#Remote Trauma
Abso-fucking-lutely vibing with World's Finest: Teen Titans' addition of Karen as one of the founding members.
Because good fucking god, before this the team was two demigods, two billionaire teens and a Normal Kid™ in neon yellow BUT NOW?! Now it's two demigods, two billionaire teens and TWO Normal Kids™ in neon yellow!
No but seriously though Wally is the only one who has to like... mow the lawn and watch his neighbor's cat when they go away for the long weekend. He's the only one who knows how to mail a letter at the post office and how much pencils cost at a book fair. He's got superpowers and terrible parents and yet somehow he is the MOST NORMAL ONE THERE.
Which speaks volumes about the rest of them tbh.
But now!!! Karen and Wally get to be nerds ✨together✨ and they get free tickets to watch the trainwrecks that the other Teen Titans call life
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Seriously though I think these two are aggressively trying to be friends with each other while also roleplaying their 'cool guy' hero personas, which is extremely funny to me. These two are absolute nerds with no friends in school and they are DESPERATE for a friend and they've just met but they've both decided "Yeah that one. That one is friend shaped"
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Wally: you move too slow
Karen: learn how to fly dumbass
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Anyway I love them
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flaskoflethe · 3 months
I think the most significant metaphor in I Saw the TV Glow, of only in my interpretation, was the fucking inhaler. It's the device that gives enough temporary relief from the suffocation of being buried alive and not even knowing something's wrong, not by temporarily making it not wrong but by making you not notice that specific problem. It's still there, you're still suffocating and crushed under the ground dying alone and with your actual self torn out of you, while the fake version of you huffs the inhaler again and again with growing despair because it never addressed the problem, you were just told it would fix what was wrong
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crimeronan · 1 month
Super indulgent too. The previous asks have awakened something feral.
But, what if Amity & Lilith do manage to get away with Hunter before Belos also offs him??? And maybe Luz stays longer in the in between with Papa Titan as they come up with a plan to destroy Belos. In that time, Belos brands Hunter, Amity, and Lilith as traitors and accuse them of having killed the princess. Then, Luz comes back epic style with titan powers, obliterates Belos, and takes back the throne. Now a grief stricken Hunter/Amity/Lilith see Luz with kickass titan powers and don’t think it’s her because OBVIOUSLY she died and they did see her dead. It’s only when she ends up saying something that only Hunter can know that they’re convinced and all like wtf happened. While at the same time Luz doesn’t want to reveal the grimwalker secret and Hunter can only keep guessing what happened to her while with Belos.
WOOOOO yeah sure. we can leave the characters crazed with grief for a little longer :)
the initial question is "where would they go," but given that lilith is with them, i think the Clear Answer is the owl house.
really i think the biggest obstacle here wouldn't even be the empire, it would just be hunter himself. he'd want to drag himself back to the castle and finish what he started. aka get himself killed. he has no expectation that he can Actually kill belos
i was trying to figure out what, if anything, could dissuade him from this path. and my main thought is that after a lot of exasperation on lilith's part and being corralled on hooty's, amity finally shouts, "she FUCKING DIED FOR YOU and you're just going to THROW IT AWAY???"
amity's sense of righteous fury is So Strong here. SHE wouldn't throw away a sacrifice like that. or at least she likes to think she wouldn't. that hunter doesn't seem to Care what luz did just makes the entire thing seem even more senseless.
and hunter just kind of. shatters. sinks onto the floor with his head in his hands like, "i can't do this, blight. i get it, i do, i'm hearing you, you think i have options but i'm telling you, i Can't Do This. i Have to keep moving or i--"
and then amity summons a weighted abomination blanket and goes over and wraps it around him. and he doesn't fight her or snap at her. despite his apparent determination not to stay still for more than, like, thirty seconds at a time.
& amity is just like, "okay. you can't do this. i hear you. but, also. you're Gonna Have To."
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crippled-peeper · 4 months
I really like your content but a lot of the things you say do come across as ableist to me, especially in posts where you're angry— like you're judging someone for making their "entire online presence and personality about DID" even though it's an identity disorder, isn't that the whole point of the disorder?? It's a massive part of peoples lives, though you probably already know that
I get being angry but it's just sad to see one disabled person judge another disabled person for making a blog dedicated to their disability. Surely you would understand the need to do so?
I guess I'm mainly bringing this up because I personally dedicate blogs to my DID and it feels a bit like an attack on me as well, though I understand you were likely only targeting one person your words have bounced out and hit other people and I wish for clarification on your thoughts. Do you genuinely think it's bad to have blogs dedicated to disabilities / disorders or were you just angry?
((sorry if this doesn't make much sense, or if it feels like I'm taking things too personally))
literally nobody said you can’t blog about your disabilities. me telling you to stop armchair undiagnosing me and telling you to stop fucking wailing and screaming at me because I don’t want to be called “singlet” because I’m not one is not me telling you to stop blogging about DID.
I simply think it’s fucking hilarious if you make your entire online presence about your DID and how special and important it makes you to only turn around screaming “YOURE INSANE!!!!!!!!” and “YOURE FAKING!!!!” and “YOU DONT HAVE DID I HAVE DID AND I DISAGREE!!!!!” like I’m supposed to give a fuck what you think of MY BRAIN because you have a fucking blog about YOUR DID
If you’re offended by me telling you to stop literally fakeclaiming me then fucking unfollow me. I don’t owe you infinite compassion and mercy and understanding while you’re stomping and crying and throwing a fucking tantrum about how much of an evil liar faker I am. I don’t fucking care
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melonymint753 · 3 months
"we want less sanitized representation of mental illness" you folks couldn't even handle Hades of Hades video game and think that Zagreus and Persephone not hating him forever is basically like unconditionally forgiving him
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butchladymaria · 1 year
Immortality, Motherhood, and Pain: A Closer Look at Annalise and the Doll
Finally revisiting this from ages ago, because the parallels between these two are just SO fascinating. Content warnings for discussions of misogyny, genocide, abuse, and pregnancy/childbirth.
This analysis will cover the parallels between Miss Doll and Queen Annalise through the lenses of the misery of immortality, the trauma of marginalization, and the liberation they find in motherhood. Both the Doll and Annalise are undying, both coded as mother figures, both marked by death, and both very, very alone.
Miss doll and Annalise are the only characters in the whole game who are undying. You can kill them, but not meaningfully - not in any way that matters - and they seem to know it. Neither will try to stop you, nor will they fight back, should you choose to attack them. They will come back, and your violent betrayal will have seemingly meant nothing to them. They both are very aware they will outlast whatever violence you may inflict upon them. It's evidenced in their dialogue:
If you attack, Annalise says:
“Enough. If only Our life was so easily forfeit… Grieve not, for Us.” “How sad this is. If only Our life was so easily forfeit…”
If you attack Miss Doll, she used to say:
“I must have displeased you. Go on, shut me down… Even so, this vessel will remain in your service… So have no fear."
I think this point of comparison highlights just how deeply they've both been desensitized to violence and abuse. They do not beg for mercy, they do not put up a struggle - they only remark on it with distant chagrin. They both seem keenly aware that their flesh need not be in one piece to fulfill its purpose.
But where Miss Doll was made to embody the Victorian patriarchal ideal of womanhood, Annalise wields womanhood as her last weapon against the dehumanization of the church’s genocide through her queendom. Upon being resurrected the next time you return to the dream, Miss Doll will act as though nothing had happened at all. However, if you bring her flesh to the Altar of Despair, Annalise will call you an arrant fool, and remind you that “Vileblood or no, forget not; We are thy Queen”. Miss Doll kneels to serve the hunter, while the hunter must kneel to serve Annalise. Miss Doll has been conditioned to passively accept dehumanization and submission, yet Annalise demands respect through your submission even in her dehumanized state. Miss Doll is subjugated by the trappings of womanhood, while Annalise is lifted from subjugation by her womanhood, in some ways.
I find this fascinating, however, because while Miss Doll appears in every way as a pure, demure Victorian woman was meant to, they are also dehumanized through the denial of gender. To Gerhman, their creator, they are nothing more than another tool of the workshop. An object. Even the Doll themself uses neutral "I" pronouns to refer to themself in the original translation. I think it is pertinent to note that the only canonical reference to Miss Doll as a "woman" comes from Eileen. In the original Japanese text, she refers to the Doll with a term of endearment reserved for young girls. Miss Doll's appearance is the historical ideal of the subjugated woman - yet when Eileen confers upon her the status of "woman", she does so in an endearing and humanizing way. Therefore, for both Miss Doll and Queen Annalise, the status of womanhood is a rebuttal of their own dehumanizing subjugation: Annalise as "queen", and Miss Doll as "daughter".
Both characters are arguably seeking/find liberation through motherhood. Miss Doll gets "Childhood's Beginning": their creator and animator have both been put down, the hunt is finally over and they are no longer bound to serve its participants, nor must they watch their beheadings. They cradle the newly ascended hunter. It is a highly atypical “motherhood”. It exists in the performance of the role rather than the biology of childbirth. In the same way, the Doll possesses a highly atypical “womanhood” which exists in performance alone, rather than in biology or even identity — but nonetheless, it is real, and it is hers. I, perhaps too optimistically, choose read it as humanizing for them; because unlike their “womanhood”, Miss Doll is allowed to choose this for themself rather than having it imposed upon them.
In the same vein, Annalise seeks to birth a child of blood for a similar but perhaps more somber reason. She wants a child because she wants an heir — which is to say, because it is the only way she may once again have kin. Because it is the only way she may fulfill her duty as Queen. She witnessed everyone she ever knew or loved — surely her own family included — slaughtered before her eyes. Annalise seems to seek motherhood in order to be a homemaker - in the most literal sense possible. She wants to rebuild the community, the home, which was so brutally torn away from her. She wishes to restore honor to Cainhurst. For Annalise, having a child is an open act of rebellion against the genocidal eugenics-frenzied bloodthirst of the Church. I can't help but wonder if part of the reason Alfred is so hellbet on destroying her, why the Executioners imprisoned her the way they did, was to strip her of bodily autonomy so she couldn’t “reproduce”. Her desire for a child is her way of seeking liberation for her and her people.
In this sense, taking up the role of a mother, of "women's work", is what confers the agency upon both Annalise and Miss Doll which had been otherwise stripped from them. Annalise's by the genocidal eugenics of the Church, and Miss Doll by the pact of servitude she was seemingly born into.
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quotidianish · 1 year
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You’ve got your mother’s eye and temper too
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stardust-falling · 7 months
No matter how much trauma you have experienced, you never have the right to inflict that trauma on others.
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thedeadtravelfast · 3 months
Thanks so much @goblins-riddles-or-frocks for tagging me!
I tag: @iceandbone @ferretfyre @jabberwocky1996 @nightcrawler-fan
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goldkirk · 3 months
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loyalhorror · 3 months
[transes every character's gender but not in the way you think]
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yugocar · 1 year
truly one of my favorite consistent writing choices in succession is that whenever there is something with massive (political or otherwise) implications at stake; the roys always argue about a dynamic they established as children.
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rhys-is-puffs · 5 months
The way that in death island almost none of them flinch from the sound of gunfire when shooting 6 inches from each others heads in the armory battle
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fallenandproud · 1 year
fun fact, the breaking point that led me to finally cave and make this sideblog was watching youtube shorts and the algorithm decied to throw a TON of hazbin hotel / helluva boss stuff at me and one came up with Lucifer Charlie's dad just as like. one of those edits and THEN i scroll and THE NEXT ONE IS SOMEONE DRAWING THE FALL FROM HEAVEN and i decided right then and there that on top of my demon fixation coping mechanism i now am going to project heavily onto LUCIFER HIMSELF.
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styxbugg · 2 years
you know when you get into something new and your brain finds as many connections to the other thing you were into before?
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creativebrainrot · 2 months
okay rambling time actually
i have so many identity issues (?) no one ever really sees me the way i see my self and i know thats because im currently incapable of allowing myself to act as I am due to my trauma caused by my father.
a n y confidence or personal opinion i dared to state as fact would get interrogated or questions or invalidated and that's resulted in me constantly, involuntarily, cushioning all my language in the tone "or whatever lol something like that lmao idk im just a stupid silly little guy!!! ive never had a thought ever lol lmao !!!!!!!!!" and I genuinely resent that.
its hard to break out of though because I do, also, enjoy purposefully joking like that. I can draw a line between that and my default behavior, its just hard; since the divorce, since his death, since finally being well and truly free, I have had to re-write myself. I'm doing better than ever yeah, this so called chrysalis phase of my life has by all account been awfully stress free, I am grateful for that.
I will never be grateful for being forced in to the molds I was by my father, I hope he rots alone in purgatory. To get back on topic- I am trying to 'fix' this, to rewrite myself into who I really am. It's kinda hard though; when your default is 120% "heehoo i am a sillay little gnome ive never had a thought in my life i am goofy !!!!" then anytime you do speak, plainly, like anyone else would, you feel like all of a sudden you're being "harsh" or "too serious." I know thats not true but part of me does, at least a little, fear that when I've grown into who I want to be the ones I love now won't be there / won't love me the same- I know that's unlikely, I know it won't happen, that if we fade from eachother it'd probably be for other reasons than my speech changing slightly. Because nothing else will change about me I'm not going to actually "get meaner" i'm simply a little frightened that's how it would sound to some.
But, you know. if, self-confidence and the real personality I have coming forward means I lose friends then were we ever really friends? in a way. I don't know but anyway that's only a small fear because I have deadpan phases and deadpan friends/people around me already.
It's the convincing myself to stop panicking everytime I let myself be confident or stoic or sure and secure. The day I've worked through most of the trauma that causes me intense anxiousness and insecurity is the day I can finally thrive and be me.
You don't know how tired I am of cushioning myself in language and tone that says "I am small. I am anxious. I am silly, goofy, tiny, harmless. I am not a threat. I am incapable of being a threat."
because people listen to you. and now that my father is dead and gone I got nothing to be traumatically defensive about like that.
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