#Rachet I think
daydreamdoodles · 1 year
In my head, I know Maximum is your average mecanite(???) size
But in my heart, he is the size of the iron giant and VR-LA sits in his hand or shoulder while they chat
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Imagine Ratchet warning Orion about love after hearing his friend's solicitous feeling, accompanied with a blue tint of blush on cheek, towards the Silver gladiator
Love is for nitwits which we're obviously not
Who needs a heart that's going to bleed?
It's inconvenient and just makes you hot
Let me tell you what you need
Not just any clown
Someone with a crown
And a happy life is guaranteed
But, Rachet, that can't be right. 
All the books I've read
All the poems always said
That a heart is made to share
Joy's not found in things
Such as necklaces and rings
But in love that's always there
That's the jewel beyond compare
For curious individuals who are clueless about the song
Your welcome
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ragingbookdragon · 9 months
I Do My Hair Toss, Paint My Nails
Bayverse Transformers x Reader Blurbs
Word Count: 1.7K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I fucking wrote TF fanfiction omg. Enjoy! -Thorne
It’s only the fourth glance she takes out the window that has her nail tech snorting. “Are you worried someone is going to steal your boyfriend’s truck?”
She startles at his words, barely missing the drill bit going into her skin around her nail as she replies, “Huh?”
“You keep looking at the truck,” he says. “It’s your boyfriend’s, isn’t it?”
Her cheeks begin to warm as she swipes a fifth glance at the black GMC. “What makes you say it’s my boyfriend’s? It could be mine.”
“Please. You work in private security. And I know you drive a pink Porsche.” He takes his own look at the truck. “It’s a nice one. It is your boyfriend’s, right?”
“Something like that,” she replies as he dips the brush into the acrylic and begins to lay it over her nails.
He snorts again. “Okay, Miss Mysterious, keep it secret.”
She gives a smile as he continues to work on her nails and she admires them when they’re done, a sleek black stiletto. “Thank you, Ray.”
Giving a mock bow, he replies, “I do my best. Now off with you.”
Waving, she steps outside and nears the driver’s side of the truck, only to be caught off by a sports car slowing to a stop beside her.
“Hey baby,” the man greets, practically hanging outside of the window. “Where you headed?”
She blinks, offering a deadened stare and grips the door handle. “Nowhere you are. Have a nice day.”
“Now don’t be like that, sweetheart,” he replies with a smirk and starts to get out, but he stops when the truck rumbles with a violent noise. “What the fuck?”
“Easy, Ironhide,” she murmurs, and opens the driver’s door. “Have a lovely day.” Shutting and locking the door, she’s thankful that Ironhide’s windows are tinted and watches as the car pulls away in a hurry.
“You okay?” Ironhide asks. “I can always blast their tailpipe in.”
She laughs. “Thank you, but I think they got the message.”
“Hmm, I disagree, but I’ll take your word for it,” his voice hums through his speakers as he pulls off onto the street. “What did you do in there? You were gone for an hour and a half.”
“Oh, I got my nails painted!” she chirps and flashes her hands down. “See, I painted them black like your paint.”
This time, Ironhide rumbles but it’s with a subtle pride as he compliments, “As beautiful as my weapons, love.”
“Thank you,” she smiles and leans forward, pressing her lips to the center of the steering wheel. “How about we take a drive out of the city?”
“I think that’s a fantastic idea,” he replies and turns off to the main highway pointing out of the city.
“I do not understand the process of painting your nails,” Rachet comments as he watches her gently apply a mustard yellow to her nails.
“Which part don’t you understand, big guy?” she replies, not looking up, focusing intently.
“Perhaps it is more so I don’t understand why.”
He nods and gets closer, staring at her hands. “Why are you painting them?”
She looks up at him. “Why me specifically or why do humans paint nails?”
Rachet takes a moment to ponder her question. “Both.”
Sticking her hand under the small gel light, she answers, “Most people paint their nails as a form of self-expression. Others do so as it’s fashionable. Some just do manicures and pedicures to stay groomed. Think of it like you and the others maintaining your own bodies and staying in good condition.” She starts on the other hand when the first is cured. “Some cultures have historic context with painting nails or the length of nails and it’s symbolic to their people.”
“And what of you?” he asks.
“I guess mine is more so expression and maintenance. I work a lot so I can’t always have my nails maintained the way I want, y’know painted and with length. But I always try to keep them clean and nice looking.” She smiles as she paints a red line through them. “Sometimes I’m lucky enough that I get to paint them pretty.”
At that, Rachet tips his head a bit to see. “I’m no human but I do not think red and yellow are technically considered ‘pretty.’”
She gives him a fond look and pokes his nose with her cured pointer. “Really? Because I painted them to look like a similar Autobot I know. Or did you forget you’re red and yellow?”
He coughs slightly and looks away. “Well, now that you mention such a thing.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re flustered, Rachet.”
“Nonsense,” he retorts as he stands up straight, and she has to crane her neck to see him. “Autobots don’t get flustered.”
“I think you’re leaking oil, big guy,” she teases, and he turns hurriedly, patting himself down.
“What! Where!”
“I’m joking,” she says with a grin. “Still set on not being embarrassed?”
She sits at the station next to Bumblebee as he fumbles with the metal Rubik’s cube she had made for him. “What color should I paint my nails, Bee?” she asks, opening the case, and she really shouldn’t be painting her nails at work, but considering most of the higher ups are in meetings and the facility is a ghost town, she doesn’t have much to do.
Bumblebee looks down, optics zooming in on each color she lifts up for him to see.
“I’ve got blue…red…black…ooo, what about green?” she offers a deep evergreen up and he scowls and shakes his head. “No?”
He sticks a finger into the case and carefully digs around until he pulls out a tiny tube and hands it to her.
“This one?” she asks and looks at the bottle. “Sunrise Yellow,” she says and looks at him. “It matches you.”
This time he gives her a smile of pride and hands her the black bottle as well, gesturing to her middle and ring fingers.
“You want these ones painted black and the others yellow?”
“Yeah baby!” the line from a comedy movie comes over his voice and she snorts.
“Okay, Bee,” she answers and opens the bottles. “Nails that look like you coming up.” she watches as he grins to himself and dances slightly. “You keep it up, Bee, and everyone is going to know you like me.” She pauses and looks at her hands with a deadpan stare. “Actually, they’re going to think I like you.”
He bends down and gets face to face with her. “You do like me.” The words are easy enough to decipher in his rumbles and she looks away.
“Get outta heeya,” she mocks with warm cheeks, and he laughs at her. “Hey, you better stop laughing at me, or do you not remember how you practically tripped over yourself when I wore a dress the other day and you weren’t paying attention. Ran right into the high-beam and maintenance is still working on fixing it.”
At that, his battle visors come down and he hides his face as embarrassed rumbles escape him; she takes the opportunity to slide up onto his leg and sit with a smile as she paints her nails.
She greets the soldiers around her with a smile as she enters the facility and wanders back to her desk to set her things down. It’s only a few moments before Lennox finds his way to her desk and simply stands in front of it until she looks up. “Good morning, Will.”
“You’re late,” he retorts and crosses his arms over his chest. “We had training this morning. And you missed it.”
“And I think you forget I was transferred to private security.” She smiles amusedly. “I don’t work for the military anymore.”
He rolls his eyes. “Jesus, you get out and you turn into a completely different person.”
“I am not. Excuse me for enjoying not waking up at the ass-crack of dawn to go running.” She turns on her computer and sorts some paperwork on her desk. “I had an appointment if it appeases your annoyance, your royal eminence.”
“Oh, it’s not me that needs to be appeased. It’s a certain Autobot that was worried about your lateness,” he teases as she feels her cheeks heat up.
She gives him a surprised but pleasant look. “Optimus was worried about me?”
She knows she’s said too much when Lennox’s face splits into a smirk and he gloats, “I fuckin’ knew it was Optimus. Epps thought it was Sideswipe.” His grins grows as she throws her pen at him and he saunters off with, “Guys owe me fifty.”
A few minutes pass as the embarrassment begins to fade when a noise startles her and she lets out a groan and gripes, “William, go awa—Optimus!” she hides her files on her desk as if it will take away the fluster she feels. “I—I didn’t know you were there.”
The Autobot leader bends down to get level with her. “You weren’t at training this morning,” he notes, and she can’t help how her neck disappears into her shoulders.
“I was busy…I had an appointment.”
“Oh?” He blinks, blue optics watching her carefully. “Was it a medical appointment? Are you well?”
“I’m fine,” she replies. “I went to go get my nails done.”
He blinks again, this time almost confused as he asks, “Your…nails?”
She shows her hands, and he lowers his, gently taking both of hers in one; they only rest on one finger as he examines them. “In human culture, men and women paint their finger and toenails different colors. It’s called manicure and pedicure. I have acrylic nails. Made from acrylic glass and hardened with a liquid monomer. It creates a hardened surface that can be drilled and painted. Like mine.”
Optimus looks them over before he murmurs almost uncharacteristically quiet, “They are painted like my paint.”
Her cheeks warm and she looks away. “I…know we can’t exactly be open…people wouldn’t understand but…I just thought it would be a romantic gesture I guess.”
“I am honored,” he says with a smile. “They are painted beautifully…like you.”
“Optimus,” she replies with a warm smile. “Thank you.”
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sweetnans · 2 months
Stuck in the moment || Bakugo, K. (pt.6)
Pairing: fuckboy Bakugo/hopelessly romantic fem. reader
summary: You made a mistake, a huge mistake. You fucked the most cocky, annoying, bastard, fuckboy you knew. Bakugo Katsuki. And that fact was against all your beliefs. Now, after the rumor (truth) spread like a pandemic virus in college you'll have to live with the stormy consequences of your acts and whatever trash was brought with it.
a/c: Hey, it's me again. Here we are in a new series I plan to continue. I really hope you enjoy it. I put my favorite man in action (bakugo) being a selfish bastard that you would love eventually and I couldn't help to put another "trope" I'm a sucker for (guardian/father figure Aizawa) I'm so sorry if that bothers you. Once again, I'm sorry if I misspelled something, English is not my first language. (Not proofread yet)
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 -> Pt.7 ♡
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Bakugo was kinda fun to be around with. He actually made you laugh and not because of his faces every time you blurted the most unhinged question for him. He made you laugh verbally, with his own words, and the sentence wasn't one full of hate and despise. He was, without wanting it, fun.
For you, it fell like a truce, and the thought of being friends with him didn't scare you anymore. The second thoughts and plans of getting rid of him just by ignoring him disappeared along with the security that he was going to try something with you. He didn't.
You felt lightweight. Like a feather being carried with the breeze. Or that was Denki told you when you tried to verbalize what you felt. There was no weight on your shoulders anymore trying to dodge every bullet Bakugo threw at you just by being himself. You were walking on eggshells, and now it felt amazing that you weren't feeling distraught by just thinking of bumping into him in the hallways.
Somehow, that relieved your anxiety of having an upcoming date with Todoroki. You were planning on what to wear very calmly with Jirou's help and fantasizing how it would be.
You've made your peace.
Back in your real life, outside the mess of your head, you had to complete your homework and study for midterms. So you were genuinely happy that you could accomplish that without feeling so rachet about yourself.
"Is college more difficult than school?" Eri asked while you two were both doing your school/college chores in Aizawa's apartment.
"I don't know. I think you have to find a steady pace and find a good method to study, and everything should be fine. " You hummed your response, and she squinted at you. "What?"
"But you're like a genius, that doesn't count"
Eri had entered the age where she hated school. The rebellious phase for every teenager. She was still a cute girl who didn't give Aizawa any problem, but that didn't mean that it was easy trying to get her to do her homework.
"Well, you have brains too," you shrugged. "I know you don't like to do this stuff but at least we can spend some time together, like old times"
You loved her with your entire soul, and she welcomed you with open arms when Aizawa introduced you two. You both treated each other like sisters.
"Yeah, I think you're right." She smiled and directed her eyes to her assigment. "You've been kinda missing lately"
"It's been messy, not going to lie about it," you continued your writing while she was fidgeting with her pen.
"A boy, right?" She raised her eyebrow and smirked.
"What?" You dropped your pencil and looked at her nervously. You knew that Eri was very prone to hearing things without meaning it, and that was because Aizawa and Hizashi usually forgot that she's around when they speak things about college.
"I heard Aizawa talking to...I can't remember actually who, but he said something about a guy named Bakugo. I think I remember him, a loudly blonde guy with a grumpy face"
The thing about you two is that you always shared secrets. She constantly overheard things and never stuttered on telling or asking you whatever the topic was.
You constantly forgot how she was there before you. Like you were the older and you acted like an older sister for her but it was really weird that she, when she was little, used to be around them most of the time. You knew the war provoked that the grown-ups had to take their time to fix the world, so they asked students to babysit her. Mirio, one of the oldest, always stayed around. Even now, he made sure to have time to take her out. They went to amusement parks together, to the movies, to the arcade. Mirio had a busy life as a hero but never forgot his roots.
"Uhm, I don't know exactly what you heard, but it's just a friendship, nothing romantic, I swear." You were afraid that she had heard something about the one night stand you had with him, but you knew that even if Aizawa was oblivious about Eri eavesdropping, he would never share that piece of information with anyone.
"I don't mind. Your last boyfriend was a jackass so the set bar is pretty low." She said, waving her hand mindlessly.
With the teen years and rebellious age, as you can tell, she became savage.
"Accurately rude," you stated. "Anyways, just so you know and because I love you, I'm having a date this friday with the son of Endeavor"
The way she looked at you like you were joking made you cackle. You nodded, reaffirming your sentence, and she denied not believing you.
"The guy with the mismatched eyes?" You moved your head up and down, and she put both of her hands in her mouth. "He is cute"
"I know!" You giggled while she quickly closed her books.
"I need to know everything"
Aizawa scolded both of you for not finishing your chores before dinner but it was totally worth it.
On the other hand, Bakugo was still reminiscing the moment you appeared in his room the day before. His bento, clean and empty, was forgotten in his desk while he could still pictured you spinning in his chair.
The moment he watched you disappear, running after Todoroki was a decisive point in his mind. He only knew two emotions when it came to you, utterly giddy feelings that he didn't know he had, and that made him feel in constant denial and the second one, rage. Those feelings evolved in things more complicated. Rage evolved in stubbornness, prideful and insecurity. Why wasn't he good enough?
But then, you turned the things in your favor again, and he felt, aside from happy, vulnerable. Was that the only thing it took to have him back? A few 'I'm sorry' and a bag of cookies? If it was anyone, he would close the door at their nose, but it was you, and he couldn't help feeling the sincerity in your actions.
"What do you think about her?" Bakugo asked Denki, who was very busy trying to win a race in Mario Kart against Sero.
They were hanging in his room. After all, it was the only place available for stuff them all without annoying anyone. Sero and Denki were challenging themselves on Mario Kart, Kirishima was reading a sports magazine, and Mina was painting her nails.
"She is my best friend. I mean, aside from Jirou, " he answered, calculating a drift and avoiding a banana peel.
"Isn't she your girlfriend?" Sero chimed in, stumbling in the banana peel that Denki avoided before. "Oh man," he whined, seeing how toad twirled many times.
Mina started talking about you, how you seemed very nice but a little shy and how she was pretending to invite you for a drink or five. Bakugo's friend knew how he was, so he didn't mind asking about you with all of them there.
"Yep, but she's also my best friend. Anyway, forget about Jirou. " he turned the conversation about you again. "She's a very good friend, loyal. She's very attached to her past, but I don't blame her. She stays in between Jirou and me, like she's goofy funny and likes to throw silly jokes, but unlike me, she can ground herself very quickly, she doesn't need a Jirou to stay put. She's always supportive, and I'm really happy to have her"
Denki meant every word he said. He was very fond of you because you were so easy to be with. You didn't judge him for his lack of intellectual (academically) it was actually the opposite. Every time he felt down, you were the first one cheering him up and highlighting some other qualities he had.
"That's very manly bro" Kirishima threw both of his thumbs up with a big smile plastered on his face, completely forgetting he had a magazine on his hands.
"I really hope that you talk about me like that too, bunch of assholes!" Mina mumbled.
"Nah, we mostly talk about your lack of reasoning when you decide to wear animal print. That's so last decade!" Sero joked.
"You son of a bitch!" Mina yelled throwing him a pillow who ended up being one of the many reasons he lost in the race. "Haha, you deserved that loser." She stuck her tongue out, and Sero mimicked her.
"Please don't tear up my fucking room" Bakugo scolded them and they returned to their activities.
"Also, about Mina saying she's shy, she's not... she's chaotic in a way that no one expects her to be. You always see her so composed, but she's an entire other person once she's in his comfort zone. " Denki laughed at a memory that came back to his mind from one of the nights you two went out.
The last sentence of Denki had him motivated. He didn't need an excuse when it came to you, but he was eager and stubborn, and he needed to see with his own eyes that hidden part of you.
He knew exactly what he had to do.
You made your way back to your room when the sun was far from down. Eri and you turned the study session into a pancake dinner day. Save to say that Aizawa's white roof would never be white again unless he put all his soul to clean the stains of the batter away.
Rubbing your eyes because of the lack of sleep, you entered your building and walking like a zombie to your floor. You were happy to be alone. Jirou sent you a message that she would be staying at Denki's room for the night and you could never be happier. You were tired in a way that was draining your soul. Midterms were coming like a wave ready to crash adding the past event in your life that wreck the normality of it. But now, you had studied all the afternoon, you sure would have a good night of sleep and the Bakugo topic was more than solved.
Everything was making sense again. Oh and don't forget your upcoming date.
You let yourself breathe again and expand the capacity of your lungs like you were inhaling oxygen for the first time. It felt actually nice, it was like rebooting yourself just by doing so mundane like breathing.
"About time"
Bakugo stood beside your room door looking hot as ever. He was wearing a black hoodie with his cap on, a matching jogger in his lower part.
"What are you doing here?" you whispered. It was late and there wasn't a soul around.
"I was running and decided to check on you" he shrugged when you stood in front of him squinting your eyes in disbelief. "Fine, there's one lie and one truth in that sentence"
You crossed your arms on top of your chest and he couldn't help eyeing your neckline.
"The truth is that I was running" he smirked and you rolled your eyes trying to hide your smile. Damn bastard. "Are we going to talk here? on the hallway?"
Taking the keys out of your pocket you reached to put them inside the lock, turning the knob after. Switching the lights, you dropped your bag in your desk and sat in your bed exhaling and laying yourself on top of the duvet.
"Did you bring food?" you asked to say something. Your stomach was full of pancakes but the thought of his cooking had you almost drooling.
"Nah, I have a proposal for you and if you say yes maybe and just maybe I'll reward you with a dish"
A proposal? You pushed your body up ready to read him. Was he joking? Maybe it was just like when he asked you to be friends or maybe it was something worse, like breaking his promise. You knew that accepting his friendship would have its perks, like the possibility of him trying to get under your pants. You were making mental jumps because of it. You knew very well the men like him, cocky, unreachable with superiority complex.
"It's not what you think" he huffed annoyed. "I'm not going to start an argument because of your lack of trust"
If you thought that you could read him, you were wrong and the worst part is that he could do that to you instead. Were you that transparent?
"I'm listening" you said trying to maintain your face neutral.
The vibe in the room changed, there wasn't that fun and easy-going atmosphere anymore. You were expecting the most mischievous proposal but instead, you were surprised when he opened his mouth.
"My mom is hosting a party and she's making me go with a plus one. I invited everyone but they all have plans. If I show up by myself she's going to be the death of me for the entire night" he murmured loud enough for you to hear. It seemed that just by saying that he was losing at least half of his pride.
"So you want me to go with you..." you stated the obvious.
"You're my last resource, don't let the invitation get over your head" he said breaking eye contact with you and rumaging through your stuff.
"Oh you do know how to make a girl feel special" you said sarcastically.
Laying down, you went back to your positions now, instead of just resting, thinking. The truth was that after imagining the worst case scenario you couldn't come with an excuse good enough to said no to him.
"What's the dress code?" you asked watching at your roof. You heard how he was picking every stuff from your desk as well as you did with his stuff on his room.
"Don't worry about it, I have something for you to wear" he answered nonchalantly
Of course he has. You said under your breath in exasperation. Now you were actually caged. There was no opportunity of saying no.
"Fine" you hummed in response.
Bakugo felt like his heart was about to explode. When he asked Denki about you and came with that idea he was expecting that you would be hard to crack. He had at least three different forms of convincing you to go to the party with him. He didn't use one.
"I'm going to pick you up tomorrow at six, be ready by that. I'll send the dress first thing in the morning"
He was finding hard to keep his neutral facade with you, like he wasn't excited about it.
"Tomorrow!?" you exclaimed standing in a quick movement. "Are you fucking with me?"
The look on your face was between a bottle of water in the middle of the dessert and a loudly clown in a silent room. He didn't know that he needed to see you in distress until now and he was quite amused at your panicked state.
"Yeah it's nothing just a stupid party with a lot of people" he rolled his eyes acting bored.
It didn't sound like nothing to you. You knew Bakugo's parents were important in the fashion industry and now he was dropping a bomb like it wasn't going about to explode in your face.
He grabbed the knob of your door and twisted it until the door was open in front of him.
"Don't you worry, it's not like there will be the most important people of Japan" he paused and then a wicked smile appeared on his face. "Oh shit, yeah there will"
He left you dumbfounded and alone with the train of thoughts that appeared right after he closed the door. And you thought you will be having a nice night of sleep? The world was messing with you again.
In his room, hanging in the doors of his closet, Bakugo had the stunning dress he had picked that afternoon after he kicked out all of his friend out of his room. A red satin long dress with an opening in the right leg. He didn't know if you had matching shoes but he make sure of that when the assitant of the shop handed him the dress. Lacy high heels he knew you would love.
Everyone knew that Bakugo was a smart man, and being in the industry for years without wanting it made him learn things unconsciously like what size people were only by looking at them. He was sure that the dress and the shoes would fit you and, of course, make you way more gorgeous than you already were.
Your night was summed up in pacing all night. You walked through your room, you rearranged your desk three times, you even changed your bed sheets a week earlier trying to succumb the anxiety rising up from the pit of your stomach.
Well, what's done is done. You already said yes and there was no enough amount of excuse that would prevent you from going.
You've never attended a nice party before. You looked up Bakugo's parents on the internet and the sight of them smiling in a picture wearing haute couture made you shrink in your position in bed. You thought about biting your nails but then a reasonable thought appeared on your mind, there was no way that you would go to that party and meet those people with your nails all bitten.
Finally, the sun was up in the sky and you made it through the night sleeping the vast amount of four hours. You felt fresh like a rotten veggie rusting in the back of the fridge.
Just as he said, a few little knocks on your door startled you right after you opened your eyes.
"Why is Bakugo sending you this?" Denki raised his left brow while raising the dress covered in a gray bag.
No hello, no how are you's, straight to the damn point.
"Uhm, where's Jirou?" If you were going to explain yourself you'll rather doing it just once.
"She went to the bathroom, she's coming tho, what's going on?" He took a step inside of the room and left the dress on top of your dresser removing the wrinkles with his hands.
"Here I am! I took a piss almost standing with a feet inside the stall and the other outside the bathroom, what the hell is going on!?"
Curious Jirou was your absolute favorite when you weren't involved in the thing she wanted to know because you were almost sure that she was just a few seconds away of grabbing your bedside table's lamp to hold it above your eyes to interrogate you.
"Bakugo invited me to this thing of his parents because no one was able to go with him, not a big deal" you waved your hand at them like it was actually nothing when you were boiling on the inside.
"Not big deal??" She exclaimed. "I took a peak of that dress and girl, that didn't seem like not a big deal" she quoted you in the air and you walked to the dress to pry inside.
The way both of your hands rose to clap your mouth shut proved Jirou right.
A red satin dress whose fabric and lacy straps screamed money and luxury to you laid flat and still in your hand-me-down duvet.
"It also came with these" Denki appeared above your shoulder with a pair of strappy heels.
You shook your head several times in disapproval. No. When Bakugo said that he had a dress, you never expected for him to casually lend you a, you could guess, a few pairs of zero dress. And heels that would match its glamor and price.
"What are you doing?" Jirou asked Denki in a hum.
"Looking at the price of this thing" He scanned the dress with his phone and shook his head and then he scanned the heels. "The dress is nowhere to be found but the heels, oh my god, don't even touch that"
"Don't be ridiculous, I don't think is that exp-" Jirou's eyes widen, and you could swear that they were about to pop out of their sockets. "Don't touch them? More like, don't breathe near them!"
"Dial his number Denki. I need to talk to him now. " You rushed to your friend while he was taking his phone out of his jacket.
"Put him on speaker," Jirou commented side eyeing you.
After a few rings, the sound of static and him clearing his throat startled the three of you.
"If something happened to that dress I swear to god-" Bakugo gruff voice echoed in your room.
"It's not that! When you said a party, I thought you meant like a casual party, almost as a jeans and top party, not a champagne toast, chandeliers and limousines party" you freaked out.
"Oh, so you liked the dress," he said, and you could practically see the smirk plastered on his face.
"There's no way I'm going to use that. The shoes cost more than my whole tuition!"
"I don't see the problem. Besides, you're not that clumsy to tear them up in just one night. I assure you nothing is going to happen, I'm going to pick you up, help you walk, and stay by your side, taking care that no one put a damn finger on it, if that is your concern"
In his own room, he was trying to keep it cool while the mere possibility of you bailing it out made his leg tremble under his desk. This was his shot. He had accepted the weird feelings he had toward you, and now he needed to taste the waters to see if there was any chance for him.
"I'm picking you up at six. Don't be late, " he hung up.
He wouldn't give you the opportunity to leave him hanging.
Classes were slower than usual. Fortunately, you had most of them with Jirou, so if you thought that she would drop the incident of the morning, you thought wrong.
"I don't know what's on his mind, but the bright side is that you have the chance to wear a nice dress for once without having to sell your soul to the devil" she said while scribbling some notes. You raised your brow at her, and she gasped. "He's not the devil"
"Since when are you a Bakugo defender?" You asked, leaning on your head on your open hand.
"I'm not his defender is just he's just behaving like a normal human being, acting like a friend, and don't forget he ate that crap the other day, for me that's like the ultimate act of love" she exaggerated.
"I wouldn't go that far," you rolled your eyes at her. "I'm with you on that, except for the latter, but I still think that he has hidden intentions." Jirou titled her head in confusion. "He's used to getting everything he wants, and normally he does, and when I appeared and opened my mouth, everything went downhill for him"
"So you think that he's only using you? For revenge? I don't think he's that wicked. " Jirou bit the tip of his pen giving it a profound thought.
"I don't know"
And for once in your life, you didn't want to know.
The same afternoon, you were at your room with your makeup and hair done. Jirou helped you to look like a decent person, and she also helped you put on your dress without leaving any stains.
"I swear to god, this is gorgeous," she exclaimed.
You admired yourself in the mirror. The fabrics traced the shape of your body in a way that almost made you faint. Growing up in an orphanage, you never had the opportunity of dressing nice. This was the first time that you actually felt like a princess.
Three knocks on the door echoed in the room. You looked at the clock, and you still had a whole fifteen minutes before Bakugo's arrival. Maybe something happened, you wouldn't have the chance to know because you didn't have his number.
You hurried to pick up some jewelry, a pair of golden earrings with a matching necklace that lay on your desk.
"Sensei?" Jirou asked and gave a step back to let Aizawa enter the room. Aizawa looked for you, and when he caught the glimpse of you dressed to the ninens, he was utterly confused.
"What's going on?" He asked slowly.
"I'm going to a party," you said, clicking the earrings to your lobes. You had a few more piercings, so you decided to look for new ones to combine.
"With Bakugo," Jirou chimed in giggling at your death stare.
"What?" Aizawa turned from Jirou to you.
"He asked me to be his plus one to one of his parent's events, no biggie," you said, clasping the back of your necklace while the two of them were talking with glances. "It's not what you are thinking"
"What am I thinking?" He pretended not having understood.
"It's not meet the parents, I swear, I'll just go, eat some boujee shit and look pretty" you shrugged.
Aizawa nodded in acknowledgment and then smiled a bit.
"You do look pretty," he said like a proud dad. "You should send a picture to Eri"
"Why don't I take the picture of the two of you?" Jirou said, excited. "You didn't have any proms, right? This could be the replacement of family photos"
You wouldn't lie. The mere idea of it made you excited, too. You had your best friend and your father figure with you in a moment you never thought you would ever have.
"Fine, but I want you out before Bakugo arrives, I don't want the: bring her in one piece show"
"Oh, don't worry, I'm going to have a serious talk with that boy," he joked.
Or that's what you thought.
Bakugo was ready to pick you thirty minutes before the time he set, so now, he had thirty minutes to pace in his room with his tux on and a lot of thoughts running through his mind.
The palms of his hands were sweating, and he restricted himself to apply more perfume on his collar. He didn't want to provoke you a headache, but he didn't want to smell like caramel either.
He went straight to his car, and although your building was almost in front of his building, he waited in the car, blasting loud music to keep his nerves on the line.
When the clock marked six pm, he made sure to lock his car and, with big steps, made his way to your building, playing with the keys on his fingers he stepped into the elevator and clicked the third floor.
The door of your room opened at the second knock, and Denki's girlfriend was the one on the other side of the wood.
"Are you ready?" She smiled widely, and Bakugo felt the emotions running in his stomach.
"Don't make a fuzz over it"
You appeared in slow motion. Well, that's how he recalls it. He was absolutely right about the dress and the heels. He felt his mouth drying just at the sight of you in front of him. Your makeup was subtle but remarked the main factions of your face. Your eyes were stunning and sparkling, and your mouth highlighted with a subtle shadow of light brown lipstick and gloss on top.
"You -" he stuttered. He cursed himself on his mind for acting like a teenager. "You look beautiful"
You smiled at him, and your cheeks went red in an instant but this time it wasn't for shame, it was purely because of his compliment.
"Let's go," he offered his arm, and you happily clung to it. You needed the balance.
"Have fun!" Jirou screamed from the door when you two walked away from her.
The ride in the car was nice. The spring breeze made you shiver a few times, but he was quick enough to pull the windows up. You thanked him in your mind.
On the other hand, Bakugo was sweating like a pig. He knew he needed to look at the road, but he was so mesmerized by your beauty that he couldn't help staring at you, giving you subtle glances.
He didn't want the ride to be silent, but he didn't know what to say without giving away too much or making a shame of himself.
He was a nervous wreck.
The two of you arrived at the venue with the sun setting on your backs. You had your arm locked on Bakugo's to maintain stability in your heels. With the heels on, he was only half of a head taller than you, so know you could actually see his eyes without killing your neck in the process.
The thematic of the party was classic and luxurious. You weren't wrong about the chandeliers and the champagne because the first thing you saw above your head was an enormous chandelier hanging from the roof, which was very far from the ground and about the champagne, after your mouth almost fell from his junction at the sight of the warm light, a waiter dressed in black waved his tray with multiples flute cups urging you to take one.
Bakugo was kind enough to take two of them and nodded at the waiter, who continued to offer them to the other guests.
Man, you needed at least three of them to just adjust yourself to the atmosphere.
"D'you like it?" He asked, offering the beverage.
"I mean, yeah, it's amazing, and I can't even begin to think the work your parents had to put on this, but I feel like an ant in a shark tank"
He smirked at your comparison.
"You look good," he assured you.
Before you could say anything a tug in your shoulder made you both turn around.
"Who's this?"
The femenine image of Bakugo was in front of you, looking at you with awe and sparkling eyes.
"I thought I'll have enough time to sneak out before bumping into you, mom." he rolled his eyes, and his mom didn't waste time smacking his shoulder with her hand.
"Don't talk to me like that, Katsuki. I'm your goddamn mother, " she flicked his son's forehead and then, like nothing happened, returned to you. "Who are you, darling?"
"She's my friend," Bakugo said before you could open your mouth. He looked constipated like he was trying so hard that you didn't talk.
"Hi, Mrs Bakugo, I'm very pleased to meet you," you said after giving her your name.
"Katsuki, I thought you'll bring your friends, this is a nice surprise." she was genuinely excited. "Are you his girlfriend or his girl-friend?" she waved her arms, stating the comparison with a playful wink that made you blush.
"She's just my friend," Bakugo answered, annoyed. "Where's dad?"
"Oh, he's over there sweeping away the candy table, I swear that man loves too much those little macaroons," she smiled at the sight of her husband. "Anyway, enjoy the party, I hope to see you again, darling," she squeezed your shoulder in her way out.
"She's cool," you said once she was out of sight.
Bakugo snorted and shook his head.
"That's because she doesn't scream at you, c'mon, let me introduce you to my dad" he grabbed your hand this time pulling you through the crowd and you didn't know how to feel about the sudden interaction.
Bakugo's dad was visibly the opposite of his mom. He was quiet, very calm and nice. He asked you about college and about your quirk. The three of you talked about random topics for almost half an hour, and you could tell that Bakugo was more relaxed around his dad than with his mom.
The party began after a speech from both of Bakugo's parents talking about the fashion industry and his own company. The start of it, the challenges they went through in the way of what was today and everything. They thanked their employees, which you found very modest of them, in the best sense of the word.
Then everyone was in their world talking to each other and laughing at the memories they shared. You and Bakugo were leaning in the bar table, asking for something else than champagne. Your tongue wasn't used to refined alcohol.
"Is it always like this?" You asked watching everyone from afar.
"Yeah, the best part is that they only do this twice a year, I need to use the bathroom. Can you stay here and wait for the drinks?" You nodded and gave him a small smile that he gave back.
In his absence, you took the time to look at your phone and replied to Jirou's text since it was just one text you needed to reply to. You started scrolling through the apps and watching stories from your friends. Mina's story appeared just after you accepted on being her friend.
The image of her and Bakugo's friend appeared in an instant. They were hanging together and playing cards in a bar while drinking beer. You felt the champagne in your stomach twirl and made you nauseous.
Why did they tell Bakugo that they were busy?
You were thinking about telling him or not when he appeared and looked above your shoulder.
"What are you doing?" He asked, raising his brow at you.
He didn't give you the time to hide the evidence, so he was very stunned when he watched his friend's story.
"I'm so sorry they lied to you," you said sadly.
His reaction took you by surprise. He wasn't sad or angry. Instead, he was stoic, he standed there thinking and looking at the abyss shuffling the options in his mind.
"It's okay, I didn't invite them," he shrugged and sat on the bar stool, taking the glass of something in his hand.
The look on your face was epic.
"What? But you told me-" you were dumbfounded.
"I know what I told you," he interrupted. "I just didn't want you to say no and I really wanted you to come"
The last time someone was so eager to spend time with you was when you were in charge of the twins, and the couple who adopted them wanted to be by their side all the time.
"Why?" You said confused by his actions.
"I wanted to know you better, like friends do." he wasn't even looking at you, focused completely on sipping from his glass. Yours was in front of you when you realized that it was a Cosmopolitan that you haven't ordered. He remembered.
"Well, I don't know what to say"
"It's okay if you're mad" he mumbled under his breath. He didn't want you to be mad.
"Mad? I'm flattered. I mean, yesterday I was the last option, and now I'm the only option you had in mind since the beginning, " you said toying with your fingers.
You didn't like any sort of lies, but you could understand why he did that. You weren't very open with anyone but your friends so it was very difficult to reach you sometimes. At least he was trying.
"So, do you like to dance, or am I just going to use this dress like a mannequin?" You said batting your long lashes at him.
"Your wishes are my commands, ma'am," he offered his hand, and you took it without hesitating.
"Oh my god, you're so damn cocky"
Your cheeky tone made butterflies erupt in Bakugo's body. That shithead of Kaminari was right. You were absolutely fun to have around.
After a few dances and a lot of drinking, at least for your part, because Bakugo had to drive you back, you were a giant mess. You felt the heat in your body and your feet staring to swell because of the dances. Bakugo was a great dancer, he knew how to sway and how twirl you without leaving you on the ground. You made fun of him multiple times and he took advantage of your state giving you the false sensation that after a spin he would actually drop you.
"I'm a mess right now," you stated the obvious. The drink was way over your head, and it made your legs feel lightweight.
"Yeah, you've stomped in my feet three times," he grinned grabbing you firmly by your waist.
"I'm sorry," you pouted. "I needed to make sure you weren't feeling so confident about your dancing skills. What a bummer! Do you really have to be good at everything? It's exhausting, Bakugo"
The way he laughed at you made you feel whole. He was genuinely laughing, heading back and relaxed shoulder. The whole starting pack of finding you funny.
"Katsuki," he returned to his normal state.
"What?" you asked. Your mind was working slowler than usual.
"You can call me Katsuki after you crushed my feet and almost teared off my arm when you thought you were falling, I think we are okay with first name basis"
Your emotions were in a state of haze. You could blame the alcohol in your veins, but you could also blame the stunning man in front of you, glancing your figure and never letting go of your skin.
He looked as hypnotized as you, but he was more in his right mind to make a subtle move.
Leaning and entering in your space, he took a loose lock of your hair with his fingers and carefully placed it behind your ear, taking the moment to hang in there for a while.
You gulped at the feeling of having him so close.
"I think we should dance one last time before we go," he whispered in your ear.
The slow music played through the speakers. Katsuki grabbed your hand, who was tiny against his big one. He placed the other hand in your waist while yours stayed in his shoulder. The intense look you were sharing gave you enough time to look at his eyes and memorize them. In the warm and fainty light, they looked brighter than other occasions, or maybe it was just because you now were taking your time to really look at them.
Katsuki felt the same way, he sweep your entire face with his eyes while guiding your dance. Your big eyes looked at him like he was the only thing in the world, the tip of your nose little red just as well as your cheeks and your lips, slightly apart and puffy, he wanted to kiss you so bad.
Would you let him? Kiss you?
He wanted to ask, but he was afraid. Bakugo Katsuki was afraid of asking a girl to please let him kiss her?
At that point, he didn't mind begging you to let him taste the sweet of your lips. He was dealing with his own devils inside of his brain. He promised you that his only intention was to be your friend, and now, after a splendid day, his own instincts were about fuck everything up or make it better.
Without even noticing, he started to lean towards you, and you were leaning as well to meet him in the middle. When he realized you were halfway to stamp your lips on his. Your eyes fluttered in between staying open and closed and he sucked his air because it was about to happen.
Ride or die, he thought.
You were inches away from each other when abruptly you shrinked in your position and your eyes snapped open in pain.
Your ankle sabotaged you.
After a little fuzz about it, where the two of you decided to forget the previous situation, you were situated in Katsuki's front seat with the help of his dad and a waiter. Your ankle was getting bigger and bigger and Katsuki couldn't stop looking at it.
"We have to go to emergencies," he stated.
You waved him off, rolling your eyes and internally screaming because of the pain. Damn high heels, you would never use them again.
"It's okay, I'll go to recovery girl tomorrow morning, and she'll do something about it"
That was the main plan. Katsuki felt stupid because with the preoccupation of you in any sort of pain, he forgot that you had all the possibilities with Aizawa being your guardian.
Once you reached your building, he made sure of leaving you safely and tucked in your bed. He even wanted to carry you bridal style to your room, but you adamantly opposed the possibility of being the main gossip of the week.
"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you tomorrow?" He asked for what it seemed the tenth time. Jirou, who was at his back, had a finger lifted for every time he asked that.
"It's okay, Jirou can take me, right?" You said calmly.
"Sure," she faked innocence, hiding his hands behind his back.
"Here, my number." he took your phone from his jacket and put his number on your contacts. "Text me tomorrow, or you'll have me here all day"
God forbid.
"Fine," you smirked. "I had a good time, thank you"
He tucked his hands on his pant's pockets and nodded in agreement.
When the door closed, Jirou watched you with her eyes wide open in amusement.
"I know, don't say anything," you curled up to touch your ankle and see it closely. "This look nasty"
"Girl," she stated, not believing a thing she had just seen.
You didn't sleep a wink from the pain. Jirou stayed all night with you icing your entire feet to deflate it, but it didn't work.
The sun was getting up in the sky, and the both of you were tired and sitting in your bed with your backs against the wall.
"Thank god the only class I have today is skippable," she said, yawning.
"Mine is not skippable but I'll make it skippable" you said changing the ice pack to your other hand. "I'll talk to Aizawa"
"Did you asked why he was here yesterday?"
You've forgotten about that.
"No" you shook your head. "I didn't even give it a thought"
She hummed in response and the two of you fell in a comfort silence where you took the chance to close your eyes a little.
"Don't you think you are playing two teams?" Jirou asked while taking the ice pack from your hand and icing your ankle herself.
Her voice startled you less than his ask.
"No," you hissed when she hit a sensitive spot. "I mean, Bakugo invited me to that thing, I said yes, we danced...very close and intimate I'm not going to lie about it and then I sprinted my ankle and now I'm here, what's that of two teams"
"You are practically panicking because of your ankle, I know you have a date with Todoroki, but maybe this is a sign." She said reading your mind.
Todoroki had crossed your mind just once and it was when you started to think in your classes and how you'll go to them in one foot.
"I can't leave him hanging." You said. "Besides, Bakugo invited me as his friend. He asked me to be his friend not a week ago, there no reason to not go to my date tomorrow"
"Fair point," she nodded. "Aren't you betraying yourself with this? Like in that blubbering mess you were last night, you explicitly told me that you felt your stomach doing a flip every time he pressed his hand on your waist"
You blamed the pain and the alcohol.
"If I don't remember, that means it didn't happen." You grinned at her, and she bumped her shoulder at you playfully
Oh, but you did remember, and it brought you mixed feelings that you didn't know how to deal with. With the sun rays of the morning stepping in your room through your curtains you couldn't help but think how fucked you were.
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(Not proofread yet)
End note: I know I made you wait, but the waiting had its purpose. My winter break is over :( and since I've been updating on Wednesdays, I needed to re-schedule this to Fridays. For the wait, this chapter is longer and involves more scenarios and the "date" that I know you didn't see it coming. Bakugo surpassed Todoroki without knowing it! Devil works hard but Bakugo wanting reader works harder.
A penny for your thoughts about this (not really but express yourself)
taglist: @kiridagremiln @aefillor @screechingfangirlaf @chuugarettes @gold24fish @dreamcastgirl99 @andyetshewrote @budibbly @candiiee @linkfromskywardsword @galaneiaeris @fantasynerd05 @big-denki-energy @3thr3al @marsbars09 @whatswrong7 @scaranthropy @cc1306 @junehasnotbeenfound @jeanbabygirl @pirana10 @sappho-the-kitten-tamer @ahbeautifulexistence @polarbvnny @th0tformikasa @surprisemodafakas @xxjesshuxx @katsuisbaby @azzo0 @atashiboba @azzo0 @berryvioo @hiimsaraandyou @bizzybkd @regrexx @justsinri @slut-4-gojo @bexxs @lemuhr @monkeycheeks-lvl26 @tsukikoxo @sikuthealien @mia-luvs @dondeh-zedonutqueen @the-queen-yn @stardream14 @pretty-sparkle-bomb @itzjustj-1000 @m-atcha-tea @liluvtojineteyam @shosuki @v3n7s @yoyolovesdaiki @jenna-sakura @femi12hhf @aejabba @im-nowhere-but-also-somewhere
taglist continues on the comments.
Do not edit or reupload my works elsewhere! All rights reserved.
837 notes · View notes
dat-lil-shark · 3 months
Hello, i wish to request sparkling rachet and adult bulkhead interacting, I think it would be cute
Let's just pretend a mysterious relic turned Ratchrt into a sparkling for a day.
(And I personally think Bulkhead would have fun doing harmless little pranks on baby Ratchet in revenge for the times he (as an adult) called him stupid and punished him for destroying tools)
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(Optimus refused to help Bulkhead since he did put this on himself)
182 notes · View notes
randofics · 6 months
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🎶 Maroon5- she will be loved
Ultra Magnus x reader
Magnus was using his thermals to look over a malfunctioning piece of equipment when your entrance caught his attention. Your vibrant figure stood out against the cold blue of the concrete floor. Even the breath puffing through your nose and mouth had a fleeting heat.
It got colder inside during these winter desert nights. Cold enough for you to constantly wear your old high-school hoodie and leggings.
To his surprise, you weren't wearing the hoodie. Instead, it was tied around your waist, leaving your top half covered in a tank top. He observed your heat signature as you climbed the metal steps to the platform, curious at the way heat seemed to radiate from your belly, chest, and head. Your limbs were a bit cooler, and your fingers even cooler than them.
You noticed him staring and gave him a small smile. "What is it, Magnus?"
Shaking his helm slightly to clear it he hummed in question back at you. "I noticed you staring, so what's up?"
"Ah apologies y/n I noticed you weren't wearing your hoodie."
"Oh yeah, Rachet had me working on some of his equipment earlier. The cooling system was malfunctioning, so I had to wriggle inside where it was still hot to repair a few things. Made me sweat like a racehorse." He nods, remembering his own tech troubles. "I may have a similar problem with this equipment here."
"Really? Well, I can take a look if you want?"
"That would be much appreciated, thank you." He held out his servo for you to hop into and brought you over to the malfunctioning machine. Popping open a side panel, you lay on your back to slide inside all the way to your waist. Magnus observes your arms, moving about as you look over the wires and cables inside. The flashlight between your teeth slips in your concentration and smacks you in the forehead before rolling further inside the machine.
"OW... I sworney! Get back here, ya stupid flashlight!" Magnus quirks a browridge as you feel around for the familiar cylinder of your light. You shift your legs from their side laying position to propped up and spread as you reach further inside. Having forgotten his thermals were still on, the hot signature between your thighs drew in his optics.
He somewhat understood why your torso would be so hot but down there? Cybertronians were usually cold there. As you finally grabbed the light and continued your work, Magnus was staring off into space. His processor wandering. He couldn't help his curiosity in how that warmth would feel against him but remembered that organics were wet and squishy inside. At first, the thought kinda grossed him out, but the longer he thought about it, the stronger his curiosity became till he finally steered his thoughts towards you.
He hadn't been thinking of you specifically, at least not at first, but now he was thinking of how you would feel on his spike. The raunchy thoughts caught him off guard. He shook his helm to dispell them, clearing his vocalizer. A blue blush crossing his faceplate. He needed to distract himself with work. Walking over to his data pad, he turned it on, trying to busy himself with "paperwork."
He couldn't stop his thoughts about you. He wondered how much your temperature would change as he worked you up and how plush your body might be in his servos.
"Something wrong, big guy?" He gives you a strange look. You feel a bit shy under his gaze and trip over your words. "Magnus? Wh-what is it? Why are you... staring at me like that?" He kneals, and you take a step back.
"Your heat signature."
"What about it?" He clears his vocalizer standing straight again. "Nevermind, forget I said anything."
"Okaaay... I'm finished with the repair." He gives you a curt nod, turning back to the screens covered in cybertronian script. "Thank you for your assistance, y/n." Shaking your head, you walk away, not realizing the mech has his optics on you.
He silently watches you leave, finally switching his thermals off so he can see everything in normal color.
The next hour or so was very unproductive for him. He just couldn't stop thinking about you no matter how hard he tried. Eventually, he gave up deciding that a night drive would calm his racing processor. But as fate would have it, he wouldn't be alone.
You jogged into the main room, calling to him as he got ready to transform. "Magnus! Magnus! Wait up!" He qwirked a brow ridge as you huffed from running. "Do you... mind dropping me off at my place?"
"Is Bumblebee unable to?"
"Yeah, he's busy helping Optimus." He nods, transforming in front of you. His driver side door pops open, and you step up inside. With your seatbelt secure around you, he drives through the tunnel.
Raindrops hit his windshield as he passed the giant hidden doors. Puddles had formed in the almost hydrophobic desert soil as an unusual hard rain poured from the heavens. He didn't need to use his wipers, but for the sake of blending in, he turned them on. Several cars passed in the opposite lane, almost backed up for some reason.
You looked farther ahead and spotted the flashing lights of police vehicles. You could see that the road ahead was blocked off by barricades and police cruisers. A large section of road had collapsed in the rushing floodwaters, and no one would be getting through anytime soon.
"Ugh, that's just great! Now, how will I get home?"
"You could accompany me for a drive while I find another way through?"
"Ok, if you're alright with it?" You watch the lights on the radio flash as he speaks. "I have nothing better to do at the moment." He makes a u-turn following the other vehicles through the translucent sheets of rain. A few minutes down the road, he turns onto a dirt one. You can feel his shocks taking the brunt of the worn potholes as he slowly drives through them.
Mud cakes his tires and undercarriage, making it hard to get a good grip on the road. The detour was proving more and more fruitless by the minute. He grunted as his tires spun in a particularly deep wallow. The mud had practically drained from under his tires, leaving him on top of a shelf of mud. His weight now off his tires put pressure on his undercarriage.
In cybertronian, he cursed his steering wheel, turning left and right as he tried to gain enough traction. With that not working, either he partially transforms using different parts to drag himself forward, eventually escaping the deep mud.
"That was deep! I was beginning to wonder if I should call for a wrecker."
"I doubt Bulkhead or Wheeljack would've been much help." You let out a chuckle at his misunderstanding. "No, I mean a wrecker like a vehicle recovery truck. They're mainly used for semi recovery." He grunts in recognition, continuing down the road.
The lights of a main road shine up ahead, and you breathe an unconscious sigh of relief when he rolls onto the asphalt. It's obvious, however, just how much mud is stuck to his tires as he unevenly drives down the road. As you continue looking forward, you spot an empty car wash.
"How about we stop at this car wash so I can spray you down?"
"Agreed, my tires aren't getting enough traction with this mud." He pulls into the semi sized wash bay and cuts his engine. The old car wash only has one working light in this bay, leaving it washed in a dim greenish-blue. Stepping out, you take the pressure washer in hand, immediately starting on his tires. The mud washes away relatively quickly, and before you know it, you're kneeling down, trying to spray his undercarriage clean.
The yellowish lights of an older pickup truck shine across you, and Magnus as a man pulls into the small lot. He parked next to the air pump, stepping out onto the glossy wet pavement. The rain had finally settled down quite a bit.
As you continued your spraying, the man was clearly watching you as he stood there a moment. He suddenly called out to you, gaining your attention. "Hey ma'am! Do you need some help?"
You wiped water from your face as you stood to face him. "No sir, I'm fine, thanks!" The man started walking over when you turned your back to him. Alarms rang in Magnus' processor, so he switched on his holoform. Opening the driver's side door, he stepped out, making eye contact with the approaching man. Immediately upon seeing Magnus, he turned on his heels and walked back to his truck to put air in his tires.
Boots hitting the concrete drew your attention. You were met with an older man, probably in his late forties, his hair just beginning to grey and dressed in battle fatigues. He was clean-shaven and standing with his hands behind his waist as a general would.
"That you Magnus?" He only nods, watching the man as he finally gets back in his truck, driving away. Magnus turns to you as you finish spraying his undercarriage clean. "That feel better?"
"Yes, thank you, y/n." Noticing your slight shivering, he turns on his thermals again. You're a tad colder than you were back at base, and clearly, the spray of the hose dampened your clothes. The cool breeze didn't help much either. After spraying a clean path to his passenger door and cleaning your shoes, you step up inside again.
Glancing at his surroundings, he steps up into the driver's seat. Pulling forward, he drives into the dark, secluded rear of the car wash to park. As you rub your arms in an attempt to get warm, you give him a confused look. His seat slides back as far as possible, and he pats his lap.
"You want me to get in your lap?"
"You're cold, aren't you? It's the least I can do for that wash down." You bite your lip as you think it over. Caving, you clamber over to him, straddling his legs with your hands on his chest. Gently and a bit unsure of yourself, you lean forward, wrapping your arms around his neck as you lay against him. His holoform is warm to your surprise but not as much as a human. You nuzzle into his neck, closing your eyes at the comforting feeling of his presence. Arms wrap around your back, and you let out a content sigh, relaxing your muscles.
He feels your body loosen as your breath tickles his holoform skin. He wraps his arms around you and lets himself relax as well.
A few minutes pass, and you can't help but fidget a little with his uniform buttons. "What are you doing?" His deep voice close to your ear sends a shiver down your spine. And you can feel your body react to him. Gently, you press your lips against his neck, taking him by surprise.
He sucks in a synthetic breath as you place more tender kisses on his skin. "Would it be alright if I switched holoforms?" You pause, leaning back to look him in the eyes. "You have a different holoform?" Now you were curious, would it be this human with different clothes or something else? "I can project a holoform of my true body as well as this human form."
Perhaps he wanted to do this in his true form rather than some human version of himself. It was understandable. You wouldn't want to do something intimate in another body either. You smile and nod, letting him know you were ok with it and his holoform morphs before your eyes.
That familiar blue, red, and silver body sits under you as solid as ever. When you shift in his lap, you brush against his modesty panel, sending a small jolt of pleasure through your nerves. His servos land on your waist, and you press your forhead against his in a sign of affection.
"What would you like me to do next?" His question has you smiling, giving him a soft chuckle. "Just do what feels right, Magnus."
"Mmh, alright then." He takes your jaw in his servo, pulling you in for a kiss. It's gentle at first, both of you unsure about yourselves but slowly you get into a rhythm of sorts. His glossa ran over your teeth, asking for entry, which you obliged. His denta clashed against your teeth as the kiss grew frantic. Subconsciously, you scooted forward, sitting right on his modesty panel. His servo gripped your rear, lifting you slightly as you heard feint clicks. When you sat back down His modesty panel wasn't there anymore instead replaced by a spike of sorts. Rounded and pliable like some kind of silicone covered metal. It was dark charcoal grey with feint blue lights running along it.
A mad blush covers your face and ears as you look back up at him. He also looks nervous and can't keep eye contact with you. "I apologize y/n I didn't mean for that to happen." For once, you can hear nerves in his voice. He's normally so calm and collected much like Optimus.
Gaining confidence at his nervousness, you give him a peck on the lips, sliding off his lap. You strip in front of him all the way down to bare skin. His glowing eyes scan your body in awe as you gingerly slip back into his lap. "You're gorgeous. I don't know any femmies that even come close to your beauty." You almost tear up at his compliments.
He lets his servos roam your skin as he moves to kiss your neck. Small sounds escape your throat as he caresses your abdomen and deftly touches your spine. You position yourself on his spike, moving your hips back and forth to gain some pleasure. He groans in your ear as you rub yourself on him. Your slick leaks on him lubricating him for the next step.
When he breaks away from your neck, you kiss him again and sit up on your knees above him. "Are you certain you want to go through with this?" Your gaze is dark with arousal as you nod to him. You split yourself open, gently aligning him with your entrance as you finally sink down.
He hisses, cursing in cybertronian at the feeling of you around him. You let out a pitiful whine as he stretches you, filling you perfectly. You grip his shoulders to ground yourself as you both stay still for a moment. Relaxing your muscles, you slip just a bit further down to the base of him as he grips your hips tight.
When he attempts to move, you wrap your arms around his neck, gripping one of his ear finials. He moves his servos to your rear, lifting you up only to thrust back into you. Moans quickly flow from your lips as he gets into rhythm. A growl escapes him as he leans forward, getting out of the seat. With you he shimmys to his back cabin, laying you on the folding cot.
He gets on top of you and moves the pillow under your hips before slipping back inside you with a pleasured groan. You let out a gasp when he plunges back in, the different angle providing new pleasure. As he thrusts harder, you lock your legs around his waist and claw at his back plates. You can feel the coil inside you tightening as your muscles squeeze around his spike.
"Magnus... Harder!" Immediately, his hips snap harder into yours, and you feel your coil about to snap. It's only when he whispers to you something in cybertronian gripping the meat of your rear that it finally snaps. You call out his name as your body tenses, waves of white hot pleasure running through you.
He continues moving through your high, letting possesive synthetic growls slip through his vocalizer. An almost inaudible hiss of air meets your ears as your mind clears a bit, and you suddenly feel his girth increase inside you. It stretches you just a bit more, and you already feel another orgasm slowly creeping up on you.
Magnus isn't slowing down yet either as he lifts one of your legs to gain a better angle. His lips attacking your neck again as he chases his own release. His denta nip at your skin, and his glossa runs along your throat, making you shiver.
You feel his arms around you as he suddenly picks you back up, taking a standing position. He thrusts up into you, letting out what you can only guess is cybertronian dirty talk. Nonetheless, it works, and you know you're close to another release. Chanting his name like a mantra, you claw at his back and grip his finials.
"I'm close y/n!" You can't respond only letting moans flow from your lips. With a few more thrusts, he lets out a hiss cursing in cybertronian again as he releases inside you. Heat fills your womb as you squeeze him like a vice. Your legs tighten around him in an attempt to pull him further inside you. You can feel your walls pulse around him as he gently thrusts into you to ride out your high.
Breathing hard, you give him a sleepy smile touching forheads again in affection. He sits back in the driver's seat, letting you lay against him. "Can we stay here for a bit?"
"Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way." Wrapping your arms around his neck, you close your eyes. "I love you, Magnus." His spark swells with joy at that. "I love you as well, y/n."
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tinydefector · 25 days
Ok ok i thought about this and for me it's sounds funny.
Sooo on the comic where everyone just found out that Rung is god you know where Rodimus, Rachet, Whirl and Tyrest and others having existing crisis and the part where Whirl said "God was my therapist" and then I thought about it, how funny it would be if cybertronian or human MC/reader said something like "I was fuck by said God" like if said cybertronian/human was in relationship with Rung and everyone reaction (plus Tyrest too since I think he's a god fanatic) 😂😂😂😂
XD omg so I had a bit of a joke piece about fucking God over in this fic. But it gets even better that thought of Tyrest being a God fanatic and hating Organics. The horror when he finds out Primus is with a human, watch this mech just break down.
Everyone's optics and eyes are on Rung, and the mech stands there wishing attention wasn't on him. Rodimus paces back and forth, Ratchet just stares off into a wall wish above all he wasn't here right now. Whirl, for the first time, is so quiet that it makes everyone so uncomfortable. And then there was the human just looking up at Rung in shock, dismay? They really didn't know how they felt in that moment.
Rodimus finally speaks. "OK, ok, but how the Frag!, Your Primus! All this time, you have just been what? Hiding on cybertron, having a vacation!" He asked. He was bitter about this, as much as he wanted to blame Rung for everything, cybertron falling apart, his home, and the matrix in truth it wasn't his fault. After all wasn't he doing the exact same thing, running away because he didn't want to be a prime, he wasn't suited for it, he didn't want to live in Optimus' shadow and have that shame over him. He'd take being co captain with Megatron over having to be in Optimus' shadow any cycle.
Ratchet, on the other hand, just wants a strong drink. He had never been a believe in gods, yet here he was finding out the the mech who had been the Lost Light's therapist, had been a neutral throughout the war, had a space ship collection older then some mechs was Primus. It was just his luck. "Does anyone else know?" He asked, trying to be the level-headed one of the group.
Rung removes his glasses, and the stress and exhaustion are very visible on his faceplate. "Drift, I believe, he's, he's always suspected something," Rung explains. He wasn't sure, but he's rather sure that Drift knows what he is.
Whirl finally laughs. "This is Fragged. How in the Pit did I end up this fragging, unlucky that my slagging therapist is Fragging Primus!" They shout, they don't know if they are angry, hurt or just overwhelmed, so much had been fried in their circuitry after the Emputra but this, this felt like a sick joke. All the things he had told Rung now feel like they were confessions.
Tyrest is baffled. He doesn't know whether to fall to his knees or call blasphemy, but the evidence is right there in front of his optics.
Rung is sheepish as he looks to the human. He's hoping they don't hate him. "I know this is alot for you all to take in, I'm sorry you all had to find out this way, I'm sincerely sorry for everything that has happened" He calls out to the group. He goes to continue only to be cut off.
"Fuck my life, Swerve is never going to let me live this down" the human stammers out. Everyone's optics are on them, a flush tints Rungs plating. "Please we don't need to bring that-" He's cut off again.
"The fact that I've unknowingly been getting Railed by Primus!" They exclaim only for Rung to hide behind one of his servos as multiple mech's Jaws drop at those words.
"HAH, and i thought I was Fragged!" Whirl screeched, finding humour in the situation. The other mechs look just as shocked and disgusted. "No, I refuse. That's blasphemy. Please tell me you haven't been interfacing with an organic!" Tyrest almost pleaded, hoping by the all spark that it wasn't true.
Rodimus pinches his brow ridge. He could feel his processor hurting from all this information. "Slagging Pit," he grumbles. " I Owe Sunstreaker so much Shainx now," he huffs. "OK, ok. Rung's Primus, and he's fragging a human." He throws his servos up in the air, being overly dramatic.
Ratchet just glares at the two. "They both of you are to report to medical for an examination after this, You" he points right at Rung. " I have some rather choice words for you," he states before stalking off, leaving.
The human looks at the floor, and the true panic is taking over. "Oh fuck, I've been fucking an Alien God who's also my therapist" they mutter to themself, tears starting to well up in their eyes and Rung kneels down cupping their face and wiping the tears away. "I didn't mean to upset you," he says softly. Optics focused on them. " I don't want this to change anything between us. You mean a great deal to me, and I don't want to lose you," he murmurs to them, pressing a soft kiss to their forehead.
The sound of the others arguing and fighting drowns out as Rung focuses on his little lover. "I'm not angry, Rung, Primus, or whatever name you want to go by, but... but I'm a human, a random fucking human so why me. Why me? " they nearly sob as he scoops them up, pulling them against his frame.
"My dear, I'm the the holy being everyone believes I am, I'm just a very old mech, who did what he could to stop something bad from happening, alot fo the tales told are very twisted stories. I'm just a mech, I'm not some holy being. And as for why you. You were the first person to remember my name, you took an interest in my hobbies, I would have happily faded into dust unknown but you choose me" he coos softly. Digits tracing their cheeks as he looks at them in pure love.
"But an Organic!" Tyrest hisses out as he watches how sweet and tender Rung is with the human. Is Rodimus who speaks up next. "Ah ah, remember each time to talk badly about organic races you lose Shanix which goes right into my account!~" Rodimus sings out, trying to make light of the situation for his own mental stability.
"You two are fragged and Slag, and I thought I had issues!" Whirl huffs before pointing at Rung. "Not a word about our therapy session to anyone, God or not, I will end you." Whirl nearly snarls before transforming and taking off.
"But you are Primus! You could have your choice of any cybertronian, pillars in your name cities, why have you hidden for so long!" Tyrest utters, he wants to be angry, but at the same time, this was Primus. How could he.
Rung meets his optics. "Because that's not the type of mech I am, I did what I had to to stop Unicron, I got sick of people trying to put me on a pedestal, I wanted to live, live my life, to enjoy hobbies, travel, I gave up my old frame for the ability to live" he states. He wouldn't change his choices even if he had the ability to. He was content.
MC: "Swerve get me a strong drink!"
Swerve: "heya what got you so rilled up, partner problems? Give me all the juicy details."
MC: staring him dead in the optics. "Swerve, Rung is Primus"
Swerve: "Well, I wouldn't call him that, I mean, he must be a good frag but doubt that"
MC: "No Swerve, Rung is Primus, I've been fucking your God, why me, how did I get to this point"
Swerve: "you know what let me get you a double"
Rung: "this is a mess, I need to get myself a Therapist"
Swerve: "well doc tell me all your woos, I'm the closest your gonna get for therapy"
Rung: " ships having a meltdown over my past and the fact I'm with a human"
Swerve: " eh, heard worse, your squishy things your Primus"
Rung: " yes, well that's also part of the issue"
Whirl: "soo.... Rung huh?"
Mc: "Please, I don't want to talk about it"
Whirl: "What part, the part where you're fragging the ships Therapist or the part where your Fragging Primus."
MC: "Oh my fucking God Whirl!"
Whirl: "Ah, ah, your fucking my God not the other way round!"
MC: "fuck you Tyrest, you owe Rodimus more money now, from being a Xenophobe."
Tyrest: "Like, I would ever let you within five meters of my frame you disgusting little creatin. Your insults mean nothing to me. Filthy little flesh thing"
MC: " just remember it's your Beloved Primus who's fragging me!, yea!, your beloved God prefers fragging me!"
Tyrest: *the most horrified noise ever* " You take the Blastphamy Back!"
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
The opposite personality buddy’s are amazing and that leads me to wonder if you could do Ultra Magnus with a sparkling buddy who has a opposite personality as him? Like him dealing with his sparkling looking up to wheeljack a lot and having a slight crush in him, buddy did arrive on earth with Magnus.
YEEEEE! I love making these Buddy's! Should I do more for the future?
Also Buddy is going to have more of an Uncle/niece relationship than a romantic one.
Hope you enjoy!
Ultra Magnus daughter with the opposite personality
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Magnus first met Buddy as a sparkling.
She was so tiny back then.
He had been walking back to his home after a long day with Optimus Prime
With a war looming over everyone’s helm their talks and teachings were becoming more and more frequent.
Today though, he found a rather large box in front of his door.
Magnus inching cautiously toward the box.
He carefully opens the lid.
A small sparkling looks at him.
“A sparkling?”--Magnus
The sparkling starts crying.
“Wait no! don’t cry!”--Magnus
Magnus quickly grabs the sparkling trying to calm them down.
The sparkling immediately stops crying and places her servos on his faceplate.
“So that’s you started crying, little one?”--Magnus
Sparkling giggles and just pats him face.
“No…do not make that face. You are going to go to the sparkling unit—”--Magnus
The sparkling yawns and cuddles close to his spark and falsl dead asleep.
“…Great…What would Optimus do?”--Magnus
“Keep her.”--Optimus
Magnus jumps at the sound of his mentor’s voice.
“Sir!? What are you doing here?”--Magnus
“You forgot your data pad. And it looks like you’ve met someone new. Does she have a name?”--Optimus
“…I am not sure—”--Magnus
Both mechs notice a small data pad in the box
It says Buddy.
“I believe that is their designation. Buddy?”--Magnus
The sparkling churns a bit cuddling closer.
It was definitely a big adjustment for Magnus, but he did his best to set aside time for the sparkling throughout the day and at night.
Especially when finding out that this sparkling was rather energetic and had a bad habit of sneaking off.
Magnus is trying to find Buddy in his office.
Ratchet walks in with Optimus.
“Ultra Magnus?”—Optimus
Magnus is still turning over office supplies and chairs.
“Optimus, Ratchet… it’s been 2 hours, 45 minutes, 35 seconds and 52 nano clicks! I can’t find Buddy!”--Magnus
“She should be in this room. It was locked and…and…”--Magnus
“Wait! The Wrecker’s might know where she could be hiding. Thank you both for the help.”--Magnus
Magnus begins to walk out of the room.
Optimus and Ratchet watch Buddy cling onto Magnus shoulders while waving good-bye.
“…Should we tell him?”--Ratchet
“…Not now.”--Optimus
Soon enough the war had finally broken out.
Now a new set of obstacles presented themselves.
He had much more work to do with being Prime’s lieutenant.
And someone needed to keep tabs on his rather energetic sparkling running around everything.
She was too tiny and kept on hiding in places she knew she should not have been hiding.
Magnus talked with Ratchet about Buddy’s growth.
She should have been much bigger by this age, but she was still too small.
“This is something natural Magnus.”--Ratchet
Magnus trying to keep Buddy to sit still.
“It is?”--Magnus
“In all, she is just going to be growing slower or if my theory is correct, she should have an immediate growth spurt soon.”--Ratchet
“How big do you think she will get?”--Magnus
“I am not entirely sure Magnus. At least average height, if anything else, she could be a minibot.”--Ratchet
“Where’s Buddy?”--Ratchet
Buddy is no longer sitting on the med slab.
“…”—Magnus and Ratchet
Concern truck and siren noises intensify.
As for babysitters, Prime had offered to look after Buddy many times for Magnus. Which he didn’t mind too much as he trusted the Prime, despite being a bit embarrassed. Buddy was a completely different baby when she was around Prime.
A lot quieter.
She kept him on his pedes every now and then, trying to run and jump off of everywhere.
Ratchet was another babysitter for Buddy.
She made sure the medical cabinets were locked with three locks.
She always figures out the locks with sweets or shiny tools.
She was still tiny and could hide in some of the best places.
This was all while the sparkling could crawl.
She had just learned how to properly walk by herself when Magnus became in charge of the Wrecker’s.
Buddy was now a little menace on two pedes with wheels.
Nothing was stopping her and her energetic moods.
Many Wreckers found themselves looking after the little one during more peaceful moments while Magnus was away.
Magnus walks into the room to find the wreckers tossing Buddy in the air like a ball.
Magnus nearly has a spark attack.
“We didn’t have a ball for lobbing so we’re using Buddy. She seems to like it.”--Wheeljack
Buddy giggling as she is tossed in the air again.
“Again! Again!”--Buddy
“No, not again!”--Magnus
Buddy looks at Wheeljack.
“Uncle Jackie?”—Buddy
“Uncle Jackie?”--Magnus
Wheeljack smirks and tosses Buddy high.
“WHEELJACK YES!”—Wheeljack
“JACKIE YES!”--Buddy
There was one bot in the entire squad he wished Buddy hadn’t formed an attachment with…
Wheeljack had the chaotic energy that nearly matched Buddy’s.
Those two were almost always seen together when there were no fights for the day.
Buddy always wanted to go with Uncle Jackie.
Wheeljack was definitely an instigator and encouraged many of Buddy’s little gremlin habits.
Magnus walking in on Wheeljack giving Buddy a dagger.
“What are you doing!?”--Magnus
“Giving her a dagger?”
Magnus grabs the dagger from her servos despite her whines.
“She shouldn’t have this yet.”--Magnus
“All right, all right.”--Wheeljack
Loud yelling gets Magnus’s attention and moves out.
Wheeljack snickered and looked over at Buddy, who had a cheeky little grin.
She pulls out a small blaster from one of her subspaces.
“Now kid, what do we do with blaster?”--Wheeljack
“We, umm, don’t point them at nice bots faces.”--Buddy
“We shoot Con’s kneecaps off?”--Buddy
“If Father finds out, I found it on the floor while I was left unsupervised?”--Buddy
Wheeljack pats Buddy on the helm with a wide smile.
“Yep! Just like that.”--Wheljack
Buddy hugs Wheeljack’s pede.
“Thank you, Uncle Jackie!”
Wheeljack just pats her helm affectionately.
“Anytime kiddo. Anytime.”--Wheeljack
Wheeljack left one night and never came back to the Wrecker unit.
Buddy thought that something bad had happened to him.
She wasn’t convinced that he would just leave her like that.
Uncle Jackie wouldn’t do that.
A week later she decided to go look for him.
Wheeljack always said to never leave your friends behind, well, she wasn’t going to leave him behind.
She boarded a ship in the middle of the night and tried getting close to the controls when a loud bomb sound shook the ground making her fall into an empty crate.
A bomb had hit the Wrecker’s base.
Magnus was scrambling trying to get everyone out of the fiery inferno.
He quickly realized the direction where the bomb had detonated.
The area where the bomb had been set off was around her sleeping quarters.
There was nothing but rubble and melted metal.
No one could have survived that blast…
A couple of Wrecker’s managed to get him on the ship before they left for another.
He flew away from Cybertron on that ship.
He started to cry when he was far enough from orbit.
Most of his team had dispersed and now Buddy…Buddy was…
He set the ship on autopilot and let out a gut-wrenching sob.
Some boxes move near the cargo hold.
Magnus stops his sobs and looks at the box that was moving around.
The box opens up with Buddy kicking the lid off, climbing out of the box and laying on the floor.
Buddy looks at Magnus.
“Hi! Sorry I woke you up. I got caught inside the box—”--Buddy
Magnus jumps to his pedes and slides across the floor and hugs Buddy like his life depended on it.
“…Father? What happened?”--Buddy
That was the first time Buddy had seen her father sob so hard as he hugged her tight.
They spent the rest of that night in each other’s arms sobbing for their ruined home and out of relief they were okay for now.
Buddy’s growth spurt happened while they were looking for any other Autobots in space.
And it hit fast.
One deca cycle she was around the height of his knee.
The next thing he knew she was now taller and bulkier than him.
She was still so young too…
“How is this even possible?!”--Buddy
“I do not know.”--Magnus
“I don’t want to keep getting bigger!”--Buddy
“That is something we cannot control.”--Magnus
“Yeah, I think I can tell…”--Buddy
When they received the signal from Earth, they followed it.
Arcee was happy to see Magnus again but didn’t recognize the larger bot next to him.
“Ultra Magnus sir.”--Arcee
“At ease soldier.”--Magnus
Arcee looks over at the taller bot who is just waving.
“Hi Arcee!”--Buddy
Magnus looks at Buddy who just looks at his back before turning to Arcee.
“You probably don’t remember me after all these years. I’m Buddy.”--Buddy
Arcee’s optics widen a lot.
“Buddy?! But how?!”--Arcee
Buddy chuckles a bit.
“I guess I finally grew up, didn’t I?”--Buddy
“What’s going on?”--Jack
Buddy and Magnus look at Jack.
“Is this one of the native life forms of this planet?”--Buddy
Buddy moves towards Jack, kneels down and gently pats his head.
“So small…”--Buddy
“Seriously what’s happening?”—Jack
After Team Prime finally has their reunion.
Buddy waving at Ratchet.
“Hi Ratchet!”--Buddy
Ratchet looks like he is about to have a stroke.
Magnus gives him a look of ‘I-know-you-said-she-was-going-to-grow-but-I-didn’t-think-she-was-going-to-be-this-big!’
Ratchet looks back at him with ‘How-was-I-supposed-to-know-her-size?’
Buddy waves at Optimus who is roughly around the same height as her.
“Hi Optimus!”--Buddy
“… Hello Buddy.”--Optimus
Buddy smiles.
Optimus gives both Magnus and Ratchet a look saying ‘Primus-she-was-the-size-of-my-servo-when-I-last-saw-her!’
Both look at him with a ‘I-know!’ look.
Buddy was excited to meet other bots around her age.
Bee and Smokescreen have now become big brothers.
Well, older brothers…
Buddy likes to tease them a bit on size, but in a good-natured way.
She knows how hard life was being too small to do anything.
Buddy is very excited to meet Bulkhead, knowing stories from Wheeljack.
Bulkhead is just happy Jackie had someone that ‘looked’ after him too.
Buddy reminds Bulkhead too much like Wheeljack which still confuses him.
How could Buddy, who was clearly Wrecker material have such a strict rule based father like Ultra Magnus?
When the kids found out about Buddy they were just happy to meet a new member of the team.
“Buddy these are the kids. You’ve already met Jack.”--Bulkhead
Buddy waves back at Jack.
“This is Miko.”--Bulkhead
Miko gives Buddy a peace sign.
Buddy mimics the movement back.
“And this is Raf.”--Bulkhead
Raf waving shyly at Buddy.
Buddy just smiles and waves back.
“You’re really big.”--Raf
“I know! But I didn’t start out this way. I was tiny before.”--Buddy
“How tiny?”--Raf
Buddy points at Arcee.
“Smaller than Arcee. Like half.”--Buddy
“How!? What kind of juice did you drink!”--Miko
“What’s juice?”--Buddy
The kids are very confused about why so many of the bots were slightly babying Buddy.
It takes a while for them to get the idea that Buddy is the youngest member now.
Magnus is glad to see Buddy get to know the team.
He isn’t too excited when her louder side shows up more.
But he loves his daughter, so it isn’t all too bad.
When Buddy gets told that Wheeljack is on Earth, she is angry.
Her angry came at two ways.
It could be acting exactly like her father.
Or two, her personal favorite.
Judo flipping the mech.
That’s what she did the second she saw the white mech.
Buddy clenching her servos and glaring at Wheeljack as he greets everyone.
He walks up to Buddy.
“And who might you be? Don’t tell me—”--Wheeljack
Buddy swiftly grabs Wheeljack and flips him onto his back with a loud bang!
Buddy has a pede on his chassis.
“What did I do to you! Have to hand it to you, the flip was clean—”--Wheeljack
“You have broken rule 17 section 4.5 sub point A, Wheeljack.”--Buddy
“Great she is another Magnus.”--Wheeljack
“Umm… Wheeljack… That’s Buddy.”--Bulkhead
“Yeah right! Buddy is smaller than Arcee—”--Wheeljack
Buddy leans in a bit closer with a mischievous smile on her face.
“Hi Uncle Jackie.”--Buddy
Wheeljack’s optics widen.
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phoenixisobsessed · 4 months
Could thy audience possibly get number 60 as transformers prime rachet? I'd think he'd look like that after dealing with the kids all day lol
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I…needed…that… (Original post: here)
I love this one ngl HUEHEU it was fun to do xD Also I FINISHED MY FIRST EXAM WOOHOO! Only 3 more to go.
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starheavenly · 4 months
(this was about a million more questions than I meant to send sorry! I got ahead of myself, answer what you’d like, no pressure.)
You mentioned Pharma’s codependency with Ratchet and how some deceptions would fake injuries (or actually get injured) to see Ratchet. How do you think he reacted to that? / Was he allowed to help medical visits at all (not saying they allowed him to surgery of course, but more like a basic check up and etc) or was that only after the whole redemption/recovery happened?
Speaking of Pharma’s codependency; how did that work out when Deadlock started to warm up to Rachet? Had he gotten enough work and healing in that it wasn’t an issue or was it a mess? XD (Would be wild of Pharma and Deadlock got along before they added Ratchet)
I'm glad people are invested in these three; they're obviously my favorites! Okay, just had my morning coffee, so it's time for a wall of text.
I still think my idea that half the Decepticons have a tiny crush on Ratchet is pretty funny. It was a little joke on the fandom since so many simp for Ratchet (me, it's me). I don't think Pharma ever noticed the correlation, though. Like I've said, I've moved on from the yandere idea, so Pharma isn't actively threatening people; he's just clingy. Maybe the cons stopped getting injured because they were wary of Pharma being around.
Honestly, I don't think Pharma is ever getting his medical license back. But at the same time, I think part of healing is accepting that you can't be the same person you were or do the same things you used to do. He probably just helps with tools and getting supplies. After a bit of recovery, he would get some of his snarkier personality back and be a bit of a backseat medic to Ratchet. He's healthier but still a control freak, that's for sure.
And Pharma obviously has a resentment to Decepticons in general, so he did not like Deadlock at first; but Deadlock didn't really care about Pharma nor Ratchet either.
This is a super silly detail, but Deadlock writes/talks to Cyclonus on Cybertron since they're all supposed to write to someone. Cyclonus is the one who convinces Deadlock to make more of an effort to get to know people (like how she got to know a little sanitation bot) Once Deadlock actually begins to try, he finds out a bit more about Pharma's whole deal. Deadlock discovers that Ratchet still cares about and helps Pharma even after what he did. Seeing how different Pharma was (a bit of a parallel to Drift/Deadlock), he begins to warm up to both of them.
(Pharma 100% cheats at their games of Go, by the way.)
And I know you didn't ask, but I didn't explain how/why Deadlock leaves Earth. He noticed how fond he was of Ratchet, and that scared him. He really didn't think he deserved any sort of redemption after all he'd done. Windblade and Chromia visit, and he steals their ship. Yes, there is Zenith!Wing. I have to design him, but he's a silly hermit who teaches Deadlock that there will be people willing to forgive him and care about him (also swords; he shows him how cool swords are). So Deadlock goes back to Earth as Drift! And my dratchma bias continues.
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tilly-tittle · 4 months
I feel like this was very significant
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AND RACHET WOULD 100% RESPOND WITH “if that were the case than Rodimus wouldn’t have been on the list” BUT HE DIDN’T
Like yes Ratchet voted against him after the Overlord debacle and berated him for how he handled the Brainstorm incident (Justice for Drift and all that) but I like to think he’d still miss Roddy.
Cause despite all his misgivings, he’s still the (co) captain and he’s the one who started the quest, and sure Drift bought the ship but I like to think it was Roddy that aspired to make it home.
And it was exactly that, or else Ratchet wouldn’t have tried so hard to get this goodbye “right”.
I just really need Rodimus and Ratchet to be friends TwT
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Hi hi request time
Optimus x reader
The reader is a librarian and works at the local library. There she met a guy named Orion( optimus in holo form as a secret experiment of dwelling among humans) and often talked to him about things. She is also a part of team prime and has a huge crush on Optimus but never approaches him for obvious reasons. So she confines with Orion about her feelings for optimus and makes him aware of her feelings for which he feels guilty and starts to see her in a different light
Now comes another guy into the picture
I want u to make Optimus jealous as hell enough to make him confess his feelings with a passionate kiss which will cause her to faint in his arms.
Ps: make him panic as she faints in his arms and later being chewed out by Rachet as it seems he has broken her by that kiss
Optimus was unsure where to go in the human town. He'd driven through a few times, but now that he was of the appropriate size to enter buildings, he didn't know which one to go to. There were just so many and he didn't want to get it wrong.
Perhaps it was luck or fate, but he found his way to a large building with a sign posted above labeling it saying 'Public Library'. He may not know a lot about human things, but he at least knows what a library is. He also knows someone who works there.
He entered and instantly saw you sitting at the desk. Your familiar face instantly soothed his unease about being in unfamiliar territory. He walked over to the desk about to greet you as he would normally back at the base. You looked up and spotted him.
"Hi, how can I help you today?" You smiled sweetly. You had not seen this man before, you wondered if perhaps he was new to town.
It took Optimus only a second to remember he was wearing a different face, you did not know what his holoform looked like, so it made sense that you did not recognize him. He was about to explain it was him, Optimus. But then remembered Ratchet telling him not to tell anyone. They didn't need anyone recognizing their holoforms as it could ruin their cover.
"Just browsing." Optimus smiled back.
"Let me know if you need any help finding something." You said, then got back to your duties.
Optimus was happy to see you, you were always so kind and helpful. He wandered around the library for a little, reading through a few that looked interesting. Mostly about Earth's history, or politics. Eventually, he found his way back to your desk.
"Find everything you were looking for?" You asked.
"Actually, I was wondering, if you could recommend something." Optimus asked.
"Sure, what genre are you looking for?"
"What's your favorite?"
"Oh that's a tough one." You laughed. "There are so many good choices. But let's see." You walked away from the desk, walking through the shelves of books. You scanned over each book until you found one.
"Here. I think this is a pretty good one for someone who is open to anything." You handed over the book. Optimus took the book from your hand gently.
"Thank you."
You smiled and headed back to your desk. Optimus found a seat and began reading. After many years of being a clerk, Optimus was a very fast reader. And a couple of hours later, he was done. He took the book back over to you.
"This was a great recommendation, I enjoyed it." Optimus stated.
"You're done already?" You were shocked. Optimus nodded. "Wow, you read faster than I do. Uhm, I am glad you liked it. This author has a few more if you like."
"Thank you." Optimus chuckled. He had never been complimented on his reading ability before.
"What's your name?" You asked. Optimus had a slight panic, unable to think of any human names.
"Nice to meet you. Are you new to town?" You greeted.
"I am. I just moved here. What about you?" Optimus tried to direct the conversation back to you, hoping it would stop you from asking too many questions.
"No, I've been here my whole life." You answered.
"Do you enjoy working here?"
"I do. I love books and reading, so this is pretty much a dream job for me. What do you do?"
"I'm a clerk," Optimus replied, using some semi-truth as he used to be. So he didn't feel like he was lying to you. "What else do you do around here?"
"I generally spend time with my friends after work."
Optimus wondered if you were talking about him and the other Autobots. Or perhaps some human friends he didn't know about.
"Well it was really nice to meet you, but I'm afraid I have to close up." You apologized.
"Of course. Have a good night." Optimus left and headed back to base. It wasn't long until you arrived at the base as well. Optimus smiled as he saw you, he wanted to talk to you about the book he read. But he knew he had to keep his holoform activities a secret.
For the next week, Optimus kept going to the library, reading books that you suggested. Then he would go to the front desk to discuss them with you. He enjoyed your time together and found that you both had a lot more in common than he originally thought.
Once again he entered the library, your happy face bringing a smile to his.
"You look very happy today." He commented as you seemed much chipper than before.
"Oh, well I guess I am." You giggled.
"May I ask why?" Optimus was intregued. He had spoken to you yesterday in his bot form, about other things. But you seemed like your normal self. And now you seem a lot more bubbly.
"Well, uh. It's this guy that I like. I spent ages with him yesterday, and it was just a really good time. It was so nice to spend some time with him and talk to him. It's kind of rare getting alone time with him, so it was amazing." You explained. Optimus wondered who you were talking about, and who was the mystery guy you enjoyed spending time with.
"That sounds like a pleasant time. Is this someone you are fond of?" Optimus was intrigued to know more about someone who could make you grin so much. You blushed in response.
"I guess you could say that yes. I really like him, you could say I have a little crush on him." You brushed some hair behind your ear, a nervous habit. The thought of your crush makes you blush more. "It's kind of funny, and a coincidence really but his name begins with O too."
Optimus thought about it, it must really be a coincidence that you knew so many people with an O name. Then it began to click, was it possible you meant him. Maybe, but he had to be sure.
"What's he like?" Optimus asked.
"Tall, smart, he's a wise leader that takes care of his friends and looks out for everyone. Really trustworthy and just someone you can look up to." You sighed, picturing Optimus as the tall bot you knew.
Optimus blushed, he didn't know you viewed him like that. Or that you felt that way about him, but he felt flattered. He could see the way you smiled as you thought about him, and it made him feel warm and happy.
"Have you thought about telling him?"
"Oh no, I couldn't! I don't think he feels the same way, and I don't want to ruin anything." You admitted. "I am content just being around him."
Optimus thought you were so sweet, and they way you blushed when you talked about him was cute.
"Anyway, would you like another book recommendation?" You asked, changing the subject.
"Yes, please."
Later that night, at base Optimus couldn't keep his eyes off you. He kept thinking about how you felt, and how guilty he felt that he knew, but you could never know. Optimus watched you more closely, watching the way your face lit up when you saw him, the way you fidgeted with your clothes when you spoke to him. They way you sounded happier and livelier when you spoke to him than with the other bots. It was all adorable. As he watched you and listened to your voice and your lovely laugh, his spark began to tingle. His frame heated up, in a Cybertronian form of a blush. He had to excuse himself to calm himself down. It didn't take long for him to realize he was starting to have feelings for you.
The next day at the library he saw you again, your bright smiling face illuminated the room and made him enamored. He wanted to say something but couldn't. He couldn't tell you who he was. He was worried telling you who he was after all this time may upset you, as it may seem like he was lying to you this whole time. And he did not want to upset you.
Optimus walked straight over to the books, distracting himself with trying to find something to read. He wanted to talk to you, but he knew talking to you would make his spark beat fast. Optimus grabbed a random book and took it, going to use it as an excuse to start a conversation. Then he heard you laugh, a loud joyful laugh that made him feel fuzzy and warm. He smiled and walked to the front, only to find you talking to another human male.
The man was leaning on the desk, talking to you. You laughed as he spoke. Optimus felt a rush of jealousy, something he had not felt for many years. At first, he was not going to do or say anything, he knew how you felt about him. The human male could not sway your mind so easily. But then the man touched your shoulder and tried to lean in towards you. Optimus quickly scurried over and began pulling you away.
"Orion? Is everything ok?" You asked as you were dragged from the desk towards the back of the library.
Optimus thought about the words he was about to say, wanting it to be perfect.
"I want to apologize, I had to keep this a secret to make sure my cover was safe. And that you would be kept safe from not knowing. But I can't keep it secret anymore. I have to tell you because I have to tell you how I feel. It is me, Optimus, this is my holoform. I'm sorry I have deceived you, but I have to tell you now because I want you to know that I have come to be very fond of you. Over these last few weeks I have seen you in a brighter light, you have shown me how truly beautiful and amazing you are and I have fallen for you." Optimus then gently cupped your face in his hands and pulled you forward into a loving and passionate kiss.
He pulled back to see your shocked face. A split second later you fainted, falling into his arms. Optimus caught you, slowly lowering you to the floor. He panicked, having no idea what happened. He was terrified he had done something wrong and hurt you. He quickly picked you up and rushed outside, to his truck mode. He placed you inside and quickly raced you back to base. He quickly transformed, asking Ratchet to look you over, as he gently held you in his servos.
You were still unconscious while Ratchet demanded to know what happened and what Optimus did to cause you to be unconscious. Ratchet's telling off made Optimus feel worse about the situation. He should have known better than to ambush you like that.
Eventually, you woke up. Coming too on an empty berth with Optimus sitting by your side. He smiled as he watched you open your eyes.
"Did you confess to me?" You asked, your voice quiet as you slowly came to.
"I did." Optimus admitted, feeling guilty. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have."
"No, I am glad you did. And I am glad I didn't just dream it." You sat up, now fully awake. You scooched closer to Optimus and placed your hand on his servo. "I feel the same way. But I guess you already know that." You laughed.
Optimus smiled, glad that you were not angry at him. Thankful that you still felt the same way about him. After all this, he was glad he decided to go into the library as his holoform. It turned out to be one of the best choices he ever made.
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1moon-lavender · 2 days
wheeljack: *looks at y/n silly*
y/n: *drinking coffee* don't you dare speak to me wheeljack.
wheel jack: frag how did ya know...
y/n: *throws a book at him*
wheel jack: OW!
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knockout: your really calm for a human who has just been kidnapped...
y/n: I've gotten over it so yea....by the way where are we headed?
knockout: France I think
y/n: hmm nice if you could just drop me off at the closest book store that would be great
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y/n: I could just kiss you
ratchet: I'm sorry what?
y/n: what?
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y/n: I want to see my son.
bulkhead: here he is *picks up bee*
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y/n: I want to light something on fire...
Miko: same...
ratchet: *hiding his tools*
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rachet: finally the kids are gone now I can work in peace
y/n: *yelling in the distance* RACHET IM LOST
rachet: frag
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dizzeeworld · 8 months
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I have some ideas for other members of the group but if anyone has any suggestions plss share bc I'm stuck for now. I guess I want Optimus to be the singer and Rachet could be like their manager or something.
I gave him 'spider bites' because I really want them but at this moment I can't :£
I think he would like music from the 90's and early 2000's
I thought about giving him a lot of car stickers (to look like tattoos) but eventually resigned because i didn't know what kind of stickers would look good on him. It was a fun idea but maybe for later.
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drivinmeinsane · 1 year
Thoughts on Sierra Six as a romantic partner
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He's afraid that he's going to end up just like his father, cruel and negligent. Six still frets despite you reassuring him that if he cares enough to worry about it, it means he's nothing like his father. He loves you so much that he would disappear forever if it meant your safety. He's scared shitless when it comes to his own feelings about you. It takes the longest time for him to say the words "I love you". He only smiles for you and Claire. He's got a very dry sense of humor that only comes out around the two of you. He always remember the minute details. Six would never forget an anniversary. He does routine things for you. Do you like to have coffee in the mornings. He'll have it ready at the perfect time for when you walk into the kitchen. Do you always take a nightly shower? He has the water running at the right temp the instant you decide to jump in. He may not verbally say a whole lot, but it's clear in his actions how much he cares for the two of you. He's terrible about putting his own needs first. Whenever either of you have even the smallest injury or mildest illness, he silently stresses non-stop. Some nights, his fears for your safety rachet up so high that he would pace a trail into the ground for hours if you don't catch him and stop him. He's putty in your hands the moment you grab his arm to halt him. You always manage to put him at ease with your reassurances. Despite his schedule, he makes a concentrated effort to be present. During family game nights, the trained mercenary isn't afraid to use every tactical advantage he has (including cheating!!) because he knows he'll get thrashed otherwise. He didn't grow up with anything resembling a healthy childhood (or adulthood) and one of the byproducts of that is how inexperienced and unequipped for most games or leisure activities he is. He's well practiced at cards though, and you and Claire have to play him two against one to stand a chance. He adores physical touch. Hugs and light punches in the arm from Claire always ease some of the permanent tension on his face. From you, he enjoys so many things. Allowing himself to lightly doze after your adopted daughter goes to bed is made even better if you gently run your fingers through his hair while he lays with his cheek pillowed on your thigh. All he knows is duty and self-sacrifice. He spent years making sure emotions didn't get the best of him, but that all changes once he has a family. He never thought he would get to have a partner and a daughter. He has such tender emotions for no one else. He has such loyalty for no one else. Six spends most of his days expecting the other shoe to finally drop. He is certain that you'll grow tired of him one of these days. He has nothing to offer you but himself. The man can't seem to fathom that you stay with him because he's him. He never meant to tell you the name his momma gave him in another life, but it slips out one night while the two of you are sitting together. You gently take his hand and repeat it. He thinks that hearing his name in your mouth might be what finally kills him.
18+ thoughts below the cut.
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He always takes his time with you. You're something special in his life that he can never rush or take for granted. You get to feel the intensity of his undivided attention. When it's time, pleasuring you is his only mission. He won't rest until you're completely satisfied, even if he goes untouched. His own gratification is secondary to yours. Six's favorite way of having you is wrapping his muscular arms around your thighs and holding your legs pinned wide so he can provide oral. He gets off on servicing you (Has he came untouched while doing so? Yes.). He's not a submissive man. Either in or out of the bedroom, but for you, he'll be soft and yielding. He draws the line at most pet names, given the Lloyd situation that occured in Prague. While the concept of a quickie doesn't cross his mind, sometimes he can be rough in his desperation. There's been jobs he's come back from where his grip is close to bruising and he tosses you on the bed like a ragdoll (with your enthusiastic consent of course) no matter your size. He's vocal during sex. Six doesn't talk much, but his grunts and growls tell the story of just good you make him feel. He's always hoarse the following morning.
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stickytrigger69 · 1 year
Can i requst paltonic Optimus x sparkling reader lost his sparkling that was 6 years old in the war but he like endlessly dreams of them being alive intill his child says that he need to wake up or somthing like rachet or that waking him up when he realize it was all a dream he Technically has a breakdown (somthing like that if you want to write it just wanted to request somthing sad)
TFP Optimus Prime x Lost Sparklinng Reader
Optimus is the sire, and Elita 1 is the carrier to a sparkling reader
Reader is the child of Optimus Prime
Reader is gender neutral
There may or may not be a part two for this one as well 👀
He is walking around, but he can't exactly recall knowing where he is, but it feels familiar. The sounds around him are especially familiar though. The little patter of small pedes trailing behind and jumping all around him. A small sparkling with soft features and a big smile. Their smooth plating forming points and ripples where their armor starts growing in over their protoform. The mere sight of the sparkling fills the Prime with serenity, a loving smile spreading across his face.
You're so little, so fragile compared to himself. He towers over you. How you adore him. "Will I be as big as you someday, sire?" You ask ecstatic.
He nods down at you before lifting you up. "You will grow with time, little one. But for now, focus on your fun. It won't last very long." Your servos on his shoulders. A low thrum from a distant explosion rumbles and shakes the ground beneath them. Optimus digs his heels into the ground before he spins around, only. He's empty-handed when he does. Where did you go? Panic rises in his throat. His sparkling, where is his sparkling?
"Sire!" You scream from somewhere far away. He runs towards your voice, but them he hears you shout from somewhere else. "Sire!" He turns. But soon he hears you from all around.
"Where are you?!" he cries, looking every which way. You're in danger, and you need him, but he can't find you. He looks around a bit more before he hears you behind him.
"Sire?" He looks over his shoulder. You're right there looking up at him. With a shaky sigh, he falls to his knees and pulls you close to his chassis. When he pulls away to look at you, you have a blank face. "It's time to wake up." Another distant explosion shakes the ground.
"What?" He's deeply confused.
Another tremor in the ground shakes him a little more violently. "Wake up, Optimus." Your mouth moves, but Ratchet's voice comes out.
"What?" You're gone. It was a dream. The dark, cracked ceiling of the base just overhead.
"Optimus." Ratchet shakes him a little again. The prime looks to the side to see a concerned medic. "Are you alright?" His digits rub at his cheek to wipe the coolant away. Without a word, Optimus sits up and grabs onto Ratchet and just hugs him. More coolant streams down his face.
"How could I lose them? My own sparkling? What kind of sire am I to allow them to slip through my digits? I doomed them. Sentenced them to death because of this foolish war." Once again, he is tormented by your absence. Where did you go? Did someone kill you and bury you on Cybertron before he could find out? Did someone take you?
If someone had taken you, he could only hope that they did it to save you from your sires ill fate this war has yet to fulfill. He prays every day to Primus that you are cared for and loved. Shielded from the pain of reality. Ratchet has heard these questions before, heard his dear prime blame himself, and grieve over your loss. And every time he sounds more broken and pained than the last. He holds the prime in turn, arms tight around his shoulders as he cries silently into the red and white chassis of his friend.
"Optimus-" Ratchet starts only to be cut off by the large mech.
"What if someone took them? Do you think they're being taken care of? Do you think they might be being trained to fight?" His fears coming to the light. He doesn't want you to be taught how to fight. Doesn't want you to know how to wield a sword. Can't stand the thought of you being manipulated into fighting on someone's behalf, and the thought makes his grip tighten on the medic. "I miss them so much. They were the only peice of Elita I had left."
Ratchet feels a knot in his tanks at the thought of all that Optimus has lost. Everyone has lost someone or something to this war. But the loss Optimus has suffered, endured. It's a different kind that causes a specific kind of suffering. Elita was lost and avenged yes, but the sparkling was taken with none to blame. No traces or leads to their whereabouts. Even with his love avenged, there is a hole in his spark that will never be filled and has, in fact, grown larger with your disappearance.
The loss of a sparkling was common, a little too common for anybot's liking. But Ratchet met you, knew the kind little bot you were, and hoped to see you evolve. He misses you, too. You were so young and impressionable and curious with one goal in mind. To impress your sire and the others you looked up to. Optimus was already so proud of you, and when Ratchet found him standing on a pile of offlined Decpeticons, angry, scared, and sad, he knew something was wrong. And something has been wrong since.
He tries not to bond with the children, but he cares for them and wants to keep them safe. He just doesn't want to risk getting too close. Ratchet rubs his back affectionately as he cries into his neck. He's so frustrated. He misses you. He wonders what you're like now, if you look like him or Elita more. If you're still kind and curious. He wonders if you're mad at him.
He imagines that if he finds you, you will be angry. Kicking and screaming at him. Holding a sword to him while you glare into his optics. He can already see the hatred in your small optics and feel the loathing creeping from the crevices in your armor. But he misses you so much. He loves you so much that he would accept it. He would accept your hatred and allow you to strike him down like earth's lightning.
"I just," He squeezes harder, trying to hold back a hiccup, " I want to see them at least, see them in passing or feel them."
"I know." Ratchet whispers softly as he continues petting at his back.
"Their little pedes and servos. How their digits would hold onto the edges of my frame." His voice starts increasing in pitch. "How they would squeal when Ironhide chased them around. Always 'why this' and 'why that's, remember?" He's tired. Losing energy fast Ratchet notes.
"I remember. Lay down." And he does. He lays back with Ratchet still in his arms.
"Every time I look up at the stars of this planet, I feel like I can see them. They would be older, taller with better armor. Younger than Bumblebee but older still." His optics begin to flutter as he struggles to keep them open. "I have to protect Bumblebee. I couldn't protect my own sparkling, but I can try to keep Bee safe, can't I?"
"Shhhhh, you need to rest, Optimus." Ratchet coos. He thinks he might just rest with him. He's already here, and it doesn't seem Optimus will let him go anytime soon. The loss of this sparkling amongst many has proven to have taken a bigger toll on the two. The possibility of Optimus being able to pass his own primehood to his child, to pass down the responsibility of possibly bringing peace back to Cybertron, is gone with them.
As they lay there drifting into recharge together, a shuttle enters the earth's solar system. Primes message is being relayed through the ships audio system. A servo holds onto the accelerator tightly as the blue planet comes into view. The creased optic ridge of the pilot causes their optics to narrow and glow brightly.
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