#𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧 . π™€π™€π™˜ / meme answers
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commandsir Β· 2 years ago
To pop off, share with us your most hated misconception about Ahsoka and why it's wrong
oh, alistair, you’re baiting me and i love it.
so, to, as you say, pop off: i bloody blooming despise a notion that sprouted from ahsoka’s appearance in the book of boba fett.
the takeaway from her conversation with din in β€œfrom the desert comes a stranger” became that ahsoka not only still upheld but passed on to luke the traditional jedi order principle of β€œno attachment”.
in practice, for grogu this would mean he’d willingly and wholly separate himself from his bond with din in order to become a part of the jedi order, forsaking any other way of life with all its trappings. unfortunately, the armorer in the previous episode said something similar which pulled this aspect of jedi life front and center. the two life paths luke ends up presenting to grogu do enforce this idea.
but ahsoka, jedi no longer and previous open critic of the order and the strict mis/understanding of the attachment principle (the clone wars s1:ep:13 β€œjedi crash"/14 β€œdefenders of peace”), wouldn’t have encouraged luke to employ this. instead, she would merely have passed along her memories of how the jedi lived and operated, presenting luke with options for how to run his order. ultimately, since ahsoka would remain uninvolved with the order itself and merely be a resource for luke, it would be his choice how to move forward. he chose to go β€œby the book”, shown in his recycling of words obi-wan and yoda used to instruct him, despite how often luke had disagreed with them in the past.
both in the eu and in canon, luke’s call as the last of the practicing jedi order was to fall back on what had already been established. however, in the eu he had significantly more help. and older students who provided mature feedback while still technically padawans. from there the order evolved into an entity more stable though less strict in terms of lifestyle. here in canon he’s going it alone with what remains of the jedi code he can find and speak to, including ahsoka.
what is important to recall about her is her prior refusal to teach grogu. it wasn’t just about his emotions. it was about her own as well. she no longer believed in the lifestyle of a traditional jedi when grogu crossed her path and would only encourage that lifestyle for him if he truly wanted it, which is why she directs father and son to travel to tython. from that point forward, everything was luke’s responsibility. no matter what she passed on from her own training, he was the one at the helm training his student.
[ another thing i’m not sure i’ve seen mentioned yet is that luke may have purposely chosen to teach grogu the code his new padawan was used to, thinking it may have been a source of comfort to reinforce the familiar. and due to the traumatic pause in grogu’s time with the jedi, luke’s stance on teaching was a surprisingly self-centric one: protection. not of others, but of himself. a tactic essentially leaning into grogu’s remaining fears after order 66 – but that’s a meta for another blog another time. ]
when it comes to the conversation ahsoka has with din about his fondness for grogu, it’s less about the order and more a personal test for din. especially considering din’s status as a mandalorian: time honored adversaries of the jedi, regardless of ahsoka’s own past interactions with them. wars can make surprising allies, after all.
the pertinent dialogue between ahsoka and din goes this way:
din: i thought you weren’t going to help train grogu. ahsoka: i’m not. master luke is. din: then what are you doing here? ahsoka: that’s my question for you. din: i’m here to see the kid. ahsoka: that’s why r2 brought you to see me instead. [….] din: i wanna see him. ahsoka: i know you do. let us take a walk. i warned you when we met, that your attachment to grogu would be difficult to let go of. din: he was a mandalorian foundling in my care. i just wanna make sure he’s safe. ahsoka: there is no place in the galaxy more safe than here with luke. din: i don’t understand why you’re alright with skywalker’s decision to train the kid when you wouldn’t. ahsoka: because it was his choice. i don’t control the wants of others. din: then it’s my choice to go and see him. ahsoka: of course. if that is what you wish. […] are you doing this for grogu or are you doing this for yourself? din: i just… i wanna give him this. ahsoka: why? so he will remember you? din: no. as a mandalorian foundling, he should have this. it’s his right. ahsoka: foundling… perhaps he is a padawan now. din: well… either way this armor will protect him. ahsoka: [nodding] if you are set on it, then allow me to deliver it. din: i came all this way. he’s right there. ahsoka: grogu misses you a great deal. If he sees you, it will only make things more difficult for him. din: make sure he’s protected.
so, what’s the deal with ahsoka practically interrogating din about what should be a simple request?
ahsoka’s specific goal here is to ensure that din’s interest in grogu, his safety and chosen education, was out of love for grogu the child and not grogu the potential mandalorian. if din let his hope for grogu as a mandalorian instead of a son interfere with grogu’s time at the temple, their relationship might become poisoned. jedi vs. mandalorian rifts became wars time and time again. while one man like din might not have caused a great fallout immediately, the mandalorian remnant and luke’s fledgling jedi school could have become violently opposed to each other not unlike their forebears, given the right attitude and enough time. ahsoka does not need to be a jedi any longer to still have a vested interest in the success of luke’s efforts, which she does, nor does she need to be a mandalorian to care deeply for the future of recovering mandalorians.
her conversation with din is both a general test and an individual one. plus, she is aware of something that din is not: grogu will be undergoing his own test to judge for himself what lifestyle he wants. ahsoka cannot tell din this and must let him wait for the outcome, or otherwise develop false hope. which might turn into an instrument of discord were din to hold his disappointment against grogu and the new jedi order. this is why she gently urges din to determine whose best interest is at stake in going to see him. is din more willing to protect grogu’s feelings and choices, or his own? and are din’s feelings those of a father or of a mandalorian?
by the end of the conversation, ahsoka has made it clear that she will not withhold din’s gift from grogu. in fact, she immediately turns to make her way to master and padawan with the beskar in hand.
we don’t get much in terms of grogu makes his choice or luke’s reaction, but we do see the result: a balanced representation of what grogu might want laid out physically in front of him and how he acts on his choice. which ends up being a life with din as his father and potentially a life as a mandalorian over the life of a padawan who would eventually become a jedi.
i believe that in her heart ahsoka already knew what grogu wanted most. but as she said, she did not control the wants and desires of others. i also believe ahsoka urged luke to let grogu choose what he wanted, or risk yet another instance of potential resentment against the reborn jedi order should grogu ever discover luke withheld an option from him.
choice of lifestyle was something ahsoka was only implicitly granted during her time in the order, not explicitly. grogu, as long as she was able to make it so, would have the opportunity to choose the path he wanted. and to the degree ahsoka had freedom to ensure it, the little one would be able to live a life he felt at peace with. sacrifices would have to be made, but at least grogu would know ahead of time. and through this process, luke would have opportunity to learn his own lessons about attachment and letting go as a newly forged jedi master. also that not all force users who forsook the jedi order became sith or otherwise evil. she was proof enough of that.
to wrap this whole thing up, it was never about the jedi code for ahsoka. it was always about intention. it was about love and concern between father figure and child, between master and student. she freely admits that her chosen place is not with the order, but she had vested interest in its future and the future of its members. however she’s lived too long and experienced too many historical events to keep her eye on only the jedi.
din earned her respect and trust on corvus. she encourages (and tests) his trust and respect for her on ossus. in their conversation she finds exactly what she’d hoped to find: genuine, sacrificial parental care for grogu. this indicated the best case scenario for the little one either way. once everyone was informed of their options, ahsoka could step back and allow both grogu and luke the freedom to be whatever they desired. her job was done, and done well.
TD;LR: it’s not the jedi way or the highway. not for grogu, not for anyone. it’s affection and care for community, for family, forsaking selfish ambition, that matters the most.
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commandsir Β· 1 year ago
πŸ’ž = Does your muse believe in soulmates?Β 
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( also asked by @vanillahub ! )
yes and no.
yes because she believes in meeting someone who understands her exactly as she wants to be understood (or gives their most valiant effort to try) and cares for her how she wants to be cared for, a gesture she'd wholly return.
no because she wouldn't use the word soulmate. although, her native togrutan language does have a word that means something similar which is used in union aka marriage ceremonies. unfortunately, ahsoka isn't entirely familiar with that word and its usage, so she just goes off what she knows from living life.
ahsoka would never go as far as to say there's a perfect match for everyone in the galaxy - or her - but someone right enough could very well could be out there.
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commandsir Β· 1 year ago
😘 = Does your muse like to flirt? Do they like to be flirted with?  (( because I saw your tags heheh ))
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( also asked by @delugenal ! )
ahsoka enjoys being flirtatious when it's all in fun and not that serious. the side glances, narrowed eyes and slow blinks, folded arms, the cocked hip, the tilted head, they're her best tactics for urging someone to feel at ease and play along. those moves usually result in the kind of mutual flirtation she's begun to know well and can confidently guide the trajectory. but in the end, it won't go anywhere. she's not looking for deeper reciprocation other than snark out in the wild.
unless she's flirting with a significant other. that's very different. everything is slower, more relaxed, much more direct, and still somehow a little shy. her confidence isn't in how she can play an interaction, but in the mutual strength of feeling and experiences instead. if her significant other flirts back, the shyness tends to dissipate. she's also more likely to smile far wider and more often than usual. if she catches them off guard in any way, it's not intentional although much funnier.
being flirted with when she's not expecting it, though, sort of confuses her and she won't really respond much at first. especially if the timing is incongruent or the priorities seem out of place. maybe they'll get a blink and a "thanks?" at most. (sorry kaeden, wrong place, wrong time.) worst case scenario, she'll ask "why?" which is....likely not the reaction the person trying to initiate something was hoping for and it catches up with ahsoka much later if it catches up with her at all. when she's all business, she's kind of all business.
the long and the short of it is, flirting doesn't have a whole lot of sway over ahsoka unless it's between her and her partner. she's not exceptional at it unless she's really thinking about it or it's for pulling intel, and it doesn't so much go over her head as it does sideswipe her completely when she's unexpectedly flirted with. altogether, a mess. but when she's at her most comfortable in private with someone she cares for, the way she goes about banter is very sweet and clearly meant to laugh over.
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commandsir Β· 2 years ago
Misconception: Ahsoka is partially faulted for Anakin falling to the dark side.
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ahsoka was an unknowing step down on an already very unsteady ladder.
no doubt she weakened anakin's resolve to stay in the order, but he was already inching toward that path to the dark side with or without her. did it perhaps speed up the process? 100%. in much the same fashion as anakin's nightmares concerning padmΓ©'s death as padmΓ© came closer and closer to her due date.
but would we really say padmΓ© is at fault for pushing anakin toward the dark side? no, i don't believe so. by definition, ahsoka's departure and the nightmares about padmΓ©, plus her increasingly nervous behaviour around him as he spiraled, were catalysts to anakin's eventual fall, but not causes. i say this especially because ahsoka and padmΓ© loved anakin very much and cared for his well being deeply, but they had a whirlpool of their own terrible circumstances to work through, too.
conversely, i think padmΓ©'s and ahsoka's presence in anakin's life may have made it easier to cling to the light while they were around him. as soon as they began to feel distant, the fear rushed in.
in particular though, ahsoka's departure from the order was never because of anakin. it was in spite of him. even though he may have done all he could to ensure her exoneration, the rest of the jedi council thoroughly mucked up the process. their mistakes were never his fault, nor would ahsoka ever dream of insinuating such a thing. but anakin may also have feared he didn't do enough to renew her faith in the jedi, yet he was the only one who did enough. that's something i believe ahsoka tried to tell him in her own way before she left. once she was gone, though, every dangerous worry in anakin's head could run free.
so, to me, while she was a contribution, she isn't a cause. she isn't to blame. anakin's choices were always his own, even under the heavy and damning influence of palpatine.
( while really valid comparisons can be made to a steep mental health journey loaded with negative outside stimuli, anakin had options. he just had immense difficulty seeing them for what they were due to extreme stress. difficulty like any of us would have. not only was his destiny seemingly written for him by uncaring hands before he ever had any kind of say, but he was suffering under all that pressure, tricked into believing turning to the darkness was his only choice. but it wasn't. vader was a victim just as much as he was a villain. just as much as he was a hero. there were ways out, he just couldn't see them at the time. and if anyone reading this feels any kind of similar pressure or similar growing fear that you'll never make it out of the dark tunnel you're trapped in, you can be free. there is a way out to freedom for you and i believe you will find it. from someone who's been in that dark tunnel, strength shows up at strange times. you do have it in you to save yourself and become your own hero. i believe it, without a shadow of a doubt. you can do this. )
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commandsir Β· 1 year ago
πŸ’™ = Does your muse prefer a night out or a night in?Β 
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for a date, definitely a night in. ideally it's much more peaceful and private without the need for any kind of ultra-awareness. it also sounds much less exhausting.
to get out of her own head, though, a night out. she'll still need to be cautious but she can be someone other than herself if she really wants, or simply be a fly on the wall and listen to the people of the galaxy living their lives.
HOWEVER, if going somewhere secluded to enjoy a planet's natural wonders can count as a night out, but in, she'll take that option.
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commandsir Β· 1 year ago
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😍 = Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they?
kdjfhalkjfhladkfjg....yeah. she hoards those crushes like thorny little pets in her pockets so they keep jabbing at her uncomfortably. depends in where in her life it is, though.
pulling from all canon sources to start, it's been kidd kareen (cutest little danger playground crush ever), lux bonteri (questionable broody hot guy), and kaeden larte (gorgeous and a little too curious) even though she had Some Timing telling ahsoka she'd kiss her right after they switched gears from rescue to defense. still, ahsoka did like her. and it was because ahsoka liked her that she didn't want to stay in touch. there was too much risk of putting kaeden and miara in dire danger again. with all three, ESPECIALLY with lux and kaeden, ahsoka shows that she's got very interesting and unfortunate luck with love interests.
as for my blog canon, oh boy. that there's a list and ahsoka is mad at herself for so many of them because she's essentially offering her heart up on a platter for pain. but for the first time in her life for many of these, she follows through. SO: we've got boba fett (this one should account for THREE. they're the galaxy's longest on and off relationship), an adult crush on elias kanu because even though they were padawans together they were on very different sides of the war post 66 and after alderaan very different levels of people-ing, then there's an adult crush on captain rex because ahsoka realized just how much he added to her life and dammit she missed him, captain vaughn since they practically grew up together and fought so closely, and i'm also running with the idea that ahsoka likely had a bit of a crush on barriss offee, but unlike the above that was very brief and went nowhere. and the longer she lives, there's bound to be even more. she is not immune to The Feelings.
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commandsir Β· 1 year ago
πŸ’› = In what ways does your muse express their love to their partner?Β 
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( also asked by @delugenal & @inebranlablc ! )
by giving them as much of her time as they want and all the time she can spare: she invites them into every area of her life that she can afford. often, this means traveling together or finding ways to work in parallel. this is the most common, but it's no small thing to ahsoka and she welcomes it with the right people eagerly.
when she's reached a truly deep level of affection, her feelings manifest first in little tokens she makes to reflect past conversations or represent something important to the one she loves. small, so that if they want, they can carry it on their person without being weighted down. it's something she also does. while ahsoka's total tally of possessions stays small so she is able to travel anywhere or do anything at the snap of a finger, sentimental object she wants to always have will be sewn into her clothing (like her beskar iron heart from her siege of mandalore battledress) or sewn into small pouches on her utility belt/armor flaps. there's even a couple items stuck under her wrist armor. these kinds of items she won't necessarily bring up in conversation, but if she's asked about them, she'll explain.
her quietest and most rare form of romantic expression is touch. much like mandalorians, togrutas count forehead presses among their most meaningful gestures. it's companionship. it's a literal meeting of the minds. it's comfort and assurance of safety. this, along with gentle hand signs, are what ahsoka turns to when words won't suffice. because togruta are hunters by nature and by trade, a gentle touch between beings is a true sign of companionship cherished.
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commandsir Β· 2 years ago
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πŸ’¬ ❝ can you do two hundred push-ups? ❞  @mayxthexforce / trace martez
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that was a new one.
airship traffic outside martez hangar had been slow all day, leaving ahsoka twitching inside her skin and withdrawing from the force ever so slightly. without a constant crush of other life forms and force signatures flooding the air, there was always more of a chance she'd be detected for any purpose at all. and she'd rather not discover what kinds there could be.
but she and trace were running out of things to do so the distraction wasn't unwelcome, as out of left chin-bret field as it might have been.
 ❝  two hundred push-ups? can't say i've ever tried that many at once before. ❞  arms folded almost of their own accord, one brow marking at first raised in appraisal which quickly increased to two. she liked where this was going.
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 ❝  why, is that a dare? i'm definitely not doing it by myself. i'll try it if you try. ❞  
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commandsir Β· 2 years ago
For the assumption/misconception: ahsoka resents the Jedi
partly true. she won't throw the baby out with the bathwater, but there is an angle in here that's not too off base.
ahsoka holds lingering resentment toward a few jedi in particular, but not the order itself – although she bore some for a time after she’d chosen to leave. that remnant faded post order 66 into the pale ghost of a grudge that she no longer deemed important enough to carry with her after the war. in a similar vein, once she learned who had joined the force among the jedi she still resented, the anger did pass.
one exception to that rule was plo koon. the master she’d known the longest that had gently ushered her into safety and brought her to the order had also barely spoken in her defense against the accusations of sedition. hardly a word from the jedi who ought to have known her the best. meanwhile anakin, her master who had known her about two cycles, and padme, who’d known her even less than that, put everything on the line to prove her innocence. although, plo is the first to humbly apologize to her for his and the jedi council’s great error in accusing her. (apart from anakin, but anakin never suspected ahsoka’s involvement in any way.) ahsoka’s memories of her father figure were overwhelmingly sympathetic. the moment of his death was deeply felt and grieved for many cycles after. conversely to resenting him, she misses him well into adulthood.
ahsoka is capable of immense forgiveness and mercy, but she’s no angel. the same girl who compared herself to asajj ventress and offered to negotiate asajj’s pardon is unable to ever fully trust the sight of trandoshans, zygerrians, or pykes again. the same girl who allowed galactic denizens she didn’t know from stardust to speak into her life and affect how she operated as a jedi threatened to brutally torture and maim captives the jedi were keeping for questioning unless they talked, in much the same manner as her master. ahsoka spared and killed. were she offered the chance, she'd have shredded both grievous and tarkin with her own sabers. to say her feelings toward the jedi, a few in particular, were beyond resentment is false. honestly she would have liked to square up with ki-adi and mace windu in particular. many in the council she did not forgive until the time had passed for those feelings to serve her.
to hate the order that forged her would be bordering on idiotic and deny so much of herself she painstakingly improved and enhanced inside it. the temple was her home for almost fifteen years, and a beloved one at that. her grievances lie in extremes. those in the order she harbored ill-will for were, in her mind, the most egregious offenders of the very code they espoused.
but never doubt that her memory is long; no matter what feelings she might release, ahsoka never forgets, even beyond the end of a lifespan. with these offenses kept in mind, she knows how to warn others before history can repeat.
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commandsir Β· 2 years ago
3 & 16
Q. what rp trends are you so over and can’t wait for it to die?
A. every letter/word of blog titles/pinned posts/etc in a wildly different font, reducing the intended message to unreadable cuneiform. be aesthetic to your heart's content, by all means, but if i can't read your shit i'm out.
Q. what would you say to the one who hurt you in the past?
A. we're different people now. at least i am. i hope you grew from knowing me like i grew from knowing you, but i struggled for a long time because of fears you planted in my mind. today i'm grateful to say i've moved past those fears after fighting to understand them and where they came from, and have become more brave than i was when i knew you. i know what i'm worth now. maybe you do too, and won't treat yourself or people like me the way you used to. thanks for the lessons, and i look forward to leaving my bad memories of you so far behind in the past that you become a distant dream to me. that way, we can both live our lives online and offline in peace and far apart.
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commandsir Β· 2 years ago
5. A ship everyone in the fandom you’re in loves, but you can’t stand? / 18. Do you hold grudges for long?
Q. a ship everyone in the fandom you’re in loves, but you can’t stand?
A. this is harder than i thought. i guess.....bobaluke or dinluke? i don't get either of them to the point that i'm annoyed by how pervasive they are. still a firm believer in ship and let ship, but i do find myself "?????????????" at both of those more than anything else. AND LIKE IT'S NOT EVEN HATE, my annoyance isn't that strong, but it's the closest i can think of. i dislike ky/lux but i'm less annoyed by it than the above referenced pairings. maybe it's because i rp luke that they irk me, but whatever.
Q. do you hold grudges for long?
A. yyyy.......well, it depends. tbh i kind of hold grudges for silly things like differing opinions or canon divergencies i find wacky and out of character. i guess also if somebody just flagrantly ignores canon material, i get all grumbly and grudge-y in private. the only reason i hold a grudge for any extended amount of time is if someone keeps doing The Thing. if it's gone on long enough, i'll just clean whatever annoys me off my dash and move on because life's draining enough on its own and i'd rather have fun on here. no fuss, no butts, no coconuts.
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commandsir Β· 2 years ago
11. Are you for or not for purple prosing?
12. Has someone in the rp community ever made you upset/cry?
13. Ever told someone not to follow/rp with a particular person because something that happened to you in the past?
Q. are you for or not for purple prosing?
A. if it makes sense, then i don't mind. however, if prose morphs into joey's over-thesaurus'd adoption recommendation letter for chandler and monica, that's when we have a problem. honestly, i love when people experiment with language. i'm no stranger to letting phraseology fly away from me. it's only an issue if i'm not sure how to reply because i straight up don't know what my partner was trying to say. but it happens so very, vary rarely that it might as well be a non-issue nowadays.
Q. has someone in the rp community ever made you upset/cry?
A. yes! definitely more in the past than now. i think the last time i was truly upset with a capital U was sometime early last year, either in the swrpc or elsewhere. but the more careful i am and the more i prioritize healthy friendships with cheerful communication and actually pour my energy into writing, the less time i spend getting emotionally twisted into knots. doesn't mean i won't get upset in the future, but it'll be easier to move past.
Q. ever told someone not to follow/rp with a particular person because something that happened to you in the past?
A. i'm sure i used to. these days i prefer to give my friends the download on past behavior or suspicions and let them decide what they want to do. if the person in question was actually dangerous or predatory, then i more readily might say "don't".
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commandsir Β· 2 years ago
2. What are your unpopular opinion(s) of the fandom you’re rping in? and 15. Have you ever done something out of spite?
Q. what are your unpopular opinion(s) of the fandom you’re rping in?
A. oof.... a few too many, so i'll be broad. i think where i differ from fanon comes mostly down to symbolism and black and white moralism. i've never been a fan of claiming "righteousness" by way of fiction, so for that reason i'm neither anti-jedi or pro-jedi. to me, the jedi are a storytelling vehicle and believe they represent an inherently good idea that multiple times went off the rails due to pride and blindness.
i also don't believe the sequels were trash and find just as many pros to them as cons, of which there are a significant few. kylo ren/ben solo was a gripping character no matter his reception, nor was rey a mary sue. definitely not a reysky fan, though, and i don't believe she needed the skywalker name to be important or to acquire fandom clout or fanboy (gender neutral) legitimacy .
finally, i'm very against the idea that you must be in the eu camp or canon camp and cannot be both. creativity and enjoyment does not have to mean exclusivity or critique, ever. sure, some timelines don't mesh, but that just means you get to play in more than one timeline!
Q. have you ever done something out of spite?
A. OH ABSOLUTELY. i have and still do roleplay ships out of spite, i've begun speaking to other rpers out of spite to find out they're wonderful people or even vice versa, i've written starters out of spite, in rare circumstances dropped threads out of spite (because i rarely drop anything), picked up entire characters out of spite, you name it. hell, i made my whole rey blog and added half the characters on my sw multi out of spite. lately i've been very anti-trend because of spite, just because i don't have any desire to "fit in" so to speak. i like myself and my ideas too much to make them carbon copies of anyone or anything else. it took a LONG ASS TIME to reach that point, but i'm here and enjoying it. make no mistake i try not to center my rp activity around spite, but sometimes new things spring out of it, which i'm totally fine with and have a good laugh about.
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commandsir Β· 3 years ago
🎢 / for cad
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                   🎢  for  a  song  that  reminds  me  of  our  muses .  
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f*ck you - lily allen (rock edit)
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commandsir Β· 3 years ago
send me 🎢 for a song that reminds me of our muses . - For Plo and Rex? :0
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                  🎢  for  a  song  that  reminds  me  of  our  muses .  
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plo: goodbyes - jorja smith
rex: ignite - zeddΒ 
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commandsir Β· 3 years ago
🎢 / for jango
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                   🎢  for  a  song  that  reminds  me  of  our  muses .  
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little dark age - mgmt
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