#Reconciliation fic
why just say the jiang have an unnatural tolerance for spice? why not all flavor? Poisonously bitter, super sour, ultra sweet, the burn of the strongest alcohol, the jiang adore the extremes of flavor and still have very discerning palates and people with iron stomachs are WIMPS compared to the stomach resilience of the jiang, it wasn't on purpose but a true jiang is next to impossible to poison (which definitely helped Jin Ling when he's in Koi Tower)
Despite knowing that they were in the deepest, most isolated safe room in Koi tower, Jin Guangtong couldn't help keeping his voice low. "Thank you for meeting us here. Your... services are greatly appreciated, we assure you."
His fellow conspirators ducked and bowed their heads in agreeing acknowledgements, which went ignored by their guest who sprawled on his cushion like a drunken commoner. "Glad to be here," he grinned, vaguely sarcastic. "What services did you have in mind, exactly?"
"The new Jin-zongzhu." Jin Guangtong didn't think beating around the bush would get them anywhere.
Their guest---blast the man for refusing to give his real name---blinked. "Wow, I didn't think you Jin were capable of being that direct. You want the brat snuffed, eh? Not gonna just use him as your figurehead? Seems like that'd be more your type of thing. What, did his spirit dog shit in your shoes or something?"
The handful of other nobles around the table started blurting out their complaints, heedless of order or dignity. "He's punishing bribery!" "Had my nephew executed for a harmless bit of fun with a servant girl!" "He's auditing the tax collection!"
Jin Guangtong cleared his throat. "The brat is, unfortunately, intractable. Comes from being raised by that asshole of an uncle in Yunmeng. I'm afraid the boy is... idealistic and unwilling to adapt to the realities of ruling such a large and complex network such as Lanling Jin."
Their guest nodded pensively, scratching at his jaw. "I can see your problem. I've got one more question, though. Not to be ungrateful for your admittedly generous payment offer, but why not do it yourself?"
"His lineage is extremely strong," Jin Guangtong sniffed. "The highest pedigree, which means that his golden core is exceptionally strong."
"Plus he's been trained by that paranoid maniac since he was toddling around that backwater swamp," someone to his left muttered.
Jin Guangshan threw a quelling glare over his shoulder, though of course, they had a point. Jiang Wanyin's training had been rigorous to the extreme due to both his and his nephew's insistence that the latter be able to wield the formidable Jin Zixuan's sword when he came of age. And since Rulan would be unlikely to match the sword's strength at first, those Yunmeng bastards had taught him to be deadly with a bow. Because apparently there was no kill like overkill at Lotus Pier.
And speaking of overkill. "We in Lanling Jin are certainly not... unfamiliar with poisons. However, between the strength of the boy's core and the inevitable wrath of Sandu Shengshou, it is imperative that the poison be untraceable as well as effective. Preferably something innocuous that can be chalked up as a tragic accident. A food he is allergic to, perhaps."
Their guest barked out in laughter. "Wait! Wait a minute... you said the kid was raised in Yunmeng, right? And you think he has a food allergy?!"
Jin Guangtong drew himself up in irritation, unnoticed by the cackling man in front of him. "I don't see why not! In fact, noble though our lineage is, our blood has always had a weakness to-"
"Look, look, I understand where you're coming from, I do!" the mysterious man wheezed. "It's just... well, I've spent some time in Yunmeng. In fact, I've even known some Jiang disciples. Frankly, I'm not sure anyone from Lotus Pier can be poisoned!"
"Ridiculous!" another voice scoffed.
"Look," their guest continued, still trying to contain giggles. "The only region that can even compare to Yunmeng for spice is Meishan, and the ruling family of Lotus Pier is half Yu. The whole sect is used to a flavor profile that could kill a Lan at fifty paces, and that's not even taking into account the dares."
Jin Guangtong blinked. "Dares?"
"Oh yeah," their guest drawled, somehow managing to lounge even more. "Those Rangers are insane. The butcher sect might run their people through a crazy level of training, but nothing and no one can survive crazy like a Jiang. They don't even train for it- it's just how they live. Those bastards challenge each other to lick poisoned toads for fun! They will eat anything that comes from the river, no matter how disgusting! And don't even get me started on the so-called 'twelve-day rule'..."
Jin Guangtong decided he didn't want to know. "But surely, as the Jin heir, Sandu Shengshou wouldn't have allowed-"
"Sandu Shengshou?" their guest scoffed. "The man who cobbled together then had to feed an army of massacre survivors and rogue cultivators? The man who spent the first decade of his rule rebuilding his home from a few burnt sticks poking out of---how'd you describe it?---a backwater swamp? The man with the bottomless stomach? Seriously-" he added, abandoning his slouch to stab an emphatic finger into the table. "That man can pack it away like nobody's business. I think his fucking legs are hollow or something...
"Anyway," he continued, lounging once more. "The point is that Sandu Shengshou's perception of what is and isn't edible is... flexible. Especially knowing his shixiong's penchant for supposedly intolerable amounts of chilies."
"Then how do you plan on killing Jin Rulan?" Jin Guangtong spat, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
"Oh, I'm not planning on killing Jin Rulan," their guest grinned, still scratching at his jaw. "I'm planning on killing you!"
Then his scratching fingers began pulling his own face off.
Jin Guangtong and his conspirators all recoiled in horror, a horror that increased one hundred-fold when their guest's discarded face revealed the damnable visage of Yiling Laozu himself!
The reborn master of demonic cultivation twirled the grotesque false face around on his finger. "Neat trick, isn't it? Picked it up from Xue Yang, of all people. Ah well; genius comes in all forms. Now!" He leveled a sinister smile at the gathered men as he raised a black flute to his lips. "Raise your hand if you wanted my beloved nephew dead!"
Eventually, the screams faded away into gurgling, then silence. Jiang Cheng nursed a bottle of wine as he leaned against the secret meeting room's door, still glowing purple from his sealing spell. Some of those fuckers had really made a go at it, but none of these lazy Jin were a match for his own spiritual power.
After the silence reigned for a few moments, the wood against his back rattled with a brief knock as his brother's cheerful voice echoed out. "It's done, Jiang Cheng! You can let me out now!"
Jiang Cheng took another lazy swig. "What's the password?"
"Jiang-zongzhu is a little crybaby bitch who can't put his shoes on correctly," Wei Wuxian's voice snarked back, sounding decidedly annoyed.
"Nope, that's not it," Jiang Cheng answered, wiggling the bottle so that the sloshing liquid was audible. "Damn, this really is good wine."
"Jiang Cheeeeennnnnnggggg," Wei Wuxian whined from the other side. "You're so meeeeeaaaaaan! Making me do all the hard work-"
"You wouldn't let me kill them, you bastard! Said I had to keep my own hands clean even though they where plotting against my-"
"-while you lounge around drinking Lotus Pier's finest wine like a mean meanie who's mean!"
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes so hard he was pretty sure he got a good look at his own brain. "Gods, you really are three years old, aren't you..."
"Let me out, you asshole! You know my core isn't strong enough just yet!"
He considered the wine bottle in his hand. "Say that Yunmeng wine is better than Emperor's Smile."
A scandalized gasp sounded from behind the door. "You wouldn't!"
"What's the problem? It's true," Jiang Cheng shrugged.
"But Emperor's Smile is so delicate!" Wei Wuxian protested. "It's the perfect balance of-"
"Well I guess I'll just go and find someone who does appreciate Yunmeng wine..."
"Okay, fine! Bastard. Fine, Yunmeng wine is better than Emperor's Smile!"
Smirking, Jiang Cheng released the seal on the door. Wei Wuxian stumbled out of the room that now stank of blood and excrement. Jiang Cheng amiably held out an untouched bottle, which his brother grabbed eagerly.
The deviant spilled half the fucking bottle down his chin as the other half went down his gullet, but smacked his lips like a satisfied toddler. "Hits the spot," he crooned. Mischievous eyes locked with his. "Emperor's Smile is still better, though."
Jiang Cheng snorted. "Traitor."
"Barbarian," Wei Wuxian retorted loftily.
The two bothers clinked their bottles together and took simultaneous sips.
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nutcasewithaknife · 2 years
Hello yes ive written yet another yunmeng bros reconciliation oneshot, as one does when overcome by The Feels
Summary: There was a reason Jiang Cheng had decided to leave Guanyin Temple without saying anything. There was a reason he hadn’t and never planned to invite Wei Wuxian to Lotus Pier. Why would he want to tie him down with more debts, drag him back to a place which he’d left behind with the past long ago?
So when Wei Wuxian acted like he wanted to stay, it turned everything upside-down.
Wei Wuxian ends up mildly wounded at Lotus Pier, and it makes Jiang Cheng wonder if leaving each other alone was really for the best. They scream at each other and then cry about it.
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lhaewiel · 11 months
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khattikeri · 2 months
i think it's fascinating how so many people's view of a fix-it for MDZS involves wei wuxian staying loyal to yunmeng jiang and maintaining a position beneath jiang cheng as his right hand man, exactly like wei changze was to jiang fengmian and most likely exactly what the latter intended when he brought wei wuxian into his household to begin with.
it's almost like a majority of fans just utterly missed the point of the story. tell me the class critique and hypocrisy of the wealthy flew completely over your head without telling me.
there's a reason why the book frames it as a good thing for wei wuxian to have left yunmeng jiang and to not be brought back in even after his resurrection.
there's a reason why wei wuxian parallels his father, both eloping with the love of their lives and exiting mainstream cultivation society's sociopolitical affairs to righteously help others and pursue their own happiness.
there's a reason why even if it seems bittersweet, the ending of the novel is still good even for jiang cheng, because jiang cheng finally lets go. he internally accepts wei wuxian separating from him, stops doggedly antagonizing him, and stops thinking of their relationship in terms of debts that wei wuxian hasn't repaid.
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uris9158 · 2 months
do you ever think about how lsk loved kdj more than anything, so much that not only did she throw away her freedom to protect him but also was even willing to bear his resentment and sacrifice her very relationship with her own son, to protect him? (and how kdj did the same to his loved ones like yjh and kimcom, willing to bear their resentment to save them?)
do you ever think about how kdj, too, loved his mother so much, and so much of him is made of his mother - she taught him to read, gave him his love of stories, taught him to read again, taught him love-as-sacrifice... how incredibly similar they are, like mirrors of one another... how they both hurt each other so badly but underneath all that is so much profound love?
do you also ever think about how orv is about love, and about stories, and how those two are the same thing. and kdj and lsk.. their story was always about love all along! what would you do to protect the people you love? what would you sacrifice? what if you grew up and had loved ones of your own to protect and found yourself making the same kind of decisions your mother did to protect the people you love?
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ayyy-pee · 2 months
Can we get some Nanami fluff where he’s caring for reader on her period?
hi bby!!! i am SO LATE with this one and it ended up being super different than what i first imagined it being lol but i felt like it fit the vibe of SIL so here we are with yet another Strangers in Love bit LOL (click the link if you haven't read SIL yet!)
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Discord 18+ - Twitter - JJK Masterlist
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Female Reader
Summary: Just a little drabble about how Nanami cares for SIL reader on her period...
Genre: Divorced to Lovers AU
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What was it you had asked for again?
Nanami stands in the female hygiene product aisle at the drugstore, arms full of various items that he thinks may be beneficial for you. The confident air he exuded when he’d first entered the store has long faded and has been replaced with nothing but nerves. Nanami ticks off the boxes in his mental checklist, because it’s been so long since he’s had to do this for you, or any woman really, that he’s completely second guessing himself.
“Heating pad…” he murmurs under his breath. “Painkillers…chocolates…or does she prefer gummy worms now? Hmm…”
The large variety of products has his head spinning and he’s embarrassed to admit that he’s been standing in this aisle for far longer than he had intended. This is definitely not how he planned his day to go. 
Earlier That Day…
Nanami’s eyes watch the minute hand tick by on his wristwatch. It’s early Friday morning, and he should have left for work by now. But you haven’t gotten up yet, breaking the routine you two have picked back up on after all these years apart. It doesn't matter what day it is, or what time it is, if you're staying over at each other's places, you're up to say goodbye to one another. So you still being asleep is throwing Nanami off. Not that you can’t sleep in from time to time, but you just…don’t usually. 
And honestly, he doesn’t want to leave without saying goodbye to you. 
He can’t bear to mess this up again when your relationship has been going so well since dating again.
So instead, Nanami sets his briefcase down in your foyer and heads to your bedroom. When he opens the door, he’s met with darkness and silence. He can just barely make out your form beneath the blankets. You must be exhausted to be sleeping in and Nanami does not want to disturb you, so he quietly moves to close your door so he can head out. He’ll simply send you a text that he left while you were sleeping. That way it doesn’t seem as though he left without taking you into consideration.
The door is less than an inch from closing when Nanami thinks he hears something, the noise so hushed he almost misses it. He pauses, gives it a few seconds, and just before he moves to close the door again, he hears it once more. There’s no mistaking it, the quiet little sniffle coming from inside the bedroom, followed by an even quieter sob.
He’s moving before he realizes it. Nanami kneels beside your bed, gently peeling the blankets back and although he can’t see you in the dim early lighting, Nanami just knows. You’re crying. For what reason, he doesn’t know. But it kills him all the same.
“What’s wrong, my love?” He asks gently, a hand coming to caress your wet cheek. “Are you okay?”
His question makes you openly cry now, the tears flowing freely as Nanami quickly shuffles to the other side of your bed to lie with you, not caring that he’s ruining his suit as he scoots to hold you. His front presses against your back, large palm coming down to press against your stomach, and for some reason you sigh as though the warmth and pressure from his hand gives you some sort of relief.
Nanami nuzzles his nose into your hair, inhaling your scent. “Talk to me, love. What’s the matter?”
It takes you a moment, but when you finally speak, your voice comes out strained and tired. “Ugh…I started my period and I’m so damn miserable…” you groan, sniffling. “I think I’m dying…I need to run to the store but–”
“What do you need? I’ll go for you,” Nanami volunteers immediately. The last thing he wants is for you to go out in this condition. “I think I remember the products you use…”
You make a noise that sounds like a mixture of a laugh and a hiss of pain before you sigh out, “I don’t know if I should be flattered that you remember or I don’t know…disturbed? Are you that obsessed with me?”
“Yes,” he answers, instantly. He nuzzles further into you if possible. “I still remember the first time I ran to the convenience store to buy you products back in college. And the time I had to give you an extra pair of pants when you’d started your cycle unexpectedly, and–”
“Kennnnn,” you whine. “You’re so sweet and so strange. Why do you remember that?”
Nanami chuckles, softly rubbing his hand in soothing circles against your lower abdomen. “It’s not meant to be weird, but I remember these were big moments in our relationship. What I mean is, I want to take care of you.”
“What about work? You’ll be late…”
“I’m not going. You need me here.”
You curl into a ball before him and just a few seconds pass before he feels your body shaking, wracked with sobs. “Stop saying sweet things to meeeee,” you whine. “I love you so muuuuch.”
“Okay…okay,” he agrees. “I’m heading to the store, then. I’ll get you what you need, but if you think of anything else, just message me.” He kisses the top of your head, slowly peeling himself away from you, though he wants to stay in bed for as long as you’re there. But Nanami knows you need these essentials so that you’re comfortable. He’ll make the trip as quick as possible.
This trip was not as quick as possible. His brown eyes stare at the selection before him. Did you use winged pads? Non-winged? Scented or not? Heavy flow or light flow? Or maybe you had grown to prefer tampons? Or…what the hell is a diva cup?
“Sir?” A soft voice calls out to him. Nanami turns his head to see a store attendant, an elderly woman, gazing softly at him. Her eyes crinkle at the corners as she smiles. “I’ve passed by this aisle a few times now and you’re still here. Did you need some assistance?”
Well, this is beyond embarrassing. All that talk of remembering your preferences, being obsessed with you (not a lie), and recalling memories that made you feel confident enough in sending him out alone into the world to bring you back something useful. All that, just for Nanami to get to the store, standing in a wrinkled business suit, and having absolutely no clue what he’s looking at.
Not only that, but some poor old woman is now taking pity on him and offering her services. He wants to take her up on her offer, but he also stubbornly wants to prove to himself that he can take care of you. But while he’s being stubborn, you’re suffering and that is something Nanami can’t stand to let continue.
He gives the woman a tight smile. “Actually, if you could–”
His phone buzzing in his pocket cuts him off. He mutters an “excuse me” and he finds himself dropping whatever is in his arms to answer. Only one person would call him this early in the morning. He answers without question, mouthing an apology to the attendant who waits patiently.
“My love,” he answers, brows furrowing when he hears your giggles on the other end of the line. Much different than what he expected seeing as he left you in a puddle of your own tears before going to the store.
“How long have you been standing around at the store?” You ask teasingly, and Nanami purses his lips together.
“I’ll have you know that…” he sighs in defeat. There’s no point in denying it. “It hasn’t been that long.”
Your laughter rings through and Nanami can’t help the wide grin on his face. The attendant clears her throat politely, reminding him that she’s still waiting. He covers the receiver on his phone. “Thank you so much for your help. My wife is going to take it from here.”
The woman nods, making her way out of the aisle and Nanami resumes his call with you.
“You called me your wife…” you breathe softly. 
Nanami feels his heart drop into the pit of his stomach. It was just a habit that he supposes never died. He opens his mouth to apologize, but your giggles surprise him. He expected discomfort, maybe anger given your history, but you don’t seem to feel either of those things. You simply brush it off and keep talking.
“Okay, so, here’s what I need–”
- - - - - -
“It smells so good in here, Kento.” Your sweet voice carries through the kitchen, arms looping around Nanami’s torso from behind. The sun is slowly beginning to set now, casting a warm glow through the kitchen windows as Nanami finishes up dinner. You’ve been resting on the sofa most of the day with your heating pad and whatever strange snacks you’ve been craving. Your pain has finally eased up and Nanami feels like he can breathe easier now that your face isn’t constantly contorted from your cramps. It’s been nice to let you just sit around. He’s simply been helping around your apartment with taking care of some household chores while you recover.
“How are you feeling?” He asks, stirring one last time before tasting the soup he’s thrown together. He makes a mental note to pick up some groceries for you so that there’s a better selection of ingredients for him to choose from for the next meal.
“So much better. Thank you so much for everything today, Kento.”
Nanami switches the stove off, spinning around in your embrace and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Of course. I’m just happy I was here to help.”
You smile shyly, and it’s Nanami’s favorite of all your expressions. “Me too,” you tell him. You lay your head against his chest, sighing contently as you murmur something that sends his heart into full on overdrive... 
“You should move in.”
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kittykatninja321 · 4 months
can I be a hater for a second whenever I see the fic trope of “Talia purposely told Jason about Tim to get Jason to attack him” I’m like guys I’m gonna be real with you I don’t think Talia would care about that little boy at all
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tavina-writes · 8 months
I have been pondering the recent rash of "post canon NHS and LXC would never ever reconcile bc even if NHS wanted to have Er-ge back, LXC would never ever forgive him for [insert reason of choice here]" type of posts + the "do you think NHS thinks very hard about how much Da-ge would hate him for becoming [the way that he is now] by choosing to seek vengeance" type of posts, and I think fundamentally the reason these posts do not jive with me is that we have no indication, in the show or in the book that uh, NHS gives a shit about either of these things very much anymore?
The first type of post is predicated on the assumption that LXC's forgiveness or lack thereof some some sort of either extension of mercy (which NHS obviously does not deserve <- or so assumes the post) or some form of punishment (which is obviously the correct answer) but the last scene we get with NHS both in the book and the show make no indication that this is a thing he wants? Or cares about? Book NHS has *sauntered off* with his little hat trophy and Show NHS walks off screen after saying something along the lines of "What is my responsibility I won't shirk, what isn't my responsibility I won't care about." Now, arguably, show NHS is having a worse go of it emotionally, but shows no real inclination or interest in either apologies or making up and being friends again with LWJ, LXC, WWX, or other people. Book NHS seems pretty pleased with the outcome of the events as a whole?
The second type of post is predicated on the fact that NHS finds Da-ge's judgement a horrible burden to bear at this stage in the game, which! He might! But again especially in the book we get no indication that he has any fucks left to give about what Da-ge may or may not have wanted since Da-ge is dead. In both the show and the book, NHS went about revenge taking very specific and complicated actions with the desired result of JGY dying, but he certainly took the scenic route getting there, which, he didn't need to? As I've written about before, JGY didn't see him as a threat. If he wanted JGY dead he could've arranged to poison JGY's tea like, 10 years ago and had done with it instead of his complicated Rube Goldberg life ruining scheme. If he is still sickly anxious about how Da-ge might feel about the scheming and the trouble causing and the whole everything, that's certainly possible, but he must've decided it was worth it anyway regardless of that, and I don't know that it necessarily would've changed just because he got what he wanted at the end.
Overall, I think as a fandom we think a lot about like "will and should this relationship ever be repaired or similar to how it used to be?" and "does this character deserve/not deserve the forgiveness of people they've hurt or abandoned?" which can be interesting questions! I do feel like these are often taken as "is a character morally good (deserves to be forgiven) or morally bad (deserves to rot in hell forever never forgiven ever ever)" and based entirely on if Character is the meta writer's blorbo. Under this paradigm the concept of "Character did bad things to get exactly what they wanted and were happy about that and no relationships were ever repaired and the emotional detachment of people they used to care about no longer matters to them!" is uncomfortable.
It's just that for NHS I've increasingly come to the conclusion that canonically, I don't think NHS thinks he has anything to apologize for, nor is he super interested in being forgiven! He got what he wanted the way he wanted it to happen. Which is potentially supremely unsatisfying but I think is very sexy as a narrative concept.
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ryemiffie · 9 days
Dialogue from the Bill redemption fic I'm working on right now that I keep laughing at,
"Yeah Grunkle Ford, everyone needs help recovering from a messy ex, we can even make a support groupchat!"
"Mabel, Pumpkin, I love you, please stop trying to get us to make a groupchat, I barely understand email."
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ky-landfill · 2 years
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“I couldn't– I don't think I could process it. At least, not in the right way. Sometimes, I'd go sit in your room. Just sit, for what I thought would be five minutes, and the next morning Alfred would find me there, asleep."
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snickerdoodlles · 7 months
Kinn slaps his thighs, breaking the tension. "I want food now, do you want food? I can make stringy eggs."
Kim blinks. It takes him twenty seconds too long to process that, but Kinn just waits for him patiently. "What the fuck are stringy eggs?"
"What eggs turn into after I poach them."
Kim blinks again. "You're offering me failed poached eggs?"
"I'm leaning into it." Kinn beams at him, feet tapping eagerly. "Want some? I've gotten pretty good. Porsche even says he almost likes them now."
Kim stares. Kinn's still beaming at him. "...Yeah, alright."
Kinn's beaming glows brighter.
(Stringy eggs, for the record, taste fucking awful. Kim should've known to never trust Porsche's opinion. He puts Kinn on his building register so they can have them again next week.)
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wutheringskies · 1 year
Post-Canon Fics in MDZS...
You know, what would make post-canon fics great? If they adhered to canon! This post is honestly just a list of character tropes, and plot tropes I find incessantly OOC, replaced by plot tropes I wish we hyped up more.
1. Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation
There are plenty of reasons this will never happen. Firstly, Jiang Wanyin will not apologize to Wei Wuxian further beyond the apology that he has made in Guanyin Temple, because to apologize, you need to see "wrong" in your actions and regret them. Jiang Cheng doesn't have a similar morality index as Wei Wuxian and their beliefs have always been different. Not to mention Jiang Cheng is inherently bitter since he was young; following down the path of his mother. His first instinct when someone is being praised is so squash them down.
Secondly, Wei Wuxian will not apologize to Jiang Cheng beyond the apology of breaking that promise that only Jiang Cheng was left holding onto - a culmination of their broken dreams and desires, a marking of them being a generation of war.
The only thing both of them have in common is their love for Jin Ling and a shared, painful past - a past that Wei Wuxian wants to move on from, a past that Jiang Cheng is simultaneously rooted in, and moved away from.
Note: that this, I am speaking for is MDZS canon. Not CQL, as well, Jiang Cheng didn't directly kill those Wens which is the tipping point.
Replaced by: Loving Jin Ling
In the MDZS Novel, we go from seeing Jiang Cheng become increasingly abusive and violent towards Jin Ling as the stakes worsen and Jin Ling becoming annoyed and having arguments with him, not agreeing with his thinking.
We also see, Wei Wuxian, being the one to push Jin Ling to talk to Jiang Cheng in the Iron Hook Extra. We see Wei Wuxian being disgustingly affectionate towards Jin Ling, and Jin Ling being a tsundere about it and promising to himself that from the next time, he'll stick around Wei Wuxian in night hunts, implying these two will be consistently in each other's lives.
We also learn that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji take Sizhui out on night-hunts (a family). And that Sizhui and Jin Ling go on night-hunts together. Also, that Wen Ning often joins their night-hunts.
So, hear me out, post-canon fics revolving around this strange, muddly, messy support system and family that Jin Ling has amassed.
Yunmeng bros reconciliation is never going to happen; too much interaction might worsen their tentative mutual ignorance of each other. Wei Wuxian, who's always pushed himself into other's personal spaces, is fine with just ensuring Jiang Cheng is okay. Distance is better than proximity.
But what plausibly might happen is Jin Ling forming deeper connections with his scattered, support system. Jin Ling might open up to Jiang Cheng for help with this or that, as Wei Wuxian has advised. Jiang Cheng might learn how to not be emotionally abusive or harsh and show the love he has for Jin Ling in better ways. Jin Ling will probably end up getting closer to Wei Wuxian and Sizhui and understanding just so many things about, everything. He might be supported by Hanguang-jun.
He might grow up to be the best Jin sect leader there ever was.
2. Wei Wuxian navigating through a world where everyone hates him, withering away.
This is, not only one of the saddest post-canon takes, but also very OOC. It might not make sense what I'm talking about so I'll list out common tropes I put under this categorization:
a) Wei Wuxian has terrible self esteem
b) He feels undeserving of Lan Wangji's love and keeps him at a distance emotionally by seducing him for sex instead
c) He has a childlike innocence, he goes out and hears everyone talking shit about him and stays indoor most of the time
d) He is mistreated by Lan clan and Lan Wangji is oblivious to it all
And such. I definitely understand why these tropes are so popular. It feeds into a particular sort of misery but there is a lot that it ignores:
a) Wei Wuxian firstly doesn't have terrible self esteem. If he did, he wouldn't have made it this far (coughs, the big age of 21 or 22). People ignore the fact that Wei Wuxian is a strong protagonist. He is proud, and aware of his worth. He never plays down his talents. He understands quickly the perspective of other people, and already knows that the people who talk more, do less.
In his first life, he went through being coreless and powerless, hated by all, but still standing up for stuff he believed in and lounging and drinking. He's not afraid to make others uncomfortable with his presence. That is a part of his charm. He cares for the opinions of only few people - and those few love him.
b) The one where he's emotionally distant towards Lan Wangji is the one I possibly hate the most. Especially because these sorts of fics often have him distracting Lan Wangji from his bouts of worthlessness and insecurity by his body, and Lan Wangji jumps straight into action.
Lan Wangji knows Wei Wuxian well enough that he offers comfort to Wei Ying even when he doesn't realize he needs it; like hugging him in Intrustion extra when they are on the topic of servants. Wei Wuxian can read Lan Wangji well, and so can Lan Wangji. Both of them have a relationship built on mutual trust and understanding. Wei Wuxian isn't sticking around with the Lan Clan and the jingshi because it's what Lan Wangji wants, but it's also what Wei Wuxian wants.
Also, Wei Wuxian doesn't feel undeserving of Lan Wangji. He knows he has caused Lan Wangji a lot of pain, intentionally or not, and is dedicated to making him happy, and being in love. It was all in his Guanyin Temple confession - their relationship is not out of gratefulness or anything like that.
c) Wei Wuxian is innocent at his soul, but he's not a child. He knows what the world thinks and he doesn't care. He doesn't expect the world to talk nicely about him; he probably doesn't even hear half the chatter, and even if be acknowledges it, it doesn't need to emotionally hurt him. Unrelatable? Yes. But that's how his character is like.
And if he ever is hurt or surprised, he's going to seek comfort. Act childish, ask to be pampered, etc.
d) THIS one is so... We see Wei Wuxian stepping into the Lan Clan. One day later, he's sitting next to Lan Wangji in a banquet, accepted as his cultivation partner. Lan Qiren is definitely against his presence. But like, sincerely, how long will that go on when we know that Wei Wuxian is the one who takes Lan juniors to night hunts everyday? We also see Wei Wuxian acting independently with juniors onto missions where assistance from the Lan Clan was requested (Iron Hook extra) without any Lan Wangji or anyone else. He even has a jade pendant, just four days after settling in. Lan Qiren has to hear his moans like... every night. A few hours in and he's talking to a Lan female cultivator?
Lan Wangji himself has injured thirty three Lan elders and been punished by the worst punishment, probably, ever assigned. Beyond Lan Qiren's glares and admonishments, I sincerely doubt anyone can do or say much. What I don't doubt is that Wei Wuxian is loveable and makes friends easily, and that despite everything, he's Lan Wangji's cultivation partner. A teacher. Accesses all Lan cottages and buildings. And now an addition to the Lan family.
And as for what the general people speak, perhaps the Yiling Laozu will always be a figure that haunts children bed time stories. But Senior Wei, and Hanguang-jun's husband, and Wei Wuxian - is shown to be a figure that is loved, respected by many.
The whole of cultivation world TRIED to kill him (Second Seige). They were embarrassed. Only like 20 people were actually there to kill him.
These 20 people will probably never be able to touch a hair on his head.
The WHOLE of cultivation world was saved by Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and the Wens' remains. Stories always travel fast, don't they? The cultivation world has found their newest figure to hate - and it's not Wei Wuxian. Not just that, even the one with the most hostility towards him (Jiang Cheng) didn't DISALLOW him from coming to Lotus Pier where in front of him, they transferred crimes previously "done" by him to Jin Guangyao (like the death of Jin Zixuan - let's not fool ourselves and think anyone other than Jin Ling cares about the truth). Not just that, the cultivation world asked "Master Wei" for help.
Wei Wuxian didn't come back to life only to live a terrible, hated, agonizing life. Most people don't care. He doesn't care. Those who care are not strong enough. Those he cares about love him.
Replaced by: Wei Wuxian navigating through life without heavy burdens on his shoulder
Much of the fics focus on the "burden" of the trauma he's been through his life in the fics. Very few focus on the lack of burdens. Like... the guy is now well fed. His feelings are returned. There's nobody in danger. He has a body that can grow a core again. He can slowly pick up Suibian. He can learn new tunes on Chenqing. He can hang out with Wen Ning. He can think back to fond memories. He can paint, read, travel, teach, have great ideas and tap 100% into his actual personality.
He can process stuff he's been through in a healthier way. Like, I don't know, that intrusion scene where LWJ immediately hugs him when the topic of servants come is so important to me, because, it makes me wonder what sorts of conversations they have had. He now gets pampered and indulged - and we all know he loves it, but often the portrayals of his thoughts about being loved is very self critical which isn't canon. And it would be really cool for Wei Wuxian to have just, time, on his hand.
He was barely free for a year and changed the ways of the cultivation society forever. Without much resources or money. Now, the possibilities are endless. He can not only travel, but buy expensive stuff and have a bunch of Lan texts and a very educated and smart husband to help him invent more.
3. CQL Shade but Post-Canon Fics where Wangxian is too busy with responsibilities for each other ???
Why are you guys hurting yourselves? Like, there's only a certain amount of these sorts of fic that's acceptable until it becomes a sort of widely accepted canon.
I think it definitely has to with Chief Cultivator Lan Wangji. My poor baby, his romantic heart, extremely concise replies, and disdain for worldly matters (HIS LITERAL NAME IS WANGJI. HIS SWORD IS BICHEN) was ignored in the favour of making him a cold, busy husband who's sorting minor clan disputes, surrounded by length drabbles and politics by those that once killed his husband.
This is just so awful for me. In the intrustion extra, even after dressing up early, with a guest waiting outside (Master Qin), he lets the guest WAIT than wake Wei Ying up (who sleeps until noon).
If he became chief cultivator the world would collapse. If Wei Ying held onto his robes a little too tightly, he wouldn't even step out of the Jingshi.
Like he told Wei Ying, "I've been damned since long ago." Lan Wangji is a pure romantic. He's never going to be too busy for Wei Wuxian, or too distant, or too cold.
Like, guys just no. Let's write post-canon Wangxian. Not Madam Yu-Jiang Fengmian inspired Wangxian.
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to-the-stars8 · 10 months
Just One More Time
Jason Todd x Reader Ao3 Summary: Jason sees you everywhere and thinks there will never be a chance for the two of you to be together again.
As Jason lit another cigarette, he found himself thinking of you again, and it made his stomach churn. Just when he thought he’d forgotten you, you snuck in through the back doors of his mind. You'd be there, whether it be someone who vaguely looked like you or the way the sun fell through the trees. It made him regret not trying harder to keep you, loving you better. Staying in the constant push and pull of love he had put you two in would have been better than dealing with the loathing reminiscing of it. 
You had been nice when you broke it down that it was over. Using the sweetest words to break his heart. Jason didn’t know what was worse, that he denied ever not loving you enough or that he had expected the end from the very beginning. 
“I’m sorry, Jason,” You said, and he couldn’t believe those were the same lips that declared that you loved him. When you left his place, you kissed him one last time and he thought of getting on his knees. He'd grovel, pray, and kill for you to come back to him now. 
Staring out into the city, he thought of how you’d sit there on his window sill watching cars and people go past. Then, his mind betrayed him suddenly as he asked himself the one thing he’d rather die than think of; did you ever miss him? Jason put up little resistance to delving deeper into the hole that would eventually bury him alive. 
He pictured you sitting on your bed looking at your phone as you decided whether or not it would be a good idea to call him. He desperately answered the question that wasn’t asked—That it would be a good idea because he would love you so well now that he knew you were more than the air he breathed. Hell, he thought, there weren’t gods he’d worship more than you. 
Jason hated himself more so than when he first returned from the dead. He’d made stupid mistakes, but letting you go was one of the dumbest. You brought kindness, sunlight, and all things good to him just when he thought that it all would have been a dream. 
He pinched the bridge of his nose as he remembered the nights when you made him yours and the moments after. They had been everything he dreamed of, and he wondered if there would be any kind of redemption for him in your eyes. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to believe that you’d come back. He knew you were too smart to ever go through the trouble he put you through again. 
Jason was pulled away from the sweet thought of your face by a knock on his door. He hadn’t been expecting anyone and assumed it was his brother coming to comfort him again. With a sign and putting his cigarette out on the fire escape, he got up. 
He could hear the shuffling of feet on the other side of the door, and more so when opened it. Adrenaline ran through Jason and he felt like he’d seen a ghost. You were there frozen in place like you were about to step away. 
“Jason,” You said his name like it had been stuck on your tongue since the two of you parted ways. 
He said your name in return and it felt like he could breathe for the first time in forever. 
“I,” You stopped, looking down at the space between the two of you. Jason wanted to lift your chin to look at him because it had been too long since he last saw such a pretty face. “I can’t stop thinking about you Jason.”
You stepped forward and he could smell the familiar scent of your perfume and butterflies erupted in his stomach. Looking up at him, your eyes wandered down to his lips and he prayed that you would kiss him. 
“I could say the same,” He said. “And then some.”
You cracked a smile, but it quickly faded. “I want you, Jay. I’ve never stopped wanting you—Needing you.”
Jason nearly fell to his knees in ecstasy. Leaning forward slightly, he whispered, “You're killing me.”
He could see in your eyes that you had a mission being there, and he’d be damned before he stopped you. You ignored him, continuing, “I want to give us another try, Jason. Just one more time, but it can’t be like it was before. I…I can’t handle it.”
Jason nodded, reaching out to cup your cheek. “I swear it won’t be.”
Smiling, you leaned up and kissed him. Jason swore on his own grave that the one more time you were giving him would be the last. He didn’t want to expect the end this time.
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wangxianficrecs · 8 months
💙 Lay my body down by tawaen
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💙 Lay my body down
by tawaen
M, 48k, Wangxian
Summary: One of the fragments of Wei Wuxian's soul, splintered during the first siege of the Burial Mounds, uses the energy released by the Yin Tiger Tally and flees backwards through time to another moment where Wei Wuxian was close to death – after the fall of Lotus Pier, at the hands of Jiang Wanyin. Knowing how his first life will end, Wei Wuxian decides to hide his survival, and leave the cultivation world behind. Kay's comments: This story left me absolutely speechless, it was just so perfect! As if someone magically knew all my favourite things and wrote them into a story. It's got genius inventor Wei Wuxian, who becomes a rogue cultivator of sorts and finds his family with the Wens! It's got actual consequences from grave injuries that aren't magically healed! It's got Wen Qing being a good leader and the best sister! It's got Lan Wangji suffering the pain of loss much sooner and therefore learning his lesson sooner and holding on tight to Wei Wuxian when they meet again! It's got the sects getting what they have coming! And it's also incredibly well-written and I literally couldn't stop myself from reading it in one sitting. Excerpt: Wei Ying is too exhausted and in too much pain to deal with the rage, fear and grief. He is already overwhelmed with those feelings from the fall of Lotus Pier. He cannot process the memory or any of his emotions now. Right now, he needs to focus on healing as much as he can. The Wen will come for them soon. His golden core opened his airways and protected them while he was unconscious. He focuses the remainder of his spiritual energy on his back; he needs to stop the bleeding. He can't stay here, but he needs to be sure he won't loose too much blood or get infected through the open, weeping gashes on his back. He meditates as Jiang Cheng's breathing evens out, having finally burned through his rage and cried himself to sleep beside the broken, bloody body of his childhood companion. Once he is sure all the bleeding stopped, he slowly rolls himself into the water of the river next to them. When Jiang Cheng wakes, it will look like Wei Wuxian moved in his sleep – drowned and carried away by the river.
pov wei wuxian, canon divergence, time travel, time travel fix-it, somebody lives/not everybody dies, rogue cultivator wei wuxian, butterfly effect, no golden core transfer, no jiang cheng & wei wuxian reconciliation, not jiang cheng friendly, cultivation sect politics, demonic cultivation, sunshot campaign, wen remnants live, eventual lan wangji/wei wuxian, time travelling wei wuxian
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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boomdeyadah · 1 year
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Ode to jmart AUs where they dated before, broke up, and then get back together. It was usually all Jon’s fault 💕 and yes this is a scene from ghostbusters 2
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
Irondad fic ideas #104
Fic set a while after Civil War where Spider-Man has been kidnapped. Tony, desperate, breaks down and calls the Rogues for help.
All of the Rogues notice how dedicated Tony is to finding his friend. It'd be admirable if it wasn't also kind of terrifying. He doesn't even seem to have the energy to still be mad at them; he's completely single-focus.
(Maybe Steve even tries to apologize and Tony just stops him like, "God I do not have time for this. Help me get Spider-Man back alive and I'll forgive you." "…just like that?" "Yes. Why are you still here?")
All of this leads to a raid on a Hydra base. The team finally locates Spider-Man, who has clearly been the victim of brutal medical torture and is kind of out of it and terrified and…is a kid?
The team is shocked. The kid is still freaking out (maybe he's drugged, or just that traumatized, or he doesn't recognize these armed strangers and thinks they're with the kidnappers), when Tony finally bursts into the room.
Peter chokes out, "Dad?"
Big hugging crying comforting scene, Tony's holding onto this kid desperately, terrified, and the Rogues behind him are just like… ?!??????
How did none of them EVER KNOW that Tony had a son? Is this new or has he been there the whole time? Now that they think back on it, it's clear that Rhodey, Pepper, and Happy knew what was going on. Clint recalls Tony's frantic behavior during the search, recognizes the protective, panicked way he's holding onto Peter, sees how even though Peter is still crying, he's also melted onto Tony now, like he can finally trust that he's completely safe. He reflects on his own past judgements of Tony and feels inexplicably ashamed. Steve is, predictably, guilty and heartbroken. They're all just so shocked.
...did they ever know Tony at all?
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