to keep the conversation flowing for as long as I could.
I tried to pay attention to you. I really did. Every word that poured out of your mouth was like a symphony. It's just as my gaze wondered from your eyes, down to you moving lips, i couldn't help myself.
I couldn't help but imagine how those delicate lips would feel around me. How those innocent eyes would look as they were all glossed over with tears as a pout sat perfectly on your face. All for me to ruin.
I nodded my head and let out affirmative words to not raise anysuspicions from you that I wasn't paying full attention.
I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard chatter amongst students in my classroom. I sucked in a sharp breath and hesitantly removed my eyes from you. Sometimes when I'm with you, it feels as if the the whole world fades away. As if I'm not stuck in my career as an English teacher, having to teach a class full of students who I couldn't care less about.
I wish it were just the two of us. A fantasy that I catch myself day dreaming about frequently. To have you secluded from society and the only source of outside information being me. To have you completely dependent on me. I wouldn't have to deal with sharing you with other people, or get distracted from you.
The dismissal bell rang and everyone rose from their seats and made their way to the door. You gathered your notebooks and pencil and shoved them into your backpack.
You and I made eye contact. It was only brief but it felt like a life time to me. Naturally, I was already staring at you to begin with. You seemed to notice this.
"See you tomorrow Mx. (Y/I/n)" | said softly.
You gave a beaming smile that I swear made my heart skip a few beats.
I never let my eyes leave your form until you were out of view. I propped my head up with my hand on my desk and breathed out raspy a sigh. I stared at my computer as my mind raced with the thought of you.
Then a horrible thought came to mind.
I hurriedly opened my browser and clicked open a new tab. A smirk started to tug at my lips as I navigated through the teacher access center. Why haven't I thought of doing this before?
I typed in your name and found your school profile. Everything I could have ever needed lay right at my fingertips. I smile deviously at the glowing screen of the laptop. I pull out a sticky note and a pen and jotted down the information I needed.
The day dragged on for what seemed like ages. Then, the final bell rang. I gathered my things and headed out to my car, eager to get home to set my plan in motion.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The car engine quiets down as the car comes to a complete stop.
I turned the key in the ignition to shut off the humming engine. The lights in the vehicle start to fade out as I'm left in the dark, alone with my thoughts.
Anxiety and excitement ran rampant through my veins. My fists curled tightly around the steering wheel as I took a deep breath. I can't believe I was actually going through with this.
I quietly closed the car door as I stepped out. The cold air snipped at my face, making me wince. I shoved my hands into my jacket pocket as I made my way to looming house in front of me.
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AHHH thank you all so much for all the love on my first post it means a lot!!
Also, face claim for Mr. Roth: Jeffery Dean Morgan my beloved
Please feel free to give me constructive criticism on my writing so I can further improve in the future :3
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skyesdaisys · 7 months
Hi! Love your work, could you write a dick Grayson fanfic abt him and a quiet female reader warming up to each other (set between season 1 and 2)?
yes, of course!!!! god, i've wanted to write for titans on here so bad i just didn't have the inspo so thank you<333
talk to him
titans dick grayson x fem!reader
sunmary: you weren't exactly much of a people person. especially since you were 1 of 2 adults living in a huge tower in san francisco, watching over 3 kids you don't really talk to outside of training. and the only other adult being closed off so who knows what'll happen when he decides to talk to you out of no where
cw: not much, there's just some fluff with a teaspoon of angst because of communication issues (they both suck at small talk and beyond)
a/n: idc what anyone says about this show, it's given me so much comfort and a lot of fun and likable characters. so i'm so glad i can write for them as long as you guys send requests for them. as well as other characters from other shows like yellowjackets and etc. also i love dick grayson, even though he can be a bit annoying in this show (that i can admit) but he's hot so ajsjfndmfmf. also, i'm sorry it took sooooo long, writers block got to me badly these past few months, so i apologize if it's cringey and awkward. but i do give the benefit the doubt here because this story is suppose to be like that (also the fact i'm projecting my "bad at small talk" trait here). two grown adults that can't seem to have a normal conversation, like at all
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after the trigon incident you were dragged in by circumstance, you were the only other adult to volunteer to help dick with... whatever he was doing. you didn't have any life to go back to anyways, and you made a connection to everyone else so why part ways and it be unlikely to see them again. sure, you weren't particularly close with the kids, but, what are you supposed to do in order to bond with them? so that left dick in titans tower, but he wasn't as much of a talker as you outside of training.
everyday for the past few weeks have been, eat, train, sleep, repeat on a loop, no 'how was your day' questions, because the days are always the same so there wasn't any point of asking. and you could tell the kids were getting bored of it, very fast, and you could not blame them. being stuck in a repeating pattern with nothing else happening started getting old after the first couple weeks. so, you didn't really know how long it would take til something changed, it couldn't be like this forever.
during this time, you admired the grayson from afar, he was attractive, what else could you say? you weren't an idiot. and you also were aware of his previous entanglements with kory and you didn't wanna be involved in that. and, well... you felt like a teenage girl having a crush on a guy who was going through some shit, so it was better not to bother him.
and not being much of a talker doesn't make the conversation about feelings be any better. like, maybe this was attraction and nothing more? you were aware of the difference between liking someone physically and liking them emotionally (specifically in a romantic sense). but even as you admired him, you learn things about him, paying attention to the little things. deep down, he cared for other people, if he didn't, he wouldn't have taken rachel in and helped her, and he wouldn't have done the same for gar or jason either. people just have their own way of showing their love and care.
but your admiring wasn't exactly subtle. rachel had noticed it when you were looking at dick from across the room, talking with jason. the roth wasn't sugarcoating anything when it came to this, "you keep staring, you're probably gonna be capable of shooting lazers from your eyes." and you knew she was joking around but she caught you by surprise, making you face the young girl. "why is it any of your business?"
"because it's kind of sad seeing you pine for him like this." she points out, "and also, gar and jason made a bet whether or not you'd confess. we have eyes, you know?" and she lightly bumped your shoulder with hers with a smile on her face, "and i'm sure dick feels the same way, though he's not very good of showing it."
"that is ridiculous." you shake your head, "one, i don't like him. not like that. i just think he's cool."
"are you sure about that?" the roth rose her eyebrow, "talk to him." but you were not moving from where you were so rachel decided to take matters into her own hands, she then gave you a push (a literal one) towards him, and now you couldn't run away. all you could say was, "hey..."
"hey." he responded. jason just stood there awkwardly in between the two of you, "okay, well uh—" he pretends to look at a watch that's not even on his wrist, "look at the time, i must be going." and he had immediately ran out of there before dick tried to stop him. there was an silent pause and you were trying to figure out what to say, but before you could, he asks, "do you want some coffee?" all you did was nod. after that, there was even more silence, you two haven't had a conversation that wasn't training related in like, a while. it just felt like you were both strangers who didn't know each other nor were you fond of one another.
"you're just as bad at small talk as i am, huh?" you finally had spoken up. and dick just shook his head, "i don't know what you're talking about, i know how to make small talk."
"oh really?" you rose up your eyebrow, "okay mr. 'i know how to make small talk', what do you wanna talk about? and please, don't let it be training related. because if i have to hear you talk about that one more time, my head is gonna explode." you tried to look irritated, but he could notice a small smile on your face. then he immediately went into the 'deep, emotional' stuff, "you never told me why you came here. you just did, and i'm surprised you stuck around as long as you have."
you answered it anyway, because why not, "well, it's not like i have anywhere else to go." you set down your drink, making direct eye contact at him, "besides, the second i got here, and realized how big this place is and i have my own room... what, did you expect me to pass it up?" and you ended up making him laugh, which was surprising, "what is so funny, i'm just being honest." you were unsure why he was laughing, so you just took a sip of your coffee. he explained, "your honesty is refreshing, that's all."
"really?" and he nodded as a reply. you just sighed, taking your coffee and leaving. it's not like you had anything else to talk about and just sitting there would make it more awkward, so you just left. does it make it any less weird? absolutely not.
you guys didn't talk much after in the next few days, up until you decided to play hero on solo when you see a woman getting mugged by this guy in a mask. it was like one of the many movie cliches that you see brought into reality.
too bad it didn't turn out like expected, where you got shot in the leg. thankfully, the kids were able to track you down and bring you to the infirmary, gar was trying his best to patch you up and rachel was there for emotional support. as for jason... there wasn't much else he can do than just stand watch, up until dick had walked in with a worried expression, and the three teens immediately rushed out of there as soon as he walked in the room. you could've left if you wanted too but, obviously you couldn't.
"jesus fuck, you could've gotten yourself killed, what were you thinking?" all of his emotions were being let out in that moment, it was the most emotion you've seen him express towards you in like... ever. yet you couldn't help but be a bit sarcastic, "yeah, keep yelling... it's not like i'm literally a few feet away from you or whatever."
dick sat on the edge of the bed and started to explain, "sorry, it's just... when i heard what happened, i didn't know how to feel, or express it correctly." he gently set his hand on your injured leg, softly, "just if anything happened to you, i—"
"i'm tougher than you think, grayson." you reassured him, and you noticed a tiny smile creeping up on his face.
"i know it's just... i don't wanna lose anyone else."
you lean up a bit to set your hand on his shoulder, "i'm not going anywhere, dick." you then stopped for a second as you come to realize, "and we just had a conversation that didn't involve small talk. maybe i should get myself hurt more often." you were obviously joking at that last part, but dick's reaction to it was priceless, "i'm kidding. you are just... not what i expected."
"the feeling is mutual."
a part of you wanted to kiss him, that it felt right, but another part was saying how the timing of it all wasn't. and maybe these feelings you're having are actually real. because now, there was something in your heart that was growing that wasn't just admiration, and it felt weird, but a good weird.
maybe when the timing is right, they'll get to it, but until then, your growing friendship in the moment is enough for now.
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Nightwing and Control Freak stand on the side lines as the other Titans fight.
Control Freak: We should be fighting, right?
Nightwing: You're not a threat at the moment.
Control Freak: Same, want to talk about favorite movies?
Nightwing, shrug.
Nightwing: What's the scariest horror movie you've ever watched?
Control Freak: Good question, I know people don't like the guy's movies, but I'm an Eli Roth fan. They're just insane asshole horror movies.
Nightwing: You like Rob Zombie's movies then?
Control Freak: I could never get into them.
Nightwing: Neither could I except the Halloween movies he made.
Control Freak: Would you say those are the scariest for you?
Nightwing: No, just enjoyably dumb. I would say the movie that scares me is High School Musical. All throughout high school I was scared that everyone was gonna randomly get up and start singing and dancing, and I would be the only one who doesn't know the words. After that maybe IT or something I don't actually get scared during those movies.
Control Freak: I respect that especially the part about HSM, I watched those in high school so imagine what I had to deal with.
Nightwing: The songs are catchy though.
Control Freak: Facts.
Raven: For the love of- would you guys stop chatting and fight!
Control Freak: No!
Nightwing: We're enjoying our conversation.
Control Freak: You seen the Boys?
Nightwing: I have, the show is way better than the comics.
Control Freak: This is going to be a long discussion because dude same!
Beast Boy smiles seeing the men talk.
Beast Boy: That's nice to see.
Raven: Beast Boy!
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theanonymousclown · 2 months
Woe!! Human Warrior Cats be upon ye!
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Idk if any of you remember but a while ago I posted a TikTok of this AU. Anyway it takes place in the 1930s and instead of Clans they’re gangs, simple conversion.
In the drawings above we’ve got Spottedleaf (Dottie Roth), Yellowfang (Hester Goldenrod), Redtail (Russet Roth), Lionheart (Richard Loewe), Bluestar (Marilee Diane) Greypaw (Lloyd Greyson) and… Rusty. Just Rusty, his name’s Rusty.
I’m gonna try and post Scourge next, this human AU has a partially different storyline than canon and Scourge (Or, rather, Asterix “The Scourge” Corcoran) is a big part of it!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 8 months
It's been a while...how are things going in the Shinra/SOLDIER groupchat? 👉🏻👈🏻
Highlights From The SOLDIER Group Chat #3
• Director Lazard used to be the admin, but he had a nervous breakdown after Zack kept changing the group chat name to "Therapy" and having one-on-one sessions with people where he offered horrible advice.
• The final straw was Sephiroth asking how he should cope with his desire for a connection with an older, maternal figure. Zack linked a dating site for MILFs.
• Sephiroth is now the admin. At least four people now have Sephiroth's contact name to Admin-Roth.
• Sephiroth has removed Genesis on numerous occasions and for various reasons, the most recent one being:
Genesis: Hello! How is everyone today?
[Sephiroth has removed Genesis]
• Angeal sending those glittery and colorful good morning gifs (the type grandmas send)
• The following conversation:
Lazard: Sephiroth, kindly remove 'Cloud Strife'. This group chat is exclusive to SOLDIER members only for safety reasons.
[Cloud Strife is now an admin]
Lazard: .........
• Kunsel changing the group chat name to "Reasons why Genesis is a bitch" and the reasons pouring in immediately after. Genesis got into a verbal dispute with four people through voice messages.
• The following conversation:
Lazard: Which one of you placed an entire thanksgiving turkey in the break room fridge?
Zack: I did. That's my afternoon snack.
Sephiroth: I must apologize. I took a leg thinking it was for everyone to share.
Zack: No worries bud :)
• The trend of sending pictures of Sephiroth's hair strands throughout the 49th floor.
• The time when Angeal and Genesis were seriously arguing over whether a taco is a hot dog or a sandwich, and Sephiroth changed the group chat name to 'They have kissed before' mid-argument.
• The following conversation:
Zack: @Angeal Dude your pancake recipe does NOT work.
Angeal: Lol. Are you making it right now?
Zack: Yup.
Angeal: Alright show me how far you got. Maybe I can help :)
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[Angeal has left the group]
• Genesis sending this image whenever one or more messages are deleted:
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• Kunsel regularly sends the weekly gossip rundown and his messages look like this:
- FRIENDSHIP: Rufus Shinra and Lazard Deusericus seen whispering outside the president's office. Both men were holding a roll of duct tape and a long rope. They dispersed when asked what they were doing.
- MYSTERY: Did Professor Hojo really fall down the main entrance stairs or was he pushed? Sources say Sephiroth was there when it happened and looked pleased when the professor was taken away on a stretcher.
- DRAMA: Genesis is seen in the breakdown having a verbal dispute with a revolving door after the tail of his coat gets caught in it.
- HAIR: Angeal finds his first gray hair, Roche gets his tasteful honey highlights, Sephiroth's hair grows another inch, Throwback images of Rude (of the Turks) resurface where he is seen with hair, and an online discussion on the Red Leather forums over wether or not Genesis's hair is actually brown sparks controversy.
• The following exchange:
Sephiroth: Can you all please type out your names and post them. Someone stole my PHS and changed everyone's contact names.
Genesis: Genesis Rhapsodos.
Sephiroth: Ah. This one was untouched.
Genesis: ????? What am I saved as?
Sephiroth: Wannabe Sephiroth.
Zack: Zack!
Sephiroth: Thank you, Distracted Hedgehog.
Zack: ...........
Angeal: I'm Angeal.
Sephiroth: As of right now. Before this you were "Patron Saint of Hypocrisy."
Angeal: That's.....a little mean.
Cloud: Cloud Strife.
Sephiroth: Hahaha. This one was very clever.
Cloud: What is it?
Cloud: Well??
Cloud: ........
Cloud: It's Chocobo isn't it?
Sephiroth: My apologies.
• Zack has a habit of procrastinating by sending voice messages that are essentially podcasts. In one of them, you can hear him trip over a wet floor sign, fall, and continue talking about his favorite hair gel brand like nothing happened.
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lonvely · 2 months
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dominic muñoz for jackson roth's bachelor challenge ➴♡
⤷ @rainymoodlet !
⟢ about him.
adult (35) | he/him | cringe, perfectionist, loyal
dom & his 2 sisters were born in del sol valley, their immigrant parents are from selvadorada have instilled in them to have pride in their roots (mexican-american/chicano). dom's dream was to be a lawyer, but with his dad's arthritis rapidly getting worse during his high school years, & his mom's low-paying teaching job, dom decided to take care of his family & began working odd handyman jobs, until eventually landing a full-time gig at happy car mechanics, owned by eric lewis (they have a shrek-donkey kind of relationship). growing up, his peers always found him a bit cringe, but dom's enthusiasm for life have made him completely unaffected of how others perceive him. now 35, maybe he doesn't always know how to be completely serious, so he can come across immature. after his parents' struggles & him having to sacrifice his dreams, it really just is a front he puts to protect himself from difficult conversations. he takes his loved ones' problems very seriously, he just needs a little patience at first while developing a friendship/romance. now, at 35, he would like to have a family of his own. that is a dream he has not given up on.
⟢ fun facts.
⋆ he has been in 2 relationships, one with dina caliente during 7th - 12th grade but they agreed to break up & remain friends in order to explore their sexuality & individuality. the second was long-distance, his ex-boyfriend lived in tomarang, unfortunately their different schedules made them drift apart.
⋆ his family is very catholic, but when teenage dominic came out to them as bisexual, both of his parents started decorating the house with rainbows & his sisters took him to his first pride.
⋆ dominic loves oldies, jazz, blues, & latin music! top 3 songs:
jason joshua - la vida es fría
gary b.b. coleman - the sky is crying
nina simone - i put a spell on you
⋆ he got his first tattoo in his high school's bathroom (it's on his upper thigh). that friend became a really good tattoo artist & did the rest of dominic's tattoos for free for believing in him!
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crossdreamers · 1 year
//«The physical sex traits that we're born with from hormones, chromosomes, internal reproductive organs, external genitalia, all of those things are also not always binary," Weigel explained during a recent Salon Talks conversation.
"They don't always fit neatly into a male or female box on a birth certificate." Weigel opened up about her "inadvertent" coming out during a Texas legislature senate hearing, what progressives get wrong about allyship and how she got the place where she can say, "I'm now really proud to have this body."//
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