#Research Project
skykid-nadir · 7 months
Hello, Skyblr!
I am a college student from Illinois, and I am looking for participants in my senior research project on language and communication within Sky: Children of the Light.
What is it about?
The purpose of this project is to look at how the restrictions on communication in Sky shaped the development of the fanbase. MMO games are notorious among gamers for the toxic behavior of other players, but in Sky: Children of the Light the vast majority of players are kind and supportive towards others. I believe that the restrictions placed on verbal communication within the game are a large part of what created that community!
Who can participate?
I am looking for individuals who play or have played Sky: Children of the Light to participate in a text-based interview during which I will ask questions about your experience with socialization in Sky. All participants must be over the age of 18 and able to consent. They must also be familiar enough with the game’s community to be able to discuss it during interviews.
The interview will last approximately one hour, with a possibility for follow-up questions at a later date. As per IRB regulations, participants will be required to sign a consent form but may use their Discord usernames to ensure confidentiality.
How to join?
If you meet the above criteria, please send a private message to me here or on Discord (Nadir5631) expressing interest. Once you have verified that you are above the age of 18, I will have you read and sign a consent form and schedule your interview.
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comparatist · 3 months
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14th June, 2024
1. I joined a research project about academic social responsibility.
2. I am regularly taking care of my skin and my food intakes are all on time.
3. I'm practising through the second paper of a competitive exam. I still have a lot to read in the first paper.
Exam is on 18th. Wish me luck!
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fluttershys-lament · 1 year
coming back from the dead to ask for help volunteers
so im doing a research project for school to study the impact that social media and phone usage may have on gen z. and for that i made a survey! cuz i need to collect some data so i can reach to any conclusions
there are questions directed towards about any age group possible, so in that way anyone can contribute something :]
also! if there are any mental health professionals out there, or teachers, or even parents/guardians who would like an interview, you can contact me on e-mail:
the same goes for anyone who's gen z (between 14 to 28 years old) who wants to share thoughts, experiences, etc.
and that would be it! if you dont want to participate, then reblogging this post would be greatly appreciated :] thank you!
edit: also i may have to edit the survey for spelling mistakes...oops ;0; ANYWAY thank you so much if you reblogged and/or answered i really appreciate that a lot !!
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ineedfairypee · 5 months
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Did it! Done! Dusted!
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tearsofrefugees · 15 days
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becomingfannibalsslcc · 9 months
Do you like sharing your thoughts about NBC's "Hannibal"?
Well I have the perfect survey for you! Help an undergrad student! Contribute to sociological research! Represent the fannibals!
My research project with Salt Lake Community College's sociology department aims to better understand the fandom surrounding NBC's Hannibal (2013-2015), why it has been so prolific, and how fannibals interact with the show, each other, and fan content.
The survey is completely anonymous with the possibility of an optional anonymous follow-up interview for anyone interested. You can skip any question and answer as much or as little as you want!
The survey is spoiler-free, all fans are welcome even if you haven't finished the show!
This survey has been reviewed and approved by Salt Lake Community College's Institutional Review Board (IRB).
Please reach out to me, Frank, with any questions at [email protected] or send me a message right here on Tumblr! Anonymous asks are welcome.
Reblogs are appreciated!
You can access the survey via the link above or with this link: https://forms.gle/3tah3kXTP5aWVCRd6
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coffinup · 3 months
Doing a poll for a research paper so please respond and rb if you can!
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So last friday, I had the qualificação (qualification/defense) of my research project, aka the first draft of the final paper, and it went so well :D! Great feedback, recommendations from the two members of the examining board, on how to proceed with the writing, articles/books recommendations, some writing changes, and only one question related to something in the paper that wasn't very clear. I'm so happy! Also, my advisor is amazing, I'm so glad she joined the institution this year and that she became my advisor. Not only is she an amazing person, she's also extremely smart and has great contacts. Just ahhhh! This me 4real, 4real:
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sleepy-gardevoir · 2 years
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march 16, 2023 - thursday week 2
i have a quiz on the 20 canonical amino acids tomorrow, so i've been working some more on getting those memorized! i can draw almost all the structures from the name but i can't remember all the pKas of the sidechains 🙏 wish me luck!!
today, i stopped by the research lab to see if our quantum dots had formed, but no such luck. we're leaving the solutions in the oven for another day, so we'll see if we get results from that! hoping for the best so that we don't have to use all our sodium tungstate dihydrate before getting anything.
i also started rereading vicious by v.e. schwab and am more than 200 pages in... needless to say, i am enjoying it thoroughly.
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happywebdesign · 9 months
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ashezoftheknight · 11 months
I am doing research on women of Greek mythology and women of Greek civilization. Can someone suggest some good sources.
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mossbeaalien · 5 months
Hello everyone!
I'm MossBeaAlien and I'm currently doing my year 12 research project on how knitting can benefit those struggling with anxiety disorders.
I would really appreciate it if you could share your thoughts, experiences, or ideas about how knitting or other forms of yarn craft could or has helped in managing anxiety or stress.
Thank you for reading hope you have a nice day!
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I'm never getting sick again, I have to finish the entire research part of a project worth 30% of my grade tonight bc I missed 5 days of school.
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the-lonely-human · 7 months
Hi, so I’m doing a research project and I need as many responses as possible. If you are from the US and are over 18, please respond to the survey and if you can, share it with others via social media. I really only have Tumblr so I’m not going to be able to reach as many people as a I need.
The survey focuses on the concern of the current instability of America’s politics. If you don’t want to respond, that’s perfectly fine! But please still reblog so this can reach more people. Thank you!
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ineedfairypee · 11 months
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Final year feels
Let’s hope they last!
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mr-seamonster · 10 months
My reminders: research subsection!!
Me, working on "research subsection" for the past 7 or so hours intermittently:
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