#Ring hals.
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ghostsandgod · 3 months ago
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medusas-graveyard · 8 months ago
There's a very, very, important ring the lanterns have to locate and seal. After centuries of absence, they briefly find it's presence somewhere on earth. They're fully expecting the destruction that comes with it (via whoever has it not giving it up)
Danny, who ran away from the GIW, now jaded and left with no sense of hope for humanity, doesn't get why he feels like he's being somewhat spied on.
((He learns to love again and gets adopted in the process))
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stantanly · 3 months ago
keep thinking about Hal being truly convinced that Bruce is a vampire.
like he's somehow always gone before dawn, he disappears with inhuman swiftness, along with his quick reflexes, what appears to be super strength, and the overall dark and broodiness, surely there's no other explanation.
so at some point Bruce is compromised by some unknown ailment on a mission with Hal, it leaves him weak, sweaty and shaky. And Hal is wracking his brain trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with him and how to help, and then it clicks.
Bats is hungry.
They've been on this mission for a while and not once has Hal seen him eat or drink anything, (in fact he's never seen Bruce do either of those things at all, further feeding into the vampire theory of course...). Hal figures being the stoic altruistic asshat that he is, he won't suck it up and admit he's starving and subject Hal to his blood-sucking needs.
mind made up, Hal tugs at the neckline of his suit so it's more accessible for Bruce,
H: look Bruce, I know this is probably the last thing you want to do, but from the looks of it your body really needs it, so would you drop the selfless act and take it already?
B, enraged: ...Hal, are you seriously propositioning me right now?
H: ?????????
(B: why was your first thought to offer your neck, you realize your arms would've worked just as well, and more importantly they're easier to access-
H: interesting how you know the most convenient way to bite someone...)
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lanternbats · 1 year ago
also. have you ever watched/read Scott Pligrim? because the idea of Hal having to fight Bruce’s seven evil exes has been consuming me
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Ahem. Yeah. I might like Scott Pilgrim. And while the seven evil exes are fun (and we all know Bruce has enough of them to make it happen) please consider:
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hikarielizabethbloom · 1 month ago
Not to be controversial, but I hate how many posts I see are about what Galadriel could have/should have done and not about what Hal/Sauron should have/could have done and definitely did.
Why should Galadriel be responsible for Sauron's possible redemption? Why is getting the girl always the condition for a man's redemption arc? Why is it always the female character's job to do things? To save them? To help them? Even in fandom space?
Why do we call this progressive? And feminist?
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harveydont · 29 days ago
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burnt toast
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A funny side effect of the Corps generally recruiting only adults is that the Green Lanterns of Earth are probably on average the most well-educated of all of DC’s hero legacies*
Like, Hal was a fighter pilot in the USAF, for which a bachelor’s degree is a requirement. Guy in his original backstory got two degrees in education and psychology at the same time. John’s an architect, so he would’ve gone to college for at least five years.
Kyle’s run in the 90s mentions that he went to college, probably for art. Simon is stated to have a degree in automotive engineering. Jo went to freaking Princeton University. No idea what she studied but I assume it was something like criminal justice since she became a cop afterward.
The only reason Jessica didn’t get to finish her forestry degree was because she was hiding in her apartment for three years after her friends got murdered. But she would’ve if not for that horrifically traumatic event!!
No wonder Bats don’t like Lanterns. They’re all bright and colorful and college educated, like many of the most infamous Gotham rogues.
*I’d like to point out that this is more so because the other superhero families tend to include multiple kids, who are statistically unlikely to have graduated high school yet (and if they haven’t by now they likely never will thanks to DC’s sliding time scale)
Legit, I’m pretty sure the Earth GLs are the absolute last hero legacy to get a kid in main continuity (Keli’s first appearance was in 2019!)
And bc reading comprehension on this site is piss poor, this isn’t me saying that the Green Lanterns are smarter than all your hero blorbos. Just that the majority of them went to school long enough to get their diplomas.
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susanoois · 5 months ago
I'm doomed by BATLANTERN.
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I don't know how it happened they are one thing swear, I came to stay. I'm not afraid, the ring chose me!!!!
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shoot-i-messed-up · 9 days ago
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pneumaticshift · 1 day ago
HC:Bruce would be extremely disciplined with his diet and workouts, and then there's Hal, casually enjoying a burger and a milkshake—yet still managing to keep a perfect physique
Catch Hal double-fisting hamburgers while Bruce is over there treating a single sad almond like it’s his annual cheat meal. Hal says he's got insane metabolism. Bruce says he's got a lack of respect for the laws of biology.
(he still very much appreciates the view though)
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 months ago
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timbit-robin-art · 11 months ago
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Three Stooges Syndrome.
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smartshipfriday · 1 year ago
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moldsporr · 7 months ago
Brorails (pesterquest edit)
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harveydont · 6 months ago
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some beastars dc stuff for rp stuff im in right now
Zatanna as a white tiger for @fooldotpng
my hal (wild boar) AND harold (striped skunk)
barry as a VERY good boy (dog) and jackrabbit johnny quick for @hermannco
baby husky jason for another friend and my big ol wabbit bruce
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In the early days of the Justice League, Black Canary and Superman often tried to get the team together for more casual purposes than fighting alien invasions. It took quite a bit of wrangling to get even a few of the world's finest together, since each was often busy with their own individual adventures, and were spread out across multiple time zones.
The opportunity to gather the whole team came in the form of a fight with Intergang that had been serious enough to require the full League's attention. After the cleanup, Dinah floated the idea of getting dinner and relaxing in the Mt. Justice lounge, a suggestion that the tired and hungry superheroes enthusiastically agreed to.
Whatever initial awkwardness that still existed between the members of the Justice League was finally dispelled by watching Clark thoroughly lose an impromptu pizza-eating contest (he underestimated a speedster's accelerated metabolism). Barry's face went as red as his suit as his colleagues cheered and a glowing green crown appeared above his head.
Waving away the hard-light construct, Barry asked, "Say Hal, how come you only make simple stuff like boxing gloves and baseball bats with your ring? Didn't you say it can make anything you imagine?"
"Oh that's easy- GL's a simple man, and his imagination struggles with anything more complex than his childhood toys!" Ollie said before Hal could answer, then ducked under the construct hand that swatted at where his head had been. "You're only proving my point!"
"It's not as easy as it looks." Hal protested as the other heroes burst into laughter. "Especially when in a life-or-death situation. In those moments, you fall back on the things you're most familiar with."
"Which in your case is sports equipment? I thought you were a test pilot, not a gym teacher!"
"Jets are complex machines, miracles of modern engineering! And I make lots of airplane constructs." Hal sputtered, then grinned. "But if you're so sure you can do better..."
He held out his hand, and the green ring on his middle finger slid off and hovered in the air between the heroes. "Be my guest."
For a moment, none of them moved. Then Ollie cracked his knuckles and plucked the ring out of the air, sliding it onto his finger. "I already wear the 'Green' better, maybe I'll take the 'Lantern' part too."
Hal said nothing, his grin growing even wider as Ollie thrust out his fist... and all that happened was the power ring glowing a little brighter.
"Having performance issues, darling?" Dinah giggled.
"Laugh it up." Ollie grunted, beads of sweat appearing on his forehead. The ring's light grew brighter, and a shining arrow shot out from it, embedding itself in the wall before fizzling out. "Ha!"
"Well, you're certainly living up to your name." Barry laughed. "Mind if I try?"
"Be my guest." Hal shrugged.
Barry's attempt was immediately more dramatic, as crackles of emerald lightning flickered around the ring... but nothing more than that. He shook his head ruefully as he took it off. "Whew, feels like I ran a marathon. Is there any pizza left?"
Clark fared little better, only managing to form a holographic duplicate of his symbol over his chest and hold it for a few seconds before letting it dissipate. "This really is a lot harder than it seems."
Dinah on the other hand, opted to try a different power, rising several feet off the floor before abruptly falling with a yelp (fortunately everyone present was quite practiced at catching people). "I always wondered what it felt like to fly," she confessed. "But it's so much harder to maintain concentration when you're worried about falling."
The near-disaster left them all a little subdued, but that was quickly replaced by astonishment when Diana created a construct lasso that was the mirror green image of the one on her hip. She twirled it experimentally, then tossed the loop around Hal and pulled it tight, trapping his arms at his sides.
Even when Dinah had fallen, Hal's cocky smile had only slipped for a moment. Now however, he looked absolutely flabbergasted. Still, he managed to quip, "Is this lasso as good as the real thing?"
"Are you feeling particularly truthful?" Diana lifted an eyebrow. "Is imagination truly the only factor in wielding this ring?"
"Nope!" Hal spread his arms, snapping the construct lasso like it was yarn. "To the second question, specifically. The ring can do whatever you can imagine, but it takes willpower to maintain the constructs."
He snapped his fingers and the power ring flew off of Diana's hand and back to its owner. "And I just have more willpower than all of you."
This proclamation was met with veritable hail of bottle caps, pizza crusts, and paper plates from Barry, Ollie, and Dinah, who made their opinion very clear:
"That's a load of crap! You don't even have enough willpower to eat a bowl of chili without a gallon of milk!"
"Say that again while holding the real Lasso of Truth!"
"Ollie your chili is a freakin' war crime!" The debris bounced off of Hal's hastily constructed shield as he shouted back at his friends. He then turned to the only member of the Justice League who hadn't tried on the ring yet. "How 'bout you, Spooky? You wanna have a go?"
Bruce merely smirked. "No thanks. Green's not my color."
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