#Rogue Like Shooter
taintedco · 2 months
Atomic Picnic
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Atomic Picnic is a bullet hell game that is unlike the others I have played. This game is co-op and you can play it with friends! Yes with friends and its 3d instead of the normal 2d. This game is so much fun and each time you get waves and waves of enemies.
This game is open world and you can get different guns and power ups. Each time you level up you get different weapons, throwables and characters which is nice. You have quests to complete like defeat 250 enemies and each time you do it, it gets higher and higher.
There are different things in this one like you go find a man that has two dice and you decide which hand you want and hit F and it will roll the dice and give you a random curios. In which this game that is what the power ups are called.
Each time you complete the missions, the enemies gets harder and harder along with the boss and it can become a challenge to beat them.
Wishlist/ get the game here!
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The Gun is Good
The Penis is Evil
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ipsl0re · 3 months
It’s funny how I am like I act on here- I don’t behave differently, but I am less… muted?
The version that reblogs on here is just the dilute edition of the weirdo concentrate that only a few people are capable of handling neat.
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durasoup · 4 months
Helldivers 2 // I'm Doing My Part!
8:00 PM EST // https://www.twitch.tv/durasoup Time to go on a bug hunt!
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conceptmobius · 5 months
Genre Avoidance
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lamothla-art · 1 year
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I don’t post my OCs a lot but these are my Tiefling children and I love them. Their names are Zaphod (red, he/they) and Leyva (pink, she/her) and they have an interesting relationship with each other. They’re both very bitchy and catty and they only get along for like 5 minutes before they wanna beat the shit out of each other
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demento-mori · 5 months
old man yaoi in my dnd dream
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
Lumencraft sees more changes since full release
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Lumencraft rogue-like shooter game sees another update for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Which is all due to the commitment of developer 2Dynamic Games. Available with a discount on Steam, GOG, and Humble Store. Independent development studios 2Dynamic Games are still releasing new updates for their game Lumencraft. This is the first update since the v1.0 releases February 28th. While offering players the full combination of a top-down shooter, mining, and tower defense game. Dynamic lighting and almost unlimited setting destruction. While allowing players to build a unique atmosphere in the survival and tactical gameplay. 2Dynamic Games have just released a new Lumencraft update. So you can now check it out and take on these small (but important) changes. Don't miss out on the latest upgrades, such as adding the "All" option for single player controls. While letting you use both controller and keyboard/mouse
Lumencraft - Full Release Trailer
Power extender range increased from 100 to 120
Improved feedback when using Technology Orb
Increased Message Box screen size
Heart beat sound is now dimmed when Lumencraft is paused
Fix performance issue related to blinking marker on the minimap while the base is attacked
Campaign: coop mode now carries between missions
Campaign: fixed Lumencraft freeze when player dies in Hub
Campaign: destroying Shredder in Box Extraction will now result in immediate failure
Tutorial: at the objective about building the storage, the building key label will now display minor translation fixes
Fixed the bug report tool automatically unpausing game when finished
Fixed Stone Gate not refreshing items while being interacted with
Lumencraft offers a unique blend of top-down shooter and base building. All while you take on procedurally generated levels to build your base, dig some tunnels, and find the precious Lumen. Since this is humanity's only chance for survival. Which also offers a free playable Demo for both Linux and Windows PC on Steam. So you can try it before you buy. Lumencraft rogue-like shooter game is available on Steam, GOG, and Humble Store. Priced at $13.99 USD / £11.89 / 13,99€ including the 30% discount, until March 14th. Along with support for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Not to mention fully Steam Deck Verified.
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simplaertes · 1 year
five shootings literally blocks from me in the last two months: [crickets]
one tiny protest: national news coverage, family texting to see if i’m ok, national guard called in, etc
this is so fucking stupid dude 😭
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Tim, to Duke: Welcome to our vigilante family! Let's hope you'll have more luck on the job than I did.
Duke: What? Why? What happened?
Tim: When I was still Robin, there was a rogue we had been investigating for months and when we had finally apprehended him, he was shot right over my shoulder.
Jason: I don't know what you're talking about. Sounds like luck to me. You're still alive.
Tim: Jason... You were the shooter.
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
This might be the second worst thing that’s ever happened to Gareth while wearing these stupid shorts, or in general he guesses. The first being when he was in gym class and the got caught on the fence he tried to hop in order to skip said class, successfully exposing his lemon yellow carebear boxers, the only pair he had left because everything else was in the wash. Luckily it was only the gym teacher, Mr Carrey, and Linda Stern, a girl that kept to herself so unlikely to share such scandal. Neither brought it up again but that doesn’t mean Gareth was free of the memory, or free of reliving it whenever he opened his drawer to pull out some underwear.
But it’s not just the shorts that tie Gareth’s ‘most embarrassing and traumatising events of my life so far’ memories together. No, the instigator of both of these events also keeps them joined in Gareth’s mind. Edward Munson. It was Eddie who insisted that skipping class while in said class would be the smartest move to make ‘think of it Gareth, imagine it, skipping right under Mr Carrey's nose? He'd never expect it! High class rogue moves for sure!’
So of course Gareth was convinced by Eddie’s manic eyes and excitement and successfully flashed his gym teacher while the mastermind was laughing and pulling him down off the fence. Mr Carrey must have felt sorry enough for Gareth to let him run and isn’t that a fun addition to an already horrific memory?
Anyway, back to Eddie Munson; worst person to enter Gareth’s life. Because now? Now Gareth is stood outside a stupidly big and stupidly fancy house, in the offensive (now repaired, thanks Granny) gym shorts, and a pair of plastic and bent out of shape fairy wings. Originally he was supposed to be in a white vest too but he drew the line there, adamant he’d be wearing his Iron Maiden shirt to save some sort of dignity. And to top it all off it’s a beautiful day so of course people are out mowing their lawns, families are walking their dogs, children are playing in the streets and just enjoying the surprisingly mild february weather. All of them staring, quite obviously, at what they see as a strange teenager in wings being shouted at by an equally strange kid hiding behind a, not nearly big enouhg, bush for ‘stealth reasons’ apparently. 
Gareth slowly turns to look over his shoulder to glare at Eddie who is peaking around the shrubbery. 
Of course that’s exactly when the door to the stupid house opens and the reason Gareth is here steps into the doorway. 
Gareth grits his teeth and begins to recite his lines ‘Steve, o steve. You are beauty that has to be seen to be believed. Wont you be mine until the end of time?’ He finishes and stands glaring over Steve fucking Harrington’s shoulder
‘DO THE FUCKING REST GARETH’ Eddie’s voice emanates from somewhere to the back of Gareth, probably still hiding behind the stupid bush. So Gareth ‘does the rest’ he does a very slow and deliberate 360 spin before crouching down to one knee and shooting a plastic bow and arrow at Steve’s chest. Of course the arrow just rattles to the floor, sad and pathetic, just like it’s shooter Gareth thinks to himself. 
‘Gareth? Why…umm, are you okay?’ Steve is obviously trying to hold back laughter and doing a terrible job of it. His face is convulsing like he’s just eaten a whole lemon, rind and all. And well, who knows, maybe he has, maybe it's a secret trick for keeping his hair so big, Gareth isn’t here to judge, he just wants to leave. 
‘Dude please just answer the question and put me out of my misery’ He’s still half on the ground and his knee hurts and it’s hot and he’s kneeling at Steve Harrington’s fucking door dressed as a fucking cupid because he couldn’t say no to his fucking stupid fucking best friend. Gareth pulls himself away from thoughts of despair when he sees Steve’s mouth open to speak. He’s got one hand on the door frame, the other on the back of his neck
‘Oh, uh, yeah? I mean, yes? This is for Eddie right?’ Gareth stopped listening after the initial ‘yeah’, instead standing and turning to the, very small, hedge Eddie was doing an awful job of concealing himself behind 
Suddenly there's a whoop and an air punching Eddie Munson who realises he’s exposed his ‘perfect’ (shitty) hiding spot and is in full view of Steve. The idiot even tries to play off the air punch by combing his hand through his hair which obviously gets stuck on his rings and then tries to play that off by just keeping his hand in his hair while waving with the other, not trapped hand. With a violent yank he manages to free the entangled fingers with only a small whine.
‘Uhh…Hi Steve’ Eddie says with a dopey smile and somehow, somehow he’s got an equally lovesick looking Steve smiling right back at him ‘Hi Eddie’. At this point, Gareth has quite frankly had enough, Eddie and Steve are slowly walking towards each other like some romcom end of the movie scene and he’ll be dammed if he’s watching those two tragically flirt at each other. So he grabs the van keys out of Eddie’s pocket as he passes, resigning himself to an hour of shooting Eddie’s empty cans in the back of the van while he waits. Gareth is almost off the lawn when Eddie must get brave
‘FUCK YOU!’ Gareth snaps the arrow in two trudges off, wings flapping behind him.
Three weeks ago
Gareth was at his desk, he was trying to practice some drum rhythms when Eddie flounced in and dramatically dropped onto his bed. For the past half hour Gareth had been regaled with yet more ‘reasons why Steve Harrington is my dream man’ from Eddie 
‘You don’t understand man. He was just driving and the Eagles came on. Don’t look at me like that, I know it’s the eagles, but it was life in the fast lane and he was singing along to it dude. The line! You know the one! I swear it was an instant hard on, thought I’d came by the end’
‘DUDE STOP. STOP. I’ll do whatever you want just please never talk to me about your Steve related dick events again’ Listen, Gareth loved Eddie, he did. But there's only so much a man can withstand and Eddie could monolgue for hours if given the chance.
‘Whatever I want?’ There was no obvious devious tone here but Gareth still should have known better than to agree. If he had clocked Eddie's face he would have seen an expression so devious that he'd be running out the door.
‘Yes! Fuck, just no more. My ears are never going to feel clean again’
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ehszter · 16 days
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my made up shooter game characters!!
/some story time: soo a few years ago I got addicted to a multiplayer shooter game, Rogue Company, I played just about everyday for 2 years. It scratched the itch in my brain I didn't know I had. Got pretty good at it and enjoyed knowing almost every bit of the maps and weapons etc. Buttt I became verrry annoying when I played, and my husband was very sad about me shouting and swearing at the screen (understandably) and so I said goodbye to my friends there and decided to delete it forever. And wow addictions suck?? Like it's been almost a year I stopped and I still think about it a few times a week and have dreams about it monthly. Crazy! So I guess i kinda tried to make something productive of this obsession and started to think what kinda characters I'd love to have in a shooter game. Yep story time over.
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booasaur · 2 months
Once again Biden rejects an off-ramp to stop the violence in Palestine and instead doubles down, going against international law and the rules-based order itself to shield Israel.
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This is when it was Russia:
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At this point, I don't get how people can claim this is something Biden doesn't want, that he's just playing the politics to get Israel to listen to him. This was an ideal moment to pressure Israel but instead it's the ICC that's being delegitimized.
Either Biden wants this or Israel is a genocidal rogue state that can't be reasoned with, which makes it someone we shouldn't be sending billions of dollars of weapons. This is like if you negotiated with a mass shooter holding hostages by giving him all the weapons he wanted in the hopes that he might slow down. For seven months.
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Hi there! I really love your vast universe of headcanons, so I have a request :b
How would each Bot (TFP) react to the game Five Nights at Freddy's? Because, like, if you think about it, Cybertronians kinda ARE animatronics😂 . So would that make them more scared, or less scared? Also, I just wanna see how they'd all react to getting jumpscared.
Oooh! Interesting little concept! I love doing the bots reactions to things like this! Although admittedly I don't know how all the mechanics for FNAF work despite knowing a lot of lore, so yeah, this could end up amazing or crap.
Five Nights at Freddy's
The children regularly played video games, it was nothing new to the team. They were the ones who got Bumblebee and Smokescreen hooked after all. Most of the time the children played pretty tame games, often a shooter or racing game of sorts, nothing to be concerned about. However one Friday night after school Rafael brought a new video game to base to share.
It seemed normal at first to the team who were watching from the corners of their optics as they worked. It seemed to be a horror game, one where there was a hidden enemy. And that perked the interest of the team who slowly gathered around to watch as Rafael played the game he called Five Nights at Freddy's.
At first everything seemed relatively normal to the team. From what they gathered there was a hidden monster trying to hunt down the player character to do something awful like suck out their spark or something. The team didn't fully get it, but they watched nonetheless and in increasing horror as the enemies were revealed to be what the human children called "animatronics".
Ratchet: That has to be at least third degree frame deterioration! And look at all those exposed components! How in Primus's name are those poor mecha still functioning??!
Optimus: Are they perhaps spark eaters? Or ghouls?
Arcee: They could be beastformers gone rogue. I've heard of a few cases like that.
Bulkhead: No way. Those have to be techno-organics. How else would they function without spark chambers?
Wheeljack: Nah, they have to be triplechangers. Look at all those excess transformation seams.
Ultra Magnus: Ridiculous. Whatever those things are, they are obviously tortured mecha who have been set up in some sick bloodsport.
Bumblebee: Is this some type of gladiatorial game then? There's no way the player character would be in this situation unless forced.
Smokescreen: Those mecha aren't acting all that rationally. If they really wanted to kill the player character they should have just swarmed. Seems like rookie behavior to me.
Arcee: So sayeth the rookie.
The team were filled with endless questions upon seeing the enemies in the game. And so at Miko and Rafael's behest, every bot was convinced to sit down and give the game a try. It went about as well as one might expect.
Ratchet, wanting to know what the frag the animatronics were all about, sat down first. He was very methodical and dutifully spent time looking over all the mechanics and game controls. He then took every in game night slow, meeting every animatronic and stopping them in their tracks before they could jump-scare him. However his slow and methodical approach backfired during the last night when the stakes got higher and in the end he did get caught. His first response was to leap back with his blade extended and ready to fight back. He was no stranger to battle and he was certain he could take on a beaten and mad mech. He was not afraid, merely battle-ready.
Of course Ratchet made valiant attempts to beat the game. And once he did, he refused to shut up about how simple it was and how ridiculous the animatronics were. He made it a point to try and prove that the animatronics were not akin to Cybertronians in any way, and not a spark stopped him since none wanted to admit just how off the whole thing felt.
Optimus went next just to prove a point and to figure out the lore of the game to understand the animatronics better. He was far less interested in the gameplay and more invested in the story above all else. This led him to get jump scared a handful of times, all of which he didn't even flinch at. But most of his time was spent picking apart the story and quickly finding himself far more in fear of the plot than the machines involved. The souls of children being trapped in the frames of decrepit machines and stuck unable to even control themselves properly... it was horrible.
Once he finished the game, he didn't touch it again. He didn't want to. It hurt his spark to see such innocents beings subjected to what was in his mind, unlawful spark transfers, shadow play, and a degree of slave coding. He ended up refusing to even speak on the game, it brought back bad memories. Where Ratchet tried to walk off the poor feelings associated with the game by disproving it, Optimus just didn't want to even think about it.
The children noticed both these behaviors and tried not to bring up the game around the team leader and medic since it was obvious both were not pleased.
Ultra Magnus refused to play after watching Optimus and Ratchet go through it. He had similar thoughts about the game and viewed it as being made in poor taste as it made a mockery of the suffering of those who the council harmed. And while he did realize the humans who made the game couldn't have known about the pain of those on Cybertron, he still wasn't fond of it. He personally saw the whole thing as disrespectful to the fallen and those who were lost to plague and the cruelties of the caste system. And while perhaps a bit of a far fetched connection, the appearance of the animatronics... he couldn't handle it, not after the Cybonic plague.
Wheeljack and Bulkhead took it better than their superior officers and even enjoyed the game. They opted not to think too hard on the deeper implications of the story and instead had fun poking around with game mechanics. Wheeljack tried to see how he could break the game, often trying to outsmart the game AI and cheat his way through just to prove that he could. Bulkhead didn't play much and more often than not just cheered Wheeljack on, but both always startled during jump-scares simply because it reminded them both of scraplets and the shapeshifters on Cybertron.
For them it was like the old sparkling stories of scraplets coming to eat them alive had become reality. And while they knew it was a silly human game, they both found a degree of entertainment in facing a knockoff version of their sparklinghood fears.
Wheeljack: *getting jump-scared* HOLY SCRAP!
Wheeljack: That was FANTASTIC! I've got to figure out how that little beasty caught me!
Ratchet: How in the Allspark do you two find enjoyment in this bloodsport?!
Bumblebee and Smokescreen found the deeper implications of the game too dark to consider so instead they took to trying to speedrun the game as best as they could. However considering speedrunning a survival game is a rather difficult feat, they instead made it a game to see who could avoid the most jump-scares. Smokescreen almost always screamed like a little girl whenever he got jump-scared, even throwing his remote at the T.V once. Bumblebee never outwardly screamed, but he did almost crush his remote when he got startled once too many times.
They got invested to the point of trying to get every achievement possible. Together with the children, Bumblebee and Smokescreen spent one long night beating the whole game through a use of tricks, training, and even the odd online tutorial. They were dead tired come morning, but they "won" so they spent the day sleep deprived but pleased with themselves. They received nothing but disappointed looks from the older members of the team. Although Bulkhead and Wheeljack did offer smiles and thumbs up at their efforts.
Arcee for her part wasn't interested in the game after watching the differing reactions from others on the team. She too had seen too much of old Cybertron to ignore the game's implication. So while she didn't play, she most certainly watched and made it a habit to comment on everyone else's playing styles. Wheeljack and Bulkhead received most of her mockery, especially when they cursed in fear loud enough for the whole base to hear. For Bumblebee and Smokescreen she just tried to scare them when they were most focused just to watch them flip out.
It brought her a degree of sick joy to watch her companions flail because of a game. The children for their part found the situation amusing and somewhat concerning. All in all, it was obvious who could handle video games and who could not.
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durasoup · 5 months
Risk of Rain 2 // That's Not Gold!!!
8:00 PM EST // www.twitch.tv/durasoup It's @folksydew 's first time! This is gonna be special. XD
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jovial-thunder · 3 months
feeling nostalgic about my first game
Starship Rubicon'll be 10 years old this year. I made it fresh off the back of FTL, back when roguelikes were newly on the rise and I was hungry to publish something.
It was unapologetically a Video Game — it had customizable spaceships, pew pew explosions, and a secret "spare the final boss" ending. What more did anyone need. What more can this cursed medium aspire to. (more, turns out, but not like a lot more)
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