#Restaurant Olympia.
mayanfamilyrest · 2 hours
A masterpiece of flavors... Our Borrego! Have a tasty Saturday! #lacey #mexicanfood #laceywa
A masterpiece of flavors... Our Borrego! Have a tasty Saturday! #lacey #mexicanfood #laceywa
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lindaseccaspina · 10 months
More on the Olympia Restaurant 1960
July 1960 Almonte Fire Brigade was asked to send a pumper to help combat a fire in the business section of Carleton Place early Monday morning. The siren blew here at 4.10 and the engine made the run in record time. The fire destroyed a restaurant, barber shop and private garage on Bridge Street, the main thoroughfare of the neighbouring town. The Olympia Restaurant, in the kitchen of which it…
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shezanenigma · 1 year
Culinary Delights: Discovering the Best Restaurants in Washington State
July 11, 2023
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Art by, Shawna Loree
Washington state is not only renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty but also for its vibrant and diverse culinary scene. From farm-to-table eateries showcasing the state's fresh produce to fine dining establishments pushing the boundaries of gastronomy, Washington offers an array of exceptional restaurants to satisfy any discerning palate. In this article, we will embark on a culinary journey to explore some of the best restaurants in the Evergreen State.
Canlis (Seattle): Nestled on a hilltop in Seattle, Canlis has long been a beacon of elegance and sophistication. This iconic fine dining establishment offers breathtaking views of the city skyline and a meticulously crafted menu that emphasizes Pacific Northwest ingredients. With a blend of classic and contemporary dishes, Canlis promises an unforgettable dining experience.
The Herbfarm (Woodinville): For a truly immersive culinary adventure, The Herbfarm in Woodinville is unparalleled. This farm-to-table restaurant takes the concept to new heights by incorporating freshly harvested herbs and seasonal produce into every dish. Each meal is a multi-course extravaganza that showcases the flavors and aromas of the region, accompanied by carefully selected wines from their extensive cellar.
The Whale Wins (Seattle): Helmed by renowned chef Renee Erickson, The Whale Wins in Seattle's Fremont neighborhood captures the essence of rustic, wood-fired cooking. The menu celebrates the bounty of local farmers, featuring seasonal vegetables, fresh seafood, and succulent meats. With its warm and inviting atmosphere, The Whale Wins is the perfect spot for a relaxed yet exceptional dining experience.
The Herbfarm (Woodinville): An institution in Washington's culinary scene, The Herbfarm consistently delivers a memorable experience that combines gastronomy with education. Guests embark on a nine-course journey showcasing the region's seasonal ingredients, thoughtfully paired with wines, while being guided through the flavors and stories behind each dish.
Salish Lodge Dining Room (Snoqualmie): Perched atop Snoqualmie Falls, the Salish Lodge Dining Room offers a one-of-a-kind dining experience with panoramic views of the cascading waterfalls. The menu features Pacific Northwest-inspired cuisine, highlighting locally sourced ingredients. From delectable seafood to mouthwatering steaks, the dishes here reflect the essence of the region's culinary heritage.
Hogstone's Wood Oven (Orcas Island): Located on Orcas Island, Hogstone's Wood Oven is a hidden gem that epitomizes farm-to-table dining. The restaurant's commitment to sustainability is reflected in their seasonal menus, which showcase ingredients sourced from their own farm and local producers. From their wood-fired pizzas to inventive vegetable-focused dishes, Hogstone's delivers culinary delights that celebrate the island's bounty.
The Dining Room at Alderbrook Resort (Union): Nestled on the shores of Hood Canal, The Dining Room at Alderbrook Resort offers a captivating dining experience with stunning waterfront views. Their menu highlights Pacific Northwest flavors, featuring fresh seafood and locally grown ingredients. With an elegant ambiance and impeccable service, this restaurant is perfect for a special occasion or a romantic evening.
Washington state's culinary landscape is as diverse as its natural surroundings. From upscale fine dining establishments to charming farm-to-table eateries, the best restaurants in Washington offer a blend of creativity, local ingredients, and a celebration of the region's culinary heritage. Whether you're a local or a visitor, exploring these culinary destinations will undoubtedly leave you with a lasting appreciation for the exceptional gastronomy found in the Evergreen State.
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thedineandwine · 2 years
Foodie Adventures Beckon in Makati!
The Old Swiss Inn Restaurant at Somerset Olympia Makati is a great place to kick-start your day with a complimentary breakfast; the themed décor really adds to the charm, while there are plenty more culinary discoveries to be found within easy reach of this serviced residence in Makati as well.
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growingstories · 7 months
Hiding on a Greek island - part 2
Massimo, a 40-year-old ex-special forces operator, had spent his career as a bodyguard for high-level individuals. He was dedicated to protecting his clients and had even saved Eduardo's life after he was shot. they When found themselves in danger, they sought refuge on a secluded Greek island, where they hid in a house.
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However, life on the island posed new challenges for Massimo. His usual active lifestyle, focused on fitness and staying in shape, was disrupted. With no gym on the tiny island and the house situated on a hard-to-reach hill, exercise became a rare occurrence for him. On top of that, Eduardo, who was disabled at the time, relied on Massimo for transportation, making it difficult for him to prioritize his own well-being.
To add to the problem, the couple who cared for them, Stavros and his wife, provided ample amounts of delicious food. Eduardo's waistline began to expand rapidly without his usual exercise routine, and Massimo's chiseled abs were concealed beneath a layer of fat. Both men found solace in eating, with Massimo's frustration and boredom driving him to consume even more. Eduardo jokingly commented on his bodyguard's growing waistline, further highlighting the issue.
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Eduardo's blossoming romance with Alexios, the baker's son, exacerbated Massimo's weight gain. As Massimo frequently chauffeured the couple around the island, he found himself with ample idle time. Meanwhile, Eduardo and Alexios retreated to their private rooms, leaving Massimo with little else to occupy his time but eating. Alexios made sure there were plenty of pastries, and Massimo indulged to fill the void he felt. As he overheard the intimate sessions between Eduardo and Alexios, he used food to cope with his embarrassment.
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Though Massimo's muscles remained intact from years of training, they were merely concealed beneath the accumulating fat, giving him the appearance of a massive bull. However, when he met Alexios' sister, Olympia, who had returned from university, his attention diverted. They struck up conversations and enjoyed coffee during Massimo's waiting time, making the hours feel less monotonous. Olympia made a point to provide him with deablelect pieces of fresh baklava during their interactions, further fueling his growing appetite.
One fateful night, with Eduardo and Alexios in the house, Massimo took the opportunity to secretly go on a date with Olympia. Their evening was filled with passion and excessive indulgence in alcohol, inhibiting Massimo from safely operating his scooter back to the house. They succumbed to the dangers of drunken driving and spent a passionate yet secretive night together. Knowing the importance of his duty to protect Eduardo, Massimo departed early in the morning. Olympia, however, ensured he left with a substantial breakfast for the three men and an additional pastry for Massimo's journey. This clandestine affair continued for weeks without Eduardo noticing Massimo's prolonged absences.
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As the weeks passed, Eduardo's weight continued to climb. Despite his cramped polos and snug attire, he relished in the image of being the strong, larger bodyguard. Olympia also found pleasure in her relationship with Eduardo, making certain that her secret boyfriend was never left hungry. Unbeknownst to Alexios, his sister mirrored his actions, ensuring Massimo's insatiable appetite was always satisfied. Consequently, Massimo found himself steadily catching up to Eduardo's weight. The sight of two vain, macho men succumbing to their weakness for pastries thrilled Alexios, encouraging him to keep them coming.
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When Massimo deemed it safe to return to Italy, he felt a mixture of sadness to leave Olympia and relief at resuming his normal routine. Upon their return, Massimo yearned for the familiar restaurants he had missed and indulged in his favorite dishes several times a day for a week. Meanwhile, Eduardo decided to return to Greece and open a hotel, whereas Massimo found solace in being back on the mainland. After six weeks of savoring his favorite delicacies, Massimo's weight became noticeably larger. Realizing his need to get back into shape if he were to continue his career as a bodyguard, he attempted to go to the gym. However, after two years away from lifting weights, he quickly grew disheartened and found himself seeking comfort at the nearest bakery, ordering a light version of the baklava he had grown accustomed to in Greece, longing for Olympia's presence.
Feeling lost without a clear purpose, Massimo spent hours on the sofa, binge-watching Netflix and ordering copious amounts of food. His weight continued to climb, and Eduardo began to miss his loyal companion from their time in hiding. Concerned, Eduardo reached out to Massimo, checking in on him. Massimo confessed his struggles with weight gain and his failed attempts to get back in shape. Uncertain of his future now that bodyguarding seemed out of reach, Massimo's spirits plummeted. Eduardo, not wanting to lose Massimo's companionship, offered him a new position on the island as the building and construction manager instead of his bodyguard. Grateful, Massimo accepted the offer and boarded the first boat back to the island, where he was warmly greeted by Alexios and Olympia, who presented him with a hearty lunch. Massimo's heart swelled with joy as he settled back into his old routine, even if he was much larger than before.
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Reuniting with Eduardo, Massimo discovered that both had significantly gained weight. Unbeknownst to them, Olympia and Alexios had secretly fostered their lovers' weight gain, acting as feeders to satisfy their desires. Massimo confessed his affair with Olympia to Eduardo, who found the revelation amusing and enlightening. Realizing why Massimo had gained weight so rapidly, Eduardo asked Olympia to be his girlfriend, an offer she happily accepted. The couple moved into a small apartment above the bakery, where Olympia would prepare a sumptuous breakfast for Eduardo each morning and pack a substantial lunch. Eduardo, in turn, would order snacks from the bakery for the workers, and he would return home to a lavish dinner and passionate intimacy as a way to unwind. Their weight continued to climb, but both men found contentment in their lives. They had everything they desired, and there was no limit to their indulgence.
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sgiandubh · 3 months
25th of March is all Greek to me
After five years and a half of hard work and hard play in this country probably like no other, this is what I will miss the most about it:
That glass of Fokiano wine, lazily sitting and watching the world go by on the terrace of Manolis Hiras' restaurant, on the island of Lipsi:
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The morning shopping haul at the Convent of Pantanassa, at Mystras, the capital of the last Byzantine despotate that managed to resist the Ottoman conquest (but just for a little while) and the most plausible location for Sparta:
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The weekly Argos farmer's market hullaballoo, unchanged for more than 3000 years. Not Mexico - the Peloponnese:
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That jar of homemade sour cherry preserve kyria Stamatoula left on my windowsill, in Mitata (on the island of Kythira) one afternoon, just because:
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That soft light through the olive grove canopy at Olympia, where the Games started, their joyous energy still palpable:
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That particular blue sky at Delphi and nowhere else in the entire world:
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This stolen second at the Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, on the island of Patmos. Probably one of the places you'd happily haunt when you're gone:
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But above anything else, really anything else, this:
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I will tell you why just before leaving for good. Maybe it's not a spectacular story that sealed the deal between Mycenae and I, but it's mine.
Today is Greece's first and foremost National Day (they've got two of them, remember?) and also the Feast of the Annunciation, in the Greek-Orthodox calendar.
Ζήτω η 25η Μαρτίου!
Ζήτω το 1821!
Ζήτω η ΕΛΛΑΣ!
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brostateexam · 30 days
Kadesh Swanson has a rule at sit-down restaurants: He tips 10%. It’s half the norm (at least 20% these days), but it’s what he’s always done. “If servers want more, then they should put the same effort in that I took to earn that money,” he says. Swanson, 34, makes tobacco pipes and hosts taco pop-ups in Olympia, Washington, and sees a gratuity as a reflection of the service he’s offered. He’ll tip more occasionally when the experience feels exceptional, but never on takeout or counter-service orders. “You just came, did your job, and you left,” Swanson says of workers at limited-service restaurants.
A 2023 Pew Research Center study showed that people who have worked for tips are more likely to leave a gratuity. But that’s not the case for Swanson. Even running his own taco pop-ups at local breweries hasn’t changed his views on tipping. He considers his business model comparable to that of a fast-food restaurant: “It comes off the grill and someone hands it to you,” he says. Swanson appreciates a gratuity but admits that “my own business is not one that I would personally tip.” He may not be the average customer, but Swanson is not alone. There are diners across the country who view gratuity in its most literal sense—as totally discretionary.
Tipping has been a controversial topic pretty much forever—but it’s only gotten more polarizing. Stories of people shaming bad tippers are commonplace now, and tipping on everything from takeout to counter service has become the industry norm. Still, there are people among us who are actively resisting this movement. They rarely—if ever—tip 20%, and some believe that by withholding tips, they’re actually protesting an antiquated and inequitable system.
There’s a lot of these people: 5% of Americans never tip and 12% only sometimes leave a gratuity on their meals, according to Bankrate data. In a new YouGov etiquette survey, half of the more than 1,000 respondents indicated they think it’s “acceptable” to leave no tip after receiving “bad service.” That Pew Research Center survey of almost 12,000 adults found that more than half would tip 15% or less on “average—but not exceptional—food and service” at a restaurant. (One quarter of respondents said they would still leave 20% or more, and 2% said they wouldn’t tip at all.)
“I believe the role of tipping should be to incentivize and reward excellent service,” says Anda Galffy, a 69-year-old travel blogger who was born in Europe but now lives in Southern California. “It has nothing to do with generosity.”
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occurring to me that I somehow literally have not mentioned this on here yet but I moved!! into an actual normal human sized 2 bedroom apartment with my partner and our 2 friends in a neighborhood that actually feels like a place where actual real life human beings live. cannot stress how absolutely perfect the area is like it almost feels like the downtown/main street area of a smaller town like Eugene or Olympia which imo after living near actual downtown seattle for the last half a year (and wanting to blow my fucking brains out every time i stepped outside after a certain point) feels like the perfect middle ground between still cool/exciting/urban and residential. grocery store across the street a million genuinely affordable little restaurants and bars all fucking over the place (which btw I'm so fucking hype about because seeing/smelling all the restaurants I'd walk past in belltown that I would never in my life be afford made me want to kill myself) and my favorite beach park in the city is literally a mile and half down our street. kicks ass
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dr-trafalgar-law · 2 months
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Trafalgar Law X CisFem Reader
“I didn't know I'd feel relieved after ordering a dress.” you sat across from your fiance at a cozy little bistro you'd picked for lunch.
“I didn't really understand why it was such a big deal until today.” He replied picking up the menu in front of him.
“That hit me at dress number four.” You chuckled, “I feel like you saved the day.”
Law lifted the tri-fold laminate to hide the odd surge of pride he was feeling.
“That's a bit much.” He managed evenly, “All I did was pick something I thought you might like.”
“Well, it is perfect.” You smiled glancing down at the menu.
All of your reactions today had him feeling a bit cocky. He'd been the source of that happiness and Goddamn if that wasn't an addicting high. It was more than that though, part of your elation was the unexpected show of affection in the dressing room. Whatever rare occasion Law touched you was warm and comforting. This small kiss on the forehead was electric. Shivers wiggled down your spine just reflecting on it.
“Do you come here often?” He asked, still perusing the restaurant's offerings.
“I used to when I wasn't burying myself in work. A friend of mine from culinary school owns it.”
He glanced up, interested in this newly offered information, “You went to school with Sanji-ya?”
“Small world it seems. How do you know him?” You asked.
“Through an infuriating acquaintance.” He grimaced.
“Oh, now that sounds interesting.” Your chuckle faded as realization washed over you, “Luffy.”
Law's brows raised, he shouldn't have been surprised. Your cousin hung out with Sanji and Luffy too.
“Smaller world than I thought.” He murmured, “You used to hang out with them?”
You shifted and cleared your throat.
“Something wrong?” He asked, watching your disposition change.
“I mean… to answer your question, kind of? Luffy is Zoro's best friend.”
Law sat forward as it clicked, “The little brother?”
You nodded.
The raven sighed, “Will everything always come back to that guy?”
“I really wish it didn't.” You slouched forward a bit.
“Sorry,” Law reached across the table and hesitated briefly before touching your wrist, “I didn't mean to ruin the mood.”
His hand was so soft and warm, you fought the urge to hold it, opting instead to stay still.
“No, you didn't ruin anything. It's actually something we should talk about.” Your gaze rose from his tattooed fingers just before he pulled away.
“Maybe not in public.” He glanced around, “Let's get back to the issue at hand. What would you recommend ordering?”
He’d found that getting you to talk about something you had passion for usually brightened you right up.
You sat up and flipped the menu between the two of you to show him all of your favorite items. He leaned in resting his chin in his palm, pleased with the mood change.
Soon your orders arrived as the conversation continued comfortably.
“So did you decide on going back to Olympia to look for your suit?”
He nodded, finishing his last bite, “I forgot to tell you, Cora-ya will be coming next weekend to help me.”
“Is he going to stay with us?” Your eyes lit up.
“Well, I assumed he'd stay at a hotel. Our place is small.” He answered appreciating your excitement.
Our place.
The phrase sent a flutter through your chest.
“It's a two bedroom apartment.” You deadpanned moving your napkin from your lap to the table.
“I guess I can take the couch so he can have my room.” He suggested thoughtfully.
You cocked a brow at him, “Is sleeping with me that bad?”
Law’s eyes widened as his face heated up, “I'm sorry?”
“Wai-I -” You covered your face and let out an embarrassed chuckle, “I meant like, if I snored or something.”
A soft laugh rumbled through your fiance's chest as he reached forward to gently move your hands from your face. The amused look on his face had you frozen for a moment.
That smile could end wars.
“You don't snore,” he assured, “I just didn't want to invite myself into your room.”
Your gaze trailed down to your hands resting in his, “I appreciate that. You can stay in mine.”
“Thank you.” He murmured.
“Look at the two of you, charming everyone around you.” A familiar voice chimed as a plate softly clacked against the table.
“Sanji.” You straightened yourself out now that you'd been reminded you were in public.
“I couldn't let my beautiful former study partner leave without her favorite dessert.” He'd placed a small plate of strawberry shortcake between you.
“Awe thank you.” You smiled up at him, “I'll hook you up next time you stop by the bakery.”
“Sanji-ya,” Law nodded toward your friend.
“Tra-guy, it's been a while. I see you're doing well.” Sanji shook his hand.
“Tra-guy?” You echoed.
“You know how Luffy is with names.” The blonde winked at you.
“How's Pudding? I heard about the bed-rest.” You changed the subject, deciding to circle back to Law's nickname when you had him alone.
Sanji's blue eyes sparkled at the mention of his wife. He immediately launched into an update on her pregnancy and gushed so much you almost wished you hadn't asked. You were glad she was well and the bed-rest was just a precaution due to high blood pressure. After the catch up and a few pictures your former classmate excused himself to get back to work.
“I definitely ate too much.” You sighed entering your apartment.
“What should we do with the afternoon?” Law asked removing his shoes and placing them with yours by the door.
“First, stretchy pants.” You suggested.
“And then?” He prompted removing the dark knit sweater he'd had covering the worn black t-shirt he had on underneath.
“I'm fine with whatever you choose Tra-guy~”
His sweater flopped over your head and shoulders as you tried to make a dash for your room.
“Not you too.” He grumbled blithely.
You gasped dramatically and pulled the garment off your head, “That’s abuse.”
“You're ridiculous.” His lips upturned enjoying this playful side of you.
“I could have fallen.” You pushed the sweater against his chest.
“I'm a doctor,” he leaned over you and dropped his voice, “I'd take care of you.”
That silver gaze flitted from your lips to your eyes so quickly you had to have imagined it. His expression was relaxed but there was something there he was holding back. Torn between learning what the consequences would be and being afraid to let you into his world completely - he held his breath.
It was a subtle but bold move. Wanting to match his energy and ride out the high of this tension without taking a move your brain might not be ready for - you gently nuzzled his cheek.
“I know you would.” Your fingertips brushed the sharp line of his jaw.
The rush of cool air that hit him as you stepped back was sobering. He cursed under his breath as you made your way to your room to change. Kissing your forehead earlier in the day suddenly didn't feel as intimate.
Confirming you wanted the affection was like opening the door to a locked room.
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scavengedluxury · 2 years
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Olympia restaurant, Uránváros, 1962. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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craftypeaceturtle · 6 months
Something stupid...
I recently rewatched tmnt 2012 and thought... wow, there's loads of fully rendered and designed shops in the background. Has anyone ever listed them all for reference?
I didn't even check the fandom wikia so maybe someone has. But hey ho. I've done it now.
So here's all the shops and comics shown in the TMNT 2012 series, for your reference fellow writers and other insane people.
Comic books seen throughout the series:
'From the Sewer' (S1 E1, 08:09)
'Martial Pain' (S1 E4, 09:00)
'Famous Creatures of […] Town' (S1 E7, 22:49) **couldn't make out one of the words, sorry!
'Corps Cadares: The Dead Will Save the Earth' (S1 E11, 04:08)
'The Timely Times' (S1 E20, 09:43)
'Diabolical Dead' (S1 E20, 09:43)
'Barbarian' (S1 E20, 09:43)
'Space Heroes' (S1 E23, 10:08) -- Leo collects.
'Tales from the Cosmos' (S2 E2, 00:46)
'Dude' (S2 E4, 10:04)
'Modern Ninja Magazine' (S2 E7, 00:50) --Raph collects.
'Shock Techno' (S2 E10, 00:19)
'Weekly Weird News' (S2 E14, 28:17)
'Green with Envy' (S2 E16, 10:17)
'Split' (S3 E5, 05:45)
'Wingnut' (S4 E19, 00:12)
'Arachnid Man' (S4 E19, 00:27)
'Superb Man' (verbal, not physically shown- S4 E19, 00:29)
'Fantastic Four Food Groups' (S4 E19, 00:31) --heavily associated with Raph.
'Dracula's Castle' (S5 E17, 07:19) -- heavily associated with Mikey.
'Vampire Hunter' (S5 E17, 07:18) --heavily associated with Mikey.
Shops seen throughout the series: Book Store (S1 E1, 10:28)
Second Time About (S1 E1, 13:21) -- April stayed with her Aunt above this shop.
Vlad's Repo Depot (S1 E1, 19:31)
Kingfisher Antique/Rare Buy.Sell Jewelry (S1 E1, 21:30)
Fortune Cookie (S1 E3, 14:32) --Purple Dragon base
Rock Bottom Boxing Club (S1 E4, 10:27)
Old Chinatown Tattoo Company (S1 E4, 10:27)
Downtown Athletic Club (S1 E4, 16:08)
Futua-noid Electronics (S1 E5, 17:38)
Pet Supplies (S1 E5, 17:38) -- right next to an alleyway, so I would guess that this the pet store the turtles were bought from.
Mad Wax Records (S1 E5, 17:46)
Everything Store (S1 E5, 17:47)
Dim Sum Then Sum (S1 E7, 12:24)
Laundromat (S1 E7, 13:03)
The Olympia Diner (S1 E8, 02:35)
Tidal Wave Fresh Fish (S1 E8 09:24)
Balzac Chateau du Beuf (S1 E9, 00:32)
Pocket full of Rosies (S1 E9, 00:43)
Wolf Hotel (S1 E9, 13:48) --first met Shredder.
Chinese Herbs and Health (S1 E10, 15:28)
Antonio's Pizza-Rama (S1 E13, 04:53)
Produce City (S1 E16)
(Closed down) Maramba … Shop (S1 E14, 00:35)
Chilly Chillkins Refrigeration company (S1 E14, 21:03)
Roosevelt High School (S1 E15, 09:05)
Comics (S1 E15, 09:05)
Worldwide Genome Project (WGP) (S1 E15, 15:13) --used as Kraang base.
Sweet Dreams Ice Cream (S1 E17 00:27)
Madam Alahazam Fortune Teller (S1 E17 00:27)
Wam-Bam-Pow Comics (S1 E17 00:25)
D.W Yatt Apothecary Est.1875 (S1 E16)
Magic Middleton's Tricks and Costumes (S1 E21, 13:09)
Ziga's Transmission Allignment Collision Tune-Up Autobody (S1 E24, 11:46) --used as Kraang base.
Argosy Theatre (S2 E1, 01:19)
Newstand (S2 E4, 10:04)
Midtown Ice Rink (S2 E6, 06:29)
Barber Shop (S2 E8, 00:11)
Lox Schmear & Java (S2 E19, 17:21)
Bernie's General (S3 E5, 04:44)
Comet Cleaners (S3 E11, 03:29)
Play Pier (S3 E11, 09:03)
Auman Chemicals (S3 E14, 14:53)
Channel 6 (S4 E10, 07:40)
AMAS: Allied Martial Arts Supply (S4 E15, 13:24) -- Used to hold Shredder/Foot Clan's weapons.
Cowabunga Skates (S4 E17, 05:20)
Run Jump Kick (S4 E17, 05:20)
Dell Abate Ristorante (S4 E18, 06:25) -- Don Vizioso's restaurant.
Felipe's (S4 E18, 16:27)
Hicnight Hotel (S4 E18, 17:16) --Don Vizioso's base.
Mini Mart (S5 E3, 16:19)
Friendly Jack's Loans (S5 E3, 17:43)
Wan Dingo's House of Curiosities and Oddities (S5 E5, 13:28)
Shanghai Sternn's Stir Fry (S5 E10, 12:04)
The episode timestamps might not be totally accurate since I was watching this on a... ahem... legal website.
The timestamps are from when you could clearly and obviously see the shop signs. Like, Ziga's is visible from like episode one but couldn't be clearly read.
Some of the comics were just in shop windows and not really associated with a character so be careful. That is not a list of every comic the turtles have read. Like the Timely Times has only been in the background, not read by a particular turtle.
There were LOADS of shops where the shop name was in Chinese (or Japanese, I don't know) and so I couldn't list. Most of the shops by the Chinatown arch weren't in english. That's why even Murakami's shop isn't listed here. Because the actual shop name wasn't in english.
Thanks for reading through this. Hopefully this was useful for... anyone out there.
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mayanfamilyrest · 21 hours
Fridays calls for HAPPY HOUR! Visit us at any of our three locations: Marvin Rd ☎️(360)456-8222 Yelm Hwy ☎️(360)459-0818 Pacific Ave ☎️(360)491-8244 or 📲 Place your order online to start your order today! https://order.toasttab.com/.../a32358a2-bdfc-4f90.../default
Fridays calls for HAPPY HOUR! Visit us at any of our three locations: Marvin Rd ☎️(360)456-8222 Yelm Hwy ☎️(360)459-0818 Pacific Ave ☎️(360)491-8244 or 📲 Place your order online to start your order today! https://order.toasttab.com/.../a32358a2-bdfc-4f90.../default
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homomenhommes · 2 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … April 18
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382 BC – Philip II of Macedon, ancient Greek king and military genius - the actual date is unknown, so we'll use today. (d.336 BC). He served as king from 359 BC until his assassination in 336 BC. He was the father of Alexander the Great, Philip III and possibly Ptolemy I, the founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt. Philip was the ancient military genius who defeated the combined Athenian and Theban army and conquered all of Greece, setting in motion the grandiose ambitions of his son Alexander.
Philip II, like his son, pursued young lovers tirelessly all his life. His very death came at the hand of a vengeful former beloved, Pausanias, who had been spurned by the king.
The reasons for Pausanias' assassination of Philip are difficult to fully expound. The only contemporary account in our possession is that of Aristotle who states rather tersely that Philip was killed because Pausanias had been offended by Attalus, the king's father-in-law.
Fifty years later, the historian Cleitarchus expanded and embellished the story. Centuries later, this version was to be narrated by Diodorus Siculus and all the historians who used Cleitarchus. According to the sixteenth book of Diodorus' history, Pausanias had been a lover of Philip, but became jealous when Philip turned his attention to a younger man, also called Pausanias. The older Pausanius' taunting of the new lover caused the younger man to throw away his life, which turned his friend Attalus against Pausanias. Attalus took his revenge by inviting Pausanias to dinner, getting him drunk, then subjecting him to sexual assault.
When Pausanias complained to Philip the king felt unable to chastise Attalus, as he was about to send him to Asia with Parmenion, to establish a bridgehead for his planned invasion. He also married Attalus's niece, or daughter, Eurydice. Rather than offend Attalus, Philip tried to mollify Pausanias by elevating him within the bodyguard. Pausanias' desire for revenge seems to have turned towards the man who had failed to avenge his damaged honour; so he planned to kill Philip, and some time after the alleged rape, while Attalus was already in Asia fighting the Persians, put his plan in action.
Other historians (e.g., Justin 9.7) suggested that Alexander and/or his mother Olympias were at least privy to the intrigue, if not themselves instigators. The latter seems to have been anything but discreet in manifesting her gratitude to Pausanias, according to Justin's report: he says that the same night of her return from exile she placed a crown on the assassin's corpse and erected a tumulus to his memory, ordering annual sacrifices to the memory of Pausanias.
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1925 – John Paul De Cecco (d.2017) was an American academic. He was a professor of psychology at San Francisco State University, the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Homosexuality from 1975 to 2009, and a "pioneer of sexuality studies."
John Paul De Cecco was born in Erie, Pennsylvania. He had four siblings, and he was of Italian descent. His father was a restaurant and property owner. His three maternal uncles were members of the Mafia who "married prostitutes."
De Cecco graduated from Allegheny College, where he earned a bachelor of science degree in biology in 1946. He subsequently earned a master's degree and a Ph.D. in European history from the University of Pennsylvania, in 1949 and 1953 respectively. He took additional coursework in educational psychology at Michigan State University. He also attended Columbia University in 1968-1970.
De Cecco became an assistant professor of education and psychology at San Francisco State University in 1960. He eventually became a full professor of psychology.
De Cecco took part in the opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War. He was a member of the Gay Activists Alliance and the faculty adviser of the Gay Students Coalition at SFSU, co-founded by Mark Thompson. With Michael G. Shively, De Cecco was the co-founder of the Center for Homosexual Education, Evaluation and Research (CHEER) at SFSU in 1975. De Cecco served as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Homosexuality from 1975 to 2009. Additionally, he was a "member and sponsor" of the GLBT Historical Society.
He was described as a "pioneer of sexuality studies" who had been "in the forefront of three decades of change in gay-related academia".
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1934 – Mark Frankland, British journalist (d.2012), was recruited to MI6 as a young man but left to become a distinguished foreign correspondent for The Observer, principally in Moscow. But though he worked for the paper for more than 30 years, he remained an enigma to his Observer colleagues, who failed to penetrate the mysteries of his family background and his carefully protected personal life.
It was only through his memoir, Child of My Time, written when he was 65, that they learned that he was gay.
His father, Roger, became a wing commander in the war and served at Bletchley Park. Mark's parents were plainly unhappy. They divorced while Mark and his elder brother Timothy were away at school. Mark's mother's second marriage also failed and she became an alcoholic.
Frankland was a withdrawn figure – tall, thin, with penetrating eyes behind rimless glasses, giving little away about himself but inquiring eagerly about the people he was talking to. This was not only a useful quality for a journalist but also for a spy, which he became after graduating from Cambridge.
For National Service, Frankland volunteered for the Royal Navy, where there was an appetite for people with proven ability as Russian translators. He liked learning Russian, rapidly acquiring a working knowledge. And, as he revealed in his memoir, the navy provided the 18-year-old Frankland with a newfound opportunity for gay sex. This section of his memoir rather startled some old friends. It was not that anybody doubted his sexuality, but he had always been discreet about it; neither proud nor ashamed to be gay. Just was.
His knowledge of Russian, which he had learned during National Service with the Navy, marked him out to MI6, and Frankland was recruited after helping a Polish student escape to the West when he was attending a conference in Warsaw.
He was trained to pick locks, use codes and secret inks and eat messages written on special paper. He also learned how to fire a Browning automatic pistol and how to send signals from a beach to a submarine. In an exercise he failed to shake off pursuers who were tailing him, despite jumping on and off Underground carriages as the doors were about to close, as he had seen done in films.
Eventually, after working in MI6's headquarters, he refused a posting to Africa and decided that the world of espionage, dealing in "boyish tricks and thuggery, stealth and deceit", was not for him. He resigned after a year, which was virtually unheard of.
He had no training as a journalist before joining the Observer in 1962 and had to be given lessons in newspaper writing by the veteran Soviet correspondent, Edward Crankshaw.
Frankland's appearance in Moscow as a journalist raised eyebrows at MI6. They thought he might be turned by the Russians if they learned of his intelligence background – as they might well do, given that the traitor George Blake, who had worked in Broadway Buildings when Frankland was there, had compiled a list of British spies for his Kremlin masters.
MI6 approached him and asked him to report on the Russians he was seeing. When he refused, he felt that a black mark had been placed against his name and he was given an uncomfortable grilling at the Ministry of Defence. He sensed he was being followed and that a watch was kept on his London house.
When he was asked bluntly by a colleague in later years "Does one ever really leave MI6?", he replied non-committally: "Now there's a question." In fact, as he explained in his memoir, he found himself caught in a curious espionage halfway house, not fully trusted by London, and certainly not by Moscow.
Frankland made a point of studying the language, history and culture of all the countries he reported on. He was profoundly affected by the war in Vietnam and later helped a Vietnamese family to settle in the West. The war left him with grave doubts about America, but he grew to love the country when The Observer sent him there. In Japan he learned the language and immersed himself in the country's customs. In Czechoslovakia he became a friend of Vaclav Havel.
Mark Frankland was survived by his long-time partner, Dang Thuong Nguyen, a Vietnamese painter and poet.
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1963 – Heterosexual Eric McCormack is a Canadian/American actor, musician, writer and producer, best known for playing a gay man in Will and Grace. Born in Toronto, he began his acting career performing in school plays at Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute High School.
For much of the late 1990s, he lived in Los Angeles and had minor roles. He made his feature film debut in the 1992 science fiction The Lost World. McCormack appeared in multiple television series roles, including Top Cops, Street Justice, Lonesome Dove: The Series, Townies, and Ally McBeal. McCormack later gained worldwide recognition for playing Will Truman in the American sitcom Will & Grace, which premiered in September 1998. His performance earned him a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series in 2001.
McCormack received his break-through role in 1998 when he was cast as lawyer Will Truman on NBC's sitcom Will & Grace, a series centered on a gay man (Will) and his Jewish best friend (Grace). McCormack said that when the part came along, he was convinced he was right for the role. "At the end of the audition, Max [Mutchnik, co-creator and executive producer of the show] said 'That was perfect. Just to let you know, you never have to be more gay than that.'"
He explained that when he first read the script, "what hit me immediately was that this was me. I mean, sexual orientation aside, Will was so much like me. He's a great host, he's relatively funny and he has great friends and he's a good friend to them ... the gay issue just wasn't really a big thing."
The show debuted on September 21, 1998 and was watched by almost 8.6 million American viewers. Will and Grace quickly developed a loyal audience, with the show and McCormack receiving strong reviews. John Carman of the San Francisco Chronicle commented that McCormack and Messing worked "nicely" together. Kay McFadden of The Seattle Times also praised McCormack, Messing and the supporting cast as "very funny". For this performance, he earned four Emmy Award nominations (2000, 2001, 2003, 2005), one of which resulted in a win (2001), for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series. In addition, he received five Golden Globe Award nominations.
McCormack is a supporter of same-sex marriage and attended a march in Fresno, California, on May 30, 2009, after the Supreme Court of California upheld a ban on same-sex marriage approved by voters in November by ballot Proposition 8.
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1950 – Kenny Ortega is an American film and television producer, director, and choreographer, best known for directing Hocus Pocus, the High School Musical trilogy and Michael Jackson's This Is It concerts.
Ortega was born in Palo Alto, California. Initially known for working with dancer and choreographer Gene Kelly on the film Xanadu, Ortega went on to choreographing the dance for the Menudo video "Hold Me", as well as the 1987 film Dirty Dancing, and has won awards for choreography in music videos, such as Madonna's "Material Girl". He also worked with The Tubes on their stage shows and directed the video for She's a Beauty.
Ortega directed Billy Squier's "Rock Me Tonite" video, which is often cited as the worst music promo clip ever made and has been blamed by Squier for killing his career. Together with Michael Jackson, he created and designed the Dangerous World Tour 1992-1993 and the HIStory World Tour 1996-1997. He has also choreographed events ranging from Super Bowl XXX, the 72nd Academy Awards, the 1996 Summer Olympics (Atlanta) and the 2002 Winter Olympics (Salt Lake City).
In addition, Ortega has directed and choreographed High School Musical, High School Musical 2, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, and was choreographer of The Cheetah Girls 2.
In May 2009, Ortega began work on the scheduled Michael Jackson 50-date This Is It concerts, which was cancelled subsequent to Jackson's sudden death. He directed the concert film Michael Jackson's This Is It which was put together from rehearsal footage recorded at the Los Angeles Forum and the Staples Center.
Ortega directed the Michael Jackson Public Memorial at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, which was broadcast live on several networks on July 7, 2009. It reached a television audience of 31 million in America, and more than 1 billion worldwide and via the internet. At the end of the service, he introduced a rendition of Jackson's 1985 charity single "We Are the World" created for the This Is It concerts, featuring Jackson's backing singers on lead vocals with his dancers performing around them.
On May 12, 2014, Ortega guest-judged on the 18th season of Dancing with the Stars during the semifinals.In the clip below he talks about life as a gay man today:
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1976 – Today's the birthday American actor and singer and multiple Tony award nominee Gavin Creel.
Born in Findlay, Ohio, Creel received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in musical theatre at the University of Michigan in 1998. He most recently portrayed Claude in the new Broadway revival of Hair for which he received a Tony nomination for Best Actor. Gavin has also appeared on Broadway as Jean-Michel in the 2005 revival of La Cage Aux Folles. He received a Best Actor Tony nomination for his performance as Jimmy Smith in Thoroughly Modern Millie. Creel originated the role of Hollis Bessemer in the premiere of the Stephen Sondheim musical Bounce. Creel's debut album is titled GoodTimeNation with collaborator Robbie Roth and continues to perform his original music.
Creel, who is openly gay, is a regular on the LGBT RFamilyVacations cruise with Rosie O'Donnell. He is also one of the founders, with Rory O'Malley and Jenny Kanelos, of Broadway Impact, an organization fighting for equality and the LBGT community.
Creel's latest single, "Noise," released in December 2011 and co-written with songwriter Robbie Roth, is intended to raise funds and support for marriage equality across the country. To promote the single, Creel and Roth, along with their friend and colleague, Newsies star Andrew Keenan-Bolger, created a groundbreaking new music video for "Noise," which tackles the entire history of the gay rights movement, and presents it as a pop-visual presentation.
You can find and download the song at iTunes. ($0.99)
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1983 – Kansas passes a new sodomy law that makes sodomy for hire a less serious crime than not for hire.
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hiddenlilja · 1 month
who?: @theportaraceli where?: near tiber bay, the city of eterna, lysara notes: thank you kindly for your patience <3
The evening was cool and dim by the time Lilja emerged. The sun long since sunk past the great Tower of Olympia, visible from almost any point in the city, along with most of the shorter, squatter buildings, as well. All the same, the dhampir drew the hood of her cloak about her head, her reddish eyes flicking nervously from one end of the alley to the other, like an animal testing the safety of an open clearing. There was a gentle breeze tugging at the hem of her cloak, fluttering the pendants and banners tacked over the entryways of shops and restaurants. It carried with it the briny scent of the bay—her unspoken destination. She had learned there was always something to be overhead amidst the bustling of merchants unloading and loading their ships, in the calls of traders up and down the docks.
What she did not anticipate was the sudden flash of a familiar face; eyes she had known from the other side of the sea, hands that had helped carry her here. She turned in the other direction, almost as if to make off before she could be seen, but her path was squarely blocked by two men carrying a long chest of silks off a merchant ship. She turned back again, and the crowd seemed to jostle her along, closer so that Lilja almost could not help the moment her eyes locked with Araceli's. "Oh," She said simply, her tone cool but her smile soft as she held the other woman's gaze. "It is you."
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The records ✨
The saga of a Brazilian fan in London when she saw SH in a restaurant. She filmed him outside the “Enoteca Rosso” on the corner of Melbury Road and Kensington High St in London, just a 10-minute walk from the Hyrox London (Olympia event).
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A Brazilian Sassenach, trying to benefit, not be afraid of ridiculous herself, easily feels self-conscious to ask for a foto 🤦‍♀️ The fan doesn't mention when it is, but the video was posted on TikTok on 4th May - @swiannymenezes share this video on https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMGnjFTx/
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Translation: I'm going to post the video without sound because I was just saying “What a shame" to be filming him hidden. 😂
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It looks like this video was made during the first day of Sarah's race (Saturday) sitting at a table for four.
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If anyone think a lunch at ROSSO is a “date” where she counts the carbohydrates in her diet with a planned meal? It doesn't sound “romantic” at all. The answer may be complex and varied, but why didn't they sit at a table for two like the couple behind them?
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They both live off applause, and we didn't get to see Sam applauding during her race, so if he wants it, he should make sure to show it to her.
Why do comments about a particularly volatile date always appear when she's not around her son? If you think that a supposed date will be exclusively with the mother, then he should not go out with her 🙅‍♂️
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It seems that only foreign tourists recognise him. In the UK they don’t give him any relevance.😂
Posted 5th May 2024
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Betrayal (10)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Crossover of Spooks and Pilgrimage (Modern AU)
Pairings: Lucas North x OC/Raymond de Merville x OC
Warnings: Love triangle. Angst. Language. Sexual references/language. Cheating. Stalking.
Summary: Amy Holland is Lucas North’s girlfriend of six months. Amy is aware of his job as an MI-5 agent and supports him. However, Lucas’ cousin, Raymond de Merville, has always loved Amy and uses their one night stand together as leverage for something more.
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in. I’m gradually removing people from my tag lists who do not interact.
Amy had now been back in Coventry for around ten days, residing in her old bedroom. The walls had been re-painted; now beige, rather than the deep lilac she had always been used to. Her furniture had either been set for being sold online, or was now gracing the house somewhere. Her work transfer had been slightly delayed, giving her a few weeks to get accustomed to life back home before going into a new employment environment.
On the second Friday of being back home, Amy got herself prepared for a meal she had arranged with Lucas. He had invited her to spend time with him in town at a new Italian restaurant that had opened. Raymond had practically turned into a ghost. No communication. Nothing.
After stepping out of the shower, Amy styled her short hair, which was now growing fairly long in comparison to the medium-length pixie cut she had sported only six weeks ago. It annoyed her how quickly hair grew and how much maintenance short hair needed. She picked up her bottle of Olympia perfume by Paco Rabbane, the one fragrance that was Lucas' favourite on her. She remembered how just after their first official date and kiss, he had mentioned how it was the first thing he noticed upon their very first meeting at their local cafe - the scent of Olympia wafting from over his shoulder.
Amy stared at the bottle, wondering whether to put it on or not. Any kind of seduction or flirting was not on the list of intentions for the evening. She missed Lucas, more so every day. She missed waking up next to him whenever they stayed over at one of their flats. She missed the comfort, the warmth, the intimacy. She missed the trust she had in him. For those six months, Lucas had been her life.
Lucas arrived promptly at seven outside Amy's house, and walked up to the front door, only to see it open and her beautiful face appear before him. She looked up at him and blushed, subconsciously brushing a loose piece of hair behind her ear. It took him back to their first date together; she had been nervous, flushed in her face, and stuttered a little. He looked upon the frilly white blouse she was wearing, which accented her generous breasts perfectly.
Amy couldn't help but feel her gut curl at the sight of Lucas. He was wearing a navy blue shirt and black over jacket; comfort with a slight hint of sophistication. She smelt his cologne, fresh with a touch of sandalwood. Was that the one she had brought him for Christmas?
"How have you been? Did you travel up today?" Amy asked, as both of them walked down the front garden path towards Lucas' car, a black BMW.
"Yeah, I got up here early afternoon and I've booked into a hotel overnight," he replied. "The Hilton just a few miles away."
Their conversation continued on as they got in the car and Lucas pulled away from the kerb and took off into town. They mused over each other's day, commented on the terrible weather that afternoon, and then the conversation dropped a little.
Amy looked at Lucas' hand which was propped against the gearstick. She wanted that hand to touch her, caress her. It made her think on their lovemaking. Tender, loving. Lucas always took his time, nothing rushed. That hand had been acquainted with her many times.
"I....I've missed you," Amy said.
Lucas was just pulling into the restaurant car park as she spoke those words. He switched off the ignition and rested back in his seat, then looked over at her sat beside him. Her perfume. It made him smile and his heart fluttered in his chest. "I love you." His voice cracked slightly as he spoke. "Being away from you has..."
"Shhh," Amy cooed, taking his hand. "It's okay. I know it's been hard. I just can't forgive myself for what's happened."
"Things take time. Sometimes forgiving yourself is harder than forgiving others."
"That's definitely true."
Raymond waited outside the restaurant, after following Lucas' car. The tracker he had got hold of had worked like magic. Now the terrible wait came.
Over two hours before he finally saw Lucas and Amy re-appear. She was now holding on to Lucas' arm, smiling, and looking a lot more comfortable in comparison to when she went in.
Raymond waited a few minutes, allowing Lucas to leave. Then he looked down at his phone, tracing the red circle along the winding roads.
By the time Raymond found the destination of Lucas, he growled. It was paid parking only. The Hilton customer car park. However, he was able to catch sight of Lucas and Amy walking in through the main front entrance of the hotel, before he was forced to take his car down a back street to park.
On his phone, Raymond looked through the data which was held on Lucas' car. He had stopped briefly for a few minutes, at seven exactly, in a residential area. This must have been where he had picked Amy up from.
Amy woke the next morning, lying next to Lucas. He was still asleep, his dark eyelashes fluttering. He seemed at peace, unlike many nights when she had woke up with him after a nightmare. She shifted a little in the bed, and looked over at the bedside clock. 6:30.
"Morning, you," Lucas whispered, waking from his slumber. He smiled upon seeing her. For a brief second, he felt as if he were in a dream, not quite yet back in reality.
"Morning, love," Amy replied. She moved in and placed a kiss against his lips, listening to him groan.
The night previous had been murder for him. He knew that Amy was holding back. There had been the odd touch of hands, holding of arms, but no more contact than that. Even though they were lying next to each other, having slept in the same bed, no physical intimacy had occurred.
The kiss grew deeper, more needing, more wanting. Amy slid over Lucas, straddling him. She laced a hand in his, and felt him grip it. Her hips began to grind against his, and immediately she could feel his erection pressing on her. That sensation of his arousal pulled her out of the trance which had overcome her. "I'm sorry," she whimpered, and pulled herself off him and away.
Raymond waited for Amy that afternoon. He'd followed her from her home address, having parked outside, in the general vicinity that his phone app had given him from the data against Lucas' car.
He knew she'd stayed the night with Lucas. Then she'd been dropped off by Lucas at around midday.
The shopping centre where Amy had disappeared to was fairly busy, but nothing like London. Raymond kept his distance, remaining in shops adjacent to her and then let himself slip behind people, using the crowds as cover.
Amy sat down in a Costa coffee shop and picked up a Frappuccino. The feeling of being watched had been sitting in her gut all day, and she couldn't shake it. When finally her suspicions were confirmed. She caught sight of Raymond walking past the very front of the building, pretending to be focusing on whatever was in front of him. He was wearing dark aviator sunglasses. But she could tell that profile anywhere, paired with the short dark hair and grey peppering his temples.
Amy grabbed her phone and rang Raymond.
"Aim?" he answered.
"Get your arse in Costa, Ray. I know you're following me. You literally walked past the window a minute ago."
The call ended abruptly, and within thirty seconds, Raymond came into the shop. He approached her, removed his glasses and sat down opposite her.
"Why are you following me? Normal people just pick up the phone and call."
"As if you'd listen to me," Raymond hissed.
Amy leaned across the table, her eyes wide in frustration. "What the fuck do you want from me? If you're expecting me to give up on Lucas completely just for you, then you're pretty delusional."
"I'm aware you've already jumped back into bed with Lucas. Doesn't take you long."
"You are absolutely foul," Amy growled. "Just when I thought you were actually a decent person deep down, and I found myself feeling sorry for you and wanted to stay friends with you. You swing back and forth so quickly. You were definitely right when you said you're stupid."
Raymond stared at Amy. "I thought you needed time?"
"Ray. Please, see sense here. I was with Lucas for six months, so there's a lot of feeling and love there. You can't expect me to throw all of that away for you. You need to give up on me. Go and find someone else. There are plenty of people..."
"No," Raymond said simply.
"No, what? Love is never easy. We all know that. You can't just have what you want all the time. Haven't you learned that?"
"There was something between us."
Raymond eyes were still burning into Amy's gaze.
"There was something, and I regret every day that I acted on it. Lucas deserves so much better. But he can forgive in a way that I'm sure neither of us can. Could you have forgiven me if I'd have been with you and cheated on you with Lucas?"
Raymond remained silent, his jaw clenched.
"I didn't think so. And to make things clear, nothing happened between me and Lucas last night. Not that it's really any of your business. But I'm not like that; I've hurt him enough, and I want things to be right this time."
"I won't give up on you," Raymond spat.
Amy rolled her eyes. "For God sake, Ray. You can't rely on me. I'm willing to be there for you as a friend, but nothing more."
Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @middleearthpixie @luna-xial @meganlpie @linasofia @xxbyimm @guardianofrivendell @knitastically @rachel1959 @eunoiaastralwings @asgardianhobbit98 @spidergirla5 @sunflwrnsunnieshine
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