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hiddenlilja · 26 days
who?: @suyinskiss where?: the kingdom of iskaldrik, many moons ago notes: flashback interaction: the events in this thread have occurred somewhere around the year 3007. at this point in time, lilja was going by the name olezka
If Olezka could summarize the lessons she had learned thus far, having left not long ago the familiarity of the mountain passes and the family of wolves that wove like shadows along the Spine in exchange for an entirely different world of monsters, she would abridge her learnings as such: For every kind set of eyes, there are ten more pairs that want to see you dead, and this world requires you to use your teeth like the last one.
Of course, language still largely escaped her, then.
Olezka sat in silence on a plush green armchair, wrapped in the borrowed silks of her host. A fire spit embers in the hearth behind her, and a thin blanket was draped over her lap. She had survived thus far on the charity of supernaturals like her current host—although Suyin's home was significantly more lavish than any of her previous abodes. The room she sat in now was dark and warm; thick carpets with rich colors and enthralling patterns were strewn across the floor. Opposite where she sat, a high-backed leather armchair faced her and the hearth, and beyond it stretched a lounging sofa with intricately carved feet. Compared to the plank walls and rolled sleeping mats she was used to—and the stone and brush before that—she assumed she must be in a palace, and her host here was of some kind of royal blood. Despite the strange allure and decadence of this place, she also sensed her and Suyin were more alike than the other supernaturals she had met before her. They shared a certain thirst—and that was a thing that needed few words to be understood, at least to her.
But where Olezka satiated her hunger on the blood of wild mammals, her strigoi protector regularly drank from humans. The first time Olezka had seen her do it, a wave of repulsion had washed through her. Compared to animal blood, the scent of humans was cloyingly thick and sweet. But gradually, that smell had come to permeate her consciousness and drift into her dreams. Even now, recalling it, she could feel saliva well behind her molars. She was hungry. Hunger was one of her first words in this new life. As if her thoughts had called her, Suyin swept into the room with preternatural grace, her black hair gleaming in the low light. Where Olezka was sharp edges and scars and feral smiles, Suyin was sleek and charming, hypnotizing in her elegance.
"Whayt—?" Olezka asked her, by way of greeting. It was the closest she could come to forming a question just then.
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idyllcy · 10 months
Can you do a Jaime smut where the reader treats him to a blow job to help him relax after he’s had a stressful day?
warmth. - jaime reyes x reader (nsfw warning)
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"Oh, mierda, mi vida." Jaime curses, fingers curling uncomfortably next to his sides as you lick up his length. "Y-you don't have to do this."
Jaime really doesn't like asking you to do these things for him. He'd much rather be pressed in your legs, sandwiched between your thighs as he pleases you, but this isn't uncomfortable at all, rather, it's complete bliss— watching as you take him your mought, lashes fluttering as you try and get adjusted to the length, face contorted a little, brows furrowed.
"You look gorgeous," Jaime whimpers, staring down at you through his lashes.
You hum around his cock, hand reaching for one of his, lacing your fingers with his as you try taking more of him. You pull off of him, panting with your mouth open as the saliva connecting your lips to his length break.
"Mi vida, are you—"
"You can use your hands, you know?" You mumble. "I'd like it, and it'd be easier. Besides, this is about you, not me."
Jaime mumbles, free hand lacing through your hair as you blink up at him, nodding. This time, he guides you slowly, gradually speeding up as he feels himself get close, apologies spewing off his lips as he forces himself to the back of your throat, moaning as he cums, apologizing as he pulls out of your mouth, kneeling and apologizing, only for you to look him in the eye, and show him your tongue.
"Mi vida, I'm so—"
You swallow, showing him your tongue after, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
"Feel better?"
"Of course." He mumbles, kissing you. "Always."
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reblogs are appreciated („• ֊ •„)੭
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fakeuwus · 2 months
ready to see enha 😁😁😁
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malleleothreesome · 6 months
smirk emoji…. can we see a snippet of whichever wip is gripping you most rn 🫣🫶 IM EYEING ALL OF THEM LIKE HEY…. grabby hands
Referencing this post
Um, idk if this classifies as a "snippet" 🤪 but, I swear, this is only a small portion of what I have written...
This is the start of 'Fellow Honest Drunken Confession' (WIP, subject to change. SFW, swearing, gn reader)
To the people who voted on my poll for me to post the Leona/Malleus/Reader love triangle early, this isn't the content you voted for, but hopefully this might hold you over???
Fellow Honest let out an exasperated sigh, standing next to you and your classmates as the massive cruise ship that housed Playfulland amusement park sinks into the abyss of the ocean. His hands are clasped behind his head, and a carefree grin lights up his face. "You know what?" He asks, turning to you. His fox ears twitch atop his head as a salty breeze stirs his orange hair. The night has begun to encroach, a half moon hangs suspended in the starry sky like a pale glowing lamp above the dark waters of the ocean. You stare back into his face, noting his fangs poking out as the tip of his curly orange tail swishes happily. Fellow winks as he laughs his signature haughty cackle. He opens his mouth to speak. "Do you want to grab a drink sometime?"
Ace Trappola perks right up at the mention of alcohol and barrels forward, face beaming and completely missing Fellow's lascivious intent towards you. "Hey, free drinks? You're talking to the right person, man. Hell yeah, let's do it, you're gonna let us drink free? I mean, it's like, the least you could do for trying to human traffic us, am I right?" He does an excited fist-pumping action as Trey Clover trails in his wake, attempting to shush him to no avail, calling, "Ace!" in a desperate hiss. Fellow regards the spectacle with the most blank stare, his ear flicking as a tiny, unnoticed wince of annoyance flickers across his visage.
The monster of a man tilts his head and smiles slyly to you and only you, his eyes sweeping you with interest, "Just you and me, hotstuff. We're talking romantic and steamy. We've got a connection, don't deny it. So. Whaddaya say?" Fellow steps closer, tongue running along his canines as he looks you up and down with a cheeky grin and a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "You and me, alone together, drinking, talking... I'll be real good to you—I'm an honest guy! All my business is legit now!" he throws his head back with a flourish of his arms, roaring with raucous laughter. After a second, he composes himself, his piercing orange eyes turning sharp as he flashes another lecherous look in your direction. With a slight smirk on the corner of his lips and a suggestive raise of his eyebrow, Fellow leans to whisper in your ear, lingering in the electricity of your aura a bit too long before speaking, making you shiver. His voice drops to a low, suggestive purr as his hot breath grazes your neck, "But, if you like, a little bit naughty ain't out of the question... "
Before you can respond, Ace—unable to be subdued by Trey—makes his way back over and elbows you in the arm. Just as clueless as ever, his freckled cheeks are flushed bright pink from excitement, and you swear he's bouncing with happiness on his toes as he hollers with unbridled hype for the evening ahead, "Free drinks, bro! He's an underworld mobster, dude—a high ranking one—we'll have the VIP treatment if he decides to take us out. Taste of that top shelf, not some gross, warm piss from a barrel they serve everyone else, only the best!" Ace says all this while gripping his heart and fake swooning, holding out his arms in an exaggerated gesture, leaning on your shoulder. "Free top shelf liquor!" Ace shouts to the rest of your classmates gathered around in small groups, waving them all over.
Fellow's eyebrow raises further upward until it threatens to leave the confines of his forehead, a dead look in his orange eyes. His tail doesn't twitch—it stays perfectly still, frozen in an upright arch. When his lips part in a rigid smile and his shoulders begin to shake, the absolute venomous displeasure that radiates off the poor fox is palpable enough that you can practically feel it soaking into your skin. For a minute, all that comes out of his mouth is a jumble of fragmented curse words mixed with giggles. You look over at him in mild alarm, unsure if he has finally reached a state of losing his goddamn mind or if he's about to violently lash out and murder Ace and everyone in attendance on sight.
Fellow holds up both gloved palms, almost covering his whole face as he slowly shakes his head and doubles over, guffawing uproariously and wiping away tears of hysterical mirth from his eyes, tail swishing from side to side again. You are stunned, staring as Fellow wheezes and struggles to get ahold of his faculties. Catching his breath, his eyes bulge and he bellows to the sky with unrestrained joy, throwing his head back, ears flying and pointing upwards, his hat almost tumbling off as his body quakes and his lungs struggle, "The sheer audacity! The unmitigated gumption of this fool—"
"Oh my GOD," he continues to snigger with laughter, almost out of control as his nose crinkles. Before long, he descends into violent snorts, then coughing as his breaths go askew and come short. In a valiant effort to calm himself, he holds up his hands, as if praying, a wicked grin plastered across his face. All Ace does is squint suspiciously at his antics, totally clueless to Fellow's intent. Trey shakes his head slowly, rubbing his face in abject defeat, looking as if he's willing his brain to purge the trauma of ever coming to this place. Fellow makes a poor attempt to control himself, breathing deeply, "Sorry, sorry, it's just funny, oh my God. Wow. He has some balls on him, I'll give him that! I really admire the gall. You know what? This brat might have a career in the biz, I'm serious." The fox beastman reaches out and ruffles Ace's head of red hair like he's some kid, chortling.
He is shaking his head and wearing a very impressed look as his fingers caress his chin pensively, lost in thought, unable to maintain eye contact as he's on the verge of losing his composure again. "Alright, tough guy. Yeah, let's go get boozed. And hey, little bastard," His fiendish grin takes a more sinister tone, fangs exposed as he tilts his head in a cocky way. "Just so you know, if your pathetic college didn't send that sweetheart of a cutie,” he winks suggestively at you, his tail giving a little twitch, before his eyes wander across the crowd of students, obviously unimpressed by your entire class, sneering, “I'd never be letting any of you idiots go. No way! I would have dragged each of you back to my boss by force. Don't test my generosity or my kindness." He shoves his finger into Ace's face, leaning towards him intimidatingly, but the smirk of delight stays on Fellow's face despite his posturing. He's clearly getting a huge kick out of trying to spook and intimidate Ace, who thinks he's some scary, powerful crime lord.
Fellow takes a sharp inhale and clasps his hands shut as he addresses the group, "Now, just for fun, let's get liquored up on the highest rooftop bar, play some poker, do a little dancing..." his eyes flit back over to you, "Maybe some smooches, hey?" A fox yip punctuates his sentence. His eyes return back to Ace, whose lips press in a firm, annoyed line, frowning at the con man. Fellow's eyebrow twitches with incredulous humor as he takes in Ace's defiance, biting his lip for a second as if trying not to give in to another peal of cackling. "There isn't going to be any 'VIP treatment', no 'free drinks', and definitely no 'top shelf', is that clear? Who do you think I am? You think I like doing that type of shit?" he points to the water, gesturing to the decimated remnants of the amusement park. "I'll let you in on a little secret, kid, people don't do those types of jobs because they're loaded.” He leans down to get eye level with Ace, using expressive jazz hands as he puts on a pompous voice, “'Oh, man, my yacht's all paid off and ready, better become a goddamn kidnapping organ trafficker—the glamour! The luxury!' Do you understand what I'm saying, you dinky little shit?"
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pandoraslxna · 6 months
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lunarruled · 2 months
‘Am I dead?’ Aries found herself in the alleyway of Boston outside of the club. She was on the ground after fending off her attacker. Forget the gift of Royalty. It was horrible humor but she looked like death had visited her. -
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Normal people wouldn't have been able to hear all the noise outside over the noise in the club, but Kyleigh was gifted with very good hearing and knew the tell tale signs of an attack. Running down from the upstairs bar she pushed her way through the throng of people and finally made it outside. It was too late to see what had happened, but she did see the body of a woman laying on the ground. Going over she carefully turned the woman over, relieved to see that she was conscious and able to speak.
"No, you're not dead. But you do look pretty close to it." The woman was pale, a little dirty and bruised from the attack, but seemed to be okay other than that. "Do you need an ambulance or someone I can call for you?" She asked softly as she helped the woman sit up, picking some dead leaves out of her hair.
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inxspacetime · 7 months
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Logan knew it was it was like to keep a secret; to be a secret. A piece of his life was spent in the shadows, and thankfully none of the skeletons he gathered there would ever see the light of day. But in all fairness, it was a little easier keeping a secret when everyone else who knew it was dead, so he lucked out a bit there. But, he would eventually find out he wasn’t the only one with a secret. He knew the sheriff was just too good looking to not be at least a little crazy, but he didn’t realize how deep that ran until he caught him in the act. 
Most would think that would be the sort of thing would scare someone off, force them to keep their distance or even report him, but in the end… it seemed to only bring them closer together. Logan was no angel himself, by any means. And after talking to Eric, hearing him explain himself and his motives, he really couldn’t the man. So his secret was safe with him, and he was confident the other would do the same.
It was a little later on in the evening. Mel was fast asleep, and Logan was out on the back porch. But judging by the sirens in the distance, he wasn’t expecting to be alone for long - if he even was at that point. Because just a few moments later he was being startled by the familiar mask, with specks of an equally familiar crimson sprinkled across the surface like freckles. 
Once his heart stopped racing as fast, he offered the other a faint smile. “You’re gonna do that to me on the wrong day and end up tossed over the railing.” He warned, playfully of course. 
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satoruin · 2 months
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hsr, my beloved meme curator
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psycofreakx · 9 months
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A vida em meio a floresta era tão calma e tranquila, um verdadeiro espaço perfeito para aquela raposa solitária. Conhecia todo o território como a palma de sua mão e tinha um controle mágico de um raio de aproximadamente cinco quilômetros, podendo rastrear a energia de invasores. Estava recolhido em sua cabana em meio à noite, quando uma energia já conhecida entrou nos seus sensores.  
Franziu o cenho à medida que um sorriso peculiar tomou suas expressões, a energia era de Asura. A última vez, e única, a qual tivera contato com rapaz ficaram de se reencontrar, mas até então Koda achava que era um blefe alheio. Mas estava curioso para ver se o mesmo iria cumprir com sua palavra e mostrar sua verdadeira força. 
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Fechou os olhos e se concentrou na aura amiga, fazendo chamas azuis aparecerem para ele e gradualmente guiá-lo até sua residência. Estava bem alimentado, logo o uso da magia não iria comprometer a sua forma humana. Acessou a porta de entrada e ali esperou até que o rosto conhecido tomasse seu campo de visão. - “Eu não esperava que você fosse realmente aparecer, Asura.”  
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armafidelium · 4 months
● ☾ ⭑ ᅳ @ednaeflowers
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AS the sky changed hue from its bright blue to crimson red as time passed and the night sky would soon take over the lunari found himself lost in thoughts. it wasn't something that came to the surface often, but when it peeked through the cloud of numbed sensations the lunari couldn't do anything but accept it until it faded. the feeling was loneliness. despite his connection with his twin, aphelios often lingered in a time long passed when the two were still by one another's sides and before his sister took her place in the marus omegnum. back when her voice was physical and not simply echoed in his head. even if he came to accept this time was not something he'd experience again it still pained him to remember.
a long, breathy sigh found its way slipping past the lithe man's lips as he leaned himself against the railing he stood near overlooking the small village he'd come by. why was now the time his heart decided it wished to cause him pain? why was now when his memories of times he longed for came back with a vengeance? the man had no answer for these questions and rather found them tiresome. why now of all times?
‹ it is not wrong to miss these things, brother. i miss it too. ›
his sister's voice echoed as it usually did. a scoff was all he could articulate as he had no words to respond with. what would he say? regardless he knew full well alune could read each minor frustration that came through. he missed the past but he knew full well this was their duty . . . their purpose . . . their orbit.
‹ brother. behind you. i sense a presence. ›
before he could find his footing amidst his thoughts alune's notice of a presence resulted in a defensive stance. was it a solari? they mustn't have tracked him here, right? carefully his eyes scanned around him as he tried to find exactly what presence alune sensed. whatever it was he was ready.
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 3 months
slightly overwhelmed with the ask so ask box is closed for now! will be working on my current ones so if u submitted one uhh i am working on it I SWEAR!!
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hiddenlilja · 1 month
who?: @theportaraceli where?: near tiber bay, the city of eterna, lysara notes: thank you kindly for your patience <3
The evening was cool and dim by the time Lilja emerged. The sun long since sunk past the great Tower of Olympia, visible from almost any point in the city, along with most of the shorter, squatter buildings, as well. All the same, the dhampir drew the hood of her cloak about her head, her reddish eyes flicking nervously from one end of the alley to the other, like an animal testing the safety of an open clearing. There was a gentle breeze tugging at the hem of her cloak, fluttering the pendants and banners tacked over the entryways of shops and restaurants. It carried with it the briny scent of the bay—her unspoken destination. She had learned there was always something to be overhead amidst the bustling of merchants unloading and loading their ships, in the calls of traders up and down the docks.
What she did not anticipate was the sudden flash of a familiar face; eyes she had known from the other side of the sea, hands that had helped carry her here. She turned in the other direction, almost as if to make off before she could be seen, but her path was squarely blocked by two men carrying a long chest of silks off a merchant ship. She turned back again, and the crowd seemed to jostle her along, closer so that Lilja almost could not help the moment her eyes locked with Araceli's. "Oh," She said simply, her tone cool but her smile soft as she held the other woman's gaze. "It is you."
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anotherwrld · 5 months
okay ever since my third eye opened the other day, meditation has been CRAZY.
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my visualization is off the charts, I’m immersing myself into the scene the guided instructions are giving me like I never have before, I’m touching shit?? like in the scene? I could feel water and I could feel weight on my legs and I could sense other eyes on me. like I swore there was someone watching me. I swore there was someone stepping around my physical body, and I couldn’t open my physical eyes to see them.
last time I did this meditation, I could feel gross and earth under my feet. but this time around, not only could I feel it under my feet, I could feel the energy flowing up and into my legs. like a weighted blanket being pulled up and over my legs, almost like I could feel my blood circulating through me (weird comparison but !!), except it wasn’t my blood I was feeling.
I heard someone talking about an awake method, and how you will feel your surroundings change if you shift while you’re awake. they said the position you’re in will change, and can signal your shift.
(ex: they said they went into the method with their arms at their sides, and then suddenly they feel their arms wrapped around their torso as their surroundings changed.)
THIS HAPPENED !!!! I wasn’t even trying to shift? I don’t know if that was considered a slight shift…? I know my chart said I would shift very unexpectedly, so… meditation might be how I end up shifting. but !!
yeah, I had been lying on the floor with my hands just idly settled on my hips. and as I went deeper, I swore my left arm was over my head? like suddenly it’s straightened over my head. but when I was pulled from the meditation, my arms/hands were where they had been across my body.
… I am so close to shifting y’all. I can feel it. like I don’t want to say I’m scared because I’m not, I’m just caught off guard by how… close I’m getting so quickly. I know 2020 shiftok knew basically nothing about true shifting, but WOW. I didn’t come anywhere near whatever THIS is back then. I’m so proud of myself for how I’ve stuck consistently to educating myself on proper shifting and staying disciplined with that four day cleanse.
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blondiexbiites · 2 months
The city had never been Maddie's first choice.
She had been thinking of someplace warmer and more exotic. Of course, this place was warmer than Detroit which sat on the river across from Canada, and every winter the recipient of lake-effect snows. No, this city was coastal; it snowed during the winter, but not often as much, and the temperatures were more moderate. Not moderate enough; Madison had been thinking more along the lines of Miami, but the allure of starting fresh convinced her to stay.
This place was big enough that she didn't know anyone, and didn't feel compelled by good manners to acknowledge them as she drank the blood from their wrists. The city also provided a steady supply of bodies--living and dead. Madison loved bodies, loved studying them, which was why she was standing outside of Fabian's door, mouth salivating in anticipation of him opening the door and falling victim to her eyes. A simple hypnosis would do the trick. His death would be quick and clean and Madison would haul him back to her apartment at record speed with the full intent of dissecting him piece by piece so that she could sew him back together with pink string and lace. Poor Fabian would no longer be able to entertain her with his brooding eyes and depressive silence, but that was okay! He would make for the perfect flesh puppet and--
"Is that a bunny?"
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pandoraslxna · 7 months
What happened to make you both such good friends ?🤔
Wdym friends? She’s just mentally ill and I’m her caregiver
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miidnighters · 7 months
Good morning it is not quite munday anymore (for me at least) but I just re-discovered this photo of me in the days still medicated post-surgery (dare i say, zooted), covered in cats. Enjoy.
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