LT Sideblog
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!!!I'M BACK!!! LazyTown. Robbie Rotten. Sportacus. SPORTAROBBIE! Reblogs, HCs and other ideas. The "#Sick! Robbie mini fic" is FINISHED! You can find it on /works/15509457/chapters/36001164 on ao3 and on Wattpad NSFW will be tagged. I follow back / answer to comments from baddergirl. :)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Always loved and never forgotten!💜😢
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Rest in peace, dear Stefan! Thank you so much for childhood, filled with laughter and teaching us that villains also can be adorable and lovable! 
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Chapters: 167/167 Fandom: LazyTown, Sportarobbie - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Robbie Rotten/Sportacus Characters: Sportacus (LazyTown), Robbie Rotten, Stephanie Meanswell, Pixel (LazyTown), Ziggy (LazyTown), Trixie (LazyTown), Stingy (LazyTown), Milford Meanswell, Bessie Busybody, Number Nine (LazyTown) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sickness, Recovery, Magic, Violence Summary:
When Sportacus receives a letter from Robbie in which he asks for the hero’s help this turns out to be just the first of many uncharacteristic appearing behaviors of the town villain and other strange happenings connected to it. And it’s only the beginning of an adventure for the unlikely pair during which both of them have to cross lines that appeared impossible before. And all that can help them do so seems to be accepting their true feelings for each other…and their own true natures…
(This is the complete story I originally published in parts on Tumblr.)
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Just another SportaRobbie music video with another song that got stuck in my head... Enjoy! 😊💜
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Hello everybody! It’s finally done! The whole Sick! Robbie mini-fic as a whole in chronological order (and with a few slight improvements)! For the moment only on Wattpad, but there’ll also be a link to an ao3 version as soon as I get the invitation from them to join them! 😁 Until then, any of you who have Wattpad - ENJOY! 💜
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Please Reblog if
You mainly post lazytown content! I would really appreciate it! THANKS!!!!
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
If You Insist (Part 2)
Second part of the Pride Month mini fic.
Enjoy! :)
If You Insist (Part 2)
"...I don't know...what I am..." Robbie's voice is weak and low and utterly sad "...How I am... Why I am? I don't...even know how to formulate it..."
Sportacus carefully wraps a fluffy blanket around his shoulders and very gently strokes his back through it. This time the inventor doesn't wince at his touch. He leans into it. Sportacus is just as happy as unsettled by this. " mean WHO you are?" he suggests softly. Robbie shrugs weakly and stares at the trees ahead "I don't know..." Now the hero hands him a cup of tea and the villain accepts this just as unresisting as the blanket before and the hero's guidance to sit down on the opened door of the airship. "You need some rest, Robbie. Maybe then..."
"No," now the inventor turns his head to look at the hero and sadly shakes his head "I've been trying to find out since...since I can remember... Sleep won't help anything."
"I see... But it will help you to calm down a little. You're...exhausted," reasons the hero softly. Robbie just stares at him for over one minute. Then he asks carefully "You were not...just making fun of me, were you?..."
"Of course not. I already told you. I would NEVER make fun of you! Least of all when you're in obvious...distress," Sportacus carefully sits down next to the other now. Not too close because he doesn't want to scare him off again. The villain nods very slowly, then he sighs softly and looks at the cup in his hands, murmuring "I didn't know that there are...parties and...celebrations...and even a whole month for... For people that aren't...normal..."
"Normal?" Sportacus furrows his brows "But of course these people are 'normal'! Being not 'straight' or 'according to cliche' doesn't make one 'abnormal' in any way!"
"I guess you...have to say that...since you're a hero..."
"One got nothing to do with the other, Robbie. This is my personal belief. To me, we're all the same. No matter ethic, no matter religion, no matter age, no matter gender, no matter sexual or romantic orientation. We're all the same. And we're all DIFFERENT. And that is GOOD," the hero's voice is calm and gentle but firm. Robbie eyes him for a moment then he murmurs "...All the same...and all different... That's..." a very faint smile washes over his lips "...That's...nice to hear..."
Sportacus feels happy at seeing the inventor smile, albeit just for a second. The next three minutes Robbie is sipping his tea in silence and his rival is just watching him, sitting perfectly still next to him during this.
"Maybe...I should've broken down sooner if I had known that it will stop your endless jumping and moving..." another very weak smile and a soft blush. The hero chuckles "Maybe. But I'd rather see you smile than cry and collapse on the ground, Robbie." The other blushes even more at hearing this and starts to fumble with the half full cup in his hands, stuttering "I... Uhm... M-May I...a-ask you...something...personal, Sportafl- Sportacus? You don't have to answer of course if..."
"Robbie," interrupts the hero gently and very carefully rests his hand on the villain's badly shaking one "You can ask me anything. And I promise to be honest with you." Robbie feels as if he's starting to sweat again at the hero's touch, but instead his body grows even colder and he reflexively pulls the blanket tighter around his shoulders with one hand. "I... You... I-I...wanted to ask you...whether... I mean if... D-Do you..." the inventor's head starts spinning. "Hey..." Sportacus notices his uneasiness and first takes the cup from his shaking hand, puts it aside and then gently wraps an arm around him "Shush. Easy, Robbie. It's okay. Just take a deep breath and then ask ahead. I promise I won't be angry, no matter what you ask."
"R-Really? D-Do you...swear?"
"I swear."
"O-Okay..." Robbie takes a shaky breath in, closes his eyes and mumbles quickly "Doyouknowwhoyou'reattractedto?" then he quickly hides his face behind the blanket. Sportacus blinks slowly "I'm...sorry... What..."
"You don't have to answer, I told you! I..."
"No, no! That's not it! I just... I didn't understand a word, Robbie," admits the hero gently and softly strokes his back "Could you repeat your question? And this time maybe...a little slower?" The other blushes furiously and shakes his head no. "Robbie. I can't help you...nor answer your questions if I don't understand what you're saying. Come on. You really don't have to be afraid..."
Robbie takes another deep breath in. He knows that his rival is right of course. "Do you... Do you know...who you're...attracted to? I... I's..."
"Whether I like men or women?" helps the hero softly with a very light smile. The inventor lowers his eyes and nods weakly. "Yes. But...I needed very long to find out. In fact..."
"You may needed long but I...I STILL don't know!" cries Robbie now lowly and the next second, without really realizing it, buries his face in the hero's shoulder. Sportacus softly starts stroking the back of his head now and murmurs "I didn't know until...about four years ago either..."
Robbie's next sob gets stuck in his throat. He pulls back and looks at the other with huge eyes "R-Really?"
"Really," the hero smiles softly "Not until I met...a certain someone... So maybe that you don't know for sure yet only means haven't met YOUR special someone yet." He's glad that he managed to cover the tiny disappointed tremble in his own voice at this last sentence. Robbie blushes lightly and starts fumbling with the rim of the blanket "I'm not...even sure whether I... Whether I'm happy with...what I am..." his voice breaks, he blushes even worse and tries to hide from the hero's soft eyes somehow. Why do they HAVE to be this gentle and blue and clear anyway?! And then what he said... That he found out about his own...tendency just four years ago... That's... That's the period he's in LazyTown already, isn't it?! So...did the hero find his special But who could that be? Surely not Bessie or Milford!? And he hardly gets in contact with any other grownups... Maybe the chef that visited the town once?! Oh, hopefully not! Or...did he find someone at his home...wherever heroes come from? And then he had to leave to go to LazyTown?! That would be...
Robbie internally shakes his head. Why does he care? Asking him...would surely be impolite anyway... And what is this strange feeling again?
"Are you...all right?"
"Y-Yeah... Yeah."
"But you don't look all right..." states Sportacus carefully and raises his hand to feel the other's forehead. Thereby he wonders whether Robbie suddenly appears so pale and even more shaky...because he understood. Did he realize who the hero was referring to when he said he found his special someone? Is that why he appears so stressed and...worked up out of a sudden? Did he...even scare him? If he isn't even sure who he's attracted to maybe Sportacus' answer about his own attraction unnerves him even more...
"Sport...acus..." rasps Robbie suddenly lowly. He's frozen at the touch of the hero and is now staring at the hand feeling his temperature. "Hm?" torn out of his own thoughts and fears, Sportacus blinks slowly and then finally realizes what he's doing "Sorry! I just wanted to make sure that you have no fever! You... You don't. If at're rather..."
"...cold..." finishes the inventor and follows the pulled back hand of the other with his eyes. "...Yes..." the hero feels even more nervous now "I'm sorry. I know you don't like to...get touched... It was just..."
" impulse," finishes the other his sentence once more and smiles very weakly and shyly "I...know... It's... It's okay...I guess..."
Sportacus blinks slowly and nods, then he blushes a little and needs a moment to focus on Robbie's problem again, not on his own...feelings or whatever...
"Would it be...impolite to you...found out are... U-Uhm... Whatever you...are?" the inventor literally pulls the blanket over his head now, wishing he could take back what he just asked. Sportacus smiles softly although he feels even more nervous because he fears to unsettle the other with his answer. But he promised him to be honest. Gently he pulls the cover off Robbie's head and replies calmly "I felt my heartbeat picking up and like I had to do a million flips out of excitement the moment I saw...him. That's when I knew."
"Him..." echoes the villain under his breath. So it's the chef, isn't it?... He feels the strange feeling in his stomach taking over the rest of his body and swallows hard. "Y-Yes..." Sportacus sees at once that he's actually unnerved the other with this statement "But I-I would never..."
"It's okay," Robbie's voice is small and close to a sob "You don't have to apologize. I... I understand..."
Does he?
Both men ask themselves this question.
Minutes of heavy, almost burning silence pass.
Then the hero reminds himself of his task: saving and helping people. And he swallows his regrets and self-reproaches and starts again in a calm, soft voice "You said that you are not sure whether you're happy with what you are... Can you...maybe explain this further? What do you...feel exactly that hints that you're...unhappy with the way you are?"
Robbie sniffs lowly and tries to fight the feeling in his stomach...and heart, then he shrugs and almost whispers "I don't...know how to explain it... It's... W-When I wake up in the morning...if I could sleep at all before...I just feel so...strange... So...wrong... So...empty... and tired..."
"You feel...wrong?" A weak nod then a mumbled "I don't know how else to describe it... And I don't know what it...means..."
"Me neither..." admits the hero after a while lowly, then he gently, hesitatingly wraps an arm around his rival's shoulders "But I'd gladly try to help you find out... If you...let me and...feel comfortable with this thought..."
Robbie reflexively leans against the other's shoulder and blushes a little again. At his words he lifts a brow in mild surprise, but then he nods very weakly "...Yes... I... I that..."
Sportacus can't help the soft, relieved sigh escaping him at his answer "Good! I already feared..." he quickly cuts himself off and instead asks "Do you... Do you want me to...leave you alone again now...or do you need anything?" The villain weakly shakes his head and murmurs shyly "Just...sit with me here for a little while longer, please... If you...can bare it..."
"With pleasure," Sportacus' soft reply leaves no doubt that he's meaning it. Robbie smiles lightly, closes his eyes and sighs softly. For once, he feels content and calm...and not so 'wrong'...
"...Do him sometimes?..."
"Who?" Sportacus looks at the other with slight puzzlement but doesn't interrupt his work to prepare some sandwiches. He's glad that Robbie eventually agreed to eat something since he really appeared like he didn't in about a week. And the hero wasn't so sure whether this isn't actually the case although after their talk and Sportacus' promise he already seemed to feel a lot better. But now he's nervously playing with the empty cup in his hands and shifting on the bed of the hero as if he couldn't bare to sit still another second. And his next words surprise the hero even more, especially since they're said with quite some spite "This...chef..."
"You mean Pablo?" now the hero does stop with his work and blinks slowly, utterly confused now. "Yeah...HIM..." Robbie is surprised about his own low growl and quickly looks aside again, unable to meet the hero's gaze. "Uhm... I..."
"That's none of my business. You're right. Sorry," adds the villain quickly with gritted teeth and suddenly stands up from the bed "That was a bad idea."
"What? Why..."
"I shouldn't be bothering you! I silly..." Robbie isn't aware of the tears gathering in his eyes but he turns to the door now "I'll go. Don't worry about..."
"Robbie!" Sportacus is once again flipping over to him to block his way, then he stares at him in disbelief "That's... Why... You... You didn't even eat anything! And you promised me you would!"
"I'm not hungry..." he fixes his eyes on the ground again while trying to walk around the other. But the hero won't let him "What is it out of a sudden? You appeared to feel better until now! What..."
"All this has been a big mistake. And I apologize for that! I just..."
"What mistake?!? And why are YOU apologizing!? I should be the one apologizing to YOU!"
"What? Why would you do that?"
"Because I upset you..."
"You're...not to blame for your...feelings, Sportacus..." Robbie's voice breaks and the tears start rolling now. "But I should've kept my mouth shut! I didn't mean to scare you, Robbie! Honestly! I..."
"Scare me?" now the other finally meets the hero's eyes again, his own reflecting hurt and confusion "I'm not...scared... Why would I be scared?"
"Because...of what I told you about my...feelings..." the hero lowers his eyes. Now Robbie feels stupid because he still doesn't understand what Sportacus is implying "You... It's... It's not your fault...when you...fall in love with someone..." it feels strange to be the one consoling the hero out of a sudden but the villain can't stand seeing the other this...upset with himself so he adds after a while with gritted teeth once again " together...rather...well, I guess... And he... He doesn't seem too bad of a choice... Considering that..."
"Wait, what?!" Sportacus suddenly grabs Robbie's shoulder with one hand and stares at him as if the other just said he'd plan a second trip to the moon before he finally understands "You... Y-You and...him... That I..."
"Who else if not him?!" Robbie returns the look the same way "I mean... I didn't know that you...met anybody else..."
"Oh, ROBBIE!" suddenly the hero bursts out in tears of laughter and leans on the inventor during this "ROBBIE! You... You got that COMPLETELY wrong!"
"...What?..." the inventor winces lightly. Is the other making fun of him after all?...
Sportacus quickly regains his composure again, his smile softens and he instinctively but incredible gently cups Robbie's cheek with one hand now "Robbie... I wasn't talking about Pablo. I wasn't even THINKING about him." The villain's eyes grow wide at the loving touch but he doesn't wince away "N-Not?"
"Then who..."
"I thought it was obvious..." Sportacus' smile softens even more and he carefully closes the last space between them, his eyes locking with Robbie's while his other hand now moves to grab one of the inventor's "I'd understand...that I was talking about my first day in LazyTown..."
Robbie's world starts to spin and he rasps almost as if his mind is doing a final desperate attempt to ignore the obvious again "The m-mayor?..."
"Robbie..." Sportacus' smile and voice grow lower and even milder and he squeezes his hand "You know whom I'm talking about..."
Robbie starts to shake badly "N-No...that...can't be..."
"It can. And it is," the hero starts to caress his cheek with his thumb now, incredible gently "I'm in love with you, Robbie. Since the first moment I saw you. And being able to say 'Hi' to you during these years always made my day..." suddenly his gaze drops a little and he pulls back again, remembering their talk before "But...if you don't feel the same way..."
"No! I mean yes!" Robbie reflexively grabs both his hands, keeping the one on his cheek steady while sniffing under tears "Yes, I do feel the same way, Sportacus! I just... I didn't know... I didn't understand... I... I still don't... But I... I WANT to! I WANT to love you! You're... You're all that I've got! The... The best that I've got..." he breaks up in a small hiccup and his vision blurs. The hero notices this "Easy, Robbie!" and gently but quickly lifts him up from the ground now and carries him over to the bed again, murmuring soothingly but with a few tears himself "Easy... I'm there. It's okay. You're okay..."
"Am I?" Robbie buries his face in the hero's shoulder and whimpers lowly "What could you do with a guy that isn't really sure whether he's...inside what he looks on the outside?... You shouldn't..."
"Robbie," interrupts Sportacus him gently "I love you because you're you. No matter what and who you are NOW and no matter what and who you'll chose to be in the future. I'll be there. I'll be with you. And I will love you. If you let me." The other nods very weakly against his shoulder and rasps "Yes... Yes, I'll...let you...but only if..."
"...If you...are honest with me... Always. I... I don't want you to...suffer or...feel embarrassed because of me..." Robbie searches his ex-rival's eyes, once the hero gently seated him on the bed. Sportacus furrows his brows. The inventor can't help but look aside at this. It doesn't look that angry on the hero but rather...scolding... And his voice is as well, albeit still soft and calm "Don't ever say or think things like this again, Robbie. I could never feel embarrassed because of you! And the only thing that makes me suffer is seeing you sad or hurt!"
Robbie blushes a dark shade of red again but nods very shyly "Okay..."
Sportacus smiles satisfied and then softly strokes the other's cheek with his thumb again "Good. Then please let me coddle you up a little now. You need food and sleep. And I won't leave you unwatched for a single second until you got both!" Now the other smiles weakly "Really? Then I'm not sure whether I want to eat or sleep ever again..." The hero chuckles softly "That would collide with you not wanting to make me suffer. Because then you'd fall sick. And I couldn't bare with that. Never forget that," he bows down and plants a very soft kiss on the inventor's forehead, murmuring "But don't worry. I won't leave your side for longer than absolutely necessary though, my sweet, wonderful Robbie..."
Robbie closes his eyes at the kiss and these words and whispers under his breath in a happy, dreamy voice "...If you insist..."
End (and beginning for these two cuties)
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
If You Insist (Part 1)
Pride Month mini fic under the cut. Part 1 because they will only let me post so much. *Ugh.* Enjoy! :)
If You Insist (Part 1)
"Candyboy! What IS all this fuss about again?" groans Robbie Rotten while he stares at the busy citizens of LazyTown running around and working at the great meeting place "Why does it look like a unicorn puked rainbow-colored toffee all over town???"
"Toffee?!" Ziggy looks at him with big eyes and then back to the place, his face soon growing slightly disappointed again "Oh... You mean the flags and banners? Why does it look like toffee to you? And did you see a unicorn somewhere around here or..."
"CANDYBOY!" snaps the town villain now annoyed "Forget what I said! Just tell me WHAT is ALL THIS ABOUT!?"
The kid winces a little at Robbie's yell and tilts his head "Why, Robbie... Is everything okay? You seem to be...upset?"
"Well, what do you EXPECT?! All this noise woke me up from my nap and I STILL GOT NO ANSWER WHAT IS GOING ON H-"
"Hi, Robbie! Ziggy."
Robbie does such a jump, the next second he's sitting on the small wall he's been hiding behind until a few minutes ago and doesn't really understand how he got there out of a sudden. His heart is still hammering violently and he stares at the cause for his shock. "Sorry!" Sportacus laughs apologizing "I didn't mean to scare you, Robbie. I just wanted to check why you're yelling at Ziggy like that." The villain needs a moment to regain his composure then he crosses his arms in front of his chest and glares at the hero while still sitting on the wall "I didn't YELL at him!"
"I heard you from over there," Sportacus points in the distance and gives the other a slightly scolding look "You DID yell."
"Well, maybe I'm already DEAF from all that NOISE these kids are making all the time! And today I don't even know WHAT stupid game they're playing! All I see are COLORS!"
"You're yelling again, Robbie..." remarks the boy with a light grin. "Ziggy," murmurs the hero lowly before smiling lightly and taking a look at the business himself. Not just the kids are running around with colorful things, even Bessie and the mayor are. Robbie on the other hand looks quite tired and almost more exhausted than annoyed... "Now, Ziggy," Sportacus nods over to the meeting place "Tell us, what are you playing, hm?"
"Oh, don't act as if all this...MOVING isn't YOUR doing again, Sportaflop!" growls the villain now accusing. "It is not. I am just as clueless as you, Robbie," assures the hero friendly before focusing on the boy again. Ziggy looks back and forth between them, his eyes growing huge "You don't know what month it is?!"
"June. Stupid b-"
"...question," finishes the inventor his sentence and averts eye contact with the hero to avoid meeting his warning glare. Ziggy laughs "Yeah! And June is PRIDE MONTH!"
"June is WHAT now again?!?" Robbie stares at him utterly confused now and is kind of relieved to see the same expression on the hero's face after taking a quick glance at him. "Pride month. Don't you know what that is? We learned it at school," announces Ziggy proudly "It's the month for LGBT people! You know... Men that like men and women that like women and... Uhm..."
"People who like both and men that rather want to be women and women who rather want to be men. Of course!" Sportacus laughs softly, happily "I've read about that! But I didn't know it's in June!"
"It is!" Ziggy grows even more proud and a little excited "And we're gonna celebrate it with a huge party! Everybody is invited and that's why we're working so hard!"
"...and loud..." murmurs Robbie more to himself. Ziggy and Sportacus both look at him now. They noticed that the usual edge and the annoyance in the villain's voice was missing, and now they realize it's the same with his eyes. They look dull and even more tired than before. "Well... I'm sorry about that..." remarks Ziggy now carefully "It's not intentionally. We're just..." But Robbie weakly, dismissing waves his hand and slowly lets himself slide down from the wall "I'm just gonna search another place for my nap as long as all this lasts..."
"You're...not gonna try to...manipulate our work?" asks the boy now carefully. Robbie who's already slowly heading away just shakes his head in negation and walks on, leaving behind a quite puzzled hero and Ziggy. "Is he...okay?"
"I don't know, Ziggy... I don't think so..." replies Sportacus with a worried frown and then looks at the kid "You don't need my help with the preparations at the moment, do you?"
"No, we're fine."
"Good. Then I think...I'll make sure that our beloved troublemaker finds a good place to rest..."
"Good idea," Ziggy nods approving "We need to know where to find him, anyway so we can call him when the party starts!"
Sportacus smiles and nods then he flips away and after Robbie. Ziggy meanwhile leaves to pick up helping his friends again...
"Robbie! Wait up!"
The villain groans "What do you want, Sportaflop? I said I wouldn't cause any trouble and I was serious this time! I just want to... Just leave me be, okay?! You won't see anything of me during June."
"But that's the opposite of what we want!" with another flip the hero jumps over the other and lands right in front of him, smiling brightly at him. Robbie winces back and just looks at him for a second before he tries his best to sound annoyed "What's that supposed to mean again?"
"Well, you're invited to the party as well, of course!" Sportacus smiles even more and reaches out to gently nudge the inventor's arm like he does it with the kids sometimes to cheer them up. But Robbie quickly takes a step back, his expression growing alert and even scared for a moment. The hero furrows his brows now even more concerned but before he can open his mouth to ask something Robbie snaps weakly "Anyway! I'm not coming!"
"I'm not interested in any loud parties and...and...whatever!" Robbie flails with his arms and then attempts to walk around the other in a great circle. But Sportacus blocks his way "Robbie. What is wrong?"
"Wrong?!" Robbie tries to laugh but he realizes that it fails miserably and he quickly clears his throat and defensively crosses his arms in front of his chest again "How do you get the idea that anything is wrong?!?"
"You're behaving...strange."
"Well, maybe it's because I'm tired! I didn't sleep all night again and I... I... I've been...working on a...uhm...plan to drive you out of town and... I..." Robbie realizes too late how bad he's stammering and he starts to panic so he clenches his hands into fists and growls "And this is none of your business!"
Sportacus softly shakes his head "You're a very bad liar, Robbie."
"EXCUSE me!?" the inventor turns a dark shade of red and opens his mouth but then he quickly turns away instead to head back into the direction he came from. Anywhere, just away from this horrible hero...who's so horrible correct... But of course he won't let him get away like this. "Robbie," a single jump and he's right in front of the villain again, eyeing him with growing concern "I'm sorry if I upset you. I just want to help you..."
"I don't NEED your help, Sportaflop!" Robbie stomps his foot and feels his face growing even hotter in embarrassment. He feels like a stubborn child...again... "I... I just...need some...sleep..." he mumbles after a while of silence and looks at the ground, wishing for it to open up and swallow him whole. Sportacus knows that's not all. But he just witnessed how bad the other reacts on any kind of help or advice attempts. "Okay. Then please...let me show you a good place where you can sleep a little in peace."
"As if YOU'd know where such a place could be..." mumbles the other still without raising his gaze. "Oh, but I DO! After all, a healthy, peaceful sleep is just as important as enough moving if not more!" the hero's soft smile is audible and he carefully takes another step closer to the other "So... Do you allow me to show it to you?"
Robbie wants to negate especially after feeling this strange tingle in his stomach and chest at hearing the hero's gentle words directed at him. But for his own shock he hears his own reply "If it makes you leave me be then!"
"Yes. insist. Then yes..." Sportacus doesn't manage to hide his disappointment completely. Robbie feels even more tingling but finally manages to look at the other again, his voice not even half as powerful and annoyed as he wants it to be "Then what are we waiting for?!" Robbie pushes past the hero and walks a few meters before he stops, and, blushing even worse, does an annoyed but mostly helpless gesture with his hand "Then YOU should probably take the lead..."
Sportacus manages to suppress a soft smile and nods instead, walking over to the other and gently nudges the wincing villain towards the woods.
"It's absolutely quiet in there. And it even has a bed. That would be much better for you than sleeping on a bench or..."
"Do you think I'm THAT stupid!?" Robbie immediately turns around and wants to dash off. Just away from here. Away from this cheap trick. Away from this AIRSHIP!
"Robbie, wait!" once again this day Sportacus blocks the villain's way, his expression hurt "I would never trick you! I want you to REST!"
"You're gonna lock me up in there! Or even fly off! You KNOW that I hate heights!" Robbie starts to shake at the mere thought of being stuck up there in the hero's airship...AGAIN. "Yes, I know. That's why I'd never do that to you," states Sportacus now gently and reaches out to touch the villain's arm once more. Again, the other winces back. The fear has returned to his eyes and body language and Sportacus quickly takes a step back, signalling that he doesn't want to grab and force the inventor to enter the ship in any way. Robbie blinks slowly when he notices that. Then it slowly dawns on him that, if Sportacus REALLY wanted to lock him up in any way this would've already happened by now because not even the town villain is so bold to believe that he'd stand a chance against the hero's strength. "It... It's too...bright in there, anyway..." murmurs Robbie finally and glances at the airship, shuffling with his feet in a nervous manner "...I couldn't sleep there like that..."
"Oh, it has blinds! I can turn it completely dark inside, don't worry!" Sportacus can't hide his happiness over the inventor's voluntary talking now. Robbie gives him a shy but also slightly disbelieving look "Why...does it even bother you if I can sleep? Do you...want me out of the way for..." he doesn't finish his sentence, he just looks questioning at the hero. "No. That truly got nothing to do with that. More...on the contrary. I..." Sportacus hesitates and tries to consider how much open talk might scare Robbie off again, but then he decides to risk it "I'm worried about you."
Robbie blinks once. Slowly. Then he blinks again before asking barely audible "You're what?"
"Worried?" echoes the villain still as lowly and then he sighs softly, turns away very slowly and murmurs "Should've thought that you're just making fun of me with this whole thing..."
"Robbie?" Sportacus becomes even more concerned at hearing this "What are you talking about?! I'm not making fun of you! I'd never..."
"Yeah, okay. Joke's over now, okay? I got it..." Robbie weakly waves his hand again and his shoulders drop even more "I understand..."
"No, obviously you DON'T!" now Sportacus jumps over him again, blocks his way and tries to look into Robbie's eyes "This is no joke! Robbie, I REALLY am worried about you! Since Ziggy said what they're" he searches for the right word "...sad... Ziggy noticed, too! We agreed that I should follow you to make sure..."
"...that I don't cause any trouble?"
"...that you'll be OKAY! And now I know for certain that you are NOT! Robbie..." carefully, Sportacus reaches out with one hand but this time he doesn't touch the other but offers him his bare palm "Please. Come inside and tell me what is wrong out of a sudden. You're not your usual self..."
Robbie stares down at the offered hand and feels that he's close to either sobbing or breaking into a cold sweat...maybe both... But then he blinks in utter confusion when he watches his own shaking hand rise and then lower again very slowly into the offered, strong hand of the hero. Sportacus is just as surprised by his action but he manages to push this feeling aside and instead focuses on closing his hand very, very lightly and softly around the villain's, locking his own eyes with Robbie's still scared ones and gently pulling him over to the airship, whispering softly "Come. Let's take a seat..."
Why did he let this happen? How could he allow himself getting dragged her by the town hero? Although...admittedly 'dragged' doesn't do the gentle treatment of the hero any justice. Robbie groans lowly and wraps his arms tighter around himself. "Are you cold, Robbie?"
He winces at Sportacus' low question and blinks his eyes open again. Strange. When did he even close them?...
"No... I'm... I'm good..." his voice sounds strange even to his own ears. Sportacus swallows his comment that he looks just like the opposite is the case and walks over to him instead, but keeping a certain distance so the other won't have to shrink back again. "I put a glass and a bottle of water next to the bed in case you are thirsty when you wake up. And there are more blankets in the closet over there…"
"...Thanks..." Robbie doesn't know what else to do or say but then he asks again "And it's...really okay for you if I...sleep in your bed? I mean..." his voice trails off. Sportacus suppresses a sigh and smiles softly instead. They just had a five minute discussion about this topic because Robbie's first instinct was to yell in audible but surprising panic "I'm NOT sleeping in your bed, Sportaflop!!!"
But Sportacus has managed to talk him into it after a while.
So now he smiles even more encouragingly and nods "It's perfectly fine for me, really. Don't worry about it! Just try to get some sleep... You...need it..."
The inventor is too exhausted to argue with that and so he just nods, mutters once more "Thanks..." and then almost stumbles over to the bed, drops down on it and then fixes his eyes on the hero. Sportacus understands at once "I'll be gone then. But if you need anything..."
Robbie weakly shakes his head no. "Okay... See you later then. Sleep well!" with a small, soft smile, the hero leaves the airship and the villain alone in it to get some urgently needed sleep...
"Robbie!?" Sportacus dashes into the airship "Lights!"
"Ah!" Robbie sits up with a jerk and shut squeezed eyes at the bright light, trembling violently and clutching to the blanket. "Robbie!" the hero is next to the shaking man at once "Robbie, are you okay???" The other is panting heavily but he finally manages to open his eyes again and blinks repeatedly, staring at the hero...and at his hand that he put on Robbie's shoulder right away when he arrived at the bed. Then he stammers lowly "Y-Yes..."
"Are you sure?!" Sportacus can't help himself, he reaches out to cup Robbie's cheek to hold his head steady. But the villain winces back again reflexively and nearly falls off the bed during this. "Robbie!" the hero quickly catches him and pulls him into a proper position, then he once again gets into a distance that will calm the other and tries to talk softly "Easy. It's okay."
"Y-You tell me... You came in here screaming, S-Sportaf-flop!" stammers the other and swallows hard and starts to rub his shoulder in an attempt to get rid of the feeling of the hero's hand there. Not because it's unpleasant! The opposite is the case. But that only scares him more... "I'm sorry," Sportacus frowns, disappointed in himself "I... I just reacted like this crystal went off and showed me that you were in distress so I hurried here and wanted to help you..."
"Well then you... Your crystal...was mistaken!" snaps Robbie suddenly and looks away. He doesn't want to be this mean to the hero who obviously just wanted to help. But his instincts...his panic tells him to shut any attempt of the other off because he's simply get hurt...
"Robbie," Sportacus' gentle voice rids him out off his dark, confused thoughts "My crystal never is mistaken. Come on. Tell me what is wrong..."
The villain looks away and then tries to focus on the white wall, telling himself to breathe and to ignore everything he's feeling right now...
Sportacus sighs mutely. Why is the other refusing to tell him what is upsetting him? His eyes move over the bed and finally reach the pillow. He furrows his brows and then carefully, unnoticed by the inventor reaches out to touch it. It's soaked. Soaked with tears. So his crystal WAS right.
"...You didn't sleep at all...did you, Robbie?..." asks the hero finally softly. The villain closes his eyes and a shuddering breath escapes him. He feels called out. He feels horrible for ranting at the hero like that. He feels...sad...
"...No... I didn't..." his voice breaks. Suddenly everything becomes unimportant. "I was busy crying my eyes out," he states emotionlessly and glances at the hero's hand at the pillow "...As you probably already figured..."
Sportacus notices his change of voice at once and grows even more concerned "Why did you cry, Robbie? Why didn't you talk to me when I asked you..."
"Because it doesn't matter."
"How can you say that? You cried about it. This..."
"I should go. I can't sleep here either so it doesn't matter where I am, anyway. But thanks for trying," he gives him an as well emotionless smile and stands up from the bed, swaying slightly but without noticing it as it seems. "Robbie," Sportacus jumps up and follows him outside, softly calling his name again and again until he finally calls a little louder "Why does Pride Month upset you so much?"
Robbie freezes. He feels something inside his chest shattering, gasps and clenches his hands into fists. "Robbie?" Sportacus approaches him carefully, seeing how bad he starts to shake out of a sudden "Robbie, you should..." At this moment the villain breaks down crying and sobbing. "Oh, Robbie..." Sportacus sighs lowly, then he kneels down behind the other and carefully wraps his arms around him, ignoring his low cry and wincing this time and softly murmurs "Come. Let's sit down over there..."
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Epilog of the Sick! Robbie mini fic (#4 - #166)
"Yes, Love?" the hero comes over to their bed with a plate in his hand. There are little sweets and sportscandy on it. Robbie is lying on his back and staring at the ring on his finger, caressing it, admiring it. His voice is absent "They tricked us, didn't they?"
"Into what?" Sportacus drops down next to him as well on his back and offers his partner a wrapped up bonbon. Robbie gives him a short grin "You know what I mean," he grabs a fresh strawberry instead and wiggles with his ring finger right in front of his partner's nose. Sportacus looks surprised when the felf now puts the small fruit into his mouth and frowns the next second, shaking his head as if trying to get rid of the taste again. The hero laughs softly and kisses his ring finger then before replying "I don't know... Did they?"
"We're married now, Sportahusband," Robbie blushes softly, happily again, takes another strawberry and feeds his beloved hero with it. Sportacus blushes as well, eats and then nods "Yeah, I think we are... That was an official cake you ate after all."
"And your official entire-apple-pyramid," Robbie chuckles "The kids really thought of everything. No wonder all this preparation took a whole week! But still. They tricked us..."
"I ask you again: did they?" the hero smiles and now carefully feeds Robbie a piece of chocolate. Now the inventor understands and smiles more while sucking on the sweet. After swallowing he sighs "You're right. They only helped us to do something we've both been too afraid to do although we obviously wanted it..."
Sportacus nods and leans in to kiss his husband. But Robbie quickly turns his head away and reminds in alarm "I just ate candy, Sport!"
"I know," the hero blushes a little more and gently turns his partner's head back, looking him deep into the eyes "But those little amounts left on your lips or tongue only make me...tipsy... that we're married, we're at our honeymoon, right?" he leans in closer again and very softly and slowly kisses Robbie who's staring at him out of wide eyes now. Sportacus feels his own body react on the minimalistic traces of sugar at once. Adrenaline rushes through him and his muscles start to shake for a moment. Then he pulls back and panting rolls onto his back. "Sport?!" Robbie quickly sits up and worriedly bows over him "Sportacus, are you okay?!?"
"Wow..." whispers the hero, opens his eyes again and looks at his partner with a huge grin "Now I'm even more addicted to you, Love!"
"Wha-Umpfh!" Robbie's question is silenced by Sportacus pulling him down and into another, even deeper and more passionate kiss. The next moment the felf wonders whether sportscandy has a similar effect on him as candy has on Sportacus because he suddenly feels tipsy as well and even a little drowsy and he instinctively deepens the kiss even more and loses himself in the feeling of Sportacus so close to him.
When they finally part again they're both panting heavily and staring at each other. Sportacus is roaming the felf's back and neck with his hands, unable to let go or look away from his love. Finally Robbie smirks and tenderly strokes along his husband's chest "Honey, I don't care what time it is. We're officially married now. And I won't wait another second for our wedding night!..."
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Random HC #166 (Continuation of#4 - #165)
'I'm gonna faint! I'm gonna faint right in front of everybody and then they'll wanna know why! And what do I tell them? The truth: I don't know why, myself...'
"Robbie! You look awesome!"
The felf winces so bad he almost falls over the guardrail next to him but he quickly holds on to it. "I'm sorry!" Stephanie is next to him so fast Robbie winces again and she gives him a confused look "What's wrong?"
"Nothing..." the felf straightens up again and clears his throat while letting the telescope snap back up and disappear again. "You are pale," states the girl firmly. "I'm not."
"Oh yeah, you ARE."
"Fine!" sighs the inventor and leans on the railing again "To be honest...I'm not feeling so well... I'm not sure..."
"You're just nervous! That's normal!" the pink girl gives him a warm hearted smile and gently strokes his arm "You'll feel better once you're with Sportacus again."
'I'm not so sure whether this won't make it worse this time...' thinks Robbie and swallows hard then he looks at his friend "I'm feeling even much, much worse than when I was at Ziggy's birthday party..."
"You're afraid of messing up. But don't worry about that. Nothing can go wrong. All you have to do is walk to the altar and then say 'I do.' when it's time," she smiles and then adds with a slight grin "And remember, it's only a game."
"I...think I need to sit down..." Robbie actually feels as if his stomach is turning. Why does the thought of this being a game make him feel worse instead of better? He doesn't notice Stephanie's almost soft smile when she now takes his hand and gently pulls him along "Come on. Take a look at yourself in the mirror." The felf just follows her on wobbly legs and soon sees himself wearing a dark purple suit that, Stephanie definitely is right, looks absolutely amazing on him. A very faint smile washes over his lips. "See? It's like you're made to play this role!" whispers the girl now encouragingly. "Huh..." Robbie looks at her "What would I do without you, hm?"
"Not playing wedding."
"That's true!" the felf laughs lowly then he takes her hand this time and guides her over to his big orange chair "Take a seat. It's your turn now."
"My turn?" she looks confused how her friend just smiles lightly, goes over to a big chest, rummages through it and then takes a small piece of clothes out. He winks at her and then suddenly spins around in his quick way. Stephanie watches with huge eyes and open mouth. When he stops he holds up a wonderful dress in a softer pink tone than her usual dresses but the shape is even more eye-catching than the color: a true dress for a maid of honor.
"Is that... Is that for me?" she stands up and walks over to him slowly. "I don't know anyone else with a pink style," he smiles and hands it to her "Do you like it?"
"Whether I like it?! Robbie! That's beautiful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she hugs him firmly and mutters "This will be the most wonderful wedding ever!"
Robbie smiles although he can't wonder a little about her choice of words...
"I've never seen you in a suit before, I guess..." Ziggy tilts his head. "Yeah... I didn't even have one...until Bessie dragged me to the fashion shop three days ago..." Sportacus smiles shyly but then adds with slightly proud voice "But you look very neat as well, Ziggy."
"Yeah... Bessie dragged us to the shop as well yesterday..." the boy sighs but then smiles again "Dark blue is looking good on you."
"Thank you. Ziggy..."
"...Nothing..." the hero looks back at the mirror and like this at himself. He wanted to ask the boy why the whole town makes such a huge fuss about this game. As if it was more than just a game... But then he was too...scared to actually ask his friend. It's ridiculous anyway, right?!
"Is everything okay?" Ziggy gently nudges his arm. "Yes," the hero smiles and takes a deep breath "I'm just...nervous... This sports game after all..." he smiles wryly. "Aw, I'm sure you'll do great as always! Both of you!"
"Thank you, Ziggy," Sportacus tenderly strokes with his hands over his suit to smooth it out, then he takes a look at the clock and feels some of the color leaving his face "Oh... Okay... I's time... We should head for the altar now..."
"I can't do this, Steph..." Robbie sways while attempting to turn around and flee the scene. "Careful!" the girl quickly grabs his arm and supports him "Robbie. You can't quit now. Sportacus is waiting for you already."
"And I'm gonna faint if I take one step further towards the altar," whimpers the felf lowly and staggers again "I'm sorry! I can't do this..."
"Robbie. You faced this Vigamaður and beat him. You saved Sportacus. And you were ready to sacrifice yourself for us. I'm completely SURE that you'll do perfectly fine in a few minutes."
"That was something else! Stephanie, I'm feeling as if my heart is gonna jump out of my chest and run away even faster than me! I feel sick and shaky... I...may got the flew or something... Maybe we should at least...delay this?!"
The pink girl sighs "Robbie Rotten. One question: Do you love Sportacus?"
"What? Of course! I mean... Yeah... I... I do..." Robbie blushes heavily what is an improvement to his former paleness. "See? And he loves you as well. Just think of this until all this is over. You'll see, you won't even notice what's going on then. Pinky swear!"
"And what if I'm gonna faint though?"
"Then Sportacus will be there to catch you."
This does it. Robbie can't believe it but this simple fact calms him within two seconds and he starts to smile softly "Yeah... He will, won't he?... Okay... Okay!" he breathes through again and takes Stephanie's hand "Let's do this!"
'I've never seen anybody put THAT much effort into a game before, I think... Even less when they aren't even the main actors of it!' thinks Sportacus while trying his best not to wiggle too much while waiting in front of the altar. But his thoughts get drawn to the carpet leading towards him, the moment Pixel lets the wedding music play. And he freezes. Stephanie, in a new dress that definitely wears the felf's creation signature is guiding an incredible handsome looking Robbie into his direction while Bessie busily decorates the path in front of them with flowers. The felf is visibly struggling to hide his nervousness but that makes it only cuter and more precious for the whole group, including the hero.
Sportacus gulps. Suddenly he worries whether he looks fine enough for this occasion. Of course, it's just a game! ...But still... Robbie definitely looks as if this is the real thing... The elf risks a quick glance down on himself, checking whether his own outfit is smooth and well adjusted.
Robbie and his maid of honor move slowly, gracefully. With each step the felf's legs grow heavier and wobblier and his heartbeat and breathing pick up. In this moment he regrets not taking the opportunity to hide his face behind a bridal veil because he fears that he looks like he's actually going to be sick every second now. Stephanie must've sensed this because she now gently strokes over his arm they're linked with already and whispers "Sportacus appears to be just as nervous as you. But remember no matter what, he'll catch you..."
Robbie nods feebly and takes a deep breath. The final few meters and up the small stairs. Then Stephanie releases his arm so he can step right next to his beloved hero...and Robbie trips. He doesn't know why. Whether it's been an irregularity in the final step or just his weak legs...
But he's there.
Just like Stephanie said he would be.
Sportacus' strong but gentle hands have grabbed one of his own and his shoulder and keep him upright.
"Robbie..." Sportacus looks at him, mildly shocked and worried but mostly just as nervous as the felf himself. "I-I'm...sorry! That... That wasn't...intentionally..." stammers the inventor and blushes and pales by turns. "I know," the elf smiles softly and gently pulls him closer to himself, taking his other hand as well now and locking eyes with him, then he repeats in another meaning "I know."
Robbie swallows and forces himself to exhale slowly, then he nods. Another second of mute staring passes then they slowly let go of each other and turn to the mayor who's dressed up in his best suit as well. After a small nod of the hero Milford starts the ceremony speech.
Robbie finds that the girl was right with that as well, he reflexively doesn't really follow the ceremony but focuses on the memory of the look Sportacus gave him seconds ago when he caught him. One of pure love and admiration. And during this it very slowly dawns on him why all this is so hard for him to pull through...
And Sportacus? He had this realization already the moment the felf climbed up the few stairs to him and then practically fell right into his arms. And just like Robbie he isn't really paying attention to anything the mayor says.
At least until Milford asks the first formal question "Sportacus, hero of LazyTown, do you take Robert Theodore Rottano Járnson as your rightful groom for better or worse?"
Robbie winces lightly at hearing his full real name for the first time in years again together with the cultural addition and shortly glances at his father, standing close to Sportacus with the proudest smile one can imagine. But then the felf's full attention is on Sportacus again who's looking at him now with soft, deeply loving eyes and answers lowly but firmly "I do."
Robbie tries so hard not to, but he feels that he's already starting to cry.
"And you, Robert Theodore Rottano Járnson, do you take Sportacus as your rightful groom?"
The felf's mind goes blank and his mouth dry but he hears himself reply like in trance "Y-Yes... Yes, I do." And then he can barely believe his own eyes when he sees Sportacus is starting to cry now as well.
"Wonderful!" Milford interrupts their staring at each other with a happy clapping of his hands and says "Now if you'd be so kind and exchange rings."
Robbie blinks slowly. Rings? What rings?
Sportacus seems just as clueless.
But then Járn and Stephanie step up and Robbie's father hands Sportacus a ring that has a small basketball on top instead of a diamond. Both men smile at seeing this and Sportacus gently takes Robbie's hand to slide the ring on his trembling finger. The felf looks at it for a moment then he takes the ring for Sportacus from Stephanie and his smile softens when he sees that the decoration for this one is a tiny purple cake figure. Carefully, he puts the ring on his partner's finger and then reflexively, tightly grabs his hand. "Very good! Now you might..." But Robbie is faster than the mayor's words. He doesn't think, he just leans in and kisses the hero deeply with closed eyes. Sportacus returns it reflexively and all of their friends begin to cheer.
After a whole minute the felf pulls back again and blushes a dark shade of red but he smiles. The hero smiles as well and then squeezes Robbie's hand, turns around to look at all of their friends and then guides his husband through the path they made for the couple. Towards the cake and a huge party...and a bright future.
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Random HC #165 (Continuation of#4 - #164)
Robbie yawns and stretches. Then he turns onto his side and wraps his arm around the body next to him. With still closed eyes he murmurs "Is my laziness infecting you, Sport? That's the third morning in a row you sleep as long as me... Usually you make breakfast first and then return to bed, but I don't smell anything... You're not sick, are you, Love!?" His voice has grown worried in the end. "No, Sweetie," Sportacus kisses his cheek "I'm perfectly fine. I just enjoy when you do that..."
"Do what?"
"Hold on to me like this after waking up." The felf blushes but hums softly, approvingly and nuzzles even closer to his boyfriend when the other now returns the hold.
He still can't believe how perfect everything is. They've returned home eight days ago and Robbie moved in to Sportacus' airship the very same day. Vitur surprised them before when he secretly ordered to make certain improvements on it and the couple then saw the huge double bed and other extras that made living for two people much more comfortable and even easier considering that this special couple is quite different in their needs... Robbie's layer is more of a new playground for the kids and his workshop now. And he rarely feels uncomfortable anymore when looking out of the ship's window and seeing how tiny everything is. Especially not when he's in Sportacus' arms during this...
The felf smiles at how sappy all this sounds. But it's a soft, genuine smile. He's come to the conclusion that after everything they've been through, he and the elf deserve some happy sappiness.
"Yes, Robert?"
Robbie blushes even more and giggles cutely. The hero has developed the habit to call Robbie 'Robert' each time the felf calls him by his real name before. For some reason Robbie loves this.
"Bessie asked me whether we could take care of the kids tonight. She and Milford want to go out."
"Really?" the hero smiles and starts playing with his partner's hair "That was faster than expected. Good."
"Yap. And I was wondering whether we could go into the layer and have a movie's night? They don't have to go to school tomorrow, it's the weekend..." he starts chewing his bottom lip "But I don't know... If you don't..."
"I think that's a great idea, Robbie," assures the elf with a soft smile and kisses his forehead "I'm so glad you want to play with and take care of them so much! And also...that you help me to keep a healthy balance between constant moving and doing something, and laziness and relaxation."
"" the felf blinks unbelieving. "Yes! You know... I am a sportself that's right may have already noticed that even for my kind I'm...quite hyperactive sometimes... That's not good. Neither for my environment nor for me on long sight... The kids always had a good counter point to playing and moving when they played video or computer games or watched a film. But you know how hard it was for me to take a day off when Stephanie asked me to do so... Although I knew...that even my battery would die if I kept using it like this for many years longer... But since I started to take care of you...and now that you are my boyfriend...I feel good and complete even when I don't jump around all the time and do something. So you savior in so many ways..."
"And I see a sense in moving and playing now thanks to you. And you know that you are mine just as well. My hero..." he moves his head to kiss him deeply. Sportacus returns the kiss and continues to caress his boyfriend so incredible softly and lovingly that Robbie starts to shiver pleasantly again. The hero has been a little worried when he reacted like this the first time, but soon he learned that this was the response of Robbie's body on affection simply because he hasn't known this for almost his whole life. It's almost like a overstimulation of his nerves but a good one, Robbie assured him. And since then Sportacus has the target to touch and caress and love the other so much and so often until his body has grown used to it and doesn't react that intense anymore. Not because he doesn't like this reaction of his boyfriend. On the contrary. He thinks it's incredible cute. And a part of him believes that Robbie will never not tremble when he touches him. But he's still holding on to this target even if it's just to have an excuse to caress his boyfriend and be this soft and gentle with him...
"What are you thinking about?" asks Robbie softly once they part again to catch some air and he sees Sportacus' thoughtful expression. The hero smiles "You. And how wonderful you are..."
"Oh, stop it, you!" Robbie blushes a dark shade of red and lightly hits his partner on the chest, but he smiles "You shouldn't spoil me like that. Or I might get used to it..."
"I do hope so! 'Cause I'm not planning to stop. Ever." The felf's expression grows dreamy and he whispers "Ever..." then he suddenly starts to smile brightly and jumps out of bed quicker than one would've thought possible, beaming "Today, I'm gonna prepare breakfast! You stay in bed and continue to do...what you were doing," he grins and winks "Never disturb a person thinking important thoughts, right?!"
Sportacus chuckles softly but doesn't contradict. Instead he follows Robbie with the eyes when the other now walks around in the airship and prepares a well balanced breakfast for both of them, paying high, but already routinely attention to add something sugary sweet for himself but only fruits and healthy things for Sportacus. Meanwhile the hero closes his eyes again and relaxes. Something that would've been completely impossible for him not even two months ago...
It's an ordinary morning for the couple now. And both love it.
Later this morning while Sportacus is doing his exercises, Robbie is taking lessons from his father. He's a quick learner and Járn is incredible proud of him. He also gladly accepts Robbie's invitation to the movie night.
After lunch they then meet with the children to play.
"Hey, what are you building there?" Robbie takes a few wooden planks himself and helps the kids carry them to the great meeting place in the middle of the town. Sportacus is already busy 'saving' Ziggy from hitting himself with a hammer on his fingers. Stephanie grins "I'm not sure whether I can get used to you HELPING us instead of manipulating our work, Robbie. And...we're building a church."
"A church?!"
"Well, more an altar than a church."
"An altar?!"
"Yeah. You could say...the inside of a church. The HEART of a church..."
"Steph, I KNOW what an altar is," interrupts Robbie quickly while placing the planks on the pile close to where Ziggy is working "But WHY are you building one?"
"Oh, because we wanna play wedding of course, Silly!" she laughs and then cheerfully jumps back to where they came from to get more planks. The felf blinks slowly "Oh, do you..." then he quickly follows her again to help her, a grin on his face "And who's getting married? You and Pixel?"
"What? No," the pink girl shakes her head and laughs "Why would we?!"
"Oh, just a thought..." Robbie smiles lightly to himself before insisting "Then who'll be your dream couple?"
"Uhm..." Stephanie stops in her walk and tilts her head. Now it's Robbie who can't help a laugh "You wanna play wedding and don't even have somebody who's getting married?! Maybe I should've just let you do in the past without trying to spoil your games then they might've ended sooner than when I interrupted!"
"Hey, stop it!" the girl nudges him gently but grins as well, then she shrugs "Admittedly we didn't think of that yet... But we'll find some volunteers!"
"How about your uncle and Bessie?"
"Nope. My uncle has to play the pastor, he's the only one allowed to wed someone because he's the mayor."
"Oh..." Robbie wonders why she thought about that but not about a couple that shall marry. "And Bessie insists to be the flower girl."
"Aha. Well, that's no real surprise..." Robbie chuckles again "Okay then. Maybe..."
"What is with me?"
"You and Sportacus! You can be our dream couple!" beams Stephanie, nods as if it's already set and moves on. "We..." the felf turns dark red and needs a moment to catch himself before he quickly follows her "Steph... That... I don't know if... We shouldn't..."
"But it's perfect! You said that we need a dream couple that could marry. And you two ARE our dream couple! So! Perfect!" she flashes him a disarming smile and puts her plank on the pile. Robbie does the same with his three planks and then just looks at the pink girl, not knowing what to say. "Robbie? Everything okay, Love?" Sportacus jumps over the pile and takes his boyfriend's hand. Robbie blinks slowly at him "Yeah..." Then he tries to pull himself together by telling himself that it's just a game after all. "Are you sure?" the hero gives him a worried look "You shouldn't exhaust yourself like this yet. You've just trained with your father and these planks are heavy. Besides..."
"Sport," interrupts Robbie now with a light smile "I'm perfectly fine. Really." And behind Sportacus' back Stephanie shows the inventor a thumb up and nods encouraging. The felf smiles wryly and sighs "The kids need us for their game that's all..."
"You...don't know what they wanna play, do you?"
"No. But I bet you'll love it!"
Robbie blushes even worse and stammers "O-Oh... H... How do you...get that i-idea?..."
"Well... Ziggy said there'll be a huge cake at the end," Sportacus tilts his head now genuinely worried "Robbie, are you SURE you're okay?" he worriedly reaches up to feel his taller boyfriend's forehead. "C-Cake..." the other blinks slowly and finally understands "Cake! Oh, of course! Yeah... Sure! I mean... Cake. That's...good..."
"No, no! Really, Sport, I'm okay! I just thought... A little...misunderstanding here... That's all!" assures the felf, takes his boyfriend's hand and squeezes it lovingly.
But he can't help the strange feeling in his guts. What's this? Disappointment? No way! How could he be disappointed!? What was he thinking...expecting?!...
His eyes drift off to the distance and he isn't aware of his next sigh.
Sportacus is still staring at him with obvious concern.
Why is his boyfriend suddenly acting so strange? So... So absent... And so...sad!?
The hero looks around and at the kids, realizing just now that all of them are watching them with high interest and broad smirks. He still doesn't understand what's going on but something tells him that they know more than he does...
"Oh, Robbie, do you have more dresses than just the one of the strange nanny?" Trixie's voice cuts through the air like a knife. Robbie turns an even darker shade of red and Sportacus is the one blinking slowly now "A...dress? What...does he need a dress for?"
"For our game of course!" Stephanie grins "Didn't Ziggy tell you? We're building an altar for playing wedding!"
"And Stephanie said that you and Robbie will be our dream couple," adds Stingy like this explains everything. Robbie tries his best not to use his powers and make himself disappear somehow. But Sportacus slowly understands. And starts to smile. The hero's next soft but almost casual words let the felf's head jerk up "But Robbie doesn't have to wear a dress for the wedding. He can wear a suit as well. We can both wear suits."
"You're right. But you're not allowed to see him in it before the wedding!" insist Stephanie now with a grin. Robbie blushes in a shade of pink now and holds on firmer to his partner's hand. Sportacus smiles more and looks at the kids "If you say so. But first we need to finish the altar, right?"
The kids nod and then the seven friends set to work. Sportacus notices Robbie's absent gaze during this but he doesn't say anything...
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Random HC #164 (Continuation of #4 - #163)
Robbie sighs softly.
He's staring at the ceiling although it's too dark to see anything.
He tries to focus on the wonderful, soothing feeling of the warm body next to him in the comfortable double bed.
But it's somehow not enough this time...
Why does his insomnia have to return just now?! Just when everything else was just beginning to be perfect for once!?
Maybe he should...
"...Robbie?..." murmurs a very sleepy elf next to him suddenly lowly. The felf feels bad at once and whispers hastily "No. I mean...yes... I... I'm sorry, Sportacus... Sleep on, please!"
Sportacus yawns lightly and rubs his eyes, then he turns on his side and wraps an arm around Robbie, mumbling "What time is it?"
"S-Something around midnight, I guess..." stammers Robbie and turns a dark shade of red at his action although he doesn't really understand why after all they've been...much closer again already just a few hours ago... But maybe it's because this action is even softer and more intimate in a way and...completely without any deeper context except of loving domesticity...
"I'm sorry I woke you..." the felf's voice is small and guilty. "Hey." A warm, soft hand moves to cup the inventor's cheek. Robbie swallows. "Did you have a bad dream?" Sportacus sounds worried. "No," assures the other quickly and then sighs again "I just...can't sleep...AGAIN... I don't know why... I'm feeling perfectly well. I just..." he breaks up with another sigh "I shouldn't bother you with this..."
"On the contrary," Sportacus' contradiction is firm but gentle "I'm your boyfriend, Robbie. You MUST bother me if there's anything wrong with you and also when your insomnia returns for what reason ever. Now...come here..." he gently pulls the felf closer until his partner's face is nuzzled against is own bare chest. His hands start to stroke and draw soothing circles on Robbie's back and scalp. "Would you like to talk about anything?"
Robbie barely noticeable shakes his head no. Then he suddenly hears himself whisper "I want to go home..."
"Me too..." admits the hero in a quiet voice and plants a kiss on Robbie's hair "I miss the playground..." The inventor chuckles lowly "Why doesn't this surprise me?" then he swallows and adds "And I miss...your flippedy-floppedy... You don' it around here..."
"Yeah, I... It's...considered childish actually...even here..." the hero blushes "You...really miss it?"
"Of course. It's what makes you you," Robbie smiles and kisses his boyfriend's chest "I like you childish. I am too."
A pause during which they both gently caress and kiss each other.
"I'm fit enough to travel..." Robbie slowly sits up now and looks at his boyfriend in the dark "What about you?"
"I'm fine. As long as you are," he reaches out to cup the felf's cheek again. Robbie wonders whether he can sense just like him where the other is or if he just knows him well enough to know exactly in what position he's sitting and therefore aims so precisely. But it doesn't really matter anyway. "Tomorrow we'll talk to the others and the elder," promises Sportacus now with an audible smile "Vitur said he'll arrange the thing with my crystal so it's gonna work again. And I'll even get my airship back! We'll be home soon, I promise."
"Hmhm..." Robbie smiles and then quickly cuddles up to his hero again, pulling the cover over both of them and nuzzling his nose against Sportacus' "And when we are home...are know..."
"What?" Sportacus lightly runs a hand through his partner's hair and nudges his nose against Robbie's again, almost playfully. The felf frowns as well playfully and hits him gently on the shoulder "You KNOW! ...Are we going to...move in together?..." his voice has grown lower and weaker during the question. Sportacus doesn't have to see his eyes to know that they reflect fear once again. So he turns onto his back now and gently pulls the surprised inventor on top of him before wrapping his arms around him "Would you like that, Love?"
A warm feeling rushes through Robbie's body but at the same time he starts to tremble lightly "W-Would you?"
"I asked you first," reminds Sportacus in a warm voice while softly stroking over his boyfriend's body. Robbie closes his eyes despite the darkness and starts to tremble worse when he stammers "Y-Yes... I... I' to..."
"I'd love to, too," replies the hero incredible softly and he starts to gently pull Robbie down for a kiss even before he senses the tears falling down from the felf's face onto his own. Robbie cries during the entire kiss. Happy tears. And afterwards Sportacus kisses them away carefully.
"So..." Sportacus' soft grin is audible "Do you think you can sleep now or..."
Robbie blushes heavily and he buries his face into the hero's strong chest again, mumbling cutely shy "...Maybe you me relax a little more?..."
"Gladly," whispers the elf and pulls him into another, deeper kiss...
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Random HC #163 (Continuation of #4 - #162)
"It... It actually...worked..." whispers Robbie unbelieving and stares down on the sugar-meltdown suffering elf. "YES!" Sportacus drops the sword and hugs his boyfriend tightly "You did it!"
"WE did it!" corrects Robbie under happy tears and returns the embrace tightly "I can't believe it..."
"Me neither, but... Your father!" Sportacus breaks the hug and takes Robbie's hand, pulling him into the room where Blíður brought Járn. The bedroom of Robbie's adoptive parents. "Blíður!" Sportacus hurries to the doctor who's standing next to the bed with Járn, dragging the felf along. The older elf still seems to be unresponsive...
"...Dad?..." all color leaves Robbie's face and his voice breaks "I-Is he..."
"He's alive!" assures Blíður quickly and offers the felf a soothing smile, but it's short before his gaze turns serious again "But he needs an antidote as soon as possible."
"What antidote?" asks Sportacus concerned while watching how Robbie carefully sits down at the edge of the bed, takes Járn's hand and fixes his eyes at the bandaged but still lightly bleeding and already inflamed looking wound on his shoulder. Blíður opens his mouth but the answer on the hero's question comes from the door "This one."
The three turn around surprised and watch Vitur come over with a flask in his hand and a new syringe. Both he hands Blíður "Do your work, Doctor."
Blíður does as told, not asking any questions. Neither does Robbie since he's still too shaken to. But Sportacus looks at the elder "Are the kids in safety?"
"Yes. Reluctantly so, but yes. I..."
Now even Robbie can't help a light smile "You were saying, Vitur?" The next second he and Sportacus get hugged by the LazyTown children. "But..." the elder blinks puzzled "...I told them to stay in..."
"Oh, don't worry, they never listen," chuckles Sportacus and gives Robbie a knowing look, then he asks confused "But how did you know that we needed that antidote? The kids didn't know that Vigamaður had these daggers."
"No, but shortly after his escape somebody broke into our museum of history and stole these ancient daggers. And after the kids told me that we'd find Vigamaður here and that Járn and Blíður tried to fight him, I thought we should better come prepared. But I admit that I was a little surprised to see that you've already...arrested Vigamaður. Strange but effective method, by the way. My men are taking him back to prison again already and be assured that he won't get out of there again this time!"
"Thank you..." whispers Robbie lowly and then everybody holds their breath when he suddenly hugs the elder "For everything!"
Vitur is just as perplexed as the others at first but then he gently hugs the felf back "It's the least I could do after bringing so much harm to you before, Young One."
Now everybody focuses on Járn who looks around in obvious distress, searching for his son while trying to sit up. "Hey, hey, hey. Easy, Járn. Take it slow!" warns Blíður and gently holds him down on the bed. "I'm here!" Robbie is next to him in a second, surprising his friends once again with his speed and open emotion when he now takes his father's hand again, squeezes it and assures under happy tears "I'm here, everything is all right again! We're safe! All of us!..."
"He's...different..." states the mayor carefully while walking next to Miss Busybody. "Hmhm," is her only response. "...Don't you agree?"
"He's happier," Bessie looks at him now and smiles lightly "I think visiting his parents helped him overcome his confusion and insecurity about his own feelings. He now knows that he isn't hated or feared or whatever anymore but accepted, respected and loved by many people. And beating this Vigamaður together with Sportacus surely helped this change as well."
"Oh my, yes. That was so exciting!"
"When they finally informed us that we could return upstairs again everything was already over, Milford!" laughs Bessie lowly. "You are right, of course. But still..."
"Yes, Stephanie?" he looks at the girl who just appeared next to them. "Robbie said that he and Sportacus will gladly 'babysit' us when we get home and Bessie and you go on dates more often. I don't think we need babysitters anymore but we could have a slumber party!"
"Stephanie..." the mayor blushes lightly "How did Robbie get the idea..."
"Thank him from me, Dear!" interrupts Bessie him quickly with a smile and winks at the girl "We'll surely accept this offer sometime!"
Stephanie giggles and nods then she hurries back to catch up with the other kids, the three elves and the inventor.
"We...will?" Milford looks at the woman walking next to him and blushes even more. "We will," she smiles and plants a quick kiss on his cheek. "Oh my..." whispers the mayor and then starts to smile from one ear to the other when she now even grabs and holds his hand. They both ignore the low giggling coming from the group walking further ahead.
Sportacus is holding Robbie's hand as well and neither of them has any intentions to let go anytime soon. Járn is still leaning on Blíður while walking but he's in a splendid mood just like the others. And incredible proud of both, his son and Sportacus that they beat Vigamaður as a team. Or rather as a couple. When they left Robbie's foster parents they gave the promise that they'd visit each other several times a year in the future.
"Oh, Robbie, I was wondering where you got the cake from to defeat Vigamaður?" asks Pixel suddenly "Your...uhm...foster parents didn't have any cake at the house. I asked them." The felf starts to smile lightly, then he raises his free hand, flicks his wrist and then turns his hand and on his palm appears a chocolate muffin which he hands the boy with a wink "Well... I've always had a thing for sweets as you know... As I understood recently most things I invented were powered by my magic and the gadgets mostly served to focused it and make it easier for me. But now I know that I can craft some things without help if I focus enough. And cake is surprisingly easy."
"And it tastes great!" adds Pixel after taking the first bite of the muffin. "Hey, I want one too, please!" cries Ziggy. "Yeah, can you make more?" wonders Stingy excitedly. "Stingy," scolds Sportacus softly. Robbie chuckles "Aw, come on, Sport! Don't you think they deserve some celebration after this excitement?" The hero blinks "Of course! And that's not about the sweets, Love. I just don't want that you tire yourself out even more like this."
"That's so sweet of you, Sportacutie," Robbie smiles and bows down to plant a short kiss on his lips then he assures "But I'm okay. And crafting muffins isn't that exhausting... Come on, kids. Gather around. But don't let our elvish friends get in contact with any sweets. Remember, one sugar meltdown a day is more than enough, even if it was our enemy." The LazyTown children cheer and then nod serious and understanding. Sportacus watches with a loving expression how his boyfriend serves a muffin to each kid. Then the felf carefully cleans his hands with a small wet tissue he probably conjured as well before taking his hero's hand again. "You are so, so wonderful, Robbie..." whispers Sportacus now and gently nuzzles his nose against his cheek after getting on his tiptoes to do so. "Why?" asks the felf lowly but with a light smile on his lips. "Because you care so much and are so thoughtful already, Love..."
Robbie blushes but then squeezes his partner's hand lovingly and explains "I couldn't stand to accidentally put you in a sugar coma because I touch you after touching something sweet..."
"And I couldn't stand you growing weak and sick again because of anything. Especially not because you refrain from eating sweets because of me although we know now that you need them just as much as I need fruits."
"Yeah..." Robbie bites his bottom lip and starts stroking Sportacus' hand with his thumb "Do you think...we can...manage to find...a balance?"
"Of course," the elf kisses the inventor's cheek "We've been through so much during the past weeks. We even beat Vigamaður! Finding this balance is gonna be...a piece of cake!" he winks and grins. Robbie smiles and moves closer to him so their sides are touching then he looks him deep into the eyes "I love you, Sportacus."
"I love you, too, Robbie."
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Only 5 more to go, Fellows. :)
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Random HC #162 (Continuation of #4 - #161)
"You can try to protect your bastard son as much as you like, Járn, it won't do you any good!"
"May I remind you that you didn't beat me in school, Viggi? Not even ONCE!" mocks Járn with a grin. Blíður laughs out "Viggi?!"
"You haven't won yet, Járno. And this time you won't!"
"We'll see, hm?" the other grins, then he explains for Blíður "We used to tease each other with these names. Well, he was teased but I wasn't."
"Are you two sure you were enemies all the time?" Blíður tilts his head "That sounds more like a 'frenemy'-relationship to me..."
"Don't you DARE!" hisses Vigamaður and steps closer to the doctor "I HATE this..."
"Yeah, and that's why you attacked my boy. You are SO brave!" Járn steps between his friend and his enemy and glares at the latter "A TRUE man would've tried to kill ME personally not my son!"
"Your bastard son is dangerous filth!"
"YOU are the dangerous trash can here, Vigamaður!"
"You call ME a trash can, you scum?!"
"Is this...gonna take long, you guys?" interrupts Blíður now acted carefully "I've got places to be, you know... By the way, how did you get out of prison, Vigamaður?"
"Do you think I am the only one who still knows that these felves are dangerous enemies?! Not everybody in this town has lost his mind! We'll start a rebellion to save the rest of the people who can't speak up against Vitur's insanity! But first I'm gonna get rid of the cause of all this mess!"
"If you even THINK about touching Robbie, you'll regret it!" Járn approaches him and his body tenses up, getting ready to fight. "Járn..." warns Blíður lowly. He doubts that Vigamaður is here to fight with words. What is his plan?
"Rotten is just as plain as his father," mocks Vigamaður and shrugs "The fact that he needs all these people, even KIDS to protect him is ridiculous!"
"You locked him up in a cage that drew his powers from him! He couldn't fight you, you coward! And he only surrendered because he was scared for Sportacus!" Járn clenches his hands into fists and steps closer to the former elder "You were just AFRAID of him!"
"Járn," warns Blíður again and steps next to him to hold him back "Don't react on his provocations. We need to arrest him."
"You should listen to your companion, Járn. This time there's no teacher to save you, no Vitur...and no RULES!" with this, Vigamaður takes a quick step to the side, drawing a knife during this motion and attacks the doctor. "Hey!" Járn quickly pushes Blíður away and out of reach for their enemy, but he doesn't see the second blade in Vigamaður's other hand "Ah!"
"Ha! Grown old, haven't you?! Old and slow! That's almost too easy now!" laughs the escaped prisoner and attacks again. Járn doesn't even look at the deep, bleeding cut on his arm. He dives under the attacking blades and then tries to grab his arms and force them back. But he stumbles over his own legs and hits the living room table. Járn manages to catch himself and get back on his feet about one meter away from Vigamaður but he's shaking his head as if trying to get rid of something. "Járn?!" Blíður is next to him at once and grabs his arm "What's..." But Járn already pushes him away hard enough so they both end up on the ground and dodge the next attack. But Blíður doesn't need an answer anyway. Jumping back to his feed he growls "You coward! These daggers are forbidden in our country!"
"No rules!" reminds Vigamaður with a grin and approaches Blíður again "You should rethink your choice of sides, Doc. It would be a shame to kill a good doctor like you. Remember, you're no trained fighter. And you saw what I did with the elf who used to beat me when we were children."
"You're insane! And I'd rather die than cooperate with you, you traitor!"
"Too bad..."
"What do you see?"
"What?! We have to..."
"Robbie," Sportacus closes the door again, grabs the felf's shoulders and looks him into the eyes "Vigamaður has eitur-daggers!"
"He got what now?"
"Forbidden knives you can only get at the blackmarket in human towns close by. They've been used in ancient rebellions in the elvish world before we swore off of any weapons. They have similar effects on us like sugar when they touch our blood...only worse... We need a plan!"
"We don't have TIME!" Robbie takes a deep breath "Listen. I'm not like you. These things probably won't work on me. You stay, I handle this."
"That's no plan, that's suicide! You do remember it's YOU he's after, right?!" Sportacus takes his boyfriend's hands and searches his eyes again "Robbie, THINK! Where is the man who had so many plans to get rid of me, hm?"
"None of these plans ever worked! And these weren't serious situations! You know that!" Robbie grows desperate but just like Sportacus he keeps his voice down the whole time. "Robbie..." the hero softly cups his boyfriend's cheek now and caresses it soothingly with his thumb "Calm down, Love. You are smart and clever. Together we can do this, but we mustn't rush things. Blíður is holding up surprisingly well as it seems."
"You're not so dumb either, Sport," states the felf with a weak smile and hugs him with closed eyes. They stay like this for about five seconds. Then Robbie opens his eyes again and whispers "Do you remember our battle when I dressed up as Rottenbeard the pirate?"
"Sure. The kids had a lot of fun back then. And me too."
"The kids told you how to fight to defeat me..." Robbie reluctantly breaks the hug to look at his companion now "These daggers aren't as long as a sword. You have to keep Vigamaður on distance like this, so he won't hurt you. Do you think you can manage?"
"Yeah, but I got no sword... And I doubt that a balloon-sword will be sufficient this time..."
"You fought with tennis rackets, Sport," reminds Robbie with a smile "But I agree, that won't be enough now. Stay here. I'll be right back!" with this he turns around and quickly but silently hurries back into the cellar.
"Robbie!? Is everything all right?! Where..."
"Sorry, no time for this, Mum!" the felf hurries to one of the shelves and searches for some metallic things he's seen there before when they fled here. "Honey, what are you doing?"
"Building a weapon. I hope. Everybody take a step back, please," Robbie takes a deep breath in and focuses, thinking to himself 'Okay... You've done this countless times already. Just ignore the fact that this is SERIOUS now...'. Then he closes his eyes, breathes out and does what he always does: creating. But this time he doesn't let his magic stream through the machine in his layer but works manually...
It's far more exhausting like this...
When he opens his eyes again he's holding a sword-like item in his hands and sighs with a relieved smile. "Robbie... That was... Wow!" whispers his foster father with huge eyes. Robbie just smiles wryly and turns to head back "You stay here. We'll take care of this."
"Be careful, Dear!" calls Bessie after him. The felf's smile grows softer at hearing this although he doesn't look back. Bessie never held a grudge against him for too long, no matter how much mischief he planned...
"Robbie, we should hurry up... Wow! Where did you..."
"Made it out of metallic trash."
"Did I mention how much I adore and admire you, Robbie?" Sportacus smiles brightly and plants a quick kiss on his cheek. "Sporadically, yeah," Robbie blushes dark red then clears his throat "Okay. Listen, here's my...plan..."
"You might...beat us...but you won't get Robbie! He'll...survive and live! For all the felves that ever got killed or suppressed by our folk!" pants Blíður exhausted and tries to roll away on the ground again. But this time Vigamaður is faster and the next second he's pressing his foot into the doctor's chest. He sneers "He'll be the next one to be crushed by my force," with this he raises the daggers and brings them down on Blíður...
"Not on my watch!"
"Sportacus!" calls Blíður weakly, unsure whether to be relieved that the young hero caught Vigamaður's blades with a slightly strange looking sword, or to be angry that he came out from their safe shelter and didn't try to flee instead of interfering in his already lost battle. "Well, well, well... If that isn't the little milksop! Only the bastard son missing now, then we got the whole company together!" mocks Vigamaður and pulls his daggers back, retreating a little but only to grin at the hero and start to circle him slowly "You know that you don't stand a chance, right? Where is your little friend hiding, hm?"
Sportacus quickly helps Blíður up with his free hand and orders "Get Járn out of here! I'll take care of this guy..." His opponent snickers "Oh, I'm terrified!"
"But Sportacus..."
"...Be careful..." Blíður gives him a worried look then struggles to drag the unconscious Járn away from the battle field and into the next room. "You know... The battle with Járn has been over before it really started. His feelings for this felf have made him so WEAK! It's ridiculous!" Vigamaður chuckles and tilts his head "And you actually managed to fall for him, hm?! You do realize that mating with a felf could've been the last thing you do, right?! He probably already infected you with whatever he has!"
'You have to promise me that you won't let him get in your head! No matter what he says! I think that has been my father's mistake already... Don't listen to him! Focus on surviving this. For me.' These words that Robbie said to him before they started their plan are louder than Vigamaður's insults and help Sportacus to follow his boyfriend's advice now. He blocks the other's attacks surprisingly easy but retreats further and further towards the kitchen door. When his back hits the wood he frowns and then quickly blocks the next attack and holds with his sword against the daggers. "Nowhere to go, Sportalooser!" snares Vigamaður and grins devilishly. Sportacus' frown suddenly turns into a smirk now as well and he says lowly "Same goes for you."
Then the door in his back gets opened and he jumps back and like this into the kitchen in perfect timing. Vigamaður is too surprised to remove the weight he put on the daggers to force Sportacus to break down and therefore now tumbles into the kitchen as well. As soon as he's over the door step he falls over a leg that definitely doesn't belong to the young hero and the next moment Vigamaður sees a huge cake approaching his face and he's too slow to close his in surprise opened mouth again.
Sweetness that doesn't come from fruits invades his senses, then he blacks out.
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Random HC #161 (Continuation of #4 - #160)
Robbie sleeps through until the next morning and the next few days pass similar to the first one, he sleeps most of the time. In the mornings he cuddles and talks with his boyfriend and friends until lunch and then has to give in to his exhaustion again.
Only after almost another whole week he manages to stand up and walk around a little in the morning still supported and guarded by his loving hero. Then he has to recover in bed again but at least he stays awake and talks and plays board games with the kids and they read or tell stories to each other into late evening.
From this point on Robbie's recovery goes smoother and faster and soon he begs to be allowed to leave the hospital. The doctors agree but only after Doctor Blíður promises that he won't leave the felf's side to be able to help in possible emergencies. So the group of him, Robbie, his boyfriend, father, the kids and the two adults of LazyTown go on a special sightseeing tour in the elvish country.
Especially Sportacus is thrilled to see more of the country he grew up in and yet saw so few of until now.
Blíður's professional support luckily isn't needed for more than suggesting breaks to check on Robbie's condition a few times.
At the end of the day they return to the hospital and the felf falls into his bed. Completely exhausted but happy and with a deep loving expression in his eyes so the group mutely agrees to leave him and Sportacus alone for this night...
"Hm?" smiling, the hero traces Robbie's jawline with one finger and kisses his cheek. Robbie blushes cutely but cuddles even closer to him and murmurs "Your... Our origin country...isn't so bad actually... But... I don't think I... Would you... Would you rather...stay here after all?"
"Oh, Robbie..." Sportacus wraps his arms tighter around his boyfriend and sighs softly "How often do I have to tell you, hm, Darling? LazyTown is my real home. But I would stay wherever YOU are. I can't be without you." The felf practically breathes in his words then he whispers "I want to go home as soon as possible. It's nice here but...I don't think I could get used to all here... It's... It's stress for me..."
"I know, Love," Sportacus softly nuzzles his nose against Robbie's now "We will leave as soon as the doctors say you're fit enough to travel. Then all you have to deal with is the usual business of LazyTown again."
"I can't wait," murmurs Robbie honestly with a happy smile and nuzzles his face against Sportacus' bare chest now. "Me neither..." whispers the hero and softly, soothingly starts massaging Robbie's scalp now, reveling in the soft relaxed, pleased sounds coming from his boyfriend at this. Even more so when he remembers how reluctantly Robbie let him touch him at all at first. How far they've come from this point in such short but highly stressful and dangerous time...
"I love you," he senses the full body shiver that goes through the felf at his low but deeply emotional words. "I... I love you too, Sportacus," Robbie's voice is trembling and the thick lump in his throat is audible. The elf wraps his arms even tighter around the inventor, holding him in a reassuring, strong but loving grip. And Robbie is thankful for this mute gesture. He's thankful for everything that Sportacus is giving him. And he's determined to not disappoint him in any way.
The next day the group seeks out Robbie's foster parents. Despite the felf's first protest.
"Robbie, they will be glad to see that you're still alive and out of danger, believe me! And we're with you." These words of Sportacus were enough to convince the nervous inventor.
So now they're standing in front of their door...and everybody is waiting for Robbie to knock. "Maybe...we should leave this idea be," remarks Blíður after a while during which the felf still hasn't moved "Robbie, you still shouldn't stress yourself too much. So if..."
In this moment the door is opened and a man almost runs straight into Robbie. "Oi! Careful there, Fello-" he stops mid-sentence and freezes, then his eyes widen and he stutters "R-Robbie?!?"
Robbie opens his mouth but nothing comes out. Járn smiles lightly "Yes, it's really him."
"Margaret! Come and look who's here!" calls the man now excitedly. Robbie swallows hard and Sportacus gets ready to catch him because for a moment the felf looks dangerously like fainting. But sensing his hero's arm in his back helps Robbie to breathe slowly and regain his composure. At least until a woman steps out of the house. "Robbie!" she recognizes her foster son at once and hugs him the very same second she sees him "Oh my dear boy! You've grown so much! What are you doing here?! It's not safe for you! You could..."
"Mum," Robbie is shocked at hearing his own shaking voice pronounce this word, but he isn't thinking in this moment "Mum, it''s okay..."
"He's safe here now, Margaret," explains Járn with a smile "A lot has happened during the past two weeks..."
"Really?!" the woman pulls back enough to eye Robbie now, her hands cupping his cheeks now "Aw, but you look so thin and pale! Come in! All of you! Come in, come in! You need to tell us everything!"
And they do. But Robbie is the only one of the group who doesn't talk. He's just sitting there in silence, holding on to Sportacus' hand and watching his foster parents and his real father talk and act like the old friends they are. After a while when Blíður takes the lead of speech to explain Robbie's current condition and why he's been asleep for almost a whole week, Sportacus gently and unnoticed by anybody but Robbie rests a hand on the felf's back and starts rubbing calming circles into his tensed back muscles. Robbie closes his eyes at this and slowly starts to relax and breathe more steadily again. But he takes several minutes to convince himself that what is happening right now is good. That his foster parents actually care for him in a way although they left him because they were afraid of his powers when he was younger. What calms him the most besides Sportacus' gentle care is the fact that his foster brother isn't living in this town anymore, though...
"We're so glad that you visit us, Robbie!" The woman's soft voice causes the felf's eyes to snap open again but he isn't scared or alarmed just confused by her words and looks at her "Really?..."
"Of course!" his foster father smiles sadly at him "We raised you as our son...but we made a huge mistake in leaving you behind like this..."
"We're all guilty in this point," adds Járn lowly "We, who swore to love and protect you inflicted so much pain and suffer on you with our actions... That you don't hate us for it shows what an incredible forgiving and warmhearted man you've become all by yourself...without any of our doings..."
Robbie stares at the three guilty looking people and needs a moment to process what he's just heard, then he opens his mouth "That's not..." he stops and suddenly turns pale as ash. "Robbie!" Sportacus looks at him with fear "Robbie, what's wrong???"
Blíður kneels down in front of him at once and feels his pulse "Breathe. Tell us what you need." But Robbie weakly shakes his head, then he whispers "Vigamaður..." he searches Sportacus' eyes "He's... He'"
"What? Robbie. That's impossible. All this must've been too much for you, Son," assures Járn softly and strokes his son's head. Suddenly the felf's eyes start to gleam and he states in a much stronger albeit still low voice "No. I know what I feel. He's close, I can sense it! In this town! Maybe even in this street!"
"Járn, we shouldn't takes this easy. I've seen what Robbie is capable of. His powers are incredible..." Blíður stands up "Margaret, please get him a glass of water. Sportacus, you don't leave his side," then he goes over to a window and looks out on the street. Járn follows him, alarmed now as well "Are you sure? But this would mean..." At this moment Robbie grabs Sportacus' hand in a vice like grip and looks at him with woke, alarmed eyes, gasping "We have to get the kids to safety! Vigamaður is in rage! He won't stop for kids this time!" he looks at Margaret who just returns with a glass of water "Mum! Take them into the cellar and wait there until we call you back! Bessie and the mayor too!"
"We won't leave you alone!" protests Stephanie at once. "Robbie..." murmurs Sportacus carefully "Don't you think this is a little..."
"He's here," Járn takes off his jacket and starts to crack his knuckles, ordering "Sport, Robbie, you go with our human friends. Leave this to Blíður and me."
"No! I will help!" Sportacus jumps up. "Me too."
"Forget it, Robbie!" Járn gives him a stern glare. "You heard Blíður! You will need my powers against Vigamaður!" Robbie already pushes the protesting kids towards the door to the cellar. He seems strangely fit out of a sudden. "You are not ready to fight! You're still weakened and recovering! Not to mention you can't fully control your powers yet!" contradicts the doctor now harshly. "We don't have time for arguing!" Robbie clenches his hands into fists "I can help!" His foster parents meanwhile struggle to get the kids and the two adults of LazyTown to hide into the cellar. "Robbie," Sportacus takes his hand and looks him into the eyes "Please."
"Then come with me!" begs the felf in a desperate whisper, tears running down his cheeks "I won't leave your side again! I CAN'T!"
"Go," Járn appears next to them and pushes them both to the door leading down as well "Both of you. I fought Vigamaður when we were kids and always beat him. We'll call you when we arrested him and everything is secure again." Sportacus gives the other elf a doubtful look. He has a very bad feeling about this. But then he looks at Robbie and realizes that the other won't go into safety without him so he takes his hand "We'll protect the kids if necessary." Robbie nods and then they quickly follow their human friends.
"That's silly. You've taught us that it's always better to face a problem together instead of on our own!" reminds Stephanie now in a low but steady voice "We could arrest him again all together that would be easier, wouldn't it?!"
"Steph, this is no game. And this guy up there isn't me. He's...actually dangerous."
"Robbie is right, Stephanie. Let's stay down here and keep low. I'm sure Járn will call that everything is all right again in a minute," assures her uncle, trying to hide his nervousness not really successfully. Sportacus and Robbie exchange a short glance. They can read the doubt of that in each other's eyes and that scares them. "We have to find a way to contact Vitur..." Robbie runs a hand through his hair. "But we can't leave the cellar through the door and that's the only way out, Dear," reminds his foster mother softly and reaches out to smooth his ruffled hair back again. But Robbie reflexively dodges her hand when he now turns with a bright smile at his boyfriend "It's not! The window!" he goes to the far edge of the cellar and the group follows him. "Robbie, that's too small for any of us to fit through," remarks his foster father carefully. "For any of us GROWNUPS it is," Robbie turns around and looks at Stephanie "But not for you, Steph. I don't want to ask this of you, but..."
"I'll go!"
"Oh my... But Stephanie..."
"Don't worry about me, Uncle! I'll be quick and stealthy! We've practiced that often while playing!"
Robbie smiles lightly but then looks at the mayor "It's your uncle who has to decide that, though."
"Oh... I guess...she might be saver out there and down here..."
"I think so, too," Robbie looks at the other kids "All of you fit through that window. So all of you should go. Head straight to the elvish town, there you'll be safe. Go to the first guard you see and tell him about Vigamaður. And then stay in safety."
"No. You'll stay. Accomplish your mission, then everything will be all right."
Sportacus admires his boyfriend the whole time in silence already, fascinated and proud of how the felf handles this stressful situation. Now he nods "Robbie is right."
"I am?" the felf blinks and looks at him truly surprised. "Yes," despite the danger they're currently in, Sportacus chuckles softly and lovingly strokes his back "You're a very good leader." The felf blushes a dark shade of red and mumbles something. But then he pulls himself together and nudges his boyfriend gently "Go and help them up there, Sportatease. We don't have any more time to lose." Grinning the hero does as told and lifts the kids up so they can open and climb through the small window one after the other, helping each other. Then Stephanie looks back down again "You hold on, we'll hurry up!"
"But stay together!" reminds Sportacus seriously "And don't do anything stupid, please, Stephanie."
"You know us."
"Exactly," Robbie gives her a look "That's why he reminds you. Really, Steph. No playing hero anymore, understood?! None of you! And stay in the shadows until you're far away enough from the house!"
"Yeah, yeah. Promised. Bye!" she rolls her eyes, then waves at them again before taking the lead of the group of children. The adults all stare at the window for another minute, listening to any sounds that could hint at danger for the kids. But it's silent...
"...too silent up there, isn't it?" whispers Milford suddenly "Shouldn't there be...I don't noises or something?..."
"I'm just thinking! Or do you believe they're just gonna talk and set things right again?" asks the mayor hopefully. "No..." Sportacus swallows hard "I think...either Járn or Blíður caused a silencing room around them... Probably because of the kids..."
"Uh, they can do that? Impressive!"
"And not really encouraging news," adds Bessie with a slightly warning look at the mayor. Milford smiles weakly, apologizing. "They didn't only cover their sounds..." murmurs Robbie and slowly walks over to the door leading to the stairs. Sportacus follows him so close their arms are touching and notices how his boyfriend's eyes take on a scared expression and that he starts to tremble "Robbie?"
"...They covered their aura... I can't sense them... Any of them... Sportacus," he turns to the hero and begs "I have to check what's going on up there!"
"They told us to stay down here," reminds Sportacus gently and lovingly squeezes his hand "We should..."
"You are the hero who never breaks rules, I know! But I am the villain, I'm allowed to disobey orders!" Robbie winces at his own relatively harsh words and lowers his eyes "I... I'm sorry... That wasn't fair... But I have to check on them. On Dad... Please."
Sportacus looks at him for a moment, then he softly cups his cheek and nuzzles his nose against Robbie's "I'll go and make sure that they're all right. You stay here."
"No, Sportacus," the felf gives him a hard stare "You promised you won't leave my side!"
"Either we go together or I go alone! He's my Dad after all!" Robbie takes a deep breath in, then he remembers something and looks at his foster parents to make sure he didn't hurt their feelings with this statement. But they just smile and then Margaret nods "Yes, he is, Robbie."
Sportacus takes a deep breath in "Only because you can't feel their aura? Are you sure that's not because you're exhausted? Can you still sense mine?"
"As clear as if I could see it," replies Robbie a tiny bit annoyed, then he grabs his boyfriend's arm and tries to pull him along "Now come on! I..." he sighs and his eyes and voice grow pleading "I need you now, the hero you are. My hero."
Sportacus looks at him for a whole minute and he wants to say so badly that he is no hero, that he never wanted to be one, that he just wants to take Robbie's hand now and run away with him as far as anyhow possible. He thought that everything would be fine now. He thought that they've beaten Vigamaður for good.
But here he is again, a bigger threat than before even... Sportacus feels so like crying in this moment. But he doesn't show it. Because Robbie needs him. And Robbie's father and the doctor probably need both of them...
"Okay," he nods once and takes Robbie's hand, turning back to the humans shortly "You stay here." They nod although Bessie and the mayor feel like protesting. None of them noticed Sportacus' short hesitation. But the felf did. He knows his savior well enough by now. And he can imagine what has been going on in his head. But they can't allow themselves any kind of weakness now.
Slowly, quietly they open the door and then sneak their way back upstairs.
Soon, Sportacus notices that Robbie starts to shake badly. He takes his hand and gives him a questioning look. The inventor shrugs and rubs his arm, signalling that he's cold. And Sportacus...does something so typical for him that is yet so strange for their situation - he takes off his not really warming vest and puts it around Robbie's shoulders. The felf gives him an unreadable look and then pulls the too small clothes tighter around himself, holding on to it with one hand. For a split second he's back in time to the days Sportacus did everything to coddle him up in his airship. And although he remembers very well how horrible he felt and how sick he was, he wishes to get back in these days to feel the hero's loving care again without them even guessing in what huge danger they've gotten into already at this point... He wants to feel Sportacus' strong but gentle arms holding him close but carefully and he wants to sense this strange, at this point still unknown warm feeling creeping up in his chest again. He wants to cry into Sportacus' shoulder and tell him how afraid he is.
But all he does is grab the elf's hand even tighter as they climb up the final steps. There still isn't anything to hear or for Robbie to sense except that he grows even colder and shivers worse. Sportacus carefully opens the door and peeks into the next room, the kitchen. It's empty and appears to be safe so he enters and pulls Robbie along. The next door is the one leading into the living room where they left Járn and Blíður behind. It feels like hours ago but could've only been half an hour at most. Sportacus gives Robbie a final questioning look with his hand already at the door knob. The felf nods although he feels as if his legs give way during this.
This is crazy. They don't have any sort of a plan. They aren't even really in their best shape.
They both know and think that in this moment but they both know it doesn't change anything about their determination to help the others...and buy the kids more time with this at best.
So Sportacus slowly opens this door now as well...
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Random HC #160 (Continuation of #4 - #159)
Robbie hasn't been aware that he must've fallen asleep in Sportacus' arms again shortly after the hero finished telling him everything he missed while being imprisoned. And when he now opens his eyes again he notices at once that the night is over and the break of dawn reveals the first shine of the sun falling through the window and gently tickling his nose. A mild smile washes over Robbie's lips and he sighs softly at the realization that he's not only alive but actually...loved and cared about and that now, everything will become all right again... "Sport?" he whispers lowly, shyly while his hand searches for the body of his boyfriend behind his back. He furrows his brows when all he grabs is a big and still warm pillow.
"Sportacus just went to get breakfast for both of you," explains a low voice very softly now. Though Robbie jumps up in his bed and turns his head around to look at the person who spoke. He's shaking and reflexively pulls the blanket tighter around himself in an attempt to hold on to something.
"Easy. It's okay. It's me," Járn is standing at the wall across the bed and shows Robbie his bare palms in a calming gesture "Everything is okay. Nobody will hurt you anymore."
Robbie pulls the cover and the pillow that replaced Sportacus' body tight against his chest and watches the other man in the room carefully like a hawk, not saying anything.
"Robbie..." the other smiles very softly and takes a step towards the bed. The inventor winces. Járn stops and his eyes take on a slightly sad glance but his voice remains soft "I know you don't trust me yet. And you have all reason to be angry with me, my son. But please..."
"...Don't call me that..." rasps Robbie and swallows hard, not daring to look away from the other although he knows he can see the tears gathering in his eyes now. Járn lowers his eyes now and for the first time in his life, Robbie sees an elf giving in to his defeat. And this feels...utterly wrong to him. So when Járn now slowly heads for the door to leave in silence, the felf remembers everything Sportacus has told him before and whispers lowly "...Wait..." The older elf stops and slowly turns his head back to look at him. Robbie swallows hard again and then mumbles "I'm...sorry... I didn't...mean it like that... I just... I don't know what to do..." Robbie looks down on the pillow in his hands and tries to smoothe the fine texture of the cloth. Very carefully Járn comes over to the bed now and replies softly and just as lowly "Don't apologize. It is I who has to be sorry! Back when you were born I couldn't imagine what could happen to you because of Vigamaður's hatred towards me. I thought you'd be safe with the humans... I was wrong. We were wrong. But please believe me...your mother and I loved you dearly! More than anything! When I lost her, I was so sad... But when I got to know that you're still alive, I couldn't believe my luck! And though...I realized just during the past few days...that I almost put the sake of our revolution for your kind over your life...the life of my own son... And I can't apologize enough for this. I can only hope...that you'll be able to forgive me sometime..."
Robbie just listens to this and his eyes grow huge. He isn't used being apologized to. Not at all. And not like THAT.
"It's... It's...okay..." he sniffs lowly but tries a wry, shy smile. "No, it's not. Robbie... I..." Járn reaches for him with one hand but hesitates "I can't make up for all these years that you had to live without the father you deserved... I'd give anything to do so..."
Robbie looks at the outstretched hand of the elf and then takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and leans in and presses his cheek into the surprisingly soft palm. His body goes rigid for several seconds and he doesn't dare to breathe or move. Járn neither. He looks at Robbie with just as wide eyes and as unmoving.
After almost one minute Robbie's body relaxes enough to start breathing again.
After more than three he manages a weak smile and whispers with still closed eyes "Sportacus said...that touches don't have to hurt... That's not their main purpose... And he said...that I should try to allow them more people enough..."
"So me?..." whispers Járn with audible emotion in his voice. "I'm...trying to... I... I want to," whispers Robbie back and opens his eyes to look at his father "Sport said that you heroes don't have parents... It hurts him to know that... And I...realized that I should be thankful to have...a dad who actually cares for me... But I think I need some more time to get used to this thought... There's so much I still have to get used to now..." he sighs softly. Járn smiles and very gently wipes his son's tears away. Robbie closes his eyes again at this careful touch and breathes in and out in a steady rhythm. Then he smiles lightly and murmurs with still closed eyes "Sport... Do come closer, Love..."
Járn blinks in puzzlement and then turns his head to look at the door, seeing Sportacus entering with a huge tray with breakfast and a light smile on his face. "How did you know that he was there?"
Robbie blushes lightly and murmurs "I discovered this ability in prison... I can sense certain things. And I just realized...I sense when Sportacus comes closer or moves further away from me..." he opens his eyes and looks at his boyfriend. Sportacus smiles and after putting the tray on the table next to the bed he grabs one of Robbie's hands and leans in to kiss the felf very softly. Járn watches this with a soft, happy smile and after the couple detaches from each other again he asks lowly "Shall I leave you two alone again?"
"No," Robbie exchanges a quick glance with Sportacus and then shakes his head and reaches out to grab Járn's hand as well "Stay. Please."
"I brought enough for the three of us. Robbie needs his special food, anyway," the young hero grins "Vitur had it delivered just for you. Oh, and for the young felves whose bodies work the same way as yours."
"Young...felves?" Robbie tilts his head. Járn nods "The Council of the Elders is now officially searching for your kind to integrate them in our society. They'll need special training, but they don't have to fear the cleansing anymore."
"All thanks to you, Robbie," adds Sportacus audible proudly. The inventor blinks slowly and looks between the heroes back and forth "Because...of me? Why..."
"You were the success of our revolution. Your bond with Sportacus and the town kids was strong and pure enough to prove our point to the Elders. Thanks to you the future of the felvish population is saved. So no kid will have to experience what happened to you, Robbie. They can stay with their real parents now. Officially."
"Really?" the inventor looks at Sportacus, still unbelieving "All this...didn't even take a week for them to...decide?"
"Oh, the Elders have always been quick with important stuff. They even talked to the fairies already. And they agreed. There's still a lot to do, but they're working on it..." Járn smiles and softly strokes through Robbie's hair "But enough of this now. You have to eat. And regain your strength."
"Not much to regain there. I'm not the strong kind of man...felf...whatever," Robbie smiles wryly but lets Sportacus slips into bed next to him and take the tray on his lap so they can both eat comfortably. Sportacus gives him a scolding look "You are much stronger than you think, Robbie. Or better you will be again once you've recovered from all this."
"Sure," Robbie gives him a half sarcastic but mostly loving look "You get out the best in me anyway, Sport..."
Járn smiles and then grabs some fruits to eat as well. But unlike Sportacus he sticks to his elvish behavior and remains standing during breakfast. They talk a little about nothing special. Járn likes to hear of Robbie's schemes back in LazyTown and how Sportacus then saved the day and chuckles at their stories.
Sportacus is happy when he notices that Robbie relaxes and warms up more and more to the presence of his father.
Once they've eaten up Robbie cuddles up to Sportacus again, feeling pleasantly tired and lulled in. Járn takes the tray back and returns with the whole LazyTown gang. They enter so silently and carefully that Robbie only notices them when Sportacus very gently strokes his head and murmurs "Robbie, I think someone wants to see how you are..."
"Hm?" with a soft yawn the inventor opens his eyes again and smiles happily at once when he sees the kids and the two adults and he calls softly "Noisy Gang! My saviors!"
What follows are many minutes of happy greetings and careful embraces and then even more minutes of carefree chatting and repeated stories of how they got here and at some point, Robbie and Sportacus end up with five kids cuddled up to them on the suddenly very small appearing hospital bed. But they don't mind. Both, the inventor and the elf know that their little friends need this now to realize that Robbie really is save now. And the felf does as well to realize how much these people care for him...
The peace finally gets disturbed after lunch when Vitur visits the 'first official felf'. "Hello, Robbie Rotten," the elder greets with a soft smile. The way he said this shows that he must've talked with Stefanie during the time Robbie was asleep. The felf tries to hide in the blanket on the bed again and shifts closer to Sportacus. He's aware that this elf did a great part to save his life as well with judging Vigamaður and letting Robbie out of his cage. And the way he smiles at him now is friendly and not threatening at all. But Robbie can't help but feeling scared and suspicious nevertheless. Sportacus senses this of course and gently takes his hand to squeeze it soothingly. Robbie swallows hard and smiles very weakly "Hello...Sir..." he blushes lightly because he feels incredible insecure and starts fumbling with the blanket. Járn gives him a soothing smile as well, but Sportacus notices his slightly worried gaze and tilts his head a little in confusion. There aren't possibly any bad news now, are there?
The kids sense the tension in the air as well and shuffle closer to Robbie in a once again shielding manner.
Vitur looks from one to the other and then states gently "I'm not here to hurt or put your friend back in jail. I already gave you my word on this."
"Yeah, at least you claimed that because otherwise we hadn't let any of you guys near OUR town villain!" reminds Stingy with a glare. "Stingy!" hisses Stephanie lightly scolding. But Sportacus can't help a light smile because the boy said 'our' not 'mine' as first impulse this time and this means that he, and probably all the kids have learned some things on this unexpected journey.
Robbie blinks slowly. Did he hear right? The kids are still this eager to protect him that Vitur had to pass their judgement before they allowed him to come close to him?! He doesn't notice the soft, moved smile that washes over his face at this realization, but he does notice the warmth spreading inside of him.
But Vitur meanwhile isn't upset at all about Stingy's remark. On the contrary. He smiles broadly "My boy, it honors you that you stand up for the people you care about. But you don't have to fear for Robbie anymore. Vigamaður was a shame for our reputation. We're not cruel."
"But driven by fear of what could be mightier than yourself," remarks Trixie sharply. Stephanie gives her a scolding look as well, but Bessie and Milford just nod, agreeing to the girl. Vitur chuckles softly and looks at Sportacus "I see why you like these human kids so much, Boy. They speak their mind. And they're really smart. So... Trixie, right? Well, you are right. That was our problem. We wanted to protect our own people because we feared Robbie's people would be dangerous for us and the other people. But Robbie showed us that we were wrong. We can't correct our mistakes of the past, but we can make sure not to make more of them in the future."
"We believe you," assures Stephanie now quickly before any of her friends can say anything else, but then she adds a suspicious question "But why are you here now? Just to check on how Robbie is doing?"
"Mainly. But I have to admit that I also came here to tell you that it would be better if you stayed here, Robbie."
The felf winces.
Sportacus tenses up.
Járn lowers his eyes.
The kids and Bessie gasp in unison.
Milford...surprises everybody with a shaking of his head once the heavy silence of shock has reached its peak "That is out of question, I'm afraid. Robbie is one of MY citizens. And therefore under the protection of our law. As long as he doesn't WANT to stay here, we're taking him back home again!"
Stephanie gives her uncle an impressed and very proud and thankful smile. Robbie starts to cry silently out of fear to be forced to stay here, but also out of emotion again. Vitur looks at the major and states interested "You stand up for your people the same way as I do for mine. Therefore you will surely understand the reason for my plead. We won't hurt Robbie or keep him prisoner. You have my word. But his powers are still dangerous as long as he hasn't learned to control them."
"He never used them in a dangerous way before," states the mayor just as calmly. The group of friends looks at him with growing confusion and disbelief but also admiration. Especially Bessie. "His powers haven't reached their peak yet. He fell sick because of them. Because neither his body nor mind knew how to handle the sudden burst of power. We can help him to gain control of them. Once he isn't a danger for himself and you anymore he can return home of course. But we need to teach him here first," Vitur smiles softly at Robbie now "Your father is here as well, Robbie. And Sportacus. And we already saw that you're a quick learner. And you have my WORD that you will get the best treatment and won't have to fear anything here. We're your allies, not your enemies anymore."
"It's okay, Pinky," interrupts the town villain Stephanie's contradiction suddenly softly and smiles weakly "I'll be...okay for a few...weeks without you, I'm sure..." he looks at Sportacus and carefully strokes his hand, not managing to look him into the eyes "...But they need you... You should take them home and take care of them... I... I'll return as quickly as possible then. I'll do my best to learn everything as quick as I can. right... Like this...I'm too dangerous to be around any of you for long."
"You have to think of the kids, Sport. They have to be kept save. And they need you."
Sportacus cups both of Robbie's cheeks and gently nudges him to meet his gaze so he can see the tears in his boyfriend's eyes "But you need me as well. I... I can't leave you alone with this, Robbie. And I won't. I promised you not to leave you when you need me, remember? I won't break my promise!"
Robbie's teary face turns into a frown and he pushes the other's hands off "Don't you understand?! I don't want to hurt you!" he growls, but then he suddenly turns pale and gasps for air again. "Robbie!" cry the kids shocked and reach out to touch his back and try to help him. But Sportacus gives them a sign to back off a little and give the inventor more space on the bed. After the kids jumped down he quickly helps Robbie like he did earlier, calmly coaching him through a steadier breathing again.
"You HAD to attack him with all this just now already, huh?!" snaps Járn suddenly lowly at the Elder and pushes him away from the bed, glaring at him "Robbie just woke up and is still in the hospital and you confront him with everything he's afraid of!"
"I understand your concern but this is important, Járn."
"Not as important as Robbie's health! Which you're just putting at risk again!"
"I am truly sorry for what this young felf had to go through already. But as you heard he understands the importance of this topic and has made the right decision."
"Because he's afraid he could hurt his friends!"
"What we can't exclude as a possibility if he doesn't learn how to control his powers."
"Yeah, but you can't expect him to be stable in a foreign country where he knows nobody but his father he barely started to trust! And we both know that stability is the primary necessity for teaching somebody how to control magic powers. How do you gonna do it anyway?"
"Yes, I do know that. And that's the problem I've been thinking about as well..." admits Vitur now lowly and glances at Robbie who, surrounded and supported by his friends, still struggles to breathe calmly again "...Our teachers for our elvish kids will train the felvish ones now as well. It's the only possibility we could come up with in such a short time..."
"Sportacus has told me a lot about what has happened during the past weeks and months. It's only thanks to his gentleness and care that Robbie manages to try to trust and rely on ANYBODY who is nice to him by now. Vigamaður managed to shatter his faith in the kindness of people so severely it's a miracle he hasn't locked himself up in his bunker completely..."
"You're trying to tell me that he won't be able to trust any teacher enough to actually learn what is necessary, aren't you?" Vitur sighs lowly and watches how Sportacus now hugs Robbie tightly and murmurs soothing words to him then the Elder suddenly starts to smile and looks at Járn again "We're stupid that we don't see the obvious solution for our problem."
"Are we?" Járn tilts his head. "Yes! Robbie would be most comfortable to be taught at home where he can be with Sportacus and his human friends and by somebody he already knows and trusts at least a little, right? Well, every Elder is officially also a teacher. So the most obvious choice is you, Járn. Especially since you've already some experience with teaching our elvish kids."
"But...I'm no elder anymore..."
"Oh, jibber-jabber! What has happened here during the past week changed everything. Including your denunciation! Welcome back in your Elder's life, Járn! The question is now: do you agree to join Robbie Rotten in LazyTown and teach him there until he has gained complete control over his felvish powers?"
"...I' sorry..." Robbie buries his face in his hands and sniffs lowly. "What for?" Bessie offers him a glass of water and gives him a puzzled look. "For behaving like a baby again..." the beloved town villain takes the glass with shaking hands. Stephanie shakes her head "You're no baby, Robbie. You're just stressed out!"
"And you have all right to be!" adds Pixel with a soft smile. "Yeah! Getting kidnapped and held in jail with the fear of being washed surely is exhausting!" agrees Ziggy compassionately and offers Robbie his biggest lollipop. The felf smiles weakly but shakes his head. "'Cleansing', Ziggy. Not washing," corrects Vitur now gently with a smile when he and Járn return to the bed now as well, then he smiles at Robbie "But that's not important anymore because nobody will ever have to go through this procedure again. And now enough of the past. Robbie, forget everything we've just talked about. You belong in LazyTown and with your friends to become quickly all healthy again and in good shape so you can learn how to use your powers. And Elder Járn...your father will gladly come along and teach you there."
A moment of silence passes. Then the children cheer and hug both Sportacus and Robbie and the hero laughs happily and kisses the felf on the forehead. Only Robbie pales a little more at hearing this and his voice is shaking "What? But...I... Them... I don't want to endanger them..."
"Don't worry about that, Robbie," Járn smiles soothingly "A great part of your powers you already can control. And you haven't hurt anybody with your magic."
"You are not as dangerous as you think," adds Vitur. "You're only trying to calm me and talk me into this!" Robbie sits up more and crosses his arms in front of his chest, glaring at both the Elder and his father "But I won't risk the life of Sportacus or my friends ever again! That they came for my rescue is bad enough!"
"Stop talking like that!" interrupts Sportacus suddenly uncharacteristically stern "You sacrificed yourself for me before! That's even worse! And if we don't come to rescue you then we can't possibly call ourselves your friend! And I'd be cursed to call myself a 'hero' if I don't even save the man I love with all my heart!"
Robbie blushes a dark shade of red but mutes at hearing this and just starts fiddling with the blanket again. Járn chuckles softly. And Vitur grins "You heard your boyfriend, Robbie. It's essential for both of you that you are together from now on. And these kids need their hero and both their playmates. It's bad enough...that our wrong beliefs and fears took your mother, and separated you from your father, Robbie. I'll do everything I can to don't let you suffer even more. So please, do believe us when we assure you that it's all right to go back home with your friends as soon as the doctors tell us you're fit enough for this again."
The group falls silent and everybody looks at Robbie, waiting for his answer.
The felf senses their gazes and slowly lifts his head, his voice small "So you actually...want me back? All of you? Although I'm...a felf?..."
"What kind of question is that?!" Stephanie tilts her head "LazyTown wouldn't be the same without you, Robbie!"
"Completely boring!" adds Ziggy. "And that you're a felf only makes it COOLER!" beams Trixie, but then adds quickly "But it also doesn't matter! We want you back because we always have lots of fun with you!"
"And we also learn a great deal thanks to your schemes!" agrees Pixel. "And you've never been a REAL villain, anyway. Otherwise we hadn't invited you to our parties, hm?!" reminds Stingy. "Probably..." murmurs Robbie and then looks at Sportacus again "You honestly love me? You don't just...pity me?"
"Robbie," Sportacus gently takes his hands again and looks at him with soft, honest eyes "I have and never will love anybody more than you. You are wonderful. And except of what you've been through, not to pity at all. Because I can't think of anybody who is more beautiful or smarter or more warmhearted than you once you drop the facade of the grumpy villain you're not at all. And I will never leave your side again. If you don't want me to."
"I don't," Robbie pulls him in for another deep kiss, mainly to make sure he's not dreaming or fantasizing again. Then he looks at Járn "And it's really okay for you to leave your hometown to come with us and teach me in LazyTown?"
"Of course!" his father smiles and lovingly strokes his head "Like this I can finally spend some time with my son!"
Robbie closes his eyes and reflexively nuzzles into the fatherly touch again, murmuring "I just hope I'll manage without hurting anybody..."
"You are very talented. Doctor Blíður said so as well. And Sportacus told us that he helped you release your energy before at home. That you managed this without any practise shows that you're a natural," praises Vitur now with a gentle smile. "You hear that?" beams Sportacus happily "Everything will be all right again soon!"
Robbie smiles weakly but his trembling becomes worse and he leans more against his boyfriend again. "Robbie?" Sportacus worriedly feels his forehead. "I'm okay..." murmurs the felf lowly "Just...a little tired...again..."
"He's warm..." whispers Sportacus and gently runs his hand through Robbie's wild hair. "That was quite some stress for him again..." states Vitur lowly "We should let him rest. I'll be gone now. Just call if you need anything."
"Thank you, Vitur," Járn does a respectful acknowledging bow then focuses completely on Robbie and asks softly "Shall I leave as well?"
"N...o..." still without opening his eyes, Robbie shakes his head no and cuddles up even more to his boyfriend "Stay...please... All of you... Family..." then his body goes limp in Sportacus' strong, supporting arms and he falls into an almost unconscious and completely exhausted sleep. Still a little worried but even more moved by his sleepy but therefore honest words the group watches over his sleep now. The kids and even Sportacus fall asleep as well at one point and so Járn and Bessie and Milford chat quietly and discuss Robbie Rotten's future and past.
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asgardian-light · 7 years ago
Random HC #159 (Continuation of #4 - #158)
"Hmm..." Robbie's eyelids feel too heavy to open. But that's not that unusual. His throat is dry. Not too special either. This happens when he falls asleep after a day of building and inventing and forgetting to drink. And the rest of his body...feels strangely numb... Okay, even that happens from time to time... But what puzzles him is that all this occurs TOGETHER this time. And...there was something that happened before he fell asleep... Whenever this has been. But what was it? He only remembers his strange dream... And the word 'felf' suddenly feels far too real to be just out of a dream... Maybe...
A hand on his cheek interrupts his thoughts and his body knee jerky reacts with a whimper and an unsuccessful attempt to shuffle away from the touch.
"Shush... Sh, sh, sh... It's okay, Robbie. It's me..." the hand is pulled back even before the soft voice starts to assure him. Robbie stops whimpering and raises a brow with still closed eyes. He knows this voice. This awfully wonderful soft voice... "...Spo-" he coughs and the sudden burning in his throat forces tears into his eyes. But when he tries to blink his eyes open, everything is a wild blur and he whimpers again. "Hush," the hand now takes Robbie's very carefully and squeezes it reassuringly "Don't talk. Breathe, Robbie. It's okay. Everything is okay."
Is it? Robbie isn't so sure about that... "...Wh-Where..." he breaks into another coughing fit and tries to sit up. "Easy," Sportacus carefully slips an arm under his back and helps him to sit up, still holding on to his hand, his voice is low and soothing "We're at the hospital. Everything is fine. You still need rest, but..."
"H-Hos...pital?" rasps the inventor and blinks a few more times to finally clear his vision and look at the hero at his side "Why..." But then it hits him with full force: this was no dream.
This was real.
He's a felf!
He, Sportacus and the citizens of LazyTown are in the land of elves!
They saved his life!
He met his father!
And he and Sportacus...
"Robbie! Breathe!"
He winces when Sportacus suddenly puts a respiratory mask over his face and realizes only now that he's started to hyperventilate. "Hm!" he reflexively shakes his head and breaks into a cold sweat. He doesn't want this mask! He wants it off!
"Robbie," Sportacus carefully cups his cheek again and looks him deep into the eyes, his own soft and warm "Please, try to calm down. Breathe. I'll take it off again then, but first you have to calm your breathing," his hand moves down to Robbie's chest and very gently starts to push down on it rhythmically to guide him through several minutes of hectic breathing...
"" with a weak smile, Robbie searches Sportacus' eyes. "Right away, Love."
Robbie winces and his eyes grow wide. Blushing scarlet, Sportacus gently removes the breathing mask and murmurs "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...shock you. It's just..." But before he can finish his apology Robbie suddenly wraps his arms around his neck, pulls him down and into a deep kiss with trembling lips and closed eyes.
A whole minute later, they part again. Both slightly panting. Both looking deep and loving into each others eyes. Both with a deep but happy blush on their cheeks. "I-I'm sorry, Sportacus!" stammers Robbie and lowers his eyes "...I... I just...had to make sure..."
"Shush," with a light smile, the hero gently pushes his chin up and places a finger on Robbie's lips, murmuring "Don't apologize for a perfect moment, Love..." then he carefully cups his cheeks, bows down and kisses him again, even softer and yet more passionate and loving than before. And Robbie melts completely. His eyes flutter shut and finally he manages not to think anything and allows himself to just FEEL.
After they detach from each other again Sportacus notices Robbie's soft, dreamy smile and his still closed eyes and smiles himself. "You look absolutely mesmerizing when you smile, Robbie... Have I told you that already?" he softly strokes his cheek. Robbie blushes dark red again, but smiles even more while softly hitting the hero on the chest "Don't overdo it with your cuteness, Sportacompliment. I'm not sure I can handle this point of our...our..."
"Relationship?" helps Sportacus softly. "Yeah... Relationship..." Robbie absently takes one of Sportacus strong hands between his own and starts playing with it and strokes and squeezes it. Sportacus knows this already. It's a way to relieve stress for the other. But this time, Sportacus believes it's a kind of positive stress. "Sport... How long am I here already? And where are the others? They're all right, right?!" Robbie's eyes and voice grow worried. "Yes. They're fine and glad that you'll recover completely again. Vitur offered them a flat near the hospital, but they insisted on staying in one of the restrooms right here, to be closer to"
"You didn't leave my room for more than going to the loo, did you, Sportaclingy?" the inventor tries to sound scolding, but the emotion in his voice is superior and he softly traces the veins on the hero's hand with one finger "For how long?"
"Six days."
"WHAT?!" Robbie sits up straight at hearing this and stares at him "You... You're telling me you haven't left this room for SIX WHOLE days?!?"
"Except for 'going to the loo', as you described it, yes. Why?" Sportacus tilts his head. "Why?! Well, Mister I-can't-sit-still-for-more-than-three-minutes, what do you believe?!" Robbie's voice breaks a little "You haven't left this room for almost a whole week...because of me... I just... I don't understand..."
"You're more important to me than anything else, Robbie. Than anyONE else could or will ever be."
"But moving is...your life! How..."
"It WAS. Now YOU are my life, Robbie," Sportacus smiles almost amused. But Robbie shakes his head "It can't be that simple."
"But it is. Robbie," Sportacus softly cups his cheek with his free hand again and looks him deep into the eyes "It may take some time...but I'm sure you'll understand soon that you are more important to me than anything else. Even more than my...flippedy-floppedy." The inventor smiles softly again and nuzzles into the gentle hand on his cheek "I already know that... You wouldn't have taken the risk to try and save me otherwise... What I still consider crazy! But also...lovable and incredible sweet of you."
"Sweet?" the hero chuckles. "Yeah. Sweeter than the best pie the world can offer," Robbie blushes again, but his eyes shine with affection. And Sportacus returns the happy look. Until Robbie's gaze suddenly drops and he looks away. "What? What is it, Robbie? Aren't you feeling well?!" asks his boyfriend concerned and searches his eyes again. "No... Are you... Will you..." Robbie swallows "...stay here now? your home...right?"
"Oh, Robbie," the other sighs relieved and softly, soothingly squeezes his hand "It's not. My home is with you and the kids. LazyTown has become my home. There's nothing that could keep me here. Except...of you..." now it's his turn to become worried "Don't you might...want to stay with your dad..."
"My dad? I...hardly know him. All that I know is that he saved me..."
"That's exactly the reason. You should talk with him. He refused to leave the hospital as well. He is so happy that he finally found you..."
Robbie looks aside and says nothing but he starts kneading Sportacus' hand more nervously again. The hero lowers his head a little to look at Robbie's face from a less threatening appearing angle "Robbie..."
"I don't want that..." whispers the other now barely audible and a single tear rolls down his cheek. "What?"
"I don't want this man to be my father!" Robbie's yell is so loud it shocks even himself and he winces while his tears fall freely now. Sportacus didn't wince at his yell. He's surprised by his boyfriend's reaction but not that shocked. Neither by the fact that the next second, the inventor turns on his side and goes into fetal position, hugging his knees to his chest. He's mumbling to himself "I had no father until now. The man that pretended to be my father didn't act like one. I need no new one now that I'm a grown man!"
"Robbie. That's not really fair to Járn, is it? All he did was trying to protect you since the day you were born..."
"And made me live a hell of a life being bullied and threatened by this Viga-something!" Robbie hugs his legs even tighter and growls in his depressed-anger voice Sportacus hasn't heard in MONTHS "I don't need him! I don't need ANYBODY!"
Just a whole minute later Robbie realizes what he just said and his body goes into shock. His voice is small and trembling at his next words "I... I'm so sorry... Sportacus... I didn't... I didn't mean it. I... I..." his stammering drowns in sobs. He almost winces back when the strong but soft hand of his hero returns to his cheek and only notices now that he must've closed his eyes at one point. "Robbie. Shush. It's okay," Sportacus is now kneeling next to the bed and his face is right in front of Robbie's, on his lips a very soft, soothing smile "It's all right..."
"No... No, it's not," whimpers the other lowly and sniffs "You have risked and done everything for me and I say such...such...mean things!"
"No! I told you I don't deserve you! I'm..." but the next second, Robbie's self hatred words get shut up by soft but steadying firm lips pressing on his own once more. This time he cries during the kiss. And he whimpers lowly. But Sportacus doesn't stop or pull back. He continues to kiss him softly but firmly and shows him that no matter what Robbie still thinks and says about himself he loves him and he always will and won't ever quit telling him how wonderful he is until he starts realizing it's true.
But this will take time. A lot of time. But they got enough of it now...
When Sportacus finally pulls back again, Robbie is panting lightly and his eyes are wide and still filled with tears. His voice is just a trembling whisper "I'm still so afraid... What if Járn...will become just as the man who raised me? And DON'T love me? I... I'm not sure whether I could...take this again... Because I'll disappoint him just like I always do... I... I just know that..."
"No. You're mistaken there," Sportacus soothingly starts caressing his cheeks with his thumbs "Robbie. Love. He's your DAD! You can't disappoint him!"
"Of course I can! He's an elf like you! And he's a hero like you! And now look at me! I'm...the opposite of both of you! That you can bear and live with that...and even me...okay. I dare to believe that now. But this stranger? Loving the cause for trouble and the end of his career? I don't think so," Robbie smiles sadly and slowly sits up again, hugging his knees to his chest once more, resting his chin on his knees he stares at the white wall ahead of him "You're too good for this world, Sport. Too pure. You believe in the good in people... And you believe that someone like me can have a better...a loved life... know how clumsy I am. Physically AND psychically. Járn...has no idea what kind of person I am. He doesn't know that I'm...this way..."
"But you are PERFECT the way you are!" contradicts Sportacus firmly and drops down on the bed again, wrapping his arms around his depressed boyfriend. "No, don't gimme that. Nobody is. But I definitely am even less than most other people! And you know it!"
"But you are Robbie, Robbie! You are what and WHO you are and that IS perfect! I see that! Our friends see that! And your father will too! I KNOW that!"
"Why are you insisting that I get close to him, hm?!" Robbie suddenly gives him a suspicious but mostly scared look, thinking 'Maybe he's trying to convince me to stay here to get rid of me?... No! Stop thinking that! He loves you!'. He shakes his head, trying to get this thought out of his mind again.
" have the chance to..." Sportacus' voice sounds low and small out of a sudden. Robbie winces and looks at him. There's a heavy silence between them for a moment. Then Robbie carefully, leans his head on Sportacus' shoulder and hesitatingly wraps an arm around him "I'm not...the only one who found out more about his past, am I?..."
Sportacus snuggles closer and leans against him, murmuring "Yeah... But that's...not important right now..."
"Ey," Robbie hustles him and gives him a scolding look "I'm the one in this relationship who thinks he's not important. You are NOT allowed to believe so of yourself. You are there for me and I want to be there for you as well! And I will learn to become better at this! And now tell me everything that has happened during the time we've been separated. Please..."
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