#Rose Rivers
touslin · 4 months
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theenemyod · 2 months
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painted-piethon · 3 months
I know it’s my usual drakepad content, but I’ve just wanted to alter some old oc designs a bit.
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Sorry that the quality is a bit poor.
I was seeing which features looked better on them. I would love to hear ur feedback on which design variants u preferred :).
Jay Storme is the winged guy and Rose Rivers is the horned gal.
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The Bastard Man (affectionate) Championships: round two
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simmingrivers · 2 years
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Meet the Rivers family. Rose and Brock met very young and moved out at a young age. Rose is an aspiring actress and Brock wanted to be a teacher. They fell pregnant with the twins Roman and Raelynn and were heavily struggling for money. When the finally managed to get back on their feet they decided to have another child. Turned out to be triplets! Finley. Sienna and Mia were born. after all the twins and triplets aged up they decided to have one more child and along came Lily. Now Rose is level 8 in the actress career and Brock is level 6 in the administrator branch. The twins have their first day of high school coming up and it is Lily’s birthday today!
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Anderson: My past is coming back to haunt me
Rose: Seems like a running theme with you.
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fedzzzart · 1 year
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aaaaaah looking at them all together is so satisfying!! and i’m so proud of actually finishing this🥰
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a-foggy-maggy · 3 months
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rystiel · 4 months
i keep seeing people say the doctor shouldn’t have feelings for rogue because he’s married to river…? river song… who has also married multiple people… one of the most polyamorous characters in the show…?
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meiko-komoko · 4 months
I love that when the Doctor falls for women, they're the coolest most badass people (think of River, Rose, Yaz, Romana, etc.), but when they fall for men they're always loser nerds (Fitz, Rogue, Koschei). they've got the best taste in women and the worse in men. that's real bi/pan representation there.
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Things Never To Say To Someone Who Just Came Out
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Me, on a new date: Hey, have you ever thought about the fact that there are plenty of planets where "the Doctor" doesn't refer to the Time Lord carrying around the sonic screwdriver, but rather to the young women who swing through their lives and ask their names and demand answers and sacrifice themselves, to the young men who start off unsure and second-fiddle but bring a kindness, a loyalty, with them and end up finding their own voices and their own purpose? Do you ever think about the role that myth plays in Doctor Who, how so many companion exits and finales take on the role of storytelling, about how companions become gods and immortals and walk the entire dystopian earth and wait two thousand years and be the cause of every Cyberman's single tear and wrench the Doctor back into the universe and carry the story off of screen with them, that they birth myths in their wake, that Doctor Who finales so often leave science-fiction behind them and become mythology itself, when these humans insert themselves into the mythology of the Doctor only to usurp him, that they make themselves the Bad Wolf and Orpheus and the Woman Who Walked the Earth and the Doctor Donna and the Last Centurion and the Girl Who Saw the Stars and most of all, they become the Doctor themself, that the Doctor's story goes nowhere if Rose doesn't save him on Satellite Five or Amy doesn't pull him back into existence or Martha doesn't walk the entire hell-earth to restore him or Clara doesn't make him forget her or Jack doesn't sacrifice himself to stop the Daleks or Bill doesn't carry him away from the Cybermen or Donna doesn't stop him from drowning himself with the Racnoss or Yaz doesn't pilot the TARDIS or River Song sacrifices herself at the library or Sarah Jane and Mickey don't help restore the earth back to its place in the sky and that the Doctor is only a myth with so many stories to their name because their companions make it so-
My date, sliding the breadsticks out of their purse back onto the table, hopelessly intrigued: Go on...
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alexsshittyworld · 7 months
"Omg, this companion hasn’t been on the show in years, move on."
Like the whole show isn’t about a sad little idiot who doesn’t know how to move on.
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kaetor · 8 months
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the doctor dances!
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The Bastard Man (affectionate) championships: Round One
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(Full disclosure: I can't help but imagine these types of polls as physical fights, so I couldn't bring myself to pair kids against adults in the first round, so for round one all kids are against other kids. Round two onwards will be No Holds Barred and someone WILL be throwing hands with a 13 year old)
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ocean-irl · 3 months
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Wake up babe, new Doctor Who snog chart just dropped. (insp.)
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