#Refuge Worldwide
soulful-fruit · 1 year
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
Blue Eyes x Human!Reader Imagines. ( Part One. )
im crying another set of 3 oneshots? all for our BOY/// someone sedate me. Comments, likes, reblogs are very much appreciated, spread the LOVE FOR BLUE EYES WORLDWIDE.
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Blue Eyes Taking you Fishing.
There were surely a lot of things that you didn't know how to do or how to properly execute in the time since the Simian Flu radiated most of the Human Population and left you all beggars in desperate need of survival skills that the society that was destroyed left you completely defenseless and lack of knowledge was evident in most everything that you had to encounter thus far with the Ape Colony. That… You tilted your head in thought, thinking that your train of thought had gotten a bit side-tracked and moved its momentum towards a more negative out view; That in itself was negative thinking. Their King, Caesar, granted you permission to stay once he had seen the reckless abandonment of things such as empathy and understanding at the state you were in when you were found; almost torn to shreds by another Human because they saw something valuable in the things you were carrying. If they knew any better, they’d have left you alone. There was very little on you other than a few fishing hooks, a fishing reel and a sack of clothing. Often finding refuge in the ruins of old abandoned buildings, it was evident that you were not suited to fight to survive, taking advantageous leaps when you saw something that resembled Humanity's old ways.
Maybe, scanning your eyes across the river that your feet were soaking in, up to your mid-calf, torn and shredded but worn and comfortable tactical pants rolled up and barely skimming the edges of the torrent water, maybe that’s why Caesar allowed you to stay. He recognized something in you that most Humans had forgotten, had chosen to forget in a world lacking in trust. Ten years had passed, and there was still good in the world, though that bitter thought was often overlooked in favor of the Apes you had gotten to know in your last few months of staying with them, that worldly insight you always wanted to have coming to the forefront of all your actions.
They… Well, not they, you muttered to yourself and let your piercing gaze land on the crowned shoulders of the Ape Prince himself. He was teaching you all there was to know, a task that you knew was burdened on him from Caesar. While love and affection were clearly evident, it was also vividly known that the azure stare of the Ape you were staring towards also listened to his Father.
You had seen their signed conversation, one side talking, the other using hands, confused in the moment as you knew nothing of signed language, but looking back at it now it was crystal clear, clearer than his eyes themselves that even mirrored the shined gleam of the water, what was being said. Blue Eyes was determined not to be the one to deal with you, he’d rather not associate out of the fear of not knowing you, not understanding you. The adamance that he didn't want to teach you, that it was going to prove fruitless, that Koba, whose eyes followed you the entire time in search of something to tear down, was right. 
Humans were not good, so why should he help you? Clueless, not up to the standards that he seemed to fake out and follow without any knowledge of your own self, your own personality and often fell in line with Koba as far as ‘every human is bad’ mentality went. Caesar had shut him down with a stern glower and explained to his Son that it was his responsibility, and if he cared to take Ash along with him, he was free to do so. But, Blue Eyes needed to teach you the ways of the Colony. 
He never understood his Father’s illicit attitude towards Humans. Not… That you could blame him, letting your eyes fall down to the water around your feet and let your toes dig further into the crumbling sediment below. You… Wouldn’t trust them either. It was still there, an unworthy knot of distrust, not to say that it wasn’t mutual. Something about the way he looked at you, your heart fluttering wildly in your chest as you watched his dexterous shoulders move with such pinpoint precision, something about the way he stared at you made your skin crawl, like Blue Eyes was trying to dig himself under it and nestle his way around.
Sure, some spotting glances you matched with him were out of curiosity, some were even gentle as you had shown him how to tie your shoelaces. Eye for an eye, he had taken you out to make spear heads the next day. 
Last night… Feeling the sweat build up on your palms, you felt flushed with an onslaught of embarrassment when you admitted to Blue Eyes, River, Ash and Lake that… You were not good at fishing. You had to explain with fashioned hand signs, not even words but pictures with your fingers, of what a fishing pole was, spinning your hand around in a circle as you described what a reel was. What a fishing hook was, your pointer finger curled into a ‘J’ formation. How you’d sit and wait for the fishes to come to you, a really popular pastime for Humans. Hell, there were even tournaments that were broadcasted on TV! They didn't understand that, you dropped it when you saw the look of confusion on their face, not wanting to have to explain another thing about Humans.
You were laughed at, Ash deducing it to be a rather lazy way to go around it. What satisfaction did you get without actually moving in the water yourself and sitting on the shoreline and waiting? No fun! Blue Eyes had watched you looking at your knees, biting at your bottom lip for a moment as you blinked a few times, laughing silently to yourself as you nodded in agreement. There was no noise to your chortle, Blue Eyes only a few puffs of air hit him as he had been sitting adjacent to you in the closed circle. 
The words from you ceased and died in the dust as he stared at you, picking the bowl of fresh berries with a content amusement to keep yourself distracted, to not say something so Human again. Tilting his head, he brought a berry to his mouth and pulled it in on his tongue languidly as he listened to Ash chattering to River about the Human way of fishing hile studying your reaction.
They were only joking, things weren’t meant to always be taken so seriously. Was it a human thing? The Prince wondered and plucked another berry into his mouth, enjoying the chew it had against his canines.  To them… It did sound weird, once again, no blame to be cast for their reactions, but yours left him more perplexed.
There was a drop in Blue Eyes’ stomach like he’d eaten a sour berry as you stood without another word, not even an utterance of a ‘goodbye’ or ‘goodnight’. Down you went, he watched the climb and fall of your feet against the uneven ground, your hand raising to place against your cheek. Wh… Narrowing his gaze, he could smell the sweat and saltiness falling off you in waves as you departed.
And as you teetered your way back to the hut that was provided for you that you returned to after dinner had broken and Apes were flooding back to your family, tonight opting to return a bit earlier as you were suddenly thrusted into… How much you missed Humans, as awful as they were. How you missed being able to talk to them and have them understand you, a few sliding tears casing down your eyes and off your chin to mix into the mud below your feet.
You hadn’t heard Blue Eyes as he came to catch you before you managed your way along the slick rock. ‘Would,’ You drew a deep breath in as you looked at him in the pale light of the bonfire you were escaping from, the tears were evident on your face, Blue Eyes able to see them falling and you were doing nothing to catch them anymore.
He… He had never seen you cry, not even sure if Humans were capable. Sure, Apes were, but it wasn’t a common occurrence, their bodies not adapted with the proper tear ducts to actually produce longevity cries. You on the other hand, Blue Eyes felt his brow harden out of confusion. Were openly crying over something that you had said that was joked around about. You were looking at his hands, he suddenly realized, forgetting what he wanted to sign towards you.
‘Would… Like to know more… Human fishing.’ You were so envious that even though his fingers were thick and stocky, they were remarkable in how they moved like liquid itself and it kept you as captivated as it was to look in his gaze straight on, 
“It’s really stupid, Ash is right-”
‘Not… Right. To… Make fun of something… he does not understand.’Drawing your eyebrows together at that, you tilted your head and wondered for a moment if the fish you had eaten at dinner was spoiled and you were now in a state of food-poison induced hallucinations. Blue Eyes never stood up for you, fear radiated around him that he’d be ridiculed for being different, for being too much like Caesar and the heavy hand of Koba always loomed over his actions with you, though you sensed in moments that he was looking at you while you were paying attention elsewhere, the lingering of his hands above yours as he showed you how to tie a spearhead against a thicket of wood, saving you a spot at the communal dinner when he shared with the Apes he had grown up with… 
All things that were meant to keep you included, but you had often pinned that on Caesar and Blue Eyes being under direction. Nothing, it seemed, was of his own volition until now. He never cared about Human things before, about your opinions even though you had plenty to spare and kept them to yourself for this reason. Reaching up, you finally wiped away some of your tears and shrugged. “Not their fault.” You forced a smile.
‘Will you… tell me more?’
There was a moment of silence between the two of you as you looked down at him, his posture that of standing on all fours as it was his fastest means of transporting his larger body. Blue Eyes was unwavering in his stare down at you, your eyes not comfortable to meet his gaze as you nodded softly, muttering a tiny, “Can you… teach me how to fish like an Ape?”
‘Better,’ Blue Eyes signed, ‘Teach you how to fish like Chimpanzee.’
And that’s how this moment came to fruition. This moment alone. With Blue Eyes. Who was so graceful in his movements, able to hold himself confidently alongside a spear that was longer than his own height. He’d plunge it into the water without reserve, a true testament to how much more strength he had in his arms than you did. Swallowing lightly, you flexed your bicep under your jacket. Weak and flabby, nothing compared to the sheer terror of muscles that must have been hiding under Blue Eyes’ fur. You wondered for a moment, peaking your spear into the water and mixing it around like you were making a potion, if he’d ever let you touch him. Just out of curiosity! Your mind exploded, denying anything more. Out of a want to know what it… Felt like. Compared to your own, compared to the Humans you used to get showered affection from. ‘Need to hold the spear better.’ 
Startled straight out of your daydream of the Ape you had your focus on, Blue Eye suddenly manifested in front of you, having been a few meters away only seconds ago. Fumbling the wooden shaft in your hands, you laughed nervously at the form that was displayed. Knees brought together, balance almost non-existent as you were afraid of scraping the bottom of your foot on a sharp rock, your face suddenly flushed from the proximity of which he held himself in conjunction with your own body. Less than three inches away as he raised his own spear in demonstration. 
Locking onto the formation he put himself in, he pretended to throw it into the water, Blue Eyes bringing his glance back to you. His azure gaze said it all. It was your turn to mimic him, drawing your bottom lip in, captivating his attention as you were slow to grasp the spear correctly, recalling just how easy it was for the Chimp. “Better?” You whispered, hating the waver than was in your voice.
‘Not much, entire body is off.’ Blue Eyes signing was muttered, as strange as that sounded. It was as if you were able to hear the words in your mind as he showed you them, the tone vivid in how he moved his fingers against each other. Silence once again rocketed between the two of you. Blue Eyes looked down at your legs, so long in comparison to his own and so bare without the fabric that were encasing them. The parting of your calves, fatty and tender, something that Blue Eyes felt a sudden urge to bite with his canines, tearing away his perception of what was previously felt about you, versus the bringing in nature of your knees, bony and not substantiated to hold weight like his own. 
Awkward, he noted to himself and drew upwards towards the dip of your hips were he had rested for far too long, uncomfort seeping into the back of his mind, flooding his heightened senses beyond their scope of knowledge. Very… Human… Blue Eyes wanted to say and slated his gaze onto your neck, primarily your jugular and the Ape wanted nothing more than to feel the jump of your pulse against his hand, faster than an Ape? Slower than an Ape? He wanted to know. Downwards he went, meeting his thoughts in the middle of your body at your chest- muzzled inside of your jacket but he was able to see the outline of your breasts from the moments in the sun where he had been able to see through the thinner nature of your t-shirts. 
That- He stiffened for just a moment and moved his own body away from yours to demonstrate stance, that was something he did not like to think about, the disgusting pull in his stomach dropping below to rest in his lower navel like he were going to upchuck at any moment. There was nothing special about them, Female Apes had the same characteristic.
You--- Yours, he dropped his eyes once more to the zipper on your jacket sitting against your collarbones, yours were different though and his own morbid curiosity struck him. He wondered if he’d ask, if you’d feel comfortable showing him, just so he knew what they looked like, just so Blue Eyes could understand more what Caesar’s infliction towards you Humans came from. Nothing more, Blue Eyes had convinced himself of that, nothing less.
‘Stand, legs,’ He patted his own muscular thigh with a free hand and managed to man-handle the spear with his other. ‘Apart. Need… good movement to go forward.’
Ah, you nodded in understanding, giving him a word that was better. “Leverage.”
That was a word he’d not heard before, bringing both hands down to grasp the spear tightly. Good movement, leverage. Nice to know, Blue Eyes and watched as you parted your knees from each other and stanced your body correctly. Well--- He pressed his lips together at your shoulders and how stiff they had become. Better than you were, he would take what he could get. 
‘Need to throw hard,’ He turned his body to stand side-by-side with you, shoulder brushing your own and tingling at the polyester of your jacket that was intruding on the moment. ‘Lift,’ You both lifted at the same time, ‘Throw’. And down they went, the spears straight into the water. The laugh you gave was incredible to the Ape next to you, your head tilting back as you raised your hands above your head in a mild victory as you chanted optimism at yourself.
“Did you see that?! That was AWESOME!” Blue Eyes staggered his feet a bit, watching in curious motions as you moved towards your spear, slightly shorter than his own and plucked it straight from the water. And on the tip, laid the tiniest fish he had ever seen. Not even sure if it qualified as a fish or not, you were not one to take any losses as you waved it at Blue Eyes, “Look!!! I caught one!” 
Smiling at him, you watched in baited anticipation as he looked at the small fry fish and nodded before his ample eyes looked at your lips. Smile. Blue Eyes pondered that. Was… Hm… He came forward a bit to grasp at his own spear to see if he had caught anything himself. Was that something his Father liked about Humans? Their… Smiles? Hand grasping the shaft of his spear, he looked back over at you as you admired your minuscule catch with a grin adorning your cheeks, the action taking form under your eyes as well as wrinkles took hold beside your eyes. Yes… Blue Eyes thought to himself, not even invested in seeing what he had caught himself, that must be it. Must be one of those things. Those… Human things.
Meeting Cornelius for the First Time.
It was a warmer day than usual, you took note and tilted your head back and drew in the rays of the peeking sun as it made itself known to your skin. Not much, it was still a cloud laden sky but it was better than nothing, muggy around the edges from the constant bombardment of rain that swept through the landscape, but nothing too unbearable and it felt amazing to soak in the warmth to keep yourself toasty for the inevitable chill that was going to follow in the evening. 
There was quite a lively step to the Apes that were strolling by you as if the weather itself reminded them that they actually had fun things to do that day and it was easy to feel unmotivated and sullen in the gray rain, the bonfire a few meters away glowering a simmered orange as it was not needed for heat today, but you knew it would be stoked back to life to enjoy the blaze once dinner rolled right around. The flame itself now was hardly detectable as you looked down at it and smiled softly as you captured your attention on Blue Eyes, having just said goodbye to Ash.
Forearms were grasped together as they laughed, Blue Eyes himself standing and watching as his friend departed, a notion that was incredibly endearing and you found it difficult not to feel a surge in your heart as he dropped down onto all fours to begin his journey to find something to keep him busy. Shouldn’t be easy, you thought to yourself and smiled down at your hands, he was remarkably good at keeping himself up to tasks, even if it meant doing the smaller things no one else wanted.
Based on the position you could see the Sun in, it was time for a mid-day grazing of sorts, something even yourself took solace in from time to time. Too busy during the actual day to sit down for meals, instead, baskets of berries and some meat were sat on display in the communal area for those who wanted something to sustain them until the evening meal rolled around. That got you curious as he drifted himself towards it, down the slanted nature of the ground below you and to the left.
Blue Eyes didn't eat outside of morning and evening, your brain scratching itself at the fact that you knew his antics down like that. Drawing your knees out, you stretched them from their curled in position as you had been seated cross-legged and urged your body to stand. It did, your knees faltering for a moment as you urged the dead nerves awake and moved towards the baskets that Blue Eyes was scouring with his gaze. 
“Can’t find something good?” He must have sensed you coming as he so often did, shaking his head without even looking at you as the Ape signed at you one handed, ‘Want to bring something up to Mother.’’ Your eyes dawned in realization. Cornelia had given birth a week ago - Mentally, you slapped your head as the puzzle pieces came tumbling down. Caesar often brought her meals if she needed to rest, if he didn't want her to move from the nest as she had not been feeling well. And Caesar was gone with the council to scout some Human settlement that was embarking on the Colony’s outer east gate. It was rare that he left the Colony alone, and he must have set Blue Eyes to watch after Cornelia. “Do you need help?” Blue Eyes looked over at you for a moment before glancing down at the entanglement of two arms and two legs that he was holding against his chest, tiny fingers that were lighter than fur grasping so tightly at the fur on his chest, careful to not touch at the gaping scars that rested against his broad shoulder and down to encase his pectoral. You lingered there for a moment, silently thanking whoever would hear that they were beginning to heal and weren’t showing signs of infection. A chitter tore you from your admiration of that aspect of Blue Eyes. Grasping tightly at his older Brother’s fur to leverage himself against Blue Eyes’ forearm so they could analyze you, green eyes that were so gentle but held so much power by proxy, stared right at you as your mouth fell open. The human part of you wanted to shriek and go on about how cute he was. How precious, and how small but  the innate primal part of your mind tore that down at the idea that he was going to one day be as big, as intimidating as Caesar himself. But--- You bent down, Blue Eyes confident enough now to let you in a bit more, stayed stagnant. So cute! “Hi-his name is Cornelius, right? After your Mother?” Blue Eyes only nodded and let you raise your hand up cautiously for Cornelius to grasp a hold of your pointer finger. Blue Eyes himself was unsure if his brother would take the bait, it wasn’t uncommon for baby Chimps to be a bit reserved so close to being born, choosing to cling to those they knew best as it was a dangerous place, the world around them. But--- Blue Eyes saw the smile fluttering against your cheeks, the pull back as you bared your teeth, not in defense or intimidation, but it glee at seeing a baby, something not all too common now as it took Females years at times to reproduce, but with their booming numbers it was becoming more of a mainstay, twenty, if not more, young already raised and being taught by Maurice. Blue Eyes felt confident to at least let you try to greet the new Prince.
 It was certainly not something that Blue Eyes took salvage in, at least for the time being. He loved his brother, surely, but he was a young Ape who did not necessarily feel the pull towards that lifestyle yet. Something in his mind knew it would happen as he looked at the crown of your head in contemplation, not able to see your face any longer from the angle of which you had yourself. Surely… Blue Eyes shifted his feet minutely. He would find a mate to carry his young. Someday. Certainly… Not… Now… He heard you laugh as Cornelius lightly released his right hand from his big brother, from the security of the known and wandered the tiny fingers towards your pointer, coming in the scarcest contact with the very, very tip.. “Hi Cornelius. I’m (Name).” Brow ridge stiffened at the sound of your voice, so mild and gentle, soothing almost as a thought crossed Blue Eyes’ mind. Were… Were you familiar with babies? At least, Human ones? You’d never brought it up… Well, there was never really any conversation to bring it up in but the inquiry still stood as he admired the way you lifted your finger a bit and brought it back down, Blue Eyes recognizing the motion as a hand-shake of sorts that you had taught him about a few months ago. His mouth was open as you drew yourself into a crouched position to get a better look at the baby.
His fur appeared softer as it was back dropped against Blue Eyes, his touch barely more than a cusp before he drew his minuscule hand towards his and dug it back to the familiarity of Blue Eyes’ broad chest, giving a muffled yawn before rustling his face into the warm. Blue Eyes reacted, holding a bit more tightly, forearm stiffening before relaxing as Cornelius coo’ed ever so gently. “He’s tired.” You commented hap-hazardly, not expecting to get any conversation back. 
Instead, you dallied and looked up at Blue Eyes himself. His movements seemed so natural, like he was born to do this, holding a baby in his arms as your mind raced with the idea that… You were right in thinking that Blue Eyes would eventually become a Father himself as he had already proven himself a mighty hunter, provider as he was taking care of his Mother and skilled in more aspects than one. Your gut churned at the idea that he was eventually going to abandon you for another even though he wasn’t yours, even though you weren’t his despite having grown closer and closer by the day. Jealousy was not befitting of you, you knew that but Blue Eyes was just so--- So…
Handsome, your eyes drew themselves along his face, lingering a moment on the injury under his right eye with a twinge of empathy, and felt hear sitting at the back of your throat, surely not as bit as Caesar but with time he was going to be, caring and thoughtful, something that came as a surprise to you once Blue Eyes finally started opening up to you, after you had been here for over a year. He garnered much attention from the Female Apes of the Colony, yourself included as shameful as that was to admit. But, you stood no chance at that, writing the feelings floating around in your stomach as nothing more than a fantasy, catching glances with Blue Eyes as you were still crouched, almost between his legs. “Y-You seem really good with him.” Clearing your throat, you rose and Blue Eyes took quite an exquisite note that your voice now seeme hush as Cornelius drug himself into another well deserved nap. “I’ve never seen one so… small before. The others,” Gesturing vaguely behind you as if Maurice had just brought the young Apes to you for Blue Eyes to look at, “They’re bigger, able to walk on their own and speak and I---”
Cornelius grunted quietly against Blue Eyes’ chest and your heart fell onto the floor out of intense crazed want to have one yourself despite knowing that realistically, it wasn’t going to happen in your life and you were more than okay with that, most of the time… Most… Blue Eyes was staring at you and caught your glance. Yes… You muttered in your mind and drew your lips in before popping them lightly as he was wondering where you were going with the conversation, apparent in the question that was written in his mouth. You were okay with not having one! It was probably for the best.
‘Are you?’
“A-Am I what?” Rubbing your hands on the front of your pants, you suddenly felt nervous and grasped a small bowl, now too eager to help Blue Eyes assemble something for Cornelia. 
‘Good… With… Young?’
“W-What?” Laughing, you shook your head at the bluntness of his question, not terribly out of character for at times, Blue Eyes did speak and ask what was on his mind, unaware of the social status that went into the more nuanced conversations. Why did he want to know this all of a sudden? You asked yourself and placed a handful of raspberries down, coating your fingers in a wash of red juices. Maybe he was recruited by Caesar to help you with the young and Maurice, to teach them. Yeah, you scoffed at your audacity. Like that was going to happen.
“A-Are you aski-- Asking me if I’m good with babies?” There was a verbal hint of self-deprecation as you were unable to stop yourself from sputtering. Blue Eyes only nodded, watching your shoulders move as you prepared a bowl for him, something he hadn’t asked you to do, but let you as he knew it to be a form of affection in some way. He did not understand it, but he wasn’t one to deny affection from you, whether that was receiving or more rarely giving. You looked over your shoulder at him and then down towards Cornelius who had his entire face smushed into Blue Eyes fur, so warm and so comforting you felt a pang of jealousy that you’d never be able to hold him in the same way as you shrugged your shoulders.
“I--- Don’t have much experience. Even be-before the Flu I wasn’t arou-around a lot of Human Babies,” The two Princes seemed so enthralled in your words as you spoke, hands coming to a slower stop, “Baby Apes are different, same in a lot of ways but..." You lingered your stare on Cornelius head which Blue Eyes reached up to lightly adjust him for comfort, earning himself a rather distasteful groan from the child. “Not the same.” ‘Never…’ Blue Eyes stopped when you looked forward again and dropped his hand. Turning around, you gave him a brief smile and held out the bowl you had prepared for him to take to his Mother. Then, Blue Eyes took his chance, a silent plea that maybe your answer would garner him some insight as to why he felt the urge to be with you that way, to take you and have a child, as fruitless as it was to actually happen in reality. ‘Never thought of having one?’
“I can’t think like that, Blue Eyes. You know that.” You were stern and handed him the bowl a bit more forcefully, almost out of defense. “I can’t. There--- You know….” Carefully, with his free hand, he took the wicker bowl from you and watched you shuffle your feet, shoulders rising and falling in minor regret for getting snappy at him, “I’m the only Human here, I don’t think---” 
Gesturing vaguely between your body and his own, you sighed in defeat and finally looked him square in the eyes, the Ape stiffening at the sudden connection and feeling the heart in his chest skipping a beat, “I think there was a reason the Flu killed so many of us… Me… Having more? Doesn’t… Doesn’t make sense no matter how much I’d like to have one.”
‘Never considered Ape?’ It was his turn to be a bit more forceful with you, not even sure if there was any logic in his signs. Apes and Humans never… Supplied a child, never had it come out to fruition, at least in vague notions that Blue Eyes imagined. It wasn’t talked about, and it certainly wasn’t discussed between a Human and an Ape. He scorned the inside of his mind for being so forward, taking it onto being too tired from taking care of both his brother and mother.
But, still the answer clung to the air around you as you contemplated an answer. There was a flat lie, a no. There was a flat truth, a yes. I’ve thought about it with you, Blue Eyes, you wanted to say and fall right into his arms with Cornelius. Love me and let me carry your offspring for the future of the Colony. Yeah, that was going to go well.
“Maybe.” You uttered quietly, settling into a state of unease at the fact that you had only given him half an answer, looking away towards an unfixed point in the distance before teetering back down to look at Cornelius. So small and soothed by Blue Eyes, so protected and wrapped in the muscles that would do anything to keep him safe. A smile split against your cheeks while you looked at him, well aware that Blue Eyes was waiting for a more sturdy answer. “I feel like I should be asking you that, more like it.”
Raising your eyebrows at Cornelius, Blue Eyes looked down at him and then back towards you at the implication you had just given him. Thankful that he was able to read that sort of stuff now as you had been subtly giving away your secrets of non-verbal, non-signing communication, Blue Eyes felt a flurry of panic hit the back of his mind.
He was… Not good at lying. Not good at deducing his own feelings for you which often left him stumbled just the moment he was in, but lying was a good second place. Your glances were captivating him to answer honestly. That… Yes… He had been thinking about it, thinking about it not with any of the Female Apes that he was oblivious to, their advancements not noticeable in the longer stream that you were able to give him. Yes, he thought about it with you and even admitting it inside of his mind caused Blue Eyes to dive into even more panic that was now evident in his eyes as you chuckled, nodding your head as you understood the same sentiment. “I was just joking.” You said quietly, moving your feet silently against the rocks, “Don’t need to worry about that now, huh? Not the right time.” You could say that again, Blue Eyes exhaled hard and nodded as you walked by him, placing a fleeting hand on his shoulder as you left him with one more statement, “Take those up to your Mom. I bet she’s hungry and Blue,” He flew at the tone you used with the nickname you had given him, the Ape careful but fast to turn around to catch you walking away from him, your legs, so long and sleek compared to his own, agile in where you stepped in case it was slick from the rain of the evening before. “Don’t worry about having your own. We’re young. We should enjoy it while we have it.” And in silence, leaving behind just a waft of your scent for him to bask in and leave him absolutely stunted in a haze, Blue Eyes watched you disappear behind the cliff side that escalated the Colony and kept it secure. Swallowing, the looked at the bowl and Cornelius before trailing behind you, slower as to let your words really seep into his soul, into his mind so he could analytically take them apart as he so often did in solitude. 
What… Did you mean by that? Enjoying it while we have it? What did you have? What did he have? What… Narrowing his eyes on you as you came back into view, going to pester Maurice by the look of your gait and your direction. Was that a Human expression? If it was, Blue Eyes hadn't heard that one yet and promptly added it to the ever growing dictionary you were giving him.There was only one more question to remain now. What was in store for the two of you to enjoy together?
You were deathly quiet, Blue Eyes had a hard time figuring out your moods when you weren’t facing him, when you weren’t speaking and he was able to detect the small fluctuations of your tone, some so happy and joyous that he felt the same bubbling inside of him, some defensive and cold that would tear him down into pieces if you were to ever direct those words to himself, some distant and reminiscent, much like you were holding yourself in front of him shoulders laxed and your eyes ample, staring into the building in front of you. One that Blue Eyes had stumbled across, not sure what it was, not sure what the items inside were but they were interesting enough to garner him asking you to come with him, a bid to get you alone and a desperate plea for you to explain things to him that he did not understand.
The crunch of glass tore Blue Eyes away from the lack of conversation, albeit it was always quiet around the two of you and he felt his hands ghosting around your hips as you hiked your body upwards to squeeze through the doorway that was jammed with the crushed door itself and pattered onto the ground inside. Hands dropped slowly by his side, contemplating if… He should follow you. Or if he should just stand watch and let you enjoy things about the past that… Blue Eyes felt he would intrude. The wonderment that must have torn against your eyes seeing Humanity on display again, the intrigue you had as you scanned the items with your gaze and then with your hands and wiping away the years of neglect with a caress of tenderness, Blue Eyes wanting nothing more than you to do the same to him like he was a marvel himself but---
He looked down at what he was able to see of the silver scar against his chest, two years gone from that moment but the tear of agony you gave him upon seeing it, not even knowing him at that time, sent him flying into the abyss of thought that if you were able to feel empathy towards an Ape like him, there was the idea that you were able to feel more. Blue Eyes was just that. 
An Ape. And you… Human… There was no way, even in the fleeting moments when your hands had met and you were too flushed to tear them away, even in those silent moments when you laughed at something he had signed at you, hand grasping your chest like you were not able to breathe. Empathy was one thing but to feel something greater was out of the realm of his possibilities… He posed again though… Would you accept him if he followed you through?
 He thought quietly and heard you trifling around by the door where you had landed, very obviously waiting for him as you were one to never venture off on your own even if he gave you the permission, telling you that he was just a call away. He knew nothing of what was inside as he dropped onto all fours and crawled in himself, careful of the glass that was shattered and glimmered on the floor as the sun bounced off it. He knew nothing about what you knew, about what you were seeing… It was covered in dust, all the way down to the floor was the first thing that he noticed, a few streams of light coming in from the ceiling where pieces had worn and fallen to the ground below in a devastating form. Despite that, you urged your body forward looking at what was inside like it was treasure itself. “It’s a music store.” You spotted some cardboard cutout notes that were dangling by a thread against the northern wall, a few spattered words encased forever against the painted walls.
‘Music Sheets’ it read, sweeping over to the other legible writings ‘string and wind’. Blue Eyes stayed near the door, scooting himself inwards enough that he was able to perch himself on the ground without getting his back thighs covered with shards of broken glass and pieces of tiny metal from where the door had rusted and began falling apart. Music? Tilting his head, he bore holes into the back of your head. 
“I don’t know how to explain it,” You laughed and came rounding a few pieces of piano keys that were dancing their way across the ground in their monochromatic fashion. “You guys have drumming you know like…” Patting your hand rhythmically against your thigh, the reverb of the room was incredible and the sound captivated Blue Eyes’ ears. “That’s a sort of music. But other kinds of music… There’s a lot.” ‘Like?’ Blue Eyes signed for you, feverish in anticipation.
“Like…” You hummed a small tune under your breath, the tone throwing into the air and catapulting it towards the Ape. He--- Confused at that, he looked at your throat and then back at your mouth where the sound was scratching from. Humans were able to make vocal digressions like that?! Like Apes? Blue Eyes opened his mouth and hooted in response which garnered him a laugh from you. 
“Basically. You got the idea.” He felt praised and puffed his chest out a bit as you came to sit in front of a rectangular looking piece of… Wood. Carved, it appeared, matching the perch you were atop of. The keys themselves were not familiar to you, you had not been much of a player even though you were forced to take lessons as a child. You wondered, pressing your fingers to the dusty keys and feeling a sense of familiarity hit you as the creaking of the seat you were on played against the groaning of the piano pedal that you were moving downwards with your foot. 
That alarmed Blue Eyes, thinking the sound to be that of an animal and he was quickly there by your side in defense, chest rising and falling rapidly as his eyes looked around the room for the danger he had heard. “This is called a piano. That sound,” You raised your foot and it made it again, coming from the lower half of the object as Blue Eyes snarled at it slightly causing you to shake your head and turn your body towards him, “There’s pedals on the bottom that… Help it make music.”
‘Sounds awful.’ He grimaced at it and looked at you in curiosity, ‘Does not sound good, this…’ He stopped speaking when he realized he had no signed word for it. Not daring to speak the word out of fear of speaking it incorrectly, he just looked into your eyes a bit deeper and hoped you understood where he was going.
“That’s not the music. I said it helps.” You giggled lightly, your formed grin captivating him until a desolate note rang against his ear. Something… He’d never heard before. Something… Floaty… So far away from the placement it needed, so far away in melody that Blue Eyes felt something hit his chest at the sound as vibrations hit the bottom of his feet and he let out a small growl, not out of displeasure, but out of not knowing what you had just done when you pressed your finger against one of the white nearly gray now from years of non-use and dust that settled, prongs on the based shaft of the rectangle.
“That’s music. There’s these… Strings, thin like twine inside of it…” You raised a hand and pressed it against the cross body bag that he had chosen to carry with him, more for you in case you found some small items you wanted to take back to the Colony. Dragging the faded leather outwards, you let it sink back towards Blue Eyes’ body, leaving him feeling the hackles rise against his shoulder at the fact that you were so close to the scars on his chest. “It plucks to make a note--- To make… Music.”
He looked at the keys for a moment before choosing to look at you instead. ‘This… thing… The sound…’ The Prince was slow to sign to you not out of necessity anymore as you were getting better by the day with your ability to communicate that way, but out of torn confusion. One part of him understood the basic premise of what you were telling him but the other? Twine that plucked to make a sound? Sure, normal twine would do that if you held it and tightened it to its wits end, but this… Was different.
Resonant as he admired the way your fingers trickled across the white base and black underscores. He could see your fingertips imprinting more against the black as you twiddled two fingers against them. ‘Can I… try? Making…’ Your eyes fluttered towards his own at the sight of his question, lips parting in anticipation of him wanting to finish as the word appeared to be on the tip of both of your tongues. “Mu--- Music.” Crystal clear, beaming him a smile, you nodded and patted the bench next to you once you scooted, leaving the swipe of your thighs behind that was encased by Blue Eyes body as he sat next to you.
The bench creaked once more out of the desperation it needed to keep both of you situated, years leading to its demise but it still felt sturdy enough. “Just press any of them. If you press down here,” Your hand hovered the left side, “They’re going to make a really, really deep noise and if you play up here,” You moved and felt your arm sliding against Blue Eyes hands that he had ready in front of his body, causing him to feel heated and unsure of what he was actually doing. “They’re going to come out really… High pitched, like a bird.”
Blue irises slide from side to side, now unable to choose where he wanted to press, unable to decide if deeper was better or if higher was better. You hadn’t explained to him the middle that was almost aligned with your stomach, Blue Eyes staring at that section before he tore his gaze up your body. Unsureness was tendered in his stance as he stiffened up beside you, eager to get his hands away from his Human object and to move onto something less intimidating, something he was able to more heartedly understand.
“Here.” You whispered lightly, looking at the side of his face and letting your hand rest right on top of the back of his. “Spread… Your fingers out. Like you’re holding a branch.” Blue Eyes was still hesitant as he looked over at you, afraid even more now that your face was only a few inches away from his own and he was able to see in full sweep your entire face, from the entrancement of your eyes, to the heat that was falling off of you like waves, to the curt nod you gave him in reassurance.
Blue Eyes spread his fingers out for you, gasping to himself and holding his breath when you splayed your fingers on top of his. “Just…” You urged him downwards towards the piano key, “Like this…” They rested against them, so cold and unfamiliar to him. Smoothed. Unnaturally, there was no way that a rock gliding against another was able to garner such unforgiving sleekness. 
“It’s okay,” You whispered right into his ear, admiring how small your hand looked above his own as you pressed your pointer finger down on his own, “Just… Let yourself… Hold it…” Blue Eyes felt no other exhilaration at the moment as the note shot right through him like electricity. Straight to the very depths of his core, rattling him against you as he turned to look at you once more, seeking comfort and assurance that the was doing it correctly. “Just like that! That’s how you make music!”
The breath he had been holding was finally released as he tore his hand away from the keys, curling them into their regular ‘C’ shaped position. He--- Did not like that. This thing, this… Piano. But, the longer he looked at his impressed fingerprint against it, peering over at your hand that had been touching him, he could spare his ill-will towards it for just a second more as he signed, ‘Show me again… Another. Darker one.’
“Black key?”
He nodded eagerly, watching as you brought your hand towards his own once more, and without a word or without any explanation anymore, there was no need, you drew his fingers against your own, savoring in the sensation of his leathery skin against your more gentle and delicate palm and urged him down, as far down as he wanted to go, you thought and watched the side of his face intently. There was a scowl against his lips, still unsure and still uneasy about the moment. His eyes were flickering wildly between your cusped hands and your face.
You would lead him, always… You thought to yourself and smiled at him. As long as he lead you, his palm encased the white keys first as you tendered his fingers against the black keys near middle ‘C’, you would follow, and it appeared that it was the same way around as you urged him right into the shell of his ears, urging him to take your advice, to follow suit and to give it his best. “Press down, Blue. Play some music for me.”
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amirasainz · 4 months
Along the lines of Amira and Kim, could you do where the drivers and WAGs react to Amira being part of one of the Skims campaigns?
Enjoy reading, and let me know if you have some requests!!! I added a little Instagram part. Let me know what you think about it.
No part 2!
“Oh my god. Honey, you look absolutely amazing,” said Kim. As Amira walked out from the dressing room, everyone looked at her. It was clear that she truly looked breathtaking. “Really? I feel like I don’t do your fashion enough justice,” whispered Amira nervously.
It came as a quiet surprise to everyone, except Kim, when they saw how shy Amira was. Of course, it was never easy to walk 1000% confident in front of the camera when you’re wearing particularly revealing clothing. However, they thought that a breathtaking beauty like Amira wouldn’t be nervous to model in a room full of people.
“I don’t think I can do this, Kimi,” whispered Amira. “Amira, love, there is nothing to be nervous about. If it makes you feel better, I can send the people away so it’s just us two, the photographer, and your stylist in the room.” Amira nodded thankfully. After Amira sent everyone away, the four of them got to work.
At first, Amira was a bit stiff. However, after Kim continued to tell her some silly stories, she couldn’t help but loosen up. The tension left the room, and the other two couldn’t help but laugh along with Kim and Amira.
“Okay, I think it’s time for the couple photos,” said the photographer. Kim and Amira changed and went to the prepared bed in the middle of the studio.
"Relax, love" whispered Kim to her. "I don't really know what to do" admitted Amira. "Let's cuddle like always." Kim threw an arm over Amira and gently stroked her back. The photographer really captured the comfort and love between the two of them.
@skims, @kim kardashian &@amira sainz
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Liked by charleslecerlc, landonorris, oscarpiastri and 17 567 398 other people
SKIMS: Guess who's back? This time with our favourite girl, Amira Sainz. The new collection will be available on the 1st June.💕💕
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The internet erupted into chaos three days later when the pictures were posted on the official SKIMS page, Kim’s personal page, and Amira’s social media. Fans immediately started shipping Kim and Amira, and the hashtag #Kimira trended worldwide. In a matter of 20 minutes, the entire SKIMS collaboration was sold out.
As for the drivers, they were equally affected. The group chat, sans Carlos, went into a frenzy. Pictures were shared left and right. Kika and Lily each purchased three sets. Charles even changed his wallpaper from Amira with Alex to one featuring Amira in underwear. Kelly took Kim out of existing photos and added her own face. Lando, ever the enthusiast, printed out some of the pictures.
And Carlos? Rebecca did her best to shield him from the images for as long as possible. But after 40 minutes, her luck ran out. Carlos finally saw the pictures and promptly retreated to the bathtub, seeking refuge. He lied there for 4 hours in the dark, Charles piano music playing in the background…..
Bonus (+):
"Hey Oscar, there's a package to you from…SKIMS?" Zak looked at Oscar with a confused expression. Oscar slowly got up, took the package and left the room. "What the fuck…." whispered Zak to himself, starring at his empty hands.
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dykerikki · 4 months
h2o dashboard simulator
mutual 1: charlotte did nothing wrong
mutual 2: do you think wilf and max ever explored each others bodies
mutual 3: starting my annual rewatch so i will be out of contact next week as the s2 finale will make me ummmmm. busy
mutual 1: what are you doing 🤔🔍
mutual 3: dont worry about it 👍
mutual 4: lets all walk into the ocean while gazing blankly into the moon. wednesday work for u guys?
[mutual 7 reblogged this 34 times]
mutual 3: i am seeking refuge in a remote church in the irish countryside for crimes against village roadshow pictures australia
mutual 1: #omg bella hartley core!
mutual 5: *lesbifies a character**bisexualifies a character* *transgendifies a character* *translesbifies a character*
mutual 6: heres an itemised list of everything charlotte did wrong and why that makes her the coolest girl in the world
mutual 7: [the silent lurkerr]
blog you have never seen in your life: *pastel moodboard with NO h2o content* #coquette #girlinterrupted #femalehysteria #h2o
mutual 8: season 3 hate
mutual 9: season 3 hate
mutual 10: actually season 3 slaps
mutual 10: (5 minutes later) season 3 hate
mutual 2: LADIES! if your man wears bucket hats, loves fishing and is Keeper of the Secret THATS NOT YOUR MAN! thats gold coast television heartthrob of several, perhaps TENS of people worldwide, lewis mccartney
mutual 8: *picture of byron surfboard. yep thats his nameee its byronnnn Surfboard!* i know when you knock on his head its got an echo
mutual 5: banned from tumblr for saying what julia did to louise
mutual 9: what did she do?
mutual 5: she fucked that old woman!!!!!
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chaoticmvse · 2 months
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Safe Haven celebrates successful opening!
On Saturday, August 3, 2024, the time had finally come: the world was given new hope and so were hundreds of victims of domestic (sexual) violence! The opening of "Safe Haven" was a complete success.
With this project, the founder and ex-wife of Cameron Edwards, Jocelyn Kaine Edwards (25), is not only creating a refuge for women, but also for men and children. More than one billion women worldwide are not protected by the law from domestic sexual violence, and despite everything, there are also enough men who are exposed to domestic violence. This housing complex offers those affected the opportunity to live more freely, but above all more safely.
The opening attracted a lot of publicity, and many well-known personalities were there to support Jocelyn. Dr. Nikita Malhotra-Bancroft (@shevampyre) was often seen at her side, actively helping out with support. "What she [Jocelyn] has created here is almost like a new world for those whose worlds were once completely destroyed," says Nikita. Many wondered whether she was referring to the young entrepreneur herself after the accusations against her ex-husband Cameron Edwards (†28) regarding her own experiences of domestic sexual violence.
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A residential complex with four buildings connected by an inner courtyard not only provides people with a community, but also offers children a normal environment in which to grow up.
To ensure that residents can really feel safe, the entire site is under video surveillance and there is plenty of security to keep watch at night. According to the head of security, John Paltrow (47), he has never experienced anything like this before: "In the recent past, we have repeatedly had to deal with vandalism, the buildings have been spray-painted and doors have been smashed. But when you see the gratitude on the faces of the new residents, it was all worth it. I've never seen so much suffering and happiness in one place in my life and I've had to do worse jobs."
It was also noticeable that the founding fairy herself did not seem to need any security at all, because contrary to all expectations, Jocelyn did not appear alone. For the first time, and quite officially, the Edwards appeared with her new partner Alexander Wolkow (34 | @never-be-tamed). It was hard to miss how in love the young couple were. But wasn't she once in love with Cameron? Let's just hope that the new entrepreneur doesn't turn out to be a black widow after all - for the sake of the people who have found a new home as well as for the Russian.
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pedropascallme · 1 year
Could I have some fluff with Toki?? Like one day him and the reader are relaxing together as he lays his head on their lap while they stroke his hair as they talk about life or something lol
AN: I hope this is what you had in mind!! I <3 writing for Toki.
Mordhaus was comfortable, as far as mansions go, but there was something so…unsettling about being there as a guest. It wasn’t that you weren’t experienced when it came to navigating the corridors or the many hundreds of doors that all seemingly led to unnecessary rooms, it was just that you felt out of place. Regardless, it was the one place you could find refuge with Toki, away from rabid Dethklok fans and overenthusiastic record label execs.
“Nothing’s on.” You clicked the remote, sat on the living room couch next to Toki. He reached a leg over yours and flicked through channels on the modified pedal until he reached the Dethklok Minute.
“This!” He removed his foot from the pedal, leaving his leg draped over you. You clasped a hand over his knee, delighted by his enthusiasm to watch a show about himself. You couldn’t judge; he had grown up with nothing, to be adored by millions of people worldwide was something he never could have dreamed of. If any of his other bandmates had put it on, you would’ve scoffed, but you let Toki enjoy the Dethklok Minute whenever he wanted to.
As the show dragged on, Toki grew restless. His name had yet to be mentioned. When the host signed off, Toki stomped on the pedal to turn off the TV, huffing. He pulled his leg off of you and flopped himself on his side, head settling in your lap as he bemoaned the lack of public attention.
“Nobody cares abouts Tokis!” His words were muffled into your thigh. “Nobody talks abouts Tokis.” You pulled yourself up slightly, reaching down to comb your fingers through his hair.
“That isn’t true.” You tried to reason with him.
“Yes!” He wasn’t having it.
“I care about you,” you began to braid his hair into messy patterns, “I talk about you. I talk to you, Toki. Isn’t that better?” You finished one braid and started on another.
“Mph.” He pushed his head into the crevice your thighs created around his head. “Yes. That ams better.”
“Who cares about the Dethklok Minute, Toki? The only people I know who watch it live here.”
“You only hangs out with the peoples that who lives here.” He countered, but he turned slightly in your lap and you could see a faint smile. You pulled him up by the braid you had now finished, kissing his forehead before gently dropping him back down to your lap. He giggled, pushing his hands under your thighs and letting himself enjoy the warmth you exuded.
“Will you keeps braidings my hair?”
“I was going to, whether you asked or not.” You laughed softly, his joy was contagious. You unwound the braids you had already finished and started sectioning his hair down the middle to produce two bigger, cleaner looking braids.
“You still thinks I’m cools?”
“Even thoughs I’m not in the Dethklok Minutes?”
You were ready to dismiss the notion entirely, but you felt that you owed it to him to respond honestly. “The coolest.”
“You still loves me?”
“Even thoughs—”
“Toki, you could be some regular jackoff and I would still think the absolute world of you.” You grabbed a hair tie from your wrist and tied off the first braid. “Look at me.”
He moved his hands from under you and turned over to look up. He seemed genuinely nervous, which you found endearing—it wasn’t often that you saw people in his position of power so concerned about their reputation when it didn’t concern their wealth. It was always something you appreciated about Toki; he was empathetic towards everybody and more than capable of accessing his own emotions.
“I love you.” You fanned the hair out of his eyes. “I don’t care about the people on TV who do or don’t talk about you. I care about you.”
He sat bolt upright, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing. “Thanks you,” he whispered, grateful to hear the words, “I loves you, too.” He pulled away to kiss you on the nose, then again on your lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kept him close to you, feeling the way he licked into you ever so slightly, before pulling away.
“Do you want me to finish braiding?” You asked, and in lieu of a verbal response he once again flopped his head onto your lap.
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ateez-ana · 5 months
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i have the time of my life fighting dragons with you
relashionship with ateez members
these kindred spirits found themselves drawn together, embarking on a journey that would not only shape their careers but also forge an unbreakable bond.
Their bond transcends mere friendship, blossoming into a pillar of unwavering support and a safe haven amidst the storms of life. They are each other's confidants, offering a listening ear and words of encouragement during challenging times. Yeosang's quiet strength provides a calming presence, while Ana's nurturing spirit offers unwavering support, creating a refuge where they can be vulnerable and true to themselves.
Their relationship is not without its playful moments. They often engage in lighthearted banter, teasing each other with inside jokes and affectionate jabs. However, beneath the playful surface lies a deep understanding and empathy for each other's experiences, dreams, and aspirations
The relationship between Yeosang and Ana has captured the hearts of fans worldwide, who are drawn to their genuine affection for each other, their unwavering support, and the purity of their connection.
In a world often filled with fleeting connections and manufactured relationships, Yeosang and Ana's bond stands as a beacon of purity and authenticity. Their love transcends the boundaries of mere friendship, weaving a tapestry of shared dreams, unwavering support, and a connection that resonates with the depths of their souls. It is a love that has enriched their lives, inspired fans worldwide, and proven that true love can indeed exist in the whirlwind of the K-pop industry.
When Yeosang finds himself the target of playful pranks by his fellow members, Ana steps in with a gentle yet firm demeanor, ensuring that the teasing remains lighthearted and respectful, during a practice session, as the other members playfully tease Yeosang about his dance moves, Ana gently intervenes, reminding them that while they can joke with each other, they should always respect each other's feelings.
Beyond the playful banter of their group, Ana also shields Yeosang from the harshness of negative comments and online criticism. She understands the emotional toll such negativity can take, and she stands as a protective barrier, shielding him from the hurtful words of others, during a group interview, when Yeosang hesitates to share his thoughts on a creative project, Ana nudges him gently, encouraging him to speak up and share his unique perspective. She believes in his creativity and wants him to shine with confidence.
She is his confidante, his source of strength, and his unwavering defender. Her love for Yeosang manifests not only in her protective actions but also in her unwavering belief in his talents and his worth as an individual
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golden retriever boy and Maine Coon girl
Their relationship is not without its playful moments. They may tease each other gently, engage in friendly banter, or even pull lighthearted pranks on each other. This playful dynamic adds a touch of humor to their interactions and strengthens their bond through shared laughter and experiences.
Yuhno, known for his energetic and mischievous personality, often uses their height difference as a source of amusement, engaging in friendly banter that adds a touch of humor to their interactions. Ana, known for her quick wit and playful nature, often responds to Yuho's teasing with her own witty retorts. She might playfully remind him that being tall doesn't always mean you're better at everything, or she might jokingly suggest that she can see things he can't because she's closer to the ground.
practice vocal harmonies duo, they always sit close to each other,Yuho and Ana have both mentioned enjoying video games, so it's likely they spend time together playing multiplayer games or competing against each other Yuhno and Ana prepared for their highly anticipated Mario Kart showdown. The stakes were high: the loser would have to perform their latest song in front of atinys complete with a silly dance routine.
Yuhno, the self-proclaimed Mario Kart champion, exuded confidence as he selected his trusty character, Rainbow Road, a track notorious for its unpredictable twists and turns. Ana, determined to prove her underdog status, chose the adorable Toad.
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uboat53 · 11 months
All right guys, in light of the current situation in Israel and the discourse around it in the US, we need to have a talk about Evangelical Christians. Consider this a SHORT RANT (TM).
Christian support for Israel in the United States actually didn't start from a bad place. Initially it was the position of mainline and liberal Protestants that Jews needed a safe place to flee from intensifying persecution in Europe and that this would be a part of a broader rapprochement between Jews and non-Jews.
Since the establishment of the State of Israel, however, and particularly since the Six-Day War in 1967, American Evangelicals have become the primary supporters the Zionist conception of Israel. In particular, they view the Jewish dominion over the historical Israel as a necessary step to the rapture and the end of days.
Long story short, the Evangelical interpretation of the prophecies of Revelations and those surrounding them is that the Jews need to take control of the holy land and then be destroyed in order to bring about the end times. The problem with this, though, is that the people who destroy the Jews will, themselves, be destroyed, so they can't do it directly.
Hence, the current plan. Israel is to be encouraged to expand, making about as many enemies as is possible, then, at some point in the future, any military aid would be pulled, allowing the prophecy to be fulfilled without Evangelical Christians themselves being the "bad guys" of Revelations.
You can see that this plan isn't great for actual Jews or for Israel itself. In fact, it's even worse than it sounds. According to the prophecy, all Jews in Israel will either convert or be destroyed, a cultural and religious genocide by any definition.
You'll also notice that this doesn't do much for Jews outside of Israel. In fact, the Evangelical interpretation of the prophecy seems to be that all Jews need to go to Israel in order for this to work, so their support of Israel goes alongside efforts to push Jews in other countries out.
All of this leads up to the fact that many so-called "Christian Zionists" are also raging anti-Semites. John Hagee, the founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel, believes such anti-Semitic nonsense as that Adolf Hitler was born from a lineage of "accursed, genocidally murderous half-breed Jews", that the persecution of Jews throughout history is justified by Jews' refusal to embrace Christianity, that the Holocaust was good because it pushed Jews to Israel, and that the anti-Christ will be "partially Jewish".
Other prominent and popular Christian Zionists such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are likewise on record as holding abhorrently anti-Semitic beliefs such as the belief in a worldwide Jewish conspiracy that is cited by any number of those who commit atrocities against Jews in this country.
Evangelical Christians can speak all they want about their "unswerving support of Israel", this support does not in any way change the fact that a huge amount of them are virulent anti-Semites. They do not support Israel as a refuge for Jewish people or Jewish people in general, they support Israel as a trap into which Jews must be forced so they can be destroyed as part of their apocalyptic vision and, meanwhile, their zeal for all Jews to go to Israel leads them to embrace and encourage violence against us elsewhere in the world.
These people are not friends of Jews, they are as much enemies as those who wield rocket launchers and automatic weapons against us. Remember that the next time you hear them speak of their support for Israel.
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sourholland · 5 months
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this is my updated masterlist! i included everyone i still write for (even if it was past work). so please keep in mind some of this writing is like four years old and not a reflection of my writing now
here is my old masterlist, it is a collection of all of my previous writing even if i don’t write for the person anymore.
requests always open // navigation
updated: 5/15/2024
☂️ - angst, ☁️ - fluff, 🪩 - contains nsfw themes
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one shots
☂️ last kiss: based off taylor swift’s song, the aftermath of ending a movie set situationship with tom
☁️i’m sure: you hide a relationship with tom from the public and he shows up to one of your fashion shows
☂️desperate: tom is drunkenly jealous and makes a confession
☂️don’t: years pass after your relationship with tom ends and you get engaged
☂️🪩☁️a royal convenience: (complete!) when an alliance is made between england and france, you are sent away to marry the crown prince and heir to the british throne. except both you and prince thomas despise each other at all odds, subjected to the hand of the monarchy and unable to stand each other.
☂️🪩glamorous: (on hold!) in this princess diana retelling, you are working in a nursery school as an aid in london, as well as a part time nanny. with slight aristocratic ties, you choose to live a more normal and mundane life. when the prince of wales comes to know you and bring you into the spotlight, everything changes. truths coming too late, lies straining your relationship, and the impending future of the country falling on your shoulders. is this really the stuff of which fairytales are made?
old blurbs are all located on my old masterlist!
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one shots
☂️🪩☁️style: (ongoing!) he’s the quarterback of the cincinnati bengals, a worldwide heartthrob with an ego the size of lake erie—but does he have the heart to match it? you’re the bengals newest cheerleader, desperate to prove how much you deserve your spot on the team. it doesn’t take much to catch the eye of joe burrow, however that isn’t necessarily a good thing when you’re told that any romantic relations between cheerleaders and players is strictly prohibited.
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one shots
☂️click: azriel has pined after mor for centuries, however you share a mating bond that neither of you address
☂️🪩☁️guilty as sin (ongoing!) the lost princess of the dawn court finds herself brazenly escaping her own personal living hell. seeking refuge, as well as peace to plot in the city of velaris—she meets azriel shadowsinger and through the throws of disdain and discomfort they are forced to work side by side, intertwined through their shared scars.
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coming soon!
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readyforevolution · 7 days
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Mao leader of the Chinese revolution made his transition September 9, 1976 but his imprint on the Peoples Revolutionary movements around the world will be the most significant in World history. His leadership in the strategic triumph and unification of China over Japanese imperialism and british sponsored civil war changed the trajectory of national liberation in 1949!! The command of the Communist Party of China and the PLA ( Peoples Liberation Army) became the blueprint for all Peoples liberation movements! The Cultural Revolution ,although considered brutal , rejected british colonialism and promoted Self reliance which was the foundation of massive production and industrialization that modernize China and propelled her as a world leader! Makes commitment to Unity and communism was unmatched. Mao was the first world leader to support the African revolution worldwide with Ghana, Tanzania, Southern African militants training to fight apartheid colonialism, the Black panther party. China provided refuge for Robert and Mabel Williams, supported Economic programs in newly liberated territories in Africa, provided refuge for revolutionaries throughout the continent. the Nkrumah government.
One of the most important Revolutionary leaders of the 20th century!
Long live Mao!
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soulful-fruit · 2 years
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Listen back :)
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mariacallous · 4 months
The humble tree has long protected humans from sickness and even death—and in the modern city, it’s still doing so. As global temperatures rise, so too does the “urban heat island effect”—the tendency for cities to absorb and hold on to the sun’s energy, which is a growing public-health crisis worldwide. On a small scale, the shade under a single tree is an invaluable refuge on a blisteringly hot day. Scaling that effect up, neighborhoods with more tree cover are measurably cooler.
Now research is showing just what an impact this can have on people’s health. A new paper finds that in Los Angeles, planting more trees and deploying more reflective surfaces—something as simple as painting roofs white—could lower temperatures so dramatically, it’d cut the number of heat-related ER visits by up to 66 percent. That research follows a previous study by the same scientists finding that one in four lives lost during heat waves could be avoided with the same techniques.
As urban populations are rising around the world, so are temperatures, putting ever more people in ever-hotter environments. “We’re primarily urban dwellers at this point,” says UCLA environmental researcher Edith de Guzman, coauthor of both studies and the cofounder and director of the Los Angeles Urban Cooling Collaborative. “We know that that’s problematic, because there’s a magnification of heat that occurs in those spaces, because of the preponderance of heat-retaining surfaces that then release that heat at night, when the body seeks to cool off.”
If a heat wave stretches day after day, the physiological stress builds and builds on residents. Elderly and young people are especially at risk, since their bodies can’t cool themselves as efficiently. Extreme heat also leads to the formation of ozone, which exacerbates asthma.
For the new study, published in the International Journal of Biometeorology, de Guzman’s team looked at four different LA heat waves between 2006 and 2010—the same ones were also referred to in the previous study on mortality. These heat waves differed in their length, high temperatures, and humidity. (The higher the humidity, the more difficult it is for the human body to cool off by sweating.) The team then married this data with land-use data showing where in LA County there’s good tree cover, which reflects heat, and where there are impermeable surfaces like pavement, which absorb it. And lastly, they got data on heat-related ER visits in those areas.
They plugged all that data into an algorithm that modeled scenarios in which modifying the urban environment—with more reflective surfaces and more trees—could lower temperatures and avoid those heat-related ER visits. With 25 percent more tree cover, visits might decline by 7 to 45 percent. Bumping that up to 50 percent more tree cover, the heat-related ER visits decline by 19 to 58 percent. And then if LA were to max out its allowable tree cover—40 percent of its total area—those visits would drop by 24 to 66 percent.
“We are able to quantify how outcomes would have been different in real events,” says de Guzman. “I know that projections are for a higher number of extreme heat days in each of these communities.”
In other words: The time to act is now. Tall trees provide shade, for one, but plants in general release water vapor as they photosynthesize, essentially “sweating.” Accordingly, a high-income neighborhood with lots of parks and landscaping might be 15 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than a low-income, more industrialized area—like so many health threats, heat disproportionately affects those who are the most deprived. The urban heat island effect varies not only from neighborhood to neighborhood, but also from block to block and even house to house. Different building materials, like wood and brick, absorb and retain the sun’s energy in different ways.
So the utility of this kind of research is to first of all find whole neighborhoods to prioritize for greening, but then to target specific places to put single trees. “We don’t necessarily in urban areas plant entire forests—we plant an individual tree at a time,” says Portland State University climate adaptation scientist Vivek Shandas, who studies the heat island effect but wasn’t involved in the new research. “If you have a limited amount of funds, and you know where there’s going to be the highest impact from the deployment of this, it’s a no-brainer to be able to identify those locations.”
But it’s not as easy as just sticking a bunch of trees in the ground and calling it a day. LA has embarked on a multiyear Urban Forest Management Plan to increase its tree canopy, especially in its most vulnerable neighborhoods. It has to carefully identify locations to add the plants, but also collaborate with the residents there—for instance, with community feedback meetings. Some people might not want trees outside their home: Maybe a branch once fell on their car, or their sidewalk cracked from underlying roots, reducing the mobility of a grandparent in a wheelchair.
So getting more trees in the urban landscape is also about collaboration and education, getting folks to understand the significant cooling benefits that could well save their lives—and, at the very least, reduce their air-conditioning bills. “If you have a negative tree story, we have to do some education on how we’re going to do better in the future,” says Rachel Malarich, the City Forest Officer of Los Angeles. “How we’ve learned as an industry is to be more selective about what we put where, and make it appropriate for the site, or to change the site so that we can plant something larger.” For example, if a given patch of dirt is too small to fit a tree species big enough to provide good shade, perhaps the city could rework the sidewalks to accommodate that, simultaneously improving mobility and reducing local temperatures.
In LA and elsewhere, scientists are rushing to find tree species that’ll be able to withstand temperatures 10, 15, 20 years from now—you wouldn’t want to plant a tree only to discover it can’t survive in the new climate. Climate change may also help tree pests and diseases spread, adding yet more precarity to urban greenery: A given community might be keen on planting more of their neighborhood’s trademark species of tree—magnolias or what have you—but the future may be increasingly hostile to it.
A tree also needs more maintenance and water in its vulnerable early years, a resource that may be in increasingly short supply as Southern California warms. So in addition to increasing its tree cover, LA is trying to make itself spongier: Lots more green spaces in general that allow rainwater to soak into the underlying aquifer or cisterns for later extraction. Back in February, this spongy infrastructure helped the city capture 8.6 billion gallons of stormwater over just three days.
Being an urban environment with pedestrians, cars, and buildings under the trees, the city has to ensure that the plants aren’t dropping branches. That means inspections and boots on the ground—unlike a proper forest, the urban forest needs constant attention. “We have to manage a little bit higher-touch in an urban environment, because we have these risk factors,” says Malarich. “We want to do planting, maintenance, and then preservation. So keeping existing mature trees in place is actually really critical to canopy expansion.”
And a neighborhood doesn’t have to stop at adding extra trees to mitigate the urban heat island effect. Scientists are researching ways to grow crops on rooftops, shaded by solar panels, which produces both food and free electricity as well as cooling the top floor of a building. And extra points if it’s a “blue-green roof” capable of storing rainwater for residents to use to water plants and flush toilets.
Scientists are also experimenting with “cool pavements,” which bounce more sunlight back into space instead of absorbing it. Reflective coatings do the same for the sides and rooftops of buildings. Painting more surfaces white helps cool an area, but urban designers have to take care not to unintentionally bounce that reflected solar radiation toward people. “I’m a big fan of white paints up high,” says Shandas. “That’s what clouds do naturally: On a cloudy day, a lot of that sunlight is already reflected back up into space. And so if we can get every roof in some way a lighter color, we can start moving in that direction.”
It’s not a matter of whether LA or any other city will be greener or more reflective in the years to come, but how much greener and more reflective it can manage to be. And accordingly, how many lives it can save as the world warms. “While it’s generally a feel-good kind of investment for cities, we need to tie those investments to public health outcomes,” says de Guzman, “because the improvements that can be made are really meaningful.”
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brrrkdslek · 1 year
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📁 ; F1L3 0N3 ; KP0P
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wooyoung had always dreamed of being in love, but being surrounded by so many fakes made it hard. what will happen when you, an infamous billionaire, stumbles across the bar he worked at?
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an event known as 'THE PULSE' occurs worldwide, granting a significant portion of the population extraordinary abilities. You, a grieving young mother, encounters a group of boys while seeking refuge. The newfound group navigates a changing society while uncovering the truth behind 'THE PULSE'.
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...4ND M0R3 70 C0M3!
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
Exiled prince:’Jews are part and parcel of Iran’s future’
Iranian Jews may still contribute to a post-Islamic revolutionary Iran, even if they don’t live there, says  the exiled prince Reza Pahlavi, son of the deposed Shah. Wide-ranging interview by Karmel Melamed in JNS News:
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Journalist Karmel Melamed interviewing Prince Reza Pahlavi
Q: When you visited Israel last year, you interacted with many Iranians in the country who welcomed you warmly. What surprised you the most about the Iranian community in Israel, and how did their interactions with you, which Persian-language news media broadcast, impact perceptions of Iranians worldwide about Israel?
A: First of all, I wasn’t surprised, because I knew of that sentiment from the very beginning. The Iranian Jewish community in Israel, compared to peers elsewhere, has from the very beginning been the most vocal that we had to flee the country but has remained Iranian, attached to the motherland.
This was not a surprise to me. I knew it from the very beginning. This sentiment is present today more than ever.
I’ll tell you what was more of a surprise to me. On the last day before I returned to Europe, I was strolling on the beach in Tel Aviv in front of the shoreline, and average Israeli citizens would walk up to me excited, knowing full well why I was there. They said how hopeful they were that we can have this relationship again between our two countries. That was an element that I didn’t expect—that level of enthusiasm and interest.
Q: For more than four decades, Iran’s once-sizable Jewish community has nearly completely fled Iran for its safety and due to the persecution it experienced at the hands of the Islamic Republic ruling Iran. What sort of future do you foresee for these Iranian Jews—who live primarily stateside and in Israel and who have achieved significant success there—after the regime is no longer in power? What roles might they have in helping to rebuild Iran?
A: It’s no secret that many of the people in Iran who brought in factories, industry and investments to help the country modernize were Iranian Jews.
Of course, they are part and parcel of Iran’s future. I’d like to stress one point. When Hitler was mounting his war and carrying out the events of the Holocaust, I wonder how history took a change.
The attack on Pearl Harbor propelled America to engage in the Second World War. Until then, it didn’t want to have anything to do with it, knowing what Hitler was doing to the Jews. Even before the war, in Iran, we were harboring Jews and protecting them and we did so especially when the war started.
We had Iranian diplomats in Europe like Abdol Hossein Sardari, who helped get visas to Jews in France. Iran was a country—dare I say the only country in the Middle East—that actually gave refuge and asylum to fleeing Jews.
I think Iranians do embrace that. Iran was a country that was once respected in the world. Iranians were one of the few peoples who would travel to many countries without visas. The Iranian passport had value. They were respected.
Today, they’ve been humiliated and painted as terrorists.
All that context of course includes Iranian Jews rebuilding the nation. It goes without saying. It’s obvious.
There were those that had to but didn’t want to leave Iran who were murdered by the regime. It forced an exodus and exile. Many would have preferred to stay, but how could they do so under such a level of immediate discrimination?
They don’t necessarily have to return physically, but they can contribute to Iran in a hell of a lot of ways. They still have that attachment and can still find that role.
At the end of the day, history will not repeat itself if we do not forget what happened before. Today’s new generation of young Iranians needs to understand a little bit of what contributed to that development in the past. It was not imposed on them, but Iranians participated in it voluntarily.
Imagine how much more can be done in Iran once the atmosphere is opened, outside of all of these discriminations, and everybody has equal opportunities to contribute and what a bright future we could have. That’s the message we should spread around the world far beyond whether we are Jewish, Bahá’í or Muslim, or whatever ethnicity or whatever political thinking. The country can in fact help itself.
Read article in full
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inside0ut-dotnet · 3 months
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On World Refugee Day, which is celebrated every year on June 20th, we stand in solidarity with refugees worldwide. This year’s theme, “Solidarity with Refugees – For a World Where Refugees are Welcomed,” emphasizes the collective commitment to providing refuge and support for those displaced by conflict, persecution, or disaster. The LGBTQ+ community faces unique challenges and dangers in many parts of the world, making them particularly vulnerable to violence and discrimination.
It’s essential to recognize and honor LGBTQ+ refugees, celebrating their resilience and contributions to creating an inclusive society. Approximately 40% of the world’s refugees live in countries where LGBTQ+ individuals face legal persecution. Shockingly, 64 countries globally criminalize consensual same-sex relations, with penalties ranging from imprisonment to the death penalty. Unfortunately, LGBTQ+ rights have regressed in Africa and Western Asia in recent years, with new bills criminalizing or increasing penalties for homosexuality introduced in several countries.
Advocacy and awareness can make a significant difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ refugees. By raising awareness about their struggles and advocating for their rights, we can help create a more inclusive and supportive environment for them to seek refuge and rebuild their lives. By eradicating hate, prejudice, and discrimination, we can ensure that they find refuge and hope. Let us extend our solidarity beyond borders, transcending nationality, religion, and culture, as we work together to create a more compassionate world.
There are several ways you can show your support for LGBTQ+ refugees on World Refugee Day and beyond. You can donate to organizations that provide support and resources to LGBTQ+ refugees, volunteer your time to help them navigate the asylum process, or simply educate yourself and others about their experiences.
HIAS: HIAS provides legal services, including free advice and representation, to those fleeing persecution based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Immigration Equality: This organization offers legal and material support to LGBTQ+ people seeking asylum and refugee status in the United States.
Refuge America: Dedicated to empowering and supporting LGBTQ+ displaced individuals and refugees.
These organizations play a crucial role in creating safe spaces and advocating for the rights of LGBTQ+ refugees. 🌈🌍
Standing in solidarity with LGBTQ+ refugees sends a powerful message of support and acceptance. It lets them know that they are not alone and that there are people who care about their well-being.
By coming together to advocate for LGBTQ+ refugees, we can make a real difference in their lives and help create a more inclusive and compassionate world for all. Let's stand together on World Refugee Day and every day to support and uplift LGBTQ+ refugees around the globe. 🌈
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saternal · 15 days
i don't know if anyone has done this yet, but i'm a big fan of indie horror movies, and since spooky season is right around the corner, i'm going to post some of my plot ideas based on some of the movies i've watched. i'll eventually make more of these if there's any other movies i watch with fun concepts.
muse a and muse b embark on a road trip, only to have their car break down on a highway flanked by tall, dense grass. with no cell service, they begin walking along the road and suddenly hear a voice emanating from the verdure, pleading for help. is it the voice of a stranger or someone familiar? regardless, muse b is drawn into the grass, prompting muse a to follow. however, muse a quickly loses sight of muse b. despite their proximity, they struggle to locate each other—their distance seems to fluctuate even when they remain stationary. attempting to return to the road proves futile as the grass appears to expand, ensnaring them. from the sounds around them, it becomes clear they are not alone.
muse a and muse b are complete strangers, each leading separate lives. at a party, muse a succumbs to peer pressure and downloads an app that predicts their time of death. meanwhile, muse b, intrigued by conspiracy theories surrounding the app, downloads it out of morbid curiosity. both receive the same prediction: they will die at the same time. their paths inevitably cross. will they join forces to break this curse?
BIRDBOX (2018)
a mysterious airborne threat has caused massive deaths worldwide: if you look, you die. ten years into this sudden apocalypse, muse a is pursued by a group of corrupted individuals, urging them to remove their blindfold and succumb to the horror that has engulfed the world. muse a finds refuge in an abandoned building where muse b is hiding. can they trust each other? will they hide together? will they be caught? what are their stories? it’s all up to you.
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