#Remus centric
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mourningliliesmorningglories · 11 months ago
“Passed Alger Brook Road, I'm over the bridge.”
Remus never thought he’d be sitting on this train once more. In this moment, he’s 14 again. The hills roll by and if he closes his eyes, imagines just hard enough, he can still hear the clamouring and giggling that used to belong here. The train is empty, save for Remus, a special trip just for him. In the worst way, this is all too familiar. Like the trunk remembers the axe, Remus can’t help but feel he is gently travelling towards a terrible thing.
“A minute from home but I feel so far from it.”
Remus had lived in London for so long that the Welsh had been bleached out of his accent. Hope and Lyall were long gone, finally resting. And Remus was alone. Home had always been where his heart had lived. Never Wales though, never a place, always a person. Cariad. Cariad. Cariad. With every beat of his heart, Remus knows where home is. He thinks of James and Lily and Harry. He thinks of a home that once belonged to them.
“The death of my dog, the stretch of my skin.”
He thinks of a home that belongs to him, of a basement with a torn up mattress and a master bedroom with a leather jacket hanging on the back of the chair. Remus could never understand how people could one day lock a door and never open it again. Until he did. Slowly, the cottage grew to be too much, bore a weight so goddamn heavy that Remus shouldered it all. That house held the three people he loved, “love” his mind corrects him. He wonders whether in 11 years of solitude, that house too, would be reluctant to see him again.
“It's all washin' over me, I'm angry again.”
In a way, only Remus could understand why James and Lily had to die. Unfortunately, there is always a greater good. There is always someone, ‘something’ his mind hisses, greater than him. The rage is dormant now. The war is over. Remus knows loss incredibly well, walks hand in hand with her most days. Instinctively, he tightens his grip on his thigh. It serves as a reminder. You survived the war. You lost everyone you love. You are real. You are neither punished nor the punisher. Not anymore.
“The things that I lost here, the people I knew.”
Remus takes a walk along the length of the train. Nostalgia’s sake and all that. The open compartment doors rattle gently and the seats are vacant. For some reason, Remus half expected to run into a brick wall at King’s Cross. He doesn’t know how to exist in this space again, how to walk the halls of the castle without feeling like a ghost instead. Mostly, Remus doesn’t know how he could look into James’ faces and Lily’s eyes again, and see them on someone else.
“They got me surrounded for a mile or two.”
Logically, he knows “No.” is as good an answer as any. He made sure that there were no more favours, no more secrets. Remus knows that from 11, the castle cared for him. He also knows that care and respect go hand in hand. He has no debt to the castle but he does have duty to fulfil. For every man who obeys his duty, there is another who cannot. A prison cell briefly flashes in his mind, then a cupboard under stairs, then a set of silver handcuffs.
“The car's in reverse, I'm grippin' the wheel.”
The train shudders and stops. The sky is dark. Remus’ eyes are closed. He inhales deeply and lets muscle memory take over. His steps now echo down the empty train carriages. He is just as tall as the last time he stood here. This time, he leaves behind four giggling boys. He leaves behind the weight of a head in his lap. The image is superimposed into his eyelids. Remus hopes that everything that ever existed still exists in moments, even though we don’t get them back. The doors slide open and he steps onto the platform.
“I'm back between villages and everything's still.”
For the second time in his life, Remus John Lupin has the sudden and crashing realisation that he is totally and utterly alone.
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norry-yippee · 2 months ago
mlm ships are not to blame for misogyny in the fandom, it you who only sees purpose in Lily as a character when she is with a man, it’s you who won’t read wlw ships even though they are just as complex and well written.
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consistentsquash · 2 years ago
Whoa! This is totally why you shouldnt do cracky spite recs because this fandom is too creative and you are definitely going to end up with new ships. Also why I am shipping Voldemort/Viktor Krum.
This list is so good!! Some familiar to me fics. pauraque!!! I love that fic. also some of my other Remus favs on that list. Violetquill!
Need to read the others asap!!
fic rec list: 15 het Remus rare ships
aka not remadora, not gay remus, but a secret third (fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh) option
okay so i totally played myself here: this started out as a cracky spite reclist, but i should have known better… i may now have fifteen new ships.
seriously, they’re legitimately good. SO many good reads.
the list: remus/hermione, remus/lily, remus/minerva, remus/trelawney, remus/poppy, remus/petunia, remus/narcissa, remus/bellatrix, remus/fleur, remus/pansy, remus/cho, remus/luna, remus/ginny, remus/lavender, remus/andromeda.
bonus: several remus HP poly ships, and several excellent buffy the vampire slayer crossovers: remus/jenny calendar and remus/faith lehane.
1. remus/hermione
look. i don’t just have a fic rec for this. i have a rec for a ship manifesto (original link | wayback machine) and rec list (LJ comm het-reccers | wayback machine)
Because of the slim canon interaction and the many obstacles to writing the pairing, it’s often done badly. But I think when it’s done well, it’s done very well; a writer who can keep the two characters true to the Remus and Hermione that we know and still write a convincing relationship between them tends to be a good writer. Consequently, there are some real gems among the fandom. In conclusion, yes, this is difficult to write and indeed to get your head around. But done well, it can be challenging, thought-provoking, fluffy, angsty, dark and hot. Often all at the same time. And in a fandom that ships cephalopods, this can only be a good thing.
first entry on that reclist is a ~10k E-rated fic titled after a shakespeare sonnet, and the rec begins:
This is by far my favorite fic in any fandom or ship. It's a beautiful story that depicts how these two characters slowly weave into each other.
the second entry has implied past wolfstar, and there’s fic by both setissma and musesfool on the list.
2. remus/lily
holy fuck this ship blindsided me with the angst and tragedy!! mwpp era writers, why are you Like This.
The Day After by violet_quill (1k, E). canon compliant, november the first, 1981, adultery. the repeating motif of street trash hurts me.
He doesn't think about how he doesn't like coffins anymore than he likes bars; he doesn't wonder who has the worse fate. He tries not to remember that he will be the only one left to put flowers on the graves. He doesn't think about James either.
bonus shoutouts to:
No Harm, But No Certain Good by victoria_p (musesfool) (1k, M), hogwarts era secret relationship, uhea as fuck
The Bowl Of Lilacs by copperbadge (12k, M), first war to eventual remus raises harry au, more plotty/remus-centric than shippy, but the remus/lily is both on page and significant
3. remus/minerva mcgonagall
two excellent poa fics:
The Ten Month Career of Professor R. J. Lupin by pauraque (3k, T):
He raised his hand to knock, but stopped halfway, caught in the shadow of decision. All during the long, hazy summer he'd thought of this, of what he should say, of how he should act.
god, i love this remus. the reminerva and sevinerva (yes, i did just invent these) love triangle is so beautifully woven!
A Year In The Life by copperbadge (41k, T): what a love affair! loved exploring a faculty romance through the eyes of these two, and the ending was so painfully drawn out! the Rent lyrics!!!
4. remus/sybil trelawney
two more POA with perfectly characterized dramatic trelawney, who Sees and is completely, hilariously wrong with her interpretation -- i adore this trope sm.
The Baby in the Pumpkin Patch & Other Stories by @evesaintyves: Chapter 3: The Seer, the Bell Jar, and the Packet of Crisps (~2k, G)
Black With a Tail by @paulamcg (500, G)
5. remus/poppy pomfrey
Take Care of Yourself by @patriceavril (8k, M), a lost years/pre-POA remus/poppy. so soft and tender, the little peter HC and the briefcase HC :') never gets old!
6. remus/petunia
A Different Fate by lordhellebore (6.5k, T): remus and petunia raise dudley and a disabled harry au, in 65 x 100-word drabbles. fluffy, angsty, a surprisingly wholesome take on this pairing!
7. remus/narcissa
Disparities by @puuvillaa (2.5k, M). first war fic, yummy hatesex, who is using who?
Fallen Stars by @siriusly-sapphic (4k, T): hogwarts-era alternative sorting slytherin remus au is such a good setup for this pairing!
8. remus/bellatrix
lots of intriguing takes on this pairing!
Bellatricked by Ellen Smithee (ellensmithee) (800, E): dark remus lupin, er, snuff.
What the Moon Revealed by Maria_de_Salinas (2k, E): can’t go wrong a good first war hatesex!
Before the Veil by Donna_Immaculata (4k, E): more snuff fic hahaha. implied wolfstar, established snupin
worth mentioning that this pairing is not ALL snuff fic -- there’s a surprising amount of soft!bellatrix -- but tbh i liked these better.
9. remus/fleur
before marrying bill, fleur wants to make sure she is… Riding The Real Thing by snapealina (2k, E).
there’s also an interesting muggle art camp counselor/camper au (5k, M)!
10. remus/pansy
Pruddy's Inn by littlealex (2k, E): post-canon au, ahhh gorgeous '00s era fic.
Pansy's legs disentangle themselves from around Remus' shoulder and arm, and Remus collapses on top of her, unable to support his own weight. She sighs contentedly and threads her fingers through his hair, her eyes still shut firmly against reality. What good is reality, she muses, if I can just pretend to get what I want?
11. remus/cho
The Heart by bloodsugarlove (7k, T). teacher/student told from teacher pov is always fascinating and the prose in this one is unique and lovely! note: doesn’t warrant the underage warning, no whiff of underage sex anywhere.
It's something of a scandal that Cho is seeker for Ravenclaw; many girls appear threatened by this, though they can't deny that is is rather decent at the position. Boys think it is fascinating, and Chang herself is arrogant in the most charming way. Not that Mr. Lupin really thinks so, mind you; it's a collective opinion, and anyway he has had quite his fill of arrogance. He has had quite his fill of a lot of things. He would really rather think of something else.
12. remus/luna
Stubby Boardman and the Cacao Bean by kestrelsan (2k, G), a remix fic!!! loved both the original drabble and it was so cool to see it expanded into this oneshot.
honestly this is a real quality ship! in addition to all the lovely smut and kink that’s all over the ship tag, there’s also:
this postwar perfection -- he was learning what was real: like Heliopaths and Snorcacks and love! -- Bearing Fruit by @paulamcg (2k, M),
this creaturehunting mission fic, with multiple pieces of fanart, created for @hpdrizzle fest 2017: The Naturists by hikorichan (9k, T)
and this lovely post-canon get-together -- Anytime by @nanneramma (1k, T) -- the seasonal pacing works so well for this nature-connected pairing!
13. remus/ginny
The Meaning of Restraint by Darsynia (4k, M): caught in a club and i’m not even underage! stellar vibes and dynamic here.
open my heart (let it bleed onto yours) by @lunapwrites (~20k (wip), E) -- a fascinatingly, wonderfully explored postwar marriage law au!
14. remus/lavender
Big Teeth/Little Red by PacificRimbaud (5k, M): oh my god this was utterly delightful. it’s a library meet-cute and a halloween party and the age differences, hahaha. a ton of age gap pairings here -- harry/pansy is the only one that is not, iirc.
While he tugs at the cap, he wonders at the audacity of living one’s life as Sirius Black. What must it be like: to understand the line between being a man who has bad ideas, and being a bad man? To gleefully ride along the edge of it, to toss away all but your own discernment, to simply do what you would like to do so long as no one’s being harmed, to not worry about what your desires say about you, to call your godson’s half-dressed former girlfriend a bad idea to her waggishly smiling face at your kitchen table and to let yourself bask in the fallout, sated like a wolf that's helped itself to a lamb. A— …big bad wolf…
15. remus/andromeda
Shelter at Your Door by starfishstar (13k, T): an andromeda doesn’t elope, marries and later leaves lucius au. the r/a relationship in this au is so well-written, their compatibility is so lovely, and although tonks is never born in this au, the r/t echoes are deliciously haunting!
"So," she said softly, pressing down against him, and Remus, following instinct at last, arched to meet her. "Are we doing this?" "Yes," Remus agreed, a whisper in her ear. "We're doing this." Careful not to sound judgemental about it, Andromeda asked, "Have you done this before?" With Remus and his insistence that everything about himself was dangerous and not to be allowed, it was difficult to know. He gave a self-deprecating laugh. "Yeah. Couple of times." "Oh?" she teased, still gentle. "What happened to being too dangerous for anything beyond friendship?" Remus' mouth made a wry twist. "It found itself on a collision course with being nineteen years old and horny, that's what happened to it."
a bonus: if anyone's taking notes, i couldn’t find fic for:
remus/olympe maxime,
remus/myrtle warren,
remus/the grey lady
remus/parvati or remus/padma patil,
remus/rita skeeter in english,
remus/angelina aside from the remus x gryffindor chaser sandwich,
remus/millicent bulstrode that was not a crossover,
remus/rose weasley or remus/victoire (there's a bunch of remus/lily luna all written by one author)
not to mention literally any creaturefic at all -- remus/basilisk? remus/nagini? remus/mrs norris? remus/hedwig? y’all, i’m disappointed. there was one remus/crookshanks [chapter 21].
bonus recs:
remus/hermione/ginny/luna, a nice lovely fluffy fun (E-rated) romp
remus/pomona/hagrid: "You see, I was thinking if you fucked this plant in werewolf form, we could get a beautiful crossbreed for dear Ru's birthday next month."
bonus bonus recs:
+1. remus/jenny calendar from buffy the vampire slayer
Weighed Down With Good Intentions by Thistlerose (8k, M):
"And your friends? Come on, Remus. You had to have had some. Outgoing, personable guy like you." Her tone was light, the kiss she pressed against the corner of his mouth playful. "They're dead too," he said, his smile fading. "All of them. There were never many," he added when she looked at him, her eyebrows raised. "Three. Four. One turned out not to be a friend after all.""And he – or she – " "He." "Is he dead too?" "Prison," Remus said. He closed his eyes and saw Sirius's face instead of Jenny's. Rough black hair, storm-colored eyes, lightning smile. Grease under fingernails. How many different kinds of lightning had he discovered that summer?
jfc this is GENIUS. the references to both BTVS and HP, the intertwining of both stories — it’s canon compliant to both, afaik, except for the bit where remus survives the second war to have that very last conversation — and holy shit that very last cameo!!!
+2. remus/faith lehane from btvs/ats
The Intent To Be Lost by voleuse (1.5k, T), post-Chosen, an encounter with a stranger.
"You could meet me again." She raises her eyebrows, leers a little. He rises from the floor, his body casting a lean shadow on the carpet. "Perhaps," he murmurs, idly running his fingers around his wrist. Faith shrugs again, but pauses before she exits. "You should," she hesitates. "You should be careful out there. At night." He's strong, but she's not sure if he's that strong, and he's starting to look a little pale. "It can get rough after dark." "Indeed," Remus says, but he smiles almost politely. "See you," Faith replies, and she tries to shut the door quietly behind her.
impeccable characterization sells a good crossover every damn time.
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ttroubledwaters · 3 months ago
im sorry but I find it so funny how when it comes to james potter, (some) fanfic authors just go; "oh! happy childhood? wealthy? loving parents? Okay, heres a mental illness."
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otterly-darling · 1 month ago
First Friend
'Hi! Do you mind if we sit here?'
The boy was loud; messy hair and glasses which almost fell off as he gestured wildly.
'Erm, sure.' Sirius gave a quick smile before looking back at his book but his heart was beating hard underneath his brand-new school robes.
He pretended to read as the boy and his friend settled themselves on the blue and white patterned seats, making themselves comfortable and talking non-stop.
'I'm James by the way,' the boy stuck his hand up, sending Sirius' book flying but the boy paid no heed. 'And this is Pete. Are you on your own? You must be a first year too.'
Sirius just nodded.
'Let's be friends then!' It was said like it was the easiest thing in the world.
'Hi! Do you mind which bed you get?'
The boy was loud; bright eyes and wand in hand which he almost dropped as he waved it wildly.
'Errr, no.' Remus gave a quick smile before looking around his new room but his heart was beating hard underneath his second-hand school robes.
He pretended to unpack his trunk as the boy and his friends settled themselves on their beds, making themselves comfortable and talking non-stop.
'I'm James by the way,' the boy bounded across the room, making Remus jump but the boy paid no heed. 'And this is Pete and Sirius. We didn't see you on the train? It must have been scary as a first year too.'
Remus just nodded.
'We're all going to be such good friends!' It was said like it was the simplest thing in the world.
'Hi! Do you mind if I squeeze in here?'
The man was tall; sweaty faced and drink in hand, which he almost dropped as he swayed wildly.
'No,' Sirius gave a relieved smile before looking over the crowd but his heart was beating hard and the man leered over to him, an ugly grin on his face.
He pretended not to notice as James tried his hardest to get in the man's way, throwing his arm around Sirius and talking non-stop. It didn't work.
'I'm James by the way,' he turned to the man, stepping fully in front of Sirius and squaring up. 'And this is Sirius. His boyfriend's name is Remus.'
The man nodded.
'It's time for you to fuck off!' It was said the the most casual thing in the world but James' eyes flashed. It took a moment but then the man retreated.
'Ugh,' James said, turning back round to Sirius. 'Sorry, Pads. He looked like a right- are you alright? What are you looking at- Oh! Hi Moony!'
Even in the dim light of the club you could see the flush on Remus' cheeks, Sirius however was even paler than normal.
'Boyfriend?' They both said at the same time, looking at James, who just looked back, totally unbothered.
'Yeah.' He took a sip of his drink. 'You've been mad about each other for ages.' Neither Remus or Sirius said anything and James sighed. 'So...' he prompted slowly, 'What do you think?'
Remus swallowed, his eyes on Sirius. 'It, erm, it sounds good to me. Uh, Padfoot?'
'Best idea ever,' Sirius breathed, eyes wide and he turned to James. 'Best friend ever,' he told him before throwing himself into Remus' arms and kissing him hard.
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itsriotmotherfuckers · 4 months ago
Trans!Regulus makes makes sense to me for a few reasons, honestly.
For one, it explains why it took so long for Sirius to be disowned. We know that the House of Black had very old values, so I can picture them not being accepting of trans people and not wanting a “woman” to be in charge. We know they disowned easily— think about Alphard— but they didn’t get rid of Sirius until he ran away. I could picture them keeping Sirius around to try and have a viable heir.
For two, it would give motivation for Regulus to rethink things. In the end, he did betray Voldemort, but, before that, he was wholly devoted to the cause. Maybe the reason he rethought things is because he realized he didn’t fit the mold, causing him to ask questions, before he figured it out and backtracked.
For three, I just like trans characters. Fuck JKR, she deserves to be pissed off by us making characters trans. I’d make Regulus trans if only to make her upset.
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sanderssides-angst · 2 years ago
What a great and comprehensive analysis of a bad relationship between good people. I really enjoyed this. I related to Remus a lot and it’s an interesting fic
Preventable Yet Inevitable
Summary: Remus knew from the start that Roman and Janus dating was not a good idea.  But neither of them seem to want to listen to him.
Keep reading
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shadowjinx2906 · 4 months ago
Felt like making a book cover for the ff I’m currently obsessed with while I wait for the next update 😊 (The Sensation of Screaming by itsallinthenamereggie on ao3—def recommend but it is on the heavier side of angst and I’m not sure how canon compliant it will be 🤷‍♀️ Also just realized I may have gotten the “Reggie, did you see?” quote wrong but I’m not sure..)
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notquitekenough · 6 months ago
I kinda had this headcanon that most people saw Peter as such a non-threat that they accidentally made him the biggest gossip to ever exist, but because he doesn't talk much (selective mutism hc) he made a journal of everyones secrets to get it all out of his head.
   Peter Oliver Pettigrew kept many secrets. Nothing detrimental of course, he wasn't plotting against anyone or practicing dark arts, but he kept his true self close. He let himself fall into the background, be unnoticeable, easily forgotten. That way nobody questioned him on who exactly he was, not that they'd want to anyways... forgotten.
      In fact that's what he was right now, sitting in the park by himself dispite coming to Hogsmeade with three friends, forgotten. Damnit now he's thinking about it, I mean are they really his friends when they do this so often? Do they even like him? What if they're planning another prank on him? He still hadn't forgotten the last one, he took an hour trying to put his socks back in the right pairs. What if it's worse? Stop thinking about it. You have to stop it Peter! Remember what your therapist said, try to let it leave you. Focus on something else, anything else. Look at the people around. All having fun with their friends, no. Shit. Not helping. The nature maybe? The trees are nice, right? James' Dad helped plant a few of them in this park, if James were here he'd say that himself. Instead he's off with Lily, trying to impress her or some shit like he's done for the past 5 years. Peter's known him for longer, why doesn't he take priority sometimes? Tears well up in the corners of his eyes. Why don't his friends want him? No. Stop it. What even started this? Why do these thoughts keep coming up? What was he talking about? Oh yeah, secrets... Peter keeping secrets, that's what this was. Merlin, that got out of hand. Peter pulls his journal from his bag, a suggestion from his therapist, 'Write down whatever you feel you can, Peter, you have to let all those secrets out somewhere.' He starts writing.
     ~The secrets we keep~
Read before Continuing: This journal is to be read by no soul other than myself, Peter Oliver Pettigrew. If you are not me and you continue beyond this page you may consider yourself signed up for the worst hexxing of your life. I've been practicing. Be warned now that everything in this journal is entirely, extremely, irrefutably private. The information beyond this point is not meant to be shared and will therefore stay between Peter Oliver Pettigrew and himself alone. James & Sirius, put down my journal right now... please.
Is this worth continuing/ posting on Ao3? Idk.
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halfhissandwich · 10 months ago
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@analoginceweek Day Five: “Here is where we shall stay.”
Story below! (Part two to Day Four)
“Hey, Virge, I need to go, Thomas is getting tired and I’m on dream duty tonight.” Roman informs Virgil of his situation. “Can… can you stay here and make sure our Perfect Professor is okay?”
“Nice alliteration… and yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll stay.” Virgil mumbles that last sentence more to himself than to Roman, but the prince gets the message regardless, and appears grateful as he pecks Virgil’s lips, causing the latter’s eyeshadow to quickly turn a sparkly purple color before he pulls away, lightheartedly slapping Roman’s arm. “You dork!”
“Haha! You know you love me, Virgil!” Roman playfully winks at him and Virgil’s face flushes when he finds that he can’t refute that claim. So he responds with a simple roll of his eyes. “I- oh, crap, I gotta go. You’ll be okay here?” Roman asks quickly, and when he gets a nod in response, he kisses Virgil’s cheek. “Bye V, tell Logan I said bye, I love both of you!” Roman takes a bow and sinks out.
Drama prince.
Virgil sits outside of Logan’s room for about 2 minutes before Logan finally opens the door, just a crack. Virgil jumps in surprise, looking at the door to find that Logan had in fact opened it… but Logan isn’t in the position that he had hoped. He still looked sad but on top of that, his eyes were a bright orange color, a sign that Virgil knew the significance of. “Logan…?” Virgil slowly speaks, trying not to provoke him.
Upon hearing Virgil say his name, Logan bursts into tears and falls down to his knees, babbling incoherent apologies to Virgil’s surprise. “I’m so- sorry- sor-” Logan practically chokes on his own sobs, prompting Virgil to kneel beside him and place his hands on Logan’s shoulders, observing the dark eyeshadow under Logan’s eyes. “L-Logan, hey, hey. Shhhh… look at me.” Virgil is unable to keep his own voice from shaking as he tries to get Logan’s attention, but Logan miraculously looks up at Virgil, breaking his heart with his terrified expression. “Do something for me. I want you to name five things you can see.” Virgil instructs, surprising Logan with the exercise that Logan had guided Virgil through before.
Shaking somewhat violently, Logan’s eyes shoot around the room, trying to decide what to say. “I-I can see… my- my bookshelf, I see… I s-see your s-sweatshirt… and your shirt… and I also see the lights in my room… and my blanket… was that five…?” Logan asks, gently fidgeting with the strings of Virgil’s hoodie, causing a warm smile to appear on Virgil’s face.
“Well done, Logan, that was five, very good.” Virgil praises Logan, keeping his hands steady on Logan’s shoulders, his own anxiety dying down with Logan’s success, which seems to also help Logan feel better. “Four things you can touch?”
As Logan continues through the exercise with Virgil’s guidance, Logan slowly finds himself being more and more grounded, and at the exercise’s conclusion, his newly orange eyes gaze into Virgil’s purple ones with hesitance, yet still with admiration. “You… you remembered.” Logan observes.
“Of course I did.” Virgil assures. “I still use that exercise a lot when I start feeling overwhelmed by my anxiety. It’s nice to have different options, know what I mean?” Logan nods wordlessly. Virgil looks at Logan’s eyes, then down at his hands as he takes them in his own, finally observing the elephant in the room. “So… he’s been bothering you.”
Logan averts his gaze, tears threatening to fall again as he nods. “He has… but not just him.” Logan starts, trying to find the courage to tell Virgil what had happened. Virgil, seeming to understand Logan’s feelings, squeezes his hands in order to give Logan the reassurance he needs. It proves successful as Logan continues talking. “When… when Thomas was cleaning, Remus showed up and started doing… doing his thing. I gave Thomas different methods to make himself feel better about how Remus was bothering him, but then he… he…” Logan clears his throat in an attempt to continue speaking. Nothing happens when he tries again. He clears his throat and tries to speak again. Nothing happens.
“What did Remus do, Logan?” Virgil asks, being as gentle with his question as possible, and struggling to hide his surprise when Logan yells. “HE MADE ME MAD! I- … I felt… so angry. He was ignoring me when I was trying to talk some sense and it felt like my blood was burning. And then he was right! The second that Nico called Thomas, Thomas started completely ignoring my efforts to tell him that implementing this damn schedule!” Logan rises, pulls out the schedule he had worked so hard to create with Thomas, a relic of how valuable he is, and rips it apart.
Upon seeing Virgil tense up at Logan’s outburst, Logan sighs and sits back down. “I’m sorry, Virgil… I just… I feel…” Logan begins, but trails off. Virgil holds his hand, wanting him to finish speaking. “I f-feel… sad. And mad.” Logan admits, lacking the appropriate emotional vocabulary to put a precise name to his feelings. “And I… something about Roman… he kept making me think about Remus. Like, I would see Roman but also see Remus. And I know that’s terrible! He’s nothing like Remus, I know that! Roman is bright, and intelligent, and funny, and… clean.” Logan looks down, avoiding meeting Virgil’s tense gaze.
“… I get it. When I first came to the light side, Roman did usually, well… remind me of Remus.” Virgil admits. “Granted, I barely knew Roman and I grew up with Remus, but still… We both know how amazing Roman is now, and we know that while he is similar to his brother, he’s different in all the ways that matter. He’s kind, he respects the space of others, he is able to reflect on his actions and take accountability and feel guilt when he makes mistakes, and well… when he makes us angry, there are good intentions behind it, right?” Virgil asks, prompting Logan to nod.
“I had a feeling that my brother was behind this somehow.”
Virgil and Logan both jump in terror realizing that Roman had returned, apparently done with his duties in creating a dream for Thomas. Virgil waves hello, but Logan is frozen as he desperately tries to explain himself to the prince, who was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed and a neutral expression on his face. “Oh my god…” Logan tears up. “Oh god, Roman, I’m so sorry… I swear, I didn’t mean to compare you to Remus, I promise, I… you… you aren’t mad, are you?”
“Mad? Oh I am absolutely furious, but not at you, mi amor.” Roman takes one of Logan’s hands in both of his own. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“I… I haven’t? But… I thought I hated when-” Logan starts.
“I hate when people imply that the only thing keeping me from being the evil twin is a mustache.” Roman clarifies with a small jab at Janus. “My brother and I are very similar, Logan, I know that. And I understand that if there are two Creativities, then they will naturally be connected. But you weren’t even comparing us, Logan, you looked at me and you were reminded of an event that really hurt you less than an hour prior.”
Listening to Roman’s voice was enough to completely soothe Logan’s tense body, his shoulders relaxing and his breathing slowing to a relaxed pattern. “May I hold you, Logan?” Virgil smiles, to which Logan snuggles up to him, letting himself be vulnerable in his partner’s arms as Roman maintains his hold on Logan’s hand. “Is there anything I can do to help you?” Roman asks. Logan looks at him, then down at the ripped piece of paper he had left at his feet. He pauses.
“Can you give me some tape?”
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grimst4rs · 6 months ago
“are we telling him?”
“fuck, no.”
“jealous, prongs?”
a snort. “no, obviously not, it’s just that—”
“i’m trying to sleep,” remus moaned.
“he’s alive!” james exclaimed, throwing his arms up and wrapping them around remus, which earned him a wince. “sorry, mate.”
he finally opened his bleary eyes and found himself where he usually resided after the full moon; his friends were looking at his expectantly, and remus suddenly felt horribly naked, which he wasn’t, but having someone (or, rather, a specific someone) look at him like that had that effect of him. he wasn’t exactly drawn to the idea of someone seeing him in such a state.
“tell me what?” he asked, bringing up a bandaged wrist to his eyes, trying (rather unsuccessfully) to rub the sleep away from him eyes.
“ah, well,” sirius said, grinning, “a certain prefect stopped by to wish you a speedy recovery and,” he scratched his chin, his eyes sleepy, too, ““all her best”.”
lily, then. well, something worse could have happened. like him slaughtering someone in cold blood. or sirius, james and peter having been caught by madam pomfrey in the shack. or snape coming to the hospital wing and prancing around smugly, glaring at remus as if he could open his skull and read his secret off from there in big, bold letters.
“oh,” was what he answered with, accompanied with a smile. “well, if you see her, tell her i said thanks.”
“prongs will see her, all right,” sirius grinned; remus earned a questioning eyebrow.
peter cackled, which earned him a smack from james. “well, you see, as you might know, our dear friend’s a head boy now.”
remus rolled his eyes. “really? it’s not like you wrote to me first thing after finding out.”
“yeah, well. he apparently ran into evans before duties yesterday, or more like went on the same route and bumped into each other. and scored himself a date with her next hogsmeade weekend, since this one she’s on duties with sluggy. or the slug club. whatever.”
“what!?” remus demanded, a little bit too loudly, which he immediately regretted, for his voice was hoarse. he looked around for madam pomfrey, trying to see if she would berate him for his outburst, yet she didn’t. “what!?” he asked, again, a little bit more quietly.
sirius nodded, lounging in his chair at ease. “prongs is finally a big man. aren’t you?” he patted james’ cheek affectionately. “peter earned himself a detention for that weekend, so i guess it’ll be just the two of us them. fancy calling a date?” he asked, grinning.
remus hoped his face hadn’t turned as red as he felt it would, once his cheeks and ears heated up. he and sirius were… complicated. by complicated, he meant snogging behind their friends’ backs whenever they had a spare moment, yet nothing more. however, something had shifted in their dynamic, and it felt like a bleeding wound. remus wanted to press his fingers to it, to get an explanation before there would be nothing left of them. why was he thinking of wound-blood metaphors? what the fuck.
“sure,” he beamed, grabbing a chocolate frog off the nightstand. “date, then.”
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hyperfocuscentre · 8 months ago
does anyone have any prank fics from remus’ perspective? i love a good sirius focused prank fic but sometimes they overly villainise remus and it gets a tad frustrating.
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les-fleurrs-du-mal · 7 months ago
Heyy. I've not used tumblr since I was in my early 20s, so just getting back into now to promote my writing! I've been writing since I was 15 and took a very long break from it until quite recently.
I write Regulus Black and Sirius Black-centric fics, as well as the Black Sisters. I like to read fics too, so always open to recommendations to enjoy, and can provide feedback/constructive criticism if any is wanted!
find me on ao3 & wattpad & tiktok
Cracks [work in progress] / regulus black x original muggle character / enemies-to lovers
Flora, the muggle half-sister of protective older brother Remus Lupin, is hidden away during the First Wizarding War for fear of werewolf attacks. It seems things cannot possibly get worse until Regulus Black, who has deviated from the fold of Death Eaters, also needs somewhere to hide.
Forced together by circumstance, their relationship is rocky from the start, but Flora won't be daunted by Regulus' arrogance and unpleasant airs. As they both slowly overcome their dislike of one another, mutual respect and understanding begin to grow, and their feelings start to shift from mere affection to something deeper and more profound.
Black Heart [work in progress, but very slow updates] / bellatrix lestrange au
Odile Lestrange, the only child of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, has grown up with Regulus and always had a very close relationship with him. At the age of twelve, Odile finds herself betrothed to her elder cousin Sirius - until he runs away, at least. Then the burden falls to Regulus. As time goes on, and they grow up amid a war in which both are expected to serve, their relationship becomes increasingly complicated and more convoluted, with layers of lies, secrets, resentment, and love.
Le Cygne [completed] narcissa malfoy x original muggle character / F/F
Eira is a Muggle newly married to Sirius Black when he is arrested for a crime he didn't commit. A dark story unravels as Eira is forced into servitude for the Malfoy family and begins an encounter of hopeless infatuation with Narcissa Malfoy, the proud and beautiful wife of Lucius, in an unexpected, devastating way.
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seriousbrat · 4 months ago
Do you find it difficult to write for Peter? I imagine it's hard to find the right balance in his characterization, especially considering people will be expecting him to be either totally useless and hated by the group or being totally equal and adored. I do think you do it very well though, he seems pretty realistic and in character imo
Ooh thank you so much for saying so! I really love this question.
The answer is sort of, sometimes! Honestly I don't find his voice difficult at all, I really enjoy writing him, but what I think can be a struggle with Peter is that he isn't a character that (initially) moves the plot along, compared to the others. He follows his friends, he trails behind, he's generally a passive character, so it's hard to give him active things to do within a story. I understand why people have a hard time knowing what to do with him, and either make him exit stage left during most scenes or just kind of eternally hover in the background lol. I know I've done that myself, and honestly, even though I think it was okay in part 2, it's part 3 where his arc really started to come together for me.
I'm obviously talking about the Hogwarts years here, since post-Hogwarts he has a pretty clear arc-- so during the Hogwarts years, it's all about setting up that arc, building up his motivations and foreshadowing his eventual betrayal. The way I see it he's already starting to do things that are basically small-scale versions of the betrayal, but because these actions are so minor they go completely unnoticed by the rest.
In my fic the first major turning point for Peter is during a Death Eater attack in their sixth year, when he turns into a rat and escapes, abandoning his friends who he knows are desperately trying to find him. This is never revealed to the rest of them, and Peter is at this early stage developing a habit of running from conflict and lying to his friends. During his seventh year he feels isolated from his friends and starts spending more time on his own as a rat, even failing to show up for his NEWT and lying about it later-- and in many ways that avoidance of real life is more comfortable for him. Obviously, the most extreme version of avoiding real-life consequences in this way is when he frames Sirius and then spends 12 years living as a rat.
He's terrified-- of losing his friends, of rejection, of failure, of the war-- and yet his fear is shameful to him, because cowardice is considered shameful by the in-group (Sirius and James) so he can't admit it to anyone or really face up to it. Instead he avoids it until it's too late, and then he avoids it some more by turning traitor and then by framing Sirius, then by running to Voldemort, etc etc until his death. It's almost like he's constantly in survival mode and always looking for a way out, while finding himself in situations that he feels are beyond his control but are really a result of his own avoidance.
Personally I did struggle a bit thinking of ways for Peter to move the story along or specific plot points for him during the Hogwarts years, basically ways to make him relevant, but overall I knew he was going to start unraveling early on. Peter's arc is initially very internal, nobody is ever aware of what's truly going on with him so unlike others it's difficult to tie his arc to the main plot-- but at the same time he's very observant, so he's a good vehicle through which to view other characters. He is constantly taking in information and thinking hard about that information, more than anyone else realises, which makes him a very good spy.
It can be difficult to find a balance with Peter though! As you mentioned, his standing in the group is tricky to get right, because it's somewhere between an idyllic, equal friendship and total rejection. They care about him, he is a member of their group, but they can also be disparaging, and they have no idea what's going on with him internally. They aren't consciously overlooking him, but he gets overlooked all the same. I don't think this kind of dynamic is that uncommon in real life tbh.
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ashesandhackles · 2 years ago
Fic recs
Other Women and of Purer Blood by @saintsenara
Summary: Narcissa is adrift, rattling around Malfoy Manor, when an equally lonely man comes into her lonely life.
Thoughts: I have been wanting a story that contextualises the sexual charge and familiarity we see between Snape and Narcissa in Spinner's End for ages (canon compliant, that is) and this story is a lovely backstory to that. It also captures Snape in transition: Snape still ironing out his northern accent, how his movements are still spider-like. He is in the process of becoming the adult Snape we see in canon: whose speeches are a performance, and how he irons out the awkwardness of his movements in adulthood.
Snape looks completely wrong in the flowery bower where Dobby has set out tea. His sallow awkwardness seems to repel the summer, even though Narcissa suspects he must be baking in his layers of shabby black robes. 
He doesn’t have the fine manners of the sort of person who normally comes to tea with the Malfoys. He eats quickly, and slurps his tea, and looks at the cakes with the greedy eyes of a boy who isn’t used to treats. Lucius would be disgusted, to have a greasy half-blood at his table spraying crumbs everywhere. She imagines the expression of horrified confusion on his pointy face and giggles.
Snape immediately goes scarlet and puts down his tea-cup.
In Infinite Remorse of Soul by @perverse-idyll
Summary: Albus Dumbledore never makes the same mistake twice. Certainly not in love.
Thoughts: My very first Snumbledore, which is a frightening meditation on the very vast power dynamics between Snape and Dumbledore from the hilltop scene in Deathly Hallows and expanding the very personal reaction Dumbledore had towards the wayward young Death Eater. Perverse Idyll is among the best writers in the fandom, brimming with words and fantastic imagery that just stays with you.
"My boy," Albus says almost kindly, because kindness is something that mystifies his young servant. Severus' eyes dart upwards, apprehensive, accusing, and Albus can see the darkness inside the boy clawing to reach him. Guilt calling to guilt.
The moment quivers and thins until he judges that Severus has had enough and is about to rebel. A harsh rasp draws his attention. He looks down at the bruised, blackened fingernail scraping across stone.
"My boy," he sighs. "You never fail to disgust me."
The ritual word strikes Severus down. His obstinate body shrinks, wings of hair flapping forward to shut his scowling face from view.
To Build A Home by @mblematic
Summary: 1978-1981: Sirius stumbles on something in the woods, Sirius and Remus stumble into each other, everyone stumbles into the war.
Thoughts: First War hijinks, dysfunctional Wolfstar - I was fed! I cannot rave enough about the gorgeous, subtle writing of relationships (the author really captures this raw, visceral vulnerability between two friends who are attracted to each other and how it explodes in heightened tension of war) and there is some fantastic world building and mirroring. Excerpt: Later, Sirius would remember almost everything from this night with crystal clarity except the sky, which in reality was clouded but in his memory would be open, star-studded, expansive and unknowable as the future. He’d remember, correctly, that the wolf was different than it had been at Hogwarts. He’d remember the restless, brutal, snarling fury, all of it undercut with a fear so intense it had its own meaty weight. The night took Sirius by surprise and he spent the whole long stretch of it trying to put himself back on track, trying to reacquaint himself with the wolf, and trying to convince them both that they remembered each other. At one point he found himself literally between Remus’ jaws, helpless and pliant, mewling like a supplicant. This, too, he would remember for the rest of his life. 
Second Life by Cassandra, nwhiker Summary: What happens when two men are given a second chance.
Thoughts: I finally got around to reading one of the most recommended Snirius fics out there. Beautiful, understated, deeply emotional - the authors take you on a journey with the two of them post war. It also feels....old?? As in, the kind of perspective this fic has is the perspective of someone in late 30s (which both Snape and Sirius are in this fic, post war). There is a fragile, "who else will understand what our generation went through?" running through the vein of this fic.
It was like walking into a tiny garden in the tropics, and he was reminded of some of the places he'd visited while on the run after his escape from Azkaban. There were hundreds of plants, most of them unfamiliar, and a large table was filled with orchids. There was a tree, which turned out to be a frangipani, its white flowers soft and sweet. A delicate white flower with an exquisite fragrance that Snape said was bouvardia. Along one wall were plants Sirius recognised from Potions classes, wolfsbane and asphodel, wormwood and sopohorous, a shrivelfig tree, and others he'd seen but didn't know the names of.
"I'm not supposed to have them," Snape said.
Sirius turned to him. Snape was staring down an orchid, brushing planting mix from the edge of its pot.
Al Aaraaf by eldritcher
Summary: There is a place between heaven and hell.
Thoughts: An unsettling, poetic horror fic featuring a grieving Walburga Black. The whole fic is structured like a poem, with rhythm and repetition and metaphor shining through.
He had her face. He had her scowl. He had her loathsome, loathing heart that mourned and loved. Hell dwelled in him, as a warm and heartful thing calved of mother.
The last of earth's make she held was son. His hands were placed in prayerful clasp over her belly.
The lamb in her was of Tartary, born of son fed and killed with milk and honey, birthed of widow's mourning.
"It is all right," Sirius said, and held her to him as if she weren't damned.
Runaway Boys by Delphi
Summary: Severus dreams of pirates, and Lily closes the nursery window. Thoughts: I'm not sure if I have recommended this fic before, but I am recommending it again, just in case. This is a wonderfully strange coming of age, a tale of puberty told in dreams/ fantasies featuring Snape and Captain Hook. Excerpt:
"Severus S—" He cuts himself off and then tentatively amends: "Prince. Severus Prince."
It's a better name, he's decided. His new friends at school know the Princes, but they've never heard of any Snapes.
"That is a fine name, Mr. Prince," the man says. "As for me, I am Captain James Hook."
A large hand extends into the branches, and after a moment, Severus carefully leans down and shakes it.
"Pleased to meet you," Severus says.
"Are those friends of yours?" the captain asks, nodding towards the neighbouring island, where the boys are now riding wild ponies bareback, jousting with each other using lances made of hollow reeds.
Severus shrugs. Of course, he thinks, the man would rather know them.
Note: Please check the pairings and tags in each of these fics and keep in mind your own triggers :)
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ziggystrdust · 2 years ago
*throws secret relationship dorlene, enemies to lovers jegulus, hookup (with bad intentions) to lovers wolfstar, friends to lovers marylily and healing rosekiller at you very fast and then runs away*
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