mulderscully · 1 year
it's so frustrating to be someone who was really hardcore reysky in 2015-2017. on one hand, i love that rey is a skywalker and continues anakin's legacy even though they aren't biologically related. i genuinely think that's awesome and rey IS a skywalker. on the other hand, when i rewatch tfa i think it's blantanly clear that rey is meant to be luke's biological daughter and that when they changed directors between the first and second movie they changed the entire plan and i find that really fucking frustrating.
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caripr94 · 10 months
Two different themes made by two different composers for two different characters in two different movies, and yet it's almost as if they were coordinated and synchronized to fit together. And Lucasfilm wondered why people thought that these two women were mother and daughter, especially since they looked so alike and were just the right ages for it!
They also both fit well with Luke's theme, so maybe that should say something.
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dalekofchaos · 9 months
If the Sequel Trilogy followed the narrative of TFA
My hypothetical rewrite of the Sequel Trilogy that would've made it more in line with the original vision of TFA.
Episode VIII would be Shadow Of The Sith
Episode IX would be Children Of The Force
Notice. For the sake of things I will be saying this is a world where Carrie never died.
Rey is Luke's daughter
Leia trains Finn while Luke trains Rey
The force bond is between Rey and Finn, while Kylo Ren wants to break that bond and make Rey dependent on him
The remnants of the New Republic and The Resistance unite to face the First Order and it is now the United Republic.
Big space battles to make it feel like a larger than life war and less low sped chase and stupid yo mama jokes
Reveal that the Knights Of Ren are a mix of the Jedi who followed Kylo Ren and dark side cultists who bowed before Kylo Ren when he killed their leader.
I would keep Rose, but abandon Paige, because I feel like Paige's role could've gone to Jessika Pava. Rose would be the engineer/intelligence officer and Jessika would be her pilot girlfriend
Climax of VIII. Giant space battle over Ach-To lead by Leia and Snoke via Battle Meditation. Leia's will vs Snoke's might. Leia wants to save her brother and Rey, while Snoke wants to snuff out the light.
Kylo Ren and the Knights Of Ren fights Rey, Finn and Luke in the climax of VIII. Kylo cuts Finn's hand off and the Knights have Luke at their mercy and Rey gives herself up to save Luke and her friends
Episode IX is about Luke, Finn and the United Republic to save Rey and ending the First Order
Rey is the tipping point to Kylo Ren's plans to overthrow Snoke. While Snoke plans to turn Rey against Kylo Ren.
Stormtrooper Rebellion is Finn's version of freeing his friends from Jabba, in this case freeing his family and Rose helps him. It ends with Finn decapitating Phasma and thus being known as the Phasma slayer
After this Finn meets his sister Jannah and we'd find that Finn and Jannah are the grandchildren of Mace Windu(there would be canon material for this. Mace Windu lives and is taken care of the very people who he saved during the Clone Wars. He is nursed back to health and feels like he lost his place as a Jedi for failing the chosen one and failing to stop the rise of the Empire, so he goes into exile. He becomes a farmer and falls in love and they start a family. Mace Windu lived to see the end of the Empire and the fall of the Sith and dies in peace.)
Rey, Kylo and the Knights Of Ren would face Snoke. Snoke dies physically but takes over Kylo's body.
Cut out Zorii Bliss and replace her with an undercover Jacen Syndulla and see that he's Poe's boyfriend
Rey and Finn would battle, similarly to Revan and Bastila's fight in KOTOR with the fight being for Finn to freeing Rey from her darkness.
Luke and Leia would confront Snoke. We'd learn that Snoke was Darth Plagueis and overtime he was playing the long game after Palpatine's betrayal. The destruction of both Jedi and Sith Orders and his First and Final Order would reign over the galaxy. Snoke reveals he needed Ben Solo, the heir to Vader and the Skywalker family for his new vessel and if they stop him in his new form, he will just take Rey and teases "maybe I will just force them to create vessels for me". Twisted, but that's what the dark side does to you.
Plagueis reveals that his plan is not only for the extinction of the Jedi, but the death of the force. He wasn't just abducting children for his army. He ordered Hux and Phasma to abduct the force sensitive children around the world and the rebuilding of the Dark Reaper and the force harvesters
To replace his lost army because of the Stormtrooper Rebellion, Plagueis uses the Darkside to create the perfect army to spread his darkness, chaos and disease. The Plague troopers
A battle between the free Stormtroopers and Plagueis' Sith Troopers
Space battle between the Final Order and the United Republic. Lando leading the fight against Hux. Poe and Rose work together to destroy the dark reaper. Rose recreates the Mass Shadow Generator and uses it to destroy the Dark Reaper and Poe lands the final kill shot that destroys Hux's Super Star Destroyer
Finn breaks through to Rey and they embrace in a kiss
Luke, Leia, Rey, Jannah and Finn face Snoklo and the Knights Of Ren
When Plagueis seems to be at a weak point, he drains the life force from the KOR. "Your service is at a end, my fair knights"
Near the end of the fight, Rey and Finn mortally wounds Kylo Ren, thus forcing Plagueis to leave his dying body. Plagueis prepares to take Rey's body, but in his final moments Ben Solo returns and takes Plagueis life force and sacrifices himself to save Rey and his family. He asks Rey and Finn to kill him. In his final moments he tells Luke and Leia that he's sorry for everything. Rey and Finn kills Plagueis and Ben with him while Ben achieves redemption.
A bit of life force of Plagueis survives and still plans to take Rey, but the force ghosts of Anakin, Obi-Wan and Yoda appear and drags Plagueis into the depths of the Force, where every deceased Jedi would ensure his dark essence would never again return to wreak havoc upon the galaxy. There he would experience disembodiment in darkness, perpetual madness as if to always live with an open wound; terror without respite.
Movie ends with Leia being crowned as Queen of the United Republic. The once child soldiers of The First Order become the civilians and soldiers of this New Republic. A ceremony where Poe, Jacen, Rose and Jessika are crowned as heroes of the Republic. Jannah being the first Padawan of the new Jedi Order. A wedding between Rey and Finn and a tease of Rey and Finn as the New Jedi that rises, the Skywalkers.
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jayaorgana · 1 year
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falllpoutboy · 1 year
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Jedi Masters Rey and Finn Skywalkers and their young padawan daughter… WALK WITH ME YALL!!!!
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boasamishipper · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
you're so prolific I want to make you pick 5 😈
how can you ask me to choose Only Five.......this is like asking me to choose a favorite child.......
The Stars Walk Backward (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Finn/Rey)
this fic contains everything i wish the sequel trilogy had given me: luke training finn and rey, reysky, endgame finnrey, queer poe dameron (as well as a plethora of other queer characters), kylo ren actually being a villain, a finn-centric main storyline, a stormtrooper rebellion, etc etc etc. it remains one of my more complicated multi-chaps (see: all the plot points i made myself juggle), and though i will forever be angry about the direction the sequel trilogy took, this fic will always have a special place in my heart.
Make A Wrong One Right (Top Gun, Iceman/Maverick, Maverick&Goose)
[stefon snl voice] this fic has everything. time travel. magical realism. heavy angst. gratuitous back to the future references. ice and mav's conversation in ch2 remains my all-time favorite scene i have ever written for them.
Word on the Street (Top Gun, Iceman/Maverick, Outsider POV)
in which a handsome navy pilot moves into the neighborhood and the real housewives of fallon, nevada, promptly go feral - even more so when none of them can seem to agree on what the handsome navy pilot looks like. this was my first time writing outsider pov, and i had an absolute blast doing so. sharon markowe my short jewish queen 2kforever.
You Had Me At Aloe (Top Gun, Iceman/Maverick, pre-Rooster/Phoenix/Fritz)
fritz may have gotten exactly Zero lines in top gun: maverick which is sad but Also that means that my headcanon of him as amy santiago trapped in the body of jason mendoza is not jossed!! hurray!! while i loved writing fritz being a Mess and the number one iceman kazansky stan on base and playing off bradley and phoenix (as well as sick!mav confusing bradley for goose), this fic makes the top five faves list solely because of this exchange:
Fritz buries his face into a wad of toilet paper and wails. “I told my hero he looked like a plant!” There’s a long pause. Fritz can hear Phoenix whispering part of an explanation. “Well,” Bradley says at last. “In your defense, he kind of does.” “That doesn’t make it better!”
For A Minute There I Lost Myself (Ted Lasso, Nate Shelley-centric)
you know, during the hiatus i was pretty proud of myself for coming up with this version of nate's s3 arc, and after s3 dropped i was even more proud of myself because Boy Howdy is 'nate grows into himself as a coach for west ham, bonds with his players, stands up to rupert, and mends fences with ted, who also apologizes to him' a more compelling storyline than whatever the fuck jason sudeikis and co gave us. goddamn.
bonus 5 faves because i can:
When I See Your Light Shine (Ted Lasso) - In which Sam matches with Dani on Bantr instead of Rebecca, and the rom-com of the ages ensues. Part 1 of a series.
Austin Alone (9-1-1: Lone Star) - In which Owen and Billy become friends with benefits after the reopening of the 126. Co-written with my bestie @lilalbatross.
and it was not your fault but mine (Ted Lasso) - In which Jamie learns that forgiveness is not the same thing as trust, and Sam gets some agency back.
Many Happy Returns (No Exchanges or Refunds) (What We Do In The Shadows TV) - In which it is Colin Robinson's birthday.
'cause a cat's the only cat (who knows where it's at) (Top Gun, Captain Marvel) - In which Maverick and Iceman's alien cat has alien kittens. Part 8 of my TG Captain Marvel AU series.
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whattheforce · 2 years
Logical Fallacies used against Enemies to Lovers (Esp. Reylo)
Our first Logical Fallacy we shall be discussing today is Ad hominem, Latin for “against the man.” When you resort to an insult to win an argument. Example 1: Reylo is abusive.
Second: Appeal to Ignorance (argumentum ad ignorantiam) Ignorance isn't proof of any theory EXCEPT that we have yet to learn more. Example: We have never seen Kylo be anything but bad, so he must be evil through and through.
Third: False Dichotomy Logical Fallacy meant to polarize one side against the other. You are Either with me or Against me. A manipulative tool often used to heroise one side and demonize the other. Example: Rey can't love Kylo or she isn't strong.
Fourth: Slippery Slope fallacy This ever-so slippery slope suggests that unlikely or ridiculous results are LIKELY even those there is little or no evidence to the outcome.(my Pre-teen does this) Example: Kylo committed crimes, Rey must kill him, or he must die to be redeemed
Fifth: Over Generalization OH BOY: VERY common, wave of the hand statement that makes a generalization. There’s no set rule for what constitutes “enough” evidence in these statements. OFTEN OPINION STATED AS FACT. Examples: Love stories are overrated. It's just Platonic.
Sixth: Red Herring (ignoratio elenchi) Distraction technique to off balance. Have you considered this smelly fish alternative? Example: Why don't you SHIP *Insert names* instead? Reysky.
Seventh: False Cause Fallacy or non causa pro causa ("not the-cause for a cause") Because of X outcome, this must be the Cause. Example: Rey does this one: Why did you hate your father? Kylo is truly evil because he killed his father.
Eight: Appeal to Authority (argumentum ad verecundiam) Only relaying on Authority often irrelevant authorities. EXAMPLE: X YouTuber said this wont happen, so it wont. George Lucas never intended X, because Heir to the Empire existed.
Nine: Appeal to Pity (argumentum ad misericordiam) Emotional appeal that may or may not be true, but makes you feel like it should be true because of the added emotion. Example: He doesn't deserve her.
Tenth: “consensus of the people" (concensus gentium) Authorities I trust agree so it must be true. Example: Some loud people didn't like the Last Jedi - EVERYONE HATED THE LAST JEDI.
Eleventh: Fallacy of Sunk Costs The desire to be RIGHT because of our emotional investment in a concept for a long period of time. (often with evidence to the contrary) Example: It's incest (even though they aren't related)
Twelfth: YOU TOO Fallacy (Tu Quoque) Used to neutralize criticism and distract from the issue. One party using criticism of apparent hypocrisy, which is actually just a distraction. EXAMPLE: Reylos have attacked me so it's okay for me to attack them.
Thirteen: Circular Argument (petitio principii) Assumptions built on the same assumption. Example: Kylo said he is a monster, so Kylo is a Monster, because Kylo is said is a monster. Also I am an authority, so I have the Authority to be an Authority.
Fourteenth: Straw Man Fallacy So named because it is weak and Straw like. Usually pointing to an argument that the opponent doesn't actually believe. Example: Me: Kylo should be redeemed. Them: You think Kylo is innocent of all crimes ever.
Fifteenth: Equivocation (ambiguity) Used to confuse an argument, sounding nicer than it is. Example: Rey doesn't need anyone because she is a strong independent woman. (when used to say she shouldn't like Kylo) That's the lesson for today.. Did I miss any major ones?
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I think about kylo slanders on twitter says leia wont speak to ben and reysky stan mocked elisa l for her worst takes on Leia who made her mistakes i never forgvie JJ made han and leia as shitty parents if Rian made Solos as good parents
Theres still drama all these years after the movies ended 🙃
I don't think Han and Leia were bad parents. They just couldn't understand what Ben was going through and didn't know how to help him. He was extremely strong with the force, and on top of that had Snoke/Palpatine in his head. He was a very troubled kid and they struggled to know how to help him. I think Han especially had a tough time connecting with him, Leia could a bit more because of her connection with the force. But they genuinely thought sending him off to train with Luke would be the best thing. But sadly, that is what led to his downfall. And I think Ben resented them, even hated them, for that. If they'd never sent him away, that fateful night at the academy never would have happened.
In TFA we saw how much they loved Ben. Leia wanted him to come home. She didn't care about the horrible things he'd done, or all the mistakes he'd made. She just wanted her son to come home. And Han literally gave his life for him in the hopes that it would push him to come back.
Rian followed on from that in TLJ. Ben thought his mother would hate him after what he'd done, but all he could feel from her was love. Leia still loved him no matter what. She held onto that hope, and when she had a moment of doubt Luke reminded her that 'no one's ever really gone'. It wasn't too late for him to come home.
TROS, on the other hand, for some reason did a complete 180. Leia had trained to become a Jedi, and was now even training Rey. So... couldn't she have trained Ben then?? Why'd she send him away to Luke? And don't even get me started on the whole 'at the end of her Jedi journey she foresaw her son would die, but hoped one day someone would complete her journey'. But that would mean her son would die right??? Makes no sense. The way JJ handled Leia in TROS, especially in regards to Ben, was pretty bad.
Even though it wasn't really Han in Ben's memory, it was him remembering and knowing deep down that his father loved him. That his mother still wanted him to come home. It was Ben finally acknowledging what he'd always known but couldn't allow himself to accept - that his parents loved him unconditionally.
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reyofluke-ocs · 2 years
hi hi 👋🏽 can you tell me about jacen ?
OH BOY CAN I EVER!!! Under the cut because this got... way too long. If you can't tell I'm VERY passionate about my Star Wars ocs, haha.
He's one of my Star Wars OCs, set during the sequel trilogy and part of my massive sequel trilogy rewrite. He's the son of Luke Skywalker and my OC Jana Palpatine and the older brother of Rey, who in my universe is a biological Skywalker (because I can do what I want and damn it if I want bio ReySky and Damerey and Finnrose I damn will well)
He is Force Sensitive, and was best friends with Ben Solo, Poe Dameron, and my other SW sequel OC, Tenel Kha, who is also his love interest. When Ben Solo goes Dark Side, Tenel Kha goes with, so not only is Jacen's life turned upside down, but his girlfriend also takes part in it. And it's not over, because he can feel through the Force when Jana blocks Rey's Force presence, making him think she's dead, and then feels Jana's death. If that's not enough, Luke - unable to take the guilt - fucks off to Ach-To after making sure Jacen is safe and cuts himself from the Force, basically feeling like he died to Jacen.
Because of everything, Jacen basically puts being a Jedi behind him, and helps his Aunt Leia with forming the Resistance. He doesn't actually meet Rey until Starkiller Base, though he has reason to suspect from his Uncle Han and Poe's words that she reminds them of his little sister, so initially he is just going to protect her since he wasn't able to so for Rey, but surprise! It's actually Rey. So while he is kind of awkward around her - he remembers her as a cheery little girl - he also stick to her side like glue and tags along with her and Chewie to Ach-To to find Luke. And basically him and Luke get into it, mostly Jacen venting years of frustration at him, eventually Jana's Force Ghost gets involved which leads to more venting, it takes awhile but eventually Jacen and Luke do begin to mend their relationship.
Oh, and Tenel - who is known as Peonus Ren - has been having doubts about the First Order ever since they captured Poe, and decides to defect after saving Han's life from Kylo, so eventually her and Jacen do fix things and decide to get back together.
In all honesty if it WASN'T for the fact the Dark Side is largely to blame for his life going to shit, Jacen likely would have continued the Skywalker family tradition of going Dark Side. He definitely isn't a Jedi, but also not a Sith. He's somewhere in the middle. He is also the only real contact Anakin has with anyone in the family, since Luke cut himself off from the Force, Leia wants nothing to do with him, Ben/Kylo is too deep in Snoke/Palpatine, and Rey doesn't know who this kind blue figure that helps her is.
He was HEAVILY inspired by Jacen Solo from the EU/Legends, because screw Disney for throwing them out and leaving us with Discount Jacen Solo known as Ben Solo, but also heavily influenced by Sam Winchester somewhat. Jared is my faceclaim because he has always been my choice for Jacen Solo and also, he would work as the son of Luke x Jana and as Rey's brother. Plus I just love him in general.
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mulderscully · 1 year
Why do you tag Rey as Rey Skywalker?
because that's her name....
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toxic behavior of reysky stans affected their health and finnreyswift used follow kirk cameron who is homophobic
Toxic people are angry people, imo. And constantly being angry all the time is certainly bad for your health, physically and mentally.
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aomoviegeek · 3 years
This comment perfectly explains some of my issues with 2/3 of the Star Wars sequel trilogy and why Rey should have been a true Skywalker.
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Here’s a link to the video where I found it. If you haven’t seen it yet, I HIGHLY recommend you do. It really is an amazing video 😊
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falllpoutboy · 6 months
people bookmarking my finnrey fic in the year of our lord 2024??
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
My Sequel Trilogy Rewrite
My other Star Wars changes
Prequel Trilogy
The Clone Wars and Rebels
Original Trilogy
Rogue One
There is no Resistance. It’s The New Republic. Mon Mothma is the Chancellor(Caroline Blakiston is alive so she could return), while Leia, Han, and Lando are her Ministers of Defense. Chewbacca would be the Kashyyyk War Chief.
After the Galactic Civil War, Leia  and the other survivors of Alderaan found a new planet and declared it as New Alderaan. It took a long time, but eventually New Alderaan grew as vibrant and as beautiful as the original planet and Han, Leia and Ben had a beautiful home there.
Luke would still be in exile after the massacre of his Jedi), but he came into exile to prepare for the next generation of Jedi. He sent his map that could be only uncovered by Force Sensitives. Leia prepared with Luke. They would train the new Jedi together and attempt to bring Ben home. If Ben chooses to stay in darkness, then they will stop him and Ben will pay for his crimes against the Jedi and the Republic.
The First Order would be the Imperial Remnant. it’s lead by the Imperial Council. High President Rae Sloane(played by Angela Bassett). Grand Admiral Thrawn(played by Lars Mikkelsen) and The Remnant’s benefactor, Snoke(who is played by Max Von Sydow and is truly Darth Plagueis, he is not the Supreme Leader, he is the master manipulator and Kylo’s master). General Hux is the head Imperial Officer Corps, his character largely remains the same but Hux believes in the Imperial Remnant and is not a spy(that was so stupid). Captain Phasma leads the Stormtrooper Corps. A more die hard Imperial loyalist than her sole survivor canon counterpart. Like Hux, Phasma would be related to Imperials. Phasma would be the child of  Imperial Super Commandos and indoctrinated as a child to be an Imperial loyalist and uses her Mandalorian training to train FO Stormtroopers. This would show a darker contrast to Finn’s story. Where Finn kidnapped and forced to becoming a Stormtrooper and ran from his oppressors. Phasma openly embraced the Imperial indoctrination and become a fascist leader. Kylo Ren leads the Knights Of Ren and is apprentice to Darth Plagueis. Ben Solo would still be Kylo Ren, After he learned everything from Luke, Plagueis has been the voice inside Ben’s head and told Ben the truth  that Darth Vader was his grandfather. Ben chose to embrace his family’s darkness over his family’s heroism and became Kylo Ren. He became like a cult leader who could influence his fellow Jedi to become the Knights Of Ren. Kylo and his Knights would betray Luke and leave him for dead while they slaughtered the New Jedi Order. Darth Plagueis would train Kylo Ren and together they would destroy The New Republic and the Jedi.
The Knights Of Ren. The Knights Of Ren would be the Jedi who followed Ben. These were the first six Jedi who came after Ben. and to Ben they were his closest friends from his time as a Jedi. I don’t know about the other five before becoming Knights, but Jacen Syndulla would for sure become Ben’s best friend from childhood into adulthood. These two would be as thick as thieves ever since Hera and Leia introduced them. The others would be of different races. One is a Twi'lek, a Rattataki, a Zabrak, and two female humans. As stated above, Ben would be a charismatic and cult like leader gearing his fellow Jedi towards the dark side and to the teachings of Plagueis. Then finally one day, The Knights Of Ren were born and attacked and slaughtered the Jedi. The Knights Of Ren are only loyal to Kylo and Snoke. They do not answer to Rae Sloane or her Imperial Remnant. There is a clear divide between the Remnant military and the Knights. They are completely loyal and subserviently to Kylo Ren as he opened their eyes and saved them from the dogmatic teachings of the Jedi. We will see companionship between Kylo and his knights. We need to see them as being Kylo’s personal army and trump card. Let the Knights Of Ren be people and only unmask in the presence of their master and show them as Kylo’s only true family in his eyes. We know that the purpose of The Knights Of Ren will usurp the Imperial Remnant, destroy The New Republic and The Jedi. The Knights names are as followedCaedus Ren(Jacen Syndulla), Drago Ren, Leng Ren, Silas Ren, Z’Ev Ren,  and Azraa Ren.Like Kylo, The Knights have their own unique Lightsaber and TIE Fighter. Caedus would have a Lightblaster(like Jocasta Nu’s Rifle in the Vader comic) Leng would have a Lightbow. Drago would have a Battle Axe Lightsaber. Silas would have a Rapier Lightsaber. Z’Ev would have Lightsaber Tonfas. Azraa would have a Light Pike like the Shadow Guards from Legends used. As for their TIEs. Kylo has the TIE Silencer. Caedus has the TIE Spector. Drago has the TIE Rogue. Leng would have the TIE Dagger. Silas would have the TIE Shadow. Z’Ev would have the TIE Whisper. Azraa would have the TIE Scorpion.
Snoke is Darth Plagueis. He survived Palpatine’s attempt to kill him. He “cheated death” Plagueis being the main antagonist is the only way you can step up from the Machiavellian cunning of Palpatine, by having to go up against the one who forged Darth Sidious from the Dark Side. In addition, it would bring everything in the franchise full-circle. Before I go into this in detail, I will describe Plagueis role in the Remnant. To Sloane and the rest of the Remnant, he is Snoke, their benefactor. When all was lost after The Battle Of Jakku, Snoke offered them refuge and the resources of the Unknown Regions. His official title is the Shadow Broker. Using the cunning he had as Hego Damask in the banking clans, Snoke would use the resources to fund The Imperials rise to power and reclaiming their place in the galaxy. To describe this in further detail, the story would go like this: around ten years prior to TPM, Plagueis and Sidious are experimenting with ways to take over the galaxy. Sidious is pursuing a political option through his rise in the Senate and his elevation to Chancellor, meanwhile Plagueis is tampering with the Dark Side so that he can destroy the Jedi. As a result of Plagueis’ experiments, he is able to “create life” in the form of Anakin Skywalker, who is miraculously born through the Force, and Plagueis believes that by having the prophesied Chosen One as his apprentice he can achieve his goal of domination. However, Sidious learns of Plagueis’ plot of using the Chosen One against the Jedi, and he knows he’ll be eliminated according to the Rule of Two. In response, Sidious “kills” Plagueis in his sleep and usurps Plagueis’ idea for manipulating Anakin for their Sith goals. Plagueis survives, albeit severely wounded after Sidious’ assassination attempt, due in part to his unnatural Dark Side abilities. In his anger, he formally renounces the Sith religion and pursues an even darker form of the Force independent of any hierarchy. He takes to the Unknown Regions for the next fifty years or so, watching from the sidelines as Palpatine rises to power and both the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War come and go, culminating in his treacherous apprentice’s death at the hands of the Chosen One whose creation he was responsible for in the first place. With Sidious out of the way, the Empire all but destroyed, and the Republic fresh and weak, Plagueis creates Snoke and uses him as his puppet, and is able to use his unnatural Dark Side abilities and his own cunning to rouse what is left of the Imperial forces and form the First Order, a militant and religious Dark Side cult slowly gaining power and influence through the more isolated parts of the galaxy. In addition to building up the FO’s strength, Snoke sees an opportunity in Han and Leia’s son, Ben, who is rich with the Chosen One’s blood as well as very susceptible to temptation. As Leia was too politically connected and having chose not to pursue the Force, and Luke has proven himself to be incorruptible (as indicated in ROTJ), Snoke realizes that Ben Solo is his only option for executing his original plan for destroying the Jedi and assuring Dark Side dominance. So he manipulates the Chosen One’s heir and turns him to the Dark Side, knowing that his blood holds the key to not just their conflict but the Force itself.  Darth Plagueis was a powerful Sith Lord who could influence the midichlorians to create life and also save others from dying. He taught everything he knew to his apprentice, Sheev Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious), but he eventually lost his power and young Palpatine killed him in his sleep. How could Plagueis not foresee his own demise at the hands of his ambitious apprentice? Why did Plagueis suddenly “lose his power”? The truth is, he didn’t lose his power and he knew Sidious planned to kill him. It was part of the plan. By dying, I believe Darth Plagueis was able to transmit himself into Sheev and assume control of his body, almost like an infectious disease. Ever notice his name? Darth Plagueis. Plague, as in an infectious disease. Darth Plagueis unlocked the secret to immortality by moving from one body to the next, continuing his lifespan through multiple hosts over countless years. Ever wonder why Palpatine was so obsessed with training a powerful young apprentice? Surely he knew that one day the apprentice would want to overthrow him, so why train his own murderer? In Return of the Jedi, Emperor Palpatine continually provokes Luke to strike him down. Why would Palpatine want to be killed if the goal is longevity? Because Emperor Palpatine was assumed by Darth Plagueis and, through his death, he would then be able to transmit himself into a new host body. He wasn’t just looking for an apprentice, he was looking for a new body since Palpatine’s body was growing old. Luke Skywalker was meant to be the next host body for Darth Plagueis. But unfortunately for Plagueis, Luke refused to give in to the dark side and Darth Vader had a change of heart and defeated the Emperor. At some point, a alien who is a seeker of arcane lore and artifacts, Snoke would find the wreckage of the Death Star on the forest moon Endor, and was infected by Darth Plagueis when he came upon the corpse of Palpatine. Plagueis would infect Plagueis and begin is plot to destroy The New Republic and the Jedi and to gain his new host body
The reason for why it’s The New Republic vs The Imperial Remnant is this. What happens after you win a war? How do you not make the same mistakes or become the thing you fought. What happens in a power vacuum? The New Republic should have been the dominant emerging power, and the Remnant should have been a small, secretive, unknown order, striking strategically from the Unknown Regions where they hid, and causing fear and panic to spread in the NR. After the Galactic Civil War, The New Republic commanders the Imperial Fleet and starts protecting systems who join the NR, all while chasing down and fighting any of the Remnants (Moffs, Warlords, Crime Lords, etc) who have grabbed power in the resulting vacuum. We could have seen an evolution of ships from Old Republic to Empire to NR ones. They could have renamed Star Destroyers into Star Defenders. Hell, they could have had a Republic of independent systems, each with their own sizable military, so that power isn't centralized. 
The New Republic Troopers would look like this
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Stormtroopers would be Remnant Troopers and look like this. I feel as though this design would be a great evolution from Stormtroopers to Remnant Troopers. This would also be better in terms of design and quality than the FO Stormtrooper. They look unique and different. The thing that bothers me about the First Order is the Stormtroopers don’t really look all that different. Just a slightly different helmet. So the Stormtroopers would need a complete revamp and the perfect design imo was this redesign by Mohammad Z. Mukhtar as the standard and we would have different designs to fit the environment. As for why Stormtroopers as a whole would be the Remnant Troopers. Imagine how terrifying that name would be in-universe though? "I'm a remnant". To make up for their smaller numbers than the New Republic which had 30 years to grow, the Remnants can be trained better than the stormtroopers. Rivaling the clone troopers due to the FO straight-up training them how to handle lightsabers. They could be multi-species too since beggars wouldn't be choosers and the FO would steal and recruit anyone into the FO
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New Republic and Imperial Remnant Ships. The New Republic would have Star Defenders. Remnant would have Star Destroyers. New Republic would have the following ships E-Wing, X-Wing, A-Wing, B-Wing U-Wing, A-9 Vigilance interceptor, RC-2 Twilight scoutship, Y-Wing, K-Wing and T-Wing. As for the Remnant. The TIE Interceptors would be the standard Remnant fighter.  TIE Bombers. TIE Advanced would be given to the most gifted pilots and their top commanders in their navy. TIE Defenders. With Thrawn's return, he returned with an armada of TIE Defenders.  TIE Interdictor/Punisher. TIE Aggressor. TIE Avenger. TIE Hunter, TIE Phantom. and the  TIE Echelon
New Republic flagships that we will see in this rewrite. Nebula-Class Star Defender(Could also be named Aldera to be known as Leia's flagship) Viscount-Class Star Defender Starhawk-class battleship
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Imperial Remnant Star Destroyers we will see in this rewrite
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Jakku will be a Swamp Planet. Originally Jakku was meant to be a a polluted swampland. I personally feel like this would have made Jakku stand out as a unique planet and not Tatooine 2.0, the AT-AT graveyard over the swampland has such a cool ominous look. It would've been cool to see Rey living on a planet where everything breaks-down over time; it would've given a nice sense of dead-endedness that would've complimented Tatooine, rather than just doing the same again. The imagery of her diving for salvage looks pretty awesome, too. Just thinking: It would've been cool to see her using the salvaged parts to try and rebuild the Falcon as it rotted away; as an active measure to try and get off planet, as opposed to passively waiting for her parents to come back. Fighting the corrosion, struggling to keep the old ship alive, would've been interesting and made her piloting / knowledge of it more organic to the story.
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Rey’s Scavenger background would still be the same, but Rey has become hardened and made cold by the dog eat dog world of Jakku and her own personal trauma of being left on Jakku. Her character would start out like Newt from Aliens and as she gets older, she’d become as cold and ruthless as Nadia from Pandorum. Her character arc would be this. Rey starts off as a scared lonely orphan who is consumed by the cruel world of Jakku and her own trauma. In The Last Jedi Rey trust friends, but scared to get too close. In A Spark Of Hope(My title for Episode IX) Rey becomes a full Jedi, calm, confident, loving, whole. Basically we would see her  transform in the exact opposite way that Anakin did from a hate-filled lonely hurting person to one who is noble and full of hope and love.
Rey’s true origins. Rey would be the daughter of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, Kira Jade Skywalker. Luke and Mara’s story and romance pretty much stays the same. Mara was an assassin and The Emperor’s hand, whom was conditioned by The Emperor to kill Luke Skywalker. Luke broke through to Mara and together stopped the Dark Jedi Joruus C’baoth. Luke trained Mara as a Jedi and together with Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger and Cal Kestis, they founded the New Jedi Order. Luke and Mara later had their daughter Kira Jade Skywalker. Kira would’ve been a Jedi prodigy who passed all her tests and got praised from all her Jedi masters and drew the envy and rage from her cousin Ben, while her cousin Connix absolutely loved Kira. When  Ben turned to the dark side and led the Knights Of Ren to kill the Jedi. Mara had a vision warning her of the Ben and the Knights attack. So Mara took Kira and fled for Jakku. Kira screamed for her mother “Mommy, please don’t leave me” Mara would cry and say “I’ll come back for you sweetheart!” A lie, because to save her daughter, Mara has to wall and block Rey’s memories. Mara Jade would go into hiding. She sensed something far more terrifying than her old master, but mostly Mara feels shame. Shame for leaving her darling Kira behind. So Mara cuts herself off from the force and becomes the bounty hunter known only as Zorri Bliss. She hopes someday she can return to her family and together they can stop her nephew. 
Finn is Phasma’s second in command and leads the FN Corps. His Squadron is called the Obsidian Squadron. Still the same squad members in canon. Slip, Nines(played by Trevante Rhodes) and Zeroes(played by Daniel Kaluuya). FN-2187 gets the name Finn from Slip, not Poe.   Finn’s arc is what we’ve always wanted for him. A Stormtrooper who realized, they were not fighting the insurrectionist New Republic, they were killing innocent civilians. So after Slip’s death and Finn choosing to walk away, the force chose Finn as a vessel to awaken within him.
Poe Dameron is The New Republic’s top Ace and leader of Black Squadron. Mentored by his parents Shara Bay and Kes Dameron and his Godfather Wedge Antilles. Poe would be dedicated to ending the Imperial Remnant, but knows that his friends and saving lives is more important than appearing a hero.
Paige Tico would be a Y-Wing Bomber in Poe’s Black Squadron, while Rose Tico is the Intelligence Officer in their squad. Paige and Rose are dedicated to ensuring what happened to their home never happens to anyone ever again and will bring the fight to the Remnant.
Connix Solo would be Han and Leia’s daughter and Ben’s sister. Connix and Rey are the only survivors of the Jedi Temple Massacre.
Jacen Syndulla. Jacen grew up with Ben Solo and Poe Dameron as friends. Over time Jacen would be inducted into Luke’s Jedi Order and would’ve been Ben’s closest friend. Over the years there have been no problems. But things changed when Ben’s true heritage was revealed. When Vader was revealed to be Leia’s true father. Darkness overcame Ben and Jacen didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, the force ghost of Kanan Jarrus appeared before Jacen’s eyes. Kanan tells his son the New Republic has no information on Snoke and they are building a new Empire and it could start a new war. So he asks his son something no father should ask their son. Join Ben Solo in the betrayal and become a Knight of Ren. Jacen is a spy for the New Republic who's infiltrated the Knights of Ren, everyone believes him to be a traitor, but in truth his loyalty is to the Republic, his mother and most importantly the man he’s loved all his life, Poe Dameron.
Jannah would be Finn’s sister. Finn and Jannah are force sensitive royalty Artorias. The Imperial Remnant stole the prince and princess and raided Artorias of their resources and annihilated their defenses with ease. Finn would become FN-2187. Jannah would become JN-1719, but Phasma saw Jannah as a failure and had full intentions of killing her. But Jannah escaped the first chance she would get. Any chance she could get, Jannah would free Stormtroopers while using the force. They would make their encampment on Endor, where the war first ended. In time, Jannah would find hope that she would reunite with her brother.
Maz Kanata would be human and she would be the Queen Of Artorias and mother of Finn and Jannah. 
It would be explained that when preparing for Ben’s leave to becoming a Jedi. Leia reconnected with Anakin’s force ghost. Over time due to Luke and Ahsoka telling Leia what he did for Luke and Anakin’s past as a Jedi and why he fell, Leia grew to forgive Anakin. To symbolize her trust in her father, Leia had Han and Lando find her father’s lightsaber, so Ben could have Anakin’s Lightsaber during his time as a Jedi. When Ben betrayed the Jedi, Luke gave their father’s Lightsaber to Leia. “When the time comes, a child of the force will come to you and you must guide them to me, if there is another, you will train the other.”
When Jabba died. The criminal underworld was divided by three forces. Rotta The Hutt, Qira/The Crimson Dawn and King Prana. When Jabba died, Rotta took control of the Hutt clans. Qi’ra marooned Maul on Malachor and took control of the Crimson Dawn herself. Qi’Ra is forever young thanks to Maul introducing her to Nightsister magic, so we CAN use Emilia as Qi’Ra in the sequels and Solo. King Prana collects and trades exotic and dangerous creatures, which he kept in his own expansive zoo. He is vying for control of the slave trade with Rotta. Benico del Toro would play King Prana.
Episode VII Dawn Of The New Republic
Prior to landing on Jakku, we get like a scene out of Predator or Aliens where we get to see the comradery between Finn, Slip, Nines and Zeroes.
General Dodonna would have the missing piece to the map, Poe would be sent to retrieve the map and the general. This works because we knew the man from ANH and Lor San Tekka really didn’t work.
Kylo Ren and Phasma lead the assault on Tuanul. Kylo threatens Dodonna to either give him the map or Phasma will slaughter everyone in the village and they will march the entire planet until the scavenger filth of Jakku goes extinct. The general is pleading with Kylo Ren “the villagers are defenseless and unarmed, please Be-”. Kylo Ren then chokes him with the force. “That is not my name, not anymore. Kylo Ren then probes his mind, Dodonna’s mind can’t take the pain and he dies before giving anything. Poe shoots Slip, and then Kylo, Kylo then freezes the blaster in place. Phasma orders the massacre.
Before dying, Slip marks Finn as in canon but they have some parting words. “Slip, no stay with me brother. “Finn, you were always my friend.” Something along those lines.
Poe is brought before Kylo Ren. Instead of cracking jokes, Poe is spitting anger and contempt for Kylo Ren.“The New Republic will not stand for this terrorism Ren. You just killed a general, this is open war. “The old man gave it to you.” “I will die before I give up the map.” “We shall see.”
After Slip’s death, Finn both enraged and hearbroken, attempts to join in the massacre, but can’t bring himself to do it. He knows Phasma will chastise him if he doesn’t unload his blaster so he goes looking for separated villagers. Then we see the deleted scene where Finn comes across a villager. I’m keeping it in, in my rewrite because it shows Finn’s reasoning for leaving better. Finn’s reasoning for leaving the First Order had nothing to do with being against violence, but a moral confliction of not wanting to hurt defenseless people. This villager wasn’t a soldier, wasn’t trying to hurt him. She was just a woman with her baby. This wasn’t war, this was murder, and Finn refused to be a murderer.
Kylo tells Hux and Phasma the droid is on Jakku. Phasma tells her cohort that she will have the map or destroy the droid. Phasma tells Finn to get his squad together, they got work to do. “yes captain.” “and who gave you permission to take your helmet off?”
Finn plans to escape with Poe. Their interactions remain the same, but Finn remembers that his best friend Slip named him Finn. “Finn, my name is Finn.”
Kylo and Hux bicker like they do in canon. Kylo suggesting a clone army would be preferable, while Hux believes in his and Phasma’s FN Corps.
Rey starts off as a mix of Han Solo and Jyn Erso. Someone who only cares about her own survival and is consumed by her own trauma but learns to overcome her trauma, start caring for other people and something bigger than herself. That would’ve been the perfect character arc for Rey.
The Rey in this version starts out as more cagey, reserved and cold. For example. Rey would be jumped after her expedition to the Star Destroyer graveyard. Rey would kill her attackers to keep what she earned and takes their scavenge. This earns Rey more than “One Quarter Portion.” It’s live or die and every man for themselves. Rey learned that the hard way.
Rey would sell BB-8. It doesn’t work that she would be selfless and was willing to pass up all that food for a droid she just met. So I think it would help if she had sold BB-8 and later after meeting Finn and Poe, she learns of the importance of the droid and she feels guilt and fights to get BB-8 back. That I think would’ve improved her arc in TFA
In their journey together on Jakku.
Poe and FInn make it to Niima Outpost together. Poe gives Finn his jacket because his Stormtrooper armor would draw too much attention and after he sees Finn in the jacket, Poe will tell him “you should keep it, it looks good on you” Poe will tell Finn, “if anyone asks, you’re a Lieutenant with the New Republic.” Eventually both Poe and Finn would meet up with Rey.
Han and Leia are worried. Poe hasn’t reported back in quite a while. So they would go in and go rescue him.
Rey is wary of new people, Finn and Poe start out frustrated that she gave away BB-8 for food. Poe tells her the importance of BB-8 and Finn tells her. “Help us get our droid back, and we will help you get off this junkyard and all the food you can eat.” Rey is more inclined to help with the promise of food, but agrees to help.
Before Unkar Plutt can scrap BB-8 for parts, Rey smacks him in the back of the head with her Quarterstaff. Poe silently says “Buddy! I’m so happy you’re okay” Meanwhile Rey raids Unkar’s entire food storage.
Poe explains things to BB-8 “I know she did the wrong thing, but she’s making up for it now.” Rey is genuinely sincere in her apology to BB-8 and the droid begins to trust Rey.
The First Order attacks and Rey, FInn and Poe are making their way to the ships and gets in the Falcon. Poe flies the Falcon, while Rey and Finn head towards the guns.  Rey and Finn would blast the Tie-FIghters out of the sky as Poe flies the Falcon. The trio introduces themselves and starts to show a friendship for each other. Poe will tell Rey they need to get BB-8 to the Resistance base, it is to locate Luke Skywalker. Rey will have her “Luke Skywalker? I thought he was a myth.” moment.
The Falcon is boarded by Han’s Star Defender. This way we can have The Trio having their big hero moment and have Han’s “Chewie, we’re home!” trailer moment. Han finds Poe. “We’ve been looking for you kid.” Poe is glad to see Han. “Minister Solo, we need your help. We have the map. We need to get to General Organa immediately.” Han turns to see Rey and is in shock and looks like he’s seen a ghost. “Kira....is that you?” Rey does not answer.
The Falcon is boarded by Rotta’s and King Prana’s men. They were most displeased when Han and Chewie “stole” from their king and Rotta’s men are out for Han’s head for Jabba’s death. For context. King Prana is the person Han smuggled the Rathtars for. In this version, Han and Chewie liberated enslaved Wookies and Rathtars. Prana’s men spots BB-8. “How much do you think The Remnant will reward our king for giving them the BB unit they’ve been looking for?” Rey, Finn and Poe would work together to take out Prana’s men, save Han and Chewie.
Han and Finn would still have their moment after saving Chewie.
Han asks Poe. “Who are they.” Poe tells Han the truth. Han is skeptical, but then says. “If he saved you, then he’s worth having around. But there’s something that caused this, you need to learn what so he doesn’t join back.”
Finn and Poe would talk. Being on opposite sides of the war, Finn being taken and what led them together. Finn tells Poe that he lost his best friend at the start of the massacre. Poe realizes the Stormtrooper he shot first was the one Finn lost. “Finn, buddy I’m sorry. That was me. I was trying to protect the general and the villagers. I escalated the situation and in doing so, I killed someone important to you. I’m sorry.” Finn is saddened, but understands. “It will always eat away that he died and I couldn’t save him. But thank you for telling the truth.” “You saved me and BB-8, you deserve that much. But you need to tell Rey. I appreciate what you’ve done for me, BB-8 and the New Republic, but you need to tell Rey, don’t let someone from the Remnant tell her the truth, tell her before it’s too late.”
Show that Rey is still learning piloting a starship and have Han teaching Rey how to fly proper. Rey will mention that she flew simulations on Jakku, but realizes flying simulations is different than flying for real. This will give us a nice scene of Han mentoring Rey in flying the Falcon.
When they get to Chandrilla. Han and Leia embrace in a kiss and hold each other. The map is given to Leia. Her same disappointment that it’s a fragment. Han tries to reassure her.
Leia senses the awakening within Rey and Finn. Leia explains the story of Luke, the fall of the Jedi and the boy who destroyed it all. Tells Rey and Finn about the Jedi and the force. “I put politics and defense over becoming a Jedi, but I know the force.”
With Han Solo and Leia Organa together. Finn has a mental breakdown. Due to his programming and indoctrination, Finn was taught from birth that Luke, Leia, Han, and Lando were terrorists and was programmed to kill them on sight. Finn’s strong will kept the programming in check, but he’s losing the will. So Rey and Poe are trying to stop him and talk him down. They talk Finn down and Leia uses the force to free Finn from his programming.
Finn tells the truth to everyone, but more importantly to Rey.  Finn leaves while Rey asks him to stay.
Rey finds the Lightsaber and has the force vision. Only something more. a woman with red hair taking her away to Jakku and her screams of pain. Then we hear Anakin’s voice. “Rey, these are your first steps.”
The Remnant attacks. Starkiller Base is still under construction and would not have the capability to destroy entire solar systems, instead Phasma, Kylo and the Knights Of Ren would invade Chandrilla and way waste to Chandrilla and do as much damage as possible. With High President Sloane’s authorization, Hux is given the permission to invade Chancellor Mothma’s homeworld. The goal is to find the droid or a force sensitive who witnessed the piece of the map and abduct them. 
Phasma would lead the assault and face Finn. After discovering FN-2187′s betrayal, Phasma makes it her personal mission to find and execute Finn for treason. Phasma fights Finn on Chandrilla, not Nines. It makes sense. It gives Finn an enemy to fight, his former Captain and leader who ordered atrocities that Finn could not commit and had compassion for his team members and Phasma wanting to show no mercy to traitors. Phasma would be winning the fight and nearly delivers the killing blow until Han knocks Phasma out cold with Chewie’s bowcaster.
Rey is disoriented due to hearing the cries  of the people around her. This gives Kylo and his Knights the means and opportunity to kidnap Rey, while Finn, Han and Leia witnesses it. Han, Leia, Chewie, Finn and Poe regroups in the Falcon. Han and Leia watch in horror as their planet blows up.
Poe and Finn plan on doing a reconnaissance mission. Gain info on Starkiller Base and it’s capabilities and save Rey. They take with them R2-D2 and BB-8. C-3PO insists that they take R2, “Commander Dameron, R2 requests you take him with. He believes he can take the rest of the map aboard the Empire’s archives on board their base.”
Kylo’s interrogation of Rey happens nearly the same, but it’s made more clear that Rey is in horrible pain. It is made not to seen in a romantic light at all. After the interrogation, Kylo witnesses flashes of Rey’s past and all he can say is. “Kira....it is you, isn’t it? I’ve finally found you.” He presses further and asks, “Tell me, where is my dear sister Connix? WHERE IS MY SISTER? She has delayed her fate for far too long.” But Rey passes out due to the pain. 
Finn, Poe and BB-8 gathers the intel for the base and locates Rey, while R2 goes and steals the map. 
Phasma recovers and returns to Starkiller Base and is captured by Finn and Poe. However, Phasma does not comply with Finn and Poe, she sounds the security alarm/intruder alert. Starkiller Base is put up on High Alert. Finn and Poe are shocked and Phasma just simply tells them “good luck” So Poe and Finn figure out on disabling the shields themselves. This is the obvious thing she would do. She is a villain and smart, she would not comply or cower, so Finn, and Poe are left by themselves to disabled the shields on their own. However, thanks to R2 being onboard, R2 would turn it off and the security systems of Starkiller Base. 
Finn and Rey reunite. Finn and Poe said it was Finn’s idea to come back for her and Rey embraces Finn in a hug in canon and then the trio have a big and earned hug.
As Finn, Rey, Poe and BB-8 attempt to escape, they are cut off by Kylo and the Knights Of Ren. “Leaving so soon?”  All Seven Knights ignites their Lightsabers. 
Kylo gloats. “The traitor has returned for his execution. Poe Dameron has returned for imprisonment or death and I have you, Kira. Prepare to die.”
The trio prepares for a fight, they believe they will not survive. Rey tells her friends. “I’m glad I took a chance on you guys.” Finn says “I’m glad I met you too” They share heart eyes and plan to make a final stand. Finn ignites the Skywalker Lightsaber. Rey gets out the blaster Han gave her and Poe takes out his rifle and prepares to make a final stand.
Kylo cuts Finn’s hand off, one Knight pushes Rey and Poe is left in force stasis. Things are not looking good for our heroes. 
Suddenly two ships make it pass thanks to Finn and Poe turning off the security and shields of Starkiller Base. and R2 sent a signal. The Millennium Falcon and an old X-Wing. 
Out comes Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, Connix Solo and Luke Skywalker. BIG DAMN HEROES MOMENT!
As we see Luke, Han, Leia, and Connix stand against the Knights. Lando and Chewie rush Rey, Finn and Poe to the Falcon. 
No one in the family reaches out for Ben as they can see he is too far gone. The yellow in his eyes is very clear. Kylo tells his family “This is just the beginning. Soon the war will begin. The New Republic will fall and we will destroy the Jedi. And when your Republic lies in ruins, then you will all die by my hands.”  Luke will tell his nephew “You chose your path and you alone will pay for the consequences Ben.” All Han can say is “My son died long ago, you killed him.” Leia says this “You started the war Ben, but did Sloane or Snoke give the order?” Now  we can see the divide between High President Sloane and her Shadow Broker Snoke. This is on camera btw, so you can imagine the dissent this will cause. They leave in a stalemate. Kylo allows his family to leave because Snoke tells him “Let them leave, my apprentice.”
We see that Finn is okay. He will get a robotic hand. Rey and Poe are here for Finn. 
Luke and Rey reunite. He tells her the story of who she really is. “You are Kira Jade Skywalker.” “The force is strong in my family. My father had it, I have it, my sister has it and my daughter has it. You have that power too!”  “You were never meant to be left on Jakku…I thought you died the night in the academy, along with your mother. But her last words to me confirmed you survived.” “All those years. I was so alone.” “I know. I’m sorry.” “Did you ever try to find me?” “Of course. For so long I searched the galaxy for you. Everyone said that you had died that night in the temple, that I should give up searching. But through the force, I could still feel you. I knew you were still alive. Your cousin Connix still believed. Your aunt Leia and uncles Han and Lando still believed. We never gave up. And we finally found you." Kira cries tears of joy and embraces her father.  Kira then asks who her mother is and tells her that she can remember their last moment together. “Your mother was Mara Jade. She was a kind and beautiful woman and she loved you dearly. She sent you to Jakku so your cousin could never find you. She hid herself because she couldn’t live with the shame. One day we will find her and be a family again, Rey. I promise.”
After they’ve both fully recovered Kira and Finn part ways.  Kira is headed with Luke to train, while Finn decides he needs to stay with the New Republic as he believes they need him and he can finally do something good now that he’s free and Leia and Connix plans to train him. They part ways. Kira will give the same line to him “We’ll see each other again. I believe that.” “Until then, Kira.” Kira and Finn smile at each other and hold hands. As Kira believes this will be the last time they see each other, they attempt to kiss. But 3PO interrupts(BECAUSE OFFUCKINGCOURSE HE DOES) 3PO asks Finn, “Finn! General Organa and Commander Connix asked me to find you!” Then Kira goes “Dank Farrik” and just kisses Finn goodbye.
After credit scene. We see Kylo Ren and The Knights Of Ren return home to the Sith Temple Moraband. Snoke greets his apprentice. “Welcome home, Kylo Ren. You have done well. Now we will finish your training.” “Thank you, Lord Plagueis.”
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Episode VIII Shadows Of The Sith
There would be a 5 year timeskip Enough to finish Rey’s training with Luke and Finn’s training with Leia. And Snoke finishing Kylo’s training.
There would be a reunion on Chandrilla. Rey and Finn embrace each other in a hug and a kiss and Poe hugs his friends
Rey would demonstrate her new Double bladed Yellow Lightsaber and Finn would show off his Lightsaber. And Poe would show his flashlight lol
Leia would explain in the five years since we’ve last seen our heroes, that the Remnant has been on the move. President Rae Sloane has been dispensing Imperial justice to the criminal underworld. King Prana’s kingdom has been burned to ashes and the king is set to be executed. Kylo and the Knights Of Ren have caused the genocide of the Hutt Cartel. The slave trade is dead and this has rallied the Outer Rim to the Remnant’s cause. The only last surviving Criminal Syndicate is the Crimson Dawn.
During the debriefing, Leia would explain they need to recruit Qi’Ra. After the death of Darth Maul, The Crimson Dawn has been running a more honest and legitimate criminal enterprise and the Republic will need her connections.
Han would also bring something of note. There are three Stormtroopers who have contacted Han and Lando recently They are saying they knew Finn and saying, he inspired something. More and more, there are Stormtroopers who are rising up and attempting to leave. Phasma shoots them down as soon as any of them attempts to speak out. Han believes them and tasks Finn for bringing them forward as he believes we could save those who were taken against their will and conscripted into an army without choice. 
The group would be split up. Han, Poe and Paige would be sent to meet with Qi’Ra
Lando, Finn and Rose would be sent to meet with the Stormtroopers who want out. 
Meanwhile Luke, Rey and Connix would be investigating the true identity of Snoke, Kylo’s master and the Shadow Broker of the Remnant
Leia and her second in command Amilyn Holdo would be called upon Chancellor Mothma in the senate. President Rae Sloane wants to call a ceasefire. Leia does not believe her, but Leia must attend the senate meeting
Darth Plagueis commends Kylo Ren after completing his training as he has not seen such potential since Vader and Sidious. “You have one final test, my apprentice, you know what must be done.” “Yes master.” “Go, my apprentice and bring peace to our empire.”
We would get a scene between Sloane, Hux, Phasma, Kylo and Snoke. We get the sense that Sloane is given them one more chance to remember who is in control and unites them under her masterstroke of a plan to bring down the New Republic.
Next we will see Hux and Phasma presiding over King Prana’s execution on Starkiller Base. Hux would be listing off Prana’s crimes against the Outer Rim. Then Phasma would order her Executioner Troopers to execute the former King
Han and Qi’Ra would reunite. Han has become old, but Qi’Ra has not aged a day and has looked as she did the last time they saw each other when QI’ra left with Maul. There would be conflict between them, but ultimately, Han gets Qi’ra and the Crimson Dawn to join forces with the New Republic. For now they return to Corellia to shelter Qi’Ra and the Crimson Dawn. When they return, Leia sends a message to Han to return to Coruscant immediately. Han then says “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
Finn and Rose have a great friendship. Rose is in awe of Finn. a Stormtrooper trained as a Jedi by Minister Leia and Commander Connix and Finn finds Rose to be courageous and enthusiastic. Finn talks about how much he loves Rey and we later find out that Rose and Connix are girlfriends
When they land, Lando travels at a distance to watch over our heroes and Finn and Rose meet with the three Stormtroopers who requested Finn’s aid. Two of the surviving members of Finn’s old squad Zeroes, Nines and someone Finn doesn’t know, but the force is trying to tell him that he does. His old friends greet him like their brother. Telling him that he really started something. More and more Remnant Troopers are rising up  and standing up to the regime. Phasma has them all publicly executed as an example. As long as they believe in Finn, they won’t stop. 
Zeroes wants Finn to rise up and be the inspiration everyone wants him to be. The other Trooper is silent, she is not ready to reveal herself. Nines however is fearful for his fellow troopers. He agreed with Zeroes to bring Finn, but Phasma strong armed him. He will be ordered to bring Finn back for execution, if not every trooper and cadet will be slaughtered and she will just find more. 
Nines looks at Finn and Zeroes like he broke his own heart. “I am so sorry brothers, but this is the only way to keep us all safe.” Finn asks “Nines? What have you done?” The door opens and outcomes Phasma. “Welcome home FN-2187.” 
Finn takes out his Blaster and attempts to shoot Phasma. Nines stops him. “Don’t, we’ll all die and your new friends will die as well.” “We can stop her together if you stop being afraid.” For a brief moment Nines looks like he’s about to choose Finn, Zeroes and their unidentified sister. Then a single shot went off. Phasma gloats. “Pathetic. Weak and undisciplined. Such a shame, he was a good soldier, until you turned traitor.” “But your execution will put everyone back in their place.” Finn, Rose, Zeroes and JN-1719 are captured
Finn has a moment with JN-1719. He asks who she is. The Remnant Trooper would reveal herself as his sister, Jannah. “We were born together and taken from our family. I do not remember much of our home and family, but I do remember you. Phasma had us seperated. She saw you as the perfect warrior and saw me as a hindrance to your potential. You purged of your memories of me and I was sentenced to guard duty on Starkiller Base. Phasma hoped I would be forgotten about, but I never gave up hope. We might not have long, but at least we are reunited.” I think Finn would give the same speech to her about the force as he did in TROS. This would give Jannah and Zeroes hope. 
Meanwhile Luke, Rey and Connix venture to the following planets. Dathomir, Dromund Kaas. Naboo, Endor and finally Moraband. Luke senses a presence he sensed within Palpatine all those years ago, not Palpatine himself but something darker, something worse. It’s gone. Ben’s gone too. What is left is the Acolytes Of the Beyond.   They almost swarm the Jedi, but ultimately they are victorious. Luke realizes it was a trap. Something is happening. “We must go to Coruscant. I sense Han and Leia are in danger.”
Phasma gives a speech that rebellion and sedition against President Sloane’s most loyal Empire ends here. After the execution of insurgent FN-2187, otherwise known as Finn. Order and stability within the Remnant will return. Phasma signals her execution troopers. Then Lando comes in for the rescue. This will give Finn the distraction he needs to get his Blaster. Finn tells Phasma she had the chance to kill him and Dameron 5 years ago, but she chose to let them go and they got away. Phasma’s Stormtroopers corner Phasma and attempt to fire, but Phasma kills them all. Finn fires multiple shots in against Phasma, but they all bounce off. “My armor is blasterproof, did you really think this would be easy.” Finn would tell Phasma. “This isn’t a Blaster Phasma. It’s a Blastersaber.” Finn then ignites his Blastersaber and slices Phasma’s armor and cracks her helmet and cuts her hand off. “You were always scum” “I am a Jedi!” Lando rescues Finn, Rose, Zeroes and Jannah. As Phasma rises from the failed execution, it’s clear this is not over.
Phasma and Hux would have a scene together. “As you requested, I let them go.” “Good, be patient my friend. Let them have this little victory. Soon the New Republic will be crushed. 
Lando gets a call from Han. “Kids, we need to head to Coruscant. Something urgent is happening.” Finn remembers. “Starkiller Base was barely at full capacity. Something is wrong.”
We see the peace talks happening between Chancellor Mon Mothma and Rae Sloane. Sloane is surrounded by her Praetorian Guards. 
Han’s suspicions were confirmed. They see dead Senate guards removed of their armors. Han readies a battalion of his best soldiers and prepares for battle. 
As the peace talks break down, suddenly the Senate Guards storm the room and behind them comes out an untold number of Remnant Troopers. All the senators are being slaughtered and Kylo brings Mothma down to his level and Sloane joins him. Sloane tells her “Chancellor Mon Mothma, you are herby relieved of your duties. For crimes against your lawful Empire, I sentence you to death.” Then Kylo kills Mon Mothma. 
Han manages to get to Leia. Han would walk in and sees a pile of dead Remnant troopers at Leia’s feet. “We need to get out of here.”
As Han and Leia are about to leave the Senate. They are surrounded by Kylo and the Knights Of Ren. 
“President Sloane is wise. Snoke wanted to destroy the New Republic and take the Empire by force, but she united us against one common cause. You. As we now speak our full forces are invading Coruscant. Before you can muster the forces, we will conquer Coruscant and retake the galaxy. I told you, my dear parents. We’ve won.” What Kylo Ren didn’t know is Leia had suspicions about a divide and rift between Snoke and Sloane, so Leia recorded her son. Keep this in mind because this will come into play into the final movie
Han and Leia gives Ben one last chance to give this all up. “Snoke is just using you for your power. After he has everything he needs, he’ll discard you.” Kylo tells his parents that it’s too late. “As you told me, i chose my path, it was not forced, I made my choices.” Han retorts. “I had hoped that there was a trace of my son left alive in you. But I know now that Ben Solo is dead.” Kylo and the Knights ignite their Lightsabers and prepare to kill Han and Leia. Leia ignites her Lightsaber and Han to fight. 
Leia and Han put up a good fight. Manages to disarm and severely wound three of the Knights, which further enrages their son. 
Kylo kills Han, with Leia, Luke and Connix all feeling Han’s death
Leia stunned by Han’s death, Kylo seizes this opportunity to kill his mother, but Lando and his forces storms the Senate building and rescues Leia. 
Rey, Finn, Poe, Paige, Rose and Connix face the Knights. They are outmatched and overwhelmed. Kylo and the Knights win. Before Kylo can kill them, Snoke orders his apprentice to let them go. 
Hux contacts Sloane. Tells her “President Sloane, the weapon is ready, do I have permission to activate it?” “Permission granted, you may fire at will General Hux.”
Our heroes watch in horror as Coruscant falls. 
Lando makes one desperate jump in hyperspace to return to Chandrilla. as they enter the system. They witness Chandrilla’s destruction. Connix embraces Rose in a hug she desperately needed. Rey and Finn holds hands and watch as the only home they knew is destroyed. 
We get a scene of Rey, Finn and Poe together asking how can they hope to win? Luke tells his daughter. “Hope” Leia tells everyone “As long as there is a spark of hope, we have everything we need.”
Episode IX A Spark Of Hope
The episode begins with The New Republic mobilizing and united and preparing to face down the Remnant. The problem is their powers and capabilities are limitless, so The New Republic has to retreat.
Leia believes there is something that can turn the tide of the war. Liberating Artorias. Queen Maz Kanata has asked for aid 
There would be a 3 year timeskip, and in that time Finn would’ve trained his sister to becoming a Jedi and Zeroes would become a soldier in the New Republic army. 
Kira would’ve become a Jedi Master 
Kira and Finn would become bonded in the force. Their love brought the force to them and they are stronger for it
The bounty hunter known as Zorri Bliss finds Luke and Kira. Kira is preparing for a fight. Luke tells his daughter. “Kira, she means us no harm. This is your mother, Mara Jade.” Kira drops her lightsaber and Mara unmasks. “I know what you must think of me, I never wanted to leave you. I wanted to come back, but I couldn’t live with the same of leaving you behind. I’m sor-” Kira cuts her off and locks Mara in a bear hug. “I waited so long. I was never angry, I just wanted you home and now you’re here.” and Mara embraces her daughter.
Leia and Sloane have agreed to meet in secret on a neutral planet. Leia reveals Kylo’s claim of Snoke attempting to usurp power from Sloane. Sloane is pissed and assures her she plans to deal with Snoke and his Knights Of Ren. Leia makes an attempt to make a deal for peace. Leia points out they are not so different. Leia sees the good Sloane has been doing in the name of her Empire and Sloane can clearly see the way Palpatine was running things was wrong. All Leia can say is “Just think of what we can do together.” Sloane thinks of Leia’s offer and will try for peace after Snoke’s death
Rae Sloane returns to Starkiller Base and calls a meeting with Thrawn, Phasma and Hux. As she plays the recording. Sloane tells everyone. “Snoke and Kylo Ren cannot be trusted. They will destroy everything we built up. We must act now or we will be destroyed.”
Kylo and Snoke enter and they are surrounded by Stormtroopers, Praetorian Guards, Phasma and Hux. Sloane attempts to arrest Snoke, but Snoke kills all her troops and Praetorian guards by draining them of their life force. “Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Darth Plagueis. Dark lord of the sith and your Supreme Leader. Where would you be without me? If it were not for me. You would’ve died helplessly in the Unknown Regions. Now bow before your Supreme Leader or die where you stand.” Phasma and Hux bows. Thrawn sees reason and bows. Everyone but Sloane bows before Plagueis. Plagueis admires her defiance and strength and thanks her for her service. Orders her capture. 
Everyone on board Starkiller Base is shouting “ALL HAIL SUPREME LEADER SNOKE”
When our heroes reach Artorias, we meet Queen Maz Kanata. She promises to help The NR as long as they can liberate the planet. But she pauses when she sees Finn and Jannah. “I hoped the force would return you to me. At long last the prince and princess returns home.”  Maz explains that The Remnant first attacked and raided Artorias. Their father, the king tried to defend his kingdom, but he was killed by Captain Phasma and took the prince and princess as leverage. Over the years The FIrst Order has plundered the planet for resources and since then have laid siege over the planet. Finn and Jannah promises their mother that they will reclaim their home
Poe meets in secret with a certain Knight. Jacen reveals secrets that could be beneficial in freeing Artorias and help end the war. Poe asks why now. Jacen reveals that he’s always been on the Republic’s side. He’s been helping his mother in the shadows. He joined because his father’s ghost asked him to. He hated what he’s done, but he knows in the end he will make things right and help bring Kylo Ren and Plagueis down. Poe wishes him luck and Poe and Jacen embraces in a kiss. “Now luck and the force is on my side”
Leia mobilizes the fleet. In the briefing they learned that Snoke, The Knights Of Ren and Hux are all on board Starkiller Base with Thrawn standing by
Poe asks how they are gonna stand against their shields. Leia answers with the New Republic’s secret trump card. The Warhammer. This was The Resistance’s superweapon in concept for TFA, but they chose against using it because they wanted discount Rebels. But since The NR is in power, they can use it!
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Paige and Connix will pilot the Warhammer
In the fight to liberate Artorias. Rose sees a tower that can transmit a signal to The Remnant. With her savy tech skills she can send it to every single Remnant Trooper. This is the chance they got to cause a Rebellion, all they need is Finn to give a speech. 
Rose helps using her skills to help Finn to broadcast a signal to every Stormtrooper. I think it could be something like this. “My name is Finn, I was FN-2187, a Remnant Trooper. Like every one of you, I was taken from a family I will never know. I was raised to do one thing… but my first battle, my friend Slip died and that death marked me and made me realize We are people and we have a choice. I wasn’t gonna kill for them. I had nothing to fight for. Until I met my friends, they gave me a name, a purpose and something worth fighting for.  So I am here to tell you.  You have a choice. You are people. You do not have to kill for them anymore. Take back your lives and fight the people who took your lives away from you. I am giving you the one choice they never gave you and choose for yourselves. You can either storm this very room and kill us or you can take back your lives. The choice is yours.” Then we see an emotional scene where Remnant Troopers everywhere decide enough is enough and throw down their helmets. Officers DEMAND they put their helmet back on and kill The Republic scum, but they don’t. It happens. Rebellion. Finn, Rey Jannah and Rose have successfully led a Stormtrooper Rebellion 
Phasma lands and we get a fight between Finn and Phasma. the fight is even and decent but Finn ultimately gets the upper hand and beats Phasma. FInn has her at his mercy and chooses to take her prisoner so she can face punishment for crimes against the New Republic
There’s a celebration, but Luke comes to Finn and Rey. He needs their help to confront Plagueis and the Knights Of Ren.
In the ensuing chaos of the Warhammer crashing into Starkiller Base and the Battle of Starkiller Base, Luke, Finn and Rey board the base.
First they must rescue Rae Sloane. 
When Hux spots them, Hux takes them to Sloane. Finn asks “Why are you helping us” “part of President Sloane’s plan, Snoke and Kylo Ren must lose.”
Sloane and Hux head to the escape pods. 
The final battle is Luke vs Plagueis and Rey and Finn vs Kylo Ren and the Knights Of Ren
Rey and FInn kill the Knights, which enrages Kylo
And when we all believe Kylo to be at his angriest, Jacen reveals his true colors and stands with Rey and Finn.
When the tides seem to be turned, Kylo “kills” Plagueis. Apart of the plan. Plagueis intended to transfer his essence and make Kylo Ren his new host. 
WIth their combined strength, Kylagueis is overwhelming Rey, Jacen and Finn. In order to save his daughter and Finn. Luke will make the ultimate sacrifice to save the ones he loves. When the chance is open, Rey and Finn would deliver the killing blow. Killing Plagueis once and for all and killing Kylo Ren. 
Rey and Finn would escape just as Poe lands the killing blow to Starkiller Base.
The war is over. Leia and Sloane sign a treaty with Leia, where The New Republic and Remnant align their forces and build The Galactic Federation. Building a better galaxy together. Leia's vision for a better Republic and Sloane's virtues for the Empire. 
The episode would end on Rey and Finn’s wedding on Finn’s homeworld of Artorias. Luke and Leia gives them away. Poe is Finn’s best man, while Rose and Jannah are Rey’s maidens of honor. Rey and Finn embrace in a kiss as they are crowned King and Queen of Artorias. The Skywalker-Kanata dynasty begins. They first started out as lonely and abused children, but now they found their family and each other. 
Epilogue. The Galactic Federation is established. Think Galactic Federation of Free Alliances from Legends. Leia is the Chancellor of the Federation and Rae Sloane is her Chief Of State. Lando and Poe are the Ministers of Defense. Poe and Jacen are married. Jacen was pardoned for his crimes as a Knight of Ren. As king of Artorias, Finn will provide a home for his fellow brothers and sisters after their liberation. He can help them all acclimate back to civilian life or they can voluntarily defend their new home.  Finn leads a program to help properly help his brothers and sisters integrate back into galactic society and to help them all find their families and worlds, but until then, they all have a place in the kingdom of Artorias. Kira will find Force Sensitive children and train them all to become Jedi. But Rey will use her power as queen to house all the children who have been abandoned or orphaned by the war. No one will ever be abandoned under Rey’s watchful eyes. All is well!
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dagenspear · 3 years
Using Sequel Pitches from Lucas’ ST Outline, Part 1: The Force Awakens
I suppose it goes without saying, that I have issues with the sequel trilogy, not using the OT characters strongly, to me, the world not being filled out more, to me. I liked a lot of the apparent pitch from Lucas, with Maul and Talon. In changing that and with those, here are the ideas God, if He wills, has blessed me with:
Essentially in the years after of the destruction of the Empire, there was a power vaccum left. As our heroes worked to structure the new republic, the Yuuzhan Vong crawled out from the outer rim of the galaxy and sought to fill the void, attacking planets and raiding them, showcasing their dominance in the universe.
Our heroes were forced to engage in a war against them. This war lasting years.
Luke trained jedi to fight against this threat. But the jedi weren't as effective of an army against them, as they were creatures who weren't vulnerable to the force. Luke's star student, Ben Solo, the son of Han and Leia, was appointed by Luke, as the leader of the new jedi in these battles, and over time became bitter and enraged at their losses, the loss of villages and lives, because of the jedi's weakness against the Yuuzhan Vong.
The new jedi order was attacked by them, several of the students murdered, powerless to fight them, the rest scattered, Luke lost it all, maybe even his daughter included and was faced with the idea that to defeat Youzhan Vong, he'd have to use dark side methods, and refused to do so. Luke refused to fight as a result. Ben Solo, embittered by this, left Luke. It seemed all was lost. Luke went into exile.
Until the First Order arose. Led by Imperial remnant governors, with a dark sider warrior General Talon leading their army, they fought the Youzhan Vong, Talon storming their capitol and murdering their leader, destroying their capitol in the process, the First Order using old Empire tech, Operation Cinder, to do it. This gained the First Order clout in the galaxy amongst some of the worlds. Which they quickly took advantage of and abused, under the orders of the Imperial Governors.
Bringing us to the events of TFA. A decade after these events, Ben Solo searches for the scattered students of the jedi school, keeping his lightsaber and using it in battle. He's, seemingly, our protagonist. The son of Han and Leia. He doesn't respect the jedi's idea of doing things, and resents that for the loss of his friends, and cousin, in the destruction of the jedi school. He's embittered by this and the First Order's attacks on lower class worlds, that the new republic fears getting involved in.
Ben comes to the junk planet, seeking out the scattered jedi, is found by the First Order, them wanting the location of Luke Skywalker. Ben, using his lightsaber, fights Talon, but loses. The First Order captures him. BB8 is Ben's droid, who escapes the battle, at Ben's request.
Finn, apart of the attack, is faced with, under the orders of Captain Phasma, like in the movie, slaughtering a village of civilians, after seeing one of the other stormtroopers die, his bloody handprint left on Finn's helmet. Finn doesn't do it, like in the movie. Talon senses Finn's hesitation, but keeps quiet on it.
Talon interrogates Ben, trying to peer into his mind, seductively taunting his weakness in jedi training. Finn, as a way to leave and get piloted out, helps Ben escape.
Like in the movie, the 2 are separated, though Ben doesn't disappear here, like Poe did in the movie. Finn thinks he's dead, continuing on, after seeing the crashed ship sink and explode, not realizing his ejector landed him farther away. Finn taking his jacket.
Rey's character is largely the same, fearful of moving forward, due to a past trauma she can't really remember, she tries to define herself by her past. At first she's caught up in a fight she doesn't want to be a part of, but does go along with. She finds BB8.
When Finn and Rey find eachother, like in the movie, BB8 telling Rey that Finn is a thief who stole it's owners jacket, and Rey attacking him over it. Finn lies, saying he's a resistance member. But here is where Ben shows up again, lying for Finn and telling Rey that he's telling the truth. Ben, having tracked BB8 to this location, realizes that Rey is the jedi that he'd been looking for, sensing her force potential. Rey, saying that she has no knowledge of that beyond legends. But Ben and Rey both realizing that they share a force bond. Rey has no idea what this means, but knows that she can trust Ben. Ben showcases a larger understanding of what this means, but bites his tongue.
Ben, Rey, and Finn, are attacked by the First Order ships with Talon on the ground, who battles, but doesn't kill them, though she continues to, in charged banter, taunt Ben's weakness in tactics and jedi training, citing the loss of the jedi students, using his guilt regarding that, his emotional recklessness and impulsiveness to unbalance him, allowing her to read his mind, discovering where Luke has been exiled.
In their escape, Ben takes Finn, Rey and BB8 to his ship: The millennium falcon. Something his dad gave him. Very similar things happen. Finn and Rey bond and connect.
Leia's character is expanded upon more here, in the politics side of the story. Yes, there's politics. In keeping with some Disney expanded material, Leia was dismissed by the New Republic due to it being discovered she was Vader's daughter. The New Republic, having become too afraid of repeating the mistakes of getting involved in war from the past, have basically been hands off with the threat of the First Order. Leia pushes for help for the outer worlds that have been oppressed by them. They deny her. In her frustration, she's begun to feel the pressure of what she feels is an endless battle against what she sees is a continuation of the Empire. All of this on top of her and Han having been separated (yes, still, sorry guys), due to the disappearance of their son, after the jedi school destruction.
Ben, Finn and Rey are found by Ben's dad, Han Solo. Han is mostly the same, but he's not a much regressed character. He has gone back to being a smuggler. But he's acting as an informant for the Resistance (or whatever you want to call it), playing in the criminal underworld and gathering information in the process. Han found them, by having gotten word of the First Order chasing after the millennium falcon, hoping it to be Ben.
Ben and Han have a strained relationship, Ben believing his dad to have been against him being a jedi, seeing him gifting him the millennium falcon on his 18th birthday as a manipulation tactic to try and get him to quit. Over the course of the movie, Ben repairs his relationship with his dad, with the understanding that Han feared losing him to being a jedi, to a world that he didn't fully understand and couldn't connect with him over, never that he wasn't proud of the man he'd become, the hero he'd become. Ben himself realizing that he'd put being a Skywalker, his mom's side of the family, a jedi, first, and that he feels may have led to their rift. They re-bond.
Ben and Han decide to go after Luke, before the First Order get to him. Rey and Finn along for the ride, Rey, desiring to go back to jakku, like the movie, but engaged in the situation and a desire to be a hero, and Finn, afraid of what will happen when the First Order find him. Rey bonds with Han, as a replacement for parents she can't, or can barely, remember. Rey also talks with Ben about the force, him explaining it, how it works. Them connecting over that.
When they arrive on the planet where Luke is, a planet that's not an unfindable place, but has a space port and others on the planet.
Finn, still fearing the First Order, admits to Rey that he's not a resistance member, not a hero and that he's running away, that he's too afraid to get caught up with all this and is going to find someone who will get him safe passage out of here and far away from the First Order, asking her to come with him, but she doesn't want to.
The finding Luke arc is completed in the middle of the movie, at this point. This allows the OT characters one last hurrah together. Luke's force powers are muted currently, though he's still physically capable. This is in placement of the TFA cantina scene. Rey finds Anakin's lightsaber there, seeing maybe similar things, fearing them, and when confronted by Luke, who admits that that lightsaber was his once, and his dad's before him, with his limited powers, reading that she's force sensitive, and recognizing her, something Rey sees similarly. Rey, fearful of this and the visions she saw, runs away from it. The First Order reach the location and attack. They come in. Finn sees their ships and chooses to go back to the group. Luke hands off the lightsaber to Finn, not wanting to do battle. Finn uses it, the same as in the movie. Talon captures Rey and escapes. Luke, Han, Ben Finn and Chewie go to Leia.
Talon reports her progress to a cloaked mysterious figure, who states that it's time.
Luke, Han and Leia are reunited. Ben is reunited with his mom. Luke admits to Han and Leia and Ben that he failed them. Luke, with renewed goals, agrees that they have to rescue Rey.
The Resistance gains word from an unknown mole in the First Order, that they plan to use Cinder to destroy the New Republic, and retake the galaxy as the Empire reborn. Luke, Han, Leia, Ben and Finn work out a way to prevent it, Finn offering his assistance to get Rey. Ben senses that Rey is on the Cinder ship.
Han, Finn, Ben, Luke and Chewie infiltrate the ship, mostly the same there.
But Han is murdered by Captain Phasma, who Ben attacks in a rage and battles, nearly murdering her, but the job is then finished by Talon, much to Ben's confusion.
The fleet are able to destroy Operation Cinder, which does destroy the New Republic senate, but due to it's destruction and the warning from the unknown mole giving them time for some evacuation of civilians, the whole planet isn't razed.
Ben, in grief and rage, seek out the Imperial governors, only to find only one alive, the rest having been murdered... by a very much alive, but withered, Maul, no longer a sith.
Talon having been Maul's apprentice and plant in the First Order to sabotage their goals, also being the mole that leaked Cinder info, Maul seeking to destroy every remnant of Palpatine's Empire he spent decades trying to build, destroy that legacy. Maul offers Ben a way to continue to take down the First Order and use all this as a way to bring the galaxy to order, strength and justice. Ben murders the last living governor... and accepts.
Rey and Talon fight, and she is skilled, but is losing badly until she remembers what Ben said about the force and taps into it, the fight still one sided, but Rey getting an edge, the fight upended when Luke joins in, not using powers, but still physically capable. He helps and Talon is able to escape.
They both live. Talon rejoins Maul and Ben. Rey, Luke, Chewie and Finn escape.
The Resistance, Leia, Luke, Chewie and Rey mourn Han's death. Rey is concerned for Finn, whose still in a coma from his injuries. Luke reveals to Rey and he's her dad, and she tells him that she wants to be trained as a jedi and he, reluctantly, agrees, the movie ending with them standing on a mountaintop, and him handing her Anakin's lightsaber and her igniting it.
Please review and tell me what you think!
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i dont understand why reysky ingored rey's tramua for losing ben and pstd and i heard idris is playing new villain in movie , i dont like person who shipped rey and mara jade who is luke's wife in eu
The novelisation literally says 'it felt like half of her missing' when Ben died. She lost her dyad. Her soulmate. That's not something she's just gonna get over. Sadly the movie didn't illustrate that well at all so I guess thats how some people justify it. Cause to them she seemed happy at the end (all alone with a name but no family or friends, only ghosts 🙃)
Oooh Idris Elba as the villain?!! I'm intrigued.
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