#River's pets
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theriu · 8 months ago
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We had an exciting visitor this week! My niece and nephews discovered this lost homing pigeon at my parents' alpaca farm, so they called me to help because I have a slight history with rescuing birbs. Mom gave it food and water and kept it in a dog kennel overnight (it was very very hungry!) We tried releasing it the next day since the tag suggested it was a racing pigeon, but it didn't seem to know what to do, so we brought it back in.
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(Trying to help me with my editing, to limited success.)
But, happy day, I was able to contact the national pigeon racing organization signified on its legband, and they got me in touch with the area chapter referenced by the legband code, and HE got me in touch with the owner! The owner said this little guy was very young and got scared off by a hawk attack about a week ago (which explains the very small, healed-over scab on his neck). And he is from over an hour's drive south of here! We were both surprised he wandered that far! The owner was SUPER appreciative that we took care of him and made the effort to find the owner, and lo and behold, there is a pigeon auction he had been considering attending IN MY TOWN, so he asked if we could take care of it until this Saturday! All of us were super jazzed at this happy ending and I volunteered to keep the bird until then.
Also, when I asked the bird's name, he said it didn't have one yet. My niece was DELIGHTED when he said it would now be called by her name suggestion, Pedro! :D
Anyhoo, I took him to my house since I have dove food. He is very nervous and baby, but I have been loving on him to help keep him used to peoples. And my doves have been surprisingly accomodating (only going after him if he tries to land on their cage)!
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(Compared to the doves he is a BIG BOY)
And all of this has also led to one of my new favorite bird pictures I have ever taken:
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Pogo Stick Pedro
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theriu · 5 months ago
I can concur with this, I also have a mated pair of doves (one of which is the above-doves' progeny). I've never had to feed them grit, so they must get what they need from the Kaytee's Dove Feed I buy. They are very easy to care for, and I let them freerange in my bathroom during the day. Of course, if you do that, you need to be aware they will poop everywhere. It's not super smelly or gross once dried, imo, but it dries hard so you need a wet cloth to scrub it up.
My doves are also very determined to be parents - they lay two eggs like clockwork once a month, and NOTHING I do will dissuade them (I've seen them lay eggs on everything from bare cage wire to the shelf over my desk to TRYING TO LAY AN EGG ATOP THE DOOR, if the egg I found splatted on the floor was any sign). I have let them hatch two pairs because I could find people who wanted them, but in general I replace them with fakes shortly after laying (else my house would be overrun with dives by this point). If you're in the southwest part of Ohio area and want a dove, I recommend looking into rescues. But if you're not having any luck, I'm usually willing to raise a pair if I can find owners for both. (I usually just ask for like $20, plus I can get them DNA tested if you want to know the gender, that's another $30.)
Also, their favorite snack is safflower seeds! They are OBSESSED with these. Truancy in particular will abandon her eggs in a second if safflower seeds are in sight. XD
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How did you get pet doves? And are they easy to take care of / what do you need to keep them happy and well?
They are, IMO, the easiest birds to care for. I got them as rescues--I used to regularly volunteer at an avian wildlife rehab that would sometimes wind up with pet birds that needed rescuing. (Arson's originally from an animal hoarding situation, so I have no idea how old she is.) They are, specifically, ringneck (also called barbary) doves, which are a domesticated species. They do look a lot like their wild counterparts, but they've been living alongside humans for thousands of years, which makes them far happier in captivity than most 'pet' birds, like parrots. If you're really looking for some, they often wind up needing adoption because a single mated pair produces offspring very, very quickly without human intervention.
Ringnecks are granivores, so their diet is just pigeon-mix birdseed, a bit of oyster shell grit (mine have been going through the same 15 lb bag of grit from the feed store for five years now) and water. Sometimes they'll take a bit of fresh greens or bugs when they come across them, but it's not a necessary part of their diet. Like pigeons, they have weak beaks and feet, so they're not destructive to furniture and supplies. Unlike pigeons, ringnecks are not super social--they mate monogamously and for life, and will get territorial with other ringnecks. As a consequence, Arson and Larceny, as a mated pair, are very happy with little effort on my part. They need enough room to fly and nest and they're quite content to keep each other occupied. A single ringneck may bond with their human caretaker as their human 'mate' and will be a lot more social as a result. I chose to have a mated pair because I'm super busy, and I like knowing that their social needs are fulfilled even when I'm short on free time. Like the cats, I can set them up with a deep bowl of food and a big container of fresh water and safely leave them alone for a weekend.
In terms of space, they need a relatively large cage--three feet in each direction is the minimum, and they enjoy more room when possible. They're very docile--I can just grab em off the branch like ripe pears--and their vocalizations are generally pleasant, in the same vocal range as a mourning dove, though their songs are different. They can be trained to do simple tricks and generally are enjoyable to be around.
Their lifespans range quite a bit! The oldest one I've ever met was 32. Arson and Larceny hold title as the oldest pets I have (they're eight, at least) and still going strong. Twelve years is pretty average for them.
I do think they're great pets, and if you want a bird, they're a fantastic choice.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months ago
I was trying to get a piece of chocolate back to its rightful owner down in Mexico after he lost his cat. But I couldn't stop reversing in a river right by a local garage so the people there kept helping me out before I reversed in the river again...
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fawnblooded · 10 months ago
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hi everyone i am offering little pet portraits in exchange for donations to PCRF :)! just send me a screenshot of your donation and some pictures of ur pet (or a creature of ur choice!) for a lil drawing !! find me on insta @ blubgy
for a single portrait:
donate 5£ or more to PCRF / OR / donate an ESim (both links are in my bio!)
for an additional pet/portrait:
donate 5£ or more AND an esim / OR / donate 20£ or more to PCRF
i am also happy to draw animal oc’s/characters as well as pets!
[ Image Description: A drawing titled 'Pets for Palestine', there is a simple drawing of a fluffy brown dog holding a Palestinian flag and a black cat holding a large heart with the Palestinian flag on it. It says, "Donate minimum 5£ to PCRF for a mini pet portrait!" End ID. ]
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emirkocturk · 10 months ago
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Artık hiç kimseye süsleyecek rengarenk cümlelerim yok. zira güneşi mi söndüren her şeye içim ıssız bir orman artık..
Echo of my inner voice..
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myceliacrochet · 5 months ago
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Look at this wonderful mother -- a teacher -- and her precious children, full of life and love. They have a chance to thrive again given enough funds for food, water, shelter, and evacuation. They don't want our tears -- they just want action!
Donate here
@gazavetters #184
ButterflyEffect Project #1117
Please DM me if you'd like to be taken off my tag list!
@wellsbering @imjustheretotrytohelp @awetistic-things @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @freetyphoonfire @blomstermjuk @mythiedew @operationladybug @saintverse @acehimbo @butchfeygela @butchjeremyfragrance @ohjinyoung @rememberthelaughter2016 @parfaithaven @monotremesoup @ilikefoodandyourmom @agremlinthing @huzni @bagofbonesmp3 @hussyknee @thatsonehellofabird @innovatorbunny @dlxxv-vetted-donations @determinate-negation
Hey sorry so looking back at this now I realize it sounded like I meant the funds were for education. They are for basic survival needs, I'm just saying Manal is a teacher. As you can see, she continues to teach her kiddos in their tent. Fixed the wording
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osamawael · 1 year ago
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nananarc · 1 year ago
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Goro has had it
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xochimillilili · 6 months ago
Taking my pup out for a little night walk with his leash and collar on, having him crawl around on all fours. Making him play fetch, having him beg for what he wants with a stick in his mouth, grabbing his head and cuddling him against my bulge to make him whine. Spanking him with my belt everytime he starts slowing down, seeing how hard his pretty clit throbs with each hit
Lightly grinding my boot against his dripping cunt, seeing him get all red and even needier while having him piss behind a bush when we hear people nearby. Getting him all tired and achey so he'll be all soft and pliant and easy for me when I finally take him back home and carry him to bed
That's a good boy, I'm so proud of you~ All tired from your lil walkie aren't you pup? Don't worry my love, let me take care of you, you were such a good boy, and you deserve to have all your needs taken care of. I'll fuck that pretty cunt of yours and pump you full of my cum until you fall asleep in my arms~
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doghowto · 11 months ago
Bath? No. River? YESSSSS! 🌊 Follow me for more dogs making no sense but being cute while doing it!
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theriu · 8 months ago
Tis wooing time once again, a time when the doves are reduced to sharing one (1) single braincell.
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camellcat · 5 months ago
buffy and drusilla should've been allowed to make out. at least once :/
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donotnomi · 10 months ago
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As promised, here they are. The illustrations @agarthanguide created for our collaboration are the main inspiration for the Duck & Cover fic. Now you can see how much I love a good pun hidden in plain sight in a title.
Gosh, that little white beauty next to River, wailing and quacking after being rescued, is just adorable. He (yes, it’s a he) even has a name: Reginald. I’m so proud of having named him.🪿
I want River and Reginald on a white t-shirt. I’m 85% serious about it.
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orofeaiel · 11 months ago
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Juniper in the River
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bonefall · 10 months ago
On the topic of Flight Rising (as a fellow FR enjoyer) I'm curious what flight(s) you've been in? If you dont want to share thats fair but it's interesting to hear peoples reasonings. I joined in the early days of sign up windows, didn't have internet and got put in Lightning by a friend who made the account for me. It has been years and years, don't even know that friend anymore and am still a die hard Spark.
I was actually a Light flight to begin with! Which is another thing that must be an Absolute Shocker, I'm sure. Girlboything who likes writing was in the flight well known for being full of weird writers.
My move was to the Wind flight because minty green is my favorite color. I do love the aesthetic of the wind, the kites, and the traveling, but I'm actually saving up gems to go to Earth next. I think I vibe the most with its lore, even though its scenery is a little uggo. I love how many cities are there, I love the idea of the crypts and the hidden treasures, preserving and documenting history.
I kinda wish you got a free flight change every like... 5 years. That's more than long enough to be fair I think. I've been playing since 2016 which is actually 8 years so... idk give me free flight change. let me out. im literally from the travel guys let me travel
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foolofamel · 2 months ago
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Canyon Falls
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