#Raiden x reader angst
icycoldninja · 5 months
hello!!! mgs4 raiden requester back!! <3
i was wondering if you could do any angst (to maybe nsfw if it fits) around a fem reader & raiden, reuniting again after they lost contact after the events of mgs2. potentially working with the cybernetic/scientist reader again seeing how their work was used by the patriots to experiment on raiden and turn him into what we know in mgs4
take your time!! i genuinely love reading your stuff even if im not into/played the same media <3
Thank you! That makes me so happy to hear 💜 I hope you enjoy, and have a great day.
What have they done to you (MGS4! Raiden x Fem!Cyberneticist!Reader angst)
"Doctor Y/N," A guard said, striding into your laboratory and over to the desk you were seated at. "There's a visitor come to see you."
Groaning softly, you reached up and massaged your eyes, which felt heavier and more fatigued than they should have been. Ever since yo learned your boyfriend Raiden had been captured by the Patriots, you had gotten very little sleep.
"Who is it?" You drawled, too tired to meet the guard's eyes.
"A cyborg," The guard responded, sounding somewhat worried. "He won't give his name."
"A cyborg?" You repeated, rising from your seat in awe. "Where is he from? Not the Patriots, I hope."
"I'm not sure," Replied the guard. "He bears no identification, and as I said before, refuses to give his name."
Several thoughts traveled through your mind. This could be a trap; the cyborg could be an assassin sent to off you, or he could be someone willing to contribute to your research. If this was the case, you couldn't let such a glorious opportunity slip by.
"Send him in."
The guard nodded and ducked out of the room. Seconds later, the door opened again, and a lean man in a black cloak strode into the room. The lower half of his face was almost entirely encased in metal, but his eyes were so familiar. So, so familiar. You knew those blue eyes; you recognized the dormant sadness hidden deep within them. You were sure you knew who this person was, but for some unexplainable reason, you still felt the need to ask. After all, it had been so long since you'd seen them--and the Patriots were know for deception--why should you believe he'd returned to you now?
"Who...who are you?" You inquired, nervously. The cyborg stared blankly at you, as if he hadn't heard your question. A few moments later, he opened his metal mouth and spoke.
"You don't recognize me?"
"No...I...I do," You mumbled, clasping your hands together. "I just...can't believe it's really you..." The cyborg nodded, continuing to stare ahead with that blank, almost dead-looking expression. You tried your best to meet his gaze, but it was so intense, so unsettling, you couldn't keep it up for long. Averting your eyes in both fear and shame, you let out a sigh.
"Raiden, what have they done to you?"
Raiden did not respond. He just kept his bluish-gray eyes fixated on you like a laser beam. You didn't know what to do now; you had nothing to say. The pain on Raiden's face told you everything you needed to know--that he was hurting, that he was afraid, and that he needed someone to lean on.
Almost automatically, you started edging closer and closer to him, your arms reaching out to wrap around his shoulders. You wanted to hug him, and he clearly needed a hug, but for some reason, he backed away.
"Don't touch me." He said, coldly.
"Why, what did I do?" You asked, voice quavering.
"It was your tech that they used. Your inventions," Raiden explained. It took you a minute to realize he was referring to your work regarding cyborg enhancements, though you had no idea how the Patriots managed to get their hands on it.
"How...?" You whispered, in unbelief. "How did they...?"
"They captured other cyborgs, ones you upgraded," Raiden continued, still staring ahead with that blank expression. "Then they broke 'em apart, dissected every joint, and figured out how to make the parts themselves."
"Oh my God...Raiden..." You were too stunned to form a coherent sentence. Your hard work, your research, your ingenuity, had been stolen by evil people and user to forcibly modify your entire reason for doing all this. The shock was too much; it made your head spin and you knees weak. You sank into a nearby chair, your head in your hands.
"The excision was very painful." Raiden announced, adding to your distress.
"My God...what have I done?" You muttered, too ashamed of yourself to so much as look through man in the eye. "What have I done? What have I done?"
Eventually you pulled yourself together, straightened up, and sighed.
"I'm sorry, Raiden," You told him, tears streaming down your face. "I'm so...so...sorry...I never wanted this to happen, ever...I...I only became a cyberneticist so I could do good and make contributions, not for this..."
For a moment, Raiden's stony expression melted into one of genuine sorrow. It seemed that if he had tear ducts left, he would be crying. You never wanted to hold him so badly in your life.
Completely disregarding what he said earlier, you ran forwards and threw your arms around his neck, sobbing and squeezing him as tightly as you could. You didn't care that his metal body was ice cold, and that the various ridges and spikes on his skeleton poked and prodded your sides. You just wanted to embrace him and let him know you still loved him no matter what, and that nothing could change that.
"I love you, Raiden," You kept repeating, clinging onto him and refusing to let go. "I love you so, so much."
It took him several moments, but Raiden eventually snaked his arms around your waist and held you close with enthusiasm double that of yours.
"I...I...love you too..."
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harmonysanreads · 30 days
I know we knew a gist of this from Fontaine's aq but hearing it being confirmed clearly... :3
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sorrowfulmuse · 1 year
Hello! I thought that Liu Kang headcannon was adorable <3 Would it be possible to request a blurb of MK1 x mother-nature type reader who’s a gentle soul? They’re overall just calming to be around and always taking care of things, even when they don’t need to. You can use whoever fits.
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♡:: hiii babe! ty for requesting! i may be slow but i’m not sure what a blurb is 😭 im hoping this format will be okay? i wanna try to add many characters here! btw do you guys have any good ideas for a new username?? i need one, i made this user when i was obsessed with spider-man 😩😩
♡:: warnings/mentions: a little angst (?)
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✧ completely in awe of you! in their eyes, there isn’t a single person that can compare to you. seeing the way you handle things so gracefully and tend to anything out of your control to make peace is refreshing to see, considering they are in a world where violence is key to maintain peace between realms. the way it comes so naturally to you to take care of them is so nurturing. you are the light in a endless void, losing you means they lost that little bit of peace in their hearts in a world full of chaos:
liu kang, smoke, reptile, mileena, kitana & raiden
✧ these characters would want you to be a little more stern to people when needed! having your kind nature around is nice to see for a change but they don’t want you to be taken for granted for your kindness. they don’t wanna disturb your calm demeanor with their said feelings especially when you have good intentions behind them. although your calmness and compassion is what draws them to you. which is something they admire about you deeply but would never admit this to you specifically:
sub zero, scorpion, johnny cage, kenshi, tanya & kung lao
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themissinghand · 5 months
Genshin Impact: The Overworked God [2]
Part 1
Summary: In which one of the lore writers who help write the world of Genshin Impact was suddenly thrusted in the very world they created. 
Well, testing characters is one thing, but playing God, and raising 7 children at a time? 
Oh boy. He just wants to go home and sleep.
Note: Finally back from break!
Part 2 of the Overworked God! Creator! Male OC!
What if we had a smarter Creator that never forgot his initial wish of going home?
Warning: Genshin and SAGAU themes, some OOC and angst.
Tempus, or Kai has been in the world of Genshin Impact for a very long time, since its creation where it was just him and Celestia. 
He struck a deal with Celestia, promising to be the Creator and consequently the God of Time to help create Teyvat, but on his own terms. Doing what he can to save his creations from unnecessary pain and suffering. 
So, he’s still overworked, stressed and sleepy all the time, especially now that he has to take care of 7 children too.  
But finally…today is the day he could finally go home. 
Home sounds foreign to him, after all, he spent more years in Teyvat than on Earth, but he has never given up on returning after fulfilling his duty as the Creator. 
It’s going to be a difficult announcement to make, considering how attached his children could be, but perhaps, he could twist the narrative just a bit to appease them.
“Tempus!” Speaking of, two bundles of mass hopped towards him as usual, and he caught them with both arms as if it was a routine. He stumbles a bit, sighs, but pats them on the head. 
“It’s been so long since you visited Monstadt! I missed you~” Venti hugged his waist as he peaked up with puppy eyes. Before Kai could respond, Furina beat him to it. 
“It’s because he likes Fontaine better! He’s been in my country the longest!” Furina quipped back with a proud expression on her face. 
“That’s because you suck at ruling your country!” 
“Says you, Mr. Drunkard Bard!” 
At least they both have trustworthy people like Neuvillette and Jean to take care of their country…
“That’s enough, you two.” A spark of lightning scared the two to cling onto Tempus even more, but Ei easily picked the two off. 
Ah, one of the more responsible leaders…
“Please ignore these two, Tempus.” Ei says stoically, as she sends a deadly glare that shuts the two up. 
“It’s fine.” Tempus greets every single Archon with a nod, before taking a seat at the head of the table, his expression showing his tiredness despite the light-hearted banter that usually happens during these meetings.
“Have a seat everyone.” All the Archons did a curt bow before taking their respective seats. 
Materializing snacks resembling that of an English afternoon teatime, he smiled when even the stoic Tsaritsa seemed to enjoy his food. 
It’s a shame though, this will be his last time. 
“Tempus.” He turned to the Tsaritsa, who seemed to notice his distress.
“I’m fine.” He brushed it away, before he felt a cold hand on his. 
“Let us know if anything is bothering you.” Zhongli added on, and Tempus shook his head. 
His children could handle Teyvat without him, what else would he be worried about? 
“Tempus, are your worries the reason why did you call us all today?” Sharp as always, Nahida asks, gaining everyone’s attention all at once. 
In the end…Rukkhadevata chose her fate. There are things that could not be changed…
“Yes.” Feeling everyone’s eyes on him, he felt even more estranged. 
"As you know, I've overseen Teyvat, guided you all, and tried to make amends for the mistakes of the past," Tempus continued. 
“After much thought, I believe it’s time for me to rest.” 
Multiple teacups fell onto the table with a loud thud. With a wave of his hand, the spilled tea disappeared. 
“T-Tempus! What, what do you mean?” Murata stood up abruptly, knocking over a flower vase, which Tempus easily dissolved to nothing. 
“Tempus, how could you abandon us!” 
“Calm down.” But it seems to have no effect, instead, he felt the cold hand squeeze his own, sending a shiver down his spine. 
“Tempus, you belong to us.”
“As I’ve said, I will be going into deep slumber-” Suddenly, many eyes shot towards the Bard who looked very pale. 
“-to take a break.” A teacup shattered, but Tempus paid no mind to it. 
“My decision is final, and I hope you can take care of Teyvat while I rest.” For eternity. 
“Tempus.” Scoring golden eyes burned into Kai’s soul, and he forced himself to remain neutral as he stared at Zhongli-Morax. 
“Please stay. I’m begging you, please, Your Eminence. Please don’t leave us.” 
"But what of Teyvat? You've become integral to the stability and well-being of this world, and us." There were many nods that followed. 
“We need you.”
There was desperation in his voice, and while it did hurt Tempus to leave them, he doubted he could stay any longer knowing that he could finally leave. 
“All of you are strong and are capable enough to rule your countries, which I am very proud of. Teyvat will be in good hands." Some Archons smiled briefly, but it was short lived. 
"Which is why it's time for me to step aside and take a break."
They had grown accustomed to Tempus's guidance, his wisdom, and his tireless efforts to steer them towards a better path, so for them to lose his support is like fighting without a weapon. 
“W-Where, will you be resting? In Temporium?” Furina’s shaky voice filled the silent room. 
“Stay here, the Fortress of Meropide will keep you safe. Fontaine and I will keep you safe.”
“For how long?” Venti asked, anxiety in his voice. 
“I’ll find you, I’ll find you no matter where you run.” 
“I do not know, for as long as my body needs.” Their faces became pale at thinking of the possibility of not seeing Tempus again. 
With a sigh, he stood up, making others rush to stand too. 
“Come here, each one of you.” In an instant, they rushed over and Tempus pulled them one by one into a hug. While he made himself tall and muscular, he felt small in the group hug that lasted an incredibly long time. 
He felt arms around his waist, chest, arms and back, being hugged by 7 people at once was somewhat suffocating. 
“You all will do great. I will miss you all.” This was not a lie. 
“Time flows like water, and perhaps I will wake sooner than you all expect.” This was a lie. 
Tempus heard sniffles, and felt hands grabbing his robes and weaving through his long hair. 
“Tempus…do you have to leave us?” Nahida asked, tugging his heart strings as he saw such a wise person tear up. 
Did she read my thoughts? 
Tempus got rid of that idea as he forbade her from doing so, and with his current power alongside Celestia’s authority, she should be blocked from doing such a thing. 
“I am not leaving, Nahida. I am merely resting.” 
Finally, with some coaxing, he managed to peel them off one by one. 
“I leave Teyvat in your hands.” 
With that, Tempus bid farewell to the Archons and quickly prepared to depart from Celestia. The longer he stayed, the more unbearable this would become. 
However, once he left, the atmosphere shifted once more. The Archons, loyal to their Creator beyond measure, exchanged anxious glances, and a heavy silence settled over the chamber.
“Tempus lied.” Nahida said, as tears rolled down her cheeks. 
“Nahida?” All of the Archons felt their heart drop at her words. 
“He may be resting in Temporium, but there’s more to it. I can’t read his mind completely, but…he’s going to leave us if we let him go.” 
“What are we waiting for then?” Suddenly, the atmosphere turned cold. The Tsaritsa stepped forward with her Ice scepter, Permafrost. Like many other Archon’s weapons, they were gifted to them by the Creator himself.
“If Buer’s words are true, then while his body remains in Temporium, his soul is elsewhere.” 
The Archons soon came to a consensus. 
“We cannot let him go into slumber.” 
Or they will lose him completely.
[Are you ready, dear Creator?] 
Tempus laid in his resting chamber on the edges of Temporium, in a makeshift mountain. He created this place in secret, so no one else by him knows. 
He felt bad for his kingdom, as he told the royal family that he will be gone doing his Godly duties for a long time, but never informed how long. 
Regardless, they should be able to live without a god, considering the technology and time Tempus gave them. 
As he lay in his comfortable bed with minimal decorations or other items, he shut his eyes and reminisced about the past. 
Although it was a very long time, he was never really alone. 
But he has seen much more than a normal human on Earth, from war to life and death, to the repetitions of stories by going back in time many times to fix his mistakes. 
“Stop him! He’s going back in time!” 
Truly, it takes a mental toll on his mind. He can’t let his emotions take over, otherwise, he would have to redo everything again. 
[Thank you for your work, dear Creator]
[Just make sure you fulfill your side of the deal]
[Of course]
When he shut his eyes, he felt safe, comfortable and oddly relieved, relieved of his duties at last. 
His eyes snapped open and saw his chamber shake with vigor. All of his protective mechanisms activate, indeed, he prepared for this.
Voices slowly became louder and the earth seemed to roar. 
How did they find him? Was it Buer? It must've been.
There was desperation in their voices, and Kai assumed that they seemed to have figured something out. 
Perhaps honesty was better, but in the end, this was always the outcome. 
Yes, Tempus already knew that no matter what he did, the Archons would rebel, would seek him out.
Even if the walls seem to crumble, it did not affect Kai’s chamber, after all, it was sealed and protected with his powers.
But perhaps with a bit more persistence, they would soon destroy the mountain all together, leaving him and his chamber exposed. But, Tempus was not worried, after all, he had prepared for this moment too long ago. 
[Farewell, dear Creator] 
Suddenly, he felt a bright light engulf him as he felt incredibly sleepy. 
Through his blurred vision, he could see the stormy skies, and all seven Archons rushing towards him. 
“You can’t leave us, Tempus!” 
Seeing them in their prime, in their Archon outfits was a little nostalgic. 
Hearing a crack in his chamber’s shield was somewhat surprising, but also, incredible. His children have grown up well. 
With a fleeting smile, Tempus bids farewell to his second home. 
His eyes close, just as the light takes him whole. 
Morax and Murata pierced through the tough protective layers desperately, and Ei and Venti whiz past them to reach their Creator. 
But, they were too late. 
“No, Tempus is…he’s-” Barbados was crying as he held Tempus’s hand. 
“Kai! Kai!” Furina bawled her eyes out, calling his real name repeatedly as if it would bring him back. 
But he won’t come back. 
Bal held his body as she froze in shock (in regret), as if she was reminded of her past. 
“Tempus, you’re cruel.” Buer, the one who got them so far and so close but not enough. She knelt down beside him and cried while pressing his hand into her face. 
“You’ve left us with death, not slumber. You lied, you lied!” 
It was like they lost a part of themselves. 
After all, Tempus was there whenever they needed guidance, he sacrificed his own personal time to make sure they were alright. 
“K-Kai…” Morax stumbled towards the still body that used to be his friend, mentor, benefactor, love, and everything. 
Even in death, he was still so beautiful, kind and holy. 
Tempus was their everything. 
The Tsaritsa dragged herself towards Tempus with her scepter. She was known to not show her emotions, even when Tempus encouraged her to do so to stay emotionally healthy. He was the only one that saw her vulnerable side, and knew who she really was, and never judged her for it. 
“Tempus. How dare you…abandon us like this?” She stood by Tempus’s feet and her eyes did not leave his body at all. 
While others wept, her tears were turned into weapons. 
Murata stood by her with the same dark, solemn expression. 
It’s not fair. 
How could he treat them like his everything, and then leave them so abruptly? 
If only he could open his eyes again and say it was nothing but a terrible joke. 
But Tempus is gone, leaving his lifeless body as his final memory and gift. 
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tabbiwritesgenshin · 2 years
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failing light | various
synopsis: how would they act when you die
genre: angst
word count: 1,119
a/n: I don't have anything interesting to say but can I add how baffling it is the support my previous post got? like damn, i went from 20 notes to 253. tysm y'all omg
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Collei wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, to yell, her whole world had crumbled in only a few glances, yet she couldn’t. She was struck with both fear and shock, you were her most beloved person in the entirety of Teyvat, you were the only person who had shown her any love in a long while and now..you were just..dead. She could only stare at your body for what felt like hours until she eventually lost consciousness.
Eula clutched your body with all she had, she had to make sure your last moments were ones of peace. She tried her best to contain herself, to ignore her tears, to do everything she could to look strong for you, yet, she couldn’t. She was left as a crying mess as the concept of losing the only person who loved her dawned on her mind. 
Again she had lost, again Ei had weeped, again was someone else taken from her, again, she felt hopeless, like she had lost everything she held dear. She wanted to move on, she wished to maintain strong, that’s what you desired, that’s what she promised to you..yet she couldn’t. The pain was too much, the grief overtook her. Again would she retire to her Plane of Euthymia, again would she abandon everyone, again would she despise herself.
Ganyu was afraid, she was scared, terrified of the idea of losing you. She tried everything she could yet nothing worked. The half-Qilin tried every bit of knowledge she had on medicine to try to save you, even those used only by the Adepti, if she could, she’d even give out her life for you. Perhaps it was due to the panic of losing someone again, but during her numerous attempts to extend your life, she hadn’t accepted the fact that you were truly gone.
Kujou Sara was unfortunately experienced in the concept of loss and death so when you approached her with heavy battle wounds, she knew better than to panic. Her pain and grief were incomparable to whatever suffering she had seen before in her life, yet, she kept strong. She didn’t want you to pass in fear or sadness. The moment you died it shattered whatever facade was left in her. She collapsed onto the floor, still clutching your cold body. The mighty Tengu general of the Shogunate was lost..truly destroyed.
The skies were split and thunder roared as The Raiden Shogun weeped to your lifeless body. All semblance of hope..all happiness which she had ever felt in her life vanished as her eyes gazed at the ones which had given her so much with so little in return. No longer would the Shogun hold back against humanity, she would make all who dared harm her beloved pay, none shall be spared. All will suffer for the sake of eternity so no one she held dear would fear again.
Rosaria always acted like she didn’t care, Rosaria always acted like nothing mattered to her, even when she had someone to love, someone who loved her, she still acted with this cold exterior, yet, when she was faced with the news that the most significant person in her life had died every facade she had, every coldness in her heart, they were crushed as a sense of hopelessness would crush her like a boulder. Never again would that be a facade, after you had died, after she was left alone once more, that coldness overtook her heart and no amount of warmth could heat it ever again.
The Anemo Archon Venti would hold you on his lap as you slowly passed away, even in your last moments, his love was there to comfort you. Even after you were gone, he would not leave this position, even when you were buried, even when everyone thought you had died alone, even when everyone thought you two hadn’t even spoken to eachother, he would always be present in the place of your passing. Every night, every month, every year, he would sit there for hours at a time, drinking away as he talked to himself in only praises of yourself.
The Wanderer felt different, he was the creation of a god, mortals were below him, none were equal to him, he was above every single one of those worms, yet, there was one of those so called “worms” that for a single moment, for a brief second, could make him believe he was only a human, that he could feel happy, he could feel everything those he called below him could feel. There was only one person who could make him happy, only one person who could help him forget about his betrayals yet even them suffered, even them were hunted down due to his past, even them suffered because of him. Some would say, that the Wanderer, after so long, would return to who he was, even for a single minute, would enjoy murder once more.
He knew it would happen, a karmic debt was placed on Xiao a long time ago, he knew it, he knew that those around him would suffer because of it, but even then, the mighty conqueror of demons could also fall prey to the enticing and intoxicating love he used to think he was undeserving of. His more rational side was prepared for such an occurrence, of losing his most loved one yet deep down, he knew he wasn’t, he knew the moment you were at the brink of death, he would sacrifice his own to keep you safe..but he was too late, you were dead before he could heal you, before he could save you. Never before had the Yaksha felt such deep hatred, such unfeeling rage, so much was it that when he was done with his vengeance, when he had bathed in blood in the name of love, he felt nothing but a consuming sense of hollowness.
Zhongli grasped your hand with all the softness and grace he could have. He had a rather long talk with you, reminiscing about the fond times you two had, the love you shared, the pain and the happiness you had shared. He knew it would come to this, he knew that this would happen eventually. You were a mortal, a mere human, he was an archon, a god. Once you were gone, once time finally caught up with you, he couldn’t help but to shed a tear. Once again, none who would share his memories, once again, another loved one had been hit with time. Some could say that from that day, the enigmatic consultant of the Wangsheng funeral parlor seemed more distant, more cold, even.
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santsukii · 3 months
ᯓ✿ but you’re not mine
ˋ°•*⁀➷ ei and miko (separately) falling for you while you’re dating the other
ˋ°•*⁀➷ raiden ei, yae miko x gn! reader (separate)
₊˚ angst!! unrequited love, no poly eimiko in this one that’ll be a different fic
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the electro archon’s knowledge that you were dating her best friend and the only person who truly understood her would destroy her from the inside out. though her puppet gave a look of indifference, the deity residing within said puppet was anything but. if she could even begin to live up to her citizens’ expectations of her, then would you love her the way you loved the kitsune? ei knew she shouldn’t be so jealous of her only true friend, but she would give the whole world to be the one holding your hand, kissing you, taking you on dates, sharing her snacks with you. having you be just out of her reach was somehow astronomically more painful than the idea of never having met you at all.
the goddess of electro’s love for you was similar to the ideal she ruled over, eternal. the day she finally worked up the courage to confess to you despite your feelings for someone else, a thunderstorm raged outside to signal her inner turmoil. in her artificial throat remained the words she had wished to say to you, but went silent the second they tried to leave her mouth. a love language of averted eyes and avoidance had become the status quo between you and ei, rather unfortunately. if she could tell you how she felt, would you truly understand the weight of the words and what they meant?
for the sake of conversation, could she read your body language? it’s ultimately the best she’d ever get when it comes to you, so it’s best for ei to simply let go and watch you drift away from her. as painful as it would be, it would be for the best. her feelings for you would never truly fade as time went by, the sting of her unrequited love seemed to only grow. loving you from the sidelines had become ei’s unfortunate fate, always making herself cry when she thought about it at the wrong times. she would love you endlessly for the rest of her time living, just say it’s over and let her turn off her feelings and retreat back into her meditation.
in her own time, ei would stop taking control of her puppet so often when you were around. those sparkling purple eyes were replaced with something lifeless and pained indifference towards you.
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to embrace someone’s drifting heart and force herself to smile would always be difficult to the kitsune. hiding her love for you behind a flirty and caring mask, how long would it be before she cracked and forced herself to simply say she loved you despite your dating the electro archon. she knew she wasn’t much more than a subordinate of said archon and the holder of the gnosis, but that love for you refused to go away. miko often found herself forcing the feelings down just before she said something that would even hint ever so slightly at her love for you. with that heart of hers that seemed on the verge of just breaking from the sting of seeing you with ei, avoidance was the best she could do. the day she met you, she became dizzy and frozen and simply held her breath before she said something that would ultimately embarrass her.
oh how miko wished it was her, why were you even with ei when the guuji-sama was right there? she was a better match for you than the electro archon anyway, that much was obvious. even then, it was just a useless fantasy she couldn’t help but hold onto out of a pained desperation that you would be hers one day. she could treat you so much better than a puppet whose master was barely ever present anyway, right? every night, miko is the one you’d be talking to you until you fall asleep, shopping with you and buying your favorite foods just to see that beautiful smile grace your adorable face again. as long as you were happy, she supposed she could find a way to move one eventually. your happiness and satisfaction were always exponentially more important in the eyes of the kitsune. sure, it would be nice if you could just love someone who was more than willing to sweep you off your feet with her naturally flirty personality. alas, it just wasn’t the right time. you clearly loved ei, so there was just nothing she could do.
watching helplessly from the side as you seemed to love ei more and more as the days went by, that was the life miko was relegated to. how could she truly grow to adore the world around her when it all seemed to remind her of you? the least she could do in this situation is bottle up those overly convoluted feelings that no one ever truly wants and try to forget about them. when you looked at her, what was it behind your eyes that you longed to see within her? her poor heart simply shattered when she found out you were with her best friend when she had loved you for so much longer. such is retribution for falling so helplessly in love with you. why couldn’t she just tell the truth so you didn’t have to lie?
the things she would give to be able to hold you close, have you fall into her the way you did in her best dreams. she knew deep down that in the end, it would never be her turn. maybe one day she’d at least be able to express those feelings.
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smnthvxe · 7 months
Forgotten Memories ♡
The Sixth Fatui Harbinger; Scaramouche once had his soul tied in the red knot with another—his beloved lover. But so his desire for Godhood took down the love and affection he was supposed to give to his dear. Not even spare a glance to his lover who dedicated her soul and life to the Balladeer, but despite all of the ignorance her lover gave her, she still kept her knot tied—that her soul still yearns for her beloved.
But then came Dottore;The doctor, who ruined not only her life but her lover too— As he lured Scaramouche to claim Godhood knowing that it would only be his profit.
In her lowest point, she only can cry and plead for her lover's arrival, yet on one certain day she forgot who her lover was?
But what happened to Balladeer?
Chapter One: The Tale Of The Living
Sneak peak:
Where Scaramouche became a wanderer and y/n became an Owner of a Coffee shop in Sumeru. In wanderer's flashbacks (where he goes in his memories) saw once again how much joy and affection y/n gave to him now yet he regrets everything he has done to her—the abandonment. He soaked in his given room crying everything, Nahida helped him change to a new person who's now known as Wanderer/ Hat guy. Now ready to see y/n again he searched for her in Inazuma to their shared home, but only to be greeted by an aban house full of ashes and wood. He cried as hardest, thinking that you we're dead, how he wishes to go back in time to rest his head on your shoulder, laying down at your shared bed. Only you and him.
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kiri-tatsu · 1 year
This time I won't leave your side
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you died before their eyes many years ago barely lived your life, you still had many years before you, this time you come back to them, living and breathing again. Was this a sick joke played by Celestia on them? But no matter, they wish for more as you are back, after all they will love you a thousand more times no matter how you come back to them, they will always be able to tell it's you.
tw- some angst, reader death, fluff, strictly platonic(Qiqi & Nahida), the rest could be read as platonic or romantic, leaning more to romantic on them tho, characters- venti, zhongli, raiden, nahida, wanderer/scaramouche, xiao, aether, lumine, albedo, and qiqi
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A man, a bard, a god, an archon, immortality was granted to him when he be came the Anemo archon, whether it be a curse or a gift, he didn’t know anymore. But he knew it was a curse bared by him the moment he found his beloved laying in a field full of bloodied flowers.  
If only he had been quicker, or if he never let them go alone by themselves to do their commissions, then maybe, they wouldn’t be six feet under.  
Every day he would visit their grave in the late hours of the night, sit and talk with a bottle of dandelion wine, as if they were there with him. He knew no matter how much he spoke, his words will never make it to their ears.  
One day he awoke by their grave, he drunk himself drunk and decided to just spend the night with them. But there was someone else by him when he awoke, they had messy h/c, and he couldn’t see anything else.  
“Who... Who are you?” He asked as he sat up, and the stranger turned to him, and he felt his heart leap to his throat, his chest hammering, and his eyes widened in astonishment. “Good morning, sir, it seems like you had a fun night,” they smiled at him as he sighed nodding with his own smile upon his face.  
“That I did,” he knew that they wouldn’t remember anything, but to have them here now, he was happy and content. He took up one of the unfinished bottles as they sat in the grass beside him, and they spoke for hours beside the grave.
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He lived for eons; lovers, friends, people he thought of as family, have came and gone. He should’ve been used to it by now, but no matter what he could never handle it each time he seen it.  
He is immortal, he is cursed with seeing mortals he grows close to die in front of his eyes no matter what, that is just the way of life. No matter how many times he sees it, he will never grow used to it.  
Rain poured from the night skies heavily one night, it was difficult to see, and he knew as he waited for his love, they might perish in the storm. The next morning, he was right, someone awoke and seen their body on the side of the road, cold, and frail.  
He blamed himself no matter how much someone else told him otherwise, when the 76th director of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor died and his young grandchild had taken over, he went to work of her, Hu Tao was her name.  
Visiting the grave of his beloved was painful, but every year on their birthday, on their anniversary, or even on their death anniversary, Zhongli would get up, ask Hu Tao for the day off, and sit at his beloved grave for the whole day.  
Their birthday was coming up, so he decided to ask Hu Tao for the day off, and he was allowed to leave for the whole day. He went to go prepare; flowers, tea, some letters he written to them, and even some of their favorite food.  
When he carried all of the things in his arm, he nearly dropped some of the stuff, “Hey, do you need help?” That voice nearly made him freeze, but he turned with a small nod. “That would be very appreciated,” he spoke kindly to them, and when he looked into their eyes, he knew.  
He knew they had found him again on their own, and like always, he would stay by their side, until the end of his curse. He would love them no matter the shape or form in their next life, it was still his love.  
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Raiden Ei/Shogun
Life and death, such a concept what hard to accept when you lived hundreds of years. No matter how much death you witness, or how much you try to forget it, it will always be there to haunt you until the end of time.  
The land of eternity was difficult to live in with all the hostile people, the lightning and all the rain, yet it was such a beautiful place. Beauty would always be found in the storm no matter how you see it, and the electro archon knew that.  
The day her darling passed due to some treasure hoarders, he promised herself to rid of all of them on her lands and that she did, well, her puppet did. Still meditating, she waited for until her puppet would come back, and this time she did with someone else in tow. 
They seemed familiar, and they looked beaten up, she looked at her puppet who looked elsewhere as she tugged on the rope that was connected to their hands. “Shogun... What is the meaning of this?”  
The person looked up at Ei, and she felt her heart drop to her stomach, their eyes formed into a glare as they looked at her, but her heart was beating rapidly against her chest. They were back again, and she was glad to have them back and alive.  
“You, what is your name?” When they stated their name, her heart fluttered as she nodded with a soft smile to herself, they are back, they are alive and breathing. They are safe now, she told herself. 
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She was a god of wisdom, of course she knew of reincarnation, she was locked up for nearly five hundred years, she had a bit of freedom, and she made a friend, one of the sages that had her locked up, they were nice. They wanted to go against Azar’s words and let her free, but the other sages knew of their plans, and they were disposed of.  
Nahida no matter how much she sees people come and go, she wouldn’t be able to handle it, she may be over five hundred years old, but she still was a child no matter her knowledge. She cried for hours and hours when Azar came with one of Y/n’s belongings, tainted with splotches of blood.  
When she was freed from her prison and Azar was delt with, she would stay by the blond traveler’s side at times. When they had decided to take up a rather difficult commission one day, she went with them, but even then, the two were enough, they just needed a bit more power.  
A person from out of nowhere jumped in swinging their weapon with their vision, and they turned to the three with a large smile and wiping the sweat from their brow. Paimon asked loudly for their name, and they stated it with a loud voice clearly proud of their self.  
Nahida smiled with a nod, the sage from all those years ago was back, and they were a vision wielder now. The traveler introduced them self with a smile and offered dinner as their gratitude. “And this is Nahida,” she held a hand to her chest, her heart fluttering in happiness. “It’s nice to meet you Y/n, I hope we can be friends,” again, she wanted to say but stopped herself.  
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The betrayals, as he called them, made him into the man he was years ago, The Balladeer, Scaramouche, The Sixth of the Eleventh Harbingers. He was feared by all, but there was only one person who lived in a cottage in the forests of Snezhnaya, he stumbled across them one day during a harsh winter.  
His first thought was to rid of them for even seeing him vulnerable, but he bit his tongue and said nothing as they treated his wounds. Every few weeks he would go and visit them, but he would rather die than let them know.  
A particular harsh winter had gone over the land of ice and snow, he knew that tiny cottage wouldn’t be able to keep them safe, so when he went to go visit them after the ice storm had passed, he was met with his fellow harbinger dragging their body out of the home.  
“Oh, you need not to worry for them, they are my latest experiment Balladeer,” and he bitterly turned on his heel and went back, their smile and kind eyes pushed into the dark backside of his mind.  
When he resided in Sumeru and received his Anemo vision, and his pasts memories as The Balladeer, surprisingly their smile was the first thing he had gathered in his mind. The lands of Sumeru were hot on the day he strolled around, going about his day aimlessly.  
He bumped into someone, a small scoff leaving his mouth, “I am so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going!” They rambled as they picked up their things, and they looked up at him with a small frown. His breath hitched as they smiled at him softly, “I’m sorry again,” and they turned on their heel and walked away from him.  
Without knowing his own feet moved on their own, and he followed after them without another words, they turned with a smile and he held his face flush. It wouldn’t be so bad to open up to someone now after all that he has been through.  
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The Yaksha, a protector of Liyue, a conqueror of demons, and an adepti. He wished to only rest one night, but in the dead of night, he heard the faint whisper of his name. With a wisp of black and teal, he was met with the sight of his beloved covered in blood and fatui agents and gunners surrounding their body.  
All he saw was red as he felt his mask consume his face, there he slayed the ones who caused his dear harm, and once they were slayed, he dropped to his knees by their side. Tears cascading down his cheeks as he took their dying into his arms, their cold hands raising to gently brush some of his tears away.  
They spoke lowly, “I love you,” and with that their body fell limp in his arms, be forced himself to carry their body and bury them, no matter how much it tormented his heart. And he forced himself to promise to never go to another mortal or love ever again.  
Lantern Rite, the time to be happy, to let xiao lanterns float up into the sky, and spend time with your loved ones or ever friends. But this was yet only year he no longer had his beloved by his side, but instead the blonde traveler and their floating fairy by their side came up to the balcony of Wangshu Inn.  
Following behind them was another person, bright/dark eyes, and a smile on their face as they carried a xiao lantern in their hands. “Xiao, this is Y/n,” and his heart fluttered hearing their name, but he crossed his arms and closed his eyes trying to keep his composure. “It’s nice to finally meet you, conqueror of demons,” they said with a smile making him want to hug them tightly and never let them go, but this wans’t his beloved.  
This one was a new Y/n, not the one he used to know, but still, he will try to make some conversation, “Likewise mortal.” 
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A lone traveler from another world, traveling with his sister, but he lost her along the way to this new world. Teyvat... It was strange, but it was a newly welcomed adventure. The person he met was a beautiful/handsome person in his eyes. He thought he shouldn’t get too attached until he found his sister, but that was inevitable.  
They easily broke past his flimsy walls he put up; teasing him for hours that they would spend together, but he knew nothing of this world’s horrors. He thought he was safe just carrying around a sword unknowing of visions.  
One day he ventured out to find some fruit leaving his beloved alone in their makeshift camp, and hearing a scream from a bit aways, he turned and ran back. If only he didn’t leave, then maybe he wouldn’t be cradling their body in his arms as they smiled up at him, their eyes closed as they held his hand limply. 
And then he found himself staring out into space reminiscing about his days before his floating child companion, she was complaining about something, but he couldn’t hear her as he stared at the person before him. They waved their hand in front of his face as he final was snapped out of his daze.  
“I’m sorry... What were you saying?” They let out a small chuckle as he felt his cheeks flush, “I was asking what would you like to order?” Oh, that what Paimon was yelling about, food. But he knew not what to say his words seeming to die on his tongue the more he looked at the person before him.  
Who knew reincarnation was possible in this world, but then again it was full of surprise that he was willing to discover as long as this Y/n stays by his side safely at all times.  
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An abyss princess, she was forced to see death and destruction. In every world she traveled with her brother, it was always different, but this was the first time she traveled alone without him.  
Back in Khaenri’ah, she was alone, but she bet a blond man, and another person, her first love in this world. They were an amazing person; kind, calm, beautiful in her eyes, and she told them after a few years of friendship.  
And when she was going to propose to them, the archons of this world has decided, Khaenri’ah should be no more. Blood, fire, death was everywhere as people ran and screamed for their lives, but where was Y/n? 
They were no where in sight as Lumine ran around trying to find them, just as she was about to run into a building the roofs began to cave in, and before she could react, she was pushed out the way.  
Her honey-colored eyes turned to see a familiar head of hair get crushed by the fallen debris, and she knew, her love sacrificed their self for her. With a heavy heart, and tears in her eyes as she moved to leave, she looked to see the sky painted red, and fire reaching towards the heavens.  
Hundreds of years later she looked over a cliff to watch her brother, the blond man, and a floating child. Took caught up in her gaze, she failed to notice a person running to her, swinging a claymore around.  
But before she could get hit by their attacks, she raised her own sword and their blades collided as sparks flew from the two metals. Her breath hitched as they jumped back, their weapon coated in elemental energy as they grinned at her widely. “And so the abyss princess knows to fight,” they snarked with their eyebrows furrowed with that grin upon their face.  
“You... What is your name?” They slung their weapon over their shoulder with their grin still upon their face as they jabbed their thumb to their self. “Names Y/n, princess.”  
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Relationship; complicated, complex, and too much effort to maintain, it’s what he always thought. He knew any type of relationship relied on communication, quality time, and even effort.  
And somehow, some way, a mortal managed to worm their way into his heart, his darling, his love, his first; Y/n. They were his everything, his friend, his lover, his muse, the reason for him to live. He wanted nothing but to have them in his life for all eternity.  
But he was too late, too late to do anything when a sword impaled his darling, all he saw was red as he slayed the beings that harmed them, and when he fell to his knees by their side he was too late to even be there in their last moments.  
And after that he never left his lab, be it the one in Dragonspine, or even the one in the one in the Knights of Favonius building. The only time he would turn to see something else other than his research was Sucrose bring more supplies or Klee pestering him.  
Out of material for his latest experiment, he heaved a heavy sigh as he looked around his lab; messy, dirty, unorganized, maybe he’ll clean up once he comes back. Leaving his lab, he walks slowly, how long has it been since he left? How long did he stay with his experiment?  
His eyes trailed up to the sun; how long has it been since he had been outside? His legs carried him until he collided with another being. “Oh, I’m sorry,” they spoke as Albedo rubbed his head and looked up at them and their outstretched hand.  
His heart nearly stopped beating in his chest, “Uhm... Hello?” They questioned a bit awkward from his staring. Shaking his head, he took their hand as they pulled him up, and gave him a smile, “Sorry for bumping into you, I was told by Sucrose to help deliver these to Albedo,” his eyes still couldn’t leave them, but how could he not? His Y/n was back.  
He sighed taking in reality, his Y/n was gone... This one was a new one, “That would be me, my apologies, I am a bit out of it,” they smiled at him and waved their hand at him. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to form another companionship.   
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When she heard of the passing of the person she loved as her parent when she was just barely a few years old to understand, she cried for hours. When she died, her memories of that person were wiped completely but at time you could hear her mention a person’s name when she rambled under her breath to herself about remembering things. 
So Baizhu had gifted her a journal to write anything and everything she possibly wanted to remember. And every day she would write about everything and anything, some days she wouldn’t have anything for her journal.  
One day she was writing in her journal, and in strolled in the Traveler and Paimon, and her eyes looked up at them a bit disinterested. “Doctor Baizhu is not here... Qiqi will help you instead,” and a person accidently bumped into the traveler making a Qiqi look at them.  
“You are clumsy... Apologize,” she said as they helped up the blond and looked down at the little girl, “Hi Qiqi, Doctor Baizhu sent me to come get these for him,” they handed the little girl a slip of paper giving her a smile.  
She took the paper with a little smile at the mention of her caretaker as she looked down at the paper, “Qiqi will get this for you...” She smiled up at them as she turned on her heel and gathered what the paper said, when she returned, they were talking with the traveler.  
“Qiqi, has gotten what Y/n needed,” she said not realizing what she said, and the person turned to her with a surprised look, before they shook their head and gave her a pat on her hat. “Thank you Qiqi,” and with that they left, and Qiqi took out her journal and wrote the name.  
It was familiar as she flipped through her journal, and saw the name on the very first page, Y/n... They had come back, and the zombie girl didn’t even know it, all she knew was she felt warm all over when she talked to them.  
im so srry this took awhile, i haven't had any motivation lately :( but i am trying my best, i have an idea for a kaveh x reader oneshot if anyone would be interested to read that when that comes out &lt;3
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iliketangerines · 6 months
Some angst😎 reader sacrifices themselves to save the others ((you can write like whoever you wanna write for it)) like I have a TikTok where it’s a shadow saving sonic and throwing him through this thing and there’s sad music in the background and im just imagining like reader pushing them through a portal as she turned and is now alone with the enemy- she’s clearly gonna die but she’s bring the rest sometime-
you go first
a/n: i wrote something similar to this, so i'm keeping this one short
pairing: raiden x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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you lay on the ground, coughing up blood as Shao Kahn towers over you, axe overhead and ready to slice your head clean off
Raiden knocks the weapon from Shao Kahn’s hand, growling as starts to fling bolts of lightning toward the draconic general
getting up on wobbly legs, you try to stumble over to Raiden, to help in his fight, but Liu Kang grabs onto your arm and starts to pull you back through the portal
you struggle as  you watch Shao Kahn start to overpower Raiden, picking up his axe and swinging it in large arcs to catch Raiden off balance
he starts to lose, to falter in his steps as he tries to avoid Shao’s blows, and panic settles into your body as Liu Kang brings you closer to the portal and away from Raiden
Raiden can’t die, no, he was champion, the chosen one
he cannot die
and so, you pull your knife and swing it towards Liu Kang, drawing his blood and causing him to let go of you, and you make a mad dash toward Raiden
pulling at his arm, you draw him away from Shao Kahn, telling him to leave it alone and go back to the portal
begrudgingly, Raiden runs, hand in yours as he drags you to the portal, but you’re so tired and your lungs are filling with blood
you can hear Shao’s heavy footsteps behind you, pounding along the dirt as he roars at you both to come back
your legs are failing, faltering, and you know you’re not going to survive
your ribs are cracked, broken bones digging into your lungs, your head spins with every harsh movement and blood runs down from your head into your vision
life was coming to an end for you, and Raiden was refusing to let go of your hand as he neared the portal
just as he runs through the portal with you in tow, you let go of his hand and yank it back just as it blinks out of existence, stabbing your foot into Shao’s foot to stop him from running through the portal into Earthrealm
the last glimpse Raiden catches of you is General Shao’s axe swinging high over your neck as you wave goodbye with a small smile, eyes closing shut as you accept your fate
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year
Regret, Guilt and Anguish- Zhongli
Sequel to 'Of Flowers and Death'
featuring:- Zhongli, sister!Ei, reader [name] warnings:- angst, hurt no comfort, a few slaps from Ei to Zhongli a/n:- This was a request from an anon, so nonnie, I hope you like it!
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“Chirp, chirp, chirp!” Birds flaw about happily as Zhongli walked down a familiar path, heart clenching as he looked at one of the houses. The guilt and grief he felt was immeasurable, to the point he hadn’t even protested when the Traveler set off to Sumeru, merely wishing for her safety and success. Why? Why did you have to die? He had barely recovered from Guizhong’s death with your help, before you too left him, shattering him into pieces all over again. And who would help him to rise from this night again?
His attention was drawn to a bird chirping angrily at the footstep of a house that was starting to look old . That bird was an exotic bird, imbued with electro, carrying a roll of paper with it. He walked over to it and bent down to take the paper, seeing that the recipient of those letters would not open the door ever again. His eyes widened as he went through the contents of the letter sent by Ei.
“Dear [name],
Did you safely reach Liyue? Why have you not been responding lately? Are you that busy? [Name], I’m getting worried. Please, send me a letter soon, even if it has just a few words. I won’t mind. Just let me know that you’re alright, and I’ll leave you in peace for a while. I am anxiously waiting for your letter, so please don’t forget.
With love,
Raiden Ei."
Zhongli’s breath hitched as he dropped the paper. He’d been so absorbed in himself that he completely forgot about your sister. How… how would he tell Ei that her dear sister would never reply to one of her letters again? It would be most rude and cold to merely inform Ei about your passing through a letter. Perhaps he should go to Inazuma himself to tell her, now that the Sakoku Decree had been lifted a few months ago.
“What…” The violet-eyed female in front of him whispered, staring at him like he had grown two heads. She shook her head. “This is a joke, right? You’re just joking. Last I’d seen her a few weeks ago, and she was well and healthy. There’s no way she could be- be-” Her voice cracked at the end, unable to see it. Zhongli, or Morax, didn’t respond, he merely stared at the floor in regret. Anything he said now would trigger Ei, send her off the edge. She didn’t deserve this. You didn’t deserve this. 
“Morax?” She murmured in a voice less than a whisper. “Is… is it really true?” Zhongli had told Ei all the details about your end, omitting a few things at the end though. Now he responded only with a nod, unable to talk due to the choking feel in his throat. (dw he wont get hanahaki he has to live to suffer). A multitude of emotions could be seen swirling in Ei’s eyes- grief, sorrow, anger, rage, disbelief, fear; it was all there. Staring at him with wide, shell-shocked eyes, she slowly collapsed to her knees, staring blankly forward, ears ringing in the silence. First Kitsune Saiguu, then Makoto, and now [name] too? You had been so full of life the last time Ei saw you. But now… She was all alone. How did she not even know about your hanahaki? Why did you hide it from her, making her believe everything was great?  What was the point of her pursuing eternity, if she couldn’t even protect the ones she loved?
A loud sound echoed throughout the room. ‘Slap!’ Ei had unsteadily gotten to her feet, and landed a harsh blow across Morax’s face. ‘Slap!’ Another. She didn’t care that he was older and more powerful than her. What she cared about was that he was the reason you were dead. Another slap echoed throughout the room, and another. Ei didn’t stop. He was the reason her sister was dead, and Ei was releasing all of her fury and grief on Morax, and he… He silently stood there with his head bowed, silently accepting all the sharp blows that made his jaw ache. Because her anger towards him was completely justified- it was all his fault.
He had to go back to Liyue with a heavy heart. And he knew, he knew that he would never recover from this.
I'm sorry, this was really short but the idea has been living in my head since the time you sent in the ask, i hope you liked it!
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icycoldninja · 5 months
Loving a psycho (Raiden x Reader)
You were nearly startled out of your skin when the doorbell rang at 4:00 A.M. You threw the covers off, slipped on a jacket, and headed towards the door, tired, cranky, and wondering just who the hell would dare to disturb you at this hour. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you swung the door open and gaped at the person standing before you.
The cyborg in question stood on your doorstep, though there was something off about him. His normally grayish eyes were a bright red, gleaming with a sort of malice you'd only ever seen when Jack, his alter ego, escaped. Wait...if that was true...then...
Your eyes widened as you regarded the man before you, watching how his expression shifted from passive nonchalance to an amused smirk.
"Ain't ya gonna invite me in, Y/N?" He asked, in a playful manner unfamiliar to you.
"Yeah...sure." You yawned, excused yourself, then held open the door for him. Raiden stomped through the door, metal heels clicking against your floor.
"Nice place," He remarked, as if he'd never seen it before. "Real nice. You live here alone?" You nodded groggily, following him as he wandered around your house.
"That's good," He nodded, noting some pictures of you and him that had been propped up on a table nearby. "Real good." He chuckled, then spun around to look at you. "I'm gonna stay the night, you mind?" You shook your head slowly; there wasn't all that much you could do about it. If he wanted to stay, he would stay, regardless of whether you approved or not.
"Good answer," He grinned, reaching forwards and mussing up your hair with his metal hand. Sleepily, you directed him to the bathroom and told him to freshen up however he needed to while you made some coffee. Surprisingly compliant, he agreed, and closed the door on you with a smile.
Several minutes later, Raiden rejoined you in the kitchen for a hot cup of coffee (he drank his with a straw). The two of you sat at the kitchen table in silence, drinking your beverages with quiet respect for one another, but nothing more.
Truth be told, you were afraid and uneasy. This side of Raiden was unpredictable; dealing with such a devil was dangerous. Your rational side told you to be careful, to mind what you say and control how you act. On the other hand, you loved Raiden, and wanted to care for him--all of him, including his lunatic side. These conflicting thoughts swirled around your head, honestly making you doubt your own sanity. Should you regard Jack The Ripper as a suspicious individual? Or should you treat him the way you treat Raiden, considering they are technically the same person? You sighed, forgetting for a moment that Raiden had been watching you this whole time, and that he could sense your feelings.
"Look, I'm not gonna hurt you." He ventured, setting his cup down and reaching across the table for your hand.
"I know," You responded, taking his clawed appendage in yours before bringing it up to your lips and planting a kiss on it. "I just...sometimes I wonder if...well...I can trust you."
Raiden let out a small, uncharacteristic sigh, his red eye lowering to the ground somewhat guiltily.
"When I wanna rip, I'll rip--I'll rip em all. But not you." His gaze flitted back up to yours, a small smile on his face. "I won't rip you. I...I'm gonna keep ya safe."
"Cause...I love ya."
For a moment, the cold gleam in his eyes vanished, revealing the admiration, respect, and love he had for you. All suspicions you previously held vanished; you stood up, crossed over to him, and threw your arms around his neck, clinging to him tightly.
"I love you, Jack--all of you." You weren't entirely sure whether or not you were actually talking to Jack at the moment, but it didn't matter. Raiden chuckled, though not in that menacing manner he often did while in this state. He was truly happy, holding you in his arms; happy that you loved him despite his many problems. The redness in his eyes disappeared and the Raiden you were more familiar with returned. You pulled away from the hug and pressed a kiss to his metal jaw.
"I love you so much," You repeated, resting your head on his shoulder. Raiden nodded, running a hand through your hair.
"I love you too, Y/N--and thank you. Thank you for loving a psycho like me."
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luxthestrange · 1 year
RoR Incorrect quotes#124 Feral Mama
In the human living quarters
Cut to the front door kicked open by a furious you as you stomps around the livingroom, mumbling angrily
DP Y/n*mumbling angrily* Ooh! Such a fucking asshole! That little motherfucker. I just wanna take my finger up and shove it up his fuckin' little thing!
Upon coming up to the table, You slam your coffee cup on it disturbing Nikola, You then pass Nikola and hits a button titled "Nut button!!" that summons a cardboard cutout of a Man saying, "Hi! I'm a God!" then throws a knife and lunges at said cutout, Adam looks at you, disturbed
Adam:... Y/n, apple pie, Is everything okay?
You hiss back at Him in response, disturbing him even more, but You manage to calm down
DP Y/n: Y-Yeah Dad-I just...bumped into an ex...*Looks abit sad at the ground*
Adam: Oh! Oh...-Wait you dated someone?
DP Y/n*retracts knife* He just kept going on about how successful now, "a bright future"-and dammit I looked down and his cock still was big HELL it looked bigger now!?
Adam:...Wait, what?
DP Y/n*raises voice* Every time I see his stupid face, I can't help it! I just need to—
You punch the wall beside you in frustration, making a hole as you pull your arm out of the wall
Adam*concerned* You've never told me this before...
DP Y/n: I-I don't really like to talk about this part of my life. But...*Dramaticly sighs* I first saw Poseidon...In one of my wacky travels thru pantheons
Flashback to Your time in Olympus, You get a handshake and a kiss from Hera, welcoming you into the realm. You look around the room and stop upon seeing Poseidon applauding at You along with the other gods, You blush at the attention Poseidon is giving you
DP Y/n*voiceover*in the welcoming party, Our eyes met from across the room. And there was just something about him. Something that was magnetic!
You are found hiding behind a carriage in the middle of a turf war, You throw away the Gun and pull out a grenade, but it slips out of your hands before you can pull the pin, You run after it and catches it the same moment that Poseidon grabs it, touching his hand. Both share a smile before You pick up the grenade, pulls the pin, and throw it away, Poseidon and You stare fondly at each other as the grenade explodes in the distance, the smoke forming the shape of a heart
The Pov switches over to Poseidon greeting You at the door, You are holding signs that he lets fall from his hands. The signs say "TELL YOUR BROTHER IT'S A SALESMAN" "I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU" and "SY, WILL YOU BONE WITH ME?" Poseidon looks oddly fondly at you and lets You in...to do the last thing-
DP Y/n:...But then he started distancing himself...Missing dates...and even...-that skank he was in his arms...*Sighs and looks at Adam who was growing more and more enraged but behind him was someone much more fearsome*...M-ma?
Eve*foaming at the mouth, furiously* I'LL FUCKING KILL HIM!
Eve run to the door grabbed a bottle of wine and smashing it at the end, missing Raiden and Lu Bu hold her back as her bottle pierces through their pants fabric
Raiden: Whoa, the fuck-
Lu bu: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, HEY! Hold on!
Eve*Visualizing Poseidon Face* You're going to die, bitch!
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Part 4 :
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mynameismisty · 11 months
(Btw i really like this banner thingy)
☆SUMMARY: You wish Raiden would look at you like that.
☆ORIGIN: Angst because i thought about that one scene in MLB also im sticking w the fact that in story mode raiden has a crush on kitana
☆SIDENOTE: no guys this isnt a continuation of Just The Small Things, i aint hurting yall like that LOL
(This isnt proofread because i made this at like midnight and i need sleep)
pt 2 here
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You saw how he looked at her, you saw how smitten he seemed, and you saw how much love he had for her.
It hurt you to no end. Painful to see how he admired her, even more painful to watch as Kitana slowly warmed up to him and seemed to have the feeling mutual.
She shared laughs with Raiden and flirted with him too. And she hadn't even known Raiden for that long either.
It made your blood boil, angry, frustrated. But mostly heartbroken, extremely heartbroken.
You had known Raiden for so long, since you were children. Madam Bo was your aunt grandma and trained you beside Raiden and Kung Lao, whom you became friends with.
Emphasizing friends, that's what you all seemed to be to Raiden. A friend. A close friend. Someone he could share his thoughts to. Someone he could confide in. Someone he could trust.
Your heartbeat sped up after he had a late night conversation with you under the stars, confessing he had feelings for this girl. Was it you? This girl was good at fighting. This girl had black hair. This girl loved to wear blue, and the more and more he told you about this mystery crush, the more and more it seemed further from you. And the way he described her. He loved her. He really did.
It seemed like the universe hated you for some reason.
But you were shook from your thoughts after Kung Lao tapped your shoulder, looking at him you saw that he was sitting next to you on the bench you were on.
"Is there something wrong, Y/N? You were deep into your thoughts, y'know."
"Lao, I- I was just thinking about someone."
"Raiden, isn't it?"
And the silence seemed so loud. You stared at him, shocked, confused, astonished.
"How do you-"
"I read how you look at him, the way you redden when you see him, the things you'd do for him. I might be seen as nosy but come on, Y/N! You know he likes someone else, right?"
"Of course I know!" You yelled, tears building up in your eyes. "He's so smitten for her! So fucking smitten! And for what? They haven't known eachother that long!" Tears flowed from your eyes now. "I know, Lao! I definitely know!"
He seemed quiet as you turned away and put your face in your hands.
"C'mere." Kung Lao said as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and started to wipe away your tears with it. "You know, it's really now or never. Tell him how you feel so it isn't hurting you like this. I hate when I see you cry." he spoke the last part into a whisper hoping you didn't hear it and was caressing your cheek and wiping your tears away.
So you nodded, you stood up, with all your heart, thanked Kung Lao and ran to find Raiden.
Only to forget Kung Lao's words when you saw Raiden holding a boquet of blue roses and seemed suprised when you were behind him. So he was finally asking her out.
"Y/N, I'm sorry to burden but- but do you think she'd like this? Actually maybe just another time-" Raiden babbled, flushing a shade of red and having a few sweat droplets on his forehead.
He looked at you plainly, clearly taken from his thoughts.
"Ask her out now. Do it."
"But what if she doesn't like me? She might not have the feeling mutual and you don't even know he-"
"RAIDEN!" You bellowed, leaving him silent. "I want you to look at me the way you look at her! I want you to talk about me like you talk about her! I know who she is, Raiden. It's so obvious! I'd love if you'd court me like you do to her! So ask her out!" You were breathless after all the yelling you did.
"You...liked me?"
"Like, Raiden! Because I still do!"
"Why- why didn't you tell me?"
"What, so you can make fun of me?"
"No- I- I liked you too, Y/N. Back when we were in highschool."
"Wait- wait, what?"
"I always tried to get your attention. It didn't occur to me why you never noticed it. I just thought you saw me as a friend, but now..." his voice trailed off.
You sniffled. So it was really like this, huh? Was there an other option?
The option left was for you to run, run outside his room, run out of his house and just keep running through the village. Not caring where you went, not caring who you bumped into.
So was it all really just wrong timing, right person.
So many thoughts seemed to circle your head.
Was he the right person? What if you did confess?
All thoughts simply lingered. Maybe in another universe you'd be loved by him.
Just maybe.
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kannymaei · 1 year
Realistic Nightmare (TPG! Special Chapter 3) - Kamisato Ayato x Reader
Synopsis: It was a dream come true to be married to Kamisato Ayato except you weren’t aware that dreams can turn into a nightmare too.
Genre: Angst to more angst.
WC: 3.9k
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The day of your marriage with him was a fairytale and it was the grand wedding of the century. You would imagine that you were the princess in a movie and he was your prince. Everyone said that the two of you were a match made in heaven and you were the lucky perfect girl to captivate and soften his stone-like heart. 
During the first year of your marriage it was exactly like you dreamed of except there were still a lot of bad comments towards your marriage because you were just a lowly commoner and Ayato was someone of high status but Ayato told you that he would take care of it and you should not pay attention to those people that were jealous to your marriage.
Kamisato Ayato was a gentle and loving man towards you and was more than enough to give you your needs. 
As you were married to a busy man, he was not often at home and would only return during the night and sometimes he would be out of the country. 
You were always spoiled by his love and gifts whenever he returned home and his return is what you always wait at the end of the day.
At night you think about how the two of you crossed paths since it’s very unlikely for a lowly commoner to get married to someone with a prestigious reputation. You were just starting to get used to living the life of a trophy wife. 
Three years prior, you applied to a job to work as a servant or maid for the Kamisato Household. It was a hard interview and they had to make sure that you do not have any ill-intent against the Kamisato Family. 
A few weeks later, you’ve gotten a little used to the Kamisato residence since it was a large house, no, it was a mansion. First, you worked to take care of their garden and next was to take care of the laundry of the Kamisato siblings. The first time you and Kamisato Ayato had your conversation is when he called who made his dinner.
“Who made this meal?” He said and ordered one of his servants to get you out of the kitchen.
You were chatting with the other servants until you got pulled harshly by one of the servants out of the kitchen. You were nervous since you weren’t used to facing him that near and you do not know how to act around him.
“The food is warm and comforting and it has been so long since I have tasted something like this, roughly 20 years since I last tasted a meal made by my late mother.” He smiled, enjoying every bit of the food you prepared him.
Your eyes widened and you kneeled and bowed your head immediately.
“F-forgive me my lord for making you remember your late-mother, I didn't mean to hurt my lord, please punish me if needed to” You said, sweat streaming down your face.
He let out a laugh.
“Y/N, please stand up. I’m more than glad to have someone like you to cook meals whose taste is similar to the cooking of my mother.” He said and you stood up.
“I should send Thoma my gratitude for finding a gem amongst the stones.” He said finally finishing his meal before he left the dining room.
Since that day, you began seeing Kamisato Ayato often. Sometimes he would surprise you in the kitchen to see what you’re making him or he’d request something from you. He became fond of you and wanted you to accompany him with his work at all times. He was very much forgiving if you ever made mistakes.
One day you had to fetch Ayato from a prestigious bar where he got drunk. 
It was around 3 hours until you got back home and most of the servants were asleep for tomorrow’s work. You helped Ayato walk upstairs and laid him in his bed, gave him warm water to sober up, and readied the bath.
“My lord, the bath is ready. I will be taking my leave now, I will be at your front door sitting and please call my name if you need anything.” As you were about to leave his bed, he tightly held your wrist.
“Do you need something my lord?” You asked and the next thing that you knew is that you were struggling to get his hand off you and he just pulled you in the bed with him. 
“Don’t leave my Y/N” He said, hugging you, pulling you closer to him in bed.
“M-my lord, I am afraid that this isn’t appropriate for the two of us. Please sober yourself-”
“I am sober!” He lied.
“I always hate it when you leave, it reminds me of when my mother left me.” He started to cry, you wrapped your arms around his back stroking it over and over again. 
Your face was too close to his and you blushed a little, you thought of how he was a very handsome man and assumed that there may be a lot of women of noble families trying to win his heart.
“Y/N” He opened his eyes and took you by surprise.
His hand was at the back of your head as he pulled you for a kiss.
You pushed him away.
“M-my lord, it is not right nor appropriate for us to do this, it would ultimately destroy your reputation and-” He did not let you finish and pulled you into a kiss again.
“I want you Y/N.” He said and you cannot believe that you heard the words that you were dreaming to hear.
Is it truly possible for this to happen? For someone like him developing feelings towards you?
He looked at you.
“Y/N, I’m not intoxicated or drunk, in fact I was already sober up the moment you came and I was just having a minor headache. Hehe… Would you allow me to kiss you again?” He said, asking for your consent since he stole two kisses from you.
“Y-yes my lord-”
“Call me by my name, do not call me your lord. For tonight, I wanted to be yours.” He said brushing your hair.
“Yes… A-ayato-” You embarrassingly said because you were not used to calling him with no formalities.
That was the answer he just needed to hear before pulling you into a passionate kiss again. He turned you around in bed and pinned you down before kissing you again. You felt his tongue explore every bit of your mouth and whenever he let go of the kiss to catch his breath, there would be a string of saliva connecting your tongue and mouth to his.
The kiss the two of you were sharing is starting to heat both of your bodies and you were sexually aroused. 
“Y/N, would you allow me to touch your body?” He asked again for your consent.
“P-please! I’m begging Ayato-” You said as he kissed your neck and his hands began to travel around your body that would later on strip you from your clothes.
Your face reddened as you remembered that fateful night, you also remembered how your whole body ached the next day after and you had to rush towards your room as fast as you could so no one could see you come out of the master’s bedroom.
It is already 8pm and he still has not come home. A few minutes later you received a letter that there was a problem overseas and he’d be out of Inazuma for a long time though he promised that he would be sending you gifts weekly or monthly to remind you that he misses you dearly.
Sometimes you’d get telephone calls from him and he tells you how stressed he was at work and has been craving your touch for a long time.
Weeks turned into months, months turned into years.
Kamisato Ayato has not returned home.
Rumors in Inazuma said that he had probably forgotten about you and so it prevented you from going outside because you were hurt about the words you were hearing. Sometimes Ayaka would come to visit you to comfort you because of the absence of her sibling. 
Thoma has reminded you not to go outside late at night due to the monsters roaming since he would be out to protect Ayaka because of her duties.
Until one day, you have stopped receiving calls, letters, and gifts from him which made you worry. 
A few more years have passed and you have received a letter. You jumped out of joy because you had hope of the return of your husband. This small happiness you felt was stolen away from you when you saw that his name was not on the letter, perhaps it came from someone you did not know but was addressed to you.
You carefully opened the letter and began reading it.
To whom it may concern,
I assume that you are Kamisato Y/N, the wife of Ayato. I have committed a grave sin in the world and I knew not even the archons would forgive me. I would like to apologize to you. I am sorry but I have a child, mostly by your husband by accident. I am a noble woman from Fontaine, please do not find me. I have met your husband for a long time and my family has always wanted him to be my husband except he has denied and rejected me multiple times due to the fact that he said that he was already married and has someone dear to him.
I am sorry to say that I was the reason why your husband has not returned home for a very long time due to the child that was made accidentally. My family has pressured him that he should take responsibility for what he did. It was probably the reason why he has stopped contacting you.
As soon as you finish reading the letter, your world just falls apart. Your blood ran cold and tears formed and streamed down your face.
Although he is quite happy when he is with me right now and mostly loves our child. I am sorry Mrs. Y/N. Thank you for understanding.
You realized that the letter from this woman was believable and it makes sense why he hasn’t contacted you for a long time. 
He had left you here in Inazuma to die out and suffocate.
You remembered how you were his perfect girl, his beautiful wife, and his loving queen. You remembered how he reminded you that he doesn’t know what he would do if you were gone. You remembered all of the promising words that he said… and you remembered on your wedding day that he said that he would love you for the rest of his life.
He has promised that he would return home… maybe now… he doesn’t have a reason to return home when he has found his new home in another country.
You have been waiting for him for almost 10 years since he had been working abroad. It was already late at night. You closed the letter and each step towards your bedroom was painful. You sat in the bed and cried out loud. You do not understand what you were lacking that made him do that. 
“I’m sorry Ayato, if I was just a lowly commoner and I do not have anything to do with other countries. The reason I do not want to accompany you is because I do not want to be a burden to you because you were working.”
“I knew that I didn't deserve you, I’m sorry if I was just poor and wasn’t someone from a rich family. I’m sorry Ayato-” 
You wrote a letter to be left in this house saying how you were sorry for all of the things that were imperfect about you and how you weren’t that much perfect unlike the fontaine woman that he met.
In the last part of the letter, you said how you love him and you would remain faithful to him until the end of time.
You put it in an envelope and sealed it, you feel like you were being suffocated in the house and you gathered some things that reminded you of him, mostly his pictures and some of the gifts that he sent you with their corresponding letters. 
You decided to go outside and go to Mt. Yogou, one of your favorite spots to walk with him when you were still working as a servant for him.
As you were walking, you unexpectedly awoke a sleeping lawachurl. It was very furious that you have disturbed their sleep and began to attack you. 
You ran and ran and screamed for help… but no one came. Now you realize why Thoma has reminded you not to go outside. 
You weren’t athletic nor fit to be a fighter so you decided to hide in one of the large rocks. You looked around and saw that the lawachurl was almost near to you so you decided to run from it again until it couldn't see you and then you tripped on one of the short cliffs and injured yourself.
It was a bad fall that you could see that your right leg was broken and it was very unfortunate that you had fallen in a hilichurl camp, waking one of them would end you. Luckily, the lawachurl has lost sight of you but you have another problem. 
You noticed that the things that you were carrying were scattered around the camp, you crawled and struggled to pick each one of them because these were the remaining loving memories that you and Ayato have now that he has a new family and you cannot afford to lose them. 
You struggled and struggled with blood bleeding out of you. You did not care for the pain you were feeling because what is most important is that you get to keep the precious items and letters that he gave you. You truly believe that all of it was filled with love.
You sighed a relief when you finally collected them without waking one of the hilichurls and now your next mission is to get out of the camp safely. 
When you were a few meters away from the camp via crawling with your blood trailing down, a hilichurl was awoken due to the smell of blood. When you look back it was pointing in your direction.
You saw different monsters charging over you because they thought you killed someone hence the blood. 
What scared you the most is the mitachurl with an ax charging faster than the other hilichurls and you just closed your eyes because you knew this was already the end of your life. You cannot run because of your broken leg and you were forced to just stay there and accept your fate.
Before the hit of the ax landed, you thought of Ayato…
How he would not have any problem bringing home his new wife now if you are already gone because only death can invalid a marriage contract. 
In your last moments, you whispered that you were sorry that you weren't enough to make him happy and wished him eternal happiness with his new family.
You hugged the items, letters, and gifts that Ayato had given you before you felt a warm feeling at your back. You felt your body separating from one another. It was followed by arrows and different kinds of weapons being thrown at your poor, lifeless body. As soon as the hilichurls and mitachurls were convinced that you were dead they went back to their camp to sleep.
In your final moments, you looked at your marriage picture, it was a disastrous and failed one because you were just a lowly commoner and did not deserve someone like him.
Your heart was aching because Ayato would not know that you are about to go to heaven now. Even if you are no longer in his mind, he would remain in yours. You hugged your wedding picture and your body turned cold.
A week has passed and the Kamisato residence was quiet and it was the same as you left it.
The Raiden Shogun has ordered the eradication of the monsters in Mt. Yogou since it has been causing a problem in the Grand Narukami Shrine.
Kujuo Sara was the leading general of the eradication of monsters, as ordered by the Shogun. After a few hours of eradication, there was a report of your decaying body somewhere near a hilichurl camp.
When Kujuo Sara checked, her face showed different kinds of horror because she knew that you were the lady and the wife of the Kamisato Family. She has ordered her soldiers to retrieve your body to give you a final resting place together with the items that were kept around you. Blood has dried out from his letters and pictures and the soldier had made sure that none of it was damaged as they were transferring you to a body bag.
Kujuo Sara has rushed towards Kamisato Ayaka who is currently having tea in the Komore Tea House for a break.
“Lady Ayaka, I have news for you…” Sara said and sat beside Ayaka and Thoma.
“Lady Ayaka… I’m sorry but I just need to report to you… Kamisato Y/N, the wife of your brother has passed away.” Sara said, Ayaka and Thoma were shocked by the news of you passing away because they just saw you a few weeks ago to comfort you.
“Her body was found separated probably by a mitachurl ax and there were different kinds of injuries such as a broken leg, and arrows penetrated her arms and neck. I assume Lady Y/N went for a walk but has suffered an attack from the monsters.” Sara added
Ayaka and Thoma began to cry and they began to have regrets about not visiting you everyday to check on you and ease your loneliness because of the absence of her brother.
“Lady Ayaka, as per the law, Lady Y/N should be cremated because her body is separated. Would that be alright?” Sara asked and Ayaka just nodded.
“I’ll be… informing my brother… Thoma please go with Sara and prepare the funeral of Y/N” She said and walked outside.
It took nearly two months for Ayaka’s letter to reach Kamisato Ayato to inform him about your death.
The truth is, Ayato never had a family, the noble girl from Fontaine was just jealous of you since Ayato has been bragging to you anywhere about his loving wife and got tired of how she kept on getting rejected and her family was mad at her that she allowed or was careless to an extent that Ayato has married a lowly commoner instead of someone like her. Ayato has never stopped contacting you all these years nor has he stopped sending you gifts. It was the woman from Fontaine that stopped those letters and gifts from reaching you. Everytime she knew that Ayato would send you letters, she’d bribe the post office workers to prevent the letter from being sent. Ayato never knew anything about this and she would just tell her family to keep on giving Ayato work so that he would not have the opportunity to go home and be with you.
Since Ayato was a very hardworking man and wanted to give you the best future, he wanted to make sure that the two of you would have houses per nation so that you would not be stuck in Inazuma since you will have a house anywhere. 
It was the surprise gift that he wanted to give you, he dreamed of telling you a joke how he’s made love with you in each house.
Ayato quickly rushed to pack his things due to the letter that he had received from Ayaka. He was mostly quiet and tried to keep his tears as soon as he read the line that his beloved wife has transcended to another life.
“Where are you going Ayato?” The noble woman asked.
“I have an emergency at home, mostly about my wife.” He coldly responded
“Oh, is she finally dead?” The woman joked about it.
“How did you know my wife is dead? Did you plan all this?!” Ayato raged and destroyed all of the precious items in the hotel he was staying in, which was owned by the family of the girl.
“Ayato- I didn’t mean to! I didn’t-” Ayato slapped the woman and ordered one of his servants to restrain her.
“If I ever find out that her death was your doing, I am going to end your life, I will be destroying your family. Do you know what Y/N is?! She was my world, she was my light, and no one could take her away from me. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!” Ayato was furious.
“I’ll deal with you later, I need to go home now. My wife has been waiting for me for 10 years now.” Ayato carried his things and left.
After a few days, Ayato has finally returned home.
He opened the door and tearfully said “Y/N… I’m home…” but no one responded.
Ayaka peeked out to see Ayato at the front door and welcomed him.
“Brother… I’m sorry for your loss…” She hugged Ayato and cried.
“I miss her a lot, I’ve been staying in your house since she left… I made sure that it’s clean and would be the same by the time you return.” She added.
“I found a letter in your bedroom, it said that you were cheating on her with a new family in Fontaine. I regret that I didn’t see that letter anytime soon… I can’t imagine the pain she felt when she saw all those lies written there! I knew you weren’t cheating on her! I always believed that you were a faithful husband to her…” She handed the letter to Ayato and he walked towards your bedroom. When he opened the door, he saw a picture of your face smiling next to your urn followed by the things that were found when you died such as the letters, gifts, and pictures of the two of you. 
He closed the door and sat on the bed looking at your picture and noticed that there was a letter hidden in the bed sheets.
That was the letter you wrote the night before you died, how you told him that you were sorry that you were not enough and all that. 
He clenched the letter of lies that was made by the girl from Fontaine and almost destroyed it until he realized that it could be used as evidence to punish the family of that girl since her signature was written there and it was more than enough.
A week after there was a trial held and the family was punished for the murder of Kamisato Y/N.
Several years have passed by and Ayato has not remarried except that Ayato has also been mourning for several years now since you passed away. He promised that he would never leave the house again for abroad so you wouldn’t be alone all over again.
At least, he thought maybe it could atone for his absense.
"Y/N, My love… I'm home." He says everyday.
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odditycircus-2002 · 2 months
featuring MK11 Medusa!Reader
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Saudade: Meaning (n.). A nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant, or that has been loved and then lost; "the love that remains"
A/N: This takes place before the events of Mortal Kombat 1, in a timeline where you, the reader, gained power over the Hourglass. Shang Tsung isn't a fellow Titan or holds a similar position since you're still bitter that Kronika crafted your ENTIRE existence to act as a tool. A tool specifically made to keep Shang Tsung in line and assist in his task for Kronika. If you want to know, read more about this storyline and master list, here.
Within the grand Kolosseum, a sea of Outworld onlookers watch as the Emissary of Outworld and Shinnok's Right-Hand Man, Quan-chi, fight desperately against Prince Goro of the Shokan. Observing from the highest vantage point on her gilded throne, positioned with a perfect view of the arena, is a woman dressed in a flowing xuihefu dress made by the finest designers in all of creation. Upon her head, she wore a finely crafted Dian Zi, where her snakes rested behind, save for two that hung by either side of her head; the centerpiece is a sleek silver crown that glowed a ghostly green. On her face, she wore an expertly crafted mask made of gold, carved with a neutral expression. Standing on either side of her, as her dutiful bodyguards, were the demi-gods Raiden and his brother, Fujin. All which is befitting an Empress of Creation and Time.
Yet, the Keeper of Time watches the fight with her face leaning against her fist, her boredom evident despite the neutral mask. Y/N has always appreciated a marvelous performance, whether the shrieks of pain, the resounding snapping of bones echoing in the air, or the squelching of flesh as it's stripped from the body. Most originated from watching the Shokan Prince tearing his opponents/victims into a paste. Y/N smiles to themselves beneath the mask, recalling the past timeline when you would observe similar matches with Shang Tsung, such as one where Goro picked up an opponent with his lower arms before pummeling them within an inch of their life with his free arms, then finishing them by piledriving their head into the ground, hard enough that their entire head exploded like a crunchy watermelon.
"I do love to watch Prince Goro in Kombat."
"I concur; his variety keeps the matches from being too dull."
Shang Tsung looks at his wife from the corner of his eyes before looking back at the unfortunate Earthrealm Champion as his skull is shattered against the courtyard's stone floor, his grin evident behind his beard.
"One could almost feel pity for the fate of Earthrealm, as they're just four more losses away from merging with Outworld."
Y/N turns her head with a tilt of her head, which her snakes mimic.
"Don't tell me you actually feel sympathy for them."
"Of course not; it's just amusing to think about."
Shang Tsung chuckles in amusement at your expression, further deepening his crow's feet and smile lines. A look that you mirrored behind your mask with a matching smug grin.
"You are absolutely horrible!"
"Is that not why you agreed to be my wife?"
Shang Tsung teases, shifting his hand over yours as you continue to gaze at one another with eternal devotion.
... It was all so marvelous.
Y/N holds out her free hand to conjure a polished jade orb that fits perfectly in her hand. She pulls her attention away from the match to look into the orb, which shows her a clear Shang Tsung scene. In the timeline Y/N made, she and Shang Tsung have never married, much less crossed paths. Still, she finds herself watching the man- who just happens to be the current Emperor of China- celebrating some occasion while surrounded by his Imperial court. Y/N notes the familiar smug smile on his wisened face as he raises a tokkuri full of sake for a toast, appearing to be having a better time than she currently is.
Y/n pockets their jade orb before rising to her feet, which immediately attracts the attention of everyone in attendance, including Goro—freshly drenched in blood. They all bow before her in awe and instinctual fear, no one daring to make a peep when she speaks.
"Prince Goro, you have performed well today."
"Thank you, My Empress. I hope my performance today pleased you."
The Shokan Prince respectfully replies. Y/N waves their hands dismissively, already done with the whole respectful spiel.
"Normally, you would have. But I grow tiresome of it all."
This causes the crowd to mutter to themselves about whatever the Empress could mean, as she always seemed to favor Goro. The latter appears to share in the crowd's incredulity, too caught up in his mind to notice Y/N taking off her mask. He looks up from his bowed posture to finally voice his inquiry.
"Whatever do you me--?"
Goro never finished his sentence as Y/N had turned him to stone from where he stood, surrounded by the pulpy remains of Quan-Chi. In that same instance, 3/4 of the crowd are turned to stone, frozen in surprise. The rest of the panicking crowd began to run for the exits, only to be blocked by the most dangerous beasts in Outworld with a snap of Y/N's fingers. The crowd began to trample onto one another as Kolloseum beasts descended upon them, tearing into their flesh and running the steps a bright red. Y/N grinned amusedly before speaking to Raiden and Fujin without glancing at them.
"I want you two to eliminate any survivors you come across, but save one of your choosing."
"Yes, My Empress."
Raiden answers for both himself and his brother. Meanwhile, you sit back on your throne and make yourself comfortable as you watch the pandemonium unfold before you.
[After Resetting the Timeline]
Y/N caresses the tube containing an Edenian and Tarkatan hybrid clone she's familiar with. A clone that happens to be one of many clones, all floating within their own tubes, that line the walls of the vast laboratory from top to bottom, in various stages of development. Currently trailing behind Y/N are Sindel and the former Khan, Shao, her obedient servants. Sindel clasps her hands together as she gives her report to the Keeper of Time.
"Despite a few regrettable losses due to incompetence, a good majority of the clones for Project Mileena are flourishing."
"Good, good, good, and what of those behind such incompetence?"
Shao's guttural voice answers.
"Disposed of. They currently fertilize your more plant-based experiments."
Y/N smirked under her veil as she thought of the other facilities she had made, all dedicated to creating hybrids other than Edenian and Tarkatan. The current Keeper of Time has always been fond of monsters and their natural capabilities; now, she can explore these capabilities even further and beyond with ALL living beings across the realms. After all, if life is to flourish at its peak, then its resistance and adaptability must be put to the test. Y/N clapped her hands together as a fanged smile crossed her face.
"Excellent! How goes Project Dragon?"
Sindel and Shao exchange anxious glances at the news they must report. Shao's clenched jaw and hesitation do not escape the Titan's attention.
"Onaga has almost escaped his chains again, your Majesty."
Y/N hums to herself as she raises a hand to her chin in thought.
"Mmmhhh... That is a problem. It would be such a waste if he escaped captivity before I could collect his genetic materials."
She then turns to her side as if to address another person.
"Do you think I should-"
Y/N catches herself before she can finish her sentence. The Titan recalls how she and her former husband spent sleepless nights working on Kitana's clone, exchanging ideas and theories about perfecting a stable clone. She was so caught up in her excitement among these clones that Shang Tsung's absence momentarily slipped her mind. Y/N digs her claws into her hands, deep enough to draw rivelets of blood.
Shao and Sindel tense at their Mistress's abrupt silence after seemingly talking to thin air. They have served under Y/N long enough to know how sporadic her moods can be and just how dangerous their consequences are. When their Empress turns, Shao and Sindel are barely able to contain their flinches.
“Give me the room, please.”
Shao and Sindel share a confused look before Y/N continues.
“Wait outside until I give explicit permission for you or anyone to enter.”
“Yes, your Majesty.”
Both Shao and Sindel answer simultaneously, bowing before exiting the vast laboratory. Once the heavy metal doors slammed shut, did Y/N then conjure her jade ball. As always, her orb showed her Shang Tsung, who currently sits at a grand dining table splayed out with a feast befitting royalty. Keeping him company is Prince Goro, alive and well. The two currently appear to be conversing over something that Y/N couldn’t make out.
The polish jade begins to crack under Y/N’s claws, threatening to shatter from her strength. Ultimately, the Titan hurls the jade orb into the stone floor of her laboratory, scattering its shards on impact. Y/N pays the remains no mind, even as they let out residual wisps of magic, instead focusing on her work table placed within the center of the Laboratory. Circling the table are shelves and bulletin boards covered in schematics and sketches for the many beautiful abominations Y/N plans to unleash on to all the realms. She lifts one schematic of a Shokan and Tarkatan hybrid to remove a small ivory chest with a dagger inside.
Y/N then places the open chest on the table and takes the dagger in her hand. She raises her free hand, allowing her magic to flow into it, takes a deep calming breath, and begins to chant under her breath. Y/N then plunges the dagger into her sternum.
The sound of screams were nothing new within the Titan’s laboratory. Shao and Sindel didn’t flinch at the wounded animalistic noises, even as it continues for what seems like hours. Such screeching have become white noise for the two servants; for all they know, you were creating another monstrous construct from scratch.
Which is why when Y/N finally summoned them back into her lab, they aren’t surprised to find their Empress and the dagger she held, covered in scarlet blood. However, they are surprised when the Titan presented them with a locked chest, stained bright red, which seemed to be pulsing at the touch.
“Take this to Geras and have him hide it where no one, not even I would think to find it.”
“It shall be done, Your Majesty.”
Shao replies both he and Sindel bow respectively then go to carry out their task. Sindel glances at the shattered pieces of what looks like jade as she passes by it, but chooses to say nothing. When both representatives of Outworld finally leave, Y/N takes a deep breath; feeling their mind to be clearer than ever before. A sense of calm seems to wash over her, despite the physically sting from her healed wound. Y/N no longer felt that ache in her chest from the thought of Shang Tsung. In fact, she felt nothing at all in her chest.
It’s funny really, how Titans besides herself are so easily plied by their vanity, their greed, their fear. Y/N plucks one little string within their intricate web of fate, and they’re at each other’s throat. In this case, it’s very much literal.
Y/N floats midair far from the war unveiling before her, with Shao and Sindel on either side of her. Her fellow Titans tore into each other, bleeding out their life forces which mixed and mingled in the space around them. The Keeper of Time laughs to herself as she watches reality around her start to unravel at the seams.
”Can you believe they’re willing to destroy themselves over such petty reasons? It’s absurd!
Y/N wipes away imaginary tears of joy as entire stars blink in and out of existence. Often in brilliant bursts of light and color before nothing but never ending voids remain, slowly returning Time and Space to how it once was in the beginning. Sindel and Shao could only stand and watch besides their Empress, expressions unreadable and unable to comprehend the destruction around them. Shao is the first of the pair to speak.
“Agreed, your Majesty. It seems absurd.”
Sindel opens her mouth to speak, but whatever she was about to say is blocked out by a resounding THUD echoing across the entire battlefield, the realms, the universe. The origin of the sound sends back everyone on the battlefield, including Y/N, light years away from the impact. The Titan cackled in exhilaration from the powerful force, clapping at the spectacle.
“What a performance there! Wouldn’t you say?”
“I concur, Your majesty. Nothing like I’ve ever seen in my eons of life.”
Sindel replied as she stumbles in midair, trying to somehow find her center. Y/N shoots the Edenian a scowl before turning to watch the Heavens themselves burn away, revealing a new glistening world shining in through the tear. She smiles maniacally at the new world before her. A new world to influence and bend to her will.
“Glorious, is it not?”
Both Shao and Sindel answer at the same time. Whatever awe Y/N had in her eyes are snuffed out at the monotonous response. She gives a displeased hiss as she leans the side of her face against her hand. No longer did she feel any anticipation at the prospect of her finding new territory for her creations to expand and conquer, rather Y/N felt… dissatisfaction.
‘If he were here, he’d perhaps make this new discovery of expansion-‘
Y/N thoughts come to a halt. With a frustrated hiss and a resounding SNAP from both hands, time came to a complete stop. The Titans freeze mid-action of their war, as did all their weapons and their magic, capturing them all in a cosmic moment in time. Yet, Y/N didn’t pay any mind to the grand display or even the rip in Space Time; she became too caught up with her mad rambling, pacing in mid air with her snakes writhing and snapping at the air around her. She barely paid Shao or Sindel any mind, who could only watch.
“Why does this keep happening?!? Why can’t he ssssstay out of my head???? Moments of triumph and entertainment, interrupted by the intrussssive image of that man! The AUDACITY to remain within my mind, when I have sssssurpassed him! I have made this entire reality from SCRATCH, I have learned the intricacies of time manipulation, uncovered secretssss cannot EVER be shared, I had terraformed ALL the realms and filled them with my beautiful creations! I have made Titans tear at each other’s throats to the point that REALITY itself shredssss itself! ALL that I have made and have accomplished was becaussssse of ME, not HIM! So WHY-“
Y/N spins around to face Shao and Sindel, both taking a step back when their Empress’s snakes snap centimeters away from their face.
“Why? Why doessss he continue to haunt me?”
Without any warning, Y/N teleports them all before the Hourglass, paying no mind to its cracks. She waves a hand, instantly conjuring an image of Shang Tsung; who is offering a jade pendant to another woman, that’s noticeably NOT Y/N. The Titan hisses venomously as the rest of her snakes baring their fangs at the image of the other woman, appearing ready to strike at the interloper. In the midst of her rage, the floor of the Hourglass’s Keep begin sprout red fleshy vines with thorns that begin to cover the entire floor. Shao, knowing that letting those red weeds’ spikes touch him would mean instant paralysis, speaks.
“Your Majesty, if those Earthrealmers caused you such agony, then I offer that I travel to Earth realm to annihilate them both- GAHHH!!!”
Without any warning, the fleshy vines impale themselves through Shao’s deltoids and thighs. He gives out another cry of pain as the vines begin to wrap themselves around his limbs, their poison leaving him immobilized. Shao is then lifted so he’s face to face with his creator, whose gaze pierced him from behind her gilded mask and her wings flared from behind her. Y/N cups his cheek in her claws in a mockingly sweet gesture juxtaposing the position Shao’s in.
“You are to NEVER lay a ssssingle claw upon Shang Tsung. If you dare to even think you could, I will tear your body into piecessss to make better and more obedient mutts before DEVOURING your sssssoul to savor for ETERNITY!”
With each second pass, Y/N claws dig deeper into Shao’s thick skin to the point of drawing blood. She gives a mockingly sweet smile that Shao and Sindel could HEAR from behind the Titan’s mask.
“Blink twice if you understand.”
Shao complied and is released from him bondage, leaving him crumpled on the ground. Sindel, despite her reasonable fears, is the next to make her voice known.
“If I may speak freely, My Empress, I would like to make a suggestion for your plight.”
The former Empress of Outworld tenses as she readies herself for Y/N to lash out, only for the latter and her head of snakes to, instead, focus her attention on Sindel.
Sindel only hesitates for a moment.
“What if you just miss this Shang Tsung?”
Y/N remains perfectly still on the spot for, what very well could’ve been, eternity with her gaze focused on Sindel. The Titan then walks and stops in front of Sindel, who keeps her eyes focused on the ground. The former Empress feels her heart race as Y/N raises a hand… only for the Titan to use it to tap a claw against the side of her mask.
“Mmmhhh… Thank you for your council, Sindel.”
Y/N waves her hands in Shao’s direction, manipulating time as to reverse the damage to his wounds and paralysis. Fully healed, Shao bows in thanks to his creator.
“Many thanks, Your Majesty.”
“If you truly want to show your gratitude for having me sssspare your life, then go to Earthrealm,”
Y/N and her snakes hisses as she points to the woman depicted in the Hourglass.
“And eliminate THAT woman.”
“It shall be done, your Majesty.”
Shao bows respectfully. Y/N nods in approval before dismissing him and Sindel.
“Good. That will be all.”
Y/N spins and weaves the sands of time, as she has done so many times before. Only, this time, the life she brings back costs more than just a little bit of her power, but by means not enough to weaken her. The life in question that emerges from the sands is a humanoid female with periwinkle skin, a crystal halo floating behind her head, and with flora acting as hair that fall to her shoulders.
While Y/N despises Cetrion for taking part in cursing her, she knew that the Elder God is her best and safest option. The current Keeper of Time wouldn’t dare revive Kronika, so it’s fortunate that the late Titan’s loyal daughter is likely to hold the answers she seeks. Unfortunately, it seems that Cetrion isn’t in a talkative mood as her first action when revived is to take a defensive stance and summon divine her divine energy to smite Y/N. Admittedly, while engaging Cetrion in combat, the Elder God did make the new Titan put in more effort than she has in eons. Their fight didn’t even last for half an hour; by the end of it, Y/N had Certrion’s neck under her foot.
“Did you revive me just to have me watch the destruction of our reality?”
Cetrion inquires in her dual-tone voice, however strained from having Y/N’s pressing against her wind pipes. The unraveling of matter down to its barest particles didn’t pass the Elder God’s notice.
“The thought of watching your despair as I undo everything Kronika strived for is an amusing thought, but mostly, no. It’ll be even sweeter if you continue to struggle, yet Nevermind that,”
Y/N waves her hand dismissively. Her tone becomes less playful and more severe.
“You’re breathing now because of a question I want answered.”
Cetrion’s brows furrow in confusion as she tries to read Y/N’s face from her position, attempting to guess what exactly the new Titan wants.
“You were there when your fellow Elder Gods cursed me, it can be reasonably assume you were also there when Kronika crafted my destiny. After all, Shang Tsung was integral to your plans for the Crown’s creation and thus resetting the Timeline. What better way is there to make a treacherous man comply, than to hold the one person he values over him as you would with a donkey and carrot?”
Y/N then kneels to Cetrion’s level, replacing her foot with her knee with enough force to create cracks around the Elder God’s head and break her halo.
“I admire the ingenuity there, I would even praise your dearly departed mother for the idea if it did not infuriate me so. I suppose my question is, why even after rebuilding my ENTIRE being over and over again, carving out my heart sssso as to avoid the pain, I sssstill yearn for a man I’m no longer bound to in any way? He is now BENEATH my station and ssssomeone I never needed at all if it weren’t for Kronika’s interference!”
A beat of silence hangs over. Cetrion heaves before speaking.
“You do have some semblance of virtue.”
Y/N tilts her head in curiosity.
Cetrion’s expression doesn’t change even with Y/N snakes flicking their tongues inquisitively at her.
“It is really quite simple, despite my Mother’s interference and your denial, your heart betrays your love for Shang Tsung. As unfathomable as it may sound to the likes of you.”
Y/N’s snakes stop mid-hiss and retract from Cetrion’s face. The new Titan rises to her feet and raises an index finger and thumb to her chin in deep thought. Cetrion takes the opportunity to take a deep desperate breath. She uses her floral tendrils to upright herself, just as Y/N gives a heavy sigh.
“I suppose there’s no harm in confirming this. Thank you for your advice, Cetrion.”
Cetrion opens her mouth to reply, only to find venom sprayed into her mouth and on her face. The Elder God feels her limbs become numb as the ground shifts underneath her, the sounds of reality disintegrating are nearly deafening. Cetrion could hear Y/N speaking to her, who may as well been underwater.
“To answer your question, I’ve given you a new brand of venom of my making, this one psychedelic.”
Cetrion rubs her eyes but it does nothing to improve her vision, as time seems to fast forward.
“You always talk of virtue and how others should pray to you for it. So,”
Cetrion feels something being placed in her hand. She holds it out in front of her, feeling the movement was both somehow too slow and too fast at the same time. In the Elder God’s hand was a shrapnel of her crystal halo with a particularly wicked edge.
“Why don’t you take that crystal to your face and show me how much virtue is inside of you?”
Cetrion, without any resistance, complied and takes the shard into her face to behind carving off large strips of her flesh. Y/N just watches, the inside of her chest now lighter.
[In Another Timeline]
Y/N watches from behind bamboo as a genuinely young Shang Tsung starts hiking down a trail, basket strapped to his back. The Titan had purposefully set up that he would walk down this trail as a “shortcut”; now she just had to enact the next step of her plan. Y/N summons her glamor to exactly how she looked before she was cursed. There’s no need for a mask, as she has long since learned to control her petrified stare. Y/N steps out from behind the bamboo and begins to walk parallel to Shang Tsung.
“Hello there, you seem interesting.”
[In another Timeline separate from Y/N’s]
Titan Shang Tsung looks over his vast Empire on his intricately carved balcony, the lights of the cities in the distance visible in the night. A smug smile settles on his face at the reminder of all he has conquered. His smug expression is replaced with one of confusion as daylight suddenly lights up the night sky. Shang Tsung shields his eyes with his hand as he's temporarily blinded by the intruding light.
It takes a moment for his vision to adjust; when it does, he's greeted by the sight of an upside-down Earthrealm. At least, what appears to be Earth Realm is that the landscape is covered in briar bushes, with twisted monstrosities roaming the land. As soon as this new reality appeared, its portals began to mend themselves until they completely disappeared, leaving no trace of its existence. Save for the few monstrosities resembling giant bats that flew through the portals to descend to the city below Shang Tsung. No doubt to feast on its residents if the cacophony of screams is anything to go by as citizens are swiped from the ground.
None of the unfolding chaos bothered the Sorcerer, who stared up at the night sky that, not so long ago, had patches of daylight streaming in. Shang Tsung taps his armored claws against the marble banister in thought.
"Interesting... Perhaps I shall pay my new neighbor a visit."
Playlist While Writing This:
“Lone Digger” by Caravan Palace
“Davy Jones” ver RafScrap ft. @LaceySings18
“Dream Sweet in Sea Major” by Miracle Music
“Always on My Mind” feat Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
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venteas · 1 year
now my life is sweet like cinnamon, like a fuckin' dream i'm living in - genshin fic
ft. yae miko, ei, zhongli, jean, neuvilette
summary: they've left the universe, but are still watching you from above <3 (letters from them to you after they're gone, take that as you will, but it is heavily implied that they are dead)
YAE MIKO! my dearest yn, i have so much to tell you. there's so much i've seen here, and i wish with all my heart that you could be here with me. don't get me wrong, little one, i do believe you should stay a little longer, just to experience the whole of teyvat (and please send me all your stories, i just love reading them over fried tofu), but it'd be nice to have someone here with me to experience these wonderful things. i've met some old friends now, and we've caught up on so much. who knew a few hundred years could change someone so drastically, yet retain their essence? i wonder when you journey here, will you still be the same? oh, it'd be interesting, don't you think? it'd make a terrific novel. 'world-renowned traveller traverses the afterlife, how do they fare?', a fine title for an article, isn't that right? well, i should probably get going now. there's so much to do, and so much to see. do tell ei to write me back sometime, it would be lovely to hear from her again. and you, little one, should write to me too. hehe, the stories from your travels are always amusing, after all. with love, fried tofu with all the frills
EI! dear yn, how have you been? it must be awfully tiring, travelling around. i do hope you get the proper rest you need. there's always desserts in inazuma, feel free to stop by and help yourself to some. oh, and how is little paimon doing? i remember she quite enjoyed the sweets we shared on a number of our walks. frankly, it's been rather relaxing here. i enjoy it very much. it would be a great pleasure if you could visit one day, but that'd mean your journey would come to an end, and i know you have your sibling to find. i am regretful that i am unable to provide much information on her, but i've heard stories of a traveller very much like you, from centuries ago. they say that the traveller was brave, valiant and kind-hearted, much like you. it is at times like these that i realise i have missed so much, meditating in the plane of euthymia. i dearly wish that i had more time with my people, and you, of course, to truly understand the wonders of this world. do that for me, won't you? live your life out to the fullest. do not leave behind any regrets. and when we meet again, you will tell me all about your adventures. oh, and bring some desserts for me, please. thank you. yours sincerely, ei
ZHONGLI! yn, it has been a while since we last corresponded. how have you been doing? i heard that you are currently in fontaine. it is a beautiful place, i must admit. one full of history and culture and stories. if we have time, let us sit down with osmanthus wine and i shall tell you the stories i've heard. there's a story told in liyue, of a man who plays the guqin and another, a lumberjack, who understood his playing. it is said that the guqin player and the lumberjack agreed to meet at the very place they met a year later. tragically, the lumberjack met his end before he could fulfill this promise. wrecked with grief, the guqin player vowed to never touch even a string again, destroying his instrument, for what use would there be if there was no one else who would understand him? hearing this story again, it reminded me of you. who else had such empathy that they could understand the will of the divine? that said, you do have many other nations in teyvat to explore. throughout your journey, you will meet gods in disguise, and mortals disguised as gods. you will meet the soft-hearted, and the cruel. and you will survive it all, for you are an adventurer, above gods and deities, above the Heavenly Principles. please do visit me when you have time. i'd love to have a drink or two with you someday. and if you could, do check up on liyue sometime. i know they are well, but as a mortal, i never got the chance to experience it fully. it would mean a lot if you could do it in my stead. childe should have enough funds, should you need any. yours, zhongli
JEAN! my lovely yn, i heard you are doing well. that's good to hear, really. your job as an adventurer comes with its risks, and though they may not show it, but the knights of favonius often worry about your safety. haha, on more than one occasion, i've caught a few of them in the tavern wondering about you. do visit mondstadt more often to put their mind at ease, yeah? speaking of mondstadt, how are things over there? i left in such a rush that i wonder if things are frenzied. oh, i know i shouldn't worry, but i don't want everyone to pick up after me. you know how lisa hates doing work. kaeya's often busy too, travelling to sumeru and whatnot. albedo and sucrose are often busy with their experiments too, so i doubt they'd have time. and amber! how is she? poor girl, i heard her father passed on recently. she will get through it, i'm sure. and little klee, oh, i hope someone's able to keep her company. ah, am i rambling too much? i apologise, i've just been so worried over them. if you don't mind me asking, how has barbara been? i was her only family, since she isn't that close to the ragndinvr brothers, but i was always swamped with work. i do hope she's doing better. i never did get the chance to say i'm proud of all that she's accomplished now, did i? in that sense, i think i've failed terribly. enough about me, though. where has the wind taken you to? what else have you seen? and paimon, she's still with you, isn't she? take care of each other, both of you. come back to mondstadt when you need a break, its doors are always open for you. i hope to see you again, dear yn. may the wind bless your travels. best regards, jean gunnhildr NEUVILETTE! dear yn, ahem, is that how you start an informal letter? i apologise in advance, i am unused to sending such letters. now that you have left fontaine, things have strangely been a little duller. i often find myself looking up from my desk, waiting to see your face as you hand over a bottle of water from yet another one of your travel destinations. i thought i had sampled water from all over, but alas, you have once again proven me wrong. it was always a delight, however, to watch your expressions as i comment on the taste. i think, in some ways, it has helped me identify the subtle cues of humans. for example, when you lean in just a little when i speak, it shows your interest in my opinion. conversely, when your fingers start fidgeting, i know i've overstepped. i do not wish to bore you with an incredibly long letter, so i shall keep this as concise as possible. as you travel across teyvat, you will face victories and defeat. i know that your fairy companion will, sooner or later, tell you this, but you need to know that you are a traveller unlike any other. you are stronger than most, kinder than most. your strengths are built from your weaknesses, so one loss is just another stepping stone. with that said, i wish you all the best in your travels. when the time comes, let us sit down and have a meal, my treat. warmest regards, neuvilette
a/n: the story mentioned in zhongli's part is actually true! it's about 伯牙, a guqin player who wrote 水仙操 and 钟子期, a woodcutter. their story is more about their devotion towards each other as friends despite the staggering difference in class. you can read about them here.
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