#Recent Govt Jobs
the-everqueen · 11 days
i read crit theory for fun, i write rabbit-hole analyses of miniscule moments in performance, i care about my first-years so much--and i'm starting to think that maybe academia does not love me back. maybe there's nothing i could give it that would be Enough. maybe the academy would rather i ground myself to dust than give me one (1) thing. maybe i should start looking at non-ac jobs.
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jobresulttoday · 1 year
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The latest job circular Bangladesh Police Job Circular 2023 has been published. Bangladesh Police circular is a government job circular.
To see details govt.primary school Assistant teacher job circular on our site. jobresulttoday.com/
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determinate-negation · 5 months
Did the majority of Jewish people and institutions support Zionism pre-1948?
no, very far from it. i dont have time to give an in depth response, theres a lot of history here but ill give some bullet points
some interpretations of judaism have always opposed a jewish state in any form and many jews were religiously against zionism from when it first started becoming a political movement
(there are still a lot of religious jews who are anti zionist on religious grounds. the satmar hasidic dynasty is an example. this is separate from political groups like neturei karta)
religious opposition to a jewish state was so strong that without zionism constituting itself as a specifically nationalist movement drawing on other 19th century nationalist movements it probably would not have become successful
assimilated jews in europe, which herzl himself was, were divided on zionism. many assimilated middle class jews were liberal nationalists of their own countries and rejected zionism. many other european jews were socialists and rejected zionism as a form of nationalism and imperialism.
among european jews who were generally poorer and more religious, zionism became more popular in response to the active extermination of jews in eastern europe. still, it was not the dominant belief in eastern europe. eastern european jews were very involved in socialist and radical movements, many specifically saw socialism as the only answer to european antisemitism. the jewish labor bund in particular espoused a type of anti zionist diaspora politics.
most anti zionist and socialist jews, especially eastern european ones, especially the working class, were murdered. thats part of why its not so common anymore
post-war and in the context of the red scare, american jewish institutions basically threw left wing anti zionist jews under the bus, let people lose their jobs and get blackmailed, and started focusing on relations with israel
there has always been jewish opposition to zionism both on religious and political grounds and it was a hotly debated topic and not something people agreed on. you can read more here
i have reading guides under my tag resources
edit: this is just pertaining to european jewish history and american jewish history, and mostly of ashkenazi jews. the history of arab jews is different but to be very brief, there was not widespread support among arab jews for zionism before the nakba and founding of the state of israel, and the israeli govt and zionist organizations were very active in trying to create conditions for arab jews that would encourage them to immigrate to israel
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chakriralo · 2 years
Saptahik Chakrir Potrika 07 october 2022
Saptahik Chakrir Potrika 07 october 2022
Saptahik Chakrir Potrika 07 october 2022 Published Chakrir Dak is a weekly magazine that will be published on 07 october 2022 every Friday. For your convenience, we publish the weekly Chakrir Dak magazine online. Apart from reading this magazine online, you can also download it in PDF format. It is a popular weekly newspaper in Bangladesh. We publish this magazine every Friday. We also post…
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curseofsergei · 12 days
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hello, i dont really do stuff like this but after talking with others i'm encouraged to try this out. my fiancé and i are very behind on many bills as we came up with hundreds of dollars worth of emergency expenses suddenly last weekend. our small bit of savings has been dwindling for some time actually--my fiancé currently works two jobs and i'm seeking a second one to try and make ends meet. after the emergency that occurred recently, our savings are completely gone and we are broke. we do not have enough money to make ends meet at this point. we're both at our wits end, trying to figure out how to access food banks, govt assistance, and free meals at churches. we are doing what we can to try and survive. we do not have family to rely on, nor friends who make enough money themselves to assist us. we're trying our best to do this on our own. for those that wish to know why, my fiance was disowned by his family due to being trans + gay. i had to disown my family last year, as I am a trafficking victim, and they have accepted my abuser back into their life after he was released from prison. i am posting my wifi bill. it's overdue, so we are at risk of it being shut off this week. any assistance with this bill would help us greatly in using money towards other essential debts. anything extra will be used towards credit card debts that we've accrued due to living on low funds for quite some time now, including helping with the emergency that occurred which was placed on a credit card. this is just one balance in everything we need to catch up on, but i don't want to come off as greedy or needy by begging for too much more. we will appreciate anything to help us get through our debts. ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/tamaitii cashapp: $ItsUriel96
thank you for all your help
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spandexual · 6 days
Toooooop fiiiiiive characters that are mega transgender by implication to you
I was thinking that we both know but feel free to introduce me to stuff also
why tumblr didn't save my draft............. I wrote so much omg ok let me be more concise this time then damn bitch. not in any order
SERGEI DRAGUNOV - TEKKEN turbo autismo non-verbal train-liker and hot pink gunpla builder who would have realised she was a girl if she ever had a moment to think about it but Tekken 8 (the most recent game) is canonically the only time he's ever had off from his job which is uhhh being a spec ops Russian govt killdog basically. so um. I don't think he's getting on the titty skittles any time soon but she deserves them!
SHOTARO HIDARI - KAMEN RIDER W atp trans man Shotaro is basically fanon what more do I gotta say
EZRI DAX - STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE hear me out. all Trill are transgender by nature and the Dax hosts Especially. But I think Ezri specifically should trans his physical sex as well coz that shit with Julian was coming off a lot more like "hmm do I want to fuck this somewhat effeminate prettyboy or do I want to be him" and unfortunately she's a "female" character in a 90s American TV show so you know how it goes. But.
KAGURAGI DYBOWSKI - ROYAL SENTAI KINGOHGER >queen bee >male actor > whatever direction you look at the whole situation from it's transgender as fuck lmao
LUKA MILLFY - PIRATE SENTAI GOKAIGER "girl" in a "doesn't know trans people exist" way (grew up homeless and hungry around death and destruction and then lived the rest of her life so far with Marvy-chan don't forget) and DID jump at the chance to be a boy for a day and would again. which could mean nothing. I think she wants a dick more than she wants to be a boy but then hmm she'd be a really hotttt guy thoooo but hmm the attention from being a girlll but then if she was a guy she'd probably be even better off ugh the world isn't fair why isn't there a switch she can just flip (<-normal totally cisgender thoughts she would be having and not acting on)
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queer-adhd · 2 years
I'm usian so feel free to yeet this ask, but all the food in the memes against British food reminds me so much of the food I had growing up in a rural lower class poor as fuck neighborhood, the beans on toast, lots of beans, etc, are poor staple foods where I'm at, and it seems in the UK too, and I'm really sorry that y'allz have become the butt of stupid as jokes,
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Thank u and thank u for the cat pic!!!
I got the chance to go to an exclusive (govt workers only) middle class but w low prices grocery shop recently and it had a 5L tin of baked beans in it that are absolutely not available for most poor ppl. I bought it of course: it was less than £4 for 5L of beans! That's so much protein sugar and fat.
It was reduced BC the store also sold tagine paste and organic chickens and prawn souffle and I couldn't afford those but nobody wanted the beans or the frozen meat (they aren't as nice) so I got both lol. The beans are normally £3 for 1.5L some grocery stores no longer carry the main brand BC it's no longer affordable.
It's fucked up that i could (BC of inherited privilege of being related to a govt worker who could con me into the store) get this shit for so cheap when multigenerational families with so many more mouths to feed could use it. I'm going to make a chilli and try to feel ok abt it.
To clarify: I genuinely think that ppl with govt jobs who work should have good food for their families. I just don't think that people without shouldn't. I think it's fucked that even our staples have become unaffordable for most.
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jobresulttoday · 1 year
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lebizcanada20 · 5 months
Canada PNP 2024- Provincial Nominee Programs for Skilled Workers
Canada PNP 2024- Provincial Nominee Programs for Skilled Workers
The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is a set of Canadian immigration programs operated by the Government of Canada in partnership with individual provinces, each of which having its own requirements and 'streams' (i.e., target groups). In a program stream, provinces and territories may, for example, target: business people, students, skilled workers, or semi-skilled workers.
While provincial governments manage PNPs according to their individual objectives, the federal government's immigration department, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, ultimately administers and decides on permanent residence applications.
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What is the process of Canada PNP in 2024?
Have a valid Express entry profile.
Choose a suitable PNP Program.
Check the eligibility & in-demand occupations
Create an account on the official PNP website
Get an invite to apply for the PNP
File an application by submitting docs
Get nomination from Provincial Govt.
Secure 600 CRS Points upon nomination
File ITA in Express Entry & Get a Permanent Resident Canada Visa
What Are The Available Canada PNP Pathways In 2024?
1 Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program 
No job offer required. Any profile from TEER 0,1,2&3 can apply.
2 British Columbia PNP Program
Job offer needed in the profile from TEER 0,1,2&3
3 Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program
No job offer required. Any profile from TEER 0,1,2&3 can apply for Canada PR
4 Nova Scotia Nominee Program
No job offer required. Only need a letter of interest to apply
5 Manitoba PNP Program
Must have a family member and experience in the province.
6 Alberta Advantage Immigration Program
Have experience in an in-demand occupation and family connection in Alberta or a job offer from Alberta.
7 New Brunswick Canada PNP Program  
Have a job offer or a family connection in the province.
8 Prince Edward Island PNP Program
Have a job offer or work experience in the province.
BC Provincial Nominee Program
The BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) is an immigration program for British Columbia that gives "high-demand foreign workers and experienced entrepreneurs" the opportunity to become a permanent resident in BC.The BC PNP offers 2 pathways to obtain a permanent residence in BC, each containing different streams one can apply under, depending on their National Occupational Classification skill level, job, or international-student status:
Skills Immigration: This stream, primarily using a points-based invitation system, is for skilled and semi-skilled workers in high-demand occupations in BC. Candidates may not need prior work experience for some categories; however, Entry-Level and Semi-Skilled category applicants require B.C. work experience. Candidates may have work experience from abroad; and recent international graduates of a Canadian post-secondary institution may not need any work experience, depending on the job being offered.
BC PNP Tech: Those in specific tech occupations may qualify for invitation at a lower points threshold and receive priority assignment for processing..
Express Entry: International Student and Skilled Worker candidates can select either the Express Entry or Standard version of the BC PNP streams. Express Entry streams offer shorter timelines for federal permanent residence application processing.
Priority Occupations: Since 2022, the BC PNP has also provided occupation specific invitations to apply at lower point thresholds based on specific occupations in education, healthcare and veterinary care.
Health Authority and International Post-Graduate Streams - Qualifying candidates, such as those with a job offer from a public health authority or those who've graduated from selected programs at BC post-secondary institutions, can apply directly to the program without registering, obtaining a score and being invited to apply.
Entrepreneur Immigration: This stream, using a points-based invitation system, is for experienced entrepreneurs who wish to actively manage a business in BC. Applicants must create a minimum number of jobs, have the required personal net worth, and make a minimum level of eligible investment.
Entrepreneur Immigration – Regional Pilot: an option for entrepreneurs who wish to start a new business in participating regional communities across BC.
Entrepreneur Immigration – Base: an option for entrepreneurs who wish to acquire or start a new business in the province.
Strategic Projects: an option for international companies seeking to expand into BC, and who require permanent residency for key employees. 
Are you tired of waiting in the Express Entry Pool? Do you want quick Alternate Solutions? You can immigrate to Canada with fast processing times via PNP pathways. Call our experts at +91- 8375012389 or mail us at [email protected]
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bluejutdae · 5 months
Hey, darling 🩷
🦋 what reblog/reply has been your favourite so far?
I loved each and every reblog and reply but either cbini’s reblog of my Biker Changbin or this are the more memorable:
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🍑 which stray kids member do you think you'd get along with the best?
Minho or Jisung I guess. I am pretty introverted and sometimes a bit weird, but I am good at matching energy.
🥨 what has made you happy recently and who makes you smile the most?
I just got a job that, even if it’s for a limited period, it’s gonna skyrocket my CV bc it’s a collaboration with the govt.
My nieces are one of the best thing that ever happened in my life and they made me smile every day, when I am around them I smile so much my face hurts! 💕
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iloveutoodeath · 1 year
i’m literally in such deep shit rn financially lmao a few months ago we got a new manager at the store i work at and she’s absolutely terrible and has been cutting payroll hours like crazy, like not just me but EVERYONE, even the full time employees. and like i literally was only scheduled a total of eight hours this week!! and she just called to cancel my shift today like come onnnnn i have bills to pay ;__;!!! i haven’t been given this little hours since i first started with this stupid company almost 8 yrs ago wtff. luckily i have some money saved up for emergencies so i can pay my bills and buy necessities for now, but i keep thinking about how the student loans that the govt failed to cancel are going to start payments again later this year and yea idk i want to cry just thinking about all this financial bullshit and debt debt debt and how i’ll definitely never be able to afford moving out of my parent’s house. and i know i just have to find a new job and i will!! but i’ve had my current job for almost 8 years like i said and i had it pretty good there until recently so the thought of interviewing for somewhere new is literally making me want to throw up
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dead-loch · 10 months
my mom and her brother both work in the federal govt and one of her cousins has worked as a nurse for over 20 years at a hospital in our city.
During covid, like lots of us, cousin started wondering if she was neurodivergent, partly because her youngest daughter received an autism diagnosis, partly because she started recognising some signs in herself.
So cousin took some time off from work so that she could focus on her own mental health, see someone, and potentially receive a diagnosis, which she did for adhd.
Her psychologist has repeatedly said she is ready to return to work. Cousin wants to return to work.
But the hospital is refusing to allow her to come back to work and has been jerking her around for the past SIX MONTHS.
Her job is unionised and even her union are working against her, with her union rep telling her she’s not allowed to seek legal counsel until they’ve “exhausted every other avenues” (a bullshit lie). She had to take on another job, where she’s earning $1500 less per paycheque (while being a single mother to 2 kids).
THANKFULLY, my mom (who has a really interesting job in ethics and gets to comb through every slimy thing politicians try to get away with) is a pit bull and has been working with cousin to get her legal rep. She called a lawyer friend from CSIS (canadian cia or something), who is contacting a lawyer who recently represented citizens in my neighbourhood against the far-right convoy occupation a couple years ago.
Both lawyers were like “oh this hospital does not know what’s coming down the pipe towards them” and are flabbergasted by the amount of laws they’re breaking.
Reminder that hospitals here have a MASSIVE deficit of staff. This hospital is literally not allowing someone to come back to work despite the fact they want to and are ready.
Anyway. The family who fights workplace discrimination together stays together or something like that.
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3dsmall · 1 year
world is increasingly lonely, socially atomized, algorithmically controlled. we are encouraged to suspect one another and view ourselves thru a lens of victimhood.
that's why i distinctly dislike the phenomenon where a dude is treated like a scummy predator just for asking for a random girl's number, or to buy her a drink at the bar or whatever. i think it's FINE to reject dudes for literally any/no reason, but not fine to behave as though they committed some kind of moral offense against you for giving you a compliment or whatever. as long as the dude fucks off after you say no, he did nothing wrong.
(i had a nightmare about these thoughts, where "shoot your shot laws" were incorporated into govt and labor departments to nullify accusations of sexual harassment so long as they are not ongoing)
a homeless dude recently saw me smoking a stoge on my porch and asked for one. i gave him one. then he asked for my number and i said no. then we just sat and talked about stuff. horses, gardening, his situation. he told me his bike got stolen recently. i felt bad that he had to carry all this shit on his back in the hot sun, so i gave him my bike and bike lock. it was a shitty bike i barely used and that i got for free, so i didn't mind. he was really grateful and he went on his way. i never saw him again.
i live next to a digestive health clinic. a security guard patrols the parking lot on weekdays, and sometimes he'd wave at me if he saw me taking my trash to the dumpster or walking to my mailbox. last week while i was working in my garden, he walked into my yard and began talking to me. he introduced himself, we shook hands, he complimented my flowers. he asked for my number and i said no. then he started peering into my bedroom window and asking if i lived alone. i felt extremely uncomfortable, so i said goodbye and went inside.
the next day i slept in, drank coffee in my underwear, watched youtube videos in bed, and took a shower. imagine my horror when i find a note he left on my car, giving me his number, offering to buy me houseplants, offering to buy me lunch. i park my car essentially right outside my bedroom window. i wonder if he watched me that morning and what he saw, my private joys dissipate into anxiety.
i agonize over what i should do. friends and family advise me to get him fired from his job, install a wire fence around my driveway, write him an angry text message, or ask him nicely to leave me alone. i don't do anything. yesterday i saw him outside of my driveway staring at me as i retrieved mail and i gave him a dirty look. he walked away. today i saw him lurking around again, so i stopped caring for my flowers and retreated indoors.
he approached me again today in my own yard. i told him to 'get off my property' and he acted confused. i said 'LEAVE.' and he apologized in a tone as if i was being unreasonable.
these recent events, my thoughts and fears, have been taking their toll on me.
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veale2006-blog · 22 days
Executive branch = Mil and President.
Trump never seceded because they appointed him as Commander in Chief of the greatest military operation in the world…
They are taking down treasonous legislative and judicial officials who have infiltrated our government over the past several hundred years, and most recently since the CIA was founded in 1947. Kennedy and Reagan (Bush = CIA Director, Bush = VP) (Assassination, Attempted Assn.)
Halliburton founder = Lolo Soetoro Lolo = Barry Soetoro Father (Hussein) Lolo = best friends with Bush/Bin Laden Lolo + Dunham = CIA ops GWB + B.O. = Friends since childhood B.O. + Michael LaVaughn Robinson (Michelle) = CIA ops
Take over the middle east, and make yourself rich? War.
9/11 = Inside Job. OSB = pawn OSB + family = safe with Bush family (Washington State)
OSB killed? Body double. Iran pulled him out and demanded $157B from Obama to not release the truth.
Afghanistan shoots down SEAL chopper.
SEALs Doherty and Woods killed in Benghazi
What did they know? Last witnesses?
Trump elected, Russiagate, Stormy Daniels, Taxes, Racism, Xenophobia, attack after attack…
Why? Remove him at all costs to save yourselves.
CCP > Beijing Biden Insert COVID > MSM and Big Tech puppets promote fear Promote mail-in voting CCP prints massive amounts of ballots Use 2010 census for voter registration Big tech installs drop boxes Ballot counters given instructions Dominion flipping votes via hacking Cover-ups everywhere
How do you expose them and take everything from them? You prepare for their cheating and let them do it for the world to see!
Who are these people? Who/what do they worship? How do they practice their "religion?" What/who do they sacrifice for "power?" What group is founded on these beliefs? FMs. (Freemasonry describes itself as a "beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols") Symbolism will be their downfall.
Why did Trump issue EO 13818 & 13848?
Trump won the election and our amazing military knows that (the clowns on TV are bought puppets).
He was impeached after he "lost" because the judicial and legislative branches knew he was still president and they had no control over the military with him having a position in govt. Note: you can only "impeach" people who hold a "position" in govt.
Why would they impeach an incumbent president who "lost?"
They caught them all. They have everything.
Bottom line: NCSWIC
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igottatho · 25 days
Did I miss when the siege ended? when the borders and crossings opened? It’s like the whole world forgot that Palestinians in Gaza STILL have needs. The prices for food and water are still exorbitant. They still have none or very little access to medicine, cleaning supplies, materials to keep them warm - and we are approaching winter months, where these needs will increase.
We’re almost at a solid year for this so-called “war” and I’m watching endless GoFundMe campaigns being shared, with very few donations. The Alwans aren’t seeing much of that recently, but we’re managing (barely) to keep a trickle going. But they���re starving - Mohammad tells me he and his wife are able to eat a snack every day or so. We’re still seeing images of skeletal children and / or shredded children constantly.
I don’t know if it’s correct to expect anyone to forgo their comfort or hobbies or own care while another people are being starved, sieged and blown to bits …… I myself certainly am continuing to paint, to work on my silly art projects, to bring my kids to & from school… but it’s as if people decided since Kamala is taking over they don’t have to worry anymore. Since the Harris campaign (which held no primaries and hosts no campaign policies) started, they have raised $540 MILLION (see img below, as reported by democracy now) and that money didn’t come from nowhere (although with modern politics it can appear that way).
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I’m relieved that we won’t have a geriatric in office, and that Kamala Harris is leaps and bounds more productive than Trump, and as a Black woman, it’s past time for her. But people are treating the whole situation as if she 1) already has the job and 2) is going to do ANYTHING DIFFERENT than what Biden’s administration (which she is a part of) has already done/ continues to do. Which is send MORE weapons in US name, with US money, to blow up more children (as reported by the Cradle)
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I know people are tired - tired of talking about war, and destroyed kids, families, homes…. Tired of hearing about it, talking about it, donating to victims of it, having our govts double down on how nece$$ary it is, signing petitions to end it - and it all seems endless and helpless.
It would be easy to hand over the reins to Kamala - but we all know in our hearts that she has no intentions of ending this genocide. We need to demand more of her NOW, because if we wait until she’s in office, we have nothing left to bargain with - except our labor, or putting our own bodies (rather than Palestinian ones) on the line.
Palestine woke up the entire world, don’t go back to sleep. Don’t let all of this work have been for nothing. You’re tired, but think about how tired Gaza must be, and all of Palestine, enduring this for almost a century - we can DO THIS. What’s more fam….
We ARE doing this : we ARE impacting the machine and making an impact - Starbucks worth is tanking , McD’s is experiencing loss across the board, and despite the deeply unsatisfied rhetoric with voters right now - WE MADE BIDEN STEP DOWN (well, Us and his inability to verbalize anything). Israel faces more pressure now than ever before and they KNOW IT, it’s why they’re rushing to take as much of the West Bank as possible and destroy as much as Gaza as possible.
We just have to make sure we keep as many healthy and whole as we’re able 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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nearme-job · 1 month
Stay informed about the latest govt jobs in Indian Railways. Discover current openings, apply online, and secure your future. Bookmark for real-time updates on vacancies and deadlines!
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