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love is a kaleidoscope .
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everseens · 20 hours ago
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on one hand, andres should've been strict and cut her out from his life, especially because he wanted nothing to do with his ex. but on the other hand, a part of him just didn't want to let go of what he had with marion-- it felt almost too special, and he didn't want to start over with anyone new. hearing her question, he paused for a moment to think it through. "you know i care about you a lot, marion... it's been a while since i've felt this way for anyone. i just... god, my head's all over the place."
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she didn't know what to say, it was a fucking mess but they needed to decide what they wanted to do about it. from his reaction she could tell that she shouldn't keep any hopes up. " no, i haven't told her ... " when marion found out she kept it to herself until she thought it through. " i thought it was better that you and me talked about it first. " — " so ... is this it? between us? " femme knew what he thought about his ex so she couldn't blame him for questioning her motives.
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everseens · 21 hours ago
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ruby knew the industry well enough, she had to with her job-- but she was more behind the scenes than jaehyun was, and she preferred it that way. a reason why she was so weary about dating him in the first place was for this exact reason; although it pained her to see him with someone else, even if it wasn't real, she had to remind herself that it would be worth it in the end as long as they got to be together. sighing softly, she was silent for a moment, playing with her hands before finally looking back up at him. "i know i shouldn't be that upset about it, and i know it's not real-- but i feel an insane amount of confusion and jealousy whenever i see you two all over the tabloids. it's like my brain keeps trying to tell me i should be upset about it."
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"i'm really sorry about it — but it's just part of the job." jaehyun says, wearily. the pr relationship forced upon him by his agency is exhausting, but he's lived long enough to know that many pretty faces come and go in this industry, and the only way to stay afloat is by being on good terms with the people he works for. there are sacrifices to be made, even if it means costing his own personal relationships. "it won't even last that long... and everyone will forget about it hours after the 'break-up' happened." / @everseens
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everseens · 21 hours ago
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he scoffed suddenly, paused as if he hadn't heard her right. there was a long moment of silence, as if andres was attempting to process what his wife had just said. andres knew he had fucked up, but she was that willing to just let go of everything they had? "we're-- what?" he paused for a bit more before finally sighing, dropping his head. "so, that's it then? you just wanna give up?"
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"i don't think you understand," wren laughs bitterly, but the depth of her heartache tints her voice. "i meant it's over. as in we're getting a divorce." she is done trying to salvage the ruins of their relationship, when she's not even the one who acted against the vows they made each other so long ago. how foolish of her to think that she has found the love of her life and this could be it for them. / @everseens
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everseens · 22 hours ago
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everseens · 22 hours ago
this was everything and more greer could've imagined, found himself thinking it about it more often than not. now, vera had him all to himself and he didn't have to worry about if others were watching or focusing on filming-- it was just them, and he wanted her to know how badly he needed her. he began to pick up the pace, letting his hips ram into her some more and wanting to feel himself deep inside of her. once she announced that she was close, he let his lips travel down her collarbone to leave even more. "cum for me, vera... i'm getting close too; tell me where you want it."
he was perfect — perfect for her. loud moan escaped between her lips when he stretched out her core so good. " oh my god ... " manicured digits clawed at his back at the overwhelming feelings of pleasure. head was thrown back as he nipped at her sensitive skin, " it feels so good greer ... " breathy words escaping between her lips. " faster ... i'm gonna cum. " with every thrust he pushed up against her sweet spot almost making her cry out in pleasure. the feeling of him filling her out to the max was enough to make her insides go crazy.
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everseens · 2 days ago
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Strange Darling (2023) dir. JT Mollner
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everseens · 3 days ago
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+ 4 avatars d'Hannah Dodd
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everseens · 3 days ago
randos spam liking my posts again. need y’all to read my rules for the love of god. 😭
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everseens · 4 days ago
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"oh, bullshit--" she tried to cut him off, shaking her head. "gave up on you? you were being a total ass, excuse me for not wanting to be with someone who was being a horrible boyfriend," she was in disbelief, but mostly disbelief that deep down she still wanted him. "of course that's the first thing on your mind-- it always has been, hasn't it?"
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"no, we're not together anyone because you gave up on me, doesn't mean that you ever stopped loving me," maybe uttering these words out loud was wrong, trying to sway her towards his presence even though she's with anyone. not really caring about anyone else -- matter in fact, he'd punch her current partner right now. "i am trying to fuck you, that's the problem here."
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everseens · 4 days ago
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he clinked his glass with hers with a smirk on his face, eyes locked on her as she spoke. bianca had a point, and he sat back in thought for a moment. "how about you just say you've lost the challenge and we can stop drinking, hm? i'm too competitive."
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lips curves upwards seeing that he was just as stubborn as she was -- but two could definitely play at that game. inching closer towards him, she lifts up her glass and clinks it with his. "well, baby -- i'm not concerned if you'll be the happiest man alive; matter in fact all this alcohol might be causing liver failure. wouldn't you rather just be happy vibing instead of puking in the toilet?"
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everseens · 4 days ago
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dante didn't mind stepping down, but the stranger was still arguing and he had time, so he was okay with entertaining it still. hearing her question, he scoffed, unaffected by her words. "well, if you would ask literally anyone else you could say they did have a good first impression... maybe you're just not open-minded or you're trying to prove a point here or something. like i said, i don't need your words of affirmation. told you i think you're hot, and that's that. i'll recognize a pretty face when i see one."
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it was clear that their two strong personalities causes them to bud heads -- something about the way he carries himself annoyed her, reminded her of one too many exes. "aren't you supposed to make a good first impression when you want someone to be interested in you?" brow rises as scoff escapes her lips, holding back laughter. "great because you sure as hell won't get it from me."
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everseens · 4 days ago
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chaya somewhat felt bad for making camden stay out so late especially after a shift, but she would make sure it was well worth it-- wanted to make it fun and enjoyable for the both, and it seemed that he wasn't having a horrible time so far. she rolled her eyes as he put his order in for her and after his sly comment, shaking her head. "what, you think i'm boring or something? do i look boring to you, baby?"
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camden typically wasn't one to go out after his shifts, especially when it was so late when he could finally shut everything down -- but something about the female made it impossible for him to say no to. and what better way than to bring her someone that's less crowded -- a chill evening in the place where bartenders tend to go after their shifts to wind down after a long day. "let's see if you're even interesting enough for me to keep around," he playfully jokes, guiding her towards the bar greeting the familiar face, putting in his order and the drink that she ordered for herself earlier.
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everseens · 4 days ago
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he shrugged slightly, trying to keep his cards close to his chest but continuing his flirtatious act anyway. "well, what if i want to be trapped under that spell of yours? doesn't sound like a terrible way to end the night," he shrugged with a chuckle, bumping his shoulder back against hers. the two connected so well, and this was still the yazmin he had remembered even from years prior.
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"and what would i be risking flirting with you? if anything, you'd be the one risking someone by flirting back, don't think i won't have you trapped under my spell again with just a flutter of my eyes," yazmin playfully teases, bumping her shoulder into his. it was like she naturally gravitates towards him, still finding it impossible how they ran into one another again.
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everseens · 4 days ago
jax had been in her life now for a while, but it was mostly because he was best friends with the man she was with. although she couldn't help but look at him in a different light, daydream about him sometimes even when she was missing that extra attention from the man she was supposed to love. the way he bundled her hair up in a fist practically made her melt for him, she hadn't been touched like this in ages. he was right, she was soaked for him, it had been so long... she needed to taste him. "you'll just have to wait and see how wet i am," she responded with a smirk, only to begin begging. "show me-- please, i can take it all."
since the moment his eyes landed upon her, he knew he had to have her in some way -- only his best friend swooped in instead; doesn't understand how he could win over her heart. she was someone who deserved to be cherished; not chopped up left overs. jax was definitely gonna go all out, show her exactly what she's missing. breath falls as he tugs down his boxers, cock instantly springing out. "fuck, don't tease me like that. . . " he chuckles lightly, digits moving to bundle her hair up in a fist. "bet you're already wet as hell and i haven't even shown you just how good i could fit inside your mouth yet."
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everseens · 4 days ago
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maybe james had realized that he fucked up, and truly-- not just saying it but showing so with his actions. she was trying to be open, but she was still deeply hurt by the way things ended between the two. hearing his question, she raised a brow. "no... you know me, i love a good thrill. but now this has got me questioning what the hell you've got planned for us..."
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he's grateful that she's willing to give him the time after how wrong he did her; truly didn't understand how shitty of a person he was until he was left with the ghost of her. james realize that life wasn't worth living if he didn't have that special someone to share it with. "it's kinda a crazy surprise. . . are you scared of heights?" he asks, nose crinkling hoping that she wouldn't be or else he might have to change plans last minute.
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everseens · 4 days ago
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he liked that brinley was challenging him in return, smirking once more with his brow still raised. "alright, just don't forget," he instructed her with a chuckle. her words were reassuring, playfully letting out a deep sigh of relief. "good, 'cause i probably would've folded if you said that hot pink was your favorite color. my weakness, unfortunately, are pretty girls like yourself."
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there was satisfaction across her features, for once in that night she caught him off guard and it felt nice. her own brow quirks as she eyes him up and down, "i don't know -- we might have to put that to the test, but like you said we can table that for another time." surely, one flip and trick would have him hypnotized. laughter falls from her lips, "well lucky for you, i hate hot pink and my favorite color happens to be red and i also so happen to look amazing in that color."
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everseens · 4 days ago
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she nodded her head in response to his question without much follow up, just wanting to get out so she could get home and out of this uncomfortable dress. once they made their way into the car and she was comfortable, hearing his question she sighed. "i mean, we're here, let's just talk about it now-- that is, if there is anything left to talk about. you've made it clear that you're not enjoying this, that you don't really want anything to do with me and that's okay. we can just... i dunno. we can either find a way to make this work or end it."
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kai made sure to get enough in his system, yet he wasn't fully drunk. making his rounds, but also keeping a close eye upon his supposed girlfriend. arm moves arounds her waist, "you okay?" he mutters softly before moving to head out the door. his driver was already pulled up front awaiting for them. opening the door, he made sure she was in first before sliding in himself. closing the window between the driver and them as hues darts over towards her. "so, are we going to talk shit out now or are you going to wait until we get back to my place?"
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