#anyway finally finished the kdj and lsk reconciliation fic
uris9158 · 2 months
do you ever think about how lsk loved kdj more than anything, so much that not only did she throw away her freedom to protect him but also was even willing to bear his resentment and sacrifice her very relationship with her own son, to protect him? (and how kdj did the same to his loved ones like yjh and kimcom, willing to bear their resentment to save them?)
do you ever think about how kdj, too, loved his mother so much, and so much of him is made of his mother - she taught him to read, gave him his love of stories, taught him to read again, taught him love-as-sacrifice... how incredibly similar they are, like mirrors of one another... how they both hurt each other so badly but underneath all that is so much profound love?
do you also ever think about how orv is about love, and about stories, and how those two are the same thing. and kdj and lsk.. their story was always about love all along! what would you do to protect the people you love? what would you sacrifice? what if you grew up and had loved ones of your own to protect and found yourself making the same kind of decisions your mother did to protect the people you love?
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