#River talks about life
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violottie · 1 year ago
This is what Biden is sending "Israel" money and bombs to do. This is what America and the UK and "Israel" are doing. This is what the "free, civilised world" is paying for. This is what your taxes are paying for. This is where every penny earned by companies supporting and owned by "israel" are paying for. LOOK AT HER. THIS IS REAL. DO NOT LOOK AWAY. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. OR ARE YOU NOT HUMAN?
from Yousef Alhelou, 14/Mar/2024:
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reblog-for-palestine · 5 months ago
Master Post Updated. Here are some campaigns that haven't gotten donations today. I was unable to update and check every campaign that I am tracking do to technical difficulties on my end.
Vetted Campaigns:
@danahayat link 24,761/26,000 GBP Started: 4/15/2024 Last donation: 10/6/2024
@haithem-2 link 9,460/200,000 NOK Started: 6/14/2024 Last donation: 10/8/2024
@farahmoo2 @shah599 link 6,355/20,000 EUR Started: 7/10/2024 Last donation: 10/8/2024
@abdallaalhaj link 666/50,000 GBP Started: 8/27/2024 Last donation: 10/6/2024
@karamalmadhoun0 link 18,285/20,000 EUR Started: 5/1/2024 Last donation: 10/8/2024
@asmaamajed2 link 10,500/50,000 USD Started: 6/1/2024 Last donation: 10/8/2024
@shymaafamily link 12,801/50,000 USD Started 6/26/2024 Last Donation: 10/7/2024
@raneenrabah1 link 927/75,000 EUR Started 3/19/2024 Last Donation: 10/8/2024
@nevinalser link 2,468/50,000 EUR Started: 4/29/2024 Last donation: 10/7/2024
@maherdahalan link 1,401/30,000 EUR Started: 9/2/2024 Last donation: 10/7/2024
@fatma-anqer link 9,978/20,000 EUR Started: 7/19/2024 Last donation: 10/8/2024
@basel1995s link 8,478/60,000 CHF Started: 5/24/2024 Last donation: 10/8/2024
@amjadshiltawu link 10,231/97,000 EUR Started: 3/29/2024 Last donation: 10/8/2024
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expectiations · 10 months ago
I still find it funny that people call eleven a "deadbeat husband" and their marriage "toxic" but twelve is the "perfect husband" and their marriage "wedded bliss" all because of the few moments we'd seen between 11 and River were them being "toxic". yes of course! let's ignore how the minisodes show how that description isn't true and even how little moments in the episodes themselves – "what? that's it?" (why haven't you kissed me goodbye? are you being sly on purpose so I'd kiss you first?) and "they wouldn't bury my wife out here" and the music room is the heart of the home and it's not a ghost story, it's a love story – show 11 cared and put in the work and yes, they're going to have disagreements like the ones in TATM because duh who doesn't but it does not mean it is the entirety of their relationship but people have taken it and made it the entirety of their relationship.
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musical-chick-13 · 2 months ago
Please, can you tell me more about headcanons you have of River?
My biggest one (and probably like. the least Common™ a;sldkfaj;sldfk) is that River has pure-o OCD. Which, for anyone who doesn't know, is a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder where the compulsions, rather than something like handwashing or pacing or saying stuff out loud, are all internal. They are purely things you do in your mind. This can take...many forms. Such as "reviewing" situations or your emotions or thoughts to make sure you aren't Thinking Bad Ideas or Accidentally Did Something Harmful, it can be repeating stuff to yourself mentally, it can be obsessively thinking about a particular thing to ward off Horrible Outcomes, or. an infinite number of behaviors. (For more info, you can check out this blog!)
ANYWAY. River's obsession with Hiding The Damage™ (<-her words not mine), because if she doesn't, she will Ruin Her Relationship. The way she recurrently refers to herself as a bad or heartless person, despite helping to save people/the world with no objection (suggesting this "I'm an unscrupulous person" is something she has to keep telling herself internally, probably by looking inaccurately at her previous behavior and circumstances). The implication that she keeps (successfully) convincing herself that the man she loves doesn't actually Love Her Back (no, I don't think this was something that was just shoehorned in during the Christmas special, maybe I'll make a Full Post about that someday) so she can protect herself and not Wreck Things.
And the way she kind of like...frequently sees the Most Extreme Option is the right way to solve things? (She breaks her wrist to get away from a Weeping Angel and then tries to pretend she's fine???? because The Future?????? She gives up all her regenerations to save The Doctor in Berlin. She worries about the state of the world (and her own emotional fortitude) so much when she thinks she has to kill the Doctor that she stops time and gathers millions of people to plead with him to save himself. And she impulsively, immediately breaks out of jail and suggests throwing herself into a Time Void and targets a Dalek when she thinks he's in danger. Not that these are...compulsions, per se, but this kind of black-and-white thinking (of, there are no middle-ground options, I have to do the absolute MOST I can do RIGHT NOW) is...very common among people who suffer from OCD. Couple that with the fact that she canonically Holds Things In despite worrying about a whole bunch of stuff...yeah.
(...Tbh, I think you could even make the case that doing things like "testing whether he'll rescue her"--jumping off a building when she doesn't need to, sending him coordinates when her plan is Fly Out Of An Airlock so he intercepts her, pretending to be unconscious so he'll inspect her--are some external compulsions. In the sense that she can "prove" to herself that she is worthy of love/care. Which is compounded by how she finds her parents in her adolescent years so she can grow up alongside them, since they can't like. Actually raise her. Doing the most extreme things to hang onto the reassurance of love, etc. etc. Yeah, she has a skewed view of human emotion due to being Bred As A Weapon™, but I think there's definitely room to interpret that as being complicated and intensified by something else.)
GOD that was so long, I'm so sorry. Some other headcanons I have are as follows: she likes sweets a lot. She loves contemporary (or...contemporary to us, at least--she's from the 51st century not the 21st) opera and classical music. (<-Yes, this one is purely self-indulgent.) She's a big Shakespeare fan. She has a favorite pair of super-fuzzy green pajamas that she thinks make her look stupid, but they're so comfy. She takes very hot showers because it helps her Feel Something. One of her favorite pastimes is playing strategy games (both electronic ones or board games), but she absolutely hates chess. Also, she not-infrequently commits petty theft to procure random gifts for her parents and husband. Or for gift exchanges for the Christmas parties she's forced to go to for work at Luna University.
And, lastly, she would have become an archaeologist and/or a professor anyway even if she'd never met the Doctor (this one seems to be...a little contentious). Mainly because she. Doesn't like people telling her what to do. I'm fully convinced that she would have broken away from the Silence on her own eventually, even if it might have taken longer than it did in canon. And she is a very intelligent, analytical person, and she seems to revel in historical knowledge and Finding Cool Objects, which...archeology was always going to be the perfect career for her.
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rogueacolyte · 2 months ago
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art and patrick but it’s the 90s
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moonshynecybin · 3 months ago
u rly have put a lot of things in context for me regarding marco simoncelli & the honest trauma vale was (and like probably still is) reckoning with & it’s made me totally reevaluate my take overall. I think I was maybe overlooking it a little bc like…the idea of not only watching one of your close friends die but right in front of you but also having to reckon with the fact you were directly involved is unfathomably horrific. I also wonder if he ever looks at Bezz & sees Simo bc I do a lot :(
the thing about vale is he very clearly wants people to remember sic and know that he misses/grieves for sic but he never wants (very understandably !!!!) to show publicly exactly how bad this whole deal hurt him, so he’s often not gonna get into the nitty-gritty sort of. this changed the way he interacts with his peers and the sport as a whole kind of thing, even though it absolutely did. undeniably so. so i can’t blame you for not realizing it bc i don’t really think he wants you to
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Hello. This is Mahmoud from Gaza. I hope you are well. May I ask you to boost my family evacuation campaign and reblog my post (From Gaza to Ireland: Out of the Fire of War to the Fire of Soul-Crushing Survival Guilt and Fear for my Family) ? My campaign was vetted by el shab Hussein and nabulsi #151 on the Vetted Gaza Fundraisers List as explained in my recent blog. https://www.tumblr.com/supportgaza/760687291656192000/from-gaza-to-ireland-out-of-the-fire-of-war-to?source=share
Vetted campaign. Added to Master Post.
31,327/55,000 EUR Last donation: 9/24/2024
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violottie · 10 months ago
"Baby Sabreen, who was orphaned by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza and saved from her dead mother's womb, had died.
"Sabreen was orphaned following an Israeli airstrike that killed her mother, father and 3-year-old sister." from Eye On Palestine, 27/Apr/2024:
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reblog-for-palestine · 6 months ago
Master Post updated. Here are campaigns that have not been donated to today:
Vetted Campaign
@danahayat link 24,571/26,000 GBP Last donation: 9/16/2024
@save-salem-family0 link 5,365/10,000 EUR Last donation: 9/16/2024
@nurserehamo link 4,725/40,000 AUD Last donation: 9/16/2024
@islamgazaaccount3 link 2,362/30,000 EUR Last donation: 9/16/2024
@shimo20 link 480/30,000 CAD Last donation: 9/16/2024
@haithem-2 link 7,957/200,000 NOK Last donation: 9/16/2024
@ezzaldeens-blog link 2,423/20,000 EUR Last donation: 9/16/2024
@farahmoo2 @shah599 link 5,612/20,000 EUR Last donation: 9/15/2024
@abdallaalhaj link 225/50,000 GBP Last donation: 9/16/2024
@shymaafamily link 11,749/50,000 USD Last Donation: 9/16/2024
@raneenrabah1 link 735/75,000 EUR Last Donation: 9/16/2024
@noor678 link 3,285/25,000 USD Last donation: 9/16/2024
@nevinalser link 1,932/50,000 EUR Last donation: 9/16/2024
@shady0598767755123 link 810/50,000 EUR Last donation: 9/16/2024
@isra-elazaiza link 7,152/48,000 CAD Last donation: 9/16/2024
Unvetted Campaigns
@mohamedmoneralanqar link 252/2,500 EUR Last donation: 9/16/2024
@ahmed-ayyad99 link 152/50,000 EUR Last donation: 9/16/2024
@abooooods-blog link 1,176/40,000 EUR Last donation: 9/16/2024
@yousefalyazjii1 @monayazji link 1,826/200,000 SEK Last donation: 9/16/2024
@gaza-love100 link 205/49,200 EUR Last donation: 9/15/2024
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expectiations · 8 months ago
When talking about Amy and Rory as a unit, I call them "the elder Ponds". Because they are. It doesn't matter that River and the Doctor are older than them. They have had to mitigate rows between their own daughter and son-in-law. That immediately makes them the elder Ponds.
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When talking about the Ponds, River is always included in it. Because River is a Pond first and foremost. Unfortunately we don't even have a proper Pond Fam pic because of what series 7–[gunshot]
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acetheta · 8 months ago
i dont think i will ever get over elevens era. ever
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starchasersunseeker · 1 year ago
Is it just me and my fyp or is it finally another wave of people reading / talking about crimson rivers? Because if so I am /so/ here for it!!!
Crimson rivers is a masterpiece that broke me and put me back together over and over again too many times to count
The worst part was that I predicted everyone's deaths {of those that did end up dying} and knew exactly when it was going to happen...
Like in the chapters that it happened I could sense it.. I knew it was coming so every time i started sobbing before it even happend.. they were still all good and happy and I was already crying and mourning them 😭💔
Anyway happy reading to everyone getting into it or rereading it!! {I am living for all of this new cr content}
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starrspice · 2 years ago
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I've been hitting a bit of art block
So have some Chica family to make up for my lack of posting
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Even though they can't see her she visits them all the time!
She visits her wife and River the most though. (They need her presence the most)
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I am Nedaa from Gaza 🇵🇸💔
I live with my elderly parents under extremely difficult circumstances due to the war. We have been displaced to the south and are living in a cramped tent. My parents need food as we are living in famine and high cost of living, and they also need medical care and medications. I am unable to provide anything due to the current situation.
Please help
Despite my efforts, I have not been able to gather enough donations to meet our basic needs. Your donations can help me provide food and medicine for my parents. Even small donations can make a significant difference in our lives.
Verified by @90-ghost
Vetted campaign. Added to Master Post.
9,077/25,000 GBP Last donation: 9/27/2024
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maegorsbignaturals · 7 months ago
Give us more hillbilly au, pls!!! And they 100% live in a trailer park, omg what would King's Landing be in that au??
Grrrr okay okay just because you are asking nicely. Drangonstone IS the trailer park, Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys leaved there when they scaped their parents and adfer some time they managed to get enough money to move to an old farm that was full of mold and it smelt rancid and that everyone was pretty sure the drains of that farm was poisoned. Aegon and Aenys both tried to fix it but failed and it was Maegor the one who maneged to fix it the most of it and paint it of the most lustruous red he could find. The faith is just your ye-old south baptist/christian church, and ceryse is the girl Maegor knew there. She was the niece of the pastor and sings in the choir and leads some program to teach the kids about religion, Alys is the queen of all the small beauty peageants the town holds and ends up having names like the queen of the corn or something on those lines, Tyanna is the weird woman that lives alone in the farthest part of the town that house smells weird and she has like at least seven different animals as her pets and everyone is DAMN sure she does some kind of witchcraft and they talk about her on her back but if they need an abortion they just go to her, Rhaena was the girl who always dreamed of living in The Big City with her (girl) friends and knowing all this beautiful movie places with really high builidings and have long rides on her Blue Vespa (Dreamfyre) in the streets of the big city, but her uncle had this horrible accident and now someone needs to take care of him and his costant headaches and Maegor borderline treats her just as he treated her Ceryse and Alys and it is kind of weird.
After Maegor weird ass dead where he is found on his couch holding a beer and being illuminated by the blue gleam of the Tv with at least dozen flies flying around him he takes over the farm and said you know what i think we can make something with this shit and that is how he ends up doing the greatest emporium of milk products kingislandingtown has ever seen in its entire existence. Baelon and Aemon are your typical Highschool number one football players that could have had a uni sports scholarship but Aemon got tackled really hard during a game having some kind of internal decapitation against Sunspear's community highschool and that took Baelon so out of the rails that he just ended up never leaving the farm.
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ashleyishere24 · 10 months ago
what if at the end of the hunger games Katniss Everdeen says “Katniss Everdeen, what a joke,” and cuts and bleaches her hair in President Snows honour
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