My problem isn't that I wanna be treated terribly differently cause I'm asexual
I just don't want people to expect that I'm eventually gonna have sex and "grow up". Because I won't.
I've known my sexuality for 4 years now, and just cause I actually researched it. (Crap, i remember when I was like 8 and read about Michael Jackson possibly being asexual and wishing so bad I were asexual too)
No, i do not like when people tell me I'm still too innocent to catch your dirty jokes. Damn, I've read things worse than you could ever imagine, and my asexuality connected with thinking HOW DID YOU SEXUALISE THIS THING THIS TIME (which takes time, allos are hard to decipher)
I do not like being told "you'll understand someday". No I will the fuck not.
I'm not a kid, I'm asexual.
I don't like feeling that I'm invisible to you. Things don't need to change, you don't need to be cautious around me. Just acknowledge me and stop judging.
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vhagarlovebot · 1 year
PSA about reblogs.
i love when people have a mini marathon of my works, i really do. but only liking them doesn’t help me. if you like my works a reblog or a little feedback it’s so much better and it only takes a minute, even less. if you reblog things, more people will see it. reblogs are really important to fic writers. only liking and not reblogging does not help to get our works noticed. and please don’t get me wrong, i’m very grateful for the amount of notes on my works.
i’ve seen this happening to a lot of fellow writers and it’s very sad to see them just losing all the motivation and feeling discouraged from writing and posting because they just don’t get interaction.
and if you want to give us feedback but are a little shy or simply don’t feel comfortable leaving a comment on a post, i want you to know that is totally fine if you send an anonymous ask telling us your thoughts about what you read! that does help us a lot and gives us the little push to keep sharing our works.
and to the people who will say that we “should not be demanding / asking for anything or we're not obligated to comment anything” or whatever, remember that you are getting content for free—fics, fanarts, etc.—and all we’re asking for is literally the bare minimum! sharing content you LIKE helps and show creators appreciation for the work they put in.
liking is not bad but it doesn't tell us anything. reblogging is the way to help writers on here to gain exposure!
support fic writers. ♡
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catboyollie · 1 year
why are jason todd fans so annoying?
Because they are /hj
Short explanation:
Mainly a small, loud group is annoying , gaslighting people and picking fights when people point out the obvious (sexism, reducing to stereotypes, rascism, not reading the comics where they got the out of context panel from, batfanon™ and only reading fanfics).
I gotta warn you, anon. I have been pretty angry about Jason stans recently and you just gave me a reason to go on a rant.
Sorry about that.
The rant is under the readmore for dash reasons.
There are some Jason fans who are alright, but you've got the annoying, loud ones who will hijack tags (mainly the arrowfam tags, but also other tags) and then proceed to mischaracterize other characters because 'Jason is the wittle uwu baby who didn't do anything wrong and Roy is his', Lobdell who blatantly mischaracterizing +disrespecting beloved characters in rhato and more stuff.
Aside from the whole J*yroy bullshit they've got going on and the reduction of Kory and Roy to armcandy/dicks ex and drug dude.
There's the fact that the annoying Jason stans take background stories from female (also poc) characters (Helena, Mia, Steph, Cass, others) to make Jason more interesting.
For example: Mia/Speedy II is in canon an SA survivor. And Jason fans decided to take that background and give it to Jason to make him the specialest little bitch boy.
And now they play the 'Just say you hate survivors' card towards us if we say: 'Hey, why are you taking backgrounds from other (usually women or poc) characters'
And also, interesting to note: Jason almost blew up Mia in GA: 2001.
Or where they after taking one out of context panel and go 'Jason obviously has beef with Ollie because he kicked Roy out'.
Wrong. Roy was already living on his own at that time and Ollie had apologized and had a whole ass redemption arc regarding the thing that happened. (Bruce never had an arc like that).
So in canon, it would definitely be: 'Ollie and Roy (+the whole arrowfam) would have beef with Jason because he almost blew up Mia'.
Also, as a GL fan I am also pretty angry about the whole 'The JL is scared of Jason' thing that batstans and Jason stans have going on.
Why the fuck would the fucking Justice League, a group of experienced superpowered beings who have seen some shit, be afraid of Jason Todd, an guy with guns and shit who wants the Joker dead??
That's bullshit.
Like, they wouldn't even know what the fuck is going in Gotham except for some Bat-related Bullshit.
There's also the 'gl's are afraid of the bats/Jason' bullshit that's going on. And that's even bigger Bullshit. The gl's wouldn't be afraid of Jason, they would barely be aware of his existence. (If they are, it's because they have heard about what he did from one of the arrows and will not be super friendly to him but they will be civil).
Jason stans are really, really annoying about all of that, when people point out that they are not reading comics, are reducing characters to hollow husks of their former selves, racism, sexism, only reading an outrageously ooc webtoon and other things they do.
So yeah 😅
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housetenisballs · 9 months
People on twitter fighting tooth and nail that house will call queer people slurs is so funny. Nah babes you don't understand... he will create a whole new term so off putting and unheard of that it "accidentally" made him the biggest ally because he doesn't want to use words commonly used by people, he always wants to be the first to make something different, he's just edgy like that.
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muppetears-stuff · 1 month
Warren hate has always been ableist in the very beginning. He gets too much shit for not understanding Max's body language. He gets a lot of hate 'for not taking a hint' or understanding social cues. Hell in the very beginning of the fandom like in 2015 i think i remember there were angry pricefielders calling Warren the literal r slur because he's 'so stupid'. Their words not mine. l I've seen people talk about how they're convinced he's a s*ciopath or a n*rcissist or a ps*chopath which I find ableist and uncomfortable. I think the biggest red flag from the fandom is how there's a lot of shit talk about Warren is an 'obsessive freak/stalker' in their eyes to talking in general about how 'obsessiveness' and 'obsessions' are red flags and are signs of 'evil' apparently and not symptoms of mental illness or neurodivergency apparently. I really relate to Warren and I also suffer from obsessive and actual intrusive thoughts, so i find this fandom to be extremely cruel and alienating toward people with stigmatizing illnesses which I find explains the Chloe demonization bc she is so BPD coded. I don't think Warren is autistic coded like Max but I do think he's ADHD / OCD coded in a way I can't explain. Sorry to drop this really long rant in your inbox, but you're not wrong about the Warren demonization and I just wanted to say something about it. Becauze the demonization of all these characters go back to ableism and the Life Is Strange fandom is the most ableist fandom I've ever been in at all and that really speaks volume about how atrocious it is.
I find the Warren hate unwarranted (hehe) and SUPER FUCKING ABLEIST. you make amazing points, thank you for putting my thoughts into words anon🙏🙏
He very much struggles with social interactions, very evident by the way he only talks teachers or people that are into the same stuff as him, he can become very chatty, sometimes too much, when it comes to things he likes which comes off as "annoying" and "obsessive" when he just wants friends.
Mr. Well's talks about it in his student file, btw.
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I share. Alot of the same traits as Warren, with myself also having ADHD and liking science and talking excessively to the point where I find MYSELF annoying.
It's so upsetting too that the developers leaned INTO the stalker/obsessive Warren allegations that I can't even fucking talk about him or mentioning that I like him on certain platforms without the fear of people saying I "support stalking" which I don't. I can't defend him and say that he wasn't stalking without someone going, "but it's canon, the developers confirmed it!!" Yeah well, Mark and Nathan have done some more fucked up shit and I still see people defend them. (I love Nathan too for his complexity and ability to become better. He just needed help, but it doesn't excuse anything he did.)
Warren is the best character. He had so much potential to be an amazing recurring character, but he was their simply for plot convenience or to make the player not suspicious that Mark could be behind everything because Warren was "creepy"
I'm probably gonna have people saying I'm being a baby over this and that he's a fictional character and stuff, you can totally have your own opinion on Warren Graham, I'm not telling you you can't, just please stop calling people who like him "stalkers" or say they support stalking and creepy behavior, when that isn't true. The amount of hate towards anyone that isn't Max or Chloe, and then the immediate hate on YOU for not liking them or liking/defending another character makes me sick, as well as the flat out abelism. The reason why I left the fandom in the first place before picking it back up because of Warren<3
Thank you again, Anon. For sending me such a lovely ask(?) And letting me rant about him because he's my favorite, and I agree with you so much, you're so right<3
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everseens · 7 months
heads up i am probably going to put drafts on hold (or i will be very selective about replies) up until next week or the week after. rant below lol
im just so exhausted from a multitude of things but the icing on top of it all was taking my cat to the emergency vet tonight (he’s fine, nothing life threatening but he’s gonna require a lot of care and attention now) so that’s where most of my attention will be now. i’m even taking off work for this so yeah overall… i just need a little lazy break 🥹 love y’all, i might be around here and there but my replies will be very selective at best
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emozilla · 5 days
Things I am interested in/will post about (subject to change in the future, of course):
The Umbrella Academy
Stranger Things
Dragon Ball
Fahrenheit 451
Harry Potter
Music in general.
Taylor Swift
- Biology (and its branches)
- Psychology
- Computer science
- Economics
- Aristotle
General rants or just talks about anything and everything
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rxnegades · 22 days
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unpopular opinion; OCs absolutely matter. :).
i have them myself. and those are about the only characters I can muster up muse for most of the time. so the fact that this vehement disdain for OCs exists here, is honestly disgusting.
it shouldn't be ALL about canon muses. half the time people write them based off personal headcanons that MAKE them like an OC anyway.
how is that any different? just because they're rooted in some type of pre-established lore?
for me it's always difficult writing things for canon muses because i feel like you can only do so much with them based off of what's already been written in their history. and I know I don't write my canon muses with OCs; it's not because I dislike OCs, that'd make me a hypocrite... i've just had bad experiences in the past that made it a turn-off for me.
Original Characters are way more free and open, and you can be way more creative with them.
but, i guess you can't change people's opinions, and that's fine. it's just a damn shame that this kind of thing happens all the time, it leaves a lot of us in the void. it's always making me doubt my presence here, and I absolutely hate feeling that way.
i just wanted to put in my own words. i follow plenty of blogs PRIMARILY for their OCs, and I want to write them with mine...
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Mini witch rant but my mental Illness makes witchcraft so hard like I hyperfixate on it and then I forget? About everything? Bc I feel so untethered and I’m unable to form proper habits and I know you can find magick in anything but my brain is like scrambled eggs 90% of the time and it’s so frustrating. I’ve been practicing for 4-5 years now and I still know practically nothing bc of the fact that I have practically no memory of the last 4-5 years and just ugh. I dunno what to do. I’m also frustrated bc I’m terrible at note keeping. just. Ugh
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tower-of-hana · 11 months
Anti bi/pan lesbian arguments are so funny like "nooo you can't just use specific terms to describe yourself!!!! You are literally Hitler and this is literally the Anschluss!!!!"
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Why has mr rishi decided that peddling down into shits creek by denouncing transgender people is a good idea. Like who even put that idea in his head. They're not "bullying" you r prime minister sir they are just existing. Source: I have a trans parent who has not been bullying you but rather criticizing your policies. Because they are bad. Your policies are bad and you should feel ashamed of them. You have lied in front of the country and are now trying to distract your own voters by splurging about some random drabble that means nothing. HS2 is getting cancelled and new tech schools are planned whilst hospitals and old schools have failing concrete.
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xofemeraldstars · 6 months
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wow that's blue ⛄
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I’m getting confirmed tomorrow morning. How did that happen? I can’t believe how wildly I have changed in my year long process of RCIA. It is truly a miracle that I am here.
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Reminder because I've gotten coward anons in my inbox for the chacatcrer I portray Here.
This is all fiction, I've gotten people calling me disgusting for the chacatcrer i play here so reminder this is all fiction, I in no way support this shit irl. So not so kindly fuck off🥰
It literally says it right here in my introduction post.
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plainxte · 1 year
I am. So tired.
Who was it that said that the culture around us is so obsessed with narratives where things get better? Where you "win", where you "recover", and they all lived happily ever after...
It's pervasive. To the point where it's easier to avoid answering any questions about how you're doing. You know they're expecting to hear that you're "so much better already!" and don't want to deal with their disappointment. And you're disappointed yourself, too. There's no reason for me to be this tired. I was supposed to be okay by now...
And I'm. So. Tired. Tired and cold.
And I'm sure there was supposed to be a witty and pithy ending to this and I forgot what it was already.
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cryptablog · 2 years
Sometimes I have to remind myself of everything Mob psycho taught. How I am my own person, How I can make my life different in even the smallest of ways. How even when shit is at it's LOWEST I can still find the good in the world. It's hard but a great remind.
Anyway, It sucks out here. Will not be getting better anytime soon but thats okay. Tomorrows saturday and I get to see puss in boots!
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