#Roomie rambles^^
loakstahni · 9 months
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They all have the same nose wrinkles when they growl😍
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biboomerangboi · 1 year
Update on making my straight boy roommate watch TGCF with me. We’ve made a name chart:
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I’ll add as the season goes on but so far I’m trying to keep him as spoiler free as possible so these are what he’s come up with.
Post episode 10 updates:
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 10 months
Something about Grian joining the cletho alliance late, being a frequent third wheel to them, and being called out by name as the least trustworthy (and agreeing), barely seeing them for the first half of the finale as he focused on getting traps and kills... But then when things really started going down Grain was by their side to the end. Even after Etho was out, Grian still stuck to Cleo's side and didn't leave until he was forced away and backed into a corner and killed
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appystruda · 14 days
Every time I think about how close we were to another desert duo team up in secret life I shatter into 1 billion pieces
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verdantglow · 7 months
“They’re idiots, your honor.”
- me, completely delighted, to my roommate immediately after watching Etho & Joel interact in Joel’s HC10E6
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hiemaldesirae · 3 months
The Hazbin Graduate's Guide to Homicide (2)
Student Report: Alastor Hartfelt Supervising Staff: Vice-Dean Lilith Morningstar Sponsor: [REDACTED] To the esteemed and generous sponsor of one Mister Alastor Hartfelt, The following enclosed letter is a partial recount of Mister Alastor's first week during his term here at our esteemed institution. Please dispose of this report as soon as you are finished reading it for privacy insurance. We at the Hazbin Institution for Homicide Practictioners thank you for your continued interest and patronage. Sincerely, Vice-Dean Lilith Morningstar.
(Enclosed is also a photo of your charge with our current star student, Vox Vanhal. Please note that Mr. Vanhal's file is not yet open for your private purposes, but Dean Lucifer is working on it.)
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[more murder academy radiostatic content] <- read the first for context! ^^
"Does this radio only have one station?" Alastor frowns at the contraption.
Having arrived at Pride House late into the semester (according to Dean Morningstar, anyway- he hadn't wanted to come here in the first place, so he doesn't see why he should be given the blame), Alastor had been stiffly informed by the receptionist- one Mrs. Mayberry- that he would have to be sharing a joint bathroom with a young woman named Charlie as a result of no other rooms being available. He'd been tempted to ask about the peculiar young man who he'd met that afternoon and how he'd assumed they might be roommates, but after one sour look from the receptionist that reminded him far too much of his late grandmother, he'd simply kept his mouth shut and taken the key.
The room he was assigned honestly wasn't half bad, if he could push out the questioning in his hindbrain of why he was given a room with a bathroom to share with someone of the fairer sex. Light from the setting sun streamed in from the open curtains, and through the window, an elevated view of the small Dutch-themed town square was easy to see. If Alastor squinted, he could see the glittering waters of the oddly named Lake Pandemonium, and past that, a thick covering of colourful flowering trees he had never once seen before in his life.
The room itself reminds Alastor a little of hotel rooms: somewhat sterile in its professionalism, and altogether unattached from any sense of home. Though he supposes it's better this way: he would rather a completely sterile and unlived in room than one bearing marks of another's absence.
Anyway. Back to the radio.
Alastor fiddles with the knobs a little, but still, the tunes of the blues persist on, with not even the slightest bit of variety.
It was ironic now, thinking of how he used to dance to songs just like these in Mimzy's company, and now he was complaining for no reason. He'd expected much less kind treatment when he'd been brought to Hazbin, after all, but after not even a day of staying here, it seemed to him that their service alongside their accomodations had been top notch. Excluding the presence of the Dean, Alastor found himself thinking that he may even end up liking this place.
That line of thought would soon be tested the very next morning, when Alastor made his way out of his rooming quarters and down to the building that housed the institution's dining hall.
Though the dean had been careful to point it out to him during the tour, he hadn't realized just the sheer size of the place: its high-sloped ceilings and massive polished columns of oak wood and obsidian enlays made for a stunning, if intimidating layout.
"Ah, Mister Hartfelt- Alastor, right?"
A voice catches his attention and before he even turns, Alastor knows who the soft hand on his shoulder is from. Lo and behold, the man with the mismatched eyes offers him a smile, one that Alastor returns after a beat of silence.
"Since you're new, do you want to come sit with me?"
"I don't see why not," Alastor responds simply. There's no harm in it, exactly- he's not quite sure what exactly he's supposed to be doing at mealtimes (see once more: coming in to the start of the term 'late') and, besides. He's been curious about the man with the gemstone eyes since they met the day prior, so the chance to sit and eat with him... well, it was quite the unexpected boon.
"Right, you'll have to get a plate for yourself, but you can always just take one from someone who hasn't woken up yet," Vox says as they make their way to the table where he was sitting. "Just be careful that the one you're taking isn't from someone really protective of their property."
"Why not?"
"They've probably already laced the plates with some kind of poison." Vox shrugs. "Most have antidotes on hand for that kind of thing, but only for their own poisons. So we try not to get the plates mixed up."
"Ah," Alastor says succinctly. "My apologies, remind me how long you've been here for again?"
"Two weeks," Vox says. He laughs a little at the face that Alastor makes, "I mean, well, you tend to learn these kinds of things pretty quick. If not cause of the upperclassman, usually staff are around to tell you what not to do... and if they're not there either, there's always the medical personnel who can help you after you've done the deed and gone belly up, so to say."
"I'm quite sure I'd rather not have to resort to said medical personnel, but to each their own," Alastor says.
This gets a laugh from Vox again, one that provokes that deep sort of familiarity inside of Alastor, and once again he asks himself where do I know this man from? It was certainly never from any radio program he'd ever heard, but he couldn't quite rule out the possibility of it being from a foreign program either, given the soft influence of german notes in the other man's speech.
He's drawn out of his thoughts when Vox pushes a plate towards him, already laden with food. "Here. Snatched this one from my former roommate a week back and he never questioned it. Guy didn't even show up to breakfast half the time."
Alastor takes it without asking any further questions, though he does look at the meal to check for any sort of poisons he should watch for. Not that he has enough faith in Vox to think that the other would be able to murder him, but, this was a school for murder, and in the current moment, he was outclassed (even if it wasn't by much.) However, there was a question he wanted to ask unrelated to the food.
"Former roommate?"
"Mm, he graduated- well, went to complete his thesis, which is basically the same thing but shorter because if you don't complete your thesis you may as well say your goodbyes- and that was three days before you arrived," Vox clarifies. "Or, well. I s'pose I shouldn't say that. I'm pretty sure he graduated. The guy was an upperclassman, and the terms here are pretty unpredictable- there's no limits on the time you spend here unless your funds are limited, and he was definitely not one of the people who have to scrape their savings together to afford a single year here. I didn't know anything about his academic career though, so it's definitely a possibility he didn't graduate."
"If he didn't graduate, then-"
"If he didn't graduate then he's dead, simple as pie," Vox clarifies once more. Alastor squints his eyes at the other man, who huffs and bites into his toast before saying anything else. "Well, hey, I mean I know I don't seem like the best roommate right now, but look, all right, I'm not gonna be looking into the disappearance of the guy who kept wrecking my bathroom setup for two weeks! Besides, when Dean Morningstar introduced you the other day, I thought that we'd be rooming together- especially since I already had the vacancy, and it'd make sense to just, you know, lump us together, right? Since I've got the room, and you need it?"
"Yes, it'd seem that way," Alastor says. He picks at his own food for a moment longer, debating between telling Vox of his actual room arrangements and keeping his mouth shut before deciding that whatever information he could get out of the man would be worth the potential embarrassment and questioning. "But instead, I was assigned to share a room with a woman."
Vox spits out his food onto the table, hacking and coughing as Alastor reaches over the table and pats him on the back firmly, shaking his head when some other members start making their ways towards him. "You- they made you room with a woman? What?"
"Well, it's certainly not as bad as you're making it sound-"
"I mean, sharing a bathroom, whatever, I know how rooming works in the Pride House so, all right, not that bad considering you'd have the double locked doors and as long as neither of you forget to lock the doors everything's all right, but, seriously, what?" Vox sounds puzzled, almost as if he himself can't work out what the staff are getting at, and in fairness, Alastor himself can't really puzzle it out himself. "Couldn't you file like, a report against that or something?"
"I'm here on a sponsorship," Alastor reminds the other man, who seems to shrink back into his chair at the reminder that he hadn't been the one to put himself into this facility. "I'd rather not risk their ire, if only for the sake of my sponsor."
That was a lie, of course. The truth was, as amiable and sociable as the man before him was- and as much as Alastor had a personal sort of curiosity towards him, he still didn't wish to room beside a man, even if it was Vox specifically who he was sharing a bathroom with.
Whatever it was that the Dean and whoever had arranged their rooms had been planning, Alastor felt free to turn a blind eye to the proceedings, at least until it affected him negatively.
"Makes sense," Vox says after a beat of silence. "Well... even if we aren't roommates, are you up to being friends, perhaps?"
"Sure," Alastor says. The other man's face brightens, and with it, his eyes too, sparkling like the gemstones he'd been silently comparing them to. "As long as you don't kill me."
"Hey, I wouldn't do that," Vox rolls his eyes. "If you wanna meet someone who'll kill you after becoming friends then you can go ahead and talk to Miss Rosetta Levi. She's taking... Mariticide as a major if I remember correctly? Oh, don't call her Rosetta, though, I hear she prefers Rosie."
"I'll keep her in mind, dear pal," Alastor chuckles. With that, he begins to once more dig into his breakfast, before a final question occurs to him. "Oh, right. I wanted to ask- if it's not too personal- what is it that you're here for?"
"Huh?" Vox blinks at him, spoonful of food raised to his mouth as he waits for Alastor to clarify.
"Your target. Because there's one for everyone here, right?" Alastor says simply. "They make you write it on the application, don't they? Whether it's your mother, your father, the organization who wronged you..."
The other man sets the spoon down gently before grabbing his glass of orange juice and taking a swig of it like a day drinker. "They do."
Alastor waits for a moment, but there's nothing else. "Well, all right then. I'm not quite sure what mine was listed as when the application from my sponsor came in- the Dean refuses to let me see more than I absolutely have to when it comes to my own paperwork- but I'm quite certain my father's name is on the list there somewhere."
He's not saying all this solely in an attempt to get Vox to open up, though that is part of it. Still, it's nice to let someone know of his own things (if only because he's a bit of a fiend for attention). "Anyway, it's all right if you don't want to say. I figure it's personal."
"It is," Vox says simply before he sighs. "Sorry. It's... well, it's a bit of a touchy subject for me. Not exactly something I'd like to spill at breakfast twenty-four hours after our first meeting."
"I understand," Alastor responds, though in his head he's already beating himself over the head for his lack of tact and how much he'd said. "I'm sure not many would."
"Eh," Vox waves his hand. The easy flow of conversation has returned now, as Vox continues, "I met a guy my first week here called Arackniss and he proceeded to tell me every single gory detail about how he planned to do away with his stepfather for the sake of his cartel's future. Lot more mob people than I'd expected."
"It's because of Prohibition." Alastor says absentmindedly, not expecting anything to come of his throwaway comment. Then he looks over at Vox, who's staring at him.
"You're that old?"
"What?" Alastor squinted. "The year is 1948, right? I'm not crazy? I'm 32, this isn't-"
"You're- no, sorry, I-" Vox laughs, hand flying up to his mouth to cover it. "Sorry, I just- you look so young."
"I am young," Alastor says. He sighs even as Vox continues laughing, pressing a hand to his temple to quell the coming headache.
"Sorry! Sorry. Different age standards, you know. It's a Hollywood thing," Vox smiles, mirth twinkling in his eyes, and suddenly, Alastor knows where he recognizes the other from.
At that moment, a loud ringing echoes through the halls nine times.
"Ah, that'll be the morning bell. I've got Aesthetics and Disguise with Professor Asmodeus next," Vox says. He scarfs down the remaining food on his plate in record time and gets up, readjusting the uniform shirt and jacket he wears before grinning at Alastor. "I'll see you at lunch, then!"
"Right. I'll see you there."
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cottoncandysprite · 1 month
My roommate whom I introduced to my favorite band is seeing them tonight WITHOUT ME the night before we move in... and I STILL haven't seen them yet...... if they don't at least get me a CD I'm taking the good room
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enden-k · 1 year
random but i was just thinking about how my roommate (hes also my best friend of over 10 years so the trust lvl is almost as high as to my sister) managed to ease me into liking a food that i connected with childhood trauma for years -- it makes me think of kaveh def having haithams trust like that as well, like. i just can see it so well how the scribe immediately shoots anyone down who offers him a plate of smth he absolutely dislikes bc he tried it once and it upset him. kaveh tho? kaveh is respectful of haithams dislikes ofc but one day hes munching away at smth he prepared for himself and mindlessly offers haitham some and he tries it without a fuss and you can see him freeze for a second, both of them mildly surprised and even more so when haitham goes "its good"
in short, haitham refuses any foods he doesnt like regarding taste or texture but when kaveh offers him to try hes willing to do so bc he trusts kaveh sm (in most matters) and ends up liking it bc the way kaveh prepares it makes it bearable
(when theyre out for dinner and kaveh offers him some there, haitham refuses again bc he only eats it when kaveh cooks it)
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sleepymaxx · 3 days
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Cleo is depicted as a human bc in my hero/villain au when they are acting as a civilian she gets help from pearl(a witch) to look human :3c
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chaos-has-theories · 1 year
I promised I'd post this - I'm a little late, but here goes: @buggachat my roommate got inspired by the felt keychains and wanted to join. These two darlings are made from cheap polymer clay.
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They had more clay than necessary for just LB, so there's a little Chat Noir to accompany her!
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loakstahni · 7 months
Lo'ak fucking you until he cries from the pleasure
Um- yes!😩
He'd be soooooo messy with it too, covered in sweat, cum and spit. Tears bubbling in the corners of his eyes as he kept plowing into you; even after cumming three times so far.
He’d shove his face into your neck, letting out broken sobs and cries of pleasure as your walls clenched his cock again as you orgasm for the hundredth time it seemed. “A-ahh.. Fuck..” He whines, tears spilling down his lashline and dripping down his cheeks as he came for the fourth time inside you.
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biboomerangboi · 7 months
Can never forget my roomie being very excited for Qi Rong to appear only for me to immediately burst out giggling because Qi Rong is the silliest character ever, and he was like no, but he’s a cannibal. He’s like he’s disturbing, right, right? He’s like disturbing and dangerous, He hangs people.
Meanwhile I was like sure, sure. Knowing the whole time that we were about to watch Qi Rong get beat up by his big cousin and his boyfriend like the joy of sitting there, knowing that he was about to get curb stomped while my roomie was prepared for this dark, mysterious villain will truly be the highlight of my watching season two experience.
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 4 months
You know when your cat is limping, but it's a cat so it's not gonna just let you grab it's paw to look at and make sure it's okay? I think Grian would be like that. He'd be a hissy little pest about it if anyone noticed he was displaying signs of being hurt/sick and tries to make sure he was okay
Cleo holding him all bundled up in a blanket burrito in their arms while Etho tried to like, remove a thorn from his paw or something. Deal with one of those feathers that bleed a lot when broken. Something in that range
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nyaskitten · 7 months
Never forget the one time Garmadon got to have his theme music played on an electric guitar. It was fucking epic.
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paranormeow7 · 1 year
been thinking about house horror a lot lately and it’s occurred to me that a lot of it takes place in houses of evil that there’s no escape from, where you fall deeper and deeper in until you are swallowed. While I love that kind of concept, I watched a couple of spooky videos today that got me thinking about a scenario where you could leave the house and go about your life as normal, but you were still forced to live in it and come back “home” to it every day.
The videos I watched were “my house walkthrough” by nana825763 and “RADAR” by lyrahorrorz. In “my house”, the protagonist walks through a noticeably decrepit, disgusting home that slowly loops over and over, becoming more corrupted and hellish throughout each walk through its halls. This protagonist treats it as normal and describes each room and how it relates to their family as a person who would live in this house, even the ones that were “closed off”. They wander into rooms that have been condemned and show off the corpses of their family as if they are still there with him.
In Radar, the protagonist is seen desperately trying to escape his house, and an entity tormenting him by reminding him of horrible things, flooding the home with an unbearable smell, and removing his hands. He tries to escape by banging his head into his door until it splits open. Eventually he gets out and simply goes out for a casual movie night with his friends, yet having to go back home to this torment directly after. His house also becomes noticeably decrepit and abandoned by the ending.
These aren’t particularly made to display the theme I thought up, but it was interesting all the same. Your house is a place of solace, a place to rest after a long day. Now imagine if this house was a horror eating away at your psyche and your very life the longer you stay in it, yet you have nowhere else to go. Your mundane every day tasks, such as going to school/work, picking up groceries, or watering your garden become your escape, your sense of normality in this nightmare you go home to every day. You may try to run away, or stay with a friend, but you always end up crawling back into the jaws of the house one way or another. You are tethered.
The most interesting and scariest part of this concept to me is that it’s a real thing that some people live. Some people have abusive family members that they stay with because they have no one else. Some people can only afford disgusting and barely livable places infested with things that want to get under your skin. I’ve known loved ones in these situations and I’m sure if I asked them what their house felt like to them, they would describe it as a monster, a sinkhole, a place of stagnation and stress. So is it really much different to be forced to live in a haunted house, or a sentient, malevolent house, or any other sort of surreal, winding nightmare of a place that you just can’t step away from for long?
You tell me.
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zootopiathingz · 5 months
No bc theoretically what would happen if Charlie died? She’s a hellborn but apparently she has a soul, so like if she were to be killed, would she just come back? Maybe she would have a different form? Would she defy the odds and just straight up go to heaven? (because let’s be fr she’s the one amongst the few characters who actually fucking deserves to be there)
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