#Rook meta
damallarky · 1 month
Ok. So I got my Rook’s backstory planned out guys.
His name is Renan. He’s a Mage and a traveling musician who busks in and around Minrathous. Rook is his stage name.
He is the brother of my canon Inquisitor, Aisling Lavellan. There are five siblings in total. Ren is the oldest, and Aisling is the middle child.
His surname isn’t Lavellan, though. Gotta see what the names are in DA:V.
More under the cut!
His father was a former circle mage and his mother was a Dalish hunter.
Morag, Ren’s father, was part of a team of four mages given special permission from their circle to study ancient elven ruins to “further enhance Chantry understanding of Thedas and its history.” Jokes on them because the four Templars that were assigned to babysit the group were all mage sympathizers (one was in a relationship with one of the mages in the group, one had a mage sister who he cared about deeply, the youngest Templar was a good friend of Morag's and the last one just didn't care lol) so they basically let him get married and have kids while he was still technically doing what he set out to do.
The family traveled a lot from ruin to ruin. At some point, the group is called back to return to the Circle, but everyone decides to lie and say Morag "died" so he can stay with his family.
The good times don't last, though. Eventually, word gets out that there is an apostate running around, and Templars are sent to bring Morag back. During the process, their parents are killed, and the kids get separated, with Ren being caught by slavers and sold to Tevinter and the rest of his siblings being adopted into Clan Lavellan.
(Consequently, the reason Aisling begged to go to the conclave was because she was hoping she’d find Ren there, not realizing he never made it to a circle.)
Ren spends four years as a slave. His master's wife notices that he has a lovely singing voice and a talent for music, so she teaches him how to play the lute, harp, harpsichord, flute, and anything else she wants him to. He enjoys it because he loves music, but he knows that he is basically being kept as a pet to show off when the mood strikes.
(This is also when he meets the spirit Hope, who ends up taking the form of a Rook. She is also the inspiration behind Ren's stage name.)
At seventeen, he had a clandestine affair with his master's daughter, who was the same age as him. I think they were friends, and they cared about each other, but their relationship was more about teenage lust and Ren's cockiness than anything else. There was also maybe a little bit of a power imbalance that Ren doesn't really consider until much, much later in life. When his master's wife finds out, she is furious and orders Ren whipped within an inch of his life. He probably would have died had the daughter not begged her father to intervene. Ren is sent off to work with the rest of the household slaves. The other slaves were delighted to learn that the golden boy wasn't so golden after all, and they made his life hell.
Nine months later, Ren is summoned by his master. He learns that he has gotten his master's daughter pregnant. On her request, Ren is given his freedom on the condition that he takes the child (a boy) and never speaks a word of it to anyone.
He accepts and leaves a free man. He names his son Morag, Mor for short, after his father.
Except now he's a kid with a kid, with no money and nowhere to go in a country that actively treats his people like chattel. He's scared, and as a result, he does many things he is not proud of, things that he ends up regretting later in life, like drinking heavily and not being as good of a father to Mor as he should have been.
To support himself and his son, Ren becomes a musician and plays at bars and brothels, wherever he can get work. While busking, he meets an elven woman named Leena. Their relationship is difficult at first, but eventually, Ren decides to get his shit together, and the two eventually fall in love.
They get married, and after a while, they have their daughter, Esana. At some point, they both join the Shadow Dragons. During a mission, Leena is badly wounded and later dies of an infection. This almost causes Ren to fall off the bandwagon and back into his addiction. He, through great effort, manages to stop himself for the sake of his children who need him. The withdrawals were horrible, and it was one of the hardest things he ever had to do, but he did it because he loves his kids so much, and he wants to be a good father to them.
This is why he only drinks water, juice, or wine occasionally.
He still works for the Shadow Dragons, and now his son is beginning to work for them, too, despite the fact that Ren would rather he not put himself in danger.
More Facts
Ren is either 36 or 38, depending on how long it's been since Inquisition.
That would make Mor either 19 or 21.
Whatever the case, Esana is 13.
Mor is a mage like both of his parents. He fights more like a rogue, however. Veil ranger perhaps?
Esana's magic hasn't awakened (yet) but recently she has been having nightmares of monsters wanting her to "let them in".
Ren is a Dreamer like his father! He finds the Fade slightly annoying.
Mor was originally going to be revealed later in my Rook's story, which is why he didn't show up in my Rook's prologue fic.
Ren uses humor so he doesn't have to think about his emotions. It drives Hope nuts.
Hope is the GOAT of the bunch. Mor probably wouldn't have survived to young adulthood had it not been for Hope.
Hope is still relatively new to the whole "not being an actual spirit" thing. Like Cole, she still feels fairly compelled to provide hope to those who need it. Except now, she also eats mice and steals shiny things.
Esana unfortunately inherited her father's lack of self-preservation.
Esana and Mor are close despite their age difference. Mor is the best big brother.
Ren and Solas are going to drive each other insane. Especially once it's revealed just who the Inquisitor is. Ren and Solas will eventually find they have a lot in common and will both help each other heal in the end.
Idk where it will go in the actual game, but for now, I'm deciding that Ren and Solas will become very dear to one another. Bestie-in-Laws.
The family sitcom is called My Brother-in-Law the Dread Wolf.
Ren is very jealous of Solas's Dread Wolf form. Solas delights in this fact.
I also do not know who Ren is going to romance. I have never struggled so hard to make that choice.
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boygirlbowie · 3 months
something symbolic about the fact that Edwin was almost dragged down in the lust room but Charles pulled him to safety. something about everywhere being hell if you punish yourself. Edwin has spent his whole life so repressed he grew up taught that the feelings he had were unnatural and then he met Charles who wore eyeliner and touched him like it was nothing and wouldnt stop smiling
anyways this post was inspired by this gifset but I know others have also giffed that scene :]
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msviolacea · 3 months
In today's Dragon Age brainrot, I am avoiding work by thinking about how the potential lesson to learn from the Veilguard gameplay is not "Solas was right all along and our Rook fucked everything up" but "Solas was probably right to try to fix things Back in the Day, but no solution is without consequences, and once the world has adjusted itself around those consequences trying to unmake everything is the wrong choice, especially if you decide that the people who exist in the new world are somehow lesser beings than the ones you knew."
(Aside: if I had a nickel for every time a ridiculously powerful immortal character named Sola(u)s tried to fix a world-ending calamity with an effective but ultimately terrible solution and then eons later wanted to destroy the new version of the world to try to bring back the one he previously loved, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice, etc.)
And the lesson to learn as PCs is not "we should never have tried to stop Solas we fucked up the world!" but "it's never wrong to try to save the world, but sometimes your solution is going to create even more problems, and you'll need to live with the consequences."
Looking forward to a(nother) game that hopefully has a moral of "creating a better world means working with what exists, with the people you have, and putting your trust in the people you love to help you shape the future."
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uchidachi · 2 months
A friend linked me this great visualization of Bull & Solas’ chess game:
And I think it really does a good job at showing why this game was chosen for the banter. Solas moves a pawn to block the Arishok (Bull’s queen) from being able to save Bull’s king when Solas’ knight puts him in check. This leads to the eventual checkmate.
(Also, it’s interesting that Bull doesn’t have a Qunari name for the king piece. Or maybe he does, but doesn’t use it)
This is extremely intriguing for their characters and also is a metaphorical foreboding for Solas’ plans. (Is he putting an unimportant piece in danger to protect the one with more potential that is needed for the endgame? Or is he recognizing the power of even the weakest piece, when used in the right place?)
There’s also this part of the Wiki page for the real life game:
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I’m kind of insane about Solas winning the game by “allowing a double rook sacrifice” right now.
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robo-milky · 2 days
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Mason jar decorating! 💥💥
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A fun headcanon is to read Solas as an on-the-clock pride spirit first, everything else second.
Provoking people into defending their heritage and choices, because even when they disagree (especially when they disagree), someone leaves the conversation more prideful than before. Cavorting around for 10 years leaving eluvians unlocked, villain monologuing, and being Generally Menacing™️ because even if he gets stopped, he’ll be stopped by people who take pride in modern Thedas. Equating contentment to death, until Varric reframes it as fighting against the world’s attempts to take it away.*
If we think of pride spirits as personally prideful, it’s a bit like viewing sloth spirits as personally slothful. It may be situationally true, but it can mask their attempts to make YOU more prideful.
*Solas is not the only one coming out of that conversation with a change in perspective; go ask the viscount of Kirkwall.
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too-many-rooks · 4 months
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Yassen and the Morons he works with; Martin Wilby edition, Part One; threatening him at all opportunities! <Prev Next>
So I've been making gifs based around Yassen's connections to the people he works with, and quickly realised I'd need like three seperate posts for Wilby. But staring at these scenes so much has given me thoughts about what their interactions say about Yassen, (and tangentially, his potential connection to Ian.) Anyway rambly meta under the cut.
Although Yassen treats most of the people he works with, with a similar sort of disdain, it's pretty clear that he hates Wilby. Aside from evidently relishing threatening him with double-meaning assurances about 'taking care of him', and how Blunt might not buy the cover but 'we' (as in, SCORPIA), will be fine, Yassen's also more violent with him than other characters.
When he shoots Wilby, it's one of the few times we see him injure someone directly without immediately killing them. Yassen doesn't mess around, he shoots to kill *instantly.* When he does kill Wilby (gifs upcoming) it's one of the most intimate, visceral, and involved murders we see Yassen commit - he uses his hands in the kill in a way we don't see again.
So much of this additional complexity is in Levin's performance; there's a way he just... settles his jaw when looking away from Ian's dead boy to Wilby, transitioning from this look of regret and grief to what reads in my mind as a flash of quite visceral hatred. Is this a hypocritical resentment for his involvement in killing Ian, for allowing Yassen to kill him in the first place, a way for him to displace his guilt over killing Ian? Yassen can rationalise his own involvement as a professional, following orders; he regrets what he has to do, but it's not personal. But, contrastingly, Wilby betrays the partner that trusts him for self-centred motivations, for greed.
There’s the way his face tightens before promising to 'take care of him' that suggests a genuine desire to kill Wilby, the suggestion that Yassen might enjoy getting rid of him, once he's served his purpose.
But the summary of all this is that I don't think Yassen would have such complex emotions about Wilby if he didn't have some meaningful connection, and personal relationship, with Ian.
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fruitageoforanges · 6 months
Definitive thoughts on rook's rest post, maybe? I haven't seen many metas about how aemond and helaena must have felt about. That.
oh yes... 'definitive' thoughts maybe not so much, as i'm never good at 'definitive', but i do have thoughts.
i've actually written something in one of my fics about aemond's reaction to rook's rest, which sums up some of my thoughts:
He remembers Aegon after Rook’s Rest. The smell of him, burnt meat and rot. Blood, sharp, cloying. It was the smell of death; the maesters who slaved to save his charred flesh hung bundles of flowers to try to dispel it, but it clung on all the same, sour mixing with sweet. Recalling it brings sharp nausea to his mouth. No-one ever said it — the king may die . To do so would be treason, and Aemond isn’t sure what he would’ve done if one of the maesters told him to his face. After spending nights sat by Aegon’s bed, sword laid across his knees, he was wild enough to fight the Stranger themself if they came for his brother.
as much as it's a pivotal moment for aegon, it's also something of a pivotal moment for aemond. what we know of him is that he doesn't like aegon, but for all his cunty remarks like 'the crown looks better on me', he doesn't usurp him when he has the chance, and at storm's end he directly accuses luke of trying to steal his brother's throne. there's a deep vein of duty and love there, however complex. also, aemond was the one who killed meleys at rook's rest — i think watching aegon burn drove him a little wild. aegon, as the eldest brother, is the thing that has defined aemond's entire life, and it's probably the first time he's had to confront losing him. so: rage and grief enough for there to be nothing left of rhaenys but bones, and likely frustration that he can't just fight the stranger to heal aegon.
for helaena... obviously this is post-b&c, so she isn't mentally well, but i think she probably foresaw rook's rest in some capacity. and as/after it happened she just got this sick sense of certainty, that once again tragedy has struck her family, once again she was given advance warning but it was all for nothing, nothing changed, doom is overtaking them bit by bit and there's nothing she can do to stop it.
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amcdrawnon · 7 months
hanekoma decides to tweak the black planets after getting wombo combo'd by the black uranus setup (you know, the one that reduces its already low reboot speed even further down)
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The Blacklit Planets are now banned to Anything Goes
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solasyoulittleshit · 2 months
I wanted to make this like a huge meta post but I'm just going to say the conclusion and maybe put supporting evidence later
I think Rook has (magic? purple?) wings
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
Get to know my TWST OCs pt. 2
"What Nicknames Do They Have?"
Figured maybe doing a series of posts like this would help friends and mutuals get to know my OCs better!
Part 1: What Are They Twisted From? | Part 3: Copper's Backstory
While this will pertain to Floyd's and Rook's nicknaming conventions, there's also going to be a second part to this that will be a separate post for additional nicknames from other characters, both canon and others' OCs that have formed a significant relationship with my characters! That'll come later tho.
Copper Benoit:
"Sea Dog" (Floyd) - Initially, since Copper's origin and heritage are rather unknown until later plot developments, Floyd picked this nickname because the wind magic Copper utilizes often has a salty sea tang to it, and because there's a certain irony to it, given Copper has grown up under captivity in a bayou and cannot swim. When it's later revealed he's descended from a legendary pirate captain, Floyd feels vindicated and doubles down on the nickname.
"Petit Brigand | Roi des Brigands" (Rook) - when Copper first visits NRC, Rook pretty quickly clocks that the boy's got no small skill as a thief at the behest of his master forcing Copper to become one. Copper is understandably freaked out when he hears Rook call him "little robber" (how did he figure that out, Copper has looked for every excuse to not actually follow Mr. Stone's demands) and Rook reads him like an open book. When Copper's heritage is revealed, Rook delightedly changes the nickname on impulse.
Mr. Stone and Mr. Lurk:
"Rockfish and Chromium" (Floyd) - according to him, they're placeholder names. Hey, they can't all be perfect right away! However, as time goes on, he sticks with these nicknames for them, deeming both men not worthy of the effort.
Likewise, Rook doesn't believe either of them worth the effort or honor of nicknames.
(Floyd does nickname Augustus and Octavian "the Allibros", just a little portmanteau of "alligator brothers", and it's entirely possible that they might each get individual nicknames in the future if he gets to play with the alligators more after Copper officially keeps them. Same goes for Rook, he's more likely to refer to them with nicknames after Copper makes it clear he's keeping the alligators around in order to free them from Mr. Stone's abusive ownership.)
Wei Renqiao:
"Orca" (Floyd) - people assume that due to WRQ's size and intimidating stature but seemingly amicable nature that this is why Floyd chose the nickname. Sure, that can apply, but early on in their freshman year, Floyd overhead WRQ talking with Riddle about his culture, and the fact that his people used to be nomadic and the way they trace their heritage is matrilineal. This made Floyd say "oh, so like an orca pod" and he's called WRQ "Orca" ever since.
"Grand Génie" (Rook) - credit has to go to my close friend @inmateofthemind for coming up with this one, as a respectful title Rook would use for WRQ. (iirc it means "great genius", though I'm sure it would take a hot second for anyone to puzzle that out)
Wei Xinyi:
"Ribbon Eel" (Floyd) - picked on a whim when hearing WRQ talking about his cousin being genderfluid. Turns out it fits better than Floyd expected when he first sees Wei Xinyi and realizes they're definitely as colorful as a ribbon eel too.
"Monsieur beauté mortelle" (Rook) - Listen. Wei Xinyi is an extremely, breathtakingly beautiful person. Like preternaturally beautiful, and people are often left speechless when they first see him. Rook was no exception and decided to pick a nickname accordingly.
Wei Gang:
"King Salmon" (Floyd)
"Monsieur tradition culturelle" (Rook)
Still working on figuring out how to explain the Watsonian explanation for these ones, as I'm being a little picky; I'll update later as needed.
Chrysanthos Shroud:
"Axolotl" (Floyd) - Chrys makes quite a stark impression when the Octotrio first meets him, but that hardly means that Floyd doesn't take notice of Chrys's limp after he leaves with a flourish. Floyd figures it could be either the result of an old injury that never healed correctly or the sign of an artificial limb. When he later learns the latter guess was correct and Chrys has a prosthetic leg, Floyd delightedly equates him to an axolotl and thus the nickname sticks.
Rook currently has no set nickname for Chrys! He tries to pick one a few different times, though Chrys gently shoots down a number of them with reasonable explanations as to why they might best fit others. The big thing however, is that Rook also winds up getting one of Chrysanthos's lectures and reads where Chrys points out Rook's weaknesses and shortcomings, and tries to offer some advice on what Rook can do to improve. Unlike most other students, who usually take Chrys's call-outs as an attack, Rook appreciates hearing the truth laid out to him, even if it does sting with that delivery. As such, this actually earns Chrys a lot of respect from Rook, so he is undecided on what to actually nickname him as a result (the nickname must be a perfect fit!) so for now, he just calls him "Monsieur Shroud".
Taglist: @blithesharem (thank you for prompting me to do this post in the first place!) @ramshacklerumble @inmateofthemind @tixdixl @simons-twsted-children @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @rainesol (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for stuff about my OCs!)
Also if anyone has any better understanding of French and is willing to (kindly) correct any awkwardness in my selection of Rook's nicknames, please DM me!
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liaragaming · 2 months
One of the things that just hurts so well about Solavellan is everything Lavellan learns about her culture and Solas's role in it.
I'm late to Soladash, but like... considering everything we think the ancient elves did with the Titians and the dwarves... and knowing Solas played a part there...
Just... oof.
Imagining Cadash taking Solas with them on the Descent dlc, and he just says nothing about any of it, because at the end of the day what could he say about it?
He asks Lavellan how he could possibly admit to her, "that I was the great adversary in your people's mythology?" And, good, gods should he have something similar to say to Cadash!
Except Cadash doesn't know yet... maybe he hopes they never find out.
I am a very "elfy" dragon age fan, but if we get that Titan lore in Veilguard and Solas's role it in, like I think we're going to...
I am seriously considering playing dwarf Rook.
Just, enemies to friends to... fuck.
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neige-leblanche · 2 months
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sandersgrey · 2 years
"Kit's silence treatment to Ty isn't healthy because it's stewed in shame" uh YEAH. Nearly ALL of Kit's relationships are.
He's JUST starting to figure out a healthier dynamic with his family in Devon, and they havent done anything to upset him yet, so he hasn't had any reason to try and figure out healthy forgiveness.
The only real, meaningful relationship Kit is shown to have before the Institute was his dad, who we never see him saying no to.
You think Johnny Rook was out there showing Kit how to establish and enforce boundaries in a healthy way? Fuck no.
Kit was, as far as we're aware of, not only obedient to Johnny's wants but also willing to go out and put himself at risk by pickpocketing as as ten years old. He's not even outwardly angry when he realizes his own father didn't unconditionally love him.
Kit is consistently shown to be people pleasing when it comes to people he's attached to.
He jokes but plays Ty's Watson nearly as soon as he realizes that's what Ty wants from him; he assumes he has to repay Jessa for the love they show him before Jem assures him he doesn't; this all stems from Kit's core belief that love is earned.
And yeah, he thinks he hasn't earned Ty's. There is some deep shame in there, born from internalized homophobia, but also from Kit showing vulnerabilty for the first time in his life and getting... nothing. The realization that he means absolutely nothing to Ty.*
Of course he doesn't want to be reminded of that. The sheer humiliation would've killed a lesser teenager.
That's the same kid who saw a werewolf transform in front of him as a child and had a breakdown so public his dad pulled him out of school and kept him at home for at least five years, and he still has werewolf friends.
He dated someone who he was 50% sure was a werewolf, and only broke up w her bc it was too awkward... to not know if she was or not. He never hints that her being a werewolf would be a problem itself. It's just the awkwardness of asking.
He jokes that his dad isn't in heaven, but that's as far as his anger there goes. When he finds out that Johnny lied to him his entire life, Kit is upset. He's not mad.
This is the same kid who grew up being told shadowhunters snatch children, who had a knife held to his throat in his first close interaction with one, and still was able to become best friends and eventually fall in love with the exact same shadowhunter.
Kit can't do confrontations. He assumes that whenever a relationship goes wrong, it's because of something that makes him unlovable. That's obviously untrue and unhealthy.
But Kit doesn't hold grudges. He might avoid a more intimate relationship if things are awkward, but he's clearly willing to be close to people who he would be somewhat justified in believing have hurt him in the past.
The fact that he doesn't want to see Ty is stewed in shame.
The fact that he's so willing to enforce that boundary that he'll tell his friend's ghost that he won't talk to her anymore if she keeps trying to bring that up? That he's not rude, or mean, but honest about his unwillingness to be around Ty when Ty himself shows up?
Honestly, I'm kinda proud of him. That couldn't have been easy.
* Btw, this isn't Ty's fault. Ty was trying to bring back his sister from the dead and was not prepared for Kit to just straight up tell him he loves him. He needed 3-5 business days to process that, but, of course, both of their trauma responses clashed. That's what trauma responses often do.
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twst-hanaya · 2 years
Rook Hunt: Apathy Wrapped In Kindness
Okay so this is just going to be me ranting about Rook Hunt (finally - despite him being my fave most special little boy, I haven't written one post about him since starting this blog). It's basically just my personal interpretation of his character and how I imagine he would act, specifically with regards to love and romance. Basically just some personal head-canons, so don't get mad at me if we have different views of him.
I do love a man that can give me emotional damage in ways I never thought possible. Let's get started.
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My impression of the fandom consensus - at least, the part of the fandom that writes Reader/Character and MC/Character fics - is that Rook is either an obsessive Yandere or a very gushy and romantic that likes to make grand gestures and dramatic declarations of his love for his significant other in French, with maybe a touch of danger, but it's sexy so we're good.
Realistically - (bad word here I know, I like fantasizing just as much as the next girl but this is for the sake of my deep love of his character okay) - I think Rook would make a terrible lover.
He himself says that he's too obsessed with beauty to be tied down, that his eyes will always chase what shines. He won't give up the opportunity to experience the other beauties of the world. He's so caught up in the expansiveness, the endless novelty, that dopamine hit from finding that shiny new thing, that the idea of limiting himself deliberately is foreign to him. He doesn't commit, not because he's afraid, but because he is greedy. Commitment is a choice to sacrifice, and he wants to experience everything this world has to offer.
As he is now, he is overwhelmed with the abundance of experiences available to him, and he doesn't quite understand the beauty that can only be found in that sacrifice and deep connection with another human being. His intake is just that - taking. Receiving. He eats beauty and enjoys his meals, the delicacy of human existence. He enjoys observing and even helping grow what he finds, making precise comments with his sharp, observant eye. He gives quite a bit in that sense - wisdom, encouragement, and most importantly, the truth.
See, my favorite thing about him is that despite his affable and friendly nature, he always keeps people at a distance. And even worse, he's a hypocrite. If he finds you interesting, he has no qualms about ripping apart your barriers and peering into your soul without you even knowing, while simultaneously disliking any attempts by others to probe into his own life in any significant way.
So this is what I think loving Rook Hunt would look like.
He'll shower you with praise and attention and understanding and advice. He will carve you open and lay bear your every fear and hope and dream, and he will consume that beauty, of a person's most secret, vulnerable part of their being - a risk you have taken, a gift you have given him - with shining eyes and even something like affection and gratitude.
He will do all of this, and when you ask him to please - please give me a piece of yourself too? Something precious, the same as I have given you? He will turn away. His curiosity satisfied, his interest sated, he will move onto the next shiny thing that catches his eye.
He will make you love him, and he will take that love in his hands and hold it up to the light to see how it catches it. He will admire how it sparkles so brightly and how it is malformed and dark in certain spots, and then he will put it down. It will have no place in his life, the collection of things he is willing to keep.
And what are you left with? A love that has nowhere to go and is too unwieldy and overgrown to fit back inside of you the way it used to. There's a big hole, and you have in your hands a love with nowhere to go.
So what were you? Just an experience? His kindness wasn't untrue - he meant every word he said. But his detachment, how he cuts himself out of the equation of life and places himself as a spectator who watches a play, is a type of apathy the inevitable cruelty of which will hurt you when you are standing alone under those bright stage lights looking for his silhouette in the shadows of the audience.
His heart will never belong to anyone but himself. Some might catch a glimpse, on accident. Maybe a sliver he's willing to expose in order to protect the whole. What a cold man.
But maybe, just maybe, someone can show him one day that that emptiness isn't just something he only leaves behind in others but grows in himself as well. Like I said, I don't think he quite understands the value of sacrifice, the kind of sacrifice that binds a person to something greater than themselves - the kind of sacrifice that binds oneself. But maybe when he breaks that person open and they inevitably reject him, unable to bear that feeling of loneliness despite standing beside him, he will feel even a hint of what he has let go, of what he has unwittingly lost with his careless consumption of others' hearts.
Anyways I need someone to write me a 100k+ slowburn Rook/OC fic with this in mind otherwise I have to do it myself and that shits fucking hard man, lol.
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sydneyadmu · 2 years
a few days before cassian met tivik in the rings of kafrene, he had to rush from corulag after getting some ambiguous information from him
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tivik is the one who went to jedha and got the info about bodhi, the death star and galen’s involvement. cassian already knew his name and the whole thing is called a puzzle. a puzzle that the rebel alliance was trying to finish for a while
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the alliance was gathering intelligence on this topic for we don’t know how long (but these things take time), but some pieces were missing. they were found in the beginning of rogue one, with tivik, bodhi and jyn.
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oh… and remember that I mentioned corulag? there’s someone who might have been the key to get the vital information about all this and was arrested in this same planet just months before
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