eternal sunshine.
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deep ‎ breathes‎ , ‎ tight ‎ chest ‎ .
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saternal · 1 day ago
need someone to make a fxf gamer/streamer oc couple with me like id use any fc at this point ...
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saternal · 1 day ago
maybe this is a long shot, but would anyone be interested in a squid game rpg? i'm thinking a small group of us, everyone plays 1-3 muses, depending on how many players we get ... it can be au or canon divergent, if we want to bring in deceased muses. if anyone is interested, we can discuss how it'd work! i just know i'm not the only one fixating on this show and the many dynamics to explore, so someone please write w me :]
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saternal · 2 days ago
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Barbie (2023) dir. Greta Gerwig
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saternal · 2 days ago
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"i  guess  you  could  say  that."  liliana  welch,  a  vampire  huntress,  isn't  easily  impressed,  as  far  as  alice  is  concerned.  their  relationship  is  akin  to  a  game  of  fetch.  she  should've  killed  this  woman  by  now,  and  yet  they  reside  in  the  same  room.  lily's  eyes  flicker  forward  judgmentally.  "i've  seen  better.  are  you  going  to  answer  my  question,  or  are  you  going  to  attempt  to  distract  me  with  party  tricks  all  night?"  lily  scoffed,  eyes  batting,  annoyed.  people  have  gone  missing  recently  by  the  dozens,  their  bodies  reappearing  in  the  foliage  surrounding  their  small  town.  usually  found  by  locals,  vampires  are  still  considered  folklore  to  most,  but  lily  knows  the  truth.  she  hunted  alice  down  for  questioning,  and  she's  not  getting  very  far.  “what  do  you  know  about  the  bodies?  does  this  have  something  to  do  with  you?”
closed starter for: @saternal (post here)
muse: alice jolivette. vampire. lesbian.
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"it's good to see me, isn't it?" she echoes from within the darkness. it's only night when she visits, but alice has always been someone to leave an impression. she'd come previously in the shape of an animal, but to her avail, no luck. it was time to bring out the big guns.
she twirls. her dress flows and hugs her, it's someone else's but she makes do. "what'd ya think? not bad right?"
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saternal · 2 days ago
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saternal · 2 days ago
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— Carol Rifka Brunt in Tell The Wolves I'm Home
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saternal · 2 days ago
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SABRINA CARPENTER attending the Brit Awards (March 1, 2025)
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saternal · 2 days ago
open   starter  !
open  to:  m/f/nb (female if romantic),  mutuals,  non-mutuals,  &.  26+ muse  information:  kang no-eul,  guard 011,  lesbian,  31 rules:  no  taboo,  no age gaps over 5 years,  assumed  connections  are  fine,  doesn't  have  to  follow  any  particular  story-line,  welcome to time skip
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disarranged  mind  set  in  stone,  and  in  spite  of  her  nerves,  she  wielded  a  steady  gun.  tawny  eyes  scouted  the  potential  victims  in  her  area.  in  a  fraction  of  a  second,  the  game  commenced  and  she  readied  her  arm.
kang  no-eul  operated  behind  dejected  features.  misery  resided  here  for  player  or  guard.  her  comrades...  no,  her  colleagues  had  little  idea  of  her  identity.  she  assumed  by  abilities  alone,  the  other  soldiers  were  relatively  young,  none  surpassing  mid-30s.
the  screams  of  disarray  and  panic  commenced  early  on.  she  shot  when  a  loser  fell  into  her  line  of  sight,  each  bullet  straight  to  the  head.  she  didn't  believe  in  extending  their  misery,  an  ideal  that  would  evidently  backfire.
the  players  were  in  two  lines  now,  directed  by  player  456  who  seemed  to  have  knowledge  behind  this  game.
zooming  in,  player  71  trembled,  an  older  man,  he  stood  in  the  far  right  column  towards  the  back.  he  was  out  of  young-hee's  line  of  sight,  which  rewarded  him  a  few  extra  seconds.
when  the  doll  spoke,  no-eul  followed  him  with  her  scope.  his  face  paled,  and  she  lifted  her  walkie-talkie  to  her  dried  lips.  "keep  an  eye  on  71.  he's  in  your  zone,"  she  said.  when  the  red  light  came,  the  man  expected  to  move  did,  releasing  his  stomach  contents  on  the  ground.  her  eyes  flickered  away  for  a  moment  in  disgust,  but  not  for  too  long;  she  had  a  job  to  do.
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saternal · 2 days ago
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han-na  copes  with  complex  emotions  by  immersing  herself  in  work.  she  often  takes  on  16-hour  shifts,  three  or  four  days  a  week.  whenever  someone  calls  off,  she's  the  first  to  be  called  and  always  answers,  even  when  her  limbs  ache  and  her  head  pounds  for  rest.  she  loves  her  job  and  excels  at  it.  her  patients  are  mostly  elderly  in  their  final  years  of  life.  han-na  is  often  the  last  nurse  they  see  before  they  pass  away  or  move  to  hospice  care.  she  is  attentive  and  kind,  even  when  patients  scream  for  something  as  simple  as  a  cup  of  water.  though  those  patients  aren't  her  favorite,  she  treats  them  all  the  same—that's  just  the  kind  of  person  she  is.
han-na's  expectations  for  herself  are  just  as  high  as  those  she  has  for  her  partners,  including  insu.  she  encourages  him  to  work  hard  but  also  demands  his  time  and  reassurance  at  perhaps  an  unattainable  rate.  her  insecurities  make  her  jealous  and  irrational  at  times.  she  wants  insu's  schedule  to  align  with  her  own,  even  though  she  knows  it's  unrealistic. 
being  apart  from  insu  makes  han-na  mourn  his  absence  more  than  anything.  she  overworks  herself,  and  the  nightmares  are  a  constant  reminder  of  her  guilt.  she  lost  one  of  her  favorite  patients,  yi-jun,  a  59-year-old  man  who  died  during  a  lung  transplant.  han-na  had  encouraged  him  to  undergo  the  surgery,  as  he  was  in  the  final  stages  of  lung  disease  with  only  a  few  months  left  to  live.  yi-jun  waited  years  for  a  donor  match,  and  when  he  finally  got  one,  he  initially  refused.  han-na  convinced  him  to  give  life  another  shot,  reassuring  him  that  everything  would  be  okay.  but  her  promise  was  empty.  though  his  family  appreciated  her  efforts,  han-na  felt  guilty.  she  believed  that  her  encouragement  had  cut  short  the  little  time  yi-jun  had  left  with  his  family.  this  guilt  haunted  her  and  disrupted  her  sleep.
as  han-na  pulls  her  knees  to  her  chest,  she  scoffs  at  insu's  first  comment,  rolling  her  eyes  playfully.  however,  her  demeanor  quickly  changes  to  one  of  dejection.  she  forces  her  breath  to  the  back  of  her  throat  to  keep  from  crying  and  turns  her  eyes  away.  "i  want  you  to  stay,"  she  says,  clearly  not  in  the  mood  to  argue.
"one  of  my  patients  died  during  surgery—a  surgery  i  encouraged  him  to  go  through.  if  i  hadn't  done  that,  he'd  still  be  here,"  she  confesses,  the  reality  of  the  situation  hitting  her  hard.  "i  really  thought  he  would  survive.  he  looked  so  afraid  before  he  was  wheeled  back,  it  was  like  he  knew  something  bad  was  going  to  happen.  i  can't  get  his  face  out  of  my  mind.  when  i  close  my  eyes,  i  see  him  in  pain,  and  it's  all  my  fault."  han-na  inhales  sharply,  bringing  her  hand  to  her  mouth  as  tears  stream  down  her  face. 
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Given their history, maybe Insu should have left. But just because their relationship ended rather harshly, it didn't magically eradicate the feelings he had for Han-na. He still cared about her; he wasn't soulless.
"Hm... is this the part where I call you out on your bullshit?" Insu hesitated a moment but when Han-na sat up, he decided to take a seat on her bed, back propped up and legs stretched in front of him. He was all too familiar with restless nights and nightmares. It appeared Han-na had once again become plagued by them too.
"Still here." Insu reassured her with a small smile. "I can leave, if you prefer. I'm also still a fairly decent listener, if you want to talk about it."
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saternal · 2 days ago
open   starter  !
open  to:  m/f/nb,  mutuals,  non-mutuals,  &.  25-30 muse  information:  charlotte  danzinger,  hero,  bisexual,  27 rules:  no  taboo,  stay  within  the  age  range,  assumed  connections  are  fine,  doesn't  have  to  follow  any  particular  story-line,  comic  &.  mcu  friendly
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they  sat  on  the  rooftop  of  an  abandoned  building,  overlooking  the  hustle  and  bustle  of  everyday  life  painted  on  the  manhattan  streets.  the  civilians  were  blissfully  unaware  of  their  presence,  carrying  on  with  their  nightly  routines,  never  considering  they  had  a  spider-person  to  thank  for  the  city's  temporary  calm.  this  thought  lingered  in  the  mind  of  charlotte  danzinger,  a  woman  in  her  mid-20s,  who  felt  both  distant  and  deeply  connected  to  this  place.  this  world  mirrored  her  own:  chaotic  and  cruel,  where  ordinary  people  were  either  blessed  or  cursed  with  unimaginable  power.
their  paths  had  crossed  just  4  hours  ago.  charlotte,  stripped  of  her  civvies  and  donned  in  her  identity  as  the  peculiar  spider-lynx,  found  herself  stranded  on  this  earth.  the  daily  bugle  had  already  spotted  her  and  mistakenly  labeled  her  a  cat  burglar,  far  from  her  true  calling.  she  was  on  a  quest,  searching  this  very  building  for  a  device  she  had  lost,  one  that  could  bring  her  back  home.  she  tracked  it  to  manhattan,  where  your  muse  eventually  caught  up  with  her.
loss  quickly  became  the  topic  of  conversation.  charlotte's  mother  had  succumbed  to  self-inflicted  wounds  years  ago,  and  her  father  now  faced  a  terminal  illness.  "maybe  it's  not  about  accepting  that  they're  gone,"  she  interjected,  challenging  the  notion  that  mourning  should  have  an  end.  for  charlotte,  it  never  did,  and  she  doubted  it  ever  would.  “maybe  it's  about  living  like  they're  still  with  us.”
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saternal · 2 days ago
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The Breakfast Club (1985) dir. John Hughes
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saternal · 3 days ago
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keeping  an  eye  out  is  to  know  who  to  trust,  and  in  this  place,  any  one  of  them  can  concur  that  this  isn't  a  game  of  loyalty.  it's  designed  in  the  name  of  betrayal.  the  only  strategy  se-mi  had  is  to  be  ready  for  anything.
"yeah—i  wouldn't  go  around  making  enemies."  perhaps  this  is  hypocritical  of  her  to  say.  she  did  keep  herself  within  the  group;  she's  just  not  the  most  approachable,  and  her  attitude  wasn't  always  charming  or  welcoming.  nam-gyu  gets  on  her  nerves,  and  she's  vocal  about  her  disdain  whenever  he  does  or  says  something  stupid,  which  is  often.
"but  yeah,  keep  an  eye  out.  not  just  everywhere  else,  here  too."  head  tilting  east,  down  where  thanos  and  nam-gyu  rest  on  thanos'  mattress  and  bond  over  their  mutual  high.  "i  doubt  anyone  will  mess  with  you.  you're  in  this  group  now.  these  two  are  unsettling  to  be  around.  they're  unpredictable;  that's  good  and  bad  for  us."  se-mi  scrunched  her  nose,  nimble  finger  moving  to  graze  over  her  silver  lip  ring.  "this  group  is  all  we  have  for  now."
next  comes  the  question  se-mi  has  avoided  asking  herself  since  they  awoke  in  the  dormitory  days  ago.  "i'm  trying  not  to  worry  about  it."  emphasis  on  trying,  and  failing  miserably—not  that  anyone  can  notice,  she  ensures  that  by  staying  collected.  "the  masked  guards  will  tell  us  anyway.  focus  on  the  fact  we're  alive  and  we've  made  it  this  far."
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Se-mi was right, and it made her smile, even if a little lightly. Did it matter if those people mocked her for speaking to the best of her ability? No, definitely not. If anything, she should've ignored them, it would've been a better reaction. Yet, she can't deny punching them felt somewhat satisfying, even when she got punched back herself.
"Right, thank you, Se-mi. They don't matter at all." She speaks slowly, trying to articulate a little better. It never really lands as perfectly as she'd like, but right now she doesn't mind it. She is in this bubble of comfortability. Never would she have guessed she'd find someone who would make her feel like that in a place like this. They were battling to the death for money, they were supposed to be all enemies, in a way. But Se-mi had chosen to trust her...
"I suppose we should keep an eye out for them, huh? I don't think they'll be fair with us after I punched them..." and who knew what the next games would be like. She took a deep breath and turned to look at the different groups that had formed. Reds and Blues in green tracksuits... It somehow reminded her of Red Light, Green Light – she almost lost during that game.
Daruma-san ga koronda... She remembered the little jingle from the orphanage, how she would always lose, and felt completely out of place when she heard the variation here. Somehow, she wonders if the gruesome change of this innocent game marked something in Se-mi's mind. Would it disturb her to hear or watch kids play once she was out? Because,... surely, Se-mi would get out.
"Have you tried guessing what the next game might be? I don't think I could guess even if I was given a clue..."
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saternal · 3 days ago
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2,157  days  passed since  the  global  warming  crisis  reached  its  peak  .  scientists  had  been  scrutinizing  the  polar  ice  caps  for  years  ,  but  the  real  catastrophe  began  with  patient  zero  ,  a  norwegian  researcher  stationed  in  svalbard  .  he  was  investigating  the  area  where  ancient  pathogens  remained  preserved  since  the  ice  age  .  he  contracted  what  would  later  be  termed  the  cadaver  contagion  ,  or  cdv  .  initially  presenting  as  a  common  cold  ,  the  virus  quickly  progressed  to  cause  severe  gastric  complications  before  attacking  the  basal  ganglia  ,  leading  to  cognitive  deterioration  ,  aggressive  behaviors  ,  insatiable  hunger  ,  and  both  internal  and  external  decay  .  
this  highly  infectious  disease  spreads  through  the  air  and  primarily  via  person-to-person  contact  .  a  particular  genetic  predisposition  rendered  some  individuals  more  susceptible  ,  while  others  appeared  completely  immune  .  this  randomness  affected  families  unevenly  ,  with  some  members  falling  victim  while  others  remained  untouched  .  regardless  ,  the  infected  became  relentless  hunters  ,  and  over  the  past  six  years  ,  millions  succumbed  to  the  disease  ,  transforming  nearly  every  place  into  a  desolate  wasteland  .  
bae  ae-rin  has  counted  2,121  days  since  her  mother  was  afflicted  by  cdv  .  she  was  jolted  awake  by  the  reverberation  of  a  gunshot  in  her  parents'  home  .  her  father  ,  bitten  by  her  mother  ,  succumbed  to  the  disease  hours  later  ,  leaving  ae-rin  no  choice  but  to  take  the  fatal  shot  .  she  buried  them  together  at  their  family  home  and  has  largely  been  on  her  own  since  .  
people were cruel even before doomsday . what remained of the human race was pure selfishness . resources are scarce — it's survival of the fittest . ae-rin can't afford to underestimate this girl .
crimson is the first thing she notices ; it stains soojin's clothes . " what's that ? you bit ? " she demands , raising her voice and her bat . " you have any weapons on you ? let me see them . "
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soojin had survived through an attack on her sorority. a horrible night when all her other sisters had been slaughtered one by one. she wasn't sure how she had managed to escape with her life but she did. and this world was almost no different. it was death and destruction. it was cruel to everyone no matter who you were. but soojin had managed to survive again. it had been a long time since she'd traveled with anyone. it seemed too much to get close to anyone for them to abandon her or . . . worse. but it was times like right now when she wished she had someone by her side. soojin was injured. a cut across her waist but she wasn't bitten. she was a survivor, after all. the stranger startles soojin, a gasp leaving her lips. hands raise in a defense, winces at the feeling of tugging on her wound. "it's just me! i - - there was a window in the back that wasn't boarded up. just big enough for me to squeeze through." makes no attempt to drop her hands just yet.
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saternal · 5 days ago
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SZA as ALYSSA One of Them Days 2025, dir. Lawrence Lamont
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saternal · 5 days ago
open  starter !
open  to:  m / f  /  nb ( m if romantic ) , mutuals , non mutuals ,  &  .  25  + muse  info:  lonnie  harris  ,  piercer  ,  gay  ,  28 rules:  no  taboo  ,  no  age  gaps  over  5  years  ,  assumed  connections  are  fine , can take place in canon or outside plot:  your muse keeps flaking out on their piercing appointment .
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"  you're  back  again  ?  "  lonnie's  sitting  on  a  stool  behind  the  front  counter  of  body  ink's  tattoo  parlor  .  there's  a  bag  of  chips  clenched  between  his  fingers  ,  his  nails  are  squared  and  painted  black  ,  the  color  chipping  .  it's  been  a  few  weeks  since  they  were  last  painted  ,  and  they  were  becoming  a  bit  too  long  for  his  liking  .
he's  on  the  last  5  minutes  of  his  30-minute  break  ,  his  co-workers  were  in  the  back  attending  to  different  customers  ,  their  chatter  can  be  heard  in  the  background  .  your  muse  has  come  in  at  least  3  times  in  the  past  2  months  to  schedule  an  appointment  for  a  piercing  ,  and  each  time  they've  called  to  cancel  .  this  happened  a  lot  ,  people  got  nervous  ,  but  the  policy  was  after  a  3rd  no-show  ,  they  were  suggested  to  either  take  them  in  as  a  walk-in  or  recommend  they  go  elsewhere  .  "  i  don't  want  you  to  make  me  the  bad  guy  .  you  know  i  can't  put  you  on  the  calendar  .  "  brows  lifted  and  teeth  clenched  ,  his  tone  is  lighthearted  .  there's  no  point  in  getting  upset  over  something  so  trivial  ;  that's  the  kind  of  guy  lonnie  harris  was  .  "  you  have  to  believe  me  .  .  .  it's  not  that  bad  .  i'm  good  at  my  job  .  "
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saternal · 7 days ago
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archie  had  a  habit  of  pushing  away  those  who  genuinely  cared  for  him  ,  while  anyone  who  enabled  his  behavior  remained  comfortably  at  arm's  length  —  it  wasn't  fair  ,  and  he  knew  it  .  they  broke  up  for  this  reason  ;  you  can't  help  someone  who  refuses  to  help  themselves  .  after  years  of  effort  ,  archie  saw  no  point  in  continuing  .  he  would  get  better  ,  have  his  life  together  ,  only  to  crash  when  something  bad  happened  .  frustrated  by  this  relentless  cycle  ,  he  figured  surrendering  to  addiction  was  easier  than  confronting  the  harsh  truth  that  failure  is  part  of  the  healing  process  .
hurting  people  was  never  something  he  enjoyed  ,  especially  her  .  lina  devoted  more  time  and  energy  to  him  than  he  ever  wanted  .  he  felt  undeserving  of  it  —  her  love  ,  her  patience  .  having  her  around  made  him  feel  like  he  was  exploiting  her  kindness  .  so  he  pushed  her  away  ,  and  when  she  tried  to  pull  him  back  ,  it  only  frustrated  him  .
"  it's  already  done  ,  lina  .  "  always  so  dramatic  ,  archie  couldn't  help  but  wallow  in  his  own  self-pity  .  it  was  a  disgusting  trait  ,  and  if  his  mind  weren't  clouded  ,  he'd  shiver  at  his  words  ,  his  actions  .  "  what  do  you  want  me  to  do  ?  i  don't  want  you  to  see  me  like  this  .  "  the  last  part  of  his  sentence  came  in  a  low  whisper  .  "  please  don't  look  at  me  like  that  .  .  .  "  he  avoids  her  gaze  . 
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lina’s chest heaves with frustration, the words spilling out before she can stop them. "i don't care how long it's been, archie. it doesn't matter how deep you think you’re buried in it or how many times you’ve tried to fight it. you have to try again. because you don’t get to just give up. not on yourself, not on anyone who’s still here, fighting for you."
she steps forward again, her voice low but firm, the hurt clear beneath the anger. "you think I’m just going to sit back and let you spiral again? im not doing that. i can’t. i won’t let you destroy yourself." her eyes flicker to the clenched fist he’s resting on the chair, the tension in his posture a sharp contrast to her determination. "i care, archie. i always will."
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saternal · 7 days ago
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how  cruel  can  someone  be  ?  se-mi  posed  this  question  randomly  ,  throughout  different  scenarios  where  it  was  appropriate  .  whenever  she  saw  a  disturbing  video  online  ,  a  tragic  news  article  ,  or  even  a  sly  comment  on  social  media  ,  her  expectations  diminished  a  little  more  until  the  takeaway  was  clear  ;  people  are  cruel  .  still  ,  she  was  shocked  at  how  someone  could  take  something  so  trivial  ,  like  a  non-korean  not  speaking  korean  well  ,  and  make  it  a  point  of  criticism  .  it  wasn't  serious  ,  but  people  could  be  miserably  petty  .
"  you  punched  them  ,  huh  ?  "  se-mi's  eyebrows  lifted  ,  lips  slightly  parted  ,  genuinely  impressed  .  not  everyone  was  brave  enough  to  stand  up  for  themselves  .  "  that  asshole  deserved  it  .  serves  them  right  .  "  when  asked  if  she  would  do  the  same  ,  of  course  she  would—and  she  had  .  but  she  couldn't  just  go  around  swinging  at  everyone  who  had  something  negative  to  say  about  her  .  "  i  would've  done  the  same  thing  ,  "  she  admitted  ,  tilting  her  head  .  "  some  people  run  their  mouths  ,  and  sometimes  ,  that's  the  only  way  to  stop  them  .  "  crossing  her  arms  over  her  chest  ,  she  added  ,  “  korean  isn't  easy  to  learn  .  you're  trying  ,  and  that  counts  .  who  cares  what  some  random  loser  has  to  say  ?  ”
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Mitsuko found it easier to speak faster than to stop to nitpick on every single word she tried to utter. Korean was somewhat difficult for her, she figured speaking faster would help her words become a little more understandable. Instead, she started rambling, getting a little more heated about the situation than she wanted. Mitsuko pauses, taking a deep breath when Se-mi asks her to repeat herself.
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"It's not what they did, it's what they said..." Another pause comes as she tries to remember the words, make them make sense. It's useless. "I did not understand a single word they uttered, but they laughed like it was supposed to be a bad thing." And it would've been fine if it had ended like that,... but this place made her grow more hostile than she should. The sense of dread and looming darkness did not help at all.
"So, I punched them, and they punched back. It was stupid, I know... But what would you have done?"
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