everseens · 2 hours
"you’re all i need right now." for riku & freya 🤭🤭
answered here<3
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everseens · 2 hours
@iinvu sent the "you're all i need right now." prompt for riku & freya <3
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wasn't expecting to ever hear words like that come from someone, riku wasn't sure how to react at first. laid up in bed next to freya underneath her oddly comfortable sheets and comforter, he promised her he'd stay the night. "all you need?" he repeated, scooting a bit closer to her, laying on his side as he watched her intently. "i'm sure you'll get sick of me as soon as next morning-- but only after i make you my signature breakfast."
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everseens · 2 hours
"do you think they know?" for aj & hyeonsu 🤭🤭
answered here<3
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everseens · 2 hours
@iinvu sent the "do you think they know?" prompt for aj & hyeonsu <3
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"of course they don't, how would they?" but they regretted answering that quickly, because truthfully their mind was racing a million miles a minute when wondering if their coach was catching on to their attraction to each other. "we've been playing it cool all this time... mostly... so let's just... keep doing that, alright? don't panic too much otherwise i'll start panicking then it'll be really obvious."
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everseens · 3 hours
"would it kill you to hold my hand every now and then?" for divya & elio 🤭🤭
answered here<3
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everseens · 3 hours
@iinvu sent the "would it kill you to hold my hand every now and then?" prompt for divya & elio <3
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"elio..." she exhaled, knowing that this would turn into something bigger than it needed to be. "you know i'm just trying to be extra careful. it's too early for my dad to be finding out about ... any of this."
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everseens · 3 hours
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although he wasn't supposed to necessarily like her, the one thing he could appreciate coming from the other was their banter and back and forth. she never hesitated to match his level when it came to humor, and he had seen that nothing had changed. maybe there was a point to actually getting along with leah. sure, the arguing and debating was fun for a while, but they were growing up. maybe they just needed to set aside their differences. "we do, as much as it makes me cringe to say it." he joked, but playfully shivered at the idea. "i would probably be able to tolerate teaming up with you once more... that's a big maybe, if i can even survive through it."
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leah  chuckles  at  his  equally  playful  reply,  finding  the  moment  between  sworn  rivals  almost  whimsical.  “i’ve  got  no  idea  what  you’re  talking  about.  perhaps  you  dreamed  it.”  she  responds  with  feigned  denial,  laughter  filling  the  air  where  sarcasm  and  petty  bickering  usually  reign.  “thank  you  —  i’ll  never  let  you  live  this  down  either.”  she  adds,  a  playful  wink  accompanying  her  shoulder  nudging  against  his.  are  they  becoming  friends?  perhaps  this  is  part  of  growing  up,  realizing  that  holding  grudges  is  pointless  when  their  time  as  classmates  is  so  fleeting.  “i  guess  people  are  right  —  we  do  make  a  great  team.”  maybe  they’d  be  an  even  better  team  if  they  weren’t  always  at  each  other’s  throats.
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everseens · 3 hours
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he nodded his head, although not too much as he didn't want to make it seem that he was happy she was single. although, as much as he wanted to deny it, he was glad she was. maybe this coincidence would bring the two back together, someway and somehow. his thoughts and movements had completely paused once hearing leah's admittance, setting his drink now so his attention was fully on her. he wasn't sure how he was going to respond to this, but he was just going to let whatever was going on in his mind come out. "yeah... i often wonder the same thing." he wasn't sure how much or how little he should share, but tried to keep it vague for now until he had a clear indicator of why she was asking. "do you... regret making that decision? if you don't mind me asking."
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leah  smiles  bittersweetly  at  his  response,  recognising  his  intent  to  comfort  her  amid  the  swirling  emotions.  “maybe  it’s  better  off  this  way.”  so  far,  she’s  coped  with  being  single  again  quite  well,  yet  for  her  most  recent  ex,  it’s  a  different  story  altogether.  she  knows  it’s  unfair  to  accept  an  engagement  she  doesn’t  feel  compelled  to  embrace  wholeheartedly.  letting  the  silence  linger  between  them,  she  gathers  her  thoughts  and  courage,  her  heart  fluttering  anxiously  at  the  possibilities  brewing  within  her.  “sometimes,  i  still  wonder  if  we  could  have  worked  it  out  if  we  hadn’t  called  it  quits  so  soon.”  yet  he  knows  her  sentiment  about  wanting  to  keep  their  memories  untainted  by  misery,  having  witnessed  too  many  couples  fall  into  a  cycle  of  blame  when  faced  with  the  challenges  of  a  long-distance  relationship. it  might  not  look  ideal  in  retrospect,  but  it  appeared  to  her  as  the  best  decision  at  that  point  of  her  life.  
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everseens · 3 hours
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"and who told you that? the imaginary voices in your head?" she wasn't entertained by any of his words, wanting to get this dance over with as soon as she could. unlike the others, she could easily see through his good looks-- even if she did feel goosebumps just from the way his hand rested on her hips. she let one arm hang over his shoulder, rolling her eyes once realizing she'd probably have to give him his name. "orion. and yours again? is it... nick? god, i guess i forget." she was oozing with sarcasm when purposefully forgetting his name, it was the only name she had heard coming from others all evening.
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" mhmm ... i hear you think very highly of me. " it wasn't unusual that the girls he fucked knew what he was after but they seemed to enjoy it. hand moved to her hip, pulling the redhead with him towards the dance floor. " what's your name? after all, i want to know who's busting my balls. " he teased, letting his hues scan her face.
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everseens · 3 hours
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zoe could hear their heart beating at what seemed like a million beats per minute. as much as they attempted to stay calm, family dinners like this weren't her forte, not something she was used to. she looked up at him, trying to keep her cool but ultimately failing. "are you just saying that they already love me just to calm me down? i can take it if they don't like me, i swear..."
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" come on, relax ... " arm moved around her shoulders, pulling her into his side. " we're just gonna have dinner, it's gonna be fine. from what i've told them about you ... they already love you. " it was them, his parents and his older sister.
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everseens · 3 hours
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"two for the price of one, yet worth ten times more than just that." she said sweetly with a cheesy grin on their face to compliment him. zoe sometimes did wonder how life after tour would look like. zoe was booking enough venues now to afford a decent lifestyle without an extra job, but did that mean evan and zoe would have different schedules once life was back to normal? she didn't like thinking about it for too long, more so liked to go with the flow. zoe giggled quietly at his compliment, finally giving in. "alright, alright, i'll take the compliment-- but you're pretty close to being just as cool as me." her smile slowly faded for a moment at his mention of making their relationship work, knowing it would be hard but trying to keep hope alive for it. "yeah, and i'll do the same... i just know it'll be a lot harder going from seeing each other every day to significantly less often."
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" boy toy and every night stand ? you know i am here for good deals. two for the price of one if you will." he was thankful that it was zoe that he had met and bonded with, and now had a relationship with. she would be understanding of his work schedule when it came to the band. however he had hoped that their now relationship would continue to be strong when tour was over. once tour was over, he was back to bartending or bussing tables to support himself as timeless crash didn't have gigs too often outside their local venues. " you are cooler than me, z! don't you forget it. hell, santana has been saying for years how she's cooler than me and have not gave in to that so clearly it's a big deal that i say youre cooler than me." he chuckled. the male kissed zoe's lips once more. " me too. which is why im determined to make sure we work. facetime calls, zoom calls, whatever it may be when we are apart."
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everseens · 3 hours
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truthfully, although he didn't want to sound too cheesy so wouldn't admit it out loud, but he would've done anything to be here in this moment for her. it was something new they were both navigating, so they might as well do so together. "you'd never be forcing me to do anything, vera. would it be weird for me to say i've been missing you anyway? this gave me an excuse to come see you." he chuckled, still holding onto her hand in return. he nodded his head, beginning to make his way to the kitchen but letting her lead the way. "that sounds great-- a proper date, if you ask me. i'll help cut up the bread if you pour us the wine."
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when he stepped closer, she reached for his hand. " thank you. " it felt so much better knowing that she wasn't going through it all alone. " you sure? i don't want to force you to stick around ... " vera squeezed his hand, " do you want anything? i thought about ordering in but i don't think they would make it through the crowd outside. " a chuckle slip past her lips, it was kind of comical. " i have some bread, some tea, a bottle of red wine ... i feel like we can do something with that. "
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everseens · 3 hours
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even if seb could go back in time, he wouldn't change a thing he did. ultimately, he was protecting amelia and in his mind saw it as a good thing. he didn't regret a thing and ultimately was just glad that she was okay, even if that meant getting in trouble for it. he kept silent, as he understood that she could be upset at him. but the other part of him wanted to ask why she still felt bad for him but he was nothing but a shitty person in the first place. "you shouldn't feel bad for anyone like that, amelia. i know you have a soft spot for him and all but he's single and miserable now for a reason-- he deserves it."
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no, she couldn't blame him. that was her dilemma. she didn't like violence being used as a solution and wasn't prone to it herself, but damian got out of control when he drank. seb's reaction was out of line, but he was only trying to protect her. amelia's eyes moved to the ground as well for a silent moment. "i'm not angry at you. i thought i was at first, but now i'm realizing that i'm not. and thank you for standing up for me." sighing with a shake of her head, "it was stupid to get involved with damian in the first place. he's taking the break up really hard. which isn't an excuse for his behavior. guess sometimes i slip up and feel bad for him. old habits."
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everseens · 8 hours
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"so, what's your deal then?" she asked, raising a brow out of suspicion. "something you want from me or are you just missing my presence that badly? it's okay to be honest, i'd miss me too."
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“ wasn’t really intentional but good to know , that i can rattle you so easily . guess somethings will never change . ”
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everseens · 8 hours
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vivi wasn't sure how much longer they'd be able to go on before facing the fact that there was that said tension. the lingering gazes, prolonged touches between the two were enough for vivi to wonder if there was attraction there on top of a close friendship. her eyes locked on the screen, feeling his gaze on her but not daring to look in his direction. her cheeks only turned hotter once he called her out, staying silent and trying to ignore his words. as if it were even possible, the sudden grip at her thigh made her eyes widen at just the slightest, still trying not to look in his direction as her cheeks clearly turned a brighter shade of red. "no-- not at all. you're just seeing things, i think..." even though it was clear that wasn't the case.
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there was obvious tension between them; throughout their friendship, the tension was always there but as time went on, it was getting harder to deny it. the smirk prominent on his features as his attention was completely off the movie and now was on the femme that sat next to him. noticing how she was fumbling over her words simply played into his ego; obviously she was trying to hide it but it wasn't working out for her. "it's not that dark in here; your blush is quite visible." his tongue darted out to wet his dry lips as his hand moved to her thigh, lightly gripping the mass in his hand before asking, "does this make you blush?"
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everseens · 8 hours
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he was fully ready to throw a punch if he needed to, and although his bandmate had put up a bit of a fight at first, he eventually threw his hands up and backed off, eventually walking into the kitchen and scoffing names and curses under his breath. alexia finally had his attention again, now facing her as he let out a sigh, trying to catch his breath. "i'm sorry, lex, i just-- he's trouble." it wasn't his place to protect her, but he felt an odd need to do so.
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alexia tried to step away from the two guys, not wanting to get in the middle of them if they started to fist fight. "ryder it's okay." she tried to intervene but still kept her distance; she knew he was just trying to help but she didn't want the party to be ruined because of her. "ryder." she said his name once again to try and get his attention, reaching her hand out to wrap around his bicep. maybe it was the drinks in her system but she was loving every second of him acting like this.
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everseens · 10 hours
random (chaotic) dialogue starters.
* is that all you have to say?
* tell me you love me or something, don’t just stand there!
* are you out of your fucking mind?
* it’s truly a wonder that you’re still alive.
* that’s not my name.
* that’s not my name and you know it.
* how many fingers am i holding up?
* i swear, it’s my dog’s fault.
* are you really going in there?
* that’s how people get killed in horror movies, you know?
* if you die on me after everything i’ve done for you… i’ll never forgive you.
* how could i ever forgive you?
* sometimes, everything shifts in the snap of a finger.
* stop yelling at me or i’ll tell them!
* would it kill you to hold my hand every now and then?
* just squeeze my ass and tell me everything will be okay.
* you’re all i need right now.
* you’re finally here, so i can fucking sleep.
* i told you to turn your music down!
* you’re not my parent!
* i didn’t steal your boyfriend, he came with me willingly.
* it’s taking everything in me not to slap you in the face right now.
* you know, people can hear you.
* do you ever think before you speak? you should try it.
* i’ll change your life, if you let me.
* will you go buy me tampons or not?
* please, close the door on your way out.
* keep your hands to yourself.
* what do you think they were thinking about? you know, when they died?
* do you think they know?
* it’s not my fault, it’s 4am and you’re fucking yelling at me!
* you’re a shit friend.
* you’re my best friend.
* you’re my only friend.
* i hope hell is nice and warm when we get there.
* tell me the truth, at least once.
* did you really cheat?
* i don’t wanna know the details.
* can i have some?
* i would kill for a nice glass of wine right now.
* you brought a knife to a gun fight, baby.
* you’re so stupid it kinda turns me on.
* i want you to meet my parents.
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