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they/themšŸŒ™before following, know this: itā€™s not all fandom here. I believe in abolition, anti-racism, bodily autonomy, and WHAT WE OWE EACH OTHER. I will not suffer TERFs or transphobia of any kind, I will not suffer misogyny, or bigotry in general. Iā€™m opinionated and I post those opinions cause itā€™s my blog and tbh I donā€™t know how to keep my mouth shut about certain things. If that bothers you, look elsewhere. I donā€™t believe in having to hide parts of myself just to appeal to others.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
dead-loch Ā· 4 months ago
literally everyone: suicide is preventable!
me 800 times: im unhappy, i have no one to talk to, why am i even here
literally everyone: suicide is preventable! (but um only if we care about the person and you donā€™t count)
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dead-loch Ā· 4 months ago
do I exist solely to be ignored and stepped over and stepped on and kicked down
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dead-loch Ā· 4 months ago
I donā€™t know how to handle how fucking unhappy I am.
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dead-loch Ā· 4 months ago
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Hannah Gadsby,Ā ā€œDouglasā€ (Now on Netflix)
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dead-loch Ā· 4 months ago
I just finished DA:V and I have some thoughts:
- the fact that Iā€™ve already finished it and the game came out less than a month ago should tell you something about play time. I was expecting a LOT more and Iā€™m honestly glad I didnā€™t end up spending money on this because at this point Iā€™d be wondering where tf my $90 went
- the writing leaves a lot to be desired (some of the dialogue is so awkward and stilted) and the characters and relationships are nowhere near as fleshed out as previous games
- if you told me bioware spent 90% of the last decade perfecting hair strands and only 10% on the game itself Iā€™d believe you..
Obviously from my previous posts itā€™s clear I didnā€™t hate the game and I did enjoy playing itā€¦ but, for example, even after finished BG3 for the first time, all I wanted to do was immediately create a new character and do it over again, because I knew I hadnā€™t possibly seen everything the game had to offer because there was just SO MUCH. Whereas in this case, Iā€™ve finished and Iā€™m likeā€¦ well, thatā€™s that.
I think itā€™s all just compounded by the fact that they had so much time to make this game amazing and my expectations because of that were high.
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dead-loch Ā· 4 months ago
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dead-loch Ā· 4 months ago
gregory lower that roof šŸ‘¹
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dead-loch Ā· 5 months ago
yall I almost cried when my rook said something about being trans
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dead-loch Ā· 5 months ago
I'm finally going to be able to donate (and with my birthday coming up on Dec 5, I've asked my family to donate instead of getting me anything) so I've compiled all the asks I've received and hope others can donate too even if it's only a small amount.
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dead-loch Ā· 5 months ago
ahhh yes, glee: the show that had a pedophile, more than one actor involved has died in awful circumstances, and a main actress whoā€™s such a shitty person no one wants to work with her. what a great uplifting show that taught us all not to hate
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dead-loch Ā· 5 months ago
my mom and her partner have been together over 20 years but they still have their own houses, so on nights when sheā€™s not staying over his place (which is where she may as well have been living full time the past several years) and sheā€™s at home, heā€™ll cook himself dinner and then meticulously pack everything away after and put it in the fridge, then bring it over to my moms house the next day around lunch cause he knows she doesnā€™t fking eat lunch when sheā€™s working
anyway itā€™s cute af and now Iā€™m eating fajitas
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dead-loch Ā· 5 months ago
only being able to travel with two companions is honestly such a huge let down. TWO. the game feels very very close to horizon zero dawn in terms of functions (sliding and climbing particularly) and it feels like the smaller team may be inspired by that (and the Witcher I feel like?) and itā€™s bumming me outttttt
I would like at least 4 people there gassing me up at all times thank you
That said, the rendering/animation/artwork, etc, really is gorgeous. Facial expressions, speech, body movement, all leagues ahead. You know how in video games thereā€™s often pauses between characters speaking, even when one character cuts off another? Theyā€™ve done really well in minimising that pause so that conversation flow feels more realistic and ultimately makes the game more immersive, which is more than I can say for, say, BG3, which still has tons of audio issues.
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dead-loch Ā· 5 months ago
yes, obviously Iā€™m gonna flirt with the dude whoā€™s got a spite demon shoved inside him
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dead-loch Ā· 5 months ago
guys maybe we can gun violence our way out of this
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dead-loch Ā· 5 months ago
right cause you can shoot your way out of being the most deeply selfish population on earth.
The problem is that America has beaten down its people for decades and gotten them weak and desperate and now promises a way out, a way to transcend and rise above, through selling out their fellow man. They encourage contempt and hatred as one way ticket to not being included with the masses being death marched to poverty or imprisonment or whatever other bitter end surely awaits the people theyā€™re told are beneath them. An embarrassingly large chunk of white men are just straight up nazis these days as a way to dissociate from the rest of the carnage around them, even if theyā€™re broke and uneducated and from an impoverished background themselves. Theyā€™ll vote for and align themselves with anything for a taste of power and control that makes them feel a little less helpless. The same goes for minorities. Theyā€™ll punch down if they think itā€™ll get them somewhere, even if in reality theyā€™re punching sideways. I donā€™t know what else to say, really. Everybody is so incredibly hateful. We are a loveless, disrespectful nation. We are so spread thin by our government that we would sell each other out in a heartbeat for an ounce of relief. This is what weā€™ve come to.
Itā€™s not even about Trump at this point. Heā€™s gonna get in office and do whatever he does and itā€™s gonna be a mess but whatever. This is indicative of deeper problem. This is just the ugly consequence of the already present reality in this country that we all just despise each other. There is no solidarity and there is no love. Trump being in office or not doesnā€™t change the fact that America is a breeding ground for violent hatred. Trump has given people a shining example of how to give in to the worst parts of your human nature and make it the problem of everyone around them. I donā€™t even know what weā€™re supposed to do about that. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s something we can come back from. And if anything COULD be done about it, Trump certainly wouldnā€™t do it. Honestly, Kamala probably wouldnā€™t have either. We are so deeply fucked.
However, I must say, if you voted for Trump, I hope that peace never finds you. Instead, I hope clarity strikes you someday like a clap of lightning and you have to live the rest of your life with the knowledge and guilt of what youā€™ve done and who you are as a person.
Love yall. Shit is so bleak but the world keeps spinning until it doesnā€™t, I guess. We canā€™t count on the government for literally even a shred of progress or hope so just keep up the good fight in your own personal lives. Thatā€™s literally the only thing to be done at this point. Stay safe out there. Maybe buy a gun.
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dead-loch Ā· 5 months ago
I cannot fucking believe americans allowed this to happen again. jesus fucking christ. thank you for dooming the entire fucking world for your own selfishness. unbelievable. WHY ARENT MORE OF YOU QUESTIONING WHY THE FUCK AN ā€˜ELECTORAL COLLEGEā€™ IS MAKING MASSIVE DECISIONS IN YOUR NAMES? did you not learn your fucking lesson last time? holy fuck.
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dead-loch Ā· 5 months ago
so Iā€™m trying to figure out why they would choose to give Harding lyrium-induced powers, instead of Dagnaā€¦. the dwarf who is literally obsessed with magic and exiles herself to study it. tbh Iā€™m still trying to figure out why Harding is even part of this game. Dagna was in 2 of the prior games and was really interesting (imo) and it would have been super cool to see her in this role.
(I donā€™t dislike Harding or anything, think Iā€™m more just baffled by the choice to make her a companion)
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