Liara Gaming
23K posts
Asexual, INFP, making Let's Play videos, writing fanfic, creating music videos, and celebrating the games I love. Mostly Dragon Age (and lots of Solavellan) as well as Witcher, Harry Potter, and Last of Us.
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liaragaming · 16 hours ago
I've seen lots of wonderful headcanons about Emmrich having sex with Rook. Emmrich being a tender, patient partner to an inexperienced Rook. Emmrich being completely disarmed and enchanted by a horny disaster Rook. Emmrich disciplining a bratty Rook like the hot professor he is. Emmrich being a worshipful service top to a Rook insecure about their body. Emmrich submitting himself to Rook with eager adoration. Emmrich pleasuring Rook with his hands and mouth because his erectile function is not what it used to be. Emmrich having the stamina of a much younger man because he takes fastidious care of his health. Emmrich having little to no stamina and still finding ways to have fun with Rook. Even Emmrich making creative use of his Lich form.
But right now... I am thinking, Emmrich and ace Rook. Particularly an ace Rook who is very very firmly on the A end of the spectrum.
A Rook who wants nothing to do with sex whatsoever. Who is drawn to Emmrich romantically, yes, who spends such a wonderful time with him walking in the Memorial Gardens and smelling the flowers, who cuddles with him in front of the Fade aquarium, who dedicates love poetry to him perhaps — but who is deeply perturbed by the idea of things going any further. Not because of trauma, not because of some dark shadows haunting them; that's just how they are.
Perhaps they knew that long before their current mission.
Perhaps they have a moment of realization, like Taash, right in the middle of it — "Well of course I don't get any urges, I am too focused on saving the world! And before that, I was too focused on being a Crow, or a Warden, or... Wait what do you mean you guys are still attracted to people? Even when you are too busy with your responsibilities?"
"Oh!" Spite sings in delight out of Lucanis' mouth. "Oh, they are like you! Or half like you, was it?"
So Rook has to sit down and self-reflect... And then, what if they suddenly feel terrified? Ashamed? Guilty? Poor Emmrich has been waiting for a great, sweeping love all his life; but so many people think that without sex, love is incomplete. Would it be fair for them to cling to him, to hold him back from the bliss he could be enjoying in the arms of a real lover? A person who... properly meets all his manly needs. Just because he's older, doesn't mean he has to settle for someone who can't love him all the way!
But the thing is. Rook does love Emmrich all the way. What they have is real and complete. Still a flame that burns eternal. Still a love undying.
Just... Emmrich and ace Rook.
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liaragaming · 16 hours ago
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I have DONE IT! I crocheted this adorable Emmrich and boy did he come out SO CUTE! This really was a passion project and as passion projects can get, the project just got more and more complicated as I went. He went from an amigurumi piece to what I'd like to say is a full out mixed-media piece. I used everything from yarn, thread, jewelry findings and polymer clay on this guy. I'm just so happy with it!
I hope you enjoy him as much as I enjoyed making him.
You can also check out the TikTok I made with slightly better 360-degree views. :)
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liaragaming · 1 day ago
Got encouraged a little, few people liked it so I posted my very subtle Rook flirtations here 👉👈
I mean... Emmrich is good with anatomy, right?
[More shorts?]
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liaragaming · 1 day ago
I needed to do this. Hezenkoss does not like Emmrich's butt ❤️
[and here's the rest of short comics....]
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liaragaming · 1 day ago
A solid form is both shackle and strength.
It affects more than you imagine.
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Inspired by this gem I captured. I love that they are looking at each other through a literal spirit of command.
anyway... this has been rattling in my brain for a week. And now it is out.
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liaragaming · 5 days ago
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I spent too much time on this.
"Arm chopping is not a love language." - Nimona Movie
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liaragaming · 5 days ago
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liaragaming · 5 days ago
This is canon.
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45yr old woman discovers mpreg
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liaragaming · 5 days ago
People not realizing how good of a romance Solas is, and then romancing him and finding out adds years onto my life, I swear.
You fucking Solavellans were hiding this from me
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liaragaming · 5 days ago
Solas getting snarky with Lavellan in the fade when he's exhausted and she just. Stops. And gives him a look.
He thinks to apologise, or not to, when she turns to take his hand.
"We need rest."
"What we need is--"
"Solas, man of pride and spirit of wisdom," she snaps as she sets herself down on a conjured patch of soft earth. "If you do not sit with me and lay your head in my lap this instant--"
He's on his knees and collapsing down, hugging her midriff like a man at storm.
Hours later, he hums an apology, and she just scoffs.
"You are still a creature of flesh and blood, ma lath. No doubt I'll behave the same eventually."
A smile. Maybe he doesn't despise that fact so wholeheartedly anymore.
"Then I will remember your remedy for such an occasion."
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liaragaming · 5 days ago
Thank the Maker for that last bullet point.
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Yesterday I had the opportunity to talk to Gareth David-Lloyd (Solas' voice actor) during a Swedish convention. Here's some of the things he said about his work on Dragon Age (that I remember!)
He's not entirely happy with the writing of The Veilguard. "But that's what happens when there's too many cooks" (paraphrasing) and when all the original people disappear from the project (like the layoffs). He said something about how when passing on the project to other people (writers) there's sure to be some lost information or different interpretations.
He didn't know more about Solas than the player did during Inquisition. He just thought Solas was a mysterious companion that disappeared. He only learned more when he got the script for Trespasser (and his reaction to getting all the info from Trespasser was "this is awesome")
I asked how he prepared for the role of Solas the first time he got the role, compared to when he came back for The Veilguard, and one thing he did for The Veilguard was just to play Inquisition several times (which ofc he "had the time for since it took years for The Veilguard to come out" (paraphrasing)). The third time he played Inquisition he romanced Solas, which was "a fun experience".
He hasn't finished playing The Veilguard because he's playing on his son's ps5 and doesn't always have the opportunity to play. He received a free code for the game, but for pc, and he doesn't have a gaming pc (if I recall correctly).
Solas' performance was first done with motion capture, which David-Lloyd said he would've loved to have done himself. Mainly because he originally had to match his voice acting to that of the mo-cap actor's performance (like dubbing), which of course limited his own performance. But in the end he performed the lines in his own way, which he felt was best for the final product, and was more happy with the result. The animations then had to be altered to fit David-Lloyd's performance instead.
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liaragaming · 5 days ago
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Thought I make a master post with all my Emmrook sketches so far for all the lovely new followers, but turns out I can only include 30 images and I have way more than that :’D
edit: I got flagged so I removed all explicit content, so… those can be checked on Patreon🤍
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liaragaming · 5 days ago
Rook Swimming Party Banter - Faction Edition
Part 1
Mourn Watch
Emmrich: How was Rook never taught how to swim? Vorgoth: THE WATER IS UNTRUSTWORTHY
Lucanis: How was swimming not part of Rook's training? Viago: We gallivant on rooftops. Where does swimming come into it? Lucanis: We live in a city that - wait. Do you know how to swim? Viago: ... Teia: And, he's gone.
Grey Wardens
Davrin: How do you not know how to swim? Rook: The only requirement to becoming a Grey Warden is fighting darkspawn. Davrin: Do you know how to swim? Antoine: Please don't bring me into this.
Veil Jumpers
Bellara: How did Rook never learn how to swim? Strife: [to Rook] You don't know how to fucking swim?!
Lords of Fortune
Taash: We started from piracy. Our base is on the ocean. How is it Rook can't swim? Isabella: Well, I'm not their damn mother. Taash: Shouldn't swimming be part of the joining requirements? Isabella: Just remind me not to take them out on my ship.
Shadow Dragons
Neve: Did you know Rook doesn't know how to swim? Viper: There's magical ways around that, right? Neve: I suppose. Viper: Good. <or> Neve: Rook's not a mage. Viper: Oh.
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liaragaming · 5 days ago
Talented people of Emmrich's fandom! Could we please do something with this? 🫠
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liaragaming · 5 days ago
Rook Joins the Book Club - Mod
As one of the many people sad that Rook wasn't included in the Book Club, I set out to fix it by editing the codex entries in the game :)
There are 6 versions of the mod available, one for each faction. Here is a showcase of the Warden version:
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The rest of the entries can be found under the cut.
Crow Rook:
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Lord of Fortune Rook:
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Shadow Dragon Rook:
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Veil Jumper Rook:
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Mourn Watcher Rook (typo in the word "possession" is fixed in the latest version of the mod):
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liaragaming · 5 days ago
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Happy Dragon age Day, I have a new DA Piece up today! Made for a new interview/piece with Jepler and Corinne about end game decisions, lore, the future, etc.
The writer/interviewer and I brainstormed three tarot cards to inspire each section of this piece as well as the past, present, and future like you would see in a tarot reading. The death of the titans is 9 of Swords and represents the past. Solas is the Hierophant and represents the present. And the Executors are The Tower and represents the future.
Overall im really pleased with how this turned out despite the fact that I had like 2 days to do this one again b/c I was going to work on it over thanksgiving and then... just did not lol. Tried my best to match the style of Solas' murals in DATV and had a great time with all the little details.
Also huge shoutout to the folks who made the Elven font, I had a great time using it!!
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liaragaming · 5 days ago
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when you're mourn watch but also cute as hell
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