#​​​​​​​♡ wanted plots.
saternal · 14 days
i don't know if anyone has done this yet, but i'm a big fan of indie horror movies, and since spooky season is right around the corner, i'm going to post some of my plot ideas based on some of the movies i've watched. i'll eventually make more of these if there's any other movies i watch with fun concepts.
muse a and muse b embark on a road trip, only to have their car break down on a highway flanked by tall, dense grass. with no cell service, they begin walking along the road and suddenly hear a voice emanating from the verdure, pleading for help. is it the voice of a stranger or someone familiar? regardless, muse b is drawn into the grass, prompting muse a to follow. however, muse a quickly loses sight of muse b. despite their proximity, they struggle to locate each other—their distance seems to fluctuate even when they remain stationary. attempting to return to the road proves futile as the grass appears to expand, ensnaring them. from the sounds around them, it becomes clear they are not alone.
muse a and muse b are complete strangers, each leading separate lives. at a party, muse a succumbs to peer pressure and downloads an app that predicts their time of death. meanwhile, muse b, intrigued by conspiracy theories surrounding the app, downloads it out of morbid curiosity. both receive the same prediction: they will die at the same time. their paths inevitably cross. will they join forces to break this curse?
BIRDBOX (2018)
a mysterious airborne threat has caused massive deaths worldwide: if you look, you die. ten years into this sudden apocalypse, muse a is pursued by a group of corrupted individuals, urging them to remove their blindfold and succumb to the horror that has engulfed the world. muse a finds refuge in an abandoned building where muse b is hiding. can they trust each other? will they hide together? will they be caught? what are their stories? it’s all up to you.
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kuromi-hoemie · 3 months
being like 5’2” - 5’4” is so attractive to me like omg ur head fits right under my chin and right in my tits ♡⁠ let me hold you. i love being a tall girl
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writtenhaze · 23 days
give me a plot (loosely) based on casual by chappell roan where muse a and muse b who have been in a bit of a situationship for a while navigate “what they are”. muse a is completely head over heels for muse b, taking what they can that muse b has to offer, thinking of what their future could be like together etc. meanwhile muse b is reluctant to accept the relationship as anything more than casual, even though muse b feels the same way about muse a, any steps they take towards being anything more than casual is sabotaged by muse b’s commitment issues.
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narrator-kun · 10 months
i think one of my favorite things about the svsss fandom is the plots we make up and blame on qinghua the amount of numbered wives i have read with ridiculously specific plotlines (that sqq remembers by heart!??!?!?!?) that are followed up with "wow, great job sqh" its the funniest thing ever
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usyrps · 26 days
what if we built a narrative ? what if we affiliated ? 💍
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sophicgrace · 29 days
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nome: sophie grace clairmont.
mãe divina e chalé: afrodite, chalé dez.
nível dos poderes: nível iii.
tempo de acampamento: doze anos.
idade: vinte e cinco anos.
apelidos: gigi, g, soph.
atividades: arco e flecha, clube do teatro.
habilidades: sentidos aguçados e fator de cura acima do normal.
orientação sexual: bissexual e péssima em flerte.
mapa astral: sol em leão, ascendente em capricórnio e lua em aquário.
animais de estimação: uma gata branca chamada marie, a duquesa.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ conexões, task 1, task 2, task 3, headcanons #1, profecia dos escolhidos,,,
likes ━━━━━━━━━━━━ corridas matinais, partidas de tênis, literatura juvenil, vídeos de bichinhos, boybands, patinação, jardinagem, cantar, meias divertidas, fanfictions, katniss everdeen, torta red velvet, felinos, pinterest, one direction, museus, cigarros, doses fortes de café, o tradicional chá das cinco, bibliotecas. dislikes ━━━━━━━━━━━━ eventos superlotados, espaços desorganizados, indecisões, chuva em final de tarde, reuniões virtuais, chá gelado, atrasos, gale hawthorne, música eletrônica, xadrez, filmes franceses, livros digitais, comidas gordurosas, skin care, copa do mundo, praias, esportes aquáticos.
personalidade ━━━━━━━━━━━━ observadora, cautelosa, inteligente, dedicada, obsessiva, protetora, ciumenta, perfeccionista, carente, prestativa, reclusa. poderes ━━━━━━━━━━━━ o grito supersônico permite que emita ondas sonoras de alta frequência, dotadas de força e alcance extranatural; pode ser utilizado para causar dano material ou para desorientar o inimigo. além disso, é possível que o grito transmita algum tipo específico de emoção ao ouvinte. exige um esforço considerável da pessoa, de forma que a frequência de execução depende de treinamento e controle emocional.
Em seu braço direito, há um delicado bracelete marrom-avermelhado com adornos florais que se transforma em um chicote laminado de bronze celestial nos campos de batalha. Uma lança com uma ponta de cristal que brilha como um raio. Essa é uma lança elétrica, quem lhe possuir consegue causar danos como choque em seus adversários. Todo seu cabo é de ferro estígio, então também é letal para monstros.
Era a tal da paixão à primeira vista, diriam os humanos. Um escritor, ainda jovem o suficiente para sentir como um idealista apaixonado, nunca resistiria aos encantos da deusa do amor em plena primavera. Imaginava, no início, que era mais um dos seus casos de amor de uma única noite; e talvez fosse, mas não para ele. Incapaz de superar aquela paixão fervorosa, foi inspirado a escrever cada vez mais, desde poesias até os mais longos romances, e tornou-se um renomado escritor em um tempo recorde. Meses depois, quando recebeu uma carta e um carrinho de bebê em sua porta, teve a certeza de que devia àquela misteriosa mulher algo muito além do seu sucesso;
Grace foi filha única até seus doze anos, sempre sendo tratada como uma pequena princesa por toda a sua família. Sua personalidade não era encantadora, em razão do seu jeito temperamental, mas o rosto angelical a tornava imune aos sermões; e, bom, a cartilha de não ter uma mãe presente também era sua jogada suja. Mas seu pai, que sempre pareceu continuar perdidamente apegado à deusa do amor, formou outra família, casando-se com uma mulher que também já tinha um filho, fruto de uma relação posterior;
O ciúmes sempre foi sua maior arma e fraqueza diante do pai. Conseguia tudo o que queria apenas com suas pirraças ciumentas e durante bastante tempo, achou que fosse capaz de expulsar aquela nova mulher e seu filho da vida da sua família. Foi a primeira vez que seu pai não acatou seus caprichos, bem como a brecha que faltava para a descoberta dos poderes herdados de sua mãe. Com um único grito durante o jantar, motivada pela raiva daquele garoto intruso, bastou para que ela quebrasse todos os pratos e copos da mesa, talvez algumas janelas. Os monstros não ficaram escondidos por muito tempo após esse pequeno incidente, que, para a lástima de seu pai e a vidraça da casa, não foi o último.
Quando seu sátiro a encaminhou para o acampamento aos treze anos, a garota foi de bom grado, feliz de não precisar mais conviver com a nova família escolhida por seu pai. Entre as suas irmãs, ela se encontrou; aquele, de repente, se tornou o seu verdadeiro lar. Motivada pela raiva, preferiu passar a maior parte dos primeiros anos no acampamento, conciliando seu treinamento com os estudos das coisas comuns aos humanos de forma autodidata. Três anos depois, já com treinamento em certa medida, retornou ao seu colégio e conciliava com o acampamento, ainda que não pretendesse cursar uma universidade comum.
À época da guerra contra Cronos, ainda não estava no acampamento, mas esteve presente durante a guerra contra Gaia no campo de batalha. Por razões óbvias, ela opta por não comentar sobre esse momento e, na maior parte do tempo, é como se nunca tivesse vivido nenhum dos temores da guerra.
Estava em seus planos deixar o acampamento para ir até Nova Roma, finalmente cursar uma universidade, à pedido de seu pai, que não se importava que fosse um conhecimento voltado ao novo mundo dela, só desejava vê-la conhecer mundos além do acampamento. Com a obrigatoriedade de ficarem confinados, no entanto, precisou adiar a ideia da graduação. Bom, digamos que ela não está nada feliz com a perturbação da sua paz.
Em missão e durante o treinamento, chama atenção por suas botas sempre bem personalizadas, mesclando a praticidade necessária com um toque sutil da moda romântica.
Tem pavor dos monstros aquáticos, por já ter quase morrido enfrentando um, e também por não saber nadar, mesmo que sua vida dependa disso. Prefere cair no soco com um minotauro, se for necessário para evitar qualquer contato com mares ou lagos.
Ela tem certeza de que é a decepção da sua mãe, uma vez que sempre foi péssima no campo romântico quando se tratava da sua própria vida. Quando se trata dos outros, no entanto, tem um ótimo faro para identificar os casais apaixonados.
Antes da guerra, costumava ser uma pessoa mais paciente, reclusa, mas diante do choque de realidade e o receio de morrer sem se entregar completamente à vida, passou a se permitir demonstrar mais daquele lado que costumeiramente reservava à família e aos amigos mais próximos.
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slutstarring · 6 days
niece x uncle dynamic except he’s also the identical twin of her dad…. 🤭
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bitewrites · 6 days
★ — writing partner search! … i'm a long - time roleplayer with 10+ years of writing experience who is returning to the rpc and looking for a few new [hopefully long - term] friends to write and explore fandoms with. currently, my interests are focused entirely on the vampire diaries universe — tvd, the originals, and legacies.
i'm 25+, reside in the est timezone, and enjoy writing both female and male characters. i prefer para and novella - style threads, but enjoy text and multi - character threads as well! i'm a big fan of angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, horror, smut, and open to writing against original characters!
if you find that you are interested, please send me a message! i am more than happy to answer any questions, offer writing samples for you to view, and see if we share similar thoughts and interests before moving to discord! ☆
— characters i currently write … hayley marshall, klaus mikaelson, hope mikaelson, davina claire, caroline forbes, lizzie saltzman, landon kirby, bonnie bennett, rebekah mikaelson, jackson kenner, aurora de martel. — characters i would love to write against … hayley marshall, klaus mikaelson, hope mikaelson, kol mikaelson, camille o'connell, bonnie bennett, elena gilbert, lizzie saltzman, josie saltzman, freya mikaelson, landon kirby, damon salvatore, rebekah mikaelson, milton 'mg' greasley, rafael waithe, marcel gerald, elijah mikaleson, cleo swoande, vincent griffith, enzo st john, ethan machado, stefan salvatore, aurora de martel, tristen de martel, and jackson kenner. — potential romantic ships … hayley x klaus, hayley x elijah, hayley x jackson, klaus x camille, klaus x caroline, klaus x aurora, hope x landon, hope x lizzie, hope x cleo, hope x rafael, davina x kol, caroline x stefan, lizzie x mg, lizzie x ethan, lizzie x rafael, landon x cleo, landon x lizzie, bonnie x enzo, bonnie x damon, rebekah x hayley, jackson x freya.
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selev-shirogane · 9 months
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The first concept of the original idea / 2022-2023
Pecky Delaink
The story is the same ( well a lil bit- ) but the most notable chance was about her family, she born in France in a very important family but they moved to usa because idk xd this ""rework"" was my urge to finally show more of how I wanted Pecky to be and her story, that's why all the clothes of her and everything about her family was ambiented in this victorian era style but being honest it had no sense with a fnaf au-- but yeah, everything of the story was the same as the previous one, she wanted to be a singer but her parents didn't supported her at all so one day she escaped from home just to take fresh air and relax after a discussion with her parents so she went to Circus Baby Pizza World and yk, everything was the same xd
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The appareance changed a little bit and her personality too, her principal hairstyle was this hair drills, and always using more elegant clothes but still a little bit modern, she was still 19 years old and albino too, about her personality, she was more innocent and kind even if it was Connie or Candy, also need to clarify that in this and the previous version her best friend was Alice as always because yk, Alice best girl 🖤
Stay tunned for the next post because it will finally be her entire rework, and also with her I'll ( finally ) start uploading the changed lore of her, Connie, my own version of Michael and fnaf characters and also new characters that are very important in Pecky's and Connie's lore!!!
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saternal · 10 days
needdd a dystopian roleplay inspired by lauren oliver's "delirium" + something to do with memory wiping. here's my idea!
in a post-war society where [country of choice] has sealed its borders and declared "love" a disease, every citizen must undergo a mandatory cure. muse a, having grown up in this environment, has dedicated their life to understanding the disease and eagerly anticipates the day they will be cured. they look forward to receiving a government-issued list of potential spouses and living the life prescribed by the authorities. before their scheduled cure, muse a visits a specialized facility for an evaluation. during this assessment, doctors conduct a physical examination and gather detailed information about muse a's personality to match them with a suitable group of candidates, one of whom will become muse a's spouse through an arranged marriage. however, just before the evaluation begins, the facility is breached by an "invalid"—a person who has not been cured and faces execution if discovered. the government portrays invalids as inherently dangerous. muse b is one. their presence raises questions: why are they here? where did they come from? most invalids reside in the "wilds," areas beyond the country's borders, which are believed to be ravaged by destruction and resemble the overgrown, abandoned landscapes seen in the 100. upon glimpsing muse b fleeing from regulators (guards), muse a experiences an unexpected emotional response—a mix of concern for muse b's safety and an inexplicable pull at their heartstrings. this reaction is puzzling, as muse a has no prior connection to muse b and should not feel any empathy towards an invalid. the breach leads to the cancellation and rescheduling of muse a's evaluation. as muse a is escorted out by regulators, they take a shortcut through the woods on their way home. there, they encounter muse b, who emerges from behind the trees, disheveled and desperate. muse b insists that muse a must not undergo the cure or marry a stranger. when muse a attempts to flee, muse b stops them, claiming to know muse a and professing that they are still in love with them. what unfolds next?
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wiredsmi1e · 6 months
haven't watched tadc yet , just theories n stuff on it but just know i think pomni is fucking PRECIOUS
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wingsoar · 3 months
Like   this   post   if   you'd   be   interested   in   plotting   a   dynamic   for   our   muses.
I'll hop into your ims to plot.
(it doesn't have to be anything extremely detailed, it would be nice just to know how I should approach people's muses!) multis please specify a muse for me to approach you about.
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makiluvbot · 5 months
i need fantasy fxf plots asap, pls 🧎‍♂️
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candiedstrwb · 2 months
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adorajpg · 15 days
favorite trope ship for elijah is him x someone grumpy/more serious that doesnt really date or do too well w feelings bc then they Both have a crisis around it 🫶
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svftlove · 16 days
i’ve been dying for a plot based on this portuguese song i’m obsessed with which is :
muse a and muse b were best friends to lovers but are now toxic exes that clearly aren’t over each other. few years later, muse b is now married and has kids (or not), and they meet again after a few years of not seeing each other at all, and it’s just all the feelings coming back and the chemistry is very much still there, their interactions are charged with nostalgia and regret.
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