#Reverse Storm
pastelbatfandoms · 7 months
Seeing Red (Reverse Flash AU)
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An alternate timeline story with Eobard Thawne & Renee West aka Obsidian Storm (based on shifting memories and Channeling I have received.)
Seeing Red Pt 1
Seeing Red pt 2
Part 3 Fatal Attraction
Part 4 Only Way out is Through
Part 5 I still Burn for you
More coming soon!
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fishareglorious · 1 month
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the kids sending zima letters... i will simply pass away from the sheer cuteness of this.....................
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hornkneebee · 11 months
//spoilers for Re:1999, Chapter 2, Part 15//
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This fucking broke me. This fucking BROKE me, BITCH! Like, do we really need such a heartwrenching story? They just had a great dinner and the storm just took all the joy and happiness away! For fuck sake, I just want them to share more time together in their last moment!
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bonus; sonetto comforting ms. sotheby.
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dammjamboy · 12 days
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forgot to ever post this here but i had the most fucked dream the other night and i had to draw it
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chiakery · 5 months
Do you think they'll play Orym's message from this episode for Robbie to reply to it at the table?
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schneiderenjoyer · 6 months
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My depiction of Vertin is very normal.
Based on this comic
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jazzkrebber · 1 year
Jesper: nice, Wylan! high five!
Wylan: 'high fives'
Wylan: 'intertwines fingers'
Jesper: what-
Wylan: I love you
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acesw · 9 months
The School System of SPDM
The School Primary Defense of Mankind is a private institution where every few years, they take in orphaned arcanists around the world to train them for the purpose of becoming members of the Foundation. Many of the graduates go into the military/investigative sector of the Foundation and a handful are assigned to offices, given positions in headquarters and in rare cases accepted by the political councils. There is also a chance to work at Laplace, but thus far, Mesmer Jr. is the only one who had been placed there because of her lineage.
Not much is known about how the school works, but I will be mapping out as much information as I can find about the school, and make sure its organized as possible.
Disclaimer: This is solely based on Chapter 3, Green Lake, and the characters we have thus far who were students at SPDM. The only graduates we have are Horropedia (oldest graduate), Sonetto, Mesmer Jr., Vertin, and Matilda (youngest graduate of the group). I'll be referring to them as the "Foundation Kids", since the name sounds fitting enough. There are going to be spoilers for Chapter 3 and the characters' stories, so tread carefully.
Additionally, I'm going to be rarely using images because I really do not want to go into the effort of making screenshots after screenshots right now.
So buckle up and get ready for a big wall of paragraphs and sentences.
Known Staff Roles of the School
Principal - The head that manages the affairs of the school and responsible for all the matters that happen within. The current principal as of chapter 3 is Richard. Instructors - Their main purpose is to teach students varying subjects, a few that can be named are biology, music, potions, and arcane history School Physician - The person that takes care of the overall health of the students. It can be assumed that there are two per semester, since Tooth Fairy in particular would only stay in the school as its physician for half a year. Janitors - Of course, people that clean up areas in the school, and they have the freedom to interact with the children. Some are referred to as uncles and aunts I'd assume. Monitor Assistants - Students or Student Graduates that choose to help monitor the students of the school as a means to train them for instructor roles. Matilda is the only known monitor assistant so far. Monitor Students - Students that are given the role to monitor their peers. There seems to be a head role given to the school's high-achieving students like Sonetto. They are changed routinely every day and can increase/decrease depending on the necessity.
Level System and Enrollment
Of course, a school would not exist without its level system. The SPDM has a curriculum in place that sections off the varying different age groups of the orphaned arcanists after taking them in. The average range of the arcanists they take in are between a few months to 4 years old at its possible max.
The youngest student that had arrived in the school is Vertin at 1 month old, while Matilda is the oldest known student that had willingly enrolled at around 6 to 7 years old. This means that enrolling at the school is possible if the arcanist family is known to the Foundation. (For our Foundation kids, Sonetto and Vertin are the only ones to have been adopted into the school, whereas the other three have family or at least a guardian prior to enrollment)
The age of which arcanists graduate from the school seem to vary, in which Vertin, Sonetto, Matilda, and Mesmer Jr. had graduated at 13-15 years old. Whereas Horropedia, claimed to have been "several grades above" the group when the breakaway incident had happened. He's estimated to have been 17 at the time of the incident, while the rest of the group were around 10-12. This makes the information conflicting at first glance.
But of course, figuring out this level system would be rather helpful. This would be considered as a K-10 or K-13 curriculum, and it seems that the students can be categorized by as "Academic Year # Semester #".
Nursery & Kindergarten (1-5 years) - Where new baby and orphaned arcanists who were taken in by the school are raised in the first few years at the school.
Early Stage (5-10 years) - Young arcanists start their academic journey in the school, where they learn about the world around them while being isolated from the outside. They also begin their physical/arcanum training as a means to strengthen them whilst their afflatus and arcane skills slowly develop and awaken over time.
Late Stage (10-12 years) - The age of which arcanists begin to awaken their arcane skill. They are given the materials and training to develop their arcane skills and are slowly introduced to the world around them, being shown the opportunities they could take based on their skillset and possibly being invited to explore the work environment. (Its also in this stage that the students have a change in uniform.)
Work Immersion & Graduation (12-15 years) - The arcanists will begin to do work immersion in the fields they choose to specialize in, to familiarize themselves in the environment and even make their placements in these fields early on. Eventually, they graduate and go into official work for their sectors within the Foundation.
Higher Education (15-18 years) - Student graduates who might choose to seek higher education as a means to train for more skilled positions in their line of work. This can give them more opportunities and guidance on their first few years of work.
Rules and Education
"May the peace be with us. May the peace be with mankind." The school's main pursuit for its students are some philosophers' exhortation: "Heritage, Honor, Rationality, Responsibility"
The education in SPDM is rigorous, and goes in depth about many of the topics at hand and also putting their students through difficult trainings to ensure that they are at their best physique and readied skills. They tend to be strict, and would have a consistent flow of tests to ensure every student studies well.
Their rules are also just as meticulous, wanting to make sure that their students' conscience and goals stay close to the ideologies of the school and the Foundation. Going from disallowing them from artistic/literary media that is "not advocated or approved by" the Foundation, treating outside attachments as "meaningless", and teaching students that they are meant to sacrifice themselves for the safety of mankind.
The school has a Student Handbook that goes through these rules and guidelines. The main idea and rule that the school imposes is to pay no heed to the world outside, as creating an attachment would only bring harm and regret. They are to focus on training themselves to serve their mission towards pursuing peace and order in the guidance of the Foundation until death, since all of the students are taught that they would die martyrs for the cause.
"To live is to lose things around us until the day we lose life itself to death. That's why we should only focus on the supreme missions." - Sonetto, Frogs and Toffee (3-2)
Some of these rules include the standard things (no skipping classes, no in-fighting) while also having rules such as no mass gatherings, conspiration against the school, acquiring and keeping contraband, leaving school grounds, etc. However, there are some liberties that are taken, such as having freedom with hairstyles, free use of arcane skills, etc.
Interestingly, one of the rules is that discussion about the "Storm" is forbidden. Its also forbidden to go out when its raining, and discouraged to discuss any incident that had occurred within the school.
There are routinely inspections that are carried out to make sure no rules are being broken, such as dorm checks and head counting. Monitor staff are also in place to ensure there is order among the students, and as mentioned previously, the school would have a head student monitor that would cooperate with the respective school monitor and monitor assistant. If strict supervision is required for any reason, the Foundation will step in and arrange to deploy their own units or Zeno recruits from the academy. (Like in the case of the Manus Vindictae's olitiaus having to be scouted out by Zeno recruits like Lilya)
Punishments are of course, carried out based on the rule that is broken. Normally, these punishments wouldn't be so harsh (it just so happened our little troublemaker just actively likes to break major rules). The most normal of the punishments that have been given out so far is a timeout and confiscation of contraband. Of course, there is the more…extreme side.
With the little shit I mean Vertin having this tendency to break rules, one of the punishments we see her go through is isolation. There is a guardhouse in the school's campus where students who break major rules stay in it for a specific amount of time based on what rule is broken. The most merciful would be only a mention of the "Storm" (1 day with no food/water), the worst of it is mass gathering and what can be classified as rebellion (2 weeks with no food/water).
We currently have a complete map of the school thanks to chapter 3 and the manus. The school is walled off and has watchtowers to ensure that there are no outsiders (and of course, escapees). There seems to be air raid tunnels beneath the schools as well, why they were built in besides its main purpose is not known, but as we know it has been rarely used. In these air raid tunnels we find that there are also blast doors that border between the tunnels and the watchtowers.
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There are no labels on where the guardhouses are, but they are of course meant to discipline the students. There are critters and tools at the kids' disposal, to mostly alleviate immediate problems. The guardhouse is checked regularly, and is cleaned up weekly. Though, some messages left behind by previous dwellers are left as is for the next to help guide them through.
George the Oak is a tree possibly situatied near the lake on the map, and is known to be a famous tree for the kids because of its age and its size. There, they can go in the tree hollow or even just sit under the giant leaves. Either way, it looks to be like a nice spot to go to for the students when they have free time. Sad it got cautioned off after the parade incident.
Employees from the Foundation headquarters have the freedom to enter the school campus and visit the facilities as they'd like, as we see with Constantine and Druvis meeting in the library, and Madam Z and Katz meeting in the sports field in chapter 4.
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Lastly, the school is most likely situated next to the official headquarters building, and there is a town that is near the school since there was a time where Vertin and Sonetto went to watch an outsider parade from a distance.
There are 3 important events for SPDM: The Annual Evaluation, Parade Ceremony, and the Graduation of Year 10 & Higher Education students.
The Annual Evaluation is where they evaluate the overall performance of their students, and rank them based on the evaluation. -Sonetto and Matilda had made it to the rankings prior to or during the 4th Year of the Storm. Sonetto made her way to rank 1, while Matilda had achieved rank 3.
The Annual Parade is to showcase the school's best image and boost morale, and with it, the school selects their best students to participate in a three-month intense training. Through this they would become the school's honor guard and represent the students in the best way possible. Before this, a pre-parade ceremony is held out to help practice and for the principal to send his regards/support to the students. -As again, one of the most outstanding students, Sonetto's "Parade Anthem" garment seems to be the honor guard uniform that she had been given, signaling that she was one of the chosen students for the training course.
And lastly, Graduation. Of course, the main focus here would be the year 10 students of SPDM; who officially become workers for the Foundation. We're not really sure how this ceremony happens, but it can be thought that the students will be given the choice to choose their paths immediately after the ceremony, or, it would be assigned to them.
Vertin and Mesmer Jr. are excluded from the choice/allocation, as they were both put into roles early on for special circumstances. For Vertin it was because she became the Timekeeper after the breakaway incident, and for Mesmer she had been put into the role of working in Laplace because of her lineage and heritage.
While Sonetto seemed to have chosen to be a field investigator, Matilda was assigned to her role as a Monitor Assistant.
Horropedia on the other hand seems to have sought out higher education since he stayed in the Foundation a bit longer than others, and thus graduated with such an honor. This made him able to start working in the external inspection unit as it seems.
Other notes on the Foundation kids before ending this megapost:
Sonetto has proven to be the most outstanding graduate of SPDM, and has been rewarded medals (i.e. Merit Medal of Session Eight) and even a ceremony stick because of her role as an honor guard.
Its very likely that Vertin was isolated from the rest of the students to train her for her role as the Timekeeper. Besides that, she is one of the most unique students of the school.
Mesmer Jr. had been assigned to work in Laplace's Rehabilitation Center at 12 years old, making her the youngest person to have started work among the five.
Besides Sonetto, Matilda has technically not seen her former classmates since graduation, and possibly has not seen Vertin for an even longer time.
Horropedia is the only person who had stayed in SPDM past the assumed graduating age, which makes me believe that he had received higher education or was held back by troublemaking…I can see both possibilities.
Overall, these are the observations that I was able to rule out. There are still some things that I might not have considered or taken to account yet, but that's just because I can't really tell if it can be added here + I wrote this at 5 am. SPDM's school system is a bit screwed because of the punishments and everything, but this entire guide feels like it can be comprehended better.
Thanks for reading to the bottom of this post. I'm open to answer questions as well as add into/fix the information here!
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rizzlegukgak · 27 days
oh my god what do i gotta do to get everyone on earth talking about the video game tactical breach wizards that came out a few days ago bc it’s spectacular and i can’t stop thinking about it
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
The robins are always calm, cool, collected. This goes for all the Batkids, no matter what stage they are (robin, pre robin, post robin, alive from being dead robin) so imagine the utter fear, the horror every single member of the Justice League feels, literal gods and metas, when one of their composures snaps. Why? Because the Batman has gone missing.
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pastelbatfandoms · 8 months
Seeing Red pt 2 (AU)
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Part 1
Seeing the message Eobard sighs' resolutely, telling the Team she is fine and they can go home. Eobard becomes a little irritated seeing her message because of the obvious implication that she already sees him as her enemy. But he keeps that out as he messages her so as not to push her further.
"I know I shouldn't want this. But I am glad you're coming back. But must know, are you sure about this? You're leading yourself down a very dark and dangerous road again..."
No response but a crackling of electricity as lightning bursts open the door and a storm rages outside. "Hello Thawne."
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Eobard's body immediately tenses from where he is sitting in his wheelchair in the office. As the door to the lab bursts open, as if in defense from his time as The Reverse Flash he is out of the chair in a flash.
He sees Renee standing there,she looks like a completely different person. Not just her hair, not just her all black and purple bodysuit with it's mesh top and lightning bolts down the legs, it's in the way she doesn't smile when she looks at him. Instead she looks at him with eyes that are full of pure rage. Her expression dark as the blue white lightning crackles around her.
At this point Eobard's adrenaline had started to rise. After so long of wondering and worrying where she was and if she's okay, seeing her in this state was just too much. It's like everything he feared was coming true.
Renee smirks at the fear on his face. Good, let him feel what she felt for so long. Always wondering when he was going to snap, being the bigger person, always forgiving him, always loving him. If she couldn't beat em,join em. But this time she wasn't on his side.
Eobard looks genuinely scared now, something that was a rare feeling for him. He can see that she's in that dark place where she really wants revenge. He knows that feeling, that anger. So he tries his best to calm it, to get her to come back to her senses. Still a safe distance away.
"C'mon is The Reverse Flash really cowering over me?" Obsidian laughs darkly.
At those words, Eobard stands straight and looks her straight in the eyes. "Of course not. I'm standing right here, facing off against my greatest enemy." Eobard throws her own words back at her, trying not show how emotional he really was over her transformation. Greatest Love that was what she was supposed to be...He hadn't heard her use his name like that in forever...But he tries not to let her get to him.
Obsidian scoffs, "Enemy now? Well guess it had to happen eventually."
"I know. It's a sad reality that we have to be here again,this time I'm at the receiving end...But you know I never expected this from you Renee...Storm maybe but not you. I thought we were supposed to be the ones that always found each other..." He trails, looking into her eyes trying to get her to show him,she still loved him somehow.
"So now you care? That's rich or is this another manipulation Thawne? To let my guard down? Try me." Her eyes light up in warning.
"This isn't some trick. I'm being real. But you're right after everything between us, I don't blame you for being cautious. I wouldn't believe a word of it if I were you. But I have to ask you something. Is there really nothing I can do to talk you out of this? I just want you know that I've changed too. I'm not that old Thawne anymore." Eobard's expression was as genuine as his words as he looked at her.
"You tried to kill me!" She shouts as she lets loose a lightning bolt but he notices it doesn't hit him. "Oh I'm sorry the negative speed force...which you didn't do anything but give up!"
Eobard tries one last time to calm her down, "The negative speed force was taking control of me. I was losing myself and I could barely stop it. But I'm sorry Renee okay? I'm sorry I know right now those words don't mean much but I really do mean them. If there's one thing I want it's for us to just talk." Shit he was starting to sound like Barry...
"No. It'll just happen again. Let him out...Fight me." Obsidian's eyes sparked as she looked at him,no emotions except anger on her features.
Eobard only hesitates for a moment before responding to her demand. He realizes that there really isn't anything else he can do, the moment he releases the negative speed force to come out again. Eobard knows he may regret this decision, but he also knows he doesn't have a choice...
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The negative speed force explodes out of him as Obsidian Storm watches a completely different Eobard Thawne emerge. The Reverse Flash, clad in his yellow suit. There is no remorse in his eyes, no hesitation or feelings or remorse. This Thawne was back, no need to pretend to be Harrison Wells anymore. This Thawne doesn't even hesitate before stepping towards her, looking at her like he's hungry for a fight as his eyes glow red.
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This is exactly what Obsidian Storm had come looking for. She always wanted to let out her inner rage and she'd been itching for a fight, all she can think about is revenge. "You ruined everything for me."
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This Eobard though is completely different than who she had been with for so long. His only desire is payback and he responds sarcastically. "You ruin things all the time. Now It's my turn."
Obsidian gathers a ball of lightning in her hand and without hesitation now hits him in the chest with a scream. He may be powerful but she was a goddess, the daughter of Zeus, her powers came from the storm itself.
Eobard falls back as the lightning crashes through him, sending him flying into a wall. He gets up and immediately lunges towards her, letting out a roar of his own. His body generating more negative speed force as he prepares to unleash more powerful attacks on her. As he unleashes a massive charge of orange lightning towards her, she retaliates by charging back a massive blast of her own. The powers meet in the middle with a loud explosion. The force of it sends Thawne flying through the wall behind him. He is still recovering from the blast while she already has more lightning crackling around her.
Obsidian's eyes gleam with the desire for a fight as she looks down at him, her rage the only thing motivating her now. "I wish it could have been different."
Eobard is barely able to hold himself up now, on the verge of passing out. He lets out one last insult, an indication that he's given up trying to convince her. He's only going to fight back now. It's all he has left. "We could have been together you know. I wanted to be with you more than anything. But I guess this is our destiny, we were always destined to lose."
Obsidian lets out a cry at his words, the sound guttural, wrenching from her chest,as she channelled all the hurt, regret, disappointment, betrayal, anger and yes even love. As lightning surrounds her, exploding out her it lights up the whole room. Unable to contain it she collapses.
Eobard is able to notice the expression on her face as she collapses, Even as he sees her exhausted and unable to continue the fight, he is still unable to do anything but watch as he shields himself from the explosive lightning. His heart breaking a little as he sees her fall. All of those emotions she had channelled through the attack. All of the emotions that he had caused through the years...He feels them all. Maybe even for the first time. It's too much as the negative speed force fades and Eobard realizes just how much she'd suffered for him.
Eobard's expression changes as he starts to feel something he hadn't in a long time. Remorse. Guilt and regret that overwhelms him all at once. He wants to help her, he wants to do something for once in his life. But he doesn't even know if she would accept that now. She given him so many chances already and he's blown all of them...does he really deserve another one?
Eobard's eyes are fixated on her. He can't bear to see her like this. She is his responsibility and his alone. Eobard knows that now, he's the only one who can make it right. Even though it seems like there relationship is completely broken he still wants to make her feel safe and protected for the first time in so long. He's had enough of being selfish and cruel.
Eobard looks at her closer than noticing she's unconscious, her powers really must of took their toll. Eobard thought for a split second that he should call in Caitlin or a medical team but then shakes his head, what would he say when he's still trying to pretend to be Harrison Wells. No that would just open another can of worms he didn't want to deal with now. He was also a scientist he could figure it out.
Eobard steps over and picks her gingerly up as he zooms her to the lounge and places her onto the bed in their. His eyes scanning her to see if she was responding, when she didn't, he closed his eyes in regret and guilt. This was all his fault, how could he ever hurt someone he cared so much for? But the negative speed force had twisted his way of thinking. Lost in his thoughts and worried for Renee he sits and waits for her to wake,not sure what to do.
Just then he hears a voice whisper, "The Lightning...Be her lightning rod..."
Eobard knows just what to do now, as he runs a hand over hers, his fingers sparking with red lightning, they spark her own fingers and with a jolt , a gasp leaves her mouth and Renee's eyes shoot open. She sees him their sitting over her. Her face shows a mix of emotions he wasn't ready to process at that moment. "Eo...what happened..."
Eobard smiles in both relief and sadness as he sees her. She's alive. A tear rolls down his cheek and he doesn't bother to hide it. He doesn't say anything right away, he just wants to her to see him for who he really is. He wants this moment between them to be genuine.
"I...we fought didn't we? I let Obsidian Storm take control?" Renee asks frowning, the last few minuetes a blur.
He nods slowly, his eyes glued on her. "Did I hurt you?" She asked, concerned.
Eobard hesitates for a moment then finally nods, but lets out a small laugh at the fact that she was concerned for him, the laugh comes out strained as he tries to keep his emotions from overwhelming him.
"I'm sorry I was just so..." Renee's voice catches and she can no longer hold back the sobs that escape her.
Eobard sits closer to her now, He wants to comfort her, protect her like all those times before, yes he remembers now. But he also knows how much damage he's done to her, how much trust he'd broken. He doesn't know what to say to comfort her, all he can do is watch her as she sobs. He can see all the pain and hurt washing over her. Eobard wants so much to heal her wounds but his powers are useless in this...he just keeps looking at her,his own heart breaking,waiting for her to say something more.
Renee finally does, "I messed up," She says tearfully, "I shouldn't have told you about reality shifting, about our future. It was better when it was just you who knew what would happen in the future....I shouldn't have rushed us. I messed up the whole damn timeline. Now you'll never..."
Eobard's heart breaks when he hears this. This is what did it...he's thinking back on everything that they'd shared since she'd told him about their future. All the mistakes that had happened, the decision he had made. It was all due to her trusting him with that knowledge. Maybe it was all his fault, Eobard knew better than to talk about the future, he should have stopped her. Instead he had been selfishly optimistic that they could get rid of the negative speed force for good and let it all happen. But he wants to hear her side of things, so he sits and waits.
"I just loved you so much," Renee continued, "Like before I thought turning off my emotions was easier than being without you. Turns out it just fuels resentment. Guess we are alike."
Eobard nods slowly, his eyes still glued to her. That was alot, he had so many questions. But now wasn't the right time. Now he just wants to hear her side of things, the truth not some watered down version of her emotions or what he wanted to hear...
"I do still love you," Renee admits,not looking at him, "But I don't want this to happen again. I wish I could tell you why I have so much faith in you, in us. But maybe you shouldn't know the future. Which is ironic considering how much more you know than others."
Eobard sighs as he takes it all in, a part of him wants to know everything about the future. But he realizes he probably shouldn't know the future. So he keeps quiet while she continues to talk. Her love for him doesn't surprise him but the fact that she would still want to be with him after everything he'd done...He notices the hint of hope and optimism in her eyes. Eobard doesn't want to ruin that.
The negative speed force had clouded his judgment for so many years. He had only had one well two singular focuses,killing The Flash and getting the future you back, he had taken for granted what was right in front of him. But it was clear now her love for him was real, as was his.
Renee looked at him, "Eo, is there anything you want to say? Other than we should probably apologize for trying to kill each other..."
Eobard chuckles gently at that. He looks down at her then. What more could he possibly say? All her words had led to this moment. He'd always been a man of action rather words. But it's time he put his words where is actions truly mattered. He wants to show her how he feels.
Eobard leans down and touches his forehead to hers. His feelings intense just by touching her. He wants so badly to say he's sorry for all the pain he's caused her. He wants them to forgive each other. He wants to take her in his arms but he doesn't push it. Instead he lets her take the lead.
"Eo...I know you want to show me through actions because emotions are hard for you but...can you try anyway?" Renee asks him.
Eobard doesn't like it but he tries anyway, "I...do love you. More than anything, more than anyone else. This isn't causel to me,you know that. You are my world...I'm sorry that I tried to control you. I should have been more patient with you, instead of forcing it. All of our fights turned into ones of control instead of trust."
Renee nods in agreement. "I know...see though you always fought to keep us together, when I let go, you didn't. So when you gave up this time It hurt and confused me then I just got angry. I mean you tried to change the future to get me back..."
That was true, everything he'd ever done was to bring you back. But it was also about getting what he wanted. Even when she let go, he couldn't. Which is why when he let go the last time it was such a surprise to her. Maybe something had finally changed for the better? He was going to try everything he could to make it so.
"I did want to change the future to bring you back." Eobard tells her, "You're the most important thing in my life and I don't care if I'm selfish. I just want another second chance."
"I know. I would have done the same. But I didn't have to you kept coming back yourself." She laughed lightly.
Eobard grins and laughs along with her. His heart feels like it's going to burst, his words not enough to express how he feels. As she looks into his eyes something inside him breaks and unable to stop himself he pulls her closer, wrapping his arms around her, he squeezes her tightly. His heart bursting with emotions as he holds her never wanting to let go.
Renee sobs against him. "Eo I don't want be without you. I break everytime you leave me, idk if have anything left if..."
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Eobard holds her even more when he hears this. He wants to tell her that he won't, he wants to be the one who breaks the cycle. "You don't have to worry about a future without me, because I'm not going anywhere. No matter what happens. We're stuck with each other."
Renee still appears worried, "But what about the speed force? I already changed the timeline I'm not sure if events will play out how I saw them."
That is a possibility he'd have to consider....but they'll cross that bridge when it's there. He's not worried about that in the moment. He's only worried about losing her. "That maybe true...But all I care about right now is you. No matter what happens from this point on, we'll make it through together. I will always be with you. I promise."
"Can you control it though." Renee asks, meaning the negative speed force.
Eobard hesitates for a moment before responding. " I would like to say yes...I can control it. There's no more negative speed force lingering anymore. I promise." Or so he thinks...
Renee looks at him then, "I mean...you're not supposed to be a good guy this early..."
Eobard chuckles and sighs loudly. Knowing that she's right. But he can't hide the positive energy he's feeling. He just smiles back at her, saying "Well..what I can say? You changed me."
Renee shakes her head at that. "I changed you back. Into who you were."
That was very true, the negative energy that had plagued him for 15 years was finally gone now...he felt like himself again. Who he was supposed to be. Holding her, this was who he was meant to be, not some evil genius. Because he had her.
"Eobard can I request something?"
Eobard nods still holding her. "yes of course."
Renee looks around but no one is around. "Could you look like Eobard again? Not who you are pretending to be, not Harrison and not Reverse Flash."
As soon as he hears her request, he understands who she means. She wants his true self, who he was in the beginning. Eobard nods and shifts into the real version of himself. The dark blond hair, the same blue eyes as before, with that adorable smile she loved so much. It's not the Thawne she disliked but the Eobard she had fallen for all those years ago.
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Renee touches the lines of his face,though most of it was smooth and the stubble around his chin. "There he is..."
A sense of relief and longing washes Eobard as her fingers run along his face. This is the moment he'd been looking forward to most. His true self was back. The one who would be her everything...all he wanted right now is just to be closer to her as possible. Eobard wraps his hands around her waist, pulling her even closer to him.
"I missed you." Renee murmurs against him.
"I missed you too...so much." Eobard says softly as he continues to hold her. Every part of him feels alive now...All those feelings that were buried under the negative speed force have returned...to finally be able to let again...was almost euphoric.
"You know I had a dream once...We were married, with beautiful blond kids, everything felt perfect, normal." Renee says wistful.
Eobard smiles wistfully. The possibility of that being a reality in the near future was something he had never dared hope for. But now it felt like it was finally in reach.
Renee holds him never wanting to let go. She had been so scared, she had thought she had lost him for good. And then Eobard realized something. Their fears were the same. If he had lost her forever, he would have no idea what to do with himself. The thought made his heart sink. He wa just so thankful they were able to rebuild, and in this moment he never wanted to let her go. Eobard's fingers brushes her skin,pulling her even tighter as he closes his eyes.
The energy from earlier had left her exhausted though. Eobard opens his eyes,noticing the lack of energy, he sighs and backs off her. "You're tired aren't you?"
"I did wear myself out." Renee admitted.
"alright well let's get you comfortable then." Eobard smiles as she starts to lay down.
Renee nods than says, "Eobard? Can you stay with me? Just hold me."
He nods with an understanding smile, at the moment he had no desire to be anywhere else. "Of course...how about I lay down with you? No pressure, I'll just make you comfortable..."
Renee agrees, "That sounds good." Eobard gently lays down with her, wrapping his arms around her body,snuggling close. His fingers tracing her skin, his eyes close,hoping they both can get some rest. The two of them sleep through the night, the rhythm of their breath and heart beat ever present as they lay close to one another. In their own world, their own reality. The world could burn around them and they wouldn't even notice.
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In the morning Eobard's eyes dart open as he hears a message on his phone. It's from Renee she must have sent him this in the middle of the night,while he was asleep. He looked over,she was still sleeping soundly next to him.
Eobard grabbed his phone,checking the message,his previous concern turned to one of joy as he saw the image...a pregnancy test and it was positive. His second chance.
To be continued...
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fishareglorious · 14 days
shamane nation im so happy for you guys eight patches without a garment and now he's going all tits out this summer of 2024
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fruit-kick · 10 months
the foundation offers arcanists the right to exist as long as they follow the foundation as martyrs, while manus offers humans the right to exist as long as they follow them as monsters. neither side is looking for equality. st pavlov seems like it, but their relationship with arcanists is conditional and controlled. their goal is less "humans and arcanists living together in harmony" and more "lessen the threat and utilize the power of arcanists for humans"
its easy to think of the foundation as the hero since we're experiencing the story as a member; surrounded by other members taught by the foundation, but at some point, it becomes clear they're not interested in the lives of arcanists
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teanosweet · 24 days
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schneiderenjoyer · 8 months
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The reason the whole age discourse is confusing is that bluepoch keeps pulling shit like THIS.
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cheemken · 4 months
Some Vertin thoughts I have, but do you ever think she and Matilda had this talk after seeing each other again?
I always imagine Vertin just coming up to her and hugging her, and Matilda being so flustered tried to push her away until she feels Vertin shaking like a leaf. Vertin's trying so hard to talk to her, saying she was so glad, so so glad Matilda backed out during the breakaway plan, cause she can't handle the thought of losing Matilda that night too
I think there's so much unexplored potential for these two. Like yeah, Sonetto regretted letting Vertin and the others go that night, but do you think it haunts Matilda too? That maybe she could've tried to talk them out of it, maybe then she and Vertin would still have their friends around
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