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For the assumption/misconception: ahsoka resents the Jedi
partly true. she won't throw the baby out with the bathwater, but there is an angle in here that's not too off base.
ahsoka holds lingering resentment toward a few jedi in particular, but not the order itself – although she bore some for a time after she’d chosen to leave. that remnant faded post order 66 into the pale ghost of a grudge that she no longer deemed important enough to carry with her after the war. in a similar vein, once she learned who had joined the force among the jedi she still resented, the anger did pass.
one exception to that rule was plo koon. the master she’d known the longest that had gently ushered her into safety and brought her to the order had also barely spoken in her defense against the accusations of sedition. hardly a word from the jedi who ought to have known her the best. meanwhile anakin, her master who had known her about two cycles, and padme, who’d known her even less than that, put everything on the line to prove her innocence. although, plo is the first to humbly apologize to her for his and the jedi council’s great error in accusing her. (apart from anakin, but anakin never suspected ahsoka’s involvement in any way.) ahsoka’s memories of her father figure were overwhelmingly sympathetic. the moment of his death was deeply felt and grieved for many cycles after. conversely to resenting him, she misses him well into adulthood.
ahsoka is capable of immense forgiveness and mercy, but she’s no angel. the same girl who compared herself to asajj ventress and offered to negotiate asajj’s pardon is unable to ever fully trust the sight of trandoshans, zygerrians, or pykes again. the same girl who allowed galactic denizens she didn’t know from stardust to speak into her life and affect how she operated as a jedi threatened to brutally torture and maim captives the jedi were keeping for questioning unless they talked, in much the same manner as her master. ahsoka spared and killed. were she offered the chance, she'd have shredded both grievous and tarkin with her own sabers. to say her feelings toward the jedi, a few in particular, were beyond resentment is false. honestly she would have liked to square up with ki-adi and mace windu in particular. many in the council she did not forgive until the time had passed for those feelings to serve her.
to hate the order that forged her would be bordering on idiotic and deny so much of herself she painstakingly improved and enhanced inside it. the temple was her home for almost fifteen years, and a beloved one at that. her grievances lie in extremes. those in the order she harbored ill-will for were, in her mind, the most egregious offenders of the very code they espoused.
but never doubt that her memory is long; no matter what feelings she might release, ahsoka never forgets, even beyond the end of a lifespan. with these offenses kept in mind, she knows how to warn others before history can repeat.
#archaeotech#𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧 . 𝙤𝙤𝙘 / meta#𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧 . 𝙤𝙤𝙘 / meme answers#well i thought this would be short..... it was not#ALAS the jedi order trauma cannot be contained#and i want to give ahsoka credit because she tried not to#and her dislike never went so far as to make her dissuade anyone else from becoming a jedi#the lifestyle just was no longer for her#she understands judgement can't be passed on those whose story she doesn't know when she only knows her own
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The Transformative Role of Technology in Archaeology
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okay his outfit has really been bothering me for absolutely ages so here. bastard man.
#warhammer rogue trader#pasqal haneumann#pasqal rogue trader#when i say its been bothering me. know i am too well informed about fabrics and sewing#so i need it to make sense. it cannot be one layer it just doesnt make sense#and [youre seeing my madness now] it SEVERELY bothers me when tech priests dont wear canvas or leather#i am sorry they are NOT going around in lightweight cotton. and have you seen how much oil stains they do not wear velvet or silk either#most insane hc ever: i dont think theyve reinvented polyester yet in 40k. i just cant see it#its like any other oddly specific fabric lost through time#archaeotech yet to be figured out..........#anyway pasqal wears thick leather abel wears stiff canvas thats worn out through the years to be softer
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its kinda funny, but also kinda annoying, how often reddits grimdank will have the subject of the unification war pop up usually in a kinda "coping" method of insisting that actually the unification war was fought with advanced archaeotech weapons, and the emperor took so long because each of his opponents was just that deadly and intelligent.
when ya know. at this point its been pretty well firmly established that the unification war was largely fought caveman unga bunga style, but occasionally someone would pull out a nuke they may or may not have actually known how to work. and also that outside of like a handful of dudes most of the warlords the emperor fought were either hyper aggressive meatheads or nerds that the emperor was bullying for their lunch money.
not that they weren't dangerous mind. just that ya know. most of them were not narthan dume to put it charitably.
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found a copy of the Liber Hereticus in a Half-Price Books this morning. Didn't pick it up because it was still $40 for a tome of rules for a game I don't intend to play, but did flip to the most important page and brought away a few items of note:
the game writers really, really lean into the "Lorgar is the least imposing primarch in a physical fight" idea, mentioning it in a sidebar and in at least one ability description, whew. He does at least get a couple of psychic disciplines to use in addition to his ability to buff his forces.
there's a mechanic for his sons' faith in him: if they're in line of sight to him on the tabletop, they can use his Leadership score for challenges, which is 10 out of a mechanically possible 12. If they know he's with them, their determination is almost unbreakable. <3
I've never seen this mentioned in the novels (and the lexicanum just says "Archaeotech Pistol") but his game stats give him, in addition to Illuminarum, a graviton pistol named Devotion. I love the idea of his Devotion being able to drop an opponent to the floor, ngl.
It's the Leadership part I can't stop thinking about though. The ability to inspire that much zeal. Don't mind me, I'll be over here with some Feelings.
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It's Seraphina Shtgeivna Bezamova!

#techpriest#40k#wh40k#fan art#average stygies VIII techpriest when archaeotech behavior#stygiantechpriest
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Finished Dominion Genesis. I rarely say this about books but it wasn’t worth reading/listening to. The entire book comes across as very surface level, lacking in environmental detail or character complexity. There is nothing particularly immersive in its descriptions, the plot drags on, and the few things the story sets up as parallels or foreshadowing are utterly fumbled.
For example, one of the main Skitarii characters initially loses a fight with an Eldar Warp Spider and loses an arm for it. He gets upgraded, and replaces his lost weapons, and then at the very end of the book he loses even worse against the same enemy who has already been severely wounded. Why bother building up this character for a turnaround if you’re just going to knock them down again harder for no gain?
The overall plot also has 0 impact out of its self contained characters. It’s ostensibly about an Explorator from the fallen world of Gryphonne IV trying to find archaeotech to revive her world after its consumption by Leviathan. A piece of terraforming tech they find has potential, but after a lot of runaround it turns out to be an Eldar device and is destroyed, with the last paragraphs being hollow introspective bullshit about how ‘the Mechanicus will rebuild’ when the initial chapters showed the wider refugee society of Gryphonne is very much Not Doing That. Premise set up for plot progression of the forge world left with utterly bare bones development
The plot ends up far more being about the main Explorator and her closed off relations with her crew, but this is presented very shallowly imho and the emotional payoff is minimal.
Overall 2/10, a desperate distraction for a couple plane flights, not recommended, if you want an admech book read Forges of Mars or Day of Ascension, they have better characters, immersion, and plot development by a long shot.
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What the frak happened to Ineptus Anser? Forge worlds are supposed to be models of efficiency, where everyone who can work does so, and those who can't are trained or augmented until they can. There shouldn't be beggers in the streets unless something has gone horribly wrong. Was it an ork invasion? Tau cyberwarfare? Rampaging Abominable Intelligence from the Dark Age of Technology unleashed by a careless archaeotech researcher? I really want to know...
LMAOO there is lots of things going horribly wrong with this forge world its basically heresy central at this point. They just keep getting away with it because its in the middle of absolutely nowhere self contained in the corner of the galaxy, but the three tech priests that rule it are just the stupidest, most pettiest people, and none of them should be anywhere near a position of power. It's an absolute mess over there and they made it that way. Two of them just cannot stop petty infighting while the third uses this entire thing as a front for his heretek research. These people just downright suck and everyone suffers for it.
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Don't understand people who find the mechanicus sexy. You think I'm going to become closer to the power of the machine by getting a boner? The schmeat is weak. "How big is that dick?" Non-existent. Leave me to study this archaeotech
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Character Tropes: Ziv Odiz’Zee
Just a few of tropes from tvtropes. They are (hopefully) linked correctly if you want to read up on them. Feel free to add more!
Tagged By: The Force Tagging: @sithisms @mando-of-esverr @lighthouseborn @peacefaithed @strongfuck @starfaithed @talesgolden @retrocognizantrecreant @cnlyluck @onehell-of-apilot @space-hecate @asycuwish @skyler-bane @apexulansis @survivorsofthegalaxy @bewitchingbaker @hopexncarnate @beskar-himbo @ofthestcrs @honorhunt @lady-proudmoore @savior-of-humanity @stillfocvsed @gildedcommander @fallesto @outcaststar @jedilovcd @poewingsdameron @cardinal-carvings @smertzimy @visceratorn @infernusfuror @inkedstone @kyberllcore @cfmartyrs @general-kalani @luminousxbeings @thaneirstaer @fleetadmrl @gwiazdowe @lvkexskywvlker @ariadne-inthesky @archaeotech @sxbaist @lightfaithed @trueheartofarebel @protectxthem @hunters-house @envychosen @masterofthelivingforce @startrailed @bladelancer @wartornpilot @hosnianleft @sithdestined @safrona-shadowsun @stubborn-amphibian @ncxile @skywlkrr @jedixamidala @chromium-siren @aetcrnus @bountyborn @memcriaes @2sabers @thrawnur @creaticn @thestupidmeanone @fatewills…and everyone else who blinked today!
Asskicking Equals Authority / Deadpan Snarker / Bifauxnen / Glass Cannon / Loveable Rogue / The Gunslinger / The Cynic / Ace Pilot / The Sneaky Guy / Mama Bear / Respected by the Respected / Cut a Slice, Take the Rest / Rebellious Spirit / Half-Human Hybrid / Achilles’ Heel / Nigh-Invulnerability / Seen It All /Soul Jar / Kryptonite Factor / Involuntary Shapeshifter / Voluntary Shapeshifting / Living Lie Detector / Kaleidoscope / Villainous Friendship / Meaningful Name / Good is not soft / The Gadfly / Eyes / Asshole Victim / Anti-Hero / They're Called "Personal Issues" for a Reason / Dark Secret / Sour Supporter / Ideal Hero / Kill All Humans / Break the Cutie / Familiar / Stronger than they look / The Exile / Organic Technology / Older Than Dirt / Ridiculously Human Robots / Self-Made Man / The Medic / Become a Real Boy / The Beastmaster / Zen survivor / Cynical Mentor / Albinos Are Freaks / Ambiguous Robots / Even Evil Has Loved Ones / Weakened by the Light / Magical Eye(s) / Tall, Dark, and Snarky / Magic Music / Lady of War / The Mole / Expressive Hair / Walking Wasteland / The Heart / Spoiled Sweet / The Stoic / Bad Powers, Good People / Archnemesis Dad / Battle Ballgown / Villain Protagonist / Shonen Hair / Cute Bruiser / Cheerful Child / Rapunzel Hair / Green Thumb / Caring Gardener / White and Red and Eerie All Over / Dark Action Girl / Mind Virus / Theme Music Power-Up / Training from Hell / Epiphany Therapy / Self-Made Orphan / Rich Bitch / Aloof Big Brother / Stalker with a Crush / Power Tattoo / Driven by Envy / Always Second Best / I Lied / Medicate the Medium / Big Brother Instinct / Fake Memories* / Shell-Shocked Veteran / Survivor Guilt / Jerk with a Heart of Gold / Noble Demon / Alcohol-Induced Idiocy / The Power of Love / The Love Slap of Epiphany / Fantastic Racism / Fertile Feet / the Quiet Big Guy / The Power of Friendship / Good Thing You Can Heal / I Just Want To Be Normal / The Power of Hate / The Paladin / Mind over Matter / All powerful Bystander / Remember That You Trust Me / Dark Is Not Evil / Lovable Alpha Bitch / Split Personality Takeover / Dying Alone / Cursed / Heroic Sacrifice / Loners Are Freaks / Go Mad from the Isolation / NEET / Do Not Taunt Cthulhu / Curb-Stomp Battle / There Are No Therapists / Cry for the Devil / Cradle of Loneliness / Psychic Powers / Desperately Craves Affection / Expressive Ears / Hates Being Touched / Because You Were Nice to Me / No Sense of Personal Space / Et Tu, Brute? / Go Out with a Smile / Artificial Limbs / Super Senses / Badass Adorable / Apocalypse Maiden / Enemy Within / Badass / Old Soldier / Warrior Monk / Freakiness Shame / Abusive Parents / Defied Trope / Fluffy Tamer / Born Unlucky / Nightmare Fetishist / Too Kinky to Torture / Bad Dreams / Talking in Your Sleep / Death Seeker / Even Evil Has Standards / The Dreaded / All of the Other Reindeer / Heroes Prefer Swords / One-Man Army / Lightning Bruiser / Sanity Slippage / Roaring Rampage of Revenge / White Hair, Black Heart / Light Is Not Good / Unstoppable Rage / Too Clever by Half / Younger Than They Look / Older Than They Look / Well-Intentioned Extremist / Smug Super / When She Smiles / Bad Powers, Good People / Big Brother (Sister) Worship / The Virus / Emotionless Girl / 100% Adoration Rating / 0% Approval Rating / Magical Girl / Laughing Mad / My God, What Have I Done? / Sickeningly Sweethearts / Ill Girl / Contralto of Danger / Bandage Babe / Too Good for This Sinful Earth / Brilliant, but Lazy / Motor Mouth / Beauty Mark / Psychopathic Manchild / Voice of the Legion / Mad Scientist / Our Zombies Are Different / Glowing Eyelights of Undeath / You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry / Nature Lover / A-Cup Angst / The Hedonist / Big Breast Pride / Absolute Cleavage / Blue Blood / The Tease / Cold-Blooded Torture / Cosmic Plaything / Jerkass Woobie / Anime Hair / Good Scars, Evil Scars / Unscrupulous Hero / The Snark Knight / Pragmatic Hero / Token Evil Teammate / Evil is Deathly Cold / The Necromancer / Magic Knight / The Kingslayer / Badass Longcoat / Casting a Shadow / Troubled, But Cute / Used to be a Sweet Kid / From Nobody to Nightmare / Consummate Liar / Control Freak / Badass Bookworm / Affably Evil / Bastard Angst / Functional Addict / Jack-of-All-Trades / Combat Pragmatist /
*Fake Memories: Not a especially big part of Zivs character, but the highly forcesensetive Murakami Orchids are telepathically connected and so are their memories. The Sickness and its follow up The Blackwing Virus are nothing but the corrupted councious of one of the Murakami Orchids and sucked up the memories of everyone infected (and slowly lets their infected have more and more skills of what had ben collected in thismemory pool). As Darth Drear and Darth Scabrous were both infected by The SIckness, it had soaked up their memories too and this memories were shared telepathically with other Murakami Orchids, including eventually Zivs Murakami 4000 years later. As the Murakami roams through Zivs memories and the pool of memories of other Orchids to learn, Ziv will find herself going through memories of the two Darths in her dreams. It does not help her in anything but having very horrible dreams, beside beeing able to read Darth Scabrous handwriting and having a rough plan of the Academy on Odacer Faustin in her mind. Ziv is obviously not epsecially happy about this. She does not like the idea that her Life is influenced by people who had died fourthausand years before her birth.
#redoing this because I did this for Ziv 2020#so#its time! The space otter had changed some!#headcanon#irrfahrer#Ziv Odiz' Zee
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image text below the cut
support the cryptid.
General Areshkar Ulver Sarkal - 76th Lacus Hellwalkers
Age: 37 Terran years (as of 004.M31)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 141 lbs
Homeworld: Lacus Magna
Faction: Imperial Army
+ 76th Lacus Hellwalkers
+ + heavy infantry
+++ attached to XII Legiones Astartes World Eaters
++++ serves directly under Angron
I. Surma combat blade - live tooth harvested from Lacusan Behemoth
II. 911.M1-pattern heavy stubber pistol, Martyr officer's edition, 45 caliber
III. Lacusan archaeotech power sword Vae Victis - chained to right arm in combat
IV. Headtaker-pattern heavy stubber carbine, 45 caliber
V. master-crafted power glaive, Otsego
- Sealed helmet w/ rebreather: All terrestrial environments, limited underwater/void usage. Includes HUD and targeting system. Bio-engineered bone construction
- Control interface (right vambrace)
- Bladecatcher pelt
- Blood Hand battle honor: given by Angron (chestplate)
- Near-Abhuman, possesses increased durability, strength, endurance, cold resistance, and night vision; eyes are reflective (tapetum lucidum)
#warhammer 30k#horus heresy#my art#imperial army#art#areshkar#76th lacus hellwalkers#world eaters#warhammer oc#wh40k art#warhammer#warhammer 40k#warhammer 40k oc#wh30k#horus heresy oc#imperium of man#traitor legions#imperial guard#artists on tumblr#warhammer 40000#character ref sheet#armor design#I remembered the damn blood hand this time#how could I forget something so vital to his character???
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Every Sim Settlements 2 addon
+ SCRAPPY WASTELAND HOVELS for DESPERATE STARVING WASTELANDERS (no door) (walls made of partially rotted 2-by-4s) (no bathroom) (bed is a RAW ANIMAL HIDE) (you WILL freeze to death in October)
+ PRE-WAR VAULT-TEC BRAND LUXURY DEVELOPMENTS (made with plastic and high-tech alloys) (literally sterile) (somehow completely accurate pre-war merchandise included) (free LASER CANNONS and ARCHAEOTECH)
(if someone can direct me to a Sim Settlements 2 addon with a similar aesthetic to that of Fallout 1997 I would be super grateful)
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I have two girlies who have no in-universe relation with each other as far as I know. I have drawn them but they need redesigns... but take a look at their tags on my blog if you're curious
Mevranor Alpha-Gamma-56 is just a lowly enginseer from Mars, who specialises in climbing and crawling into tight spaces that need repairs thanks to their highly modified body and limbs as well as some grabby mechadendrites. expertly locks in on their work and likes practicing fixing small devices especially toasters in her spare time, but doesn't like being observed. they tend to lurk in the quiet shadows of the forge temples. there is a part of her who wishes that, one day, she could go on an adventure offworld in search of archaeotech.
5-Caeral-VI, aka Scaeralvi is a pteraxii from the forgeworld Gryphonne IV, now serving in the retinue of a Rogue Trader who "adopted" her after the destruction of her homeworld. as much as she tries to hide it and play the part of literal killing machine (which she is very good at), the truth is she's an emotionally turbulent soul who struggles with self-worth and expressing her wants and needs, a big one being understanding and companionship. though it took a while for her to adapt to living amongst non-Mechanicus and open up, she is immensely loyal to her friends... sometimes to the point of being self-sacrificial, given the above.
i like to imagine that all 40k tumblr admech ocs are bestfriends/coworkers who barely tolerate eachother.
Pls share your mechanicus blorbo so we can discern the relations
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Writing Audit ✨
...I ended up signing up for the Salamanders Discord writing comp again. Idk why I did this to myself when I'm trying to finish my summer exchange project, but it's max 1500 words per story so I can probably do it in one night if I have to. The goal is for each competitor to create a short anthology of 4 stories in around 4 weeks. Our wider setting is a sector in the far western regions of Ultima Segmentum which is undergoing Ork and Chaos incursions and eventually gets crusaded by the Imperium. I've chosen a feral jungle world as my focus.
I already have ideas for the first story involving DAOT Archaeotech, feral Orks in limestone karst caves, and a Thousand Sons-affiliated exploratory force made up of non-marine sorcerors seeking out psychoactive plants for a particular Exalted Sorceror back on Sortiarius. (IYKYK) I'm planning for some background necron action too... But very much "blink and you'll miss it" for now.
I'll mainly be going for worldbuilding, focusing on how the planet changed over time. My hope is to bring the Salamanders in later once we hit the Crusade part of the story.
At least I can talk about this comp here, unlike my summer exchange work! Those ones are coming along bit by bit. I'm still a bit worried whether I'll manage to finish them, but since I pivoted to writing two pieces instead of one, it seems much more likely now. I know that sounds weird, but it'll make sense later.
List of my current projects under the Read More.
Summer Exchange Fic 1 - >500 words with no max, MUST be complete by August 11. Currently just over 500, expecting it to end up around 1500 words. Contains smut.
Salamanders Writing Comp - Part 1/4 due on August 8. 1500>[story]>800 words.
Summer Exchange Fic 2 - same rules and recip but expecting it to be around 10k words. Posting as a treat so I can upload unfinished chapters after the fact. Does not contain smut but IMO is the better story.
Salamander Slice of Life/Romance - been looking at this again, finally. I've been linking sections, hard but fun work. Need to add proper chapter divisions though, because certain sections are like 10k+ words long.
[Freelance project I'm considering picking up.] - Good for money, but would slow down all my other writing. Need to decide tonight, will probably start on this after August 15th
Of Steel and Flesh - Next chapter needs a lot of work, as most of them do considering they were written in Jan-Feb. I'd like to upload a chapter in August. It probably won't happen until much later in the month.
Adathan and Julen Sequel - Blood Angel/Imperial Fist Deathwatch smut. I did start writing this but I'm feeling a bit uninspired when it comes to smut at the moment. Need the right mood to hit me.
Techmarine university story - haven't worked in this in ages. Definitely on the back burner until after the exchange deadline, possibly until after the Salamanders comp too.
MMM August fic - this one's going to have to wait a few weeks, I'm absolutely swamped in other stuff.
Noise Marine This Is Spinal Tap parody - Look, it was a great idea, but I don't think I'm going to get this treat done before the exchange. So I'm posting it here. Please steal my idea, there is such a great prompt for it on the exchange.
#wh40k fanfic#40k salamanders#warhammer fanfiction#It isn't even WIP Wednesday but I just had to say something#The Salamanders Discord writing comp has such a cool format#Though super intimidating
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"Told you it..."
"... by the Omnissia-..."
"Glory to..."
"... frakking..."
[Almighty crashing noise and feedback squealing]
"I think that did it your Grace!"
"It had better. It hasn't worked properly since that Drukhari unpleasantness, and I'm not going to stand for that sort of thing."
[shuffling noises, and a sigh]
"With respect, your Grace, the mysteries of archaeotech are seldom impressed by what you're willing to stand for."
"Well they were bloody impressed this time weren't they, eh?"
"I think it is more likely, your Grace, that the countless months of repair work probably paid off, but what do I know, I'm just an Explorator!"
"That kind of tone is not appropriate when addressing the Rogue Trader, Explorator Janice."
"Oh stuff it Arcturus-"
"Arch-Militant Arcturus."
"Right, no more arguing, you're embarrasing the ship in front of the funny question-asking box."
"The Psychovox"
"That's what I said Explorator, don't interrupt."
"Sorry your Grace."
"Right, well, to any and all who might be listening: this is again Lord Damien Veryce, last of his line, Rogue Trader and privateer in service of His Holy Ecclesiarchy aboard the Imperial Might! Ask away! For we have returned!"
"Um, your Grace..."
"Oh, yes, and this is our new crew member, Arch Magos Genetus, Theseus. Greet the talking box Theseus."
[A scratching mix of biological sounds and motors whirring approaches]
"What a fascinating device... I wonder... what kinds of creatures will speak through it... what kinds of throats and minds will I hea-"
"Yes yes, all very fascinating, don't unnerve the talking box so. Anyway, the point is that we're back!"
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Italicize what your muse likes. Bold what they love. Strikethru what they hate.
Tagged By: The Force Tagging: @sithisms @mando-of-esverr @lighthouseborn @peacefaithed @strongfuck @starfaithed @talesgolden @retrocognizantrecreant @cnlyluck @onehell-of-apilot @space-hecate @asycuwish @skyler-bane @bewitchingbaker @hopexncarnate @beskar-himbo @ofthestcrs @honorhunt @lady-proudmoore @savior-of-humanity @stillfocvsed @gildedcommander @fallesto @outcaststar @jedilovcd @poewingsdameron @cardinal-carvings @smertzimy @visceratorn @infernusfuror @inkedstone @kyberllcore @cfmartyrs @general-kalani @luminousxbeings @thaneirstaer @fleetadmrl @gwiazdowe @lvkexskywvlker @ariadne-inthesky @archaeotech @sxbaist @lightfaithed @trueheartofarebel @protectxthem @hunters-house @envychosen @masterofthelivingforce @startrailed @bladelancer @wartornpilot @hosnianleft @sithdestined @safrona-shadowsun @stubborn-amphibian @ncxile @skywlkrr @jedixamidala @chromium-siren @aetcrnus @bountyborn @memcriaes @2sabers @thrawnur @creaticn @thestupidmeanone @fatewills…and everyone else who blinked today!
Taste: Sweet | Salty | Bitter | Umami | Sour | Chocolate | Bacon | Vegetables | Fruit | Berries | Carrots | Cake | Cookies | Pretzels | Pasta | Tomatoes | Applesauce | Sauerkraut | Pickles | Olives | Potatoes | Ice Cream | Pineapple | Pineapple on pizza | Fish | Beef | Garlic | Spinach | Mushrooms | Cheese | Milk | Juice | Marmite | Beetroot | Anchovies | Gefilte Fish | Peppers | Wholewheat bread | Marshmallows | Mango | Broccoli | Peanut butter | Nutella | Mint and chocolate | Cashew nuts | Tofu | Brussels sprouts | Grape flavour Ziv is a carnivore and her ability to taste and what she can eat is depending on that carnivorous nature. Wheats are a no-go, as are extreme sugery treats (Ziv is not able to taste most sugars in the first place, so sweet pastrys are tasting like sand to her usually). Mushrooms, especially raw fill her stomach to statiesfy hunger but will give her stomachaches and no proper nutrients so if she would fill her diet with those she would starve with a full stomach. Dairy products will just straight up make her suffer. Fruits are a occaisonal treat due to the fruitsugar that she can actually taste, but can also due to the high calium precentage cause poisonings, if she eats too much and could therefor never be a mainpart of her diet. She however does enjoy the scent of most fruits more than the taste, especially strawberries. Foods that are not from Tynna and lack the bacteria and parasits that her body adjusted to in her brief time on Tynna, are a complete different problem for Ziv that make her life difficult. Touch: Soft | Rough | Smooth | Sticky | Slimy | Hot | Cold | Damp | Wet | Clammy | Coarse | Fur | Velvet | Silk | Lace | Hot metal | Cold metal | Paper | Plastic | Bubble wrap | Wool | Wood | Tree bark | Hot asphalt | Leaves | Wicker | Sand | Rocks | Rough rocks | Smooth rocks | Hair | Skin | Tight hugs | Gentle hugs | Lip kisses | Skin kisses | Holding hands | Rough touches | Gentle touches | Scratches | Bites | Sunlight | Light sheets | Thick blankets | Baggy clothes Scent: Flowers | Sea water | Chocolate | Fish | Cooking onions | Cleaning products | Citrus | Lemons | Grapefruit | Oranges | Rain | Freshly cut grass | Wet dirt | Wood | Cologne | Perfume | Fire | Smoke | Gasoline | Tires | Paint | Chlorine | Pools | Fresh bread | Cooking bacon | New books | Coffee | Linen | Vanilla | Cinnamon | New car | Coconut | Sunscreen | Nail polish | Mint | Cigarette smoke | Leather Sound: Loud sounds | High pitched sounds | Low pitched sounds | Quiet sounds | Loud voices | Soft voices | High voices | Deep voices | Morning voice | Snoring | Rain on windows | Fire crackle | Crickets | Frogs | Typing on a keyboard | Horse hooves on gravel | High heels | Laughter | Deep laughter | Giggling | Purring | Dog bark | Howling | Car engine | Distant chatter | Bird chirps | Classical music | Pop music | Folk music | Rock music | Country music | Klezmer music | Violin | Piano | Frying food | Nails tapping Sight: Red | Orange | Yellow | Green | Blue | Purple | Pink | Black | White | Silver | Gold | Shiny | Dull | Shapes | Orange lighting | Natural lighting | Seaside scenery | Forest scenery | Field scenery | Patterns | Clear skies | Cloudy skies | Night time | Day time | Sunrise | Sunset | Stained glass windows | Old buildings | Stone buildings | Wood cabins | Spring | Summer | Fall | Winter | Brick buildings | Moss | Flowers | Gardens | Hedge mazes | Corn mazes | Lakes | Rivers
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