#but I super cannot control when I dissociate
the 14 year old edgelord in me keeps trying to compose deep poetry about coming to after dissociating. calm down babes. we’re all good here.
#blue chatter#just. the experience of blinking into existence becoming associated with ice in my mouth#and how it’s becoming a pattern that the first visual thing I process is a hand in front of my face#At least that I remember. I’m sure other stuff happens but my memory is unsurprisingly v blurry after#I feel bad for making my roommate take care of me so often#but I super cannot control when I dissociate#and I do genuinely need the help#bc today I was home alone and it took a loooooot longer to break out of the blurry stage#I somehow didn’t think to get ice about it until I was in the middle of the grocery store an hour after the episode had ended#I want to be more independent about this so people don’t have to take care of me all the time#it is relieving to know that I can live with friends after grad school#so *someone* can be around usually if something goes wrong and I’m not cognizant enough to help myself#but I don’t wanna make them feel like they have to help me or put that on them#or like. freak out their kids. their kids are not raised remotely like I was and they’re rly young so they don’t rly understand this.#how do you explain trauma to a three year old whose parents are incredibly good at gentle parenting#idk. I’ll figure it out. hopefully with time and therapy I’ll be able to process my trauma enough that I won’t be like this forever.#I don’t wanna be like this forever.#I want to go to grad school and start practicing in clinical psychology and help people#and be independent and be able to support my friends instead of the other way around
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teecupangel · 2 months
Hi! I really enjoy your Desmond gets turned into random creatures, and I was wondering if you've done a sphinx? I have a sphinx Desmond, and a very loose plot idea. Instead of dying from the apple, it turns him into a sphinx, and now he's stuck in a lion's body, disoriented, in pain, probably a lot of dissociation because everything is just so wrong. And he isn't exactly small, so Shaun, Bill and Becks have to hide this giant creature and it's a struggle because he can't really move properly and he's heavy so they take way longer than they'd like to get him out of the temple before abstergo gets there.
I think the artifact also affected his mind in a way that, he has the sixth sense, knowledge I think? So he can access an insane amount of isu knowledge, but he can't quite control it, and it causes him massive migraines when he tries to dig for it.
On the other side, sometimes he'll just correct things people say randomly, without even thinking about it, then he just pauses and frowns like "how do i know this?"
you can do time travel with him and interactions with ancestors and such, i just wanna know your take on a sphinx Desmond :3
Oooohhh, I love your sphinx Desmond so much. I’m kinda imagining that he doesn’t really like riddles. Tried them more than once but he just gets a headache and wished people would stop being cryptic.
So he absolutely hate the curse inflicted upon him:
Whenever anyone asks him a question he himself does not know but he ‘knows’ via Isu bs, he’s forced to ask a riddle that must be answered correctly before he could access the answer.
He can try and force it, of course, but he’ll get a growing headache the more time he spent trying to understand it. So yeah, it’s honestly better if people just answer his riddle.
And Desmond’s ‘criteria’ for correct answers isn’t just one specific answer.
To be more exact, Desmond’s affinity to someone makes it ‘easier’ for them to give bullshit answer.
For example:
Rauf definitely needs to answer correctly the riddle given to him but Desmond would be able to give him a riddle that wasn’t that difficult.
Malik gets super difficult riddles because Desmond totally believe there is not a single riddle Malik cannot solve.
But someone like Altaïr?
Desmond could ask something like “what is better when broken?”
And Altaïr could answer with some shit like “a Templar’s neck”
They’d stare at each other for a moment before Desmond a cat-like shrug and go “Yeah, sounds about right.”
While Desmond is explaining the topic that caused his riddle trait to trigger, everybody else is just staring at Altaïr because the favoritism is so blatant it’s ridiculous.
Unorganized Notes:
It took a while before Desmond could get used to his new body. The first few days were the worst. His human experience did not mesh well with his sphinx instincts but it got better the more he realized that, yes, this is his new body now and he has to accept that.
Once he got used to his body, he liked to take naps where there’s warm sunlight or in freshly dried laundry.
When he stretches (like a cat), his wings flutter and shake slightly.
When someone annoys him but he doesn't feel the desire to maul them, he sits on them.
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cerosin-bis · 10 months
Hello again and don't worry about the former question :) and I'm sorry to annoy again😭 but I can't help it.. KruegerNikto gives me something to think about. Can you give us Headcannons especially about their relationship? Like, are they jealous(u mentioned that Krueger will 100% cheat but is also kinda possessive), do they beat each other bloody when they have a disagreement, are there things that they hate about each other, and what I am the most interested about: how does Krueger manage to calm Nikto during a psychotic episode??
I feel so annoying, I'm so sorry!!
Hi! and you're not annoying!! You're ALL being super lovely in your asks, which makes my heart full - I'm just slow, I'm sorry 🥲 But I am more than happy to be asked for more Krueger/Nikto!! So it is my pleasure to answer your questions. Sorry this got long, when given the opportunity to talk about them it just flows out from my fingertips. CW for unhealthy dynamics.
Both of them are jealous, in a territorial way, but particularly Nikto. @modernghostfare summarised it well here. Nikto is direct about it, while Krueger is underhanded. Krueger is used to having a hold on people/people coming back to him, while Nikto is insecure (in his Nikto way). For Krueger it's about asserting control and for Nikto it's more about asserting possession.
They do fight sometimes. It can be nasty. It's usually a game for Krueger since he has the upper hand in melee combat, but if Nikto is mad *mad* and actually wants to hurt him, Krueger has to actively retaliate and it can escalate quickly to the point they break bones and/or need to be physically separated.
They don't hate anything about one another, really. Nikto just hates the fact that he trusts Krueger. and that he cannot read his mind.
Krueger has 2 ways to ground Nikto during a psychotic episode (*disclaimer: this is NOT how it works in real life. this is just my fictionalised "version" of nikto's condition and kn's dynamic) :
1) if it's a violent outburst Krueger immobilises him. Nikto can be extremely violent but if he's not entirely there, then Krueger can and will overpower him quite easily and keep his face on the floor for as long as necessary. It's foolproof and works everytime in this specific case.
2) if it's "just" hardcore dissociation he has ways to talk him through it. Asking him questions if he feels like Nikto is almost there. Provoking him (making his brain stop and recalculate, if you will), or reassuring him. Nikto's psychotic outbursts are often immediately followed by distress/anguish, in which case Krueger will stand by him. Cushion the coming down phase with silence, a shared cigarette and a hand stroking his hair.
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Leon Kennedy headcanons part 2nd
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- Due to the lack of control in his life, Leon seeks control in other things such as his diet, his daily routine, weekly schedule, and even what he buys
- Gets paid a lot since he works for the government but rarely uses it
- He literally lives in a shitty and small apartment that isn’t decorated and sleeps on a bare mattress on the floor
- Cannot relax like ever unless he’s alone in his apartment, but he’s close to relaxed if he’s alone with a trusted person like Chris, Claire, Jill, and Rebecca. Hunnigan would be included but they usually only meet to discuss a new mission for Leon
- Doesn’t listen to new music, but will listen to recommendations from friends and new releases from bands/artists he already listens to
- Bro canonically listens to dad rock and metal and was born in the late 70’s so his music taste can be…interesting
- I know a lot of people say that he would have one-night stands or whatever but not only is this man the most awkward person ever and Cannot Pull, he’s also severely paranoid and closed-off around unknown people, drunk and sober. He most likely doesn’t get any action whatsoever
- He’s super sweet towards kids. Just has the biggest soft spot for them and can’t stand to say no to them 99% of the time
- He gives off Midwest energy so bad, he probably spent a significant amount of his childhood living there (if we’re going off his original backstory n shit he probably got moved there while in foster care and remained in that area until he aged out)
- He can’t stand change (autism and desperation for control) and it’s why his hairstyle remains the same. It’s one of the few constants in his life and he physically cannot have his hair in any other style
- He’s an alcoholic in the sense that he’s almost always drinking. He doesn’t really do binge drinking, just a constant flow of alcohol in his system throughout the day
- Dissociates a lot. After Spain, he was stuck in a dissociative episode for over 3 months, just going on autopilot
- Prefers off-brand items over brand names, mostly due to growing up without a lot of money. It’s more comforting
- Hates being dirty or smelling bad. He showers religiously and throughly, always making sure to apply cologne afterwards even if he’s just going to bed
- No phone case. It would be helpful since he has pretty big hands and long fingers but he just lets his phone rawdog the world
- Leon is a trans man !! Government pays for his T shots and paid for his top surgery (though it was mostly so they could make Leon feel more indebted to them)
- Leon is just so extremely touch-starved it’s actually incredibly sad. Even if it’s just a medic touching him to patch him up, his skin prickles and his eyes sting
- Doesn’t mind sugary things, but if he’s going to drink soda, it has to be diet. He tends to stick with water and unsweetened juice, though
- If he’s going to use pet-names for someone (such as Chris perchance), he sticks with “baby”, “sweet thing”, “doll”, and “sweetheart”. He doesn’t usually use pet-names though, mostly because he thinks it sounds awkward coming from his mouth
Chreon stuff because homosexuality
- Leon absolutely adores hugging, snuggling, and cuddling with Chris. The man is bigger than him and makes the perfect pillow
- Finds it hot that Chris can easily manhandle him
- Favorite thing to do is cuddle with Chris on the couch or lay his head on Chris’ thighs or chest and watch movies with him
- Instead of rings, they have matching watches (canon)
- Leon can get needy and whiny when sleepy, especially after a mission, and will cling to Chris like a leech
- He feels comfortable and safe enough with Chris to relinquish control to him. He knows his husband will keep him safe and has his comfort in mind
- Claire had a fucking field day with them when she found out they were together. Literally got teased relentlessly, and she jokingly gave her blessing
- Leon found it amusing when she gave Chris the shovel talk, not him
- Leon teases Chris about his smoking habit but Chris never really does the same with Leon’s drinking, knowing it’s a sensitive subject and instead just makes sure his husband doesn’t drink too much
May post another part, who knows?
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Eighth Sense Ep 2 Rewatch
Ok, listen. Am I watching this show and playing video games at the same time? Yes. Does that mean I am missing a lot? Yes.
But! The facial blurs when it comes to JaeWon seem very intentional and is especially evident when they are in the water:
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Now, okay, there is 200% room for argument here that all the blurriness is because the cameraman is most likely filming in the water with a go-pro and has little to no control over the video quality. And that is totally something that can be true. And that is also totally something that would disguise any intentional, purposeful point of the blurriness in this moment.
And there is something else I noticed, the colors in this scene. Thanks, as always to @respectthepetty for turning me into a color monster.
The way the light refracts off of JiHyun's wetsuit makes the colors seem distorted.
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Camera issue? Sure! But could it be another indication of JaeWon's altered mental status? Why the fuck not! I mean, we don't know how his brother died yet. Personally, my theory is that he drowned. Because so much of this show is water centric, because of the fish tank and the fact that our title card for Episode 2 is literally JaeWon surrounded by a fish tank as if he is under water.
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I think it would be extra super spicy sad if it was when JaeWon was teaching his brother to surf. Just for the ~trauma~, and cause if that is true, then the blurriness and the distorted colors here once again is intentional, and is brilliantly capable of being written off by the audience as just difficult filming conditions.
So again, if that is the case, the blurriness is the altered mental status. And we can take that however we want, medically induced alteration, cognitive dissonance, anxiety, dissociation, all of them.
If the water killed JaeWon's brother, then being in the water would make him feel close to his brother and also be a great punishment for JaeWon. If his brother died learning to surf, then to teach a person the same age as his brother would have been would remind him of all that he had lost but give him that moment of soft remembrance to the person he loved most in the world.
And GOD we see this blurriness, much less obviously, but very rapidly cutting back and forth in the shower scene in Episode 3.
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Out of focus
In focus.
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Back and forth and back and forth every couple seconds like the camera isn't quite able to stick on his face. JaeWon wants to be present in this moment, JaeWon is fighting to remain in his body, tied to his emotions, tied to this person, so he is slipping in and out of focus because he's trying to fight the numbness and the brain fog.
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And again, you cannot tell me this man is not dissociating. I'm sorry but those are some dead fucking eyes. This man is shut down, this man is not present in this conversation with his ex. Why would he be? Why would he try to be? He has no reason to fight the numbness he feels.
And we're back on the color train for JaeWon with JiHyun, with this soft pink light around his head when he joins JiHyun on the beach for their late night kiss conversation about fear.
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Methinks JaeWon fears feeling anything, hence the hint towards drug dependence in Episode 6. I think it is so much easier for him to just be numb to the world so he doesn't have to feel the pain of the loss he suffered.
Anyway, the more I watch this show through the lens of mental illness, the more the camerawork is standing out to me with how and when they blur faces, and how it really only is JaeWon whose face is blurred when he's supposed to be in frame. Obviously there are instances where character's faces are going to be blurred because they are in the foreground or background, or they are not the focal point of the conversation. But JaeWon goes blurry far more often than anyone else does.
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months
who would be the stoners of asoiaf?
thank you finally something in my area of expertise!!!!!
Aemon - he smokes for pain technically but he Will peer pressure younger stewards to get high with him bc he thinks it’s funny.
Doran - again, for pain, he doesn’t presssure anyone into smoking with him but he doesn’t like smoking alone so usually Areo Hotah will have a puff. Areo’s tolerance is so high now lmao no one but Doran can tell he’s high
Ellaria Sand - Oberyn doesn’t like feeling out of control but Ellaria gets frisky while she’s high so she will have a toke before they bang, it’s awesome for them.
Edmure Tully - he loves making edibles. The smallfolk love him bc he just gives them edibles for free whenever he comes around to collect rent/taxes. Blackfish thinks it’s really juvenile but Hoster kinda liked Edmure’s weird way of ruling (he’d never tell him tho). Definitely gives Cat a few after the funeral and they try very hard not to talk about their feelings while absolutely blasted.
Theon Greyjoy - Ned disapproved of Theon smoking bc Theon always Went Too Far, so once he gets to Winterfell he is just mainlining Sativas and losing his absolutely shit. Goes cold turkey bc of ADWD but after the war (he’s gonna live fuck you) he starts up again bc Bran suggests it might help with his anxiety BUT ONLY INDICAS.
Asha Greyjoy - tbh, iron islanders will just put anything in a pipe and smoke it, they don’t give a fuck. Asha is a little more choosey than her uncles at least lol
Bran - the reeds turn him onto it. he quits several times over the years but he thinks it’s less gross than tobacco so he usually goes back to it. It’s not always obvious when he’s high for tree wizard reasons, but his siblings can Always tell.
Jaime Lannister - no one can convince me this man didn’t turn to substance abuse to deal during the early years of Cersei & Robert’s marriage bc weed is a great way to dissociate (if that’s how you want it to work) and this man’s number one coping mechanism is dissociation. He quits because Brienne gives all his weed to Podrick and Podrick goes crazy on it one night.
Podrick - listen, he picked up a lot of vices from Tyrion. This one at least makes Brienne laugh.
Brienne - only recreationally, never around Jaime bc he has A Problem and she doesn’t want him to relapse (he relapses several times anyway)
Arya and Sansa Stark - they’re together because they do it recreationally together as adults. they get soooo silly with it too, Edmure makes them smoke with him whenever they’re in the Riverlands bc it’s so funny.
Bronn - you cannot tell me that man isn’t a lil high at least 60% of the time
Mad Maid Malora Hightower - i just know her and her dad are up in that tower high off their ass, i know it in my soul
lewyn martell - recreationally. arthur dayne was super uptight about it. oswell whent smoked even less than lewyn, but if he saw lewyn smoking, he’d get in immediately. gotta cope with aerys somehow!!
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balloonboyismyson · 4 months
I started thinking about your Swap AU again, and I started wondering about how the endings would go—I’m curious. Especially since you mentioned how it could play out differently/different choices could be made.
For example, the Disassemble Glam Fred (+Vanny) ending—I don’t know the actual names for most endings, but anyways-
Other than the characters being swapped, how do you think that one would play out? Or just the ending that’d be canon to the AU-
(Tangent) I think the ENTIRE game would play out differently, too! Even from the beginning I think Roxy would know about "Springy" (William's name I suppose? Not set in stone). Since in the AU she would still have special eyes, when he passes in front of Cassie and Roxy, Roxy could go, "I've been seeing that costume around. I don't know why he's here. I thought something was wrong with my system, but if you can see him, too....."
I believe in the original game, Freddy does not really listen to Gregory's fears over the animatronics/strangeties because he is kind of dissociating. I think he is repressing all weirdness until he cannot anymore, but in Roxy's case, I think she would be able to notice things faster; from the get-go she would be panicking.
(Back on Track) In the Disassemble Freddy Roxy Ending, it could have 2 possible ways it could go. The first way could be how the original went, where Roxy locks up and cannot fight against the Nightmare Bots. My assumption is this happens because either Springy would still have some control over her to stop her, or her programming making it so she cannot hurt things in front of a child/or ever.
The second way it could go is, well, I think she could be MUCH more inclined to fight rather than Freddy. I think she could actually put those claws to use. I think either way she will still get fucked up bc that is the nature of the ending, but she would put up a MUCH bigger fight than Freddy.
The "Canon" Ending would probably still be Princess Quest! (If we wanted to get super technical it COULD be "Balloon Quest" but let us not get hasty)
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drowninginredink · 9 months
Hi, it's the anon who headcanons the Chosen as higher needs autistic.
I just wanted to say that I'mactually thankful you educated me on your schizoprenic experience, because I didn't know any of that was even a thing! I'll take that with me going forward.
You're welcome! If you want proper schizo education, let's do it! Actually, a note first, because I'm going to be using the terms psychotic and schizophrenic a lot and you should know the difference. Psychosis is a symptom. It is basically just disconnect from reality, generally meaning delusions and often, but not always, hallucinations. Psychosis can happen because of pregnancy, medical conditions, other mental illnesses, or drugs (both legal/prescribed and illegal). Schizophrenia is chronic psychosis that cannot be attributed to any other cause. All schizophrenics are psychotic; not all psychotics are schizophrenic.
1. I know I already said it in the original post, but do not call 911 on someone in a mental health crisis. I will not share the details of what happens to psychotic people (and let's be clear here; it's almost always Black psychotic people) in police custody. And the "good" scenario is them ending up hospitalized, which really isn't much better. I work in nursing, but I will never, ever work in psychiatric nursing because the way psychotics get treated in psych hospitals? I could not see that every day. I could not be part of that system. And there's no way I'd have any leverage to change that system. Psychotics get forcibly medicated, restrained, treated like weirdos and pariahs by the other patients... And then thrown right back out. Why are there a bunch of homeless schizophrenics? Well obviously it's pretty damn impossible to hold a job when in active psychosis, but also, how are you supposed to keep getting your meds or get any lasting therapy when after you get out of the hospital, you're going right back to living on the streets?
2. If someone says stuff that seems delusional, do not fact check them (unless they explicitly ask you to). It will not work. It will just distress them and make them double down. The correct approach is to very slowly nudge them out of it until they realize for themselves what was a delusion, but that's not your job. That's for their therapist to do. Don't encourage them either, though. If you can change the subject, that's the best approach.
3. There's this image that all psychotics need to be medicated, because obviously therapy wouldn't work because they're completely irrational. Medication actually doesn't help 25% of schizophrenics, and therapy is generally way more effective. The problem with that being that you know who else thinks of psychosis as a "just throw drugs at it" issue? Lots and lots of psych professionals. And a whole bunch also just don't know what to do with us. Or they don't want to deal with us, because it's hard. As someone in the medical field Therapy is super useful, though. The standard approach is CBT for psychosis (which personally I had a terrible time with. DBT ended up being my magic bullet). Fun fact: my old psychiatrist is currently doing a study on controlling voice hearing yourself. Basically, you can stop hearing voices by telling them to shut up and fuck off. I'm unconventional as far as schizophrenia symptoms go, so I never really had much voice hearing, but I did for a brief period of time and that's how I got it to go away. Learning how to reality check yourself is the most effective way to deal with psychosis.
3. a. Back on meds, for me personally, anti psychotics did help with my dissociation, but did nothing for my hallucinations and delusions. I'm not on them anymore. We found that an ADHD med actually worked really well for my dissociation, interestingly enough. Anti psychotics also have awful side effects. Schizophrenia is not fun, but the worst thing I've ever experienced wasn't schizophrenia at all. It was akathisia, which is a side effect of anti psychotics. It's restlessness to the absolute maximum. You can't concentrate, you can't think, you can't sit still, you can't sleep. Your heart feels like it's burning a hole in your chest. It is hell.
4. Schizophrenia is actually neurodevelopmental. Our brains look different than other brains. I know personally, I have always had delusional thought processes. It's just that as a kid, I was fixating on, say, the fact that I just could not leave this party right now or that for some reason it was a huge deal that the teacher didn't call on me. So no one thought it was delusions. But now that I've been overtly delusional? The thought process is exactly the same. It's like you're wearing blinders. The world flattens out to 2D and you just can't see the truth. And then when you do realize it, you feel like an absolute idiot for letting it go on for so long. That's true now, and it was true when I was freaking out about dance recitals as a kid.
5. Let's talk about the absolute worst psychotic symptom you've never heard of: disorganized thinking. It's what it sounds like. It's like your brain and thoughts are a deck of cards that are constantly being shuffled. You lose your train of thought. You forget what it is you're doing. I know when my disorganized thinking was a lot worse (those ADHD meds have also helped a ton with that, thank God) I would just get trapped scrolling my phone because I couldn't keep a train of thought for long enough to decide to do something else. Or rather, I'd decide to do something, and then forget about it before I could, over and over. For people who aren't me, it will also manifest as disorganized speech, where you know what you're saying in your head but complete gibberish comes out of your mouth instead. A thing people do not talk about enough is how much schizophrenia absolutely destroys your ability to think. Between disorganized thinking and dissociation (and God, my dissociation is terrible... And this is with it medicated down to levels where I can actually function) sometimes my brain is just absolutely useless to me.
That's probably enough for now? I could keep going for hours, but I think that's a lot of really good information. Truly give me an inch and I'll run a mile
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penname-artist · 1 year
In relapse again so I wanna talk about some general trauma things I get to live with in case anyone can relate actually I'm just trying not to lose it and figured listing things would help somewhat
Spacing out and dissociating without knowledge of how or why; this happens up to days at a time for me and it's frustrating trying to exist when my brain is just fog.
Random muscle pain from tension
Random muscle spasms also from tension (sometimes they're pronounced like when discussing my trauma and I get super shaky, other times they're slow and gradual like trying to turn a bit in my chair just to slide 180° because my legs got very tense over time and locked up)
Being vague about trauma because I've either forgotten parts or those parts are too painful to bring to attention
Restlessness, fidgeting, agitation for the most mild of reasons (ie too many sounds at once or bumping the table by accident)
Triggers causing brain to derail from Happy Sunshine times to Drunk Poet Thoughts
Migraines (these are new)
Uncomfortable dreams (I wouldn't say nightmares, they promote sadness more than fear)
Control freakouts (ie so tired of taking the wheel for everything but you can't stop because someone will fuck you over)
Abandonment trauma (plagued by the thought of losing it all, every single day)
Selective mutism (usually via overload)
Inconsistent periods of elevated mood and activity and literal 'cannot leave my bed' depression (I refuse to peg this as bipolar because to this day I still do not match any of the official criteria for the disorder)
Social anxiety
Psychosis (believing everyday things have a higher meaning; feeling like you're being watched; feeling plotted against; feeling like you have a greater connection to things; hearing or seeing things that are not there)
Random bouts of Emotions Toward Abusers (ie guilt, fear, anger)
High blood pressure and constant sense of panic and danger (usually while out and about but it can happen anywhere)
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sincelastsession · 4 months
I got a 52.14 on the test. I'm upset.
Can we do the test in session together?
Should I do it again another day at a different time?
It was incredibly hard and there were several questions that like I answered but I experience those things differently but im not sure if that means the same thing.
I see that it says "Very high scores do not necessarily mean a more severe dissociative disorder is present, this is because the scale measures both normal and pathological dissociation"
It scares me because I don't want to be treated differently or like I'm a crazy person. Like had too many diagnosis that I don't even have my autism on my chart because my psych knew I'd get treated like a looney tune in the south because of the propensity of southerners to just well I'm sure you know that history.
Like it makes me sick that mentally ill people don't get treated like they need from the people who are supposed to love them. Why have kids if you only want to see them as an extension of yourself? They're little souls little individuals and people crush that and I hate it so much. It's like a family tree of rot when this continues from generation to generation.
Also my neighbors woke me up and I reported it and I'm super pissed off still but luckily Matt was up and I decided to smoke to get sleepy and he admitted to be drinking but we had the most lovely conversation and then got very cringe stupid cute and spent like 30 minutes going back and forth. I really just haven't had a connection like I do with my partner. The long distance doesn't matter to me. We're both getting things out if this and it's sorta terrifying. Yeah sometimes I'm a mess and he's a mess but I'm happy. I'm scared it will fall apart though. I'm scared it's not real but everything is there. It's real. He doesn't care that I'm big he says, he likes big women he says...I hate how society and beauty standards fuck with my head. I love that I think he truly means it though not as a fetish but as just me. If I have another partner they will have to be like him or better and respect my relationship. I'd love to fit my ex in the puzzle here. I don't think it's ever going to be possible though. I'd also like to date Ashley but he's not poly and I'm not wanting to be an asshole and push him because being monogamous is fine too. I'm ambiamorous myself so I get it.
I mean I know I'm stoned but my heart us full and it's not like I wouldn't feel differently sober. My inhibitions are just at what I should be normally minus the "high" This happens when I have drunks too. I feel like I'm free from brain jail. I really wish I was on a "no fucks to give about things I cannot control dose of my anxiety med. I fuckin miss that. I wish just for a month my psych would up my dose at least 1mg. I feel it would help. The medical board is a joke imo. Some people need meds that are unconventional to prescribe. Actually 10yrs ago it wouldn't be a big deal. Now everything us and people are dying more because they're using street drugs because doctors can't monitor them and prescribe them anything to help because there's just not enough mental Healthcare like that that's affordable and don'tget me started on pharmaceutical companies. It's just bullshit.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 6 months
I feel confused out of my mind and I wish I had someone to turn to talk about the situation in my day to day life… I have feelings for someone but idk what they are or how to navigate them 😅. I’ve only started talking to them a very short while and we started talking over all the things I’ve typically did my best to hide from people. They’re the first person to actually get those things on a personal level because they’ve been through them. It’s been super playful and well… nice? I can’t get them off my mind and I find myself physically holding back smiles when I’m messaging them, I’ve never been like this before it’s like who am I?? I’ve needed to rest as well cause I’ve been overwhelmed and burnt out and I realized I stopped resisting rest the past few days. I’m not looking to categorize anything, I just want to let things play out… but I feel myself getting ready to pull away. I keep comparing the situation with a similar yet completely different situation I’ve been in a few years ago that ultimately left me not trusting my feelings. I don’t want to close myself off from being able to connect with this person but I’m not sure how to stay open and I’ve been really unproductive since my mind keeps wondering off to them but I guess that’s not so bad for now because I do need to rest.
Hello! Here are my suggestions, take as resonate ofc :)
FIrst of all, rest for real. That's very important. Overthinking about your feelings (trying to find explanations and all) and about this situation/this person while being unproductive, is not resting. It's just subtly draining you more (and causing you to think in the back of your mind about what you're leaving behind in your work/school too). Resting means you take a time out (without thinking about what you should do, how you feel and all) and recover: focus on you and what can help you at this time. If now you only need to recover/sleep, do it. Ofc we cannot always do it 24/7, but just schedule in your day some time only for your own self, to take care of you and rest for real (Idk if you can, you may also distress with an hobby -whatever it may be: cooking, reading, dancing, painting, exercising...-). With a well rested mind you'll be able to gain more clarity and will feel even more prone to interact, be positive about the result/be more eager to enjoy the process of knowing someone.
Then, don't hold your feelings: if you want to navigate them and understand them, you need to let them flow freely. I know it's scary to let go of control as you don't trust your feelings and fear ending up realizing you're wrong when it's "too late" and suffering again, but you cannot trust something if you don't stop to listen to it and know it. You cannot know something/someone fr if you are not open to it and let it in. Allow yourself to smile (it's nothing bad, unless you think it is... if so, check why. If you cannot recognize yourself in that behaviour, it may mean maybe you don't know parts of yourself or you've grown dissociated from them because eg. past trauma taught you they're wrong; whatever it is and if it's your case, find them again and accept them). And fr, just enjoy without controlling. It may sound scary especially because of your past but you said it yourself: it's a different situation from the one you had to go through and caused you such trauma. Maybe focus on seeing and acknowledging the differences, and also remind yourself you're grown and learned from that past experience and you can protect yourself anytime.
Learn about yourself, focus on yourself and try to not let the situation and the other person control you (or you control them). What I mean here is: when we find ourselves in a possible scary/unknown situation (even triggering), we try to feel safe by controlling that situations or someone's feelings in order to know what they feel and why they do what they do and what is going to happen; we let these thoughts control us, and take up space in our mind and life that they cannot take. On the other hand, we may also try to pull away out of fear both of being wrong/not being able to control/not knowing how it will be and suffering (as prev. mentioned), but also of finally receiving and experiencing something good that we have dreamed of. Like, yk when things seem too good to be real? We may *unconsciously* try to think we're wrong and it cannot be that for us, we cannot deserve that. And so we try to find flaws and imperfections, mistakes too in them (or make things up: our minds like to fill up voids/missing part with fake thoughts and indeas/opinions). But how can we be sure it's not for us, if we get away without even trying and seeing how things can develop and who this person is? We can only be sure by letting ourselves be vulnerable to the other person (you already did that when you communicated with them about those sides of you you try to hide: if you felt good enough to, it's perfectly fine) and to the possibility that they may even hurt us. But even if they will, it's not our fault and we don't have to feel guilty or wrong about it. We're not responsible of what others do with our trust or feelings. We cannot control others. We can only control ourselves, our feelings and our life in the end. And try to enjoy as much as we can, without letting our fears block us.
Talk with this fear you prolly have and try to see where and why it originated (maybe further back in time than that other situation you're mentioning, like other relationships -not just romantic but family/friends). Keep following your own instincts and just don't let any need to be accepted and loved control you and make this person's behaviour mean more than it does (as you said, just let go and try to enjoy. If you think this person is meeting some of your unmet needs, try to navigate this too but stay objective: it doesn't always mean it's to take advantage of you or you're assuming something that is not there). Stay grounded as much as you can and focus on your life and self care first. If something needs to happen with this person, it will at the right time and you seem to be aware of it (be sure your mind agrees: at times it tries to protects us and block us from behind the scenes). Enjoy not knowing even if it's scary (but indeed, if you feel the need to, journaling about your feelings and past experience -and what it meant to you, how you felt back then and after it turned out the way it did- could help you in processing them and give this person a try/staying open to them. And also, listen to your body: it stores our emotions so checking where you feel them may help you as well).
All the best, take care<3
(not sure if it's your case but i noticed dreams are of huge guidance in moments of confusion: you can pay attention to them too -just be mindful not always the interpretation is immediate/literal so please do not stress too much over them I may try to help tho if u want)
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istillseeyouintherain · 10 months
PTSD is hard, it's confusing, and those who don't have it really can't imagine what it's like. I've tried very hard over the years to explain it to curious loved ones, but few really understand what I mean when I say, "my brain gets stuck, my brain gets confused".
I have one foot in the past and one foot in the present. I want both feet to be present, but the past has a tight grip on one of my feet so it's really hard.
I wake up in the middle of the night, shaking so hard I can't even use my hands, and then I can't sleep. Laying awake, trying to forget the past, trying to process it, trying to calm myself down. Failing most of the time.
Then I get up, depressed and anxious, and force myself to go to work.
My depression and anxiety is 100% related to my flashbacks. I do not feel these symptoms when my flashbacks are under control.
My ex told my perpetrator how to find me online and it put me back in the past. I've tried super hard to claw my way back to the present, but it is proving to be difficult.
Due to the fact that my trauma was caused by those close to me, my PTSD tends to get triggered by people over and over again when I experience flashbacks. I become hypervigilant, and that feeling does not just go away when the flashbacks end - it keeps on, and it's a whole mess.
I speak about the mornings. Mornings and nights are the hardest. Those of us with PTSD are masters of avoidance. Between that and the fact that sleep kind of resets your brain, it's a challenge. I seldom sleep. When I do, I wake up and my brain defaults to my PTSD if I'm in a period where I'm very triggered. I wake up in a funk, feeling emotionally out of whack yet unaware that I am emotionally out of whack, and this continues on until my brain floats back down into my head and there is an ahah moment as I fall back into reality.
It's difficult to live like this and live this way. To feel like you are fighting the past while desperately trying to be part of the present.
I have complicated PTSD with a dissociative subtype. A less common type of PTSD, I experience extreme symptoms of derealization-depersonalization. Prior to starting therapy, I lived almost all of my life in a state of derealization/depersonalization. I was never not dissociated.
Then I became real, and now life feels good for the most part, but I still have periods like the one I'm in now where I'm torn between two choices. When I am thrown back into the past, it's jarring.
I am jarred right now.
I keep trying my best to try and be part of this world but I cannot do it right now.
I must seek reprieve. I must find a safe place to exist.
Until then, I am gone
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koriand · 2 years
Got told by a manager yesterday that I have a tendency to freeze mid conversation and it's like!!! girl idk how to explain to you i do be getting flashbacks and dissociating on the daily, so sometimes yes, i do shut off for a few seconds or up to a minute while interacting with people and then resume as if i didn't just pause 😭 or sometimes I'll even be a little disoriented but nothing I can't recover quickly from
the thing is, explaining that would be far too personal, so i obviously don't want to put that on them or out myself as someone with ptsd, but like. it really is something that just happens to me. and all the girls there are in therapy and mental health friendly, but they function super well at the job. I'm barely starting get back into customer service and things like that after almost 4 to 5 months from my best friend's passing, all locked up in my room, so yk. It's a little overwhelming and on top of that i genuinely cannot control when a flashback happens and whether that causes me to dissociate and become "robotic", or worst case scenario, have a panic attack or an emotional flashback (hasn't happened yet thankfully).
i also just have super bad generalized anxiety so I'm 💀 yk it's really not the best out here. I'm doing super good according to all of them, just need to be more confident so I'll work on that !! but so far so good.
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captainimfangirling · 2 years
The Boys Season 3 Episode 6
Warning: Major Spoilers
I love Ashley for saying the exact same thing I was saying about A-Train! Did he die after killing Blue Hawk? I’m kind of disappointed if death was his redemption. I mean I’m glad he finally said sorry to Hughie and meant it this time but I was hoping to see real character development. Maybe join Annie quitting and starting their own super hero group.
I feel like Homelander is clinging to Starlight because even though they’re in a fake relationship she’s all he’s got. I’m glad she’s standing up to herself but I feel like she still doesn’t understand the big picture. I mean she still doesn’t get why Hughie wants to protect her. Yes it’s toxic masculinity but it’s also about how he couldn’t protect Robin and doesn’t want the same thing to happen to her. I hope he tells her this because she really need it written out for her. I’m glad she quit and hopefully she’ll start her own super hero group.
I’m not trying to be disrespectful to anyone with Dissociative Identity Disorder but honestly Homelander was reminding of people with DID. The mirror Homelander said he helped Homelander as children in the “bad room.” People with DID often have alters that get created like this---through a traumatic experience and these alters help them through it. 
Yeah people were right about Homelander feeling the pressure of Vought and deep down he’s just a broken man with mommy issues. I kind of wish he met Soldier Boy as a child because it would explain how he learned toxic masculinity and that supes were gods because Soldier Boy told him. Like Homelander’s speech to Ryan only it’s young Homelander being told by Soldier Boy. 
I am so f*cking happy Hughie mentioned Robin again to A-Train. I knew losing her ran deep but he never talked about it because he felt like there was nothing he could do but now he can. I’m so happy he didn’t get r*aped like he did in the comic books. Yes Hughie is showing toxic masculinity but we can understand why. 
Mother’s Milk
I was wrong about Soldier Boy killing his mother but it was his grandfather that got killed. I was right about MM’s mother trying to get justice for his family. I think I was also right about MM being a fan of Soldier Boy as a child because he seemed excited when he woke up his grandpa to see Soldier Boy. 
OMG him getting fluids all over him is f*cking hilarious. Poor thing. lol Omne thing I do appreciate Annie for is getting him to help others because she pretty much saved his ass. 
I honestly still understand Butcher’s perspective and using Soldier Boy wasn’t a terrible idea even though it didn’t work out. I still think he was gonna kill Solider Boy after they kill Homelander because 1) I don’t think he would let MM down like that and 2) he hates supes. Maybe he wanted Hughie to leave because he thought all of them were going to die? 
Soldier Boy
At this pointed I’m disappointed with Soldeir Boy because I feel like he’s still not as bad as Homelander. I mean he’s an asshole and for sure toxic masculinity but still not as bad as Homelander. You cannot blame fans for feeling sympathy for him because every time he used his powers it was because he got triggered from his trauma and justifiable anger. The only time he tried to do it on purpose was to kill Homelander and I think he couldn’t do it because 1) he really has no beef with Homelander and 2) it might only work when he’s angry and needs to learn how to control it. I guess this answered my question about if he killed Crimson Countess on purpose (but he really didn’t care). 
I have a feeling Soldier Boy was supposed to be a pedo because it was suggested he abused Gunpowder. I’m GUESSING that’s the thing Jensen didn’t wanna do. I can understand why but if Soldier Boy was a pedo it would officially make him worse than Homelander. You need bad guys to be something extremely terrible in order to be worse than Homelander like Stormfront. When we found out she was a Nazi people started hating her more than Homelander. If they have Solider Boy kill gay people on purpose it for sure will make people hate him... but still love Jensen ok let’s not be like the dumb ass Jensen haters who can’t tell the difference between reality and TV.
Frenchie & Kimiko
Poor things won’t ever be able to escape their past. Seems like losing her powers was only temporary but at least she saved Frenchie.
Black Noir
Almost forgot about him. At first I thought he was gonna go after Soldier Boy but turns out he might be a scared little boy himself. Probably wasn’t even his idea to get rid of Soldier boy, it was Edgar’s idea. Maybe Homelander and Soldier Boy team up at the end of the season and Butcher realizes he made a big f*cking mistake. 
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whumpshaped · 2 years
sorry if this is a personal question but do any of your OCs have NPD and/or BPD like you? I'm just super curious is all 😅
YES. IM SO GLAD U ASKED. this got long i apologise but i think abt this stuff a lot. when an anon on seth's blog was like "will u open up abt ur mental health issues" i was like mmm i think abt that so much i wanna tell the world using seth's blog that hes a lil narcissist like me,, but he wouldnt have replied like that so i was just sat here. buzzing. vibrating. BUT THANK U FOR LETTING ME SHARE IT ANYWAY
heres the laundry list of mental health issues ive accidentally given my ocs bc im also mentally ill😌
newest oc lynx has bpd, absolutely flips out at injustice, zero impulse control, cannot shut up
seth has npd, very much the self aware narcissist whos well aware of his patterns but decides to treat it as a gift from the heavens bc look mom i can manipulate ppl so easily. developed the disorder bc of childhood trauma. on that same topic he has an absolutely severe and sometimes entirely debilitating phobia of anything electricity related
this wasnt in the question but el is definitely neurodivergent, goes after funky textures and experiences critical understimulation sometimes as well as getting super overwhelmed when a sound is too loud and its too much. has safe foods. will eat said safe foods for weeks on end. they also regress as a coping mechanism. OH how can i forget theyre also big on dissociation
mitten and blitzen both have very adhd vibes to me, chaos children, love them a lot
muffin has uncontrollable anger issues
grace is a maladaptive daydreamer and has aspd
dave from devil hot is a gambling addict so puttin it here
craven is a chronic fucking ppl pleaser and experiences Severe rsd. probably autistic. literally will not break rules and routine and if its broken for any other reason he freaks
oh my god . i was thinking of this stuff like not even a day ago and i remember thinking "omg that oc has such ocpd vibes" and now i cant remember who i thought that abt- ah nvm i remembered its not relevant lol actually it might become relevant bc its my old oc from this other collab i used to do w my former friend in hs. and im super thinking abt renaming them and bringing them over and showing the world my babies
winter has tendencies and traits of a narcissist but i wouldnt say hes one.
juniper is also very dissociative from repeated trauma in her childhood, the institution and then from winter. absolutely the type to seek out toxic relationship w this innate need to be controlled bc she believes then she cant mess up anything.
u havent seen a lot of it yet but fairy will also experience a stress induced psychotic episode
thats it thank u for coming to my ted talk
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unwelcome-ozian · 3 years
Could a delusion of having super powers be related to programming? I experienced sexual programming. Growing up we always thought we had superpowers of some kind, usually telekinesis but sometimes others like shapeshifting or mind reading. This belief has partially stuck with us over the years. I have episodes were I am convinced I have super powers which are usually accompanied or caused by age regression. I am trying to figure out exactly what causes these episodes as they seem semi random. Our littles seem to have more frequent episodes with it being a 24/7 thing for some. We also feel a need to control/use the powers to help others and that if we don't control them we're hurting others. We always used to use things swinging back and forth continually as proof because we didn't understand momentum and I also remember swinging objects being a theme in our programming. Is this likely related or just something that developed along side it unrelated?
Sorry for switch between I and we so much.
I’m going to share some information that I hope helps you and others in your system.
Magical thinking is a coping mechanism that commonly emerges when a child is either confused about a certain situation or feels helpless in the face of something that threatens their security.Five and 6-year-olds use magical beliefs in dramatic play to help them manage the chaos of their inner and outer lives. For example, becoming a superhero in play can be part of children's quest for power in a world where they have very little.
Part of DID is magical thinking. The feeling that things happening to us aren’t really happening to us but to someone else.
“Escape from reality. In some instances, dissociation induces people to imagine that they have some kind of mastery over intractable environmental difficulties. Dissociation is often implicated in magical thinking or self-induced trance states. This aspect of dissociation is frequently found in abuse survivors. It is not uncommon for abused children to engage in magical thinking to retain an illusion of control over the situation (e.g., believing that they "cause" the perpetrator to act out).”
― Marlene Steinberg
A delusion is a belief that is clearly false and that indicates an abnormality in the affected person’s content of thought. The false belief is not accounted for by the person’s cultural or religious background or his or her level of intelligence. The key feature of a delusion is the degree to which the person is convinced that the belief is true. A person with a delusion will hold firmly to the belief regardless of evidence to the contrary. Delusions can be difficult to distinguish from overvalued ideas, which are unreasonable ideas that a person holds, but the affected person has at least some level of doubt as to its truthfulness. A person with a delusion is absolutely convinced that the delusion is real. Delusions are a symptom of either a medical, neurological, or mental disorder. Delusions may be present in any of the following mental disorders: (1) Psychotic disorders, or disorders in which the affected person has a diminished or distorted sense of reality and cannot distinguish the real from the unreal, including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, schizophreniform disorder, shared psychotic disorder, brief psychotic disorder, and substance-induced psychotic disorder, (2) Bipolar disorder, (3) Major depressive disorder with psychotic features (4) Delirium, (5) Dementia and (6) OCD
In programming, Theta programming is created to use the psychic, spiritual realms, (occult) to monitor other people who are programmed and to keep the person who is programmed programmed.
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