#Reproductive Health Fertility Consultation
shubhragoyal · 10 months
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You crave to be a mother, and it takes more than coupling to let it come true indeed, fertility consultation is what we are trying to emphasize! You may have been trying for a year. Nevertheless, a mental blockage holds you back or the thought that swings between yes or no. Before you sweep into routine exams and medical evaluation, you are most likely to fuel a fear of addressing your infertility issue or perhaps struggling to find the infertility signs.
Read More: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/fertility-consultation-for-your-family-planning-needs
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infertilityspecialist1 · 11 months
IVF Centre in Indore - Dr. Heena Agrawal
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Dr. Heena Agrawal has established an outstanding IVF Centre known for its excellence in fertility care. With a dedicated team of experts and facilities, the IVF centre in Indore, led by Dr.Heena Agrawal, provides comprehensive and compassionate care to individuals and couples facing infertility challenges. Dr. Heena Agrawal's commitment to personalized treatment plans and her expertise in assisted reproductive technologies make this IVF Centre a top choice for those seeking fertility solutions.
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sierrawitch · 4 months
Menstrual Magick: The Goddess Within
by autumn sierra
*This is an original article written for educational purposes. Please do not plagiarize this work. You may reference it as you like with proper accreditation to the author. The author reserves the right to remove this article if deemed appropriate.*
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Table of Contents
Anatomy & Physiology
Two Cycles
The Sacred Nature of the Infradian Rhythm
Healing Your Cycle: Negative Influences [EDCs, Reproductive Conditions]
Healing Your Cycle: Positive Change [Diet, Herbs & Seeds, Movement, Personal Care]
Menstrual Blood in Spells & Ritual
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   It’s become common in western culture—and perhaps in most cultures around the world—for women to hide their bleeding or feel shame surrounding their menstrual period. It’s so normalized, in fact, that most women will consult an OB/GYN for pain management or symptomatic aid and be given some form of contraception as a band-aid catchall. Regardless of what the underlying ailment may be, medical professionals aim to cover up the issue rather than digging deeper to heal the root cause.
   Because of this shame culture, women have been unable to embrace their cycles for generations upon generations; unable to harness the power of their natural rhythm in tune with earth and its own cycle. Not only have they lost that spiritual connection, but women of all ages are taught that menstruation inherently dooms women to a life of suffering, rather than being properly educated on the strengths of each phase of the cycle, as well as how to properly accommodate themselves at each phase.
    This article aims to re-empower women with educational information on the physiology of their cycles, how it relates to witchcraft, and how women can reconnect with the sacredness of their cycles without shame. It’s time for women to take their unique power back and truly reconnect with their rawest self.
Anatomy & Physiology
   To begin, let’s quickly review the anatomical make up of the female reproductive system as a refresher (surely high school health class was at least minutely thorough in this area). The organs and tissues directly involved in menstruation are located in the lower-abdominal and pelvic area of the body. These organs include:
fallopian tubes
endometrium & uterus
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Interestingly, what many women don’t realize is that there are various hormones involved in the physiology of the reproductive system as well. It’s easy to say “my hormones are so out of whack today!” without actually realizing if those hormones are truly out of sorts, or if they’re being actively combated by daily routine.
*Phases and how to accommodate them will be discussed later.
   It’s assumedly common knowledge that the main function of the menstrual period is to shed the uterine lining (endometrium) when a woman does not become pregnant within a given cycle. The main hormones in charge of this action are Estrogen (estradiol) and Progesterone.
*Additional hormones—Testosterone, LH and FSH—will be discussed later.
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Take note of the intersecting lines near the end of this graph. This is a visual representation of hormone levels during menstruation. Progesterone—whose action is to prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg—falls when a woman does not become pregnant. Similarly, Estrogen (estradiol)—whose action is to thicken the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg—also falls, signaling the shedding of the uterine lining [1]. It’s at this time that bleeding begins and typically lasts for 4-7 days until the cycle restarts again.
Two Cycles
   Up to this point, the words “cycle(s)” and “phase(s)” have been used quite a bit. But there hasn’t been any real depth of explanation as to what is meant by “phases” of a cycle, and what is meant by the title of this section. “Two cycles??” Yes. Contrary to their male counterparts who have only one static cycle, women have two biological cycles that are constantly shifting and changing. These cycles are known as:
Circadian Rhythm & Infradian Rhythm
   Circadian rhythm is one cycle with which most people are familiar. This rhythm is the one disrupted twice yearly for daylight savings time changes (if you are one of the 70 countries that participate). More plainly, it’s the shared daily cycle of waking and sleeping, and the hormonal changes during that 24 hour period. Everyone experiences the circadian rhythm and its regulation of:
core body temperature
immune system responses
general hormonal fluctuations
metabolic processes
cognitive function
mental and physical responses to stress [2]
   However, women additionally experience the infradian rhythm. This rhythm is a 26-34 day cycle which begins on the first day of menstruation during puberty, and repeats until just before menopause begins. The infradian rhythm also influences 6 different systems of the body:
immune system
stress response
reproductive system [3]
   To make things even more specific, this infradian rhythm is split into 4 phases, each with their own strengths that women can take control of to influence their personal success in the home, in social groups, at work, etc.
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The Sacred Nature of the Infradian Rhythm
   This section will go a bit more in depth into the 4 phases of the infradian rhythm, and how each phase reconnects women to the patterns of nature and the divine feminine.
Menstrual Phase (4-7 days long)
   Menstruation is the bleeding period associated with the new/dark moon, winter, dormancy, and reflection. During this phase, the right and left areas of the brain—responsible for creativity and analysis respectfully—are most closely aligned, allowing for well-informed decision making and clarity of intuition.
    This phase is also associated with the Witch archetype, usually an elderly woman living in a secluded area of nature. But don’t be fooled by the frailness of her age; she is quite powerful and influential, knowledgeable, wise, transformative, and deeply in tune with her creativity and intuition [4].
    As it was discussed earlier, Progesterone and Estrogen (estradiol) are at their lowest points during this phase, as well as all of the other reproductive hormones. Just like its alignments, it’s important to indulge in physical and mental rest during menstruation.
   Menstruation has been a time of seclusion for women around the world for centuries; and not just for oppressive reasons. In ancient times, cultures that revered women for their divine femininity respected and even celebrated menstruation. “Yurok, a native tribe from the northwest coast of the United States stratified by class, had a group of aristocratic women who saw their periods as a time for purifying themselves…and did a series of rituals during the cycle that they said was a period of their most heightened spiritual experience”[5].
   In some parts of Ghana, West Africa, young women sit under ceremonial umbrellas when they begin menstruating, the families giving them gifts and paying homage [5]. Ojibwe women in the indigenous Midwest of the United States seclude themselves in “moon lodges”, fasting from sexual intercourse, ritual practice, food preparation, and child rearing in order to cleanse their energies, meditate, and connect with the other women in their communities [6].
   The Philippines challenges the myth of menstrual blood being unclean by applying it to the face to prevent breakouts and inflammation of the skin. The blood of the endometrium is rich in nutrients and stem cells which may improve the health of skin [6]. Fresh blood is safe to use topically (and arguably internally), but large amounts collected should not be used once it has sat at room temperature for a long duration of time, as it can become foul like any other blood outside of the body.
Follicular Phase (5-6 days long)
   The follicular phase is associated with the waxing moon, spring, planning, curiosity, and problem-solving. During this phase, the brain is more wired for creativity and alertness as it enters a kind of “rebirth”.
    This phase is also associated with the Warrior Maiden archetype, a young woman in tune with personal strength. She is transformative, courageous, honorable, commands respect, and allows herself to fall into a more feminine/passive role with her partner without losing said strength [7].
    Estrogen (estradiol) and Serotonin—a neurotransmitter hormone that induces focus, emotional stability, happiness, and calmness—rise to bring about more social and verbal tendencies. Cortisol—the stress hormone—is low and energies are calm. Additionally, the aforementioned FSH hormone—follicle stimulating hormone responsible for the rise in Estrogen (estradiol)—sends signals for the follicles in the ovaries to begin developing the beginning of a new cycle.
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Ovulatory Phase (5-6 days long)
   Ovulation is associated with the full moon, summer, confidence, socialization, and passion. During this phase, the brain is somewhat balanced again, with sharp intellect, creativity, and communication skills, making it the perfect time to engage with others and kickstart projects, as well as the integration of new ideas.
    This phase is also associated with the Mother archetype, a mature woman radiating harmony, spirituality, deep love, self sacrifice, and inherent strength. She is the giver and nurturer of life and presides over both the realm of the living and the dead, as the womb is a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds [8].
    Estrogen (estradiol) skyrockets, providing high energy and high spirits. The rise in LH—luteinizing hormone responsible for signaling the release of an egg—notifies Progesterone and Estrogen (estradiol) to begin preparing and thickening the endometrium for implantation after the egg has been fertilized. At this point, Testosterone has also increased for enhanced sexual arousal, but drops suddenly to let Progesterone and Estrogen (estradiol) take over in preparation for a potential pregnancy.
Luteal Phase (10-15 days long)
   The luteal phase is associated with the waning moon, autumn, easy networking and socialization, and slowing down. During this phase, focus begins to turn inward with projects reaching the finishing stages. This is the perfect time to tie up loose ends and have everything taken care of before “winter” sets in again.
   This phase is also associated with the Enchantress archetype, who is a voyager to inner worlds, a prophet, and a dreamer. She urges the embracing of life’s surreal moments, and owns her personal sexual power. She is the embodiment of the feminine mystique with full trust in her intuition, and freely indulges in her seductive and pleasurable nature [9].
*Please indulge responsibly with a trusted partner!
    The ratio of Estrogen (estradiol) and Progesterone at this stage encourages very observant behavior, allowing the ability to pick up on subtleties in communication and behavior that may have been missed otherwise. Testosterone also rises slightly, once again enhancing sexual arousal in the former half of this phase. It eventually lowers again during the latter half in preparation for menstruation. With the endometrium lush for implantation, it awaits a fertilized egg to begin pregnancy. If successful, the menstrual cycle is halted here for the duration of the pregnancy. Otherwise, the cycle continues on to begin again.
Healing Your Cycle: Negative Influences
   It’s no secret that the (arguable) majority of women in our modern world are undereducated about their bodies, hormones, and cycles, leading to the notion that womanhood is a curse only to inflict pain while men have no issues with their bodies (also a false assumption). The reason for this conclusion is simple: pain equals punishment. Punishment for what? Existing, right? Wrong. The pain is not punishment, but a byproduct of blissful ignorance.
    Unbeknownst to many men and women alike, every single factor of their environment impacts the body and mind to a shocking degree that may not noticeably present itself. This leads people to believe that there are no underlying issues at play, when in fact the opposite is true. So, let’s take a look at what underlying issues or environmental factors can negatively impact the menstrual cycle.
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Underlying Issues
   Many underlying issues impacting the menstrual cycle can be traced back to inherited genetics or developed hormonal imbalances. Reproductive disorders are major influences in the upset of the infradian rhythm. However, generally irregular cycles can be due to hormonal abnormalities in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, or ovaries [14]. Listed are some examples and their characteristics.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
   PCOS is a reproductive and hormonal disorder affecting about 8-13% of reproductive aged women, and is associated with various long-term comorbid (linked) disorders such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, heart disease, and endometrial cancer [10]. This disorder is characterized by excess levels of Androgen—hormone responsible for kickstarting puberty, increasing libido and blood flow to reproductive organs, and increasing sexual gratification—causing enlarged ovaries with cysts presenting internally, externally, or both.
   Some symptoms of PCOS include “heavy, long, intermittent, unpredictable or absent periods; infertility [myth]; acne or oily skin; excessive hair on the face or body; male-pattern baldness or hair thinning; weight gain, especially around the belly area”[10].
*There are no known cures for PCOS, but there are methods of coping (discussed later)
   Endometriosis is a reproductive disorder affecting around 10% of reproductive aged women, and is associated with severe, life-impacting pain during periods, sexual intercourse, bowel movements and/or urination, chronic pelvic pain, abdominal bloating, nausea, fatigue, and sometimes depression, anxiety, and infertility [11]. This disorder is characterized by tissue similar to the endometrium growing outside of the uterus. This leads to inflammation and scar tissue forming in the pelvic area and sometimes other areas of the body.
   Some symptoms of Endometriosis include pelvic pain during menstruation, during or after sex, when using the restroom, chronic pelvic or other bodily pain, heavy bleeding during periods or between periods, trouble getting pregnant, bloating or nausea, fatigue, depression or anxiety. However, it’s also acknowledged that some women may not have symptoms at all [11].
*There are no known cures for endometriosis, but there are methods of coping (discussed later)
Primary/Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)
  POI is a reproductive and hormonal disorder causing premature ovarian failure and early menopause, beginning as early as the teen years [12].
   Some symptoms of POI include hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, poor concentration, decreased sex drive, pain during sex, and chronic vaginal dryness [12].
*There are no known cures for POI, but there are methods of coping (discussed later)
Uterine Fibroids
   Fibroids are benign growths in the uterus—very rarely malignant (cancerous),—and most often appear in reproductive aged women. They can vary in number and size depending on the individual, and in extreme cases, can cause the appearance of a pregnant belly.
    There are also multiple types of fibroids to look for during ultrasound screenings: Intramural fibroids grow within the muscular wall of the uterus. Submucosal fibroids bulge into the uterine cavity. Subserosal fibroids form on the outside of the uterus [15].
   Although some cases don’t provide symptoms, some common symptoms include heavy menstrual bleeding or painful periods, longer or more frequent periods, pelvic pressure or pain, frequent urination or trouble urinating, growing stomach area, constipation, pain in the stomach area or lower back, or pain during sex [15].
Do not begin treatment without receiving a professional opinion from a primary physician or OB/GYN. If self diagnosing, confirm diagnosis with your doctor before attempting over-the-counter or diagnostic treatment.
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Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC)
   Along with hormonal imbalances and disorders occurring within the body due to hereditary genetics, hormones can also be affected by external environmental factors—aka endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC)—in daily life. “Each person has unique exposure to a variety of both known and unknown EDCs. Individual differences in metabolism and body composition will create considerable variability in the half-life and persistence of EDCs, as well as their degradation in body fluids and tissues…[and] human disorders are more likely the result of chronic exposure to low amounts of mixtures of EDCs“ [16]. Listed are some examples and their effects.
Plasticizers (BPA, Phthalates)
   Phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) are found in plastic products and have significant negative impact on female fertility.
    Phthalates were commercialized in the 1920s and are still used in many plastic food containers, blood bags and medical tubing, as well as personal care products. “Prospective clinical studies indicate that higher phthalate concentrations in urine were associated with longer time to pregnancy (TTP)” [14]. Recent studies reported that higher levels of phthalates in urine were associated with lower probabilities of implantation and clinical pregnancy, and higher probabilities of still birth. Not only do phthalates decrease fertility for women exposed to the chemical in their lifetime, but also decrease the fertility of future generations of women in that line [14].
   BPA is found in products such as plastic bags, bottles, and packaging, including food and drink cans. BPA concentrations were found to be significantly higher in infertile patients compared with fertile subjects. Additionally, BPA was associated with lower rates of fertility and fecundability (probability of conception), as well as with increased embryo implantation failure and decreased estrogen, fertilized oocytes, and oocyte counts in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF), providing evidence to debilitated ovulation and endocrinological health [14]. Studies in lab animals also indicate an impairment of female reproductive capacity with BPA alternatives: bisphenol S and bisphenol E.
   (On an additional note, researchers of phthalate affects on neurological constitution reported in JAMA that ordinary exposure to certain phthalates found in urine samples was associated with ADHD-related behaviors in adolescence [13].)
Pharmaceuticals (Synthetic progestin norethindrone (NET), Diethylstilbestrol (DES))
   Despite medical professionals endorsing the safety of pharmaceuticals, there is substantial evidence of their effect on the female reproductive system, as well as the general endocrine system of the human anatomy.
    Although naturally occurring progesterone is one of the crucial hormones in women’s natural cycles, synthetic progestin (NET)—found in oral contraceptives—is a steroidal pharmaceutical recorded as a thyroid endocrine disruptor [17]. As an interesting aside in environmental sustainability (or lack thereof), since there has been such consistent consumption of progestin by humans and its use in livestock farms to promote the growth and fattening of animals, there has been a rising level of the chemical within various aquatic environments. In one US stream, “the concentration of synthetic progestin norethindrone (NET) was reported up to 872 ng/L” and continues to increase [17].
   In a study conducted on adult zebrafish in such contaminated environments, it was found that NET alters sexual differentiation, development and reproduction, and shifted sex ratio towards males through higher androgenic activities [17]. This potentially leads to the implication of a similar effect on adult humans, providing some insight toward the steady rise in gender dysphoria amongst both biological male and female youth and adults, with prevalence in females due to sensitivity of androgen levels in female development.
    In comparison, Diethylstilbestrol (DES) is a non-steroidal pharmaceutical estrogenic EDC that was prescribed to millions of pregnant women between 1940 and 1970 in order to prevent miscarriage, premature labor, and related complications of pregnancy [18]. However, women who were exposed to DES in utero experienced higher rates of infertility, pregnancy complications, and reproductive cancers including breast and pancreatic cancer, and cervical precancer [18,19]. “The onset of puberty was also significantly affected, with the timing of vaginal opening occurring significantly earlier in DES descendants. These results indicate a transgenerational effect of DES on multiple reproductive parameters including fertility, timing of puberty, and AGD. These data have significant implications for more than 50 million DES descendants worldwide as well as raising concerns for the ongoing health impacts caused by exposures to other estrogenic EDCs which are pervasive in our environment” [18].
   The drug also may be linked to an increased chance of developing ADHD in the grandchildren of women who used it during pregnancy. DES was found to cause epigenetic changes, altering the way genes are turned on and off, in a study analyzing the reproductive organs of mice. “The findings provide a possible explanation for how endocrine disruptors affect fertility and reproduction” [13].
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Cosmetics & Personal Care (Parabens, Glycol Ethers, Parfum, etc)
   Cosmetics and personal care items including shampoos, soaps, and other products contain harmful EDCs which are exposed to women (and men) on a regular basis, increasing the health risks associated with EDCs.
    Parabens are one of the most popular preservatives used in these products (as well as foods and pharmaceuticals) and have been promoted worldwide since 1920. Easily absorbed into the body via topical handling or application, parabens acutely (short-term) and chronically (long-term) hinder the human endocrine system and induce complications in homeostasis. They have also been recognized as a causative factor in various diseases [20].
   Glycol Ethers are a chemical compound used in certain solvents (resins, lacquers, paints, varnishes, gum, perfume, dyes, inks, as a constituent of paints and pastes, cleaning compounds, liquid soaps, and hydraulic fluids) and as an ingredient in cosmetics.
    Acute exposure to high levels of the glycol ethers in humans results in narcosis, pulmonary edema, and severe liver and kidney damage. Acute exposure to lower levels of the glycol ethers in humans causes conjunctivitis, upper respiratory tract irritation, headache, nausea, and temporary corneal clouding. Animal studies have reported adverse effects on weight gain, peripheral blood counts, bone marrow, and lymphoid tissues. Chronic exposure to the glycol ethers in humans results in fatigue, lethargy, nausea, anorexia, tremor, and anemia. Animal studies have reported anemia, reduced body weight gain, and irritation of the eyes and nose from inhalation exposure. Anemia and effects to the thymus, spleen, bone marrow, liver, and kidneys were reported in animals following oral exposure to the glycol ethers [21].
    (Interestingly, the EPA.gov source claims there is apparently no carcinogenic or reproductive issues caused by glycol ethers based on a lack of evidence, insinuating that these compounds have not even been tested for such effects to affirm or refute this claim.)
    Parfum and fragrance also have a hand in this EDC issue. These synthetic compounds have become ubiquitous components of personal care and household cleaning products over the decades, resulting in excess usage of these chemicals on a regular basis. Fragrances are linked with rapidly increasing rates of diabetes, cancer, neural ailments, teratogenicity, and (shockingly enough) transgender instances, insinuating that some—not all—transgender instances appear as developed through EDC influence rather than appearing as an inherent biological characteristic at birth [22]. The adverse effects of the fragrance constituents as phthalates, parabens, glutaraldehyde, hydroperoxides, oil of turpentine, metals, nitro musks, and essential oils, among others, are being identified and subsequently linked to the breakdown in homeostasis. They have been labeled 'slow poisons' following the analysis of estrogen hyperproduction and inflammation, among other issues (“fragrance compounds share configurational similarity with carcinogenic environmental hydrocarbons and provoke the expression of cytochrome group monooxygenase enzyme aromatase [which] aromatizes androgens to form estrogen…[causing] the majority of morbidities.) [22].
Metalloestrogens aka Heavy Metals (Aluminum Chlorohydrate (ACH), Lead, Mercury, Cadmium)
   It is most likely accurate to assume that the negative impact of heavy metals on the body is common knowledge in our medically advanced society. Despite this, metalloestrogens are still incorporated into daily use products.
    Aluminum might be one of the most widely known for its toxicity in multiple forms. As aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH) or aluminum salts, it is included in antiperspirant deodorants, foods and supplements, antacids, vaccines, and various house hold products [23]. ACH is commonly absorbed through the sensitive skin of the underarms in close proximity to the breast, increasing the risk of breast cancer development and increase in current cancer cells among other conditions including deficient estrogen regulation and response, affected gene expression, dialysis dementia, iron-adequate microcytic anemia, osteomalacia, and neurodegerative diseases [23].
    Lead is also known as a harmful heavy metal, with its use in plumbing less prevalent in our modern society. The harms of lead have been extensively documented and acted upon, yet again there is still lead being consumed even in minute doses. This chemical has been labeled an EDC through its absorption into the thyroid gland and the effects of its homeostasis, effects on insulin resistance, hyperglycaemia and glucose intolerance, pituitary action, accumulation in reproductive organs, and causation of metabolic disease. For women attempting to have children, semen quality and sperm modality, abnormal testosterone levels and infertility are also effects of lead on male hormones [24].
   Mercury poisoning is a regular topic and valid concern. The most common discussion is the concern of methylmercury—anthropogenic mercury made when inorganic mercury circulating in the general environment is dissolved into freshwater and seawater—poisoning via high consumption of certain shellfish and fish, such as albacore tuna. Ethylmercury—inorganic mercury compound made by binding organic chemicals—is an active base in thimerosal which is used as an anti septic and anti fungal/anti bacterial agent in vaccines. Both types of mercury have the capacity to cause adverse effects on the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal gland, and gonads (testis and ovary) [25]. In the past, thimerosal was used in all vaccine compounds until it was proven as a carcinogen capable of breaking through the blood brain barrier, at which point it was repealed from all but multi dose vaccinations such as the multi dose Influenza vaccines.
    Cadmium is a common environmental pollutant and has major presence in tobacco smoke. It has been known to either enhance or inhibit the biosynthesis of progesterone (affecting normal ovarian cyclicity and the maintenance of pregnancy), decreased birth weights and premature birth, with the enhanced levels of placental cadmium “resulting from maternal exposure to industrial wastes or tobacco smoke being associated with decreased progesterone biosynthesis by the placental trophoblast”—an outer layer of cells providing nutrients to the embryo [26].
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Synthetic Materials (Polyester, Acrylic, etc)
   Synthetic woven materials used in the manufacturing of clothing, blankets, and other fabrics (although interacting topically and externally) affects the endocrine system. These facts make reconsidering fast fashion a wise hesitation.
    Polyester is a significant example of EDCs in fabrics. It’s made with recycled phthalates and BPA plastics through PET production using a catalyst called antimony trioxide—a carcinogen and EDC, which affects fertility in men and women, neurodevelopment and glucose metabolism, and disrupts thyroid function [27]. This toxin can absorb into the skin due to even low temperatures or regular levels of body heat, or via sweat or saliva. Additionally, microplastics are released into the air and onto the body during each wear and wash. Because of its lack of biodegradability, the particles are then consumed, absorbed or spread by various objects, plants, insects, fish, animals and other humans throughout the environment [27].
    Additionally, acrylic fibers are made from acrolynitrile (aka vinyl cyanide), which is a carcinogen effecting the brain, lungs and bowels, and acts as a mutagen, targeting the central nervous system. According to the CDC, acrylonitrile enters our bodies through skin absorption, as well as inhalation and ingestion. It is not easily recycled or biodegradeable. It was found that women who work in factories producing acrylic fibers have seven times the rate of breast cancer as the normal population, and those working with nylon have double that risk [28].
Healing Your Cycle: Positive Change
   After enduring such a long-winded list of how EDCs and reproductive conditions effect women’s hormones and overall biological rhythm, let’s explore the light at the end of the tunnel; a ray of hope in the midst of hard truth. While there are many factors working against the natural female cycle in the modern world, there are most definitely ways in which women can take control of their reproductive health and wellbeing to re-sync with their cycles. After all, happy hormones lead to an overall happier life, and isn’t that the end goal?
   One of the most underrated aspects of health maintenance in terms of impact is diet and metabolic habit. Each phase of the infradian cycle requires different nutrients in order to perform at maximum efficiency in their respective functions. The most important thing is to pause before acting on a stomach rumble and think about “Am I hungry, or is the last meal I ate still digesting right now?” and “What am I craving, and how does it fit into the current phase of my cycle?”. You might discover that your body has been telling you exactly what it needs, but you might have missed the signs.
* Although not mentioned in the section covering EDCs, pesticides contribute to the disruption of female and male hormones. Please wash all produce thoroughly before consumption! (Mix vinegar and baking soda into a water bath)
Menstrual Phase
   The menstrual phase is probably the most taxing phase the body goes through in the infradian cycle (not surprising, since there is considerable blood loss and uterine contractions to shed the endometrium!). High power foods like protein, healthy fats, minerals and root vegetables are needed to support the body and its energy levels as it works through the grueling task of refreshing the endometrium.
   Red meats and fatty fish like salmon (and even beans!) during this phase of the cycle replenish low iron levels and provide substance and caloric benefits while the body is going through a sort of “purge” of unneeded tissues. (Be aware of eating too much red meat, as a compound called prostaglandin can cause more bleeding when too much is ingested.)
    Healthy fats such as probiotic yogurts, nuts, olive oil, and avocado are also beneficial in reducing inflammation and cramping, maintaining muscle strength, and a feeling of fullness after eating to help prevent over indulgence during this time of nutrient deficiency. It’s not at all uncommon for snacking to become more frequent in this phase. Although it’s not a sin to have a sweet treat or splurge a bit on a meal here and there, remembering that balance is key during menstruation (and really all of the phases) is extremely important to long-term health.
    Root vegetables such as purple potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, and pretty much anything else you can think of to stir into some sort of hearty stew are great for providing vitamin A. This aids the liver in processing estrogen and revitalizes the body’s vitamin and mineral reserve.
    Some supplements that can be incorporated alongside diet include:
magnesium: helps to reduce cramping by relaxing contractions
omega3: anti inflammatory agent can also relax contractions
vitamin D&E: anti inflammatory that reduces the severity of dysmenorrhea
zinc: anti inflammatory that can reduce cramping
iron: supports the replenishing of red blood cells
   Think of this time as a grounding period to reconnect the mind, body, and spirit to the earth. The hearty vegetables and hefty meats nourish and root us from the busy, hectic world outside in order for the body to slow down, rest and recuperate in preparation for the beginning of a new cycle.
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Follicular Phase
   The follicular phase is the revitalized product of menstruation. The body is fresh and ready to re-acclimate to routine and societal expectation. This is the perfect time for light, colorful, and vibrant foods as well as pre and probiotics and complex carbs.
    Lean proteins like chicken, tofu, nuts, and eggs are your friend in this phase. Some may feel inclined to go full salad-mode after refreshing from menstruation, but everyone should maintain a level of balance that feels right for their own body.
    Colorful vegetables like carrots, lettuce, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and cucumber help the body to metabolize estrogen and maintain healthy levels in the endocrine system.
    Pre and probiotics of the follicular phase include fermented and pickled foods like kombucha, kefir, miso, sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt. These foods promote healthy gut flora which—if there have ever been any facts that stick in mind, this should be one of them—ultimately dictates the wellness of the rest of the body alongside the endocrine system. (Highly recommend further reading on this topic!)
   There are good carbs, and not-so-good carbs. Brown rice, quinoa, and grains are some good carbs the body can benefit from in this phase to fuel energy reserves.
   Some supplements that can be incorporated alongside diet include:
vitamin B: supports energy levels and hormone balance
zinc: regulates hormones and maintains cycle
fiber: whether through fibrous vegetables or supplement maintains healthy digestion
Ovulatory Phase
   The ovulatory phase is the body’s time for getting a little hot and heavy. Not only have hormones and energy levels risen, but body temperature also gets a fraction higher. To combat the heat, eat raw and cooling foods with lots of color. Metabolic activity is lower at this time, so not as many carbs or calories in general are needed to sustain energy.
    Fish, eggs, and lamb are some healthy proteins for this phase, as well as lentils.
    Vegetables like bell peppers, spinach, tomatoes (also affectionately known as love apples), asparagus, scallion, dandelion, cucumber, and okra keep the body fresh and rejuvenated during ovulation. Specifically, okra is very healthy to consume throughout the cycle, as its pods secrete a mucous-like fluid that positively impacts the mucosal membrane of the digestive track as well as the vaginal canal and uterus!
   Don’t hold back on the pre and probiotics from the follicular phase since they can still influence digestive efficiency and healthy gut flora.
   Some supplements that can be incorporated alongside diet include:
omega3: anti inflammatory agent supports hormone health
vitamin B&E: helps the body release eggs & anti inflammatory that supports fertility and hormone balance
zinc: anti inflammatory supports hormone health
Luteal Phase
   The body slowly winds down in the luteal phase to once again prepare for menstruation. This is truly the time to shy away from anti inflammatory foods like sugar, dairy, very spicy foods, and alcohol to regulate painful contractions during menstruation.
    Working back into the denser and fattier meats, fish, turkey, beans, and beef are great proteins for the luteal phase.
   There’s also a gradual return to root vegetables. Cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, collard greens, onion, pumpkin, purple potatoes, yams, and sweet potatoes are the go-tos in this phase.
    Carbs come back into play as well. Brown rice, millet, and whole grains help support the body’s wind-down time.
    Some supplements that can be incorporated alongside diet include:
magnesium: alleviates PMS symptoms
calcium: promotes relaxation
chasteberry: supports progesterone levels
Foods to Avoid
   Many cycle syncing practitioners promote a mindset of focusing on foods they CAN eat versus foods they CAN’T eat. Psychologically, this changes the perception of “restricted” eating as a punishment and alters it to a conscious lifestyle change which invests in a healthy body, mind, and spirit for future versions of themselves. However, for those who would prefer a more cut and dry outline of foods to avoid within the cycle, listed below are some inflammatory foods to limit (does not need to be a cold turkey elimination) in personal dietary choices.
gums (xanthan gum, guar gum, carrageenan, lecithin gum, carob/locust bean gum, gellan gum, Arabic gum)
   Gums are carcinogenic to humans and can cause additional side effects. Check labels for gum content. Switch to thickening agents like corn starch, potato starch, rice flour, and arrowroot powder.
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inflammatory oils (seed oils, vegetable oil)
   Check labels for inflammatory oil content. Consider switching to olive, coconut, sesame, and avocado oils (some avocado oils may be contaminated with inflammatory oils, always check!). Coconut oil and LIGHT olive oil are good substitutes for vegetable oil in baking.
dairy products (cheese, pasteurized milk, etc)
   Check labels for dairy content. Consider switching to almond or coconut milk, dairy free cheeses (i.e. Daiya), and nut-based yogurts. (Cashew milk yogurt is a personal favorite which can double as sour cream on taco Tuesdays!)
soy products (lecithins, GMO content, estrogen unbalancing effects, long-term influence on growth, digestion, sexual maturation, thyroid health, and breast cancer risk)
   Check labels for soy content. Controlled amounts of soy consumed in moderation are beneficial to the body. Consider limiting soy consumption to miso, soy sauce, edamame, natto, etc.
refined sugar (bleached sugar, corn syrup, etc)
   Unnaturally occurring sugars are an inflammatory agent that affects insulin regulation and dietary conditions. Check labels for added sugar content. Consider switching to raw cane sugar, monk fruit sweetener, honey, agave, and DIYing brown sugar by mixing cane sugar and molasses.
*Be careful of sugar free products which contain aspartame—an artificial non-saccharide sweetener 200 times sweeter than sucrose—as it’s labeled as a carcinogen and can cause kidney issues, toxic liver disease, and psychological effects [29].
gluten (bleached flour, GMOs, pesticide-treated wheat, digestive upset, fatigue, bloating, weight gain and retention, etc)
   Check labels for types of grains or flours used in gluten products. Consider switching to rice flour, buckwheat flour, corn meal, almond flour, coconut flour, oat flour, corn starch, potato starch, and arrowroot powder.
alcohol (high sugar content, gluten, inflammatory agent, bloating, fatigue, headaches, weight gain and retention, weakened liver function, etc)
   Although all alcohol is inflammatory, clear spirits (vodka, gin, tequila) are lower in sugar content compared to dark liquors (rum, whiskey, brandy, scotch, cognac) and wines. However, wines can have some health benefits when consumed in controlled amounts and in moderation. Beers contain both sugars and gluten, so be wary of amounts consumed in a given time frame.
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Herbs & Seeds
   In holistic medicine, herbal remedies and a process called seed cycling are great supporters for reconnecting with the infradian rhythm and balancing changing hormones. Listed are some herbs and seeds that benefit each phase of the cycle.
Menstrual Phase
red raspberry leaf
nettle leaf
pumpkin seeds
flax seeds
*parsley is an emmenagogue that can stimulate proper menstrual flow for late or light periods
Follicular Phase
nettle leaf
holy basil
pumpkin seeds
flax seeds
Ovulatory Phase
dandelion root
burdock root
pumpkin seeds
flax seeds
Luteal Phase
red raspberry leaf
burdock root
dandelion root
sunflower seeds
sesame seeds
flax seeds
   Exercise or any general physical movement is extremely important for staying healthy and maintains harmony in the menstrual cycle. As hormones fluctuate, movement helps accommodate and balance levels of different chemicals in the body, including cortisol—stress hormone. The higher the cortisol, the higher the inflammation, and the harder it will be to lose stubborn fat, get rid of water weight and bloating, manage pain during bleeding and contractions, etc.
Menstrual Phase - Restorative Movement
No to Low cortisol
gentle pilates
*Studies have now proven that circadian rhythm and sleep patterns differs between men and women (surprise, surprise). Despite the 6 hours of sleep preached for the last how many years, women actually need 8 to 9 hours of sleep depending on the phase of their cycle. Take your sleep schedules seriously!!
Follicular Phase - Fitness Movement
Low cortisol
resistance training
gentle aerobic training
Ovulatory Phase - Energetic Movement
Med to High cortisol
high intensity interval training (HIIT)
martial arts & kickboxing
aerobic training
resistance training
power yoga
Luteal Phase - Easy Movement
Low to No cortisol
gentle aerobic training
resistance training
*Notice the cyclical nature of each phase’s movement! It begins very gently, increases in activity until the climax of ovulation, and then gradually returns to restful movement again.
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Personal Care
   Within personal care there are sub-topics of what women can take control of to promote a healthy cycle. This section will review skin care for each phase of the cycle, endocrine-safe fabrics, period products, makeup, and other personal care products that can subsidize those containing harmful toxins.
Skin Care
Menstrual Phase
   Hydrate and moisturize! Since estrogen and progesterone are low, it weakens the skin barrier and makes it dry. Use a gentle cleanser and a hydrating cream or lotion. Products like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, peptides and ceramides are great for this stage of your cycle [30]. Drink lots of water!
Follicular Phase
   Maintain your skin’s normal health needs as estrogen rises and revitalizes the epidermis! Since there isn’t much progesterone in this phase, the skin won’t be as oily. Regularly cleansing and moisturizing should do the trick.
Ovulatory and Luteal Phases
   Progesterone rapidly elevates in these phases causing the production of more sebum and oils of the skin and hair. Skin sensitivity is heightened at these times, so continue using a gentle cleanser and non-active-ingredient products, like those that contain niacinamide [30].
   Finding makeup that doesn’t negatively impact hormones can be tricky, since many contain EDCs, as previously discussed. While it might be impossible to avoid EDCs completely in the makeup industry, there are cleaner and higher quality options to invest in. Some of these brands include bareMinerals, RMS Beauty, Alima Pure, and (rising in popularity) Ilia Beauty.
    These brands create eco-friendly, non-toxic, and cruelty free skincare & beauty products to help improve the conditions of the environment and of consumer wellness. Each brand carries their own formula of serums, moisturizers, foundations, concealers, lip products, and eye products that maintain skin health while simultaneously shining a spotlight on natural beauty.
    Perfume can also be considered a cosmetic. Like discussed earlier, mass produced perfumes contain harmful EDCs. But at the root, perfumes are scents derived from plants. Making DIY perfume is easy and fun, and probably more affordable. Let’s say Sarah (fake person for this scenario) really enjoys Marc Jacobs’ Daisy Love perfume, but wants to avoid the EDCs in the formula. She can research the ingredients and make her own formula with essential oils! Cloudberry seed oil is a base note of the perfume, but it’s also incredibly good for vitality of the skin with fatty acids like Omega 3&6. This can be mixed with daisy essential oil and sandalwood, vanilla, amber, and patchouli to create the cashmere and woody scent. Mixing different amounts together with a base solution will then create a similar perfume!
    Most perfumes are alcohol based, so using vodka as a base is on the table. However, oil based scents can last longer. There are a few options to consider, but always remember to dilute essential oils as they’re too potent to apply directly to the skin!
Soap, Shampoo & Conditioner
   Bath products are used daily, and are therefore very important to consider in creating an EDC-free or cleaner home environment. Right off the bat, a great substitute for mass produced soaps and body washes are bar soaps made with goat’s milk and other organic materials. Buying handmade soaps are a great way to invest in quality and health, and to support small businesses!
   Drugstore shampoos & conditioners have their quality-over-quantity substitutes as well. Companies like Prose and Function of Beauty take time and care to formulate products specifically for hair type (and skin type) to meet personal health and/or beauty goals. Companies like The Earthling Co. and Viori also make shampoo & conditioner BARS. This is a revolutionary innovation on their parts. Not only are bars more sustainable for long-term and controlled use, but they also reduce waste in the environment. For hair types 2C to 4C, brands like Innersence, Uncle Funky’s Daughter, Only Curls, Cantu, Camille Rose, Mielle and many others use natural ingredients and do their utmost to avoid EDCs in their products.
*Many small business owners also use organic and non-toxic ingredients in their products, don’t forget to support small and local businesses and the quality they provide!
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Cleaning Products and Detergents
   Most people don’t even consider natural and non-toxic cleaning products nowadays. Clorox, bleach, and harsh chemicals seem to be pushed the most, even in child-centered environments. In reality, a good ol’ combination of baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice does the trick, and it’s very affordable since most people have these in their pantries. The chemical reaction caused by the baking soda interacting with acid acts as a cleaning agent for not only messy surfaces, but also for fruits and vegetables! Adding some vinegar and baking soda to a water bath and letting produce sit for 5 to 10 minutes reveals a pretty disgusting—yet relieving—sight of clean produce versus dirty water. Some other non-toxic cleaning brands include Branch Basics, Bon Ami, Ecos, Grove Collaborative, and Enviro One.
   Now, detergents. Even though detergents and softeners and fresheners aren’t being poured onto the skin or the body being submerged into a warm bath of sticky blue liquid, the EDCs in detergents are absorbed by fabrics in the wash which can then absorb into the skin via perspiration and heat. Some non-toxic laundry products include Branch Basics, Thieves, Ecos, Meliora, baking soda, essential oils for fragrance, and wool balls instead of dryer sheets. (Awesome laundry tip: apply some essential oil to a wool ball before drying laundry. It will come out warm and smelling amazing!)
Endocrine-Safe Fabrics
   When the term “natural fibres” is mentioned, what comes to mind? Any organic fiber made from plants rather than plastics. Some endocrine-safe fabric fibres include cotton, linen, rayon, wool, hemp, silk, leather, cashmere, bamboo, sisal, and jute.
    It’s HIGHLY recommended that women wear 100% cotton underwear. This fibre’s breathability aids with air circulation down south, which helps to eliminate odor, heat, and wetness from sweat and discharge. Not only is it uncomfortable to experience these, but it can also cause infections due to heat and moisture acting as a breeding ground for bacteria.
*Be wary of lingerie like thongs. Although they seem breathable for lack of coverage, some thong fabrics contain EDCs, and the vulva can come into contact with any bottoms you’re wearing. This can also become a breeding ground for bacteria.
    Silk is a great fabric for pillow cases and bonnets. If you’ve experienced frizzy hair in the mornings, or you need to keep your coils and curls covered overnight, silk is the go-to fabric for avoiding static electricity while tossing and turning in bed. Silk is an extremely fine fiber, so it causes less static with friction, ergo less frizz and dead ends.
    Linen is a light yet durable fabric. It can be worn at any time of year, but it’s particularly useful in the spring and summer temperatures when the sun is at its closest and hottest. In contrast, wool is wonderful for the autumn and winter seasons with its insulated density. If there are any concerns about animal cruelty in the process of shearing, shepherds are careful and well educated on how to maintain their sheep’s coats. It’s very necessary for sheep to be shorn since the wool can easily become overgrown, matted, and weighted, causing discomfort and even pain for the sheep. Check out different companies’ animal cruelty policies for further information if still unsure.
   Not only are these fabrics organic, they’re also very sustainable. Unlike the trends and EDCs of fast fashion, well made endocrine-safe textiles can last with minimal wear for many years. This reduces waste production and supports the possibility of a healthy change in consumerist economy. Money can then be saved and put toward investing in true quality, rather than quantity and trends lasting less than a year.
Period Products
   It’s easy to go to the supermarket and pick up a pack of pads, liners, or tampons for an upcoming menstrual phase. Yet all of these contain phthalates, volatile organic compounds, parabens, environmental phenols, fragrance chemicals, dioxins and dioxin-like compounds which disrupt the endocrine system, as well as the vagina’s natural PH balance and flora [31].
    A good substitution for store-bought menstrual pads and liners are reusable fabric pads. These fabric pads contain bamboo fibres which wick and lock in sweat and blood. Unlike store-bought pads, reusable pads can actually be used for 8 hours before a change (although durations can vary by preference or heaviness of flow). The blood absorbed into the pad can be wrung out for collection (discussed next) or simply rinsed with water until wrung clear, then tossed into the laundry to be washed.
    Reusable pads also save a significant amount of money. Not only have extremely necessary feminine products been made for profit, the average price of pads rose by 10% in 2022, perpetuating university students’ likelihood of “period poverty” with 20% of women unable to afford store-bought products [32]. Women spend about $4,800 in their lifetime just on menstrual pads [33]. A reliable pack of reusable pads, however, can cost around $20 to $30 and last—with proper care—for 5 to 10 YEARS (I am currently on year 3!).
    Similarly, menstrual cups are a great resource and replacement for tampons. Tampons are absorbent, yet susceptible to leaks and can be uncomfortable when inserting and removing. Like store-bought pads, tampons cost a significant amount over a woman’s lifetime, around $2,000 [33]. Menstrual cups are made with medical-grade silicone which are soft and simple to use, and they can last up to 10 YEARS. These devices are great for collection, even more so than reusable pads (discussed next).
    Towels. Towels? Yes, towels. A good, plush towel is actually a great period product. Thick towels can be folded in half for extra security and sat or laid on to engage in free bleeding. Free bleeding is the practice in which women do not use period products or any constrictive garments to obstruct menstrual flow. Whether it be beneath a tree on personal property, or in the comfort of the home, free bleeding has many benefits including maintaining vaginal flora, reducing menstrual product waste, and reducing stress [34]. Some even say it can lighten the flow. (A/N: see my previous free bleeding blog for more on my first experience!)
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Menstrual Blood in Spells & Ritual
   In ancient Rome, Pliny the Elder argued that menstrual blood contained limitless power. Hailstorms, whirlwinds, and lightning were said to be dispersed by a menstruating woman. It could also sour crops, wither fruits and vegetables, kill bees, drive dogs insane, dull the brightness of mirrors, blunt razors, turn linens black, and rust iron and bronze.
    Blood in the context of spell work and ritual acts both as a taglock/personal effect and as a boost of energy and power within the working. Although blood magick isn’t evil, it’s important to be wise about how and when it’s used for a variety of reasons such as…
it could cause bacterial growth
it could backfire much more strongly
it could bind one to the working longer and more intensely than one would like
   Now, these reasons shouldn’t be a deterrent for using blood in spell and ritual. Negative outcomes can be easily avoided with critical thinking and decision making. First and foremost in the safety of blood magick: keep tools clean. Sterilizing and sanitizing certain tools and items is crucial in avoiding bacterial growth when working with blood. Cleaning the altar or work space before and after the working is also important to maintain a healthy environment.
    Since this article focuses on menstrual blood, there does not need to be any wounding of the practitioner in order to draw blood. (If working with regular blood, do not draw from the palm, thigh, or forearm as shown in pop culture. This could cause over-bleeding and is dangerous!!) As mentioned in the previous section, menstrual blood can be collected easily by using a menstrual cup, reusable pads, or by way of free bleeding. In reality, the most blood one needs when performing blood magick is a few drops, but at the time of menstruation, much more is available for use for a longer duration of time. Collected blood can be stored in a sterilized glass container in the refrigerator, or dried and kept in a cool dark space in wait for rehydration.
   Be mindful of what spells or rituals the blood is being used in. As mentioned, the use of menstrual blood can very strongly tie a practitioner to the working and could backfire more strongly than usual workings because there is more power and energy being incorporated. Spending the proper amount of preparatory time beforehand and really setting intentions can help avoid these outcomes and secure success in spells and ritual.
How to Use Menstrual Blood
   Menstrual blood is versatile in its application to magickal practice. In every case it can be considered a type of ritual or ceremony since bleeding occurs every month in conjunction with the phases of the moon.
   The first method of using menstrual blood is as an anointing “oil”. It can’t really be called an oil since it’s blood, but nonetheless, it can be referred to as such for associative purposes. As discussed earlier in the article, Filipino women apply menstrual blood to the face to prevent breakouts and inflammation of the skin. But since it’s also associated with fertility, life’s source, the cycle of the natural world, cleansing, transformation, and divine exploration, blood can anoint the face, body, or other objects to aid in workings involving such themes.
    When developing a deeper connection with the elements, menstrual blood can be included in these rituals/spells to tie oneself to the element of choice. Blood can be used to anoint candles in fire-related workings. After carving the wax, wiping a thumb’s-worth of blood over the carving will increase its effects. In water workings, blood can be added to a bowl or chalice of water to transform it with the properties mentioned above. Additionally, a few small drops of fresh blood can be diluted in water and safely consumed to further connect with the element of water. Blood can be taken outdoors on a windy day and trickled into the breeze, or left on the skin or other object to be dried by the air. It can be offered back to the earth as is, or diluted and used to water potted houseplants. The nutrients of menstrual blood enrich the soil and can aid in developing deeper connection with plant allies. (Do not add blood to still-water plants, the water will go foul over time!) Some free bleeding practitioners sit at the bases of trees and give their blood back to the earth directly while meditating or casting spells.
   Menstrual blood can also be used for divination. Scrying with a bowl of pure or diluted blood can be extremely powerful as well as grounding.
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Art is another breathtaking way to use menstrual blood. Jasmine Alicia Carter (@jasminealiciacarter) is a renowned artist known for her use of menstrual blood in spiritually significant paintings, pulling inspiration from her own erotic form and from Hindu and Buddhist teachings. Her blood has been used in hundreds of beautiful works including her most recent project “Blazing Bliss Mandala” which used 4 cycles worth of her blood!
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Rowan Vossepoel (@hanahonua.memoir) is another example of a menstrual artist, in tandem with her other artistic mediums including photography and woodwork. In tune with her cycle, she engages with nature and the creatures in her life with such awareness, and records her spiritual growth with her art.
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Blood art can be created on paper, wood, stone, leaves, bone, skin, or any other material that is significant to the practitioner. Drops of blood can be added to ink to write petitions and increase the power of words, or to draw.
   After discussing the depth of infradian rhythm and its application in both lifestyle and in witchcraft, some resources may be helpful for getting started on a new journey of embracing your cycle, if so chosen. Listed below are some apps, influencers, and texts that can be very impactful in this endeavor.
In the Flo by Alisa Vitti
   This book kickstarted my passion for writing this article. I’m also planning on developing a health course based on feminine anatomy and physiology to help undereducated women.
MyFlo App
   The MyFlo app is in conjunction with In the Flo. Developed by Alisa Vitti, the app allows you to become more educated on the infradian rhythm while tracking your cycle and its symptoms.
Elicia Goguen on YouTube
   Elicia is a great spokeswoman for female empowerment not only through menstruation, but in other areas of life such as mental health, relationships, fitness, motivation, and more. Many of her videos are structured like a vodcast, so it’s the perfect content to indulge in the background of regular daily activity.
Stardust App
   The Stardust App is another period tracker, but is connected to new age and witchy themes. This app not only educates in science, but also in folklore of the phases of the infradian rhythm. By purchasing an annual subscription for unlimited access, the proceeds are put toward funding access to feminine products for the needy.
   MyFitnessPal is a great resource for tracking movement and diet if it’s in line with your lifestyle goals to do so.
Flo App
   The Flo app is another period tracking app. It’s not as educational or accurate as Stardust or MyFlo, but has a great community of women that post on the Flo forums to talk about similar struggles, relationships, life, and anything period related.
*Please be aware that some period tracking apps will market personal information based on your location. Make sure to read each app’s privacy policies!!
   There are many ways to adapt magick and lifestyle to accommodate the menstrual cycle. It’s a very raw way of connecting with what it means to be a woman, and connecting with the millions of women that came before. Witchcraft can sometimes be a bit messy, but that’s something to embrace rather than shy away from. By accepting some unconventional means of raising power and creating change through magick, there is no telling what you can accomplish.
    Heal your cycle. Live by it. Celebrate it. Liberate it. And in turn, you will celebrate and liberate yourself from the confines you didn’t know were holding you back, both in your practice and in your daily life.
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Thank you for reading this article. I hope you learned something about your own cycle, or about the cycle of a loved one. Some of the information in this article can also be applied to men such as the information in the EDC and diet sections. Anyone can benefit from positive lifestyle changes and healing. Please comment or DM me with any questions or corrections, or with requests for certain sections to be added! I would love to hear from you about your personal experiences and how the article impacted you.
Sláinte 🌿
1. Menstrual Cycle - You and Your Hormones
2. Circadian Rhythm - Sleep Foundation
3. Infradian Rhythm - FLO Living
4. The Witch Archetype - The Moon School
5. Some Cultures Treat Menstruation With Respect - NPR
6. Menstrual Rituals Around the World - Flex Fits
7. Evolved Archetypes: The Feminine Warrior - Beyond Human Stories
8. The Mother Archetype: Understand and Embody Her Feminine Power - Where Wonder Waits
9. The Enchantress Female Archetype - Allison Clark Intuitive
10. PCOS - WHO International
11. Endometriosis - WHO International
12. POI - Medline Plus
13. Endocrine Disrupters - NIEHS
14. EDC and Reproductive Disorders in Women, Men, and Animal Models - PubMed
15. Uterine Fibroids - Mayo Clinic
16. EDC: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement - NCBI
17. The synthetic progestin norethindrone causes thyroid endocrine disruption in adult zebrafish - Science Direct
18. Prenatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol has long-lasting, transgenerational impacts on fertility and reproductive development - PubMed
19. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) Exposure and Cancer - Cancer.gov
20. Parabens and their effects on the endocrine system - Science Direct
21. Glycol Ethers - EPA.gov
22. Fragrance compounds: The wolves in sheep’s clothings - PubMed
23. Potential interference of aluminum chlorohydrate with estrogen receptor signaling in breast cancer cells - PubMed
24. Exploring the endocrine disrupting potential of lead through benchmark modelling – Study in humans - Science Direct
25. The endocrine disruptive effects of mercury - PubMed
26. Endocrine disruption by cadmium, a common environmental toxicant with paradoxical effects on reproduction - PubMed
27. Recycling Plastic Into Clothing Isn’t Going To Cut It - Medium
29. Aspartame hazard and risk assessment results released - WHO
30. Cycle Sync Your Skincare - OOVA
31. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in menstrual products including tampons, pads, and liners — GMU
32. How price impacts individuals buying menstrual products — NM Politcal Report
33. The Cost of Your Period - Pandia Health
34. 6 Benefits of Free Bleeding - Clue
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I'm 19 but I already decided some years ago that I never want to get pregnant, and I'm on birth control but I know that's not a garunteed protection. Am I too young to have my uterus removed? I don't really have any need for it
Hi Anon,
Good for you for being proactive with your reproductive goals!
The good news is that there are a number of birth control options (hormonal and nonhormonal) that offer protection as good or better than tubal ligation (getting tubes tied), and some last as long as 10 years at a time.
The bad news is that you are unlikely to find a provider willing to perform an elective hysterectomy on anyone under the age of 35 without medical reasoning. There are several justifications for this; some are reasonable, and some are stupid (NOTE: in my opinion).
Let's talk about these two things separately. (2 posts!).
Removal of the uterus, while a very common surgical procedure, is still a surgical procedure that has significant costs, risks and potential life-long side effects (and I'm NOT talking about fertility). Risks include everything from acute problems (hemorrhage, perforation, etc.), to longer-term health problems (increased risk of stroke, loss of bone density, urinary problems, heart attack, etc.) and sexual functioning issues (vaginal atrophy and dryness). It's not just like snapping out a Lego piece.
So when it comes to the prevention of childbearing, with no other medical reason given, many doctors will be unwilling to take these risks when there are safer alternatives. Medical reasons can include persistent heavy menstrual bleeding, fibroids or other uterine growths, gender-affirming surgery, endometriosis, etc. Even for these conditions, a hysterectomy is usually the treatment of last resort, and those seeking one may still struggle to get one.
Now . . . here's where the (in my opinion) stupid part comes in. We live in a country where an 18-year-old can choose to get elective cosmetic surgery like breast implants. I think there is a marked inconsistency in logic when we say that that young adult can make an informed decision about that surgery, but not in this situation. I do think it's a holdover from patriarchal handwringing about the ability of people with uteruses to make decisions about those uteruses. And yes, some doctors are overly concerned with preserving people's fertility even when the patient is adamant they don't care about preserving it. I don't know what the "right" age is to let young adults make these decisions for themselves, but I do think it should be consistent at least!
So Anon - The TLDR is: I think you should be able to make this informed decision with the consultation of a gynecologist who gives you all the information you need, and who will take the time to verify that you do understand what you are consenting to, short- and long-term. But, you are also going to have a hard time finding that at this point in your life.
I hope you can get what you need (security from pregnancy) by using one of the long-acting reversible contraceptives I will mention in my other post.
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icareheal · 7 months
PCOS: Understanding Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a common hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. It is characterized by the presence of multiple cysts on the ovaries, as well as a range of symptoms that can have a significant impact on a woman's quality of life. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for PCOS, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of this condition.
What is PCOS?
PCOS is a condition that affects the female reproductive system. It occurs when the ovaries produce excess androgens, which are male hormones typically found in smaller amounts in women. This hormonal imbalance can disrupt the normal menstrual cycle and lead to the growth of small cysts on the ovaries.
Causes of PCOS
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but several factors may contribute to its development. These include:
Genetics: PCOS tends to run in families, suggesting a genetic link.
Insulin Resistance: Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance occurs when the body's cells become less responsive to the effects of insulin, leading to an overproduction of the hormone and an increase in androgen levels.
Hormonal Imbalance: Women with PCOS produce higher levels of androgens and lower levels of estrogen, which can disrupt the normal menstrual cycle.
Symptoms of PCOS
PCOS can manifest differently in each individual, but some common symptoms include:
Irregular or Absent Menstrual Periods: Hormonal imbalances can cause irregular or infrequent menstruation.
Excess Hair Growth: Increased androgen levels can stimulate the growth of excess facial and body hair.
Acne: PCOS-related hormonal imbalances can lead to the development of acne on the face, chest, and upper back.
Weight Gain: Many women with PCOS struggle with weight gain and find it difficult to lose weight.
Fertility Issues: PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility in women due to the disruption of the ovarian function.
Diagnosis and Treatment
If you suspect you may have PCOS, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional. A doctor will typically perform a physical examination, review your medical history, and may order further tests, such as blood tests or ultrasound, to confirm a diagnosis.Treatment options for PCOS focus on managing symptoms and reducing the risk of long-term complications. These may include:
Lifestyle Changes: Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can help regulate hormone levels and improve symptoms.
Medications: Birth control pills, anti-androgen medications, and insulin-sensitizing drugs are commonly prescribed to manage PCOS symptoms.
Fertility Treatments: For women struggling with infertility, fertility treatments such as ovulation induction or in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be recommended.
PCOS is a complex condition that can have wide-ranging effects on a woman's health and well-being. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for PCOS, individuals can take control of their health and work with healthcare professionals to manage their condition effectively. If you suspect you may have PCOS, it is essential to seek medical guidance for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan to improve your quality of life. Remember, early intervention and ongoing management are key to living well with PCOS.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Carrot metaphysical uses -
Carrots, like other vegetables, are not typically associated with specific metaphysical properties or mystical beliefs in mainstream belief systems. However, in the realm of metaphysics, some individuals may assign symbolic or energetic associations to carrots based on personal beliefs or cultural practices. It's important to note that these associations are subjective and not scientifically validated.
Here are a few examples of how carrots might be associated with metaphysical uses:
Vision and clairvoyance: Carrots are commonly associated with eye health due to their high beta-carotene content. In metaphysical practices, carrots might be used symbolically or energetically to enhance vision, not only in the physical sense but also in terms of developing inner clarity, intuition, or clairvoyance.
Grounding and stability: Carrots grow underground, and their connection to the earth can be associated with grounding and stability. Some individuals may use carrots in meditation or energy work to promote a sense of stability and rootedness in the physical world.
Energizing and vitality: Carrots are known for their energizing and revitalizing properties, thanks to their abundance of nutrients. In metaphysical practices, carrots might be used symbolically or energetically to enhance vitality, promote a sense of rejuvenation, or boost overall well-being.
Nurturing and fertility: Carrots have long been associated with fertility and abundance due to their shape and reproductive qualities. In metaphysical practices, carrots might be used in rituals or visualizations to symbolize nurturing energy, fertility, and the manifestation of creative or life-giving forces.
It's essential to remember that these metaphysical uses of carrots are based on personal beliefs or cultural traditions and may not be widely recognized or accepted.
If you are interested in exploring metaphysical properties further, it's advisable to consult with experts in specific metaphysical practices or belief systems.
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dr-sweta-gupta · 2 months
Your Guide to IVF Treatment at Noida's Premier Hospital
Hello and welcome! I'm Dr. Sweta Gupta, and I'm thrilled to share with you the latest insights and information about IVF treatment at our esteemed hospital in Noida. Here at our facility, we are dedicated to providing compassionate care and cutting-edge technology to help couples achieve their dream of parenthood.
About Our Hospital
Located in the heart of Noida, our hospital is renowned for its state-of-the-art infrastructure and world-class facilities. We understand that undergoing fertility treatment can be a deeply personal journey, and our team is committed to supporting you every step of the way.
Meet Dr. Sweta Gupta
As the lead fertility specialist at our hospital, I bring years of experience and a passion for reproductive medicine. My team and I believe in a holistic approach to fertility care, combining advanced medical techniques with personalized attention to address each patient's unique needs.
Comprehensive IVF Services
Our hospital offers a comprehensive range of services to assist you on your fertility journey:
Initial Consultation: A thorough evaluation to understand your medical history and discuss personalized treatment options.
Diagnostic Testing: Advanced diagnostic tests to identify any underlying causes of infertility.
IVF Treatment: Tailored IVF protocols using the latest technology to optimize success rates.
Egg Freezing: Preservation options for women looking to preserve their fertility for the future.
Genetic Testing: Screening options to ensure the health and viability of embryos.
Why Choose Us?
Expertise: Our team comprises skilled fertility specialists, embryologists, and support staff dedicated to your care.
Patient-Centered Care: We prioritize open communication, empathy, and support throughout your treatment journey.
Success Rates: We are proud of our high success rates, which reflect our commitment to excellence in fertility care.
Patient Testimonials
Don't just take our word for it! Read testimonials from our patients who have successfully built their families with our help. Their stories are a testament to our dedication and expertise.
Get Started Today
If you're considering IVF treatment or have questions about your fertility options, we encourage you to schedule a consultation. Our team is here to provide you with the guidance and support you need to make informed decisions about your reproductive health.
Thank you for visiting our blog! Stay tuned for more articles on fertility tips, treatment updates, and patient stories. Remember, at our IVF hospital in Noida, your journey to parenthood is our priority.
For more Information:-
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The legal and health effects of Dobbs
Two years ago, the reactionary majority on the Supreme Court did something that no other cohort of justices had done in the history of our nation: It extinguished an existing constitutional right. In a single decision, it denied women equal protection under the Constitution and demoted them to a subservient status with fewer rights than a fertilized ovum.
It is difficult to measure health effects for large populations in a short period of time. Still, the emerging evidence is that Dobbs is increasing the number of risky and dangerous pregnancies, resulting in increased infant and maternal mortality. Predictably, the most extreme effects are felt by women of color and women who live near or below the poverty line.
A study published in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) examined the health effects of Texas’ 2021 ban on abortion. See JAMA Pediatrics, Infant Deaths After Texas’ 2021 Ban on Abortion in Early Pregnancy.
The finding of the JAMA investigation was that “recorded infant deaths in Texas and 28 comparison states found that the Texas abortion ban was associated with unexpected increases in infant and neonatal mortality in 2022.” Moreover, the results show that Texas experienced a “12.9% increase [in infant mortality], whereas the rest of the US experienced a comparatively lower 1.8% increase.”
The state abortion bans post-Dobbs are also affecting maternal health. Again, the relatively short time since Dobbs makes it difficult to conduct studies, but statistical modeling predicts a significant increase in maternal mortality—with women of color and women living near or below the poverty line showing the greatest risk. See Nicole Narea’s excellent analysis in Vox, What two years without Roe looks like, in 8 charts.
I recommend Narea’s entire article to your attention. The article covers the legal and medical changes in abortion healthcare since Dobbs. The article also discusses efforts to create statistical models predicting maternal mortality in the absence of access to abortions:
So for now, the best information is based on statistical modeling. Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder projected based on 2020 data on maternal outcomes that, if no abortions were performed nationally, there would be an overall 24 percent increase in maternal deaths after a year. Black mothers would see the biggest increase in mortality.
Finally, OBGYNs have said that their ability to provide reproductive care that meets the medical standard of care has been impacted:
In states where abortion is banned or restricted, for example, six in 10 OBGYNs say their decision-making autonomy has become worse since the Dobbs ruling.
The article also discusses the political dimensions of the post-Dobbs landscape. It repeats a common talking point promoted by (mostly) male political consultants who claim that abortion will not be a decisive factor in 2024. They are wrong—largely because they ignore actual results in 2022 and special elections post-Dobbs and instead rely on flawed polling.
For example, as reported in the Vox article, the survey question that prompts the dismissive attitude toward abortion is this: “What is the most important issue facing the country?” The answers are (in order of frequency of response), “Government,” Immigration,” Inflation,” and “Abortion.”
With all due respect (which is almost none), the question is so poorly phrased as to be meaningless—at least to the extent that it supposedly tests attitudes toward the importance of abortion. It asks about the most important issue “facing the country.” A sensible and reasonable answer to our national crisis is “government”—which encompasses the rule of law, democracy, the Supreme Court, voter suppression, and individual liberty, including reproductive rights. Saying that “government” is the most important issue facing the country does nothing to diminish the importance of reproductive liberty to the women and men affected by Dobbs.
Moreover, “Immigration” is a code word for “I am a MAGA voter.” If the designers of the survey couldn’t figure that out, they should find a new line of work.
And, of course, everyone is concerned about inflation—which is a surrogate for “I am not one of the top 2% that lives on investment returns.” In other words, it is everyone who works for a living saying that their daily economic struggle is the top issue facing America—which says nothing about the passion and anger that surrounds restrictions on reproductive liberty.
I am not a pollster, but I have met people, including women. And anyone who believes that abortion will not be a decisive factor in the 2024 election needs to look up from the spreadsheets and social media to engage with the tens of millions of women and men who are of childbearing age. They care deeply about reproductive liberty and are going to vote on that issue up and down the ballot. Don’t let any political consultant tell you otherwise!
Supreme Court grants review of state bans on gender affirming care
The Supreme Court granted review of Tennessee’s ban on gender affirming care. The grant of review is an ominous sign, as explained by Erin Reed in their Substack, Erin in the Morning, Supreme Court Takes Up Trans Care Ban In Tennessee, With Potentially Huge Impacts.
(Erin In The Morning is the leading source on Substack for news regarding legal developments regarding transgender rights. If you or someone you know is interested in or affected by such developments, I highly recommend the newsletter.)
Per Erin Reed,
On Monday morning, the Supreme Court announced it would take up whether gender-affirming care bans for transgender youth violate equal protection rights under the U.S. Constitution. The case under consideration involves the gender-affirming care ban in Tennessee, where the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals allowed the ban to take effect. The court ruled that transgender people do not have equal protection rights under the Constitution, citing the Dobbs decision overturning abortion and Geduldig v. Aiello, a ruling on pregnancy discrimination that has gained new traction in conservative courts targeting transgender individuals.
It cannot be said often enough: Transgender people are people. Period. They are entitled to the full protection of the Constitution and the laws of the US. But it appears that the Supreme Court is intent on repeating their travesty in Dobbs—creating a second-class citizenship status based on gender identification.
First Roe v. Wade, next transgender rights, then LGBTQ+ rights (including same-sex marriage), and then contraception. The reactionary majority is coming for it all. They are telling us as loudly and clearly as they can.
The Supreme Court is on the ballot in 2024—we must win both chambers of Congress and the presidency so we can expand the Court and release the death grip of the reactionary majority on the Constitution!
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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autonom-us-project · 6 months
Abortion Rights in Idaho
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned the ruling of the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which had previously provided federal protections of the right to abortion.
With the responsibility of protecting the right to reproductive freedom left to the states, it can be difficult to keep track of all the constantly changing laws and regulations. To help, we’ve gathered the most important information on your state’s current laws, restrictions, and related details. Below is what you need to know about Idaho’s current abortion legislation.
*Please note, information on this website should not be used as legal advice or as a basis for medical decisions. Consult an attorney and/or a physician for your particular case.
Where does the law currently stand on abortion in the state of Idaho?
Abortion is currently banned in the state of Idaho. 
When did Idaho’s current abortion ban go into effect?
Following the overturning of Roe v Wade (1973) in 2022, the state’s trigger ban went into effect, banning access to abortion from fertilization in Idaho.
For more information on your state’s abortion legislation, see our breakdowns of various abortion bans, restrictions, and protections in the U.S.
Are there any exceptions to Idaho’s abortion ban?
Currently, there are exceptions only in the following cases:
Rape or Incest: In which the pregnant individual has “reported to a law enforcement agency” that they are the victim of rape or incest, and has then provided documentation of this to the physician performing the abortion. 
Medical Necessity: If an abortion is necessary “to prevent the death” of the pregnant individual, as determined by a physician. The law explicitly excludes suicidal ideation or mental illness as valid life-threatening health concerns.
In these cases, an abortion does not violate Idaho law, but still must be carried out in strict accordance with Idaho state law.
The specifics can be read in Idaho Legal Code 18-622. 
What are the penalties regarding abortion in the state of Idaho?
Currently, there are no criminal penalties for a pregnant individual receiving or attempting to receive an abortion.
Those who provide abortion services in violation of Idaho law face a felony charge, punishable by 2 to 5 years in prison. 
This law includes the revoking of a medical, nursing, or pharmacy license, up to 6 months on the first offense, and permanently upon the second offense. 
The specifics can be read in Idaho Legal Code 18-622. 
I am pregnant in the state of Idaho and wish to terminate my pregnancy. What now?
If you believe your pregnancy meets the requirements for a legal abortion in your state, (see the above on exceptions), schedule an appointment with a trusted physician as soon as possible. If not, you will need to arrange an appointment at a clinic providing abortion services out of state. Make sure the state you choose allows abortions at the gestational age your pregnancy will reach by the appointment date.
If you need financial assistance to do this, there are existing funds to help cover both the procedure and travel costs. 
Abortion funds can assist with the medical cost of the abortion itself. Practical Support Organizations, (PSOs), can assist with other costs incurred seeking an out-of-state abortion such as travel, lodging, childcare, provider referrals, emotional support, and judicial bypass for minors, among other needs. Here are a few resources available to those seeking support in Idaho:
Northwest Abortion Access Fund [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Idaho. Offers financial aid for abortion, lodging transit (local and long-distance), gas money, food assistance, rideshare, and childcare assistance. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Idaho Abortion Rights [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Idaho. Offers financial aid for abortion, provider referrals, emotional support, abortion doula services, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Chelsea's Fund [Fund] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion from Eastern Idaho, but you must be traveling to any provider in Colorado, Montana, Utah or Wyoming. Offers financial aid for abortion services. See their website for more information. 
National Abortion Hotline [Fund & PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion, transit, and provider referrals. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). See their website for more information. 
Abortion Freedom Fund [Fund] – Provides funding for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Indigenous Women Rising [Fund] – Provides funding for Indigenous individuals Nationwide seeking an abortion. Offers financial aid for abortion. See their website for more information. 
Reprocare [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
The Brigid Alliance [PSO] – Provides support for those seeking an abortion Nationwide. Offers aid in the form of provider referrals, emotional support, language services, and abortion doula services. Provides Spanish language support. See their website for more information. 
Regardless of the legislation your state currently has in place, remember that safe and legal options are always available. The most important tool you can arm yourself with in these difficult times is knowledge, so stay informed about changes in legislation and policy where you live, and know that there are always resources available to help you through this ♥️
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risaly1242 · 6 months
Male Infertility and Sexual Problems Doctor In Jaipur
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Are you experiencing challenges related to male infertility or sexual problems? Look no further than Dr. Mahakshit Bhat, a renowned urology doctor in Jaipur dedicated to addressing these sensitive issues with expertise and compassion. Specializing in male infertility and sexual health, Dr. Bhat offers comprehensive solutions tailored to your individual needs, ensuring you receive the care and support you deserve. Understanding the profound impact that infertility and sexual problems can have on one's life, Dr. Mahakshit Bhat approaches each case with empathy and understanding. His goal is not only to diagnose and treat the underlying medical conditions but also to provide guidance and support throughout the journey to better reproductive and sexual health. 
As the leading doctor, Dr. Bhat is equipped with the knowledge and experience to address a wide range of male infertility and sexual problems. Whether you're struggling with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low sperm count, or any other issue affecting your reproductive health, Dr. Bhat offers personalized treatment plans designed to address your specific concerns and goals. What sets Dr. Mahakshit Bhat apart as the best urology doctor in Jaipur is his commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in the field. By integrating cutting-edge technologies and innovative treatment modalities into his practice, Dr. Bhat ensures that his patients can access the most effective and up-to-date care available. 
Moreover, Dr. Bhat understands the sensitive nature of male infertility and sexual health issues and prioritizes discretion and confidentiality in his practice. Patients can feel confident discussing their concerns openly and candidly, knowing they are in a safe and supportive environment. Whether you're seeking treatment for male infertility, erectile dysfunction, or other sexual health issues, Dr. Mahakshit Bhat is here to help. Take the first step towards enhanced fertility and rekindled intimacy by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Bhat today. With his expertise and compassionate care, you can trust Dr. Bhat to guide you towards a brighter, more fulfilling future for your reproductive and sexual health. 
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shubhragoyal · 10 months
Fertility Consultation for Your Family Planning Needs
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You crave to be a mother, and it takes more than coupling to let it come true indeed, fertility consultation is what we are trying to emphasize! You may have been trying for a year. Nevertheless, a mental blockage holds you back or the thought that swings between yes or no. Before you sweep into routine exams and medical evaluation, you are most likely to fuel a fear of addressing your infertility issue or perhaps struggling to find the infertility signs.
Family planning can be a mind-boggling decision, and as the afore fact goes true, it takes a lot of concern, even if you don't tend to become an expectant parent still, one is bound to watch your biological clock.
The only way to clear your head off the murky queries is to keep it before your doctor and fertility consultation is your companion in this state.
In fertility consultation, it goes without mentioning that having an unambiguous conversation with your gynaecologist or a midwife is a must because, hereafter, we can gauge the healthy pregnancy journey coming ahead.
Always bear in mind that your healthcare provider wants to assist you throughout, and to them, your situation and state of mind should be like the back of their hand, a perfectly filmed scene about you.
It's well-known that quite a few of them might embarrass you as your complaint might be of a sensitive genre. However, shying away never works in our favour, and to ease your fertility consultation, we have a list of a few ways to go about it.
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Put your fertility consultation as explained below
In the busy world wherein everyone's clock is making them timorous about their every move, it is essential to point out our fertility consultation queries vividly to the operator as there is a certainty of the limited bandwidth of the connection, and your first move can move the hard rocks for you.
The highlighting reason to not act mealy-mouthed is that none of us would like to be guided wrong and discomforting ourselves whilst examination also leaving the medical examiner in the middle.
Now what are the other factors that contribute to a feasible fertility consultation? We have them down for you
Your partner and you
Do you know? You aren't the only parent, but you equally share this entitlement with your partner, so never forget to take them with you for fertility consultation; if you are planning for conception, then your partner and you can make a big difference.
One of the reasons your partner's presence is crucial is because their health history can support the doctor's examination by which you receive the medical usher.
Family planning isn't easy! It can be stressful and affect you individually alongside the family. Since in fertility consultation, a man or a woman might also be required to undergo fertility testing.
Now, due to some urgency, if your partner isn't able to turn up with you, make a list of questions and concerns without skipping on the complete details regarding the health history. One can also spare a few minutes via digital presence since fertility consultation is a matter of seriousness.
Read More: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/fertility-consultation-for-your-family-planning-needs
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infertilityspecialist1 · 11 months
Best Gynecologist in Indore - Dr. Heena Agrawal
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Meet Dr. Heena Agarwal, one of the best gynecologist in Indore, for comprehensive women's healthcare.comes to women's health and reproductive well-being, finding the Best Gynecologist is of paramount importance. In Indore, Dr. Heena Agrawal stands out as a trusted and highly skilled healthcare professional.
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dfortrafalgar · 6 months
Your story with Law and the miscarriage feels very real to me. I didn't struggle to get pregnant but as I was on my second pregnancy I also got the 'there should be a heartbeat, let's just wait one or two more weeks, we could be wrong about the time...' when I was around 6 weeks, but the next consultation showed no heartbeat and no growth and I had a dead fetus in my belly for around 3 weeks before my miscarriage. It hurt like hell. And the actual sound of the blood clot hitting the toilet was truly real to me because the same happened to me. The physical pain was beyond anything I've felt, compared maybe to labour pains, and the psychological pain was quite hard as well. I regretted having told my parents and brother about the pregnancy because then it hurt like hell having to tell them about the miscarriage.
I didn't try again yet, since I already have one child but I have made peace with it. I'm fine now and I do hope this story has a happier ending.
Just wanted you to know that this feels very real and you are doing an excellent job. Thank you for sharing this. ❤️
oh my goodness anon, this message has seriously touched me, thank you so much for sharing your story and i'm so beyond happy that my little fanfiction has brought some comfort. from the other side of the fertility coin, i can absolutely sympathize and i am so sorry for the experience you went through. the fact that you shared that is a testament to your strength and i sincerely hope you and your family are doing well!!! i'm sending you all of my best wishes, whether you try again or not, you are truly loved and supported. thank you thank you THANK YOU so much for sharing this with me, god i wish i could hug you ;w;
i'm also kind of... relieved? in a strange way. i know that sounds seriously bizarre to say, but ive definitely mentioned at least once that this fic is coming from a really personal place, so recently i've started to question whether i'm making it too raw or too deep. but reading your ask gave me the reminder that i needed that topics like these are just that- raw and emotional, and that these stories deserve to be told, regardless of the format!
i can't remember if i said it in any of the chapters yet or not, but if anyone else who has read my fic struggles with any sort of reproductive health-related issues (really, anything! fertility, pcos, endo, pregnancy support, etc etc), i seriously encourage seeking out positive support groups either online or in person! throughout the research i've done on this fic, i've found a large amount of online forums dedicated to supporting women and afab people through their pregnancy journeys, the highs, the lows, and everything in between. one in particular that has been a constant read for me has been What To Expect . their community page has given me hope for humanity. r/endo on reddit has also been an amazing resource for support and experiences!
((and yes, i've started to promise it a lot more for the worried readers, but this fic will have a VERY happy ending for reader and law!!! its quite a bumpy road, and their hurdles aren't over yet, but i already have the ending written and it makes up for all of their struggles <3))
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drguptasclinic1 · 7 months
Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring the Causes of Infertility in Men and Women
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Infertility, a condition that affects millions of couples worldwide, can be a source of immense emotional distress and frustration. While there are numerous factors that can contribute to infertility, understanding its underlying causes is essential for effective diagnosis and treatment. In this article, we delve into the multifaceted causes of infertility in both men and women, shedding light on the complex interplay of biological, environmental, and lifestyle factors.
Causes of Infertility in Women
Ovulation Disorders: Irregular or absent ovulation can hinder conception. Conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disorders, and premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) can disrupt the ovulation process.
Fallopian Tube Damage: Blockages or damage to the fallopian tubes can prevent the egg from reaching the uterus for fertilization. Previous pelvic infections, endometriosis, or surgery may contribute to fallopian tube issues.
Uterine Abnormalities: Structural abnormalities in the uterus, such as fibroids or polyps, can interfere with embryo implantation and development, leading to infertility.
Age-related Factors: As women age, the quantity and quality of their eggs decline, making conception more challenging. Advanced maternal age is a significant risk factor for infertility.
Causes of Infertility in Men
Low Sperm Count or Quality: Issues with sperm production, motility, or morphology can impair fertility. Factors such as hormonal imbalances, genetic conditions, and lifestyle choices (e.g., smoking, excessive alcohol consumption) can affect sperm health.
Varicocele: A varicocele, an enlargement of the veins within the scrotum, can lead to decreased sperm production and quality. It is a common reversible cause of male infertility.
Testicular Factors: Conditions such as undescended testicles, testicular trauma, or infections can impact sperm production and function, contributing to infertility.
Ejaculatory Disorders: Disorders affecting the ejaculation process, such as retrograde ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, can hinder the delivery of sperm during intercourse.
Seeking Help from a Male Fertility Doctor
For couples struggling with infertility, consulting a male fertility doctor, also known as a reproductive urologist or andrologist, can provide valuable insights and guidance. These specialists are trained to evaluate and treat male infertility issues, offering diagnostic tests, fertility evaluations, and personalized treatment plans to address underlying causes and improve reproductive outcomes.
Infertility can stem from a myriad of factors affecting both men and women. By understanding the potential causes of infertility and seeking specialized care from a male fertility doctor specialist, couples can embark on a journey towards achieving their dream of parenthood. With advancements in reproductive medicine and personalized treatment approaches, there is hope for overcoming infertility challenges and building a family.
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healthandfitness899 · 8 months
Signs of Infertility
What exactly is infertility?
The problems with either conceiving a child, or with carrying out the pregnancy to its eventual fruitful end, fall under the definition of infertility. Infertility is the incapability of an individual to become pregnant, in case of females, or the incapability to induce pregnancy, in case of the males. The inability of an individual to carry out a pregnancy to its full term is also dubbed infertility. How does one recognize infertility? What are the signs of infertility?
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Signs of infertility are not always evident. Most people go through life without knowing there is a problem with their reproductive systems, attributing failed pregnancies to providence. In fact, miscarriages are the most common indicator of infertility. Signs of infertility in women:
In women, the signs of infertility are more readily recognized as compared to men. Endometriosis causes the lining of the uterus to grow outside the uterus.
Bacterial infections may begin around the uterus and spread to other reproductive organs, resulting in infertility. Fibroids in the uterus are indicative of infertility. Tumors in the cervix often cause stenosis, or narrowing of the cervix, which is a common indicator of infertility.
Ovulating before the tenth day and after the twentieth day of one's monthly cycle, pre-menstrual spotting, menopausal symptoms, etc. are indicative of luteal phase defect, and thus in turn are signs too.
Irregular menstrual cycles are the most common indication in females that they might have some problems with fertility. However, an irregular menstrual cycle is not conclusive in itself, but it is definitely one of the signs of infertility.
Issues regarding body weight are often indicators of being infertile. For a woman, being too thin, or anorexic, will definitely hinder pregnancy, since the body does not have the proper nutritional requirements, or the required strength.
Alternatively, obesity can also be a sign. Obesity is accompanied by hormonal imbalance, which affects the reproductive system and pregnancy. Signs of Infertility in Men:
Like females, in males too, either obesity, or anorexia, is an indication that he is infertile. Apart from these, anatomical defects may also be signs of infertility. Undescended testicles, or damage to scrotum and the gonads, are possible indicators too. Wearing tight undergarments, or exposing the testicles to heat, may render the person unable to produce the required number of sperms, or unable to produce sperms altogether, resulting in infertility.
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Determining the signs of infertility:
There are many medical procedures for detecting the signs that help to determine whether an individual is infertile or not. Doctors usually prescribe one or more of the following medical tests:
. Hysterosalpingography. A dye injected into the vagina is monitored to check for blockage in the fallopian tubes or uterus.
. Laparoscopy. If disease and other physical problems are present in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or in the uterus, infertility is suggested. This may be detected through laparoscopy.
Infertility is a problem which can be solved if it is addressed in the holistic way, which is, using a multifaceted method of healing. Getting regular health checkups, taking supplements to combat existing problem, exercising and stress reduction techniques are only part of the holistic solution to infertility. The holistic approach is not only a surefire way to increase your chances of conception it also guarantees a safe and healthy pregnancy.
This article is based on the book, "Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson. Lisa is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate pregnancy solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of infertility, help you get pregnant quickly and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website: ["Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson]
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transsextual · 1 year
absolutely no obligation to answer this at all but i saw your post abt yr hysterectomy and i was wondering if you are receiving that procedure as gender affirming care or something else ? i just have been trying to look into how to go about something like that and if it’s a gac thing i’d love to hear more about yr process ! regardless i hope the procedure goes well & am sending you good thoughts
hello!!! yes, it is considered gender affirming care. i'm getting my procedure done thru kaiser permanente, and i'm from CA. i'm also a little over a year on testosterone, and in order to start testosterone i had to get a diagnosis for gender dysphoria from a kaiser affiliated therapist (done in one 45 minute session (with a trans therapist!)). given that i already had that diagnosis, i can't say for sure that you'd need one within kaiser to be approved for a hysterectomy as GAC, but i'd imagine you probably would. my process was long & inconsistent because it consisted of mostly phone calls + appointments + reading&signing contracts, all things that almost physically pain me, but here's what it has looked like thus far:
- talked to my primary doctor about a referral to the center for reproductive health for fertility preservation + hysterectomy as gender affirming care
- she gave me a referral to the kaiser offices in the bay area, since that's where most of northern CA's gender affirming surgeries + procedures happen
- got a call from an RN to schedule an appointment with a fertility preservation specialist + a gynecologist
- gynecologist appt was first, she gave me the rundown on types of hysterectomies & told me i had the option for fertility preservation and that, because i live in CA and have non-MediCare insurance, i have partial coverage for fertility preservation services in a situation where i'm undergoing an operation that could lead to infertility.*
*we have a bill here, SB600, that basically illustrates that if you are undergoing a medical procedure that could result in infertility (like a hysterectomy or hormone replacement therapy) AND your insurance is something other than MediCal, fertility preservation care is at least partially covered by your insurance, and is treated as medically necessitated basic care.
- i said yes, I'm in the process of taking care of fertility preservation stuff & that is really valuable information to me, thank you!
- she referred me to a therapist to discuss different hysterectomy procedures + recovery time + resources for care, as well as a surgeon to have a consultation with
- few weeks after that was my appointment with the fertility preservation specialist, and we discussed how egg freezing works, what my options were in terms of continuing/stopping testosterone for a while*, and established a loose timeline we wanted to follow. she also ordered some labs (blood drawings) for me.
*the most research about egg freezing has been done on menstruating people, so while it's an option to stay on testosterone during the process, i opted to go off of it just because there are less unknown variables there, which comforts me
- met with surgeon for consultation, she read the notes my fertility preservation doc had taken, asked me some basic medical questions (re: drug use, sexual activity, etc), and we settled on a tentative date for my surgery
- had a mostly useless therapy(?) session to discuss hysterectomy recovery, settled on the operation i wanted, took notes about recovery time, etc, but most of my questions had already been answered by my surgeon + fertility preservation specialist.
- that brings us to about now. i haven't had any other appointments, but my current to do list consists of:
getting those labs done for fertility preservation
signing contracts about health+safety info, legal info, and other services related to fertility preservation
getting my birth control removed
right now, i'm aiming to have my birth control out by the middle of the month (June), egg retrieval complete by early July, and my hysterectomy is scheduled for the end of July. fertility preservation has been and will be by far the most annoying part of the process for a number of reasons, but if you're just looking into a hysterectomy it should be much more straightforward.
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